Truth About Hitler." Ll.E!Er Ond Acclaimed Its Author with Hon Samuel R
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Templ e Be th El Broad & Glenham Sts., City I Vol. XI, No. 10 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1935 5 Cent.s the Copy Miriam Hospital to Prov. Levi ~ies Be Neighborly! · Support In Paris at 72 The Community Fund Observe Celebration PARIS (JTA) - Pro!. Sylvain Levi, noted French historian and Team Organizer Drive Starts Tuesday; Hospital to Recognize 10th I Work to be Recognized I orientalist and president of the AJ. Five Jewish Agencies Anniversary and Work liance Isr.telite Universelle, leading of Max Grant J ewish organization which is this Allotted Funds year celebrating its 75th anniver With the Special Prospects Divi• Miriam Hospital, in observing its suy, died here suddenly today. He sion already hard at work under the 10th anniversary wi t h a banquet was 72 years old. inspiring direction of Benard M. next Sunday evening at the Nar'ra G-oldowsky, the full strength of the gansett Hotel, will make the jubilee Prof. Levi was born here March 28, 1863, and educated at the Sor J l'w ish Federation for Social Service a double celebration by recogn:izing will be throw.n into action next Tues the decade of service Max L. Grant bonne, later serving on its faculty. He has been on the faculty of the day as part of the Providence-Cran. has given t he Hospital as president ston Community Fund Campaign of the ins titution s ince its founding College of France since 1894 and with Ecole des Hautes Etudes since which will seek in one week to raise Mr. Grant by his work duri!lg thi:; $634.908. for the support of 38 ·so ten year period has helped carry on 1885. At both schools he occupied t he chair of Snascrit Language and cial agencies for the entire year, of t hE: work of that band of unselfish Li terature. 1936. Included among the 38 agen J ewish Women, headed by Mary cies which will wait the result of Grant, who together to pl'Ovide At the Peace Co nference at Ver the campaign with anxiety are five ki ndly, sympathetic care of the sick sailles, Prof. Levi, representing major Jewish institutions upon and injured of the Hebrew faith. French Jewry on the Committee of whose work the welfare of many At the dinner, commemorating the Jewish delegations, took a vigorous sick and poor and orphaned and un opening of Miriam Hospital on No stand against Palestine as a J ewish fortunate individuals in the city. vember 15, 1925 the fo llowing sveak national home. Ile was always a ers will review the history of t he strong opponent of Zionism. With James Goldman in charge of Je,vish participation on the teams Hospital and its influences in the A · brilliant orientalist, his pub medical world; Wiiliam S. Innis, in the general divisions, assisted by h£hed works include "Le Theatre Mrs. Ethel Cohen as organizer, and president of the Providence Com Indien," "La Doctrine du Sectifice Mrs. Harry Guny and Miss Anna munity Fund, from which the Hos dans Jes Brahmanas/' "Le Nepal," Field as assistants, several hundred pital derives part of its financial and "L'lnde." scpport; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter E. Jewish workers will step into stride Blessing, D. D. Vicar General of the Prof. Miller to Open I Palestine Enacts with an army of more than 2000 for Catholic Diocese of Providence and this annual drive. This year for the secretary treasurer of St. Joseph Educational -----------<!> Sanctions Against first time, the Cranston Community Hospital; Mayor J ames Dunne, Dr. Fund is included marking another (Contnued on Page Three) Lectures Italians (Continued on Page Two) ,JERUSALEM (JTA)- The H;gh Prof. Harry E. Miller of Brown Commissioner of Palestine Monday Reich Forces Ur.h·ersity will speak on " Stakes i11 enacted sanctions against Italy Arab Strike Is Et hiopia," at the opening lectu-e in based upon recommendations of the th<' Adult Education Groups, to be Privy CQunril. The sanctions are in Big Jewish held next Saturday afternoon at 2 three categories, prohibiting: Not Effective; o'clock at Temple Beth Israel. Prof. 1. Import and export of war ma,. Miller will discuss the situation in ~c rials. retroactive to Oct. 25. Firms to Sell Ethiopia w,ith its implications for 2. Credits to Italy. Peace Prevails minorities, among whom the J ewish 3. All imports from Italy. BERLIN (JTA) - Over 75,000 people are numbered. The Palestine Government is JERUSALEM (JTA) - The Jew Jewish and semi-Jewish enterprises The Study Groups are under the printing a special gazette embody ish population of Palestine relaxed will pass into "Aryan" hands under direction of Rabbi Morris Schus ing the