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February 2008 Daily Egyptian 2008


The Daily Egyptian, February 11, 2008

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COLUMN, PAGE 6: Gus Bode says the rest of co the bucket list is here. Brace yourselves. . MOND AY siuDE . www VOL. 93, NO. 98, 16 PAGES S OUTHER N I LLINOIS U NIVERSITY FEBRUARY 11, 2008 CapitaDl plan stagnan Et after one year Outage not

Local county gives State Rep. Mike Bost said the plan Carterville High School, which was ������������������������������ considered is not scheduled to progress as on the state’s list to receive state �������� the first sessions of February 2008 revenue by August 2007. But when ���������������������������������������������� up on proposed ������������������������������� begin Thursday. Blagojevich did not release funds emergency construction funds Projects such as K-12 school promised since 2001, the project ��������� construction, road and bridge became a part of the capital plan. ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� improvement, repairs to existing Tuesday’s decision will make the University does Barton Lorimor ������������������������������������������� state facilities and new buildings county responsible for allocating ���������������������������������� DAILY EGYPTIAN for state universities all seek money construction costs by raising sales not employ in the plan. The projects for SIUC tax by 1 percent. ���������� ������������������������������������������� Patience is being tested in would require $65.6 million, but But one resident of the town ��������������������������������������� crisis procedures southern Illinois communities as a the entire SIU system is awaiting worries the increase could send the ��������������������������������������������� ������ plan to finance state construction $145 million for construction on wrong message to lawmakers. during power projects enters its second year of campuses in Edwardsville and “If we start to do this, the state ��������� waiting for approval. Springfield as well. will think we can do it ourselves,” ����������������������������������������� failure The grouping of bills, known SIU is not the only project in said Brent Brown, a 42-year-old ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� Joe Crawford collectively as the Capital the area suffering from the cash- postal worker from Carterville. ���������������������������������������������� DAILY EGYPTIAN Construction Plan, would financially flow drought. Voters in Williamson Since being approved by the ����������������� support the construction of a County voted in favor of a sales Illinois Senate on Sept. 18, the plan �������� Transportation Education Building tax increase on Tuesday’s primary has only poked its head into the ����������������������������������������������� The university has no protocol and final renovations of Morris election ballot in response to not House of Representatives, and does ����������������������������������������������� for letting students know about �������������������������������������������� widespread power outages like the Library. Though the plan was first receiving state funds for its new not have a deadline to be on Gov. ������������������������������������������� introduced to members of the school building projects. ����������������������������� one that affected 25 buildings last See PLAN, Page 5 week, university officials said. Illinois Senate on Feb. 8, 2007, Such projects include a new ������������������������������ SIUC Public Safety Director Todd Sigler said the university did not treat last week’s power outage as an emergency, meaning students Students indulge in free fancy food were not notified of the outage by mass e-mail. The Department of Public Safety typically notifies students of emergencies, such as the chemical spill in Life Science II last month, by e-mail. “We did not consider a power outage to be a life-threatening emergency,” Sigler said. A short in one of the campus’ main feeders, which are basically large circuits, caused the outage. Carl Duncan, While there are some concerns a senior from associated with power outages, St. Louis such as the disruption or loss of studying mining research projects, Sigler said the engineering, waits occurrences are not dangerous on a couple for enough to warrant a mass e-mail. the Sweetheart’s The university attempts to keep the mass messages to a minimum Dinner Sunday to avoid desensitizing recipients, evening at he said. University Hall. “There has to be a point at Hors d’oeuvres which you draw the line,” he said. for the five course Sigler said some power outages meal included might constitute emergencies. If an sushi, pictured outage had occurred while tornado here, and kissing warnings were in effect Tuesday crab cakes. night, the incident might have trig- EDYTA BŁASZCZYK gered an e-mail, he said. DAILY EGYPTIAN University spokesman Rod Sievers said the outage also caused the university’s main server, which Christian Holt from the ceiling. Love songs played kitchen one day. Arielle Ratcliff, both freshmen is located in the basement of the DAILY EGYPTIAN in the background as about 30 Michelle Ostien, nutrition from studying pre-med, Wham Education Building, to students soaked in the atmosphere. counselor and graduate assistant said they were so excited about the lose power. While the server was Michael Jones and Chastity The couples were for residence dinner that they attended without down, the university’s e-mail sys- Spencer celebrated their first served sushi and crab hall dining, was dates. tem — through which the emer- Valentine’s Day as a couple over cakes for hors d’oeuvres, in charge of the “I thought it was going to be gency messages are sent — was not a free five-course meal Sunday gingered strawberry soup, t was just event. on Valentine’s Day,” Wilson said. accessible. evening. fruited mixed spring Istarted as a fun Ostien said she “When it wasn’t, and (my boyfriend) Sievers said the university is The two freshmen from Chicago greens and caramel flan and her assistants couldn’t make it, I brought my best working on plans to institute a studying radio television were with fresh fruit compote. ‘‘opportunity for spent about three friend.” system that would notify the uni- provided the meal by Residence For the main course, the students on weeks planning and Ratcliff said the dinner and versity community of emergencies Hall Dining. Spencer said she was guests were given a 14 hours decorating decorations were really nice and by text message.

excited to take advantage of the pre- choice of ancho-breaded c ampus. the event. she was glad she could attend. “It’s long been felt that a wide holiday festivities. chicken breast, crusted — Michelle Ostien “It was just Ostien said she was thrilled with array of methods need to be put nutrition counselor and “I signed up for it because I have strip loin, snapper or graduate assistant for started as a fun the event’s outcome. in place because no one system is a sweetheart this year,” she said. roasted vegetable paella. residence hall dining opportunity for “This is just something that’s going to do the job all the time,” Guests walked into University Chef Bill Connors the students on really fun and free for the students,” he said. Hall to discover an explosion of prepared everything on the menu. campus,” she said. Ostien said. There are no outlined pro- love-related adornments. Seventeen Connors said he invented the But not all students came with cedures for outages, he said. tables were covered in pink and red, mango salsa that was put on the romance on their minds. Christian Holt can be reached at Chancellor Fernando Treviño while strings of plastic hearts hung snapper while experimenting in his Jaleesa Wilson and her friend, 536-3311 ext. 268 or [email protected]. See OUTAGE, Page 5

