AAnr>T, Comdt. van : escapes from Brand- AFRIKANDER BOND : Bechuanaland efforts iv to annexation i 84. water Basin, 316, 317 ; head of Kroonstad prevent by Great Britain,

commando, 614 ; joins de Wet in North- Boer generals enthusiastic reception at AVestern Free State, v. 8 Cape Town, vi 73. Cape Colony agitation

: iv for i 81 Mr. ABADIK, Lieut. at Ladysmith, 523 formation, 80, ; Hofmeyr modifies

: iii ABATTIS constructed at Ladysmith, 151 ; constitution ; Farmers' Association amalga- at Kimberley, iv 541, 542 mated with ; success of organization, i

J. : vi 193. ABDY, Major A. wounded at Rietfoutein, 83 ; campaign in 1904 elections, ii 205 : gallantry of battery at Ladysmith, Chamberlain, Mr. dealings with, vi 94, 95. 234 Ciesar's iii to ; Camp, 189, 190 Congress be held at Worcester, v 27.

: i 207 ABERDEEN Martial law proclaimed, v 128 ; Disloyalty protest against charges, ;

Kvitzinger pursued, 129 during elections, 211, 212 ; speech by Mr. AEON'S DAM : Gen. French collects force, iii J. X. Merriman, 85. Elections success in i 394 1898, 211, 212 ; defeat in 1904, vi 193 ; suc- ABRAHAM'S KRAAL : Modder River forded in cess in 1908, 195. Imperialism attitude de v see i 104. Bills great Wet hunt, 153 ; battle under towards, Indemnity attitude, DRIEFONTEIN vi 70. Joint Inquiry urges Kruger to ac- ABRICOOS KOP : demonstration by Gen. cept, i 311, 338. Orange Free State agita-

Bundle, iv 332 tion for formation ; opposition of President ACHESON, Lieut. Viscount: wounded at Brand, i 80, 81. Paardekraal address, i 73. Modder ii anti-British i 84 River, 359 Policy character, ; weak- ACKKRMAN, Comdt. : in command of South ness, 1898, 211, 212. Rebellion attitude, iii Bloemfontein in 91. attitude iv vi district, v 235 ; Southern Rebels, towards, 498, 64. Free State, 385 ; at Slangfontein, 386 Rhodes, Mr. Cecil policy of co-operation

: ii after i 103 ACKROYD, Lieut. wounded at Enslin, 340 1887, ; induced by him to support A COURT, Lieut. -CoL C. : supervises organiza- British expansion, 104. Schreiner, Mr. tion of iii relations iii South African Light Horse, 94 ; at early part of war, 90, 91. Sprigg, vi Spion Kop, 240, 255, 259, 262, 263 ; at Vaal Sir Gordon practical alliance with, 70. Krantz, 321 Transvaal attitude, i 84, 299; relations, ACTON HOMES : Lord Dundonald surprises 1885, 86. Treason guilt of officials, vi 64. Boers, iii 222 Uitlanders attitude towards them after

: iii i 191. ADAMS, Lieut. at Ladysmith, 184 ; killed, Jameson raid, Vaal drifts attitude 193 regarding closing of, i 156, 157. War ADAMS, Capt. F. Lock : wounded at Talana, attitude, i 307 ii 174 AFRIKANDERS : (Cape Colony) Attitude : iii after i ADDISON, Major at Ladysmith, 168 Jameson raid, 190-3 ; Bloemfontein ADDISON, Col. F. : ordered to attack Help- Conference attitude, i 266, 286; British iii makaar, 209 ; Waschbank expedition, 329, Government antagonism to after Jameson 330 i raid, 190, 191 ; Burghersdorp object to

: to of ii ADENDORFF, Mr. helps organize Banyai- conduct Boers, 293 ; franchise reform

land trek, i 105, 106 proposals submitted to Volksraad, i 294, 295 ; ADYK, Col. : supervises organization of South support Mr. Chamberlain's proposal for Joint iii i i African Light Horse, 94 ; ordered to Inquiry, 311; urge Kruger to accept, 316,

Britstown against rebels, 494 ; in action at 317 ; Kruger urged by Mr. Hofmeyr to pub- iv 4 5 lish of i Houwater, 570, 571, 3 , ; at Pricska, ; appeal August 11, 1899, 349; mediation

at Kheis, 227, 228 efforts, i 286-320 ; Transvaal conference i ADYE, Major W. : credited with suggesting proposed to discuss situation, 257 ; petition ii occupation of Nicholson's Nek, 218 ; enter- to Sir A. Milner on attitude of, 257 ; Uitlanders in his views of i prise mainly hands, 238 ; movements, regarding solution grievances, i 8 244, 246, 249 260 ; War attitude towards, ; efforts to AFFORESTATION : New colonies Lord Milner's avoid, 266. efforts, vi 140 Bloemfontein Conference opposition of AFGHANISTAN : Russian attempts at intrigue, Mr. Wessels to Kruger's proposals, i 284. iii 64 Character, iii 85. Clergymen appeal to AFRICAN LABOUR LEAGUE: attitude on labour Steyn to withdraw commandos, v 538. controversy, vi 115 England Steyn suggests mission, i 315. THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

AFRIKANDER* mtinvfl. ALDERSC ,, i\n^. (Ji-n. E. A. H.rontiim*L Ideal dangers to realization, I 188, 180. Witpoort, 395-7; advances on Middelbiirg, Kimberley Siege offer to Afrikander 404; on line from Mid.lcll.iirg to Belfast, of free iv W>4 women and children passage out, 464 ; commands 1st Corps M.I., ; -given 646. 546. Ladysmith, Battle of effect, ii 250. control of M.I., v 79; composition anil i Milner, Sir A. attitude, 210. Nationalism strength of column, 169 ; Eastern Transvaal Dutch press campaign, i 68 ; growth after operations, Jan. -April, '01, 159, 163, 164, 169, Jameson raid, 187-0. National League 172, 177, 179, 180 i iii movement for formation, 245. Orange ALDWORTH, Col. : at Paardeberg, 437 ; killed, Free State movement, i 58. Philippolis 440 assist in defence against Boers, v 25. South ALKN, Mr. van :tee VAN ALEN African Light Horse number join, iii 94. ALEXANDER, Col. : at Mark's Drift, iii 115 ; iv Transvaal opposed to British Intervention, crosses Klip Drift, 387 ; at Sannah's Post, I 245. and Transvaal War, 1881 aspirations, 41 ; at Zilikat's Nek, 360-3 ; composition i 80. Uitlanders causes of opposition after strength of column, v 316 ; pursues .Scheepers Jameson raid, i 188, 189. Young Afrikanders in Cape Colony, 316, 394 executive i 221 : at ii given appointments, ; atti- ALEXANDER, Lieut. wounded Belmont, tude towards Uitlanders, 222 ; and war, 352, 333 360, ii 141, iii 68 ALEXANDER, Lieut. (I.Y.) : surrenders at AGNEW, Lieut. : killed at Groenkop, v 439 Lindley, iv 256, 257 AGRICULTURE : assistance promised to farmers ALKXANDERSFONTEIN : fee under KIMKEKLEV

v : v 40 at Middelburg Conference, 185, 187, 190 ; ALEXANDRIA post attacked,

in : drought South Africa, 1902, 1903, vi ALIWAL NORTH disloyalty ; occupied by of ii 2'.r~ 100 ; new colonies development, 138-40, Boers on invitation inhabitants, ; 204 iii 593 move- ; labour deficiency ; Boer farmers sup- Boers retreat, ; 2nd de Wet hunt v port importation, 118 ; ploughing assistance ments, 37 ; great de Wet hunt movement*, Transvaal 135 " 234 in com- to Boers. 61, 52; department ; drive," ; Maj.-Gen. Hart

organized, 31 mand, 244 ; districts division, 312 AINSWORTH, Lieut. : at Sannah's Post, iv 42 ALLASON, Col. Bannatine : see under BAN- AIREY, Col. : attacked at Selons RiVer, iv NATINE-ALLASON 357 ALLEMAN'S NEK : battle, 189-95, 197

AIRLIE, Lord : Magersfontein, ii 406 ; at Dia- ALLEN, Maj.-Gen. R. E. : staff appointment, iv mond Hill, iv 282 ; killed, 2S3 vi 245 ; at Reddersburg, 66 ; commands

: v 24 in- ALARMS contrivances at blockhouses, v 22nd Brigade, 507 ; in Free State, ; 398 valided home, 24 ALBEMARLK, Major the Earl of : addresses ALLEN, Col. : at Spion Kop, iii 296 J. R. : 4-6- C.I.V. before departure, iii 10 ; given com- ALLEN, Major H. commands

mand of infantry, 20 inch howitzers, iv 154 ; with Ian Hamilton's ALBERT DISTRICT : rebels at Stormberg, Ii column, 394 365 ALLEN, Capt. : at Dwarsvley, iv 354 ALBERT JUNCTION : 2nd de Wet hunt move- ALLENBY, Col. E. H. H. : at Colesberg, iii v 36 142 at iii Bar- ments, 141, ; Brand Kop, 588 ; enters : iv of ALBERTINA mail train held back by Free berton, 472 ; composition ana strength ii Staters, 142 column, v 160, 350, 447 ; Eastern Transvaal ALBERTS, Gen. : in North-Eastern Free State operations, Jan.-April, '01, v 159, 163, 164, v in drive, 487 ; action at Langverwacht, 489 : 169, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180 ; May-June, 291, at in Boschman's Kop, 669 ; escapes, 562 ; peace 292, 294; North-Eastern Transvaal, 210; delegate, 582 In Western Transvaal at Ventersdorp, 110 ; J. 3^7 ALBERTS, Commdt. J. : head of Standerton in Magaliesberg, 326 ; in Zwartruggens, ; and Wakkerstroom commandos, iv 613; in South-Eastern Transvaal against Botha, escorts Free relief of State Government, v 298 ; peace 336, 343, 351, 357, 557 ; marches to 582 delegate, Bakenlaagte, 376 ; in Eastern Transvaal,

Sarel : in in ALBERTS, Commdt. command of Nov., '01-April, '02, 448 ; at Errnelo 450; of part Lichtenburg commando ; captured protected area, 461, 561 at Gruisfontein, v 496, 497 ALLENDALB : operations there, v 179 ALBRKCHT, Major): organizes Orange Free ALLHUSEN, Lieut. : at Magersfontein, ii 408

ii at : State artillery, 80 ; Belmont, 325 ; at ALLINSON, Messrs. guides at Nicholson's iii ii Modder River, 344, 845, 358, 390 ; arrives Nek, 23S, 242 iii at Koedoesberg Drift, 362 ; raid on Enslin, ALOE KNOLL -.see under SPION KOP

II 389 at : 388, ; Magersfontein, 395, 408, 415 ; ALSTON, Lieut. at Dewetsdorp, v 31

in action at 394 at : Klip Drift, ; Wolvekraal, ALTHAH, Major sends maps of Ladysmith 415 ; captured at Paardeberg, iv 27 country to Pietermaritzburj;, iii 165 ALBREOHT, Trooper : killed at Wagon Point, ALVERSTONK, Lord : member of Martial Law iii 197 Commission, vi 69, 570 ALDERSON, Brig. -Gen. E. A. H. : portrait, iv AMAZON CORPS : tee under ARMY, BOER 143 ; reference to passage through Portu- AiiBULANCES : see MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS

: ii guese territory, 1896, 365, 370 ; ordered to AMBUSHES Amersfoort, 79 ; Bronkhorst iii 115 Rich- i Prieska, ; occupies it, 360 ; at Spruit, 1880, 65 ; Buffelspoort, v 95 ; Cyfer- mond, 364, 366; commands M.I., 869, 370; fontein, 111; Holland, 455; Koesberg, 88; and of of ii strength disposition brigade, 377 ; Kromspruit, 131 ; Natal fears Joubert, in at Eamdam, 379 ; Klip Drift action, 392-4 ; 143 ; armoured train at Frere, 806 ; Riet in Macfarlane's and Dron field iv actions, River, 892 ; Sannah's Post, 36-46 ; Scheeper's 410-2 arrives ; brigade Paardeberg, 478 ; Nek, 180, 181 ; Transvaal, North-Eastern, v forms model of 495 \\O1- new brigades, 494, ; at 658; Vrieskraal, 328 ; Vlakfontein, 52 ; 564-6 166 Poplar Grove, ; accompanies Gen. vefontein, ; Yzer Spruit, 498, 499 ; /and iv French to Thaba 'Nchu, 9 ; at Sannah's River, iv 118 Post, 39. 41, 43; at Vet River, 105 108; at AMERICA SIDINO : railway cut by Froneman, Zand 119 at 129 iv " River, 118, ; Botha ville, ; 268 ; attacked by Theron, 420 ; drive," movements In Johannesburg operations, V480

149 advances on 156 : 140-3, ; Pretoria, ; opera- AMERICAN ATTACHE (with Boers) report re- tion! to .^outh-East, 390; in action at ferred to, ii 121 INDEX 59

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR : comparison with, i AKMOURED TRAINS ronfin-utfl.

iii 7 ; sent towards ii 303-fi 3-9, v 67 ; Lincoln and conscription, daily Colenso, ; cap- 308 line referred to, 373 ; lessons, v 70 ; bridging tured by .Boers, 284, 307, ; Graspan vi 342 ii 333. Heilbron difficulties, ; cutting communications, patrolled, railway pa- v 478. Houtkraal with 339 ; railways in war, 303 trolled, engaged v drives off 139. Kim- AMERICAN CONSUL-GENERAL : captured at Hertzog, 129 ; Fourie, ii 3 in near Holfontein, iv 420 berley constructed, ; action AMERICAN CORPS: gee under REGIMENTAL Spytfontein, 275 ; engages Boers at Spitz UNITS, BOER FOREIGN CORPS Kop, iv 554. Kraaipan captured, ii 267, 268. AMERICAN BED CROSS VOLS. : desert to Boer Kronstad line patrolled, v 478, 480. Lo- army, vi 539 batsi line patrolled, iv 207. Mafeking ii ii iv 574 ii AMERSFOORT : charge by Swaziland Police, constructed, 267, ; attacks Boers, iv used de- 79 iv 439 ; 268, 269, 578, 590 ; dummies by ; occupied by Buller, operations " Jan.-Apl. '01, v 171, 173 fence, 588. Mosquito "sent to Vryburg ii AMMUNITION : gee under ARMS for guns, 267 ; captured at Kraaipau, 268.

AMMUNITION COLUMN : see under ARTILLERY Natal Government Railways 2 constructed, ii AMNESTY : see under REBELS 109 ; number increased, v 259 ; details of " " : vi 330 AMPHLETT, Major C. G. at Sannah's Post, those employed, 307, ; Powerful 36 Boers at Crocodile ii 270. iv 8, 34, ; at Vet River, 108 repulses Pools, -ii Iii AMPHLETT'S M.I. : see under REGIMENTAL Sterkstroom movements, 295, 119 ; UNITS, BRITISH MOUNTED INFANTRY uses, ii 138, 306. Uitkyk wrecked near there, AMSTERDAM : Boers retire before Buller, iv v 299 ' r 49. 439 ; Gen. French arrives, v 172 ; Col. Henry ARMS: compared with rifle, Rifle ii 54 faith in moves to Swaziland, 177 European opinion, ; Boer ANDERKANT : laager captured, v 323 its supremacy, 96 ANDERSEN, Comdt. : at Dewetsdorp, iv 67 ; at ARMS, BOER : Ammunition artillery par- Zand River, 115 ticulars, vi 475. Captured at, Elandslaagte, ii 195 ii 333 ANDERSON, Col. : at Yzer Spruit, v 497-9 ; at Belmont, ; Glynn. Lydenburg : iv 468 488 near ANDERSON, Capt. equips Rhodesian Regt., mine, ; Komati Poort, ; iv201 Doornberg, v 7 ; Bothavjlle, 20 ; during great v 139 177 ANDERSON, Capt. : assists in native affairs, de Wet hunt, ; Amsterdam district, ;

595 Eastern Transvaal, 181 ; Pietersburg, 203 ; in 125 ANGLO-CHINESE CONVENTION : ratified, vi North-Eastern Transvaal, 215 ; at Wildfon-

: referred 226 at Elandsf 282 ANGLO-GERMAN AGREEMENT, 1897 tein, ; ontein, ; North-Eastern

to, iii 62 Free State, 302 ; Witzieshoek, 393 ; Roode- - 1879 : iv ANGLO PORTUGUESE CONTENTION, kraal, 475 ; Wilge Valley, 493. Deficiency, British Govt. neglect to ratify it, iii 104 ; 442; Bergendal, 453. Powder given up Treaty of 1891 referred to, iv 365-7 to Portuguese, iv 482. Small Arms

: iii in ii in ANGLOPHOBIA growth in Europe, 48-55 rounds Pretoria fort, 66 ; destroyed

: iv 103 ANLF.Y, Major F. Gore at Brandfort, ; Brandwater Basin, iv 342. Supplies re- of i at Vet River, 109 ; in command 3rd M.I., ceived at Bloemfontein, 305 ; detained at 370 318 in v 364 ; at Bakenlaagte, 366, 367, Lorenzo Marques, ; debate Cape ANNAT, Lieut : killed at Eland:s River, iv Assembly on passage through Cape Colony,

429 339 ; allowed to pass through Delagoa

: relief v British in ANNENOUS base of Ookiep force, Bay by Government ; quantity ii 553 stock: in Transvaal, Oct. '99, 68 ; in Free

: 121 ASSON, Major The Hon. H. J. at Dewets- State, 120 ; orders placed in Europe, ; dorp, v 31 manufactured by dynamite factory and Beg- iii ANSTRUTHER, Col. : ambushed at Bronkhorst bie's works, 82 ; No. of rounds supplied Spruit, Dec. 1880, i 65 by Begbie's, iv 150, vi 475 ; manufactured at ANTILL, Capt. : at Prieska, iii 117 Johannesburg, 150 ; at Pietersburg, v 196 ;

: -chief iv Macha- APPELBE, Lieut. -Col. E. B. ordnance at Machadodorp, 442 ; sent to succeeds officer, Natal Field Force, vi 145 ; dodorp, 131 ; smuggled through Delagoa Col. Clarke in Army Ordnance Department, Bay, v 255, 256. Surrendered to Portu- 456 guese, iv 482. Rifles captured at Elands- : ii iv APTHORP, Major K. P. land settlement laagte, 195 ; near Bothaville, 129 ; Am- vi v Trans- appointment, 37 ; work, 56 sterdam district, 177 ; North-Eastern ARDAGH, Sir John : director of Intelligence vaal, 215. Mauser its excellence, ii 67, 68. ii Department, 39 ; member of Martial Law Possession allowed under peace treaty, v Commission, vi 69, 570 598. Supplies Martini - Henry imported

ARCHITECTURE : Mr. Baker's work in South into Transvaal '94, ii 66 ; number bought in

Africa, vi 138 1895 by Transvaal, 66 ; attempt to buy obsolete : of "AREA" SYSTEM inadequate, v 261, 2C2 ; Werdls from Austria, 67 ; estimate number Free 394 Port Eliza- South-Easteru State, in Transvaal '00, 67 ; arrival at ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS see beth, 120. Surrendered elephant guns and iii 595 under REGIMENTAL UNITS. sporting rifles handed in, Mar. '00, ; by

: i iv 382 old ARMISTICE Laing*s Nek (after' Majuba), 68 ; Boers who return to farms, 127, ; iv ii 415 223 (June 1900) ; 184 ; Magersfontein, ; weapons given up, 127 ; at Bothaville, ; iii Colenso, 456 ; at Lady smith, 157 ; partial Ladybrand, 242 ; Komati Poort, 482 ; repaired 532 British at at Inniskilling Hill, ; refused by by Boers after being "burnt" by British, in 42. at Paardeberg, 453, 454 ; and Brandwater v 3 ; after peace, vi 41, Westley-Richards iv ii Basin, 339, 340 ; Wessels's offer, Kimberley, used, 62

v : 545 ; demanded by Boers Apl. '02, 566 ; ARMS, BRITISH Ammunition artillery vi 497 arranged May 11, '02, 581 Q.F. guns, question of supply, ; supply

: statistics of ARMOURED TRAINS general account of, vi work complicated, 470 ; expen- 331 constructed ii 491. at v 307, 330, ; Buluwayo at, diture, Captured Nooitgedacht, 111 to 133 3 Ktted 136 296 ; ready patrol railway, ; up 104 ; Pompi Siding, ; Wilmansrust, ;

iv 389 ; Yzer there, 202. Cape Colony employed Oct. Jamestown, 310 ; Modderfontein, ii 551. Colenso number 1899, 138. Cape Government Railways Spruit, 499 ; Ookiep, constructed for them, ii 3. Drives, used in, of rounds ordered to be carried, ii 437. v 480, 580 ; Enalln, ii 334, 389. Estcourt Columns see under ARHLLKKY. Dundee GO THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

ARMS, BRITISH continued. ARMY, BOKR continued. II quantity left behind by Gen. Yule, 200. Eastern Transvaal, July '00, 383 ; In Free Magertfontein expenditure, ii 414. A'ativet State, Oct. '00, v 22. Doctors taken prisoner* quantity given to defend territory, iv 200. at Modder River, ii 361. Efficiency! 2, 3, in ii A'icholtont .y* number of reserve rounds, 8 ; war of 1881, 63, 64 ; opinion of critics ii 238 ; lost, 241. Shellt effective- before the war, 89 ; their ignorance, 48 ; ac- vi ness, 483 ; shrapnel uses, 480 ; effective- quired through early victories, 89 ; May '01, ness, 483 ; supplies of shells at Mafeking, v 251, 252; April '02, 661. Engineering; iv 573 ; manufactured at Kimberley, 537, 546, work, vi 335. Field-cornets functions, ii 589. iv 647; and at Mafeking, Supply ex- 73, 74 ; elected by burghers, 315 ; one to

hausted at Itala, v 347, 348 ; and at Geluk, command 100 men, 477 ; pay, 477 ; list of those iv 446 ; in Kimberley, 1896, number of rounds, present at Peace Conference, v 683. Fighters 633 ; In Ladysmith, number of rounds per best men obtained from high veld, v 159. iii 147 v 256. see under REGIMENTAL gun, ; wastage, Wagons Foreign corps number In Lord Roberta's advance, ill 370. UNITS, BOER. Generals 1881 war por- used ii 187-90 i 372 ii Bayonets at Elandslaagte, ; traits, ; weakness in, 90 ; number ii at Belmont, 328 ; at Stormberg, 368 ; at possessing essential qualities, 91. Head- New Zealand Hill, iii 140; at Ladysmith, Commandant position in O.F.S., ii 74. iii at 189 v 168 ; Wagon Hill, ; Spion Kop, 265, Identity mistaken at Bronkhorstfontein, 277 520 Pieter's 66 289 iv 269, ; Wynne Hills, 519, ; Hill, ; at Graspan (Reitz), ; at Houtnek, iii 640; Faardeberg, 430, 440, 483; Driefontein, 98 ; at Monte Cristo, 504 ; at Rooikopjes, iv 21 683, 684 ; Karee Siding, ; Wepener. 62 ; iv 439 ; see also under UNIFORM below. Intel- Alleman's Nek. 192, 193; Boshof, 214; Faber's ligence cyclists organized, Ii 85; spies and 234 256 Diamond 292 scout ii Put, ; Lindley, ; Hill, ; patrols used, corps formed, 84; system 455 652 in v 498. see Bergendal, ; Kimberley, ; Mafeking, Western Transvaal, Spies that 583 v 20 title. ; Bothaville, ; Buffelspoort, 95 ; Intelligence Department expendi- ii Middelfontein, 113 ; Vryheid, 117 ; Doornkop, ture, 1896-8, 84. Krygsraad composition iv ii 145 ; Moedwil, v 382 ; Tweefontein, 441. and functions, 78 ; several held, Oct. '99, ii 126 Lance used in charge at Elandslaagte, ; at Volksrust, 142 ; Modder River, 358 ; 69. 431 190 ; use discontinued, v Rifles cavalry Modderspruit, 422 ; Pretoria, ; Rensburg, vi iii trained to use, v 69 ; effects of flre, 482. 128 ; near Ladysmith, 158, 164, 176 ; Magers-

Captured at, Wilmansrust, v 296 ; Modder- fontein, 391 ; at Glencoe, 548 ; Bloemfontein,

fontein, 389. Lee-Metford number in Kim- 689 ; at Kroonstad, iv 26 ; before Sannah's iv 537 Boers use at berley (1896), 533 ; shortage, ; Post, 30; Helpmakaar, 175; Hatherley,

those captured, v 256. Martini-Henry 274 ; abolished, June '00, 275 ; in Brandwater

troops armed with those captured, iv 272 ; Basin, 316 ; Hoedspruit, v 122 ; in Northern

sent to Kimberley from Barkly West, 637. Transvaal, 196 ; at De Emigratie, 277 ; at ii Sabre used in charge at Elandslaagte, Waterval, 296-8 ; Blijdschap, 418 ; near 190. 460. Swords drawn at Diamond Hill, iv Ermelo, 450 ; Vrischgewaagd, Laagers 283 172 see title. on ; and at Welgevonden, v ; opportunity that Laggards Delagoa for use at Boschman's Kop, 560 line with Kruger, iv 473 ; avoid fighting, ARMSTRONG, Major O. : appointed financial iii 74. Leaders attitude towards peace, adviser to Lord Kitchener, vi 613 April '02, v 567. Leave evil of system, iii 74 ; : 75 at ARMSTRONG, Lieut. wounded at Tafel Kop, system inevitable, ; taken Ladysmith. v 427 161 ; results at Ladysmith, 176 ; allowed : iv 27 ARMSTRONG, Lieut. B. H. O. in charge of by de Wet, iv 26, v 132 ; restricted, ; Burgher Land Settlement Department in outstayed by commandos, 113 ; taken at Orange River Colony, vi 56 Johannesburg, 140 ; passes not to be issued,

: 492 590. ARMSTRONG DRIFT action, v 445 ; given by Gen. Snyman at Mafeking, ARMY, BOER : Amazon Corps use discussed Military History education, ii 76. Mobility ii at Pretoria, iv 131 ; American Attache see extent of, 262 ; cause, v 267. Mobilization that title. Artillery see that title. Battles i 359, 371, 372. Moral after Enslin, ii 340, iii unwillingness to fight them, iv 160. Cam- 341 ; at Pieter's Hill, 535, 636 ; after cap- ii ad- ture of iv 24 paignplan, 121-3 ; lacking, during Bloemfontein, 23, ; strengthened vance on Pretoria, iv 29, 95 ; June '01, v 297. end March '00, 28, 29 ; Komati Poort ad- ii 85. suc- Camps careless guarding, Charges vance, 473, 474 ; revives after de Wet's vi 64. see that title. Civil administration working cesses, 268 ; revives Aug. -Dec. '00, iii 84. see that title. Mounted Rifle tactics their il described, "83, Clothing necessity, Command every Boer his own general," 63 ; skilful use by De la Rey, v 605. Officers ii 76, 96; dispute in Brandwater Basin, iv appointments in Brandwater Basin, iv 315 ; 337. Commandant-General his position excessive proportion, Sept. '00, 476; pay, ii 74 iv Paul 477. of their suc- and , ; pay, 477 ; Kruger Operations retrospect as Commandant-General, i 48. Command- cess, Dec. '99, ii 465. Orange Free State ants dispute at Kuruman as to authority, Commandant new chief elected at Kimber- iii iv 315 iv com- 114 ; elected by burghers, ; appoint- ley, 562. Fighting Qualities Eastern iv ment left to commandant-general, 477 ; Free mandos stauncnest fighters, 287. Inactivity ii 14.x State list, v 235 ; list of those at Peace Aug. '00, v 2. Natal invaded, 583. see i ii 74 Conference, 682, Commandos Organization 372 ; lack of, ; pre- iv 131 under REGIMENTAL UNITS, BOER. Com- paration for guerilla war, ; condition, ii 53. ii in mando system early use of, Com- June '00, 259. Strength 87, 88 ; Natal,

mands need of new leaders, iv 24. Con- 149 ; June '00, iv 260 ; underestimated by ductat Modder River, ii 355, 356; feeble Lord Roberts, v 7. Vice-Commander-in-Chief effort, 384; at Bloemfontein, iii 533; in appointments, v 3. Organization his- 137 ii criti- Natal, 653 ; insubordination, iv ; Tiger- tory, 48-97; condition (1876), 62; kloof v 430. at iii 72 chief Spruit, Co-operationfailure cized, 71, 72 ; details, ; feature, ii ii ii ii 74 effi- Talana, 148. Discipline lacking, 77, 83, 96 ; commando system, 73, ;

iii iv of 315 ; im- in i 372. ii 49. 90, 80, 81, 59 ; cause laxity, ciency Transvaal, Origin provement, v 252. Dispositions Oct. '99, ii Panic at Kalkkrans, v 489. Patriotism 123-5 28tt Ii 79 v 23. ; map, ; North-Eastern Cape Colony, stimulus, 78, ; local, Pay- Dec. iv 28 iv 477. Plans advance on '99, 363 ; end Mar. '00, ; map, scale, during Mar. iii 694 96 in v 297. raised '00, ; early May '00, 94, ; Pretoria, Recruits number INDEX 61

