Quinton Motor Club Ltd
Quinton Motor Club Ltd Forewo rd This publication is the result of over two years of investigative research and subsequent communication with many past members of Quinton Motor Club. No formal record of the Club ’s history or its activities existed before this task was under taken. I would particularly like to acknowledge the involvement of the following: Mike & Hilary Stratton , who were the driving force behind the w hole project and have spent countless hours in research and communication with past members , far and wide, a s well as many long journeys from their home in Devon to meet with the rest of us in the Midlands. The other members of the organising committee for the fiftieth anniversary celebrations for their hospitality at meetings, contribution of ideas, research fo r memorabilia , general good humour and enthusiasm that this milestone should be fittingly celebrated (in alphabetical order): Ray Barlow, Susan Butcher, Mike Harris, Nick Jones & Graham Towns hend. This publication has only been made possible by people tur ning out cupboards, garages and lofts to unearth long forgotten gems regarding the Club and its history. Foremost in this is Mike Adams, who has been the major source of information in that he has not thrown ANYTHING away sinc e he joined the Club in the mi d -1970s. Three big cardboard boxes arrived at my house one day in the early Spring of 2008, Ginny was not hap py when they were returned just over a year later, she thought she had seen the last of them..!! Others, not on the organising committee, that h ave unearthed memorabilia are (in alphabetical order): Peter Bayliss, John Davi s, Steve Eagle, Peter Gray , Neil Henderson and finally Dave Bullock who attended the first meeting of the Club and whose recollections of the early years has enabled me to piece together the scant infor mation that still exists from fifty years ago..!! We all hope you enjoy this publication and that its contents makes you smile and brings back happy memories of your time in Quinton Motor Club .
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