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OUT OF TOWN WHICHDIDNTMOVEATALLˆ '%449)-!'%3 [d]Pa\^]cW4G?A4BB PARKSANDOFF ANDGOTTOTHENEARESTPHONE v BEACHES4HE "ACKHOUSESAID0OLICEARRIVED WORKWILLTAKEPLACENEARLYYEAR WITHANAMBULANCEANDFOUND =>1>3H½B7><4 WITHAWOMANWITHAKNIFE!TLEAST HERSELFINTHERESIDENCE ROUND EXCEPTINWINTERSCOLDEST THEMANALIVEANDWELL BUT ITWOULDHAVEBEENASTAND WITHAKNIFE/FFICERS MONTHS4HEIDEAISTOHARASSTHEGEESE WITHCARTROUBLESh4HEBESTWAYHE H^d2WXa_X]V2aXRZTcb OFF IFSHEWASHOME ARMEDWITHASSAULTRIFLESCLOSED UNTILTHEYRETURNTO,ONG)SLAND3OUND THOUGHTTOGETAVEHICLETOSTOPWAS 0aTBdaa^d]STS THE0ENINSULA$AILY OFFTHESTREETANDTRIEDTOCONTACTTHE h9OUHAVETOBEMOREPERSISTENTTHAN TOLAYDOWNINTHEMIDDLEOFTHEROAD v 0ORT!NGELES 7ASH POLICEWERE .EWSREPORTED0OLICEWERERESPONDING WOMANWITHAPHONETHATNEGOTIATORS THEGEESE v3ANTOPIETROSAID0? "ACKHOUSESAID0? INVOLVEDINAFIVE HOURSTANDOFF&RIDAY TOREPORTSTHATAWOMANHADBARRICADED THREWINSIDE4G?A4BB Do You Continue to      Be Depressed? !"#"#$ "# !"%"#& '()"* +*)+,,- ,&&*$* # . /!*/!* The NIMH is conducting a study to test the effectiveness of 0,( 1,!  !"%"#& '()"* !**! AMPAkine in major depression. This study examines a different   mechanism of action from commonly used antidepressants. Our  hope is to find new medications for individuals who have not  responded to past treatment.  7619 Little River Turnpike, 5th Floor Annandale, VA22003 This is a 10-week outpatient and inpatient study of medication or   placebo conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, 1901 N. Ft. Myer Drive, Suite 300 Arlington, VA22209 Maryland. No-cost, no-obligation career assessments Participants must: • Be ages 21-55 • Be currently depressed Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT). Westwood College - Annandale Satellite (Annandale, VA) is a satellite campus of Westwood College - Arlington Ballston (Arlington, VA), a branch of Westwood College - Long Beach • Have taken an antidepressant that did not help                      

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MS in Accounting Information Session F =0B30@ B?$ Wednesday, July 26 6 - 8 p.m. =TfH^aZBc^RZ4gRWP]VT =0B30@Bc^RZ2: ;0BC 270=64 ?4A24=C270=64 BC>2: ;0BC 270=64 ?4A24=C270=64 & & &  (%  '"  '% MS in IT Management Information Session BTP2]c1[U $$! (% !  8[[d\X]P "&  '!# !'% #! ! ' & !$(' Wednesday, August 2 EP[\^]c $ %$ &$   &# 2T]cdahAC !"$  #$( !#" :TP]T !(!  &   $" FTbcQP]Z !!!$ #!$ !"% 6 - 8 p.m. BTP2]c0[U $!  %$  #" 9^]TbB^SP] ( $  ""  &! 1P]ZBc^RZb 87B8]R] " (  ""   ! +1-8^\PX] !'% &( ! %   308;H H40AC>30C4 ;^bTab ;^bTab BC>2: ;0BC 270=64 ?4A24=C270=64 2WXHdR $!%   &  %( 3XVXcPb &#  !'" !&& 0dbc=I ("&  %  %# D]Xbhb $ ' (&  $' HPW^^ !$!  & # ! ' 1R^B]27 ##" %! (# Free parking or take Metro to AU/Tenleytown and 28C6_ #&!' # ! ' 8^\PX] !'% &( ! % 1Z^U0\ #(($  $  '! the AU shuttle to main campus. BcT_P] !((# !#$ &% ?;GCRW (!& !$  ! ! 1Z=^ePV # !$ &   % 1aXVBcaPc !& &  $! $" AP\Qdb %&& !'"  ## 2XcXVa_ #&!$ &  !% 3TdcbRW1Z ('! $"$  "# 9?<^aV2W #" $ !"# '$ 3^[[PabX]U^aTXV]RdaaT]Rh Currently accepting applications for Fall 2006 advanced degree programs. APcTb 2daaT]Rh DBF44:  C>30H ?A4E8>DB30H H40A06> A^hP[1ZVb # #! $( %! ?aX\TAPcT '!$ '!$ 1aXcXbW?^d]S $#!% $#&$ $&#% C^a31ZV $  & (' " RSVP Today 5TS5d]SbR[^bT $!$ $!$ 2P]PSXP]3^[[Pa  "$!  "$# ! ' D1B06b $ !& !!$ &' "\^]cWSXbR #(' #(# 4da^_TP]4da^ &("& &((% '" & DB1P]Ra_ " $$ #& $% Call 202-885-1913 !hTPa $  $ ! 9P_P]TbTHT] %'  &"# !%& FPRW^eXP $#("  &  "( hTPa $ % $ &

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Administrative Auto AUTO SERVICE MANAGER Computer-Legal-PR Account Executive Staff Assistant In Rockville. Exp., great pay & benes! Call DC law firm is looking for qualified candidate who NISSAN SALES ARE HOT 301-529-0990 can help trouble shoot problems with multiple legal IMRE COMMUNICATIONS Airline trade association (www.airlines.org) seeks organized, motivated individual to support Security Automotive software programs, with Visual Basic, SQL, and We are looking for the right persons to join the other programming capabilities in addition to help Integrated brand communications firm with Department. Admin. support, manage section of Web site, maintain contacts list, process invoices, Tischer Acura and Nissan family, applicants must Auto Painter/Helper/Technician needed in Upper desk experience. Must possess strong communica- national B2B and B2C client base seeks have a minimum of 2 years F&I experience in the Marlboro area. Call Sammy 301-627-8300. tion skills. We are a growing IP boutique firm with marketing professionals for these positions in its travel and meeting arrangements. Qualifications: highly accurate, able to work with minimal supervi- retail auto industry. excellent benefits. We are located in Washington, Washington, DC office. Dynamic and supportive We offer top notch health benefits, 401k match, Automotive DC near Metro Center. Fax resume to: 202-434-1501 team environment, competitive salary and sion, excellent org. & comm. skills req., superior phone skills. MS Office exp. & ability to quickly learn profit sharing and a pay plan with a six figure BODY SHOP TECHS or e-mail to: [email protected] benefits, great perks. Send resume and salary potential. requirements to new programs. College degree or equivalent exp. High Volume bodyshop seeking exp Bodyman, Excellent benefits. Airline travel privileges. Near To learn more about us go to www.tischerauto.com Sanders,Tapers, Painters, Detailers. Earn top CONCIERGE - RESTON, VA [email protected]. Metro. Send cover letter, resume & salary reqs. to For a confidential interview, submit resume of call $$$. Call Mike 301-490-3300 Hours: 4pm-8:30pm Mon-Fri. and Sat. 8am-4:15pm. Recently named one of DC’s Best Places to hr@airlines. org Attn: JOA#06-06. finance director Jean Tayman @ 301-575-1723 Must have excellent customer service and people Work. Administrator Automotive Tech BARBERS/BRAIDERS skills and be computer savvy. $12/hour. Email: [email protected] or Fax: 703-435-7913 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Administrator Neurology, starting sal. $60K plus Mazda or Ford experience preferred. Plenty of work, Must have clientele. Low booth rent. Landover. Washington, DC profit sharing. 703-850-4000. excellent working condition. Great benefits. Contact 301-792-2759 Construction—BATHTUB REGLAZIER AIRPORT Allen Cave, Service Manager at: 703-660-8400 BEAUTY Needed. Good pay. Must have 2 yrs experience. Support marketing account activities. Requires NAIL TECH—Exper’d. Salary, Comm, Benefits. Nr Must have own vehicle. Bilingual. 301-840-9809 ask Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field, 100+ entry level positions at national Airport! RSV Agents/CSRs/Sales/Drivers. PT/FT. Pay up to $12/hr. Metro. 202-783-6565 for Gary. 3+ years’ direct agency experience, strong AUTO TECHNICIAN Beauty/ Nail Tech—Upscale nail salon. organizational skills and ability to manage Must be willing to work ANY shift! Reqs drivers lic & CONSTRUCTION clean bkgd. Call Stryden at 703-774-3098 for more A Plus Automotive services looking experienced 240-460-7670 detailed projects, excellent writing and BOOKKEEPER—Ffax RE co. seeks F/T Asst. w/book- communications skills, passion and enthusiasm. info. Auto Technician. Good pay, paid vacation. Apply to Maryland Homes, one of the nation’s largest ARTS 15563-O Frederick Rd, Rockville MD, 20855. keeping/acctg. exper. FAX resume: 703-293-9240. homebuilders, is looking for a Supervisor, Assistant ASSOC. ACCT EXECUTIVE BOOKKEEPER Supervisor and Punch-out technicians with experience Washington, DC PT Box Office Asst.: Flex. sched. must accommo- in high volume community for Prince George’s & St. date daytime and some eve. and weekend hrs. AUTO SALES For non profit part-time 32 hours/week. Mary’s County, MD. Ryland Homes offers an Support marketing account activities. Requires (25-30 hrs/wk). Need organized, detail-oriented in- Responsibilities AR, AP, GL, Financial Statements, outstanding compensation package with a company Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field, dividual to answer phone & process box office ticket quarterly closing & payroll admin support. 5 yrs match 401K plan. Please forward or fax your resume 1-2 years’ agency experience, excellent sales. B.A. desirable w/1 yr admin exp., prefer in box professional Bookkeeping exp., Bachelors degree to: Ryland Homes, 4100 Monument Corner Dr., Suite communications skills, strong organizational office or theater. Knowl. of Word, Excel, & PASS required. QuickBooks, MS Office (Excel). Benefits. 300, Fairfax, VA 22030. No Phone Calls Please, Fax # abilities, passion and enthusiasm. ticketing software helpful. $11.00-11.75/hr. Send Email: [email protected] (703) 502-5220 Attn: Homebuilding Dept. cvr ltr & resume to Folger Shakespeare Library, Attn: DARCARS is currently seeking energetic, career Ryland Homes is an equal opportunity employer Accounting Clerk HR/PTBox, 201 E. Capitol St., SE, Washington, DC minded professionals to join our growing sales Cabinet Makers 20003-1094, [email protected] or visit our website team at locations in the DC area. Experience Construction — Waterproofing estab. co. offering Millwork co. in Warrenton, VA seeks exper’d. & exc. pay, benefits & steady employment seeks exp’d PT, 15-20 hrs/wk. AP, Bank recs. and other. Alexan- at www.folger.edu. No phone calls please. EOE not required - we will train! In addition to our reliable Journeymen, Cabinetmakers/Millwork- dria, Va. Email: [email protected] or fax aggressive pay plan, we offer: Waterproofing Foreman & Waterproofing Laborers. AUTO BODY TECHNICIANS ers & Finishers. Exper req’d. Competitive pay & Also Carpenters. CALL Matt S. 866-328-2583. 703-823-1694. benes. Pls CALL 540-347-4551, ext. 111 or EMAIL For growing air conditioned Loudoun Co. body shop. • Health Insurance & 401K resume to: [email protected] COOK ACTIVISM Exper. req’d. Top Pay and Health Benefits provided. • Company Car CABINETMAKER & HELPER CALL 703-450-0155 • Paid Vacation Part-time Cooks for boys group home in Washington • $80K+ 1st yr earning potential Arch. millwork company, Rockille. DC. Food Handlers license required, $10/hour.Fax DEFEAT THE Auto • Rapid advancement 1 year experience required. Call 301-230-2500 resume to 202-462-7050 Childcare Customer Service NISSAN SALES ARE HOT Apply in person, at DARCARS of Silver Spring Teacher/daycare. Call 301-735-1763 or Fax Dispatcher REPUBLICANS 12214 Cherry Hill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 301-765-1063. Responsible for scheduling concrete appts. & con- Tischer Nissan of Laurel MD. Is seeking 4 additional (at of Rt. 29 and Cherry Hill Road). CIRCULATION ASSISTANT tacting customers. Point of contact for drivers & $1400-$2200/Month sales people for its expanding sales force. Contact Shannon Ryan at (301) 622-0020 or prepare weekly reports for office staff. FAX: Experience is preferred but not required for these [email protected] for more info or to Leesburg Today, located in Loudoun Co., VA, is 703-339-3305, Attn: Tracy. Had enough of Bush and the positions. Top payplan in the area is at Tischer schedule an interview. seeking an energetic, detail-oriented, self-starter to DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG Republicans? Work with Grassroots Nissan. assist in circulation management. This is a P/T All interviews are kept in strictest confidence. We BABYSITTER County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. Campaigns, Inc. on behalf of the Reliable babysitter needed for 3 kids. Live in, (25-35 hrs/wk) entry-level position. The successful 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 offer top notch health benefits, 401k match, profit candidate will handle data entry, provide customer National Democratic Party to elect sharing 5 day work week and closed on Sundays for Monday through Friday. Reference required. Call 301-595-2577 after 6pm service to subscriber & vendors and assist with Data Entry/Mail Room/Recept. — MAPS a Path lab Dems in ‘06 FT/Summer/Career more information visit www.tischerauto.com newstand replenishment of multiple publications. For confidential interview contact Bob Hoglund at Beauty— Lic. Stylist, Natural Hair Tech in Sterling, Va, F/T btwn 10a-6p. FAX resume to: opps. Dupont Circle. CALL Erin at Please EMAIL your resume to: 703-404-1131. 301-498-3322. 202-322-2297. [email protected] 202-797-9655. OR FAX to: 703-771-8833 DENTAL APPLICANTS Admissions Tysons Corner. High tech general practice needs Representative City Federal Jobs experienced chairside & front desk assistant. Call ADMIN AIDE DC area. Hiring. Paid training. All Occupations. Call 703-442-0108 DENTAL ASSISTANT Immed. opening in small, friendly Corp. HQ in Sanford Brown Institute (Landover, MD) 202-521-1492 Arlington. Must possess strong MS Office skills, Construction Exper’d Dental Asst that is X-Ray certified for Laurel be able to take on multiple projects w/ little Essential Functions and Responsibilities: SHEETMETAL practice. Fax resume to 301-776-3649. supervision, team player, professional de- Meet budgeted enrollment and start goals. Commercial contractor seeks HVAC Foremen. F/T in DENTAL ASST meanor, & “can-do“ attitude. Compet. sal. w/ Keep detailed, organized, current and historical records of school leads, enrollment and start statistics. No. VA. Exper. req’d, good benefits. Top pay, possible Manage recruiting and enrollment procedures. For busy, FUN pediatric office. 4 or 5 days. Full excel. benes & paid parking. Please forward company truck. Call 703-335-2677. benefits. FAX resume: 202-364-1386. resume & sal. history to: [email protected] Keep appraised of career forecasts and trends related to student recruitment. Construction Maintain student files and keep detailed, current notes in follow up book. Dental Front Desk/ Superintendent for tenant build up in DC. Exp. 5-10 Receptionist ADMIN ASST — Native Engl. spkg. French lang. a +. Continue to help student after they start classes, or refer them to appropriate official if unable. yrs req’d. Excel. pay and benes. Please contact Very good typist & writer. Busy small immig. law Perform any duties as assigned by supervisor. For general dentist in DC near Metro. Customer Richard at Independence Construction, via fax service exp. pref’d. Must be hardworking & depend- firm. Nr. Arl. Metro. Fax: 703-730-3775. 757-552-0768. Education: able w/ good communication skills. Please leave message 301-208-0782. Administrative Assistant Bachelors Degree preferred. Construction Director and Teachers Skills: Excellent Customer Service skills. Expanding before and after care center in NoVA Dynamic and persuasive telephone techniques. seeking qualified Director and Teachers. Competi- Strong communication skills. tive salary and benefits. Fax resume to Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment. 703-753-3168. Strong interviewing and closing skills. DIRECTOR & TEACHERS Administrative Ability to handle Flexible work schedules. Construction Project Assistant Needed for N-K school in the Rockville area. Degree Assistant Good computer skills. & exper req’d. Call 301-670-9116 or fax resume to Well established NOVA property management/con- 301-330-0032. Well established NOVA property management/con- Experience: struction company has immediate opening. Candidate struction company has immediate opening for Admin- Two to four years sales or recruiting experience. should be experienced with contract control, project DISPATCHER/Midnight Shift istrative Assistant with specific experience in all as- accounting, and all standard aspects of construction Estab. limo co. needs dispatcher. CALL George, pects of construction administration. Excellent bene- Contact Information: administration. Excellent benefits package, salary 202-554-5405. fits package, salary commensurate with experience. Kyam McMorris commensurate with experience. Please provide salary DRIVER Please provide salary requirements and detailed re- Director of Admissions requirements and detailed resume via fax EXPERIENCED roll-off. Class B license. Good pay & sume via fax 703-876-0548 or email to: resumes@ [email protected] 703-876-0548 or email: resumes@ benefits. Must know VA,MD & DC area. gateshudson.com EEO gateshudson.com EEO CALL: 703-569-2422. C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk!" Classifieds

