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Still Needed SaveYoura WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 8 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 Published 28 Pastes—5 Centa Every Tltursday, rch Council Magic Show To Play Cast Named III Sponsor Open Children's For College Club United Campaign Volunteers To Begin [raining School ProgramsOct 12 Benefit Show House - to - House Canvassing Tomorrow ftit Of 6 Seiiiom Welfare Council Carol Brinser, John Hull Youngsters Pitch In To Help United Campaign ?T» Teach Leadership Luts Dates For To Play Leads In Comedy Workers Meet | Scheduled For Oct. 14 New Season For Scholarship Fund "Williston the Magician" and e m. Westfield Council of Church- Leading actors in the play to be At YM Tonight e puppet show will head the first bill thathatt ssn iinneinnerr f ein liven by the College Woman's Club bdieviidiiiee « B of programs brought to children ai l text month for the benefit of its tadeauacy often results in the the elementary schools by the Wel- For Instructions Tim of a p icholarship fund were announced \Ti of a person's responsi- fare Council on Saturday,-Oct. 12. rSteach studentsdt , is sponsorno - fare Council on Saturday,-Oct. 12. iy Mrs. Bryce MacDonald, play • ««ies of six sessions of a The second part of the program, ;hair~man, Tuesday night at the Barry F. Meglaughlin the puppet show "Puss and Boots,'1 * j,if.p trainin....!.: g school...U«.-.l , UTuoli"Teach-. the BUDDet Show "PIIM nnH Rnnta" lub's first meeting of the season, .lencliers to Teach." will be given by three Westfleld tiss Carol Brinser will play thc To Direct Kick-off young people, Brock Brower, Mari- 1h. program will begin Monday, 'eminine lead in You Can't Tukq It Session Of Over 400 U and continue through Nov. anna Carlson and Hugh Blodgett. Vith You, the famous comedy by The periods are scheduled The second program of the ser- Joss Hart and George Kaufman, ies on Nov. 9 is a professional bill More than 400 volunteer work- •% 7*4S to 9 p. m. The Council ind John Hu'.l Jr., will take the era will gather tonight in the "Y" 2 , obtained several leaders from brought by the Salome Gay nor colorful part of "Grandpa." Theatre for Children, whose slo- gymnasium to receive final instrui!- *' MISS VALDINE CUNDE Other members of the cast, which gan is "Story book people brought tions before setting out on a house- •' rke Council feels that in spite Is not quite complete, are Mrs. to life." "Jack the Beanstalk" is to-house canvass tomorrow to raise r jcisiMrn over the moral degrada- John Rumsey, Mrs. William Mair, the featured attraction. $88,430 for the eix Westfleld So- 1 L. throughout the world, there ia Miss Adah-Grace Roberts and Miss cial Agencies nnd the USO. T "The Tinder Box" will be shown lethargy in coping with the prob- 2 Artists Open Ann Shuemacher, Wallace Hall For complete Hit of volun- i The group believes the town on Apr. 19 by the Junior League Earl Belcher, Edwin A. Edwards of the Oranges. This group has teer workers an th» United J, nOJtfidd is above average in Charles Armstrong, Walter Gak Camixtign, and year-round vol- education and in its possibilities played to the children of almost Music Club Year enheimer, John Rumsey, Matthew every school in that area and has unteers for Westfietd's «te eh- -; reformation and its citizens Glass and Bryce MacDonakf. Sev- cial agmeiet, turn to page 10 j act. The Council ia aware been popular with children and eral of these are veterans of manj faculty. Pianist And Soprano in this issue of "The Leader." „, although intentions may be local dramatic productions, whili Tonight's kick-off meeting willi s (],, highest plane, inarticulate- "The Emperor's New Clothes," To Perform Wednesday others are new to Westfleld audi- bo under the direction of Bnrry V, _ results from inability to ex- executed by the dramatic depart- ences. Miss Brinser, a mcmbei Meglaughlin, general chairman for " j thoughts or the lack of ment of the College Woman's Club Two guest artists, Valdine of the Westfleld High School fac ;hls year's drive, assisted by W. wwWge of teaching. of Westfleld, will end the series on Condo, pianist, and Imelda Crich- ulty, recently returned from threi A. Alexander Jr., divisional organ- - Under their sponsorship, Dr. May 3. This colorful play has a ton, soprano, will open the season years abroad with the Bed Cross ization chairman. These, with El- Jfilliam & Chanter, professor of surprise and humorous ending de- of the Musical Club next Wednes- Mrs. MacDonald introduced thc ton P, Kramer and Hailand L, .