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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-16-1905 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-16-1905 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-16-1905." (1905).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 13 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXIOp. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, IOCS NUMBER 53 IT. WEBSTER DAVIS EXTRACTING GOLD CATTLE SHIPMENTS DEMURRER TO BE TALKS STATEHOOD FROM CEMENT BEDS THE COREY DIVORCE CASE FOR THIS YEAR DECIDED MONDAY 5004rO00ft0M040 O Thinks New Mexico SiMld Wonderful WorK Performed by Have Been Immense nnd Judge Abbott to Give Decision Join Union-T- ells of Hat-ti- c Machine of Solar Motion Show Large Increase In llubbell Case Then. of Spion Kop. Gold Saver Co. Over Previous Year. Clancy Submits Brief.


4 ' J 1 mi. vp Keck, manager of the was N'tw Moxleo Cktttlo There Utile accomplished a J "I eon reality see why Arlsena 4 Hold and 'Commit Syndicate, located Tho Territorial Of (Tut Bailliary board, with heailquartora at tho forenoon tessfcm district, 4 ehould object$''?iff Joint statehood, 4 near tho town of Golden, arrived In eoort today. Probably (ho most Ira ' Mxied--hevc- r. - U vegns) hss isntiud a report 4 but New A ter- Just rcls-tlv- o tho oKy last ovoulng, togutbar with showing tho total ot oftltlA, pwiatit inattor oonsMefed was 4 ritory a rich , as Rhode Island 4 number to llffc by W. nud K. WW horses and hides shipped from Now demurrer madb Attoe 4 and Connecticut eomuinon, e Messrs. t Watson J. uey ClilliUrs and n! tnrt j Moxlco, nnd iho Hhlpment cnttle tcotloa 4 should lmve ropVeicntatlon In tho '4 woll. president nnd manager respec- - ot made by that Mbomey for quashlag senni by nil means. H yna rrom tun territory for tho year ending th 4 lively of tho Sola, Motion Gold Savor November, woro not qulto as heavy lndlctrai,t a5ulnt Treasurer F. A. I com,nK s tho year 1001. but grratly oxeoed- - Huhbeil. was ox : iirT-,,0-' Born' Mr; jwtod tha District AUornny Clanry ss.vs nnmen i Ml tho shipments of tUOi. 4 ster Daftn ' 4 inut the yotr woeld pmsefli lli gentlemen becri, JtiHtaUiriR ' rae are as follows: lerrttertal side of havo ono ol records the cn thbt morning Judge t Co- - "Of 130G: 'Cattle S0I.1M. and ttist oae'ateeee'eee'mmmm thoir machines lor Ibe Oold and horsM - m 4 Abbott would reiKl- his niAnl wl Inn H..39S, hides 3'J.San. Knr UtiU tho ilcfllelois dur- mt-i- r ing tMm any The rtbor nftnUmentt, ' In nnti vnrnatlrm wild shipments wont, oattlo ixs.tTt, horse The sotirt put the tkr man wIhi rrwlgnvtl the? mm iuj rri... 14.MT, year over until MondJy, how M9 HI. I (iv iimIw.T'JMU1S UlnAUIlf UtTOTMn. hldt afi.BC. The bAHHttr ever, dlstrlM uilomay tor wtlln wns lbOS. whH tho ship-mon- o the aubmluiax wfrv, onitW SI" Sfl homes IS,. bki brief. who ru!tte! h brilliant oolltlca! ca The first ea to bo by n Jury thought jy Mtiisiariory m, tiUliM 30,2St. was or trll rwr, bomiHe he the HUe Tells of Machine. Tfe tutat number of the catlltt til that tho Territory vt. Ifrnost n fought for wan right, and because "Their company." said Mr. Wntaon. bft trritoy ostlmntiHl by the board Llx ami John MatMnbaoKr, indicted the republican administration woulU ntithriHxkl to tin Imalnikw In Nnw flTf00.OiK). There has a slight for permitting Jarrm Hanson, a been iniaor. tc htjtor About their saloon yIKthUe with and irvm Mwx,a unt, owm1 ftUmlt 60 aorM 0l d&sieuse in a few muntli', but In for ih Deer In their war with Hug- - in,.., ,,, . n som time prior tii the term or ,..nin.. Quai Huosi.velt, IWdy. Chaves ami court, lsl )und. expresses, tin. feeling thai Hnn(lovni cuy. ,0.VIl lh0 Tuorto UtiadaluiH thoro la a noticeable Attornoy w. C. Hon (Hick rop. winy ail now iioxicana uav. tor tu cay,m l0 tno aboiu ihrco mile. lu ibo number nt cattle, duo the dnfsililnntc- - hiiai dtRieliwxt iniivcmcnt w8t When eourt rewinvfinod ntlor dW- - Many touts hnvi bt't-- mnd( In tho to thn larg number brought in from ner Wi'Untur unvlx. politician, lawyw jmst and aovoral duvlccs ernctoX Toxas,. whf-- r rhnngeM havo been mndo tho l.tK..40timcfar lUlsBili waa i and forraiT nnsUtnnt secretary of the, fll. .,. .. lrvin , rt'ceiitly In the leasing laws, end the rontlnued nrd ragginl nionr: wearily until I o'tJecU, whoti the Jury tMArlor under J'nvMmi Mvivlulw. BXtrnct RoId from tho numorou co-i.- rstilt ha b n llml many largo herds bettor known to tho out Iro world ,, bC(1 uwned b corporntion, have Hhf.n drtveu out ot business and reurwi wrn . Attofpoy jhhook in thelr ov Uio nnlont champlftn of tho lloerii.,,,,,, tli Mox-l- u irnluriHl some strona deneo foe , ,ho oxpcrmant hnro evidently havo moved over Into Now lis. AUmnju-rono- bis rihowpd ( i.fin yettonlay on rovm, milurcs. until ln Bojitombur. The now famous picture published In Vogue of MIm ptelle Oilman, ehovvlng portrait of V, E. Corey, the in fai-cl-' of freo grass. clients, when ho by rout., from California to Old Mojlco. , whon wo dortool Iho tank and itsel magnate. SII1C9 Maroh i. !00. (ho board has court record thai Hanson slgo-fi- i in company with hU mothor wh;-r- wni(;l,H, his namo to 4n altldavlt in secur on lll0r ,iroprty ono of our received nppllratlons to record , will aiiond thrco weeks for Jho,8olnr MABELLEfOUjMAN. no per- ing Ms tuarrlMge license In Hnptem-ber- thor a Motion sold aavlnR maohlnM. btsnds from than 6.000 tldinati. who gained or"- - :ii fc'henjfaf Iirnont of his mothor-- health. , ..SUCo lUo erection of tho nmchlno Mebntlc has linden tho tucces then with tho BliuborU. Bho nlco sons, which tthowsIstho great Incresso which show! that he was bom or d When aeon at tho Alyarado ho lJlulr property wo har share of fame a a star In comj" sor IMna Ms lie; nuaimn-- tho appenrod In tho "King and tho High In Mtinbsr of hp.lls, a grcnt on October 17. IBM, conclusively prov oll0 hav all if.dt )os-sl- o Willo hut night by a ruiiroaentatlvo of Tho!UloroUKll tMu of tho cemont tola opera, la acknowledged to bo both rolo of tho lltlln t,iVatlp Anny Hall." "Tho Man In the Moon, Jr.." ma&y of theso are no doubt duo lo tho ing that Hanson was not a minor Kvralnx CllUen. Mr. Davla nppearpd Rn,i pjacor. fnvornblo beautiful nnd youthful. .She Is SS in tho "Hollo of W York." At nnd laier was star of the "Mocking passing of law making It n penal when loitering about tho saloon in nnd havo found years Ilird," tho question. ntterney lo bo the anrno ayinpathutlc. wholo. Ro)u vnUlC4 ,uu only , lh0 ,,iucrortl( of sue. Hhe appeared In tho that time she waa onoot the tnoet and In other popular produc- oftonni' to run t Inund without first The district elic fouled. ImpulKlvo fellow tho wrIUr, wj,loh wo know to conlaln gold vnluca, lending par with "The Hunaway pbolOKrapbcd noiiossflOn Kuropo, tions having it recorU'.l. ttlll tho fact re- ited from Hanson, howevnr, that 1m him to be whim ho was cum ;i,ut slan In tho cement beda. Olrl" aovcrnl yii ago Uikw he return iojEthlK country Her most prominent success was mains thnt n lurjti number of them .iw i' light IMlKnlnjr for Aloxnudor M. Dockeryj "Tboro hna boon a lona mooted Mln niliimn a impular fav- - she was wlih the Qastne company, with Dftti Daly in "Tho Itoundcrs." ar w and asked for by threw nn entirely different oa. fur Kovernor of Missouri, and also loo-- ; quiHttton In tho minds of many as lo now wiUxens of New Mexico. tn matter. iiirlnn In Imlialf of tho Boors, or. a whether thoso comont boda amtnlned Tln prosonl year not - hs ben .Mr. DuvIm himself pitta It. "lu tho re- KOid values und It haa been our aim W. E. COREY vdry satisfactory one for ealve. A " ' SENATOR CLARK. j.iiWIp savin business t0 sottlo Uils quoatlon dotlnltoly. nnd wAf (ttilniati. la timt there are not No." laughingly said Mr. navl. "J now It soeras that thoro can no lonser "fty per emit of tho normal number HAS HiS VIEWS hall not attompt tt savo the MnuMO IV n doubt ha lo tho cement beds cou. tlifa ,egr. or about 200.000. 1 f Moxloo whllo in down Ihlsre. for talnlng gold vnlus. Wo have never 'Til territory l proity well strlp-po- d Ul- - ON THE PERPLEXING PROOSI- - tV iritHl 10 savo throe repilblll fulNM tn flrwl vnlu.xi In mtnnnl ur stsem. and there nro praoil-call- y - TION ADMIT and fallwl. not even wiving my- ih-.- i run mnehlno. In no on as. nnd TO TERRITORIES n4y ivor imt lots old that la. threes INTO of frt)m mo to fifty tona." up. fi r (Win at any price. The uumbw STATES. - -- Iliit.", In. pimdnothl. In- n. roniltils- Amttlmr m- - year-old ..wit.... uin...M)n. UII..IIUHV.I...tir.i....i of u Ktcora Is nlwi vory Herndqn & 4llnH4rr-rw-yiH.,w- NorrU, of rhuentx, .hi mood, If you hud been In Bunt" Watfthnr perplexod owners Jl that tho ,tjty-0l- of n &rraiKiildi4i$ufrom nnu saw mil, ana not or ! i., ,...nnu r St .mca wnai i tins property for many yearn back. snftjor W. A Clark, tu wliloff bo t!npni!iiti wiin inmt Raiiani propii" was wnai moiliou or troatnumi would nutea presence Muruliy lu yon would hftve been a true iho of Mr. ihm not oxtract rrom tho cement beds any paid GROTG rates WashliiuAou, woVhliig diligently nrlaw." vnluos they might contnlu. Wo do- - against ' un ThlnU It." Mr. Davis. Jointure Otark of routlnuod monstratoU that our mnohlno would loses tho following enrtKin eopy of u. i o!co rlnisliiK, as tho aoencs caniojsnvo OfFi-CIA- not only tho coarser vaiuea but IN&TRUCTION& TO BE HHier no just to Aiark k to him. "A hnndful of would presorvo Asjunimrrn nr&ciiiT nut rerwamoii ta catch and tho inoul mioiun A. Rodgors, Hlate-htKK- f Doers, t siwtsry Arixowt ii'urmcfl encamped at tho foot indnHoslmnl partlclos. Tho nmchlno WEEK. iiwMioIullnn. Tuuion, Arizona; Splon Kop, not over 1.500 lu all;! wo placed upon proporty 'i tho ol tho Dosr Sir: 1 your valued ibrvo thousand Kuallsh on-- Gold Syndicate, reoled soldiers ' and Cement has been Kdrest Kuporvlsor It O. McClur' of favor or tho 20th ultimo, with ft copy top (ho hill, com-twf- n nched on tho of armed purchased by Mr. Keck for his Iho Gila Hlver Ktirmt Hesorvn Uns of a pelltlou relating In (ho subject I pony, iho latest paraphernalia of war. ho fcultiB ontlroly pkMsod with biHi, ruct ntiy advlSvil thnt ttin ariloi' stRteh6od ootwoen Arizona, cn-lth- of Joint mid tho Doers storming their worklnRS of It." on crnxlnit (Irst tiublisbiHl In Colorado stato-men- r iifttiobments. and Now Mexluo. I nolo your 8trono Tettlmanlat. ! and reprinted lu tiio terrltorU'l papers that smitlment In favor of Joint SeuklnR sholter behind two rooks, Messrs. Whlnon and Wit well. hav lu (lip elfrct that tho prlco for grnx- -' uro is growing. Tills tloos not accord t tewed tho enKaaemont. Iiik rumplvtcd part Dio ro-- their of work, log cottlo and horses on forest i wili the Informatlnn which 1 received An old Kroy-haln- man wns thntlonvo tonlKbt homo Don- - for their in ucrvcn bad lt?e.n toduced lo cents during tho recent visit 1 insdo to tho .dor Doors. Ho wavei; I ton. Duroro boarur for tho their ilepnrturo theso i a head and that ell settlors would lit) territory of Arlions I ImIuv In Riv Mio Doer line nlnlt, crying 'On, breth'--l Kcntleiuencniled nt Tho Cltlien of-rv- n allowed to grata 100 head of cattln ing consideration to the wishes of nil on. (op nt j flco W K, COItRV, to tho tho mountain!' and handed In me followliiK tcHtl and horses free, was unauthorised parlies end Intend to look Into tbla up - William Amor-lea'- s t'p and the lltilo troop went. Tho intmln, which Is prlnti'd with tin- per-ol- Klls Corey, head of and no suck ruling has bnen made. matter very carefully. With my pres- man fell. eldost son sprnnn mission of Mr. . Ur-ga- n mat-tcr- n Ills Kick: Immense steel coriMirntlwt. The question ot price and other ent vluft I do not sto any reason to In hlu side, and catching I In Hepinmber, 100.r, K tho lias. Mossrs. W. bis buslncs career at ibe ago o pertaining to It Is now under change the attltudo which I took at luniod to tho Doers: 'On. comrades,' Wutson and 1. V. Wiswoll, nrvihlent consideration, but nu definite action or congress, ' 10 as n lioy Iho lust session and that Or, to the top rptH-ilvil- Ho-- laborer In one of tho on' of tlo mountain!' and manaKcr of tho Iiam yet, bct'ti tnkHi. although word defeat u (ho aoo-ato- . up plants was tu endeavor to nii axaln they wint on and lnilar Motion Hi of tho 0nu.l,. rompnny may Ui nxpeattul any day, It Is wliloli I hmiI.1 )h- - -- with all thn ability face of a murdfroue lire from thai Huston. Muss., iluitvond lit and irect wliuro ho nrnert II nor weok. olafmid tb prlofl uventually soitlml forco young Il' w, epmmand, the prons(lii ui muiik ot tho linallab. 'ihc ntaniod tiixm the nroporty of ihu titiid and was barn In Ilrn'ldook, May 4, 06 ratonble ono. and stotelitsnl upon Arffiina coupled with l. Pa, on V0" n-l- plurcud by a dozen balls. A lit- - Cement syndlcnto. (lvo mlle went of stockmon will fcnve ilttl rtrnson New - 'itho' Maxleo. U- riaxim-hulrci- l youth. tmrhnpH 12 Oolden. N. M.. one solar tnotlim sold tJL complaint. . Very rtMpeettalbr ytwrs. yonrs old. sprans mIs savo mai-hlm-- Hit-- Working hsrd studylhg s i fr - to father's sldo.. for imnirMc cf and much (n the nmttor of leasing pastur.- W A- - OliAItK. look thbaunr from bis dying nraspj maklbc "ifn. ul.out ibe tlmo I came as Kjsslble, hl industry was tiotleeo.1 ItndH a more liberal policy will bo Mini waving It Ugh. fried: 'On. men, hero as utHnngiir of Oold To- 1 - ijesHtiir tc nnd nnd aomo oxparlenco In" tho lab-- ' ''J?" wi yt first ooiitetn- Clark U the ownor of tbo on, to tin- - tup of the mountain!' and mont nyntlloate. I iiavo thonniKhW atr nur"fpitted or 300 ?uut mluea nt Q(arkv1ll. MaKiutoy oratory, . urnmnirut While the limit apm - through ,, wiih one magnineoiit rush the Iiritlsnl (osicd wld machine In ovury way pas- j,o wis gUiniU( ttnd, w! to BOMRty. ami If be "Hives smsIraUAi rr overitoworod and Splon Kop was jslblo. In order to ilotermlno Its euV ","CI' wvnimmv unui no ueuamo, settlers living with n er on tho bor- - m the wish or all ""t "--r won." oionoy, and niter such tssts. am hiiad of tho urmor plate plant, where IdprB of it resrv. te glv them ex fjEt MeKlflley eouaty.I''1"hot elsewhere Mr Davis til i lin.ur-luiu- l -- uvlAUk l.i,. aiiovo' conilnred that said machine Is the ho Invented A rsforglng prooew for' Jy nslve use of adjoining pasture dur-- ' 'ui. ll tin. .m rlptlon or tht battlo, his eyes , best fine gold madi- - portion year asotl- - (frmiiimily aid 1 snvr wet It armor ftmto, which greatly png a of the whon Senator leverfilfis all w. r wet with toar. savtw the partlclos of gold so fltio that Increased ixl tor protection agolnst outnlde hi nau toward see4ir(a lb uatrnt "What iln von think nt tliu ulnli I whim ilrtixl itinv tnn, i.n .un uni, thh ronlttanen of the steel plate to Uiq stork gratol on he reserve. Winie f 'In. Joint statehood bill. hood question?" Mr. Dnvtr- - was tacrmt tho aid of magnifying glassss. My ttiipaot of armor piercing projeetlloi. the area Is llmHod to 320 noros. It Is asked. ttrtltmutt of said machlno was such Ho sitowoded Chat. M. Bobwab 4 not intended that the fall ncreage win GOOD DONE BV Wlir MiitlMI thn nnu fnmnti rant I rscommomlwl It to my com. bo allowsd ttfileaa really Rewlo4, TkJs just through WijArMiMiiIent 0t tbo HometeAd ix.utlclan. "I have passil pany. and on my judgment my com ruling u made for tho benefit of set- TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBIT Arlxona, and llnd that tho people of pany has purchanoil ont, nnd It Is now work's In MSB, and has been president tlers who need some msann of saving that territory arc Inclined to he in oiwrallon upon our property aforo-sitl- . of ihp United States Hteol CerjKira-tlot- i a portltm of the range adjacent to lxi- - against tho movement. prluclj!ly and I will take pleasnro In show, MI8H MADKI.I.K (1II.MAN. four years. their homes for fail or winter pas- OR. MANUEL. OF NEW YORK. nuTte ttiojf don't. Ilho tho Ideu or tho lug Its worllnx4 to any ono wishing ture. TALKS INTERESTINGLY Ofj THE c apital bclug In Bantu 1. Dut as ror to see. nud who will aonte to this SUBJECT. N.-- Moxlco --novor. A as Very territory llao. truly, NINETEEN YEARS ' WANTS TARIPP ON LESLIE'S WEEKLY 18 MRS. CASNA COMMITTED nch aa niiode Island and Connect! I'HIMP KHOK, AFTER I" A MnauoL a inongneat pliysl CONVICT WANTS LIBERTY. PHILIPPINE Si'OAR. FIFTY YEARS OLD. em combined, should havo represent- Manager or the Oold and Cement 8yn-11eut- TO INSANE ASYLUM dian an surgeon er New York city. ation in tho senalo by all means. I Uonum, MntitM uee. 18 Oovrmir Washington, 1) v D"c 49,- - Major Now York, Doe 14. Ktfty years iasst Ifcroogb the eliy Tiiftsdsy Gove, taron-H- gupetfliit. nrtont ago today havo ben visiting w'tb Kr- - Hodoy Douglas am hi tngsel wilt give a Aaron trestle tarted (ho oh on at (he - magailnt) AFTER PHYSICIANS AOJUDOED lfi' mnjl jsen and II ml that In him you have an FORT TOTTON, N. YM hearing this afternoon to eminnsl of sshools ntDeiurr, was tlx- chief hearing tbo name of "Iss- er i ruins rr Ou thorn CalTforiiUi, ...... n,...,. . ie-- .,..,.1 -- ,t...' Weekly "and able advocate for joint statchoou. you NEUDS APPROPRIATION, or . iwyuir oi iitwiiuiu, NiH.ahor at too heurlnir. tmlay tiefore ue's Hie nunlremiry HER DEMENTED JUDGE ABBOTT N4 an laveellgatkM will tiiiRsoo .n be fluty sftr there, should get Into the Union by all Washington, U. C. Dec. The bas nerved n I net eon yeir or a llf tho wnya ami meauf comuiUlee tho will ceJobfliied by the pub- ORDERED HER REMOVAL TO return to tfew Muxteo nnd Arlions. t. - fiq means. If you oan't get In tho Union quartermaster general of tho army senti uco In the Charleston prison. An Philippine iiirltf. n- sutd regarded lishers and (.mploy'os of tho mntulnt, LAS VEOA8. Tiio .kXtOr w jmi frvrn New York, wparatoly, go In together, go In." has provided for Important contract will bo made on behalf of Tny- - the sugar nd Uii"-- prodtie'loft of A Npecla! Jubilee mimbsr of tho mag-nxln- o wbers Jrt was In but effort - attendance at tho on I Inlands bv 'In- men see has Issued, which eon AiiM-rtsa- n No," said Mr. Davis, "l am not work Fori Tottpn, New York. This I... uniln. lit. ti.rilnn Thn Pflnilt hi to ureal been At about S o'clock yestartla after- - lubirffiwlosU exUlbltiou. S In tho! to augur t eco Interests of talna lutcrcstlni; mattor. laklug any active Interest In politics work Includes repairs to tho build- for which Taylor Imprisoned tho and remlnlicont noon Mrs. Andrew cosnn wits owirn - ' ' uniier tne'aminees or the ns ing by the United Status and the Tho Hon. John A. who l ast.-w(ifl- now, but am devoting myself to the now used the electrician sor poisoning or nis inrant son. mymr prseil atotcher. by physicians nnd deelariHl h - lor the study and gnants It n ilutoly impossible now (if tho !nd .mtlco of law In Corunnn, Mich.. attached to tho School of Sub. udmittod having purchased tho poison Irtdlof that Js head ef ih publishing tsnc, and wtt ahOrUy aftbrwanis ,,'iementtfln of tulruwMi. Ho speaks o tlmat thin ot ucb concern will give if bauquvt wVro I am now making my home.' nmrlim Defense. Considerable Inter-- but denied living ndininlstered it to to oui tut rich to thn coismltleil Ut tl.e territorial hospPsI Willi K.i) Ol IMC MTfllWI. methoilM employ. , - mif Mr Davis and his mother left on tnkon bv the nrtlllory officers his sou. Ho said he Intended o uw under moilei of tho magstlii. this even- for the Imiano- ttl l.ns by Judge "Ko oe ean nn said In Institution, Is da-str- ing. Vas rt. id," in midnight miltt for Old Moxloo. that far which It It foi this crows on his farm. The Abbott Sheriff tiK'dlnjHfMi, of er Dr. Maeiwd. of the get tfcine by this wikms they will spend three weeks or to obtain nt tho presont session poison wan found on his person. He IN MEMORY OF THE Htorofng ehlMt Not wjjy J(d set-tli- REPORT OF IriTBRSTTATE etniqt,). iHt this for dlfferetit more. tittr which thuy will return or congress a liberal appropriation. hlmoelf was unconscious ami the child ROYAL FAMILY DEAD, Lat, VvgHiM vrtUi his ebantu. nt the wett have exhibits ot the Mr Davis' homo lu Corunnn. An Mffort will be made by tho unlet dlod 'mm the effects of tno polwia. Uindon, H - In memory of COMMflRCH COMMISSION, To a reporter The livening liortsss, Ij. SS'ashtuKioii. 1). U.. for Uw. ten t mm, but of uttlllery in accomplish this when He was found guilty of murder l the tho distth of tho irino (khimhi and D 1(.Thi ises. Miwrirr Oetlfllngton wld: "Mrs. iwarlr a!l of the Jar eltts, tho oblef hp evl-dun- e - SHHUat or tMt Virginia aiprs before iho House and Ren sseotid deBrw. on olreumstanllal prlnoaes Attoo U- klnic an4 the rwrl tMerirtato com CnftB i not vtotent Slneo I BW" of tlf lieble, sJwwhh thaj. otate Alt Military In During Risrae OKHimisstoii V4 ixaite ptiblioni.j . 'ZVLA, committees regard to aud saotenetMl for life. nueon, wet) a iiiftmUws of i... " . 1"' wk wert municipal league. ahr UHlUV Tl. r....nrt m .... .K 'p""' 4ftii to 8ght llil great llflpr-ncntatl- ve army disposition con- 1 .n Ulchnioud. Vn., Dkj. 14. the lull. Tho of the Linettwn which Taylor has the royai family. ..''endjsa a atejHn .:. IZiZLl'T. " ui nnve improved""t sisy if msnklnd, Ifiigmffjee of tho govern-nien- ta gress Is to do llttly for the ostnblUtc tq ttrtaen,y' hoim one f st BL ciitlr4y of roHttnoniit tin the mil . Jjry of tho municipal iintiii he has tnenttmal sorvwie Grt's. i trr ewent The irrihe ord.mi i uni style teegji Ba4 mkm Of tht of all tho principal oltlM ot menr at Fort Totlcn, not beoaus (Ji nnHt exftaiilsrt prisoners In Plwrat trlbuiw we. aiM ww Hi to m ,h '.tnd were sfiown id one ooid ' rt Ue thbrn hi any fowling that the School 4ireMgiK) laUl rtrtnee m-M- ' u,r'- bis state met today at Murphy's ChsrifSKlWN. of th r -- glenee wtwt IttUHnivemetiis or Submarine Dereaso Is not a valu- am) mSHtot ZtfJWVS? . ""!'?. h. irr - ' Hotel for tho purnoso of organising tho heaiiMul mttrlite mCT " " "T:12jss: meiteii iy a uuiiot wwoii ier- aa af h tueae A eumiMr of the dele-gat- es able part crtlllwy system 'Z. ft Stato Municipal league. The of the of sWeoish Steamer ki of PrlittKMS Ale t;: - wr froaat, eag io WW ' 'mMsu wire tHfeeem and n.'Pp' y. eduontltin. It Is is! ti. iiiu sin u inu datMmmtu. '.- wai.i were websomed by Mayor but milted ther confirms story. f..i ,7. i,. 12 tor wotaairn mra utlstxt m ib sutijeet Bft HssUy tor economy In mtlltaryj FOUR LIVES LORT IN " HMfHAfUy I - 7 ' !' and addresses wero mad by tho , UtoakholW, IKve lfr-T-h gwolili "A 'ti a nawulutadu ouin- - ...... 1.,...... 1 . W . 1 ... . lisrttnr lb fnv, TlliMtnn .it Naiurrutrt VntrM Tlr . nun nn hi jpfrattnig retHrtwd STEAMER ACCIDENT. whet aboind be MbetnuKm for jS, i UratZT mSt !3 . ""uMiiurin...,1, ...... run ataaiavr. itokt, e "HTrt kn is inwtiiKtniM tMt teat, food ",n i... i.. tlrowrMvtMo, eeod it''"".--ti Martin' .if Lyiienimn?. ana Jaeoi hero t.Hj from Klast wj(h Hfwrtfcttt la Dvo. H.reoi! fWf h I'lt'-- of the one feu ml.! Xma MWre aveorHlBsly. ,,'n In Monon after u tmf be lMlLTSr W"i ' w pure air Vost of disunion ipmont "" fjigUivBho arrltB gi Ulm h psns wr drownsd tk? in unlawful. MreeftiagM of those as a of thy wuii Daniel . zjttm S, Hor eosnnHttttter rotwta1 that Mr gahala riSt lcdy nawlt furl her nr.vlrten that the vrder' itee H. McMillan. foMawr t(p-d- Twmn uut - RUSSIAN MARINES Rose HUe oollM-ni- g or the eeramiestrtt. rYejwriAiag SMek: vrtt itijj.iir iiir.- at Tsmols Albert fnif the yffistf's stsy in fe&rt m iinftR0tfr fttxttner if the smiti.era HUtri. t. rriv4! were M n wortnir I ileeUed MB. Ur REVOLT AT CEYLON, Imt with tho tew boat Jee P, Klein, seMt!tuto rats shall tuke effect wHh. Ih the ttty (rem geoarre that to e. n lu ni'is si reriuetH, was no djtturtiana ft t4y tmm via t on tu iBVitetiMtfl. I i II Kapkut will Colowbo. Oatrtfltl, PHJ. 1 1 Oat ! MHtl sinking fourteen fMt Of water. mmnmrnr liii Jacot. iMluro ansolMia unarnhy prftvMH In tlthe r ui imntiBu iinra nmimi ihobiw.1 m a lesni rHUHr. SHU WIH VM Anil 1 vs iieniM end wtu later Juilit-i- d RuiHrinns Hu- -; All Urn Nd wer-- wfipioytt! on tbo or stt anltjo by mdietel prTcee4lng. remaka a orihodux) sd lloform In nuMrssi on lesrd th country tKstrltta icvural tp. Judge MeMUlan return tu nw Msico nn4 Oetorsdo " i.ntlug forth the HgnMinnirts ts.n battlMhlp Csarevltdli. lu ttw bar.' atMiiter as dvok aands, ami wr Aniens the rteotHceemlatkins R,t4e Matac that the eity or goaorrn t. u n , ' i rT rent-.- of lb- - i wo grest wings tor km rrlted today. Military! Spslter. ilrowueii while thvy slept. Tho boat is th&t the aoveruttlKR! laveetliuieall flMirlbin rondKloii aiul t WAf t k A ffiil M VU LtlxiMlgiA l.uea'n oju.I I am ami! )e J'Wtsli life Hveryhody ts alsiinee was naked for and sent, 81. Uuls. Mo , Dee. II. --Htltef. oarrM fiHtn.!! psttiKra but ull accidents, sea promptly furnish fasti Jorlty ot bar riilsens favr 'he Joist 4 ace will be belli J IronrrolMg lutt.'.l i ui f.tiy mutineers were taken ashore. strong at is.ov wr safely got to shore. them. atatehCKMl movewent. ,...t,w at tktBfki?o7ai mmT "R OTHER JONES" FINDS TRAGEDY SANITARIUMS IN SPAIN'S THESPIC STARS TWO INTERVIEWS WHERE EXTREMES MEET IN GOTHAM NEW MEXICO JOINT STATEHOOD theirs, ihft charity donation of t'uo hu- ARE NEAR TO DIVORCE mane owner At that bake (hop. Secretary Shaw Praises the T. A. RIord an, of Flagstaff, Says WITHIN THE SPACE OF A CITY B'.OCK SHE SEES THE EXCLUSIVE I cannot adequately describe thnt HORSE SHOW CROWD AND THE FAMOUS BREAD LINE OF THE Good Work Done at , He is Opposed to PINCHED LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE SLUMS. eninotated. phyaieally. mentally, and no doubt, morally, dwarfed, bread lino Interesting Story of Love, Mystery and Jealously of children. The night was cold. Their; Port Itinton. Jointure. were THoy (Mt, M. Jones, hntloun.i known ft "Mot?tr JMM," fliMUB as A little hand blue. mro nut Brings Out Extravagance of Spanish labor leatlttr and organiser, waa oomnMHkHieo to nwnnninr t give hair drerMtf. Peer lnnacnu. little shew, brilliant sflelrty spee-tacl- o SANITARIUM REROHT ; hor Impression of the New York horn iha - ARTHUR G. WELLS IN FAVOR of (he aWfll season In the motro.wrtis.) fcVftK and Peculiar Rearing of Actress tor tfceeMbrttdawnym tberfr bagei BY MOTH En JONES. anil tmskU ami ton on through tee BM.iMtv ... ,n'.ir.,,k The Angel t tha Coal Mlriere. dark streets to their ttnemetit home. .h.w T. A. Hlordan, prosMont of the Ari- ttau n largo ntimbor of marine hoi Madrid. Dm. 8. A violent ntiarrM rid. .11 fell In lovo with Vairturltn. Fof.tlio benefit of my oonntryw&eaen, who know nothing and earo lee pltala zona Lttinber and Tlmbrr company, every Unlay, I bo jflontlnued. Amonts those whtoli mutual frlenda fear will lead datiKhtnr of the Ouabefa de la Torre of ilia rrftiitiW! itmcediea ttslne MMeitd about an aide My thought went bflok to Palestine thnt he wlslns continued la (bo ono who Is iu tho city on buslnees nnd Me by pletnre rep- - to hag would tlk (o reeeunt the Impression nail" sqn a that I thought of tin- Chrkrt who climbed at pert Stanton. dw dlmae cftttrt, oect.rfe,!!. apaua." pleasure oemblHed, Hinted (hie fort-- very extremes of wr serial system: the Um of aaifury. Frflfct day to tween gonora tTnTLflTuiJMl resent! lie tbt In nrHMkin of the greet work that Maria Ouorrra. thb beat n., ani, rfrgeut of Spain. noon that If sflngreea does riot pA a hi rnyal UHftohB f ctOUara this curler biidren lwv been alK l befog don. by iWk hospital, he known - The Fathlsn Line. liliftnm. aetrew In and ber hue- venturUn. vor Au. more binding bid en Matt-hoo- d earth or eWftfce rustle,! m tfie nrinre .in tie bWttfy nuway or the nn 8ln. fn,t nf nri the Joint I went to MadMon Sfjiiar Garden. Cal-tar- band, tho Marquis Ferdinand Dlax do atrlaoU, promhtod to marry the mar Mini h rati till Ik draJH. Mnla. In llmia. on, 00i up o th Mnmt of "At tli wanltarJutn for poniump question than an enabling net, .unQiunn, no peeonio a Hundreds of won and women, dressed loo to- N'. 3SS quia if woiiiii an amniour the people Arla-n- rrralntt rta4!it. with bniidn that tlm at i'nrt Slauton. M.( Th Hflrm I of tdverso to the fash-Ion- , - cerrtDf Bonorlta. Anna aetor. In tho pakc of Iho IJuehwia In height of what thev called window a. jewstry Inald the UtrtM pMple had nailenta vrer- eariHt during: (bo two-stat- e the ed itltat the abow of ardn for Colorado, n uenHtlful young notroa of dp Torre. In Madrid, waa meaiure have nothing to nor off It wn n lltil tHOMfJat or pity for the poor thoy year. t wiivm j IS wnr dltebarged, la a mlnla were seated In Uhm. facing n task taer ttt. the Teatol Menaijel. At a resent per lure theater, nnd horo tbo marnuli fear. well-bre- beauti- grand knew to CI lutt k ulook awnr. Trno, Mxteon nitparently onrel, evo'.)' -- clrolo, where horses, ilbt. iormanu nt naitio'a hi Aiumlo," tho mMo nr, Initial npmiarance. H0 ired- - trould bet 100 If Beannfuiiy ttfid lAtly-llv- o unim- "t tbsj there not fully kept, beautifully led. t.Tu a In Cocltnlno county In .groomed and oarefully sheltered from Th Uraa'rf Line. reform wehtxiN. coIIurp extenatoim, proved; nlx'y n!nu titinl nt (ha $erton favor to- - child-war- l of It," eald the man who la at luo head the clod Mast af a November evening, 1 walked a htmdred pace eaet. rtacti home and jails, but tho and i"5 remained under treat- street, and como cvrry night for tho bread. ment nt 'one or tho year. of an institution that has at lear wore pranolne Kbout on the Un bark. ibo corner of S7tb rwi tho 1,000 men pay roll. 'This heapital lvea retults nnd of-- on Its fire trcaimrn' not oblatimbta outildo "All o want," continued Mr. Hlor- dan, "Is to bo loft alone. If we ran t The Hhr lHMnltal that he recont get single atatehood we don't waut mund Irf'lntt maintained aro the "nun any, and wo nro not particular about A NVw York IioMon, Ilaltimoro. Now that. I bellevo that It would be Just Orlcani, f.'hK jRo and San Vranelaco. aa well If wo waited u few years till Fraternal Sanitarium Committee. wo aro better fitted for statehood, and Tho commute of tho National Vt I belicvo Iben It will come to us with- ternal eanlta-lu- In Lan Vcsda w.ta out a struggle. cntunnlnrd tho Commercial club "We Arlxonlans nro willing tbnt of that town lat night. Tho mom Now Mexico should get atntehnod: burn nrrlvid m the prlvato car of W. we would llko to seo you get it, but It. Janaen. wo don't want n bo tied up with New Tho committee cnthiiulat!c hnd Mexico." ear that tlie management la on ft "Hut what do you think of what tho flnatu-la- t party president baa recommended that enn aound baU. In tho ' wore J'rcKid-T.- t It. 13. Murphy. J.cav gres do In tho statehood matter? enwortrn Kan ; Vie Proeldont A. L was nuked Mr. Itlerdan. iralir. Oblraeo. Ill.i Trwaurcr A L. "Well, I don't agree with the pr-- ni liprpfnrd. Hi rinntlold, 111.; Directors dent," waa tho answer. Hi- - Ira A. I'"riar. Omaha, Nab.; M. 1.. Then Mr. Hiordati admitted that be amplHill, N vle.; H. I.. Hale dldnt know why the people of An Main City la.: Olln Hryan, Hsltl-nu.