HOTEL MEDICAL ASSISTANT— Immediate FT for busy RECRUITER Restaurant Handyman Arlington OB/GYN office. FAX resume: Bachelors in Human Resources, Management, or JOBS We are seeking an individual with experience in 703-532-0609 similar. Exper’d w/ Recruiting, Bilingual Eng/Span. Bistro-Bistro Painting and Carpentry for our private member hotel MEDICAL ASSISTANT Call Marcus Monroy, 703-929-1132. looking for exp’d Restaurant Managers, Line Cooks, DRIVER — BUS DRIVER. P/T, Up to $15/hr. Local in Downtown DC. This individual must be able to RESTAURANT Host. Must have fine dining exp. & strong communi- Charter (Summer), AM/PM School run (Winter). work within a timeline and possess organizational Duties to include assisting the doctor & nurse with Upscale restaurant in Tysons Corner area is in need cation skills. Contact Chef Michael at 703-554-3125 CDL w/B/C class & P endorsement. skills. patient care. Phlebotomy Skills necessary. of FT Waiter/Waitress w/min. 2 yrs. exper. before 11am. 202-636-9203 On the spot interviews Attendance & punctuality important. Full-time Fax resume to: 703-759-0457. RESTAURANT Tuesday, July 18 - Friday, July 21, 2006 position with good company benefits. Fax resumes DRIVER—Great Part-time job, earn extra $$$, must Busy seafood restaurant in Dupont seeks Sous Chef. From 12pm - 4pm (no calls) to 301-345-3854 Restaurant Manager Strong skills needed. Salary + benefits. have car. Call Sean 703-440-8290 Farragut West Metro, 839 17th St. NW MEDICAL OFFICE PERSONNEL An Odyssey Restaurant Manager is responsible for Fax resume to 202-466-8302 Drivers Hotel coordinating and executing a 4-course Fine Dining CLASS A - CLASS B CDL, 2 YRS DUMP EXP EXCEL- Now hiring Clerical, room for advancement. Alexandria Service for up to 600 guests within very strict time RESTAURANT CHEF MANAGER LENT PAY, HOLIDAYS, VACATION, HEALTH INS, 401K. Houseman and Floor Attendants area. FAX resume 703-548-4825. frames while simultaneously providing the guests with Needed Mon-Fri in DC. Competitive pay & benes. CALL (540) 775-9400 For our private downtown member hotel. MEDICAL RESEARCH the ultimate experience in Hospitality and Send resume to: NSD, 6829 Erica Ave, Alexandria, DRIVING/LIMO - CDL w/P All shifts available Entertainment. They are responsible for maintaining VA 22310. PT eves & wknds. VA/DC/MD. $18-$20/hr. Spring- On the spot interviews (no calls) COORDINATOR proper cost controls. They must be able to accomplish RESTAURANT field 703-550-7200 Tuesday, July 18 - Fiday, July 21, 2006 Bethesda, MD. Must have at least 1 yr. clinical trial this by training, managing and motivating staff DRYWALL & FRAMING From 9am - 5pm exp. Engl/Span. Bilingual a plus. Detailed. Phleb effectively. 5 people needed for framing. Big job! DC. Hablo Farragut West Metro +EKG exp a plus. Excel salary & benef. Job Duties Espanol. 703-297-1428 839 17th St.NW Fax resume to: 301-530-2304 Shift Management Train, Manage and MODELS Excute Detailed Motivate Staff Editorial HOTEL Attractive Female Models wanted for Calendar & Event Programs Execute 4-Course Fashion Show; Must be in shape. Grand Prize $1000. Schedule, Fine Dining Commercial Real Estate Editor Send pics to [email protected]. Payroll Purchasing Manage Cash Handling WHY SPEND HOURS CoStar Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSGP), the leading MORTGAGE LOAN PROCESSOR Procedures provider of information services to the commercial For busy Mortgage Broker. Excel benefits, Bilingual Job Requirements COMMUTING? WORK LOCAL!!! real estate industry, is seeking exp’d business news Eng/Span. Please Call Marcus Monroy, Metropolis Experience in High Computer Skills editors to cover the CRE industry, including major Financial Services, 703-929-1132 We are currently accepting applications Volume Experience in High for experienced: sales, leases and new developments in major mar- We are now hiring for the following positions: Strong Communication Volume kets across the country. Editors will profile top NANNY • Engineer HVAC/Mechanic Live-in/out, Non-smoking, Mon-Fri, 2 school kids & Skills executives and cover industry trends. Exp covering • Guest Service Agent Ability to maintain ”grace Assistant Managers & Kitchen Managers commercial real estate req’d. Bachelor’s degree in toddler (girls) driving & light housekeeping. • AM Host/Hostess Call 301-869-8673. under pressure” Journalism or English. AP style & Microsoft Office • Accounts Payable Mgr We offer a casual work environment, paid vacations, pref’d. Nurse Practitioner/PA Please Submit Resume and Salary History full medical and dental benefits, disability insurance • Banquet Houseperson/Server MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS! • AM PBX Operator [email protected] and obtainable monthly bonuses. P/T opptys. in OB/Gyn pract. in Oxon Hill. Please visit us at www.odyssey.com for company Retail Real Estate Reporter Apply in person Mondays, Wednesdays & 240-460-2530. Please email your resume to: history [email protected] Also seeking an exp’d reporter w/ knowledge of Fridays 10am-2pm at 815 14th St., NW. Or NURSE-RN retail real estate industry. Exp covering shopping Resumes may be emailed to Resha_howard@ or fax to 540-439-4407 F/T. Asst Dir. of home care agency in Largo, MD. EOE center leasing and development highly desirable. hilton.com. Job Hotline 202-521-1653. Office & home visits req’d. FAX resume Please submit resume to www.costar.com/careers 301-386-8877. RETAIL HVAC OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR/$30K - PT We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer A top quality co. needs: Exc comp, org, & comm skills. Reliable, exp’d. 6 hrs Juan Valdez Cafe is seeking team members for our M/F/D/V. We maintain a drug-free workplace. Comm/Res Svc Techs/Inst daily, M-F.Sil Spr home based remodeling Co. new locations! EDUCATION • Signing bonus up to $2K Fax resume 301-586-9418. Benjamin Banneker HS, Washington DC seeks PT • Comms & tool bonus OFFICE ASST-PT RESTAURANT If you are outgoing, love coffee, and have a passion Spanish & German Teachers & PT Counselor & IB • Health ins, vac/sick lv for success, we are interested in meeting you. World Resources Institute (WRI), a non-profit envi- Competitive pay, friendly people, generous benefits, Coordinator. Fax resumes to 202-673-2231. • 125 plan, 401K w/match ronmental think tank is seeking a regular ongoing EXPERIENCED • Advanced tech training RESTAURANT STAFF NEEDED growth opportunities, and the richest coffee in the Electrical position at part time hours (25 hrs/wk) Mon-Fri. world! Call 703 541-1006 working as an office asst/mail clerk. Provides cler- RESTAURANT AND HARBOR CRUISE COMPANY IS IN THE PROCESS OF HIRING LEAD MECHANIC/FOREMAN ical support in the mail/supply room and stocks/ Stop in to fill out an application: maintains printing areas. Min qualifications: HS SERVERS BUSSERS HVAC BARTENDERS COOKS & KITCHEN HELP Needed immed. J Card, pref’d. Reliable & diploma or GED, 1 yr clerical experience, pleasant 1889 F Street, NW telephone manner, familiarity w/ office equipment APPLY IN PERSON dependable, valid driv lic, good driv records & own Building Engineer MON-THUR 10AM-5PM OAS Building, 1st. Floor trans req’d . min 6 yrs comm’l exper. refs req’d & usage. $13-14 per hour w/ comprehensive benefits Washington, DC 20006 Int’l Facility Maint Co seeking F/T needed in VA , MD package. Please don’t fax or mail letters of interest, SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON checked. Call 301-579-9660 or fax resume to: and DC. Responsible for O&M of bldg equip , PMs , PIER 4, 6TH AND WATER STS., SW WASHINGTON, 202 464 1360 301-579-9662 or email: [email protected]. preferred method of contact is via email. Send repairs , & responding to service requests. resume/cover letter via email [email protected] DC 20024 WATERFRONT STOP ON 675 E ST NW ESTIMATOR WANTED Communication skills & ability to direct work req’d. PAINTERS Competitive salary & full bfts pkg. Fax resume w/salary THE METRO GREENLINE 202-264-3632 Washington, DC 20004-2238 7 yrs exper, Year round work, Must have transp. 202 464 5540 For growing air conditioned Loudoun Co. body shop. reqmnts to 703-642-1602 or e-mail: Call between 9a-5p, 202-265-0774. Direct repair exper. req’d. Top Pay and Health [email protected] Benefits provided. CALL 703-450-0155 Paralegal HVAC Bethesda law firm seeks Facilities Assistant entry-level paralegal. E-mail resume and salary Electrician Engineer requirements to: [email protected]. St. Coletta of Greater Washington is a state of the art special education facility serving school-age children ‘GSH, a leading Int’l Facilities Mgmt Co, has PHARMACY TECHS and adults with mental retardation, autism and several openings in greater DC area. We are For local e-prescribing co. Exper pref’d. secondary disabilities. As we prepare to open our new seeking the following professionals to join & facility in Washington DC for the 2006-2007 school year grow with our team: FAX resume: 201-231-9512. we are actively recruiting for: • Journeyman PHOTOGRAPHER • Licensed Electrician Professional Photographer wanted; Must have • A Facilities Assistant to join our Facilities Team. The (Must be able to obtain security clearance) exper, shooting portfolios of Female models. Facilities Assistant will be responsible for the daily Possession of audio/visual skills a plus. Must Call 202-262-0643 maintenance and operations of all St. Coletta have excellent communication skills. facilities including installation of office equipment; Competitive salary & full bfts pkg. Fax resume PHOTOGRAPHERS ordering and delivering supplies; repairing damaged w/salary reqmnts to 703-642-1602 or e-mail: WITH EXPERIENCE or WILL TRAIN walls and other fixtures. Will act as Day Porter with [email protected] Come join an establishment that specializes in duties of spot cleaning restrooms, kitchens and capturing memories. Lifetouch National School emergency clean ups and monitoring exterior JANITORIAL— Seeking 4 cleaners for Comm. & Resid. Fax resumes, 301-333-1810. Studios, the largest photography co. in the U.S. & grounds and dumpster area for debris and repairs. a leader in school photography is currently Due to our unique environment the ideal candidate LAB AIDE—MAPS a Path lab in Sterling seeking F/T lab aide w/BS in Biology btwn 7a-3p & 2p-10p. FAX hiring for F/T Underclass Photographers, Can- will be experienced, mature, extremely flexible and did/Sports Photographers & Senior Portrait Pho- possess a strong desire to work in concert with our resume to: 703-404-1131 Landscaping tographers. No experience is necessary - we will program team and our students. Some college train you. Lifetouch photographs Kindergarten preferred; experience with special needs population LAWN MOWING CREW CHIEF thru High School Students. If you like children, a plus. Lawn service experience, valid drivers license, good enjoy being creative, come talk to us about Currently within walking distance of King Street driving record & basic map reading skills. Work career opportunities. You must have your own METRO, our new school will be directly opposite the locations are in Arlington & McLean, VA. $12/hr. means of transportation, mileage is reimbursea- Stadium/Armory METRO exit on Independence Call 703-536-0832 ble. Great benefits with opportunities for incen- Avenue, SE. We offer top competitive salaries and LEGAL ASSISTANT tive bonuses. Resume & cover letter can be sent excellent benefits. Learn more about us and our new to: [email protected]. Telephone in- quiries can be made at: 1-800-445-1191 ext 128 school at www.stcoletta.org. Mail resume to: St. Silver Spring. ATTN Experienced litigation secretar- Coletta of Greater Washington, 207 S. Peyton Street, ies: Seeking a career boost? Apply now to our PHYSICIAN ASST/Nurse Practitioner Alexandria, VA 22314; fax: 703-683-9888; highly-rated crim/civ lit firm. We offer reasonable MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS! [email protected]. No calls please. EOE hours, aggressive pay ($30K-$60K), bens & training P/T opportunities in OB/Gyn practice in Oxon Hill. package to attract and retain the best. Please apply 240-460-2530. Finance only if you have min. 1-yr litig exper, are smart, & PLUMBER work efficiently. Fax 301-495-8815. Service. Herndon area. COST/FINANCIAL ANALYST www.markskatz.com Call 703-437-6966. Fort Belvoir, VA LEGAL SECRETARIES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DC IP boutique firm in search of several experienced CEI Management Consulting is recruiting for patent secretaries due to growing practice. Would TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION/ Cost/Financial Analyst. Duties to include: Cost also consider other experienced legal secretaries PROPERTY MANAGER Estimating, Economic Analysis, & Financial that wanted to learn patent prosecution. Must be proficient in MS/Word, detailed orientated, well Must be Tax Credit Certified. Please fax resume Management. Great team environment/ to:202-561-8054. benefits. Minimum requirements 4-year organized and a team player. Excellent benefits. Business degree, 1-2 years related business Near Metro Center. E-mail resume to: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT experience, and ability to obtain a DoD Secret [email protected] or fax: 202-434-1501 Leasing & Management Level Clearence. Email confidential cover letter Loan Officers Apartment Industry & resumes to: Trained LO’s wanted. 50% split. Sterling VA. All positions. MD, DC, & VA. Toll free, 866-289-4651. [email protected] 571-212-1855 Real Estate DC SUBJECT LINE: POST 071606. MAINTENANCE UrbanLand Co. seeks RE sales assoc. DC RE lic. or Apartment Maintenance must get lic. Eve & wkend hrs req’d. FT/PT. Great FLOORING All positions. MD, DC, & VA. Toll free, 866-289-4651. benefits. Email [email protected] MATTRESS INSPECTORS NEEDED REAL ESTATE EXPER’D SALES PERSON FT or PT. Must have valid driver’s license, vehicle & Greenbelt settlement office needs exper Processor Flooring store in Stafford seeking exp’d flooring good customer service skills. No experience req’d. in purchases & refinances. E-fax resume to sales person as store mgr. Excel benes & Call Mr. Mangum, 301-471-6464 301-576-5406. commission, fax resume to: 540-288-9189. MECHANIC Flooring Installers Limo repair. Must know AC & Electrical. springfield RECEPTIONIST Exp’d Mechanic Needed for cpt, vinyl & hdwd. VA area. Includes benefits & health insurance. Mostly residential, exc. compensation. Call Eddie: 703-550-7200 Front Desk Receptionist. High rise condo in N. 301-881-0004. Bethesda, weekend hours 4pm-12am & 12am-8am. MEDICAL BILLING SPECIALIST Fax resumes to 301-770-5631 Busy ENT practice seeks a professional Med. Billing RECEPTIONIST Specialist. Must have knowledge of ICD-9 and CPT Coding. Prefer knowledge of Tiger Systems. F/T with Upper Marlboro, MD. Entry-level, $10/hour. Must benefits. FAX or EMAIL resume to: Lisa Miller, have good phone etiquette. Room for growth. FAX 301-868-5228 OR [email protected] resume to: 301-883-0213. !#k4G?A4BBk &! ! %kC7DAB30H Classifieds

SALES TRAVEL AGENT SALES Exp. SABRE agents for No. Va. & DC. Good pay JOBS A RARE OPPORTUNITY! w/bonus, benefits for self-starter. Fax res: 1-877-839-5247. Prosperous NoVA/MD Company in the home im- provement industry is expanding. Prior industry TREE CLIMBER Restaurant experience not necessary but welcome. Profes- sional training program provided. Someone who Outside Acct. Mgr. Small NoVA co. seeks exper’d. Climber. Own transp. MANAGERS needs at least $65,000 per year with the potential of Real Estate Advertising & valid driver’s lic. a MUST. Year-round, F/T work. six figures. Commission, Incentive and bonus. Car 703-450-4475 Original Ledo restaurant, established 50 yrs in Sell online adverting to brokers/agents in the Hyattsville, MD. Looking for Managers with Required. No overnight travel. Call Brian Quick between 9am and 3pm @ 301-560-6920 real estate industry. Outside sales; strategic and WAREHOUSE experience. FT. Great pay & some benefits. tactical; consultative; business development; Call Tommy at 240-398-9528. SALES cultivate and grow existing business; make Distribution center seeking Full-time Warehouse. RESTAURANT MANAGERS sales presentations; communicate product Must be able to lift 40lbs. Fax resumes to options and value. Requires outside sales 301-322-3935 For growing rest. DC/MD/VA. $38-$85K. experience, and strong presentation and 800-351-7557 persuasion skills. WAREHOUSE FAX 800-208-0633 SHIPPING CLERK—F/T Mon-Fri. Lorton, VA. Exper. [email protected] Account Manager More information: in shipping/computer a must. Lift up to 50 lbs. www.washingtonpost.com. RESTAURANT Automotive Advertising Call 703-690-9610 WAITER/WAITRESS Sell print advertising to automotive industry clients! To apply, send resume to: WELDER—Proficient in welding, layout & fabrica- FT/PT. Anthony’s Restaurant, 7234 Centreville Rd., • Cultivate and grow existing business [email protected], tion. Ornamental iron shop. 540-428-2999 Manassas, VA. 703-361-1230. • Cold call and close new business Attn: REEXP/JT. Writers Group Retail • Outside Sales We are committed to diversity in the workplace CLOSER • Sales presentations and promote a drug-free work environment. Client Services Coordinator at Immediate positions available for Store Closer. • Account management Please call: 301-962-0600; or apply in person at: • Consultative selling 12211 Veirs Mill Rd. Wheaton, MD. • Base plus incentive SALES PROFESSIONAL Great benefits package with health insurance that Seek coaching & teaching abilities, self driven Tremendous growth opportunity for candidate will- Retail begins immediately and a 401(k) matching! For more indiv. Lucrative pos. w/ Fortune 100 co. Full ing to work hard, learn new skills and become an MANAGERS & ASST. MANAGERS information: www.washingtonjobs.com. benes. incl’g 401K & pension. Mngt. potential important part of a dynamic editorial and sales A growing upscale second hand clothing retailer in within 2 yrs. 301-214-6739. operation. The Washington Post Writers Group the greater Washington, D.C. Area is currently hiring Send resume to: (www.postwritersgroup.com), the syndication arm Managers and Assistant Managers for our Maryland [email protected] Sales WV of The Washington Post, seeks a team player with and Northern Virginia locations. The potential for Attn: AutoEXP/JT LAND SALES CAREER exceptional phone skills and experience with Excel, earning an excellent salary and bonus’ based en- Best Pay in the Field! Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXpress to handle cus- tirely upon performance. If you are goal oriented, We are committed to diversity & promote a tomer service and provide admin support for a enthusiastic, self-motivated and interested in a drug-free environment. Land Sales Opportunity for professional and serious career minded individuals. Very team orientated 4-person sales team. challenging career opportunity...then this is the job SALES for you. Please fax resume and salary requirement: company offering good benefits and the best pay in For more info: www.washingtonjobs.com. A Bar Career 703-992-6373 or email to: the field. Top producers have no limit to their Qualified candidates should send a cover letter, In 1-2 Weeks [email protected] incomes. Insurance & 401K avail. Email resume to resume and salary requirements to: The • Days, Evenings & Weekend Classes landsalecareer@ hotmail.com. All training provided. Washington Post, Attn: HR/WG-CSC/JL, 1150 15th • Free Lifetime Personalized Job Placement RETAIL SALES/Part-time+. Kashmir Imports at An EOE. Union Station has immed. opening for person w/ex- Street, NW, Washington, DC 20071, Fax (202) • Approved by the State of MD cel. people skills, winning smile & absolute reliabil- Advertising Sales Rep SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST 912-3677, TalentSearch@ washpost.com • National Alcohol Awareness Certificate (T.I.P.S.) ity. We specialize in museum quality textiles, jewelry Inside Sales Call for nearest location 1-866-411-2MIX & artwork from Kashmir. Flex hrs. Prof’l., friendly Silver Spring. Requires Bilingual Spanish. Minimum CAREER TRAINING AND www.authenticbartending.com atmosphere. Compet. sal. & oppty for advance- Join our advertising sales team! Sell employment 1-year office experience required. Excellent pay & ment. [email protected] or ph: 202-789-8880. or classified advertising to employers or individual benefits. Exciting work & reasonable hours EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ROOFING consumers; call center sales environment; inbound w/highly-rated newsmaking lawyers. See A new career! SHEET METAL MECHANIC phone sales. Assess client needs and recommend markskatz.com. FAX: 301-495-8815. Exper in Standing Seam Metal roofs. ad solutions based on budget and target market. SECURITY Needed immed. Please call 301-670-5942. Upsell and cross-sell. Base plus commission. Great ARMED DC SPOs Get career training Sales entry-level advertising sales/marketing/communi- cations opportunity! Strong communication and For immediate hire, armed DC SPO’s must have customer service skills required.Benefits include current armed commissions. Hiring for FT/PT. in Criminal Justice! OUTSIDE SALES REP health insurance beginning immediately and 401(k) Starting pay: $15.16 - $18/hr. CALL 1-800-307-0914 with matching program. for application & interview. Animation or Design. Marco Supply Company is a large construction/in- For more information visit SECURITY dustrial distributor looking for an outside sales rep www.washingtonjobs.com. to fill an established teritory in metropolitan MD. We Let Send resume to: METRO ONE LOSS are more interested in you than your experience as PREVENTION SERVICES we need a self-motivated competitor to take out the [email protected] competition. Exp. is a plus, but we will train. Recent Attn: HR/TSRPOST/JT. GROUP Westwood College grads encouraged to apply. We provide 401(k), profit 3000 Connecticut Ave., NW sharing, health ins., cell phone & a fully funded We are committed to diversity Suite 104, Wash, DC 20008 show you how! company vehicle. Fax resume to Sales Manager & promote a drug-free environment. 202-299-1287 888-889-9612 or email to: SALES [email protected] OPEN HOUSE INTERVIEWS Mon-Tues-Wed, 10AM-2PM 1-866-811-6459 SALES Must have clean record and pass drug test. Security license a plus. Not all programs Sheet Metal Mechanic Inside Sales/ Exp. needed. Alex. Va. Business Development 703-256-1197. offered at all ADVERTISING REP Sell online employment advertising to employers across SOCIAL WORKER campuses. all industries! Target potential advertisers, develop PART-TIME leads, prospect, cold call and close new business over Resid. group home seeking F/T lic. SW to provide the phone. Competitive sales incentive! Seeking sales case/mgmnt svc. for male youth. Reliable trans. 15 or 16 hrs/wk - phone sales. Join our advertising sales hunters for multiple opportunities on The Post Jobs & excel. verbal & written skills a must. Some eve. www.westwood.edu team! Assess client needs and sell advertising space Advertising Team. Applicants with recruitment, hours req’d. Excel. salary & benes. FAX resume: based on budget and target market. Inbound call advertising, and/or phone sales experience 301-925-2524. Become PC Repair TECH center. Communicate product options and value. encouraged to apply! Great benefits package with Upsell and cross-sell. Base plus commission. Great health insurance effective immediately and a 401(k) SOCIAL WORKER Eve/Wknds! Other Courses Avail entry-level sales experience! Daytime hours. Requires with matching program! Lic/cert. FT/PT. For autism therapy program. FAX 301-942-8724 / CALLitEXPERT.com great phone speaking and influencing skills, and typing resume: 301-386-8877. min 40 wpm. For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com Teacher - Independent school in Alexandria is seeking a FT Middle School English Teacher. Please For more information: Send resume to: fax resume to 703-549-2681. www.washingtonjobs.com [email protected] Attn: HR/MMEXP/JT Teacher’s Aide or Teacher’s Assistant to work Send resume to: with high risk children ages 6 weeks to 4 yrs of age. [email protected] We are committed to diversity & promote a Req. H.S. Diploma, CDA or nine relevant college Attn: HR/1516EXP/JT. drug-free environment. credits and experience. Resume to CG, House of Ruth’s Kidspace Child and Family Development We are committed to diversity & promote Travel Agents needed. Center, 2916 Penn. Ave SE, Washington, DC a drug-free environment. Work from home. No exp nec. Call 301-352-7330. 20020. Teachers Assistant School near Annap MD. Recent college grad. Will train. Fax resumes to 410-729-4055 EOE TECHNICIAN Northern Virginia, fully automated, bread bakery seeks Technician/Maintenance person. Qualified individual must have strong knowledge of auto- mated breadline. Light electrical/plumbing is a plus. 5 yrs. min. exper. Start at $45K/year. FAX resume to: 703-941-9136. TELEMARKETING Earn up to $25/hr. NOVO1 is looking for highly skilled, exper’d inside sales reps to market for Fortune 100 co. FT/PT. Great working environment, Laurel, MD. Call 301-361-1111, ask for Mark. Travel Consultant (VIP) World Travel Inc. currently has an opening for an international VIP expert Travel Consultant for our high profile on-site office in Arlington, VA. We welcome well-traveled applicants who are highly qualified and specialized in international destina- tions and airline pricing. This position will also entail assisting with concierge type requests. Must be SABRE experienced. Send resume to [email protected]

