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[PW 1D]Zta 8B M V ?A4CCHC>D67)IdebdYZahdjiaVhiXg^b^cVaX]Vg\Zh!Ygj\h!V\Zq?PVT" 123 Years of transforming individuals into life-long achievers! www.nyack.edu/dc 202.220.1300 :IN;EB<:MBHGH? u EBO> :EE =:R :M PPP'K>:=>QIK>LL'<HF u CNER +)% +))/ u -- 5A44++ Mankl]Zr 7TiQ^[[PW 1d]ZTa8b ?^d]STS #()03/-/$%6),,!'%449)-!'%3 BlkZ^ebgm^glb_b^lZbklmkbd^l "ERNANKESREMARKSRAISED7ALL3TREETSSPIRITS Z_m^kmkhhil^gm^kE^[Zghg Bc^RZbB^Pa);ZYX]V^ghVnh 148ADC;410=>=k:pZo^h_BlkZ^ebpZkieZg^l ^c[aVi^dcXVcWZ]ZaY^cX]ZX`q [eZlm^]Z[ngd^kbglhnma;^bknmmahn`am mhahe]A^s[heeZaÍlmhie^Z]^klP^]g^l]Zr% bgm^glb_rbg`Zgh__^glbo^Z`Zbglmma^`n^kkbeeZl ¼D]STa6^S½)=djhZkdiZhid ]^libm^fhngmbg`bgm^kgZmbhgZeik^llnk^Zg] ZgZii^Ze_khfE^[Zghg # egdiZXiEaZY\Zd[6aaZ\^VcXZq mhliZk^ma^\hngmkr_nk& ma^k]^ZmaZg]]^oZlmZmbhg' ?WX[^U0]Vbc) A^s[heeZalZb]ghg^h_bml Êe^Z]^klhkf^f[^klËaZl B^X`ZahdcZnZh ]b^]bgma^ZmmZ\d' gZYZbei^dcVii]Z Ma^lmkbd^pZlma^fhlm ]kZfZmb\Z\mbhghgZ]Zr 3ANIORA $ 7g^i^h]DeZcq maZmlZpBlkZ^ebmkhhil ing\abgmhlhnmaE^[Zghgmh\eZlapbmama^ `n^kkbeeZlZg]eZng\a^]lmkbd^lmaZmdbee^] Zg^lmbfZm^]-)i^hie^'BlkZ^e[khZ]\Zlm pZkgbg`lbgmhlhnmaE^[Zghgm^eebg`\bobe& bZglmhe^Zo^ma^k^`bhg%Zihllb[e^ik^en]^ >] mhZeZk`^kBlkZ^eb`khng]hi^kZmbhg' 4SVT) A^s[heeZa%ng]^m^kk^]%leZff^]kh\d^ml BZZii]Z bgmhma^BlkZ^eb:kZ[mhpgh_GZsZk^ma%dbee& bg`mph:kZ[[khma^kl%Z`^l,Zg]2' VkVci"\VgYZ E^[Zg^l^Ikbf^Fbgblm^k?nZ]LZgbhkZ% dYY^i^Zh!dji" pahl^p^Zd`ho^kgf^gmaZl[^^gngZ[e^mh _ne_beeZN'G']bk^\mbo^mh]blZkfA^s[heeZa VcY"djih^aa^Zh #(!2,%3$(!2!0!+!0 Zg]inmbmlZkfrZehg`ma^[hk]^kpbmaBlkZ^e% VcYgZVa[gZV`hd[ ihbgm^]er\kbmb\bs^]ma^N'L'ihlbmbhgmaZmBlkZ^e i]Z8Ve^iVa;g^c\Z Z\mlbgl^e_&]^_^gl^'ÊBlmablpaZmma^bgm^kgZ& 1dbWETc^TbBcT\2T[[1X[[ mbhgZe\hffngbmr\Zeell^e_&]^_^gl^8Ëa^Zld^]' ;Zhi^kVa#--8=B834 058ABC)0RESIDENT"USHHOLDSUP MONTH OLD4REY*ONES7EDNESDAYWHILEDISCUSSINGHISVETO ÊBlmablma^ikb\^p^iZr_hkZlibkbg`mh[nbe] OFABILLTOINCREASEFEDERALFUNDINGFORSTEMCELLRESEARCH%IGHTEENFAMILIESWHOADOPTEDUNUSED hnk]^fh\kZmb\bglmbmnmbhgl8Ë0? 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