ARMY, BOER continued, ARMY, BRITISH continued. iii 79 in iii 419. Commander-in-Chief in Cape Colony by Jan. '00, ; Western berg, 418, till ii 5 for .Transvaal, Jan. '01, v 112. Reinforcements extent of control '70, ; responsible of re- difficulty in obtaining, iii 73, 74. Remounts administration, 21 ; Duke Cambridge 23 tee that title. Reorganization attempted signs, '95, 22 ; Lord Wolseley appointed, ; v 60. 23 for at Hectorspruit, iv 476, 477 ; Nov. '00, duties, ; arranges expeditionary corps i 304 for Service penalty for default, ii 72, 73. to South Africa, ; credit due Shooting see that title. Strategy maintaining efficient army in South Africa, iii ii 43 Roberts iv 485. lacking after Colenso, 79, 80. Strength ; Lord appointed, Com- ii 94 test of v. 273. impossible to ascertain, ; total, manders guerilla war, Com- iv 94 in ii 14 Oct. '99, 87, 88, 122-5 ; May '00, ; mandsnumber United Kingdom, ;

v 67 251 ; best officers chosen Lord v June, 297 ; Nov. '00, ; May '01, by Kitchener,

586 ; 89 friction between 272 ; Sept., 332 ; April '02, 556 ; May '02, ; officers, changes 227 on Natal border, ii 124 ; in Natal, Jan. '00, in South Africa end March '01, ; changes,

213 on Tu- 280 ; Jan. iii 207 ; at Brakfontein, ; Upper May '01, 279, re-organized, '02, 473, 474 Feb. and March 491. Com- gela, 215, 312 ; Eastern Free State, May '00, ; changes, '02, 347 control transferred to War iv 239 ; in Western Transvaal, July '00, ; missariat Office, ii 4. in Eastern Transvaal, July '00, 384 ; increase, Commissions "purchase" system

in 556 in Trans- ii 13 ; increase of v 72 ; Free State, April '02, ; abolished, during war,

at vi vi 262 267 ; vaal, April '02, 562 ; total surrenders, 261, ; militia, yeomanry, 269, 41. Rebels in Cape Colony see under v 81. Composition variety of forces main- Rebels. Supplies see that title. Tele- tained in the Empire, ii 30; 1860-70, 6. graphs fee that title. Training details, Control policy of Lord Kitchener, v 89-91. ii before failure at ii 311 74-6 ; British military opinion war, Co-operation Estcourt, 310, ; iii 451 and at 256. Transport see that title. Transvaal, at Paardeberg, ; Hlangwane, v Commandant-General see that title above. 448 ; lacking between commanders, 272, 273, iv 268. in 525. Surrender nearly decided on, Uni- 419 ; Western Transvaal, 524, Coun- iii formkhaki worn at- Bronkhorstfontein, v cil of War at Venter's Spruit, 225 ; at 427 at 455 Vaal 326. Decentralization 56 ; at Tafel Kop, 425, ; Holland, ; Krantz, 325, of ii 11 in War Office at Roodewal, 532, 833 ; ethics wearing necessity for, ; finance,

khaki discussed, v 255 ; see also IDENTITY vi 620. Decentralization Committee

above. War conduct of see under WAR ; result, ii 15. Demobilization vi 278-80, War preparations, May-Aug. '99, ii 119, 463, 47. Deserters trooper joins Boers at 120. Zand River last battle where both Mafeking, iv 596. Discipline of British ii 35 value at republics fought united, iv 124 troops, 34, ; shown Belmont, : - his 332 of Naval at ARMY, BRITISH Adjutant General ; splendid discipline Brigade in v duties, ii 22, 23. Administration 1860-70, Enslin, 337 ; lacking Yeomanry, 82, 83 ; 39. in Victorians at 295. ii 6-8 ; inefficient, 38, Airey's Committee lacking Wilmansrust, summary of report, ii 18, 19. Army Corps Distribution Natal, Oct. '99, ii 130, 131; i 149 at outbreak of ordered to mobilize, 351 ; excellent organiza- criticized, 148, ; war, 43 last i ii of tion, ii 288 ; failure in South Africa, ; 349, 286 (map); North Orange River, 133 295 transport leaves England, 113 ; broken up, Oct. '99, ; Cape Colony, Nov., ; 262, 265-298. Artillery see that title. South of Orange River, Oct. '99, 135, ii 4 138 Feb. iii 378 on Feb. Auxiliary Forces importance ignored, ; ; '90, 377, ; Tugela, March '00 lack of organization in peace time ; attitude '00, 529, 530; (map), 594; May, in in Free 264 of Government in sanctioning service iv 244 ; Eastern State, June '00, ; lines South Africa, iii 11, 13 ; see also MILITIA, on of communication, Transvaal, June 272 around June 273 Pre- VOLUNTEERS, YEOMANRY. Battalions '00, ; Pretoria, '00, ; ii criticism of the Cardwell re-organization, toria-Middelburg, July '00, 434, 435 ; on lines in Dec. iii 5. of v 46 Oct. 16, 17 ; number England, '99, communication, ; Transvaal, '00, 279. see Boers relations, iv 82. Cadres deficiency 46, 47 ; May '01, Divisions that in England, Dec. '99, iii 5. Campaign plan title. Education reforms instituted, ii 13. ii 119. orders for iii 2 re- of, 118, Camps stringent Efficiency neglected by nation, ; defence, v 296. Cavalry number of regi- markable progress, v 332. Embarkation see iii 5 ments in England, Dec. '99, ; strength that heading. European armies contrasted iv 79 in ii 31. Finance wasteful augmented by a 4th Brigade, ; May with, 29, organiza- ii in '01, v 246, 249 criticized, 247. Centraliza- tion, 40 ; expenditure 1888 and 1899, 45 ; 263 its vi 603 tion- 'promoted by Lord Kitchener, v ; system described, ; Contract Depart- of 610 local cause and effect, 271-3 ; chief cause failure ment, work of, ; administration, 611 of drives, 4fi8 ; its effect on remount work, 610 ; military responsibility, ; procedure

vi 439 ; Kitchener allows Methuen and French outlined, 609 ; reforms effected since the war, see that of financial adviser created a free hand, v 502. Charges 619 ; post by Lord 29. title. Character entirely voluntary, ii Kitchener, 612 ; abolished, 613. Flying Chief of the Staff appointment recom- Columns see Columns above. Functions ii ii 10. mended '88, 22 ; Lord Kitchener appointed magnitude, 9, Generals inefficient, of Chief of Staff to Lord Roberts, his position, 37, 38 ; ignorant of movements other

iii 335, 336, 418, 419; Gen. Kelly acting columns, iv 411 ; undeserved criticisms, v 6 ; of Staff 69. 518. as, 397 ; absence of Chief at lack of leadership, 68, Headquarters v ii 115 Kitchener's headquarters, 275 ; appoint- Staff Sir R. Buller's, 114, ; work at 410. left 285 ment of Sir Ian Hamilton, Clothing Cape Town, 288 ; behind, ; followed

see that title. Column Commanders orders to Natal, iii 206, 207 ; Lord Roberta's, iv defects iv 411 for pacifying districts, Aug. '00, 488, 489. 335-8, 594 (diagram) ; of, 93, ; iv 259 for Columns distribution, May-J une '00, 503- criticized for Lindley surrender, ; v of con- Zilikats Lord 12 ; number, Nov. '00, 89 ; question Nek, 353, 354; Kitchener's, for 410 orders error in 1st drive trol, 89-91 ; organized Standerton district, v. 274, 275, ; 62, 53. Columns (flying) formed by Lord in North-Eastern Free State, 480. History 25. Roberts in Free State, v 4 ; inadequate, 5. since the Crimea, ii 24, India see ii Columns (mobile) number, Sept. -Oct. '01, that title. Inefficiency causes, 466 ;

v 390 ; two 262 ; number for it, 44, 466, iii 297, 301. given objectives, responsibility" " 22. serviceable Office in Cape Colony, 539 ; how utilized, Infantry most War Command unsatisfactory position at Paarde- despatch, ii 117. Gen, Buller's splendid 62 THE WAR JN SOUTH AFRICA

ARMY, BRITISH continued ARMY, BRITISH continued, qualities, ill 536. Co-operation lacking at ern Transvaal drawn from them, April 'OS, v ili xee initiative 272 ii 37 Paanleberg, 451. Marching MARCHKS. 580; lacking, ; praised, ; iv lieyiinentssee REGIMENTAL UNITS. Train- prisoners escape from Pretoria, 26i ; pro- iii ii iuj/ defects of, ii 32-38, 451. Initiative- motion not given for merit, 36 ; rank

lacking, il 257. Intelligence organiza- marks discarded, 291 ; special service number tion of department in War Office, ii 39, 40. with Col. Plumer, and casualties in Mafeking title. iv in Cyclist corps see that Defective operations, 209 ; supply deficiency iii vi about Boere at Brandfort, iv 103 ; about drift England, Dec. *99, 5; shortage, 260; 261 at Parys, 135; at Diamond Hill, 295; direct commissions granted, ; difficulty 432 at for v 81 in 1st de Wet hunt, ; Nooitgedacht, in procuring them yeomanry, ; 224 ii v 98 ; in Western Transvaal, ; during training efforts towards improvement, invade 35 obtained on Botha's attempt to Natal, 338, 839 ; ; inadequate, 36 ; chiefly underestimate Boers, 563. Director Col. service abroad, 37 ; uniform marks of rank iii iii G. F. R, Henderson, 336, 337 ; Col. Hume discarded, ii 291 ; suggested distinction, D. in appointed, iv 412 ; Col. Henderson, v 300. Operations conditions which car- i 108, 274. Efficiency improved work during ried out, 2 ; retrospect (Dec. '99) of their v 154 " " great de Wet hunt, ; excellent service failure, U466 ; steam-roller plan discussed, iii of with Plumer, iv 206. Importance neglected 339 ; causes of lack aggressiveness, May iii 229. v feat at Spion Kop, 298, Information '01, 264 ; unparalleled during "drives," ii lacking at Estcourt, 335; at Modder 471 ; lack of strong field control, 517, 518. 346 in see under REGI- River, ; North-Eastern Free State, Ordnance Department in UNITS 319, 320 ; deficiency North-Eastern MENTAL Army Ordnance Depart- Free State, 434. Maps see that title. ment. Organization inefficiency on out- i ii Native runners used at Nooitgedacht, break of war, 9 ; absence of direction, iii v 99. Organization deficient at outbreak 118 ; compared with Indian system, 333, 5 of war, iii 355 ; well conducted at Coles- 334 ; condition, Dec. '99, ; unsuited for ii berg, 143 ; branch started at Delagoa Bay, modern warfare, 550 ; history of, 1-47 ; 412- ii 27 iv ; faulty, Sept. '00, v 7; inefficient success in South Africa, ; measures in iii 7 in Natal, Sept. '01, 342 ; growth South possible, Dec. '99, 6, ; need of reform, ii in what, Africa, 268, 269. Reform carried out by 10 ; lack of interest in reform, 45 ;

Lord Kitchener, v 108. Scouts see that direction necessary, 46, 47 ; reform neglected officers infor- iii ii title. South Africa collect by Government, 7, 8 ; reforms suggested, ii 102. 7-13 mation on Boer resources, 1899, 10-13 ; problems, ; advocated by Harting- see that title. Transvaal 22 reform carried out Spits Goyt. ton commission, 21, ; by see special branch organized to track it, v Mr. Cardwell, 13 ; Outposts PICKETS. 292. Irregulars settle on the Rand, vi Pay decreased under Cardwellian system ii in vi 58 ; see also IRREGULAR CORPS. Manoeuvres 17; of troops the field, 616-18. revived after 1875, ii 13. Marches Pensions expenditure, vi 606. Physique ii of see that title. Medical arrange- 18 ; improvement, 33 ; effect South ments see that title. Men see Troops African climate, vi 256; Dec. '99, iii 5. below. Militia see that title. Mobile Provisional Bns. formed, iii 14, vi 260. see above. ii 22 in columns Columns (mobile) Quartermaster-General duties, ; Mobility neglected by Sir R. Buller, India, iii 333. Recruiting Canadian agent ii iv iii 209, 210 ; lacking at Estcourt, 305 ; for Rhodesian force recalled, 367 ; acute in v deficiency in guerilla period, 266, competition for men South Africa, 85 ; y " " ii 267 ; inferior tor Boers, 155. Mobilization specials accepted, 18, 19 ; degeneration in ii im- inadequate staff department, 39 ; of recruits under Cardwellian system, IS ; vi 275 ii 33 force available, 98 ; advantages, June provements, 261, ; statistics, ; phy- 1899, 98, 99; strength of force recom- sical unfitness, 19. Regimental districts of in mended by Lord Wolseley, 98 ; opposition duties of commanding officers, number ii the Government, 99 ; Government decide to the United Kingdom, 14. Regiments- its see char- send expeditionary force, 111 ; composi- REGIMENTAL UNITS, Regulars ii tion, 115 ; successful mobilization, 113 ; pre- acter during early history, 3, 4 ; excellent i iii 5 parations for mobilization of field force, 370 ; qualities, 34 ; physique, Dec. '99, ; ii its strength and composition, 241, 249, strength, 1860-70, 6 ; at outbreak of war, ii iii all ii 257 ; 6th Division, 361, 4, 5, 370.; 20, vi 236 ; number sent to South Africa ii ri infantry regulars and reserves sent out by by April '01, 20, 249-50 ; number left v of in Dec. iii 5 Sept. '00, 73 ; detailed account the United Kingdom, '99, ; infantry vi measures taken, vi 233-81 ; preparations in sent to South Africa by Sept. '00, v 73, in 1897, 240 ; reinforcements of South African 252 ; strength of infantry South Afric-u, 249. garrisons, 243, 244 ; reserve called out, May '01, v 248, Reinforcements-

245, 248 ; drafts, 250-7 ; colonial contin- general account, vi 240-80 ; ordered to South i gents and auxiliary forces, vi 257, 262, 265, Africa, 342 ; withdrawal demanded, 357 ; vi 244 arrive Jan. 268, 275. Mounted Infantry a special sent out, 243, ; due to '00, iii iv ii 31 ; see also REGIMENTAL UNITS. 346, 347 ; arrive March-April '00, 15, feature, " Mounted Least 117. 16 ; demanded Lord Kitchener end '00 ; " Troops serviceable," by iii Preferred," 425, 34 ; quality, v 265, despatched Jan. '01, v 79 ; number Jan.-

266 ; scarcity, Aug. '00, 5, 69 ; means taken April '01, 246 ; June '01-June '02, 405, iii to increase numbers, 347, 348 ; reinforce- 406. Remounts see that title. Reserves ments demanded by Lord Kitchener, v 79; called out policy urged by Lord Wolseley, ii i iii 5 strain on resources, 72, 73; training back- 112 ; first class, Oct. '99, 370, ; ii 464 all sent ward, 182 ; use limited, 46 ; strength, May remainder Dec. '99, ; infantry v '01, 247. Non-combatants number, May '01, to South Africa by Sept '00, 73 ; strength v ii 20 vi 249 ; camp formed for Boers, 77 ; removal at outbreak of war, ; strength, from iii 157. reserve 'J34 Ladysmith requested, Non- 234, 235 ; supplemental formed, ; commissioned Officers character and train- system reorganized by Mr. Cardwell, ii 20. ing, ii 35. Officers conduct at Spion Kop, Reverses causes, v 272 ; effect in England, iii iii in 48-50. 268, 297; at Pieter's Hill, 643; lack of Dec. '99, 2, 3 ; exultation Europe, v ii 36 on of co-operation, 272, 273 ; expermeit, ; Savage warfares-influence efficiency infantry nearly all commanders in West- officers and men, ii 26. Secretary of State INDEX 63

ARMY, BRITISH continued. ARMY, BRITISH continued. at War office abolished 1855, ii 4. Secre- Office see that title. Wars list of the tary of State for War Mr. Cardwell ap- chief wars since the Crimea, ii 25. Wastage pointed 1868, ii 7; Mr. Stanhope, vi 237; causes, v 68 Sir H. Campbell-Baunerman, ii 22; Lord ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE see under MEDICAL ii ii Lansdowne, 105 ; portrait, (frontispiece) ; ARRANGEMENTS and HEGIMKNTAL UNITS Mr. Brodrick (Lord Midleton), v 78 ; MEDICAL to : share- portrait, vi 233 ; position with regard ARNOLD, Lieut. -Col. represents English administration, ii 21. Short service extent holders of Mozambique Co., iv 366; reports ii of 375 of its applicability, 12, 13 ; advantages carrying power of Beira railway, Cardwellian system, 15, 16. Soldier tacti- ARNOLD-FORSTER, Mr. H. O. : Land Settlement iii cally inferior to the Boer, ii 254, 298 ; Commission chairman, iv 497. vi 10 fighting qualities, iv 146. South Africa ARTILLERY : tactical value, v 391, 392 streiwth see below under that heading. ARTILLERY, BOER : Abandoned in Komati ii iv v 3

91 297 Nov. v 67 ; March v 177 at iii iv May '00, ; June '00, ; '00, '01, ; Ladysmith, 168, 171, total in ii 526. Rhenoster v 2 May '01, 248, 249 ; South Africa, Krupps River, 555; in 88, 89, vi 257, 280 ; Lord Roberta's advance (1 destroyed) North-Eastern Transvaal, 215 ; iii in Feb. '00, 370, 371 ; Western Transvaal Rrupp 1-pdr. q.f., March-April '01, 256 ; v of Jan. at 20 Mar. '02, 513 ; South the Tugela '00, Krupp 1-pdr. Bothaville, ; Krupp 7-pdr. iii of at 203 256 206 ; mistaken calculations Govern- Pietersburg, ; Krupp 9-pdr., ; Krupp to 2 177 ment, v 78 ; effort by Government reduce 12-pdr. near Luneburg, ; Krupp 75-mm. iii 1 3 20 it, 277 ; greatest force sent from England, ; at Bothaville, ; March-April '01, 256 ; 80- after the "Black 4 256. Toms at iii increased Week," ; history mm., Long Ladysmith, of fluctuations, vi 233 ; ration strength, 168 ; in North-Eastern Transvaal, v 215 ; at in- 256. v 396, 397 ; permanent establishment Berg Plaats, 216; 2, March-April '01, African at v 20 creased, 258 ; strength of South garri- Maxims Bothaville, ; during great de see 139 near son after the war, 61. Supplies that Wet hunt, ; Lichtenburg, 56 ; near iv in title. Tactics see that title. Telegraphs Puetoria, 158 ; North-Eastern Transvaal, see that title. Territorial system intro- v 215, 216; at Vet River, iv 109; 6 at duced by Mr. Cardwell, ii 14, 15. Training Wildfontein, v 226. Maxim - Nordenfelt ii 256. inadequate provision, 33-7 ; character March-April "01, Mountain nearDoorn- iii ii 34. 7. at iv 455 in peace time, 550, 551 ; value, 33, berg, Pompoms Bergendal, ; v 20 Troops Coloured decision not to employ at Bothaville, ; at Goedvooruitzicht, 228 ; 180 them, iii 6, 7. Conduct panic at Inniskilling at Langdraai Drift, ; at Roodekraal, 475 ;

Hill, iii 527 ; and at Hart's Hollow, 530 ; in North-Eastern Transvaal, 215 ; at Wild- 105 at 226 March- 256 at Groenkop, v 438 ; at Nooitgedacht, ; fontein, ; 8, Aprtt'Ol, ; 12-pdr. v Tweebosch, 504-6 ; severe ordeal at Magers- at Goedvooruitzicht, 228 ; 15-pdr. in ii 405 Pieter's iii 543 North-Eastern v 215. fontein, ; Hill, ; Spion Transvaal, Compo- enter sition ii 68-70 vi 472. Kop, 298 ; Paardeberg, 451 ; forbidden to ; Concealment vi " at houses, iv 490 ; Dismounted pre- 479 ; well effected Alleman's Nek, iv 191. private" Jei-red telegram, iii 12. Distribution after Creuzots at Brandfort, iv 94. 7-5 cm. at iii 312 vi the war, vi 60. Endurance in great de Wet Vaal Krantz, ; description, 474 ; see

hunt, v 154 ; strain under Boer methods of also "LONG TOMS" below. Criticism ii 81. fighting, ii 359, 360. England return, iv 485, Deficiency Dec. 1899, iii 82. Description- vi 47, 278-80, 292. Gratuities rate of, vi 280 ; table, vi 469, 472. Fire effects, vi 482. expenditure on, 606. Hardships in Eastern Gunners bravery at Elandslaagte, ii 187. in use vi 486. 1 Transvaal, v 176 ; drives North-Eastern Heavy of, Howitzer made Free State, 493. Health affected by heat, in Netherlands Railway works at Pretoria, iii in at iii 384 ; illness concealed advance to Pre- 82; 4-7 blown up Surprise Hill, 171; in iv toria, iv 81 ; gee also under MEDICAL ARRANGE- action at Ladysmith, 526. 6-in. at MENTS. Identity mistakes at Belmont, ii Ladysmith, iv 526. Increase decided on v 145 at ii 66. Poort 329 ; in great de Wet hunt, ; Magers- '95, Komati advance number iv ii 402, 403 ; at Talana, 165, 166*; at brought into Portuguese territory, 482. fontein, " 8 arrive in ii 121 Willow Grange, 313. Moral after the Black Krupps Transvaal, ; at tee iv Week," iii 105, 106. Mounted MOUNTED Bergendal, 453 ; abandoned at Caledon v 36 at 31 TROOPS above. Movements Kruger demands River, ; Dewetsdorp, ; at Diamond i 318 iv iii 412 in explanation, 270 ; Steyn agrees, ; Mr. Hill, 279 ; at Dronfleld, 411, ; Free State's 319 Maf iv 579 at Israel's 220 Sohreiner's reply to inquiry , ; eking siege, ; Farm, ; discussion in South 337 at Vaal iii 312. Howitzers Africa, 318-20, ; Krantz, Krupp iii number near Transvaal border, 354. Quality at Ladysmith, 156 ; at Vaal Krantz, 312. iii success ii 230 criticized, 253. Reorganization by Lord Ladysmith at, ; strength, iii 103. Roberts, iv 77-80. Withdrawal demanded 156 ; positions changed, Long Toms i 369. iv by Transvaal, 354, 357 ; and by Steyn, ut Bergendal, 441, 442, 450, 451, 453 ; of ii Universal Science treated as out ques- at Diamond Hill, 278 ; at Dundee, 125 ; on ii 125 tion in Cai-dwell's time, 11 ; Lincoln's Western Transvaal border, ; atliupati, 198; iii 7 iv enforcement in American Civil War, ; at Kimberley siege, 563, 506; at Geluk, effect 68. 44D 466 at need emphasised, 13, 22 ; moral of, ; at Lydenburg, ; Spitz Kop (Lyden- 468 477 at Volunteers see that title ; xee also under burg) ; at Hectorspruit, ; Kruger's ii 40. 480 at Komati 482 at INDIA. War unprepared for, War Post, ; Poort, ; Pepworth, 64 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

ARTILLERY, BOER contimtfd. ARTILLERY, BRITISH continued. iii ii II 215, 216; at Ladysmtth, 156, 163; at berg, 880 ; at Tweebosch, v 508 ; at Twee- iv 528 at Caesar's iii 442 at Zili- Bulwana, 153, ; Camp, fontein, 440, ; at Yzer Spruit, 499 ; ii 231 iv 190 ; bombards Ladysmith, ; outside kat's Nek, 352 ; 4-7 at Helvetia, v 121, 122. Mafeking, 260 ; Mafeking siege, iv 682, 592, Uotehkiis near Blood River, v 53. Mmim* ii iv in iii 693 ; at Pougwana, 125, 183, 186 ; at Colesberg, 464 ; at Tweefontein, v 440, v in North-Eastern Transvaal, 203 ; Western 442. Potn-pomx at Wilmansrust, v 298 ; at ii iii Transvaal, 125 ; at Vaal Krantz, 311, 321 ; Tabaksl>erg, 133 ; at Tweebosch, 604-8 ; at

description vi 475 ; effectiveness, 489. Tweefontein, 440, 442. U-pdrs. used by flre iii Magersfontein reply to British during Boers at Driefontein, 574 ; used by Boers ii at armistice, 415. Maxims blown up at Colesberg, 132 ; at Commissie Bridge, v 37 ; Bergendal, iv 455. Nordenfelt at Limpopo, used by De la Rey in Western Transvaal, iv 202, 203. Orange Free State guns iv 347; 2 of 84th Battery at Bakenlaagte, " " ii 325 reor v withdrawn at Belmont, ; 374 ; 2 of V Battery at ii 80 iv 27 ; organized by Major Albrecht, '80, ; 386. Case Shot used at Baken Kop, iv 306. strength '99, 70 ; increases voted, June '99, Colt Gun-Battery with Ladysmith relief ii iv vi iii 120; Organization, 80, 27, 472. force, 210 ; at Tabanyama, 234 ; advanco iii 429. Paardeberg damaged there, Pom- from Kroonstad, iv 134 ; Johannesburg vi poms general description, 489 ; at tions, 147 ; at Botha's Pass, 188 ; at Fiber's iv I. Diamond Hill, 279, 292 ; success at battle Put, 231-4 ; with 13th Bn. Y., 252 ; detach- ii of Ladysmith, 230 ; at Limpopo River, iv ment with Natal Cavalry, 510; in North- Israel's iv 202, 203 ; at Farm, 220 ; at Mafe- Eastern Free State, v 473. Colt Guns iii 50. king, 580, 686 ; at Vaal Krantz, 312 ; (Canada) at Van Wyk's Vlei, v Com- vi ii description, 476 ; usefulness, 489 ; long mand given to Gen. G. H. Marshall, range, 477. 5-pdr. at Mafeking, iv 566. 115. Control transferred from Board of 7-pdrs. at Mafeking, iv 579. iz-pdr. at Ordnance to War Office, ii 4. Co-operation iii Diamond Hill, iv 279, 281 ; at Goedvooruit- necessity, vi 480 ; lacking at Paardeberg,

zicht, v 228 ; at Mafeking, iv 579. i4-pdr. 451; excellent at Elandslaagte, Driefontcin, at iv 579. in vi 481 at Alleman's iv (q.f.) Mafeking, is-pdr. Monte Cristo, ; Nek, 4fif> North-Eastern Transvaal, v 215. 192, 193 ; at 453, ; at " Range Bergendal, 452, ii 315 of iv 466. length of, ; Long Toms," 180, 186, Paardeplaats, Director appointment ii il 582. Shells bad fusing at Ladysmith, 224 ; recommended, 22. Drill books inadequacy 522 effect of vi 480. and at Boschbult, v ; at Paarde- teaching, Equipment details of, 466 94-lb. fired iv vi 466. vi 467. Field plaats, ; by Long Tom, 582 ; Establishment 466, vi 96-lb. fired at Kimberley, 563 ; common necessity of mobility, 493 ; new types versus shrapnel, vi 483-5. Shooting ex- adopted by European Powers, 493, 494. of ii 224 vi 479 cellent at battle Ladysmith, ; and Firing- methods, 476, ; long range, at Elandslaagte, 178. Spion Kop efficient 478. Catling's in Rhodesia with Pluiacr, iv iii 256. ii 508. of work, Superiority at Colenso, 300 ; 201, Guerilla war number guns at Willow Grange, 314. Supply orders reduced in drives, v 477. Gunners gallantry in ii 121. first at of ii 217-9 at Tafel placed Europe, Talana shell battle Ladysmith, ; ii 155. 246 in of the war fired, Transvaal organi- Kop, v ; at Tweebosch, 506 ; number zation, ii 80. Transvaal State Artillery- South Africa, May '01, 248, 249. Guns ii vi gee also corps formed 1890 ; strength 1896, 1899, 80 ; Heavy details of use, 467, 486 ; 488. at battle of Ladysmith, 224, 225 ; at Belfast, under NAVY, GUNS. Horse use, vi