TRAVEL AGENT Solid, experienced, full service corporate agent for demanding but rewarding high end private clients. Salary, benefits and a generous opportunity to share in your production. Apollo preferred. Fax resume to 202-638-4107 or email to [email protected] C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE REDSKINS SEASON TICKETS—Club seats, incl. Alex/Kingstowne CAREER TRAINING AND TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN GETTING APPROVED? prkg, package at cost 301-881-1409 Residential, commercial, construction and re- Multi-lvl 2 BR, 2BA Gar, $1490. 804-398-8525 No EMPLOYMENT SERVICES HOMELAND SECURITY hab loans. Bankruptcy, low credit scores, and Pets www.sitedezignz.com/condo. foreclosure issues. No downpayment. No doc, PETS ALEX— RENT TO OWN. Brand new 3BR, 2½BA TH. AT EVEREST COLLEGE no income verification loans. Low down $2,100 per mo. All credit ok. Graduate in less time than you think! Call today and get approved. 202-957-4432. 301-362-4001 ADOPT ALEX S—SFH 3BR 1BA CAC w/d n/s no pets. $1475. Tysons Corner Campus BAKERY—For sale. Great location in new shppng CAT/KITTEN ADOPTION FAIR 703-360-5885 ctr. New equip. Must see! Great oppty! Sunday, July 23, 1-3 p.m. ALEX/Waynewood—3 BR, 3 BA. Hdwd flr, 2 car 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 301-996-4986 VCA BARCROFT CAT HOSPITAL carport, kit w/ss appls, conv to Ft Belvoir & DC. Pets McLean, VA 22102 ENTREPENUERS 6357 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA neg w/pet deposit. Avail Aug 1. $2600. Call Elda, Itunes meets MySpace Information 703-920-8665 x3 703-360-4044 lv msg. Arlington Campus www.newdigitalinvestors.com Feline Foundation www.ffgw.org. ALEXANDRIA—1BR renov. apt. Close to Metro & 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 View commercial and call 202-716-9132 BEARDED COLLIE PUPPIES— AKC reg. 2 Blk & Wht shppg. $1,100/mo. 703-403-0277. HOMEOWNERS IN TROUBLE!!—There is a solution! Fs. Ready for homes. Call 410-867-3813 ALEXANDRIA —2BR duplex, new hw flrs CAC, w/d Arlington, VA 22203 Visit www.FromDebt2Saving.com or call Wesley BOSTON TERRIER PUPS—Blk & white, shots & cbl, nice . EZ commute Pentagon, Old Town & DC. Howard 301-789-1629. wormed, friendly & feisty. $500. 804-694-0575 Pets ok $1750/m 240-381-1064 CALL: 866-300-9344 CANE CORSO PUPS—NKC/FIC reg., 9 wks, s/w, Alexandria City/Rt 1 Adkey NPEX625E $1200, call Mario 301-937-3257. Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms MAGAZINE, TV, INTERNET, Chihuahua - Tiny Teacups!—Rare colors & TINY! Numerous Amenities! AND TRADE SHOWS Purebred/CKC/Healthy $1000 & up 703-989-7513 TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN Local media co. seeking $250K. Co. valuation $1 DOBERMAN PUPS— AKC, Ch. Ped., old bloodlines, *SPECIAL MASSAGE THERAPY AT million. Partnership units $25K & up. Great M/F, black, rust. red, rust. Shots & wormed, out- Move-in by 8/1/06 oppty. 301-928-3361. standing. $600 up. Call 540-582-5552 $275 Move-in Credit EVEREST COLLEGE ENGLISH MASTIFF PUPS—Ch.sired. Brindles & 4th Mo Rent 1/2 Credit MCLEAN, VA. RESTAURANT FOR SALE—17 years 6 Fems. Ready Now. $1800-$2000. You will receive a solid base of knowl- in business. $160K. 703-509-4509. Fawns. Career training in 540-784-0328 Carydale East 703-751-7576 edge through instruction and PACK & SHIP BUSINESS—Franchise w/exc. brand GERMAN SHEPHERDS Carydale Village 703-780-6244 hands-on training that can get you name recognition, opened brand new 2 yrs ago, *Holly Court 703-765-7039 Criminal Justice! revenues up 40% from 1st yr & growing. Great GUARD DOGS *Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 started in this exciting field. potential for future growth w/strong marketing Purebred, EXPERT protection (guard) and obedient *Washington Avenue 703-765-7039 Tysons Corner Campus plan. Loc. at a busy intersection in N. VA. inside busy trained for your home and family security. shopg center. Motivated seller, must sell ASAP. Call Steve 516-242-4001 www.carydale.com Westwood College 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 Serious buyers, call 703-209-5151. Asking $225K. NYSSGROUP.COM Alexandria $1725 McLean, VA 22102 REFINANCE OR BUY a $600,000 home ITALIAN GREYHOUND PUPS—4Ms,7wks. IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN and have a payment of $1800/month. 410-900-7703 or [email protected]. 3 level TH- 3 bed/r den, 3.5 baths, metro, Ft. Belvoir, can help you prepare CALL: 888-425-7099 Good credit preferred, bad credit considered. Champ lines. Pentagon, Old Town Alex (703)401-7758 Adkey NPEX626F Call John at 301-639-9039 JULY AQUARIUM MEGA-SALE! Anacostia/Section 8 OK—Near metro. 5BD, 1.5BA. WE HAVE DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE 75 gal tank starting $89.99 Large Kitchen. W/D. Call 301.455.4850 for a future in one All situations considered. We save homes from 180 gal tank starting $409.99 ARL—Newly renov 2BR duplex. Fplc, deck, W/D, TRAIN TO BECOME A foreclosure, bankruptcies & payoff high debt. Call Setups too! Full listing at: hdwd flrs. Close to Metro! $1295 w/sec dep. Credit of today’s most 240-314-0319. www.scales-tfw.com chk req. Utils not incl. 540-428-1889 MEDICAL ASSISTANT WOOD’S PRODUCE—substantial six figure income, SCALES Tropical Fish Warehouse Arlington—2Br garden apt on Columbia Pike exciting career fields IN LESS TIME THAN in the tri county for over 50 yrs, incl. 2 single family near George Mason Dr. CAC, d/w new kit. $1150 + homes on 1 ac. $1,500,000. 301-373-4779 744 Cloverly Street electric. 703-524-7773 Get the training YOU THINK Silver Spring, MD 20905 Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations Three locations to choose from! 301-384-7839 On-Site Parking, Walk Metro STUFF LAB PUPS—AKC/OFA chocolate, blk, ylw, Dicken- Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs you need for dall/endless mt. champs. Vet chkd, dew-clawed. 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 Everest College Arlington Campus Ready 7/20, 8/9. 410-857-0176. www.carydale.com a new start. 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 6 Pc. Oak Bedroom Set—Qn. sleigh bed, dresser, LABRADOODLE PUPS— 8 wks, Yellow & Choc, Vet Arlington $2175 Arlington, VA 22203 mirror & 2 nightstand tables - $600 301-873-5870 checked, 1st shots. Great fam pets. 540-338-6224 Showhouse-Rent w/option 8PC-Cherry sleighbd set, new in boxes, $575-val MIXED BREED PUPS—Med sz $150-$200. • Photos:www.fauxhouse.com $1100 301-343-8630 Everest College Tysons Campus 540-955-1841 540-247-9274 3Br/2.5BA/2FP/den 1-866-811-6459 AMAZING BUSINESS SOFTWARE—can increase PAPILLON—AKC. Puppies & Adults. Family raised. • 1600 sq ft/great yard 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 income 27%-52%. Take checks by phone, fax, web. Champion line. $1000+ & up. Call 540-825-3335 • McLean, VA 22102 First 500 callers get $100 off. 1-888-558-9640. Ad Pomeranian Puppies—Beautiful CKC Purebred! 2 person max Suzanne @703 627-5302 #991689. Healthy! Tiny, Small & Med. sizes. Rare Colors. Ready BETH/GROSV PK—Next to Metro. 1BR spacious apt ANNAPOLIS/21401—3 generation sale. Lots of to go! $600 & up. 703-989-7513 + balc, loc’d on 20+ acs., spectacular view from 15th www.westwood.edu Everest Institute Silver Spring Campus antiques, 1940s-1980s movie posters. Call for de- 8757 Georgia Avenue ROTTWEILER PUPS—$650 each. Call Jen flr. Indr garage + all utils. Excellent move-in cond, Prepare for a new life! tails 540-433-0875 Sat. 7/22, 9am til ? 301-669-9607, 301-674-2106 Only $1600/mo. 301-469-6008. Silver Spring, MD 20910 BD $129 Qn Double pillowtop matt set new in BETH N.—2 lvl, 2BR, 2½BA, LR, DR area & den, 2 Make a difference, ROTTWEILER PUPS—German. Imported stock. plastic Can del 301-399-7870 Older pups on sale. $800 & up. BigRotts.com prkg spaces. Avail. Jul. 5. $1800. Call 301-704-4367 even with the little ones CALL: 866-255-6621 BD $245 Double pllwtop king matt set New in 703-867-1881. BETHESDA—3BR, 3BA TH, DR, fam rm, patio. Near as an Ultrasound Technician. Adkey NPEX627G plasticCan del 301-343-8630 SHIH/TZU PUPS—ACA, M/F, solid brindle, Black/ NIH, Metro, I-270 & 495. $1960/mo. 301-652-5411 Train in less time than you think! BEDS White. Shots & Wormed. $500 540-582-5552. BETHESDA—Newly remod. 1 BRs fr $1345. 2BRs fr BUSINESS AND ST BERNARD PUPS—AKC, 1st S&W, parents on $1660. Incls. utils & prkg. Avail. Sept, Oct. Near Career services available Used in Great Condition premises, $400/obo. 717-328-3422 or 301-733-1231 Metro, NIH, shops. No pets. 301-656-1306 Financial Aid for those who qualify. FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES QUEEN SETS $129 BOWIE—3BR/2BA. Fam Rm. 2-car gar. Never MD 301.324.8684 301.468.6443 rented, like new! 2yr lse. N/P. Bring Credit Report. Training includes an externship! 100% INVESTOR FINANCING EQUAL HOUSING $1800 + sec. 301-262-7544 For a Brochure, BALTIMORE 410.719.6922 BOWIE/GLENDALE—4BR TH 3½BA. many extras. No income required. 877-548-0721 VA 703.818.2678 703.354.2600 OPPORTUNITY NS avl imm. $2000/mo+ uts 202-497-0239, Lv msg call now! 888-771-2433 e-usmortgagefinancecorp.com CORT FURNITURE BOWIE-Lake Arbor—Gorgeous 4 BR, 3.5 BA, End All advertisements for the sale or Unit TH, Finished Basement, FP, Deck, W/D. Near Sanford-Brown Institute CARPET SALE— Starting at $1.59/s.f. Hardwood rental of dwelling units published in Metro. LIMITED TIME OFFER: $1750. 301-385-1199. 8401 Corporate Dr. Ste 500 floors, $6.99/s.f. Price includes installation. BRANDYWINE—$1700/mo. 4BR, 3FBA, LR, Din/Kit, Landover, MD 20785 301-341-2499 Express are subject to the federal gar, remod bsmt w/sep entr, 8208 Heatherwick Dr. Couch+loveseat, microfiber Brnd new never used Fair Housing Act, which makes it call 1-866-Rolanda still in crates take $450. 3/343-8630. Brookland $1600 FALLS CH/22042—Sat. 8am-2pm. Furn., books, illegal to advertise “any preference, Open Sunday 2-4p CAREER TRAINING AND clothes, art work. 7124 Carol La. limitation, or discrimination be- 2/1 renovation + bonus rm. Hdwd flrs, deck, w/d. Furniture—Vic sofa 2 chr mah tbls chin motif mirr Walk to Metro. O/S pkg. Dir: N Capitol to 26 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES shad bx lamps pt bed + $3K BY 3/589-0394 cause of race, color, religion, sex, Crittenden NE. Call LISA@301-949-2100x131 Realty LAUREL, MD—Take It Or Leave It Consignments, handicap, familial status or national Executives 12,000 sft. 389 Main St. 301-490-0272. M-Sa 10-6 Su http://223406.rentclicks.com 12-5. Art Deco/Modern/ Mid-Century/Antique Furni- origin, or intention to make any BURTONSVILLE— Gorgeous TH. 3 lvl, 5 BR, 3½ BA, ture, Silver, Rugs, China, Art. TakeItOrLeaveIt.com such preference, limitation, or dis- Hdwd flrs & marble BAs. Quiet neighbrhd. Avail Sept, MATTRESS SALE— lge selection, all szs in plastic, $1600+ elec. 301-523-9254 $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Simmons. Make ofr Credit crimination.” State law forbids dis- CAP HGTS—Beaut. spac. 3BR, 2½ ba TH, w-w cpt cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Same Day Delivery crimination based on factors in w/fully fin. bsmt. Conv. to Metro, 495, AAFB & DC. avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 www.mattress4less.biz $1700. Avail. immed. 703-731-0107 METRO OFFICE FURNITURE addition to those protected under CAP HGTS—Bsmt apt in SFH. 2BRs, dinrm, FB. Heavy discounts on all furniture: Chairs, Desks, File federal law. 301-925-4323 Cabs, everything at super low prices - MUST SELL. CAP HILL $1200 Open 9am-6pm, Monday-Saturday Express will not knowingly ac- Nice 1 BR, CAC, W/D, DW, frpl. Nr Union Sta, Shops & 403 SWANN AVE., ALEXANDRIA, VA cept any advertising for real Metro. CALL US: 703-535-8085 CAP HILL $790 estate which is in violation of Nice Effcy, CAC, W/D, Nr shops, Union Sta & Metro. Moving Sale—6313 Wayles Street, Springfield, VA. the law. All persons are hereby Call Donita 202-316-4579. July 22nd 8-4 and the 23rd 10-4 CAP HILL $2,250 POTOMAC, MD—Everything must go! Riding informed that all dwellings ad- Gorgeous, 3B, 1½ BA, W/D, CAC, D/W, FP, Nr Union mower, bunk bed, household goods, M & F clothing vertised are available on an Sta, Metro, Shops. Call Donita 202-316-4579. & more. Sat 7/22, 9am-4pm. No early birds. 10020 CAP HILL— 2 BR apt. W/W, AC, frpl, W/D, across Chapel Rd, zip 20854. equal opportunity basis. from park, 3 blks from Metro. $1350/mo. Avail Aug REST EQUIP—Stove, ref, Taylor SS, sink, fryer, tbls, 1. Call 202-547-2303 for appt. prtbl bar, ovens, d/w, more. 202-297-6203 CAP HILL/NE—2BR, LR, DR, kit, bsmt., A/C, FP, 1.5BA, OSP.$1,850+utils. Avail 8/1. 301-570-8019. Skins Season Tix—2 CLUB LEVEL. Sec. 337, Row 15, Sts 23-24. Prkng incl. $4500/obo. $800 below CAP HTS— 2-BR, renov., $945/mo. Sec. 8 OK. cost. [email protected] 202-725-5412 CENTREVILLE— Great condition 3BR/2.5BA TH. SPRING VALLEY—3510 Overlook Ln, NW Thurs-Sat Amenities include pool & tennis court. Avl now. 10-4, Sun 12-3 By OBJET D’HEART, INC Antique desk, u $1700. Jobin Rlty 703-628-3217 Fr card table, Knabe baby grand, oils, framed prints, Staffordshire, outdoor furn, clothing, upscale home Cleve.Pk N.—$850+util. 700 sq.ft priv.entr. bsmt. furnishings. Dir: Ward Circ to Loughboro, R Glen- suite w/ba, w/d, + share w/ NS F, 1st fl. dining, brook, L Overlook Rd, L Overlook Ln OR Westmore- sunrm, kit, yd. metro.202-352-0261 land Circ to Dalecarla Pkwy, R Rockwood Pkwy, R RENTALS COLLEGE PARK/METRO—Unfurn’d Room. High Overlook Rd, R Overlook Ln. Speed Internet. HBO. refrig. micrw. ac. w/d. NS. $600 utils incl. 301-254-7385 ODH SALES 240-475-9774 5352 AMES ST, NE—House for rent. 4BR, 2BA. Sect The Studio Theatre Garage Sale—Sat 7/22 10- Congress Hieghts—1 BR w/den, w/w carpet, sec 8, 8 ok 301-346-1054 rent $800 + util., call (240) 447-6269 4pm. 05-06 Season Sets Props & More! 14th & P ADELPHI $1200+ Elec. 1822 Metzerott Rd Street, NW. studiotheatre.org Denied an apartment due to credit? We can 2BR, 1BA, near MD U. Housing voucher accepted. help! 301-306-0175. Call Aaron Hargrove, 202-438-0701 www.eliasconsultinggroup.com TICKETS Realty Executives 2000 DONT LET CREDIT STOP YOU FROM RENTING ALEX—3BR 2FBA condo, Nr Pentgn & DC, next to —Call 301-515-7760 395. New kit. Stone patio. $1600. 571-277-9186 ELKRIDGE—Brand New 3 fin lvl TH. 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 NATIONALS*WIZARDS*ORIOLES ALEX—3BR/3½BA TH. 1 min walk to Van Dorn car gar, $1995. 240-417-9685 301-442-4500 BUFFETT*MCGRAW*PEARL JAM Metro! $2375/mo. 703-585-2878 FAIRFAX VILLAGE $1000 ALEX/KINGSTOWNE—Newer 3BR/2BA condo w/ RENT 2BR CONDO 301-985-6250 fplc, balcony & free 2-car pkg. $1650/mo. 2006 38th St SE,new remod, A/C, W/D,1st Flr,50 ft to www.greatseats.com 319-651-3083 Metro,cableTV,Sect 8 OK. 202-582-1212 !%k4G?A4BBk &! ! %kC7DAB30H Classifieds

