Turning Spa/Ted Wood

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Turning Spa/Ted Wood ill 1 1 \ 1 � Summer Turning Spa/ted WOod 1978, $2.50 There's a -wealth of infortnation and ideas in the back issues of Fine Woo d-working and the Biennial Design Book Readers tell us that Fine Woodworking is more than a magazine-it's a reference source they keep coming back to. Each issue contains timeless information that is hard or impossible to find elsewhere and won't be repeated in Fine Woodworking . You can have all this information, because the ten back issues ar e now available for your shop. The first Biennial Design Book is something else again. Composed of 600 photographs drawn fr om more than 8000 submit­ ted by readers, the book shows the great diversity of woodworking being done today. Some of the pieces ar e traditional, most ar e contemporary, and some skillfully blend the two. All ar e highly creative. Winter 1975, Number 1 Spring 1977, Number 6 The Renwick Multiples, Checkered Bowls, Tramp Art, Hand Planes, Carving Design, The Wood Butcher, Wood Threads, The Scraper. California Woodworking. Bent Lami· Decisions, Woodworking Thoughts, Marquetry Cutting, Which Three?, Library nations. Dry Kiln, Expanding Tables, Two Sucks. Stacked Plywood. Two Tools, Pricing Ladders, A Serving Tray, Stamp Box, All in One, French Polishing, Birch Plywood, Work, Going to Craft Fairs, Colonial COSts. Serving Cart. Woodworking Schools. Bench Stones. Summer 1977, Number 7 Spring 1976, Number 2 Cooperative Shop, Glues and Gluing, Winter Market. Three·Leglied Stool. Lute Roses, Marquetry Today, Split Turnings, Eagle Carvings, Hand Dovetails, Mechanical Desks, Bowl Turning, Wharton Esherick, Doweling, Spalted Wood. Antiqued Pine Furniture, Textbook Mistakes, Antique Tools, Spiral Steps, Gustav Stickley, Oil/Varnish Mix, Solar Kiln. Carving Fans. Bending a Tray, Two Meetings, Index to Volume One. Shaker Lap Desk. Back to School. Fall 1977, Number 8 Summer 1976, Number 3 Out West, Steam Bending. Triangle Marking. Painted Furniture, Chain·Saw Lumber· Wood, Mottise and Tenon. The Christian Tradition, Hand Shaping. Yankee Diversity, ing, Rip Chain, Getting Lumber. Sawing by Hand. Gaming Tables, Two Contemporary Plane Speaking, Desert Cabinetry, Hidden Drawers. Green Bowls. Queen Anne, Gate­ Tables, Wooden Clamps. Elegant Fakes, Aztec Drum, GOut Stool, Two Tools, Measur· Leg Table, Turning Conference, Stroke Sander, Furnirure Plans. ing Moisture. The Flageolet. Young Americans. Fall 1976, Number 4 Winter 1977, Number 9 Cabinetmaker's Notebook, Water and Wood, Hidden Beds, Exotic Woods. Veneer. Repair and Restoration, Designing for Dining, Tall Chests. Entry Doors. The Right Way Tackling Carving, Market Talk, Abstract Sculptures from Found Wood, Workbench. to Hang a Door, Drawer Bottoms. School Shop. Health Hazards in Woodworking, Basic Ornamental Turning, Heat Treating, Mosaic Rosettes, Shaped Tambours, Buckeye Carv· Blacksmithing, Carving Cornucopia. Carving Lab. Routed Edge Joint. Shaker Round ings, Hardwood Sources. Stand, Cutting Corners. Small Turned Boxes. Unhinged. Winter 1976, Number 5 Spring 1978, Number 10 Stacking, Design Considerations. Keysrone Carvers. Carcase Construction, Dealing Two New Schools, Wooden Clockworks, Hammer Veneering, Claw and Ball Feet, Block­ With Plywood, Patch-Pad Cutting, Drying Wood. Gothic Tracery. Measured Drawings, Front Transformed, Hot-Pipe Bending, Furniture Galleries, A Two-Way Hinge, lami­ Wood Invitational. Guitar Joinery. The Bowl Gouge. English Treen, Shaper Knives. nated Turnings, Chain-Saw Carving, Circular Saws, Louvered Doors, Small Workbench. To order the back issues or the first Biennial Design Book, send us your name, address and payment along with a list of what you want. Each back issue is $2.50 postpaid. The first Biennial Design Book is $8.00 postpaid. Connecticut residents add 7% sales tax. Make your payments to the Taunton Press, Inc. and send to the address below. 1be ThlUlton ltess,52 Church Hill Road, Box 355A, Newtown, CT 06470 2 Publisher Paul Roman Editor John Kelsey Art Director Fine Roger Barnes Contributing Editors Tage Frid R. Bruce Hoadley WqqQWorking Alastair A. Stair Consulting Editors George Frank, A. W. Marlow Summer 1978, Number 11 Assistant Editors Ruth Dobsevage Patrick). O'Connor Production DEPARTMENTS JoAnn Muir, Manager Barbara Hannah, Darkroom letters Nancy Knapp, Typesetting 4 Methods of Work Advertising 16 Janice A. Roman, Manager Questions & Answers Lois Beck, Vivian Dorman 22 Advertising Representative Books Granville M. Fillmore 28 Addenda, Errata Promotion Director 34 Philip Truitt Events 37 Marketing Representative The Woodcraft Scene by Stanley N. Wellborn: Harpsichords John Grudzien 38 Subscriptions Tage Frid: Tool Cabinets Carole E. Ando, Manager 80 Gloria Carson, Cathy Kach Editor's Notebook : Sitka spruce, French antiques, carving gouges Nancy Schoch 82 Sources of Supply : Schools