Modèle Pour La Frappe Des Rapports Parlementaires
N° 674 SENATE 2011-2012 SPECIAL SESSION Appendix to the minutes of the session of the July 17, 2012 INFORMATION REPORT done on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces of the French Senate, on behalf of the Working Group on maritimisation, By Mr. Jeanny LORGEOUX and Mr. André TRILLARD, co-presidents, Mr. René BEAUMONT, Mr. Michel BOUTANT, Mr. Joël GUERRIAU and Mr. Philippe PAUL, Senators. (1) This committee is composed of : Mr. Jean-Louis Carrère, president ; Mr. Didier Boulaud, Mr. Christian Cambon, Mr. Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Mr. Robert del Picchia, Ms Josette Durrieu, Mr. Jacques Gautier, Mr. Robert Hue, Mr. Xavier Pintat, Mr. Yves Pozzo di Borgo, Mr. Daniel Reiner, vice-presidents ; Ms Leila Aïchi, Ms.Hélène Conway Mouret, Ms. Joëlle Garriaud- Maylam, Mr. Gilbert Roger, Mr. André Trillard, secretairies ; Mr. Pierre André, Mr. Bertrand Auban, Mr. Jean-Michel Baylet, Mr. René Beaumont, Mr. Pierre Bernard-Reymond, Mr. Jacques Berthou, Mr. Jean Besson, Mr. Michel Billout, Mr. Jean-Marie Bockel, Mr. Michel Boutant, Mr. Jean-Pierre Cantegrit, Mr. Pierre Charon, Mr. Marcel-Pierre Cléach, Mr. Raymond Couderc, Mr. Jean-Pierre Demerliat, Ms Michelle Demessine, Mr. André Dulait, Mr. Hubert Falco, Mr. Jean-Paul Fournier, Mr. Pierre Frogier, Mr. Jacques Gillot, Ms Nathalie Goulet, Mr. Alain Gournac, Mr. Jean-Noël Guérini, Mr. Joël Guerriau, Mr. Gérard Larcher, Mr. Robert Laufoaulu, Mr. Jeanny Lorgeoux, Mr. Rachel Mazuir, Mr. Christian Namy, Mr. Alain Néri, Mr. Jean-Marc Pastor, Mr. Philippe Paul, Mr. Jean-Claude Peyronnet, Mr. Bernard Piras, Mr. Christian Poncelet, Mr. Roland Povinelli, Mr. Jean- Pierre Raffarin, Mr.
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