New Market-$2486 5Br 3.5Ba LUX SFH—Schls,Lo- SIL SPG/DWNTWN/METRO—2BR, 2BA lux elevator Odyssey - Courthouse $377,900 cation!! 3012525297 highrise condos. Brand new SS & granite. Condo fees pd thru ’06. Instant equity! Under RENTALS [email protected] $2175/mo., no pets. Call Angi 202-422-9163 CONDOS FOR SALE appraised value. 1 BR, 1 BA luxury unit minutes to NW/12th&USt.—Immed. Occup. sophisticated 1 SIL SPG/Ga Av & Seminary—4BR, fully renov., quiet DC! 2001 N 15th St #402. FAIRFAX—End unit 3 Lvl TH, 3BR, 3 FBA, hdwd flrs, BR/1 BA, clse to restaurant, undrgrnd pkg and fit. ctr. ngbrhd, 1-car gar. Wlk to Q2 bus. $3000. Alex/King St. Luxury @ $544,900 Megan McMorrow 703-403-5543 Long & Foster newly painted, nr Mall & Metro, lots of parking, $1750/mo. 301-537-6520 202-255-5687 Price Slashed $60K SIL SPG/PARKSIDE PLAZA $2000. Sally 703-606-9674 NW/219 Upshur St.—large 1BR hdwd flrs, sep SIL SPG—Nr Glenmonte metro, Independant bsmt Below assessment. Luxury living w/11th flr view of 1 & 2-BR units w/pool/sauna/exer. rm/party rm. FFX/N Spgfld—3lvl 4BR/3BA SFH. Full bsmt w/wlk dining rm, laundry rm apt, 2BR, 1BA, Living area, kit, w/d,prkg, $1300+util, D.C. 2BR, 2BA w/den, chef’s kitchen, fireplace, Close to Metro. Breathtaking views and so much out, sun deck, plenty of prkg. $2200/mo, Avail now! near Metro, free gas $750 avl immed 301-661-2353 hdwd. Pristine/barely lived in. Owner will pay ONE more! RE/MAX 200 Call Wendy 240-832-0457. Sect 8 ok! Jobin Rlty 703-628-3217 DELWIN RLTY 301-577-7917 Sil Spg Town & Country—3BR 3.5BA TH, fin bsmt, YEAR condo fee. Secure bldg. w/every amenity. Easy Silver Spring $209,000 NW/GEORGETOWN/PALISADES— Share beautiful new paint, new carpet, walk to Metro $1760/mo commute to DC/Pentagon/Natl. Airport. Dir: 395 to Renovated Condo w/1BR,1BA and assigned parking. FORESTVILLE—2 BR, renov, carp, a/c, pool, gas, Great Location....Less than 1 mile to Silver Spring $1100/m +elec. 301-641-0428. house w/ grad student. MBR. $1200. 301-518-7621. CALL JOHN 301-434-3040 DUFFIE INC. King St W, L. Hampton Dr, immed. L to Northampton NW—Lux furn 1/1 condo. Nr Convention Cntr. $1995 SIL SPRING/WHEATON—3 BR 2½ BA TH, gar, w/d, Pl. Unit 1112. You Must See! I’ll meet you in Lobby. Metro (Red Line), Sligo Creek Park just steps away. Ft. Wash $1,495 + utils—6 BR, 2 ba, FP Cent Air, Fin fam rm, frpl, walk to metro, $1,850 +util. Downtown Silver Spring Shopping. Silver Spring... bsmnt. 301-749-1454. Sect 8 is OK. call 4 appt. call 443-812-0712 Leanne Spencer 202-494-7596 301-598-9391. Weichert, Realtors get in while you can. Plus...6 months of condo fee Ready now, move in by the 1st of the month. NW—Nr Metro. Lg/Furn:$400-600. Dep. Long-term. FREE! Includes all utilities. MLS# MC6118547. Con- 202-829-3307 SILVER SPRING— Brand new downtown loft. 1BR + ALEX/LANDMARK — Convenient to shpg & metro FT WASH $2000 LEASE OPTION den. 1.5BA, hrwd, CAC, W/D, $1800 + utils. tact Darleen A. Smith, Realtor Horizon Real Estate $2,050. Beaut. Must See! Prestigious Founders RESTON/Wlk to Town Ctr—Luxury 2BR/1.5BA + great amenities. 2BRs, great closets, two expo- MCM INC 202-966-2110 sures, balcony. New paint, carpet, bath & more. Group (o) (301) 486-3737, (c) 240-464-1713 or email: Woods Neighb. TH. 3 lvls 3BA. Conv. loc mins to Nat’l Condo, $1375/mo. Great amenities include W/D, [email protected] pool & fitness center. Pets ok. Avail 8/1. Jobin Rlty, SOUTH EAST, DC—BRAND NEW 3-level TH 3- BED/2 $249K. Govt Emply Rlty Assocs. 703-922-4316 Harbor. OPEN: Sat 7/22 1-3 Call for dir 202-285-1466 BATH. Metro, I-295. Families, Students, Sec 8CALL: Springfield $499,990 FT. WASHINGTON—5Br, 3ba, hdwd flrs., fresh 703-628-3217 ALEX/VAN DORN METRO—Lg 2Br, 2BA condo. 301.627.6358 Jefferson Model. 1128 sft. $409,900. 703-568-4888. VIVA LA DIFFERENCE! paint/ carpet, $2100 + util. 301-330-7318 Riverdale—1BR/2BR Specials, 1/2 off of security Active Adult Community for those 55+ **JUST SPRINGFIELD—4BR, 2½BA, recently remod SFH, Alexandria $298,500 GAINSVILLE—7 acres, 4Br, 2ba, w/o bsmt, fpl, deck, deposit! w/w crpt, balcony, laundry, d/w, hdwd flrs, CAC, avail 8/1. $2100/mo. 703-582-5125 REDUCED** This oversized, brand new home in close to Metro. From $850 - $965 + electric. MONTEBELLO: CARL21.COM ez access to rte 15 & 29, no pets. $1700/m +1 mo Springfld W — 3 lvl TH. 3 BR, 2.5BA, fin bsmt. Avail convenient Hiddenbrooke is fantasically located sec dep., call 703-327-3972 6747 RIVERDALE RD 1bd 1 bth, move In cond. 9th flr view. Also 2bd 2 bth near shopping, public transportation and fun, fun, DELWIN REALTY 301-577-7917 Sept. $1600. Call 703-451-2608 399,999 hardwoods, also move in cond. GAITH—4BR, 2BA TH, $800+utils. Sect 8 ok. Less SS/GA. AVE—Beltway/Forest Glen Metro. 1BR at fun. Step from your secure personal garage into a ROCKVILLE—3BR 2FBA condo in great ngbrhd, REALTOR CARL GOLDBERG lavishly decorated lobby and take the elevator to than 1 mi Lake Forest Mall, 1 mi fr I-270, 2.5 mi fr $915 & 2BR $1095. All utils. incl. 301-681-2776. C21 NM PH: 571-274-3424 Shady Grove Metro, 240-672-2524 newly renov, rdy to move-in $2200 call your PENTHOSE flat. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, maple 240-602-8600 ST. MARY’S CO—2 brand new houses for rent or for ARL/ROSSLYN-2 BLOCKS TO METRO cabinets and granite countertops, GE Profile appli- GAITH—Brand new beaut. lux TH. 3BR/2FBA/2HBA. sale at $2,300 & $2,500/mo. 5BRs, 3 lvl, fin bsmt., Studio/1BR Model units incl gar parking only $195K- Rec rm. 2-car gar. Walk to Lake Forest Mall! Nr ROCKVILLE/GAITHS—1 & 2 Lg BRs. Furn or unfurn. ances, balcony overlook, and more. Private resi- soaking tub, 3½BA, W/D, D/W, all SS appls., extra lge 250K. Investor studio and 1 BR units $135K-$265K. dent’s club on premise for instant friends. CALL FOR Metro, 355 & I-270. Only $1900/mo; lowest in the Short/Long term, Corp/internships. Fully equipped kit., carpet & hdwd flrs., alrm sys., yd space, beaut., kit/balc. Nr Metro, park w/pool & gym, grocery. Open House at 1111 Arlington Blvd. #841. Enter on SHOWING community (w/pool)! 301-922-1328 never occup. Cecil’s Mill Development, off Rte 235 Lynn St. next to Arl. Blvd. Ask gatehouse for pkg. & Gaithersburg—Top-flr 1BR in lux condo bldg. Good rates. Utils incld/cable 301-948-0087. Call Janet 703 209 3496 (Great Mills Rd), 10 min. frm Patuxent River Naval dir. Call Harriet for info. 703-447-3336. Landmark [email protected] Sunrm. Fp. Rsrvd pkg. Gym/pool. Near I-270, Metro, SE/13TH ST—2 & 3 BR’s, CAC, w/w, 1 blk fr. Metro. Base. Call Ghada, 240-508-6600. Realty Group $750/mo. Call for appt. 202-388-3900 X10 MARC. $1,575/mo. 410-295-0383. STAFFORD—5BR 3½BA SFH for rent. $1990. Nisha, Arlington, North $550,000 Gaithersburg $1470 SE—1BR & 2BR apts, $675 & up + elec. No pets. 571-212-1855 Condo With A View HOUSES FOR SALE Luxury Condo Call 202-265-4814 or 202-889-4083 SUITLAND/Morningside—4BR 2BA nr AAFB. 2BR, 2BA unit w/balcony & garage space in new 1200sft, 2MB, sh. mall, rt270, rt370.240-477-0709 Fred A. Smith Co. $1600 w/opt. 301-552-4460 Odyssey Bldg at Courthouse Metro. Top-of-the-line day,301-987-5742 SE—2 CRF approved facilities for rent. Ea. unit slps. SW—BRAND NEW--1 BR/den in stylish bldg. All kitchen & bathrooms. Hardwood floors. Amenities A FREE DAILY LIST OF HOMES in DC, MD, & VA GEORGETOWN —Effcy. walk to Wisc & Geotwn U, 8. Metro acces. Contact Mr. Smith 202-575-2530 amenities. Bamboo & ceramic tile flrs, Berber w/w, galore: fitness ctr w/pool & saunas, club rooms, bus —for Sale w/Prices, Addresses & Descriptions. Visit full kit walk in clst, lndry, $1350+ shr uts. No Pets, 1yr SE/2343 GREEN ST—Lg 1 & 2BR’s near Metro. W/D, d/w, m/wave, w/in closet, balcony, lots of light, ctr and rooftop terrace. From Metro, down 15th St to www.Move4FreeRealty.com. Sarah Santa Ana lse. 713-614-0223 or 301-657-1412 Private parking. Balconies, indoor laundry facility. storage. 24-hour concierge desk, fitness ctr, bus. ctr, 2001 on the left. Ring front desk for access to bldg & 703-881-9333. FAIIRFAX REALTY GERMANTOWN—3BR/2BA TH, deck, nr I270. $650-$750 + utilities. lounge, pool, convenience store. Pkg avail. Wlk/3 unit 308. Questions? Call Ellen at 703-351-8095. Alexandria $399,990 $1495. 301-593-7553 Delwin Realty 202-678-2548 Metro sta, Mall, Cap. Hill, wtrfrnt. $2200+util. Won’t Weichert, Realtors Gorgeous Townhome GERMANTOWN—Partially furn 3BR 2½BA 3lvl ex- SE/2809 Gainesville St. — 2BR, renov, new w/w & last! (301) 335-5454. ARLINGTON REDUCED!!! 3 Level TH near Kingstowne. Tons of cellent TH. $2000 incldng home owner’s assoc. Avail Kitc, large rooms, $800 + utls. + secur depos. Credit SW Oak Park Apartments WALK TO METRO BUYS!! Upgrades: Remod. corian kit., rec rm, baths; pics/ virt. tour: haleshomes.com 9/1. Call 301-807-9426 check. Open Sun. by Appt. 9am-7pm. 202-494-2955. OPEN HOUSE July 22nd 9-12pm FANTASTIC BARGAINS HERE!! GREENBELT—3 BR 3½ BA TH, fp, nr bus/metro, avail SE— 3 BR, 1 BA w/fin bsmt. Lge yard. W/D, Mins Sellers Pay Closing Cost!! • 3 Beds 2FB 2HB imm. rent to own! $2,700/m. 301-760-9940. from Pentagon & Bolling AirForce Base. Alarm 125 Ivanhoe Str. 2Brs $840+ elec. Freshly painted w/ Large Effcy w/view $179,OOO • Approx. 1800 sq. ft. • 2.5 miles to Ft. Belvoir HILLCREST HGTS—Newly remod 3BR 1½BA, fin system. $1700/mo. 240-601-6626 new carpet, D/W, Garbage Disp, CAC. Please call Newly Renov Effcy $185,000 Andy for appointment 202-315-1104 Spac. 1BR River Pl $185,000 Great Value under 400k bsmt, patio, fncd backyard, nr bus/library, 10 mins to Steve Hales, Jobin Realty 7/725 8120 subway. $1450+utils 202-575-4832 SE: 4010 9th St.—1 BR $700+e. Totally remod- www.novodev.com Deluxe rare floorplan effcy $227,950 TAKOMA PK—Effcy 1 & 2 BR apts Start @ $715-$925 ARL, N. $549,000 3 BLOCKS TO METRO KENS—House for rent, 3-BR, 3 full BA, fin. bsmt., eled,hardwood flrs, A/C, balcony, Southern Ave- Stratton House 2BR 1BA $269,900 nue Metro. Laundry rm on-site. 301-937-0100 Decorator 1BR Ballston $279,000 Fully updated, hwd flrs, front porch, deck. Terrific nice back yrd, $2400/mo. 301-674-28744129 location! Call Kit Britton, Re/Max Allegiance Warner St. Manager: 202-270-1319 TEMPLE HILLS—Very nice home to shr. Furn. rm. All Don’t have what you’re looking for here? Waggaman Corporation 202-537-8970 utils. & cable incl. Lv. msg., we will return calls We’ll find it for you!! 703-585-7227 LANDOVER HILLS Housing Choice Voucher Welcome promptly 301-316-7007 ARL, S $408,900 SFH, 3BR, 1.5BA, full bsmt, beaut. no pets, CAC, Equal Housing Opportunity UP MARL—Dunloring Ct., 3Br, 2.5ba, Spac TH, Marion Cloud 900 sf 2BR/1BA Duplex. good refs req. $1200 301-577-2941 $1625+ util. 301-330-7318 Nr Glebe Rd. As Is. Principals only. Attorney for Estate. 703-989-9236 LANDOVER, MD $1350/mo SE 4369 G St. $2616/MO WOODBRIDGE—1BR Bsmt Apt w/pvt entrance, 703-314-7033 Nice 3BR, 2 full BA Condo/TH. nr Metro. Section 8 Fully renovated 5BR, 2BA, detached home, granite kitchen, LR. quiet neighb. $850/mo. Call RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE Arlington/Bonair $835,000 Welcome. Call 301-203-7468 or 202-667-4678 counter top, SS appls., whirlpool BA, lge fncd yard. 571-232-7811 Becket Glen - N Arlington $789,000 Initial Offering Oversized rear deck, endless upgrades. Housing LAPLATA, MD.— 4BR, 3.5BA, 3 fin’d lvls, theatre rm, 2005 N Brandywine Street Beautiful, large 4BRs, 3 full, 1 half baths, updated voucher accepted. Call Aaron Hargrove, Luxury 3 BR, 3.5 BA with den/4th BR! Gorgeous, GT kitchen with adjoining breakfast area, two gas deck, patio, den/libr, 2-car gar, 2 wlk-in closets, Avail 202-438-0701, Realty Executives 2000. immed. $2500/mo. 202-251-6545. SUMMER RENTALS patio, upgraded kitchen. 1.2 mi to Ballston. fireplaces, fully enclosed glass sunrm w/AC/Heat SE—4BR 3FBA TH, brand new. Avail 8/1. Open Sun Megan McMorrow 703-403-5543 Long & Foster that opens to deck and Jacuzzi-hot tub all within Laurel—New condo 1BR 1BA in hist district over- 10-2. 703-298-5297 looks Main St. Hdwd flrs, w/d, granite, stainless steel OC/Ocfront— Special this week. Golden Sands & CONGRESS HGTS 450 CONDON TER SE walking distance of Ballston Metro, bike trails and appl, close to shops, Metro, MARC. $1240/mo S.E./500 Lebaum St. Capri. Pool, gym, tennis. Call 703-535-7231 parks. Hardwood floors on main level, master bed- CALL JOHN 301-434-3040 Lux 2BR condos, $180’s, Lux 1BR condos, $150’s room with walk-in closet and large luxury bath. Fully 5BR, 2BA detach SFH. full bsmt, beaut flrs, Sect 8 ok, REHOB—Clean cottages, reasonable prices. ¾ mi. finished basement, suitable as a suite with private LEDROIT PARK/NW 8 UNIT BUILDING- IMMACU- $2000. 202-378-7500 ocean. 302-227-5528 www.bayroadcottages.com Hdwd flrs, grnte, ss appls, w/d, marble, recess entrance. Nicely landscaped. Open 7/22 & 23, 1 to LATE COND—Top flr studio w/treetop views. Se- SE/811 Barnaby St lgt, balc, sec prkg. OPEN WED, SAT, SUN 3-5pm. 5. From Ballston, go West on Wilson Blvd to left on N. cure bldg, cable & internet ready, onsite laundry. 1 & 2BRs, $700 & up Call Wy or Nate, 202-547-5600 RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE Jefferson St. Take third right on 7th St North to 5628 $680/mo+elec. 202-362-2642 Licensed agent. ROOMMATES Keller Associates 301-593-6500 Courtbridge-Shirlington $475,000 on left. LEESBURG—6 yr old SFH, cul-de-sac, fam nbrhd, SE - Brand New. Never Lived In TH. 3 lvls. 3BR. 2913-B Woodstock Street Call Tim Crean 703-593-4398 Weichert, Realtors 4BR 3½BA, 2500 sf, lg fncd yd, deck, 2-car garg, 5 3.5BA. garage. deck. near Metros/395/295. $2000. ADELPHI—nice bright lg. bsmnt. 3BR, prvt BA/ent., Spacious 1623 sf 2 BR, 2 BA townhome condo. ARLINGTON NO. $565,000 min to Old Town. $2400. 703-737-7330 Sect 8 welcome. 501-247-7464 LR, quiet area, prking. nr bus/UMD. 240-988-5548; Convenient to Pentagon and 395. Classic 3BR, 1½+ BA, CAC, frpl, nr bike path to Lorton—Avail Aug 1 - 4/5BR Stone-front home SE-Cascade Park Apts 301 806-3588 Megan McMorrow 703-403-5543 Long & Foster Ballston & shops. Call Martha Hayes 540-955-1075. w/Jacuzzi tub, sun room,& lg. fin. bsmt. New schools 4236 4th St. SE. 5 Bldg, 132 Units . Extensive Renov. ALEX—Share a house., walk to Braddock Rd. Metro, DC/WATERGATE ON-SITE Hayes & Schneider Properties, Inc. & extremely close to 95, VRE, & Belvoir. www.lorton- underway. New Mgmt. Immed occupancy 4Br $600/utilities Furnished or non-furnished available Arlington $657,000 rental.com Price Reduced 2 BR River view $575K. $1495, 3Br $1395, 2Br$895, 1Br $695, Eff $645: immediately 561-459-9225 ------OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4PM MITCHELLVILLE/LAKE ARBOR— Gorgeous 1BR, Renov kitch, new appliances, wood & carpeted flrs, ARL— Wlk Ballston Metro. Immed.Rms $595/$695. 5BD/2BA Walks-out on 2 Levels. Assumable mortg. 1BA, frpl, balc, spiral staircase to loft, w/d, dw, w/w, Complete renovated 2 BR. Direct river view, ac, on site lndry rm, on site mgmt. Rm $795 w/ priv BA & ent + utils. 703-599-7572 balcony. & Closing Help. 5225 S. 7th St. Call 703.869.8080. a/c, Available immediately. $1000 + $1000 security www.novodev.com 202-562-1600 BETHESDA—NS Rm in prof 4BR older house, hdwd HomesByGarnet.com deposit. 240-603-3337 ------SE/NEWCOMB ST.—CAC, w/w, 2 & 3 BRs. Laundry. flrs, 1½BA, cat, window ac, frpl, porch, nr NIH, Penthouse w/private roof terrace BETHESDA—Location, Location! Gorg. 5BR, 4½BA, MITCHELLVILLE—Lux home, 5BR, 3½BA, lg deck, $750/mo. Call 202-388-3900 X10 Metro. $475+¼utils. 301-214-7873 ------brand new cust built SF city house in Bethesda. Only fin bsmt & bar. Lg yd. 2 car gar. $2,875. SE—Try this on for size! 1BR & 2BR renovated apts. BETHESDA—Room for rent, off Mass Ave. AU area, Largest selection of 1-4BRs ½ mi to DC line. Beaut fin’d w/top-of-line SS appls. 301-343-1470 Easy Greenline access! Carpet, quiet, secure, con- private entrance private BA, $900/mo. WINSTON & WINSTON R.E. Grt loc, walk to all area attractions - C&O Canal, MITCHELLVILLE—— Beautiful home. 5 BR, 3 BA on venient. Vouchers ok.Call 703-780-0040. Leave msg. 301-922-4855 202-333-4167 703-850-9642 Potomac Rvr, walk/biking trail, Glen Echo, Palisades; 3 lvl, 2 car gar, lge yard, $2400 + utils. 301-899-1400 SE Washington $1695 CAPITOL HTS—Prof M or F to shr hse. w/d. n/s, n/p. EDGEWATER $380,000 mins. to I-495, River Rd, Sibley Hosp, G’town & shpg. MT PLEASANT—1656 PARK RD NW. 2BR $1600 mo, $1000 off 1st MONTH RENT $550 incl utils. $375 sec dep. 240-383-9309. 55+ active adult condo, The Hamlets South River 6407 MacArthur Blvd, 301-523-8008 BMI Realtors a/c, garb. disp, w/d in apt. PLUS utils. Congress Hghts Metro/2-Level Townhouse, walk to COLLEGE PARK—Hse to share. Lge rooms. Colony. Spac. 2nd flr corner unit, formal LR and DR, BRISTOW—Motivated sellers. 2954sf TH, built ’05. bf Morris Mgmt. Inc. 202-667-3000 metro, 2BD,1.5BA,CAC,DW.W/D. Pets ok. All utils $550+deposit & utils. Close to UMD. Avl. neg. eat-in kit., great closets/storge, pvt garage & bal- $445,000 + 3% w/ agt. Info: www.gotofsbo.com or N BETH/ROCK—11th fl, 1BR 1½BA condo, new included. call 202-345-0616 or email robtco@star- 301-446-0268 cony. 2-BR 2-BA. Wlk to all shops. Community pools, call Erika, 703-440-0586 paint, w/w, $1400 incl utils. 240-401-6225. power.net FAIRFAX CITY—prof. M/F to shr 3 lvl TH, N/S, LL, BA, tennis, clubhouse. By owner. Call 410-956-8777 to Clarksburg $629,900 NE/827 11th St.—5BR, 1½-BA. Sec 8 OK. SIL SPG/20906 - $1795 - A RENTAL LIKE NON sit rm., No pets. $485+1/4 util, 703-385-0248, schedule pvt appt. Golf Course Home 301-537-2773 301-518-9698; OTHER! Upscale & remod. Spacious 3BR + den. 2BA. 703-343-3568 FAIRFAX Just Reduced $21,000—Spac 2BR, 2BA Open Sun 1-4. 5BR SFH on Little Bennett Golf Crs. NE DC—1 Lg BR apt w/den, fresh paint, new carpt, fncd yard. deck. storage. landscaping & more. FRIENDSHIP HTS— Great loc-nr Metro. Male condo, cls to Fair Lakes, frpl, balc, lge BR, pool, so View of Mnt’s. From 355, E on Lewisdale , Rt on ceiling fans, Close to Metro & shppg. $675/mo + Pictures avail. Paul, Re/Max Alleg. 301-490-5400 housemates perf’d to fill BRs in big cozy hse. Avail much more! This unit is price to sell. $299,000. Open Sugarloaf Vista, Lft on Forest Vista to Cul-de-sac. $675 dep. 301-419-8082. Sep 1. Call ASAP for more details. Ask for Joanne- Sat 12-4. 12904 B Grays Pointe Rd. Monica, Century Melissa King SIL SPG/20906—Spac 5BR/2.5BA. 4 stry, sep liv., RE/MAX Realty Srvc 240-403-0400 NE/GALLAUDET UNIV —1-3BR apts. Renov. From din. & kit. FP, FR in bsmt., nr shpg ctr - Conn Ave. 202-213-5240 21, 240-426-8723 FT WASH—Beaut. hse to shr w/1 rm, $125- CLINTON $385 ,000 $900-$1500. Call Summer Realtors 703-217-1200 Avail now. $1975. 240-601-6777 FALLS CHURCH - VIENNA Brick Split Level 4BR 2BA. updated kit. fin bsmt. lg $225/wk., incl utils & cable, acces to kit & FR. WALK TO METRO BUYS!! 703-296-3453 yard. Shows well. Great value. Call Nichelle Hender- FANTASTIC BARGAINS HERE!! son, Long & Foster, 202-425-7990 or 301-292-0700 FT WASHlf —SFH fully furn Rm w/ refrig, micro- Sellers Pay Closing Cost!! wave, CATV, free phone. $175/wk + sec dep. Like new 1BR, fpl balcony $319,000 DARING CONCEPT - Home Developer 301-758-6424 Wilton House 1BR Like new $349,900 Selling 8-12 acre lots of secluded mountain prop- LANHAM—Nr Univ of Md. Off-St-Prkg, CATV. M to Don’t have what you’re looking for here? erty. Privacy, abundance of wildlife, fishing ponds. shr hse. Lge BR, $660/mo. 301-254-9359 We’ll find it for you!! Convenient shopping within 15 mi., 1 hr from No. Va. LAUREL- Immaculate —F, Prof. N/S, roommate, $90K-$125K per lot. Lots available with no com- room w/ sep. BA in Laurel Lakes, $600/mo. Marion Cloud mitment to build. Contractor/owner promoting 240-464-1417 renewable energy-efficient development. Become energy independent, included w/each new home NE/1717 Trinidad Av.—Furn 2BR apt. Newly renov. 703-314-7033 RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE a solar or generator backup power system. Financ- & newly furn w/SS appls, hdwd flrs, ADT, cable ing avail. Baker, W. VA. 703-447-9069 John ready, offst pkg. avail. $1400 per mo. Falls Church, VA $267,900 DC, MD, & VA—$0 DOWNPAYMENT. Bargain! Quiet, Contact Jean at 202 528-3110. Hot Location, Price Reduced!!! tree-lined st. Jeremy 703-593-4139 Premier Realty RESTON—Prof F N/S shr 3 lvl TH. BR avail. w/d. nr 1 BR 1 BA condo, fenced lakeside community, hard wood floors, ceramic tiles, washer/dryer. Closing DEANWOOD $249,950 DETACHED COLONIAL Wiehle Exit. July 21st. $500. Internet incl + ½ utils Newly renov 2BR/1½BA, full fin bsmt, deck, fenced Call 703-860-1118 cost help. Call Kean, Fairfax Realty, 301-370-9967. Open House Sun, 1-4 yard & more! Closing paid! 5326 Gay St, NE. SE—Prof M or F to shr condo, n/s n/p, fully furn, L. Burton, Re/Max One 301-335-7687 newly renovated, Jacuzzi, full kit, w/d, cable TV. NE—4929 Foote St. BRANCH PARK CONDOS. OPEN Deanwood $375,000 $175-350/wk utils inc. 202-536-5586 SAT & SUN 12-2. Lux 1 and 2 BR starting below NO MONEY DOWN SPRINGFIELD—Fem or couple. Cls to shping/trans- $200K, chrry wd flrs, all mrble BAs, w/d, gran & prkg All Closing Paid on this Brand New 3 Level Home in port. MBR- $600 + ¼ util. 2nd rm to shr w/F, 8505 Wy or Nate, 202-547-5600, RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE. Deanwood. Come choose your carpet & paint color. Gambel Oak Dr. $200. 571-243-3498. NW/DC $540,000 OPEN 12:30 - 4 p.m. • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths STERLING—room to share in SFH, own BA, n/s, n/p, Must sell. Out of town owner. 2 lvls over 2000 sq. ft. • Hardwood Floors male, $550 util incl. 703-629-5410. 3 BR, 2 FBA, 1 HBA, hrdwd flrs, granite, SS, exquisite • 1 Car Garage WALDORF—Huge 4BR TH, 3 lvls., 3½BA. $1850/mo. fixtures, parking & much more. 34 & 42 Rhode Island Call James @ (240) 832-2010 202-359-2396 Ave. 2 left. 202-497-5678. District Heights/Spaulding$300K2-Family Home 4BR detached brick rambler w/a kitchen, BA, LR & 2BR on each flr + nice yard. Close to D.C. line! New Listing! L. Burton, Re/Max One 301-335-7687 C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

