ARCHBISHOP MOUSHEGH MARDIROSSIAN, PRELATE Editors: Bishop Torkom Donoyan and Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA 91214. Tel:(818) 248-7737/8 Fax: (818) 248-7745 E-mail: [email protected], WWW.WESTERNPRELACY.ORG

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Dear teachers and students,

At the start of the 2018-19 academic year, with Christian love, I greet the principals, teachers, staff, students, parents and representatives of the schools, with the hope and trust that with the blessings of God, that this new school year will bring a renewed spirit to all.

Therefore, let us bow our heads and give thanks to Almighty God for granting us a safe sum- mer break and a new academic school year. As Armenian Christian students, we will enrich our spirits, hearts and minds through the Armenian school, we will renew our religious and national vows. At the commencement of this new academic school year, for some, it may not be a new beginning in your academic studies, because you will continue striding on the same path since the early days of your academic lives. But, there will be many who will enter into this new school year, as new stu- dents, who will join you, and will walk together on the same path.

You have familiarized yourselves with our alphabet, and then began to read and write in Ar- menian, learned our songs, other languages and enriched your knowledge in various fields of studies. Year after year, you have grown in your knowledge and have enjoyed the care of your principal and teachers, who became a second parent to you.

Let us keep in mind that the Armenian School is not an ordinary educational institution of learning where students develop their minds with knowledge, the Armenian School, above all, is a special place where you learn reverence for our faith and heritage. It is a haven where students learn about our rich and ancient history, culture and the priceless traditions passed to us by our forefathers throughout the centuries.

This year, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of . As many of you were involved with various celebrations commemorating the anniversary, you must remember that this year should not be a one-time celebration; rather, we must continue the celebrations for years to come. We must all live, demand, renew and revitalize our faithfulness to upholding the legacy of our forefathers who built our nation.

May God bless our principals, educators, students and parents who entrust the religious and cultural instruction of their children to the Armenian School. May God also bless the devoted mem- bers of the Board of Regents and School Boards, sponsors and community organizations who lend their valuable moral and financial support to our Armenian Schools, ensuring their continued suc- cess. May this academic year be a good and successful year to all. God bless you all.


Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian Prelate, Western United States

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ORDINATION AND CONSECRATION OF BLESSING AND DEDICATION OF THE BISHOPS IN ANTELIAS “MEHER AND SATIG DER OHANESSIAN YOUTH CENTER” IN CRESCENTA VALLEY On April 14 and 15, 2018, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I elevated four members of the On Sunday, April 8, 2018, the Crescenta Holy See of Brotherhood to the rank of Valley Armenian Center was rededicated as the Bishop during special ceremonies held at St. Gre- “Meher and Satig Der Ohanessian Youth Center” gory the Illuminator Mother Cathedral in Antelias. during a special ceremony presided over by H.E. Four clergyman received the rank of Bishop; Very Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. In Rev. Fr. Masis Zobouyan (Prelate of Kuwait and attendance were ARF Bureau member Dr. Viken Neighboring Countries), Very Rev. Fr. Sipan Yacoubian, ARF-WR Central Committee Chair Mr. Ketchejian (Prelate of Isfahan, Iran), Very Rev. Fr. Daron Der Khatchadourian, Political Chair Mr. Mesrob Sarkissian (Catholicosal Vicar of UAE and Avedik Izmirlian and members, ARF Crescenta Qatar), and Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan (Vicar Valley “Zavarian” Gomideh Chair Mr. Mike Ke- General of the Western U.S.). H.E. Archbishop leshian and members, California State Senator Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and members Anthony Portantino, Glendale Mayor Zareh of the Executive Council and community partici- Sinanyan and City Council members, Prelacy Ex- pated in the ceremony. ecutive Council members, and benefactors Mr. The ordination ceremony began on Sat- and Mrs. Meher and Satig Der Ohanessian along urday evening at St. Gregory the Illuminator with their sons Ari and Saro and their families. Mother Cathedral, where His Holiness Catholicos The program began with the flag cere- Aram I presided over the ritual of the examination mony by scouts. The Prelate, as- of the faith of the priests. Following the reading sisted by Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian, blessed the of the recommendations of the Prelacies request- center through special prayers. The unveiling of ing their ordination and prayers, His Holiness led the new sign and ribbon cutting ceremony fol- them to the ceremony of the confession of the lowed. The program continued inside the center true Orthodox faith. The priests confessed their with opening remarks by MC Mr. Arick Gevorkian. faith, signed papers and vowed to remain loyal to Senator Portantino presented a proclamation. the Catholicosate of Cilicia, to His Holiness The Prelate delivered his message, which Catholicos Aram I, and to the Church and its faith- be began by noting the wonderful coincidence ful. On the second day of the ordination and the that the center is receiving its new name on New consecration ceremony, His Holiness conducted Sunday, which is a day of renewal. He greeted Divine Liturgy, assisted by the Prelate and H.E. and congratulated the “Zavarian” Gomideh and Archbishop Nareg Alemezian. According to the the entire ARF family and community as a whole, Armenian Orthodox Church’s tradition, His Holi- stating, “as members of one and the same family, ness consecrated the forehead and right hand of the achievements of one are achievements for each bishop with Holy Muron. During the cere- all.” His Eminence blessed and commended in mony, each bishop was also granted an episcopal particular the benefactors for this latest of their staff, ring, and pectoral panagia, symbols of their countless contributions to our national institu- newly received rank. At the end of the ceremony, tions. His Eminence also noted that the ceremony His Holiness delivered his Pontifical message. can be considered as part of centennial celebra- Addressing the newly ordained and consecrated tions of the first Republic of Armenia, a celebra- bishops, His Holiness described the vocation of tion of our survival, resilience, and flourishing, the episcopate as service, obedience, humility, and concluded by urging the community to con- and accountability to the people. At the end of the tinue to work together with brotherly love, good- two-day ordination and consecration ceremony, will, and renewed drive. the new Bishops and the pilgrims who had ac- companied them were received by His Holiness for a final blessing.




On Friday, April 6, 2018, over 1,200 stu- dents from eleven Southern California Armenian schools gathered at the Armenian Genocide Mar- tyrs Monument in Montebello to collectively de- mand justice for the Armenian Genocide and leadership and enduring solidarity, as well as for honor the memory of our 1.5 million holy martyrs, continuing the tradition of declaring the month of with over 700 students marching to the Monu- April as Armenian History Month. The Prelate ment from the campus of Armenian Mesrobian noted that the world has sadly witnessed a num- School. Clergy from the Armenian Apostolic, ber of genocides across the globe since the Ar- Catholic, and Evangelical Churches, as well as menian Genocide, genocides which continue to principals and teachers participated in the gath- the present day, emphasizing that awareness and ering. The program began with the invocation led proper recognition is an important step in prevent- by Fr. Muron, followed by the Lord’s Prayer, the ing future atrocities. “And that is why no matter singing of the hymn dedicated to our martyrs, a how much time elapses, with the support of special prayer, and the singing of “Lord have friends like you we will continue to rally for recog- mercy.” Remarks were delivered by Mesrobian nition and justice for the Armenian people and for School Principal Mr. David Ghoogasian and Fr. all those who suffered and continue to suffer a Muron urging the youth to always remain faithful similar fate,” he said, and concluded by convey- to the legacy of our martyrs and to defend and ing his blessings and best wishes for continues uphold our faith, heritage, and cause. The pro- successes in their valuable service. gram also included remarks and presentations by students and the placing of wreaths. LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL COMMEMORATES THE 103RD ANNIVERSARY LOS ANGELES COUNTY OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COMMEMORATES THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE By the initiative of Los Angeles City Coun- cilmember Paul Krekorian, on Wednesday, April On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, the 103rd an- 18, 2018, the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian niversary of the Armenian Genocide was com- Genocide was commemorated at City Hall. Arch- memorated during the Los Angeles County Board priest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian represented H.E. of Supervisors weekly meeting. On behalf of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, During the commemoration, the City Council hon- Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Archpriest Fr. ored the following education leaders: Prof. Nareg Pehlivanian, and Rev. Fr. Movses Shan- Richard Hovannisian, Mr. Gabriel Injejikian, Ms. nakian attended the annual “Day of Remem- Vivian Ekchian, and the USC Shoah Foundation. brance for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.” Clergy from the Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, and TUFENKIAN SCHOOL STUDENTS PAY Evangelical Churches, representatives of the TRIBUTE TO THE HOLY MARTYRS OF THE Consulate General of Armenia and ANCA-WR, ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AT THE PRELACY Glendale Mayor Zareh Sinanyan and City Council MONUMENT members participated in the commemoration. Fr. Muron read the Prelate’s message ad- On Thursday, April 19, 2018, the young dressed to Supervisor Kathryn Barger and her students of Richard Tufenkian Pre-School visited colleagues. His Eminence thanked the members the Prelacy where they paid tribute to the memory of the Board of Supervisors for their principled of the holy martyrs of the Armenian Genocide by placing flowers at the Genocide memorial monu-

42 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM ment. The students, accompanied by Director unique in formula and method of preparation. He Mrs. Arsine Aghazarian and teachers, were wel- explained that Holy Muron dates back to the time comed by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardiross- of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, reached ian, Prelate, who had returned from Lebanon the Armenia by Christ’s apostles and the tradition re- prior evening. Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian instituted by St. Gregory the Illuminator. The was alongside His Eminence. Prelate emphasized the continuity of Holy Muron Following the collective singing of The from the time of St. Gregory until the present and Lord’s Prayer, the Prelate spoke to the students the combining of Holy Muron in Etchmiadzin and about April 24 and our holy martyrs who gave Antelias which is a beautiful symbol of our unity. their lives for our nation, church, and homeland. He concluded by wishing them a safe trip and ex- In response to a question by His Eminence, the pressing confidence that they will return strength- students stated that they will join the cause of ened in their faith and national identity and will pursuing our stolen lands when they get older and also remain bonded to our community life follow- will remain faithful to the legacy of our forefathers. ing their graduation next year and beyond.


