(MAS) RH-001-2013 Tariff Proposals Application Transcanada 1.14
Market Area Shippers (MAS) TransCanada 1.14 RH-001-2013 Tariff Proposals Application Response to Information Request IR No. TransCanada 1.14 Topic: Reference: (i) Written Evidence of Henning, page 5, lines 17-19 and page 6, lines 18-20. Preamble: At the referenced portion of the evidence, Mr. Henning states, “These include a 2010 report commissioned by the Ontario Energy Board Staff that examined North American natural gas markets” and “ICF’s analysis, presented in various reports filed with the Ontario Energy Board and with the Régie de l’énergie demonstrated that acquiring supplies through Dawn…” Request: (a) Please provide a copy of each of the referenced reports. Response: (a) See TCPL 1.14 Attachments 1, 2, and 3 August 16, 2013 Page 1 of 1 EB-2012-0433 Schedule 4-7 Page 1 of 36 Impact of Changing Supply Dynamics on the Ontario Natural Gas Market Prepared by: ICF International 9300 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA USA ICF Contacts January 30, 2013 Bruce Henning Bruce.Henning@icfi.com 703-218-2739 Prepared under Direction of Counsel Michael Sloan Prepared for: Michael.Sloan@icfi.com (703)218-2758 Torys LLP 79 Wellington Street W #3000 Toronto, Ontario Briana Adams EB-2012-0433 Schedule 4-7 Page 2 of 36 Warranties and Representations. ICF endeavors to provide information and projections consistent with standard practices in a professional manner. ICF MAKES NO WARRANTIES, HOWEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AS TO THIS MATERIAL. Specifically but without limitation, ICF makes no warranty or guarantee regarding the accuracy of any forecasts, estimates, or analyses, or that such work products will be accepted by any legal or regulatory body.
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