NW/COL HTS —Live in the heart of the city & own a 3BR brick home for the price of what many condos HOUSES FOR SALE are selling for. Contact Denise. 752 Fairmont St, NW. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 301-922-5173 ReMax One 1-800-999-5853 DISCOVER THE SECRET OF KERR NW/LOGAN/906 T ST, $579K—Spac 2 lvl loft unit, 1717 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: On demand brand new. 2BR, 2½BA, 2 FPs, wd flrs., study, 1 prkg, offices, phone, mail, Internet, incubator, business LAKE — A morning’s drive from the upgraded kit. Sylvia, 202-549-7459. seminars, other svcs. Plans $45-$200/mo. Call OSI, D.C. area, is the charming Village of NW—PROBLEM CREDIT OK.3BR 2BA upgraded kit, 202-508-3896 to learn more. Clarksville, VA, surrounded by 50,000 small down. $1500/mo call 888-276-2071 x30 FT WASH/OXON HILL—Exec Ofcs, Conf Rms, OLNEY/Olney Mill $549,000 phone, mail, internet, other srvc plans. Nr Harbor/ acs of fresh water. for fishing, boating, FSBO. 4BR 2½BA rambler. Spectacular sun rm, bcks 495. $50-$2000 301-839-9000 golfing. Lakefrt homes,condos, lake to 40ac of MCPPC maint’d prklnd. Open Sunday 1-4. lots. SIMMONS & ASSOC. REALTY,INC. Dir: N Georgia Ave, L Goldmine, R Olney Mill Rd, L Clarksville, VA 23927, 1-800-828-6829 Llewellyn to 3320. WHEELS E-m: [email protected] 301-774-5293 301-379-6460 Oxon Hill $299,900 www.SimmonsRealty.com AUDI ’00 A4 1.8T—Auto, 73k mi, Black, AM/FM, DUPONT CIRCLE/1771 Willard St. NW - Nr Metro House For Sale 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1 car garage Colonial Town- Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, — Two 2BR 1BA units. 2 Prkg spots. Just Listed. Alloys, Cruise, Tilt. $10,250. 571-243-8926 home. Call for details 202-437-0482. Great cond. Updates. By Appt Only. $895,000. BMW ’03 530i—blu, tan int, 14K mi, loaded, great 202-361-3050. www.gamzehrealty.com PG/Capital Hts. $220K cond., warranty. $37,000. 410-236-1289. Fairfax $849,900 1114 Clovis Avenue Renovated large 2 lev. det. home w/ 4 BR’s, 2 Ba’s, BUICK—’95 Riviera, Super Charger, 2-dr., auto., fully Woodson HS District loaded, CD player, exc. cond., MD insp. $3750. Cared for SF 3LEV/5BR/3.5 BA. Custom Fin Bsmt. stainless steel appl., new carpet & wood flrs. Call 888-402-7770 x 415 or online at 301-894-2675 Hdwd flrs.upgrd Kit. Bks to parkland. Go to website BUICK ’72 Delta 88 Royalye Convertible—Auto, for virtual tour. OPEN SUN:1-4 Dir: Braddock Rd frankgodfrey.com, sellers @ pghousevalue.com. Keller Williams Red/White, AM/FM, CD, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, WEST-4mi. RT on Braddock Green to 4661. Cruise, Tilt, $3500, 240-304-6235 Devon Home Realty 703-606-7504 ROCKVILLE - PROBLEM CREDIT OK.4BR 2BA newly CAD ’01 Seville—Auto, 51k mi, bronze, Cas- FALLS CHURCH $459,000 remod. Small down $1600/mo call 888-276-2071 x47 sette/CD, Sunrf, AC, Alloys, Cruise, $17K, MOVE IN NOW! 301-499-3444 or 419-410-8726 Rambler updated throughout. Call Kit Britton, Re/ SE $285,000 - 1412 Bangor Street (20020) 2BR, Max Allegiance, 703-585-7227 2BA att. renov home. All new appls, duct work, A/C, FORD ’03 Ranger Pick-Up—Ext cab, Sport. 4L, auto, Maroon, p/w, A/C, CD, warrty, 21K, grt cnd. “Decor ” Farm—260+ Acres w/house & barn Woods and ceramic tile, new wind, wd flrs++. Long & Foster, Diva meadows. North Central WV Doddridge County. 301-434-8900. Call Mrs. Craven, 301-704-5214 $13,400. 410-236-1289 Call (304)873-2258 R&R Realty SELF STORAGE GARAGES—9 self-storage grg’s. 5 FORD ’98 Expedition—Excel cond , 82K mi, runs & FREDERICKSBURG $349,900 singles, 4 dbls in the heart of Old Town, Alex. looks new, new tires, DVD & satel radio, 3rd row seat, $7600. 703-901-4068 Reader questions about 4BR, 2.5BA Colonial, quiet cul-de-sac, 3lvl, 2car gar. City assessed @ $707,100. Call 703-549-1010 to Remodeled kitchen. Close to VRE/I95. Cheryl Kenny make an offer FORD ’97 TAURUS—4 door, auto, all pwr, air bags, 703-338-2980 Crossroads Realtors SPGFLD $485,000 A/C, runs good, $2,700/obo. 301-577-2674 decorating answered! FREDERICKSBURG $269,900/NEGO Beaut. 3BR 1½BA Rambler in great loc. HD ’05 SOFTAIL DELUXE - Black Cherry Buy or rent this 3BR/2½BA end-unit TH w/fplc & 6742 Bostwick Dr. Call 703-217-1200. 3600 MI. Excellent condition! Ext wrty. Lots of 540-907-3003 Summer Realtors. extras! $16,995 OBO. 410-535-2043 FT WASH—4BR, 3FBA, 1HBA colonial, hdwd foyer, STEVENSVILLE—Waterfront. 4BR, 2BA colo., HONDA ’06 Civic—2 door coupe, auto, 13k mi, Dark halls, stairs, kitchen, sep LR & DR, EI kit, some sunrm., pier w/ boat lift. $670,000. Champion Grey, AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, closing help avail.BRANDYWINE—3BR, 3FBA, split Realty, 410-974-4200 or 443-848-1445 Tilt, $17900, 703-403-3129 foyer, all brick, over an ac lot, shows well, some STOCKS STILL LOW HONDA - ’89 Civic. auto. Runs good. Excellent closing help.WALDORF—4BR, 2FBA, split foyer, Invest in the booming Atlanta mkt. Buy investment mechanical cond. p/lks. p/win. am/fm. 164K mi. $10K closing help. $5000 decor allowance Ask for properties and sell with 60 days for a quick profit. $1395/obo. 240-593-2638 KathyTEMPLE HILLS—4BR, 1FBA 2HBA, split lvl, $5k min inv. 25% return w/n 60 days. Not an IPO HYUNDAI ’04 Sonata—5 spd, 10k mi, Light Green, corner lot, 2-car garageTEMPLE HILLS—4BR, 2½BA Serious inquiries only. www.pinnacledevpart- AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Cruise, Tilt, split foyer w/huge fncd in back yd. & deck, some ners.com $10999, 703-815-6814 closing help. CLINTON—3BR, 3FBA Rambler bsmt; 866-871-3226 ISUZU ’00 Rodeo 4DR 4X4 LSE—Auto, 1 owner, wd flrs 2 frpl fncd yd, carport Some Closing Help- TEMPLE HILLS/$399,000—Wonderful 3-BR + den, 3 40k mi, Green, AM/FM, Cass, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, CLINTON—4BR, 2BA det Split Foyer. Renovated. full BA, 2-story all brk home, 2 kitchens, 2 fpls. 4507 AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, dlr svcd. In-ground PoolODENTON —3BR, 2FBA TH w/bsmt; Keppler Pl. Tammy Thompson 301-503-1376 Open $8000/obo. H-703-242-7816; W-703-846-7337 remodeled; 1-car garageCAPITOL HTS—2-3BR/ Sat. 7/29, 1-5. Murrell Realty. ISUZU—’97 Rodeo, 4x4, 5spd, all pwr, a/c, 4dr, CD 2FBA det w/bsmt, huge DR, EI kit, fncd yd. UPPER MARLBORO—3lvl TH, 3BR 2½BA, fin bsmt, chngr, perfect condition, MD inspected, 99K, $2850, Susie Moore Associates 301-449-7979 loc in cul-de-sac, end-unit. Shows well. $314,900, 301-894-2675 GREENBELT $357,500 Sought After Windsor $5000 closing help. Edward Cunningham, Exit Pre- JEEP ’02 Liberty—Auto, 81k mi, maroon, AM/FM, Green. Brickfrnt TH. 3BR 1½BA. hdwd main lvl. lg kit. mier Realty, 301-669-0063, 301-560-6700 Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, fin w-o bsmt. FR w/fpl. patio. fncd yard. Call Nichelle Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $9500, 757-553-1263 Long & Foster, 202-425-7990 or 301-292-0700 Vienna $649,900 Walk to Metro JEEP ’00 Cherokee—Auto, 62k mi, Navy Blue, HEDGESVILLE—4BR 2½BA New SFH. 5 ac lot. 2.5% 4 BR, 3.5 BA, 2 car gar, luxury TH. AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, comm. Lic agent. FSBO. Bring all offers. PMA Inc., Oscar, 703-622-4340 Cruise, Tilt, $7900, 703-242-2686 301-471-3617. WALDORF $430,000 LEXUS ’06 GS 300—AWD, V6, w/navigation system HOME SELLERS—Find Out What the Home Down 4-BR 2 full BA, det. colonial, 2-lvls, lake side, open crystal white exterior, fully loaded, new, 69K mi. the Street Sold For. Free computerized list of area Sun. 1-4. Tawanna Calvert-Loving, 571-232-8191, $44,000 202-297-2052 home sales & current listings. Free recorded msg - 410-833-5400 Long & Foster Realtors MAZDA ’03 Miata MX-5—6 spd, 12k mi, silver, 1-800-773-6137, ID# 1041. Summer Realtors. AM/FM, Cassette, CD, AC, PW/PDL, Cruise, $15200, HYATTSVILLE/10312 FLORAL DR—Detached 2 car WALDORF 4226 Quigley Court Waldorf, MD 20776 301-717-1214 carport, ingrnd swim pool, 3BR, 3BA rambler, famrm MERCEDES ’01 SL500—2 tops, blk/blk, 41K mi, w/built in bar & frpl, fin 2BR in-law suite w/sep entr. 3BR, 1BA very well taken care of Duplex. Renovated kitchen, beautiful hardwood flrs & Berber carpet. AMG whls. Must sell! $38,000 call 804-364-5151 many many extras. Lipscomb Realty 202-882-6900 Fantastic backyard w/deck & privacy fence. Minutes MERCEDES-BENZ ’00 CL 500—Auto, 47k mi, Bril- HYATTSVILLE—3BR, 1½BA TH. from shopping, schools & commuter parking. $229,- liant Silver, AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, $200,000. Call 301-794-0181 900. Contact Baldus Realty at 301-934-8407 AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, Tilt, $39000, HYATTSVILLE/Takoma Park—built out already 703-941-5988 Weekend Styles. Every Friday done on nice size ofcs w/lots of free pkg, rght on MERCEDES ’86 560SL— Classic. Midnight blue ext, New Hamp Ave, ½ mi from DC, metro stops at door WE BUY HOUSES burgundy int, fully loaded, beautiful. $9000/obo. Call w/subway 10 mins away. Call Leslie Holmes M-F 301-877-5415. 301-270-4400; [email protected] ANY PRICE OR COND NISSAN ’05 Altima—Auto, 39k mi, Emerald Mist, LAUREL—2LVL TH, 3BR, 1½BA, frpl, partial brckfrnt, AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Cruise, Tilt, CAC, OSP. 7727 Haines Ct. $299,999. Edward Cun- Do You Need To Sell Quickly? $14000, 703-403-2387 ningham, Exit Premier Realty, 301-669-0063, WE BUY HOUSES FAST NISSAN ’04 Sentra— 45K mi, PW, CD, good cond. 301-560-6700 All cash, no contingencies, no commission, no fees $6800/obo. Call 571-274-4761 LURAY-Shenandoah River—12 acs, adj National You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. NISSAN—’94 Altima, 5spd, 4dr, CD, a/c, all pwr, Forest, River access, $300,000. 540-743-4310. Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 great condition, MD inspected, $2550, MANASSAS CITY $475,000 www.listorbuyhomes.com. 301-894-2675 4 BR 3 fl BA, gleaming hrdwd flrs, new kitch cab, [email protected] PONTIAC ’80 GRAND PRIX—2-tone black/gold, low ceramic flr. Re/Max Premier. 703-929-5680. WHITE PLAINS $449K-$475K Sought After Kings- miles, AC converted, $3000/obo. 571-332-0455 MD, DC, VA—Need Real Estate Investors w/good view. 5BR 2½BA Col. frt/rear strs. BR lvl w/d. formal SAAB ’04 9-5—Auto, 41k mi, silver, AM/FM, Cas- credit (680 FICO or higher) & $5K min. to invest. LR/DR. open FR. kit/brkfst area. deck. bsmt. fncd. sette, CD, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, 202-747-5066 Nichelle Long & Foster, 202-425-7990/301-292-0700 UNDER WARRANTY, $19999, 301-721-1889 Montgomery Village $399,900 Will BUY YOUR HOME!—Flex terms/10-day clos- VOLVO END-UNIT FOR SALE BY OWNER ing! 703-625-0275, lic. Realtor QUALITY VOLVOS Huge 5 BR, 2.5 BA End-Unit at end of quiet WV Northern Panhandle—138 ac, 3 BR camp, free ’00 XC70, 72K clean cul-de-sac! Must See! gas; 80 ac w/ 5 stall barn; other acreage available. ’00 V70, GLT Wagon • 5 Bedrooms -each with walk-in closet CENTURY 21 Town & Country Prop. ’00 S80 T-6, excellent condition • Renovated Kitchen & Baths Harry Cain, Broker 888-239-7876 ’00 S60, low miles • Finished Basement/Level walk-out ’00 S70, 85K clean OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-4. Dirs: 270 N to Rt ’91 740T Sedan, low miles 124 ( Montgomery Village Ave), L on Stedwick, L on LOTS & ACREAGE ’87 240 Sedan, low miles Capehart, L on Canadian Ct. (19006 Canadian Ct) Warranty/Financing Available Call Karen at 240-997-1825 OSKUIE SERVICE CENTER MYRTLE BEACH PROPERTIES 20+ Acres with Private River Access. Perfect for a 703-981-4911 NEW HOMES $140K/UP vacation getaway and retirement. Very usable with 3 & 4BR+GARAGE. Nr. beach. For sale/lease to long range mtn views. www.landneardc.com own. NEW CONDOS, [email protected]. REAL ESTATE SERVICES RE/MAX 843-997-8802 NC/VA—Lake Gaston, waterfront lots in quiet sub div. $325K to $425K. Offshore lots w/ deeded boat ARE YOU TIRED OF RENTING? Do you want to slip, $135K. Call Beth, 252-578-7257 or email own? Bankruptcies, liens, judgements, foreclosures, [email protected] we can help. Call Berna Able at RE/MAX Alle- NE/Bladensburg Rd/NY Ave—Occupies 150. Rea- giance 703-649-0939 sonable rental price. 202-526-2050/202-498-4012 ***BAD/NEGATIVE CREDIT N.E. —Comm’l/resid, 3BR, 2FBA w/bsmt, MSBR w/sit rm, 2 rear exits. Remove from Credit Report Susie Moore & Associates 301-449-7979 BOATS AND AVIATION NW/4834 1/2 16th St. $999,950 Call 202-775-6932 Beautiful Home PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY DISTRESS SALE — • 4 Bedrooms Prices start at $300,000 & up. Receive a free list. Go PRO CRAFT—’01, 18’, fish-ski combo w/trlr, 125HP, A Publication of the GHI • 4 Full Baths to www.pgdistresshouses.com. new trolling motor, new batteries, on-board batt. • Hardwood flrs throughout Tyree, 301-868-5204. RE/MAX ONE, 301-249-6603. charger, livewell, & more. $11,500/OBO. Call Ted • 2 Marble Fireplaces REAL ESTATE LOANS & $0 DOWN Financing 703-360-4827 • Rec Room w/ Wetbar Investor Programs. Fast closing! We beat all REGAL 1800 SRL, 18 FEET ’02—Moving Sale. Dirs: located on 16th St. btwn Blagden & Decatur. good faith estimates. Call Al at 240-533-7427. ¬¬Open Bough, In-board Motor¬¬135 Horsepower, Wheeler Realty, LLC 18 ft.¬¬CD Player¬¬Leather Interior. Immaculate, 301-203-0052 $11000 or best offer, 703-383-1292 $11000, NW/CAP HGTS—Live in the heat of the city & own a 703-966-5707 or email @ [email protected] www.readexpress.com 3BR home for the price of what many condos are selling for. 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Weeks!Final Love’s Labor’s By William Shakespeare Lost Directed by Michael Kahn