On Thursday, April 19, 2018, the junior On Friday, April 20, 2018, students of class of Rose and Alex Pilibos School paid a visit Vahan and Anoush Chamlian School walked to to the Prelacy to receive the blessings of H.E. the Prelacy to pay homage to the holy martyrs of Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, the Armenian Genocide and renew their commit- ahead of their pilgrimage to Armenia. The visit ment to the pursuit of our cause. Prior to the walk- also served as a renewal of the students’ alle- a-thon students had a candle-lighting ceremony giance to our religious and national values. His on campus and planted a tree dedicated to the Eminence was joined by Archpriest Fr. Nareg region of Shadakh in . The tree Pehlivanian. was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Ara and Jacque- The visit was held at the “Dikran and line Tovmassian. Accompanied by Principal Dr. Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall. The program Talin Kargodorian, Vice-Principal Mrs. Rita Ka- began with opening remarks by Ara Yacoubian, prielian, teachers, and parents, the students then who expressed thanks for the warm welcome, walked to the Prelacy where they were welcomed highlighted the church’s valuable role in the col- by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, lective life of the Armenian people, and joyfully Prelate, Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian, and noted that he and his peers will be in Armenia dur- Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian. ing commemorations of the centennial and asked Upon their arrival to the Prelacy, students for the Prelate’s blessings. placed flowers before the Armenian Genocide The Prelate commended the perform- centennial monument. Remarks were delivered ances and expressed his delight at the students’ by Armenian Club members and teacher Armenig visit, pointing out how much more mindful and Hayrabedian, with the message that they will re- mature they have become since their last visit main committed to the pursuit of our cause and three years ago. He lauded also the sentiments rights and will never forget our language and her- of nationalism and allegiance to our faith and na- itage. The Prelate delivered his message to each tion echoed in the students’ remarks. His Emi- of the groups urging them to keep the legacy of nence stated that the students are fortunate to be our holy martyrs who gave their lives for our na- visiting Armenia during centennial commemora- tion, church, and homeland alive, to be exemplary tions and urged them to really take in our rich his- , to love our homeland, language, and tory and heritage as they visit a number of historic heritage and keep fighting for our cause. He and sacred sites. By the request of the students, blessed the students and the teachers and par- the Prelate explained the history and meaning be- ents who embed our national identity in our youth. hind the Holy Muron and how it’s made, noting that while many churches use a form of holy oil, the Holy Muron used in the Armenian Church is


CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE Pastor of St. Sarkis Church of Pasadena, partici- COMMEMORATES THE 103RD ANNIVERSARY pated with a prayer service. Remarks were deliv- OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ered by State Senator Anthony Portantino, city officials, and community leaders. During the com- By the initiative of the California Armenian memoration, the freeway signs for the Memorial, Legislative Caucus, on Monday, April 23, 2018, which will be place on the 210 freeway, were un- the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide veiled. On Sunday, April 22nd, the Prelate was commemorated at the State Capitol in Sacra- presided over Divine Liturgy at St. Sarkis Church mento with the participation of Armenian-Ameri- in Pasadena, conducted an intercessory prayer can community leaders and activists. service dedicated to our holy martyrs, and deliv- On behalf of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh ered the sermon. By the initiative of the ARS Mardirossian, Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Western Region Saturday School Board, on the Ashekian participated in the day’s special events morning of Sunday, April 22, students from the and delivered the Prelate’s invocation on the Sen- Nayiri, Arax, Sipan, and Sevan chapters, accom- ate floor. The Prelate paid tribute to the holy mar- panied by their directors, teachers, and parents, tyrs of the Armenian Genocide and to victims of went on a pilgrimage to the Montebello Martyrs’ all genocides, past and present, praying for the Monument. The students participated in a prayer repose of their souls and for God’s divine protec- service led by Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian and tion to be upon all those caught in the crosshairs placed flowers at the monument, heard remarks, of conflict around the world. He thanked our es- and sang patriotic songs. teemed elected officials for designating this time On the afternoon of Sunday, April 22, the each year to honor the memory of our ancestors annual commemoration organized by the United and for their continued solidarity with the Armen- Armenian Council was held at the Armenian ian-Armenian community in pursuit of our noble Genocide Martyrs’ Monument in Montebello. The and just cause. “As we continue our quest for uni- program featured intercessory prayers dedicated versal recognition and justice for the Armenian to our holy martyrs led by the heads of the Armen- Genocide, may we draw fortitude, wisdom, and ian Apostolic, Catholic, and Evangelical perseverance from You to remain undeterred and Churches, political messages by elected officials, tireless in our fight, and with Your divine guidance remarks by Bob Morgenthau, great-grandson of and the united efforts of our friends and support- U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry ers, may truth, justice, and righteousness prevail Morgenthau, and cultural performances by stu- in due time,” stated His Eminence. He concluded dents of Armenian Schools. On Sunday evening, by praying for peace and harmony in the world a candle-light vigil and commemoration took and mutual respect and tolerance amongst all place at the Armenian Genocide Memorial Mon- peoples. ument in Las Vegas organized by the Armenian- American Cultural Society of Las Vegas. Rev. Fr. COMMUNITY-WIDE COMMEMORATION Arsen Kassabian, Pastor of St. Garabed Church OF THE 103RD ANNIVERSARY OF of Las Vegas, participated with a prayer. A procla- THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE mation from the City Council declaring April 22, 2018 “Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day” On Tuesday, April 24, 2018, and the days for the city of Las Vegas was presented to Hon- preceding and following, the 103rd anniversary of orary Consul Adroushan Armenian. the Armenian Genocide was commemorated On the evening of Monday, April 23rd, a within our community through various events commemoration was held at the Armenian Geno- which H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, cide Martyrs’ Monument in Montebello organized Prelate, Clergy and Executive Council members by the “Tro” Gomideh and local Armenian organ- attended. On Saturday, April 21, a March for Re- izations. Holy Cross Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. membrance took place from the Jivalagian Youth Fr. Muron Aznikian, and Pastor, Rev. Fr. Ashod Center to the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Me- Kambourian, participated. morial where a special program took place organ- On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 24, ized by the Pasadena Armenian Genocide tens of thousands participated in the “March for Memorial Committee. Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan, Justice” from Pan Pacific Park to the Turkish Con-

44 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM sulate where there a special program took place. see alumni still connected to the school now as The Prelate, clergy, and Executive Council mem- parents. He touched on the upcoming 100th an- bers participated. niversary of the first Republic of Armenia and re- On Tuesday evening, the annual City of cent commemorations of the 103rd anniversary Glendale commemoration was held at Alex The- of the Armenian Genocide, reminding the stu- atre in Glendale featuring keynote speakers Dean dents to keep the legacy of our forefathers alive. Cain and Montel Williams - producers of the film The visit concluded with the benediction and the “Architects of Denial” - and cultural performances collective singing of the Armenian national an- by Rose and Pilibos School students, LA Balfry them. Choir, Davidian and Mariamian Educational Foun------dation, and Ani Dance Company. Archpriest Fr. Vazken Atmajian and Rev. Fr. CASPS HONORS OUTSTANDING Movses Shannakian attended. ARMENIAN STUDENTS GRADUATING FROM THE GLENDALE UNIFIED SCHOOL ------DISTRICT