and tools Mailroom 83 Viney Merrill ARTICLES Business Manager Irene Arfaras Spinning Wheels by Bud Kronenberg: The flyer / bobbin is tricky to make Co"espondents 40 Carol Bohdan, David Landen American Woodcarvers by Roger Barnes: Traditional distinction is blurred John Makepeace, Alan Marks 47 Jim Richey, Rosanne Somerson Drawers by Adrian C. van Draanen: Logical assembly ensures proper fit Richard Starr, Colin Tipping 50 Stanley N. Wellborn Turning Spalted Wood by Mark Lindquist: Sanders, grinders ar e the key 54 Illustrators Scratch Beader by Henry T. Kramer : Simple tool makes intricate moldings Christopher Clapp, Joe Esposito 60 Stan Tkaczuk leather on Wood by Sandy Cohen: How to inlay it and tool it with gold 61 Notes on Finishing by Ian Kirby: Avoid the unseemly rush to glue up 64 Building Green by David Adamusko: Native oak and pine shrink in place 68 Parsons Tables by C. Edward Moore: Building and veneering them 70 Hanging a Door by Willis N. Ryan III: Another way to get it right 74 Pencil Gauges by Percy W. Blandford: A bag of tricks for marking wood 76 Dulcimer Peg Box by Stanley Hess: Designer proposes one-sided solution 77 Tiny Tools 84 Cover: Bowl turned from spalted wood, and the block from which it came. The de tatl photo above was taken before turning. The Fine Woodworking is published quarterly, March, June, Scplt�mber and December, by The Taunton Press. Inc., delicate black network of zone lines marks Newtown, CT 06470, Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid al Newtown, cr 06470 and additional mail­ ing offices. Postal Service Publication Number 105190. Copyright 1978 by The Taunton Press. Inc. No reproduction the seasonal advance of van'ous fu ngi in the without permission of The Taunton Press. Inc. ISSN 0361· 3453. SlIhscnplion rales: United States and posses ions. $ 12 for de caying wood. Such beauty has a pn'ce: one year, $22 for two years; Canada. $14 for one year. $26 for twO years (in U.S. dollars. please); other countries. $15 for one yea.r, $28 for two years (in U.S. dollars. please). Single copy. $2.50. For single copies outside U.S. and possessions. add The de nsity of this wood van'es so much that 25< postage per issue. Send to Subscription Dept.. The Taunton Press. PO Box 355. ew(Own. CT 06470��United tl is all but impossible to tum by conven­ Kingdom. L7. 50 for one year, payable to The Taunton Press. clo National Westminster Bank. PO Box 34. 15 Bishopsgate. tional methods. An unconventional ap ­ London. EC2P 2AP. Address all co"espondence to the appropriate department (Subscription. Editorial or Advertising). The Taunton Press. 52(0 Church Hill Road. PO Box 355. cw(Own. CT 06470. Poslmaster: Send notice of undelivered proach is explained on page 54. copies on Form 3579 The Taunton Press. PO Box 355. Newtown, CT 06470. 3 __________________________________ mTTERs To our readers: tions are, using Hewitt's notation: I'm pleased to announce that Fine Woodworking will be Bevel Angle a= arcsin [sin a sin 1 published six times a year instead of four , beginning with our W next issue, Sept. '78 (No. 12). Many readers have been asking Miter Angle b = arctan [cos a tan 1 for more frequent publication ever since the magazine began where a = the angle between the side of theW object and the in late 1975. But we waited until we were sure we could find table, and N= number of sides (or staves) . enough good articles to increase our editorial content a fu ll To illustrate the error of the approximation, consider a 50% with absolutely no loss in quality. The number of wood­ fo= ur -sided object, with a = 60°. By Hewitt's equations, workers who wish to wr ite about what they do and how they a = 39.0° and b= 22Y. By my equations, a= 37.8° and do it continues to astonish us, and because we'll be able to b 26.6°, for a difference of 1 T and 4.1° respectively. For a cover more diverse topics in even greater detail, we're now large number N the approximation may suffice, but perhaps sure that publishing more pages per year will make a better the difference between the two accounts at least in part for magazine. Of course, we'll continue to use our present high­ Hewitt's statement that, "One stave may have to be adjusted quality paper and pr inting. to make all the joints close tightly ..." The above equations Henceforth, we'll be mailing Fine Woodworking in Sep­ work for all cases of a between and including 0° and 90°. tember , November, January, March, May and July. -}. Paul Fennell, Topsfi'eld, Mass. To offset in part the cost of more issues, our U.S. subscrip­ tion price has gone up from $9 a year to $12 a year , and to ...John Lor d in his ar ticle on "Wooden Clockworks" $22 for a two-year subscription. The Canadian rate is $14 a (Spring '78. pp. 44-51) should be commended on his treat­ year in U.S. dollars. For all other countries, a one-year sub­ ment of the subject.
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