Student LIfe News Pulse Sports Moviegoers should not Student sleuths strive Recreation Center recovers Salukis can’t get off ground attend Roscoe Jenkin’s to solve mock murder from flood damage. against Jays, fall to 1-9 on the reunion. road. mystery. PAGE 5 PAGE 3 PAGE 7 PAGE 16 2 Monday, February 11, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN News CALENDAR NEWS BRIEFS University of Illinois. SIUC Professor Allison Weather officials say A university spokeswoman says Joseph to read her bundle up for below about a quarter of students and a fifth of the campus’ staff members have pro- award-winning poetry zero temperatures vided their e-mail addresses and phone • 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Student CHICAGO (AP) — Weather officials numbers to receive the warning mes- Center, Missouri Room are cautioning Illinois residents to bun- sages. dle up in the bone-chilling cold. The system launched in the fall and With temperatures hovering around alerts people to campus emergencies. Blood Drive American zero, officials say frost bite and hypo- Officials say they’re trying to encour- thermia are possibilities if precautions age more students to sign up for the Red Cross aren’t taken. service. • Thursday at the Newman Center The National Weather Service has Students and staff can choose to issued a wind chill advisory for portions have messages sent to multiple e-mail of northern Illinois until 10 p.m. Sunday. and phone numbers. The calendar is a free service for That means parts of northern Illinois The messages will be limited to 125 community groups. We cannot could have wind chills dipping to 30 text characters. degrees below zero. Also up to six inches The emergency alert system is run by guarantee that all items will run. of snow could fall late Monday through Mutare Software of Schaumburg. Tuesday morning. Chicago’s Department of Human Submit calendar items to the Services says it has more than 5,000 Tinley Park and Lane DAILY EGYPTIAN newsroom, beds for those who need shelter from the cold. Bryant officials mull Communications 1247, at least A winter storm watch has been issued over security concerns two days before event, or call for portions of southern Illinois with up TINLEY PARK (AP) — Officials at the to six inches of snow expected through Lane Bryant clothing chain said they are (618) 536-3311, ext. 266. Monday. uncertain when the store in suburban Tinley Park will reopen following this CORRECTIONS month’s shooting that left five women Foundations dead and another injured. If you spot an error, please contact the offer grants to Meanwhile, Tinley Park village offi- DAILY EGYPTIAN accuracy desk at 536-3311, cials are concerned about store security ext. 253. neighborhoods and are considering whether to require surveillance cameras in all commercial affected by Chicago businesses in the southwest Chicago POLICE REPORTS Olympic bid suburb. CHICAGO (AP) — A group of Such an ordinance, which would There are no items to report at this time. Chicago foundations plans to offer $3.5 require businesses to buy cameras and million in grants to help neighborhoods have them installed in stores, could be affected by Chicago’s bid for the 2016 among the nation’s strictest. Summer Olympics. “The first responsibility of govern- The John D. and Catherine T. ment at every level is the security of its MacArthur Foundation, the Chicago citizens,” said Village Trustee Patrick Rea. Community Trust and the McCormick “At the local level, it’s no less first on the Foundation plan to put in $1 million list of responsibilities.” each. The smaller Polk Bros. Foundation The women’s clothing store where will add $500,000. the Feb. 2 shooting took place did not The money could go toward housing, have security cameras. The gunman tourism or job training for neighbor- remained at large Sunday. hoods on the city’s south and west side. Gayle Coolick, a spokeswoman for Some of those neighborhoods could Charming Shoppes Inc. which owns Lane be affected by traffic and temporary Bryant, declined to say if store officials buildings used for competitions and ath- have considered additional security mea- lete housing. sures in the wake of the attack. Coolick Chicago is one of seven cities vying said it was “a little bit too soon” to discuss for the Olympics. when the store will open. The International Olympic Committee Experts in security and crisis commu- will select the host city in October 2009. nication said Lane Bryant, a chain which specializes in plus-size women’s clothes, has many hurdles ahead. Nearly 17,000 sign up At the top of the list is reassuring customers that the Tinley Park location is for U of I emergency safe for shoppers. Customers might avoid the store alerts because they’re scared, said Jim Hagen, CHAMPAIGN (AP) — Nearly a professor who teaches disaster pre- 17,000 people have signed up for paredness management at Chicago- a new emergency alert system at the based Saint Xavier University. TODAY TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low 30° 27° 34° 18° 37° 25° 48° 30° 37° 23° 39° 30° 45° 28°

Wintry Mix AM Ice Sunny Mostly Rain/Snow Partly Mostly Cloudy Showers Cloudy Cloudy 70% chance of rain 80% chance of rain 10% chance of rain 10% chance of rain 40% chance of rain 10% chance of rain 0% chance of rain News DAILY EGYPTIAN Monday, February 11, 2008 3 Whodunit murder staged in Student Center