On Thursday, April 26, 2018, students from Ari Guiragos Minassian School in Orange County, accompanied by Principal Ms. Sanan Shirinian, teachers, and parents, visited the Prelacy where they renewed their allegiance to our faith and heritage. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, joined by Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian and Archpriest Fr. Nareg On Thursday, April 26, 2018, the 22nd an- Pehlivanian, greeted the students at the “St. Der- nual reception organized by the Committee for Ar- tad and St. Ashkhen” Chapel where they sang the menian Students in Public Schools (CASPS) Lord’s Prayer and the hymn dedicated to our holy honoring outstanding Armenian students gradu- martyrs, on which the Prelate gave a brief expla- ating from the Glendale Unified School District nation. Next, clergy and students gathered at the was held at the Adult Recreation Center in Glen- Armenian Genocide centennial monument in the dale with the participation of elected officials, prin- Prelacy courtyard where they sang “Cilicia” and cipals, teachers, counselors, and administrators placed flowers in memory of our martyrs. The visit of the Glendale Unified School District, members continued at the “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghaz- of St. Mary’s Church Board of Trustees, the Board arian” Hall. Three students delivered remarks of Regents of Prelacy Schools, and community stating that they had come to their “home” to organizations. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh renew their pledge to uphold our faith, language, Mardirossian, Prelate, accompanied by Archpriest and culture. They thanked the Prelate for the wel- Fr. Gomidas Torossian and Executive Council come and conveyed their well wishes to him. A member Dr. Kaloust Agopian, attended and con- patriotic program of songs and recitations fol- veyed his blessings and congratulatory message lowed, after which the Prelate delivered his mes- to the graduating students. sage. His Eminence commended the students’ The program began with welcoming re- performances and especially their pledge to up- marks by CASPS Executive Director Mrs. Arsineh hold our faith and heritage, noting that in the past Hovannisian, who stated, “Today we are beaming week students from three other schools had vis- with pride and joy to see our youth excelling. As ited and made the same promise. He urged them the future leaders of tomorrow, we expect you to to speak Armenian and to stay true to their return to your community and serve it with pride.” pledge. The Prelate stated that Ari Guiragos Mi- Mrs. Hovannisian went over the various programs nassian School holds a special place in his heart offered by CASPS, thanked the Prelacy for years having taught there decades ago, and is happy to of continued support and the Armenian Educa-

45 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM tional Foundation for sponsoring the evening’s and conveyed the message to the students that monetary awards. She concluded by recognizing a good name is much better than riches, stating, the CASPS team for 24 years of service to our “As you acquire successes, keep your name students. Mr. Edrick Sarkissian, who served as good and give back to your community.” the Master of Ceremonies, congratulated and commended the students for their ambition, drive, ------and positive attitude, and urged them to trust in themselves for in their heritage a history of brav- VICAR GENERAL BISHOP TORKOM ery and wisdom. On behalf of the Western DONOYAN CELEBRATES FIRST EPISCOPAL Prelacy family, the Prelate congratulated and DIVINE LITURGY AT ST. MARY’S CHURCH commended the students for their achievements IN GLENDALE as well as their parents and teachers for their care and guidance. Addressing the students, His Em- inence urged them to be strong and courageous, to never lose hope, and to always trust in God in all the coming chapters of their lives. He exhorted them to make the most of their God-given gifts and talents to advance not only their individual lives but also the collective life of our church and nation. His Eminence reminded them that as chil- dren of the Armenian nation, each and every one of them has a duty to our homeland, stating, “In this year especially as we celebrate the 100th an- niversary of the first Republic of Armenia, may you pledge to contribute your part to defending, upholding, and promoting the values and princi- ples we hold dear to our hearts, the values of our faith, the value of democracy which we saw tri- umph in recent days, the values on which our na- tion was founded upon.” The Prelate concluded by praying for the Lord to guide their steps and watch over them as they continued life’s journey. On Sunday, April 29, 2018, H.G. Bishop The keynote address was delivered by Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, celebrated his L.A. County Superior Court Judge Amy Ashvan- first Episcopal Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church ian, who began by congratulating the students on in Glendale following his ordination and conse- the culmination of many years of hard work and cration by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I. H.E. study. Judge Ashvanian focused her message on Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, the importance of education, giving her own life presided over Divine Liturgy, which was attended story as an example of what can be achieved with by Catholicosate Central Executive member Mr. education, perseverance, confidence in your abil- Gaidzag Zetlian, Executive Council Chair Mr. ities, and a dream. She urged the students to ed- Vahe Hovaguimian, Vice-Chair and ordination ucate not only their minds but also their hearts godfather Mr. Garo Eshgian, and Council mem- and souls, to care for others, to be a part of the bers, representatives of community organiza- community, and to be proud of being both Armen- tions, and a large number of faithful. Bishop ian and American. Speaking on the responsibili- Torkom was assisted at the altar by Archpriest Fr. ties and challenges the students will face as Vazken Atmajian, Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian, and adults, she concluded by stating, “Whatever you deacons. do in life make sure you do it with great love, In his address to the faithful, the Prelate goodwill, and confidence. And don’t ever give up thanked God for the blessing of the day and re- on your dreams.” flected on the ordination ceremony in which he GUSD Superintendent Mr. Winfred participated and which Executive Council and Roberson thanked CASPS for their partnership community members attended. He congratulated


Bishop Torkom, wished for the living message of niversary of St. Garabed Church of Hollywood the feast of the Apparition of the Holy Cross to was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Navasart strengthen in him the spirit of love and sacrifice and Maral Kazazian under the auspices of and as he continues his service for the advancement presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardi- of our church and nation, and wished him good rossian, Prelate, and organized by the Parish health, strength, and vigor in his calling as a ser- Pastor Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian and Board vant of God. He concluded by greeting the mem- of Trustees. Church consecration Godfather Mr. bers of the Executive Council and commending Vahe Karapetian was the event’s Honorary Pres- Mr. and Mrs. Garo and Sosse Eshgian who gra- ident. His Eminence was joined by H.G. Bishop ciously took on the role of ordination godfather. Torkom Donoyan. In attendance was Catholi- Bishop Torkom began his message by cosate Central Executive member Mr. Gaidzag thanking God for making him worthy of receiving Zetlian, Executive Council member Dr. Kaloust Episcopal ordination and prayed for the Lord’s Agopian, ARF Central Committee member Mr. strength and guidance in the lives of all according Garo Ispenjian and “Karekin Njteh” Gomideh rep- to their faith. He conveyed his gratitude to His Ho- resentatives, altar benefactor Mr. and Mrs. Hagop liness Catholicos Aram I for finding him worthy of and Haiguhi Daglian, Rose and Alex Pilibos the episcopate, which will spur him in his service School Principal Dr. Alina Dorian, members of the for the prosperity of our church and nation, and church and school family, sponsors and friends. with brotherly love greeted the Prelate, wishing The program began with welcoming re- him many bright years to come. He thanked also marks by MC Mrs. Tamar Tufenkjian-Seraydarian, clergy and Executive Council members, in partic- who greeted the guests and briefly reflected on ular his godfather, and all those who offered sup- the role of the Armenian Apostolic Church in our port and prayers on his ordination. society. A group of students from Pilibos School Bishop Torkom thereafter delivered his participated in the celebration with songs and sermon on the feast of the Apparition of the Holy recitations. Dr. Navasart Kazazian welcomed the Cross, praying for the Holy Cross of our Savior to guests and thanked all those who contribute their bring blessings, guidance, and strengthening of moral and financial support to the advancement faith to all. Next, he spoke on true Christian love, of St. Garabed Church. Fr. Vicken expressed stating, “God is love, He is the essence of love. gratitude to the Prelate and thanks to the guests, And out of the abundance of His love He created church members and volunteers, sister organiza- the universe and mankind, and granted the gift of tions, and sponsors, after which he highlighted St. love to man. Indeed He loved mankind so much, Garabed Church’s mission and service to the that He sacrificed His Son for our sins. God’s love community over the past four decades. is greater than man’s sin and evil. His love made Given that the Prelate was to attend the us worthy to be temples of His Holy Spirit. Chris- ARS Montebello “Nairy” Chapter’s 50th anniver- tianity is a religion of love, and love is the greatest sary celebration, he delivered his message early virtue a Christian faithful can possess.” He con- in the program and conveyed his congratulations cluded by urging the faithful to exceed one an- and commendation to the parish family. Refer- other in loving God and to serve our church and encing the day’s feast of the Apparition of the nation with utmost love. Holy Cross, he noted that the Armenian people At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, faithful have for centuries trusted in the power of the Holy had the opportunity to receive the blessings of Cross and looked to the Holy Cross for inspiration Bishop Torkom. A reception followed at “Armenak and guidance. His Eminence stated that this an- Der Bedrossian” Hall. niversary is an opportunity for all to become re- newed and strengthened in their journey of faith ------and service, and highlighted four points in this re- gards. First, he urged for faithfulness to God and ST. GARABED CHURCH humility, love, and devotion in our service. Sec- 40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ond, to be grateful for those who came before us, who served with faith, hope, and love. Third, to On the afternoon of Sunday, April 29, find joy in our present successes, and finally, to 2018, a reception in celebration of the 40th an- look to an even brighter future with faith and