- sena wero ee opposed l joint ttatr y 1 tb-- u r . Xtd , A. linKflL rttt.Uurjt. aoed. but be was sure that I'a and W II IttdeoB. St. Mo. not prejndited. Thr fnllon)K ware MilHitUutee fori The eampany of whleli Mr h.or.un dirwtora wero unable jo bo prc- - la president Is the inn i. i Dr w' Btortwui for T)r. A. concern lu Arlsona. Their mill al- r'I' Starkey. f Tort Huron, J!ol-- ; U located at FtagsUift at the foot ot h Huier ror n. h. ttayiuon. i', u. ste-rd- i San Franclseo mounialne. wna nleo reprontl. Tho' The Difference of Opinion. fary sro accompanltrt by o Sitting in the same circle ofrhajra jr-a- i wlvoa t the oincera of the in with Mr. Hlordan at the A!vnrad 8' Mil Ion. was Arthur G. Wells, general mana- ger of tho Santa Fe eomt lines. The Santa Fe owns more rnllroad in Art I SISTER WANTS HER a,, wa progrcea. t'Mrt avenue A little army of child-Th- o Our modern thieves in broadcloth do( zona than other roads dolus hul Tho horeo ahow in nese In Arlxona put together. Tho nroat Rardort'wfle buns with gay, irom tho alutna wna drwn up Do not Hiinu inir unmix. BROTHER PARtMJNEO " - Interests tho Anntn Fo in Arlrona fuahmani bakery. Those child- A ludKo haforu whnm I waa finro tin i of buntlnB. tno air waa opproeelvo wlut;foro nro larger than tbo interests of anv coiogno ' i. trial Vortho nlieged offenso of inciting! tho perfume ot and tiowera.; niu ' (led one concern, except, probably, ono I'ocka of dlamonda istleletied at tho drawn up In a Iloe" ot mUery. Thoy riot, told mo I wnu a Roud old woman. PETITION BEING CIRCULATED TO young nrtroen and tho mnlqula missed Hcnorlta Vonturlta, who soon r - died, pro- two large mining Interests doing fine enra and brraata of tho women. e, cnm ror free bread- stale bread, meant well and asked mo why ! did: GET MURDERER OUT OF TERRI a cue, leaving Benorltn (Juurrero watt- nnd the marquis beenmo a to bald togvther tho bodice go Into charity "I believe ing alone on tho stneu in an einlmr-raseln- g fessional nrtnr. Ho playfd parts with ness in tno souincrn pari or tno terri- Watch I ant told cot 15 apiece, soniLtnins not don!t TORIAL PENITENTIARY. tory, Mr. say rareagca and aotila of brother nnd aietcre and In charity," I told him. "If I had my position. At the end of tha Qnerrero and soon married hor. and what Welle has to were an at the or me on tho subject ot statehood is of uo un-- i fa'hers and motbra, performance Senom Guerrero found Hcr.dra Ouerrcrn'N parents are said aoclety damoa na are daisies In an llttlo consequence. In July a picture mm to the ' 1 thnt her husband and Hcnorlta Col to bear the highest name In Hpaln, cuttlrntcd meadow What to after Ui S. ' pardon of wan vJ' no I TflnWad for. tho . orado bad been too much Interested and there Is n mystery about her The fact that tbo rornoration of A friend told me that the bats that bright spcetaolo of wealth just wit- X 1 whloh Mr. Wells Is general manager. nessed! Here won a hundred lu-- o you'll give 4 justice w won't need ,efich 0,hor 10 notice their cue. A lite. Her oster.alble parenta aro poor somo of tho women wore coal as much charity." Jn'Tna violent scene ulluwod Sonorltn upbolsturfers, but she ha all tho nos interests equally na groat In born ag $300. Ono xi jman wore soula who had nuver known Mud's sun LBL!..?.u: kL'i afd 1200 or .. ,1, M .(....uiium uiiu i K"i rjaH iiiu wnmu" Colorado was dismissed from com- features or an nrlsteorat. and eho territories, gives more weight to nnv represented at least shine I.lttlo tended onea whose par it.. petition Is circulated the !y any sable coat that dingy Glnwy army iWa Tho ueliw pany. In ber youtli a flnlshod rlas-slra- l statement made htm abuut 1800. wero sllka nnd satin ents bad worked In the ccllara and",aJ'.,:r'"t?.?;Jnine of the of hxi by a of Dnwe Is lietng lib There Yt-r- sister and aupposod tblnit that mlstit affect the nrosneritt- y worn children ot New r"ork Tho marquis belongs In one of the eduoatlon, while her enough pave Uroad-wa- and arreta of Now and the ulnd if ilgneil by people. bo- - nnd raro Inces to I erally Trinidad gtven only of tbo two territories, either for now out of work, plajsued by disease, children havo described. Bomu will t)av: most arlstocratln and rteheet families brn hers and sisters were for two miles. Willis was a relative ot Mr. and In Spain. schooling. to ror for worse, thnp probably nny prlnro royalty unsuccessful in some way or other. go forth Into tho slave of ui (be He has n long string of a mairer amount of When When a rotten of aystem. two were always cloto friends. tltlos. When was 20 years old was bahy was often taken other jtorson. And this Is tbo opin- show thu band Tho children had Rono out to pick MP lllustrloue Wien they prot. Dawe he enr she camo to ttcnd the ibo tho will went to Itaton for a visit and be becarao a millionaire by Inherit- to 'tin rwilace of a certain Spanish ion: played tho national anthem nd so- tbo ctale crumbs tht! foil from rich butterflies ot horse show while thcro he and Willis drank con- "I think president handled ihe tnbloa. Old bread wt rlie up to crush tbesi. ance and raced through most of bis duriiese in Madrid, and the general be the up like hairpins before men's dried siderable liquor in con-dil- i. ciety hurktod and while this fortune during a wild oareor In Mnn- - lief s thnt this duchose Is her mother. statehood matter ably. It la a matter n they quarreled and Dawe shot entitled to deep thought. Tho ques- Will , wonndlng lilm so badly that tion or stale government Is one that GOVERNOR'S DECISION ho died a Abort tlmo later. His dying eheuld always bo nanslderel from an - HIS CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ARE roqucr vs as that Dawe bo not proe- AFTER THE PLUMS ALL LOOKED AT WIFE eeonnmlonl point ot view, and It look ecuti t r to mo aa though joint stnufcood would IN CLANCY CHARGES Darar was convicted and senlonced CANDIDATES FOR NEW MEXICO A short Mine ao ihe l.o AugetM be the more economical for New ..ex year In MOVING LIVELY THESE DAYS to n rm o. twelve the FEDERAL POSITIONS AND THE Kxniulner advertised a 10 priite for ico and Arlsona." penitentiary at Santa, Ye. shun stone, end the following was Mr. Welle la a man of few words Dawe reiidcd in Trinidad at tho tlmo CHSNCE8 FOR APPOINTMENT. awarded tho first prise: stid alwaya speaka to the paint. What Recently Filed Against Dis- ot ttK Killing nhd wna popular wttn he has to say about tbo statehood day. Mr. und .Mrs. Qulmi were arguing Visit the alt wtio knew blm. Hu know nothing Tho Now Mexican tbo other tho usual question money. Mrs. matter should receive due considera- Evening Citizen Ex-Sher- of- of iff terrl-torie- s. Representatives the trict Attorney by of the crime bo committed until he In commenting on certain federal Qui uu wsntod money with which to tion, from tho tax payers of tbo nwoke in th Colfax eounty jail and fice boldora who nru uooklntt trnys: purelmro a new dress, but Qulnn did and Formulate Their Ideas Thos. S. asked 'he jailer what !ti was locke.i not think she needed one. Toy Headquarters Uubkii. up for. reg- Howard Lolmtd, who baa been "Anyway." said Qulnn. "why RALPH GLAZE The petition- iwlll be presented to ister of tho United BUUes land office MAKb Article. Clovei Mexico, ati.l should ye need a new dressT flhure, in the Subjoined oTero of Now at llowwoll nlncu Its eaiubllshmeiit, yo ye THE ALL DOES NOT SUSTAIN CHARGE n grant (ho prayer I na no one would look at If wore AMERICAN ho of ho :') nnd who has an excellent record kill, mu yo are tltlonue his term of omen ex- such olllcial. be u candidate for dressed to 'l'on soul, before will tio beamy. already boltovo gxpect Christinas prea-eut- M pires Me auacsRor having already Newis from Hoswoll llnlph Glaso hna made good with CbrlMtmuH shopping baa to nnd a "its It no ono would look inn, yo tho pub- nnd Mio ulaappolntinout accom It will b remembered by readers of been miolnted. Dawo ban been In to the effect that ho wilt huvo tho at Dartmouth and tho prospect Is that commenced In Albuquerque, model wa leading men way? Tliun, 1 can show yo that nomo hu will appear n preferring to make ns panying n lack "f the usual spirit. Tbo Evening CHUcn that a few day prisoner ever since he first full support o) the of bis end on tho All lic apparently to estl- - ago, 8. llubbolt, arreetij for tbo crlmo. bind district for reappointment. ono would look nt me, nn' I'll prove It Amorlcan fool ball olevon of 1003. purchaaCw ns early na would lie exceedingly difficult 7'bomae of uo. many ot their o. n, to ye, If I cau walk down Market This wna great holiday ruelt m-t- lilernaljlloruunty, filed certain charges Surveyor General Morgan o. Glaze's great drelro wtinn possible bfor the Street nnd uv-r-y mnn passln' wilt look ho left Fir tho ohlldron. and Christmas Dletrlot Attontoy Frank XV, COSTLY 'ADDITION TO THE , whose commission will expire bore laet rail otter tho efimo begins. C of (it me. wilt yo give ;uu tbo drosaT" of the base ball tournaiiieut, In fuml-llc- a waa larsely for them, toys con- - J0'.ancy ililn elty. alleging that said in Jnnuary, In very likely to bn which of loy jrnt meant 10, I Armloa soldier. ty,-- . Clanoy comply SOUTHWESTERN BREWERY "Thnt will; but it'a conceitod ye'ro he did the twirling for tho "Big of war siiluto nearly n. hundred )er of had failed with the hfa own' Miircbsvur in the office. An Six'' of dolln, fleet miniature gcttln'. Shuro, I bollovo even a team of Trinidad, Colo madc-th- o the ulfta. Thl bun hion tho ciiBtom . Provislonji of Chnptor 113, Session far ns known, thero aro uu other can- don't He hid veaaclH, whole systems of railroads, ollnd man would give ye a look." tho year wonderful for afro nnd age. It hns been so for Laws of 1905. end should theretoru. WORK WILL START AS SOON A8 didates In tho flabl and the "big cor- provlous. vast eltliHt of toy houses, romnv- - il but two years n iOcom-f-- nt lia from ofllce. prenldnnt "indeed, show ye." consecutive r mechanical toys, thea-lo- so long a time that an Industry that Governor CONTRACT CAN DE AWARDED. poral" stands well with tbo tlmn. I'll with oloctrloal nnd tti nillllona Otero ha. investisatcd tha cbargoa in tbo dupavtmeui ot the Interior. uhlcli retort Mrs. Qulnn proaeeOmt to colleH- - alhletea attain, though 't pflrfonuera who never for- luounu lutu baa bveu und Is a glory with created by the demand. arc two and dismissed tbnm, thoy not being Ho baa good New Mexico endorse- dross for tho strcel, with Instructions miieli aotigbt after. get their pans, wheeled tqys, veloci- There Som. extensive Improvements aro carrl-uRc- a. sustained, find the explanation Dis- ments and the administration ot bis for Qulnn tu follow for a abort Glaze Is a product of Colorado, pedes, ctaiitw. wngons, doll distinct clntttes of toys, tho Amorlcan of shortly her nnd Imaginable manufactured article, and tho' German trict Attorney Clanoy being nmply to bo made lu Hie plant of the office during hia term has been satis- distance. nn oxoellent specimen of wosfbrn RHinoe, everything aufltcien'. Tbo official ot Boutbwetent Hrowery and Ico com- factory. brain, and brown. to delight tho IltUo folka, tnake thla article, usually hand made. order As Mrs. Qulnn weikti tiown Murkot i great-o- reads aa follows: pany, at the corner of Fruit avenue part gf Albtiquerquo's grundest shop- Tho Gorman aiiiolo baa the r ror W. A. Dottairore, of Clayton, has street every man who passed her The prospective llnj pre- lSxecutive Offlee, Banta Fo. N. M er nnd the Santa 'Fo tracks. Hide up ping place a erltablo fairyland for demand. The workmanship Is (ho returned to thnt town from a visit to looked around, or atnod on the street win oe aa roiiows eminently tho best, owing to tbo fact . 160S. work won to havo been opened a Washington. He went to thci national smiling an she passed. Qulnn was the children. fuw days ago, (nit has been postponed Knda Sbovlln of Yale and it. Ohu I i n attrac- that German labor U cheaper. Amor! In the matter ot tbo charges capital la his own interest, as he de- dumbfounded and ooneluded that his or nartnioiub. Other ieprimeni ore con competition has no tho brought by Architect J.'I LaDrlere until noxt wife wna vury is effect on by Thomas 8. llubbell against sired tho appointment of receiver of a atraotlve woman. -- tive io tht lad! as the toy section Gormnn manufacturer. goods can Monday Tackle - Hlgelow of Ynlo The suit and clua& Ills Frank W. Clanoy, district attorney tho United mutes land omce nt uiay "Hhttre," said he, "I must bo blind isquire (o tht yuungtT bo manufactured nua Imported dlrec The hulldliiM which will onlargo ,WJ rjtMtnmore was a member ct Harvard. atoro. in which la dlaplnyed tho largesX for Ilernatlllo county, asking for tho JJr not tu nee her good looks, when all io tun remit meronant a prlco con- summary the plant will bo one. two and three j f ffc B h ,,, a t un)Jer. Guard Tripp of Yale and Burr and most varied asaotiinenta ot siyl' at removal of tho said district these inlii are Jtjst gnpln' nt her." ap- siderably less than that demanded by attnrnuy, for failure wpotal. Harvard. lab gurttHmts, the handsomely to perform bis built ",L'te rl1:1""1 ood that dmncoi for A meaeengrtr boy passed, with n ibo Amertoau manufacturer- - Tho man- duty 113 will Ootitor i parlors, tho under Chanter of tho Arm inont are good, u nppolnted bo Torrey of Pennsylvania. pointed mlllluery and con-llue- il ateet. broad grin on hla face. "Me bye,' ufacture or meohanical toylg J of the Legislative Assembly 1903. and ftticccuil A. W. Thomnsou. who hue Quarterback-Hutflhlnso- n ot Yale. furn'ahlng and Infanta' wear of Tjio will lie ac- ' win Miunn, "wiihi in nil tiume mm inyilnd almost wholly to Nurejnborg. in constructed f lewlvof 51 C,arlt,u Left Halfback Hoome. of Yale. departments are displaying n The sworn charges of Thomas 8. cording in tho mom modern Ideas. ?0,a ilR i lookln' nt thnt woman fort I gbe southeast Germany. An enormous sight years. 4 it aee m s Hlght Halfbaek Hubbard of m cic pretty thing fer Chrlstmaa gin" Hubbell and the sworn nnawcr and jstnti n liSTMitiijelui net iiuvtnt t has como Into existence In this There will bts a raoklug room whore at bond. The Jewelry and allverware dlspiaye explanation of Frank W. Clancy, dis- tisg an- - ni!Gji room, Fremont 0. Btovens, postmaster "Go, not Bbo ain't no beaut. Rbo's line and remarkable as It mav neem and n waib edi- nr Indeed dusslluK. tjiero aro trict attorney, having been fully con- cool-In- g- Ited Hiver. Taos county, and also n face! men Filtlbaek McGormlok or Princeton 'l'bn to the average reader, Amertoau tnor- - whore tin- sama.nrv washed; also All the is lookln' nt her Ubo exIiIIdtH ran lie found sidered by are hereby o tor of the Red Hit or I'rosnaetor. has wherein enaniB ana the Amedoan publi. are ins, diemlsied. nni mnk fOOtn A beautitul neenuse nr stioMltr out her tentie Alternates. all of the yea r"H cholceat gift books, Flret ilooause Frank W. Clanoy ce- ruslgnetl tho lMMtmastersblp nt tbftt una mawir fncoa ut every Guard Thonipeen of Cornell, the prtndttt) oeneumers. win nlso:ftte eonstrueted of rec- one ot hundreds of new novels, the fninoiia bai Hied In this utlloe n full and com- - ment qdp story high. It will point mid the oltlens there have them thnt passes. I leant: i rullbaek Volweli of Pennsylvania In lilmtlne, lilka, It. XV. appoint- uei authors' works oholoe THE LITTLE D0Q8 answer end atiikinaikin of ibo eentaln ' ti tjonjnl otllose at com- ommended l'enu for nui puin Pippy," HalfbackKliox of Yale. taleat-v- . wedtftjtie. History, Ss4e .wul-- In Mr. Htovoite has booke en j ami Thnmas 8. pany, in.- - preWlfiX omee, a public ment his stead. Hir she gel Uie drew, S'ibstltutee. HAVE '' of art and every concert rablff subjflet. THEIR DAY ; Ilnbsell base ItU ehargee, and the r9qjitln room, with vault done liiuoh U build up thivintoreets BflULenry of llarverd and Kim' - oielhr hla wUi ft r.wt uolktOkm Of Ml NVw York Due. SU- Tev ileei are same are aworn to br the nld Frank ami stem spsoc. tbo Ited luvor mining district in "NEW MEXICO ton of Harvard. trren'a UoeVk. having Viir imImu fit the dog sbow W Craeey. ami I am eatUfiml at the cnpaolty us nn editor us well nn n Otbet ae(!rn of wuoli IntafMt at fbirh ptif.i at Hie WaktorftiXstorla . truth of the MtjManatton and Answer II. Un ttlyWlns engineer for thai oitUen. and UrUlof fllrvard. I Gti8ri,B-Hob- on ills-pla- y by l'uiin-doftllil- Written Payeo A. A Ibu of Pennsylvania tula time are Ui e.ttt Hlaw rooms, under the uusle, the made him. uaitiwin worKa or ""Motive Power ir Jones. iJW-pla- or n . ... le-- n 8urlnteudent of quattiHe. .V. Qelober 1906. J ICgMldirg of of lironies and ornaraanU, i"' amutiei cium Ainriii ui .....i. who liai In the oily the sys- II, and Harvard. K. Arthur Lovell. of the Sanla Ke or w-- of and WtKxl novultlee, tln blrtl antiiMl auow at Iftnt k ml ..m. A.i.. n, past we, lafC nut night for n abort CflplerAbrnham i Poim hum tem, nurtvAd In the city last night In What nrorlnce la tbU mlebte uiml Qnnrterbaob Mount 'a i atfiOTorby river for tlie pur- Har-rlngtii- Mouteuirs i send ii faNQway friend, 25", r,,,!Lk" 'HMriet any one except trip ihe wmi aecompanled by n jidgo. '?in l1" n- - pose ejtgftjos bl prlvaie car. Firt lo wealth a eeiplHg Civflsjo. display! f meti - atikinx jackets, am r. the aabl TlftfmA. n..ii.3r nn tint of innHhg 'fe new 8ve ., immir 11 I of Topokn, wlio lllGi,'llf la ll .Im l,Htttt. on ot ntliartmn 'rlld ,,,,-- " v t an, m, u n ii vrt , Mft Hairiwclc Sheble or Ptnns. tieckwear. and otbir firnifilng, 1 lB.'hl!J!2? " "jP-Mia-i e RiJntlrs or mem ot the mently install! that division "bBHtis" system In the tiv ChrlB-ma- s; ' epeulak; York ti)M. whUli be will return tlie New Mexloo. New Mexico! Mleetnl and lffiHl for .church refwred u, In the oharges, nor the after ahupe, Mr Hincioii will look after JiWlW Hrrtlday for k u, atrtboSntNi. to AuHiqin to Mipertutund the llnllbaok Wendell of n the ,' 0 have rine hie branch t the business while In In aong and the rnwkifcn&e bseortmeiit & 1t"TtawU.a, u.,,i w.Mi;.i. plncltig ln. i owtnUlpn of a number nnd story. lemid qld. nta. city. J. I Powers and Samuel A Fullbapk-C- ar of uifilirelks. of new tniBee th have been or- the ininiif iiinjuolse am of moUi of Harvai .1 alsn of Topokn. have the Blow-N- wtid Christ-ma- s dered from ha lliiblwln wqrka for this Kmereon. MiHullle wealth lu flrtM ew It kg bH that the Instulliiiji the bonus n growing old and ore mrereti aseh, t .m nna. point. nuuivr of Moxleo, New Mtuloo! Furious FlahtinQ. mririi u thai twines rr u.. I hIioi will U will he - in ihe lees and For utvaii yeure, wmoe Gr- r ibu time will com.' tbefi XT" . rm. .. WHiaiV Hm- d. nee In the good rnHii af the 'said city eeu-ra-l days gelling i. nisi Hot "pen promptly at In 'be Clasped hy irony of Kale, Horfjnan, el Harper. Wash i forguMtm vii uouMenWURe. as n".fT, ' TrMwW 8. llubbell In nrftfwrtnir eald arrauxlng soiumi ortr fore- - the im voriely"Sit are ou orhlbRlon Tb 0 o'oHi'.k Monday iiiornlHK and the tnlnna In shape the nnisniiy shin of state, had a Hitter battle, with rbron Mian at th euiiiiHil of rhnram but ou the eeutrnry. I feel tn hyM' portwi . atettdanr,. ik on band at JO ule and getting in in Tlie first to aome. the Inst in stiHfltioh liver trouble, futliere kve been Ttiln ean WO eraMlsee tu be very large. "BttsflaM IImu the pirtH)f weight tO,iTBY,ai? wxf, ted t nnd tut at last ruQiilug "rder. I won my by v- - eetwfHllr ilutad The wtrbatiU inliulj ' aoirxmplleked by l(Ts New .Mexten. New Mexico! and cured dUeAaes MANY 80A7TDINAVIANS actlun Is te, nttters. I the IovIim anlrlt whleli nrodumlnatar Mi:noy and (be dim Hut m. m at lllectrlo unbesifa eiubarmm P 8. The nliove Verves were a pre- liigly rcHMinmend them to all, and that Jiitfid nd the spirit of glvlnk that RETURN FOR OHJRISTMAB. ! 'irsey, who na at ell tlmtw demon-- lude to the paper enililwl "Mineral Intend In the mture bo prevails in every bnitMin neiure ivllr New Vtirk IHm a Aa ui t dart to w"h luuni Mratei hla wlllinintl onforeethej be-To- KuoeeMfHily any teneeuey Ala 'me Iteeoureee of New Mexluc" rend out them lu the house. They nro eimtradiet of the er tlw outaolaK law and proseeHte orlnie; and the Aiterlouu Mining mngreea at crtflln.y iu the eootrary In the year to rame, r re n ttrge l a wanderful niedlclue v Kam rarrltu nun TbWprore, thie matter n ere by HI Vnw. Texas, November HI. Urn. have eured such lwd as mine ' Tlie iiulvereal lu tills tbeory fie if Rwadea. S'orweelanji hud dlsMSlM from further ronslderatlnn cae lHf - !liu. Sold under to to the rnn u gan only be demoneiraiod by the Win make Unl- nnm ph1inuge in Dofjft at the exefltltlVf ollbe title. A V, Tegner, the swilrneter and. for you, by all druKRl . at b a of the averaga buidneee man i - IPfn fauieriaml, apeiid the vMe- the Mb day of Dsfiember. A. lx 1005 srpenter, timk an hour or two from bettle. Try them today fti the public in genera). With the Use in tkwr old boiUM mill M(rtoiindel Wttilftse my arid the great seat hla dnsjf - bant labors yeeterduy and went advent of the Kaoi, the lit !hlll-- llt.l frlMlllllt,., , 'efin J.MU...... ll, I...II.,... t .X7n., llAM,. rbrtuiu "igni " ,fi- t ..iuhik:v hunting ajong the itlo Ornnile. HO TURKEY AND PERSIA inerehaiH ikIh rniorlng Ki Christ " ""en gruwmt t reieni years and tHeotj MlpUttL A. OTBHO. rotiiriied to tbo city with half a dosen In maa trade. II. Hiake lilt plaae of KecuHllnavlHiiB Hy T web-footei- l ARE AT WAR POINT , uufUuer 4 going ttm iwrnert tine fawli. liuslfUMMt attraeiivi-- ho beS bin best tu their Hd fatheriand for the J. W HAYNQlDB. Corstnnilnople, Dec. II lve please every par- "lb-bar- fo bis fUktumor in Christinai hidldaya Is inrnwiliiK front . BeerefaVy of New Mextro. General Huperlntendent I, U thousand nrmud Perslons aro gather-m- I ticular. Incidentally, the toy merchant year to year. IVdatloally nil tho ox. of the coast linos of tfi .Santa south oi Lake I'riimle and Ibrenien como in at tluit. nr year for a Iff, rinTilnnl lea 111 . n- if lurvlfe-tr- VI In this win return to tile Ulllleu liivitnlhinu liuVti bneu lumuvil liv Mr unit fl N flfiltnn. u of t vnilu airltiiii miiiiiiii inaae veiia pardon ot the Christmas Htetee fl'ter Hie holidays, and many and Mrs. Albert Orunifold for a party Gallun. nasacd throush the illy last vet Mosul, claimed bv Turkey trade Tho children nannot be fur- - of them will bring membera of their to be held hi their home Tuesday ovo I nltfiit ou rouie to headquarter from,tnnn troops have been doipatchi-- t gotten They have btvu brought up r.miibe and friends with hem ning ' an eastern trip. repel Ibu Uiraalon 0

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR 7S.0 ft tn Cor. No. !. MoKlnlev No. 1 loilo, utieuravyed, &. PATENT. Which la a ataka aet In HAILED AS THE Burvey No, 1MI. a mound of atono and claim loeatlon no iRMMWtWIsea. or any portion theroof. ail tfeacribed. PRETTIEST or Meuimay no. imie, k Bunt . Naw Mexloo District, U. 8. lira i nail, surveyed, platted ami applied for. arc IK6, and Adrinno, elalmanta, hereby notified tltat unieaa their NEW YORK Mud Office. October 1Mb, fas ft. to cor i, Ifllran are duly fits daeeetdlng adrsto WOMAN IN Notice hereb given that In pursu- N. law " ALL GEORGIA CMngrena, approve A limestone SsxixS Ina. art In groiiml Nml the regutatlona therannder wJibrn ance of tho Act of a tnitd. A May 1ft. lWx, fleorgo 1 Urooks, whine in of klona ahlaaM pint uty uajra from m tlata thsreef with FASHION LETTER Albuquerque. Mexico, ttro Ina In dinm. Iirtra N.m K if iteaKter of the United State) poaiofftca la New i-- patent Kt ft . biased and wirlb 1J T No inan at Satila Fo, in the Oauntv of baa mad application for a for beArlnga available, F-- , H3K3tKt044K4K40 eighty-on- n other litnta and Tsnimry of New Moxleo, Ct04OtO000Ki0 fourteen hundred seventy and l. Now York, Ucc. 9. Whan n man Though cos Thraea rt. if it mln. V. Vor, U thy will be batrttl in ylrtw of th one now seldom tho linear feet on the deg. 40 mln. B. begtni to tulk about n woman at- - white xklrt on tho street. It u ijulto North Htar Im$: fourteen hundred ef aahl etaima. two-tent- lMf.M ft. Cor. No. , truvaganco, In thinking tun.- - and linear feet of the to MAKimt. jl rrrano, ho of the the thing for homo wear. It Is nlU Ion XI My x f. Inn. In a mini, money ipond Ally nn North Star No. 3 Loxle: nwelve hundred llsgtiter. ho on Ufa. Rowna. nude with tinder and upper seventy-si- x and three-tenth- s linear feet of atone, hilrd No beatf iga cionkg and the vlnlblo small nowtmor. ftniinoe. the latter a mats of lace In- - of the Iieleher Lode, eleren hundred avAtlaatilsl LEQAL - NOTICE. lei of mitward dreas; but n wemnh aertlon, frill nml tiny Inwn tuoklngt. eighteen ami aeten-tvnlh- a 1 nml- fett of TtitjfH N. il deg. VA Va. 11 deg, 4J I .ode hundred six Kn wa thnt there let a-- department In It must bo very full to keep the light the Paradise and tlx Kotloo hi hereTjv gtvtm UmI on .he ly-ul- x and feet of the Para-dli- e So. pU In t Cr. L tb of be pra-Imt- o vi'ry great atore, from which. It oho weight droak skirt Rood shape, No. t Lode: wltti anrhino around 4th day nf naeeinW if.os, In the happena n And by way, nn tn- - Einnirur. to have rnonable sum the underskirt la aevan htindrvd and twelve fret In width Total1 Jetmth of vein claimed, 1IK3 ft. court of the feiunty of lloriifttitro. our and nlxiVH onr fare to take her tmllv worn, or (inn of tho new waists on the Norm Htar Lode: thirteen feet In Dlatanei Stalml from diMOVery shaft Mew Mexico. A. A. Trimble. xetitor h tta on home, aho never conies fc.-- without that nro mode wMi full olaboratoly rldtli at widest irt. the aputh along presuuieel aoarsa ff vain 3M.I fL of the last will and t tntooiK of Law- - N. 77 deg. m tnin. FL, nnn (t. H. 77 having mado n trlmmoxl aklrt which will aorvo the , flfJS-L- Vdl tt.7 irnie h. Trlmbis. ilei ). nml ox- - T leg. mln. , thanea MM ft. H. 44 I ,Rmo hun-il- If s woman hna no ni mod Into need Prpot. on the N.h BUr No. 1 "XSIdei Xlvo dtt. M mln. W. officio udmlnlsiNiuf .f the partner lint Tha new covers are vnatly flftx nine hihI fe-- t In All the abtrre ahawft ptat ship asatHa of tRu- firm W ci a new dreaa. or or cloak, she eortet fWlcher hundred in tha of in, with amount of will different affairs from many wldtti on the lxle: six biriw4tJi n nmr as in Im dctar- - Trimblo ft Cn., his final tha amalleat iho tat in wMi n tha 1'aradlie Ltxie and b11mined erreent devet. thla nlt alx-ttnl- rrni ns l"wer. ftn thrntigh the drcas, hat or sennml. ungrAreful arrangements of ana hundrei fimrteaa hihI feet alnlm lieing far 'TM Ifntnr reet tharaet oocoiint stun ex.rtiltrr, and room without spending a cent, tho tnat. Today they tax the fine In width i he raradiac No. 8 loae. tegvther th- - uwl altnwn administrator, ami All persons 'ak o with mtrtati flu i It day; tmt needlework beat Ingenuity of tho flk! atitup .f mtnea tyliiK and bilna (he oinatai Hai-- t herewith. Interested are allowed until Tuesday, doe day after onto and New I'bieera ilinlnif utieii t4t In. Miter one pjrtloular best deatgners. Hand embroidery. within the Tha aahl lUtetier lxle berei v sought W the Sd day of Jaftilsry 1090, within her section UUtrlet. luntjf f Banta Ke and Terri- Im H' No-- h by hemstilrh--rtpen- t Mteiuil la joined On wnieh otijemiuiic to tiie store, anil there sho flnilslho hand uiado lace, Ibo flnost tory of New Mexico, which aald etalma the North Star i'xl of Uil survey; on is nie the said nt.v tonurtlng her to buy. K70-- Ing, Is none too good for Its decora-like- , are mere (uli deectlbed at la tnelea and the uortiienat t the Mbk inlay ldga tlual aeeount. and nn. oblectlons Ad- - she unially siuoumUs tho Ioto tlon It Is niilte a nocoislty that this twunda by the field Tiotea and orflclat and UoKinley N 1 Mt, l"'' nnaurvay thereto i fllwl will be heard nod de- Allon r garment ahoiiid, have so teach care plat no file' in thta Mftoc a eopy of ed.'llall. lflnck ami Adrln' claimants termined on said ilayt If tm oblectlons beautiful lltiKorle Is tho catiso of la rmatetl herewith' aald fleiii ' l. which plat Of txith. wthw riorthyeet h.-- r Ipnt upon tnttah amended are filed on or boforo said data, It. rortipon It depends notea of aurvi')' deaerti tha ttoundartea K, led- - the aurvny a.l Mnanalla Santa Fa . anprovetl. lh-- R - co,.re. he salves her consolenco Mf,lno bl,'r f. nR",J0 and uxtant of aahl clAlmt on the aurfaee, Oold and CtipPW.Co. italmatsi on th said final account wlI be Atlanta, Un. liecausn Hi Miss Allen Is prtHly. 11 right or of .tb0."" '!- - 43 - s- with thought hlrt vrMsta. which will continue in with numetki rU!k at It mln. to U soiun h tun ibiradMte looe .r mis mir- - and tho said executor And ox omeo ail- pitsildect. while o:. his - mhern trip. heritage alio should be beautiful, to the that these articles ill it. pitn. tbut. t follow, to It urn never out style, a woman Popularity during the winter. it vty; iim aoutiMast tty rant etftiius miulstrator dlitlhargetl, liy order of raid, "Walt a moment. I just must her mother, Mrs. 1. AlToii, of of that NOKVII STAIt l.OUl; Niu. t und 3. uneurreyeU, Hunny Slops probate annot have too many of thorn, nndj In ttnder-wnlst- s or corset cover Mining alalmauts, the roiirt. shako hands with he prettiest girl Atlanta, Is very handsome, and her Vcet. ' A. A. TRIM III I hisvo seen In Ueorgla." Miss Adu- - niitit, Mrs. Bllor, Car- "It was such n bargain." which old fashioned name seemn most at No. 1, Th risinal laeathm iif Belcher Jt. of North Ilealnnlnir for. '. Admlnls- - orotty lDjir-oli- a"1- - prim-rot- o k Bxeentor nml Islileo Inartistic for such dainty creations-oo- du Cor. No. 1 of amended lodo U dmetl Nevetiibsr 14. and waa Allon. a l olina, la noted for her exaulslte If "(mm within outward" Is the ldentleal with T, 1K3, m Wo, Hk Is used tho most; location and with No, 1. North Htar recorded lirnber Iloolt trotir. luuin girl, hna spnuig Into fanto as n face, but just now sho la raerofy of thos wtio train the mental prhaps z i'r J, Iteeor.U jf lanttona, a on go 7, In Klrst publlealliHi. op No. lede ef thia aurwy. Kvl'a porphy e Cl-r- Dee. P. Jnr. oesuiy anu is qtuio tno aocinl sensa- a pretty. Jolly girl, who boy ttnd moral man. It Is no It-.- the code "iw;lr of lwn or ry the effl-- of tha I'roba'l and ex loves Is It atono 3Ul3xl in, in a mnd. of none Officio tion of the moment. base bull only second to foot boll. f Uo well drwaeil woman, who thor-- Jiandkerchlef linen, so thin mult an etonx around rhlwlHl Mlnera ii.i'.nler of Santa k County, and Mm i, , "Ho didn't nioiin It course, he Hho otishly In adomltig out-- , ,n,r'y Monumrnt No. i. whlh ( A llmeatona New WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS of haa tho spirit of tno liuntsmmi L believes tho 's. didn't It"- girl nro- - ward person. Kext to'.silk,""'colored and white In a mound or aura, elilwlt-- u. B. J. M. VAItADIBK UDI: mcait - tho hnd entrapped Into woman's form, and No. J, and ldentiriel by two bearing tostod. 