resolutions on sanctions this week from the tenseness that the Reich's present J)olicy, the Ger sheim and the general topic for di s against Italy. had accompanied the general strike man press reported today. Average cussion this year has been announc of the Arab population against al• value of these enterpris~ was esti ed as "The Jew Faces the Contem U. S. Envoy to Leave leged Jewish arming last Saturday. mated at 30,000 to 40,000 marks, porary World." The lecture serie:- The strike was only partly effec official statistics indicde. The mark will continue for 14 weeks. Mrs Jemsalem on Nov. 17 tive ancl there were few disorders. value was set at 40.33 in yesterday's Rose Markensohn and Dr. Carl Jag JERUSALEM (JTA) - Ely E. At Nablus, 400 Arab youths threw market. Special empha~is was placed olinzer, chai rman for the women's Palmer, consul-general of the Unit• stones and smashed windows in the upon an immediate anti-Jewish boy and men's divisions, respcc'. ivcly -:!d St:J: tes at J erusalem for almost Shomdonim quarter of the ancient cott in the fur trade by Hitler's per are registr8;rs for the Saturday a ft two years, will leave here on No city. Nobody was wounded, accord sonal organ, the Voeelkischer Beo ernoon sess10ns. vember 17 to take over his new post ing to reports. bachter. Other speakers for these lectures at Ottawa, Ont. He is president of Many Arab shops and restaurants BERLIN (JTA) - The Jarge include: Prof. Israel Efros, Buffalo the Rotary Club here. refused to close their doors in defi number of forced sales of J ewish University, Buffalo, N. Y.; Prof. A. MAURICE SAMUEL ance of the orders issued by Arab owned business enterprises shows a A. Neuman, Dropsie College, Phil Revisionists to Vote party leaders. The strike also failed decided increase throughout the adelphia; and Rabbi Milton Stein Maurice Samuel will be guest On Reich Barter Pact to cripple transportation lines, many Reich, and now inclu<les a number berg, Park Avenue Synagogue, New speaker at the first formal meeting JERUSALEM (JTA) - A plebis of the buses operating throughout of the larger J ewish firms whose York, N. Y. of the Men's Club of Temple Beth cite on the question of abolishing the day. assets are being transferred to "Ar Israel, Monday, Nov. 18, it was an Haavarah, Palestine-German barter Credit for the peaceful outeome yan" firms in the present wave of QUEEN KNIGHTS JEW nounced today. body which enables German J ews to of the strike, the first important na ''liquidation." take their capital out of Germany tion-wide Arab demonstration AMSTERDAM (JTA) - Queen Mr. Samuel is internationally Hitherto chiefly smaller Jewish known as an E nglish and Yiddish when emigrating to Palestine, has against the J ews since 1929, the enterprises have been compelled to Wilhemina has created Herman Ley been called by the New Zionist Or year of the riots, was given to the densdorf, famous J ewfa h violinist, scholar and orator. His translations transfer their business assets at of the autobiography of the late ganization of Palestine, Zioni st-Re elaborate precautions ag-ainst dis only a small percentage of their ac a Knight of the Order of Orange visionist group. turbances taken by the police. and Nassau. Schmarya Levin is a masterpiece of tual values. literature. He has caught the spirit and life of Levin's inimitable Yid dii;h style and the latter's writings Creation of a Genuine Jew Britain Rebukes Reich; Nazis live again in English. Maurice Samuel has had a varied ish Art is Goal of Resent "Truth About and colorful career. He was educat ed in England and upon graduation from the University of Manchester, Saul Raskin Hitler" he continued to study in various French and German Colleges. Fol "Creation of a J ewish Ar,t, dis was necessary that I pass through LONDON (JTA) - 'l'he Foreign "The twentieth century," he con lowing the war, he served for a year tinctly Jewish in conception and three stages. First, the technicque Office has rebuked the German Gov tinues, "witnessed with surprise not with the United States Pogrom In style, is the of every Jewi sh of painting and drawing had to be merely the promulgation of these vestigating Committee to Poland, artist today," declared Saul Raskin, conquered which then permitted me ernment in connection with its pro and test, offered by the German Ambas ferocious doctrines but their enforce the Inter-Allied Reparations well known artist to a J ewish Herald tn reali ze my own capabilities. Se sudor to Great Britain upon instruc ment with brutal vigor by the Gov Commission in Pari s, Berlin and Vi reporter in an interview yesterday. condly, as a J ewish artist, I had to tions from Berlin, against an arti ernment.