47 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM hope. In his remarks, Mr. Vahe Karapetian con- continues. The Prelate shared his thoughts and veyed his congratulations and invited all to con- suggestions, and clergy participated in the discus- tinue to lend their valuable support to St. Garabed sion by sharing their ideas and experiences. Church. Bishop Torkom Donoyan delivered clos- The remainder of the session included ing remarks. the presentation of reports by parish pastors, ------plans for the centennial celebration of the first Re- public of Armenia and forthcoming feasts, drafting CLERGY CONFERENCE HELD AHEAD OF of suggestions to present to the Representative WESTERN PRELACY 46TH Assembly, election of religious delegates to the REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Assembly, and unforeseen matters. The conference concluded with the Ahead of the Western Prelacy 46th Rep- singing of the hymn “Disciples of Christ,” Cilicia, resentative Assembly and in preparation for a and the Pontifical anthem, followed by the bene- new term of service, on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, diction. a clergy conference was held at Holy Martyrs ------Church in Encino presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. PRELACY SCHOOLS’ STUDENTS The day began with a prayer service and COLLECTIVELY CELEBRATE THE a spiritual meditation by the Prelate. His Emi- CENTENNIAL OF THE FIRST REPUBLIC OF nence first greeted the clergy and once again ARMENIA congratulated Vicar General H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan on his recent Episcopal ordination. The On Friday, May 4, 2018, 1,300 students theme of the meditation was Romans 12:2, which and teachers of Prelacy Schools gathered at Rio gives the message to “not be conformed to this Hondo Park adjacent to Armenian Mesrobian world, but be transformed by the renewing of your School in Pico Rivera to collectively celebrate the mind, that you may prove what is that good and centennial of the first Republic of Armenia. The acceptable and perfect will of God.” Renewal ne- event was organized by the Board of Regents of cessitates living in the example of Christ, it begins Prelacy Schools and Principals. 5th to 12th grade with a conscious awareness of the mission we are students participated, while on the same day, Pre- called to, and renewal of the mind comes from the School to 4th grade students held similar celebra- presence of the Holy Spirit, said the Prelate, and tions at their individual schools. Holy Cross called for the clergy to serve our church and na- Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, tion with renewed faith and devotion. and Parish Pastor, Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian, The conference convened at “Yeghia participated on behalf of H.E. Archbishop Sarafian” Hall with opening remarks by the Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. Prelate, who wished for the day’s proceedings to The program began with the flag cere- be beneficial for all and lead to renewed spirits mony by Homenetmen scouts and the national and drive. The election of the tivan followed; Very anthems of the U.S. and Armenia. Board of Re- Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian served as Chair and Rev. gents Chair Mrs. Lisa Gaboudian welcomed the Fr. Karekin Bedourian as Secretary. Fr. Muron students and invited the clergy to offer a prayer. also expressed his wish for the conference to be Fr. Muron and Fr. Ashod led the singing of the fruitful and impel all in their mission. Lord’s Prayer, after which Fr. Muron read the The second session convened after Prelate’s message. lunch. The Vicar General presented a lecture on His Eminence first commended the Board spiritual renewal highlighting the message of Eph- of Regents, which alongside school boards and esians chapter 4. “Renewal is an ongoing pro- principals organized the historic celebration of the cess. It has a beginning but no end. When it centennial, a day of national pride and triumph. comes to our faith especially, we are always in Addressing the students, he had written, “Inde- need of renewal,” said the Vicar General, who pendence wasn’t handed to our forefathers, it was then presented the ten-year plan of action for re- achieved through a long and hard struggle and organization and revitalization which was pre- sacrifice and in the most difficult of circumstances pared by a special committee and whose work only three years following the start of the Geno-

48 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM cide. We have had great triumphs in our history, Donoyan, Vicar General, read the Pontifical mes- and today too, our brave soldiers in Artsakh con- sage of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I who in- tinue the path paved by our forefathers at Sar- vited the participants to assess the endeavors of darabad, a path that will lead to ultimate victory the previous term with a constructive approach, and the waving of our tri-color across all of our outlined the expectations of the people from the lands. Join in the fight and keep the will and church, stressed the importance of church ser- legacy of our forefathers alive.” vants being ready and able to take on challenges ANCA Chairman Mr. Raffi Hamparian and of the church becoming a lively presence in served as the MC and delivered his inspiring mes- the life of our people, and commended the sage to the youth. Citing the following line from Prelate, Councils, and all volunteers for their serv- the poem Sardarabad, “Ring the bells, call the ice. The election of the tivan followed, with Dr. holy braves to this just land,” Mr. Hamparian Garo Agopian and Mr. George Chorbajian serving stated that in 1918, heroes heard the bells at Sar- as Chairmen and Mr. Hamo Kasbarian and Mr. darabad, Gharakilise, and Pash Abaran and they Hovig Filhanessian as Secretaries. responded with bravery. In 1988 those same bells Mr. Vahe Yacobian conveyed greetings on rang in Artsakh and heroes responded once behalf of the Central Executive and reflected on again, and two weeks ago in Armenia, a new gen- recent developments in Armenia, expressing eration heard bells of a different nature and gath- hope that the outcome will lead to a more just and ered in the streets to fight for a more just and free prosperous Armenia. On behalf of the Executive Armenia. Thus, he urged the students to listen for Council, Chairman Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian the bells and respond. Second, citing an old say- thanked the Assembly for entrusting them with ing from Dikranagerd, “You plant a tree so that their important duties over the past four years and one day you can sit in the shade,” Mr. Hamparian wished for continued successes as we embark to- stated that all of us, whether in Armenia or the Di- ward the 50th anniversary of the Western Prelacy. aspora, are farmers of the Armenian Cause, and On behalf of the host parish, Chairman Mr. Ros- that we need to pland the seeds for our future and tom Aintablian delivered welcoming remarks. nurture them to strengthen our nation. The Prelate began his message by thank- ing God for granting the opportunity to once again ------collectively review the endeavors of the previous term and look to the future with renewed dedica- WESTERN PRELACY 46TH tion, zeal, and will. On behalf of the Assembly he REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY ELECTS expressed gratitude to His Holiness Catholicos NEW RELIGIOUS AND EXECUTIVE Aram I for his message and guidance, congratu- COUNCILS lated the Vicar General on his recent Episcopal ordination, and expressed appreciation to all for - SOLIDARITY TO THE PEOPLE OF ARMENIA their valuable service to our churches and schools. Reflecting on the 45-year history of the On Friday, May 4, 2018, the 46th Western Prelacy, the Prelate stated that great strides have Prelacy Representative Assembly convened at been made over the years through the hard work “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall in En- and diligent efforts of successive Prelates and cino presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Councils and with the collaboration of commit- Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation tees, sponsors, and supporters, and urged for the of delegates, Catholicosate Central Executive work to continue with the same resolve and com- members Mr. Vahe Yacoubian and Mr. Gaidzag mitment. His Eminence stressed that as one en- Zetlian, clergy, members of the Religious and Ex- tity and members of one family we are to serve ecutive Councils, Board of Trustees Chairpersons together with love and harmony, with open and or representatives, members of the Board of Re- honest communication, cooperation, and collab- gents and CASPS, Prelacy Schools’ Principals oration, for the glory of God, for the vitality of our and Directors. This year’s Assembly was hosted church and nation, and the progress of our by St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of San Prelacy. He wished for the proceedings of the As- Francisco. The Assembly began with prayer of- sembly to be fruitful and beneficial and for discus- fered by the clergy. H.G. Bishop Torkom sions to be positive and constructive.