Actors cook up Corker said he thought the other events around campus, including the mystery, murder “Pink Out” women’s basketball game, kept students away. The $20 ticket and munchies price might also have been a factor in low student turnout, Corker said. Jakina Hill Student Center Special Programs DAILY EGYPTIAN and Center Events hosted the event. David Schappe, a graduate assistant Salad, dinner and dessert were from Ohio who works with SPACE, served up with a side of murder for said the organization has been plan- SIUC mystery lovers dur- ning the event since last ing the weekend. year’s murder mystery din- A combination of e had ner. applause and laughter a good Schrappe said he could be heard Friday W thought the dinner went night in the Renaissance audience here well, and said the organi- Room of the Student so the show zation planned to make it Center as guests of “The ‘‘ an annual event. Next year, Dapper Flapper,” a 1920s- however, the organization we nt very well. era murder mystery dinner, — John Yard would schedule it closer to dined and investigated. actor in Bissell Mansion Valentine’s Day, Schrappe Murder Mystery Theatre The audience mem- group said. bers received scripts and John Yard, one of the decided how big or small their role two actors, said audience participation would be in figuring out “whodunit.” is what makes the show. Former Student Center directors “We had a good audience here so T.J. Rutherford and John Corker were the show went very well,” Yard said. in attendance Friday night. Both said Both of the actors who performed they have been to mystery dinners in and directed the show were from before. Bissell Mansion Restaurant and “They are so much fun,” Rutherford Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre of EMILY SUNBLADE ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN said. “Good food and good company.” St. Louis. Bethany Carriger, a senior from Decatur studying health education, laughs with Brenda Sue Fowler Though the room could accom- of the Bissell Mansion Murder Mystery Theatre group Friday at the Student Center. Carriger, assigned the modate between 70 and 80 people, Jakina Hill can be reached a 536-3311 ext. part of J. Edgar Hooker, was one of several audience members to have an impromtu performance during only eight tables were filled. 273 or [email protected]. the Dapper Flapper Mystery Theatre. 4 Monday, February 11, 2008 WORLD & NATION News WIRE REPORTS C     Striking writers to Obama wins Maine caucuses vote on contract Glenn Adams LOS ANGELES (AP) — The THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Writers Guild of America moved swiftly Sunday toward a resolution of its three- month-old strike, with guild leaders AUGUSTA, Maine — Barack deciding to recommend the contract Obama defeated Hillary Rodham to members and ask them to vote on a Clinton in Maine presidential cau- quick end to the walkout. By asking writers to vote separately cuses Sunday, grabbing a majority on ending the strike and accepting the of delegates as the state’s Democrats contract, the union cleared the way for overlooked the snowy weather and the entertainment industry to return to turned out in heavy numbers for work almost immediately. municipal gatherings. Membership meetings will be held Tuesday in New York and Los Angeles Democrats in 420 Maine towns to allow writers to decide whether the and cities were deciding how the strike should be brought to a speedy state’s 24 delegates will be allotted end, said Patric Verrone, president of the at the party’s national convention in guild’s West Coast branch. “This the best deal this guild has bar- August. Despite the weather, turn- gained for in 30 years,” Verrone said. out was “incredible,” party executive director Arden Manning said. With 87 percent of the partici- U N  pating precincts reporting, Obama U.N. says 12,000 led in state delegates elected over refugees flee Sudan for Clinton, 1,837 to 1,277, with 17 uncommitted. Chad after airstrikes Obama won at least 13 of Maine’s GENEVA (AP) — Up to 12,000 refu- delegates to the national convention, gees fled Sudan’s Darfur region to neigh- with three still left to award. Clinton boring Chad over the weekend follow- won at least eight. In the overall race ing air strikes by the Sudanese military and thousands more may be coming, for the nomination, Clinton leads the U.N. refugee agency said Sunday. with 1,135, including separately cho- The agency was bringing emergen- sen party and elected officials known cy assistance to the Chad border where as superdelegates. Obama has 1,106. the Darfur refugees were giving detailed The voting came a day after NUCCIO DINUZZO ~ MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE descriptions of air attacks Friday on three West Darfur towns. Obama and Clinton made personal Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. waves to supporters with his wife Michelle as The refugees are “destitute and ter- appeals here, and after Obama picked they celebrate his Super Tuesday victories at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Tuesday in Chicago. rified,” said Helene Caux, spokeswoman up wins in Louisiana, Nebraska and for the U.N. High Commissioner for Washington. across the state because so many opposite directions. fresh air,” said Joe Lewis, another Refugees headquartered in Geneva. “They told of their villages being looted Organizers had expected heavy people showed up that they were Colin Johnson, an Obama sup- Obama supporter. and burned, and encircled by militia.” participation at the caucuses, but lined up outside the doors. porter in Portland, said the Illinois But Tony Donovan said Obama Most of the new refugees in Chad are snow was falling and gusting winds In Maine’s largest city, senator is not a typical politician. can use some more seasoning. men and they told the U.N. that thou- hit as many of the gatherings were Democrats carrying “Obama” and “I’m convinced he’s a once-in-a-gen- Donavan was supporting Clinton sands of women and children are on scheduled. “Hillary” signs waited to get into eration leader,” he said. because she, like him, was a baby their way, Caux added. U.N. officials say the worsening situ- The weather didn’t appear to have the citywide caucus at Portland “He’s young and energetic boomer who shared similar values and ation in Darfur has been exacerbated hurt turnout. Caucuses started late in High School in separate lines that and Washington and the White because she has the experience and by a recent rebel attack on the capital Bangor and several other locations snaked nearly three city blocks in House could benefit from some the team to lead in Washington. of neighboring Chad. Chad has accused Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir of backing those rebels in a bid to prevent deployment of a European peacekeep- ing force in the Chad-Sudan border region where some 400,000 refugees are living. Clinton replaces Gates: Iraqi V  Venezuelan president campaign manager leaders closer to threatens to cut off oil Beth Fouhy longtime Clinton confidante who THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sales to joined the campaign after the New CARAC AS, Venezuela (AP) York senator narrowly won the New reconciliation — President Hugo Chavez on Sunday threatened to cut off oil sales to the WA SHIN GT ON — Hampshire primary Jan. 8. She will United States in an “economic war” if Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham begin assuming the duties of cam- Robert Burns Gates arrived after dark at Exxon Mobil Corp. wins court judg- Clinton replaced campaign manager paign manager this week. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Baghdad International Airport ments to seize billions of dollars in Patti Solis Doyle with longtime aide The staff shake-up caps a week aboard an Air Force C-17 cargo Venezuelan assets. Exxon Mobil has gone after the Maggie Williams on Sunday, engi- in which Clinton grabbed the big- BAGHDAD — Hard choic- plane. He flew by helicopter to a assets of state oil company Petroleos de neering a shake-up in a presidential ger prizes on Super Tuesday, win- es face Iraq’s political leaders on private dinner with government Venezuela SA in U.S., British and Dutch campaign struggling to overcome ning New York, California and New how to stabilize the country officials, including al-Maliki, and courts as it challenges the nationaliza- rival Barack Obama’s financial and Jersey, but Obama prevailed in more despite promising new signs of the top U.S. commander in Iraq, tion of a multibillion dollar oil project by political strengths. contests. Obama won the popular progress toward reconciliation, Gen. David Petraeus, as well as Chavez’s government. A British court has issued an injunc- The surprise announcement came vote in 13 states, while Clinton won Defense Secretary Robert Gates U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker. tion “freezing” as much as $12 billion hours after Obama’s sweep of three in eight states and American Samoa. said Sunday. It was Gates’ first visit this in assets. contests Saturday. The Both Clinton “They seem to have become year and possibly his last before “If you end up freezing (Venezuelan Illinois senator also and Obama raised energized over the last few Petraeus and Crocker return to assets) and it harms us, we’re going to have been proud harm you,” Chavez said during his week- grabbed the early lead a stunning $100 weeks,” Gates said. The Pentagon Washington in April to recom- ly radio and television program, “Hello, in caucuses in Maine Ito manage this million each last chief told reporters who traveled mend to President Bush whether President.” ‘’Do you know how? We aren’t on Sunday. year, but Clinton with him from a conference in to continue reducing U.S. troop going to send oil to the United States. Campaign aides campaign and recently has lagged Germany that he wants to “see levels after Petraeus’ current Take note, Mr. Bush, Mr. Danger.” said Solis Doyle made prouder still to call behind Obama in what the prospects are for further drawdown plan is completed in the decision to leave ‘‘ money collected. success in the next couple of July. By then, four brigades are to W D.C. on her own and was Hillary my friend for He raised $32 months.” have gone home, leaving 15. not urged to do so by million in January In an interview on the trip “I would be interested in how Most people in poll more than 16 years. the former first lady or — Patti Solis Doyle to her $13.5 mil- to Iraq, Gates cited the recent they are planning it — which believe country is in any other senior mem- former campaign manager lion, forcing her to passage of an amnesty law as an units are coming out” between grips of a recession ber of the team. But lend her campaign example of political progress. He now and July, Gates said. it comes as Clinton $5 million before said he would ask Iraqi leaders The trickier question is whether WASHINGTON (AP) — Empty homes and for-sale signs clutter neigh- struggles to catch Obama in fund- Super Tuesday. The campaign said to assess the prospects for other Petraeus will tell Bush that secu- borhoods. You’ve lost your job or know raising and momentum and faces Saturday that it had raised $10 mil- important steps such as passing a rity conditions in Baghdad and someone who has. Your paycheck and the prospect of losing every voting lion since the beginning of February. law that would spell out power- elsewhere have improved enough nest egg are taking a hit. contest yet to come in February. Obama enjoyed a three-state sharing between the provinces to permit even more troop cuts Could the country be in recession? Solis Doyle announced the shift sweep Saturday night, winning the and the national government. without risking a deterioration in Sixty-one percent of the public believes the economy is now suf- in an e-mail to the staff on Sunday. Louisiana primary and caucuses in He compared the struggle security. Petraeus’ strategy is based fering through its first recession since “I have been proud to manage Washington state and Nebraska. over that idea to the U.S. found- on an expectation that improved 2001, according to an Associated this campaign and prouder still to He has the potential to pad his ing fathers’ quest to find a consti- security over time will give Iraqi Press-Ipsos poll. call Hillary my friend for more victories in contests Tuesday in tutional compromise on how to political leaders an impetus to The fallout from a depressed hous- ing market and a credit crunch nearly than 16 years,” Solis Doyle wrote. Maryland, Virginia and the District share power in Congress between make compromises on legisla- caused the economy to stall in the final “Maggie is a remarkable person and of Columbia, as well as next week in big and small states. tion and other moves toward three months of last year. Some experts, I am confident that she will do a Wisconsin and his native Hawaii. Gates said he would make reconciliation. like the majority of people questioned in fabulous job.” Clinton is hoping to stem the clear to Prime Minister Nouri al- Asked whether he would the poll, say the economy actually may Solis Doyle said she will serve as tide on March 4 when Ohio, Texas, Maliki and other political leaders question Petraeus about the pos- be shrinking now. The worry is that con- sumers and businesses will hunker down a senior adviser to Clinton and the Rhode Island and Vermont vote. that “our continued eagerness for sibility of recommending a pause further and pull back spending, sending campaign, and travel with Clinton In a statement, Clinton praised them to proceed and successfully in the troop drawdown this sum- the economy into a tailspin. from time to time. Solis Doyle and said she looked for- conclude some of this legislation” mer, Gates replied, “I think our “Absolutely, we’re in a recession,” said Williams, who served as Clinton’s ward to her continued advice in the considered essential to reconcil- conversation will cover the whole Hilda Sanchez, 44, of Waterford, Calif. White House chief of staff, is a coming months. ing Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. range of possibilities.” News DAILY EGYPTIAN Monday, February 11, 2008 5

