newsletter fall/winter 2014 Poetry in Beauty: The Pre-Raphaelite Art of Marie Spartali Stillman is on view at the Delaware Art newsletter Museum between now and January 31, 2016. For the full story, see page 7. fall/winter 2015 Call For Publication Grant Applications Each year HBA awards a grant to offset publication costs for a book manuscript or contents peer-reviewed journal article in the field of British art or visual culture that has been a letter from the President 2 accepted for publication. To be eligible for the $600 award, applicants must be current a letter from the Membership Chair 3 members of HBA. To apply, send a 500-word CAA 2016 project description, publication information 4 (correspondence from press or journal review: William Pressly, James Barry’s Murals confirming commitment to publish and 5 at the Royal Society of Arts projected publication date), budget, and 6 travel grant winner CV to Kimberly Rhodes, HBA Prize Committee Chair,
[email protected] by exhibition announcement: Poetry in Beauty, January 15, 2016. 7 Delaware Art Museum Image: Marie Spartali Stillman (1844-1927), Self-Portrait, 1871, 9 officers & membership Charcoal and white chalk on paper, 25 3/8 × 20 5/8 in. Delaware Art Museum, Gift of Lucia N. Valentine, 1974. Lamb “regarding our name A PDF file of the October change.” During the 1992–93 1993 newsletter has been academic year, “members added to our newly voted overwhelmingly to call refurbished website, an ourselves the ‘Society of ideal destination for this Historians of British Art’ rather artifact of a late twentieth- than the proposed century print culture! alternative, ‘The British Art Looking through past Club.’” Because of the newsletters, it’s impossible length of the new name, not to be impressed with however, members present the dedication of people at the annual College Art who invested countless Association meeting in hours in keeping HBA’s Seattle in February 1993 membership informed of voted to condense the key news relevant to the name to the less organization.