The election of the Resolution and Vote- bers of the new Executive Council are: Mr. Garo Counting Committees followed, after which the Eshgian, Mr. Alec Baghdasaryan, Mr. Avo Chairpersons or representatives from each parish Kechichian, Mrs. Elo Boyajian, Mr. George Chor- reported on their activities in the previous year. bajian, Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian, Dr. Navasart Next, in keeping with tradition, this year Kazazian, Mr. Garbis Bezdjian, Deacon Berj Ap- too, the Religious and Executive Councils had de- karian, Mr. Ara Shabanian, and Mr. Rafi cided to honor an individual who has contributed Kuyumjian. On behalf of the tivan, Dr. Garo valuably to our community. This year’s honoree Agopian congratulated the new Councils and was long-time educator Mr. Saro Nazarian, who thanked the delegates for entrusting the tivan was awarded a plaque in absentia. Given the sit- with their duties. The Prelate delivered the closing uation in Armenia, the Assembly opted to release message thanking the outgoing Executive Coun- a statement of solidarity to the people of Armenia, cil, congratulating and welcoming the new Exec- which read: “In light of the state of affairs in Ar- utive Council, commending the staff, and menia over the past few weeks, the 46th Western thanking all for their input over the two days. Prelacy Representative Assembly held on May 4- The Assembly closed with the benedic- 5, 2018, hereby expresses its solidarity to the tion, Cilicia, and the Armenian national anthem. people of Armenia and to the youth leading a peaceful movement for change, wishing for the ------path to justice and democracy to continue freely and lead to a brighter future for our nation and FEAST OF THE ASCENSION CELEBRATION compatriots as well as a strengthening of ties be- tween Armenia and the Diaspora. The second session encompassed the presentation of the Financial and Auditing Com- mittee reports, briefings by the Board of Regents of Prelacy Schools and by the Religious and Ex- ecutive Councils, questions about the annual re- ports, and a review of the endeavors of the Prelate and Councils over the past year, which the Resolution Committee found “commend- able.” Afterward, the Assembly began the drafting of activities for the new term, with delegates of- fering suggestions and proposals. Day two began with a requiem prayer in memory of Holy See of Cilicia Brotherhood mem- On Thursday, May 10, 2018, the Feast of ber Bishop Norayr Ashekian and long-time pastor the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ was cele- Archpriest Fr. Nareg Shrikian. Alongside the draft- brated within the Western Prelacy with Divine ing of activities, the session included the presen- Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale followed tation and ratification of the budget, election of by the traditional luncheon organized by the the Auditing Committee, and unforeseen matters. Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary. The final item on the agenda was the election of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, the new Religious and Executive Councils, which Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy, which was yielded the following results: celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian who The members of the new Religious Coun- also delivered the sermon. Clergy members par- cil are: Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Very Rev. ticipated in the service. Fr. Ashod spoke on Jesus’ Fr. Dajad Ashekian, Archpriest Fr. Razmig ministry in the forty days following His Resurrec- Khatchadourian, Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian, Rev. tion and highlighted the significance of the Ascen- Fr. Boghos Baltayan, Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, sion by stating, “Through His Ascension, Jesus and Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian. established a bridge between heaven and earth Given the expanding scope of endeavors, and opened the doors of salvation.” it was decided to increase the membership of the The luncheon was held at Brandview Ball- Executive Council from nine to eleven. The mem- room in Glendale. The Prelate was joined by H.G.


Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, and Armenian Church, including the drawing of lots Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian. This year’s which comes from the apostles casting lots to find main host was Mrs. Katherine Bedrosian, along Judas’ replacement. with Mrs. Linda Kay Abdulian, Mrs. Jane Eliza- Thereafter, the Prelate awarded Mrs. beth Asmar, and Mrs. Stephanie Peters- Bedrosian a plaque of appreciation for hosting Bedrosian. Among the guests in attendance were the luncheon with a $10,000 donation and for her Executive Council member Mrs. Elo Boyajian, many years of generous support to the Prelacy, members of parishes’ Ladies Guilds, ARS Re- Holy Trinity Church of Fresno, and the Armenian- gional Executive and local chapters, sister organ- American community, while the Ladies Auxiliary izations, sponsors, and friends. presented bouquets to the co-hosts. Mrs. Chairlady Mrs. Dzovig Zetlian welcomed Bedrosian stated that it was a pleasure and an the guests on behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary and honor to participate in the luncheon. She ex- noted the importance of such events in celebrat- pressed her appreciation to the Prelate for his de- ing and keeping alive our rich, beautiful, and an- voted service, asserted her wholehearted support cient heritage and traditions. She thanked the of the Prelacy for all the good work it does, and guests for their continued support and encour- applauded the Ladies auxiliary for a great lunch- agement of the Ladies Auxiliary’s events and ex- eon and their hard work. pressed special thanks to the hosts for their Throughout the afternoon guests enjoyed generosity. musical entertainment, participated in the tradi- The clergy led the singing of the Lord’s tional drawing of lots, and expressed their appre- Prayer, sang the hymn dedicated to the feast of ciation through gracious donations. The Prelate Ascension, and conducted the blessing of tables, joyfully announced that enthused by the festive after which the Prelate delivered his message. atmosphere, Mrs. Arsine Phillips expressed her His Eminence once again congratulated the Vicar wish to host next year’s luncheon in memory of General on his Episcopal ordination and com- her father Hovaguim Bedrossian, while Mrs. Alice mended the diligent efforts of the Ladies Auxiliary Navasargian will be hosting this year’s New Year throughout the year. He thanked all for their sup- and Christmas Luncheon and Boutique and Mrs. port and expressed gratitude to the main host in Kohar Sulahian the 2019 New Year and Christ- particular, Mrs. Katherine Bedrosian, for her en- mas Luncheon and Boutique. during generosity, encouragement, and friend- ship. His Eminence briefly explained the ------Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ as described in the Gospels, and spoke of its implications in FEAST OF PENTECOST CELEBRATION our lives today. He stated that the Ascension of Jesus was not the end rather the continuation of On Sunday, May 20, 2018, the feast of His work as our Lord and Savior through the Holy Pentecost, commemorating the descent of the Spirit, that it signifies Jesus’ enthronement as Holy Spirit, was celebrated in Prelacy Churches. King at the right hand of God from where He is On this occasion, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, our mediator and advocate and is working in our Vicar General, celebrated his first Episcopal Di- lives at all times and in all places, and from where vine Liturgy at Forty Martyrs Church in Orange He is preparing the way for our homecoming with County and delivered the sermon. H.E. Arch- the Father. Today, as we rejoice in this festive cel- bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided ebration of the Ascension of our Lord, let us re- over the service. Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Karekin joice in the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ reigns Bedourian and deacons assisted at the altar. as king and is working in our lives each and every The Prelate greeted the parish family and day. Let us live boldly and confidently as His ser- conveyed his blessings, praying for the Lord to vants and rejoice in the hope of a glorious future enrich and renew all with the Holy Spirit on this when He will return as judge and king to set up feast of Pentecost, a day of spiritual rebirth and His kingdom on earth as in heaven, said the renewal. Noting that the parish was preparing for Prelate. Ladies Auxiliary member Mrs. Maral the consecration of the church thirty years ago Keledjian briefly explained the food and traditions around the feast of Pentecost, he wished that associated with the feast of the Ascension in the members of the church and community continue

51 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM their service with renewed faith and spirits for the gether with love. The Prelate delivered the closing glory of God and advancement of the parish and message. He noted that the Forty Martyrs Church our nation. has had an important part in his life and recalled The Vicar General first greeted the the great enthusiasm with which the church was Prelate and conveyed his blessings to the parish. constructed and consecrated three decades ago. He began his sermon on the feast of Pentecost His Eminence prayed for the Holy Spirit to renew by stating that though the apostles were staunch the hearts and souls of the community’s mem- in their faith, there was still some trepidation, bers with faith, hope, and love so that they may something missing, and that which was missing continue to work together with mutual love, re- was the emboldening and revitalizing presence spect, and a greater sense of responsibility for the and power of the Holy Spirit. Thus, ten days after splendor of the parish community. The Prelate the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy concluded by once again congratulating the Vicar Spirit descended upon them in the form of fiery General’s ordination. tongues, cleansed them and granted them inex- plicable strength, peace, and such elation that ------those around them thought they were inebriated. The Holy Spirit was manifested in various forms, CENTENNIAL OF THE FIRST REPUBLIC OF but no matter in what form, it always brought ARMENIA CELEBRATED WITHIN THE great inspiration to those who received it, he said, WESTERN PRELACY for it grants grace, abilities, and wisdom, fills our lives with heavenly fruits and enriches our hearts. On Sunday, May 27, 2018, the centennial Today, the Holy Spirit once more will descend and of the first Republic of Armenia was ceremoni- rest upon all those who have opened their hearts ously celebrated in all Prelacy Churches with to the Lord and are ready to accept it, he said. Thanksgiving Prayers for the Republic and bless- The Vicar General stressed the ways in which the ing of the Armenian flag. During requiem service, Holy Spirit works wonders in our lives today. “The prayers were offered for the martyrs of Sar- Holy Spirit renews us first as individuals, cleanses darabad, Pash Abaran, Gharakilise, and for all the us of sin and makes us new individuals. Subse- heroes who have given their lives in defense of quently, those who are renewed bring renewal to our nation. In addition, “Der Voghormya” prayers their families and surroundings, who then bring were offered for patients of the Armenian Bone renewal to our parishes and community which be- Marrow Donor Registry. H.E. Archbishop Mou- come strengthened. Renewed parishes and com- shegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine munities renew the life of our nation, and this Liturgy, conducted the special ceremonies, deliv- renewal, leads to renewal in pan-Christian life,” ered his message, and presided over requiem stated the Vicar General, and concluded by pray- service at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Arch- ing for the Holy Spirit to renew our minds, spirits, priest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian and deacons and hearts, to renew our children so that they stay assisted at the altar. Congressman Brad Sher- on the right path, our nation, our people, and the man, 45th State Assembly District candidate entire worlds, bringing the same joy that it did to Jesse Gabriel, ARF Western Region Central the apostles. Committee Political Chair Mr. Avedik Izmirlian, Ar- Later in the service, Fr. Karekin greeted menian Bone Marrow Donor Registry President and conveyed his well wishes to the Prelate and Dr. Frieda and members, representatives Vicar General on behalf of the parish community. of the ARF “Rostom” and “Arshavir Shiragian” Following the service, a reception was Gomidehs, ANCA West San Fernando Valley held at “Ghazarian” Hall of the Harut Barsamian Chapter, ARS “Anahid” Chapter, Ferrahian Armenian Center during which faithful had the op- School 9th grade students, Church Delegates, portunity to congratulate the newly-ordained Board of Trustees members, and a large number Bishop and receive the blessings of the Prelate of faithful were in attendance. and Vicar General. Welcoming and congratula- The Thanksgiving Prayer ceremony tory remarks were delivered by the Parish Pastor began with Homenetmen “Massis” Chapter and Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Herair Jer- scouts carrying the flags of the United States and makian. The Vicar General gave thanks for the Armenia to the altar as the choir sang the hymn welcome and invited the community to work to-


