De Wet in North- Boer Generals Enthusiastic Reception at Avestern Free State, V

De Wet in North- Boer Generals Enthusiastic Reception at Avestern Free State, V

INDEX AAnr>T, Comdt. van : escapes from Brand- AFRIKANDER BOND : Bechuanaland efforts iv to annexation i 84. water Basin, 316, 317 ; head of Kroonstad prevent by Great Britain, commando, 614 ; joins de Wet in North- Boer generals enthusiastic reception at AVestern Free State, v. 8 Cape Town, vi 73. Cape Colony agitation : iv for i 81 Mr. ABADIK, Lieut. at Ladysmith, 523 formation, 80, ; Hofmeyr modifies : iii ABATTIS constructed at Ladysmith, 151 ; constitution ; Farmers' Association amalga- at Kimberley, iv 541, 542 mated with ; success of organization, i J. : vi 193. ABDY, Major A. wounded at Rietfoutein, 83 ; campaign in 1904 elections, ii 205 : gallantry of battery at Ladysmith, Chamberlain, Mr. dealings with, vi 94, 95. 234 Ciesar's iii to ; Camp, 189, 190 Congress be held at Worcester, v 27. : i 207 ABERDEEN Martial law proclaimed, v 128 ; Disloyalty protest against charges, ; Kvitzinger pursued, 129 during elections, 211, 212 ; speech by Mr. AEON'S DAM : Gen. French collects force, iii J. X. Merriman, 85. Elections success in i 394 1898, 211, 212 ; defeat in 1904, vi 193 ; suc- ABRAHAM'S KRAAL : Modder River forded in cess in 1908, 195. Imperialism attitude de v see i 104. Bills great Wet hunt, 153 ; battle under towards, Indemnity attitude, DRIEFONTEIN vi 70. Joint Inquiry urges Kruger to ac- ABRICOOS KOP : demonstration by Gen. cept, i 311, 338. Orange Free State agita- Bundle, iv 332 tion for formation ; opposition of President ACHESON, Lieut. Viscount: wounded at Brand, i 80, 81. Paardekraal address, i 73. Modder ii anti-British i 84 River, 359 Policy character, ; weak- ACKKRMAN, Comdt. : in command of South ness, 1898, 211, 212. Rebellion attitude, iii Bloemfontein in 91. attitude iv vi district, v 235 ; Southern Rebels, towards, 498, 64. Free State, 385 ; at Slangfontein, 386 Rhodes, Mr. Cecil policy of co-operation : ii after i 103 ACKROYD, Lieut. wounded at Enslin, 340 1887, ; induced by him to support A COURT, Lieut. -CoL C. : supervises organiza- British expansion, 104. Schreiner, Mr. tion of iii relations iii South African Light Horse, 94 ; at early part of war, 90, 91. Sprigg, vi Spion Kop, 240, 255, 259, 262, 263 ; at Vaal Sir Gordon practical alliance with, 70. Krantz, 321 Transvaal attitude, i 84, 299; relations, ACTON HOMES : Lord Dundonald surprises 1885, 86. Treason guilt of officials, vi 64. Boers, iii 222 Uitlanders attitude towards them after : iii i 191. ADAMS, Lieut. at Ladysmith, 184 ; killed, Jameson raid, Vaal drifts attitude 193 regarding closing of, i 156, 157. War ADAMS, Capt. F. Lock : wounded at Talana, attitude, i 307 ii 174 AFRIKANDERS : (Cape Colony) Attitude : iii after i ADDISON, Major at Ladysmith, 168 Jameson raid, 190-3 ; Bloemfontein ADDISON, Col. F. : ordered to attack Help- Conference attitude, i 266, 286; British iii makaar, 209 ; Waschbank expedition, 329, Government antagonism to after Jameson 330 i raid, 190, 191 ; Burghersdorp object to : to of ii ADENDORFF, Mr. helps organize Banyai- conduct Boers, 293 ; franchise reform land trek, i 105, 106 proposals submitted to Volksraad, i 294, 295 ; ADYK, Col. : supervises organization of South support Mr. Chamberlain's proposal for Joint iii i i African Light Horse, 94 ; ordered to Inquiry, 311; urge