OUTAGE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Recreation Center opted not to shut down campus dur- ing the outage last week and instead recovers from flood allow professors to decide whether to cancel classes, he said. David Coats, a junior from Administrators Additionally, the water ruined wax Winnebago studying mechani- on some of the building’s cement cal engineering, said he did not see work to address floors. outages as emergencies. He said he He said custodial staff worked would like to be notified, but an e- water damage all night Thursday to replace the mail seemed inappropriate because Allison Petty wax, but needed another night’s many students probably could not DAILY EGYPTIAN work to replace all the damage. receive them while the power was Gary Tisdale, marketing direc- out. tor for Recreational Sports and “I think they should inform us Custodial staff and administra- Services, said the damage was not somehow but they probably couldn’t tors at the Recreation Center are significant. do it by e-mail,” he said. JASON JOHNSON ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN working to address water damage Tisdale, who has worked at the A student enters Morris Library shortly after the power went out caused by Tuesday’s flash flood. facility for 14 years, said Tuesday’s Joe Crawford can be reached at last Monday. University officials said the university does not treat Corné Prozesky, assistant direc- flash flood was minor compared to 536-3311 ext. 254 or tor of the facilities, said heavy rains damage sustained during previous power outages as emergencies. [email protected]. left the lower level of the building incidents. covered by 1 to 1.5 inches of water He said a large drainage pipe on Tuesday night. the facility’s lower level could allevi- LAN Despite the efforts of staff ate some of the pressure caused by P Bost, R-Carbondale, has been money while this governor is in members working to combat the rapid water flow, but the building’s CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 one of many legislators to say the office,” he said. heavy water flow, several floors location left it subject to some rain- capital plan will not be approved Steve Brown, a spokesman for were still damaged, Prozesky said. related problems. Rod Blagojevich’s desk. so long as gambling is the primary Madigan, said Bost’s theory is not However, a positive aspect of the “It’s just a low-lying area. The A list of possible delays include source of funding. The expansion correct. Brown said most legislators ordeal came when off-duty student water just all rushes back there a controversial gambling expansion would make Illinois more dependent believe the plan also needs workers arrived to help clean up the — there’s just nowhere for it to go,” to allocate the plan’s $9 billion, on gambling than any other state. additional assurance the money damage, he said. Tisdale said. “With this type of a continuing battle between two Bost said an ongoing feud will be released to the construction “That was so awesome from rain, I don’t think anything could’ve Chicago Democrats and priority between Blagojevich and House projects. our point of view, to see all these handled that.” shifting by legislators to other Speaker Michael Madigan might students of their own free will come issues requiring state funds, such as be a bigger problem. Barton Lorimor can be reached at and help us,” Prozesky said. Allison Petty can be reached at the mass-transit bailout approved “(Madigan) doesn’t want to 536-3311 ext. 274 or Several rooms will need car- 536-3311 ext. 259 or in January. release $9 billion of the state’s [email protected]. pet replacements, Prozesky said. [email protected]. D AI LY E GYPTIAN E DI TO RIA L B OA RD DA IL Y E G Y P TIAN Sarah Lohman Sean McGahan Diana Soliwon Danny Wenger EDITOR IN CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR VOICES EDITOR ASST. VOICES EDITOR


PAGE 6 · MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2008 VSTUDENT COLUMN     Thumbs down to the flu and Facebook spam

ANDY FRUTH The symptoms are high fever, chills, sore Weber and the rest of the University of here in Carbondale. throat, joint pain — the works. A nurse at the Illinois athletic department for apologizing Thumbs Down to all the government offi- Student Health Center told me it’s transmit- for Illinis’ cruel behavior towards Indiana cials who are more concerned with whether [email protected] ted through the air by coughing and sneezing, player Eric Gordon last Thursday night. Not Roger Clemons took steroids or if the Patriots so the best protection is to wash your hands that SIU students were any better (the F-U spied on the Rams in the 2001 Super Bowl. all the time. Especially if you or someone you Gordon chant on national TV was real classy Aren’t there more serious issues going on for know might be getting sick. guys) when we played Indiana earlier in the the government to deal with then to step in Thumbs Up to Pinch Penny Pub for Thumbs Up to new football coach Dale season, but there were many who took it way and police the sports world? shedding the glass for the annual Polar Bear Lennon on his first recruiting too far last Thursday. Spygate and steroids should be dealt with Party. I understand why they made the switch class. Despite getting a late start It’s like It’s nice to see that people like by the NFL and MLB, not a congressional to cans as cans don’t shatter and create a 4- on the recruiting season, coach Facebook has Bruce Weber are willing to step panel. inch thick layer of broken glass all over the Lennon and his staff were still up and acknowledge that a line Thumbs Up to the Saluki softball team ground. able to pull in commitments developed a was crossed. Come on guys, he for sweeping through the competition at Maybe next year they can take all the cans from 19 athletes from 11 differ- changed his mind about where the Jacksonville University Tournament. The and scrap them and then donate the proceeds ent states on national signing day mind of its he wanted to go to college. This Diamond Dawgs went 5-0, including two to something like the Coach Kill Cancer Wednesday. kind of thing happens in college wins against the University of Minnesota over Fund, SIRSS, or even Saluki Way. Since Thumbs Down to all the own. football all the time. the weekend and outscored their opponents everyone and his brother seemed like he was Facebook application spam. There’s a reason it’s called a 37-9. in town for the event, I’m sure it will continue Some of these applications Facebook has been verbal commitment. Have something you think deserves a to grow bigger and bigger each year. adding are getting out of control. I don’t know Thumbs Up to pitchers and catchers Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down on campus, Maybe attaching a cause to the event is about any of you, but it seems like every time reporting to spring training this Wednesday, in Carbondale or in general? Let me know and something the organizers might want to think I log on, I’m bombarded with the most ran- which officially begins the 2008 Major League if I think your Thumbs Up or Down is worthy about. dom requests for Facebook applications that Baseball season. To an avid baseball enthusiast of the Monday morning D E, Thumbs Down to the flu bug that hit I know the person who sent it to me didn’t like me, the time from the end of the World I’ll include it in my column. Please, serious campus. It seems like everyone has come actually send it to me. Series to spring training is like an eternity. inquiries only. down with it and there seems to be no end It’s like Facebook has developed a mind This time of the year also marks the offi- in sight. I had it about a month ago and it’s of its own. cial season opening for all the trash talking Fruth is a graduate student in not fun. Thumbs Up to former SIU coach Bruce between Cardinals, Cubs and Sox fans down curriculum and instruction.