8)10 was standing; in thotnldit Rubinlta to (he entanglliiK customs of At year linens are liked. They are nil elabor trren, N. V U, Iteginn .g Oor No". ). with thla time or the a special beara drtf. lMnlli. mi at HOLDS INTERESTING LiTBRARY of a tloxen coIIoko boys at tho II mo, n wen-d- or ntely trimmed with hand embroider No bearing obJK!ta available. Cor. No. Cor. No. 4. amemlMt aurvay MU Jd, society with sort of rebellious offorl In made to attract tho oyo and SESSION. AT A anil "rnh-nih- s" In 11 9'A-- li WHICH FINE her for Harvard nt thn way of I'rorlduoeo. tempt ies, "sct-in- " oi mco, or insertion. I, Hurvey No. amended. Magnolia lod.. Hantn Uold ft ''opirr Co.. the whimsical fancy; for to lodo .which la rock SIxlliJ above elalmanta, which Is a porhi-r- rock l(x PflOORAM IS RENDERED, rich contralto voice hnd been clearly it la only her Inrgo dreamy Rray under-dres- s Titey nro also mado full In front, but it !u. nmny these articles of ground In a mound nf atono thleclsd 1 Itxt Ina. In a mnd. of iiona abova heard above the deeper din made by eyes ami long tapering fingers that fitted ao m to be practically n lining J 77 10 4 11 M. nro pleasing m holiday Rift when M K. beara B. deg. mill, W . ground, chiseled Mt I'hlscled tho Yesterday afternoon In their club her companions, denoto And Oils to shirt Hurvey No. Itca. Cor. No. Hold rock Mineral Monument No, S, the musician. Is thn offered In fnnoy wropplngs Mini beau- the waist. ft. i rooms In the Commercial club, tho Tho president thinks Hit-- world of (alow will Htantinnl (ode. whloh l a atone 3UPXI pravlously draarlbcd bara .s X drg. M that she conttmto to ciil tiful ribbons, lit tho hows of which n Hut thcro Is a eovor made to bo W. plnon re 7 Ina, In Womnn't club of Allmquerqiio held his alma mater, and tho enthusiasm tlv e. Hhe Is ulrendy worn flMlnjr Ina. nUiro ground in a mnd. of atona m.'i. mi ft. A master of tho nirlj? of holly and a Christmas greet- under tho light Kid let, chlielnt bear H. 77 1rg. M mln. dlam. beam H a deg. mln K 74.C ft. A ono of tho most Interesting meeting of this mtrutiuoua little person; woar-I1- 1 organ nml planu and hna, besides, a ing has been tied. or princess gown, which Is altvvclesa W.. W.l ft plnon ttv. j ina. in dlam. bears H. 4H Ita history, under the auspices of ing a dainty ooitumo, her radiant face beautiful contralto volee, H. 4S K. Vtt. deg. leg, V rt., btasctl itnl aarllieil And hna no fullness to speak of: but Thenee deg. U mm tt both ll-eo- Miwiy or wnsh material out of )i ihe llftrary department. Tho subject surrounded by a wealth of blond I'erwiivally well (0 M mln. 1 11. T. rhe4ae S. 45 d. 14.. V, it nsh ho Is fitted undorgnrmonts u Is llternlly covered with lac. laid ' if this meeting was "Christmas hair, may Im which tl.wo beautiful HTU.31 ft to Cor. No. S, deg. in" K Aloi t llhe l amended lilt have made an unusual an Iniertwtlng memlier of soci- nr- - made, ranging from llk, linen, on fiat IdHitleal with Cor. No J. flier survey i k Mngnolt lfid- a.o ft. to eroturtt," and the following lllorafy ety, but hor In pink (mm North Mag- heart la not lawn. nainsook, down to fine Kngtlslt A vory pretty v.slat wag mado of No. 3 liMle, and Car. No. J. Jleiefcor lode, (!or. N" nmendM Wrw i It. progrnm wtta ramlered' 1 Maybe bo illdnt inaan It, mtt Ihe nor euehro partlee. am) at present lung In Anir fine, both of thla atirvoy. A porphyry atona nolia nml ' or M. 1, fliS" 'r lints, of Van Uylte's Ohrls- - leollego bgvH look It for cloth: lint whatever tnaterlol hum! embroldnrud handker JtxUx) Ina. ground In Ulls Bllr rll,!. L "l'myer on granted that she ts doing her utmost to escape tho by on atony a maund krretofera de' mrs" Mr did, n ii. u must bo of flno grade. chiefs. Joined together silk lacings. of alone chlaeled UNI, A plnen tree X ft. tn i'.t No, C, Hatjher imle f this Hose Hunt lie arid M thfttr elieor rnug mit lionalty of aoolnl diilltHi reNiiltlntf from rv, 11 i' got without saylug. tho My Lady Itlbbons took the placo of shoulder Ina. In illam , learM N.'tt deg. ., 4.l ft. aurvay to (M :. In line tlgnlllranerf or OhrlMinas" her remitatWH ae beauty wh ni Iho admiration expressed by (ho ha- will havo all bar wearing npparel of straps, and ribbons also drew It Into A cedar tree t Ina, In d.nm.. Wt N. 3 l. Hurw i ins. 8llvr KTflg Me. a por- Mrs. Prank Aokerninn (abllahwl. lloa's oilier executive. . Ina, ground deg. It mm H . Ja.1 ft., tioth bMacd and phyry IftsHx on iny I the host, but even fier poorer filter, the waist. This was to bo worn under - . Tiiriatmns Cornea Hut Once a xrUttd II ,T S.IMI. Cot. U K in a tn. in,, i itf utm 1iTjI- J lKl, No if tasteful, ran find goods not to bo a linen waist fnatcnod In the back, tho amended Magnolia lode. wlilchJ u atone bearliw oullnble. Cur. N 3, Hurvey Year" (llllny). .Mis. II. 8. lveg nhAmod of. If h nsk for utility ! front of whir? lihail a doslgn formed ltxllxiv Ina. abovo groUtid In fa mnd. or No, iit Hiiver King iie. wnirn is a "Christmas (living" Mrs. u 'or 1 new rather tbnn trimming. I of "et Ins." tlie three largest corn- - atone, beara K. X drg. a mln. W., 30.2 llmeet ISxtlxS Ina. lib grhiiud, Tho Nlghtlngnle. in resmmso to iciit ULIH. LlJrtlruicccnl LL MURDERED HIS SPOUSE ft. chlwl..i . i ts. T. II. L'otr"". ciuiirtiint ULUl. notl-oab- le exactly over tiny "chous" of an encore, was rendrred by Ira A It is that while very flno' l'K the Thence N. 77 deg. M mln. B. Va. IS beara N i deg. li. 13K4 ft Thenec B. ribbon that tho the . . Csssidy, In a well voice. omroldorku are somewhat used, loco, corured button of drif. 14 inln. B. deg It deg. 46 mb K mo ft modulated IN ALBUQUERQUE WITH A HATCHET i mo most nffoeilvo and iwpular dec-- . tlio ft. to t?or. No. 1 hUt . .. f shaft U ft .d"ii IIM ft Two violin solos wro also executed gowns. My A llmmtono Wtllxe Ina, In u mnd. of M. W. - rniint N. x. claim onmirvaycd In Intmitahlo manner by thn well rntlon: nml rut thcro In a singular! With elaborate I.ndv will Hunny skijw wsn.0 - atona on atony ground rhlsrled No Mining Co.. clminanta. known II. W. lA'k of variety In lace trimmings,! also sec to It that tho nan an under- bearing objocta nvnllablc Identical with ft. to or No. 3, a porphytv atona Mxll violinist. Iladden. 'ung, Valenciennes and tho Irish waist exactly milted-bot- In fit and aouth cor. of the HtcKlnley lode, unour-vrye- d, XT Ins on etony aniuml In a mound f of Three Chiefs of Staff Authorities Hen Asked to cn hel being tho most med. decorntjon to tho dress waist. Ijjflnck, Halt and Adrlsno, clnlin atone nieieu a imum irru e nn. be anta. In ilium lienra 8. 7 dca. 4 mln. V. It ft, Mesdamox Ilsh and rimllh. Miss Nel- in the night rolios the Dlreclolrei Now. n word about stockings. The Thenca N. 4S dtg. f4 mln. W." Va. A elnon tree t Ina In dlam, bears N. 40 '"ISJMtto Retire During the lie Pratt. Miss llHrtman Messrs. oti Lockout Per tfampfcrey wml Kmplre provnll ns tlioy ones cost a deg. K. licit K 4.1 fL. iHith biased and scrllwd nml styles embroidered nmnU for ti mln, Iladden and Cassldy. tin in tho outer animrcl. tune, nut if My J.niiy is iiattdy with ltmat ft., to Our, Mo. 4. In Una 3.1. Uf 11 T 3 1W1 Thence N. 48 deg W. V. It py deg. II 1). linn A report on (110 performance of Year 1906. One very robo wan tn her need I e and will buy n doxeu plain ion, uoid atanauru imiu. mln. ft. Interecet O'Suliivifi. beautiful a porpnyry rocK ina. aei is inn, Survrv No 117. Sliver King nt "The llrokcn Hearted Club," nd Chine sllkt fitted by tiny tuck In the silk stooklnRs, of courso In the differ- In ground I nu chle-ele- d n. as tTor. x, tha na mnd. of atona ro.7 ft do, tv.. from no. "Sarah's Young Man." given at tho I nml yoke of fine point ent colors of her gowns, sho may A cedar tree Ins. In diam. heretofore described. 111S.7 ft. to Cor. buck front Elks' opera house recently, (ht I il'AlciK'on. A little Itoloro. joining to have ns beautiful collection of stock- bears 8. a deg. a) mln. V.. 17.J ft. A N'o. 4. in linn 1.4 mnd. Surver SSI XI under kill IN I ( ANtSfl HE IS FOR. MEXICO Ireo ins. In diam. N, 31 IlonnniA lode. Identical with for. No, 1 ausplres of tho club, showed that the,',,ll, ,H,l"'t flJTtLll mm the at tho shoulders, and arm-hole- ings as she wishes at a much less Slnon bears price H mln. V.. 4S.S ft., both biased and Paradise No. I Imte. of thla survey. A pcrformnncoM wore successes, both was slmtilatqd In laca of tho than those In 'the shops. scribed II T with tha porphyry etono XxlixlS Ina nnu atony an ll from artistic and hlstronlc. as ns yoke. slooves weat Co, of tho McKlnley lodo, unsur ground nr stone chiseled O'Hul-llvnt- ain kind tho Tho On a black pair sho may, with tho in a mound Will as point view. l.loutensul (lonoral Adnn II. Chaf tt la thought that Humphrey i. full the slioulders. and drawn veved. A plnon tree 7 Ins, In dlam. bears financial of fee, wir at daintiest of stitches, arrange oyer tho 011 chief of staff. United Btalo? Amy. wife murderer ahd 1i Thrnco 8. 71 deg. SI mln. W. Va. 13 N t: Org a mln. K. M ft. A p.nni trro The committee the New Year's mentis tiny tucks, Into a lace fir,tc-Pfi- fi of insiop. cither a black or cream "set deg. 47 mln. K. S Inn l dlu in. tiears N. S3 deg. (0 into. linnnilfll roitiiptuil onH thn who retires from the army on Febrti- litiapersdo, may bi henriail (ownrtl Yl-t- ouff at the elbow. A tiny bow of In.' ( IMS, . U hat In the pair that matches hor Alone lllio Huney No. Oold It. Tuj gt both blasrit arc scrlbeil T commi.tce 09 attnMdlons rowrte.! ,! 06; wn? Albuquerque nml tlrop into tho dir. purpic-coiorc- lodo. ilruuKs nl, ueg. va, ueg, vlnk ribbon entered each faitener at afternoon gown, alio Standard et claimants. Thence N. K i: ix they closed negotiations "?& yesen ay for fortyflve ititniif. maytio for a breathing spell In Ihu h.- - to tho placo of lieglnnlng. tJ, nun. K. line M emd. had neck and cuffs. may it. Alim: general by II I oi!l-cer- s draw tiny ribbons, tlolng tho 1470.81 VjI M lodo IM Upen cut4rroil II manager of was accompanied Mrs. Kin he Is umlursolng from tho - Total lenath of vein claimed. ft. lloiiansa ft. with Han tho noted 'Jlie nro com- ends In a bow knee. On lM-- on None of tli one gurmonts at the tho Distance outlined from discovery point line rt.. cot 10 ft oast of line. tragedlsn. KroUerick Wardo, for two-f1"- ,t,1", 'wo rimio to or tho law, who uro soaurfng (ho witiioni a ir.i or rinoonn in nn.nny pair, mat win no woiu wun too along presumed courso or vlu N. 4i sou rt i'Tim nr Ttierto atountaing. too tt, nppenranr 1 " ""-- " ' country for him. vi'" 01 H. .,r 1. of that gentleman at the. "' tHiwntlon: and nothing more beauil-- : griy tweed morning' suit, by placing deg. mln. W . no ft. and a deg. U ki No the tdaeo nr iKClnlilnc. when they will settle when t)i gen Thv Iim i of- - Is Klks' opera hnnso in tho near future, shtrrlft's olll'e rt!ctvtl a car. Imagined color- - cnnvnss over stitching", which hna mln. It., 7W.J1 fL All of which ia shown Th. ilnl lenath vein claimed let.voa aotlvei sorvlw. rni be than the the upon the plat piwted herewith us nen ' as Ills: ft mid dletnnmi clnlmml from dl' Mr Wardo will appear In "Ilamlet" oral otroulitr from Bherlff i"aolieo of Tuc- n nro being boon over n frame, may . mere oolhei son, and embmlilerles they drawn sho can bo determined from present davclop vu i elMf t along presumed eeur- f and Julius Caesar." nnd Tho an- There is more than a whloh gives a dcirlptlon of hown In. i work a cross stitch design In pink menu, this claim being for H79.M velr. " 4 ueg. rt Sk,T it. nnn n'K. nouncement of tho dates ern being donre In tho fan that the II n I tod Crlulttvan, dosorlbos the brutal mur- - , i oiMin -- A will sug- revt thereof together with tha surface V It all nf wblell aliown theater-eoer- a Htatea will have three retired lieuten- a, W.. a" know what n hilly nffalr!" ho;ight na u nn cogerl awailetl by tho local der of tho fellow's wife, and offcra ust mny 1lt designs ways ground shown upon the official plat tno ii it itoslnl hafewllh. near ant generals year KsiQ. t&tHi h. Mngle silk underskirt yet no different ami nonet Im i, present i a woll as thn members nf the durliiK the reward nt for his capturo, pro- l. dherewlth. Tho wild North Htar termlned from (14 can afford for her gown'a!0' decorating what was once a vory lode hereby sought to tm patentel la tlila claim blng fur attrran l.wml-m- t W0111sn eluli. (lenerat Chaffee will not be years viding It l mat! within six months, IDOfi, aiv. to wear tho old fashioned pott!-- : P'" artlole. Joined on the North by the Hold Htand-ar- d iciitM.n and sev.n of age until April II, but as a from November 24, l&ot. H lol. Hurvey No. 10U, a, U Ilrooka linear -l tlisreor, ingtiner wun ine Courtesy to General Hole, who hi ulleged wns m of flannel: those who think llecanse Is tho little things that - The orlme oonimltlnd is et al, claimants. Un the earn by tho stirfu- smund shown um thn nffi- lal MAN DtCLARED DEAD RETURNS staff, not waya of dollvetnnco for My Ijidy are tho stamp of tho well dressed lode, unsurveyed. aald tiext in Una In the chief of he about a m:ie from Tucson, sonio tlino , Hall, Lotlnlc pint herewith The t'arnllso or lint-,- imrnniiui n nnw klrt Tho inn' wnmnn. crnat attention mum ha clvon and AUrl.iuo. cUlmantu; on tha aauth by lode i"td1.. rrliy txiusht to be listteolnl Is will roilrn fnrir.flvit darn iirlnr to to Kovowlier 0. In a lone itaVo u knitted or woven of soft, fine wool.) to such accessories as tho humlkor. th eUelcher lodo of thla survey; nn tha Inlmi ,.n tin. nnrlbeaal l.y Umenduti nr-- DISAPPEARED FROM A NEW MEX. ()iM I line, so tlmt Oenor! llatfls Inity O'tlulllvaii is allegetl to hxva attacked warm, nous, wrat by North Slur No. ! lode, tl.le sur- vry s.. Ml K. Magnolia lode; bv the ICO RANCH, BUT HAS RETURN., avend to the rank of lieutenant gun hU hjiouso, killing her with i light, so porrocr inCnier, biocks nnn coimrs. i hatchet. is and vey. The nrltilnul location of aald North llclili-- r i.mIc of till survey an-- the II figure with- - Alwavs In good form, plain. ,ral In time to rt'tlro boforo Ik, also body wns found fir that clings to the tho lode la dated July . and waa So. 8 Imle. Hnnny ED AND WILL NOT EXPLAIN. The not for snvernl Star mi, liram imurvcl. . - ! it a wrinkle, tho tndlepvnfiiblo at-- i hemstltohed Jinndkcrchicf Is. and recorded July SI, Ml, In Hook 2, ltecorda Klo.. Mining Co., on th . 'Is uompelled to loctvt- tut service days afu-rwnrd- tr i.iuo of the undersklft. Hut tho; must bo the style worn with tho morn nf ljocatlons. at page till, In tho omeo of nntnii i. the survey No. 117S. Silver ing Whellii-- a mar who Is legnlly do- - cause or his ago. (Iintinil llaiim will A nearch for O'Hulllvsu proved fu- harming to Sng 'frock: but In tho afternoon or the "nitwle Clerk und ltworil. lod. with which It fonfllcui on thn clared ilt-a- ran own properly Is thn be 01 years old n AiiKiist, 11)00, but nic, tho general belief being (hat !i fact Is thnt this warm liortnwi-e- i oy aurvcy evening er nf riniila Ke County, New Mexico, amcnuco r ku qiiostlau which Is bclngMio will resign Ihe ofllfo to Oeticral Ih milking for .Mexico. skirt, Mv Lady will have serernl more elalinrnto affairs, edged NOItTll HTAlt lAJXn: NO. 3. M. lionaiisit lixlo) on thn aouthweel liy camiillcntctl Tho nocuvd Mik Hounces outer skirt, with Duchess or Valenciennes, Is IK ginning Cor. Nn. 1, Runey No. 1I7S. Silver King loile, wllli discussed in northern Now Moxleo. Corbln liefore that time UmiitrI mnrdr-ircr'- iicscrlfitloi, Is as folbws: to match her at Identical with , mi J 'ho flounces, which conic to tho more In keeping with tho gowns the location corner and with Cor. No. j, whi. li it iHinriK-ts- ana ty mraiiisn and at Trinidad. Colo. F. V Oreen Ciirliln will Ih 04 In Hoptember, 1&0H. Agn, til years; helglt'i S feel 6 lint", can be put on and orf by worn. Those with Dttcbrsso edges N'-rt- Htur lodo or thla survey, chlavted liMle. of this survey. lee, at one time a prominent one (leneral and Mrs CliniTce were met to tl Inches, welglit, 1C0 bottndsi com- many fancy corners nro Just now given tno rock lOMI. Mineral Monument No. Tin' original IoohIIoo of said l'nra.lnw wralthy ranch owner. lived Dun ut tho atailon by P. II. Kentwho was plexion, light; build, means of little fasteners. ThtSsnnil 3. provlomly deacrtbed. beara N, 4) deg. lode la Jaliitnry Irtrtjimd na medium: batr. diiled let. can, a small town near tnu New Mex 11 sohoolmnto of Mrs. Chaffee, nnd brown, eyes, htuoish war mm ns won us ine syie oi iiium"" proiuivmni, W mln. W, 15W ft. reconied nrcn 9111.1 wo, in trowui nalluii H. .iiors line. Hon. II. 8 Htnloy win. ts u old silk underskirt Is gained. B8TBI.M5 CLA1U.MONT. Thenca 44 dig a mln. U. Va. II 3. llitiinu of ltontlona. at pago m ico allty, trade, carpet-to- r deg. 4S mtn. K. Hi vofflco nf tho Prohalo Clerk un 1 Onu morning olght yturs nK urcen friend of tho general xiid tnples of ; speaks Spanish Uuonlly. A'.nng Una Survey No-- 1KI, Xnrth iteoorder of Snntu (To (!..'. y lee mysteriously disappeared from Ills coiivurxsiiun ran from the red school Btar loda of thin aurvcy. ir7u.i to rt New 3IISO. hotm- - even taking any housu In 10 Anltelea Cor. No. 3, Identical with Cor. No. I. ranch without tho laue jordan7s1aSure POEMS BRING BOTH Norm Htar iode or tins isurvcv. htiruti t'AHADlSK 1.0UW NO t. of his personal boloiiKlngs. Home of bulldlpg lots, unit rrom jiiibllc social foro described. chUeioit the rook llesliuiltig at Cor. No. I, hienltpel with his neighbor had occasion u visit Iho, fiinotlons at Iho oapitol to statehood. (be fnr-sn- and the two bearlns trees wnnn. Cor So. 4. I'urrtilli.i lotle (if inmr nr. Uroculeo ranch rt fow days ifter and (leneral Chnffou Is of tho netted officers $1,100 Thence 8. 77 deg. mtn. . Vu. U Clllsaied tho .tuHO ThAXVfp AND 4 inunii everytiimg in pcrir oruer, out nig puiiiic men 01 wmo sapurienct'. SMILES TEARS I: - - uvb. mln. Inir trWn If.i- uiiu- s Oieenief was missing. ssr-hwn- wlm think tlmt Jolm statehood is the MAN IN M.I ft. to No, 3, a liinewtoiie . pravtnurfy deai'rH A WANTED THREE STATES, for 71 Sii. by tin- - txil Ins. on atony uroiind In moiiiid of ilegV 4 Hlln. ' WR.I ft madt relntlvog and also by. mom economic rrn of govorntnuni DOOMEO TO FACE CHAROBB. stone, 1. e many for terrltotlo, in answer to a EDMUND VANCE COOK UNDERSTANDS CHILDREN AND HIS VERSES chlled Cor. No. amend Tlu-nc- 8. ii des. Vu. it (I, tft filcuds. unit the rjiuntrv for the and od snrvay tKl-- Muaimlin lod, rlilselnl mln. mllus arutiud was gone over for many noosUop yeatsnlay a to what he FAITHFULLY PORTRAY OHILDHOOD. 5 R If nothing hapitens to delay ttudr K. heretofore deecrlbed. beara B. 41 weeks, but no uaee of him could bo ihuuxht Of statehood matters, said iter. IS mln. K.. : ft. A plnou S Ins. Along line I'nruillna Imln ttl ud prngriekn. L'nlied Klrtlea Marsnal V im gurvw. oSi.i Sii, S. Tn Hi . X. I "Why, mv Ill dlam.. Iieara N. St deg. 47 mln. K., (a ft. to Cur found. It's quite obvious to that M. Deputy Utrry Cooper HHr. NO. Itpt Silver King ISlo, A line- - - l at rornker ami crtiar tree a in. mum . ixrnra After u Iain- of over n jrenr. r. ln you wont Joint slntoli'HHl. I hnvo it. a ins. 11 il V(tn land llHiik Rnbbor Tliotnas Jor- N, Vi deg K. m.t ft., both biased and StOe R'ilxS 111. UU SinnV BTOUTljy.ln ways thought so, Single gov- - upr 3 Snr- - tlvtw weut Into tho probata court of statu in- - fcnndx scribed 11 T or atona, ameeiwi 3.1x1 dan the of the United lltatea No. King, i union county, Now: Mexico, asked ornmeut would a niiruen t ouner Thenco N a deg, W mln. W. Va. II Yy utl. Sllvar ;rat..i.iri and lf ttHtleirtiles at vlnltn. I. T., mm time deg. mln. K. lieasrllml, bears N. dg, K. SII It. for Isttora of ailmlnlslratfon. They territory, I'm Mrprtaed that there is inmorrow. it a. A pltnn 4 In boum N Along line M. amended survey No. HI tree In. dliiiilMrr. nrodueutl evldenee which satisfied tae any opinxKioa to joint siaiewx!, In- II deg A pnwn 1 1 . Foraker nnd Catwtr left ftrr tho K. Magnolia lole. J1S7.7 ft. to Cor. No. il. II fL tfU ir eourt that Oreenle) was not living. whatever, I. Idenlltal with Cor. No I. amended dlam. bMra K. tt des VM ap ft tl dian Territory wtU Jtwittt yesterday 11 ami thoy wero letters ef ad- Dasnlte Ills years, Chaf survey Hi K. Magnolia lode, hiatal ml sorlletl mji a W H , aeaenil pn 'rain Ko. 3, and Mat the grains hereiafofe TlitHsoa 8. dag. w Vo. K deg man wag pro- - fee Is hale heart)-- ntitl looks llkn deacrfbed rhlntled th ruek 4 1X1. Na o ministration and the and WKrfa dlconerled or Jaritan sMuld ocarina otijecla availab a. lKiiiurod logally ibrad. he waa good (or the n(uttod three- - 1.0 fl. to Cor. Nn i. Alterward. fl'pcidentglly make) his OftMBO while en Thence N. 77 d4g. H mln K Va- - IS Oreenlue ostatu, amounting In and tan, and then some, Mrs IMS, the rfnttr, they wtll have deg. 4V mln. It A limestone 1st ft in of was Is nlao. In heelUi. Tbey flnifhi Ibelr u atAttvltiltiTNiuiid. aiiL Mel ISM. eral thousand dallnra. divided Chaffee robust Ktlseloa ; nave xofjr-4- g 10.V ft to place nf beginning. static nmong formerly Lea Angel .oirmrniw and a ptnon tree e wa. ) urnm, a tho legal heirs. lived In oi, hut heir rtkv eomtrlned re Total lenath. ef vivlrt elalnied. t ft bir ago a. (crotlt. rewunl. Dlstanoe clHlined from dltaovaryltlalator dg, ts mln. Ujmh a rM) According to a wdl known rnuaiier $9t "u, years at good aaptare .1 l lneed 5f1r.i for JwfMti's oourac or w 4T In dlam,. ( fU WU tlf that vletHltt'. who waa in Trinidad, Tkey row buying In Angel, ffrtl oraaumeii valu N. og. arm btrtt'it in lsa to tl.lM, m nt Whr4 I" mln. w . sse. ft. and 8 deg W mln., sarieeu it ilr, urwnlHo rtiturnetl 10 his own at a good prru o the other flsltow. SSI X. W d(sr , tha Tettas Ootl) Orowers' ft. ft., all ef which is shown upon TiitBea It homo sup-Brlf- e pasted aa n, late Sunday night, to the Jordan wanliMl In the plat herewith aa naar can tnin. confUroalHMi of hkt rela- - ft U, from present devaiepmnta, , Oae. 24. Sursx 2.'.. U7S. And LEFT WITiiljiT fBl for sustllng entile, Ih Uje In thu being for rouriwn hnmlred Ittar 1J e. T, B. Oat SMTltssnt "hicb tivtrs and frlainls..k ariesnlee abao-lutJ-y for hunk robkety and two-tent- lum lxt four and h imrer few, u a etona tSMSaa .Uolns BnHii.'i in a ilBfltued to Imiwrt anr inform-lio- n TAKES HER OLD NAME - . 1 p Coioraieo for murtlar, whtok with the wrfoc- sr.niml shown maul, nf st aau lua-i- atom In where he during upon the plal herewith. lot at his ilk at(aiad fBr hfWeif Inrfiithe om4al n.i"l t'M tt ne. y tears sw wsw fl . ks The niW North Hmr No r i.m herabjr 841 WK last eigtii it. ,... ,.., .mirlsar etnrt space of ftwr sscaUhs, sought tn b trataetad, Is )m-- on tha dag. v win. wa. mado Impet to R,d Ills wpire is AM of xfeat oredlt v od. f aur-tn- . scrliIttnd. L. i '.T.ft;'" t l'" ,L east the North Star this ' S.MW WW t tinttttvi 9taUM Marakai rWnkw'e l '"'OS r'Z" lmi Mterth'Htl to on III by i ti"-- lm Mtlll iHltndard. ms.s Car, s f. ldanii.. with U -- ft. to Ihinx man. ami if so. win have a lxf?Z Suriey fp. tu5, on the t by the 1. UK. text, I(ar rkarg dsrUin waa oinc liar Kit. StttSi Piim twin uin rvaainiiiK imw vmumr n nf smtiidi'd eurvey Nn mi k Magaelki ts a HA sIm v Uva rtfi.. .,..i i,.i which aw luivst which was .1lvl.l.,i asnonji bis ktfra. i.i. Tm totle, on tHt aouth by publK land. This aMaaMfl J 7 'wamJZ"Z XZl Punlsvy f.'rcantlla Co. to Retire In I urosl. Inln) III N It. 7 U.. nil- - In KDMl'ND V VSt'R rOOKK AMI 1118 DAl'fJMTKII altliateri T. It alaliiMttL OUMntSI Ku tttfit Mnitcetltitirt im t la, aaitr' AltuklH' Favsr of McLean A Co; Jaurveycd. wrtage aviHMiiie. STAMP COLLECTORS ! V NVwa thlt a aew collection of Udmund Vance l;n u a original meatton or sato . wTS" r.'"'h reoehes rIty tlimiuh jun rise feelln' piece of soap Ti' norin TIiaHte N. Out O. Vti. It .lev. U Mcr-.-antl- te r No, 3 lode la a r llwtlwr reliable (hat th Ihmktvy vi-- moo-co- Star datinl September tin. ArU Mrs, is a fosree t ooko s been issued 'i ine s iioho. smile w. ,V 'a eonduet-lrjj- iwems has Just ISOTi. and waa Heptemtor vth, WanhlnKtoii. t). Hoe .11. . , - ttompany, owning i Alung Hne y lis-ms- a C. Tflr i.,lu,.un. lie- ami No, 4. KL Sut Na, Ut II. e l(i.l-a'J'"- .cn,uni lauo. In Ui'M t4ulea bsgtn- - - lf.lnr. ii,l II. 'V"'"! sTie ntorvN at WUlaiM. Morisrty and 1,':: H4, In oniaa of..imlU IVOThiIA lad. Iff.e fi 10 Plasw r liar marrlsxe to Duller was at the - tlllig. 11 vl I ttvtay icstauclu, im Ke Ofcntrat. -- ClerkPland nxQitlclo Iteeonlei- of f!aati li) oil tu meet nt tho Mrs Kittlo O, liroofes. a wldow That the Santa - o. z n Young - v Mihl In Now Mex-lo- zzinssz Meira AtHioeiaiion ha lntereals Total atalm ft. ile- Little Tot." Much of tho author's Un ho 1 Ke County, Now Mexico tauath of ftU uiiristum nam- - wt restored to her In the ib4r oiens his mouth and then llKLUllHlt Dldtaitec aKUiued nt draatr pojnt buflillnu imrpost- nf organtxlng to J MoUar Of - UiHL for tho 9ihm wore W: nl" verse ! been printed In this- - news- nin ul An nrenurrifel 1 re and JiuiWr nisrrted li UKiiinina uor, .Ml. i. afebi sooleiy Hen-Vf- nnd City. - Hughtrs. iu I i l 4; a to tie hiiuwn under the joiin lb Ardniore. I. lu May, - f I'e Kansas t'A- s Causassx!where Oor. No. 3. Survoy No. W.. ft. and . leg. ., toi.t ft., ki! T. im.- ,arer and In the book nro poi-m- that thf tho inoq. comes ldentleal with or the Wnslilnkfon l'hilulethtc So- of rtanta la Now Mextojo 1 xu id! K amsndHl Magnolia lodpwbloli width is shewn "oan the plat poated F. the , mm many prom-Ino- nt l"s. af Mol.ean & Co, re-jK- appeared In Tho Oltlxeu and iMirniivrv ittiiMa ieiiv7 inn. niMttritlariierowiin. &n near man uetnrsninm ciety. There are a groat la a The cb. S M- - tidg IllUter, the ileaerllHK ir9nsl. I Diinlavy - greumt In u mud. of stone, elilneled from present development, atalm ciileeiora In (hl clsj, nnd says that ho brothers other nowniKipers and various mags- Hn tho 'a got Iielng priNtrr. ftttet worktHl 111 ileora on u ti. in stone simerai for !' feat thereof togeth many them have oxpreasetl thcni has Ihe varb will retlro from the aailvo maaant-nio- n They deal with child Hfo niieiN11, X, upon of Art-xi-n- j. sines. hk head MoniiHieMt prevloualy deaertbed. er wim tirn nurn.eeu' grouiia snown sehea in favor of Joining the uqw oui uffletsi of thl larrnary anil id the stores montlonoil tin' Jait-HJr- y ospei-iall- the Itte of Cooke's own lln lili.tA os sllok nut of their place, Um N. M.iinfc t lain. W. I4J ft. A tie uinslal plat pnai.-i- l herewith ' He worked In lit) aumpoelng In a 8. 4t deg. Among them (ire D, Mo I o plnon treii I M dmm Tha MM No. lode hereby iliii lmi. The Illustrations arenol the Itn the of tha Is lMradl 1 rotrHi The CUIihmi month ims K.. ft. A plnon tivn IS Ins. in dlam. i Cintoliemi. J. rIunoy Kiigte, W .Dye. it sevutsl leas Interesting feature, i They are spread 11 aousht to lie (Mitmi ts joined on th ago, Saturday night, enra n. tieg. 3) IE. 7 11 - and one after RED MEfTloTD Clyde O, ' mln rt.. train northN(t by tha 1'iradlae loda et this r. Coitnan, A. it- wntKiwara, rror. by HesaJo Collins T'esse and mi Vtvur (ho end of his face. tatwl and acribnl II T LUMI aurvay, on aoutnaaat by the HHvw kif had reeetred lit pay bMk. lie left POW.WOW IN TEXAS. I Jf. 44 tha Arthur Mayo I'rof. Milton Whllupv, ))e riiene deg. K. Va. It deg. 4t King 8urii-a- - tl. (Matron. wlikiHit Hotifylag (he Iwd lode. N 1W. T. V. J- - W. the eii Kan Antonio, Tox Dye. 11. The In mln. li On Hstnuel fmft. and Line' These poems have somelhlnir Un hL feet nro nothing but finger survey No. HI elniiHant, with whltit It ooaflleta. of his tatenitoN to leave. At that looal t AlotiK line amemlet th- - lode, Crawford. Tribe of the Improved Order of them that bring both smiles and tears. the aoiithweiit bv I'ttr Survey tt ia alleged, a-- woman was nails K. Masnojla lle, SW.4 rt tO Cr. No. 1 No. UTS. T. On time, s" lien, lea will hob! a hH now wow prettiest the mamma, S. sur- tt Catron stslmaHt. tha Ono of tho tolls about ia hi don't keel! 'om out. ideatleol with Cor. No. amended northwest by the fto iaesa amend- - Jjist Hatunlsy iilghrtrew Moxloati In the ra, ami the kteal prlntors today in honor of OnsM (noohoat-- Mx-Co- MiH)" It Is: g)yes vey It, Magnolia lode, beretofara M, tMmse out flatlysl Here ln he Iks milk In water palls dnttrvey Ne. Ml V. Kanta P Ooid tt aaya: Jirs. Charles A- - Hpkwa, r b4tarllaa nosneB eame John W. 1 "harry of Norfolk, VU p ahUete.! slt-Mt- its and the stono t.lMt. No a I Hf ho dout ki-e- hi liamllea, shut. Ceptar CM.. OtaiHutnta ThU. oialm la Yeges, uss r. An4 mat (lib wafnan. If (she dW bearings arailsM : who been on brwf visit suid Ureai CUM of iteeords Wllaon Urooka Mv pa m up to in T II N . It R . nnstirewe.1. held tho Tlienre N. X deg 44 tain, K. Va. tt t llm. and Mm. Arthur tfeilKmnu. 04H leare ttw um night iihiiw im. Of ChlottjeU h nrrivtHl htiro 011 Tha original teeai. n of aald ? their Ho i , you 41 l'radlj, fiiilowexi a ft-- ilsi-- I ciost omiiii aimot touch, cause ef or mv pulto the handles. deg, mln. It No. i bxl. la date.1 Seplember 4th during the latter part of the week, Htm Utor to tour rirosnii. ih UntttM StBtea, and I 11. . - Kn fed him a couple of times, tn two. wn jvt to wr na. and was rsoerdsd 8. Member . in Aianquoriiue. A'X- Will (hi - tth. l. will iwivo tomorrow tor ll KU4Ma of the local Jted l.n l wasn't a traiu-aa- t tnueu. The lllW.cuw asya It hurts. -- Mimical with No- t. North Star fteak Na. I. of e ntlM Notlceo. al meet Mm. rTxIn n.ul Cor. Nn.'r1. eartb Stae Na. S page !. whero rbe wfli her mother, Moit during their short stay In the lwt tlw hlml mill tiU itown olest survey sMaaled tt. in thn ofriaa of ilia Probata I.ynsh, and daughter, Jeamtttif, who AllSUnlKNtr SfltHt Returned tn tiiutor olglf ht lode of this the reek Clerk and evOffle)'- - Heeerdar of Santa KMfb' to. of the otfleera IM' my pa ay auariiig $i-urua- y ef rom luto tho houie, and tna tw tres the same. V Oaouty. N4w M'lieo. htovo been In Angeles for Kueral yustwtky frew listen, wbra m of iho urtlar a haaqua and entertain-Ht- w 7T s . 