T 123 ; reorganized as mounted corps, 123 ; in Hotchkiss detachment sent with 2nd New iii Eastern Transvaal, 365 ; in Eastern Transvaal Zealand contingent, 37. Hotchkiss iv laager surprised, 458 ; in Western Transvaal, (\-pdr.} in Mafeking, 609, 573; sent ii 496. Use methods employed, 81, vi 479 ; out with armoured train, 578. Hotchkiss iii at discontinued during guerilla war, v 91, 256. (3-pdr.) at Caesar's Camp, 179 ; ARTILLERY, BRITISH : general description Point, 181. Hotchkiss (U-pdr.) distribu- vi 465-98. vi 1 iv 506. Advance theory of, 476 ; tion with Colonial Division, limit laid down by drill book, ii 441. Howitzers at Greylingstad, iv 400. Howit- iii Ammunition columns strength and dis- zers (5-tn.) at Colesberg, 345 ; with 1st

tribution with Lord Roberts, iii 375-7 ; Xth Division, 370 ; Transvaal operations, Jan.- 1st de Wet hunt, iv 421. Armstrong q.f. April '01, v 160; in North-Eastern Trans- iS-pdrs. batteries with Rhodesian Field vaal, 205, 206. Howitzers (6-fn.) at iv 509. iv 154 with Gen. Ian Force, 376, Army Ordnance De- Johannesburg, ; see Divi- partment REGIMENTAL UNITS. Bat- Hamilton's column, 394 ; with 7th vi 465 teries establishment, ; uses of separa- sion, 503 ; made during Mafeking siege, 590. 479 nee also iii l.v.:, !;.;. tion, ; REGIMENTAL UNITS, Artil- Howitzers 6-3 at Ladysmith, lery. Bombardment uselessness of isolated Howitzers 9-45 (Skoda) at Cape Town, bard 477. iv 7th and long range bom Brand- 17 ; at Johannesburg, 164 ; with water Basin number and positions of guns, Division, 503. Howitzers, field use of, iv 325. Brigade divisions, field distribution vi 485; description, 474. 'S-in. 3 with at North-Eastern Free State, v 473 ; 4 due in Plunier in Rhodesia, iv 201, 608; Tuli, iii 208. South Africa, Feb. '00, 347; 1st at Colenso, 202, 203 ; at Gaberones, 205 ; at Sefetili, ii 2nd Vaal v 437 ; at Krantz, 310, 312 ; at 4'7-in. at Brandwater Basin, 240; with Helpmakaar, iv 171 ; 5th at Vaal Krantz, iii 17th Brigade, 240; with Clements, 96; at 121 310, 312 ; Flint's ordered to Paardeberg, 494 ; Frederikstad, 9, 11 ; at Helvetia, ; at

at Poplar Grove, 558 ; at Sannah's Post, iv Monument Hill, iv 451 ; at Nooitgedacht, v 46 witli iii 159 ; McDonnell's 6th Division, 370 ; 104 ; with Dartnell in Eastern Transvaal, ; Pratt's broken up, 97. Brigade divisions, at Naauwpoort, 230. 4-?-in. (Siege) sent to iii ith horse Eustace's at Arundel, iii 127 ; David- Lord Methuen, Jan. '00, 343. s-in. son's iii at Glen, iv 19 ; at Sannah's Post, 47, Buller, 309; at Vaal Krantz, 309, 313; 48 ; Rochfort's to Thaba 'Nchu, 9. Canada later disposition, 498 ; at Monte Cristo, 507 ; sends iii vi 407. 534 at 3 batteries, 42, Cape position, 24 and 26 Feb. '00, 630, ; Artillery nee under REGIMENTAL UNITS, Arundel, 470; with Ian Hamilton, iv 102, BRITISH. at Blood River llth at Jacobs- Captured Poort, 394, 505 ; with Division, 505; v 340 ii iv ; at Colenso, 456 ; at Quaggafontein, rust, iv 102; at Babiaansberg, 106; at v 387 at Zand ; at Sannah's Poet, iv 38, 40 ; at Storm- Botha's Pass, 187 ; at Inkwelo, 189 ; INDEX

ARTILLERY, BRITISH continued. ARTILLERY, BRITISH con tinned. iv iii River, 120 ; in Brandwater Basin, 328-31, 9-pdr. at Cwsar's Camp, 179 ; at Ookiep,

at 144 ; at Diamond v 551. Garrison 333-6 ; Doornkop, Hill, iz-pdrs. (Royal Artillery) in Free at Botha's iv 187 at 281, 284, 289, 290; Eastern State, Pass, ; Alleman's Nek, Gen. 193 at 400 at 302 ; atQreylingstad, 400 ; with Hunter, 192, ; Greylingstad, ; Ladysmith, 360 Buller in 526 at 117 311 ; at Zilikat's Nek, ; with ; Vryheid, v ; at Wakkerstroom, 117 Komati Poort advance, 437 ; at Vogelstruis- ; at Utrecht, 118 ; in Eastern Transvaal, 449 at 451 near 174. in North-Eastern Trans- poort, ; Bergendal, ; Lyden- iz-pdrs. (q.f.) 467 near v 206 vi 472. burg, 462 ; at Paardeplaats, 466, ; vaal, 205, ; description, is-pdrs. at Pienaar's 278 at iii 491 4 Spitz Kop, 468 ; Poort, ; Labuschagne's Nek, 490, ; (Cape 396 in operations South-East Pretoria, 388, ; Artillery) with Colonial Division, iv 506: at North- Eastern Transvaal, 206; in Eastern Jacobs da), v 25; in great de Wet hunt, Transvaal, 160, 298. s-in. (siege) with llth 132; at Platberg, 229; description, vi 472. Division, iv 87, 504. 6-in. in action by z8-pdr. (" Long- Cecil ") made in Kimberley, iii 516 at iv 215. iv effective 563. Chieveley, ; Warrenton, 560; shelling,' Quick-firing iv de- used ii 6-in. q.f. with 10th Division, 508; before the war, 31 ; absence due to tails, vi 474. Infantry combination with, unsuitable carriages, vi 494 see under GUNS. vi 477, 480, 481. Ladysmith admirable Re-armament since South African War, vi behaviour during battle of, ii 234, 235 ; 495. R.M.L. 2-5 with Colonial Division, iv

Dec. iii 173 ; num- 506. near v 454 positions changed, '99, Recaptured Bethal, ; at Jan. 306. iv 308 at ber of guns end '00, Machine- Bethlehem, ; Blaauwbank, v 328 ; at at influences, vi 490. Maxim destroyed Bothaville, 20 ; in Brandwater Basin, iv 342 ; at in Eastern Belfast, v 123 ; at Fort Prospect, 349 ; Itala, Transvaal, v 164 ; at Goedvooruit- iv 533 the 228 at 232 347 ; at Kimberley, 1896, ; during zicht, ; Hartebeestfontein, ; taken 553-5 abandoned near - siege, 537, 538 ; in action, ; Lichtenburg, 56 ; in North Eastern ii in at battle of Ladysmith, 232 ; sent Transvaal, 215; at Piet Retief, 357; at Oct. armoured train from Mafeking, 1899, Roodekraal, 475 ; at Roodewal, 535 ; near v at Nicholson's iv 267 ; at Moedwil, 381 ; Nek, Ventersdorp, 427; at Wildfontein, 226; ii v 551 in Rhodesia with number and 238 ; at Ookiep, ; description, March-April, '01, Tafel v 424-7 v 256. Plumer, iv 201-3, 508 ; at Kop, ; Rhodesia deficiency there, '99, iv vi usefulness of 490. 201. see usefulness, 490 ; tripods, Royal Artillery under REGIMENTAL iv in Maxims -303 at Eland's River, 357 ; UNITS, BRITISH Artillery. Royal Austra- lian see Mafeking, 509, 573 ; sent with armoured Artillery under REGIMENTAL UNITS,

578 ; at Game Tree 590. Maxims BRITISH AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENTS. train, Hill, " Royal 450 at Eland's River, iv 357. D" Section Canadian see under REGIMENTAL UNITS, operations South-Eastern Pretoria, iv 388. BRITISH CANADIAN CONTINGENTS. Ship Galloping operations South-Eastern Pre- (i8th century) dug up and used, iv 590. toria, iv 388. Mekometer difficulties in South Africa number of guns from England 31 ii use, vi 489. Mistakes troops wounded by Oct. '99, 113 ; number Jan. '00, iii 347 ; ii number with and officers killed at Talana, 166, 174; Lord Roberts, April '00, iv 16 ; officers killed at Storm- v troops wounded and number, May '01, 248,'249, vi 466 ; details of iii 540. 471. berg, 376, 380 ; atPieter's Hill, Modder guns used, 468, Vickers-Maxims bat- ii 354. in- of C.I. iii 20 River splendid work, Mountain tery 12i-pdrs. with V., ; purchased Israel's for the sufficient use, vi 488. M. L. 7-pdr. at Jameson raid, iv 201 ; in Rhodesia with at 508 Farm, iv 220; 4 in Mafeking, 509, 573; Plumer, 201, ; captured, 205 ; at Gaberones, in action 205 at Israel's Cannon Kopje, 584 ; against Western ; Farm, 220. Siege-train first 596. arrives second iii Boer laager, 585 ; co-operate with Mahon, ; due, 347 ; part arrives Nordenfelt (z-in.) in Mafeking, iv 509, 573, at Johannesburg, iv 154. South Africa- 592. Organization vi 465. Pom-poms strength, v 248, 249, vi 471. Spion Kop Feb. iii 256 first used at Paardeberg, 26, '00, helplessness, ; long-range guns not iii '482 iv 209 2nd 300. ; with 1st Division, ; with utilized, Stormberg; excellent beha- 510 at v ii 382. Division, ; Bankkop, 457 ; with viour, Talana alarm among the first Bpens and Allenby against Botha, 350; at Boers ; shell in the war fired at, ii 155, in 156. Rensburg Drift, 14 ; Brandwater Basin, Training development, vi 476. Use 240; 1 with 17th Brigade, 240; in Cape ordered to be discarded by Bruce Hami'ton v Colony with Kavanagh, 315 ; at Frederik- during drives, 578 ; discussed, vi 477.

stad, 9-11 ; in North-Western Free State, Volunteers number sent out, iii 21. War lessons vi 304 ; in great de Wet hunt, with Monro, 132, of, 476

135, 137 ; at Groenkop, 435, 437, 440 ; at ARTILLERY, FOREIGN : statistics, vi 473

Heidelberg, iv 385 ; at Helpmakaar, 171 ; ARUNDEL : reconnaissances and unsuccessful 311 at Baken- attack iii 123 with Gen. Hunter, ; jammed by French, 122, ; occupied by at at 124 laagte, v 3o7 ; Moedwil, 381 ; and him, ; action, 125-7 ; Clements retires Poort advance from Langverwacht, 489 ; Komati Colesberg, 467 ; and takes up positions, 4 with Buller, iv 437 ; Khodesian Field 469

Force 2 batteries with it, 376, 509 ; Roodewal ASHBUKNBR, Lieut. : at Sanuah's Post, iv 42 in action, v 532, 533 ; South Africa more iv 17 : sent out, March '00, ; number, May ASHBY, Mr. guides British at Surprise Hill, v with 420 iii 170 '01, 248 ; Spytfontein Rimington, ;

in 424-7 : v Tafel Kop action, ; damaged by ASHFIELD, Sergt. at Bakenlaagte, 368

v 429 Mr. : Boers, 426 ; at Tigerkloof Spruit, 428, ; ASHMORE, A. M. member of Transvaal in Concessions Eastern Transvaal, 159, 290, 363, 364, 447 ; Commission, vi 9 in North-Eastern Transvaal, 205, 206; in ASQUITH, Mr. : approves appointment of Sir i Western Transvaal, 218, 280 ; at Vlakfontein, A. Milner, '97, 194 ; announces Liberal 281 ; at Kleinfontein, 384 ; with Methuen, 501. Government's policy regarding Chinese Pom-pom Sections see REGIMENTAL UNITS Labour, vi 180 Artillery, Field. 7-pdrs. (Cape Mounted ASSEGAI RIVER : in flood, v 176 Rifles) at Labuschagne's Nek, iii 490, ASTON, Major : at Senekal, iv 243

491. at ii 362 in : tee 7-pdrs. Putter's Kraal, ; ASWEGKN, Comdt. Van VAN AS\VEGEN iv Rhodesia 201, 508 ; sent to Kimberley, ATCHERI.EY, Major : headquarters staff 534 ; 2 of Cape Police guns arrive, 535, 537. railway duties, v 274 7-lb. screw at Elands River, iv 357, 368. ATHDRTON, Col. : composition and strength VOL. VII. 66 TEE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

ATHERTON, Col. continued. BADBNHORST, Gen. C. C. J. : head of Boshof iv 614 of column, July '01, v 315 ; pursues Scheepers, commando, ; acting comdt.-gen. of v v394 district, 235 ; in Brandwater Basin, iv 316,

ATHOLE : Botha meets Transvaal Government, 817 ; appointed vice oommander-in-chief, v 3 in in v 360 ; moves away, 362 ; action Hoopstad district, 303 ; escapes ATROCITIES : see under WAR CONDUCT from drive. 307; captures detachment at sails "AURANIA," s.s. : Carrington for South Hartenbosch, 656 ; strength of force, 557 ; at Africa, iv 368 Vereeniging Conference, 588, 687 AUKKT, Mr. : member of Uitlander deputation BADENHORST, Field-Cornet : killed at Splon to discuss grievances with Boer commission, Kop, iii 295 1168 BADEN-POWELL, Sir Georm : on suzerainty see : Australian Horse under question in House of Commons, 1894, i 204 ; REGIMENTAL UNITS AUSTRALIAN CONTIN- with Bechuanaland expedition, 1886, iv 600 GENTS and NHW SOUTH WALES CONTINGENTS. BADEN-POWELL, Maj.-Gen. R. S. S. : portrait, see Contingents under REGIMENTAL UNITS iv 572 ; sketch, 571, 572 ; ordered out to South : i ii AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENTS. Miners Africa, 304, 101 ; previous experience in i 306 number 25 emigrate to Transvaal, ; large South Africa, ; Mafeking siege prepara- there, iii 30. Australian Imperial Rifles tions, 267, 570, 574; operations, etc., 677, see under REGIMENTAL UNITS AUSTRA- 678, 580-5, 687-9, 593, 595, 596; orders to Australian iv LIAN CONTINGENTS. Royal Plumer, 198, 199 ; length of time able to Artillery see under REGIMENTAL UNITS- hold out for, 215 ; spiritless pursuit of Boers

AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENTS. Teachers go after the relief, 221 ; at Zeerust and Rusten- vi 35. to South Africa, Uitlanders sym- burg, 225 ; at Pretoria, 345 ; force augmented, iii 31 345 pathy with them, 30, ; attacked at Rustenburg, 348 ; disposition

: extent iii 56. in AUSTRIA Anglophobia of, 65, Western Transvaal, 349 ; in Magaliesberg, iii Emperor sympathy with Great Britain, 356 ; relieves Col. Airey at Selons River, 357 ; 56 meets Ian Hamilton at Rustenburg, 361 ; : see under BRITISH AUXILIARY FORCES ARMY, marches towards Eland's River, 361 ; ordered

AVA, Lord : mortally wounded at Wagon Hill, to Warmbaths, 381 ; orders in 1st de Wet

iii 194 hunt, 422 ; surrender of Commando Nek sug-

: stock Gen. AVOCA rolling captured by French, gested by de Wet, 430 ; pursues Boers at 431 iv472 Warmbaths, ; captures Nylstroom, 479: : AYLWARD, Mr. reference to the Boer trek, returns to England, v 59, 60 ; given command of i25 South African Constabulary, iv 496 ; raises AYTON, Lieut. R. H. : gallantry near Fraser- corps of South African Constabulary, v 82, 83 burg, v 513 BADEN-POWELL, Major B. F. S. : sent to Kimberley respecting relief of Mafeking, iv215 BADFONTEIN : Buller arrives there, iv 461 BAGOT, Capt. Hon. W. L. : on Yeomanry com- mittee, iii 15 BAGOT, Mrs. : work in establishing private hospital, vi 532 BAILEY, Mr. Abe: member of Uitlander i deputation to Pretoria, 168 ; assists publi- cation of literature on South African Union, vi211. BAILEY, Sergt. : gallantry at Kleinfonteln, v 386

BABANANGO MOUNTAIN : Botha moves there, BAJLLIE, CoL : operates in Cape Colony, T V343 550 BABIAANSBERO : action, iv 106, 107 BAILLIE, Capt. W. L. : killed at Frederikstad,

: ii BABINGTON, Gen. at Modder River, 389 ; v!2

at Magersfontein, 406, 408 ; Sunnyside, raid, BAILLIE, Lieut : wounded at Magersfontein,

iii 115 ; Jacobsdal reconnaissance, 117, 118 ; ii, 416

364 : at Koedoesberg Drift, 117, 363, ; burns BAIN, Mr. attempt to organize labour in i Comdt. Lubbe's farm, 118 ; superseded meeting at Johannesburg, 348 command of 1st Cavalry Brigade, 369; BAINBRIDGE, Col. E. G. T. : in command of

column strength in mounted men, v 59 ; 7th M.I., iv 505; at Waterval Drift, iii 398,

110 298 taken over 399 : at 434 composition, ; strength, ; Paardeberg, 422, 433, ; at Sannah's Gen. iv by Col. Hickle, 279, 280 ; succeeds Barton Post, 35, 40 ; at Houtnek, 97, 99 ; in in Potchefstroom district, v 59; Eastern Johannesburg operations, 142, 143 ; in Brand-

Transvaal, June '01, v 298 ; Western Transvaal water Basin, 826, 327, 334-6 in action at Cyferfontein, 110, 111 ; sends BAINBRIDOE, CoL Sir E. : chief superintendent

relief force to Middelfontein, 113 ; at Naauw- of ordnance factories, vi 448

221 fails : il poort, 113, 217 ; orders, 219, ; to stop BAINES' DRIFT Boer force there, 124 in action 224. 225 i Kemp, 222 ; at Geduld, ; at BAIRD, Sir David : Governor of Cape Colony,

"Wildfontein, 226 ; night raid at Goedvooruit- 385

zicht, 228 ; at Brakspruit and Syferkuil, 229 ; BAKATHLA : see under NATIVES KAFFIRS moves against De la Key, 232, 233 BAKENKOP : engagement, iv 305-7 : at ii v BABTIE, Major gallantry Colenso, 452 ; BAKENLAAGTE : battle, 365-76 awarded Victoria vi 515 Mr. Bernard : initiates Cross, 452, BAKER, " subscriptions BACCHANTE FAKM : movements of Damant, for hospital ship Maine," iii 60, vi 536 V424 : in Eastern Trans- " BAKER, Sergt. gallantry BACK-VELD" BOERS : *ee under BOERS vaal operations, v 165 BACON, Capt. : killed at Colenso, ii 457 BAKERIES (field): at Ladysmith, Iv 623; BACTERIOLOGY : work of department in Trans- established by Boers at Nelthorpe, iii 164 vaal, vi 31 BAKWENA : tee under NATIVESKAFFIRS BADCOCK, Lieut.-Gen. A. R. : on Yeomanry BALDOCK, CoL : in command of 6th Brigade iii 15 raise 2nd v 473 takes over committee, ; helps to Yeo- Division, ; Rimlngtou'a v in 554-6 manry contingent 80 column ; operations Free State, INDEX

BALDWIN, Capt. t wounded at Moedwil, v BARKER, Col. J. S. continued. in 381 ; in charge of Transvaal Native Affairs "drive" in North-Western Free State Department, vi 595 306, 307; at Winburg, 323; in Paardehoek BALFOUR, Mr. A. J. : declaration on war drive, 415, 416; moves against de Wet at Kaffir in before Union of Conservative Associations, Kop, 428 ; 2nd drive, 482, 486 ; 3rd i 492 308 ; dissatisfaction with his Manchester drive, ; operations in Free State Mar.- Jan iii 8 554-6 addresses, '00, ; correspondence with April '02, ; captures Manie Botha near 305 in Buller regarding Spion Kop referred to, ; Bezuidenhout's Drift ; movements drive

succeeds to premiership, vi 175 ; ministry May '02, 578 Sir : resigns, 177 ; protest against vote of censure BARKLY, Henry Governor of Cape Colony, i 385 on Lord Milner, 179 ; endeavours to persuade Lord Milner to accept Colonial Secretaryship, BARKLY EAST : occupied by Boers, ii 294 116 BAKKLY WEST : magistrate urges retention of ii ii BALFOUR, Col. Eustace: offers to raise a com- Cape Police, 275 ; Boer visit, Nov. '99, 297 pany of Volunteers, iii 10 ; Mafeking relief column formed, iv 216,

: iii 218 rifles BALLOONS use neglected by Buller, 300 ; ; magistrate gives up 120 for Kim-

fear of Boers regarding raid on Pretoria, ii berley, 537 ; rebels in action at Faber's Put, 232-5 143 ; section of Royal Engineers arrives at ii : Modder River, 389 ; valuable service at BARLOW, Lieut. gallantry at Bankkop, v 457 ii Mr. Magersfontein, 410 ; Royal Engineer Section BARNARD, James .-killed at Deerdepoort, iii ii iv at Paardeberg, 476 ; Boer movements re- 298 ; death referred to, 130 iii 242 details : ported near Potgieter's Drift, ; BARNARDISTONE, Lieut. wounded at Storm- of their use, vi 343-5 see also under REGI- berg, ii 380

: ii MENTAL UNITS, BRITISH, ENGINEERS BARNES, Capt. R. W. R. portrait, 180 ; BALMORAL : headquarters of Gen. Botha, iv wounded at Elandslaagte, 194 : ii 381, C62 ; occupied by Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton, BARNETT, Lieut. R. C. killed at Talana,

406 ; Viljoeu attacks station and captures 174

post, v 61 ; Transvaal Government arrive, BAROLONGS : see under NATIVES KAFFIRS 511 BARRON, Monsieur : in joint charge of Beg- BAMBAATA : see under NATIVES KAFFIRS bie's factory at Johannesburg, iv 150 (ZVLUS) BARRON, Limber-Gunner : gallantry at Lady- BAMANGWATOS -.see under NATIVES KAFFIRS smith, ii 234 BAMBOES MOUNTAINS : Kritziiiger's move- BARRON POINT (Vryheid) : attacked, v 118 ments, v 310 BARRY, Lieut. Otter : at v 17 " Bothaville, BAMBOES SPRUIT : drive," v 484 BARRY, Pte. J. : killed at Belfast, v 123

: : ii BAMBOO CREEK Rhodesian Field Force there, BARTER, Col. at De Aar, 136 ; at Modder 355 iv 371 ; locality unknown to War Office, River, ; at Magersfontein, 408 ; in Brand-

375 water Basin, iv 319 ; marches to relieve

: v of BANAGHER, LAKE night raid, v 455 Bakenlaagte, 376 ; composition column,

Col. : iii 447 BANFIELD, at Paardeberg, 428 ; ; guards South African Constabulary posts

wounded, 439 in Eastern Transvaal, 447 ; in charge of in-

BANGWAKETSI : see under NATIVES KAFFIRS trenched camp at Bethal, 450 ; operates BANHURST, Lieut. : wounded at Colenso, ii against Prinsloo, 461 457 BARTHOLOMEW, Lieut. : at Colesberg, iii 464, BANKKOP : headquarters of Transvaal Govern- 465 : ment, v 362 : night raid, 455 ; action, 457, BARTMANN'S SIDING de Wet blows up line,

458 v 138 ; his convoy captured, 139

: ii 180 BANK STATION : railway blown up, iv 345 BARTON, Gen. G. portrait, ; ap- BANKS, Comdt. : at Wepener, iv 58, 62 pointed to command 6th (Fusilier) Brigade, its iv to BANNATINE-ALLASON, Major R. : at Magers- 114 ; composition, 508 ; diverted ii 436 ii 284 at fontein, ; operations South-East Pre- Natal, ; Mooi River, 285, 310, 311, 317; iv toria, 388 at Colenso, 448 ; position on Upper Tugela,

: iii 208 at 243 BANYAILAND Boer trek checked by British ; Chieveley, 242, ; suggests plan Government, i 88 of attack on Bulwana, 497 ; at Cingolo repri-

: 500 BAPEDI see under NATIVES KAFFIRS manded by Gen. Buller, ; at Monte Cristo,

: 504 at iii 506 at BAPSFONTEIN Eastern Transvaal operations, 502, ; Hlangwaue, ; Wynne

V163 Hills, 514 ; at Pieter's Hill, 533-9, 541, 643 ;

BARALONGS : see under NATIVES KAFFIRS slightly wounded, 539 ; at Rooidam, iv 217,

BARBKD : see 218 of 344 WIRE FORTIFICATIONS ; military governor Klerksdorp, ; BARBER'S : movementsiagainst De laRey, weak position on line to Klerksdorp, 361, v 233 ; night raid, 527, 528 362 ; in 1st de Wet hunt, 422 ; attacked at

: v 9-13 on BARBERTON gold discovered, 1885, i 89, 108 ; Frederikstad, ; Klerksdorp railway, of 47 succeeded Col. 59 sends predominance Uitlanders, 109 ; Boers store ; by Babington, ; relief 112 clears arms and supplies there, iv 277 ; Beer women column to Zuurfontein, ; children 326 in command at and sent there ; Boers defend ap- Hekpoort valley, ; Pretoria, 456 465 326 proaches, ; Boers garrison, ; country : ii 333 described, 469 ; Gen. French commences BARTON, Lieut. wounded at Belmont, Miss : desertion to Boers of march on, and captures it, 464, 472 ; com- BARTON, Clara on mand taken over by Maj.-Gen. Stephenson, men furnished by United States Red Cross v47 Society, vi 539 318 BARBOUR, Sir D. : new colonies report on BASING, Col. Lord : at Smithfleld, v ; at

finances, vi 10 Frederikstad, 326 ; Free State operations, 514 BARKER, Maj.-Gen. J. C. C. : in command of 385, 394 ; column in Western Transvaal, lines of communication East of Pretoria, iv BASSKTT'S POST : garrison transferred to Thaba 50 434, 435, v ; succeeded by Sir Bindon Blood, 'Nchu, v 340 ii iii 200 ; in command of Potchefstroom district, BASTARDS : defence of Kununan, 297; 496 114 ; at Yzer Spruit action, 500 113, BARKER, Col. J. S. : relieves Philippolis, v BASTARD'S NEK (Colesberg) : referred to, iii 25 fortifies ; Winburg, 32 ; attempts to relieve 129 Dewetsdorp, 32, 33.; in 2nd de Wet hunt, BASTION HILL (Tugela) : seiaed by Lord Dun- 42 132 iii 5, 37, 39, 41, ; column broken up, ; douald, 238, 234 v 2- THE WAS IN SOUTH AFRICA

BASCTOLAXD : Incorporated in British terri- BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS. ETC. nuinited. 1 46 border watched water v 81 385 tory 1868, ; by Boers, Drift, ; Kleinf.mtein, 384, ; ii Basin iii 124 ; Brandwater operations an Klip Drift, 392-5; Klip Kraal, 404-7; 139 officials furnish v 462 iii analogous position, ; Klippan, ; Koedoesberg Drift, 361-4; iv iv information to Gen. Hunter, 320 ; British Koedoesrand, 219 ; Koesberg, v 88 ; Koffy-

agents send alarmist reports of Boer con- fontein, 26 ; Koffyspruit, iv 896 ; Komati v ii centration in Brandwater Basin, 240 ; source River, v 51, 52; Kraaipan, 268; Krantz

of remounts, iv 16, vi 416, 436, 43)) Kraal, iv 100, 101 ; Kromspruit, v 131 ; Kru-

BASUTOS : see under NATIVES Kaffirs ger's Post, iv 480 ; Kruisrivier, v 57 ; Kuilfon-

: ii iii BATES, Inspector at Kuruman, 275 ; sur- tein Farm, 487 ; Kuruman, 112-14 ; Lalms- renders, iii 113, 114 chagne's Nek (Dec. '99), iii 119, 120; (March,

: in iv ii BATKSON, Major Ladysmith siege, 517 1900), 490, 491 ; Ladysmith, battle of, 212-64 ; : i ii BATHFONTEIN DRIFT occupied by Plumer, Laiiig's Nek, 1881, 55, 03 ; Lake Chrissie,

V204 v 166-9 ; Lang-en-Smal, 169 ; Langverwacht,

: 67-72 BATHOBN, Chief under NATIVBS KAFFIRS 489, 490 ; Leeuw Kop (Dewetsdorp), iv ; BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, ETC. : Acton Homes, Leeuw Kop (Lindley), 305-7; Leliefontein iii iv 195 Amers- 301 v 223 222 ; Alleman's Nek, 184-95, ; (Doornberg), ; Lichtenburg, 222, ; ii iv 439 v 445 iv 253-7 foort, 79, ; Armstrong Drift, ; Lindley, 245, 246, ; Lombards Kop iii ii Arundel, 122-7 ; Babiaansberg, iv 106, 107 ; (nee LADYSMITH, BATTLK OF), 224-64 ; iv iv Bakenlaagte, v 365-76 ; Baken Kop, 305-7 ; Lydenburg, 462, 463 ; Macfarlane's Siding til ii Balmoral, v ; Bankkop, 456-8 ; Bastion Hill, (Kimberley), 276, iv 544, 545 ; McCracken's iv ii iii ii iii 233, 234 ; Belfast, 417, v 123 ; Belmont, Hill, 133-5; Magersfontein, 383-420; i ii 325-33 ; Belmont (reconnaissance), 290, 291 ; Majuba, 1881, 6(3, 63, 76; Malipspoort, battle, ii 326-31; Bergendal, iv 450-57; v 558; Marico River, 327; Middelfonttin,