STAFF COLUMN The bucket list: Part deux JORDAN WILSON 5. Hit the outdoors afford that. pery rocks and soaking in some sun while Staying inside your apartment sucks. It’s 3. Church floating in some germ-infested water. jordanwilson04@ muggy in the summer because you aren’t rich So you’ve gone to church your whole life. Who am I kidding. The Spillway is won- enough to turn the air on. Your place reeks Then you come to college, and forget all 13 derful. It’s like a mini vacation waiting to be because the dog peed all over the carpet last Commandments. Yeah, like that. had. Last summer, alcohol was banned at the month. Solution: Venture outside of the box. Just because you have free reign to do Spillway. For some, this was a striking blow For all four of you wondering what num- Not only is southern Illinois home to some whatever you please, don’t forget how you were to summertime. I enjoy the dry waters much bers five through one are, wait no longer. Last great lakes and forests, but it also boasts great raised. There are plenty of great churches in better this way. week, in honor of the recent movie “Bucket parks such as Giant City. Follow the fresh air the area. Don’t be afraid to check them out. If you’re a Spillway veteran, up your game. List,” I started a Carbondale knock-off. further and you’ll find a host of wineries, great 2. Quatro’s Try taking a queen bed-sized blow up raft, In short, these are the things you must running trails and minor league baseball in Oh crap, I already mentioned checking out cooler and grill, iPod and speakers and a bevy do before you graduate. If you slipped into a Marion. the local flavor. This doesn’t deserve its own of drinks out on the water with you. Then drunken coma and missed last Monday, here’s 4. Wonderful Winston placeholder. Must move it elsewhere. you’ve made it to the big time. a quick recap: My brother is a sophomore in high school No, Quatro’s holds the No. 2 spot. Call That’s it. Young ones, make sure to get 10. Rock out at a dirty house party. now. He’s only 26. We’re real proud of him. If me biased, but this pizza rocks my shoes off. going and add any amendments you see fit. If 9. Stick it to the man – shop locally. you haven’t heard this story and others, you I’m not sure how they do it, but this pizza pie you’re on your way out, make every effort to 8. SIU sports are free to watch. Free is need to get out. Go see the Bagelman. makes my taste buds chest bump each other soak it up before you ditch irresponsibility and good. SIU sports are (mostly) good. Winston is usually staked out across from when the cheese touches my tongue. stale chips for a 9-to-5 and nicer clothes. 7. Stay for the summer. It’s a blast. Pinch Penny Pub five or six nights a week. If Aside from my girlfriend, Quatro’s will be Most of all, never stop exploring. I’m going 6. Check out the local watering holes. you’re looking for a cucumber-pickle-brown the reason to drive back to Carbondale after to do that now. Revisions may be called for ... Been dying to know what tops the list? sugar-brownie bagel, you can get it. Or some- I graduate. Without any further banter, let’s get down to thing like it. 1. Spillway the top five. Plus, it’s like $1.50. Even us broke folk can There’s nothing like a hike up some slip- Wilson is a senior studying journalism. A message from the Voices desk As some might already have gathered, technology has not been on our side lately. The Voices e-mail, [email protected], has officially gone kaput. We have not received any of the surely numerous letters, submissions and other messages for about a week. For this we apologize and bring you a NEW e-mail address that will hopefully never let us down again: [email protected]

We hope to hear from you soon. We’ve been lonely.

QUOTE OF THE DAY MISSION STATEMENT I happen to agree with those who think you have a right to kill yourself. The DAILY EGYPTIAN, the student-run newspaper of Southern Illinois University “ ” Carbondale, is committed to being a trusted source of news, information, commentary Michael Bloomberg and public discourse, while helping readers understand the issues affecting their lives. New York City mayor on being opposed to a federal smoking ban. Bloomberg has donated millions to the WHO tobacco study and initiative om .c Gloria Bode says check out the pulse team’s latest chatter in tomorrow’s edition. siuDE .

www DA IL Y E G Y P T IAN P AG E 7PS OUTHERN I LLINOIS U NIVERSITY FEBRUARY 11, 2008 Roscoe Jenkins not welcome Devin Vaughn his life and the kind of man DAILY EGYPTIAN he wishes to be. “Jenkins” offers nothing new ‘Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins’ or unexpected. Once all of the Rated PG-13 characters are introduced, it is clear Starring: Martin Lawrence, James Earl what is going to happen. It doesn’t Jones, Cedric the Entertainer, Michael help matters that writer-director Clarke Duncan, Mike Epps, Mo’Nique Malcolm D. Lee strives to rid his Directed by Malcolm D. Lee film of all forms of subtlety. Runtime: 114 min In the film’s exposition (which seems to account for half its running time), the audience learns just how big of a deal Roscoe is 1 out of 5 stars supposed to be. His fiancé boasts, “He’s a star,” to which everyone Good intentions only get a nods, and another man adds, “He’s person so much, and they get a film a superstar,” and later “You’re the even less. talk of the town.” Clearly, in Lee’s “Welcome Home Roscoe mind, it is better to flatly state who Jenkins” has its heart in the right or what a character is, as opposed place, championing family values to showing it. and staying true to one’s roots, but Shortly thereafter, while en route everything else gets lost along the to the Jenkins’ homestead, Roscoe’s way, leaving the audience stuck with son reads aloud the itinerary for the a generic storyline and stereotypes anniversary celebration, gushing in the place of characters. over all of the scheduled events and Roscoe Jenkins (Martin leaving no doubt in the audience’s Lawrence) is an up-and-coming mind that it has just heard the plot PROVIDED PHOTO daytime talk show host who returns outline for the rest of the movie. home with his uppity fiancé after Lee also does not encourage of being seen from outer space D. Lee is a younger cousin of but I’m pretty sure it would be less a nine-year absence to attend his his actors to play their roles with –– but I suppose it is impressive acclaimed director Spike Lee (“Do warm-hearted and would involve parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. anything resembling delicacy. Half on some level to witness Lawrence the Right Thing,” “Malcolm X,” more cringing (at least on Spike’s Comedic antics ensue as reuniting the time they are mugging for achieve something only previously “Inside Man,” etc.). More enter- part). with his family proves to be tough the camera and shouting. In fact, accomplished by the Great Wall taining than watching the Jenkins’ as old insecurities and rivalries Lawrence’s antics are so played-up of China. reunion would be watching the Lee Devin Vaughn can be reached at return, forcing Roscoe to reevaluate and over the top they are capable Interestingly enough, Malcolm reunion. One can only imagine, 536-3311 ext. 275 or [email protected].

