A W A R D ● W I N N I Blues are back! N Catch the air show G Friday and Saturday! details page1B 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER July 19, 2007 County considers Debris finally gone ATV ban G Ivan remnant removed from local home BY PAM BRANNON Gulf Breeze News Minimize your
[email protected] mosquito risk this page Depending on what a pub- summer! 4B lic hearing shows, All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) may soon get the thumbs down for use any PAGE 1B where in Santa Rosa County. Last week County Commission Chairman Tom Stewart asked that the ATV ■ issue be placed on the Board's More ways to agenda for review and public have fun this hearing. "About a year ago the summer state passed a law allowing ATV's to be used in the state ■ Islander of the on any unpaved roads. I asked Week for this issue to be placed on the agenda, because I do not ■ Bubba’s see this as a safe situation for Beach our county. The law also says a county can opt out of the law allowing ATV use, but there Picture courtesy of Glen Ward/Sea Tow must be a public hearing first. The 50 foot “Young Lady” (above left) was removed from Steve Moncreiff’s Santa Rosa Shores home during the week of July In my opinion right now, WEEKEND 9. The boat sat in Moncreiff’s back yard for nearly three years after Hurricane washed it ashore in September of 2004. unless the public hearing Weather shows something different, I many Gulf Breeze residents, but Ga., had been lodged in Steven wall as of press time, but you BY FRANKLIN HAYES THURSDAY 7/19 See ATV, Page 2A6 Gulf Breeze News one Santa Rosa Shores resident Moncreiff's yard since won't hear the property owner Scat.T-Storms
[email protected] has dealt with his white ele- Hurricane Ivan struck in 2004 complain any time soon.