Minutes Annual Conference of the Pasture Management Networking Platform February 6Th, 2015 Sheraton Hotel, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Minutes Annual Conference of the Pasture Management Networking Platform February 6th, 2015 Sheraton Hotel, Dushanbe, Tajikistan The Annual Conference of the Pasture Network took place on February 6th at Sheraton Hotel, Dushanbe city. It convened a total number of 86 participants and speakers from a wide range of organizations within and outside Tajikistan. Among the participating national institutions and international development agencies were: Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Justice, Women and Family Affairs Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Academy of Science, EU, UN Women, USAID, FAO, IFAD, WB, GIZ, SDC, Caritas Switzerland, AKF, CESVI, ACTED, and Association of Veterinarians of Tajikistan. The conference aimed at summarizing the achievements over the year 2014 against the targeted objectives and outcomes described in the Activity Plan/ToR of the Pasture Management Networking Platform. It also aimed at gathering ideas and feedbacks on further engagements and learning processes for the year 2015. The GIZ FLERMONECA team as the secretariat of the Pasture Network and its platform, presented on the processes and products achieved during the year 2014. Thus, for each outcome the following processes and products were presented: Outcome 1 “Knowledge Exchange & Joint Learning” As a Kick-Off of the Pasture Management Networking Platform, a Round Table involving the Ministry of Agriculture, State Committee for Environmental Protection, the Tajik Livestock Institute, and inviting all development partners working in the rangelands and livestock sector, took place in December 2013. Coordination Meetings with IFAD, WB, SDC and AKF were organized in cooperation with the GIZ FFPSD/GREAT project, with the purpose to discuss the overlapping areas, ways to avoid duplication and improve implementation efficiency.
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