PULSE The remaining members of the Grateful Dead have recently reunited in support of presidential candidate Barack Obama. Who else would you like to see get back together in support of a political candidate? Devin Vaughn ACudra Ord Julie Engler The 1985 Chicago Bears. I definitely think N*Sync should reunite their dynamite boy band and put together I think Michael Jackson should reunite with the some awesome choreography to demonstrate their support for [insert your favorite Thriller dancers again. candidate here]. Maybe “It’s Gonna Be Me” from their “No Strings Attached” album could be the candidate’s theme song. Not exactly a hidden treasure More mild than ‘Wild’ Julie Engler Wes Lawson The film works best during these scenes DAILY EGYPTIAN DAILY EGYPTIAN where we get insight into the way the comedic ‘Fool’s Gold’ mind works. It’s on much shakier ground during Rated PG-13 ‘Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show” scenes where the comedians visit a Hurricane Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Rated R Katrina camp to give free tickets to evacuees, Donald Sutherland, Alexis Dziena, Kevin Hart Starring: Vince Vaughn, Ahmed Ahmed, Bret Ernst, which seems a bit gratuitous. It also was probably Directed by Andy Tennant John Caparulo, Sebastian Maniscalco Run time: 113 min not the wisest decision to show them engaging Directed by Ari Sandel in their various frat boy antics, which range from Run time: 100 minutes uncomfortable to occasionally offensive. The film, directed by Ari Sandel and edited from more than 600 hours of footage, looks like 1.5 out of 5 stars PROVIDED PHOTO 3.5 out of 5 stars crap, but that’s to be expected from a documen- tary. What sucks is that the film isn’t long enough “F ool’s Gold” is one of those movies Bigg Bunny owns the island and has his to be insightful, yet is too long in and of itself. where the main characters are much more cronies try to kill Finn. Of course they’re In 2005, Vince Vaughn set out with a group One hundred minutes is a long time to spend attractive than the plot or dialogue. not successful, otherwise there would be no of four comedians to do 30 comedy shows in 30 with these people in one sitting, and perhaps if The focus is on Matthew McConaughey’s movie, but the way these characters are por- days. The idea was that at each show, there would the film had been a TV series a la “’s abs and Kate Hudson in a bikini as they trayed isn’t really funny, if it was supposed to not only be stand up, but surprise guests, improvi- Tourgasm,” it might have been stronger and struggle through a divorce to find a treasure be in the first place. sation, music and general merriment. more interesting. lost long ago in the sea. It’s a light-hearted There’s also the dumb rich girl, Gemma “Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show” At its heart, though, the film is a funny fluff piece surprisingly full of nasty deaths Honeycutt (Alexis Dziena), who gets money chronicles this 30-day journey. Although the film endeavor. It takes a while to get going, but there and crotch hits. from her daddy, Nigel (Donald Sutherland). is wildly uneven and doesn’t give the audience are bits of comedic gold to be found in the pro- Hudson is the smart intellectual Tess She’s ditzy and always demands money enough of the comedy shows, it’s decent enter- ceedings. Finnegan, who at the beginning of the — $28,000 over a game of gin, or $25,000 tainment that provides an interesting look behind Vaughn manages to keep the whole tour movie divorces hubby Benjamin Finnegan to go shopping. the scenes at these shows. moving along like a whirling dervish, and the (McConaughey) because he’s not very smart. But when it comes to getting a boat full It’s difficult to describe the film without sim- free wheeling nature of the shows lead to some The two wound up in Florida searching for of guys’ attention, she does a great job in ply recounting the standup routines, but anyone hilarious bits. the remains of a Spanish ship that sunk hun- a tiny bikini. It’s even worse when certain who has ever attended an open mic night should The cameos by people like Justin Long, dreds of years ago and hadn’t been found. circumstances cause a sword to come flying be familiar with the kind of observational humor Dwight Yoakam and Peter Billingsley add to the But when the boat Tess was going to sell through the air and land right between her these comedians dish out. The two standouts are fun, and what we see of the comedians them- for college money sinks and Ben ends up in legs, the camera sticks on the shot for a pause Caparulo, whose annoying voice and foul mouth selves makes them all seem like nice guys, even if debt to the island owner, rapper Bigg Bunny that’s longer than needed. instantly endear him, and Ahmed, a man who their material isn’t always up to snuff. (Kevin Hart), the two find themselves in a Overall, this movie might’ve been cute has two first names and does some terrific jokes “Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show” race to find the treasure to save their lives, and romantic, but it scores low for just all- about his Arab and Egyptian heritage. is a far from perfect film and yet it is one with slowly uncovering history in the process. out horrible direction and stereotyping that’s The comedians also recount some of the a curious fascination, and one that offers some One thing that was disturbing was that really not enjoyable. And for viewers who are trials and tribulations that lead to the formation interesting insights into a difficult profession. It’s all the bad guys in the movie were rich black insecure about their bodies, this might not be of their material. Ahmed visits a police station difficult to recommend, but for a video rental on men looking to snatch up the treasure for a good Valentine’s Day flick. where he was racially profiled, and Ernst tells a rainy day, it would do nicely. themselves. This could have been a fun, about his gay brother who died of AIDS, giving happy Hollywood movie, yet the play on Julie Engler can be reached at him new material and a way to honor his brother Wes Lawson can be reached at 536-3311 ext. 275 racial stereotypes will make anyone cringe. 536-3311 ext. 275 or [email protected]. through standup. or [email protected]. 8 Monday, February 11, 2008 Valentines Day Guide 2008 Monday, February 11, 2008 9 10 Monday, February 11, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN News Classified DAILY EGYPTIAN Monday, February 11, 2008 11 12 Monday, February 11, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN Classified Pulse DAILY EGYPTIAN Monday, February 11, 2008 13 Girls and Sports by Justin Borus and Andrew Feinstein