Bethlehem, 307-9 ; Biddiilphsberg, 249, 251 ; v 112, 113 ; Modderfontein (Transvaal), 114, iii Bird's River Siding, 489 ; Blaauwbank, v 115 ; Modderfontein (Cape Colony), 888, 389 ; v 304 ii 342-61 see 828 ; Blaauwkop, ; Blood River (Din- Modder River, ; Modderspruit i ii 76 gaan's Day), 1838, 37, 57, ; Blood River Ladysmith, battle, above ; Moedwil, v 376-83 ; v i iii Poort, 339, 340 ; Boomplaatz, 1845, 41, ii69 ; Monte Cristo, 602-5 ; Mooifontein, v 293 ; Boschbult, v 520-4; Boschman's Kop, 559, Mostert's Hoek (Reddersburg), iv 52-4; iv 212-14 Botha's 560 ; Boshof, ; Pass, 186-8 ; Naauwpoort Nek, 334-6; Nelhoogte Pass, iii Bothaville, v 15-21 ; Bower's Hoek, 319, 320 ; 470, 471 ; New Zealand Hill, 139-41 ; ii Brandfort, iv 103-5 ; Brandkraal, v 543 ; Nicholson's Nek, 237-55 ; Nooitgedacht 57 Bronkhorstfontein.i56, ; Bronkhorst Spruit, (Western Transvaal), v 96-108 ; Nooitgedacht i ii v >n 1880, 65, 63, 76, 330, 331 ; Brynbella, (Eastern Transvaal), 124, 125 ; Observati< Caesar's iii iv ii 310, 312-6 ; Buffelspoort, v 95 ; Hill, 158-60; Onderste Poort, 349; iii 176-205 Carter's v 364 551-3 Camp, ; Ridge (Kimber- Onverwacht, ; Ookiep, ; Oshoek, v 453 iii 420-46 ley), iv 546, 552-6; Chrissie Lake, 166-9; ; Paardeberg, 413-19, ; (Kitchen- iii ii Cingolo, 498-501 ; Colenso, 421-67 ; re- er's Kopje), 473-7, 480 ; night attack, 482-4 ; iii iv connaissance, Jan. 1900, 243 ; Colenso Paardeplaats (Lindley), 417 ; Paardeplaats 465-7 Kopjes, 514; Colesberg, 121-44, 345, 459-72, (Lydenburg), ; Palmietfontein (Lindley), 487, 488; Crocodile Pools, iv i05, 206; 417; Palmietfontein (North-Eastern Trans- v 111 iii v iv Cyferfonteln, 110, ; Cypherga, vaal), 209, 210 ; Pan, 464, 465 ; Philips- ii iv 204 120 ; Deerdepoort, 298, ; De Klip town, v 140 ; Philippolis, 25 ; Pieter's Hill, iii Drift see Tweebosch, below ; Dewets- 533-43 ; Pink Hill, 466 ; Pinnacle Hill, 464, v iv dorp, iv 66-73, 28-33; Diamond Hill, 465 ; Pitsani, 206 ; Platberg, v 229 ; Platrand 301 iii iv iv 269-96 ; Doornberg, 300, ; Doornkloof, (i.e. Caesar's Camp), 176-206 ; Pretoria, i iv 304 ; Doornkop. 1896, 167 ; reference, 155, 156 ; Quaggafontein (Orange River), v 387 ; Hi 139; May, 1900, 144-7; Dordrecht, Quaggafontein (Valsch River), 422, 423 ; Rail- iii 489 ; Driefontein, 675-87 ; Dronfleld, 411, way Hill, 533-41 ; Ramathlabama, iv 207 ; iv 412 ; Dwarsvley, 354, 355 ; Elandslaagte, Reddersburg (Mostert's Hoek, April, 1900X

ii v 464 s 53 ; v iii 175-211 ; Elandspruit, ; Eland River, 62, (Aug. 1901), 309 ; Rensburg, 407, iv 357-60. 429 Enslin ii 333-40 468 v 14 iv 428, ; (Graspan), ; ; Rensburg Drift, ; Retief's Nek, Dec. 7, '99, 388, 389; Enslin Station, ii 383, 327-30; Rhenoster Kop (Free State), 420; 304-8 Faber's iv 231-5 889 ; Estcourt, ; Put, ; Rhenoster Kop (Transvaal), v 61-4 ; Rhenoster v iv ii Fauresmith. 25 ; Fort Itala, v 344-9 ; Fort River, 265 ; Rhodes' Drift, 271 ; Rietfon- 344-9 546-8 Frederik- 204-6 Prospect, ; Fraserburg, ; tein, ; Rietkuil, v 365 ; Roodehoogte, Tree iv iv stad, 9-13 ; Game Hill, 590, 591 ; 470 ; Roodekraal, v 474, 475 ; Roodewal, 189 v 113-5 627-37 iv Gansvlei, ; Gatsrand, ; Geduld, ; Rooidam, 217, 218 ; Rooipoort, 247 ;

; iv v 224, 225 Geluk, 445, 446, 48 ; Glenflllan, Rustenburg, 345, 348 ; Sannah's Post, 29-50 ; 35 v 456 ; Goed Hoop, 34, ; Goedvooruitzicht, Scheeper's Nek, 180, 181 ; Schimmelhoek, v iv 228 ; Graskop, 399, 400, 408-10 ; Graspan 363, 364 ; Selons River, iv 857 ; Senekal, 300, see above v Enslin, ; Graspan (Reitz), 288, 289 ; 301 ; Six Mile Spruit, 157, 158 ; Slaapkranz, iii 339 331 Grassy Hill, 136-8; Groenkop (Tweefon- 338, ; Slabberts Nek, 330, ; Slanga- tein), v 437-442 ; Grootvlel. 308 ; Gnusfontein, piesberg, v 357; Slangfontein, 385, 386: Hill iii 498, 497 ; Gun (Ladysmith), 167. 168, Smaldeel, 179 ; Smutsoog, 451 ; South Rand 172 v 221 120 246-302 ; Hartebeestfontein, 220, ; Hart's Mine, 119, ; Spion Kop, ; Spitz 50} iv iv iv River, ; Heidelberg, 47-9 ; Heilbron, Kop, 465-9 ; Spitz Kranz, 826, 171-5 v v 268 ; Helpmakaar, ; Helvetia, 121, 122 ; 327 ; Springhaan's Nek, 40, 41 ; Spyt- iv iv Holland, v 455, 456 ; Honingspruit, 268 ; fontein, 420 ; Stinkhoutboom, 419 ; v 303 139 ii ir Hoopstad, 302, ; Hout Kraal, ; Hout- Stormberg, 362-82 ; Suikerbosch Kop, iv 99 iii iv 4 449 iii 116 nek, 98, ; Houwater, 570, 571, 3, ; 448, ; Sunnyside, 115, ; Surprise iii 498 i v Hussar Hill, 497, ; Ingogo, 1881, 66, Hill, 169-72 ; Tabaksberg, 133 ; Tabanyama, ii 63 in iii v ii ; Inniskillin* Hill, 522-9 ; Isandhlwana, 224-34 ; Tafel Kop, 425-7 ; Talana, 141- i iv iv 1879, 63 ; Israel's Farm, 220, 221 ; Israel's 74 ; Thaba 'Nchu, 74-6 ; Tigerkloof Spruit,

v ii : Poort, 73, 74 ; Itala, v 344-8 ; Jackalsfontein, 429, 430 ; Touwfontein, 1875, 68 Tn> 25 v 454 813 ; Jacobsdal, 25, 26 ; Jagersfontein, ; aardtsfontein, ; Tweebosch, 501-8 ; Twee- iii Jammersberg Drift, iv 54-65 ; .Tasfontein, fontein, iv 213, 214 : Tweefontein (Groenkop), 127 iv 147-9 v v iv 424 ; Johannesburg, ; Kaalfontein, 431-44 ; Tygerfontein, 423, ; Uitspan- iv 112 ; Kalkoenskraal, 454 ; Karee Siding, 20- fonU-iii, v 547, 548; Utrecht, 117, 118; Vaal- Klaai- 34 Vaal iii 303-27 22; Katbosch, 266; Kheis, 227, 228; bank, ; Krantz, ; Van Wyk's INDEX

BATTLES, ENGAGEMENTS, FTC. continued. BECHPANALAND RIFLES : see under REGI- Vley, iv 445, v 50, 51; Varkfontein, v 116; MKVi'AL UNITS, BRITIbH of : Vecht Kop (defeat Mosilikatze), iv 238 ; BECHUANAS see under NATIVES KAFFIRS

Vet 105-10 42 : ii River, ; Victoria Nek, v 41, ; BECKETT, Col. C. E. at Talana, 170 ;

Virginia Siding, iv 267 ; Visserkraal, v 389, wounded, 174

390 : ; Vlakfontein, 279-85 ; Vogelstruispoort, BECKETT, Mr. E. W., M.P. on Yeomanry iv 449; Vrieskraal, v 328; Vryheid, 116-8; committee, iii 15

iii 176-205 : Wagon Hill, ; Wakkerstroom Farm, BKCKWITH, Lieut. wounded at Magersfon- iv 68 iii ii 67, ; Waterval Drift, 397-9 ; Welge- tein, 416

v 172 iv Wild- : vonden, ; Wepener, 56-66 ; BEDFORD, Major secretary to principal 227 ii vi fontein, v 226, ; Willow Grange, 311- medical officer in South Africa, 502 10 ; Wilmansrust, v 294-6 ; Witkrans, 454 ; BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT : see under REGI- Witpoort, iv 395-7; Wolvekraal, iii 380, MENTAL UNITS

381 v : ; Wolvekuil, 138 ; Wonderfontein, 57 ; BEER VLEI great de Wet hunt movements, Worcester iii 463-6 515- Hills, ; Wynne Hills, v!46 22 v : for ; Yorkshire, 355, 356 ; Yzer Spruit, 497-9 ; BEES, Pte. receives V.C. gallantry at iv Zand River, 112-25 ; Zand River Bridge Moedwil, v 381

see BEGBIE, : v Virginia Siding above ; Zeekoegat, v 244 ; Capt. killed at Langverwacht, 489

Zilikats iv : Nek, 360, 361 ; Zuikerbosch, 407 ; BEGBIE. Messrs. Johannesburg works taken iv 150 Zuikerboschrand, v 483, 484 ; Zuurvlaakte, over by the Government, ; manufac- 314 310 vi 475 ; Zuurberg, ; Zuurfontein, 111, 112 ture ammunition, ; wrecked by explo- BAUCHOP, Major : at Roodekraal, v 475 sion, iv 150, 151

BAVIAANSBERG : Scheepers mo ves there, v 245 ; BEGINPERLYN : Spens reaches there, v 450,

Boer movements, 309 456 ; Botha moves there, 455

BAYFORD, Lieut. E. H. : wounded at Talana, BEIRA : governed by Mozambique Co., iv 365 ; 11 174 difficulty about passage of Rhodesian Field

Col. : raises in 364-6 369 BAYLY, corps Eastern provinces Force, ; Bushmen arrive, ; conges- of iii 94 tion of 370 Cape Colony, ; at Spion Kop, 272, troops and stores, ; Gen. Carring-

277, 278 ton leaves, 373 ; last Imperial Bushmen sent " " BAYLY'S HORSE : see to land at 375 under REGIMENTAL Durban, ; C battery Royal UNITS, BRITISH Canadian Artillery arrives, 369 BAYNKS, Mr. : supports British Government BEIRA RAILWAY Co. : evolution of construc- in Natal Legislative Assembly, i 306 tion, iv 370 BAYONET : nee under ARMS BEIT, Mr. : conduct re Jameson raid con-

BEACON HILL : British i for (Willow Grange) occu- demned, 198 ; gift Transvaal University, pation, 22 Nov. '99, ii 312-5 vi!43 BKACONSFIELD, Lord : referred to, iii 24 BEITH : Gen. Yule arrives, ii 201 BEACONSFIELD : inhabitants protest against BELCHER, Lieut. H. T. : wounded at battle of exclusion from Kimberley defence scheme, Ladysmith, ii 255

iv 539 defence : killed ; works, 541, 542 ; Town Guard BELCHER, Lieut. W. G. at Baken Kop, see that title iv 306

: in : iv BEADE, Lieut. Eastern Transvaal, v 165 BELFAST Boer positions, 435, 440, 441 ;

Mr. G. B. : 447 BEAK, "The Aftermath of War" town occupied by Pole-Carew, ; position vi 50 of 465 quoted, British, 448 ; strength of garrison, ; : at iii v 123 126 de- BEARCROFT, Capt. Paardeberg, 453 ; at attacked by Boers, ; map, ; Diamond iv 281 Hill, monstration by Gen. Viljoen, 199 ; Sir B. BEARER COMPANIES : see under MEDICAL AR- Blood's columns near, 205, 214 RANGEMENTS BELGIUM : Anglophobia extent, iii 55 BEASLEY, Lieut. : at Nicholson's Nek, ii 249 BELL, Lieut. (Canadians): at Paardeberg, iii 434 BKATSON, Maj.-Gen. S. : composition of BELL, Capt. (Royal Irish Rifles) : wounded at v in ii column, 206, 290 ; North-Eastern Trans- Stormberg, 380 206-216 at and vaal, ; Wilmansrust, 294-6 ; pur- BELL, Mr. C. G. H. .-Resident Magistrate sues Scheepers, 394. Civil Commissioner at Mafeking, iv 573 BEAUFORT WEST : martial law proclaimed, BELLAMY, Capt. : at Tabanyama, iii 233

v 128 : ; drive, 315, 316 ; convoys supply BELL-IRVING, Lieut. -Col. at Lake Chrissie, v

Fraserburg, 546 ; district disloyal, 541, 549 167 BECHUANALAND RIFLES : see under REGI- BELL-SMYTH, Major : credit due for relief of MENTAL UNITS Mafeking, iv 222 BECHUANALAND : Annexation attitude of BELLS : utilized at Mafeking to warn inhabi- i Afrikander Bond, 84 ; Mr. J. W. Leonard tants, iv 581

on of the : in battle policy Bond, 84, 85 ; High Com- BELL'S FARM heliograph use during missioner protests against action of Trans- of Ladysmith, ii 228

iv 569. : ii 322 vaal, Boers settlement favoured by BELMONT Boers in position, 273, ; Mr. i 103. 330 Rhodes, 1834, British Govern- battle, 325-33 ; map, ; garrison, Dec., intervenes to iii from. 115 ment owing Boer aggression, '99, 110 ; Pitcher's operations ii 65. 1884, Englishmen murdered by Boers, BENGAL CAVALRY : see under REGIMENTAL 18S4, i 78. Events Nov. '99, ii 297, 298. UNITS, BRITISH Farmers some of best fighters in South BENNETT, Mr. .(Resident Magistrate of Lady- iii Africa, iv 228. Natives see that title. smith ) : in control of Intombi Camp, Plumer operations, iv 203-8. Pretorius, 157, 158, iv 518

: v 420 in President proclaimed by him to be in BENNETT, Major at Spytfontein, ; Transvaal, 1868, iv 569. Raid by Boers command of 3rd New South Wales Mounted after 1882, i 78. Rebels operations, April- Rifles, 477

June iv 228-36 with la : v 163 '00, ; De Key, July 00, BENONI mines burnt by Boers, 348. Resident Commissioner (Bechuanaland BENSON, Lieut.-Col. G. E. : portrait, v 364 ; at iv Protectorate) seat at Mafeking, 569; Magersfontein, ii 397-9, 407 ; composition office held by Major H. Goold-Adams, 573. and strength of column, v 205, 219, 290, 322, Rhodes retention British Govern- 329 330 in urges by 330, 364 ; night raids described, ; i 78. 1885 i ment, Warren expedition, 78 ; North-Eastern Transvaal, 205, 209, '211, 214, Warren's operations, 1900 see Rebels 299; in Transvaal, Feb.-May '01, 219-21; above, operations in Eastern Transvaal, Aug,-Sept, 70 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

BENSON, Lieut.-Col. G. B. ont'nl. BETHUNE, Col. continued.

'01, 330, 331 ; night raids, 860-2 ; leaves 414 ; in great de Wet hunt, 12S, 130, 181, 1S4, iHou Hi- Middelburg, 364, 365 ; attacked at Baken- 135, 146-8, 152, 153; operations in

laagte, 866-76 ; criticism, 368 ; mortally Western Free State, 234 ; in North-Eastern wounded death, 872-5 Free State, 236, 238, 287, 300 ; sent to NaUI,

BENTINCK, Lord Charles : at Mafeking, H 841 ; sent to Eshowe, b51 ; succeeds Crabbe 268, 269, iv 672, 595 in Cape Colony, 650 BKNTINCK, Lord William : at Orange River, v BETHUNB'S MOUNTED INFANTRY : see under

544 ; Wes- BRITISH 641 ; captures Kritzinger, pursues REGIMENTAL UNITS, from : in sels, 644 ; drives North Beaufort, West, BEUKES, Comdt. command of Harrismith 650 235 at 436 I in 649 ; with Stephenson, district, v ; Langberg, ; heinnp BKKANOK, Major : brings detachment Cape during 2nd drive in North -Eastern Free State, ii in Police into Kimberley, 275 ; command 487 ; escapes, 490 of squadron of Cape Police in Western Trans- BEVAN, Lieut. F. : wounded at Belmont, ii 291 vaal, v 501 BEWAARPLAATSEN : dynamite BKKO, Comdt. van der : see VAN DER BERG property offered by Transvaal Government i iv 131 BERG PLAATS: Plumer captures Long Tom, to capitalists, 236, 237 ; described, v216 BEWICKE-COPLEY, Col. : at Spion Kop, iii 276, BERGENDAL : battle, iv 450-57 287; at Wynne Hills, 518; mobile column BERKELEY, Major : wounded at Magers- organized, v 63 ; at Standerton, 53 ; Eastern fontein, ii 415 Transvaal operations, 331, 361

BERKSHIRE REGIMENT : see under REGIMEN- BEYERS, Gen. C. F. : portrait, v 98 ; at Pieters- la 60 TAL UNITS burg, 45 ; to co-operate with De Rey, ; 105 BERLIN : Boer delegates refused official recep- at Nooitgedacht, 97-103, ; in Magalies- Oct. vi Kaalfon- tion, iv 500 ; Boer generals visit, '02, berg, 109 ; attacks Zuurfontein and 76. tein, 111, 112 ; damages line near Springs, 163 ; ill z>: BERNEY, Capt. : killed at Monte Cristo, 503 in North-Eastern Transvaal, 196, : at Saxou BERRY, Capt. attacks de Wet 658 ; at Vereeniging Conference, 582, 685, vi indis- Drift, v 143 587, 601, 40 ; rebuked by Botha for BERTHASDORP : Boers retreat there, v 179 creet speeches, vi 165 BERTRAM, Lieut. : wounded at Magersfontein, BEYERS, Field-Cornet Hendrik : at Hatherley H415 council of war, iv 275

BESCHUITFONTEIN : -Kritzinger surprised, v BKYEUSBERG : de Wet moves there, v 39 544 BEYNESPOORT Diamond Hill operations, IT ii BEST, Lieut. : wounded at Colenso, 457 286 BESTER, Comdt. A. J. (Bloemfontein) : at BEZUIDENHOUT, Hans : raises rebellion at Vereeniging Conference, v 683 Slagter's Nek, 1815, i 29 BESTKR, Comdt. A. J. (Bethlehem): succeeds BEZUIDENHOUT : attempted seizure of wagon Olivier, v 442; at Slangfontein, 479; at for non-payment of taxes, 1880, i 65 Vereeniging Conference, 683 BEZUIDENHOUT, Comdt. : in Brand water Basin,

J. : in of invades v BESTER, Comdt. A. command Hoop- iv 323, 325, 332 ; Cape Colony, 549,

stad district, v 235 ; in North-Western Free 550 State, v 307 BEKUIDENHOUT'S DRIFT : Manie Botha cap- BESTER, Adjt. in North-Eastern Transvaal, tured, v 578 v465 BIBLIOGRAPHY : vii 26-56

BKSTER, Mr. P. M. : appeals to Boers at Vry- BIDDULPH, Capt. : at Ctesar's Camp, iii 191 heid to go to front, iii 74 BIDDULPHSBERG : action, iv 249-61; Gen. BESTERS STATION : captured by Boers, ii 147 Rundle leaves garrison, 314, 325 BKTHAI, : commando, gee under REGIMENTAL BIEBERSTEIN, Baron Marschall von (German UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS Transvaal Foreign Minister): announces Germany's landdrost ordered to send Boers to front, interest in Transvaal, 18S>5, i 150

: iv iv 118 ; Gen. Clery's movements, 401 ; Gen. BIKS.IESFONTEIN Zand River operations, .French v 19 Feb. 116 occupies it, ; operations, : '01, 164 ; Gen. Bindon Blood's movements, BIESJES VALLEI Lord Methuen moves against 233 298 ; Bruce Hamilton's movements, 460 De la Rey, v BETHESDA ROAD : Lotter captures party of "BIG BEN" : designation of Long Tom at French's scouts, v 319 Mafeking, iv 582 BETHLEHEM : commando see under REGI- BlQGARSBERG : Gen. Kock crosses, ii 175 ; Yule MENTAL UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS Orange retreats through, 201, 202; described, iv 170, Iv of Free State captured by Gen. Clements, 171 ; strength Boers, 28, 94, 95 ; operations,

307-9 ; Gen. Hunter arrives, 311 ; garrison, 169-77

: of iv 325, v 428 ; district reorganized by de Wet, BlGHAM, Mr. Justice member Martial 432 vi 235 ; blockhouses built, 400, ; supply Law Commission, 69, 570

: ii depot formed, 468 ; drives, 482, 483, 492 ; BILTONG described, 76 railway built to Kroonstad, vi 137 BINNIE, Lieut. : at Ladysmith, iv 623 BBTHULIE : Bridge Boers arrange to blow it BIRD, Major (Dublin Fusiliers) : at Talana, ii Boers cross and invade ii 208 up, 121 ; Cape 154 ; retreat to Ladysmith, Colony, 280; railway bridge blown up, iii BIRD, Major (Rhodesia) : at Crocodile Pools, vi 841 at 692 ; road bridge saved, 592, 314, ; iv 205 ; captures laager Gopani ; opera- iv deviation finished, 13, vi 314 ; troops tions North of Mafeking, 206; at Lobatsi, i rumour of placing some there, Aug. *99, 818 ; 237 occupied by Gen. Gatacre, iii 593; 2nd de BIRD'S RIVER SIDING : action, iii 489 v Wet hunt movements, v 34, 36, 37 ; great de BIRDWOOD, Major: on headquarters staff, Wet hunt movements, 134, 135; COMMANDO 274

: vi 528 staff see under REGIMENTAL UNITS, BOER COM- BIKKBKOK, Col. W. H. portrait, ; for 430 head of MANDOS Orange Free State officer remounts, ; depart- BETHUNE, Col. : at Spion Kop, iii 261, 272, ment, 432 iii Mr. : and renewal of 292 ; at Greytown, 330; movements along BIRKENRUTH. dynamite iv i 237 the Tugela, 510, 533 ; at Helpmakaar, 172, monopoly, 236,

173 ; at Vryheid, 180, 181 ; composition of BIRKENSTOOK, Mr. C. : at Vereeniging Con- v 683 column, T 128, 134, 287 ; taken over by Lowe, ference, INDEX 71

BLAAUWBANK : Miiller surprised by Gen. W. BLOEMFONTETN FARM (Eastern Transvaal) : Kitchener, v 828 Transvaal Government move there, v 451 BLAAUWBERG : Gen. Colvile drives Boers from BLOEMHOF : commando see under REGI- position, iv 245, 246 MENTAL UNITS Boer Commandos Orange BLAAUWBLOEMJESKLOOF DRIFT : Plumer occu Free State pies it, v 204 BLOKLAND, Mr. Beelaerts van (Transvaal agent

: iii in : i BLAAUWBOSCH PAN Gen. French there, 386 Holland) portrait, 98 ; assists in for- BLAAUW KOP : great de Wet hunt operations, mation of Netherlands Railway Co.. 113, v 143, 144 114 BLAAUW KOP (Ermelo): Botha concentrates BLOMFIELD, Col. : at Spion Kop, iii, 257, 258, 263 264 there, v 334 ; action, 364 ; ; at Dundee, v 54 ; at Vryheid, 118 BLACKBURN, Capt. : mortally wounded at BLOOD, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Bindon : commands Limpopo River, ii 271 line of communications east of Pretoria, v " " : in BLACK CIRCUIT first judicial circuit 200 ; North-East Transvaal operations, 200, i Cape Colony, 28 205, 207, 209, 328 ; operations in Eastern

BLACK WATCH see REGIMENTAL UNITS Transvaal, 292, 298 ; returns to India ; " " BLACK WATCH : see under NATIVES, KAF- criticism, 331 FIRS Barolongs BLOOD RIVER : defeat of Dingaan, i 37, ii 57, " " : in and the 76 es- BLACK WEEK effect England ; convoy captured by Boers ; post ii iii 29 exulta- v 53 Empire, 467, 3, 4, 28, ; general tablished, ; operations, 210-3 follow : tion in Europe, 48-50 ; Boers neglect to BLOOD RIVER POORT action, v 339, 340 up advantage, 70, 71 BLOT'S FARM : Gen. Buller's troops march BLACKWOOD CAMP : Viljoen arrives, v 213 there, iii 507 BLAINE, Mr. : appointed legal adviser of BLUNDELL, Lieut. B. H. : killed at Belmont, vi 148 ii 333 Orange River Colony, 33 ; appreciation, 329, BLAIR, Lieut. D. A. : gallantry at Commissie BODENSTEIN, Landdrost : killed at .Elands- Bridge, v 37 laagte, ii 194 BLAIR, Col. F. G. : in command of 4th Bn. BODLE, Col. : attacked at Pitsani, iv 206 I.Y., iv 511 BODYGUARD : see under REGIMENTAL UNITS, BLAKE, Mr. : member of committee of inquiry BRITISH Commander-in-Chiefs Body- on Jameson raid, i 197 guard BLAKK, Col. : with Irish Brigade at battle of BOEKENHOUTKLOOF : confusion about farms, ii 255 Ladysmith, 225 ; wounded, ; position at iv402

iii iv 103 : Ladysmith, 154 ; at Brandfort, 94, BOEKENHOUTSKLOOF Diamond Hill move- BLAKE, Major : at Spion Kop, iii 270 ments, iv 286, 291 BLEWITT, Major: at battle of Ladysmith, ii BOER REPUBLICS : colours worn by rebels iii 195 in iii 228, 233 ; at Wagon Hill, Cape Colony, 86 ; measures taken by : Free State iv BLIQNAULT, Mr. removes Orange Lord Roberts, 496, 497 ; administration in iii 587 iv archives to Kroonstad, Transvaal, 496, 497 ; military admini-

: i vi BLIGNAULT, Mr. J. N. attitude on the war, stration, 4, 5, 573-602 ; text of of, 575 ; 380 administrative arrangements in Orange River : iv 98 at BLIONAUT, Comdt. at Houtnek, 97, ; Colony 335 : Spitz Kranz, 324 ; at Naauwpoort Nek, 334, BOER WAR, 1880 see under TRANSVAAL BLIJDSCHAP: de Wet's favourite headquarters, BOERS : ambitions i 38, iii 68, 69. Army council of " " v 393 ; he meets Steyn and holds see that title. Back-veld character ; i 88. war, 417, 418 ; movements against him, 419, support Kruger, Banyailand Trek 420 organization and failure, i 106. Bribes BLINKWATER : operations, v 211, 212 given to customs official at Lorenzo BLOCKHOUSES : see under FORTIFICATIONS Marques to pass stores through, iv 332.