“Oorakh Ler.” The ceremony featured prayers of Liturgy, conducted Thanksgiving Prayers for the thanksgiving for the resurrection of our nation and Republic and the blessing of the Armenian flag, beseeching the Lord to guard and protect the Re- and delivered the sermon at St. Garabed Church public of Armenia, our Holy Church, leadership, in Hollywood. armed forces, and citizenry, and to remember all A reception followed at “Yeghia Sarafian” the martyrs who gave their lives for the preserva- Hall. Welcoming remarks were delivered by tion of our nation. Afterward, the Prelate blessed ANCA West San Fernando Valley Chairman Mr. the tricolor flag and delivered his message. Garo Kamarian. The Prelate once again wel- His Eminence first greeted the special comed Congressman Brad Sherman and Assem- guests and thanked them for sharing in the cele- bly candidate Jesse Gabriel, wishing them both bration of the centennial. After briefly explaining success in their current and future endeavors. Mr. the ceremony that was just conducted, the Kamarian introduced the special guests. Con- Prelate Spoke of the Armenian people’s in- gressman Sherman discussed his efforts in sup- domitable will and fighting spirit throughout our port of Armenia and presented a flag to the history, stating, “On May 28, 1918, during the Church. On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, Dis- darkest days of our history a mere three years trict 5 Chief Deputy of Public Safety Mr. Greg Mar- into the Armenian Genocide, that fighting spirit tayan presented certificates to Fr. Razmig and the brought about one of the brightest days of our his- Board of Trustees. tory, the creation of the first Republic of Armenia. In the afternoon, the Sunday School’s Inspired by that triumphant spirit and enduring year-end reception was held at “Dikranian” Hall legacy of the founders of the first Republic, just under the auspices and with the presence of the over 25 years ago the Armenian people fought for Prelate. The program began with the Armenian and secured the re-independence of Armenia and national anthem and Sunday School anthem pre- the liberation of Artsakh. And in recent weeks, we sented by the students. Fr. Razmig delivered the witnessed that trademark perseverant spirit once invocation. Welcoming remarks were delivered by again as a new and bright chapter was opened in the MC, Gassig Kejejian, who also gave a brief the form of a free, independent, and just Arme- overview of the church’s role in the battle for in- nia.” During “Der Voghormya,” prayers of healing dependence in 1918 and stated that the day’s were offered for all those seeking treatment from program was dedicated to the centennial to honor the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry and the memory of our forefathers and celebrate our for the Lord to guide the members in their life- faith, culture, and homeland. The students pre- saving mission. Later on, requiem prayers were sented a play dedicated to the centennial. On be- offered for the souls of all our martyrs. half of the Sunday School faculty and At the conclusion of the service, Con- parent-support committee, Director Mrs. Seta Ke- gressman Brad Sherman and Dr. Frieda Jordan jejian thanked the Prelate for his presence and addressed the congregation. Congressman Sher- wished him continued success in his mission. man thanked the Prelate for the special day and Noting that the children are the future of our stated that it was an honor to be with the commu- church and nation, she thanked the teachers for nity on this occasion. He noted that as a member their dedicated service, the Parish Pastor and of the Foreign Affairs Committee for the past Board of Trustees for their moral and financial twenty-two years he has fought for recognition of support, the parent-support committee for their the Armenian Genocide and increased aid to Ar- service, and the parents for trusting the instruc- menia, and thanked Holy Martyrs Church for all tion of their children to the Sunday School. She that it does for the community. Dr. Jordan commended all the students for their efforts and thanked the Prelate for the special prayer each congratulated the graduating students. year and for the opportunity for the organization The Prelate, joined by Fr. Razmig, Mrs. to let the people know about its mission, which Kejejian, and Board of Trustees member Mr. she stated is a global mission spanning 28 coun- Khatchig Hairabedian, presented diplomas to the tries and helping Armenians as well as non-Arme- four graduates, after which he delivered his mes- nians. sage. His Eminence fondly recalled his own time On the same day, H.G. Bishop Torkom as a Sunday School student from the age of four Donoyan, Vicar General, celebrated Divine and the influence it had on his life leading him to

53 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM where he is today. He commended the Director, the day prior the Feast of St. Gregory the Illumi- faculty, parents, and the church family for serving nator’s deliverance from the pit, His Eminence together with faith, love, sacrifice, and devotion. spoke on the establishment of the Cathedral of Addressing the students, he stated, “whatever Holy Etchmiadzin by the luminous vision of St. you receive from your parents and teachers, Gregory the Illuminator in which the Lord de- know the value and appreciate it. Inspired by our scended from heaven and with the strike of a forefathers’ spirit of courage, zeal, and determi- golden hammer designated the site where the nation, become our capable leaders of tomor- Mother Cathedral of the Armenian nation was to row.” The Prelate concluded by congratulating be built. Tying in the message of the day’s Gospel the graduates and expressing his pride toward all. reading from John 10:22-30, the Prelate stated that St. Gregory the Illuminator exhibited absolute ------faith and trust in God, he heard and listened to the voice of our Lord, submitted to His will and DIVINE LITURGY AT HOLY CROSS authority, and by the grace of God transformed CATHEDRAL AND CONGRATULATED our nation into the first Christian nation. MESROBIAN SCHOOL GRADUATES The Prelate stressed that Jesus alone is our true and good shepherd, and that we, as His sheep, must tune out all other distracting and conflicting voices and listen to His voice alone. “In the example of St. Gregory the Illuminator and all of our saints and forefathers, let us hear and heed His voice with utmost conviction, for His is the voice of love, hope, compassion, justice, sal- vation, and triumph,” he said. Next, His Eminence delivered his mes- sage to the graduating students. Referencing the parable which tells of the man who built his house on the strong foundation of a rock which nothing could make fall, he urged them to build their lives on the sturdy and unshakeable foundation of our At the end of each academic year, Armen- faith and national identity which have been em- ian Mesrobian School seniors attend Divine bedded in them through the education and in- Liturgy at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello to struction they have received from Mesrobian receive Holy Communion and the blessings of School, from Holy Cross Cathedral, and from their H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, parents. “You have the necessary tools for suc- Prelate, ahead of their graduation. This year’s cess; build upon the foundation that has been set service was held on Sunday, June 3, 2018. Divine for you and push yourselves to be the best that Liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ashod Kam- you can be. Never cease praying and dreaming, bourian. Mesrobian School elementary students don’t be afraid of failure, keep pushing and trying participated in the singing of the Liturgy, led by with faith and hope. Most importantly, choose the Holy Cross Cathedral Dean Very Rev. Fr. Muron right path, not the easy path, and in all that you Aznikian, the choir master, and their teacher. do, bring honor to God and pride to your church, Mesrobian School Principal Mr. David families, and community,” concluded the Prelate. Ghoogasian, who served on the altar, teachers, and parents were among the faithful in atten------dance. The Prelate greeted the Holy Cross Cathedral and Mesrobian School family on what ST. GARABED CHURCH OF LAS VEGAS has become a beloved tradition within the com- CELEBRATES 5TH ANNIVERSARY munity, and conveyed his congratulations and well wishes to the graduates as they prepare to The weekend of June 9-10, 2018 was a embark on the next chapter of their lives. As the momentous one for the Las Vegas parish as the day marked the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin, and community gathered to celebrate the 5th anniver-