“The best party of the summer … 16th-century England meets 1960s American pop culture in a psychedelic swirl of groovy tunes and Friday, July 14: tie-dyed ecstasy. Kahn’s cast delights with flawless performances from each and every actor.” Jolene Munch, Metro Weekly Latin Jazz Night “Clever and colorful … A production that neither British nor D.C. audiences will soon forget.” Paul Harris, Variety RHUMBA “An inspired idea … Kahn’s production dexterously brings to the fore the play’s perspective on the piquant bylaws of love, their universality CLUB confirmed in madras and bell-bottoms.” Peter Marks, The Washington Post “A tie-dyed tangerine of a show … a riot of color and noise.” July 21 - Phaze II Make sure your message gets there fast— Trey Graham, Washington City Paper “Sheer entertainment … It is and first—to over 250,000 readers every hard to know who was having more fun, the audience or the actors.” weekday during the morning commute. Marilou Donahue, Artistically Speaking “Shakespeare rocks!” ADVERTISE IN EXPRESS. Gary Tischler, The Georgetowner

Must close July 30th For more information call: CALL FOR TICKETS TODAY Get 202.334.4385 National Retailers, Specialty Stores, Health, Apartments, Automotive, Recruitment Display 202.547.1122 202.334.4532 ShakespeareTheatre.org Bars/Clubs, Entertainment, Travel, Finance, MD/DC Retail 450 7th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20004 Tuesdays in Express 202.334.4130 A weekly section about how to Real Estate Developers, Home Furnishings, Restaurants, Technology, Charities, VA Retail Production Sponsor: look and feel and be your best. HRH Foundation

Photo of Hank Stratton and Michael Milligan by Carol Rosegg. A publication of GHI A publication of GHI XX1402x6 XX142 1x2 C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk4" 4]cTacPX]\T]ckFTTZT]S?Pbb

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“PLENTY OF LAUGHS!” —The Washington Post

National Symphony Orchestra Emil de Cou, NSO@Wolf Trap Festival Conductor Leonard Slatkin, Music Director

Carmina Some Enchanted Roméo et Juliette and The Ring Evening: in Concert Emil de Cou, The Music of Stephen Lord, conductor. conductor. Vocalists from the Wolf Trap NEXT Maureen McKay, Richard Rodgers Opera Company. A semi-staged WEEK! soprano. Javier Marvin Hamlisch, performance of Gounod’s opera conductor. THIS Abreu, tenor. based on Shakespeare’s tragic WEEK! Weston Hurt, Anne Runolfsson, love story. Sung in French with soprano. baritone. English supertitles. The Washington Chorus, Robert Doug LaBrecque, tenor. Saturday, July 22 Shafer, music director. Orff’s Golden classics at 8:15 p.m. thrilling Carmina burana, plus from The Sound orchestral excerpts from Wagner’s of Music, Oklahoma!, South epic Ring Cycle and Shore’s Pacific, Carousel, and more. film score for Lord of the Rings. TOMORROW! COMING IN AUGUST TONIGHT! Friday, July 21 AUGUST 3: Renée Fleming Terrace Theater Thursday, July 20 at 8:15 p.m. AUGUST 5: The Wizard of Oz at 8:15 p.m. Tickets $40 & $45 at the Box Office or charge by phone (202) 467-4600 Order online at kennedy-center.org Groups (202) 416-8400 Theater at the Kennedy Center is presented with the generous support of FOR TICKETS: 1(877)WOLFTRAP | WWW.WOLFTRAP.ORG Stephen and Christine Schwarzman.

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UTANNOUNCED! JUST ETWEDNESDAY! NEXT W 9 Sa 5 Sa 5 F 28 F 11 F 18 F 21 Su 6 M 14 M 24 W 23 W 26 Sa 23 Sa 29 Sa 12 Sa 22 Th 24 Th 20 Th 27 Tu 15 Tu 25 Su 23 ...... and ...... 10pm Doors ...... Late Show! ...... 6pm Doors ...... MICHELLE BRANCH ...... JULY AUGUST w/ Nasio w/ Dropping Daylight SEPTEMBER w/ The Riverboat Gamblers ...... feat. w/ Ozma ...... VIRGIN FESTIVAL w/ New Skin Early Show! w/ Ari Hest & Watershed w/ Driveblind w/ X-Clan TICKETS.COM: 800-955-5566 • www.930.com ...... w/ Lake Trout & Cedars w/ The Spill Canvas & Army of Me JESSICA HARP w/ Dr. Dubenstein • Lionize • Zedicus w/ Dr. Dubenstein • Lionize • Zedicus w/ As Fast As & Boys Like Girls w/ Juniper Lane & Honor By August w/ Josh Hoge & Jay Buchanan w/ Josh Hoge & Eric Roberson ISRAEL VIBRATION Donavon Frankenreiter Closed for X / ROLLINS BAND TRICKY TEDDY GEIGER The Clarks MAE JURASSIC 5 THE RENTALS THE PRETENDERS Gary Numan THE WRECKERS Editors Breaking Benjamin MN8 PRESENTS Butch Walker and the Let’s-Go-Out-Tonites Candlebox STEEL PULSE EMMET SWIMMING TO CELEBRATE THE BIRTHDAY OF HIS IMPERIAL HAILE MAJESTY SELASSIE I RYAN CABRERA Secret Machines 4 !k4G?A4BBk &! ! %kC7DAB30H FTTZT]S?Pbbk4]cTacPX]\T]c

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American Center for Presented as part of the inaugural SILVER SPRING STAGE Capital Fringe Festival The City of Gaithersburg & Puccini Studies Montgomery Playhouse Madcap Players presents

#ONTINUEDON% XX141b 4x4 “A cultural institution within a cultural institution”— The Washington Post 4 #k4G?A4BBk &! ! %kC7DAB30H FREE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 6 P.M.! FTTZT]S?Pbb TheKennedyCenter


IN THE FAMILY THEATER Mon., July 24: Mon., July 31: THE ELLSWORTH DC YOUTH ENSEMBLE GIBSON QUINTET Thu., July 20: Participants from the local company Pianist/organist Ellsworth Gibson.O NIGHT KITCHEN RADIO THEATER: perform. THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE Tue., Aug. 1: “Live radio theater” with music and Tue., July 25: NICOLAI DUNGER JAZZ ORCHESTRA sound effects. This month, an adapta- Swedish national soccer player High school/college big band. tion of a tale by the Brothers Grimm. turned soulful vocalist. Wed., Aug. 2: NATASINH Fri., July 21: EASTERN MUSIC Wed., July 26: BLACK SOMBRERO BRASS FESTIVAL PIANO PROGRAM DANCERS & MUSICIANS FEATURING Trumpeter Dan Haverstock and INPANH THAVONEKHAM 470 Students perform a variety of works. company recreate the sound of the Music and dance from Laos.L Tijuana Brass.O SON DE AQUI Sat., July 22: ROBIN BULLOCK Dance to the beat of classic and Thu., July 27: contemporary salsa with this high- Celtic and Appalachian melodies. energy band. Fri., July 28: STARLINGTONS I]Z


Live Internet broadcast, video archive, For more information call: HALF-PRICE FOOD & DRINKS 0QP]S^]TS(_\!! artist information, and more at: 202 467-4600 GRAND FOYER BARS 5–6 P.M. NIGHTLY ( ) CfX]b9Pii)CWTCX\FPaUXT[S@dPacTc kennedy-center.org/millennium (202) 416-8524 TTY CWTBRT]T ( _\ $ PLEASE NOTE: Take Metro to the Foggy Bottom/GWU FREE TOURS are given daily by the Friends of the Kennedy Center There is no free DCda])BPcP]½b1^hbP]S6Xa[b2[dQ?Tb station and ride the free Kennedy Center tour guides. Tour hours: Monday thru Friday,10 a.m.-5 p.m., parking for free performances. #ONTINUEDFROM% shuttle departing every 15 minutes and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For information, The Kennedy Center welcomes bX\Xbc?PaPSTCWTT;TgX]Vc^]0aa^fb until midnight. call (202) 416-8340. persons with disabilities. 9Pgg)4]eh8]bP]T1dRZTc4[XbXd\ BRW^^[(_\'

The Millennium Stage was created and underwritten by James The Millennium Stage, underwritten by James A. Johnson and Maxine Isaacs, is brought to the public by Target Stores and Fannie Mae CX\T[^aS4cTa]P[FX]cTaH^dcWX]0bXP ET[eTc;^d]VT)D]XUXTS0a\h;6aTT] A. Johnson and Maxine Isaacs to make the performing arts Foundation, with additional funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, American Legacy accessible to everyone in fulfillment of the Kennedy Center’s Foundation, The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, Starbucks Coffee Company, The Meredith Foundation, Dr. Deborah Rose dcb2^\T3^f]cWT cWT2^]V[^\TaPcT "cW5[^^a(_\  mission to its community and the nation. and Dr. Jan A.J. Stolwijk, Temple-Inland, Inc., DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, the Millennium Stage Endowment Fund, and the Kennedy Center Washington Committee on the Arts. BdQYTRcb!) $_\  IP]iXQPa)ATVVPT^]cWTFPcTaUa^]c :T]]TSh2T]cTa)B^]ST0`dX%_\ (_\!  UaTT ;^eT)2^[d\QXP]?Pach(_\!  ¨ BD=30H ()" 2[dQ)4\\XccBfX\\X]V9d]X_Ta 0a[X]Vc^]2T]caP[;XQaPah)0a[X]Vc^] ;P]T7^]^aQh0dVdbc(_\ $ ?WX[WPa\^]XR8V^aBcaPeX]bZh½bº;½7Xbc^XaT =XbbP]?PeX[X^]):2cWTBd]bWX]T SdB^[SPc»"_\UaTT “Mystery ” 1P]S6[^BXbcTaB[TSVTCPePaTb&_\ 1P]VZ^Z1[dTb)?bhRWTST[XP&_\% Shopper  $$$$  1XaRW\TaT)

XX264 3x2 BcPcTCWTPcaT)

;8E4>=;8=4 7iaJec INCREDIBLE 8½\cPZX]VX]PbW^fPccWT:T]]TSh 2T]cTaP]S[^^ZX]VU^aP`dXTc_[PRT RIBS & CRAB CAKES c^TPcPUcTafPaS8bcWTaTPaTbcPd BEST BEST aP]ccWPc½b^_T][PcT^]5aXSPhb. Our Weekly Specials L^mm^Hlm^kbZblhi^geZm^'Rhnfb`am Monday HAPPY HAPPY Zelh\hglb]^k;blmkh?kZg\Zblbg Montreal Steak Special HOUR @^hk`^mhpg' w/glass of wine HOUR


GP4+)+&-1,&,)0)!=nihgmA4<>A4<>A4)!T#LYDES THERESEEMSTOBENOSUCHTHINGASTOOMUCH 1 ⁄ 2 Burgers at the front bar ¨;blmkh?kZg\Zbl%,*+-&+1FLm'GP4 Wednesday +)+&,,1&,1,)' blgÍmo^krlZmbl_rbg`':g]ma^mbmZgb\ FWPc½bV^X]V^]WTaT.FTT]STS Lobster Special & ihkmbhglk^fbg]f^parlhfZgr d_PcIPhcX]hPfWXRWfPbVaTPcPb live music at 9 pm 8WPeTc^PbZ¹fWhS^h^dWPcT :f^kb\ZglZk^lh_Zm' P[fPhb Thursday 2[hST½b.8S^]½ccWX]ZXc½bb_TRcPR ¨0)00maLm'GP4+)+&,-2&,0))' Ihlm^phne]aZo^[^^gZgb\^ d[PaQdc8S^]½ccWX]ZXc½bcWPcQPS !@Zee^krIeZ\^&<B84CB4<0TALKSRES bg

I I I I I I I I This JULY at The Beacon BAR & GRILL MSTREET BAR & GRILL July events

Beacon “Live Jazz” Sunday Sunday Champagne Martini Blair Mansion Inn On the Patio Sky-Bar Silver Spring, Maryland Champagne Brunch Unlimited Bloody Mary’s, Brunch Buffet Champagne, Mimosas July Is For Open- 5-Closing Mystery In Sundays 11 AM To 3 PM Unlimited Bloody Mary’s, “Buckets of Wednesday - Mo’Town I $19.95 Champagne, Mimosas I I I I Coronitas” Hotel Package Available Saturday Shows Every Week • Free Parking Sunday Nights Are 5 for $7.95 $21.95 I I I I RESV/Info: (301) 588-6646 I I I I www.blairmansion.com “Neighbors Nights” Sundays 11 AM To 3 PM “Patio 1 “Patio Pitchers” Join us for /2 Price CORC I I I I Pitchers” ECORDS SPECIALIST PARALE Burger and Pizzas Mojitos, I I I I Mojitos, SCREENERThere’s TEACHER a qualified SALES Margaritas RKETING MANAGER NURSE P Prime Rib Mondays Sunday Nights Margaritas, ADMINSTRATIVE ASSIST Sangria $18.95 Sangria LOCKSMITH HVAC TECHN I I I I $17.95 “Half Price Burger Nights” ICER BARTENDER TEL I I I I I I I I $17.95 NIST STAFF ATTORNEY $1.00 Appetizers I I I I N PROMOTION MANAGE Tuesdays and Thursdays $3.95 I I I I July Is For ST readingCOSMETOLOGIST Express. Rail Martinis Wednesdays MECHANIC SPECIFICAT Happy Hour HR DIRECTOR BRANCH MAN Wednesdays Any Day, Half Price Bottles of Wine To advertise a job, call R SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Half Price Bottles of Wine Beer Buckets 202-334-4100. Any Time CONTROLLER COPIER With Dinner With Dinner $9.95 L DIRECTOR INTAKE ANALYST CONCIERGE 2033 M Street, NW N MASSAGEA Publication ofTHERAPIST the GHI TITL 202-530-3621 LANDSCAPEwww.readexpress.com FOREMAN www.MstreetBarAndGrill.com 17th & Rhode Island Ave., NW 202-872-1126 www.BBGwdc.com Y PARKING FACILITY MANAGEXX195 1X3 4 %k4G?A4BBk &! ! %kC7DAB30H E asy W alk to Downtown E asy L i fe to E n j oy . FTTZT]S?Pbb 24 Hr Approval ** Balconies with Great Views Gated Community Closet Space Galore Small Pets Welcome! Studios from $ 775 1 BR from $ 999 Fitness Center Olympic Size Pool Individually Controlled Air Conditioning Covered Garage Parking 0 Walk to Downtown F R REEEE APPAPP FFEEEE Waterfront Metro U T TILITIESILITIES WITHWITH TTHISHIS AADD Shopping Restaurants Arena Stage All New Kitchen Cabinets Floor to Ceiling Insulated Windows

No. of People Maximum Income per Family for Admission C a pi to l #(2)3-/,).! 1 $37,920 5;0E>A?02:43)4INY-ATCHBOXISABOUTTOBECOMESLIGHTLYBIGGER-ATCHBOX 2 $43,320 Par k Plaza THANKSTOANEXPLANSIONPLANTHATINCLUDESMORESEATINGANDANOUTDOORFIREPIT 1 . 888.2 0 7 .7025 Z[e^_hk*+i^ki^klhg'BmÍl[^lmmh PERFORMANCE. PEOPLE. PRIDE 201 I Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 Limited Availability, Restrictions Apply **Select Units M-TH 9-7, Fri. 9-6, Sat. & Sun. 10-5 fZd^k^l^koZmbhgl[^\Znl^%cnlmebd^ iZkdbg`bg;^ma^l]Z%`^mmbg`mZ[e^l 4PcX]V Zmma^[^lmieZ\^lbgma^g^b`a[hk& ahh]blZ\hfi^mbmbo^lihkm' 0a^d]S H_ma^+.k^lmZnkZgmliZkmb\b& iZmbg`%ma^k^Zk^lhf^`hh][^ml3 278=0C>F=05;0<4 Fhg:fb@Z[b_hk`k^Zmlm^Zd&_kbm^l% FWPc½b1TccTaCWP]P ?ZkrZ[_hk:_`aZg_hh]%;Z\\anl efh shopping in Columbia Heights. *,)Zg]%makhn`ama^\hgo^klbhg :o^'%;^ma^l]Z4,)*&/.0&+-1-' h_ZgZ]cZ\^gmZee^rpZrZg][nbe]& ¨Kh\def bg`%pbeeZelhZ]]ZiZmbhZk^Z\hf& Lm'%;^ma^l]Z4,)*&/.+&*,**' high time to live it up ie^m^pbmama^=blmkb\mÍl_bklmhnm& ]hhk_bk^ibm';nm]hgÍmknlama^k^' 3D?>=C28A2;4 your neighborhood, your world Ma^k^&hi^gbg`]Zm^blL^im',' DaQP]P>_T]X]VX]=Tf <82704;6A0BB4G?A4BB ?P[^\Pa7^cT[ ¨0*,ALm'GP4+)+&+12&---*' Ma^Ahm^eIZehfZk%ma^k^\^gm& Now selling! 866.664.7295 !@Zee^krIeZ\^&D. BROKER CO-OP 3% ZoZbeZ[e^_hk,)hk++i^ki^klhg ?[TPbTbT]S_aTbbaT[TPbTb_W^c^b Zg]mph&\hnkl^]bgg^klZk^ZoZbe& P]SU^^Sc^SX]X]V/aTPSTg_aTbbR^\ C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk4 & 4]cTacPX]\T]ckFTTZT]S?Pbb Farragut Sounds

OPEN TO THE in the Square PUBLIC CWTBRT]T Thursdays, Noon - 2 p.m. Rain date Friday June 8 Art Sherrod Jr. Smooth Jazz, R&B #ONTINUEDFROM% A special presentation by VSA arts: RWXRCfX](_\& The Matt Savage Trio Jazz Tokounou African Drum Group 4[[X]Vc^]½b^]4XVWcW);^XST9^aVT June 15 David Bach Consort World, Pop &_\  June 22 Teri-S R&B Vocals 8^cP)?PaPRWdcTSX^db<^acT\ #/524%39#/2#/2!. August 3 Englishman Reggae BTRaTc1XacW6^PcQPV&) $_\ $ August 10 Bobby Parker Blues :T]]TSh2T]cTa)Bd\\TaaRWTbcaP%_\UaTT CONCERT LOCATION MORE INFORMATION ()" 2[dQ)8baPT[EXQaPcX^]=PbX^ BV`^c\6gi;gdb Farragut Square 202.463.3400 Connecticut Ave. & K Street, NW &)" _\!  www.gtbid.com METRO ?[PcX]d\)39b0[XiPhCaX]XBd_Ta Farragut North (Red) In partnership with the b[XRTihGVlBViZg^Vah Farragut West (Blue/Orange) U.S. National Park _[PcX]d\R[dQSRR^\ $PUcTa _\ Service AP\½b7TPS)1aXP]2d[QTacb^]$)"  H>DBC0A40Cma^bfZ`^laZg`bg`hgma^pZeeÉiahmh& ')" _\# $  `kZialh_iZbgm&_e^\d^]hkmab\derbfiZlmh^]lnk_Z\^l' ET[eTc;^d]VT)BP[[hcWTCf^^UH^dX] Ik^mmr'FZr[^Zebmme^[bmcZkkbg`'Rhnmbemrhnka^Z]'PaZmÍlmaZm ATSBTcQhBPcP[XcT(_\  kZg]hf`hnmh_[en^]hbg`ma^k^8=h^lbmf^Zglhf^mabg`8Kh[^km FPaTW^dbT=Tgc3^^a)CWT4SSXT P^bg`Zkm^gÍlÊIZe^mm^L^kb^lËblZg]blgÍmhi^gmhbgm^kik^mZmbhg' ;^d]VTBW^f )" _\ $ Abl\ehl^&bg%eZk`^&_hkfZmiahmhlh_ZkmblmlÍiZe^mm^lZk^k^Zeblmb\ F^[UCaP_)2T[cXRF^\P]'_\!  phkdlma^fl^eo^lÉ]h\nf^gmZkrbfZ`^lh_Z[lmkZ\m%^o^gkZg& #' ]hf%\hgoh\Zmbhglh_iZbgm'Ma^rli^Zdmhma^ZkmblmlÍf^mah]lZg] fZm^kbZelZg]mZlm^pbmahnm^o^kZ]]k^llbg`ma^phkdlma^rl^ko^% Zg]ma^rZk^bgma^fl^eo^ljnbm^[^Znmb_ne'