: vi i BLOEMFONTEIN administration, military, British cause of hostility to, 26 ; early i 4, 5, 576-82, iv 497. Ammunition received, treatment by, 28 ; grievances against, 34 ; Sir 305. Blockhouses built to Basuto border, A. Milner on equality of two races, 249 ; v 401. Captured by the Boers, '48, i 41, first armed conflict in Natal, 1842, ii 58. ii 59. Command Kelly-Kenny iv 90, 263, Cape Colony extension Northward, ii 51, Sir v 27 62. i 151. 265 ; taken over by A. Hunter, ; by Kruger attitude towards, 150, " " 110 C. 556. i 214 Gen. Tucker, ; by Gen. Knox, Loyalty 207, ; strain during the war see UNITS 221 Commando under REGIMENTAL discussed, ; Lord Milner opposition BOER COMMANDOS, Orange Free State. to his policy, 307. Transvaal political and Conferences 1887, meeting of Kruger and commercial claims ignored there, i 92. i of and i Brand, 99-101 ; 1899, meeting Kruger Characteristics 25, 26, ii 48, iii 68, iv 82. Milner suggested, 257, 258; arranged, 259; Civil wars 1854-1864, in Transvaal, ii 61. 242 of attitude of Johannesburg, ; details Colonials hatred of them, iv 56. Com- with American see meetings, 244-^85 ; comparison mandos under REGIMENTAL UNITS i 7 1903 BOER in Trans- Senate Committee, ; (customs, &c.), COMMANDOS. Degeneracy vi 97. Convention Orange Free State es- vaal about 1870, i 49. Delegates,, 1883, 1884 i 44. of i iv tablished, 1854, Court appeal portraits, 98 ; sent to Europe, 1900, 28 ; vi 218. fixed there by National Convention, cool reception in Europe and America, 500 ; Crown Colony Government inaugurated position, v 510, 511. Dingaan's Day vi iii 573 see 42. Defence position selected, ; that title. Dopper sect anti-foreign v i 61. Boer positions, 586 ; posts extended, 260, prejudice, Dress see under ARMY, 261. Grey College developed into resi- below. Farmers support movement for dential University College, vi 143. Governor, imported labour, vi 118. Generals visit to iv i military Gen. Pretyman appointed, H. Europe, vi 72-8. Great Trek, 1836 84-45 ; Occupation Lord Roberts's advance on it, motives and character, ii 56, 57. Guerilla war iii 553-97 590 see ; entry, ; promises protection adaptability, v 579. Identity under of to inhabitants, 589 ; number troops that ARMY, ard TRANSVAAL IDENTIFICATION iii iv 13 halt entered March 13, '00, 594, ; at, DEPARTMENT. Independence hoped for iv 1-22. site i 41. i Residency acquired, from Liberal party, 1879, 64 ; petition of

South Bloemfontein district reorganized rights to President Brand, 1881, 80 ; a con- v 235. March iv dition of by de Wet, Supplies '00, proposal at Peace Conference, v 565 ; set SANNAH'S POST attitude IB. Waterworks under at Vereeniging Conference, 686 ; 72 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

BOERS mntimud. BOMB-PROOF SHELTERS : tee under FORTIFICA- inability to negotiate on this basis, 604; tee TIONS also TRANSVAAL Independence. Laagers BONUS, Capt W. J. : at Spion Kop, iii 272, 279 tee that title. Law reverence for, v 586. BOOMPLAATZ : battle, 1848, i 41, 42, ii 69 Leaders attitude after peace, vi 39-41, 44, BOOTH, Major A. W. C. : killed at Sannah's iv 72 ; visit to Europe, 72-78 ; attitude at time Post, 43

: iii of Chamberlain's visit, 79-80, 93 ; refuse to BOOTH, Capt. W. H. at Paardeberg, 442

join Legislative Council, 89 90 ; general BORCKENHAGEN, Carl : agitation in of i political attitude, 153 ; criticism repatria- Free State, 1881, 80 ; editor of Orange Free

tion, &c., 49, 84, 100 ; attitude towards State Express ; death, 1898, 83

Chinese labour, 116, 118, 128, 197 ; abolition, BIIKKEN, Sir F. : quotation from speech to iii 198-9 ; education, 142, 143 ; creation of Het 1st Canadian contingent, 27 ; efforts in

Volk, 164, 165 ; attitude towards Liberal organizing it, 41 of : iv killed Government, 184, 185 ; acceptance Empire, BORDKN, Lieut at Vet River, 108 ;

201 ; statesmanship of Botha and Smuts, at Witpoort, 397

in : see AI, I 202-7 ; part Union movement, 210, 212, BORDER HORSE under REGIMENT NITS 215. Leave see under ARMY, BOER. Marks- BORDER MOUNTED POLICE: see under manship see SHOOTINQ. Massacre by MENTAL UNITS Zulus at Weenen, 1838, 37. Nation and the BORDER MOUNTED RIFLES: tee under REGI- continuation of : the war, v 605. National MENTAL UNITS, BRITISH iii spirit weakness, 70, 71 ; growth, v 66 ; BORDER REGIMENT : see under REGIMENTAL condition, '01, 191. Natives see that title. UNITS Non-combatants personal safety in Trans- BORDER SCOUTS: see under REGIMENTAL vaal iv 491 v 77 guaranteed, ; camps formed, ; UNITS ordered to be deported by Lord Kitchener, BOSCHBANK DRIFT : occupied by Col. Broad- 162; at Langverwacht with de Wet, 489. wood, iv 135 Oath of neutrality Lord Roberts's proclam- BOSCHBULT : action, v 520-4 ations, iv 491, vi 574-6. Patriotism see BOSCHFONTEIN KOPJES : De la Rey imposition, under ARMY, BOER. Pretoria Convention- v 109 attitude after, i 73. Proclamations see that BOSCHOEK NEK : held by Boers, iv 355 title. Progressives Uitlanders support BOSCHKOP : Diamond Hill operations, iv 284, protest against corruption of administration, 285

1 134 : v 132 ; opposed to franchise scheme, 1889, ; BOSOHMANSFONTEIH night raid, 458 election : off opposed to Kruger's election, 139 ; BOSCHMAN'S KOP Boers driven by French,

furthered by Uitlanders, 142, 143 ; attitude v 163 ; action, 559, 560

after Bloemfontein Conference, 288 ; see BOSCUHOEK : operations, v 179, 352-5 also TRANSVAAL. Reconciliation Milner's BOSCHPAN : movements in drive, v 528

vi 14 of : policy, ; effect the war, 219. Repa- BOSCHPOORT DRIFT (Kroonstad) movement*, triation see that title. Requisitions pay- iv!22 ment of notes discussed at Peace Conference, BOSCHPOORT DRIFT (Wilge River) : secured by v 595 of iv 594, ; terms treaty, 699. Songs- Col. Alderson, 404 see VOLKSLIED. Strength see under ARMY, BOSCHRAND : battle see under DRIKFONTEIN BOER. Surrender Lord Kitchener's offer BOSCHRAND (near Kroonstad) : fighting with in event of, v 87. Surrendered allowed to P. Botha, iv 122, 123

return to iv : iii 190 farms, 127 ; resume hostilities, BOSELEY, Sergt. at Caesar's Camp, 492 ; not to be sent out of South Africa, 493 ; BOSHOF, President: statement on Pretorius- advice on removal of v i Boers, 86 ; use made Kruger raid, 48 of 249 : them, 248, ; guide British, 451 ; atti- BOSHOF, Comdt escorts Stevn to Eastern vi 16 iv tude, ; active co-operation with British, Transvaal, 474 ; goes North from Hector- 17. Tactics see that title. Training spruit, 477 ii BOSHOF : Boers, force encamped, 124 ; Fer-

reira retreats to, iii 417 ; Lord Methuen iii ordered to clear the district, 571 ; occupies tones iii 214 unemotional attitude, 67, it, iv 211 ; defeats Villebois Mareuil, 213, ; i iii iii 223 dis- War attitude, 327, 80, 85-7; early movements, April-May, 212, 217, ; i 353 in of v plans, ; demands view victory, 371 ; trict reorganized by de Wet, 235 ; posts confluence in it success, 141 ; reasons for established to Bultfontein, 899 ; for commando iii 71 undertaking it, ; how regarded by them, see under REGIMENTAL UNITS, BOER COM- 80 attitude on ; continuance, v 459, 605 ; MANDOS ii 119. preparations, 120 ; conduct of see BOSHOFF, Comdt. : killed, v 382 under WAR. Warfare early development BOSHOFF'S FARM : movements, iv 328 of ii 53 methods, ; methods contrasted with BOSMAN, Comdt. : at Katbosch Nek, iv 268 European, 54, 814. Widows and Orphans BOSMAN, Rev. H. J.: officiates at last v.ilks- relief measures see iv v under KELIKF FUNDS. raad, 130 ; at Vereeniging Conference, visit the iii Women laagers, 80 ; sent away 583

from iv 393 : ii 429 Pretoria, ; allowed to fire off guns BOTHA, Gen. Christiaan at Colenso, ; at at Maf iii iv eking, 586 Cingolo, 499 ; retires towards Vryheid, BOESMAN'S KOP : of iv with Sir R. movements troops, 35, 180 ; surrender negotiations Buller, 49 383 concen- 40, 43-6, 48, 183, 184 ; command, July '00, ; i BOK, Mr.: at Pretoria Conference, 1887, 95 trates against Buller, 438 ; retires to Amster-

: Col. v 116-9 ; and BOKFONTKIN Baden-Powell and Gen. dam, 439 ; attacks Vryheid, iv 345 165 Button join hands, Belfast, 123, 124 ; attacks Col. Campbell, ;

: xee crosses of BOKSBURG commando under REGI- in Pongola Valley, 179 ; line posts

MENTAL UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS, Trans- south of Piet Relief, 180 ; present at council ii vaal ; landdrost killed at Elandslaagte, of war at De Emigratie, 277 ; attacks Itala,

194 Boers iv 383 349 ; takes ; there, 344-8 ; captures Melmoth convoy, 357 BOKSBURG POLICE see under REGIMENTAL transport into Swaziland, ; recuperates 363 in UNITS near Ermelo, 360 ; at Schimmelhoek, ;

: BOLDINGH, Lieut. G. given a command in action at Onverwacht, 364 ; atGlenfilIan,456 ; Free State Artillery, iv 27 at Vereeniging Conference, 582, 583 : BOLITHO, Capt. : at Nooitgedacht, v 103 resolution, 604 INDEX 73

BOTHA, Comdt. Danie"! : command in Western BOTHA, Gen. Lou\s continued. iv 347 Transvaal, after Bakenlaagte, 449 ; accompanies Govern-

: i BOTHA, Comdt. Hans portrait, 372 ; at ment to Carolina, 450 ; attacked at Oshoek, iv Mafeking, 570 451, 453 ; at Kalkoenskraal, 454 ; strength of head BOTHA, Comdt. Hermanns ("Manie"): force, 456 ; moves to Vryheid, 459, 460. iv of Vrede commando, 514, v 235 ; moves to Abilities praised, iv 24 ; Boer admiration, 418 ii Eastern Transvaal, v 290 ; at Blijdschap, ; 230 ; evidences of statesmanship, vi 165, at Spytfontein, 420 ; breaks through driving 202. Capture narrow escape, v 362-4.

: in at line, 485 joins de Wet, 487 ; action Chamberlain, Mr. interviews in London, vi 489 Langverwacht, ; movements, March-April 74, 75, 77 ; meets him at Pretoria, 79 ;

'02, 555, 556 ; captured at Wilge River, 578 views on result of visit to South Africa, BOTHA, Comdt. L. A. J. : protests against 96. Chinese labour gives evidence before Baden-Powell's banter at iv 589 Labour 116 attitude towards Mafeking, Commission, yi ; L. BOTHA, Comdt. P. H. : at Vereeniging importation of Chinese, 118 ; intentions Conference, v 583 regarding repatriation of Chinese, 197.

: iv BOTHA, Gen. Louis portrait, 274 ; Kruger Command tribute, ii 91. Concentration

wishes ii 142 to 144 ; v 405. him success, ; Dundee, camps eulogy, Crown Colony ad-

at battle of Ladysmith, 230 ; assistant-general ministration attitude, vi 204. Economic in command of Lukas Meyer's force, 303 ; crisis correspondence in British press, vi at south of Tugela, 303 ; at Estcourt, 308 ; 101. Education in Transvaal confers with advance on Mr. Willow Grange, 311, 313 ; advises Smuts and Lord Milner, vi 142. Europe 317 at 422 v 73. Pietermaritzburg, 316, ; Colenso, ; mission, Het Volk organizes, vi insists on Boers holding Hlangwane, 431, 164, 165; rebukes Gen. Beyers, 165, 176. in iii 72 at 432 ; urges advance Natal, ; Loan arrangement with British Govern- 155 on vi 198. Ladysmith, ; movements Upper Tugela, ment announced, Ministry formed, at vi 191. calls 213 ; commands Boer right wing, 220 ; Peace a meeting at Hather- 235 at iv Tabanyama, 228, 234, ; Spion Kop, ley, 273, 274 ; breaks off negotiations 297 visits 253-5, 267, 275, 277, 292, 293, ; with Lord Roberts, 276 ; at Middelburg after 310 at Vaal v Pretoria the battle, ; Krantz, Conference, 183, 184, 188, 190-3 ; suggests

324, 328 ; reinforces Hlangwane (Tugela), overtures, Oct. '01, 417 ; attends Boer 506 of 511 conference ; suggests raising siege Ladysmith, ; at Klerksdorp, 526, 527 ; at- 513 at Inniskilling Hill, ; laagers objects titude, April '02, 542, 563, 567, 568 ; at 515 to Gen. Joubert's position, ; suggests Vereeniging Conference, 586 ; appeals for of Gen. 536 at supersession Lukas Meyer, ; peace, 589 ; member of commission sent to Pieter's 536-44 at 548 Hill, ; Elandslaagte, ; negotiate at Pretoria, 590 ; attitude on the successor to Gen. iv 26 financial appointed Joubert, ; question, 594 ; signatory to treaty, to Free 94 orders landdrosts 598 moves State, ; 597, ; urges peace, 603 ; appeals to de to iv 113 takes 604 to send Boers front, ; command Wet, ; enjoins Boers to acquiesce in 113 in Orange Free State, ; at Zand River, settlement, vi 40. Proclamations see that 113, 115, 117, 278; at Kroonstad, 123; at title. Self-g-overnment in Transvaal cam-

Rhenoster River, 129, 135 ; crosses Vaal paign against Lyttelton Constitution, vi 184. 137 River, 135, 137 ; at Klip River, ; Johan- South African Union at Convention, vi

nesburg operations, 139 ; protests against 215 ; approves unification, 216

Pre- : blowing up mines, 131, 151 ; evacuates BoTHA.-Comdt. in Cape Colony, v 315, 317, 319 its unconditional sur- : toria, 154 ; agrees to BOTHA, Mrs. meets her husband at Pretoria, 159 of render, 158, ; advocates promotion iv275

212 la : Col. de Villebois Mareuil, ; sends De BOTHA, Gen. Philip at Paardeberg, iii 442, relief 218 480 Rey to oppose Mafeking column, ; ; at Driefontein, 574 ; at Kroonstad 291-4 iv 26 at Diamond Hill, 277, 278, ; reorganizes Krygsraad, ; at Thaba 'Nchu, 74 ; near of 346 head- 94 commandos Western Transvaal, ; Brandfort ; at Houtnek, 97 ; at Winburg, at 382 sends officer 104 at quarters Balmoral, 381, ; ; Babiaansberg, 106, 107 ; to Winburg, Lorenzo to 107 at 114 to Marques smuggle through ; Zand River, ;at Kroonstad, 122 ; in

stores, 382 ; operations South-East Pretoria, Brandwater Basin, 311, 316, 317 ; in 1st de

388-90, 395-7 ; protests against Boer women Wet hunt, 430 ; sent to collect Vrede and from near being sent away Pretoria, 393 ; Harrismith burghers, v 3 ; commands Harri- 435 440-3 smith 8 Belfast, ; positions, Aug. '00, ; burghers, ; at Doornberg, 21 ; breaks 459 to at Bergendal, 452, 458, ; Lydenburg, through at Springhaan's Nek, 28 ; in Dewets- 465 defeated at 131 killed 456, 461-3, ; Paardeplaats, dorp attack, .30 ; at Kromspruit, ; to 466 ; returns railway, 467 ; goes north at Doornberg, 234

from Hectorspruit, 477 ; escapes through BOTHA, Field-Cornet : killed at Macfarlane's ill ii Burger's Pass, 480 ; with quinsy, 473, 474 ; Siding, 276

v 45 : -iv at Pietersburg, 44, ; reorganizes Boers BOTHASBERG Boers in position, 440 ; move- 120 in Eastern Transvaal, 60, ; attacks gam- ments of Sir B. Blood's columns, v 208, 209, Wakkerstroom and 214 sons at Utrecht, Vryheid, ; Miiller surprised by British, 465 of attack on : 116-9 ; scheme Delagoa railway, BOTHA'S DRIFT great de Wet hunt move- Transvaal 122 ; Eastern operations plan, ments, v 152

166 attacks Smith-Dorrien : Feb. '01, 165, ; at BOTHA'S KRAAL Boers cross railway, v 484

166-9 Natal invasion frus- : Lake Chrissie, ; BOTHA'S PASS battle, iv 185-8 ; drive, May 181 at council of war at v 288 458 block- trated, 165, 166, ; '01, ; supply depot formed, ; resolves to De Emigratie, 277 ; preserve house line completed, 467

292 dis- : security of Transvaal Government, ; BOTHAVILI/B Gen. Hutton makes reconnais- in South-Eastern misses Tobias Smuts, 329 ; ance, iv 129, 130 ; Boers surrender to Methuen, 558 Vil- Transvaal, 329-31, 557, ; reprimands 223 ; battle, v 15-21 ; Knox arrives, 286 - 335 at- : joen for communicating with British, ; BOTHWELL Smith Dorrien's movements, v tempt to invade Natal movements, Sept.- 166, 171

362-4 decides : Oct. '01, 334-8, 343-9, 351-6, 360, ; BOTMAN, Comdt. commands Pretoria Town Itala 344 British in to attack and Fort Prospect, ; commando, v 164 ; Eastern Transvaal, 351 at plan to entrap him, ; Boschhoek, 352, 164

at : ii 354 ; parts with his wagons, 353 ; Yorkshire, BOTTOMLEY, Major at Willow Grange, 315 ;

356 ; Piet 356 arrives near iii 545 rides 355, escapes past Retief, ; Ladysmith, ; into at Bakenlaagte, 367, 370, 375; movements the town, iv 529 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

BOUILLON, Sergt.-Ma]or ran : at Colesberg, til BRAND, President John continued.

140 1881, 80 ; opposed to formation of Afrikander BOULTBEE, Major C. A. T. : wounded at Bond, 83 ; referred to by Mr. Merriman, 80 ; Talana, ii 162 conference with Kruger at Bloemfontein 1887,

: v BOULTON, Lieut. at Bothaville, 17 99-101 ; suggests formation of Federal Union, BOURKB, Maj.-Gen. K. : Governor of Cape 99, 100 Colony, 1 386 BRAND, Gen. G. A. : Cape Colony invasion, : in BOUWER, Comdt. at Vet. Elver, v 302 ; v 130, 146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153; captures Cape Colony, 545, 549 detachment at Slangfontein, 385, 386 ; in : of BOWER'S HOEK capture of Letter, v 320 action at Tweefontein, 437, 438 ; strength

BOYD, Col. Rochfort : see under RocnFORT- force, 557 ; attends peace conference, 582, 683 BOYD. BRAND, Judge : sentence in Nellmapius case : iv In i BOYES, Gen. J. E. at Dewetsdorp, 67 ; revoked by Kruger ; resigns, 129

command of 17th Brigade, 240, 506 ; at Sene- BRAND, Hon. R. H. : part played in National

kal, 249 ; at Ficksburg, 313 ; in Brandwater Convention, vi 213

Basin, 323 ; at Commando Nek, 332 ; at Vrede, BRANDFORT : Boers strength, iv 28, 94 ; C. de

v 4 ; in North- Eastern Free State, 7, 8 Wet leaves, 29 ; captured by Lord Roberts,

BRABANT, Lieut. H. E. : portrait, ii 180 ; at 103-5 ; commando see under REGIMENTAL

Elandslaagte, 189 ; killed at Ladysmith, 189 UNITS, BOBB COMMANDOS, Orange Free BRABANT, Maj.-Gen. Sir E. Y. : portrait, iii State iv 96 ; raises Brabant's Horse, 94 ; in command BRAND KOP: captured by French, 687,

of Colonial Division, 95, 344 ; its com- 588

position, iv 506 ; gazetted Brigadier-General, BRAND KRAAL : action, v 543 : iii 344 ; strength of force, 489, 490, iv 239 ; BRAND'S DRIFT Col. Main ttfere with flying relations with Gen. Gatacre regarding com- column, iv 313 iii referred il mand, 489 ; occupies Dordrecht, 489 ; at BRANDWACHT (i.e. patrol): to,

Labuschagne's Nek, 490, 491 ; occupies James- 84 : iv town, 593 ; saves Aliwal North bridge, 593 ; BRANDWATER BASIN described, 309, 310, 11 in Orange Free State, iv 10, ; relieves 315; operations, June -July '00, 309-43; of in Wepener, 63, 65, 66 ; occupies Rouxville, 65 ; operations one greatest achievements the 343 v 234- at Thaba 'Nchu, 241 ; occupies Ficksburg, war, ; expedition by Rundle, 401 incursion 242 ; at Senekal, 248 ; at Biddulphsberg, 302 ; 41 ; blockhouses built, ; by

at Laager Spruit, 314 ; organizes defence Elliot, 578 forces of Cape Colony, v 84 BRANNIQAN, Major : wounded at Colenso, ii BRABANT'S HORSE : see under REGIMENTAL 457 " UNITS, BRITISH BRAZILIA ": Great Trek arrives at Natal BRABAZON, Maj.-Gen. : appointed second-in- with help for the Boers, i 37 iii : issue command to Gen. French, 127 ; at Coles- BREBNER, Comdt. helps to reorganize iv 27 berg, 345, 346 ; organizes Yeomanry, 367, iv of clothing, C. : elected a of 65, 79, 80 ; at Naauwpoort, iii 495 ; at BREBNER, Mr. W. J. Secretary Free v 133 at- Wepener, iv 63, 65 ; Dewetsdorp operations, State for Orange State, '01, ; 67,72 tends peace conference at Klerksdorp, 527 ; BRACKENBURY, Sir H. : in Zulu War 1879, Ii signatory to treaty of peace, v 598 s 25 ; work in connexion with maintaining BREKDT'S NEK: Gen. French movements, of in South ii 43 v 109 action of Nooit- efficiency Army Africa, ; ; movements during

mobilization scheme initiated, vi 236 ; urges gedacht, 98; blockhouse line constructed,

formation of Ordnance reserve, 450 ; reports 324 shortage of ammunition, 451, 452 BREMERSDORP : burnt by Tobias Smuts, v 329

: v BRADBURY, Lieut. : killed at Elandslaagte, ii BRESLER, Comdt. captured at Rietapruit, 194 239

BRADLEY, Col. C. E. : in command of 15th BRESLER'S FLAT: Gen. Rundle in position, Brigade, v 59 iv 242 BRADSHAW, Lieut. : magistrate in charge of BREWIS, Lieut. : at Bakenlaagte, v 370 native affairs, vi 596 BREYTKNBACH, Comdt. : at Magersfontein, ill " " : sails ii v BRAEMAR CASTLE from England, 391 ; in Gatsrand, 113, 114 ; captured, 461 116 BREYTENBACH, Field-Cornet B. H. (Ermelo):

: iii BRAIN, Mr. elected a Secretary of State for at Vaal Krantz, 312 ; at Vereeniging Orange Free State, v 133 Conference, v 683 BRAKFONTEIN (Natal) : Boer position Jan. BRIDGE, Col. C. H. : sent to South Africa as '00, iii 213 special service officer to organize transport, BRAKFONTEIN (North-Eastern Free State): ii 101, vi 376 ; in charge of transport and de Wet arrives, v 487 remounts, ii 114, iii 350, vi 379 ; purchases

BRAKFONTEIN (Transvaal): Col. Hore besieged, ox-wagons, iii 350 ; orders regarding pooling iv 357-61, 428, 429 of transport, 351 ; in charge of transport on BRAKHAN, Mr. : interview with Dr. Leyds base and lines of communication, iii 353 ; regarding renewal of dynamite monopoly, i work in connexion with supply and transport, 236, 237 vi 376, 384, 387 ; and with remounts, 430 ;

BRAKPAN : Boers laager captured, v 220; position, 389 ; leaves South Africa, 396 Kekewich camps there, 498 BRIDGES: penalty imposed on loyalists by ii BRAK RIVER : flood stops de Wet, v 142 ; Boers in case of destruction, 275 ; Achter- ii Knox crosses, 142, 143 ; Brand and Hertzog tang wrecked by Boers, 291 ; Aliwal North cross, 146 British neglect to blow up, 292, vi 340 ;

: v iU BRAKSPRUIT movements April-May "01, saved by Brabant's Horse, 593 ; Bethulie at- 229, 231 ; movements against Boers, 519 ; railway bridge blown up By Boers, 692 ; ii drive, 521 tempt to blow up, 121 ; road bridge saved, : iii 121 iv vi 314 BRALL, Field-Cornet at De Aar, 693< ; deviation constructed, 12, IS, ; : i BRAND, President John portrait, 78 ; wise Brandfort blown up by Boers, iv 29 ; Bronk- administration of Orange Free State, 46 ; horst Spruit blown up by Boers, 407 ; devia- Transvaal policy, 46, 47 ; assists in drawing up tion made, 436 ; Burghersdorp blown up by ii Constitution 1879, 64 ; Boer rising 1880 offers British, 291 ; Colenso guarded by troops, mediation, 67; Boers petition of rights, 131 ; blown up by the Boers, 318 ; confusion INDEX 75

SRIDGES continued. BRIGADES, CAVALRY continued. about bridges, 436 ; Colenso Fills repaired operations, 138, 140, 141, 442, 149; advance iii to on 161 by British, 508 ; Colesberg attempt Pretoria, 156, ; release prisoners at vi destroy frustrated by Boers, 141, 142, 339 ; Waterval, 269-70 ; at Diamond Hill, 280, 286 ; iii at destroyed by Boers, 592 ; Crocodile Pools Kameeldrift, 385 ; operations South-East 391 destroyed by Boers, iv 205 ; repaired by Pretoria, 390, ; temporarily under Col. des- 396 Plumer, 205 ; Fourteen Streams partially Clowes, ; Komati Poort advance, move- ii iv 223 436 troyed, 273 ; repaired by Hunter, ; ments end July, ; advance to Barberton, ii in Frere blown up by Boers, 318; repaired, 470 ; action at Nelhoogte Pass, 471 ; under 19 -Gen. 504 422 ; Glen blown up by Boers, iv 18, ; Brig. T. C. Porter, ; under Brig. -Gen. in- v in Hanover Road guarded by mounted Gordon, 48 ; march to Heidelberg, 47, 49 ;

fantry, 293 ; Hopetown destroyed, 137 ; Johannesburg district, 59 ; with French in Ingagane importance of blowing it up, Magaliesberg, 109. ist Cavalry (Natal) iii 196 ; neglect of British to destroy, 144; formed, 309 ; under Brig. -Gen. Burn- iv iv 510 Kaap Muiden blown up by British, 387; Murdoch composition, ; at Vaal Krantz, Kimberley guards placed on line to South, iii 313, 328; on the Tugela, 530, 533; at 634 ; Komati Poort^ British attempts to blow Pieter's Hill, 545 ; to Elandslaagte, iv 168 ; des- left in up, 386, 387 ; undamaged by Boers, 481 ; Natal, 399, 437. and Cavalry com- iii truction forbidden by Kruger, 442, 482 ; position and strength, 376, iv 162, 505, v iii Maraba.stad damaged by Boers, v 202 ; 96, 112; disposition, 377; under Brig.- ii Modder River partially destroyed, 273 ; Gen. Broadwood, iv 505 ; at Arundel, iii 127 ; vi deviation bridge built, 389, 313 ; high-level at Colesberg, 131-3 ; Riet River, orders, 379 ; iii Kiel's railway bridge commenced, 109 ; intention at De Drift, 383 ; at Klip Drift, 392-4 ;

of Comte de Villebois Mareuil to blow it up, at Kimberley, 410 ; at Koedoesrand, 414 ; at

213; Natal Boers destroy most of those on Paardeberg, 473, 474, 476, 477, 479 ; at Poplar

the railway, iv 178 ; guarded, 109 ; Norval's Grove, 564-7, 568 ; at Driefontein, 578-80, ii Pont seized by Boers, 280 ; Lord Roberts 684 ; Bloemfontein advance, 587 ; at Thaba iii iv 9 considers seizing it, 344 ; destroyed by 'Nchu, ; at Sannah's Post, 34 ; transferred vi " Boers, 592 ; deviation constructed, iv 12, 13, to Gen. Ian Hamilton's Winburg" column, 341 341 at 100-2 314, ; high-level bridge repaired, 314, ; 88 ; Krantz Kraal, ; at Zand River,

Olifant's River blasting charges removed 116, 121 ; at Vaal River, 135 ; advance on iv by British, 407 ; Pienaar's River destroyed Pretoria, 158 ; at Zwavelpoort, 273 ; at Dia-

and repaired, vi 320 ; Rhenoster River mond Hill, 280-4, 289, 294 ; ordered to North- iv blown up by Boers, 265 ; Six-Mile Spruit Eastern Free State, 299 ; leave for Brand- in damaged by Boers, 271 ; Standertou water Basin, 311 ; Brandwater Basin, 320-2 ;

destroyed by Boers, 399 ; Sundays River 1st de Wet hunt operations, 322, 417, 419, ii 421 neglect of British to destroy, 145, 196 ; ; at Eland's River, 429 ; in Magaliesberg, British it Hi 96 112. attempt to blow up, 164 ; Um- v ; sent to relieve Zuurfontein, znd pilusi River 2 built by Royal Engineers, v Cavalry (Natal) (afterwards 3rd Mounted 172 iii iii ; Usutu River built by Royal Engineers, Brigade) formed, 309 ; at Vaal Krantz, 172 Valsch 313 497 ; River blown up by Boers, iv ; at Hussar Hill, ; orders, 23 Feb., 123 12fi 521 gee ; deviation built, ; Van Zyl (Cape 520, ; $rd Mounted Brigade, below ; Colony) wrecked by Boers, ii 291 ; Venter's cavalry in Ladysmith (afterwards 2nd Cavalry iii ii Spruit ordered to be built there, 224 ; Brigade, Natal) at battle of Ladysmith, Vet River iv 235 should blown up by Boers, 29 ; devia- 225, 226, ; have been sent out of tion iii constructed, 112, 126 ; Viljoen's Drift Ladysmith, 263, 147 ; reconnaissances, Nov. blown 2 ii 299 iii up by Boers, 136 ; Waschbank River and 3, '99, ; strength, 152 ; com- of ii neglect British to destroy, 145 ; Wilge position, under Gen. Brocklehurst, iv 510 ; at River iv i v blown up by Boers, 407 ; deviation Botha's Pass, 184, 186, 188 ; at Alleman's Nek, 435 190 195 made, ; Zand River blown up by Boers, ; at Charlestown, ; on line at Paarde- 111 ; deviation built, 126. Culvert see that kop, 399, 400, 437; at Meerzicht, 438; at title. Demolition by Boers, vi 326, 340 ; by Amersfoort, 439 ; at Vogelstruispoort, 449 ; 340 British, 339, ; neglect of defensive demoli- at Bergendal, 454 ; pursue retreating Boers, 340. 456 at 463. tion, Pontoons Jagd Drift built, ; Lydenburg, 462, yd Cavalry- v 177 iii ; Orange River constructed at Nor- formed, 369 ; under Brig.-Gen. Gordon, vals iv 592 iv iii Pont, ; Tugela constructed 504 ; composition, 377, iv 162, 416, 504 ; at Trichardt's iii iii iv iii Drift, 219, 302, and at strength, 377, 112 ; disposition, 377 ; Swaartz 309 Kop, ; completed at Vaal at Riet River, 379, 386 ; at Klip Drift, 392-