54 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM sary of the consecration of St. Garabed Church Parish Council, Men’s Society, Ladies Guild, vol- with a banquet on Saturday evening and Episco- unteers, sponsors, and community organizations. pal Divine Liturgy on Sunday. H.E. Archbishop He greeted and commended Honorary Consul Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Mr. Adroushan Armenian for his contributions to the celebration. Executive Council Chair Mr. Garo the parish community. His Eminence recalled the Eshgian and representatives of the Western Dio- work of the past five years, from the ground- cese, Armenian Evangelical Church, Assyrian, blessing conducted by His Holiness Catholicos Ethiopian, Greek, and Maronite Churches partic- Aram I to the consecration of the Church and Cul- ipated in the festivities. tural Center, acknowledging all those who had a The banquet was hosted by Parish Coun- hand in the realization of this dream, in particular cil Vice-Chair Mr. and Mrs. Garo and Maria Bayra- the late benefactors Larry and Seda Barnes and mian. The program began with welcoming new sponsors. He reminded the community of remarks by MC Ms. Carnie Armenian, who stated what is possible with united, sincere, and unfailing that over the past five years St. Garabed Church service, and stated that though they have come has become not only a place of worship but also far, there is still much work to be done to maintain a gathering place for community organizations and expand the parish community. The Prelate and members, a place to share in celebrations highlighted the importance of constant renewal, and sorrows, and a place to preserve our unique renewed energy, resolve, and approach in order Armenian heritage. She concluded by thanking all to reach new heights, adding that the parish pas- those who took part in the dream of creating a tor must be the driving force of the community, small Armenia in the Las Vegas desert. Parish the community must rally around him and he in Pastor Rev. Fr. Arsen Kassabian delivered the in- turn must look to the people for encouragement vocation. Parish Council Chairman Mr. Yeghia and support to grow and strengthen the parish. Yeghiayan thanked the Prelate for his guidance On Sunday morning, the Prelate cele- and direction, as well as the Parish Pastor, all vol- brated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at unteers and sponsors for their efforts and sup- St. Garabed Church. Rev. Fr. Arsen Kassabian port, stating that the community was able to and Archpriest Fr. Avedis Torossian assisted at construct the first Armenian Apostolic Church in the altar. Among the faithful in attendance were the area thanks to its faith and strong will. Mr. members of the “Ishkhan” Gomideh, ARS Adroushan Armenian, Honorary Consul of the Re- “Shushi” chapter, and Homenetmen “Artsakh” public of Armenia, spoke about the enormous ef- chapter scouts. At the start of his message, the fort and energy required to maintain our churches Prelate first greeted the parish family and guests and community organizations, thanking all those and wished them many more milestones in their who lend their moral and financial support to pre- God-pleasing service and mission with hard work, serving the Armenian Church, language, and cul- determination, and perseverance, but most im- tural heritage in Las Vegas. He invited all portantly, with faith, love, goodwill, unity, and har- community members, of all ages, to continue to mony. He commended all those who have serve with renewed spirits. On behalf of the Ex- committed themselves to the prosperity of the ecutive Council, Chairman Mr. Garo Eshgian con- community and urged all parishioners to become gratulated and the parish community and actively engaged in the life of the parish as the stressed the importance of having big dreams church belongs to the people. and serving with vision for the benefit of future Referencing the day’s Gospel reading generations. He commended the Parish Pastor, from Matthew Chapter 12:1-8, the Prelate reiter- Parish Council, and all the committees and spon- ated that our service to glorify God and meet the sors, wishing them new and greater achieve- spiritual needs of the people must be genuine ments and milestones in the years to come. The and not for outwardly appearances. “Faith in ac- candle-lighting and cake-cutting ceremony fol- tion should be the guiding force of our lives and lowed. The Prelate began his message by greet- service, acting on our faith with deeds of love and ing the guest clergy, greeting and commending service. The time has come to put aside superfi- the former and current parish pastors, Archpriest cialities and insincerity and serve with conscience Fr. Avedis Torossian and Rev. Fr. Arsen Kass- and conviction, our only purpose being goodness abian, Executive Council Chair Mr. Garo Eshgian, and righteousness, not praise or honor from

55 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM those around us,” he stressed. ditorium. The program began with the American, His Eminence then blessed a book of Armenian, and school anthems. Welcoming re- synaxis Gospel readings donated by Mr. Garo marks were delivered by MC Anoush Garabedian. Bayramian and his wife Maria, which featured a The Prelate delivered his message praising the hand-crafted cover by Mr. Bayramian. School’s dedication to enriching the hearts and Later in the service, the parish pastor minds of our young students with the values of greeted the Prelate and wished him many more our national identity. “The Armenian School years of fruitful service. At the conclusion of Di- plants seeds in the hearts and souls of our stu- vine Liturgy, requiem prayers were offered for dents which come from the depths of our faith, benefactors Larry and Seda Barnes. A reception culture, and history,” stated the Prelate, and con- hosted by the Parish Council followed at “Kou- gratulated the graduates who are growing with Ar- jakian” Hall. menian spirit, identity, and pride. Following the ------students’ performances, remarks were conveyed by Principal Dr. Talin Kargodorian and School PRELACY SCHOOLS' COMMENCEMENT Board member Mr. Artin Ghazarian. The presen- CEREMONIES tation of diplomas followed, and the program con- cluded with the benediction by Archpriest Fr. At the close of the 2017-2018 academic Vazken Atmajian. year, over the past two weeks commencement ceremonies of Prelacy Schools took place, which RICHARD TUFENKIAN PRESCHOOL- H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, KINDERGARTEN Prelate, clergy, and Executive Council members attended. This year, the Prelate attended the fol- The Prelate then headed to the year-end lowing ceremonies and conveyed his blessings program and graduation ceremony of Richard and congratulatory message. The Prelate’s mes- Tufenkian Preschool and Kindergarten which was sage to the class of 2018 was also published in held at Glendale High School auditorium. The local media outlets. program began with the national anthems, fol- lowed by the invocation by Archpriest Fr. Gomi- ARS ASHKHEN PILAVJIAN PRE-SCHOOL das Torossian. Director Mrs. Arsine Aghazarian greeted the guests and remarks were delivered On Saturday, June 2nd, the year-end pro- by School Board member Mr. Artin Shaverdian. gram of ARS Ashkhen Pilavjian Pre-School was The Prelate began his message by congratulating held at Avedissian Hall in Encino. This year’s pro- the parents and grandparents and thanking them gram was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of for their faith in the school’s mission. He blessed the first Republic of Armenia and of Homenet- and commended benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Ralph men. Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian de- and Savey Tufenkian for their continuous gen- livered the invocation, teacher Anni Kechichian erosity, and the Director for her sacrifices and conveyed welcoming remarks, and Ms. Vehik hard work throughout the year. His Eminence Gabrielian, Director, delivered her message. The concluded by praying for the young students to program included songs, dance, and recitations. grow with God’s grace and with Armenian spirit. The Prelate commended the dedication of the Mrs. Aline Yepremian was recognized for her teachers and parents to the national instruction years-long service to the school as a member of of our youth, stating that he witnessed the Armen- the Parent-Teacher Association. The program in- ian spirit in the children, the faith, courage, and cluded musical and dance performances by the identity forged by our saints and heroes. students and concluded with the presentation of diplomas by the Prelate. VAHAN AND ANOUSH CHAMLIAN KINDERGARTEN ROSE AND ALEX PILIBOS HIGH SCHOOL

On Saturday, June 9, Vahan and Anoush The 12th grade graduation of Rose and Chamlian School’s Kindergarten commencement Alex Pilibos School was held on Sunday, June 10 ceremony was held at the school’s “Apcarian” Au- at the school’s Nerses Tashdjian Gym. Following