0\TaXRP]0ac=;H5XabcCaX]Xch EVERY NIGHT [XP\79^W]b^]½bF^a[S^]?P_Ta»]TeTa ]TabWX_P]SX]cX\PRhcWa^dVW9d[h!( &"  ;dcWTaP]2WdaRW)º?aXb^]0acbP]S QTU^aTTgWXQXcTS_aX]cbQhP]PacXbcZ]^f] 2^]]TRcXRdc0eT=F*! !$'''&$  2aPUcbBW^fb»WXVW[XVWcX]Vº_P]^»PU^a\ U^aWXbQ^[SR^\_^bXcX^]bP]SQaXVWcR^[ 2^aR^aP]6P[[Tah^U0ac)º2^]cT\_^ ^U_aXb^]PacX]fWXRWR^[^aTSSaPfX]Vb ^abº?PbbX]VCX\T)CWT0ac^UFX[[XP\ aPahATSTUX]TS»cWT\dbTd\½b[PaVTbc PaTS^]T^]WP]SZTaRWXTUbBd]#cWP]S 2WaXbcT]QTaah»RP_cdaTbcWTb_XaXc^U R^]cT\_^aPahTgWXQXccWa^dVW0dV " 4BcaTTcb=F*! !#'&'%$  B^dcWTa]0\TaXRP]Rd[cdaT^]V^X]V'cW $  &cWBc=F*! !%"( &  5[PbW_^X]c)º0gT[[TAX^d[c)=^]BP]b 5bcaTTcb=F*! !%""  2daPc^a½b>UUXRT)ºAd[Tb»P]ºPaRWXcTR 4\^X»5aT]RWPacXbcAX^d[cdbTbcTRW]^[ 0]PR^bcXPa[TP]b1[PRZ cdaP[X]cTaeT]cX^]»QhQb^[TcT>SSP]S0Qb^ 5^[VTa)º=^hbTbB^d]SbP]SBfTTc cWa^dVW0dV% ( 5^ac?[PRTB4*! ! [dcT[h>^ZhBcdUUUa^\cWT30A

CINEMA ARTS THEATRE xn Tuesdays in Express 9650 Main St., Fairfax 703-978-6991 MARYLAND www.cinemaartstheatre.com A SCANNER DARKLY (R) A weekly section about how to 10:10 am, 12:05, 2:20, 4:30, 8:00, 10:00 look and feel and be your best. a film by LEONARD COHEN: I’M YOUR MAN (PG-13) Moviefone (301 or 202) 333-FILM #805 10:15 am, 12:25, 2:40, 4:55, 7:50, 9:50 ning hao Bargain Mats. all shows before 6 pm n PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ACADEMY 8 xn A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION (PG-13) DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG-13) 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 10 am, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45 STARTS FRIDAY at Beltway Plaza A SCANNER DARKLY (R) THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) A publication of GHI 9:55, 12:10, 2:25, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 Fri-Sun: (11:35) 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35; Mon-Thu: (2:10, 4:40) 7:10, 9:35 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2:20, 4:45, 7:30, 9:50 THE LOST CITY (R) 6:45 CARS (G) 9:45, 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:55 XX142c 1x2 ( ) at discount Center Court KEEPING UP WITH THE STEINS (PG-13) A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION (PG-13) Beltway Exit 23, W. on Greenbelt Rd. 2:05, 4:25, 9:55 2:15, 4:40, 9:30 301-220-1155 LEONARD COHEN: I’M YOUR MAN (PG-13) WORDPLAY (PG) 10:05 am, 12:15, 7:40 Advanced Ticketing R-ID required 2:00, 4:35, 7:25, 9:45 (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket WORDPLAY (PG) at MovieWatcher.com ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6 PM ONLY $5.00 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) DISTRICT (!) 12:30, 1:45, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:20 AMC SELECT - The best specialty films. 7:30, 8:00, 9:50, 10:40 WATER (PG-13) YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 A.M.Cinema - All seats $4 or $5 before noon on Fri., Sat., Sun., & holidays - denoted by ( ) (!) 2:15, 4:45, 7:20, 9:55 A SCANNER DARKLY (R) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: 1:30, 4:10, 6:55, 9:15 AMC HOFFMANN CENTER 22 AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG-13) (!) 12:45, 3:30, 4:00 Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 7850 Tysons Corner Center 6:30, 7:15, 9:30, 10:30 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4262 703-998-4262 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) P&G WESTFIELD MONTGOMERY  11:50, 1:35, 2:35, 4:20, 5:20, 7:10, 8:10, 1:10, 2:15, 3:45, 4:50, 6:10, 7:20, 8:40, 9:55  12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, 10:00 (!) 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, 10:15 7101 Democracy Blvd. Beth. 301-767-9555 LITTLE MAN (PG13) LITTLE MAN (PG13) LITTLE MAN (PG13) WAIST DEEP (R) 9:50, 10:40 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13) 12:55, 2:05, 3:35, 4:40, 6:05, YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  11:10, 12:20, 1:40, 3:00, BARGAIN MATINEES BEFORE 6 PM! 7:15, 8:45, 10:00 4:20, 5:50, 7:10, 8:25, 9:40, 10:55 (!) 1:00, 3:15, 5:40, 8:10, 10:45 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  11:40, 1:20, 2:25, 4:10, YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CLICK (PG-13) 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 9:40 5:10, 6:45, 7:55, 9:40, 10:35 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S (!) 2:00, 5:00, 7:25, 10:20 CHEST (PG13) 11:45, 12:30, 1:15, 2:30, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:00, 6:45, CHEST (PG13) 11:20, 12:10, 1:00, 1:50, 2:45, 3:40, 4:25, 5:10, 6:10, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: Moviefone (301 or 202) 333-3456 #781 7:30, 8:15, 9:30, 10:15 7:00, 7:45, 8:35, 9:30, 10:20, 11:00 DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG-13) BARGAIN MATINEES BEFORE 6 PM xn PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG13) 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 1:15, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30, 4:05, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 12:10, 1:50, 2:50, 4:30, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S 12:45, 4:00, 7:15, 10:10 ONCE IN A LIFETIME (PG-13) 4:45, 5:30, 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:00, 9:45, 10:30 5:25, 7:10, 8:10, 9:50, 10:50 CHEST (PG13) JF 1:00, 4:25, 7:45, 11:00 P&G WHEATON 11 xn SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) 2:35, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 12:00, 1:30, 2:35, 4:15, SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:00, 12:45, 2:45, 3:30, 4:15, 5:25, 6:50, 8:10, 9:25, 10:45 Westfield Wheaton Mall 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, 9:55 DEATH OF MR. LAZERESCU (R) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 9:45 301-949-9201 2:01, 5:20, 8:30 CHEST (PG13) JF 11:00, 2:45, 6:15, 9:45 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 11:00, 12:05, 1:10, 2:20, 3:30, CLICK (PG13) 2:00, 4:35, 6:30, 7:25, 9:20, 10:10 4:45, 5:55, 7:05, 8:05, 9:15, 10:25 AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) 11:05, 12:05, 1:40, 2:40, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 2:40, 7:40 11:05, 12:25, 1:45, 2:55, 4:30, 5:45, 7:20, 8:20, 9:50, All shows before 6pm $5.50 301-474-9744 2:15, 2:45, 4:45, 5:15, 7:15, 7:45, 9:30 4:25, 5:25, 7:15, 8:15, 10:00 WAIST DEEP (R) CLICK (PG13) P&G OLD GREENBELT STRANGERS WITH CANDY (R) FAST AND THE FURIOUS 3 (PG13) 12:05, 2:35, 5:15, 7:50, 10:50 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) 40 ft. Screen 11:00, 1:35, 4:20, 7:05, 10:05 At intersection of Crescent & Southway 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:25, 10:00 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 11:25, 12:25, 1:25, 2:55, 3:55, 10:25 CARS (G) 1:00, 1:45, 3:10, 4:30, 5:20 4:55, 6:25, 7:25, 8:25, 9:55 7:30, 8:00, 9:40 www.pgtheatres.com LEONARD COHEN: I’M YOUR MAN (PG-13) NACHO LIBRE (PG) 12:15, 5:10, 10:05 $AMC SELECT% YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) 2:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:35 CLICK (PG13) 11:15, 12:45, 1:55, 3:45, 4:35, 6:30, 7:35, 9:10, 10:15 CARS (G) 12:50, 2:10, 3:40, 5:00, 7:55, 10:45 LOWER CITY (R) A SCANNER DARKLY (R) 12:50, 3:15, 5:40, 8:15, 10:40 2:15, 4:45, 7:20, 9:45 (5:20 @ $5.00) 7:30 11:35, 12:35, 2:30, 3:20, 5:00, 5:50, 7:30, 8:45, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:50 WAIST DEEP (R) $AMC SELECT% DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG-13) PEACEFUL WARRIOR (PG-13) 10:05 AMC RIVERTOWNE 12 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 THE LAKE HOUSE (PG) 10:30 PM 12:45, 1:15, 2:00, 4:00, 4:40 NACHO LIBRE (PG) 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30 Exit 4A I-95, 1/2 mi. on Oxon Hill Rd. 5:30, 7:15, 7:45, 9:30 11:10, 1:30, 2:10, 4:30, 5:15, 7:20, 8:35, 10:10 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) VIRGINIA CARS (G) AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 703-998-4AMC  12:30, 1:00, 3:00, 4:10, 5:40, 7:30, 8:10 12:30, 3:45, 7:25 THE DA VINCI CODE (PG13) 11:20, 2:50, 6:20, 9:50 10300 Patuxent Parkway LITTLE MAN (PG13) THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  1:30, 4:15, 7:00 12:35, 3:00, 5:15, 7:25, 9:45 410-423-0520 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S $AMC SELECT% 12:00, 12:30, 3:30, 4:05, 7:00, 7:30 WAIST DEEP (R) 7:35, 9:50 LITTLE MAN (PG13) 11:15, 1:45, 4:20, 7:05, 9:40 CHEST (PG13) CLICK (PG-13) 10:45 PM 1:10, 4:20, 7:20 THE LAKE HOUSE (PG) YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13) 11:10, 12:10, 1:50, 2:50, 4:30, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 1:10, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 5:30, 7:10, 8:10, 9:50, 10:50 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:10, 2:50, 3:40, 6:45 GARFIELD: A TAIL OF TWO KITTIES (PG) ALEXANDRIA www.oldtowntheater.com 12:25, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00 AMC SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CLICK (PG13) 1:25, 3:25, 5:25 815½ King St. 703-683-8888 WAIST DEEP (R) 12:35, 3:10, 5:35, 7:10, 8:10 CARS (G) 1:30, 4:20, 7:00, 9:30 CHEST (PG13) 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 2:30, 3:15, 4:00, 6:00, 6:45, YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) 5:00, 7:00 Loisdale and Franconia Road 7:30, 9:30, 10:15, 11:00 FAST AND THE FURIOUS 3 (PG13) 12:50, 3:15, 5:40, 8:15 703-971-3991 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 11:35, 2:20, 5:05, 7:45, CARS (G) 1:20, 4:30, 7:40 10:25 LITTLE MAN (PG13)  1:00, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:15 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) JF 11:35, 2:20, 5:05, AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 7:45, 10:25 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  1:00, 4:30, 7:30, 10:00 Courthouse and Birch Rd. SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 11:30, 12:40, 3:00, 4:10, 6:25, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S 7:35, 10:00, 10:55 703-998-4AMC CHEST (PG13) 12:15, 12:45, 3:30, 4:00, 6:45, 7:15, 9:50, 10:20 11:25, 1:55, 4:25, 9:35 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  1:30, 2:15, 4:15, 5:00, 7:00, CLICK (PG13) 7:45, 9:45, 10:15 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 1:40, 4:30, 7:30, 10:00 11:05, 1:35, 4:05, 6:35, 9:05 WAIST DEEP (R) CLICK (PG13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:15, 7:30, 10:00 Your first stop SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:00, 1:10, 3:15, 4:25, 6:30, NACHO LIBRE (PG) 12:55, 3:20, 5:40, 7:50, 10:20 WAIST DEEP (R) 4:45, 7:05, 9:25 7:45, 9:45 CARS (G) 11:55, 2:45, 5:35, 8:20, 11:05 FAST AND THE FURIOUS 3 (PG13) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 CLICK (PG13) 1:50, 5:00, 7:40, 10:10 GARFIELD 2 (PG) 12:30, 2:40 for information. $AMC SELECT% CARS (G) 1:00, 4:05, 6:45, 9:30 NACHO LIBRE (PG) 1:20, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50 THE LAKE HOUSE (PG) 1:40, 5:20, 7:55, 10:30 X-MEN 3 (PG13) CARS (G) 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:50 LOEWS FAIRFAX SQUARE 8 $AMC SELECT% AMC MAZZA GALLERIE A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION (PG13) 1:40, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 Express is the fastest way to get 8065 Leesburg Pike news and entertainment en route Jenifer and Wisconsin 703-506-9857 802 AMC COUNTRY CLUB MALL 6 202-537-9553 to your destination. And the FAST AND THE FURIOUS 3 (PG13) 1:05, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 Country Club Mall on Vocke Rd near Route 68. YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  12:00, 1:30, 2:30, 4:15, GARFIELD 2 (PG) 1:15, 3:15, 5:15 703-998-4AMC best place to catch Express 5:10, 7:00, 7:50, 9:45 NACHO LIBRE (PG) 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:35 LITTLE MAN (PG13)  1:00, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45 12:15, 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, THE BREAK-UP (PG13) 12:30, 2:45, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S is in the bright yellow news THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 11:30, 12:30, 3:00, 4:00, 6:30, 7:30, 10:00, 10:35 5:25, 7:15, 8:05, 10:00 X-MEN 3 (PG13) 12:45, 4:30, 7:45, 10:05 CHEST (PG13) racks at area: SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 11:30, 2:45, 3:15, 6:15, 9:45, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) JF 12:15, 2:45, 5:25, THE DA VINCI CODE (PG13) 12:15, 4:00, 7:15, 10:15 10:15  Metro stations 8:05 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 7:30, 10:15 CLICK (PG13) 1:00, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45 CLICK (PG13) 2:00, 4:45, 9:45 $AMC SELECT% $AMC SELECT%  on-street locations THE BREAK-UP (PG13) 1:45, 4:15, 7:30, 10:00 THE LAKE HOUSE (PG) 3:10, 8:00 THE LAKE HOUSE (PG) 12:00, 7:00 12:00, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45  college campuses THE DA VINCI CODE (PG13) AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) 12:50, 5:35, 10:20 LOEWS WISCONSIN AVE. 6  apartment buildings LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 MAGIC JOHNSON CAPITAL CENTRE 12 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. 3111 K Street, N.W. 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo 202-244-0882 714  2:15, 4:30, 7:15 restaurants 202-342-6441 821 301-324-4220 844 LITTLE MAN (PG13) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S  health clubs LITTLE MAN (PG13)  12:00, 2:15, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35 LITTLE MAN (PG13) 12:55, 2:20, 3:20, 4:50, 5:50, 7:20, 8:20, CHEST (PG13) 12:30, 12:45, 1:30, 3:45, 4:10, 4:45, 7:10, 7:30, 8:00 10:00, 10:40 NACHO LIBRE (PG) 1:45, 7:05 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13)  12:05, 1:30, 2:25, 4:15, 2:30, 5:20, 8:10, 10:30 4:15 5:15, 7:00, 8:00, 9:45, 10:45 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S So grab your copy at the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST (PG13) 12:45, 1:00, 3:55, 4:15, 7:00, 7:30, 10:15, 10:45 $AMC SELECT% CHEST (PG13) 12:25, 1:15, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 10:15, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 2:15, 5:15, 7:55, 10:25 A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION (PG13) 1:50, 4:20, 7:00 news rack, and read the 10:45 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:50, 4:05, 7:10, 10:35 LOEWS DUPONT 5 ride away. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CLICK (PG13) 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05 CHEST (PG13) F 3:15, 6:45, 10:15 WAIST DEEP (R) 1:30, 2:25, 4:20, 5:30, 6:50, 7:50, 9:20, 10:20 1350 19th St. THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) 12:05, 1:50, 2:45, 4:30, FAST AND THE FURIOUS 3 (PG13) 2:10, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 202-872-9555 711 5:25, 7:15, 8:10, 9:55, 10:45 CARS (G) 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:55 F 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:55 $AMC SELECT% SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:45, 3:00, 4:20, 6:30, 7:45, CARS (G) 10:00 A SCANNER DARKLY (R) 1:45, 2:30, 4:00, 5:15, 6:30, 7:30, 8:45, LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 9:50 12:10, 2:30, 5:00, 7:35, 10:30 CLICK (PG13) THE HEART OF THE GAME (PG13) 2:20, 7:20 NACHO LIBRE (PG) 2:20, 7:10 2772 South Randolph THE ROAD TO GUANTANAMO (R) 5:00, 9:40 703-671-0910 801 2:45, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 THE BREAK-UP (PG13) 11:50, 4:35, 9:30 WORDPLAY (PG) 3:50, 10:00 WATER (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 THE DA VINCI CODE (PG13) 12:10, 3:30, 6:50, 10:10 THE WAR TAPES (NR–NOT RATED) $AMC SELECT% LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 $AMC SELECT% North Bethesda A SCANNER DARKLY (R) 1:20, 4:40, 7:30, 9:50 AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) 12:20, 2:50, 5:15, 7:50, 10:20 LEONARD COHEN: I’M YOUR MAN (PG13) 1:00, 3:40, 7:00, 310-423-1014 741 9:40 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10 LOEWS UPTOWN 1 WORDPLAY (PG) 1:40, 4:10, 7:10, 9:10 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30 CHEST (PG13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION (PG13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, THURSDAY THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG13) AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) 1:30, 4:50, 7:20, 9:20 202-966-5400 713 10:20 THE PROPOSITION (R) 1:10, 7:40 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:05, 3:35, 7:05, 10:10 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:20 THE LOST CITY (R) 2:00, 5:00, 7:50 CLICK (PG13) 12:10, 2:35, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 Times for Thursday, July 20, 2006 Times for Thursday, -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT No passes or discount coupons F - Closed Captioning · J - Descriptive Video Service 7.20.2006

read. ride.