11 i:n mamma site gees In. tot, Un ti4lrts fin squfrti en taoirts. Thence js. rttia. months the ketmflt of iho health he eouduetoit a satd of una! slat- wlil Im- - g(V4Hi deg. 41 mtn. 11 a. TH 8vv stalms cotHpristag tha North for thes frvontnit at 1 imsi keep mil, like a HU!o mouse. few days. ed paekaaee thy Walls-Kare- n Ho North Star lent of this Star group r loiaed on nil other atd of Miss Joanette. Per a at Ute WlgwJMB on flolwaad street. Many Kor m04wjew-mo- o might intxi! Cook O. Alan Vl the llm In Olereland. ills urvy. 7IU ft, to Car. No 4 SfKMfit as In tha above deaerlfdiOft Mat- and until ( m arrival ef lir mother, preM ceinpany effle nl that pla4. Promina Jittd Mm (tmh others psrta work Is selling liattitr as ifea veara i witit Cer. Ne. 1 Knrth Star ed, tiy vacant and unaiwupled Mad: Tba Mrs. Bptean will be the Hussi oi Mrs. Nearly w uaekaaea wer UMatwri 01 of the stnia Itavo bett Invited. The niooHtow-mco'- s got a tall like a pass He 1 VsU:n!ng to set a reputn-rope- . led if this survoy; ht4e4 th rack 4 aaM groar being iltlsBied as Mineral Samuel Keuatadt. in Urn Duke City within a of boors Mr. Knlgltt liiil. No avanaHe r torvay No 1HI on emstal pH poMwl - ' tiou that vrnmlsM to become wider rteaiHiss. Mr Hpmhm was the reeip- Htv that tho wmtthei i cu'd at ItKgular weat l Mineral Lodfie doi-.K- Vs. deg 4iiHi. E. berawlth and U In Tawnsblp It N . While hore iry tg grows, TeliR. II It ed, Bn i' s raveled down where It than national. .,,,, v. Ilange 7 Bast. UMur-ey- lent of much social aitenilon iiuton No. 4. Kbtgnie of Pythias, toalgtit. pouml surplus beef. Kraal-uar-a- l jftowlso nt l&c Spirit 4io Kind Aerogrnm inosnar.t's ftoin'n cornlnlt NEW MEXICO COMMON PLENTY OF WORK AT 1 powor ef thft luieiaVs element ti on u d'.w -- 1ft .fur irtrtitir fmm i. .. . ji. Ilmrlntnr ahowa how teo ol expert iuggest the following u.o why tfBoos Uliuy . esptdly incroasfiHt In moillflfation In - Wat ball playing CUT-OF- plorw, j tho Hv. Dr. c:naj. o. Williams, i.e tnu ' POINT FREIGHT RATE THE BELEN F tfliffc ..p5 lu tlib JnK(SJK&nmi drrtiroh. fti 'ft " .l Ithll popUlfttlOn; "...BREVITIES rules! ' a xu pleads for n turgor plafo for roiffton In p'u.tita Ohl (iiiu trfitn oame ...... im tho north Wednesday Kolit. Klttslmmons It la nilstnko attic to nut ao itiio limit on Dlaycra: a man 11 opea.u;, m u ojttfn . ''Phe tratn arrived at And v a goea. Kvitry ruqn want lazier mi bad three eoe. Is hoVor old long as uo'a got thu Two uf CMflftfe were these of the aa To Be Established by Rait- - o Says Whit tho li.nwitKr interest wniou la nearest bin own .art nninisbt. the tr lUiicn. Superintendent , amy people In killed ill Ilollntbu la a Waliop'n business, nntl naturally ne wanta Mim,.western Lnml eiia. who had Nubodr haa vat bren In Ia. ltd ward Ilrltt: Tha losing its-da- y With 1:1 otbe. people's business to make mora roam tor his own. mir party. Tho third eir. ue angeil in me Armm Moyolr ttl In few York; laam should ho allowed a return game roads Paso ney in Communication to - yet tney 00-1- Tee aumlnntion of industry anil oomnieree over poti- immigration company, a ne organisation, whleh had Ann ran tnni aporti wlthltt 30 days on a 0 basis. per-noo- Tli VHRhlnktnfl Clib has drafted l now net mi a arming at it twenty-flt- e or thirty. Tee bmjmiii western eowpany Jos. (lain: No time to discuss II; as a Base. The Evening Citizen. Ilea nothing aim Scblafly ot Ui Portlaud. Ore.. PblKtaa la aetiinaa.y to cummvraMtumn In trne. mined part of their men to atop m rtoBwell and the iet tm am wondering what I'll tfo when the DnrdUt, tho and ha wlif tt to dtanlaca Hickman rau eaiBaa round. public. ever baa town no and ever , went through to Hagerwan. u. It. of Seven importnwoo to the It at t6ond. Terry MtUovern: Hadaltsti a team ao. la nothing paramount to imtuatry. Riven IttNtl Itatate oomnany. iia4 ton men from aeuth Low yenu - EL PASO JOBBERS FIllGIITtNtl) IIH HLrUftS 01 HER REPORTS will e There vhfttl. r. fur i rtian- I beaten Is no sign II fdn't ofimo ItollKtftn k linked to it, hand In haim. Tbe com- - Missouri. II says that fourteen miff will be in to Wt agar of tkH M 'miilila Imra Ufll Ih. lltf - we.e ban-ve- mark! eT GktrtNtaNlty la to b "dllMreat In bualaeos, far- bin on tka train tonight in all inn abo a haa lgnd t mnhnia nmi jakty flrat Thos Sharkey: Whnl Wls tho mat. ml buyer oft mat night a tram, itaaa ror ' crau. la Ita news in apIHt, serving the Lord." Tbe lilllgeeee ot the , dred Broapeetore and la toe rre uauta tar with wirklHK honaa rilloaT columns The KteninK ono tho fervency of tho otftor ara both allhe .ervleg Here la an example Ailmnan, might wol! haatan The alaaKoii of HukeriNill ns flap-- 1 Qsaar Matthew imttUnt Nelton: I a With' a new MimIco eatiimaM ;efi MbNaked a few .lave ago a and or-tm- u , la ar In Ow vallay ragHtariy am or rumgA wa, on , all. a point freight rata, with M I'eao "iory to tha eiTeel that large iiuintx tiio!, but trie Anoatla tuU) Uw lmtt flrat. It to Inaiata. Tbara Hea te u8Wt., imttr f' or ' l wn-whlo- tt y Job-- matt ware taken laio rosttxiv of illltKanoe In bnalnaaa icaHttait itiimlgmtlon ooniiianiaa. iwi'y ogagl '"L.wl EHp.,.nl VoBWt Oarhatt: I thltlf oollega aa a base, whotaaalera and wo that time la a oartrtn Wml ... mvw 7rinw y V or AibtitinarH,aa. Vagvaa b tha Albajaeriuy pnllee n hi ac- - Into aoetton. amt ailiig town mi itoinnn ttUMM be sauUpoperaii. 4 bars Lm f nmkiain l evil, ami mi thara la n aaal whleh not itg aaopia that llm mhh - c",lJrJ'- J. J. Oarhatt: Hitting In rlinehat and other terrttorhtl Iowa, a thai Denvar amployateni - that Ralttioal or eonHtry ptonariy aa Ike immigrant way prwfar M i carding ta knewMgga, yat It ramnltw 9otae tiMn Derate eaaaMhiiit "f should ha barrad would aa banaAtad by a lu par atii thea to thla territory for wn. P"-rao- to eoeta money ft get into eMawunkiatlwi eat-ot- trlaaa. and raHgiaiM doetrtaaa aa wall, that do Ntt Of omraa. It the pirate k ss haa startmd Uie basa-- l d cant radaetloH la freight ratea. t he Belea f, apon rarelpt or awtHt indtwUlal IntaraaM ara with dafltabkf iwmlgruntt. to rifM them wed ami truly in mnni .m tJflt Mnkumi Kit- - yiVlAM the ladoMrtal and nHii LULCKUI HfiT rlaloiiarv and faliw and ought In dla. tha Bttvaiiloges and eppmuallras of the rsNay and lie tradge'i biu; I ft . name W MgTaehl J whaKa ihaj" 'ratlge. victimised, The (moth mofiy-Uln- g Inatinet la the htwaat In towna, and flaalty to land tKWh. n the atuM. JetadMfciH DOWN AT CHAPERIT0 Afler many months of weary wait- for according in their pay The 8ltt tween Uarry ofj port, hare was no work them human nature; but thin l not ta b oonfmindatl with tho iwty find eotitlltlana to he nt represent. Yet lava ing, striving anil struggling. It now for wowhl twn-Uu- ue an Kraneisi.' ana Mike Sefaraek oti whole-snler- a The illowiag coHteiunleatmn to the Industrial spirit whlah projaeta entarprlaa aad aata tha Uhmn eiigagad In thf buMnaee, e'e they ot ORUZ ARAOON SHOOTS VICTIrV begins to look ns though the nineinvaU, a' Aagews. m Detam-ba- r nnd New Mexico editor of Tho Hvealng Olilaen trm IhrllllHg hotni, iHirpoaa, It It. LCQ Jobbers of .t it uiAHkind wKh ffrt. I0ih, hi ihl be a good number. THROUO niQHT WITHOU1 aWH-inieniiet- C. W. WhHney. or out lt there any AlbuqtiflniUe mdlvliliwla or eomiwii-la- s WARNINQ wore going to get a common point la through labor that tha human race In working Are i no men wir eaten woigius. INJURY 8ERIOU8. the Mntry-fhart- i Contracting nun Idla-no- meruit rate from the Santa Pa and other aa well aa phyato&l. Let general davetlng time and money along thla !ln of tndtng A la way lay pany, engaged evolution, moral iwtmi" ander to A dastardly asaault. with murderaiia New Mexico railroads. la tha work at the lc wheal civil- Immigration settlemontT It why not? Thare grniiMii len cut-off- , ta prevail for a alnglo year, and the ot and m. out a lu I'otanma Park, was upon per- making ontorprlses wiilaJi men of llmltetl Washington, game Intent, committed the west- Noting pupm ization would slip twok a century. It la industry thnt aro mtjiiey a here tho annual son Vivian l.ucoro Ghnperlto on A movement Is on among the the articles In your own anny ho of at 8 S. Den- hna given mnn purpoae ond emclonoy and comfort It means could develop hero, to ihelr beuallt and the botweeu the and navy oan Monday, by Crux Anderson, nnd the ern railroads that enter Kl Paso to of December and regarding held. : ana 1 employment agencies haa triovatcd nntl chatteninl his Ideal, it la tho groat upbuilding of tho community Thero are Innda near tho The rail for stands that former may lose his right log aa a take that city out of what known ver shipping aplrltuallilng ro.jnles or Individual fnrinora eould bo will seal lOi ooQ pooplo. as tho Hlo Grande erosnlnr group m men to Helen, would say that tho peo- clrllltlng, tho groat roorallxlng, tho great elty whero result of the ntlaok, says the Las ple lands, of the I'ooos valley and tJuartPTbaih. PIcVhuioi) has been Optic which ;i la now olafed, and on tho and offloers of Albuquerque ar forco ot the world In all ngnt. rich as those n Veias upon power can clecttxl oapts of tho 1000 Pennsyl- LUcoro waa of baste of which freight rates aro now being Imposed by men who havr which because of tho cheap cowt ot elect rloal scrappy tilting in front hla n been shipped Helen go ot vania foot bail team. What a house tit Chanerlto when Aragon nxio made to that city, and place It in to to to work bo Irrigated by pumping ns cheaply as can tho lands Albu-qucrqu- on cut-off- , upon bunrh he oiutht to gJt togother next up. pulled A new group, to be composed of tho but arriving hor l'ecoa valley from their dltchea or well. Vet no Judging The former suddoaly Industry tho year. by his puglllstle feats e Santa I'o. Vegas, Dent- found that tha places of superintend- Our Mining unior-tunat- !as establish things, which would benefit the during when cioso to luo ing ent, general timekeeper J. K. Sheridan, tho well knokn nowspapor man who effort to thoao tho pat season. man and tired, tho bullot and other Now Mexico towns. foreman and Inspector New promoter and build up the community. "Teddy Price, tho fine left fielder striking leg wcro filled, and as they did not c now ao abtr fills tho position ot mlno for Wheeling his victim's right Just be If thla Is done It means thnt these hie of the fentral League team, breaking bono. get for hard work, they would rather lay Moaleo, la largely quoted by Secretary Hitchcock, In hns low the knee, the points lu Now Mexico will tho In Jail or prey upon demintlr.i his release and threat- Deputy Sheriff Itafael O. I.ucero same freight rates on car load lots tho too credulous report to tho prealdont for tho department of tha Interior, i glvon public. Distillation Waste Wood ens unless is him he will happened to be noar Chaperlto at thQ will got. present, which wo made publla Saturday. of up by Jump thi iltat Kl Paso At There has been a shortage '.st Wood distillation is a subject recently taken to outlaws. Price wants una Kl gots of men many mnttota of in- time the trouble occurrod arrest Paso tho samo freight ratea all Uio camps Mr. Sheridan's report contnlna the national forest service. The ptirpoxo In to utilise his release 'cause of a ro with Aragon ho his E?agle time at from twenty Mnnagor ed before could mako that apply tc LnrcMo. Pass and out Helen terest concerning New Moxlco coal mines. Tho Cltlzun wood logging oamps lumber mnls. Tho Sohr.ver. escape brought him this city Is mllet of to Rprla and thu waslo at and Dave and to other points whero competition beyond, and no fcsihera tho following aa among tho more Interesting and of saw- Ftilt enter floldor of tho night, piauing him in county grout, thoro Is excuse fet material used la the tops, slabs and other waste New York Americans, hag jait ino and ns n result, these ratns men. claiming they get work Important: Tho forco engaged In coul mining In thla produotn ami "recovered Jail very much ratea cannot mills tho richer m resenous tho better from racolvod collis- ure lower than apt A construction train Helen foi torrltory during tho year tronttM consisted of 3043 men "(it thgjnjiitiee in a Young Luoero Is In a preettrlous plying to New Mexico points. leaves tho down timber and stump In over pine forest. ion with Bh"" nop Hlborfeld. and has the end of tho track, twenty mile and 89 hoya, eountlng both underground and outaldo stumps may condition and is being bttiught to Itven tho roots of be used. returned' to 'be nraatteo of law In He Colorado hna the common lelnt roto. out, every morning, am If yon tr Thero were but five fatal aceldont. Two wood this lty tar niedleal aUantkin. to you Tho process .otislHtn In driving out fmm the Oothnm. F'i t ban about made up will umioubtedly limb. a investigate, will find that nlm wcro nnd six put operation. The Itwo the f1"1"" r,uJi 'LI ' ty men 100 mines abandoned into all tha liquid matters, and In collecting and condensing hu inintl to tint tram Uie gAn' for i...... n.t w. i shipped from Han out of who claim that ther 1,010,210 an ' product shipped from the mines waa tons, them afterward. Intense heat la employ nnd too nil Mute. mm. knlla Kranclacw or Los Angeles to Trinidad. cannot get work, did not even go ' b-- . Wed-nnda- y oomp. InortNura ot JMS6 tons over tho previous year. The original of the wood la ehaaKed rhetulnnUy Into tnirlen in tfalnlng (Hit Th tmnbU hutweon tho tw mM "t rate ooluaiiy eiioaper tnan tho first but got off the train form ' - coming the same oar can (hi shipped to Albu at Alliuitierquo or oarao to Helen vnluo It ostlmttted at IS.S72.C1C. Kuel nils nt present varloug iulii ami pure earben. Tbe v,m w aHMeiy Mr fight with originated about a year ago. Aragon. and Itniii ntxBln iiioiis. Klix has been in nueruuo. although, wi to speak, the made no attemp' to get employment have taken the place ot New Moxlco coal to the uxtent VtnuwA tu a ateol retort, with the iliMim tightly Hauled, who m a bad character, stole a hor" train i u for two weeks, but ear would pae right by 'he door of If you believe nil the storlo told of 1.000.000 tons annually. Tho production uf ooko - n tow ati ' from Vlvlnn Lucero. but the mntter and fires an- started In tho furimo lnath. In Ttiiladelhni.i luck ha leen In aueh Albuquerque en route to Trinidad. you by these men, you will eetublistt reached 7G.73C tons, or mora limn twleo tho nuiuunl ot heglna. the never rettehed the court. a houra dltttuiation The lliiiUa are driven from million sin.. bis meeting with Al Arsgun the ir a New Mexico aommon point rate, reputation that will stick to you tho previous yenr'a production. This wna worth at tho hangeil vapors, pass pipe returned tho horse and n la put Into through winter, you will woodrar' to and off through a Kmifmnri fa leeiiiHd It unnecessary mailer wna. compromised but the with in Paso ns bato, ef tho nnd have of operation wits i ovens 330,2U. Tho numher ovens lu of tho retort, which land to it eoudftisor or login jiar work until now, I fect hv the roada of Now Mexico, It n horde to take oaro of that will cer at tho li! ri . Inttnr- hm-- - hii.t linril fMltnirrf - - WI3. 300 moro In of const ruction, wit., wu .1... 10 Inluly tax your capacity. hut but are proofs worm, Immerved in water, whera they ure etindunxud n wKui i at- - will mean a reduction of at lemt Jail irw i.nrero anil has aevornl limes Furthermore, tho probable addition at 200 tnoro. th'g border ot tlitdr gravity. Again reeiored to Hqulil 'nl trtjllf water boys.'!' hnVlllg been' imi.l..,l (. .In tiltn Inlnrv. mill sworn per cent In tho brosent freight rates we would prefer tha' on commodities. you takn the trouble to Investigate Mr. Hhorldan makes several Imimrtnnt recommenda- form, ttn y then pass through the rvet of tbe wjil ami md Mpraaaail unanlmraia; (o Re, eVon. i,u80r Is sold to he a aoiiie rt. minion flint i hum will lui n7i cnnanll...... - this matter thoroughly be.i re pub tions, looking to tho elimination of accidents from linn collofltlug Tho gna. the lighteni r iuii-i-....i... iiiuiiniiiuii iiimi, For instaneo. us tne rate now ni- run tanks. of 1.1' em Hi. N'ntttinal ana1, 7iiiuh lishing articles of this character, ns Ho would hold tho miner as woll ns the mlno la tiff. of American K0(j habits. plloc. load of certain oomttHNll prOdm ts. risoa to tho top of tha coll and piped sgtieaVii ,,oTi u work Injury lo the tute-pho- not drqn 1ha snbjeri Aragon will be hold In Jail until thV bo .M from tho in owntir rosponstblo tor negligence; would havo tho V oapailty of 100 oords of Mood every tmrty-si-x ties 11 tho never lea-- i speaking mbo; nn eff- ""' .W' debate on nlB vlpMm covers umolen(ly to north substituted for, the horn is aa small n plant. It Is ankl. us can be pSfllabi t Mithtfgf, unsolved, tho foul ury 1, 'iLlr?le,-",l,,.?- . ,fl"y - the contractors who ar dotal etml-du- st thai against him. when Oio matter live per icient proventlvo of exploslonB: lha appoint rtif-hnu- id work. handled. From such n plant tho yield should W "P iriiir la ulwlIslifKl." will come up In loenl Vegas the of expurta the courta. Alliuqtierquu, Lns or ftanta Fe intjnt of n comnilnalon for tin prwluctlon of pMxImatoly from 75 lo 100 aelloiia ot oil or titr oom Western, norsemeti think Jockey mutwhiilHM in IOO lullinill Wlt'll tiporf tier tl tiur n finmeliHw oxploatvo; romricllon lo be plaeetl and from 10 to 16 gullons of wood lurjwtillne. TliflrO ar. Hitdike, mt is riding at tho Oakland ANIITHFR AfnilFNTAI a New Mexico common point rate. with- PRODUCTION OF BORAX "ahootlng olf tho Milld." which means Illuming oonl -' aim pnMlttoeil nliotit 3K huahela ol ehnraoHl unil Pi'm k. I8,lii iesi race rider that haa I hi. u.uiM l, nrmitv rmlneed. nn a - i opeii ,..,. time) nut prupanttnry cuttltiK or undermining Ho reltorutus ligneoiiH uuld In (uantltlw nlHHH equal to tha oil. Tin Sloan's SHOOTING AT LEOPOLD though It would mean a putting up IN THE YEAR 1904 itaiitke Ig n ' hlcngot boy and hng bcon. tho doslrnblllty of a gaologlonl the territory. amount of products Is In dlraet ratio to tha mrtltimi. oan or the rales lute HI Paso above the idlag horai less than tlx months . . llgeres. it would mean Htituenta in the raw material, 'file value ef tfist K" -- 10 v,u present ahta Hi. styles riding rUy raaembleai " tow" , nt the rtuethMt of lite rate to New Mex The prodiiotlon. Imimrts. itirlH Ih variable, but profitable. tlUa Mi n mtlljegt Will .xt iUtl.jH K nrnimh... Inn-- . II". ItblblVIIMU IN tisrs. and hl n. ico points. teefeneiflgy ot lKrax are Interest ins Tfrie iSftaeSood Problem hutitd of to Now Mflxluo Of ver hlelojiunt' Mart LEFT alDE ho Interost baoHii, by gent fuotheds wholesalers lobbers ot described by Cbarlea Yale in a re Senator Ilovorldge will again lend the fight In tho nature of her eramnitig possible or tuo That the and 0. forest. lets set An accidental ahootliu affair oc Kl I'aeo are afraid that thla will ooaie port on tha borax Industry In !!il aonata bill to Torrl- hor be - for tho admit Oklahoma and Indian rldei. curred at the mining wtinp of puso, Is tram follow- - written fnr the United Sin ten ().-.- . A Io- to evidenced the tory on ono stnta nnd New Mexico and Atiionn aa un tin mdnaaemeiit of the Hudson imiii abuut mlilnlght wetineminy, tne Ins elipptiiK from an It) Pneo paper: loglenl Survey. Aliejfas C. i'i New York, saema othur. Ha am' Ptoaldent Itoouelt urn agreed In favaf Very Deltafe of to be under victim being Frank Towimead. thu "It Is propneat to phtee Ml Paso In All the output of borax in ih- - Commtanloner (lenerat Sargeunt. In predCnllug k iidnQte 11 wtto at of thiwo measures, the ereotlon of the four territories the of man has night boss of the liurni Mountain eaittpoeed of Albuqaer- - United States eonum from California (if a group to he annuul report of tho bureau of Immigration, glvuti as least (Him os bralna. nua Huh Copper uompany. I'ownaend nnd larger H- i- Into two males having been roomuieule lit the presi- ' qe Santa Fe. Ijnt Veaaa. naming and the part of that from arrange ot arrivals of nliena In the Unltwl Htuiee during the tin to for a sparrlns Thumaa Itibelln, innstHbta for pre-eln- it extensive nolemnnlte Him dent's meiMago. day and ixher cities, nnd take nut of deposits in the enormous number of l.ojfi.tBB No wowdftr ho out ' 're the dub tho other No. ti, and wniehman in thu tk aroup in whleh it get the same Hemardlno county. The lota! proi hope of seimrata stttiool for Artwum haa prompled ' that the .magnitude gravity of problems pi1 but luruati down with the stale employ of the company, were eating h apiilles to Kagle imss for tbe year 190 i Mimo people pro-ws- tt and 'lie rale aud amountwl of the of that iurrllory to opHs the men' 1st. ho noted prise fighters d by the growth of the alien iwipuleiiuti of . their midnight lunch, untl beonme ftredo. U.g7 lotw. crude, valued at it'JS,81e union with New .liexleo. It la probable, howavur. seated ntod "'-- llHhlia aahed far nn In n playful eaeotinlar. In the In. - "f ",WIH,, 8.iKHl tons, valued at dJ-till- UMim so largely that all prohlomi uf p" Ther.' would no oI.Jh- Ion to unys tho Denver ltepiiblleun, that this opposition will ne olber 1, as), wn told that BOtblna gan inelguiniQaneo. course of whleh Itehlln drew and Oils were it really for the puraear or WXHW. came from Hernard.n,. In - lie eoumimy shrink into moparailve wmil. '"?,iSji nratb of Uie author on Ota far- of the exnrseaed nraferetioa of tha 1H1' flourished hie gun. Juat as llo wna stability of ;, - ramnlnder iKirtj He further declares that th nnlreet lalior law im Itlts lOgflTlh elub nHloker than to rather In the Intereet of lunt and ether leading mambara at the republican the imiIiiI of returning the same rates. Hut biiatueas men are in- - " lmt nd cotmtles In proven the part uf tha duties of bis imreini moat dull wen gnown figm Ity ItlH WMIIUMI III HOIUH nanregat-lu- lit favor ot Joint stntaliood. hiRaJrw eiloeii to belle e this hlgh-aouad- - lm, "Hrna gfltv nn m The bOXlng Rhine ,,,,., ,ltu,hBmMl. that cu' of enforcement. Thp ohlef riltetnel ha oHniut wa. The bullet - ComuiHRHiea so utatraaly inhahlta aa New Marfan ; baa something omiaows ba- Sn-- "mn"n"lnK ' yrut elUM In Now rUllll al.l., TWlliMOld. term of. rmi. , ' I thu erroneous initiratwlon thnt h is n malitiire wrmoc &iM th nt - and AriatHM would sure lo otmleaaa In tho eonrso Or a io nlrrf hrtid H and some ulterior motive other . tonf- ." from agHlust lltt will by the power iirgHain ii will Wiulre caraful nursing; nIui Iinw,a aoroiw the brnaat h abort " was years tltumi-tlrnie- ut lit than .tnbllltv ." proiirvifi in tees ij.tot fow m their poutiiatlon Increntsa) through brttirgh hard winter. ,iui.n,,. im.u.u.- - iii.. mfaea ,r the short tons of rafinetl borax, Inbor. Deeause of aueh lmpreaiton he ilaclitraa, the iu do- - not valued of paofila HWsaalng no loeg itrajudiaag oMmur AII AmerlMa l'j skin, but jietuHratlng mc pleura, nnd "The tiaral or of mmmarie fit I .!C ... reuH finds H - ft or Is to enforce tin, nw eltliejreluctaui ly lit kind. The sympathies of all such itaw aetUarfi WPta I, mtii, aaai e home frtlm Olll 'mil ,0. tli.. ifi Ida eii.l undanianUi look v.lth any degr of cmpleeear , , wr,. ...,,, ,, lu or resisted, uetlvi K or pflsalvat, "il Itaell i( upon .toe change. mem imm bo nwakwaail la behalf at the united awHniutiwuoftligtfUui ubitttled game phi, wshtltiu, armpit, and Dually entering the propod The bl,mtc acl(, and J 6eo n In wune bram ii or organis- say they eatlsAed to , . .., iiltlmntaly a vast mA0flty or the Inlwhltnyu wmtW of vlewrd aa sort a or itaaaep it WMi fleshy iMttt of the left arm. Dr. Wer- - bars are remain .t,.,... gi tg aliaj tKBSe-volopmat- ed labor, xeiisiilvtt to latara to of IMS b ' th aroiip. that mind. Oppoeitlati, lo uulott an aecttint of it taftiHd reaH.nive "i oRk aessim lhe. the company phystelati. waa Ht !' r"",,a1 f Wft0, th'n t0M h;, ;i, j, It sa8MlMll picturas - - ot ioaal pecumirttiee would, tharafora, wiahea, ned thus liferent froili oilier imria il Olioe siiinnmned. UU went lu leupttll i vM...-- "''""' ' m"f- fra. it d government or Hie Hlnies ontanrni'ia-sra KtiU dressed wotiad OR Thursday n " ' ?. '"he of -rnx i foreo, and lu ita eHd wwito etwir pride in the largar ghu of lha executive United the "Zr. Z 'V amoaat iDii.on. coHoliHiHui th , omidlsNloiior does not columns of dw tar Mr. TownsiiKi waa krougnt to Silver ?t.!iL,'li!,,ftLJ'2!f.,J!f m ir.: oppm i tin- - proiflTwi The whlfji TSSr1 siuo. mi m HraaKvr stau, the brtiager naitWs sad , I Ilea-pttn- l. at the of directors held aaama plain enougu iK City and need lu Uie Klatera' Sattir IbSL' pOUMdS, valued nt $10,6(19. Ikini n glurHwa draw, la mmi of the Ann sn UHl. ill Minaidar nn nrnnAallinit u-- . . ; of uiur - liliiher of Mix wound, while serious, Is , : ftur horde flfua Au- ris Hungary, ituHsia aad - m thf Sfl euin tne cnieium nnu sodiu'n 'i. tarltt i lann, i raid the atNlBUHtl rapidly re- - Turkey upply exhitustleee, not ditnacion aud ha is " amtmni of shut in all of wbiali tb saetHa nt naJpir i .w.u,. .. i tham Mourning- - vt TUboUu. who raala .&72!l?'inrant. Muada. wonh Tho mian'iu m immlgra'Doa ir - (eel lot) s.Si. and troui whleh the hulk of enormotta i "R ib.- T . IMUie will he Fr Hlat Propoaxed tka Wadaetl Uie UMigy xrie ,i over ma nan ih uut taken resardlrs f borate ai Id Imported is idv. n , o num-tie- r vvangue the uropoaad change W. (' Uoveriag. of MaaaachiiHeUa, haa iHtrodtiaa'tii now ootHaaitnd will eHfttliue eowe lu growing it nffiilr, tsi in cotiaUkgt utlendaiiee at 7us.si5 poundM. valued at S7 t.'.t a-- -- r.i-'- er taaajtt - the house a bill aboUaMac t imitert duty on k4tfa. ire Hooding thla laltd tbait they ean ha 'ajps poiiie neve tljo beiiald its friaiid. Barring un- "The litnveweat Is one which will An Interesting fen tore of Mr Yai They i aJkMei r Uislng botita h anxiously by nil "h 1'!" r. .,i- Heir In where New Mavloe needs two senators ng(l a ara artfwdiu the AiHarhut laborer to WlftOitrt oiii'i'iieatloes, M. Twwnaeml lie watched Is s deacriptlan of th, HIuok'H tha wll. by tHuir ohaapar immr and ehaaner living, and uMoMe diii.s of ttxit ettf.l wfll h aid. " retain to wmi in a Mem hers of the Albuquerque Com '' IK sulphur illoxliU prtw-- o hlcb eoiinr. HMnan. iaaMd of a voteless dakgaie, Kara la I roa,i 'he gamat ls ttav BUurt Hue aterelal elnh, when interviewed on by cmi1-iibii- MtatabooU, making tha pemilatlon of imu ornutry In many patts aa ii. ei tb Ami'iican Itonx nil ergawaut for and ibut at nv the latrei the matter as 1 1' ii. loif. (irtiei demie slid eongested at) In the woret iwrta ot the old tl: stated ir st Daaaott. fnl. m,i ojiim' i. ski jtmr Nww Maorhw untyped ttUMW la prvhihitiun ar loot REAL ESfATl: TRANSPEHS nmi srnii., me pri I "' i cranes fur ihe manufacture f nmsl. world. With the unttintl uf potHilatioa by , IjfiiiM with nee twBortatteu, CanadA and texlan ami 111 luoreaaa inn a, i ho red awl wliit now uuuer eoiiaioer.' m ny roada srld from eolemanlte ha be. u ,i birth, wtt'i this Immense liilluw at undealrablee, our 11 i HoihI Mi,- rmintry, btittglug llawn lurgoly the value of this and nam Of Mtehar foot Imll i IIIK III K B '1 '11)11. .ew IH previous SUitey rpor!4l own HHiple will find ot rife growing mora way. The follow iiik real eetale trHUNfers ot the cattle, atoap ami gagtt induatry of the thu battle yearly mil H the what Ht etarttgy ay jiexicii. wiieiu meiiH aa imrease or Theaa tuelude the Moore Lrocens. ! - were recorded Proistta . territory, nut only Mttva III arduous, and their previous mreaparuus and happy oondl- ei ''il ailed at ColHimiWT tha freigbt rates Into that city. I' drochlorle acid pnx-,.s- iniiburlr ,n 11 in lb lilpad bet the price , Olerk Sitmmere tU) deoaytitg. liNinlgratlou ahmild moe Hr h I ft favorite in thu early iiuoiit not nam out ae n m pruoess Higott living animal, whleh onrrii h Hn It rapidly at be 1). Wife In H. M. oeoetir and process ef the hide with to C: A. P.rtermdii and - llii' in in In hla aohedulatl joaaers oi ,ew eepe- i In eurrtiuudetl by otioh resirlethjn ns lo make It virtually giuarti lot 7, Lawta I. iiaxiea, sud Mr. Vale's paper hi pebllsheii un market, llow vnlnabk to New Mexloo Is tha trade h TOfflD nmons. wue Partarfleld. block prohibitive. bnt the Hlimmda add ' urn. CalnawMatlaa. cmiiy in me wiieiaaatera and joeeers extract rreni ihe Survey's annual .d hides and aalta may be gntliQred from a mot published s, iiuiamg en to their eoln, until or Aiuminor'iuc MS Us Vegas. ume, "Mineral ltaaourcM of tio wlu-- 11,100. lu The lust aummur, J. Minium, the New POttii K n on Hou'b fltlseu a una If he secured . t M. Pen- Mr. Urown. Mgnagor of tbe L. 11. United Slates." ngeat whipped IWllHll' Lloyd tlunankei al. la Moxlao far a Phlladalnhla liutisa, frotn Two Coreys Compsrcd nington. Iota t and I, btoek H. High- Putney Oroeery ooteiwlky. when asked, Tin' all I uaa ear load ef goat Mm and abeep paHa, Ctmtmlt, if you please, the attitude uf tbe president sinietiuii of land addition aomb CaugtiiBnulSti II hie optNloe. of the nuttier, replied: A! RllflllFRflllF TO RF fflN. f Is being x x- -- the rata or whleh renahed tho nelghherliood of 110,000. of the United Htntes Steel oerttorntion ith that of his liar itl .ttaio forced John M. Moore mid wlfs U Thomna i nave not nouatl Into the mMiier," upon Hi, atlgjinoti of anort redder Hut bateg a territory, thla valuable aaaat ihihh he lent to father, guya the Kansas Oily Times. The idd gentleman M. HnrwotKl. pice of laud on eaat a yet and 4 not care to bo quoted NECTEII WITH OUTSIDE WORLD whpae i.ierati Ih 'be grtdlran game oY on It until nave our people, or euved to its ky ibw paopla of other aaa-lloti- f; aaaana tfiat if the reports are lit wiih hut side North Kmuth aUrset exten- studied ihe true relutlone a.r,-,- i ThaahHUvkiK Day. la- m sion. CnnaMeraiion. $90. ttrttt have aerthar wiDt uor Mwer in tha sail sen arm etnled. Aad then he given hla opinion of the in all-ata- r OV 4.0NO DI8TANOE TELEPHONE Afifir rtiutiur guvsslng tha y euiHHatU' to Mr. Arnot. of the Omas-Kell- eimi-paay- . in WH of tha tiaaattea. man whJb hen furluryo name, would desert the wife who i? 8raty laveatnieiii LINES ABOUT OF It. Wider, una 7. I. , IP. U. oouid nut ha found, hat it u THE FIRST bud dOiie Hie hooaawork sewing rwtre.i ibe vohe tha n, and ami had f ehader hleoh B, Pare miilltlwu. OmwUera-tlo- that the Jnlihere of Alenaeer-Hue- . THE YEAR WORKMEN HAVE a 10 elub. ftHtttir Kewlands has 6tfrel a railway Mil with oJilhlgran when her Iwatwad waa earning f a mouth. m mm nii llreailers' $i.on. as a woolo, seeHi to think that REACHED 8ANTA FE. new unil may ha au pptiriaiit provlalon, says the There i, no oonfHaloH ot moral valuea here The warn i niif rai ii a SIJH0.OU0 while the matter might worn sRt rdlOik I. n. N II.. la baHig iKpNQ to the Kaunas City Ttwea. It urddTttta that, pendlgg au aape I elder Corey bo, 76, Is still eolUKrtor or a Paiin-sylwa- bi a38l n benf"it. netrimeat or m I'aeo, u r at lax if ceuU Tin the Irom tka skrialon of the rommaree eoHimlaatoM to ' was hroagbt up lu aahooi or eoaoifiy uroHiiHafit real help hot he of benefit to the jobbers ,,,, littUlt the ho object to the' From the experience ef Albuquerque Telephona eomiwev. who n In n iltspatad usee, tUM ' iudr-abind- e or New Mtuilro. I rate tha railroad ahalt ba raanirad to thrift th.i leveloped the sterner virtues, lie gnillii. "ached to horae; People. to bulhttag frmn dHrxtett In the treaaary at tita United Stales all moneys tha . f loyalty ami uffaetton ami thrf aWIB-oa- n stfo indet d M bo auie Vea Ui tit ally, bav reach. Wa are toftans'i ' kt asceea of rnjlfe by Ha III "IfSf' TENNESSEE AND rV with the pole in eoileetea tie offered aenunle re of thi' iiiniH He ma) iiwror hate iik.i lljla i. ii yjftg f New York! to OMit aw the esperlenas) ol our Hints y VIRGINIA POULTRY. stringer atfi. If tn apin'il Is aHNtajMH thou the leiwaHad mott-a- hiii life, bat ! u n.ji !! liy the glutei ,,( Ida Sou baa Offe i, IgFToi .in orglnal nelslrieiea, 'The publlt ultemnjos of i'icied that the wire w fame ', Tenu.. Dee l: Th- - an cowpletell ill"" 'i would be n nrndau. if tulattajili tha money would be mii'tiK for gtri ich Mil ' once aid la the; AlbtMtnirMO raoMenis on tha unil, I',, mini xbltilttua of the t'eiinesMin' an,: v thi- - eol-kret- n ouadi-ib- hatieflt 'e Oy the middle uf ihlpaera H t ImIIi. i (be iMtproti uf thi uhysbal sahlMt will Intereet ant riatnrd ih iratawlgVl It unjaatiy tha bN doeeill Hie heml of VlrsU'lS I'lHlllry ,Bin Wlton nu. n, will F "i s an,: ibis Hsuia inatanci-- ot i tlon net iiki tranuoas.iniottaanda or oar .esaere. nm l iiii' rha ixumpHuii la tMt la list, ill bin wesllh, gftpesr nil mid ehep? - 'ore today. Ii unuMmlly Intcri i, i t" - ow- hi a witb hihI ihi.'