Krantz, 316, and at Hlangwane, 514 ; con- 394 ; at Dronfleld, 410-12 ; at Paardeberg,

structed at Hart's Hollow, 537 ; work of 475, 476 ; at Poplar Grove, 564, 566 ; at Drie- vi Royal Engineers, 341 ; usefulness of special fontein, 571 ; at Bloemfontein, 590 ; at San- units 342. discussed, Repairing methods, nah's Post, iv 47 ; at Dewetsdorp, 69-72 ; at vi 341 314, 318, ; by Boers, 325, 326 Thaba 'Nchu, 75 ; at Houtnek, 99, 100 ; at 112 BRIDGFORD, Major: ambushed at Holland, v Vet River, ; at Zand River, 116, 119 ; at

455. Kroonstad, 122 ; advance on Pretoria, 134 ;

: BRIEL, Field Cornet Limpopo operations, iv cross the Vaal, 137, 138 ; Johannesburg opera-

202, 203 ; requests reinforcements from Pre- tions, 139, 148 ; advance to Pretoria, 153-7 ; ii toria, 271. at Zwavelpoort, 273 ; at Diamond Hill, 281, 282,

BRIGADE DIVISION ROYAL ARTILLERY : see 289, 293, 294 ; in North-Eastern Free State, 299 ;

under ARTILLERY. leave Heidelberg for Brandwater Basin, 311 ; : at 319 385 ad- BRIGADES, CAVALRY ist Cavalry Arundel, at Heilbron, ; at Kameeldrift, ; iii 127 406 ; reformed, 369; strength and composi- vance on Middelburg, 403, 404, ; taken iv in tion, 376, 112, 162, iv 504, v 48 ; disposition, over by Col. Little, 416 ; 1st de Wet hunt, iii 377 iii ; Riet River, orders, 379 ; re- 416, 417, 419, 421 ; at Eland's River, 429. iii organized, 389 ; at Modder River, 389 ; 4th Cavalry requested by Lord Roberts, at Klip Drift, 392-4; at Dronfleld, 410-12; 367 ; arrival, iv 16 ; under Maj.-Gen. Dick- at Paardeberg, 478 ; at Driefontein, 571, son, 604; composition, 504, v 48; strength, 676-80 ; advance on Bloemfontein, 587, 589 ; iv 112, 162 ; v 48 ; Dewetsdorp operations,

at Glen, iv 19 ; at Saunah's Post, 47, 48 ; at iv 69-72 ; at Thaba 'Nchu, 75 ; at Houtnek,

Vet River, 112; at Zand River, 116, 117, 99, 100 ; at Vet River, 112 ; at Zand River, cross 136 J18 ; the Vaal, 135 ; Johannesburg 116, 118, 119 ; cross Vaal, ; Johannesburg THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

BRIGADES, CAVALRY continued. BRIGADES, ISPANTRT operations, 133, 140-2, 148, 149; advance on 6th (Fusilier) under Gen. Barton, ii 114, !r at 608 it Pretoria, 156, 157, 161; Diamond Hill, ; composition, 508 ; diverted to Natal,

280, 285, 286 ; at Derdepoort, 349 ; position 284 ; at Frere, 422 ; at Colenso, 426, 437 ; at on iii 206 208 at Pretoria, 395 ; advance Middelburg, Chieveley, ; on the Upper Tugela, ;

401, 403, 404, 406 ; re-formed and Join Gen. at Hussar Hill, 498 ; at Monte Cristo, 604 ; 464 at French, 444 ; advance on Barberton, ; at Hlangwane, 606; orders, 21 Feb., 514; 471 23 24 Kelhoogte Pass, ; march on Heidelberg, Feb., 621; position, Feb., 629; at V47-9 Pieter's Hill, 534, 635, 537-9, 642; leave BRIGADES, INFANTRY ist (Guards) Brigade Natal to join Lord Roberts, iv 65 ; at Wep- ii 114 66 under Sir H. Colvile, ; under ener, 65, ; with Mafeking relief column,

iii : Gen. Pole-Carew, 370 ; under Maj.-Gen. 216 at Rooidam, 217, 218 ; excellent march-

Inigo Jones, iv 78, 503 ; composition, 603 ; ing performance, 226 ; in Western Transvaal, 503 in 344. with llth Division, 78, ; Methuen's 7th under Col. Ian Hamilton at battle ii 323 of ii iv advance from Orange River, ; at Ladysmith, 217 ; reformed, 168 ; under Modder River, 359; at Magersfontein, 396, Brig.-Gen. F. W. Kitchener, 510; composi- iii 510 407 ; composition and strength, 375, 377 ; at tion, ; at Coetzee's Drift orders, 184 ; at 494 Piet River, 382, 383 ; at Paardeberg, 453, ; Vogelstruispoort, 449 ; near Lydenburg, 462. 560 8th at Poplar Grove, 558, ; at Driefontein, 582 ; under Col. Grim wood at battle of Lady- iv ii iv enter Bloemfontein, 591 ; at Glen Siding, smith, 216 ; reformed, 168 ; under Maj.- 19 Gen. 18, ; at Bloemfontein, 64 ; at Dewetsdorp, Howard, 510 ; composition, 510 ; at New-

69-72; at Diamond Hill, 289; position at castle, 184 ; at Geluk, 449 ; at Bergendal, 451 Pretoria, 395 ; advance on Middelburg, ; near Lydenburg, 462. 9th with Lord 406 449 at 455 ii ; at Belfast, 447, ; Bergendal, ; Methuen's advance, 323 ; at Belmont, 326, 330 at Helvetia, 457 ; at Waterval Onder, 457, 827, ; move towards Modder River, 347 ; at 463 ; to Komati Poort, 481 ; return to England Modder River, 349, 353 ; considerably iv in 24 in ill postponed, 485, v 24 ; Free State, ; broken up, 396 ; under Gen. Douglas, iv 2nd de Wet hunt, 36 ; see also under REGI- 370, 507; composition, in 375, iv 209, : MENTAL UNITS, Grenadier, Coldstream 507 ; strength, iii 375 disposition, 377 ; at iv and Scots Guards. 2nd Under Gen. Hild- Boshof, 217 ; to Lindley, 252 ; sent to ii 114 iv in yard, ; under Brig.-Gen. Hamilton, Krugersdorp, 356 ; 1st de Wet Hunt, 422. 509 509 of xoth iii 169, ; composition, ; only.brigade ex- taken away from 5th Division, 210 ; peditionary force that had worked together as under Maj.-Gen. Talbot Coke, iv 510; under ii 117 284 Col. iii a unit, ; diverted to Natal, 283, ; A. W. Hill, 239 ; composition, 497, iv at Frere, 422 ; at Colenso, 436, 449-51, 454, 491, 510; under Gen. Lyttelton during iii iii 456 ; at Chieveley, 206 ; formed into 2nd Trichardt's Drift movement, '214 ; at Taban- 210 224 237 at Vaal Division, ; at Trichardfs Drift, ; at yama, ; Krantz, 313 ; at Hlang- 507 Tabanyama, 228, 235 ; at Vaal Krantz, 314, wane, ; later dispositions, 614, 520, 533 ; 327 iv 325, ; at Hussar Hill, 498 ; at Cingolo, 600 ; at Helpmakaar, 171 ; at Botha's Pass, 186 ;

at Monte Cristo, 602, 503 ; movements, at Alleman's Nek, 190-3 ; at Charlestown, 507 520 195 on line at 399. Vob. 20, ; at Wynne Hills, 519, ; posi- ; Paardekop, nth (Lanca-

iv : tion, Feb. 24, 529 ; at Elandslaagte, 169 shire) with Ladysmith relief force, iii 210 ; at If 173 at 179 under Sir C. 216 clpmakaar, ; Newcastle, ; at Warren, ; under Col. Wynne, iv iii Botha's Pass, 184, 186; lat Alleman's Nek, 309, 510 ; under CoL Kitchener, 522 ; 190 195 510 ; casualties, 193 ; at Charlestown, ; at composition, Iv ; at Trichardt's Drift, ill 224 Standerton, 400. wd (Highland) under 220, 221, ; at Tabanyama, 228, 229, 231 ; at Gen. if 114 Vaal 325 Wauchope, ; under Gen. H. Krantz, 310, 312, 315, 321, ; later iii MacDonald, 337, iv 257, 505 ; composition, dispositions, 522, 534; to Weasel's Nek, iv iii iv iii 177 376, 505 ; strength, 370 ; assembled ; and Waschbank, 177 ; at Botha's Pass, ii at Modder River, 389; at Magersfon- 186, 187 ; at Alleman's Nek, 190 ; at Volks- 195 tein, 393, 397-405, 411-13, 416 ; at Koedoes- rust, ; sent to Wakkerstroom, 398 ; ad- iii berg, 361-5 ; formed into 9th Division, vance on Standertou, 399. iath under Gen. iii 370 ; disposition, Feb. 10, '00, 378 ; at Klip Clements, 343, iv 506; composition, 606 Kraal Drift, 410; at Paardeberg, 417, 418, ; strength, 319 ; sent to Naauwpoort, iii Sannah's 343 returned 6th 423, 446; Poplar Grove, 567; at ; to Division, iv 78 ; detached iv 73 at 107 from 6th Post, 45, 48, ; Babiaansberg, 106, ; Division, 245 ; at Winburg, 245 ; In at 245 Ventersburg, 244, ; at Rooipoort, 247 ; Brandwater Basin, 320, 321, 324, 325. ijth fine to march Heilbron, 248 ; joins Gen. composition and strength, iii 375, iv 506 ; in iii Hunter's column, 311 ; Brandwater Basin, disposition, 375, 878 ; under Maj.-Gen. 333-6 in Free C. E. iv iii 320, 321, 324, ; operations State, Knox, 506 ; at Wegdraai, 391 ; at v 24 24. ; broken up, 4th (Light) under Gen. Klip Kraal Drift, 414 ; at Paardeberg, 417, ii iit Lyttelton, 114 ; under Col. Norcott, 425, 446, 454; at Poplar Grove, 663; at iv 497 ; under Britf.-Gen. Cooper, 169, 509 ; Driefontein, 579, 581-3. i4th composition ii iii and iii iv composition, 509; at Frere, 422, 206; strength, 376, 503 ; Gen. Cherrusido ii at Colenso, 433, 436, 446 ; included in 5th relinquishes command, 54 ; under Maj.-Gen. iii 210 on 211 v Division, ; Upper Tugela, ; at Maxwell, 78, 503 ; strength, 162, 47 ; with at Vaal iii Potgieter's Drift, 241, 242; Krantz, 7th Division, iv 503 ; disposition, 378 ; at Hussar 310, 313, 314, 315, 319, 325, 327 ; at Hill, Paardeberg, 453, 454, 478 ; at Poplar Grove, iii 498 ; at Monte Cristo, 504 ; at Bloy's Farm, 658 ; at Karee Siding, iv 20, 21 ; at Krantz 515 104 607 ; at Wynne Hills, ; position on Tugela, Kraal, 100-2 ; at Brandfort, ; at Vet iv 173 629 ; at Helpmakaar, ; at Inkwelo, 183 ; River, 110 ; at Zand River, 120, 121 ; at 186 47. at Botha's Pass, 185, ; at Laing's Nek, Pretoria, 273, v isth composition and iv iii iv v 195 ; advance on Greylingstad, 400. gth strength, 376, 603, 47 ; disposition, ill ii iv iv 503 (Irish) under Gen. Hart, 114, 508; 378 ; tinder Maj.-Gen. Wavell, ; with iv composition, Hi 523, 508 ; diverted to Natal. 7th Division, 603 ; under Col. Bradley, v 69 ; Ii iii ii iii 285 ; at Frere, 422, 206 ; at Colenso, at Jacobsdal, 397 ; at Paardeberg, 453, 494 ; iv 433-7, 446, 456, iii 206; formed into 2nd at Karee Siding, 21 ; advance on Pretoria

Division, 210 ; at Trichardt's Drift, 220, 221, orders, 102 ; at Brandfort, 104 ; at Vet River, 224 231 110 120 at ; at Tabanyama, 228, 229, ; retire ; at Zand River, ; Johannesburg v 47. B. B. from Vaal Krantz, 327 ; on the Tugela, 514, garrison, 168, i6th under Gen. iv 385. iv 606 506 616, 529 ; at Heidelberg, 344 ; at Pretoria, D. Campbell, 240, ; composition, ; INDEX

URKJADES, INFANTRY continued. BRIGADES, MOUNTED continued. 571 at Dewetsdorp, 67 ; at Senekal, 243, 313 ; at ; reorganized into four brigades, April, v 494 iv 79. 1st Biddulphsberg, 249, 250 ; in Free State, 7, ; reorganized, 78, Brigade 23; at Standerton, 239; reconstituted, 240; composition, 504; at Vet River, 108, 109; at

art at Bethlehem, 428. xyth under Gen. Zand River, 116-19 ; Johannesburg opera- iv 140 advance Boyes, 240, 506 ; composition, 506 ; at tions, 138, ; on Pretoria, 153, in Dewetsdorp, 67 ; at Senekal, 243 ; part at 155, 156 ; distance marched advance to

Ficksburg, 313; in Free State, 313, v 28, Pretoria, 161 ; at Pretoria movements, 270,

: in iv 273 239 Brandwater Basin, 320, 321 ; with ; to Rustenburg, 344, 345 ; detachment at

Bundle's expedition there, v 241. i8th under Onderstepoort, 385 ; advance on Middelburg, iii Maj.-Gen. T. E. Stephenson, 370, iv 503 ; 402, 404-7; at Middelburg, 436, 443; Gen. and 485. with llth Division, 78, 503 ; composition Button resigns command, 2nd Brigade iii iii under -Gen. iii 505 strength, 375, iv 503 ; disposition, 377, Brig. Ridley, ; composi- 505 162 378 ; at Klip Drift, 414 ; at Paardeberg, 425, tion, ; strength, ; at Sannah's Post, iv 73 at Israel's 74 478 ; at Driefontein, 579, 581-3 ; at Dewets- 69, ; Poort, ; temporarily iv 293 taken over Col. 96 at dorp, 69-72 ; at Diamond Hill, 289, ; by Dawson, ; Houtnek, 96-100 advance on Middelburg, 406 ; at Monument ; at Zwavelpoort, 273 ; at Diamond line 282 Hill, 449 ; at Helvetia, 463 ; hold Water- Hill, ; ordered to North-Eastern Free 481. iii 370 299 leaves for val-Nelspruit, igth formed, ; State, ; Heidelberg Brandwater iv 311 under Maj.-Gen. Smith-Dorrien, 505 ; com- Basin, ; 1st de Wet hunt operations, 322, iii iv 425. position and strength, 376, 462, 505 ; 414, 417, 419, 421, 424, 3rd Brigade at iii iii at disposition, 378 ; at Jacobsdal, 408 ; at Paardeberg, 432; Poplar Grove, 557, 567 at Klip Drift, 410 ; at Paardeberg, 418, 426, 434, 558, 560, 562, 563, ; Driefontein, 577, Drie- 578 454, 482 ; at Poplar Grove, 567 ; at ; advance on Bloemfontein, 587 ; at San- art, lontein 582 ; at Sannah's Post, iv 45, 48 ; nah's Post, iv 40, 44 Israel's 74 Dewetsdorp, 69 ; at Poort, 73, ; Naval Brigade (Cape Colony) leave ii 295 detached from 9th Division, 73, 89 ; under Queenstown, ; accompany Lord

Gen. Ian Hamilton, 79 88 ; at Houtnek, 96, Methuen's advance, 323 ; at Enslin, 334-9 ; 121 128 at Vaal 98-100 ; at Zand River, ; at Lindley, ; Magersfontein, 396 ; at Krantz, 144 of iii 309 to it to at Doornkop, ; on lines communica- ; proposal send Kimberley, in iv 557 iii tion Free State, 266 ; at Vereeniging, 272 ; ; at Paardeberg, 453 ; at Poplar

re-formed, 394 ; at Eland's River, 429 ; ad- Grove, 563; Naval Brigade (Natal) at iv vance on Lydenburg, 462 ; at Komati Poort, Botha's Pass, 186; organization broken iv 481. aoth formed, 78, 209 ; under Maj.- up, 412 ; Naval Brigade (Ladysmith) 507 iii 152. Gen. Paget, ; composition, 507 ; at War- strength, Rhodesian Field Force

renton, 215 ; bombards Boers at Fourteen 1st and 2nd, formed at Marandellas, iv 375. iv Streams, 217, 218 ; at Boshof, 218 ; at Lindley, Brigade Organization broken up, 412 in Col. C. J. : 266 ; Brandwater Basin, 320-2, 324, 325, 333, BRIGGS, wounded at Magersfontein, iv ii 416 in at v 2ist composition, 79 ; under Gen. Bruce ; action Geduld, 224, 225 ; in in Hamilton, 79, 88, 505 ; composition, 505 ; action near Reitz, 393 ; Paardehoek drive, 416 strength, 162, 319, 324; at Krautz Kraal, 415, ; hunts Steyn and de Wet, 417 ; at 121 418 in of 100-2 ; at Zand River, 120, ; at Lindley, Bethlehem, ; command Imperial in 127 ; at Doornkop, 143, 144 ; at Pretoria, 273 ; Light Horse, 428, 477 ; action at Tigerkloof 430 in at Diamond Hill, 284, 285, 289 ; to North- Spruit, 429, ; North-Eastern Free State, in Eastern Free State, 299; leave Heidelberg 473 ; Western Transvaal, 513 ; in 1st drive, in - 516 at 534 for Brandwater Basin, 310 ; Brand ; Roodewal,

: water Basin, 320, 321, 324-7 ; operations BRIGHT, Limber Gunner gallantry at battle in Free State, v 23. zznd under Maj.-Gen. of Ladysmith, ii 234 iv 507 507 at Redders- Lieut. : killed at ii 333 Allen, ; composition, ; BRINE, Belmont, : burg, 66 ; on line of communications north of BRINK, Mr. guides Plumer in pursuit of de Bloemfontein, 26. zyd under Maj.-Gen. Wet, v 138 iv : iv W. G. Knox, 507 ; composition, 507 ; hold BRINTON, Capt. at Diamond Hill, 286 line of communications south of Bloemfon- BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA : recruiting of labour tein, 263, 264. Cunningham's formed, iv for Transvaal mines, vi 107, 113 394 : ; at Machadodorp, 481 ; at Rustenburg, v BRITISH EAST AFRICA suggested recruiting 65. of Hickman's composition, iv 394 ; sent labour, 107 to Pretoria, 405. Infantry, Mounted see BRITISH EMPIRE : constitution anomalous

MOUNTED INFANTRY, below. Light see 4th, condition regarding financial burden, vi 21 ; ii above. Mahon's at Heidelberg, iv 344 ; Imperial Unity growth of ideal, 23 ; result iii attached to Gen. Ian Hamilton's column, of the "Black Week," 28-30 ; union the vi 394 ; at Pretoria, 395. end of Lord Milner's policy, 19, 169, 170 BRIGADES, MOUNTED : 3rd Mounted see BRITISH GUIANA : Labour Ordinance 1899 also Transvaal vi 120 and Cavalry Brigade (Natal), above ; compared with Ordinance, iv : under Lord Dundonald, 510 ; composition, BRITISH INDIANS see INDIANS 510; strength, ii 447, iv 170; at Colenso, BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA Co. : heads off Boer ii 454 i 437, 447, 448, ; near Acton Homes, expansion, 106 ; Bechuanaland territory along iii iv 222-4 ; at Hussar Hill, 497, 498 ; Transvaal border transferred by Colonial iii Tugela positions, 529, 533, 534; at Office 1895, i 160 ; letter from Mr. Chamber-

Plater's Hill, 535, 545 ; at Elandslaagte, iv lain on Jameson Raid, 170 ; offer to raise 168 at iii 101 iv ; Helpmakaar, 170, 171 ; advance on force for defence of Rhodesia, ; 363, 176 372 res- Dundee, 175, ; at Dannhauser, 178 ; at 364 ; preparations, 366, 367, 370, ; for 374 Laing's Nek, 179, 180 ; at Botha's Pass, 187 ; ponsibility mismanagement at Beira, ; iv at Alleman's Nek, 190, 193; sent to Wak- organize supplies for Col. Plumer, 209 ; Mr. of kerstroom, 398 ; at Standerton, 399 ; near Rhodes's message on relief Kimberley,

Paardekop, 437 ; near Amersfoort, 439 ; at 548

449 : see Vogelstruispoort, ; at Bergendal, 451 ; BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA POLICE under to Lydenburg, 4fil, 463 ; at Glyn Lydenburg REGIMENTAL UNITS, BRITISH

mine, 468 ; seize Pilgrim's Hill, 480. Mounted BRITISH WOMEN'S EMIGRATION ASSOCIATION : Infantry composition and strength, iii sends emigrants to South Africa, vi 58

Feb. 377 ; : 128 '00, 369, orders at Riet River, 379 ; BRITSTOWN martial law proclaimed, v ; at Drie.f 140 Poplar Grove, 557, 560, &; ; at ontein, Hertzog pursued, 129, VM ; Brand there, TEE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

: In BBITZ, Comdt. : recuperates near Ermelo, v BROOKFIELD, Col. A. M. command of 370 14th Bn. I. iv 612 at Katbosch iv 268 at 360 ; charge at Bakenlaagte, ; at Holland, Y., ; ; 304 at Baken 806-7 455 ; escapes from cordon, 456 ; peace dele- Lindley, ; Kop, ; at gate, 583 Bethlehem, 308 -Gen. R. O. 388 Lt.-Col. : at v 105 BROADWOOD, Brig. ; portrait, iji ; BROWN, Nooitgedacht, appointed to command 2nd Cavalry Brigade, BROWN, Major : at Paardeberg, Iii 44<) iii iv 504 Rich- Mr. : action Transvaal Govern- 309 ; its composition, 376, ; at BROWN, against i 216 mond, 364 ; marches to Sunnyside, 364 ; at ment, 146, : i Riet River, 382 ; at Klip Drift, 387, 392-4 ; at BROWN, John Virginia raid, 6-7 : v Kimberley, 410 ; at Koedoesrand, 414 ; at BROWNB, Major (Borders) at Moedwil, 382

Paardeberg, 473, 474, 476, 477 ; at Poplar BROWNK, Major (Derbys): at VlakfonU'in, v Grove, 564-7; at Driefontein, 578-80, 584; 283 : advance on Bloemfontein, 587 ; expedition to BROWNE, Inspector at Mafeking, iv 572, 576, Thaba 'Nchu, iv 19; afSannah's Post, 33-7, 592 Mr. : 89-41, 43-7, 60 ; at Houtnek, 96 ; at Krantz BROWNE A. Orange River Colony vi 6-12 148 Kraal, iv 100-2 ; at Babiaansberg, 106 ; at Zand Treasurer, ; appreciation,

River, 116, 121, 122 ; captures Lindley, 127 ; BROWNING, Sergt. : at Kleinfontein, v 385 at 129 at BROWN'S DRIFT : Boers ii captures Boers Heilbron, ; Vaal camp there, 384, iii 111 392 River, 135 ; advance on Pretoria, 158 ; at 386, ; laager shifted,

Diamond Hill, 280, 281-4, 288, 289. 294 ; leaves BROWN'S REDOUBT (Kuruman): captured by iii 114 Heidelberg for Brandwater Basin, 311 ; in Boers, 113, pursuit of de Wet, 319, 322 ; to Brandwater BRUCE, CoL Sir David : member of commis- sion re vi Basin, 320, 321 ; in 1st de Wet hunt, 415-9, enteric, 541 425 in : at iv 518 421, 424, ; to Krugersdorp, 431 ; BRUCE, Major Ladysmith, : in Magaliesberg, v 47, 55, 96 ; goes to relief of BRUOMAN, Mr. Acting: Auditor -General iv at convoy at Buffelspoort, 96 ; at Nooitgedacht, Transvaal, 475; takes the field, 473; v 198 98, 99, 105-7 ; column given a rest, 110 ; at Paardeplaats, 110 in BRuaspRUiT : S.A.C. v 450 Ventersdorp, ; Northern Free State, posts, 398, and of : at ii 457 236, 238 ; composition strength column, BRUSH, Capt. wounded Colenso, in Comdt. H. J. : 287 ; in drive Free State, 300 ; captures BRUWER, commands Bethlehem v Free State Government at Reitz, 3ul ; in district, 235 ; peace delegate, 683 in 306 : at ii 237 drive Free State, 305, ; expedition to BRYANT, Major Nicholson's Nek, in BRYCE'S : ii 271 Witzieshoek, 393 ; Paardehoek drive, 414- ; STORE Boer captures, ; and in action at Quaggafontein, 422, 423 attack supply column, iv 203 BROCKLEHURST, Maj.-Gen. J. F. : portrait, iii BRYNBELLA HILL : Boers occupy it, ii 310-2 ; British 312-4 166 ; commands cavalry brigade at Ladysmith, attack, ii in Lt.-Col. : iii 106, 228 ; command of 2nd Cavalry BUCHAN, at Paardeberg, 483 Brigade (Natal), iv 510; at battle of Lady- BUCHAN, Mr. John : land settlement work, vi 57 smith, ii 228 ; in Ladysmith, 299, 300, iii 161 ; : ii v.n at Botha's Pass, iv 184 ; at Alleinan's Nek, BUCHANAN, Capt. at Elandslaagte, 190; on line up to Paardekop, 399 400; at BUCHANAN, Mr. Justice : Chairman of Good Cross vi ">:J2 Graskop, 409 ; at Paardekop, 437 ; at Meer- Hope Red Committee, 439 Col. : battle of zicht, 438 ; near Amersfoort, ; at Vogel- BUOHANAN-RIDDELL, at Lady- 449 ii iii struispoort, ; at Bergendal, 451.; to Lyden- smith, 255; at Spion Kop killed, -J7i>, 277 burg, 462, 463 ; at Paardeplaats, 465, 466 ; reaches Kruger's Post, 480 BUCKLEY, Capt. : wounded at Colenso, ii 457 BRODKBICK'S VLKI : Boers take up position BUDWORTH, Capt. C. E. D. : at Baken Kop, iv after Roodewal, v 534 306,307 BRODIE, Mr. J. H. : suggests formation of BUFFALO RIVER : Boers cross it and invade iii ii Australian Bushmen, 34 Natal, 143, 144 ; Boers cross on eve of BRODIE, Capt. : killed at Magersfontein, ii Talana, 153; recross, 173; Botha's ;.' 415 to invade Natal movements, v 343 ; " opera- BRODNEID" : referred to, iii 52 tions against Botha, 657 BRODRICK, Mr. St. John : portrait, vi BUFFELSDOORN : Smuts escapes British ii ; part frontispiece ; iappointed Secretary of columns, v 220

State for War, v 78 ; conduct of the war BUFFKLSHORK : movements, iv 424 criticized, 78; describes military effort put BUFFEL'S KLOOF : movement* of Viljoen, T forth by nation, 78 ; announces reduction of 212

vi : South African garrison, 61 ; medical service BUFFELSPOORT part of convoy captured by in South Africa : initiates reforms, 542 Boers, v 95 BRONKHORSTFONTEIN : action, v 56, 57 BUFFELSVLEI : blockhouses built, v 398 BRONKHORST SPRUIT : 94th Regiment am- BUILDINGS : ordered to be burnt if harbouring i of bushed by Boers, 65 ; percentage British Boers, iv 492, 493

ii : wounded, (53 ; Kruger s statement to Boers BUISFONTEIN movements during drive, v 516 regarding Jameson raid, 1 166 ; action, Aug. Buis KOP : occupied by Plumer, v 201 '01, v 330, 331 BULFIN, Major : in Western Transvaal, v 514 BROOK, Gen. E. S. : in charge of Harrismith BULGARIA : attitude, Hi 57, iv 418 district, v 486 BULKELEY, Lieut. : wounded at Belinont, il BROOKE, Col. L. G. : wounded at Colenso, ii 333 457; at Inniskilliug Hill, iii 625, 527, 528; BULLER, Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers : iii operations South-East Pretoria, iv 388, 392 ; portrait, ii 180 ; character, 301 ; previous

with Gen. Ian Hamilton's column, 394 ; on service in South Africa and elewnere, ii line of of in communication east Pretoria, 25, 113 ; appointed to command troops 435 South Africa, 101, 113; departs for *<>uth