EXPRESS recycle. readexpress.com XX208 2x6 X120aC 3x.5 18 C7DAB30Hk &! ! %k4G?A4BBk4 ( 4]cTacPX]\T]ckFTTZT]S?Pbb

BC064k<0?>5aXVX]P[bUa^\cWT=PcX^]P[0aRWXeTb» Rc!&cWBcaTTc8]ST_T] ! &2^]bcXcdcX^]0eT]dTQTcfTT]&cW #/524%39'!,! ?dccTa\P]½bPQbcaPRc_PX]cX]Vb_aX]cb ST]RT0eT]dTBF*! !%""  (cWbcaTTcb=F*! !"$&$"  P]SbRd[_cdaTbST_XRccWTaT[PcX^]bWX_ ;4602H>5C40AB)h#ARIBEANA)MPERIA vAT'!,!(ISPANIC4HEATRE ISA 8aeX]T2^]cT\_^aPah)º0]X\P[XP»QTPdch =PcX^]P[1dX[SX]Va[TP]b¹0BWPaTSB_PRT»bXgPaRWX 9d[h!  $ (2^]]TRcXRdc0eT=F*! ! SCARREDBYSLAVERY4HE4RINIDADIANhRAPSOvGROUP#ANALANDOTHERARTISTS bT[[cWa^dVW9d[h!( # !?Bc=F*! ! cTRcdaP[UXa\baTeTP[U^acWTaTQdX[SX]V^U !"!""!% TELLTHESTORYTHROUGHCALYPSO REGGAE SOCA MERENGUEANDHIP HOP ""!'&%& =Tf>a[TP]bcWa^dVW9d[h" º?aPXaXT 6P[[Tah?[P]1)?PX]cX]VbQh6Pah5XbWTa :PciT]0acb2T]cTa)ºPZ[P]SQh bcadRcTSbZhbRaP_TacWa^dVWBT_c & ! !!"#!&  BdXcT"BX[eTaB_aX]V*" $%! #  6aTPcTaATbc^]0acb2T]cTa)º;P] 9X\

Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale DCI QUARTERFINALS (NR) # LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1145 1215 145 215 245 415 445 515) 645 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG 715 745 915 945 1015 (1115 1145 1215 1245 130 245 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 830 945 1015 1045 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1120 1150 200 230 440 510) Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # A SCANNER DARKLY (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1110 1200 140 230 410 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1150 1240 225 400 505) 640 720 750 1000 1030 510) 650 740 930 1020 745 930 1025 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (115 445) 815 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1200 100 230 345 500) 630 730 900 1000 (1130 1200 1230 100 130 155 300 330 400 430 500 530) 630 700 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) (340) 700 1030 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG CLICK (PG-13) (1120 200 440) 730 1010 730 800 830 900 955 1025 (1145 1215 1245 115 145 300 330 410 440 510) 615 645 720 800 NACHO LIBRE (PG) (1100 120) 845 940 1005 1035 OC & DA: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (210) 1020 OC & DA: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (430) 1020 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1125 140 450) 710 740 Free Family Film Festival Tue & Wed 10AM THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG(1220 110 335) 635 735 935 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1210 340) 705 1035 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1210 340) 620 710 945 1025 WAIST DEEP (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (420) 940 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (1250 355) 700 955 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (120 405) 640 935 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (1155 250) CARS (G) DIG (1250 345) 635 950 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1230 115 340 420) 700 745 945 1030 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG (1145 1215 1240 130 245 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 830 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # 945 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale THE DESCENT: SNEAK PREVIEW - NCM THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (120 205 415 450) 700 740 EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D # OC & DA: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (320) 900 950 1020 Adv. Tix on Sale DCI QUARTERFINALS (NR) # PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2 - DIGITAL SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1200 245 345) 630 730 1020 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1150 1220 230 300 450 520) 720 750 950 PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG (1245 415) 745 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (115 410) 720 950 1020 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (130 420) 710 1000 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1130 1230 130 230 330 430 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (1215) (1115 1145 1215 1245 130 245 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 530) 630 730 830 930 1030 CARS (G) DIG (110 410) 715 1015 815 945 1015 1045 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1140 140 240 440 540) 750 850 1025 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1120 1155 150 235 445 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG 515) 730 800 1010 1040 (1115 1145 1215 115 145 215 245 315 345 445 515 545) 615 645 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1135 305 330) 710 930 1030 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (140 405) 715 815 845 915 945 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale THE DESCENT: SNEAK PREVIEW - NCM AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH (PG) DIG (100) 700 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1220 120 420) 620 720 EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D # Adv. Tix on Sale DCI QUARTERFINALS (NR) # 1000 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1200 230 515) 745 1020 DreamingTheir Way SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1100 300) 610 700 940 1020 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1100 1200 200 400 500) 715 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # CLICK (PG-13) DIG (100 340) 640 910 815 1000 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1220 1250 120 320 350 420) 620 650 720 NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (1200 310 550) 810 1035 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG Australian Aboriginal Women Painters (1115 1145 1215 1245 245 315 345 415) 645 715 745 815 1015 920 950 1020 CARS (G) DIG (1150 1250 250 350) 710 950 June 30 - September 24, 2006 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (100 405) 730 1015 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1130 1230 215 345 500) OVER THE HEDGE (PG) DIG (1120 200 410) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG 630 730 930 1030 OC: SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (300) 1015 (1145 1215 1245 130 245 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 830 THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) DIG 650 1010 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1130 1230 400) 700 800 945 1015 1045 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (1100 145 430) 730 1010 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (105 410) 725 1025 CARS (G) DIG (1215 330) 700 1000 1250 • • SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1150 325) 700 1030 THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) DIG (1145 315) 630 1005 New York Avenue, NW Two blocks north of Metro Center www.nmwa.org WAIST DEEP (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (200 455) 755 1040 10 – 5 5 • $8 • 202.783.5000 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (110 355) 640 925 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # Open Mon. – Sat., ; Sun., Noon - Admission CARS (G) DIG (1210 400) 705 1010 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1110 1150 150 230 430 510) Emily Kngwarreye, Anooralya (detail), © ARS/VISCOPY 710 750 950 1030 Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # Free Family Film Festival Tue & Wed 10AM LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1125 200 430) 725 1005 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (1150 225 505) 735 1010 YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1130 1235 210 325 450) 655 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG 740 935 1020 (1115 1145 1215 1245 130 245 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale MIAMI VICE (R) - ID REQ'D # (1115 1145 1215 1245 130 240 315 345 415 500) 615 645 715 745 LITTLE MAN (PG-13) DIG (110 430) 720 940 830 945 1015 1045 1115 830 940 1015 1035 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1140 135 235 410 515) YOU, ME AND DUPREE (PG-13) DIG (1230 400) 730 1000 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1200 250 405) 730 755 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST (PG-13) DIG 720 755 955 1035 1010 (1145 1215 1245 130 315 345 415 500) 645 715 745 830 1015 1045 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) (1230 400) 730 1100 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1135 1225 300) 640 1000 1030 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (PG-13) DIG (1220 335) 740 1025 CLICK (PG-13) DIG (1255 335) 700 945 Drive you. CLICK (PG-13) DIG (1120 155 425) 705 940 SUPERMAN RETURNS (PG-13) DIG (1200 320) 710 1030 FAST & THE FURIOUS 3 (PG-13) DIG (440) 1025 “Cars” can put you in the right wheels. Wednesdays. CLICK (PG-13) DIG (1250 410) 650 930 NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (1100) NACHO LIBRE (PG) DIG (1155 220) 805 CARS (G) DIG (100 350) 700 950 CARS (G) DIG (1105 140 425) 700 935 CARS (G) DIG (100 355) 705 955

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FREE SAT 29 BLACK HEART 3XbR^eTaXTb» (cWP]STPa[h! cWRT]cdah c^ah)º7^]ZhC^]Z»7T]ah7^aT]bcTX]½b PROCESSION _W^c^VaP_WbQhePaX^dbPacXbcbcWa^dVW _W^c^b^UR^d]cah\dbXRXP]bcWa^dVW Rain or Shine CASTANETS DEVICS 9d[h" º0Ra^bbRc º7T]aXA^dbbTPd)9d]V[Tb XchcWa^dVWBT_c#º;TfXbP]S2[PaZ)CWT 7th St. at Independence Ave. SW X]?PaXb»A^dbbTPd½bUP]cPbh[P]SbRP_Tb =PcX^]P[1XRT]cT]]XP[»PacXUPRcbST_XRc ST_XRcPbTSdRcXeTP]ScTaaXUhX]Vf^a[S T]R^d]cTabcWTcf^Tg_[^aTabWPSSdaX]V cWa^dVW>Rc $% 2^]bcXcdcX^]0eT cWTXaY^da]ThcWa^dVW0\TaXRPcWa^dVW www.hirshhorn.si.edu =F*! !!'(""%  BT_c  cWBcaTTc2^]bcXcdcX^]0eT =PcX^]P[6T^VaP_WXRB^RXTch)º2Pbc[Tb ]dT*! !%""  KONONO P]S2adbPSTb)0EXTfX]]TF^a[S>]TCaXQT¹ ]T]cR^[[TRcX^]cWa^dVW9d[h(2WPZPXP ATiP»bT[TRcTSX\PVTbQh_W^c^Y^da]P[Xbc 1^^ZTadbTbRPacXaTbc^RaTPcTbRd[_cdaTb “Grab Bag” ATiPST_XRccWTc^a\T]cb^UfPaP]SaTe cWa^dVWBT_c#º3aTP\X]VCWTXaFPh» ^[dcX^]cWa^dVW>Rc(ºB^RRTa)?[P]TcPc cWTf^aZ^U0dbcaP[XP]0Q^aXVX]P[f^\T] Weekly treasure trove of ?[Ph»_W^c^bP]SeXST^WXVW[XVWcb^UcWT _PX]cTabcWa^dVWBT_c!# !$ =TfH^aZ home and fashion finds! VP\TQTX]V_[PhTSQhP\PcTdabPa^d]S 0eT=F*! !&'"$  cWTf^a[ScWa^dVW>Rc!( #$ &cWBc =PcX^]P[?^acaPXc6P[[Tah)º4hT2^]cPRc) Weekend Styles. Every Friday =F*! !'$&&$'' <^STa]0\TaXRP]?^acaPXcdaT3aPfX]V» =PcX^]P[;XQaPah^URc(º?^acaPXcdaT=^f»f^aZb Q[T?a^^Ub)5^aT]bXREXTfb^UcWT1^Sh» QhR^]cT\_^aPahPacXbcbcWa^dVW9P]& ^]V^X]V'% A^RZeX[[T?XZT1TcWTbSP* ! &º>dcfX]1^^RWTeTa?^acaPXc2^\

A Publication of the GHI " #(%%" ' _TcXcX^]! %»cWTf^aZb^UbTeT]UX]P[ WE ARE 3 BLOCKS FROM THE UST/CARDOZO METRO STATION =PcX^]P[

BC064kB?40:=>F CWfX]Vº02WP]VT^U?[P]b»PeXST^ 6dTbcb»cWa^dVW0dV!%º5a^\DaQP]c^ X]bcP[[PcX^]QhBh\\Tb6PaS]TaQ^cW BdQdaQP]88»B_TRcad\6P[[Tah½bSh]P\XR CWTBRT]T cWa^dVW0dV $'!" 6T^aVXP0eTBX[eTa TgWXQXc^Uf^aZbX]ePaX^db\TSXP^_T]b B_aX]V*" % '(  BPccWa^dVW0dV!%º?^ccTahQh1T] º0\TaXRP]b=^f»_^acaPXcb^U_a^\X]T]c ;0BC270=24APRWT[BRW[TbX]VTa 2d[QTacb^]P]S9^bW3TFTTbT»^_T]b 0\TaXRP]bcWa^dVW0_a!(! &º0\Ta 2^]RTac7P[[0acb2T]cTa=E22) Bd]cWa^dVW0dV!% & A^RZeX[[T XRP½b?aTbXST]cb»P]TgcT]STSSXb_[Ph^U ?W^c^VaP_WbQh1PaQPaPB^dcWf^acW ?XZT1TcWTbSP*" $' $!  \d[cX_[TX\PVTb^U#!DB_aTbXST]cb cWa^dVW9d[h!!" =^acW1TPdaTVPaS BcdSX^6P[[Tah)º0acBcdSX^6P[[Tah0acXbcb X]R[dSX]VcWTUP\^dbº;P]bS^f]T»_^a Bc0[TgP]SaXP*& "'#$% %$ 6a^d_BW^f»cWa^dVW9d[h" ! 'ABc caPXc^U6T^aVTFPbWX]Vc^]^]V^X]V'cW APc]Ta[S6T^aVTc^f] c^a½b2W^XRT5a^\cWT]T2T]cI6aX[[»cWTaPaTbc^UDB ?W^c^VaP_WTab»UTPcdaTbX\PVTb^Ubd\ 8b[P]SbP]ScWT4_XadbATVX^]»cWa^dVW bcP\_bcWa^dVW>Rc ! &!C4;;)!CAUTIONARYTALEABOUTTHEHAZARDSOFBLOWINGTHEWHISTLE T\_aTbbTb9P_P]TbTPRc^abP]SPW^bc \TSXPP]S\PcTaXP[bºAPh?PaXbX½bUU»f^aZb cWa^dVW9d[h!! ' " #cWBc=F*! ! _[PRT\T]c»\d[cX\TSXPf^aZbQh=X]^ BcaPcW\^aT)º5XQTa5P]cPbh)?^c^\PR Xbcb7XccWT1^^Zb»f^aZbQhePaX^dbPac Qh9B0SP\bºFWPcFT3^8]BTRaTc» #%!&'$& ;TbT[XSiT7PSXTWBWPUXTP]S9T]]XT 2aPUcb\T]5XQTa6dX[SP]SB_TRXP[ #ONTINUEDON%

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Visit us along the Green Line or I-495 to Branch Ave. exit. At light go straight, cross over Auth Rd. Make a right at stop sign onto Auth Way. Sales Center I]ZEV^ci^c\HiVg4 is ahead on left. Prices, terms and features subject to change without notice. Prices reflect base prices and are subject to change. Lot premiums may apply and community association fees are required. Offer not good in CT, NJ and NY. Void where prohibited. >=430H05C4AeZm^ob]^hZkmblmZg]fnlb\bZgGZfCng^ IZbdÍl[bkma]Zr%ma^Abklaahkg\^e^[kZm^lhg^h_abl[^lm& MHBR#3149 dghpgphkdl'Ikh`kZflli^\bZeblmM^k^lbZ;nlaZg]IZbdÍlg^ia& ^pD^gAZdnmZpbee]bl\nllÊOb]^h?eZ`%ËZ[^eho^]iZkmh_ma^ AbklaahkgÍli^kfZg^gm\hee^\mbhg'AZdnmZpbeei^k_hkfhg^h_ ablng\e^Ílib^\^lZg]]hn[e^&[Zllblm:eeZgohgL\a^gd^epbeeieZr    mak^^phkdl_khf?enqnl%ma^ZoZgm&`Zk]^\hee^\mbo^pbmapab\a IZbdpZlZllh\bZm^]'AbklaahkgFnl^nf%Bg]^i^g]^g\^:o^gn^


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0VaXRd[cdaP[ATb^daRT2T]cTacWa^dVW $65 per person. Bring your own >Rc ºBd\\TaATd]X^])06PcWTaX]V^U bike and save $10 more. ¨NLmZ`^ '"$( ' ?[P]c5P\X[XTb»PbTaXTb^UVPaST]bbW^f RPbX]V SXUUTaT]c_[P]cUP\X[XTbcWa^dVW 0]4]T\h^UcWT?T^_[T)0S^Rc^a )**+,-.+)-,* / 012    !$ >Rc $º?a^cTRcX]V0\TaXRP½bFX[STbc PccT\_cbc^fPa]WXbb\P[[c^f]cWPccWT )**+%  3.145 ,-0+.444 DaQP]AXeTa)5a^\5[^^Sbc^5[^fTabX] fPcTabd__[hU^acWTXaUP\^db_dQ[XRQPcWb cWT?^c^\PR6^aVT»cWa^dVW=^e (  \PhQTR^]cP\X]PcTSQdcWTXbbR^a]TS []ThCWTPcaT2T]cTa CWP]cWTBf^aS)CWTBPcXaXRP[?T]^U:P[» ! >[]ThBP]ShB_aX]VA^PS>[]Th RT[TQaPcTbcWTf^aZb^U_^[XcXRP[RPac^^] 2:kF70C0F0HC>6> B BrianB Cook CWTBRT]T L Liveive b^]X]cTafTPeTbcX\T_TaX^SbX]cWXb i inn ConcertConcert _[PhcWPcTg_[^aTb`dTbcX^]b^UbRXT] cXUXRaTb_^]bXQX[XchP]ScWTf^a[SeXTfb F Friday,riday, JJulyuly 221,1, 22006006 @ 8 PPMM ^UbRXT]RTP]SPaccWa^dVW9d[h!" Hosted by radio personality Triscina Grey of Cafe 96/WHUR 96.3  $>[]ThCWTPcaT2T]cTa! >[]Th BP]ShB_aX]VA^PS>[]Th*" (!# Tickets On Sale Now @ ticketmaster.com, "# ^[]ThcWTPcaT^aV ;0BC270=240bbPbbX]b)BXV]PcdaT Hecht’s or charge by phone on CWTPcaTcPZTbPbW^cPccWTB^]SWTX\ 202-397-SEAT * 703-573-SEAT * 410-547-SEAT \dbXRP[PQ^dcf^a[S[TPSTab½Pa\TST]T \XTbcWa^dVW9d[h!"" "' %B5^da CC070E4<>A42>F14;;),EAVEIRONYATHOME THROWYOUR*OURNEY c^]½bQT[^eTSRWX[SaT]½b]^eT[bcWXb_[Ph ,0SINTOYOURCARRY ON ANDTAKEAFLIGHTONTHE$#THIS4HURSDAYFOR1UEENS XbPQ^dcP\X]dbRd[TUP\X[hcWPc[XeTb OFTHE3TONE!GES*OSH(OMMESRAUCOUSLYRETROSPIN OFF $EATH"Y3EXY QT]TPcWcWTU[^^aQ^PaSb^UPW^dbT cWa^dVW0dV " $8\PVX]PcX^]BcPVT #( '0dQda]0eT1TcWTbSP*" !'  >[]ThBP]ShB_aX]VA^PS>[]Th*"  ! >[]ThBP]ShB_aX]VA^PS>[]Th* %% X\PVX]PcX^]bcPVT^aV (!#"# ^[]ThcWTPcaT^aV " (!#"# ^[]ThcWTPcaT^aV 2PaXQTP]P8\_TaXP)60;07Xb_P]XR 9PR`dTb1aT[8b0[XeTP]SFT[[;Xe >]T5[Tf>eTacWT2dRZ^^½b=Tbc) CWTPcaT_aTbT]cbP]^aXVX]P[\dbX X]VX]?PaXb)0c^dVWcX\T[h\dbXRP[ 5XaTQT[[h?a^SdRcX^]_aTbT]cb:T]:TbTh½b RP[cWPcTg_[^aTbcWT_^fTa^UaP_b^P aTedT^U1T[VXP]b^]VfaXcTa9PR`dTb bc^ahPQ^dccWTP]cXRbP]SPRcX^]b^UcWT \T[SX]V^UcWT_^Tcah^URP[h_b^fXcWcWT 1aT[P]ScWT?PaXbXP]bfW^T\Q^ShWXb _PcXT]cbX]P\T]cP[fPaScWa^dVW0dV% R^]bRX^db]Tbb^Ub^RPcWa^dVW9d[h"  b^]VbcWa^dVW9d[h" "###>[]Th $ $CWTPcaT^]cWTAd]"& B^dcW !'"!60;0CWTPcaTCXe^[XB`dPaT CWTPcaT2T]cTa! >[]ThBP]Sh 5^da[]Th*" (!#"#  !"&!UXaTQT[[h_a^SdRcX^]b]Tc VP[PcWTPcaT^aV ^[]ThcWTPcaT^aV B0CDA30H>=;HA^\T^Tc9d[XTccT) ;0BC270=242Pa^[X]T^a2WP]VT) ;0BC270=24;T2^\cT>ah)2^d]c 0bT\XbcPVTSR^]RTaceTabX^]^UcWT 0aPaT\dbXRP[Ua^\C^]h:dbW]Ta >ahP]SWXbT]c^daPVT_^bTPbPRW^adb caPVXRa^\P]RT_TaU^a\TSQhF^[UCaP_ cWXbSaP\PXbPQ^dcaPRTaT[PcX^]bP]S ^U]d]bX]^aSTac^VPX]T]cahc^cWTRPb >_TaP2^\_P]hPacXbcbBPc '#! cWT0\TaXRP]daVTU^aaTX]eT]cX^] c[T^UPUPXa\PXST]X]cWXbA^bbX]X^_TaP F^[UCaP_5X[T]T2T]cTa %#$CaP_A^PS cWa^dVW9d[h!"#&%!BcdSX^CWT cWa^dVWBd]$'F^[UCaP_5X[T]T2T] EXT]]P*& "!$$ ( f^[UcaP_^aV PcaT $  #cWBc=F*! !""!""  cTa %#$CaP_A^PSEXT]]P*& "!$$ C78BF44:4=3>=;HCdQ^\;Tc½b bcdSX^cWTPcaT^aV ( f^[UcaP_^aV ?[Ph)0]PdSXT]RT_PacXRX_PcX^]RP[[ CWT2^\_[TcT7Xbc^ah^U0\TaXRP ;XZT5PcWTa;XZTB^])CWXbUP\X[hSaP\P P]SaTb_^]bT_[PhQh0UaXRP]_TaRdb PQaXSVTS)CWTATSdRTSBWPZTb_TPaT ST_XRcbcWT[TVPRh^USTbcadRcXeT\PbRd bX^]XbcbP]ScP[TcT[[Tab:^UXP]S:fP\T 2^\_P]hcaX^R[TeTa[hR^eTab% hTPab [X]TPccXcdSTbcWa^dVW0dV%! 0c[Pb ^U0]P]bTVa^\\PcWa^dVW5aX%AX_ ^U0\TaXRP]WXbc^ahX]% bTR^]Sb CWTPcaT """7Bc=4*! !"((&((" [Th2T]cTa 9TUUTab^]3aXeTBF*! ! cWa^dVW9d[h!'#$:T]]TSh2T]cTa Pc[PbPacb^aV "$&" " SXbR^eTahcWTPcTa^aV !& 5Bc=F*! !#%&#%  ;0BC270=24;Xcc[TF^\T])CWT "<^½3XePb)BXgbX]VTabQT[c^dcTeTah ZT]]TShRT]cTa^aV \dbXRP[QPbTS^]cWTR[PbbXR]^eT[Qh cWX]VUa^\?dRRX]Xc^cWTBd_aT\TbX]cWXb 3^VBTTb6^S)2^]UTbbX^]b^UP ;^dXbPac^]½bºCWTAdUUXP]^]cWTBcPXa»P]S bcdSX^cWTPcaT^aV a[Th)CWTR^\XRWh_]^cXbccWa^dVW RP[R^\TShPQ^dc0\TaXRP]b^[SXTabP]S ;PdaT[[]Th cWTPacXbcP]ScWTbcPcTcWa^dVW9d[h!" 2^[TbeX[[TA^PSBX[eTaB_aX]V*% "$(" CWTPcaT2T]cTaU^acWT0acb!   $>[]ThCWTPcaT2T]cTaU^acWT0acb %("%bbbcPVT^aV 24 EXPRESS 7.20.2006 THURSDAY