!,.;ii HPpfHl-i.ii'i- . n,i in- or i una - liiiuii ur i ; rtnnaetlni 'he "laoynge atntonieat. tuimatia ma im, I main- uie propped 01 by the " In; Oil in s nomiil seoaa ami ippreegllnti of r s Isrt nuuilo r i with Un i i H' riaMUtt rtaa itbjptit ' play, tM tstwuer M UM: tie) vim.' - ' ii uiasa ia vlncia. 'I t aetiimiaaioii law rallwe wotiht at aa 'iijunc-Uo- Brim.', worth Ma MMt'a Mf " lie tblhits 'I' an nver before H l :, i(' Un v. i Uaht iud iagnfly attire ihaa C. tl Lattt. for 'en years station egpei lli.r reatntiiiina ii:t eaaniiilaaloa Qaali Ui rates moil,'. ' tat hi, n, hxmv striljnK larae list uf prises will be awn All nc,!,. a l" mi iii i', pui bas there keen a 'orNow he in nee oi at Alhitittierqita. now retired I'iteh rune . l'" I'hr n'tendaure ouealu. n . . I. Jnti effei Thin h h ...wTn-Iia-n- yeat i the t t retouree laWinat u. rate iiiihi tuceotja 'ween the BleXrilal .Hid Hie paal Mian iiptwean "B aj r A W. ihe rh n-- re..den,,; w il, ,1 ' hiH i -.l i i " 4li till' e com ', In tan uikr protuuiii. It la a rtghi umiei general lis iniillwd In 'fid ( 'may's cimmeni mi tka O1""''' ii- awn-'lis- inu i,, ut a SlK Nurth lno hirew. savs ' Zi. l i ktwM i un'1' ii iu- line Inn id,' i.unteii ,it appeal boiag oi u. h en 1, I 'I'l-- . i ' h i Mr, i he ,.r tavkact,.' mreicniag over imt uieds whleh uced "i do stuck, acNERAL AN SQ1TQB 'I n. , I ll. (In w i I'i ,'liadll Telephone '.ui.i proimliit carry ap oely nuch h- - ihaj win orf rur i n ,H tbnn a per ml of thn )nri, One of them ftRBAT MAJOHITV. est. JOINi t ri li ha u local utfti'if hi i I Vi i i r t would hopaa havtt.g Ittii i i ' - on. ys im. n act annrtii ueturc iioaa s niu oshkoKh, WIb.. Dee. i:: ienaral hmr ruAsnirioin af " ii '"' Argus: 'l'iy real luoviny m arl ainecu I' illxlsiii e cMiii' Hon I mill. Ii ' COt ' ,i hiI! mite on ney l'iil m niiHoe, and I g -- vet-- tli. nh. .ii!, not iKiiuilliad. by lha devii injum ii.i ii, iw i- nelly emnm r4ote inomHf h Alien, omtnr ited ' ' indicott '- nliiii wmi ii nieil - !i th. pimt u ' ' l ,ett one ' I'lii'u.i- iiililai Altu"iit mrmscy tor a hi an tor Him. - hi went the i4it the Civ war .iiuneerl I ' in Killed Id, !d aandliiK ths- .ii it,, ' i "i ii i " l ll It ' isle '' ieh reoaHtrin Hie iiM'iuii 'teat by 'i m' . . 1 ,IUl Of Isle A S,t, Ik i in oiMiiieroi box. Knew the ' " " "f my uoubh man i ly lied ii w iMn,tH . i nutix wipvr ef this ihm' ti.w k la .nilerinc fejglnObi . i town bajfaler - "Hiding 'i' ii 0nueaoi"' wonti 'iMiient the wilt ilo, onto in his i In laros.- fi lOteerKii in lluai Of tbe Im itav nlshi at hla hrnue (u ' a Horn ih" i mi a iimII A ' IS pot :i tiiMiit I own , uueraue. boom 'r bias) for Bin n i in print blnrf) . in of the battatrlor of Su vvars. siitd i i ' When he Wlni' J.iin '.i'i Ihhi.I intMtt hu4a Just ins nme ' in it. net wan t mi (JetrNiisd uatils a woo l l!i wcl! ws N ViiiU luihe ball, the klJ'H'v retion "id tnaw eon ui"' 'i Ix . i tui ions pli"H-'"- ' i run. iinuieil ,'ltiirt the illtBOl nil Mytis iori, 'Vtng I'lteh-"in- e fully proted u a Ui ) km Tai euti iiijutn he dtatSiiDt li,iii cousriH. inn itil wlui man) ''hUiIiiim ag'i oi " ,"ii" if aled the dtttun watt r i, ' io Ni'i ill. n i In v - . ii v 3l-L- 1 ul in the pis the mil 'liher imkh Ih,- bR in 'I, t.'iit It, Itilt ' 'Uiniig lit fll'ed i tie pui"-- ir a n. "i h box iii-- llo plate us a to cheek the trouble g nmierv r COUCE-- ncariiiK v Bow in use here 'll! ! 'H IIIIH Hi miiTOVli pills I"'iiiiih l.t tllllins', iIhk H.. ) nun Krttgtl) i' iv the n - 'lie pi'HlOB iin'se uniii i itii,'4 gi.iicN rii.ii he hat tns ef Doan'e Kidney rTiiHtrW t"P or iimioji ',et ' m In and CURIE LUNGS for roaidoniH p. ' - l.e fe s a five font ik d the dlfttculty. It w ry ame Al 'he ii'tulu voii hi. rbapi may pri ii lie nn- " 1! ,nl Ml,, PS1il..tM'.li uf thU Irt UN ila renld. nee n- ,,Ui , w Merely Irotn their i -- nice i'i h.iIVu b bttquereue ii- i- sraat lieueflt oi.ii uiiojccti. i ii. ir i, i know Ihiuii' rji ,i ii'iii n pri'i'iiall ii .1. ii. ',1 xhlhl xhn ,lf III! reevi iiiislnres io run pi i i" ' i men reaMinlngt i from that kMHaU' com WITH if eiiaim . ,! n ir. , a of did remei. nMaie, wti'" m then "id eui actimi Jll.v i s'a tatee. ., 'rag uootail i he preaeut dbf Vdniftl. harkache sod ,iblo IHIi the mm s jrti n ,i HkewlHO. II I till' Ih, ; i i t II gina "ml no iv tacr - anoe ii "m ter's hnt to the gllnay xeoivtion will uaaa egret .Mim. i tbeil' to ii Ih fiaiU itKlii-- t , Vi (iraiin I'ei in. 'III 'he iiieemire Mbleh I. viiiil rtiioorro I'Mitiaiu The 'imi "i plate 1, i too vi. ti' Hal' " die eft loat ' lata in tints ibkv - I torn 1111,1 III' lllli N. , I sis' Mm' tlwsli end Anions. Mill' , kwateil HI Boc.irio, IS to ao "Hi, eduos io alii up 'be oejfvi iirona and band isle b Mil des '.n '.ron.l lor r. Iftce anal, na H iii ,r nn. I'IoiiiU II ii mm Ooliu ers thai are serve' i up ta him. He eeata. Koater Ml) hum o HUfTl4K). N last in the tenliury in "f elheleni. III 11 h i , till "in; nu hi i ' ItUUI So kk'MI urlO'l- - Is Hl.--l n-- Im eanom snap at la 'ai; with taut, v., sol. sgenis for th UulUMj mill pr.n ncal eei ice to young ' h gltcmlniicc The JlUles. FOR lln,, fruiii I ii ,i , , ri I' 'I ' I, ., Judgment l -- Damn--and ll'e '"M lloy tliui Ih,, ie-n- m quiche, ks or sight bat a the nam si hcIhuiI ill si IhmiI now ha more advnn i lechnleai aiiidenis Ibau - lilt elt Hi ,';, inipl ratluj-- I hone- Pj 'thing would no us ; ,vt pi. th ivaaher, good iisuace take other. i l "ducatm au.i we i'i't bufor.i. in fact, tbe InaUietkw wa never before allow." Bureat nd .urn ''ure iMii'lllloaa. ,lg ill' 'su eesoMerliig the ndYisHblltty of 'Jf; i giving Albuqm the Job to a tn us prosperous a ootidltle in all raapeets as now. ana J. Players should Mies Nluii rxero, of tanla F ia TkKOA" TltOB linen. que will hs gam hi i J. Jelirtea: k how proliny hmm ihm the oilier man iln.s, ri',Hionslble lot this pieealng "tale or affairs don't weigh In at uoou: one point ihould be again in the olt), the aueet of Mrs UNA, or MQN . th' heat telephone nirvle - -- Ui-I'- was b n i h - lf, i . uslna ii ,nii"ii ,ni eh!', ir. n ' II I e tin know) !t kcorvd for the opMlon fur each Nelll II. Field. ' RESOLUTIONS PASSED MOST ANYTHING AUTHOR I FEARED BY SILVER CITY DADS TALL SPENDERS ARE YANKEE YELLOW PERIL; KILLED CHINAMAN TO PREVENT IT a SKWJff Bil.WriS Members Want Joint State- - IG uKoia on a or oysters, llm FOUR" AMBASSADORS there vrm a ohurel' soeial eoek In hood and Grant County's that bunch. I Railroad Debt Paid. All Haiti, ir tho Pennsylvania wWt REID, TOWER. MeCORMIOK AND give any more aaM to lawmaker MEYER THRO A OUT $500,000 OPl they'll travel . other. rOail. I GOOD MONEY EVERY mi THANKS TENDERED PRESIDENT YEAR TO MAKE THEIR DIPLOMATIC JODG The mny stages In the exit of a MM insurance preside)!: aOOD THEY'RE NOW THE Ftrat "No. sir. I haven't the slight-- At n regular meeting of the eity HOTTfiaT BUNOH IN EUROPE. t idea or resigning. I knreo't council of Hllver Oily, held Monday bought i,t uch a thing. the following ro-- tt' absurd." resolutions With mm aftatMl salary ot 117. 'hhi a Miron i Hiimofi mm the president gartlng slntehotHt for llm territories year, tbe CnltWI mate U mm h worried hy the revelations of New Mexico nna Arlsona, ami also iiwleMtl tanking Murope art. HudlnH li teen lion before tin. Inveeiigattng committee, to the payment of roll fond Mn $tfie,MNt Hd sad annually to maintain mint itnmern that lb dimeters iHueu.eUHees, were passed: socially the dignity N tiSVc ri H.twl bbj rentMnatton. Us It Unsolved. Ilv the eouaoll of ..f Amerlea. ore baa Amerlea iwen rooresen'-d- , Fourth "Net a word of truth In the town of Silver city, in the oounty lf or mid or In the itrlttfliuil Buropen Mpttals l arani Territory New Mm o Hrb n Fifth- - Humors ten: nxcilc of nilaaiidor that John Dot bM VVI..iWew iicid hi been Thftt. Whereas, n 1111 now rmml yiHioir 'hri offered the hmMw', is Towr in IterllH, Itotd Mrf'm Hixth " Have notktiur to 1 Ing IN the bouse of Mipreeentntlves ot mane Seventh-rkml-efHrl- at mlcb Ih nml (lnrx Vou I. i nilv rmxiMxi the onuMrene of the United nro arl. Meyer In i. I'etcrsburg, spend ii? , hi. resignation has htwi I "Ming, among other thine., for the nested. tween them In,aoo a year. t HIghth "I iieollne - at,,n,M,un of the territories of Now to bo inter- Tbe Unlteil State embassies, owlnirl viewed." ) Moxleo nml Arltonn Into the union one etme. and, whereas, te tne miiiiuiw.r.- - amMssftiHitini rorps off.' tally H. the town by bounced, i of Hllvwr City, N. M., nnd sovernl of PIdHtid President HotHevelt. THR NRW AMRRIfAS RMn38Y, QUAY DBHU.LY. I'Altlrt Tenth--"- I ,n countlo of Raid juvp now taken first jdaco In tbv So- hnve nothing to soy." two territories Hi en iiiii badge -- " nro burdened with nn cial world In all Hie rour chief ICunV two lonbllshment. ntti' lis cimenr Ills of otric ns indebtedness. pean ruiHtnn; bring Thanks, Kind Friend. known ns tho railroad aid bonded la enpltnls. for ihe first time In and other expends uperlor butler. Tho servant with his in writing to tho I always debtedneea tb hMory of Amorlean diplomacy, hi iota I annual etpenltturn up to scimitar is one of tbe sights or Rer- New, of such town and or suoh tienrly un. feci Hko I am writing o, loiter to my counties, aggregating nbout f6,000,000, AmlinsKAdor Held in London bonds $le.' Mr. Tower spends $100,080 a old friends In Huntington Chilli, which hua tho list for munlfbunee. Mr. He Ill's ahnrluinssne Tower, In llorlin, Is year on entertaining, the most oxpn-slv- e and bom validated by act of single eothu. I never forget my former rol- - tho congrcsH of tho United Htntos; town nouso In In 1'ark Iiiie, the til u flrst Amertrnn nmlasailnr to Hem being two balls a low Mlliens and tlmnk them for tho' Now, tho re fore, l.o It resolved by quarter of lAUidon, and Is (lerm.iny u rivul tho mnjtnlrirence of year, given t' Mr. Tower's hou-Thes- words of eommondatlon they give mo Uhls council that said Iiouho ot rep- considered the finest dwellltiK in m the llrltlnli. IMuhJuij and Austrian balls nro nlt.iost as Important lluok-inRha- as reading my corrostondiMce.-- - J rcsontntlvoa bo asked HrltUh capital after ibe kltiK's einlmssles. tue triumvirate or court function. They are attend orter and said body Wellington, Krsnkford correspondence, Chllllcothe Is horoby asked nnd requested to so palace. The ambassador pays mi.v leaders. He pays ed by the members of tho royal fam New Zealand. Ii.. n eisstlle. but unsettled lie Is h (O.) News. innmntl said bill Uint fro each dollar $48,000 a year rent for It, nnd ho has tl.l.COO a for his house rent. He iiy. Hcnuo few waild buy u ttook be specimen of physical manhood, 0 feet u summer at I'ark, 37 u , of ld rnllroad rd bonded Indebted- - house, Wresi about has servant, nit wosrlng Korgcous In Mr. McCormlck has taken hd written ngnlmtt the Yellow ".H"? "ml al. ymra of 0 0n'9, In town In forty mlln out of lmdon. for which with a lower ror n on n now embassy on Dehllly. UU ,a,,"'r ft Prwultiout real nP(t.n. i tfd said nnd tho !lvrli. Test Qusy nnd wii 1ifciwl,r,i ijlm- -i H" estftbi y Mox-wilt- pays $10,000 si ser-vnnt- s ' 1urry roc. r,'0"1 counties of tho torrltory or New or he year It costs Mr, ihe button one of Mr. Tot's Is spending nwrly $50,000 In renovat- - , w,,nl yoni In i.don. n deaomttlant uf a of tho I'loneor Alliance, Hold $25,000 year nJwn- - - h" nn,! 8n,,t ,,eiul t,w dslm-hal- whore loo, alsmt a to maintain m Hldi a Turk- ing tlnl i " named Thlory. wtio l .ii ,or thoro bi donated and Kranted to his and redecorating it. The grand rof rJ !SP? food lht m,m'' h I'm stain Uj bo established out of snld and staircase are among tho most. r,Bna " an oM. infirm ed to Im. h sclen of the gstst NnrsdH.tu decided that man caros more for " Osn'onese. lie returned to hie hotel Uonsl Ter- - 17 weiM ton- - s bis, territories as provided in sold bill, boutlfu In Paris. '. ut into if omach thsn his brain and that It Is, for tho payment of said Indebtedness In 8t. Polersbiirg. Mr. Meyers nt ' il'"I.i?lv,i, ,l",f and wmte Mildou Mr, hut at tl tbe love uf aMlon more nll-'t- nrontnlile to sutinlv liodllv nrini.i in n.i. tnrrii..r t v,. present Is not spending as much "," ' fn givwner, mat tie, iteeanm u etnmg andi be enTUild In lies thereforo iKiiiKlit n Mexico, one urreof land to bo selected money as his thrso other confrere. ,U,B. """"'" murew to nriiig the a line regiment wH.KWt his fiililtfr'n lwkery at Aniwsr. payette (O.) in suoti manner s may provided tieeause d """it im uviniv inn uuiiiht mxw. knouleilge After year or tw M Heront. be tho Uturbed situation In a In suoh amendment, from the public 0 tne HtiMinn capitnl has placed ban "The ghadow" la the name of the rather bmtgbt yoeng Terry out of the land or the United lying In on lok wniien by Terry and illustrated army, but lit could not settle town J. 1. MorKAti Hiates general entertainment, ln ordin- by must reel tike a man said territory of New Mexleo un- ary ttowevor. Iilmxii u i a biner attack on lo bnslneM, he went Ut Xlrtm who and times, he keps lovel r nnd bold a lot of steel eomnion. the use fought r appropriated; nnd for enob dollnr or wltb the fnet imco set by tho Russian Chines Inbor in the fknth hi Ut Mntnbeie wsr ns u nestn-tie- suoh nobility, Atnaan mine nnd In other parts of of m police, Yes. it the Kovernmeet owned the Indebtedness erentml In the who nre tbe most rapid tbe mnted u im tho HrltUh empire, which he rears WHItmled twtee. le railroads how ' SffifSJ'E; .VmIt2. I?'"!?-.- spenders or monoy socially In Kuropo. He renlved oould aMIrtrti yellow Ci-el- get any ". The ability of America' ambassa- tho tare will overrun It Is miitce from l IthiHten passes? powerful . state, ror tho imyment of sold Indebt-odnee- a dors to spend n fortune yearly In keen- - i, hut rather rami.. Ing. Heinrnlng to Umdon he iikiy.-- d 'be Hume ti u ! "The chief of police ha made an so created In Mid territory of ing up with the lenders In tho social i.i vtrsi. mien us. city men two yeors. bi ngnln f l ttae When our i. i tuner big shdketip and transferred Arizuiin, one non' or me like public race help thorn more than any other absli .nek defender. citll of lie wlhl and iMfcnmc an s wtdst .ii, m-)- M men right and left." snld Smlthorh.' ,a,,,,u ,W ""I'hln the boundaries of no thing In looking nftor tho Inter-- , sihsn fcuh and bin. plorer in DoiuiiiIch. refusing u looking up territory of Arizona; nnd should f And ahull n be beneath aranrge for mnns he pnivlded from his rumor. et the United fitntes. Tbb din- of "or what Is Mint to any or sain lands, or any imiLoy de- ner table nnd receptions bring thorn civil rife. Then bo traveled In IIHttsii ci.iinn-bla- , Interest me?" When n mighty asked Mrs. Bmltkers. rive) from tho sale thereof, remain ; Into almost dally contort, hyhrtd twiwu shall Attstrslttt nnd New undisposed or with tho havo wugo island "Oh. possibly none, but I thought nflor tho payment of political lenders nf 4ho countries to w,ti 'he of silt, It whs wheu hi tntst BSMvlid ii'St you Hpsre O or might wish to with said Indebtedness, that tho wimu lie , welch they nro n. n..i tbe bitter ettrse sell that he MttJ jelly the cook accredited, and they lite' determined H tb. a Utile gossip." turned Into tho common nehools of i soon become on of lite world to It In It tl Intimate friendly Terry I snld stale. tenas with evoryano of Importance, brilliant but tlHliabtllted. ate fiiAhlun. A Chicago dlspaloh says a stenog- trom the ruler or tho country down. rapher In that etty. who Is heiress to Ho It resolved, by the counaJl nf Then when International difficulties a fortune of $1,000.(100. will continue the town or Silver City. Now Mexico, rme, insiceni nro discussed onlmty ELECT SENATORS SINGLE STATEHOOD to work and will not buy nn nutomo-l1- " rogular session assembled: nnd frankly u DOIK IIBSTKIl HK, A V lietween personal mie or make a trIn to Paris. Hnve Tllnt this roiinell hernliv tumlur hn HUt WHITEI HI PltiV ATE ItlMlKNCK, friend, BY l,ON DON and concessions en both sides JPOPULAR VOTE BOOMERS AT CAPITAL our iloulrt nbout hor bolng a sten- thanke or the people of Sliver City ure niHue easier. ographer. to tho president of Unltoil ine Htiiles UY for the recommendations oontnltiod In HON. JOHN SHARP WILLIAM8, FROM OKLAHOMA AND INDIAN HowM you like t lie working en Ills nmssago to tho presont congress, Leader of the Democratic Minority In TERRITORY AND A PRETTY tho Panama ennal? that the territories of Now Mexico THE SEVEN WIGS OF ENGLAND'S the House of Rtprctentatlves. GIRL SANG A JOINT STATE- nnd Arizona bo admitted into the QUEEN MARKETJ.ETTER HOOD SONO. Dehlnd the Times. union ns one atnto; and we respect- - I fAVor the eleoilnn ..f Spoolnl Cerresjiondonee. Mlliuln atntehoni. for Oklahoma nm. Cummins Knlehtlv- - vnnr mm-,- n"r I"" iiii congress to pass tho Tho i . tnailil wee UU,,: HOW ALEXANDRA AT 81. IN Knnsn it.--T- eouatltu.bin i.n.vtilaai Indian Terrilorv nensaotiat uadw uullo old fashioned. Isn't wo SUCCEEDS. KEEPING HER HAIR AL- - City, Mo., Dec. he re. he? Still lu.IHrmh'''l.',,r,!,,,,, oils for its amendni" ut. One u ln r " riM,Ht m,Tl lurfiifirtOHJtssi i engross WAYS YOUNQ when sticks to the rulo of . DROWNA LOOKING OLD WOMAN. ewput or cattle two-thir- fH,lln,r Isst week were lac of a li house rongreee "vr eimctml In the nnlltitMl eH?iHol 1 on' "mt mlt of I believe i ger than expected, being submfU nulldlngs. know Vb"" iiT tle nw"?Wr n"'l nearly 0.. tin amendment to the people, S .,"' rtl '(00 hend. - A aonstttntlonnl A llegntbm 1W strong from iw Cummins linlhThv ft f pwrtitanl. "There Is and the market on rnngo 'at- nuiendtfltiit to re tl. .'h UUlre Ihe popultir elect leu or tcritorlea cniied to Hoy Ma to t I , Jusiinoanon tor runner delny." tie held about steady, tcnnUirs iettee' m"u.. .1 ,m stockcra ami will te- - Senator Heverklge, "Jr. 3h'. n"r' lie It further resolved, tlwl In tho feej eloaln tho week 10c neter passeai thst way for ebAlrmnn of Hie ...,,r Nn ui wa tinier? onlni f ,h ... ..; hlsher. the simple committee on lerrtlorP--a com- - ., twin bigb eiase yoarllngs tbe rean that the rennm win fin. 1 ,M,r fnm never i .ncur mltlee room "Tlmt man." labl the turnkey to , "re overwhelmlnnly In rnnnHitnte sold at $s.o to $1.C. and The imi way that It wonhl not icomm' the "Is r ,l"lnH,,i d nre on- - ' chBlae Oolornilo oon li. iiHtxe.i U i,, riri rourtb of of tbe vieltor nnd ibe aemt.or r - visitor. a safe robber lie"! ,w, yearlings sold at $1. - - M lo Privilege tho ii' acting in uv m celved llietn in lit eorrlilor Hint - in herf for rubbing a newsboy." i of expressing A feature of the market was the that i "Then why do yotl rail him a anfe tht.'?r v"1 "lor e qiweUon at 'he strength maintained by country eonve'1'i..n lalleil fm that imriMM. lewmi inetn i ii we. m uvernow - Who' In i v. . i in- - ettided the lending to r'" j Plw- grades In the race or lowur prlree ror dint Ill dime or stairs the "." I R Me mum, one p"-ctnet- e Ml r rnit u.k. Is furlb r reeolveil that n nnnw fed steers. However, packers - of the semi aanred r:.l.. r. .1... were aee of the Thoee d n ii' n of these reeolulloes be mm u t ho heavy buyer of rat steers all week, senate. HtH'ton. presldsnt on this elevnilon mI In 'be of the UnKed StnloH, the ttltd war willing tn lake more, im . reiNHla sair thai Ptianu tirsldlnfc officers of both or enatur who eomptltueiiiwl the tieop.e vnii t houses "hown by (he strong close of the week f 1 ii ik'imiw has aged lu she "ingrese ,in'' the enniriusn ur the foil steora on the territoriea and iirentlsed tie t ureetlr "n Roomtnt of smaller HhnuUl not be disappointed inontli Maybe there Is imss- - couilulltee. on territorlw of the sen-h.- v tin Tluireday tiud Friday in f ll y h- M H,lrt iiealre for lit' - wt lieasold bouse nf representative KIIUhb'JPt from range stateheotl. n ion dy ttw the old at The pretaleet seene nf til tirb. $S.M U $.?'., wtdle country grudes lh .n;i'" THE "APACHE KID" oIt prueeedlng wna nt the cluee, wb. n amiitul $840, excopt for the Helen u Headlno Hpr Off. ' h' eo yeorHwgs Itenstroni. n 'i. ii... iiiii. wknt'v yo IN mMitlenul above rrntn Oklahoma City , pM tber7 THE M0G0LL0NS ''own sold at tt.SO St. so sans thro r.. II to wiih . i dohiK aOOMl -- from "Oklahoma." the jtrint stn CbtlSBtluui ahoit. cbotee Colnrado at h.. UplngV 'me cows li io. song. Hy this time It awui.d Y.-- PR08PBCTORS COMING heifer nt IS.IU; rannera at JJ to 1 1 I nought I d give ui) wire a INTO half uf the hnhNttW uf the cupir,,i IKimu. Ktiiprii'H 4bls yesr. QLIFTON RKPORT OF HIS liirludltta a niiMber of Im.i vrent avor cnttie supply today la etiatoi. Ppo n mIi.),. utoi-- and a aarell MOVCMQNTS. lb Haln liei, at Mannd hy gntheilna W'l n uaht ibeml nt head and the muikei the nir or Hllpprr.' llfttt h UI bed anlstttt, ttcustor Hi i h barely Mend) on fed grade w.iili-loeke- "There'll nothing like urprlln U. Ileauottnmp, ldn shook her hind aird romplim' who roeetitly m and feeder are ) your wire A little thing like atrns and her nu did other senators. that turned to Cliftoa. Arts, from Mount Some of fe.-.i- . i will tlebln her to Ions, 'five. the heavy rtlaieliood boMSMrs reei'lviHt m deaiti." . where be spent many imve ou "IlAM'l ...... wJis stayed Uine fur tbU rail, front pyprmer.Mti jmu imnTv ii. one ii ne nrosnectlUK. -- iioontaaunient aununii and eUtee nisll operator taking bull, of - , rer a J the ii wbM- room i than mule. bought tbe .Up. there 1. no .mubt niSEl in- - conimlttee 'ley per, for Hiyeelf." t0, btii tbe big men Ihisu. to ud Wyenher rjeeoou j Apoehe Kid end bis I and nxu Nqttaw aiul oh Id uiuh that tliey bnv made a mUtake After Miss 4tid many itte.n flmMrom bmt fltiii' of are trying to com andng fur ttpenher Cannon, lie . idete nmniefnetita for pultliig some grsutilnted on w.i. king ott feed her hr beautiful o fine anUque for tbe spring or sum JOHN dllAlll' U'I.I.!A.VIH Mid moot nj over to ').' hvalo,of rug. the Rl mer iMHUet. snt "You lto This has made n strong s i I fl?lmtfSb aMln and alng for the ate iter ...... !at K" dlwWHbwi some - tucker ntnl feeder not tbe nnblfc' la a uuot a UM I do,'. . Jl...,- - i UhuIoh, Ibi- is. - Although Alex- - .o itto mtirket for the last ludiu con win them .f.. W rou. Htld world at large her hair hss im two r In My nwn part over." htivlni! l soutliern Atlsonu que. n oi i three weeks, and ItuftaottHi of the country, .verytuing m Imrmony. Bonorn, itmlrs. nf Crest llrltulit ud nnd Kio 0r u giil'a, i where he nommlttod nmiiy hut tho gelt era In y are nlrendy anbsMmiiliMly eieet- - oniiM-- of ludla. hes just . The quwn feeling the oflttn-r- SOLD ROAD . . . . . uspreuaiiou has sevni wigs. HHkIi d by TO MORGAN ii z.. ) rwesrtllnu four midu the ueonle. PuHr nrlmnrbsa are her flint tilrtbdny nnnlveraary. he one an exoct repftMinetfon i uuriii. ',. '.' ". Tor of a I held S.mribei.. V.nSrCV . so.t.e time ! otnimtSMO, and a majority is Hi .U permliM no algn ugly I tntred; 1 of old other, ami worn , grraf III esch on. i a i people nrn honest. rdi, p Vu "tumiM the Mogul. seep. A SHEEP. here only ulnrnllty in the first The iiin railroad magnate who n. the oldest dlttlghtir of the d la . wiwk. One WJR tin- - nr Of I primary, I VlnegaMi. ,p. Mr. my, .Toil I nnMi recetets last week were a Hither i. held between tbe 'he C it J Pierpont im& na. king of Denmark she was famon ts nueeii alwttya on Hk way . t. I m i.ig or out- - to U,e two tugneet w' " Krt-- re- - Zrri..rP.l''""io hid a hennty. wbk-l- i beauty lasted long to be teiireaaeu, t' S0, "'I'I'V oday being 800. eaurtldntea, o tffflt there "''' "e tbe latter liav. we done everything unxli.l on une or two oeeas. aiii niifllh. n,,, market uovniieeil 10 to ilk.-- on bal be a majority, and the man i"ct!n i nix.n Omting out just in time t. 8 years after her marriage. oil Ite way to liOttden ri'Mor. law and onler?" a e,,,n" fired on, ono sheen last week 1ft elected uy the mnjority of ,hl ih- " n, wn greatly over-va- l- iked the man and The qjecD of HitglHiid Is tbe wotbor The fjS- - or Oueen Mexnndru and to Me on the jieonte was wounded. When tin.... U ea nn I ta '" isnr. rand-dam- e lit ami Iamb. Trade native Ike nominee of hla nnrtv. sua bta Oh no your ' """'nn whs In of six children and llm ta carnfuii) tended as n.--r tiut bro nutjesty." replied that aeetlon laet sum- - nine, U neslttee wrong pness, and some new cientfofl acta as an Instruction to the C'.Mint U,Br tW f 111 iHinNM and the of hair. me entn nMH-a- t ag aino. 'sy Willi' "I llflV.. MtMl narri. weru Rlldllll hundred)! r mllUoHe Hearts are being established, gan senators and the member ..r the 1 nBd he was of aubjeets. Tlu and pink ami wbMe that have noi i nn. - tbeu iwitorta.1 ..mi i...u Lois vniley yenrHnga to-dn-y. or the j ulv.i with bet enough to whiten the u not a sold at $8.0 home atntn legialaiure - h ur Tfwre mark ot cere nr woiry ire grew rough- nH wmgfiinK 74 A man i serious. "If this J?! '"i?11 lnn. there were most yoiithiu of Hithiirw locks, tmt nenn It. pounds, while snrnn wnnht no sooner thiuh n nus.nese iiWM.i'1 stop soon I " Zip" '"nmw Hie moun-fn- r heavier wtdgliu sold fl,lo vtotaMttg it than an elector would-thin- ,' niL a at to 8.t .hat I shall be on in pel led lo enll 1,,rlmt ws eorreet in this wo,, eambn sotit of vhdailng his pled. (.., ,. iu tu ncrai Mbermnn Hell." 'iPPsitIon was tteiwoiistmted y ntL8.".,'to loday. certain raore FULLERTON VISITS SANTA FE. FRATERNAL $f.t straight weth- ireektntlal tlebe: B 'KJP!1 ree"t evenU. After Mr. Henn- - SANITARIUM er at $(1.10 and , wee at $ to $ Thls'll Hold Wild Dill While.' left MEN AT LAS tt for a f"""'" there Inst Hummer he was VEGAS an ewve hnve dd up to 11.76 CATTLE RNCH ADWNERS N.w i wish to aab Wild IMII. as Stormed that one o? bis 1 Oaptsln e' Territorial Meunted Police this ..any torso bad JSH ''J?! I",,, would bftni ihink. thev are so reoovered. and on Ul In Representatives I (mat TO SETTLERS' i rtwent Talks ef Crime New Mexloc ef t..e Association Pokor. niske every tl- UBJtCr i. in,. I,,, It l ! rtp he cold tt ,'", learned di r . to aeon a wbn iwHuiur. State Thst the Sanitarium Will mt re ooneesi-liin- frnm U UV'i a - nld n two deareea above recovery. It seoin .Im) .nm. mu.hH Cnptatn J. V Fullnrton. of the Open In the nnrhiQ. "T011 high mnitn nnd are tteesnlon-afl- f mh nun o to figurine, bi1 iu- - THE EXPERIENCE ENJOYED MY "I. and mm l aurceMfnl. - - - mountain llloutlK d iolli in Rants Fe mi bo the market twwe- m, w,u yV(. me a correct answer.-- 1 mo i hi- Kid'i. raniu imi The cosnnsrlt of t'i. MattotMti Km um,m,r SETTLERS IN THE VICINITY OF I., rnri.t.i.i.. bualni--f He upon Uovernor rfomtn and the sHustlon is '"ii eorr.p(.ndi-nre- . Me ' Kid we called ternnl ALAMOQOROO. mi. not ai hum.. vM iru dlni with tankartHM Aso'Isj)or wi irf trong mntrty hI the lime. q'la'lii 'IVnn.) NttWS. " i Kid OliTii io in Miloe wrb lis been ruyally Junior lnat a hasty retreat, him. entc ialand b tb' w.i4 , ft.MlXst vt-ga- and , UoiiL- ei . , wre not pursued. thm iii'uine oi i.u that iho " sesa as sansManassnr n aisaais i tiy-lft- e A "Tii. 'errltiirj Im pi etty free from aciti . . iu lien iinllie ti KlIIHI Word te ths Other Pellew, wan h.und otbei - mi. one l Mr ' - They utuen p;oas- i "I '.; ' i in- Heeuehamn' I liUC preaent rNI- s'inta nt 38 to M enme vtaiuogvrd.. .1 stwai'N "v tn M aald Captain ;, ti reae linr. put, of glawTe i i. I k s. . ed with the work don and the mem- - i kidw at . ' - I 0ffor'i f,iid 0 tS.tO j few d.i . h a I IIH- tl'SI f i tin- - .i ei ti ll ' sgi. louklna rr tuseeu-- benefit nf ii'd rin,. mod. rn rifle, but no - ' , tntd tnnt the ..nimnun. will ' i eaii- itll ' ' .:r. Tliey loeud what th. thought i .mm we know that our rlileh Pvtirvthln., I,, n. " "" be opened in the uai sprlmr it ,,. . . e li CATTLE OF a euiuide hNMlian mn. ai..n uk,..u.iLM theie rH;,t,n:.:,r """" ' .... OTERO COUNTY .1. aim io int. btttue ' .. i " "ii' ixwyi prom t., ir.7. IN OOlsiDITiQN. The Jnjini emuet-.- m uiorrnaniH mncn. hh.i very I FINI f"1 ii.i nlghl Kid . unsjHNt l y . men. yvt be weeks ' ' v fVreih tr.'i'.Miii'iH tm'i'i' "ihrn1 - - . rg. p.nire a Mg catt 'vho ihelr wnik Hid lilr w i I y ''u''r,'',l 'liad I , Hinia it tie an Tbey - M timed a ti it-- i r 'h- jioliee xl' Ku'w-- ' ' M son wu. iiiid we ger many II. i . i - t inoiinieii lu ,, at Alamo lo and!1" in. n tin- Iioriiee tt rur-ie- y iHRwn Ll. ' Ihe J, '. r r .ii- - V .n K. . . th 1, lum'1 ' ih.' l.iu wt nil mid i imI. also Mint. fen hour. '.. New oatorl u""' " " Ik. nf Ihe be of Mini Ik hIkmiI'h-- ., inn. on n, i ,. . ku4' mid ilug a well ev lit ft NH'N'hU of Lee 'hem. l' curlns It W J 'weelyone y.m tbM ni - ' J" rwrK ' OOtlVll hl S'i- hua iitnl It la feril The peonl in vlrinltv aaa. r "' k an the am so sere tan 11 rot lui.,1 ... tt c iikkI' HomettWie. i niur. fliiteh "' Kid in country 11 t I , ihe tMonnae buui. 'hey )(., Ur'NK INtVII Ki'iii. uii.'. w will near r tin, "JUOQI ink to heir l(Uy oxiraordlnnrr large l i.t.-l- , ' ' he I "- -' " .iiiid I. . t IDENTIFIED. iiilereVi ?- 1.M 't.', !' filll't up .ui'' i..' Di ever it - It l know BUN ariHttiil the - . t., U . a Uet KM bna ' : I V I ' - Vloraon 'In the S ii. '.tie!'.. ui.ib (' '!.. i" ls. m...... l mt' Mi mil.jfi I,- flnns-, ! ' mad of 'iii.itwr buru- "i' mav be rnetiia mi. larceat xnw ffllKIIWatV ..jZifttlllltlaj I nt . '. . ' mr - root of any ncenit .... . m l wliHb Mild km l nwn on the rai. r nil assail'. .1. ed ISfis ia aatun .1 Mint who oS. it. auioi.lil Ki i fur ree..rv ifs" 'anil cniB Wfl. OUfl 1 k ehenper atioii The Kid Ssnta Ps Olfleer ftent te New Yerhttnnt it 11. .'Oflo .'no I,,,, ha, er oould be had 'Mr i.4r did but ok car abutn ,,ui m irl.'i'H l.eetOHI.1 if Him. ' tlf KovMinment wnnteil htm vary Reesenizes - very lurid uiii ret iw'ra.i,p, id, K . COMIWQ HOME POH lien, aaaured j'liemen nnd snch lie i.ical " iii1'd.f' mJWiii wi, ad inn i. would HOLIDAYS .1 '' la h regiment or men all ovi in - are f'ue o ni l.ll l' aal'l .if abuwlnn I' "I' mdilier lo get htW. t'ndi r MhetllT .liiae I. l.opci lio evi James Senten. Jr., Now tn NSiy. hai to make nt n- -j in oe a nm lejfl Hetii" Ke il ther dii, for Ne 'hi WE LL DUFONT POWDER COMPANY t Lands at Sen eu,ucut) I. bnppy KNOWN LADY BROKE .ii i"A i'Ks at 'rom York city srlned yes- FrneJi. , u4iU,.i. ai..l tun '"'SSSf ITherif J. (mis ent-d- HUB ARM IN A PALL HAS PATAL EXFLOn.ON .iiirli earchiipi,!. are at SnK I - Nea. Abe terday that he had Identlfced the man 1st ia iii- - tllroiliiiiliam, Ala tie.