Kruger to accept, 316, Britstown against rebels, 494 ; in action at 317 ; Kruger urged by Mr. Hofmeyr to pub- iv 4 5 lish of i Houwater, 570, 571, 3 , ; at Pricska, ; appeal August 11, 1899, 349; mediation at Kheis, 227, 228 efforts, i 286-320 ; Transvaal conference i ADYE, Major W. : credited with suggesting proposed to discuss situation, 257 ; petition ii occupation of Nicholson's Nek, 218 ; enter- to Sir A. Milner on attitude of, 257 ; Uitlanders in his views of i prise mainly hands, 238 ; movements, regarding solution grievances, i 8 244, 246, 249 260 ; War attitude towards, ; efforts to AFFORESTATION : New colonies Lord Milner's avoid, 266. efforts, vi 140 Bloemfontein Conference opposition of AFGHANISTAN : Russian attempts at intrigue, Mr. Wessels to Kruger's proposals, i 284. iii 64 Character, iii 85. Clergymen appeal to AFRICAN LABOUR LEAGUE: attitude on labour Steyn to withdraw commandos, v 538. controversy, vi 115 England Steyn suggests mission, i 315. THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA AFRIKANDER* mtinvfl. ALDERSC ,, i\n^. (Ji-n. E. A. H.rontiim*L Ideal dangers to realization, I 188, 180. Witpoort, 395-7; advances on Middelbiirg, Kimberley Siege offer to Afrikander 404; on line from Mid.lcll.iirg to Belfast, of free iv W>4 women and children passage out, 464 ; commands 1st Corps M.I., ; -given 646. 546. Ladysmith, Battle of effect, ii 250. control of M.I., v 79; composition anil i Milner, Sir A. attitude, 210. Nationalism strength of column, 169 ; Eastern Transvaal Dutch press campaign, i 68 ; growth after operations, Jan. -April, '01, 159, 163, 164, 169, Jameson raid, 187-0. National League 172, 177, 179, 180 i iii movement for formation, 245. Orange ALDWORTH, Col. : at Paardeberg, 437 ; killed, Free State movement, i 58. Philippolis 440 assist in defence against Boers, v 25. South ALKN, Mr. van :tee VAN ALEN African Light Horse number join, iii 94. ALEXANDER, Col. : at Mark's Drift, iii 115 ; iv Transvaal opposed to British Intervention, crosses Klip Drift, 387 ; at Sannah's Post, I 245. and Transvaal War, 1881 aspirations, 41 ; at Zilikat's Nek, 360-3 ; composition i 80. Uitlanders causes of opposition after strength of column, v 316 ; pursues .Scheepers Jameson raid, i 188, 189. Young Afrikanders in Cape Colony, 316, 394 executive i 221 : at ii given appointments, ; atti- ALEXANDER, Lieut. wounded Belmont, tude towards Uitlanders, 222 ; and war, 352, 333 360, ii 141, iii 68 ALEXANDER, Lieut. (I.Y.) : surrenders at AGNEW, Lieut. : killed at Groenkop, v 439 Lindley, iv 256, 257 AGRICULTURE : assistance promised to farmers ALKXANDERSFONTEIN : fee under KIMKEKLEV v : v 40 at Middelburg Conference, 185, 187, 190 ; ALEXANDRIA post attacked, in : drought South Africa, 1902, 1903, vi ALIWAL NORTH disloyalty ; occupied by of ii 2'.r~ 100 ; new colonies development, 138-40, Boers on invitation inhabitants, ; 204 iii 593 move- ; labour deficiency ; Boer farmers sup- Boers retreat, ; 2nd de Wet hunt v port importation, 118 ; ploughing assistance ments, 37 ; great de Wet hunt movement*, Transvaal 135 " 234 in com- to Boers. 61, 52; department ; drive," ; Maj.-Gen. Hart organized, 31 mand, 244 ; districts division, 312 AINSWORTH, Lieut. : at Sannah's Post, iv 42 ALLASON, Col. Bannatine : see under BAN- AIREY, Col. : attacked at Selons RiVer, iv NATINE-ALLASON 357 ALLEMAN'S NEK : battle, 189-95, 197 AIRLIE, Lord : Magersfontein, ii 406 ; at Dia- ALLEN, Maj.