- |t(w Testament at Drew Seminary, signed to entertain children. day evening at the home of Mrs. chairmen who will have charge of Miller, assistant divisional organ- fU teach a course in the truths The dates have been scheduled Henrietta Roberts on Hillside ave- various phases of production: Mi's,, ization chairmen, head a group line tth*t section of the Bible. early in the fall and late spring nue. John Collins, assistant play chair- j •ire Mima- of (lie mcnilicrx ..r Hit' Junior < iimiinlxn OrannUntlon* who lire <'imiVn.iiiliiB"'iV, thr nm- which has been organizing the ,- H. F. Whitney of Cranford, to avoid the possibility of incle- Valdine Conde, a pupil of Isidor man; Mrs. Stephen Stockslager, >r !• nnumlun •«'"l»"lK» >» .IIKIHIMKI.-R "Tilt, W.-dleFll Pnmoril," IIIKl llxxlMIM wllll ..(Her *«"<• drive since lato in July. Nine di- ' ment weather and illness. Tickets Philipp, noted piano pedagogue, lljiilc rmvi Illi'hiiril \V<-li««<>r, (iciiirrry Kilitnrilx, Uric O|i|iviihilii,ir, liny Oriint. visional managers and 45 team ,ry of Christian Home De- treasurer; Mrs. John Kutller,' u r tih r ik BU 5 xru uhu ,_..jnt of the Presbyterian for the 3 p. m. performances will and Mile. Boynet, famous French properties; Mesdamcs Alva Wnlk- i«?i^.ita.iriii 5ii.v,sj'ii.ffl ii:iA " """""""• "" • ' " """ " "« Oil wine. captains will direct the operations lurches of this Presbytery, will be sold in,all elementary schools pianist, has been studying since er and Per Prolich, costumes; Mrs, of tho volunteer workers. Tuesday and Wednesday, and pric- 1J discussions of "The Home and she was three years old. Her first Harold King, makeup; Mrs. Lor- I'ronl ruin lilrniiiir Chilli, Jnnet l>il>.r, llnrliiira IOIIIT, \imvj IliimlnM, Sully IIIIJIIIK, In a prc-campaien interview, jurch Work Together." This es will be announced in the schools. public performance was at the age rimer Armstrong, play reading] Chairman Meglaughlin called upon Source will deal with practical Adequate supervision by princi- of four and one-half years when Mrs. William Waffle, singe man- Wosttldd'evs to respond "with their reys in which home and church pals and mothers will be given at she wns soloist with the Canadian ager; Mrs. Gerald Brophy, public- To Dance Monday proverbial generosity so that we, »»y work together in carrying out all performances. Symphony and played the Mozart ity chairman and' Mrs. Milton | Camera Club Exhibits Prints can continue our town's proud rec- i complete program for the re- For further information, con- j Concerto in D Major (Coronation Stnub, ways anil means chairman, ] ord of never having failed to meet ious education of children with tact the chairman, Mrs. Gustuv Concerto). She had the distinction At 8 p. m. thiB evening the prop-! At Peoples Bank October 7-11 its civic obligation. Hi6c home activities for the Luttringhaus, We. 2-1441-M. of playing for King George and "In many ways," Mr. Meglaugh- wngsters, which the. Council be- Queen Elizabeth, on their visit to (Continued on Pago 4) lin declared, "this is the most im- i will be a helpful course for Canada in 1939. She has appeared 14 Members Enter 80 Pictures In Event; portant United Campaign drivo j parents. Inter-American with major symphonies and in re- John Hopkins Wins Best Photo In Show we've ever conducted. In the firBt v Three courses for teachers will cital throughout the United States M. Allen Kimble place, all the money collected, ex- One class for senior and Canada. She has just recent- jept for a small ullottment to the. ly returned from a very successful Thc Wcstfield Camera Club will exhibit 80 prints next week, I intermediate groups will be Study Advised Monday through Friday, at the People's Hank. The show will be qpen USO, is required for our own local tiied under the leadership of tour, having given concerts in Van- To Be Ordained Scouts, our Y's, our Community - couver, Victoria and Toronto. io the public during thc banking hours. The best print of the show is »H, Schiediger, teacher of sci- Barlow Urges Visits a picture (No. 110) of twins by .John T. Hopkins. Six classifications Center, nnd our Visiting Nurses. ' I at Union City High School Imeltla Crichlon has a lyric so- of pictures will he shown. In the children's division, the prize-winning That the Borvices of thesa agen- ^ prano voice and has appeared in Presbyterian Service cius will be needed more in the /tupeflntendent of Sunday In College Club Talk print by Mr. Hopkins won first. lit Cliffside Park Lutheran- several concerts before the West- For Student Oct. 9 coming year than ove* before is flel l Second'is "Cotton Padding" by E. obvious. The world today is nflame Samueuel L.. Barlow,, AmericaAmerican j ( - Musical Club She studied It. Littmani*. FrHnci** • I. Cart- er and moderator of the ™th Si[ "<* Dietch of Now York M.