- 1.; r Inuicnn wbi. aerrtsat - y flty for the purpose of - Usati iomi Wrlalif ot thl-t- i InooriHirttlng under at reat then- a W O. " li'i'iae th ,i i Icr). In tbe navy FIRE CAUSES F at work i.f lio arrived nt rtan LOS i theli'. Senrehlighf u mas mik i ..' 'he Kortbern raUrrMd lu V worth-le- Kra-- I bard rail ne ) -' wanted Mania for passing ae u I ro. ""lit c.iiui-.n- e. url It wM run isferde the UbI' PROPERTY AT PORTLAND. lo I right nun lie wri- ISi.l"r ai ll..... from N'ppeno, California. nmr aajn t ' . i k I eberkv ' the flsir. itotel to the iSie". atii'i dl.ppit M I nn' mn. term or h - M Mllll in "ti vihero he a Portland, Ore, a J - in. 1 Hie Rait take route, tu rtfurrti- - HIi. rlfT Kir. at U stnrins HiiMkwan KikV .Itiwi, ( - amount of o.ei fuun I'nib'r mi ' in talk." n g ai I'VniHj tn.le ll- -l . lit" 'mas l.i u llsh- The hu Line earl) hour today t ,,ed the whole-- k 'Horning a lieaty i, iHiiltal ;nci U $ihi.ihh . I ie aim., ti.m lip.'l ill ai .IIH'. loll ' thi , ...,re.i Mining a , M..'!.. r IIUlt.,W il i . ellent aK the M. VeM itMWery Watl-UMir- ' n. oik una Homer Hanenn I prvaiileni v J . t,.i ea.abli innent of t) blng 40d a. tlrandma on apet of 'h. rimr of N'e Vork TI,. iiiiK e Hiatb. Axii.. Usriiuajtun. i. loan ban liiiu da hoi. K Kerr ttrun.. aiMleg, a . 1. "1. i,ak r h. tioWM- vioe nrenMent and o. mvtng hau-inent- a - ii.(, mhlcb kI nli II. aetrureit tb neiamery 1 lb iuku.m nieeUn) tn AJUiuj. at iiur Imui' WeCHntoeb, l4v. and lll return wttb III fn- e r eseeea or 1 on. 000 ii,ur ia l .a secretary m treaanre. frum A 01 nretnen wr over brie above one lodg. No. B P. O , will - Oovernor Mhtnel m sml vlalt m city ji- -. Ill he hi tiihli Th- .irk will begin this and will wrloit.i) Inynred .luring the progress he grouitjj. b- - ttpp.,t fi 11 at before leuilnit inula ftp . and fell off be, lonighi iB their lodge ruonsa In make a aliort lalt Denver of grc - tlu I'h Lie al no- leanli he ow ra lioiiae ns oxeiniilirioil In pencork uniforms, nnd why Mllaa stayed at home whan TOE TERRITORIAL SPORTING... 8hnftr nwuiiK in hla hammock under BOARD OF HEALTH WHEW! AND $10,000 WAS ALL THAT n Cubait aky. (Ir.iorftl Miles ahould ...BREVITIES have tMMin on tho ntert for & low tnotcla. ANOTHER MEETING HELD IN i Tho assembly room wna orowdad THI8 CITY 8ECRETARY COULD with atiulonlN. On tho front atMia NOT OIVE OUT NEWS WHILE LOVE .,. , , wore tlio membara of tho vletorloua THIS BURNING WAS WORTH ... HERE. f n ho of fim Imll evils .. following pres pileago.ra!J ..,'"", , xet, thB gnme fa The member were i0r mH M x Jonoa of ..,, .letcHoratmi. pro- - wit nt the meeting of the New n. fha ohnrgo of Albttqtierquo LETTERS AT 3,000 DEGREES FAHnENHEIT WERE TO HAVE BEEN WtfifiutHfltta is haHnjr lito fMt raoalonallnm limrd. Is unlit Ico boartl of health in PROMISE CASE la it READlAT BQOND TRIAL OF FAMOU8 DREACM OF for tito mMtlng with OTlrtiti tnHty la praeileoii in ninaa ptoy. this OF the Dr. O. V. llHBrteon. A I OF MjSS'GIBNEY OF ST. LOUIS AOAINBT KLAUS J. 8TEINER Oolntn. A faoMlflUs Yorti Tlio eonch fa blamed for many presldetu OOMDINQ HELP ni Jw pld Dr. T. II, liar., vice PITTSbTJRGBUT SHE SETTLED HAIR THAT wrttar aya the only tMna now ovlla. I n minoerqo: prei tint of the understand number D Had. liffe. ED OOOL A LOVE THAT WAS WHITE HOT. can nve O'llrlm t for lilm to lift re de- dent, Kale: IK wnitom of areblants hare ooctirroil. A II. D. plaxus i tronsiirer, Ileleii; Dr. IHark bt solar tHeftlatl. nmmi betnK made for a modiriRAltan seonrtary. tV- - rttltM. Its Ves. thous-mi- d 1 IM iimd of You younc Hontlarotm wr.-grante- . Tan wlfa, couldn't refrain from Hawkins a stubborn tare' iipplleant inttnhnrg, 1Pr it. hear' wn - won grw Tao tollowtHK Inking one fawn, iinti the round nltmpt to comt wrk, but oM "r- viotorio uio to medictno dollars wm the price Klaus J. "MN Iron are still covered ndliaalre itemise nraetlce ttmt metltmy mn lm avar since Father Time had seHtitilM for wnli In New Max Ice aog to Mb llnta-Nie- nt Jtmlnet paid 'or ale filled ivitt wllli A Mrnui, dtoturbing him hefore he entered tin ring. Hawk plaster and exude the odor of I I Dr. II, P. llerrlna. Arthur Oibe-- y young HftirMMetUy Hererni of you known to Uke KiiUi Isabella Tin dettgbt, which bas da ins and the prise ring; ham parts! are I Mr luAii.i IwllH me iH'rsonally. but I R. C. Iynn. Itnawell Woman Mil lM.ettO M S Wftved Hta of Ihc oslm ef IsjHQranea. tornpany for alt tlase. bara lien unable - to you aa yon nra now l Uhc Clayton; Dr. Jay D. Nu- foi lacerated n fleet tcma after a imii I tool m taauKg l had prtart imo n (tube" WMderl'. tke nFcctttrta recount le T rorry. adorned. I word of Coach baiim. Alwua.uerqHe; Dr. II. Dab lM ok mi their eaajngsMeat la mewmiotit wide otherwise pin her of rhUatfatnwIii, will ter hare the Hey. Dr. J. wns wrr leara Yost lias lost much of AUtuqUdfqtte; I. itollou The second trial of Ihe eatw should hnvs oom to Mr Jswrwledgo. Hot Sprliia-- . Ark., with hi apeetal that the irtmo M A United Ita Inrbjmmunc interest (Vnoh Heftl Astee. Dr. ft ran ret Klemlnit. lie mt for thi week In the State ami m Uio jndtty iioottmtwi at willed trainer. In an tffott to kw the rheu- Ion. Dr. Ollffortl 8. Uutey. Las 1 tell me Uie rules should lie modlflatl oircult court bare, inn was HUI am Ilk h Oiler that tots stolun iM matism out ilf hK Rrtn. vnddell la as. Dr Homer Frank Carln money Im4 also Ubvo bur by ellmlnatlnK the number of subs on larr. out of court HIm it to wrong for him to li at his home In St. Marys. Pa. bad; ! I A. Ilrlee farHbad Dr tW.OOO. as I the aide llnoa I nmleratand ttntt sued Stoluer a MTKIta for In his mm btntuM ha derives H Union: Dr Chns hroAktHg Id Another severe blow has been dealt Quarterlok Mtevenaon of l'efiasyl-vattl- n aliened accomplice In HJHOll njaasure (Ml of it. II. Klohl. AlltHnneniue; Dr J. (I tigagenteut. this will be dls- - Derfltoitiy, KLAUS th' gridiron Rome. Tuylorvllle. which fafora it development of tlio but rait Is In Illinois, llelmee, Flerro; Dr. 11, Dry mllMHMl. lias prohibited foot ball short arm poneh In the serlHiinage demorallc-In- on. l'ortales; Dr. JCnchary T. Martin. la ummlHMt UttJllOMl! Allmhwiy, Mnwli . ! on tho smund that it was s an Incentive tn greater freedom of tttelnur lm Dr. A. Ilreedlng. Tex nmn of AJIeahcnj. anil Mlr OIWiW ! My Dwirw Hdlth: Two letters In the towuahlp IiIfiIi srhool. nrtton. I hear aovornl oollogcs have Oarlslmd: U - Wis., leo; Dr. George N, Plemlnc, Itaton. one dny- i like oxpoollng to wnukue la yet to b hmrd RlMtndoiiet! the ame, also favor Its ...... , hn Dr, U Dr. Y. LIFE ALWAYS SUNSHINE A8 my per vwo it. i..hi rrfllii. abollsbmsnt In Hie mm.tliH InrlHalve O. IltieW. Iloewell; J. vwioo tuemiiiii jihkh ; Dr. K. D. Htrnng. LONG A3 LOVE IS YOUNG." oik I common. will Just 11 turns out the Kenny from Dooombitr 1 to Novomber 1. All l,npsley, Dawson uki( 8i ran that Dr. (1. K. Angle. Hliver ', conaklftr thla an extw TOIK 10 IH N'ow York fin-- street Haht-In- j those who favor such abolkiliment f Sliver rity: Lova Cor-bjjtl- Dr. II. Ij. Nichols, Tutarnsn. Whan Hit I U,ta. m0rn,nK' was not "Yank" Kenney, Jtm the gnme will answer aye. Contrary, nty; yen n regular iCdUra 15 "'?" """I Dr. K. Mora. nntn Fe; Dr. H-- IMHb. are ( m llMHHW, ytm arc former aaarrlnfc twrtner. hot no. 1 am ploasetl to note that the de- Frank mf itaaehhanm. Itoawoli: Dr Hlda H To-Trr- ' Another tlNkter sf iaaaer rattbar, who cision Is iWRtilmotia us alt rise . to lnv..b devotion! Dunn, AHniquerque twenty-liv- in for your JnJPlJ",l 1 ataliiitd. whon arraatssi. to ba the r ami altn." lt nmi Hilnmttoti mi von. MUST love yon. Ixlnai "Yank." all. You mr . my Joy, my jHtftto. The following health nfllrers were atr I nttfil ner e alwni that I I sayn Tb mlllraloHi of my lite IMU yi I'iinc .(mil of IkittauBurK AUTOMOBILE CLUB nuiMtltited to All vncanclos: Dr. J. M. btln may lavish iiimiii yon this ndorntlott t unit uinUoa n ilny I t ynu nilHt Utnrv nil uy waHktiaa leiturm. to kdihI warriors Shields. for Han the ol Hiti! ilOvollim which la linlnx formud f" dw-- rn. aiprtntod tliH world. Mood to ileai nnd I Moey. it does Hut ttta trouble CAIL CONFERENCE eoHiity. Dr. II. me nonalnntly mid mwiHiiro-- fl inc. doral William llnrr. or a NUClHK uUhlu icnmtly t It, Is iiui inOHl of tltalr ftKHtlHg Is In the iipiMilnied MclClnley conn The pain iiHd rrnvlim n" tlie Kim' lirlnan forth Until nnd fhr rhflko (lalliip. for I ii your Vttn ma plara nnd sortnitimKaa. Durina HII Uoort In mom iMotulitmble. hwi nml Mnreoilx tlium broHilonaL H of (IftBtUiit I'm Is, Dec. II. The Ititernatlotial iy ad Dr William Marljiko of I hnv- - yon; k)lp ' faMkflU ilfirlltiK thf war wltk Stmln no touslai heme county. oQi'J my limrl le la tbouiyil like theae that w come uml Automobile Conference, nailed by tlio ver City, uppnltiieii for flrnnt H and1 It ami m la fur JrWI. weie mlMOd from the Tlialihaalvlnit int.. kiek ovr ili to mo AIM convince me how UiruHd Ula iIU Automobile Club of I'ntnee. opened j I wrmigT" ii are furlhfiil llneuua, m .iRkt or bnre to ffe wlihoot tbat for wlm fflr e nvrv loon) nun nut met ii'i ROBERT TiTnOMAN BURIED V One CIiloouo uewawtHarla still ex Datsstatea from nearly orory nt. And She Replied itie hanrf demnniU for lAjfe ilv.llsed are mr tolbee, my joy. mj nape, iimi plaining, The anortlHK edlun wrote country are here nml the nubile Is M iit yon iiamte-i.rtwe- IY8 art Ini for meb wwoml ajffm Aftfjf a nit bar vim M h the henillHg "Stiff nt Ntr Iame." displaying In the event. LODOE OF ELKS RENDERED - I the iHllfBJrlnrii of my lira xreal inlereat loyally HHll atroag na IbOHRh Un mentflk Hit 11 RITUAL REV. H. A, COOPER i - ' ' at nfamtf Mlaa inn the Winter man made read The Automobile Club of America la wio vonr wlfi. ko fcr '"n ywi Jinn- " DELIVERED ADDRESS. fore wttit world Attorltifl) 1 i!iln n inHaa: miffs at S'otre Dama," and tben the represented tiv .1. lioward Jobneon Kv.ryihlna aaaarlnltm with yoM taa a IBs ad am I rMT yoM t'l'uhsa Immii- - Aa n tmuvt of fart. and William I'. Hokhh 1Mb nra It i The funeral of Itoitert Ilindman waa hovnly rallaaf nil tlear olil handwrllliiv. I inukeit at H iffor j ie a pfwrran, ann siaoa Notre mm has a pretty fair foot member of the club have boeu . and undertaking IWII HHM. dales and did not whlrk ebotce iiavo wHll conducted from the Ulttaburit. I'a . Mnffli II in 'hat err Mhl ttep bail eloran. reahlonia of lnrla for several years. I i'vi-- i - of tn-- i I or A. ltordi rs at X.30 vt'ekira tills am Imaklna lo thf Klorlv- My Dmroal Uuie Olrll wimt n morsel to devour t. nit laeklly have novwr m'ndo u haek t'.us llnulln's claim to the henry- - Mr. Johnson le already acquainted IlltO KteB, afternoon. The burial f Mi Hind Mill. hanrttHvaktiiK letter frflpi nn irooa-ur- o. ranlly oiientNt rti. uti flrat wrllten mwnrrta. unwiillTR. with emlit title has beau exnmlned by with the diplomat))' of niitomoMlo In yoam man. whose death occurred several h haiiil 'v r in IWUh. dear, ilo yoil rw"i rlere Mret. latt baforo reniliiia:. the etlwr re iaiM Mri ' and, ilottrRst, my hand Marvin Hart. Flu. O'lJrfeii. and half Methods, and he lm been the alter- I t i day ago, delayed um ll J O. aii' In' your "Baalcr ' Ita Mtwre jUM for ii my i Clor-do- o wat im." anil cure that much fgr ti" I ' eolvHl of ntienllon, "tar xiiira. and Uttart bents a other, and unanimously ills nate for Anfwrtaa In tb rei-an- , a brother, could reach Albu ntmoai rv In tlilnL-- Hint ,n nrn ax- - eurloalty to flint out 'where wiib at ytHj h inotneiit as Ibynlly nnd allowed. (Ins 11111M do somethtaK Hlndntan. in ii member of th osohialvo MK of 'r Dennett cup raoo eonferencm and Mr. arrived last i - iikIi I woro by more qnerqiic Illndmnn Ki lHiUi. imrloneliiit all UllS ptMuiiallou nasi n"i""'" '"" iiiw" ynlir wife than claim it before lie will he competitions. lli ""oloae eeeosU.ii. and. oil! 1 was .i unij fulfilled and freSly tho erenlng. (Mflnor iiiKt Mtaa Ollwey In St. Iinwihi me a Hii In ntfiiKiin. Siroimljn admitted to Inner circle. Tlu Amurlenn doluHtitee are not Impressive servlcea were in I H more HMPIiy. Kvery aaaoolnted wIUj won l)aafln.a quaint The I "lit In lUtw. Tliatr DRgHHWiiwnt fol-- i nil am. dear. limf Imn me Those ueoiilo of tlio nntl Aa the Inturmittonal coif AllHtqHorque lialge. Order of iiuj'thlns: elHOijT ovor lelt. "I bure inbl naitie my inSAi lor to iteilM iietiveuly raillniin), nil Ita podea havo nu old fashioned way of charge af mI a year later Httd wtu Hiimnmotfil twin he Kroea will chiefly rinal with events which reuderad Us ritual. The 1 yalT morrow for a Imah Iind win own, I Fka. i iKitti Mlaa mini.) vlalieil Phyalrnl ,nli Klaml wltlimil n nerrlao. .learost. nm oYor Iwaklnn defining an ntnatour. According to ami methods In ifiiropoan cauiiuioa. rainillw. It to nil tli in lea tHtresMtal wna a inatHbor or tho King a buttle llliva", iitlil jiliiriuiir, but Willi of n Uva:llltf olhw titi IMii tills sttouru til of your Iov and their foolish notion, nn nmntoiir Is wouhl been rttelner aovantl It ill. do It hardly have oonalatent . lodge Hlka. where ho miomliir-fih- lr HWOolnas. It wflfl go ver Ii re-- it nma. Aria of nlnlmeii that bl aleter fnumt fnult unit rnvHiR lienrtsla n'mnat Dearew. 'loo, ng xlst8 todny, ntnlTt oan one who nt no timo bn oarnod any foi A merino lo oiilltne nnr Iri.llcv for mill Miaidernt of you to lfcn early - whs generally respected nnd ake wore U tlwuy onlnra nml f. KLAUS. door rail dam pan of hla living by playing or scor- adoption by tlio autoimibflo elub of niw Itnlunly. (m ao m ' leetned. HinpiMlned i alie did not meiiihor so nnd "l.tTTIj!?. OiHI. K auiiiwi. in nu ninnuuir co.Uordnce Will bat kw) liar Ii these oountrios. Tho llvv. Hugh A. Cooper. In his nd um In another r fieiuor iinaanooa la not altowod to plnv whore nn ad mi in ordwr. Ai one time. It wuH take n much bruador scope than most dress, paid tiiumnry d a cNinaldemliti mKib the unhttiiiiy A BREACH) mission the if the icniirieil. title) alHtwtnl her lirotliur a HOW THEY DOTH REGARDED OF PROMISE 8UIT WHEN fee Is cliargwl. Americans havo boen led to believe A largo it- tn, r a Katclllng tribute. lui or hnlr oomlilHRa tliHi bail rianie of mini. ia anil tnan THE THOUQT OF I T WAS" AFAR OFF. f "HI Henry" l.a Hollo, n apertar-ula- Inn leu d of dbipusalng rood race con- Imii mm. number of rrlumls attended the acrv nml alio writ idtchei of the New Hnglnml I.enRilo. ailvlanbllHy for niifwii er the ilreaaer. 1 ditions nnd tholr tho Ices, llnrnl nrforluga "(IimI only Jihiw - how iinliiiipy kee piitdlo - tne beautiful uHrtieil tier bnitlier Omt thla waa not intention riveted in hla future, the laws onauletl for in- agaiusi cn casket, atiost-In- am, I love you, Dy Dy .liriH-tii- which aere laid the hinu of a woman for turn to not Ihhmiihu do not Klaus fitelner. Mlis Edith I. Glbney. iiuying tho fntl mouths by motor oars, resuikitlonu of even na- lh. I ' the esteem in which all held Hliortly Mlaa flllnia)' hut ItvoHiise I low yon ns do. hut iKroHi a letter wrllien Mnrdll f. irVooyli iter written Marsh . , 'or, eluping with a fair admirer who ap ture. mhhn1 renutroinenta. exwiblta. iniry ultor yet fee Unit not wisely wall. llurlal was In I'sltview tixlt i'ii!83, Slelner broke the Itli. or I nlways iiinrveJfgl nt really do ajior In n ah preciated ioc nulles in tin box dnrtii tiMirini! InforHtaliou. as well aa tour-- Is why I . wiahixl for doalh, bare V. cemotcry. gi oilier olMlina Hint the That ia lUjiltt bnwisimt ,,h ennoKemont ami ut the the has., hall On son at lynn. Mass.! oanlesta, will nil ftirm special top-Th- e thoiiRh I h I III lire- - naiinl In wblvh susli nh wa the. con have min fonr inn IttM ihTTIii' ut. when hIi fBtirs silo has couple ham to return irow'lc for Interchange of opln- - NOTED broken with twroil. It la ctiiidHloti. not a theory, mem inn uitaKemeiii 1 Iibh ih yt mtital IOWA HOLDS "in if Mlaa f)bn7. it HMde'mniiKiake. for I oOntDTiii tlwl It their honeymoon to ask the pareHtal ion. ' SHOW OF FINE POULTRY anil we euunoL on illsrtt;arilliiK It ; gem-ia- l a la - I'll- I111II1 (Tint I A acoro r mure letlora plav an lm-- i tn iranletl. the lieliUi balui! hfftta- nartlad n brenk Idesslng ()f Ikninet cup nu- In liope It i oonhtn Davenport. In Dec. II. The Mirt In In fuiKtled acjir .. and that the woman tins a lierWdt Tljeh nd uluiiilifwt nr before ratlinr tlinh a ll- - rrench motorlsia are up In iihdi the trial. Slelnur ! ntina HrH mcldenially. that of the iHMiltr; show, iiiisulci a - - llum nndei ihe Wilt rliiht Itsiilr. VhnlV(if Iha'aoutlv In pfaniiailiv liltnil n ke r , i .it lift- qon- - nit' which ih oitBti beeanse the of AawM-lntlnn- pfwmle hMikliiK. uml whoti hr m 'lie mlttlsier te Intorltir vnnderbllt cup met., as a foreign Tei-C- h It oantiot he worse tli.111 Mint; 1 rn-e- ii of the mnclera' leratlon U given to the busy Ilfo oiitoom. last inomeot. with no recqiirge the A 'he filthy lllOTti Of the hfcs submitted a bill to ragiitata auto will be deflutely dlapoeed of. todny. whlrVi miiat result if we throw aution man In hla iileaiMiliiunnt mil veii. opened at the Armory Hall in Iihk ImI, one nwtu rally miirvajg ni defti'ion. that matt Htm aot li. mobile trafflv In France. The mans TU Autonioblbi Ciub of KraHCt- - has with a large attendant e. The num- to wind. woundiMl lot. die n ' iii' iota nml wimdwra how ho fount tho revllim but do lii wilt, who eon hi eror mind ure provides that the number shnll already from all li , ' resolved to abstain ber of entries la iinuaual lata' nnd - "Oott nuide oo and bl for tju, UmIhuIiik rhanae aot Hiul 'i & In with Mold, i W01 lie painted on oar tliiui for auvh volniiiluoitf eorreatMHitl- the and that the f,lrtMwr nwnmwimattt of tho Gordon a large I let of valuable prle win I love yu stiti How enu I lH'ar breaks loow aii(l bow II r.n - nce t"ntinu neflf ma itNrunu in a rhauffenr shall carry n sperlnl appnr- W,iltt aNd avail offertM to re-at- In brliiK unliiippli umih ynitr I can-nu- t H than the different classes r wtnve of lila offnatona: ti womihii ahows bow rOndlh lilsf m'IUOP IMtOMISK SUIT 80 on the machlnaa registering the, ll0, , U ownHr. James (lot Hie I ommeit my 1 lurn tls , 4, and henoo have brokon heart oan lie mttmlBd tho J"" .1 srife. dearest. If you ever speetl at which It tm so Alleghany, I'a Mnroh 19i. (X ratal, there don llaunett but Mr. Ilminett refuaed SOUTHERN KENNEL CLUD heart to you. Dehe Into and klok solve : II la iliust-i- M My tMiniful Darllna: Vo. I kco I mid! Ilah' aljpiW' your iitlnu, only be ran ne tut innstnk wnee tie question to rooelvo it. As tha event baa nl HAS $2,500 PRIZES. me, I right or t - It over and toll 'Am Ini?' Wtim I make a ftnimtoi noHjfli !o iflvi- io tn "maKlr ia rnipeu. I - nlarlliK be timml toltipnthlr IMk 1 wnva lieen ivmiuImiI aa mulvalen- Memphis, , ihh- 11 Ti t (4 aa great 1 ' Tenn on yeii, foi I fliul your atntenmnt wroiiK?' Willi love hut woman ooosiiter uiyeuif Imiiiii.i low's 'IW rlotiee.-- so 1 onn make my John Knrsoti. the newly long my sorrow", 1 am. your l! otectadlto ihe luterimilonal dleinnre annual bench alww f the Houihrri' yon you lovo thoua-ai- affsottonate wrry out everyihlns: t la honor tor life foi tin and ni)" heart president of the Chicago Aulomobflo It tiii liollove nio a iKiy " It rhatiipbiiishlp In nututnoMllig. is Kwinei Club opened today nnd RKaUS able and lust. I - lrc thntNt more limn j love yntt Club. likely to h the next presi- quit,. 1Hmalli1e that mime arrsHgetiHitit will reiHAln ttten until Thnraday A ntrnngaly almllar nml miioti uklii to In oUfor titfllnnr wrltati dent of the American Automobile As lnmv u. worked ami whereby other fl. liber hard la in riinrg.. nf the show my still letter Ho Is mwk about IovIiik you u tlimiMnnil of Miss (Tjpney itH his "Ilnil.iim soclation. an automohlllst nf.Huenciea than the Automobile Cfnb and Judgrai from the Aim tl. .in Km tlmM more tlinu ovur I did boforu. Queen." "Hrixe 1'aoknKO," '8wool- - BEAf AND UUMB WM'TS BACKING FOR HIS long experloilce. with proitounoiHl ex- of France tuny manage the race nel t'lob wll award Hu nrlxes tsliu-- Thure la riatlly aomKhliiK unoanny boart," "DdfiTiig ' "Doarehl," "Angel," ecutive ability, mid the feeling la gen- agmeg.iie It.Mtu flhoqt the way nml I illvlno ono INSTITUTE DIKECTORS PETR.F.ED HONEY MINE ua ihat tlio president of the Amor! jini ole. 1 ADJOURNED SESSION mitmlr'a lovo. The whole eolncldonco can Automobile Association noxt yoar to only iroof I nn Hlinuiii como from tho went, although n.!..- -. of the olnlm made that That Mlsft (iiiinoy was nlan THEY HELD MEETING AND AP DILI. TERRY, AN A88AYER, SAYS OF DISTRICT COURT W r"er wiHiiaaiiiifn....hs..ass vsiiurty avnry tlmn I put my foot forward you adept In tlio art of letter writing np-iw- the iieadqunrlor of the n!Mlatlon gg(eak. .. POINTED PHYSICIAN AND TEM A - 150 ilo likuwUo. mi thni I (inn Kftt following writ-in- n THERE IS VEIN FEET sbeiilil remain In New York. a. Laa H...a. 1 - never from the lei tor. WtHVf UlUUUllWHaI. ahgad of ynu and your love. by hor on Mnrnh II, 1 904: PORARY MATRON. DEEP AND MORE THAN A' FOOT The Amerlonn Anaoointion nioguhi JUDGE ABBOTT OVERRULES OB- fcllth, you mo h reKiiliir I'Hiidora'a "My DarlLng You hnd me Rucaa-In- g SQUARE, NEAR GALLUP, win bold their annual meeting la JECTION QUESTIONING HIS box love me Chicago Saturday. anu nrurmniriiiJL of trouble. You tmvo this morning when Alice handed TJitie aa a iiinetlnK t tne lio.inl noxt RE- - POWER TO ADJOURN AND the hoy to your heart, and, llkr lllue- m ' iim) lettura in tho sumo familiar of illrtNiora of (((r difalj ' Hcwial of tilt' Now York Glnnta the Institute 1.0 Angelea rlxamlnor of re CALL JURY SPRINGER CASE IS nun Hum ' in tne 0111110 or minis yi have taken up putth bull us n wtutor ifei iite, tall thla pretly "fako' - a i'nlon. prealdani ot the First Nntsnli reorimtton Thill's nn Imnrtivetntint CALLEO. l s. lis bonk of Kama Fo. The inemliera qh ' r ii i9trllU'd hooey nilite boat-i- i on the high bnlL W Hwltln has been olotitwl At tho npuulng of eonrt this morn Hid mmki are: OtOIliP- - "nd It Is surmised Qaptnlu oi tho lowu fmit IhiII (win. ing, brmight .Miguel A ex-ol- (fragiM-- tho patit Jury wiia In. E. b. BURL1NUAML (onior Olro. iiui 1'agti. riua Miilhoi-mi- l I In baa thrao voura un tlio ao. Klifus ' 1'ulen. piresldeut ; Murci l'en hnvlng liwon exeiMetl slnoe tictubet. fIC .. . CHFMUAL sintrTit.. afjijrs of Ooliup. nre apund-- a eiovon, uml ia HUulout or dentistry. M0 Topics tit.. . .IVI In.. w mm Ua .,1,1 ttl ...It fitt. a LAUORAiOP' Territorial un ,1111.1 I, Attorney W. II. Chlldorti. ou behalf ot Illoyole Ita '. J- rj4ka da) hunting houaj : lacing lias tost none of ( . wrlghi Grant ItivetibHrx - lll.hKlll. Id. n ,ye..l and I ohl tftne impuiurity. Tho uiienduuoe tha tlefHndniHs represented by htm. lIMIll .11.1 , .1, WtMHI ii renry. an oaauyer, who reeni-m- e ...It till, .M'tt. (lie ovotila Iii New Uie ARRESTED FOR CUTTING i THEY Dr w 8. hiiimMii; Angeles (Inhup. ut I'leiiinliiiii'J' objected to Jiuiadlctloti of the M & Sllrer Bullion WANT THEIR Hnrmmi was IHttlU to fnint voru was the Inmost in tlie b story "Tv"JS!?hm pUyn. M la Mflklngj soma who eouri to try arty tinmiimi onso nt me ian far the Instltutkin and for one Qotluim encEftlt alien Tests w tVitVi.;.1. ".. j of the ratiiiK mi mo In present adjourned term, . TERRITORIAL TIMBER DEBTS PAID Chmiea Ita eon wna nupnlnled BSlwl: fi at'liema contending All uiatri "nsncf lo withdraw eolltiKo to talk or drop- - oourt, 17311 iMMrencr t i. to leinporarlly fill vacancy Mloii- - ' iietniletl honey from the roehs lite latea that the uiulor the statutes, .::c St.. llriuti. the ar g foot imil tinloss itbe rules are hnd no power adjourn tho term to ON INDIAN RESERVATION IN; ate.i ny I .M. Uip ii veil Oslliip ti SANTA FE COUNTY COMMISSION- tHOdenikor.Mra. ""r dUtud Is Nurtiiwostarn. At a meat-- ; a distant day or beyond the time for NORTHWESTERN NEW MEXICO. Wit. of the superintendent, wbittb. luiiiey should sell niie ERS ADOPT STATEHOOD RESO- ir. a-- ai isnea af tho trustaos m8it" of the worst tno convening or court in another eutieii uiintiK i ue past weeK. ' U. 1'niieii allHtaa iieputy LUTIONS. Sua. turae were atuekwl. Final action county In the district, claiming that Wll. If ard also Instructed Mr lnlen m. i I l imigh niiiibtotl. I'mlro Man- Hn nnd hardy, of wtll lis utkcti on the matter after the atioli notion wits In If act ihe calling -- arresieil lliistrs prepare resolutions of ooudolenj VJMa nketoe, Miguel ner and Just ns present bupaya. of a special term, without compliance at' uel Handovnl and Joao Tba hoard of awwmlasluners af San- which will b read nt tae next in who mile Fe mm. " m tent In the tson hkick llfHHOH la Kulng to gat Into the with the formalities of the ami uie. Hlrlt)MM, ihe eight wast ta county mot the othor iUy In Ing in the Imard aud sant to the rttlr. of KaiBjuoln, ami bn.iiaJit tliem to siHHilai In HHIh tn tine. He iii camu flMlillna. gam. tlila winter. Clubs mo Mr. Chlldnrs' objection was over- aemhHi at tho court house reaved htiabond and other relatl mi! (lii man with money ia bWng Hanta fn wben- - they war lirrnlgiiwl Santa Fe. Tliere wora, prtsMiit: tswuii orMiil"d with a oonvenlent ruled, aud at 3 o'clock thla afternoon of the deceased mat rot? . . 'flMi . and elnUc inemitsrslilii role that oaee of tho Territory naalMat SsndFor; before Victory, fjnltttd Slntoa ClialriiHiii SellgmHii, or the V'lll J. Arthur Santa The bonrd a of I dllil I r audited number tka si r Terry fold an Wx tlioiih, nuaaosafiiiiy drlra through tha Sprlngei, charging cruelty iituiilaaloui on a course of nttltiK Fe, mid Commtealuiier A. U Kemlal'. for groceries, furnlaalng. and ot io animals, miter on the Santa Ctarn Indian of Cerrtllos; Mnrarm (Toatlllo eirtflei loopltolo In he law that permits of wna taken up. Clerk supplies for the Institution, and ' im-Iti- teservatloD. was at Ute deak. UU ii JKr rvtnuw is petnuau private altius imidlng ate round ilefore i be Jury was called Into Ha- tiered paienta made amount Ing I nana t beet) mere inmtfl, They were 1 epreaentaj lit court by ItoaolHllaHa were niflflte,t praytnc lms. Aitroney Wllkerson made tne all to alanit Sl.omi. it was also v on stiowatf me a OhaiittrlOH J wetftba eioae on 4svTav 9 m err rr heir stlorney. R C. OortHor, and en- tlutt the congraaa or tti Unltad fume ffrlea same objection made uy Attorney ftfci that a uayinent of nhout Iftoo b ainavnuitmm'" ",,i mirsa. ooya I tered a plea of not ulliy. The pre- States tn pending sUtUhuod bills, or rare later to loO iHmnda and at im present Chltders during the niornlug. Mr on the new bam now being eraataiH; there were whole for- - or ll(HlW tip the make: voual liminary bearing was waived and they In snail aa hum IiiimdHi . ii here- " ratlc lllCruiSe le Wllkeraoo's object Ion ae likewise ba at the laatltitie Mr salt IHn k ' I SOU uere iKHind over to awfllt the action for statehood lalen t" trees. Tben saw aoalas at pounds within yearn overmlod. after ftr Now Mealeu, the Institute now nn eleven InjMtea fM m SELECTIONS of the United ittatea grnlid jury They Itisart provisos taaroTn appropriating tr .Hometblug must have Farm flfa Is agreeing wlt the The Sarlngei u one appeal. .1 FOR TMB HOLIDAY tl ' one day to fellow, tilld entilUSMtMlU WllO ba i ie rekMei under liMiilg of llix' a aiinicleni ncranga of iillliin lands lll'l "I take the tit. from Foliee Jinlu. Crawford's court, i trrlHg Into wjtteh e'U-- for purpose (ilaonarami; IRRIGATION UNDERTAKING ffir of hlaa What It was basil tucax hint Iiaalt tie hi the deiendam was fined foi in rue fry the of the d- - i - prsj ii say given up ne hop- ilragnliiK The arrjaia wore made oh eomplaint railroad aid debt, and unpaid lounona J riiis hart th task .eating Httd a balky bort. NEAR SILVER CITY "W l fl en t i McmmrmBRosj u j. Cmndall, auparintandefii nnd and Judgment tliortm of coun- here several by tha neck, near Hie corner of,Ooi f tin Waei. . tiatfj biuu-naa- kiHtaiftl dtojursement In- i'.' g' aciiunlnied with an Tha ftehtiug game is a fuliuy avenue and Secon.i Nirent, aniBSHhim.' STOCKTON Haent of the ties af a and Orilfg in thla up JZS ST. ferior department, tfnite Blntoa terrttsry. it DIG PROJECT TO IRRIGATE MANY "uk a liking to me Ttinuny Ityuii was vdheil vsr a year ago. 'ru, attracte.i OAN rRANC 'CO, i iisplaylng of HmUttga Hart, and now wh has 1 or the Santo Coplaa of the reaolatiQua to ACRES, a band to Miinlu wide ntienllon nt Hie time. CAL. hare ire UNDER CONSIDERA well, Ima ailgawnl to Ckti) liullwii leaervntti'ti III Itlo Arri- n sant lo the prtMldetit of lie brt hand); thai Jnok Oiirley been .tiate. TION. plljldlHf 10 ligr. Mnrvln Tomni) Mrs. . ba ooatiiy. am) tlio of linuBa f She wouldn't hive miiao Hnrt nml Carter, widow of tho forim aneakar the tho tiw It) Itfty-iltiH- U kJvhh to tnj If hadn't llkod me, Ilynn. A manager for Hart. an cedent editor of "SiiiiHlilne, tin la- " longnMui. and to" D 'egala One ut the IrrluUllun enter &i- - ... . . W Ai Iresrk, IiIiki Willi Id ue. i pi wevaa anr Kin and Curtoy will probably be next in tter' dantli ucaitrltiK a agurt tlm. ago. EDUCATORS HfTd II. In niu , M MjT prlsae OfSr iiiidertakliu the Silver mo to get i cunipie of i.urios, snying oritur, it takes nine tailors to make ha-- rattiriiod to tlio ally from her City stjollon of ihe tarjutory la the (Iiui an. waa KOing tn liuvt me some a man. Onti nine managon make a home In Ohio, and mny remain liaro QUARTERLY MEETING THE STAG. CANON FUEL Itlo' MTtnliro IrrlHiitlOji comtmny tiling which fJMV knew aUun Out of ahHtnptoti out of this bunuli? during the runialndnr of tho winter. COMPANY INCORPORATE wlikii will build nn Itilipnse dam on l t taking enrlMiiii wont with in r Kiovon or The Now Orleans turf war HE PAY3 THE FREIGHT AT THE CAPITA l"LA8T SATUR The loliowlng artlilwa of InOoi ixira i be Mlinurea river and rootaim it vast twoive miiag oil of tlrflmii we rode on a tltigo or the picturesque Free or DAY AND TOOK ACTION ON ilon have lieon tiled In the tilliuc or .1 sootlon land In (Hunt and (.una into a any She aakeii me for my ndmisatnn b .. t" tstw tracka are Indigestion Causes 4 Pull Quart of CERTIFICATES. W ItsyuuliU, secretary of tlio 'rrl eouiiiJBe, kill re. opo ok i she Lihlteil the hi lea van or. :u '.i.'ks of Uie Ynliotn iofy Tlio prumotors havo oompleted all an- - CatarrH of the uiaile into rti appeared io he the brosn, hlllidreda ot liorsae "'! UU J I V Is XIMIJ a. tliu pjpilmliury detnlU work will 111111111IIIIIIUI a s biii 1 1 1 .1 n Tlie tiaartisrl meet ina of Jlie refill The Staq Canon Fuel Company. and solid ruck tlx ennyon rfhe chip flomtng. tha purses nra lltflini. tin Stomach. UUMUSjaga VIMII IllllWIIfe" be ctfiutnonccd The .' wus Frtnclnal place 01 biia(noe. Alamo at onea. oomiHtny tied off a p iUu r.x-i- and mil hetilng Idrga and ns tha hgrse For many yetrs II has been supposed lhal tortal rplaanlloual AtteodiUliHi rich-es- t - hag (ocured 110)00 auros nf the in- - ring Catarrh ol the Slomtcli caused In&ceitlon bate! 8tiirtla) m the oiilc of Hiram (twin. i'nnipai agent. Hunr- J An it into in r ni itti Then chipped onaletujlly run true to form lb" In MtmbrM valley. som.