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —Today By Linda C. Black is a 5 — Don’t spend all your money on toys, even for other people. Follow the Today’s Birthday — You can learn investment advice of an older person, how to do just about anything you instead. If none have offered any, ask. The Duplex by Glenn McCoy want. This year, that’s especially notice- able. It won’t always be easy, but you Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —Today can be a champion. is a 9 — It may be hard to concentrate To get the advantage, check the on business, with the mood you’re in. day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the Unless, however, your business is writ- most challenging. ing romance novels. You have some good stories. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is an 8 — Continue your determined Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today quest for truth. If you don’t understand is a 5 — You may not be in the mood the answers you get, gather more infor- to hurry, but if you can, you’ll show the mation. Make sure you ask in a way that competition you have the right stuff. denies any subterfuge. Go ahead, be intimidating. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — is a 5 — Your margin of profit could Today is an 8 — A compromise can dissolve if you have to go very far to get be worked out with a person of strong what you want. Figure in your transpor- opinions. Even better, it looks like you tation costs. It might be cheaper to have can get most of what you want. Logic it delivered. overrules passion again. Gemini (May 21-June 21) —Today Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — is an 8 — Others look to you for advice Today is a 6 — Home and family draw and inspiration. Luckily, you’re good at your attention, but you must take care this. Tell them what they should do and of other chores too. Balancing all your they’ll love you for it. responsibilities is a full-time job in itself. Luckily, you’re good at this. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 5 — Continue to be quick in fin- Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams ishing whatever’s left on your lists. Today is an 8 — You’re learning fast, Postpone a financial discussion. If the and that’s a good thing. The game is ACROSS subject comes up, ask more questions intense and quick. Put your plan into 1 Kett of the than you answer. comics action and be ready to make immedi- ate corrections. 5 Go a round with Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —Today is 9 Book an 8 — You find the very person you’ve Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —Today composition been looking for by looking farther is a 5 — Grease the squeaky wheel and 14 Bank transaction away than you’ve ever done. Lack of you’ll improve the quality of your life. 15 Motion of the geographical proximity does not pres- Others will benefit, too. This is a win- ocean ent a problem. 16 Existing win situation, and you’ll be the hero. 17 Mr. & Mrs. 20 Purloined (c) 2008, Tribune Media Services Inc. | Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. 21 Father 22 Vane dir. 23 Brings to a close THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 25 Puff stuff 10 The Greatest 42 Appoint by Henri Arnold and Mike Argirion 27 IV amounts 11 Donate 43 Single guy 30 Casa 12 Tied 48 Flair Unscramble these four Jumbles, component 13 Withered 50 Transport by one letter to each square, 32 Temptresses 18 Urges truck to form four ordinary words. 36 Baldwin or 19 Levin and 53 Stranger Guinness Gershwin 55 Plane without a FOMIT 38 Teases 24 Lose traction pilot 40 Beauty parlor 26 Vessel 56 Prayer ending 41 Mr. & Mrs. 27 Lily relative 57 Cher’s Sonny 44 Dispatch boat 56 Lincoln or dollar 2 Track tipster 28 Garlic section 58 Lat. list-ender ©2008 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 45 Columnist Burrows 70 Hawaiian goose 3 Tex-Mex order 29 Penultimate 60 For two, in Bombeck 59 Nothing in 71 “Teachers” star 4 Leg joint round music 46 Hefty volume Nogales Nick 5 Recognized 31 Terminate 62 Writer Wister GNATY 47 Seed for a bun 61 Satellite of 72 Bring up authority 33 “Silas Marner” 63 Huff and puff 49 Dash gauge Jupiter 73 Tolkien’s tree 6 Brooch writer 64 Nautical 51 Black goo 65 Mr. & Mrs. creatures 7 Tacks on 34 Bellini opera assents 52 Farm tower 68 Put into effect DOWN 8 Send payment 35 Look of a villain 66 10th mo. 54 Neighbor of 69 Continental 1 Building wings 9 Jury member 37 Haciendas 67 Coach Libya 39 Singer Yma Parseghian DUIMBE TRAISE Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: “ ” By The Mepham Group Sudoku (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: SCOUR GULLY UNSOLD NEARLY SaturdFridaayy’’ss Jumbles: TRACT THYME BRAZEN WEASEL Level: 1 2 3 4 Yesterday’s Answer: The producer entered the marathon race Answers Answer: When the clerk whispered to the customer because he was good at — LONG “RUNS” Complete the grid so each row, column and over the counter, it was — BETWEEN THEM 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit

Solution to Saturday’s puzzle

© 2008 The Mepham Group.Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved. 2/11/08 14 Monday, February 11, 2008 DAILY EGYPTIAN Sports

Freshman forward Katrina Swingler fights Missouri State forward Tiff Terwelp for the ball during Friday night’s 78-58 loss in the Arena. The Salukis trailed the Lady Bears all night and shot just 32.8 percent from the field. BRANDON CHAPPLE DAILY EGYPTIAN

BASKETBALL Bears (7-14, 5-5) and shot 24 per- Despite her 17 points and 13 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 cent from the field in the first half, rebounds, no one else managed a including a 1-for-9 performance from significant contribution. Smith’s layup ball and went up.” beyond the arc. cut the lead to 10 at the 7:41 mark but The Salukis received a strong per- Coach Dana Eikenberg said con- SIU would get no closer. formance from freshman guard Ellen fidence was part of the problem. Senior guard Erin Pauk chipped Young as well. Young scored a game- “When you’re giving up three and in 13 points but Sweere was held high 20 points. you’re getting zero out of it, sure, that scoreless in the first half and finished The dominating performance was starts to kill you,” Eikenberg said. “But with five points. in stark contrast to SIU’s Friday night instead of somebody saying hey we Freshman guard Tanaeya Worden effort, where it was routed by Missouri got to get a stop, we keep trying to suffered a minor head injury in the State, 78-58. drive it home offensively.” first half and was held out of the rest The Salukis struggled to get any- Smith led the Salukis with a dou- of the game and did not play against thing going offensively against the ble-double. the Shockers.

OFTBALL man Cristina Trapani with helping (the pitchers),” Wamsley said. S the new pitching lineup to stay The Salukis will travel to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 positive and aggressive. Starkville, Miss., Friday to play in Overall the Salukis outscored the Bulldog Round Robin hosted and again defeated the Golden their opponents 37-9 and Wamsley by Mississippi State University. Gophers 3-1 on a complete game said she knew the offense was three-hitter by junior pitcher Katie going to have to be key because of McNamara. the young pitching staff. Megan Kramper can be reached at McNamara credited the catch- “We have to do our job to be 536-3311 ext. 256 or ing rotation of Wamsley and fresh- able to take the pressure off of them [email protected]. Sports DAILY EGYPTIAN Monday, February 11, 2008 15

Roger Clemens’ former trainer Brian McNamee told congressional investigators on QUOTE OF THE DAY Friday he not only injected the Rocket with performance enhancing drugs but also Dana Eikenberg his wife Debbie with human growth hormone. What do you think about McNamee’s statement?

“Apparently Clemens told McNamee to JEFF inject his wife with HGH before the Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot. This clearly ENGELHARDT gives Mrs. Clemens an unfair advantage jengel in the modeling industry. I am sure most congressmen feel this is a serious issue and would love to lead the investigation. Aren’t we in a war?” We inched along all year “ with them. Their lights are still flickering. The bulb is not all “I’m sure having his wife use HGH the way on but what I like about didn’t really hurt anyone. She’s not the MEGAN KRAMPER them is that they come in for one winning Cy Young awards and work and ask for help. They’ve throwing no hitters. I don’t see what megkramp really made some strides from it had to do with anything besides the beginning. bringing the whole Clemens family down even further.” — Coach Dana Eikenberg on the play of freshmen post players Katrina Swingler and Paris Campbell. “I’m tired of this “he said, she said” stuff. MATT HARTWIG There’s no way anyone is going to get to the Do you have questions for the Saluki bottom of this because it’s mostly based on mhartwig hearsay. However, I would like an asterisk Insider that you want answered? next to the Rocket’s wife if she ever poses E-mail: [email protected] again.”

