SUPPLEMENT TO THE GAZETTE, 24 JANUARY, 1946 651 Department of National Defence, Ottawa. NEPALESE DECORATIONS CONFERRED BY GENERAL His HIGHNESS • MAHARAJA SIR GOODHA SHUMSHERE JUNG January, 1946. BAHADUR RANA ON THE FOLLOWING BRITISH OFFICERS OF THE INDIAN ARMY. THE CANADIAN ARMY. The Most Refulgent Order of the Star of Nepal. The KING has been .graciously pleased to approve Second Class Honorary >(With the title of Pradipta that the following be Mentioned in recognition of Manyavara Nepal Tar a). gallant and distinguished services in Iitaly: — Lieutenant-General (Acting) Rob McGregor Canadian Infantry Corps. Macdonald LOCKHART, C.B., C.I.E., M.C. Lt. Donald MacGeorge SMITH. -General John Geoffrey BRUCE, C.B., D.S.O., M.C. Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Third Class Honorary '(With the title of Manyavara Lt. (N/lS) Ruth Parker SMITH. Nepal Tar a). Lieutenant-Colonel Curtis Wilson Folliott SCOTT, O.B.E. Lieutenant-Colonel Cyril Maxwell St. Albans CAMPBELL. War Office, January, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel Alan Wilson DUNCAN, D.S.O. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Gordon BORROWMAN. The KING has 'been .pleased to grant unrestricted Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Leslie DONALDSON. permission for the wearing of the following decora- Lieutenant-Colonel John Lionel MILLER-HALLETT. tions which have been conferred on the undermen- Lieutenant-Colonel Lancelot George Werge CAMBER. tioned officers in recognition of distinguished services lieutenant-Colonel' Morton Barker SHIER. in the cause of the Allies: — (Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Vivian Aldie MERCER. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cecil MOLES WORTH. DECORATIONS CONFERRED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE Lieoitenant-Colonel John Wonnald BEAGLE^AITKINS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Fourth Class Honorary (With the title of Manya Distinguished Service Medal. Nepal Tar a). Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland WILSON, G.C.B., Captain John Lawrence COLLARD. G.B.E., D.S.O. -(754), Colonel Commandant The Captain Struan Athol BULBECK. Rifle -Brigade (.Prince Consort's Own). Captain Hridindra Nath ROY, I.M.S. Lieutenant-General (temporary) Sir Gordon Nevil Captain Gilbert Evelyn PARKER. MACREADY, K.B..E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C. Captain NUR UDDIN, M.B., B.S.(P.B.). (22930), late Corps of Royal Engineers. Captain Alfred James HOYT. Captain Mandayam Devasikhamani RAMASWAMI, Legion of Merit, Degree of Commander. M.C. Maior-General -(Local) Sir Donald BANKS, K.C.B., Honorary 'Tri-Shakti Patta, Third Class. D.S.O., M.C., T.D. 1(36941), late The Middlesex Lieutenant-Colonel Norman [Leslie Crozier IRWIN, Regiment. D.S.O.

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