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Therefore, let us bow our heads and give thanks to Almighty God for granting us a safe sum- mer break and a new academic school year. As Armenian Christian students, we will enrich our spirits, hearts and minds through the Armenian school, we will renew our religious and national vows. At the commencement of this new academic school year, for some, it may not be a new beginning in your academic studies, because you will continue striding on the same path since the early days of your academic lives. But, there will be many who will enter into this new school year, as new stu- dents, who will join you, and will walk together on the same path. You have familiarized yourselves with our alphabet, and then began to read and write in Ar- menian, learned our songs, other languages and enriched your knowledge in various fields of studies. Year after year, you have grown in your knowledge and have enjoyed the care of your principal and teachers, who became a second parent to you. Let us keep in mind that the Armenian School is not an ordinary educational institution of learning where students develop their minds with knowledge, the Armenian School, above all, is a special place where you learn reverence for our faith and heritage. It is a haven where students learn about our rich and ancient history, culture and the priceless traditions passed to us by our forefathers throughout the centuries. This year, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia. As many of you were involved with various celebrations commemorating the anniversary, you must remember that this year should not be a one-time celebration; rather, we must continue the celebrations for years to come. We must all live, demand, renew and revitalize our faithfulness to upholding the legacy of our forefathers who built our nation. May God bless our principals, educators, students and parents who entrust the religious and cultural instruction of their children to the Armenian School. May God also bless the devoted mem- bers of the Board of Regents and School Boards, sponsors and community organizations who lend their valuable moral and financial support to our Armenian Schools, ensuring their continued suc- cess. May this academic year be a good and successful year to all. God bless you all. Prayerfully, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian Prelate, Western United States 3 Ðයôàð äðÆêزΠêàôð´ ÎàÚê زðÆ²Ø ºô Ð²Ú Ø²ÚðÀ êáõñμ ÏáÛë سñdzÙÇÝ Ù³ëÇÝ ù³ÝÇ ÙÁ ³éÇÃÝ»ñáí Ëûëáõ³Í ¿ ²ëïáõ³Í³ßáõÝãÇÝ Ù¿ç, ³Ûëï»Õ åÇïÇ ³Ý¹ñ³¹³éݳ٠γݳÛÇ Ñ³ñë³ÝÇùÇÝ ÁÝóóùÇÝ ³Ýáñ óáõó³μ»ñ³Í í»ñ³μ»ñÙáõÝùÇÝ áõ Ï»óáõ³ÍùÇÝ, ÙÇ³Å³Ù³Ý³Ï óáÛó ï³Éáí ÿ Ð³Û Ù³ÛñÁ Ç°Ýã ÏñÝ³Û ëáñíÇÉ ²ëïáõ³Í³Ù³Ûñ¿Ý£ 1- ²ÛÝ Ñ³ñëÝ»ïáõÝÁ áõñ سñdz٠·ïÝáõ»ó³õ, å³Ï³ë ÙÁ ϳñ »õ سñdz٠½·³ó ³Û¹ å³Ï³ëÁ£ àõß³·ñ³õ ¿ áñ Ù¿ÏÁ ãÁë³õ سñdzÙÇÝ áñ ·ÇÝÇÝ å³Ïë»ó³õ, μ³Ûó سñdz٠·Çïó³õ£ ÂáÕ Ð³Û Ù³ÛñÁ سñÇ³Ù¿Ý ëáñíÇ ³Ý¹ñ³¹³éÝ³É ·áÛáõÃÇõÝ áõÝ»óáÕ å³Ï³ëÇÝ áõ ϳñÇùÇÝ£ 2- гñó ÙÁ ϳñ Ù¿çï»Õ. ·ÇÝÇÝ å³Ïë³Í ¿ñ »õ ³ïÇϳ Éáõñç ËݹÇñ ¿ñ£ سñdz٠³Ûë ËݹÇñÁ Ý»ñϳ۳óáõó øñÇëïáëÇ£ ÂáÕ Ð³Û Ù³Ûñ»ñ سñÇ³Ù¿Ý ëáñíÇÝ Çñ»Ýó ïáõÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ϳ٠³ÛÉáõñ ͳ·³Í ¹Åáõ³ñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ Ý»ñϳ۳óÝ»É ÚÇëáõëÇ »õ á°ã ÿ áõñÇßÝ»ñáõÝ£ 3- гñóÁ ϳ٠ËݹÇñÁ áõñÇßÇÝ ï³Ý Ù¿ç ¿ñ£ سñdz٠ë³Ï³ÛÝ ã¿½áù ¹Çñù ãμéÝ»ó£ ²Ý ãÁë³õ.
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