LOSS Creighton simply could not 7:30 to play. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 miss in the first half and when it Woodfox was the key player in did, it chased down the rebound. leading Creighton to a 45-26 half- Stinnett had two highlight reel The Bluejays shot 60 percent from time lead. Woodfox went 5-for-6 dunks and a circus shot where he the field and out-rebounded SIU from the field and 2-for-3 from did a 360-degree turn under the 15-8 — six of those coming on the beyond the arc to finish the half hoop while falling down and sink- offensive glass. with 16 points. ing a shot he never aimed. The Saluki offense had oppor- Defensively the Bluejays were Lowery said the combination tunities to match the Bluejays just as efficient. Creighton shut of Stinnett and Woodfox was too and even though SIU managed to down the Salukis’ leaders through- much for the Salukis during the shoot 47 percent in the first half, it out the whole half. Falker, Mullins game. missed at crucial times. and Shaw combined for seven “P’Allen Stinnett is a rhythm Creighton started the game points with Shaw’s first field goal guy, he needs the crowd screaming on a 10-2 run and the Salukis not coming until the second half. his name to play,” Lowery said. responded with three missed open “Booker Woodfox comes off the looks that led the Bluejays to take Jeff Engelhardt can be reached at 536- bench and gets 20 on us and those a 17-9 lead. Creighton continued 3311 ext. 269 or [email protected]. things just make you mad.” to build the lead to 24-11 with om

.c INSIDER, page 15: How do you feel about the allegations that Roger Clemens’ wife used HGH? siuDE .

www DA IL Y E G Y P T IAN P AG E 16 S OUTHERN I LLINOIS U NIVERSITY FEBRUARY 11, 2008 CREIGHSTON DEFEATS SIU, 72-53 SOFTBALL Salukis fall to Salukis open season 1-9 on the road undefeated Jeff Engelhardt DAILY EGYPTIAN momentum behind the record- Megan Kramper breaking home crowd. DAILY EGYPTIAN The first time SIU and Creighton “We told them we had to keep met, the Salukis held the Bluejays to the crowd out of it,” Lowery said. 44 points. “This is a team that totally depends Moving their game from the Sunday night, Creighton had 45 on the crowd and they play much indoors to a warm dirt mound was points by halftime. better here at home than they do on positive for the SIU softball team. The Salukis dropped their the road.” The Salukis opened the 2008 EMILY SUNBLADE ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN ninth true road game 72-53 to The game was slipping from the season with a perfect weekend earn- Senior guard Tyrone Green defends Indiana State senior guard Creighton. The loss drops SIU to Salukis before the second half even ing victories over Big Ten opponent Gabriel Moore during the 80 - 69 win over the Sycamores Feb. 5 at a fifth-place tie in the Missouri began as they found themselves Minnesota and host Jacksonville to Valley Conference while propelling trailing 45-26. Creighton (17-6, SIU Arena. SIU lost 72-53 to Creighton Sunday. put their record at 5-0. Creighton into third. 8-5) punished the Salukis as it Coach Kerri Blaylock said she Coach Chris Lowery had never scored 29 points off turnovers. The finished with seven and eight points up at all.” was extremely pleased with the lost in the Qwest Center before Salukis had a total of 23 turnovers, respectively. On the other side, guards Booker team’s victories this weekend but Sunday and said the previous suc- and eight of those were traveling Mullins, who committed seven Woodfox and freshman P’Allen knows the Salukis have to take cess was because of the Salukis’ (12- violations. turnovers, said Creighton came out Stinnett led the offensive attack. every game one at a time. 12, 7-6) ability to keep the crowd The Salukis traditional top per- with more energy and heart. Woodfox brought the efficiency by “We talked about it today — the out of the game. The Creighton fans formers were quiet for most of the “They just wanted to win more scoring a game-high 20 points while season isn’t a sprint, it’s a mara- were into the game the whole time game. Junior guard Bryan Mullins than us today,” Mullins said. “We Stinnett brought the energy, finish- thon,” Blaylock said after the tour- Sunday after the Bluejays set the finished with a team-high 11 points have to be able to play like we do ing with 14 points that kept the nament Sunday. “We’re happy with pace with a 10-2 run. on the game, but only three of those at home with emotion and ener- crowd screaming. the start but obviously there’s a Lowery said the team couldn’t came in the first half. gy. Just because our crowd is not long way to go.” stop Creighton from building Randal Falker and Matt Shaw behind us doesn’t mean we can let See LOSS, Page 15 The team opened up play Friday morning as it defeated UNC-Greensboro with big hits by WOMEN’S BASKETBALL senior shortstop Becky Wegmann and sophomore outfielder Katie Wagner to help put the Salukis up 3-0 in the fifth inning. SIU knocks off Shockers, falls to Bears Junior catcher Jayme Wamsley and junior third baseman Katie Matt Hartwig Wagner added two more runs for DAILY EGYPTIAN the Salukis that led to a 5-0 vic- tory. Junior guard Kaci Bailey didn’t In the second game of the day, even know she was going to be in the Salukis edged out Coastal the starting five until early Sunday Carolina 4-3 on a big play by morning. Wamsley. In the afternoon, Bailey’s hot With SIU leading 4-3 at the 3-point shooting carried the SIU top of the seventh, Costal Carolina women’s basketball team to a 66-54 tried for a rally but Wamsley caught win over Wichita State at the SIU junior infielder Verity Long- Arena. Droppert trying to steal second Bailey, a native of Dresden, and freshman pitcher Nikki Waters Tenn., scored 13 points on 4-of-8 shut out the next two batters to seal shooting from beyond the arc to the victory. give the Salukis the outside pres- The Salukis opened Saturday ence they have been looking for. with a come-from-behind win over All but one of Bailey’s points Minnesota 11-4. came from 3-point range and 10 Down 4-3 at the top of the came in the second half. fourth, sophomore second base- Bailey said she was a bit nervous man Alicia Garza blasted a three- about making the start. run homer and senior utility player “The first shot I took didn’t Chelsea Petty pounded an RBI- quite hit the rim, but I just blocked triple to make the score 7-4. it out,” she said. “I kept telling Blaylock said any time the team myself that I got the next one and I can get a win over a Big Ten con- didn’t get discouraged. Three years ference opponent it helps them ago I wouldn’t have taken the next earn respect as a program. one but I didn’t let it faze me.” The SIU bats continued to con- SIU finally stopped its four- nect as the Salukis added three game Missouri Valley Conference more runs in the inning with a losing streak thanks to a well- single by Wamsley and double by rounded offensive effort. junior utility player Katie Schmidt. The Salukis (8-13, 4-7 MVC) Rounding out play Saturday went up 33-22 at halftime and night, the Salukis’ offense didn’t never looked back. rest as they easily defeated the They held an 11-point lead over Jacksonville Dolphins 14-1. the Shockers (8-15, 2-9) for almost The Salukis racked up an aston- the entire second half. ishing 16 hits, which was three shy Wichita State cut the lead to 10 of their last season record 19 when on a 3-pointer from junior guard they faced Northern Iowa on Apr. Senior guard Whitney Rice with 1:07 remaining, 21, 2007. Jayme Sweere but a pair of free throws from SIU Senior first baseman Lauren threads a junior guard Erica Smith ended Hass led the hitting parade as she pass through any threat less than a minute later. scored five RBI’s including a three Wichita State Smith finished with four points run homerun. defense Sunday. and 12 rebounds and senior guard Senior outfielder Tiffanie Jayme Sweere added 15 points and Dismore and freshman outfield- The woman’s 10 rebounds. er Chelsea Held both blasted basketball “We knew that if we wanted a homeruns in the contest. team will go to offensive rebound we could go get On Sunday the Salukis faced Creighton Friday. it,” Smith said. “I just pursued the Minnesota for the second time JASON JOHNSON DAILY EGYPTIAN See BASKETBALL, Page 14 See SOFTBALL, Page 14