- - and truth Is exactly tlis llaillar. aHlieriiiiMUlent of public deraon. of Alamo, rdo niie oblaci nt land the river off another aud itasseti li io tne. follower! got show for their dyspepsia, but the Tha company wns flrst started some I put D i in u ..r a oppoilte. Indigestion csujescatinh. Re 93.20 at Fe Tliaae pfos- - the ooinpany la in acquire, own. lease In ti tn. it sw solu Thar is I't'ir IIIiJIIkhi sUi six yoars ago. work .! pasted ol lndlctttlon inllsmes Kxpress Prepaid, nt were Frofaaaor Hiram upy, jise and deveion lands eon but no native has Well, sir uuiat vau iblnk li x'asf OBimironilsO. atticks ths lfitilia'. "' yet beau on tlio although mucous membranes llnlnf tha rtjmsch and 38 I'mreaaor W (1 Thjlit. of tile Unj. tabling Ml 01 other uTttterels, and done nrolm. .vnililiiK miifS ni less than honey. llAslarn fiHirts pin little f"1"1 "i ImK Double Star Whiskey Is th promoters been silting the that McOuv.-r- a Nelson eipoMSthe nerves ol theslomseh.thui wu-I- nj . erny of New Majfleo at Albimu wo.iii lands or other lands, for the pur-km- litd "There is a ."In about eighteen the claim and Fine, 7 year-ol- Wto oxpnnit-e- Ihe secrets mucin iV Pino. - euiurpnse in an am nnu nave Philadelphia ncxi glsnds to Irutetd si Hit 1'rofeatsor (' . l.iglll, nf Sllvo'r 6f Ihe orixmitMiiu to sail. U- ineiiae AidOi a imh or so deep, run will moat at hey. made, In u aum monoy irl Die of digestion. This to mm baud 0 v 1UN11 - - large of la carrying iilng from UiO ' ' up year. Nebton Is maklitg fl.SOit a Juices nttural ' It I'mfesaor RMHIunil J. Veil, xe 01 or m aald Hind- 10 man- through that Kentnnltv-- .lilallllnrv- ..Pit.. scheme aa fur as they lutvo !' u csny.m. It vsajek on stage, would ( called Catarrh of the Stomsch. "rf in- Normal Kelicasl for lBarhenL uincttire oki or other yrodui'ia tt oni tha entlri' side stiffi the ami the aud he mill oweei. mcry woisa i The cost of construction of the Irrl . u net rtiled in wall Is law tBSilah to pass b up for a chan ah aan. ant i'tufeaaor i.itthir t'leav kin!. and to eell Br oiherw lee . That noiiao ieii thla gratlo for CO aud . . ... u . nv um . .. Kodoi Dyspepsia Gur II 1 uar.iiii hi ill., ndiiiii.auv u I Mi l'ii' ..f Hi. Auric. mural Collega At r unie ia aaui urmtn. i. i ne .mill ew - ievu. many inti.'lreds to defeated by ttorarn Nelm ni I. tftou.ooj, ' H "Wi.oiai land Uiou.nnds erf h ' '.. of Would nave little i. train In such a roileves all Inflammation ot ths mucous Me .ni,. fark aplutl si "i ia tUti i"! into ''wd tj, msnulsted v. A n,.H III! HHIH U mine Ul.ll .1 ' I flKht lining protects I'i "t' BKiir r - r i. najplder, of Bl s.itoo share, or the wtr VOUw t 1100 " ". mw nooey u ciais' in ih'i rtck while ha womd lose avei bit membranes ths stomsch, ths """",,,rB, of Rb,ul mfh- - n. i l .I,- - of I., de- Mirliil. a l'"l ue fV WBa esch. mi ..f the stock to W common im mn't profess to tne Hnow his prestige sh"nld lis nerves, snd cures bad breath, sour rltlncs, you t tr 8 h.llila n II n"ti nnu oil riKIl'. ill tn s'iaii'1 tl! t.Mk the porporalkjii is u earn- - wniait win ue avni wmi-- w nw .(uere U a lori'ii there ' uk sod feat 'i. a sensa ol luuness alter esting, tudi j&auon, iflri hi ,itir uviiniUA will raft . A The nn ni'.. - ", lit Ion l.iiMineia With 11,000 prill- - ternifc soina ui e i'a uuie i ,i it .'i tbat CleHara Nelson Mile, dyspepsia snd all stomsch troubles. - HH.ieisi mellre The . our nionc- ' r, t i H u pent ' lie ,.1 i ' l',.al ini are I., 'i'ay-U- piaotKi v's non nre U. A.. reilreiL has written series l.v p. uk on' I".' business oriM.ratiira John iii. ' Kodol Digests What You Eat Ilenilt o. monej order NEW CADI NET WA8 t i IP 'be u it.oW III Ub-Ja- KutnUiiH, (l. M. Hanson, A. has pitiMtrveti wain an ut artlalaa deelaona foot sail nriital. presa fllid ti. n't' Ulf J'.l.u INSTALLED, Malta ths Stomach Sweet. or Imnk draft. Heferem ra, of life rerilAmlea, applied for lit .1 King, all of Kl i'aso. Texas nnd W FORMALLY with twofiar. degrading and deadly," it is in order tkatlsiMlr Rtrsursiis si OO.fcsUmeSHtlmas express office, or ettiH Denver bank or a ere Iiuirtei'i) v Hawklnx . r life loiidon. Dec. II The liberal mlu wont iell where that boney for Mr. "Hurry Up" Yost or some lb irltl Hi. tili lor 60 eacbers There Aiaiuoaordo The sX UU I I i 'o. his orr fsw mlrrliig Vraasrad bf t, O. OsWITT OO.,0hleu. nnil nnU Consumers' Wholes .' Inn . veiul "I i ..'Mil' ni fixed at titty oler i'OMlnalllg tlie II. w catilnet. uut I'll take lh nun with immey kind to dash a "iii. till- - " flamboyant sMo by druggists. UUriiliLUUrAisnd Mall Order He t 'nun i'i . n ei it 'I MSI" Mere forihall) itiKialli't fdav I. SKlt atragrnphs on militarism i'or all I fmttt - si lutvita t . - iittliA i.t i.-- .!.i in I v tut-ka tain nlKhln when hey have other ao WINTER IS HERE A CHORUS GIRL HOW LIVE NEW YORK rtal duties to itmorni and In secur- MOST ANYTHING TELLS THE CHORUS GIRLS ing those goals was where the little Hut I your ayalcm atronR cnotiRh to - clique in sorlet;- pwt In their finest evero cold mclom-o- nt N withstand the and -- EWS LETTER work. wenthr If not, you're liable to 0 Jeanetle Paterton. w OLD TIM Hit. attack of Chill. Cold, Grippe, or (ChorH tllrl In prtui Schefr Co.) n Pneumonia. Strengthen the wit ire The life of the ehorna jelrt la net nil ytem tiy taking JURY CASES ARE hainaoitiie and auto. There are Jews Have Raised Million. llWll flrla. to be enn. who ai attr NvwYork. Dec. . The unanimity SET FOR TRIAL HOSTETTER'S wtili winch til entire community ha ISIitfod with ererythine that heart In Swat roller think tb't Hn dealfo or ntunev proetire. toward the Jews tots tour STOMACH BITTERS iwcajMr IlHtj calamity, when they Are ahar Judge Abbott m Saturday after- a thing wnm'i are In of their p 'e,,9We tbeee not the majoritv rife ing tin' Harrow of thif'r iiretbern in noon hut. eet mm lit Hie unexpired before It la loo late. It afro niree Hat wrck ll HumTs. m I .eon maet at term of ibf Second district court a Heartjurn, Gloating Belching, Inctl won't be neat eek. eii a most remarkable. The follows: geitlon, Dyipepvla, Iniomnl. and Malaria, (let today, .if ( ontrlhtitton ha itiJ December 11. a bottle nleo ak No. vn. jronr ilrtiiigtat copy of fun. I to a milium of dollar, v liHe m, Twmimf William for a free our thr 1006 It on ii" hand Jrwa ha- - hern made Banner. llluitrated Almanac. a well MW, wort it Having. tn ft'ri i tint they art1 to Ibc Ha Territory Itslmaodu heSru r 'nrlt!ah thac. they have aejra th ftepirbllcan. Tuewlay TK5 . MM, Territory Kalmqado m i ii tiefot.- Thi lt'iinnlng of Na v. oleotkHi waa held when tho bod and If W. Lawewo l Iew .) ns one wore It wa funrttf Tho. irrested a the tlit' Kat votes counted out tew more if the most renin kMc cet. ever December 18. of 78 to 7 were for the bond ami 'Itnea on the caaru of llliel - he may t In fit) wu a If No. JiTT, Territory vs. saMnlhlado C. angry and abn, soaae ltnKHl thl water. J. loeara and Rev. Hugmt ti.idy . upon great tilark (Mil had fallen IIm acted at clerk . The election entire Kaet IMde. The ..trwia were No. (Ml, Twrltorr vs. Clmrloa pa eet off very qnletly the voter packed with eolemn, grief Mrhiken Malaz wont to toe poll and coating their Work Butt In On Literature, No. tPM, Terrttory ve. floferllM on being Jew, aii.t nut n sound of ndvth or wttee, went about tliatr reguhtr Vttal neomint of nrid with Jeanettr Palertoi waa tn l "mard. Rarh Crollott. nom Very It riliy eleettwieer-la- g jio wom Sao toe eiesiwtl jnt paieeti, ; r merriment Mo. little are essipettoJ fnr ,na ehoros girl. ho la an person looked and net ml ej ihowith tm. Territory v. 8errino waa don. Thooe who wore for "v to nVl ont jest half ""rage re nt the if helr heat the eoat 'be naaal alto of mir aynr thi wwk; enrnem worker and not primarily n thev hural No. ve. tflaaaflr their Individual ami Inn. waillm, nsembted iMI, Tertllon Toiaaa Hulx. vote and did IK talking Had hr'oved. 13. tie the forefathers, who "hanged December rery row who were against It did that of 'heir MlademeaiWf mmm. tho (Ky.) IliouaaadMleha. pf"1"""' m samo, per-- . their harp the willow." eaatlwa and from the tnllt In front of saliiry l she reached the luwn where the Everything Writ. On December 14, The of a ehorua girl Juet Help. In Ibtbyl n. an told in llutv - the otltir tbtoe It wit Impoaelble to farliMnee wa to lie alven. be woold If a ability n No. MM Able-r- ot A mi ha and awed ft Ml, llirfllorj- ; Ohleaso pnnor enlla nttentasn etteogh for her to live upon, Thanksgiving Day the meeting nt T. toll what the reentt wontd be. to;aeoni have n Silent dlnnet. At this rate. lure ehe often makes tHoasy hr Carnegie Hull wo f Intern mtetest . the tert that tats hAR been a hard Hy rcowoniv she can out bv imum,b her expettsee Efln Ko, MM. Terrllflry ro. ffrogoria ( were Hmler is for the 'for ar(ft and pbotolfwonr, i ami the ninn'festatlon of ymptuy for Don't drttK the atnnineh to cure n v eeh. The real of her money went hnow a girl, mere. cough, one Mft.nte CoiikIi who, wweever nhn t lit. victim, and of litdlgnsttm t thu Care cuts heme. 81i did oven bettor this ranchen a big town which i No. MM, Torrtlnry iHleep OhII- - tho it) IHOf than Initial. nitiM be idle when all Is abliitc net than la she to author of the lnug1itr lr. O.lenso. r. ncM. draw the Inflammntloti one time, for ahe ohkIu bMlgtngs remain for several day, Immediately orre. out of throat, lung I and nothing oouilag In. -- t 81. T st rim re. Nlahinetr and Moscow the ami branchial She whero the of a roeni wa only goes aome gallery, to ee If 4he No. MIC. Tartltery va. mdario tatll. tones, heals, A "Chicago has hewn abuat.i from to HO a week while aha i sat to wna most earnest ntMl iimpohn soothe and euros. hr lis Its M cent a ntaliL It waa otonn nnd the can add to ilendei means nn a No. 3000, to. WUWfim ' ww-a.- " olio etuidoyed. mm- - her lrrllory nitleh cure for Oroup and Whooplna declare of tlto ami miih mwit to R ihat bed was enfl ami coniforlnble. too. model. Even Morgan dot Dlt. Wnnor. UOOR. HOIU by nil drURglata. pmitiurnnt nwyera or inni- rtiy. rint'l'1 aw aer ovoi' tn rainy tiny, 10. nmny. It' own hn.iw Wien (nniMiuy Light Housekeeping. MnHv of the Rlrls make their .wn evr.rvsnM December eitlion more a first alart out way glrla In Much sympathy la 'hot MM), Mun-so- y. NEW DAOE Another that ave is elothe awl trim their own hula If No. 'retrltftry vn. John 8. YORK anont It than outshlora tie. onoli girl Ita to nay of i .1. P. Morgan bur nut bar alai be matter of washing. We only got seme I our good friend. BALL CLUQ "" ' one of iliem partlettiarlv MEETS. Of two Plt of tlohta, a ootiplo of n when bson done Ity that expert rnlloarter. No. 8018, TarrltlBry vtt. wnilnw New York. Deo. 11. The annual iir trnaha otic wek L clever wrth her fingers aho often with-IhiRen- c In hla awlft notomnhlte. he could, Wnssner. mooting nf tho atoohholilont nf Ui sow for the rest, and toplentoliee her of PlnHiiHntl. awv iiv l' TTtW "U tv owiMo; IHIlltVI l RnHMJ I 1 tiM ease etieii girl to carry HiHi way. I Zimmerman No. MIS, 'rorrttory va. William Now York lhue Ball Clnb Vlli be mom .kM'totK night." la tries mirse in One a company pleWttn of at railroad fura paid, but all else, hur eeuogjt wn In got sirnmtod on th nnd lint nn Atneriean. mr waamir. hohl In the office of the eomoaoe In iMMnl dothlntc wake herself oont road, man. vht wna ahlw to buy nml lodtdHg, earaos out of her fortaMe. t have gone woek whore the girls it railroad Nil. MM. TorrHory ro. Ckiede Untitle Jemoy City ttila attortwoti. A new-- Vice Preblent Cnlrbnnk aya re- salary. turned their hands iKtrKnln rate, a dttke tor the noly ehrtalHg that I have sent to thing hone that rnme their way. at cottnlar and .low ItHOn board of director and other officials form I paKmodte. Nebwly aiifltoel- - Hero's Eeonomv. th lauatlry wer my ahlrt Ope girl I hla dmiNNter. mlRht mMf No. MSt. noma. i mr toe eooniog year will he etected, waists. took care of Hi"-roa- ate thi than Sir. PalrMnks. ('horns girl twtially ohurn palHwd offhe itt.r togother When we would get fo a room hi Id ii cl oxtweted to have No. Mil, nme. ha J(n been In hat! to eeommtlao. In or. that the different ret tn the I. par-cliaa- I lie neceaful travollnc twn Rot worth a mnrh thv No. MM, Tho Torture of a Preasher. wa Ms and niry we would waah oor While ihclr oiiither Mboppe1 or t-I up- - ahiho. namiMiIgn. copy one berth, end I have known 4o- - Mld for It. ti a h oi "hot. No. MSI, eame. The story of the tort are of Rev. O. atcHk hi, underchahee and handkor ed. and h, wa pruod bxlna a a liaflk- - D. Moore, pastor . stsnrea where two anch made the cblef about, wheo mi urh a uinridinc thr of the Baptist church A - hant them end Biirer main uniii ane sot ian . December 10. in known by com- Pullman oar iir ln-et- 'lie do as r f Broad and Wall Tha of llarporsvllle, N. Y, will iiinii"r service a hotel we ar In the morolnj they were tiisetbi't to buy a tick t No. MU. TorrtUarr va. .?.pj and Interest party he rut-tu- while doing one mimef 0 a iiHltt maio-- r a few mlllloo you. my: "I alo night stands. freah ami dean, only needing tho New York. mirh I.WIlle. tie aotfered aaonle i Their room i i ! eoAiga, re-- rent la thi way was 7 polling .Ifiilar in iintuaix-- dbii booia in I bocnuae of a peralstont 1 hv and patting to make them ll la no ail roses, hot there a aa- - nmt.i Ye. bridge teach, a nit more than a third of havt i'whim-- tbv atK'ntion of the m i us tenrr? their look a Hxmgh they had from a raorleailoM about the life There la No. 1. Territory va. Roman Li- i.mi tee ' iriva to wage une triene girl used wttir l tn n irprUlaa. wliero slotp up In bod. I many i ol to French laundry. plenty of hard work. h s it.. Mi.raaii tem y JantlllaHoa, et al. HIuh tried m.ii train-In- u save b tberv tbey "Ha fomtd jronr collcae gettlHg her meal at the way-statio- Olrla always try mtilli im ar. dealt In ai though No. Mil, remedies without relief, unlll I took1 f nny to live the also lota of pleas re. And thet la Mine. velosT" gulping down a f I ii.antito. uvldeotly or. Ring's New Discovery for cup hot theater mr .mite rrmC Unit, alwtt? the tbooght of tho few who rvii. Mran No. MM, oHine. colfee and a nickel', worth of fr "i.niKist the . H. & tl.. when Omgks and Colds, wnloh roll. eapedalli n rebel M!a inr- - count- bnve come out to be bright. Mat ina-la- that, f No. MIC. Territory m. Hlekox. "Indeed. I aavo,- - replied, "I Her luncheon would lie, ov-- r wan aa from antlrely my coggn kt perhaps, ed licid he ehorua Is oaJj paid stars, t alwmy'il tr him Ire No. MM, Territory va. John nor-ni-ne, eorod and snroa wa a walker g a depatUnefit double and the hope nnlmat a tooth, IB from MHisninetlOH.H A grand that nmctint. and then, when after the pi. "'notion I on. yon 'li'Mr nml rtear aa an at al. ettro col- - there that will be picked nex'. con-o- ' otore th first year after I last tint tin- - Hrlf expert, wheo the Nn. jO70, aaino. for diseased eoadltteai or the Thmat uUn- - wn hand4 to that aya-t-- No. M71, wma. oofliu swsgjs. mil in i ivw oti in Mini. t the whole eve tint 1.4 guaranteed. hot-ti- e bnviHg been an nmeiwlmeiit wbtcli He tnad' a rnrch thnmfh No. Mtt, Terrttory vs. John Mur- f Trial "I can t aeveral freo. uaderstnml m the voter PRESIDENT'S VICTORY IN FAVOR entit added 10 Hie tat tttiebiod rlpket) proiierty, and foniitl phy et al. , of this country titlurnlo bons.M Million of indtditetltioM. nml that th No Uory niu. mfi, Teri 1. Ooee loraltn. GIANT "Yon forget that MOst of the Wlers railroad had not imrnotl expeuw thu 19. THE CARMANIA December ARRIVES AT NEW aro married. ECONOMY IS THE WORD, twt year by nearly a million dollar. No. MT8. TrrltOry Cddrgo K. YORK OF RAILWAY RATE LEGISLATION i AND NO PUBLIC DUILDINOS. Therefore they klfihed. and Mortwit Neher. i. New York. Dee. 11. Tho linn trans- - . Atlantic turbine steoninr. the KrHnt' 'he derkg In a Jnitlln. Mo., bnnh During the first weofc of tho ses trxik tho peaky thitiK hack, nnd tnahtal No, 3070. Toriitory va, ITnnk U. nr - helven tn hla Oainanla. of the Cunnnl line, nrrtvotl Lnnit experience with sion the iitml numtior of nfKg onrry- It nwny on ono of tho Slurxo. bonnet makes onuv for litem to office. And wlint will he do wltn No. va, today after a Hticceenful tlintigb tent One-Se- ncv MSB. Territory I.anronoe peattnm voyage. keep the aooownU straight. The Session Will be Short nate Will it? unfortnnatoly. It In aplkeil down Mnninnn. The Cnrnmnla has Pass'SiTikS" fiUSStWi nccommodatlnn ftn 3,inrt jiomotiN. even poftsJhlf that UlUTO llbV lHn to the localliltMi It travomt. If ho No. 3080. Territory va. Juan M. "How .In you find things, my mailt" It along with Railway Bill a rw more than tlie tietial imtuser could fold It tip and take Martlnex. Clear the Way. Doll, b renllod. Pleasing to the President going a lot ho travel In hla Corealr. or There are lo he of him hh The illusion of "Karly Miner" Is Hat that was the way be wlshod cities; for there la hnntly wlft nutomolille. hi' ooulil. with- Give Your Stomach Rett. seta-Kor- n In hi to door tho way nnd give Nature full Iti find them being a knife anil Without Any ihe remotest chance that n puwoe out dotitit, enlly find a purcliuaer. a Nothing wilt ottre imllgottlou that wny. grinder. Prolonged Struggle. - Tltoio famous llttlo pill rid ImlMIng bill will mm. There will b l niatiy a hit of territory that doesn't dlRMt tho food.- Iteolf, and them tho ttonmch and howol of all putrid nnprnprhtllona, of course, fnr eontlfi-tila- g In- - doath to have a give tlis atomnah rest. You can't ex- "I would tickled tn matter, thus removing tho cnusM of understand that yoitr roliition work on hulldlnne now iinder rvady-nind- railroad, tn fttook. pect that a weak slomnoh will regain the Mr company ni-- whole hoadnche. conitlpntlon, nallow com with Insurance PROSPECT IS QUITE BRILLIANT FOR way, but It will prolmbly be pao-plo- 'a Its wtrength bml woll wherl It JOINT STATEHOOD carrNI no to apeak, laid down before Ita Ret is plexkm. Hnrly urelneii. aUl tlio nokv title man. In s etc. DaWllf IJttlo the sundry o(vl bill. xpeaker door without prellntlinry fna-In- compelled to do (lie full work that n gripe "You are wlstfiasii." roolletl the pat stomaoh should do. Yon ltler never or ilokon. A into, compsny rannon hn set hla fnoe Rrm ugalitst He ham lnre concluded to totind pleaant. perfeot pill. Mack Hamilton, loyal employ. "I havn not nny new public liulklltig projoote, wouldn't expect a lick horse to got relation-- , with 'Plioy. Special tu The Itvenlng Cltlwn. All the Important legislation to be It Into the hand of a receiver. hotel clerk nt Valley City. N. D.. the aompany. however, and has refuiHHl to well when It I cam pelted to do a full j Wtishlngton, I). 11. emiatod at this will be per- lo tltin ay: lKittloa of thoao are the i.rcaldenfs." C, Dec. (Ireut session anxtooH day's work every day of the week. 'Two Famous hi public opinion. fected in oBwiiHlttee ami will memhsra who Iwr sought to flemedlc Carried to Extrem. Little Pills rurod me of chronic tho force of Thtire have the plead with him. Ttif HKitntton a to tubroulo4l I Kodnl DysiieiMln Cure I a parfeot "Ani In yon have the nerve to toll am tioeniHbtlti evidence that It final avowtneiH of the Imhm rulers a Bold by nil drugglits. three-yenwi- The killing off or new public the food rouard-!c- me yon told yonr ld boy tn before It over lieeomvs of all , tnKlitK vlatirou atrldea. and th nnd diss! lute enabled Tiiuidore Ilnosevelt the aabejot "h heei-Iti- g hnlldlug (irojeots Is one of too Pick- anbji-i'- t I lirotiulrt bforB the public of t'ae condition of your stpaiacli. "SHOVV'TS there no Snntn CbttMT" win u victory over the United Statu iiublle iiebnte. Just l wsy of CHICKEN ' er's scnemea of wiping ont tbe treas- in otm tnany way nnd form and ao Itblleves IndlKeatloii. lletehlnR. Sour HELD IN OKLAHOMA, "'I'hai i. jnst oxaetly what I did." fttiiiiuo. it would nmm nlmost eafo hla iioye" in good humor, "Unole letM ury deficit. . ontuntl, that It la not nt all Stomach, and nil' atomach disorder. autlirle, Ohln., Doa 11. Sovoral "What did the poor Utile fellow to make a positive prodlotlou that a Joe" thciH ufk when thors is no rail-wn- undeterred by the aHMMUdameat npprontlatod Sold by all tlitMUnml yr law the federal regulation of. y poitelbie chniioe thin their argiimiinta that the city ha druwlat. dollnrs in prltoe will be for ihat economy I to lie the waJgwDrd (f.iio.imiii for limtietltate work upon a comiKded for nt tho poultry Hhow "lie told me I waa a llnr." rules, aeeoptuble to thu preel-tlou- t. onn Influence the final result. Till A of the present seeeimi, the iMineler" will he 3UCH SCHOOL n. will bu the present prevent dlsoonieui and fumlahea 'ttbt rcnl.mln hoapltal. It of tho Oklahoma Kunelera' Aneocta-tlo- enauted at ser-etiel- y "Hello old man." sang out the man- enngrese. eloquence home of the Jamestown exjiosJttoit M . i Staten (aland, nnd the NEEDED IN NEW MEXICO. whtoli opened hem today for u homhIou of for eonanmtlon. So rifii ager of the mtielonl oomody oom-pnn- asltiUK fir tlOn.tMW n tilt) ml win be fully It week' run. Ho would bavo bveu deemed n fool- when the hoiiee Is talking tariff, to his OR) friend. "How's biMi-ne- a eantrltriitlou to Hint new rt.'iil.l f'-t- that the ravage of ti Arltona'a Industrial and Reform ish mnn who would have ventured therefore. Just mmonilMir that apmk project. School for Boya and Girls. i The Oeaion with yonf" er Ontinon and his lieutenant are off m would moet with a decided of IndlnestUrt. siioh it prediction n month ngti. 'Iven Tlmre Isn't any ehanoo net- Indigestion "My iioslnoaa. replied the pre In ho I aeolufltdl mil room of tholr K n with all theu effort in The leaaon of is upon a weak ugo tliuro were nil tho ulgtiH lie ami tee in.noo.nw). id v boy warn lirriiiglit lo In- - ngtrnt for grent ting nml IteiiroMunlaUve nnd till oontnnt Iteration Another the. U. Kodol Dyapepuln Ouro for Ind. tho einollonal nctrea. a no Impending f'Kht which men norm ahnll and iteration Hoform Sohtxil Ht lien-- 1 of hnue Maynnrd or Virginia, Uis sjxitOelUon'a la now holme .tustrlnl nnd nnd Dynpopiln will do every-j- n "Is boomlnK." began wny which shall not pas ud tbst the ai'i r'i'iratlnu that aon-- flrouml to give sponsor In the hoiie, dotstrrt nxport itmn-u- r fnmi Phootilx. who will n, thing for sloiimeh over- - pit llli! fireworks mi made SliMtnwhllo. ootne of tho the that an "Judge Andy" tiutlor tho upiiosltlou whou Ppcnkur have real any nm. Willi (ii wnyn - d Hamilton ha prow such lie argues, the tho hoapKnla inni me ycnin, ue I otliw- loadod or over-worke- stomach can wurk nt aonio of atono Prospector. II" wnn hrouglit lse.l to wHte nboiit his coiineotlon P"""" nt1fwl "lt0 ,"""Pl.W.,ith mall boy' Irrefutable logta, how- t have but Utile UnowlodKo not do for Itietf. Kodol digest what acini down by glinrlff Hunt for BberlfT you give with lbs fa ituHirnnee oompnnle, .,.n"UKH' ever, that he will come nearor hlttltta ark of H We meet overy dnr a eat the stomach a rcit rate hill would PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Walker, of Maricopa county Mlmnnch, but If lie tloosM't hurry he wont the moon by trying Uian If he didn't man who ha a oltIod Tint retloves sour belching, heart, ' he reproaentattve CUTS OFF FHEU PASSES.. ti.winpor forty-fiv- e boy know to whom to send the letter iw shoot at nil: and there la the further liroiiicht on by the drlftlnif makes confined In that burn, indlgoitlnn, etc. f"'"!)' of congree. This compact ...tilth liiMltulInn nml five girl. Ono of Hie 'The presltlent'a mewmgo wit nonaldernUon that winterer snm the snow HllRht coverlet of ' tl,e Wtwila Inio count of y uiMin tho I ho - Hew to tho linn the .a In the uewapnir of Wodsnes-iln- exiKMlitofl doe ettoeeod In geUlng wna lie by an latter to transferred to the frlt- EDWARD ATKINSON ...... J ' f"..'" r,,,p'innlto1 bus (of rot ita he made to femleu In an wnere uiny, ttte and while there mornliiK which onators and will npiiear modeat nwitssjtdo what llollevue word. Home l'lioenix. DEAD AT BOSTON, isity nunilore uoi: of window In a Matw. great ataiesiMn. boon no public anttmiiiaameni their read, but it waeni the waa a shad. lioston. Doe. I ll.Ifclwanl outiVttHH, evhlent that the count eon-t- or For Atklmmn. a known anil Having heard so mash talk of it msesage which oaiimhI thetn to Why Mourned, Cracked Hand. well hooIiiI wu favorable to the prost-Jen- t snd ENEMY OF SEEDS the Tar ' Hough aklu and political economist Ileal d tlnal" it was In gtotmiy Utile grotiti. The FREE filnr,. Itmv-iti- craekbd hand aro of tills oltv. "rinro the ttonple. me l!rlilh tleot aatled. not only by Do HUildeniy np.'Woodw ho Stent man spnhn of Muse of their woe was a dlapoleli FOOLISHLY PROMINENT aome crow btAilnd. not cured Wit's Haxol today after an attack of of Ita but Solve, but nn ocoattlonal application aotltn liidUeslMMt. nffeettnir t)i henrt..r,P It would not be fair to eay that under riuiutieitibia date which an ItenreseniatK" .Morris nepfmrd. many wan reported at firm. Mr. - ho a will keep the skin sort and Hiuooth. He wua 78 years old. Itoosevelt was nomprjiutsed, Ho nouueed that the leonsivanlM rail- the youthful sad eankraM wemllsT of HtotttHi of that orurmme road oomrwny - , Tsyxh the adneu Uest fur Hcsema, cuu, Ilurus, Dolls, Why dimt yon have a woman or-- 1 will nnd or fall by the eeeeotlnl kail derided to dlaooti the how fans the "Ink dl ( hn Jackleit aa Ihty cnine to know nrinolplea bill, all of relsntlong rttc. 'Ilia genuine DoWItfs Witch Why I guulstf" of the tlntte farm free transportation. trtet. is tbe ntnl WUH"Mb'' New York, nffortlwl miperabumlnnt John Uuoted. me- - Ilosel Salvo afford Iminodlnto Amonif ttifbiu unn nri ,m.u ... In "l)eaee we on n't find one." re- - "tu nn nas inane u pntin in ma it netng maiio ihiiiii that eenuinc nun toe of Irve seww for to Amenenn j relief - iik'iic-- g eugo to onngretM Is pot representatives a onn- ttiiiii imi iiii niiiiiiiK it'i In nil form Dllnil, llleodlug, 1 toll-lu- their rampllment Signal Is oJiwr director. "Hvory w that he going are prominent mow, farmer, n sonnht s tbe but iiiiti It, come of for the I'"1 Jl'f a goo( titu and flottltiK have and Protruding Sold by al jonn Me good me powiiou uc to be a ktlokler for minor detail, thoae wlw will have to oar oaak to graaa to so amend b agrlroltHral Hall-tu- x Piles. ii. I.lndMj'. knows a "J?" wive oiibiwi tu IIrIii When the fleet atrtick druggists. iwper when he 'rends It. 1ind Inatots ollnetl iKionuse If io play. hi the ofwod the rallnwtl senntors a travel after January 1st. apirroprtatloH Mil aa to tut nut the Jnckle apretul thenuelve Itoose- - StHkj wra the that It ta among the number of hie n" no tiM have W volee In the Htnoeful line of retreat. Mr. rimt was bad enough, too loo bad. allowaace. Hla nHe the tir.miKli town nml covered nil the ...v . . . utintii veil l.ilrtnt ulmwu n iltatinAtttoii ii t.u ... .1... i, . one in support of amend- 'he GALLUP VOTES FOR necoMities We laHO lltiorty Ot V - in mv., um ... minm only tbe they n It wa Ills ,7.. ii say. nwfmictl am' dry land could traverse WATER BONDS. imiklug reference to Jo'nn. a nn nu reaeoHitnie. iney tnere is no iuiwi iiu, lnnhr uiinauiiMHimM tiiui ment. tho flrai time in tunny month that reason why n rate bill, equitable He routes bright early thnrlty. because wo think be know.--- ! Bachelors Mean Duslnesa. and other roods were likely to follow tee forward ami iliey Had felt Old Mother tinder of just to parties, cannot be a k rood In present sesntmi ftnrth Taxpayers that Town Voted to Snllnoville tO.) Signal. Jas. Harper and Met I. Murray, twn all lead of tlie i'ottaylvaHlu. Think what the with a Hew u helr money olid tlK)u. Thte Hie senate to ave method of A bill IntftHlHSSd their fee and Raise Funds to Sink Well. of Mir goiMl niitured Iwehelors, took enables ll would menu to etatesmen from the attack. a Its sain- - avoid I iiuit-im- as 'htoiiKli their Jihfier nt lively rate, Secretary and Treamirer John N. a I rip to Siiuaroruvh Hiiturtly. face, and at the time 'a ol fIc coasta were the rule by Mr hPlrd ptovldes that QpvU The eitlxcn of rinllup ( oom-pan- iHirnnlllK up HBolnat a ilrmly person who and they tltouiht they were ottln did what was oflln, ot the American Lumber presumably on biialnesKitand pieasut. filed to lieeume nanwiUly effetjtrve! it is receives the sends eunll i Rofng expected they sup- piibllo oou-grsv- ttic in i here wa for It. Hut voted for a water re' lined Saturday from n trip -- Dm tidy wine aentltneHt. true, of course, that a gwerou e report the result of tholr ufotiliHC ply (In coneepondonw, s When they truek New York, saw the uli lent fur need of the city, lg Thorcu i and Hie lumber camps. I'lilladelphia to.i Dem allows its own mem lien four to the Department of AsTftenhWO, and atn. ami tlie gr?t varlaty In 1 EARLY ADJOURNMENT sefttft n mile for traveling expwases. thai sii these rsswrts shall be n- - iwiy line of amtiiomoNt or line nf IS ALMOST CERTAIN and thai U doesn't mat tbetn much lisheti a a poblie document. tho t Mill .,i iieaurlH. they Jaet aat flWfe than half that fur eallghtenmi nt nnd eMflentlon of tin .Mr. ftooaeveu will get tbe credit ot. dSim't gronM be- i.nvn nnd ieiuoaned their fate In hav- course; .eT It American farmer the bill a vk.lory, of and that. 'aTr ?,r IhZ-- come is tho raeasily of the Oovetn-mo- ot ing cm it ic. i their tNiohatH before they none wlrf dony that uioeb credit is his ti .lid imlile Stnly I look, nail wax traveion 1w J!j prmtiag ofnee will have to he there due. it Mr. ftoanevelt. How-- 1 1 JJ?,:,T, i w yet In !" i.".M a pickup llow - Ineroased about a hundred fold, and i': York to be tnhon and ever who lias utirametet! tlx senate clean of their mlleaa. njiiveii Thfy had lota of vnomn to a nee. new isiper mills would have to be int. a Ktate of complaisance. Had sway. fiili-.- i with Jollity, and It waa lying c 4...... erected rlnhi , it nut tieen for an almost tinanlKons ii win e iw..-- mi ('..iuwUi.tne mr till AiMiiii tl.i-r- in chunk, nt- - will Mr. ureal mi PHli . opinion of blm, he would HffM nf th luiH.iiaeM fhIm Ihu r"" "'"'P.1 r many bask - kotmsn If i.e't took nut w, hand and nf 'hem hadn't hav. as hwipleH a a bape be- - iliod of onsjgres rownrdu the rail- a i.i.H.mlu ' penny b,ft i. tak'' it In ' 'foi. .i.e i rained 'Kiwoted manlp-- , roads The rensoivnnl railroad WANTS I'll,' Jackie unnninx'iih and WAiHINOTON wni' uli. in i of hu aenate miter circle. the uKi ba 'e.; blt to command Ii. . x.i.-ii- opto Ion list Nn imiliipltlr vnli-- laflith C INAUGURATION PA8EANT the ii H.e railroad rate humsHod Is a ii (if In I any t in- Mi of are nuwr-t- h 'ai. over niai.- iiapiiiu dUpoand of s now tuiems and house, wknavw r it reslly nootfed , ' Wen" WsklnUm v.t in all 'r.twl- - i mtdi Hf much Interested n tbe agitnOtni .tniik their lli-- . n le session Ms ix. unuounlly votea. and fr.- - rawworiatloo bax iMolic 111 in nave nwa m I. i iinumiaily lang. Iriayed so snwh: twrt In enabling rlfln oiepwr b"i .tead of iMusjHratbxi r fixed upon ki oseti lbIs moral teflnonee. en"tkn wllib tbn of d. ik. t'nnnon ban June preetdents, atut to Cost of Doxes at Opera u iiwslrahlo time '"t artjourti-- I It baa iieon tho orcaeltm of mi little future have in grees approprmto whatever money I t; n. telv was on It iik mi. uttiw xw in. anil thinks the busluss can be remark at the eauitol this week that ! no-la- ueoesaary tn eovor tk m Kent wit. diMt ii. .i, .i aud wtiniiil up hy that date Tbe spaaknr the enter ,wss issued Imme- cost of these etmador Inaugn rations- - Thoy are very t I u it) for otn iiiiihIih ...v. t'ntg is an rt legislative cbdNlee, diately after t became praciMMliy ch oil willing that saoHtd foot .1 I., i H ii' mr. nulllloi Inni a i.iii:- - tl aS'l I'U belief that tbe work nag be certain thai s rnilrasd rsie bill wool'l coartst tx r bllht. If noagreos no dispoawl. n 'ii i ii mm' i in i i liei . iii ! fllilolled t) tbe end of Mar IS lie enacted. Atove than one mxmlM-- fstw -- Wit tm.y t "iWini--' mueb to to ami na'- nml , to uiiHit teapectfiil ciinHlern-- I felt uulie saarMved. on the seore tbt ' ,h"' 'krs) ssWnifl few bsas dts-h- . tit i xiHtidlngK and mix up tlon The only obariaele In poentWf he wa being punished for omethliiK -- i at Inanwuntloa time. I Ul' 11 i.i ill'' t... obHiiiiciinii .it some kind in tb eo-a- t( couidn really help "12 Nei uhkkIi Though It wonid have world .1 ii '). wan tin the b isiriciii kcratu x It I FAVORABLB TO JOINTLHE hove ldae and nasilrred by the I... la hi upiK'i "i gran. "rjM" Waliujtuin ' i i TARIFF neVISIOrT ILL IS CHAIRMAN HAMILTON. " martial t)M, ti" he iirh .it a skihi tier llsnjSBl )4k. . SB... X nn anon .u-lil- ""TV 44,4U'" ti. iinminaiii NOT PROi Ofltl StSStON T4. f,.r ..I. - i. nblieii ami all the aomp aad ctreiiin- .' ut mum a liinniilili leader ! mtnslon lm the slsterhMul of state ' It well understood that lien an ,,r awmtay onj-n- ai . w h. li ianc.. uitiitani The "Hi u i.inl'l not gel oil'" j have a etHUuch and rr.eod lu S'lJo'iiilBient ls in the pre ine a. .mo ii,. A f' r a I' lht, ireary waste wlihoajt ii tl'"itm ti.t ui' belorit bli in will ad s term in-- ltreeamtsi he Hamilton of Mlcbi iin- - -i iitt,iriiiiiiiui mMMtlons. ll .1 stl ll. 'lull w.i- IIIIUIU r. Hi to coogn-iu- i I gaa. cbaltiuaa of the boo- commit urosrsin t tiut nut ii an i'1-ien- ton on He ibe ll ,)( .'vi liiiurani "to file it for fu'tlle mid teriUiwie. esmvt A Fearful Fate. Inu ' "r.iffi. al ''"iilii iv une nniultl- - ennmpiiMi. at itmst. of thoac wbo lh will itowwfqre. have It i e messajn at, - s rsnrful fate to to ea-lur- 'i U' U'M it f. rln . ,n, Mtten favor th- ereetion ut two oui bare any eerlirti bearing on the jnstlon ata the terrible UMtere of pile "I tilt tial K'i"ii 'heir HtS of adjournment The bouse democrat" of the four terrltorlos con truthfully say." - t.H ' writes Henry ii in heti wan Will find good many protexts to talk Mr. Humlltou bs ' tntroduecd hu Coisnti oi Masonvlllo. lows, .. a. ' tun unit! ' (er i "that lot tn nS tart n revlaloii Iw' eB in 4ti'l utM atatekood bill In substantially the lllind. Itloedlng. trolrHd-in- g I Itching and ti 't l.lle ll. Win ii i ait- June, lint trelr oialory will nut 10- - form It before tbe bvet onitress I ' Wle. Buck n Salvo h tr i 'ndv wniit in. i s It Arnica iii wants Itrfere with th limine of tbe provide for two n'uien, one crdateil tbi 'ure made AUo Ivest ' i i fT and I'Vet.v " and bouse Whenever the prue dUps'cbes Mil Arliotts nn, I New Meli-.- nil - !..( if 'in, iiurim and laiurie ii. at hM a- her lady get l1 bet 'ejrt, announce that s 'snff delHitH la knuwn a Arium. and one r.eie.l ltmtli i'H i'iit- - eternal enmity towards raging, U can be aoeeptod a oon-- j or of OhkihoMa and Indian Terrti-tor- f 'in i hen mi. t he principal claelve that ike house bs lime not lo n known a Oklahoma It According lo Don J Itankln. he re nn i f Kettlnx -- eat i.v urh a tlo The foot ball season Is drswinu to a sloie, with a record of twenty deaths up to Satuiday, Dstembe 2. j needed for the actual transaction of contain no provision respecting the pair n the ('orralos bridge have ' ' yn 'em In picking them up and ISO badly injured, ome f whon arc reported dying, and othars maimed for life. buslnwsa regubttbm of tbr liquor I raffle that be, cuoipleted