-Gen. R. E. : staff appointment, iv mond Hill, iv 282 ; killed, 2S3 vi 245 ; at Reddersburg, 66 ; commands : v 24 in- ALARMS contrivances at blockhouses, v 22nd Brigade, 507 ; in Free State, ; 398 valided home, 24 ALBEMARLK, Major the Earl of : addresses ALLEN, Col. : at Spion Kop, iii 296 J. R. : 4-6- C.I.V. before departure, iii 10 ; given com- ALLEN, Major H. commands mand of infantry, 20 inch howitzers, iv 154 ; with Ian Hamilton's ALBERT DISTRICT : rebels at Stormberg, Ii column, 394 365 ALLEN, Capt. : at Dwarsvley, iv 354 ALBERT JUNCTION : 2nd de Wet hunt move- ALLENBY, Col. E. H. H. : at Colesberg, iii v 36 142 at iii Bar- ments, 141, ; Brand Kop, 588 ; enters : iv of ALBERTINA mail train held back by Free berton, 472 ; composition ana strength ii Staters, 142 column, v 160, 350, 447 ; Eastern Transvaal ALBERTS, Gen. : in North-Eastern Free State operations, Jan.-April, '01, v 159, 163, 164, v in drive, 487 ; action at Langverwacht, 489 : 169, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180 ; May-June, 291, at in Boschman's Kop, 669 ; escapes, 562 ; peace 292, 294; North-Eastern Transvaal, 210; delegate, 582 In Western Transvaal at Ventersdorp, 110 ; J. 3^7 ALBERTS, Commdt. J. : head of Standerton in Magaliesberg, 326 ; in Zwartruggens, ; and Wakkerstroom commandos, iv 613; in South-Eastern Transvaal against Botha, escorts Free relief of State Government, v 298 ; peace 336, 343, 351, 357, 557 ; marches to 582 delegate, Bakenlaagte, 376 ; in Eastern Transvaal, Sarel : in in ALBERTS, Commdt. command of Nov., '01-April, '02, 448 ; at Errnelo 450; of part Lichtenburg commando ; captured protected area, 461, 561 at Gruisfontein, v 496, 497 ALLENDALB : operations there, v 179 ALBRKCHT, Major): organizes Orange Free ALLHUSEN, Lieut. : at Magersfontein, ii 408 ii at : State artillery, 80 ; Belmont, 325 ; at ALLINSON, Messrs. guides at Nicholson's iii ii Modder River, 344, 845, 358, 390 ; arrives Nek, 23S, 242 iii at Koedoesberg Drift, 362 ; raid on Enslin, ALOE KNOLL -.see under SPION KOP II 389 at : 388, ; Magersfontein, 395, 408, 415 ; ALSTON, Lieut. at Dewetsdorp, v 31 in action at 394 at : Klip Drift, ; Wolvekraal, ALTHAH, Major sends maps of Ladysmith 415 ; captured at Paardeberg, iv 27 country to Pietermaritzburj;, iii 165 ALBREOHT, Trooper : killed at Wagon Point, ALVERSTONK, Lord : member of Martial Law iii 197 Commission, vi 69, 570 ALDERSON, Brig. -Gen. E. A. H. : portrait, iv AMAZON CORPS : tee under ARMY, BOER 143 ; reference to passage through Portu- AiiBULANCES : see MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS : ii guese territory, 1896, 365, 370 ; ordered to AMBUSHES Amersfoort, 79 ; Bronkhorst iii 115 Rich- i Prieska, ; occupies it, 360 ; at Spruit, 1880, 65 ; Buffelspoort, v 95 ; Cyfer- mond, 364, 366; commands M.I., 869, 370; fontein, 111; Holland, 455; Koesberg, 88; and of of ii strength disposition brigade, 377 ; Kromspruit, 131 ; Natal fears Joubert, in at Eamdam, 379 ; Klip Drift action, 392-4 ; 143 ; armoured train at Frere, 806 ; Riet in Macfarlane's and Dron field iv actions, River, 892 ; Sannah's Post, 36-46 ; Scheeper's 410-2 arrives ; brigade Paardeberg, 478 ; Nek, 180, 181 ; Transvaal, North-Eastern, v forms model of 495 \\O1- new brigades, 494, ; at 658; Vrieskraal, 328 ; Vlakfontein, 52 ; 564-6 166 Poplar Grove, ; accompanies Gen.

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