BROOKE, Capt. : wounded at Nooitgedacht, v Africa, 113 ; discourages contingents from

101 ; killed at Bakenlaagte, 372 colonies, 116 ; arrives at Cape Town, 261,

: ii 457 BROOKE, Lieut. wounded at Colenso, 279 ; difficulty of situation, 279, 280 ; decides

: ii BROOKE, Capt, R. G. at Elandslaagte, 188 ; to withdraw from Naauwpoort and Storm-

wounded, 194 berg, 280 ; plans, 283, 284, 286-8 ; leaves for BROOKK, Capt. V. : staff officer to Sir Ian Natal, 235; authorizes formation of local Hamilton, v 526 corps, 289; claims Willow Grange as a victory, INDEX 79

BCXLER, Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers BULLER, Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers continued. continued. to Lord after to advance 816 ; orders Methuen Magersfon- suggestion to on Vrede, 181, 182. iii 107 at ii 421 "steam-roller" teln, 419 ; ; Pietermaritzburg, ; Strategy plan of operations iii concern for hospital arrangements there, 421, criticized, 339 ; Upper Tugela operations, 422 ii iii 422 ; at Frere, ; at Colenso plan, 424, 425, 209, 210 ; disinclined to move far orders and from 532 426 ; movements, 426, 427, 434-9, wagons, ; Biggarsberg operations, 446, 449, 451-3 ; wounded, 452 ; armistice Iv 177, 178 ; slowness, 194-6, 408. Tactics ii 458-63 at ii granted, 456 ; operations criticized, ; Colenso, 438, 458 ; on Upper Tugela, of iii 103 iii 216 suggests blockade Delagoa Bay, ; 212, ; Spion Kop, 297 ; Vaal Krantz, 208-10 at plan of advance, ; Spearman's Hill, 304, 314, 315, 326, 327 ; Tugela Heights, 498, of on 212 ; estimate Boer numbers Upper 505, 507, 506, 516, 521, 523, 531, 535, 542, 215 Trichardt's Drift movement 543 at Botha's iv Tugela, ; ; Pass, 185, 188 Warren, 221 criti- plan criticized, 216, 217, ; attitude Sir C. cancels order to go to Modder 240 iii cized, 226, 236 ; at Tabanyama, 238, ; Kiver, 106 ; orders him to Natal, 108 reasons Spion Kop operations, 248, 260-3, 277, 287, ; for giving him command at Balfour's corre- 294 ; criticized, 300, 301 ; Mr. Trichardt's Drift, 217 ; attitude towards his 305 at Vaal 226 spondence referred to, ; Krantz, operations, ; dissatisfied with progress 325-7 at 238 dissatisfied 312, 313, 318, 319, 821, 322, ; suggests Tabanyama, ; at postpone- from Modder River to ment of attack on building railway Spion Kop, 240 ; relations 340 advance with 294 : blames for Bloemfontein, ; suggests by him, him Spion Kop 342 at Hussar 305 Jacobsdal on Bloemfontein, ; failure, ; suggests his being placed in 500 at Monte command of Hill, 497, 498 ; at Cingolo, ; North-Western Cape Colony 21 Cristo, 505, 506, 508-10 ; orders, Feb., operations, iv 168. White, Sir G. informs 514 521 at him of Colenso ii 439 513, ; at Wynne Hills, 520, ; plan, ; suggests sur- 523 at a 460 action Inniskilling Hill, 522, ; operations render, ; discussed, 462, 463 ; 529 531 him to send standstill, ; position, 530, ; urges cavalry out of Ladysmith, 545 causes iii 147 attacks Pieter's Hill, 533-5, 544, ; ; communications regarding co-opera- failure of 597 166 : and relief of Tugela operations, ; objects tion, 165, movements, 172-4 ; the Free iv 132 does not exercise his to advance through State, 85, ; authority over him, 209 ; advance by Van Reenen's Pass considered, informs him will make another attempt 165-197 in- 196 ; advance through Natal, ; to relieve him, 305 ; and date when will be at 168 326 notifies active at Ladysmith, ; Helpmakaar opera- Hlangwane, ; intention to capture 197 496 tions, 170, 171, ; Biggarsberg operations, Bulwana, ; and when expects to be in 177 advances on 511 170-8 ; occupies Dundee, ; Ladysmith, ; signals cannot carry out 179 relief Dannhauser, 178 ; occupies Newcastle, ; when promised, 516 ; informs him of negotiations with Gen. C. Botha re surrender, defeat of Boers at Pieter's, iv 528

188 : 183, 184 ; at Botha's Pass, ; enters Free BULLOCK, Col. at Colenso wounded and 189 enters 189 at Alleman's ii 456 released State, ; Transvaal, ; captured, 454, ; at Pretoria, 195 268 at Nek, 191-194, 197 ; occupies Volksrust, ; ; Katbosch, iv 268 ; in charge of Volks- marchesof rust v 54 Eastern force, May^June, slowprogress, 195, district, ; Transvaal opera- at iv moves tions at Castrol 175 196; Standerton, 398-401; along Nek, ; brings in convoy for Transvaal railway, 408 ; preparations to Piet Relief, 176, 178, 291, 292, 294; com- Poort 436-S at and of Komati advance, ; Amersfoort, position strength column, 291 ; in 439 at Van drive in 438, 439 ; at Twyfelaar, ; Wyk's North-Eastern Free State, 300 ; con- Vley, 444 ; at Geluk, 445-7 ; at Vogelstruis- structs Wakkerstroom-Piet Retief blockhouse 450-6 to 356 poort, 449 ; attacks Bergendal, ; line, Machadodorp, 457 ; to Nooitgedacht, 457 ; BULLOCK, Lieut. : at Magersfontein, ii 415 attacks : to Lydenburg, 460-3 ; Paardeplaats, BULOW, Count von utilizes detention of 477 at Bundesrath to increase 465, 466 ; at Mauchberg, 466, ; Spitz German navy, iii 63 480 leaves : Kop, 468 ; at Burger's Pass, 479, ; BULTFONTEIN Garrison relieved by Gen. 485. iii for England, Army criticized, 551, MacDonald, v 24 ; posts established to 552 ; strength, iv 77, 166, 86, composition, Boshof, 399 509-11 ; asks Lord Roberts to be allowed to BULTFONTEIN (Brandwater Basin) : garrison, iii 571 fails keep 5th Division, ; to appreciate iv325 of iv 447 asks for : use cavalry, ; reinforcements, BULUWAYO Boer envoy sent by Kruger 1887, 491 broken Oct. 484. Service i 87 of ii ; up '00, Army ; headquarters Plumer, 101 ; column vi 364 soundness of Col Corps reorganizes it, ; organized by Nicholson, 133 ; Boer 410. extent exer- falls organization, Command expedition through, iv 204 ; first train in ii 426 cised Na :al, ; ordered to relinquish reaches Mafeking, 224; Royal Canadian if to 464. it unwilling persevere, General- Artillery arrives, 369 ; Rhodesian Field Force ship causes of failure, iii 549-52. Kimber- arrives, 375 Mr. Rhodes's iv 548 Sir ley on attitude, ; BULWANA: G. White's mistaken policy, 557. ii 264 attitude regarding relief, 566, Lady- ; necessity of holding it, iii 149 ; decides to ii 261 abandons to 326 smith agrees investment, ; capture it, ; Buller's plan of attack, 4S6, 460 hope of relieving it, ; message advis- 497 ; Boers retreat, 509 " " iii 174 : ing surrender, 461, 462, ; informs BUNDESRATH result In Germany of its iii 309 relief troops he has the to -y to it, ; no detention, iii 63

inflict he defeat on 509 : desire to vy Boers, ; BURDETT-COUTTS, Mr. medical arrangements 547 of efforts meets Sir G. White, ; disapproves during war, articles in the Times, vi 521, 523 ; to cut off Boers, 547; communications with Royal Commission on South African hospitals, Lord Roberts, War Office, and Sir G. White, criticizes report, 526 vi 305-8. Martial law memorandum, 547. BURGER, Gen. Schalk W. : portrait, i 352, ill views of vi Pay on settlement grievances, 72 ; chairman of Industrial Commission, '97 617. of i Reserves opposes calling up 206, 217 ; Kruger indignant at his report, vi 244. Section A, Roberts, Lord reports 218 ; at Bloemfontein Conference, 267 ; com- to him on Spion Kop and criticizes Gen. mands Boer force on Swaziland frontier, ii iii 305 informs him about Vaal- 124 Warren, ; ; head of Lydenburg commando, iv 513 ; 323 re relief of ii krantz, 308, ; telegrams Lady- at battle of Ladysmith, 220 ; left in com- 329 Dec. 342 iii smith, JE8, ; correspondence '99, ; mand there, 161 ; orders town-hall to be

iv 166-9 ; 162 re British-Indian Communications Feb.-May, objects shelled, ; policy refugees, 80 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

BURGIR, Gen. Schalk W.

iv 274 ; assumes functions of president on discourages organization of I.L.H. iii 94 ; ex- 475 v into vi 616 departure of Kruger, ; at Tautesberg, amination surplus stores scandal, 198 council : 120 ; at Paardeplaats, ; present at BUTLBR, Capt. at Utrecht, v 116 ; wounded

of war at De Emigratie, 277, 278 ; requests at Itala, 347 leave from Lord Kitchener to send envoy to BUTTERS, Capt. : at Eland's River, iv 358

Free Mr. S. : i Europe, 291 ; arranges meeting with BUXTON, on Suzerainty, 204

State Government on question of peace, 511 ; BUYS, Commdt. : at council of war at Hather- iv writes to Steyn regarding conference, 517 ; at ley, 274 ; takes over Heidelberg commando, 527 Klerksdorp Conference, 526, ; attitude 279, 513 ; at Diamond Hill, 279 ; at Heidel-

towards continuance of war, 508 ; at Vereen- berg, 383, 385, v 119; movements in Free

iging Conference, 564, 585, 588, 597, 603, 606 ; State, 393 ; captured at Vaal River, 419 enjoins Boers to acquiesce in terms of BUYTENDORF, Mr. : watches passage of stores

surrender, vi 40 ; prisoners, efforts regarding through Beira Custom House, iv 366 their return, 44; declines to sit on Labour BYLES, Mr. : moves vote of censure on Lord

Commission, 116 ; repatriation, on committee Alilner, vi 178 of inquiry, 49 BYNG, Lieut. -Col. the Hon. J. H. G. : portrait, T. : 1 v 474 ii iii BURGERS, President F. portrait, 52 ; ; at Colenso, 448 ; at Bastion Hill, 51 character and policy, ; elected President 234 ; at Botha's Pass, iv 186 ; at Standerton,

of the South African Republic, 51 ; reform 400 ; seizes Pilgrim's Hill, 480 ; at Thaba 54 v 41 sent proposals rejected, '77, ; appeal to Volks- 'Nchu, 40, ; column to Cape Colony,

raad, '77, 54-7 ; protest against annexation, 128 ; moves against Kritzinger, 129 ; to

58, 59 ; relations with Kruger, 61, 62 Victoria Road, 140 ; entrains for Colesberg,

BURGER'S PASS : Buller fails to stop Botha, iv 148 ; pushes out from Colesberg, 150, 151 ; 479, 480 unable to stop de Wet, 152; at Hamel-

BURGIHER CAMPS : see under REFUGEE CAMPS fontein, 152 ; column placed under Col.

: BURGHER PEACE COMMITTEE formed, v 92 ; Williams, 238; composition and strciix'th, in Free failure, 93, 183 ; composition, 406 ; envoys 304 ; movements North-Western ill-treatment by Boers, vi, 16 State, 304 ; engaged with Lategan at Orange BURGHER POLICE : Bloemfontein, assist the River, 315 ; covers posts along Vaal, 393 ;

British, v 248, 261, vi 17 Paardehoek drive, 415, 416 ; attacked near

: ii BURGHERSDORP occupied by Boers, 293 ; Heilbron, 417 ; drive to Liebenberg's Vlei in rebels at Stormberg, 365 ; occupied by River ; action at Quaggafontein, 422, 423 ; iii Gatacre, 592 moves from Lindley to Wllge River, 446 ; BURKE, Lieut. -Col. M. A. : in command of column formed in North-Eastern Free State, 511 473 at 2nd Bn. L Y., iv ; in Cape Colony, 5, v ; position, 474 ; defeats Mears Roode- 312 kraal, 474, 475 ; in first drive, 475 ; orders for

BURMA M.I. See M.I., REGIMENTAL UNITS 2nd drive, 482 ; position near Vaal, 483 ;

BURN, Lieut. -Col. C. R. : commands 6th Bn. South of Vrede, 484 ; in action with de Wet

I. Y., iv 511 at Langverwacht, 488-90 ; returns to England, BURN, Capt. J. M. : appointment on Cape 491 Government Railway, vi 308 BYRNETOWN : native rising, 1906, vi 195 BURN-MURDOCH, Col. : in command of 1st BYRON, Lieut. -Col. : wounded at Magers- iii iv ii 416 Cavalry Brigade (Natal), 309, 510 ; at fontefn, ; reconnaissance near Jacobs- ii 444 at iii 294 iii 118 Colenso, ; Spion Kop, ; at dal, : referred ii of Vaal Krantz, 328 ; at Chieveley, 510 ; position, BYWONERS to, 85 ; problems Feb. 530 at Pieter's 545 at Elands- vi 54-6 ; work mines 24, ; Hill, ; repatriation, on and in laagte, iv 168 ; charge of Newcastle district, railway, 110 v 54 E. Transvaal 174-6 ; operations, " BURNK, Lieut. C. R. N. (R.N.) : With the Naval Brigade in Natal," referred to, vi 470

BURNEY, Lieut. -Col. : wounded at Doornkop, CACHET, Professor Lion : objects to conduct of iv 145 at v 124 the Boers at ii 293 ; Wpnderfontein, Burgheredorp, BURNHAM, Major F. R. : captured at Sannah's CJSSAR'S CAMP : described, iii 148, 178-80; iv 37 at 123 Boers Post, ; Kroonstad, demonstration against, 160 ; projected : at ii 451 attack BURRELL, Major Colenso, 450, ; at abandoned, 165 ; passive attitude of v 52 Sandspruit, Boer leaders, 202 ; battle, 176-205 ; defences

: at iii 132 BURTON, Major Colesberg, criticized, 181 ; strengthened, iv 625 ii BURTON, Lieut. : at Belmont, 333 CAIMGUBA : see TCHRENGULA (Nicholson's BURTON, Mr. H. : appointed Attorney-General Nek) vi in Cape Colony, 195 CALDWELL, Major (R.A.M.C.) : at Tweefon- BUSHMANLAND BORDERERS : under REGI- tein, v 440

MENTAL UNITS, BRITISH CALBDON, Lord : institutes first judicial circuit

: i BUSHMAN'S HOEK mounted infantry there, in Cape Colony, 28 ; Governor of Cape 295 ii 295 ; Gatacre arrives, ; troops there, Colony, 386

296 CALEDON RIVKR : movements at Jammers-

: in BUSHMEN see NATIVES and REGIMENTAL burg Drift, iv 57 ; Brandwater Basin, v *>. UNITS Australian Contingents, New South 310 ; 2nd de Wet hunt movements, Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tas- Commando see under RKGIME.NTAL UHITS, mania, Victoria and West Australia BOER COMMANDOS BUSHVBLD CARBINEERS : see under REGI- CALLEY, Col. : at Diamond Hill, iv 283

MENTAL UNITS, BRITISH CALLWELL, Col. : at Monte Cristo, vi 487 : in iii BUTCHER, Col. : at Colesberg, 142, 466 Cape Colony, v 541, 543, 546, 546, 649, 692, BUTCHER, Maj. G. J. : chief Ordnance officer, 553 : district, v 540 vi 464 ; forms Ordnance depots at Bloem- CALVINIA Maritz overruns the ; district 641 in fontein, 456 disloyal, ; Smuts district, 54$ INDEX 81

CAMBRIDGE, Duke of : opposed to army re- CANADA, H.M.S. : tee under NAVT

ii : forms, 14 ; resigns office of Commander-in- CANADIAN DRAGOONS (Royal) see under 22 in Cliief, ; requests increase strength of REGIMENTAL UNITS Canadian Contingents army (1888), vi 237 CANADIAN MOUNTED RIFLES : see under CAMDKBOO MOUNTAINS : movements against REGIMENTAL UNITS Canadian Contingents Kritzinger, v 244 ; against Malan, 309 CANADIAN SCOUTS: see under REGIMENTAL CAMERON, Major : at Brakspruit, v 519 UNITS Canadian Contingents CAMERON, Capt. (Tasmania) : at Cotesberg, Hi CANNON KOPJE (Mafeking) : fort built by Sir 462 C. iv Warren, 575 ; garrison, 576 ; attacked, CAMERON, Capt. (Black Watch) : wounded at ii 270, iv 583, 584 Magersfontein, ii 415 CANTOR, Lieut. : killed at Lake Chrissie, v CAMERON, Lieut. (Gren. Guards) : wounded at 168 Belm*nt, ii 333 CAPE, Lieut. H. A. : at Talana, ii 172 CAMERON, Piper : at Paardeberg, iii 432 CAPE ARTILLERY : nee under REGIMENTAL

CAMERON HIGHLANDERS : see under REGI- UNITS " " MENTAL UNITS CAPE BOYS : persecution by Mr. Lombaard,

of : gee i ii CAMPAIGN, Plan under ARMY 219 ; at Mafeking, 140 ; their fighting : iv 231 Boers iii 96 CAMPBELL described, 230, ; there, value, ; part played in the war, 96 ; at ii iv Sir 297 ; armed rebels there, 211 ; C. Kimberley during siege, iv 543

Warren enters it, 235 ; leaves small garrison, CAPE COLONY : Bloemfontein Conference 236 attitude of Government, i 289. Acquisition CAMPBELL, Capt. A. X. : at Lorenzo Marques, by Great Britain, i 24. Afrikander Bond- iv 381 see that title. British colonist military CAMPBELL, Major-Gen. B. B. D. : in command qualities as compared with Boer, iii 82, v 243. iv of 16th Brigade, 240, 506 ; Dewetsdorp Colonial Volunteer Corps isec under REGI- UNITS. operations, 67 ; at Senekal, 313 ; at Witkop, MENTAL Commands Dec. 1900, v Basin 312. 314 ; Brandwater operations, 323, 332, 130, Constitution movement for sus- v 324 base at v 4 vi 62-71 240, 241, 323, ; Harrismith, ; pension, ; before 1872, compared North-Eastern Free State movements, 7, 23, with Lyttelton constitution, 160. Defence 239 in 7 at of 428-30 ; Doornberg, ; Standerton, absence organization,-iii 92 ; composition of 239 Irregular Corps, 93-6 ; frontier length to D. : in 1st in ii 132 CAMPBELL, Major drive North- defend, ; Government opposed to pre- v 478 iv Eastern Free State, 477, parations, 102, 110, 534 ; guns, number : iii local CAMPBELL, Capt. H. M. wounded at Elands- of, 347 ; forces available, ii 109,

ii 194 : iii laagte, 182, 110 raised, 92-5 ; end 1900 and 1901,

: ii v CAMPBELL, Lieut. D. (I.L.H.) portrait, 74, 75, 84 ; strength, 539 ; take the field

180 ; wounded at Elan'dslaagte, 194 against Hertzog, 130, withdrawn from mo- Lieut. I. A. : at Elands- bile 545 mobile force CAMPBELL, wounded columns, ; urged by ii 194 Sir laagte, A. Milner, 74 ; native levies organized, ii Lieut. J. R. 140 forces at CAMPBELL, McO. .-killed at ; permanent outbreak of war, iii ii 416 92 at Magersfontein, ; police frontiers to guard bridges and : ii CAMPBELL, Major Walter on headquarters railway, 111 ; rifle associations called out, 274 iii staff, v 93 ; town guards formation suggested, 93 ; Col. P. : ii 160 ii iii CAMPBELL, W. at Talana, ; Volunteers called out, 132, 93 ; number retreat enlisted first 8 wounded, 174 ; successful to Lady- during months, 95 ; strength iii ii iii smith, 208 ; at Wagon Hill, 195 ; column, and distribution, 109, 93. District v 160, 298, 351 ; Eastern Transvaal operations, Mounted Troops large numbers surrender, v 395 160, 164, 165, 169, 172, 177,' 178, 180, 298, ; captured at Uitspanfontein, 546, 647.

447-50 ; in North-Eastern Transvaal, 328, 447, Districts divisions and commands, v 312. 450 invade Elections i ; Botha's attempt to Natal {1898) result, 212, 213 ; redistri- for bution 210-11 vi movements, 335, 341, 351, 357 ; leaves bill, ; (1904), 192 ; (1908), 195. England, 447 Finance decrease of revenue, vi 194. Go-

S. : i CAMPBELL, Capt. (A. & Highrs.) wounded vernorslist of, 1806-97, 385 ; Sir A. Milner ii ceases at Magersfontein, 416 to act as, v 76 ; succeeded by Sir W. - : Ber- vi 12 his CAMPBELL, Capt. (Rifle Bde.) killed at Hely Hutchinson, ; popularity, 456 193 gendal, iv ; post severed from High Commissioner- CAMPBELL, Mr. W. Y. : organizes celebra- ship, 7. Invasion communication be- tion of in Johannesburg, tween Schreiner and President Steyn, i i 218 374 ; attitude of Free State, ii 102, 110,

Sir : 136 of CAMPBELL -BANNFRMAN, H. on Parlia- ; merits Boers making their main of 122 mentary Committee Inquiry into Jameson attack upon it, ; compared with invasion i 197 to war i of Bechuanaland or raid, ; objects preparations, 308 ; Griqualand, 278 ; Steyn a allows objects to proposal to create Chief of Staff, Boers to cross Orange River, 278 ;

ii 2-2 : iii 9 forms ii reverses attitude, ; ministry, commenced Nov. 1, 1899, 280, 281 ; slow

vi 177 ; attitude towards importation of movement of Boers, 291 ; Lord Roberts

Chinese, 123 takes preventive measures, iv 55 ; decided

CAMPS: see under ARMY (BOER, BRITISH), upon by Steyn and de Wet, Oct. '00, v 15 ; de

BURGHER CAMPS, CONCENTRATION CAMPS, Wet's attempt, 28-43 ; incursion by Hertzog

REFUGEE CAMPS and Kritzinger, 39, 42 ; by de Wet, Dec. '00-

: see Feb. CANADA contingents ; under REGIMENTAL '01, 127-57 ; planned June '01, 297, 298 ;

UNITS ; resolution condemning attitude of planned by Smuts, Sept. '01, 319, 320 ; Boer i incursion 550. Transvaal, 307 ; expresses sympathy with into Midlands, 549, Jameson raid i Uitlanders, iii 38 ; hesitates to send a con- inquiry debate, 191. Kruger resent- i 103. tingent, 39 ; St. John's City Council urges ment against his policy, 92, Labour offer volun- sending a contingent, 40 ; Indians Chinese importation sanctioned, 1870, vi 103 ; teers for South Africa, 44 ; rebellion 1837-S attitude towards, 1903, 121. Loyalists see compared with position in Cape Colony, iv that title. Maps see that title. Martial for S.A.C. for see 498 ; furnishes recruits and law that title. Military operations

ii : Scottish Horse, v 247 ; Riel rebellion, 1870, Oct. -Dec. '99, 265-98, 320-420 Dec. '99- iv vi Jan. referred to, 498, 1, 2 ; teachers go to '00, iii 105-14, 344-6, 359-65 ; Feb. -March

South Africa, vi 36 '00, 459-71, 486-91, 493, 494, 592-4 ; March- VOL. VII. 82 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

CAPE COLON T mntimifd. CAPITALISTS : charged with inventing grie- of i attitude t<> May '01, v 241-6; May-Aug. '01, 809-17 ; vances Uitlanders, 16; prir 17 disliked 132 Sept. '01, 388-90; Nov. '01-May '02, 638- hostilities, ; by Progressives, ; 141 fi4. Ministry i 212, 213, iv 497, 498, vi National Union and commandeering, ; 192-6, 554. Natives tee that title. Native assist in securing election of Progressives to i 142 in Transvaal States Dr. Philip's proposal, 40. New first Volksraad, ; influence colonies views of ministry on scheme of politics, 148; decision t* obtain reform for administration, 1901, vt 8. Orange Free the Uitlanders, 152 ; attitude towards V it lan- State Customs Union established, 1889, i der petition, 233, 234 ; negotiations re dyna- 102. Parliament assembles, 1899, i 299; mite monopoly, 236-7 ; agreement aa to war vi vi 88 attitude towards Chinese prorogued from time to time, 64 ; meets, contribution, ; i 112 labour 1902, 70 ; 1903, 192. Peace efforts for, 349, labour, 108, ; towards white

370. Politics state of parties, i 192, 210; experiment, 110-11 ; towards political parties 1900-2, vi 62-70. Prime Ministers 1872-1900, in Transvaal, 163 i J. : holds drifts at Vaal 1 885. Progressives Mr. Rhodes joins, 192 ; CAPPER, Col. E. River, Iv 267 support British Government, 365 Rebellion v 399 ; at Virginia Siding, ; commands vi 311 compared with Canadian rebellion, iv 498 ; Railway Pioneer Regiment,

North-West in unsettled condition, ill 360 ; CAPPER, Col. T. : Cape Colony operations, v

Boer expedition to North-West, 360 ; North- 641, 645, 547-50

West, Jan. -March '00, iv 2-6 ; subsidies, 497 ; CARABINIERS: see under REGIMENTS, CTH situation Nov. '00, v 27, 75; disloyalty at DRAGOON GUARDS : ii 174 Calvinia, 541 ; Act of Indemnity and Special CARBERY, Lieut. wounded at Talana, Bills : of State for Tribunals passed, iv 498 ; Indemnity CARDWELL, Mr. Secretary War, vi Bill ii 7 13-16 passed, 70 ; Treason passed, 63 ; Steyn ; army reforms effected, ; criticized, ami de Wet uphold it, v 538 ; Bond officials 15-19 of 651 G. A. L. : on staff of Rhode- guilty treason, vi 64 ; termination, ; CAREW, Lt.-Col. iv further outbreak, 556 ; martial law see also sian Field Force, 368 ; commands 1st 509 MARTIAL LAW and REBELS. Rebels see that Brigade, 375 ; composition of brigade, title. Redistribution Bill second reading, i CARLETON, Col. F. R. C., (R. Irish Fus.) : at

210, 211. Situation Oct. 1899, ii 131, 132; Talana, ii 160 ; retreat to Ladysmith, 208 ; at

Nov. 1-3, 280, 281 ; Nov. 5-Dec. 2, 291-7 ; Dec. Nicholson's Nek, 218, 221, 227, 228, 244, 246, of 2-10, 362-82 ; Dec. 1899, iii 86-98 ; Jan. '00, 340, 247, 249 ; surrender, 250, 253 ; in charge v 311 641 v 64 344 ; June '01, 310, ; Nov. '01, ; May Ladysmith district, '02, 687. Territory extended, i 31. Trans- CARLETON, Major G. A. : at Vryheid, v 117, 118 vaal transit trade discouraged by Kruger, i CARLETON, Col. G. D. : retreat to Ladysmith, ii hi iii 169 in of 92 ; Kruger attempts to make it a dependency 208 ; Ladysmith, ; command in of Transvaal, 91 ; relations and attitude, i 92, Middelburg communications, v 50 ; Rhen- 289, 299, 338. Uitlanders urging oster action, 61, 63 petition Kop " redress of grievances, i 305. War Sir H. de CARLYLE, Thomas : the Great" Villiers on its power and duties in event of, i referred to, iii 8 312. Wars Kaffir invasion, 1834, i 31, 33 ; CARMEL : 2nd de Wet hunt movements, v 35 fourth Kaffir war and Basuto war referred CARNARVON, Lord : favours scheme of federa- to, ii 25 tion, 1876, i 63 CAPE COLONY BEARER Co. -.see under MEDI- CARNARVON : Yeomanry ordered there, iii Sir it i v .x CAL ARRANGEMENTS. 494 ; Col. C. Parsons occupies ; CAPE COLONY CYCLIST CORPS -.see under martial law proclaimed, v 128 ; Hertzog moves REOIMBNTAL UNITS there, 130 CAPE COMMERCIAL BANK LOAN : Transvaal CARNEGIE, Capt. Hon. R. F. : wounded at responsible for balance of debt of South Cwsar's Camp, iii 188, 189 African Republic, under Pretoria Convention, CAROLINA : Commando see under REGI- i 387 ; and under London Convention, 390 MENTAL UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS, Trans- CAPE COPPER MINING Co. : Ookiep, principal vaal Strathcona's Horse burn stores, iv 439 ; of centre, v 550 Gen. French occupies it, 464 ; strength v CAPE FIELD HOSPITAL : nee under MEDICAL 465 ; blockhouses built, 400 ; columns force, " ARRANGEMENTS of Bruce Hamilton reach there, 450 ; drive," CAPE GARRISON ARTILLERY : see under REGI April '02, 561 MENTAL UNIT3 CARR, Col. .-wounded at Pieter's Hill, iii 538 ; CAPE MEDICAL STAFF CORPS -.see under at Frederikstad, v 10, 11 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS CARR, Lieut. Baker : wounded at Modder CAPE MOUNTED POLICE : see under REGIMEN- River, ii 359 TAL UNITS CARR, Sir W. St. J. : chairman of Rand Water CAPE MOUNTED RIFLES ROYAL ARTILLERY : Board, vi 28 tee under REGIMENTAL UNITS CAKRINGTON, Lieut. -Gen. Sir F. : portrait, iv