56 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM the national and school anthems, welcoming re- FERRAHIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL marks were conveyed by MC Ms. Aida Boulatian, followed by the Board of Regent’s message by The final graduation ceremony was that Dr. Houri Arslanian-Keuroghian, valedictorian and of Ferrahian School’s 8th grade class, which took salutatorian speeches, presentation of scholar- place on Saturday, June 16, at Avedissian Hall. ships, recognitions, and awards, the keynote ad- The program began with the national anthems, dress by alumnus Dr. Antreas Hindoyan, followed by the invocation by Archpriest Fr. presentation of diplomas, and the principal’s ad- Razmig Khatchadourian and welcoming mes- dress by Dr. Alina Dorian. The Prelate began his sages by MCs Mrs. Seza Kurdian and Mrs. message by commending the school family for Ovsanna Kaloustian. Students recited two their hard work in guiding the students, who bring poems, after which the top students delivered pride to our community and church, to this stage their remarks and senior Armand Mnatsakanyan in their lives. His Eminence spoke on the impor- delivered a welcoming message on behalf of high tance of intelligence plus character, educating the school students. Following the conferring of mind as well as the heart, and addressing the awards, Principal Sossi Shanlian delivered her graduates, urged them to hold fast to their Armen- message. The Prelate began his message by ian-Christian identity and serve for the prosperity inviting the graduates to thank and applaud their of our nation with pure hearts and spirits. parents, principal, and teachers for their love and sacrifice in enlightening and enriching their spirits, CHAMLIAN ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL minds, and spirits. He commended and echoed the students’ sentiments on the importance of On Thursday, June 14, the 6th and 8th time management, focus, and balance, and grade graduations of Chamlian School were held shared the Principal’s statement of the graduates at Glendale High School auditorium. On behalf of as a fruitful harvest. The Prelate urged the stu- the Prelate, Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian at- dents to keep doing their best throughout high tended the elementary graduation. The Prelate school so they emerge as exemplary and respon- attended the 8th grade graduation, accompanied sible adults and Armenians and continue to bring by Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Torossian. The pro- pride to our collective family. He concluded by gram began with the national and Chamlian congratulating and commending the school family School anthems, followed by welcoming remarks and urged them to keep serving with love and by MC Ida Martin. In their speeches, valedictori- faith. The ceremony concluded with the confer- ans and salutatorians reflected on the valuable ring of diplomas by the Prelate and Principal, fol- knowledge and religious-national instruction they lowed by the benediction. have received at Chamlian. Following the ac- knowledgment of alumni parents and the presen------tation of special awards, alumnae Dr. Sharlene Gozalians delivered the keynote address. The CELEBRATION OF THE FIRST REPUBLIC presentation of awards and diplomas followed. OF ARMENIA CENTENNIAL Principal Dr. Talin Kargodorian delivered her mes- sage. The Prelate congratulated the students, On Sunday, June 24, 2018, a community- parents, and the school family, and alluding to wide celebration of the centennial of the first Re- their speeches, urged the graduates to always re- public of Armenia was held at Pasadena City tain their love for our homeland and nation, to be College “Sexson Auditorium” under the auspices proud Armenians, and grow in God’s grace. He of the Western Prelacy, Western Diocese, urged them also to dream big, for anything is pos- Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Evangelical Union of sible with faith, vision, hard work, determination, North America, Social Democrat Hunchakian and dedication. Finally, as the students had pre- Party, Armenian Revolutionary Federation, and sented bouquets to their parents, the Prelate con- Armenian Democratic Liberal Party. cluded by wishing that they one day experience The program began with the flag cere- the joy of receiving flowers from their own chil- mony by and Homenetmen scouts, dren at their graduation from the same school. followed by the national anthems by the Hamazkayin “Sayat Nova” Choir. Anush Gagua

57 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM delivered opening remarks. On behalf of H.E. receive a certificate at the end of the program. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, H.G. To register or for further information Bishop Mikayel Mouradian, Eparch, and Rev. please contact St. Mary’s Church at 818-244- Berdj Djambazian, the Prelate delivered a mes- 2402 or the Western Prelacy office at 818-248- sage on the establishment and timeless message 7737 or [email protected]. of the first Republic. Remarks were delivered by Lena WESTERN PRELACY TIVAN Manoukian on behalf of the Social Democrat Hun- chakian Party, Razmig Haroun on behalf of the ------ARF, and Hratch Sepetjian on behalf of the Ar- menian Democratic Liberal Party message, high- A RECEPTION-DINNER HELD AT THE lighting the legacy of the first Republic in our PRELACY IN HONOR OF H.G. TORKOM modern history and the unity of the Armenian DONOYAN’S EPISCOPAL ORDINATION people which was reflected in the evening’s cele- bration. The evening also featured a video pres- On Friday, August 3, 2018, under the aus- entation, dance performances by the “Zvartnots” pices and in the presence of H.E. Archbishop Dance Ensemble and Hamazkayin “Ani” Dance Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and the initia- Company, and musical performances by singers tive of the Religious and Executive councils, a re- Harut Hakobyan, Salbi Mailyan, and Gagik ception-dinner was held at the Prelacy in honor Badalyan. of Vicar General H.G. Torkom Donoyan’s Episco- The celebration concluded with the clos- pal ordination. In attendance were members of ing prayer and the collective singing of “Sar- the Western Prelacy family, including H.E. Arch- darabad.” bishop Yeprem Tabakian, Catholicosate Central ------Executive members Mr. Vahe Yacoubian and Mr. Gaydzag Zetlian, ARF Central Committee Politi- WESTERN PRELACY LAUNCHES cal Chair Mr. Avedik Izmirlian, the representative “NAREGATSI” SPIRITUAL CURRICULUM of the Consulate General of Armenia in Los An- geles, Mr. Razmik Stepanian, the mayor of Glen- We are pleased to announce that under dale, Mr. Zareh Sinanyan, members of the the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Religious Council and Clergy, current and former Mardirossian, Prelate, the Western Prelacy has members of the Executive Council, parishes launched the “Naregatsi” Spiritual Curriculum Boards of Trustees Chairs, Ladies Auxiliary, and with the aim of more closely familiarizing our dea- representatives of the Armenian Relief Society- cons, altar servers, religion and Sunday School Western Region, H.M.E.M-Western Region, teachers, youth and our faithful in general with Hamazkayin-Western Region, ANC-Western Re- the history, theology, rituals, and customs of our gion, Armenian Bar Association, “Ararat Home,” Church as well as the tenets of our faith through Syrian Relief Fund, Armenian Bone Marrow Reg- the Bible and writings of our church fathers. istry, AYF and “Asbarez” newsletter. The program will run one year and Following a cocktail hour, guests were in- classes will be held at St. Mary’s Church in Glen- vited into the “Dikran and Zarouhi Der Ghazarian” dale. The first class will be held on Friday, July 6, hall, where the official program commenced with 2018, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., and every Friday the Lord’s Prayer led by the Prelate, and welcom- thereafter. ing remarks made by Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, The first three months will focus on two who served as the evening’s Master of Cere- topics; the history of the Armenian Church and in- monies. Fr. Bedourian read Bishop Torkom troduction to hymns. Donoyan’s biography and achievements, and Classes will be taught by H.G. Bishop wished him continued success and service, full of Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General and Director of faith and wisdom. the Spiritual Curriculum. On behalf of the Executive Council, Vice- Participation is free and open to all. Chair Mr. Mher Der Ohannesian gave the wel- Participants will take an oral or written coming remarks, congratulating Bishop Torkom exam following each three-month quarter and will Donoyan on his Episcopal ordination, and stated


“We are confident with your youthful and charis- his continued support for Bishop Torkom matic persona, and by the guidance and experi- Donoyan. ence of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Catholicosate Central Executive member you will have a positive influence and contribute Mr. Vahe Yacoubian also gave his congratulatory to the life of the Church and the Western remarks. He emphasized on the characteristics Prelacy.” Congratulatory remarks were also made of a clergyman and a leader, and wished Bishop by the Ladies Auxiliary chairwoman, Mrs. Dzovig Torkom Donoyan to serve with these characteris- Zetlian who also wished Bishop Torkom Donoyan tics which will aide him in overcoming various success in his future endeavors. challenges facing our Church. On behalf of the Religious Council and Afterward, Mr. Garo Eshgian and his wife Clergy, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Chairman, Mrs. Sosse Eshgian gathered around the Bishop he also congratulated Bishop Torkom Donoyan, to join in the cutting of the cake. mentioning that in the Old Testament, the Is- Bishop Torkom Donoyan first of all raelites were victorious in their battles only when thanked God for blessing him with this special they were united with Moses. Therefore, to be vic- rank and stated “When God entrusts somebody torious in our spiritual battles, we must also be with any rank or duty, He also instills in him the united. He also wished Bishop Torkom Donoyan capabilities to accomplish the tasks.” He also ex- strength and long years of service to the Church. pressed his gratitude and thanked H.H. Catholi- The Chairman of the Executive Council, cos Aram I, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mr. Garo Eshgian, (who is also the Episcopal Or- Mardirossian, Prelate, members of the Executive dination Godfather of Bishop Torkom Donoyan,) Council, also all the committee members who gave his congratulatory remarks, stating “It is an made the night possible and to the guests. In his immense honor, privilege and spiritually uplifting remarks, he quoted St. Nerses Shnorhali’s words, to be the Episcopal Ordination Godfather of stating “Unity in essentials… and love in every- Bishop Torkom Donoyan.” He also added, “The thing.” He mentioned, “The most important things lives of the clergy, especially the monks are not in life are; Homeland, Church and National iden- that simple due to the challenges which they face, tity. And as servants of those three, we must unify especially in a large community that we have around their values and be strengthened together here.” Mr. Eshgian reiterated that the role of a with understanding and love, in order to over- Godfather is permanent; therefore he promised come all types of challenges which we will face.”


Finally, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, was invited to give his closing remarks. His Eminence first thanked the guests and con- gratulated those who gave their heartfelt congrat- ulatory remarks, also the members of the Religious and Executive councils in organizing this successful event. The Prelate once again congratulated Bishop Torkom Donoyan on his Episcopal ordination, and emphasized that unity and love are the most important values for suc- cess, especially in the betterment of our spiritual needs of the Prelacy, with which he wished the Vicar General will lead his mission. His Eminence wished him success in all of his fu- ture endeavors. “I wish that God bestows upon you steadfast service, full of love and renewed energy to fulfill your mission, to achieve higher ranks and serve for the glory of God and the progress of our Church, Catholicosate and the Western Prelacy.” stressed the Prelate. During dinner, guests enjoyed musical en- tertainment by Greg Hosharian on the piano and vocalist Hermine Amiryan.