Exploring the Relationship Between
ADDRESSING GLOBAL THREAT: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMON PURPOSE AND LEADERSHIP CHARLES R. H. POWELL A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Ph.D. in Leadership and Change Program of Antioch University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy November, 2014 Copyright 2014 Charles R. H. Powell All rights reserved This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled: ADDRESSING GLOBAL THREAT: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMON PURPOSE AND LEADERSHIP prepared by Charles Powell is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership and Change. Approved by: Philomena Essed, Ph.D., Chair date Carolyn B. Kenny, Ph.D., Committee Member date Anne Perkins, Ph.D., Committee Member date Steve Chase, Ph.D., External Reader date Acknowledgements My utmost gratitude goes to my family. My wife, Paula, deserves immeasurable credit for her patience, support, and sacrifice . not to mention timely doses of humor; this would not have come about without her unceasing contribution. My sons—Jeff, Corey, and Garrett—who provide me with ideas and encouragement when I am stuck, seemingly imponderable questions that I sometimes get right, and the deep satisfaction derived from their ongoing growth. I am most fortunate that Donald Robert Powell and Bob Hipple instilled a desire in me for lifelong learning, furnished lessons on fatherhood, and, of course, provided me with all those books. My admiration and appreciation deepens for Jennifer Butler and Donald Earl Powell who work to make it better for the last, this, and the next generation. During each phase of my life, I have been able to learn from and be inspired by selfless and, by extension, effective leaders: Michael Burke, TSgt.
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