n TOOOOOOOCCXXCOOC OOCCOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOCOCOOOC)OOOOCOOOOQOO certificates are 8 The Roosevelt tSmOe 8 GIVEN TO NUMBER g OMN OOVER HOBBES" ON New Mexico Teachers Passed THE WORKING GIRL PROBLEM Upon the. Same Satur- Riiclk day Afternoon. GnrF Dangers Are A Great As Poor Garl's

STntKINO IfffehmW WITH THE FAMOUS AUTHORESS, MRS. ,wo came with the avowed purpose, whore lhe have trouble with aurvants WILL HOLD EXAMINATIONS UVINO-FORC- OrMfBlE. ON frC OIRL WHO WORKS FOR A BD of helping; them tho inlet rem. la idle. If she were busy - 1 'f?i '"i1- wre. ueuause "rneME ake not emuuqh men to "Yea, women' sett In k 011 Into civil wtth a work of Iter own h nervate WORK FOR THEM WHERE THERE IS AN IDLE MISTRESS life will I'hniiRe (lioin. I am afraid would make no trouble; they would The ijHartgl) meeting of the terrl-riH- i THERE EXISTS THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM. It will tnahe them hardor. Hut how have a different feeling toward her board to ejtuantlen. .which wna wtii it be lialped? lliey aro foreod "Why. certainly. I think glrla' cltHm m Anii Hnd-- i ow. There are not enough man are roimI thlnaa. They keep tho glrln ill In the of Prof, lltram a to Mr. Cr. alf iiimnina f"i h mostly yvllotv On he wrllln! work for them. If they would. It they In touch with one another and fouler n. nprfiitr ulfNt nf public instrur-- l ImmlUM Opera Tl "cm in is hi. ii iiumi tattle lay a gid!. uen, over don't atop ImvliiK vara that kill party eplrlt. The nly trouhlo la that In building, I'-- . the inn. tkftMpltoJ Santa - f.'Hfcr ' whleb a larjrf cork lu id had baon men, I wHI women nre an ant to force opin ar-- with tin ra alf the don't know what their djoirD4. Idle 8tnr4iy evening, i llpitl. I wondeml If wr tllft finiijten to u, Ion upon other. Aa Hn aa a wo ra(gWnK ai bttetaasa presented. ixn of John Oliver llohj-- s man dacldaa, it U beet for her not in n miMfibers wars present, with the Dualnet vt, Domcatlolty. t rwnllni the tuihorvis a 1 Imd "I think the ot marry, aha wanta to ahnt out every i i "Dtlon f 0Terntir Mlrfuci A. da Independence one Mimi Kr a rnv ymrt bofor. when a huilneM lire unnu women for elaa in keep them from dolne l' u rn Mft t'ntl I'aiw 3 SchnU'iler. hi waa trying to axtrtcrti firraolf more than It dnm man. All Women In Civil Life. wat Hmihki to ntttfnil lifrnuu' "f I rom the ilrtHMfw Itmttoti of having 8lrl like to be independent. And Uiay la ilinmiA. invlK-- frl-m- for-K- m "It the greate! qutmtlnn of the to liuiulieou and rimhI elttthea and gotwl tlmee, only TJw fifcUowlns ti a report tif tlii ftn 011 1 aa. this question of woiwn In tlvli tt retnembered he eJoar. they wttt eeonoinlte on food for I'Tinni In.ii i urs given conildorntlon lu'iUiful riitnnlexlon. Her nrnvn the lire. Hat there nre many poaltlon flfea aako of clothe, for they care an little In Cert'floatea Granted. an ! hair had exaotty ajiadod with '.he whleb they Rive better eatlaraotkm r mr iiHHi. Ann they muat be well to (ttan I'tir Arm itnitortniH u i 1 11 ii , men. eeeretarlee. for ex luaitu ton. of iUh mink cua iiimI hut , u nluoky ,i iifna wlilrh the btisnl ronaldrctl was ull r li- . t. at n ! Aa(jaa .1 .... ampin, they have been found mare dU .1.... uiiiininiwini wnr mi .,. 4, , application ftr iirofonalonnl ccrt'fl tlnwcra were yellow .. ort'ot, and they nre roKUlnr In their fer a domtMtlo life. habtlM, 4ie. of the weto ennnldcred Uut hi time waa Knvned It la the Kama and faithful In their work. Hut nftin ihe ih with man It and thi follnwInK were grained five trey. n emptro OBat of wnilrmt. and ha alwaya been mi. they do a aient wronr. when they take yoar MMb uarncy, All Woman Should 1a ciTiifleaiea; Saillc irlttitin ii with ottirtnb. pompii-rt- r mt-iirc- i Work. for tnelr work than men would Unnta Kr; Mi NhiIp HM'oiia t r in, evantae tatb amy "Tlii. fiiot that m many wotnxn of take. And aa Inns a ihey do tnat 1 Hr y fey, Ming : have nothing to do uiuiuea-tlennhl- It will lie very HiiiinKar; Luna Craven. chip hai -- ye, ebln w- - uimidy trim-- ! sienna it hard to (o anything for Hugh. a or In thaw." bbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbb. eBBBBUsBBHaaBBBBBBM v W Cart d; Coleman Hall Van med with Rrwtt aettree tmilda MA. m IVI. nlHme and dull pink .t. . . . i . . . . a tH, Hun ii. Mlw Amelia nillllan. .. roei't. iinner IB brlit. ma ci.wiiir. iirnryiiue aaonm rmve J oet here the manicurist waa ' . IXh -- ...... wiiiie worn or eome anrttv. in miw. Tarlur. Alnnauvrtiue. Mlsa Ut i.. r..i. "N'ow, bare It a work men tli Im OniOiM; Hubert Uglify dium mJjjkt .1 zz" emitittA do ai all." Mr. Cralgle MU woman want to -- T '.'Irion. Hfltito. Hok; Maxgii onrnL'at ami direct; h-- r penwtiulhy do aowethinljssl and as tlfft tri tixik her hnnd. "I ' May Tin- - you are a conn try. too. ion nr. oUrmlim. nail free rmm ih: ,vt detnoeratlc rttwt know, but I'm afraid It ! all may ixxwlbly tie glvon a li( rpr-(irai- r trnrp of nloornoea. And we are aiiipMed to be aa arte-tMrarl- e gnlna to result in men heromlng more If nddltlonal (iilfnctor In Iih, began at once to apenk of the one. Idle- - heaven kanw they work hard iimitlon fan be fiirnlxhuri. The n, working, girl, whoa wclfflra the "I havo notfeod that In thim noaaea enroah now. pour otl " I'licmihxiN of oUieri) vtc altlicir nv' has no nioettv U Itaart ji'Ptfil doftrre4 far further iHinCld- - When in Atunta Oa.. o' ins reont tour of the tunny south, and when of WHAT MrtS. CRAIGIE SAID ABOUT THE WORKING GIRL. tiMe.roai.het by t,1f welcoming committee, the above photo wn caught o' in mi immulom, for LOVES n Tha coot mitte nfmolnind at thdltMt1 ,.,.ii,ma hd 4. the other, the one beeans b SHE THE FLOWERS' THEY THROW AT HER ikt prid?nt one of hn nappitst smiles. ncr 1 mming .f the iwn! to prmre a wrl- - reaeitmtinK twmm riett. the other Iteeauae the la ioor, ,T ". labiM In roHflrtl to atihjema for ln ' iue iieopta worry-- and the ttaHKera to both are Mreat pxamittaiion or trntPlifra. nktmrteil '" ' oiKma Rtri. a taoHiBh "It is Jitet a quealtan of airla. j ARU t.h IGM TEEN MONTHS uFFia holders lirtMrwM. on aecwnt or m inarena 11I) one In anger. Ami It la the individual sonl of the f Why he, worry iiaont the I'.ri. at that, I UPF0SFl) TO STATEHOOD ! f Mwtnw uawtlly rich that am Interested In. DAGGj" "m"' that 1' iENTf.NCE' h9lor )h) iKHird, tlM tlllia for mrl lie re Ih IH differ, tice Itl I have ho scheme for girls In giniM.iulw ' . he inh illfferem Ik In Vou I'aft'i reach any of them by atand-In- n MBSiRS. PRICHARD ANP DUHSUM.!frow, MUrrtay heir t LMiiiiiiii nnd ediiratlon. up In a pulpit Uut I would like mtcmi of Mrh. 'I Imi'.i k.-- ! H K. Ilni! - I here t - ilmtajt-r- one to TftLH- JHtW, MptOHIbOT Mnit I to --' main tor know how they feel toward thoae ttittu In the )Cni(r. h AH'iia I NO AT WASHINGTON! lo'rtnck l. oti Friday of Uie bhi I fuii prism the sentence to . ' tnontha. l Hhui'Blx rleptlli-i- i in' ftitt hr A dlapHich ! Normal Schools Needed. n of wax given, a aiH iml ftBln ' w. Nolle nm'.il - t diafuaalnn It wa ' probable wan tinaVr .lat. ot tH- S MJ asked .for. W i) , "tmnlitHHwIr aaic-- d that wnrtHtona in wi n)' .un rtintedrai'In of hiiram. urBalit,. vu mir-- tin miller n. .,f Moxleo nr m h that tyruvlloiii aug-Ki'ix- xl llitmi.i the tiffluri. in Unit ufl'Y'w ics' iln iMiml. lilKiiu't Attorney normal ttiipol mw New AtmW 0- - W. ?"" Territorial Top it ehuuitt i eeHigli ami ihai ffgtr.. n"l11. II. ?J,,OT rtnnaard eilnentlnnal Intuitu that I".'"h be I'rtrhard. ur Nw Holt, intl! the Of ' h,n" for U1B train propertifigure tN.ion. WtlaoM. r til l.a Cnicea. .tad faloimm , Una. of Alwifliwrffirc. in tlm nlty. "f 'wtBh"" .niwclnlW to mcot WAR ON DOGS IN SANTA FE for fnllfornln orntiBoa durlnif the ill i)rfni, nim tueli n asm ' llHIIIIUUll !4:tnii We are here whi." aatdCeu of nirnl hiiIiimiIh nnil. lh. mime week wna $3.25 a box. oonaldor-nbl- y w iiilt nit M . i'piirilin to the .n'i jj)imild .enty-Rv- e fore, that or itudy . ii Arl-xon- a . Wy etii I'ricliiinl. "uint per fonrwa leas tlmn half the price tho ntnii' and thin wim token .1 CITY tt. or 1.1 propnnoil whloh when flOtnplii. MARSHAL OF THAT TOWN .hula. Ken' who rtaeil bond t ut the iieopTo New Moxlro do fruit wna sold for. To He auro tht Ii' 1 or woald lugally entitle thoce who HAS STARTED WORK OF EX- ao $Yino !t mm mrt given last HlMltt. wlah aiatalyl ihe eomllthui hv there will not ho Kront a dlflcrenco lm bclHM mHon iiioio rpocuve iwurHoa, i .i in or Inn prointbly will he tiirtitsuett lodnr, oblumM mean a luertwr TERMINATION OF STRAY CA tho ahlpmonta Into fruit but '.nc w'th Amour,. New j urnda certllleate, a eatoni! ra.i inoldent domonHtrntca ror I' unit certain I lltl I tbe defend think that NINES. that Ihe real Mexico I eiltltliHl udltllmdun in the oortlllonte or a nrat Mrado jortlfl choice early fruit. Arixonn. boat the Mil will tiol see thi- - iastrte or the lHl( 11 un yfh pree-eti- t a was world. ' eJl-ji- n ion Ita nerllaaad the cniiinmiee appoinicu to Hiniinry In an early day. The 1! territorial jHiHiidiiriea oimbt not imre stieh courei untl to 8HhiMlt ' (Hvaat aloalile veHI 'in PVir fear that aome porenn who dla n i court wMI mew reantlnrly in QtH$J be elmiiaed ilfjHi Miieji admlHeloit. aame at another nietliiK qf the ' well tali. p them at A roaun , like. i toko otr to Arlaona Jiuniurv. In a Ml Hi' more than h his hat '4' w( Aa additional explanation or i,' of the m imlca belna uriiut GkT Mar ImvliiK In iiHiniti in doubtful whether th Yiira iiffo "rv ilivtireeil from Keen California distanced bV prewired rule Kovernlui; Ike Ihkii.1 ttiigrai i WI llfil .ml OomiNli lit liil ffurt to the race, will oxnlnlm, "What about cam alia for proeonlatijHi .!. ti!" ' .""iift rtl.?at lerrltorhil conlfltalea. a eneremhi the wortiuaat atrtt that It ' hi k M aHil even tf tt ahtwlU -, til., 'i Florida la pertinent to remark thae. roJ t was paeeod lie! kffi) 1 I I ' ,nm to the efreet tJitU it hare illNRraci to Haniti for that the tteat Florida could do with IimM I 11 la probable that nn opinion T Waehluatou." ktineral intenttou or th at oine tra 1. aye the New MOWOnn. her oranae In aame waa j WfOWl .Ot I bMUtled down a mrt tbe market until la Mr. tbuae who arc arnnted n ffte .r HatitOl h the nwrahoj filial, fwir in ,K.i txix ttbatMlWttt meeting nr the rim rt "Tltare tin tiueellon." tun.i Iliimum. but thai oui ati HUH- - certificate shall tie entluail lo ifeldiu wfB ill revolver. 1111a iHomina iHta curreoU) ! enM- - Bi me h' large yellow and Willie ti ernl atatetl ""iiirie exuiratWH he otjli ARIZONA TIRING OF PHOENIX l.l'ADS IN tnetll or tbe Kple. At in niinoat. ler natticntar iareHln0. nnremTcl,M" u,r,'r orot.r ADai-n- fH- -, ""'i enain powerii of Ike ten laU teitllie that theao doua are a COPPER QUEEN LFGISLATION, nnCTAi I rujinL nuv.Ltru vor joint utaieti.Hni. Tliln was il- - mon- - noarti of eiincatlon. by reso1- m, lm and will hill afi Of them I atmteil In the overwhelntinu iiefeat were delewileil to Hie stinerlnt. lent I td not II my ammunition runa I 81 puldlc - marshal, dag war THAT OFFICE SHOWS A HEALTHY uf "'m former New of InatnictiiHi wlQi to. tflfgHt ibl the "the "HOW CAN I AFFORD NOT TO Mexican net for the board In or mer INOREASE OVER REOORD MADE delegate In roilKreee. who eftiaa SUPPORT JOINT STATEHOOD?" wna nn advooate or loiut NtntelHKHl. atmcy in the ImerUn of the m IN in.; 1 1 1 1004. The entire htlor or Hi American Yearly Examinations. HOWARD RINGO SAID A TUCSON MERCHANT. Art nntlon thowa Hut the baa The 'HMtni. by rewiluttfln. tedeuu (Ihthm , I Iuj 3 ton uf ike oetiiinr' Uepert-ina- t been toward h .ivlnton or atnte a? inutt to bold itt examination nmr af PLEADS GUILTY The sorle that the joint state-- iietaaariitiu, ihe rvedlpte of 1)10 In the eiiHe or the Dakota rather yenr to ariNiminoilute thou who wlairf hood sunilmom la RrowInK lu Arizona' MMK I.II.I.IAN NORDK'A ..irtoHa uMaajM ha arrived and that titan lowaruji cmeotldntkm. Texan. lu npiiiy y examlnatldu for nrrlti are not true." said R. II. Iiruks. who Photo by A line Diipont iiiaoafuliig Artmina hIhiwh that I'hoo-m-x It In true, tibiuiix 11 preaetit exception. tlnl oartlfleate. imi nitMpi.n rub 0 SERIOUS CHARGES OF FORG- travels over the Mouthwaat lor McKeui New York. Ikic. 12. Did too ever from wherever lllH Rc the I.,.. lT.1 ..... h eHlujad n heulthy (noriatHe In u... Tv..1 waiw iu .111 n e HuwriiinK me aame, will) me ex ERY AND CATTLE STEALING. & McOtiity. n wholesale paint houo' Hahtly toa u bunch or violeta over hour far Into the tuornltiK. alto nevt r ls ou."ie 1 bw - M.'uetift daiiox the Nnenl yenr eotHng public prlo to ita ailmlaeloti u ; tfug of prwecrtblnK exactly t 111 Denver, at tbe local Hmitn Pe Bttt-- footllHjiti tu Mine Nordlcn? Per- siecps until each flower Iion bem loan IB, IHm, aye (ho OateMe. Tuc-- "i HUiic. mill v ion it came Into the tin- - brSnrliH with thotr flntliuilotia. uptu aul ltliiKo. rec.uitly iirritiMl In tlon tbw mornltiK. Tlie southern haiw lu n aoburer iiHimem you re- - plni'od In water and personal!)' ar - .l K your nti'l IhH.Hlnn have itleo unjoyod Ion there waa ittloulntfnn thai It wiiion apiiiicanta wll! he xamlncd. n wWh stolen propurt)- In hl ih Htroiiftly in favor of IL" ret tod Imptibilve net. thluklnK ranged In a vase. tueraflMoa. roH sntoaman. who Ih otouu your hut tlt niher two nf Ihe lorrliory miKlit at any time be dlvld iy .iiition a oaiiiniliii was apt -- ion , ami upon Inftiritintion tbe a ihe cured niumht for riowere. The first duty she perfurnu 111 'hi i tandlHK chu have atme back-wan- t. od into hMiF aetwnile dUtten.'' pnlpnil t. with ihe tafrl' ''arbjbitd, charalng him with oltserver, as the pulilh knows every It may pltmuo you to know that morning la to attend to hi t flora torlfll ein atluiml awtoolHtloii lu nfol an ndyouni or which appeared YunkiH- - saluaman la. whuthur your poale worn iieouuiiKin-le- d Kilts. One Kxiy nftcr another ih takiu ptirlna 011 ror I by The roeeipta of the I'luxttiu nlllre OFFICIAL MATTERS a rHe or uliuly the efunf CaUJwri Arua throo waaks "On his trip naked n man who la a card, or were thumhly sent from the vniit', Ita stuin nipped lv n lm lt(M ftlo.UdO. Uui.'i SS mou m li... i or Tuoenn, owild nimymousl, wro for the torrltor). wltli nf a, rolimied iy the autharltlua n iiD'w haut at how ho to the reat operu altiKW. sharp pair of nclMntr. nnd ibin it -- itm, Tuomiii far 1996. for vlow 10 iiavlnR It ready ror tue In 1. itffor.i in xitpport joint stntohaod. Hit each (im was tenilrrly eareeaeil by Villi aside, to lutar take it plan t,i. Public t0 ut ell,'Tliesdtt). upon tho charge turn. IIIJM; I'ttetcnu. rur lur. $17,-T- Notaries Appointed. auitimn I90R ur or pmpurty, answer ii 'How can I afford not Uio Kontle, aympathetle flnxon of The rolto-Tli- notarlaa nubile have M"slng stolen and I.IIUnti for 1D8I. 17.74R; lllebor. l.'f I0U6 tu. ovar to or Bddy to aupKt Nordlcn. ' water, no other hand than Nordlca H?.iH)n, ror bee nHPolrttol Oovernor A the court uV ItMM. $IMI; ImikIus. Mluel ytOMAN DIVORCED IN to tho aorlnuii Mr llrake talkud Interest IhkI' on With her anna Iwuled down with a la ever allowed to care Mr r nrranv to atiHuor Ho juat flowery iur iimt. f.i3.n, for iat. ttUHn. Ob - of fOrsery and horse atoallnR. thu sulijei of alntflltooil. had tiiaea Nordicv ulwaya roturna her flowura. I'riMMMitt Mtmoal Clam II. OIdch soutn IV. Suitta I'e NOVEMBER WRIJS IN t baa altaid rtl'l In tho DECEMBER Rin- - rttturnod from a paint aelllna trip to 11 wii , tirmlmied lnjroro .rtnlK" was of receipt. I Mr ineorne k tttat couniy. Uobr1 MoCuue Rtwwell. Ihe "Utcr territory. Ho explained that Phil a nu faMllBl rT Cii' 'tmhttm. Wwlnuaday, and plead ttli. .1 ilollaiN lM for lota yeat than ! Ui'o tho peopi" of Arixonn were just BLACK HOUSfc" IN Into Postoffiee MRS. THEODORE 0ITTING8. FORaB 10 charae ol rorsort. and THE BOHEMIAN Established. wa to tue reallxe lew deeply thuy poatomt uwm . MEMLY iifnfttlM JM to await Hiebce aluwp aaaotiuteel to tl.SAt). bh eauthllahed at WIFE OF CLERK AT Jury Upon wero In Hi' nrlp of tho Copper Queou DIAN WANTS PEACE Kancbltoa, rtlfl Arrlfta I i" uf Die next araud while the tnereeae m Toeaoe u . caaaty, to bo HOTEL GREEN, WEDS SON O and otner inlnlnt: Inleresta of the it,' aerveii fttlm SfiBiu tot tin urae af horse sleallnK. he etond W DoHKiaw'N inereitee era tl.tM, Cnu. 10 mils O southern (.art of tha territory. Thoy - SUPERINTENDENT GIBSON hu Old wBinl not itullty. but was THIS NAVAJO CHIEF MAKES Hu t waa the inHth, aeorai- Anton, fcraierly of alo mat ot rtioenis li.ia SANTA FE. n n to Jail to await ny realize thai with atnxle statehood, tho Tbe Ikihetnlnn colony project Iheee ibjer are ntu iav ami 11 apaoiute i poat nil action PLEA TO HIS PEOPLE TO KEEP for tbe k It. . uiMiti charKe. miffing interesta would control uio Btiratod by Max Klrcbtnnn l mi.ut lily yeer maatei md jur) that now PEACE WITH PALE FACES, ii laeome for one Ii ( atata government, as they do tho tarwara to a succeaerui May., Artlalea af Insarperatlon. leiMKuiloa un the marnaga HUiwart went to Rusuell and prea iue V (Jlbeoa of thla .Mi Itli'KO Tuesday. territorial aovernment. Under Hoeorro Chlerialn. Tha followliiK ;ritclei r Incorpom-tloi- i John city to ft to Carlsbad. MANY CASES DOOKETEO T OlMtnge etit (ondltloiiH the mining interaala In soliie nf tin i rnntinl reiUirti nf tha It will be renioinlM't' tl .ibm M rirtVe l'ii'" nh ! lu aftUW "lore of l'aaadena. On the ol Krowlng. It moid-tim- FOR SUPRBME COURT tin inning nerfonueiJ In til' IN NEW YORK are but the eommerciul and Nnvujo tmuble waa atateil that Ktrehmuu, nftor baviux ix'iii J. W. Itaynold. leireian of tha ler. ARIZONA ORANGES stoek Interims are terribly hamperod. lpuck was lu Socorro, have fwBd n city, the Ivo Anacles lixamlner aay Chief Horse one of tho in arraiiKlnK been the rttery: especially, over- - I r if iac lllvorrtNl frtini her liusbainl nn The aheap men. are endure the boatllea. soys the Oab urllinluniien. returned lev of J. ti Sena, elerk HI the Su Tbe Keller naaat'lM'on or the i leriy tor Mox- - n rhuraes of cruelty, preferred by THI v BRING DOUBLE THE PRICE taxed, and this accounts thu jp Rupubllann. This wui n mlatake. Chltniito, a few day age. to compuv e ine r tirt at isanta Ke, tfw la uf the dlacew of Santa re. N. M. Tha hli of Iiolng In of n on w Mria. 01 BEST CALIFORNIA loami Arlwinn favor niaok llorae usel every means pa iirranaementa with his Dohoiiiiau ereuarlit the dockot for tb' com-m- Iicwporuuira are: Itpv. Aralf ,vwn. lltb. tbe THE of ; atatah'MHl When he sKike sthte to keep his tribesmen at that Hue He union Thee roues tHabop p. Mi "m,,B!- - " "?''r"r glut from end of tha aro nowtii UoHrwda. Kantu Fe. Rov W rntiT. tKiutharn element of Artiona, Mr. making trouble. He made a enme Hooerro again, i" up the tiuie court, " ' strong to yostordav ike of tha ar inthony. FtiarHegu. vlanr aeneral . "VTL I- ,lZ., '' ".W - llrake referred to tho Texans and gjiosoli. advocating peace by H - i In way l m lra. Jolm W OIP V prealdeiii or Ho- O between morniHK. arrnmpanled rltti the the docket beta; lanta Rev. Anthany jauveneeau Wlr(iu southerners, who huvo taken un .Vaviijo a 'irranged. until i)rii l".w. tha young aon of Huptfr aaaociatlon, other tho white men and It la ChlcaKu banker. The two gentle January The lrk View; Rev J. Geor Splinters ton Orowers' r. their lioma III Arlaona. Uhd the stock anil! ttuit this stiMieh n innolwlv tuen will ' tt t titnimwi i intetidant II. J. aibaoa or ihe toilipriun coinmie-rehal- li remdln In the city about a rm of the territorial twttrBni. cotirt niinLiuiia. tiu. n.t itanlai a from tlie - i loterasta of ArUona nre Inrgoly con orutlim. Hnd of ; week i n tiMift " H. York, who rep-- next to the sueecli coai ludfi Jaautlrjt and tha lun. The oitltvl nf thit atari, .nil.w la rallroaa la New ' Mr. Urntto - trolled w Texan. ioi Chief DinIkc wa the meaat of pre , Not later than the first of Jauuan "rm for lttM! lieejina 1U to pmrltle for the titly dis- The marrlaee, wlilob would hurt) roai Hm lfiHKiclatlon, kIvIhk the JauuifJP ntrmatu that he believed that If the matt it , ventltiK a more crlotis oullireak. Mr. Kirclininii expects to bo In Bo abled or cm tMirdtlon. meant bluaiiiy. If tturfornied q ,0aIi pr recdTteo ror ttie nrat carman oi member tht I m u me rornw, n i . auouhj Ceiue show uowu. immatiiutriy artor tha tmuiiie, eorro again, to became a The corporatlah lm n. tb deared granted wan nn inarkntmi tbl vear iiermancn' urlAF aald raaltal ' verviCJltof j unuuoi rimt lj terkietiUrry. and iilnrriaaje was aav! i .. iffin.x V0"1'1 ftna themeolw Wtt9k norse and aowc of the resident, and enter upon Uin actlv EUER VPT RnlJnTniirTen stock. Phe life ot the r." .oration iuhtltt In Artaotm. a. - lied parfPrmmi llu -- ii'.T. Vi. P."iL2r..t JJL:mnei In Olo minorltv wtlw ,dnn, wtlo tat roaaart J work or ilcvekinliist somo of tho prln W,U Inalde of a yortr. waa pro i ... n 1. flf"' MajtleO I a..,1 niwood. Mi. h DetuU-- a mr ullU '" lue lllu uiu'ur ..f ...ku M . V, w,l,nl.MUit, runt.,rj .....f hi. ..n.or..rlui...... fin. hl fW at Alhunuanpia, N. M . late Ttiaaday over Uto Ikixob nveragluK more " luul J n.. w (. w... 11 'iif'ia Wa at- - Steel1 sot on tlin t will the new shw the aftamoou. (41011 law. out horse bnok nfter the flrnt tinderla'tliiKe bi t ... BOER LEADER BUYS van dbllara each. The lilKneat . t'..i'i.mtfaitii. r' iw' The routiK woman went tfi Albu .1 n,. I .I: . t . .. .. ill, u I Jofiit Jameson. . preeeilt ai Ion , Hostile. The old chief waa given cim. nrtealan water or. railing in vi MenoHrinatt- - I LAND AT BERl 10 N. M. I11 'iinialn. raflo. which qiiernue, a daya ago. tunc-- -- r which laawil tor the Sunn Po at Mm. ha fifty days lu which 10 bring tbe'.bla. lo inmau iMin i.niK pianis nun A wy to be for u numbMr half Ihix, ta. tau la. u.aasa I HU ...111 1. The Kl !ho Horatd Arthur fw ' va an Irrglai. cnmtany !.... " wilt r -- jWimt,IIIltAt. ikU yyunn SI.80 eaoll. or nt to take afreet peoewioer ne Hseo tor rvttJra lo the t,ftllL, " Vll nei. Altar tbe marrinae. niie illllllafail. If tin a hdi., tatitiL' ataaiu u ' ,""v1' imHivU 'J hi will be butnut;Ihree of the brof.Ua hay. , lands in uio nvor ami on tnc were nun and Uht wire left for tjip flrand ii ir.fl Which nine Plata 1.. ') t Colorado, ftlteg by T. M. tu en brim ghi In, the old eltlaf la u Lnv tttaau weat of tb- b Mr Kirth 1,0 M - HHj'on of th" wluhire they The rfctl .beauty of thoae fliwrya Is l.yrni. of at Joeeim. i u 1 COh M tlHor at llwliri, ) flaii- ' iibIiiIiIIhIi each dnnth of fuel wh on will K& Mo. MT- - Jatnewm will aaaopt a t lug hi attention to' llio ojiriire af matt axinielii to throe or! no to OIiIohho to maiie their not aeen unfll n contraat la fi4wn lall tliut the tb.-a- three. letter rep(rtB firim Port (BUT Ikihomlan futruum Tf I homo. with California fruit, which ftoyght altloil oi a alttillar naura with piidrod itj n ma. - II.. tbe e Hint inoiuiiea a nmn de- v" "Mi'nT, ' """ Thttodor tllitliiK anJ Ihe woman tho oarly marhot The aatno talenram I Bnutw P In this city, after hie re DellniU'e that the iioamles nava Jill flbottt Simorro dmlnK fir next A, ,U tlo--j ; ,...r:m.,. Bklp ve7 ?Br oeT ? who It. the mother or lit? four-ye- ar announces thrii; the hleheat pvlcu paid I IgnallaiJ ha been aoceptwl. i.i"u euptured. fin yaais. and the buslnesx like maul t a ,r " .a ifJff fn which he of I wlli triangular M , old aou, were marrlfHl 11,'Tj yeat ago, la conUimiuK dm r.0' - th. iwmp .latanniah'l ftir a Nlnno1 "' ' M,1!. ! in Jankafn. Mich., wherj Ran- - rnir pnnnhe to reallxe bis i xpcc'nl Vr ",,0I14. L'ii- Mr. ut'- An Inutreatinaf feature of thi ",nrh W m nett. thO young girl's imiUTor, wug wall lion. -- ' haft la thai the framlHK wl bo at r'"' " W- A imRnya-n'- al l - r Known. the timn or the wcadlug IDAHO !. PotiMaeli beams arO ,ouck . was groom ,THE NEW BATTLESHIP LLEWELLYN ASKS PRESIDENT! .tal ""'OT he hrfde la and lite K. ed fiir part of the (muiu. and 3al"" Thu OVldence ut the tpiri of tho dl 'iniiid Btaei riis for tha Tlie ,..;,.. "T mrw OH', at whlati Mm (Mttitim' To New Mexico .untie. ra;U rtmriWriliu.. fn oKwntiirv uunArAniri.... Visit and Hunt uV shaft hiuwe . REPRIMANDS MERRIWETHBR - "ii Zr ,81' Mountain Lions. ll.-- r"'- ".t!he faW tlHtt Mw. i' be luilB JMI thr (iietoaanai W..hlH$it,. 1) .' Dee, Jn ex o. A special from WnMiniu on if M. ' Ml j haft mine tears aam Wh biffi "dhlpiia.i rrtecther Jr.. i f I,'' ",T"f A.C. .Major W. II. H. Ll.!in took trnm- was placed win the --k... eu , iae seenm-- v ot tna nary. e. ttJUllaaii tho omuttunH) 1.1 invlt (f Homipaxi oddraafeail a " of tht Hiirfare above mined sroa ri'u latur KILLED TWO DAJr!8 w ir'Laiu v ei " ' to iiiin eailtug ins to IMh 1 at U uliafi imii nf eoBjuitsKion Tl attlftkN Hf BEFORE WEDDING. tatii hunt "What la the I. cipable nf lifting iii i.irttl aouteac.. and jenrlmuHdiiia tat d'pgaty major l reKirHd ni ipii :i"'i m uer a i.iiik " fcMi a t ti' for giving way ( otunry paa Bvton is the Sad Story from Los a ItatT. "W wasting yon mm idiou' 'ih' of i f l.aan feet wi a r ki ins whi-i- tempted liv la io. of About Young Man. iaik eabblt and pre ne itopa w i you . u fliid big N uf Kii-a- ire ioaj, naitii In n IrxJ M'ia Jiruie Ii. I i.Im, ,11 M,t flV" Tl,.. r. l,)IU urtwoe - .on Mft") V will romemberl j pan niiottt MtCT-0Ns- ...... TO THIRTY , hp., - - .ITS My trfi" .iloje wlgti.iig T Mlfi Maitle itr. ule, of Mr. I. e il., iipiwn n...a.,, i.v 'CAB ONE MILLION,-Ne- J I tl Hide' uhd palls FROM K, Uwl, what ; tent wlHli lit o in.i'atlon. and will com' a nl Th - vepaa. a i i -- ke.l deut'i Mill . York. Dec H atoai- Ua HMil ic Opt ic. Wor.i lie "tue time next aummc l'i f Tele-I'tioa- WIS lav. iiolilet the Boiithirn lleo hataB received (it ibl city froni Los an. I 'IVIegisiih roini'iniy an AnalaioH that thi youug man Ik. i,r tat yeeteniny eor mrf hi 011 r W H lm. .Una i' i.'H'lil iii.'. 'uis re imtay Mis soller wj to he unrrlesl I'll in. nil ie of thlee lots HI Nn 1, Aug 'le to n.ll-l'- l. unit iouMl killed .) hie linuher only two day rom tu " vtwten Kruit ami ii Yi-r- .1.1' lth iiih 011 In. reai" In ijpliil Mock or l.etor ihe tlaii ' for tha wav a. w which h" was Crampa slitpyardi In Ptnladelphu 0. a full and accurate .fahW, aa awr ium t..uu-- u iu.n, $ ta tfo, idlng The yuanu lady's trtasHla In the The Idsho launuisd at Saturday. Dec account eioct in ihe ear fiRuie a tnxli remain iii nnltel) in the flty of Aa- - niMi.iiiiii The money 10 be ued tocli will w inucti nrlese.1 to hem of being published The Evening C'tntn the day it happsned, and not the next morninj,. See The Oltlten for oven .room reatu.-ue- fi r r'si , l poses. KIS M en.) In or if " t 'In i',.;uaii tin hi. ocenrn m e fresh news.