: see CJUfK POLICE under REGIMENTAL UNITS 220 ; sails for S. Africa, 368 ; arrives Cape Town, ACT : in-8. ii 25 CAPE PUNISHMENT passed by British 369 ; experience Africa, ; commands Government during great trek, i 36 Rhodesian Field Force, iv 368, 509 ; rapid

: 370 slow- CAPE SPECIAL POLICE see under REGIMENTAL transit of Royal Canadian Artillery, ;

UNITS ness and inaction, 373, 374 ; leaves Beira, 373 ; efforts "CAPE TIMES ": petition to High Commis duties in advance on Pretoria, 90 ; to sioner for release of Dr. Jameson, i 177 relieve Eland's River, 867-60 ; at Mafeking, CAPE TOWN : deputation to Sir A. Milner after 860; at Pietersburg 376, 877, 381; at i Bloemfontein Conference, 285 ; public meet- Tuli, 377, 378; 1st de Wet hunt orders,

341 of 422 428 ; ing urging intervention, ; reception ; ordered to re-occupy Zeerust, Sir ii to R. Buller, 279 ; under martial law, vi in Ottoshoop district, 481 ; sent back Rho- 560 ; public meeting against suspension, desia, 377, 431 ; sent back to England, 378

: 522 68 ; to welcome Mr. Chamberlain, 94 ; Na- CARRUTHERS, Lieut. at Boschbult, v 621, iii tional Convention moves to, 214 ; made seat CARTER, Col. : at Colesberg, 460, 463, 467; of legislature, 218; meeting of loyalists in attack on Slabbert's Nek, iv :w r 1884, i 84 t'AKTKK, Capt. : wounded at Bankkop, v 4. .7 - CAPE TOWN HIGHLANDERS -.see under RK

" CARTER, Mr. T. F. : History of the First Boer CASUALTIES continued. ii 280 War" reference to criticisms of Majuba, 169 ; Langverwacht, 490 ; Leeuwdoorns, ;

: 56 Lim- 243 Leeuw Kop, iv 71 Lichtenburg, v ; : 304 CARTER'S FARM seized by Col. Scott-Turner, popo, iv 203 ; Lindley, 128, 257, ; Long Hill, ii iv 462 iii iv 554, 555 ; reconnaissances, 559 216 ; Lydenburg, ; at Maofarlane's, : 412 v 125 ii iv CARTER'S RIDGE operations, iv 546, 552-6, ; Machadodorp, ; Mafeking, 269,

559 207, 219, 221, 579, 583, 584, 585, 591 ; Mafeking,

: 209 CARTHEW-YORSTOUN, CoL at Babiaansberg, relief of special service officers, iv ; Ma- ii 416 iv!07 galiesberg, v 55 ; Magersfontein, 415, ; v 558 Marcoi CASE SHOT :gee under ARTILLERY Marabastad, v 202 ; Malipspoort, ; : v CASSON, Capt. at Modderfontein, 114, River, 327 ; Middeldrift, 3"! ; Middelfontein, ii 115 113 ; Modder River, 359 ; Modderfontein,

: iii CASTROL NEK operations, v 175 v 115, 389 ; Moedwil, 382 ; Monte Cristo,

: ii CASUALTIES Totals, British not heavy at 505 ; Mooifontein, v 293 ; Nicholson's Nek, iv 13- 105 first, vi 520 ; to Mar. '00, 28*; Mar. 253 ; Nooitgedacht, v 101-3, ; Observation ii and iii iv 349 June 5, 160 see also vii, appendices Hill, 160 ; Onderste Poort, ; Orange 14-27 234 iii. Totals, Boer estimate Feb. '00, Free State, drives, etc. Mar. 1901, v ; Apl. 15 iv 419 iii 542 ; after Paardeberg to June, '00, 238 ; June, 286 ; July, 302, 307 ; Nov. 417, ;

298 ; to Nov. '00, v 67 ; after June '01, 589 ; Feb.-Mar. '02, 480, 481, 483, 490, 491, 493, 494 ; 601 453 Sept.-Oct. '01, 390, 391 ; total killed, ; Mar.-Apl. 556 ; May, 578, 579 ; Oshoek, ;

&c. Acton iii 222 ; iii 445-7. 484 By localities, Homes, Paardeberg, 427, 440, 480, ; 439 Alleman's Nek, iv 193 ; Amersfoort, ; Paardeplaats, iv 417, 466, 467 ; Palmietfon- 445 iv 306 Armstrong Drift, v ; Baken Kop, ; tein, iv 417 ; Pan, iv 465, v 50 ; Peninsular 61 iii Bakenlaagte, v 374, 375 ; Balmoral, ; War compared, 446 ; Philippolis, v 25 ; 139 iii Piet v 357 Pit- Bankkop, 458 ; Bartmann's Siding, ; Pieter's Hill, 542 ; Retief, ; iii 234: iv 229 Bastion Hill, Belfast, 447, 499, sani, iv 206 ; Platberg, v ; Poplar Grove,

: ii 333 iv v 123, 124 Belmont, 291, ; Bergendal, iii 569, 570 ; Potgieter's Drift, 242 ; Pretoria,

455, 456 ; Bethlehem, 306 ; Biddulphsberg, 251; South-East, iv 159, 160, June '00, 155, 156 ; 58 Blood Blaauvrbank, v 328 ; Bloemhof, ; Prisoners see that title ; Quaggafontein, v 524 Bosch- iii iv River Poort, 340 ; Boschbult, ; 387 ; Railway Hill, 540 ; Reddersburg, iv 215 Botha's ii man's Kop, 560 ; Boshof, 214, ; 53, v 309 ; Regimental, vii, appendix ; Botha's attempt to invade Natal, v357 ; Pass, Retiefs Nek, iv 330 ; Rensburg Drift, v 14 ; iv v 20 172 iv 188 ; Bothaville, 18, ; Bothwell, ; Rhenoster Kop, v 62 ; Rhenoster River, 320 220 Brand- ii Bower's Hoek, ; Brakpan, ; 265 ; Rhodesia, 372 ; Rietfontein, 205 ; Riet- iv v 57 water Basin, 327 ; Bronkhorstfontein, ; spruit, v 239 ; Risk of fear of British generals, i ii 63 v iv 296 Bronkhorst Spruit (1880), 65, ; (1901), iii 218, and of Lord Roberts, 454, ; Caesar's iv 330, 331 ; Buffelspoort, 95 ; Camp, Roodekraal, v 475 ; Roodewal, 265 ; Roode- iii v 317 202 : Cape Colony May-Aug. 1900, ; wal (Transvaal), v 534, 535, 537 ; Rooidam, of 315 of Kritzin- v surprise Lategan, ; pursuit iv 218 ; Rooikopjes, 439 ; Rotterdam, 456 ; ger, 544 ; G Fouch6 in North-East Cape Royal Army Medical Corps from disease, 549 Colony, 545 ; near Calvina, ; Uitspanfon- vi '516 ; Sannah's Post, iv 43, 44 ; Scheeper's iv 552-6 Chieve- tein, 548 ; Carter's Ridge, ; Nek, 181 ; Schimmelhoek, v 364 ; Selons River, iii ii 457 ley, 243 ; Cingolo, 500 ; Colenso, 456, ; iv 357 ; Senekal, 243, 344 ; Slabbert's Nek, 331 ; iii 514 iii Colenso Kopjes, ; Colesberg, 133-5, Slangfontein, v 386 ; Slangapiesberg, 357 ; iv 138, 141. 465, 466, 468, 487 ; Crocodile Pools, Smaldeel, 179 ; Smutsoog, 451 ; South Rand v 111 iii iii 205, 206 ; Cyferfontein, ; Cyphergat, Mine, 120 ; Spion Kop, 255, 264, 276, 288, 129 Deerde- iv 120 ; Dalmanutha, v 451 ; De Aar, ; 294, 295 ; Spitz Kop, 466-8 ; Spitz Kranz, ii 298 v 508 Kraalen v 40 poort, ; De Klip Drift, ; De 327 ; Springhaan's Nek, ; Spytfontein, iv ii Drift, v 180; Delagoa railway, 125, 299; 420 ; Stinkhoutboom, 419 ; Stormberg, iv iii Dewetsdorp, 32, 68, 71 ; Diamond Hill, 282, 380, 381 ; Strydenburg, v 147 ; Sunnyside, iv 283, 286, 296 ; Doornkloof, v 152 ; Doornkop, 116 ; Surprise Hill, 172 ; Swaziland, v 177 ; 145 iii 586 Dron- iii ; Dordrecht, 489 ; Driefontein, ; Tabaksberg, 133 ; Tabanyama, 233, 238 ; iii 412 iv 355 ii fleld, ; Dwarsvley, ; Elandslaagte, Tafel Kop, v 426, 427 ; Talana, 167, 174 ; ii iv 169 v 464 ii iv 75 194, ; Elandspruit, ; Enslin, Thaba 'Nchu, ; Tigerkloof Spruit, v 430, 340 v 458 ii ; Ermelo night raids, ; Estcourt, 431 ; Transvaal (Eastern) Jan.-Apl. 1901, 180, Faber's iv v 25 308 ; Put, 234, 235 ; Fauresmith, ; 181 ; night raids, 453, 455, 458 ; protected 349 Fort Prospect, ; Fraserburg, 547 ; Frede- area, Dec. '01-Jan. '02, 461 ; drive, Apl. '02, 12 iv 189 v total rikstad, 11, ; Gansvley, ; Geduld, 561 ; Transvaal (North-Eastern) Mar.- iv 446 225 ; Geluk, ; Germiston, 148 ; Graskop, Apl. 8, 215, 216 ; Transvaal (South-Eastern), v 57 410; Graspan (Reitz), 288-301; Greyling- v 558 ; Transvaal (Western), Jan. '00, ; iv 401 v 308 Hill last stad, ; Grootvlei, ; Gun May '01, 233 ; 1st drive, 517 ; drive, iii 169 v Jan. (Ladysmith), ; Hartebeestfontein, 581 ; Trigaardtsfontein, 454 ; Tugela, 49 221 ; Heidelberg, 48, ; Helvetia, 122 ; Hol- '00, iii 243; Tweebosch, v 508; Twee- v 100 land, 456 ; Houtnek, iv99, ; Ingogo(1881), fontein (Groen Kop), 442 ; Tweefontein ii iii 63 ; Inniskilling Hill, 527 ; Israel's Farm, (Boshof), iv 214 ; Tygerfontein, 424 ; Uit- iv 221 Israel's iv 74 v 348 16- 220, ; Poort, ; Itala, ; spanfontein, v 548 ; Upper Tugela, Jan. 25 iii Jacobsdal, 26 ; Jagersfontein, ; Jericho, 24, 1900, 295; Upper Vaal, v 456; Vaal iv 60 ; Johannesburg, 147-9 ; Karee Siding, 22 ; Krantz, iii 316, 317, 319, 320, 328 ; Vaal River, iii Katbosch, 268 ; Kheis, 228 ; Kimberley, iv 136; Van Wyk's Vley, 445, v 51; Van

iv 552-6 ; 663 v 113 412, 413, 545, siege, ; Klaarwater Wyk's Rust, iv 141, v 51 ; Ventersdorp, ;

v 319 385 ; iv 42 Drift, ; Kleinfontein, Klipdam, Vet River, 109 ; Victoria Nek, v ; 216; Klip Drift, iii 393; Klip Kraal, 407; Visserkraal, 389, 390; Vlakfontein, 284; v 364 Kloof Klippan, 462 ; Klippoortje, ; Vogelstruispoort, iv 450 ; Vrieskraal, v 328 ; Hills iii 134 iv iii (Colesberg), ; Koedoesrand, Vryheid, 118; Wagon Hill, 201, 202; iii 219 ; Koedoesberg Drift, 364 ; Koesberg, Wakkerstroom, v 458 ; Welgevonden, 172 ; v 38 Komati 52 Krantz iv v 226 ; River, 51, ; Kraal, Wepener, iv 60-3 ; SVildfontein, ; Wit- 101 iv ii Wil- ; Kromspruit, v 131 ; Kruger's Post, 480, krans, 454 ; Willow Grange, 315, 316 ; v 199 57 iii iv ; Kruisrivier, ; Kuilfontein Farm, mansrust, 296 ; Witpoort, 397 ; Wolma-

487 ; Kuruman, 114 ; Labuschagne's Nek, 491 ; ransstad, v 327 ; Wolvekraal, iii 381 ; Wolve- ii iii 57 Ladysmith, 255, 160, 162, 169, 172, 193-5, kuil, v 138 ; Wonderfontein, ; Wynne Hills, 202 iv v iii .v 197, 200, ; 526, 529 ; Lake Chrisaie, 522, 529, 542 ; Yzer Spruit, 499 ; Zaud G 2 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA

CASCA I.TIK8 continueA. CENTRALIZATION : ee under ARMY, BRITISH KiviT. iv 109, 1W-21; Zeekoegat, v 244; CURES : Smuts enters the district, v 395 /iliUfs Nek, iv S53, 300; Zuurberg, v 310; CKYLON CONTINGENT : M REGDHNTAJ

314. Mr. : Investi- Zuurfontein, lit, 112 ; Zuurvlaakte, By CHADWICK, organizes Criminal units, British Regulars fee vii, Appendix ii. gation Department, vi From disease vi siu, f,24, 525, 541, 542, vii CHAKA SPRUIT : supplies transported by iii .Medical Service, vi :.i(i. wire v 175 appendix ; Indian rope, Risk of fear of British, iii ^18, 454, iv 296 CHALMERS, Lieut. : killed at Van Wyk's Vlei, see also PRISONERS v51 CATHCART, Sir G. : governor of Cape Colony, CHALONKR, Lieut -Col. R. G. W. : in command i 43. 3S5 of 1st Bn. I.Y., iv 611 CATHCART, Capt* Hon. R. : killed at Wynne CHALONER, Lieut. : at Roodewal, v 631 Hills, iii 5iu CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Johannesburg) : pro- CATHCART: drive Aug. '01, y 316 test against delay re Chinese, vi 126 : iv offers CATTLK number at Ladysmith, 516 ; cap- CHAMBKR OF MINES (Johannesburg): to 204 at i 235 tured raid by Boers at Sekwani, ; help buy out dynamite concession, ; repre-

ii : Waterval Drift, iii 400 ; at Belinont, 333 ; sentatives on Rand Water Boai in at Mafeking, iv 208 ; at Kheia, 228 ; Brand- against extension of municipal

i water Basin, 342 ; at Kimberley, 545 ; at inquiries about labour from India 119 Welgevonden, Ermelo, v 172 ; in Swaziland, 104 ; in favour of Chinese labour, vi 108, ;

177 ; in North-Eastern Free State, 302, 417, protest against delay, 126

: 491 ; in North-VVestern Free State, 307 ; at CHAMBER OF TRADE (Johannesburg) protest Middeldrift, 361; supplies obtained from against delay in sanctioning Chinese, vi 126 ii 140 : i Basutoland, ; from President Steyn's CHAMBERLAIN, Right Hon. J. portrait, iv 1 Parlia- brother-in-law at Bloemfontein, ; quanti- frontispiece. Afrikanders (Cape ties available in South Africa, vi 372. Rinder- ment) reply to petition, i 365, 366. Army- pest see that title. opposes reduction of strength in South Africa, CAVALRY : Belmont wanted to cut Boer re- vi 61. Boer generals dealings with, vi 74, ii see 94. treat, 332 ; brigades under BRIGADES ; 75, 77, 79, 80, 89, 90, 93, Boer Republics rifle ii vi 3. unaccustomed to mounted tactics, 226 ; speech at Birmingham, re annexation, Klip Drift novelty of charge, iii 394, 395; Boers his treatment of, vi 15. Cape Colony Ladysmith grave error in their being re- opposed to suspension of Constitution, vi ii 263 ; conduct at battle of Lariy- 66, 69. Government reply to their tained, " " Cape smith, 235 ; least serviceable War communication advocating a compromise, i i Office despatch to colonies, 117 ; dismounted 350. Colonial Secretary appointed, 12, vi men armed with rifles, iv 525 ; Methuen's 13, 153 ; resigns, 98 ; endeavours to per- ii Milner vi 116. advance deficiency, 323, 324; Modder suade Lord to accept office, iii iii 24 River fine march, 388 ; regiments see Colonies attitude towards them, ; REGIMENTAL UNITS ; strength Dec. 1901, v consults Premiers at Colonial Conference vi 405 ; usefulness discussed, 69, 70 ; see also about suspension, 69 ; object of ^outh under ARMY, BRITISH, and DIVISIONS African visit, 78. Compensation claims : CAVAYE, Major controls Government supply replies to Boer deputation, vi 81 ; proposals vi stores at Johannesburg, 697 accepted by War Office, 81 ; arranges for CAVENDISH, Lieut. Hon. C. W. H. : killed at colonial liability, 608. Concentration camps Diamond Hill, iv 282 urges removal to coast, vi 24. Des- CAVENY, Pte. : wounded at Moedwil, v 380 alleged to have been provocative, CAYZER, Capt J. S. : at Ladysmith, ii 303 fatches378. Dynamite monopoly protest against, CECIL, Lord Edward : administrator of i 205, 235. Germany refers to friendly rela- Zeerust iv 225 chief in iii 62. district, ; staff officer tions, Hofmeyr, Mr. telegram to Mafeking, 576 Sir A. Milner regarding visit to Kruger, i 292 ; CKLLIKRS, Mr. : editor of the Voltestem on discussions with, at Cape Town, vi 94, 95. divulgence of Volksraad decisions, 1885, i Imperial Bushmen corps raised at his re- 86 ; opposition to franchise scheme, 134 quest, iv 368. Imperial preference discus- J. G. : of CELLIRKS, Gen. head Lichtenburg sion with Lord Milner. vi 87 ; correspondence iv v 529 commando, 513, 220, ; laager at Brak- with Milner, disappointed by colleagues, dis- v 220 vi 174 pan captured, ; moves north-west, 221 ; couraged, speech, May 16, 1903, 98. ; its wounded at 223 Lichtenburg, 222, ; near relation to Unionist party, 174.175 ; England 232 Hartebeestfontein, ; command ; over- unconvinced in 1905, 177. Jameson raid 496 at i whelms Yeomanry, ; Yzer Spruit ac- attitude criticized, 159, 160 ; opposed to -it, 499 and at 171 tion, 498, ; Tweebosch, 504, 507 ; at 170, 171 ; speech in House of Commons, ; in Hart's River, 517; action at Boschbult, appeal to Kruger for safety of raiders, 178 ; 520-3 with ; Kemp, 529 ; peace delegate, 683, member of Committee of inquiry, 197 ; con- 588, 589 duct justified, 198, 199. Joint Inquiry pro- Gen. : at iii i CKLLIERS, Colesberg, 461-3, 466 ; posal, 309, 343, 344. Khama interview at leaves for Bloemfoiitein, 470 ; at Driefontein, Mafeking, vi 93. Krugrer negotiations after i 674, 577, 581, 582; helps to raise National Jameson raid, 181-7 ; invites him to con- v 407. Scouts, ference in London, Jan. 1896, 181 ; suggests

CKLLIERS, Comdt. Jan : in command of Kroon- another conference with Milner, 309 ; v 235 " " " stad district, ; joins de Wet at Blijd- squeezed sponge and the sands are run- 418 at schap, ; Slangfontein, 479 ; demands ning down" speech on Kruger"8 attitude, 333, surrender of British at Spion Kop, iii 268 334. Labour crisis attitude towards Chinese CENSORSHIP : battle of Ladysrnith signifi- labour, vi 89, 103, 122 ; suggests increased

cance minimized, 11260; use of white 89 ; assent to im- " "regrettable labour, qualified incident 260 in and other phrases, ; and Lord portation of Chinese Rhodesia, IDS. iii i Roberta's advance, 359 ; under martial Liberals animosity of, 307, vi 176, 178. law in vi Cape Colony, 657, 500, 567 ; in Mackenzie, John 'Supports policy advo- Johannesburg, 507, 598 cated by, i 78. Milner, Lord selects him : see i 104 CENTRAL AFRICA REGIMENT under REGI- as High Commissioner, ; suggests line MENTAL UNITS to take at Bloemfontein Conference, 1 260; CENTRAL SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY SYSTEM : meets him on arrival in London, 1901, vi 13 ; Milner's policy, vi 137 difference of point of view on war contribu- INDEX 85

CHAMBERLAIN, Eight Hon. J. continved. CHAPMAN, Major A. J. : repels attack at v tion, vi 21, 22 ; difference over suspension, 66 ; Utrecht, 116 ; attacked at Itala, 344-8

meet at Charlestown, 79 ; discuss questions CHAPMAN, Lieut. : killed at battle of Lady- of ii 255 of policy, 80-93 ; support schemes assured, smith,

: ii 95, 96 ; urges him to take Colonial Secretary- CHARGES Boer Amersfoort, 79; Baken- 116 v 371 457 ship, ; protests against censure motion, laagte, 370, ; Bankkop, ; near Blijd-

179. New colonies outlines new system schap, 393 ; Blood River Poort, 340 ; Bosch- 522 of civil administration, vi 6 ; expounds bult, 521, ; Boschman's Kop, 559 ; Butfels- of 95 ii 225 policy, 8, 75, 77, 80 ; agrees to amount poort, ; Enslin, 340 ; Geduld, v ; self- 347 loan, 84 ; nature of steps towards Itala, ; Kleinfontein, 384 ; Komati River, 51 i ii government announced, 162. Peace Mid- ; ilajuba, 1881, 66, 63 ; Modderfontein

v 115 : dellmrg Conference attitude, v 186-8 ; reply siege, 114, ; Mooifontein, 293 Nooitge- in 102 iii to Boer proposals, 566. Pretoria favour dacht, ; Pink Hill, 463-6 ; Roodewal, vi 32. v 532-4 its of selection as capital, Progressives ; lessons, 536, 537 ; Tigerkloof of 430 (Cape Parliament) reply to petition Sept. Spruit, ; Tweebosch, 505, 506 ; Tweefon- vi 439-41 1899, i 366. Protected burghers claims, tein, ; Vlakfontein, 282-4 ; Vryheid, 81. to vi 117 iii 197 iv Railways -consents conference, ; Wagon Point, 196, ; Wepener, 187. Rebels views regarding punishment, 62; Wilinansrust, v 295, 296; Wolvehoek- his arbitration Heilbrou iii iv 498. Reitz, Mr. reply to line, 494 ; Worcester Hills, 464, i 465 v proposal, 3U3, 304. Repatriation suggests ; Vzer Spruit, 499

of vi 37. Africa : iv creation a Land Bank, South CHARGES British Alleman's Nek, 193 ; Bel- vi 222 in liouse ii 329 iv 455 on obligations of, ; speech mont, 328, ; Bergendal, ; Boom- i ii of Commons on situation, 308, 309. South plaats, 1845, 59 ; Bothaville, v 20 ; Diamond vi 207. iv 292 145 iii African Union policy regarding, Hill, ; Doornkop, ; Dordrecht, vi leaves 489 iv ii South African visit objects, 78 ; ; Driefontein, 583 ; Elandslaagte, 187- 'Hill 32s England, 78 ; in Natal, 78, 79 ; at Pretoria, 7y, 90; Gun (Ladysmith), ; Inniskilling visits Western iii 525-7 Karee iv 21 80 ; at Johannesburg, 80-90 ; Hill, ; Siding, ; Kimberley, iii Transvaal, Mafeking, Kimberley, Bloemfon- 552 ; Klip Drift, 393-5 ; Lindley, iv 256 ; ii tein, 93, 94 ; in Cape Colony, 94 ; at Cape Town, Mafeking, 583; Magersfontein, 402, 403; v 113 ii 94, 95 ; results, 96. Suzerainty despatches Middeifontein, ; Modder River, 353 ; to Transvaal Government, i 200-3. "The Moedwil, v 382 ; New Zealand Hill, iii 140, " 141 Times meeting with lobby correspondent, ; Paardeberg, 430, 438, 440 ; Pieter's Hill, i i 154 541 300. Transvaal policy towards, 153, ; 540, ; Railway Hill, 538-41 ; Roodekraal, v 475 iii offers to guarantee independence, 183 ; pro- ; Spion Kop, 250, 269, 275 ; Spj t- v ii test against Aliens Immigration Act, 1896, fontein, 420 ; Stormberg, 375 ; Surprise iii 171 ii 166 185 ; reply to proposals Aug. 1899, 331, 334, Hill, ; Talana, 163, 164, ; inter- Victoria v 42 iii 139 335 ; repudiates claim to sovereign Nek, ; Wagon Hill, British national state, 342, 343 ; announces Wagon Point, 187, 199, 201 ; Welgevonden, v 172 Willow ii Government compelled to formulate their ; Grange, 312, 313 ; Witpoort, iv Sou 397 near v own proposals, ; protests against charges ; Wolmaransstad, 326 ; Wynne of bad faith, 350, 351; attitude towards muni- Hills, iii 519, 520, 522

vi 90 to secure : iv 195 cipal administration, ; anxious CHARLESTOWN occupied by Buller,

war contribution. 20-2 ; views, 87, 88 ; ques- Mr. Chamberlain arrives there, vi 79 tionableness of policy, 198. Uitlander Council CHAKLEY, Capt. : killed at Colenso, ii 457 appeals to him not to abandon Bloemfon- CHARTERED Co. : see BRITISH S. AFRICA Co. teiu minimum, i 3uO. Uitlanders sympathy CHEAPE, Lieut. : at Kleinfontein, v 384 i 159 from Mr. : vi 537 with, ; telegrams urgi; g concessions CHEATLE, consulting surgeon, Sir A. Dr. : vi 532 Transvaal, 173-5 ; despatch to Milner, CHKPMELL, appointment,

253-6 re Sir : May Issi9, ; orders despatch petition CHERMSIDK, Maj.-Gen. H. composition of iii to be forwarded to Transvaal Government, 14th Brigade, 376 ; in command of 3rd details iv 507 at Karee 21 287 ; requests Transvaal to provide Division, 54, ; Siding, 20, ; at 66 of scheme, 297 ; on seven years' franchise Reddersburg, ; operations at Dewets- 30. 66-72 at scheme, Unionist Party virtual dorp, ; Bloemfontein, 239 ; approxi- of leadership, vi 174. Vaal drifts attitude mate strength force, 239 ; dispositions, 244 War accused of provoking an unnecessary ; at Pretoria, 392 war, i 16 ; speech in House of Commons on CHESHAM, Lady: suggests Yeomanry hos- vi 534 nature of war in South Africa,- 183 ; on pitals,

: Government's attitude, June 1899, 292 ; CHESHAM, Lord member of Yeomanry com- iii 15 charged of British Government, i 155, 156 ; mittee, ; at Kimberley, 495 ; strength iv 2i4 with planning, 310 ; speech in House of of Yeomanry, 79; at Boshof, 213, ; in in Commons justifying war, 377, 378 ; Mr. J. N. movements Magaliesberg, 356 ; 1st of Blignaut fears that he will cheat Transvaal de Wet hunt, 424 ; in command 1st v out of war, 380. War Minister suitable Yeomanry Brigade, 56 ; with Lord Methuen for, iii 9. in Western Transvaal, 56 CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. accompanies Mr. Cham- CHESHIRE REGIMENT : see REGIMENTAL UNITS berlain to South Africa, vi V8 CHESXEY, Sir G. : and mounted infantry, ii 31 Col. Neville: private secre- CHESTNUT TROOP: see REGIMENTAL UNITS CHAMBERLAIN, " iii 337 in tary to Lord Roberts, ; Cape Town, Artillery, Horse "A Battery 337 CHETWODE, Capt. : at Lydenburg, iv 463 CHAMBERS, Sergt. : wounded at Moedwil CHEVRIL : made in Ladysmith, iv 523 awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal, v 380 CHEYNE, Mr. W. : consulting surgeon, vi 537 CHAMIER, Col. : at Kimberley, iv 536-8, 542, CIIICHESTER, Rear-Adm. Sir E. : portrait, vi

552-4, 556 ; moves to Johnstone's Kopje, 553, 238 ; work in connexion with transport,

554, 556 285, 287, 292 ; death, 285 CHAMLEY, Lieut. : wounded at Magersfontein, CHIENE, Prof. : consulting surgeon, vi 537

ii416 : ii 304 ar- CHIEVELKY Boer patrol there, ; : of CHANCE, Major in command 8th Battery, moured train captured, 305-8 ; Buller ad- il v 104 ; at Nooitgedacht, 104 ; at Vlakfoutein, vances there, 433; troops there afterColenso, iii 281-3 456 ; movements of Barton, 242, 243 ; Bullr CHANNEL ISLANDS MILITIA : tee REGIMENTAL retires there after Vaal Krautz, 327, 328 UK ITS CHILDE, Major : killed at Bastion Hill, iii 234