Contributions of Dr. Anis Khurshid to Library Literature: A Bibliometric Study Khalid Mahmood* Shafiq-ur-Rehman** Abstract Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid died on 4th January 2008. He got the Pride of Performance Award by the President of Pakistan in recognition of his great achievements in the field of librarianship. He was the most prolific writer in the country. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of his contributions towards library literature. Till his death he wrote or edited 21 books, 94 periodical articles, 40 part publications and 27 reports & proposals. In total, 182 items, produced during the period of 47 years have been analyzed. The Bibliometric analysis includes: year and type of publication wise distribution of the items; published and unpublished items; language wise division; single and multiple authorship; distribution of pages produced; and periodical wise distribution of articles. Subject keywords in titles of the items have also been enlisted and analyzed. This study is the first of this kind (bio-bibliometric analysis) in Pakistan. Keywords: Anis Khurshid; Bio-bibliometrics; Bibliometrics; Bibliometric analysis; Library literature; Pakistan Introduction Reitz (2005) defines the term bibliometric as: * Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Email:
[email protected] ** Senior Librarian, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore & Ph.D Student, Dept. SIB, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France. E-mail:
[email protected] 43 Contributions of Dr. Anis Khurshid to Library Literature The use of mathematical and statistical methods to study and identify patterns in the usage of materials and services within a library or to analyze the historical development of a specific body of literature, especially its authorship, publication, and use.