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N° 674 SENATE 2011-2012 SPECIAL SESSION Appendix to the minutes of the session of the July 17, 2012 INFORMATION REPORT done on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces of the French Senate, on behalf of the Working Group on maritimisation, By Mr. Jeanny LORGEOUX and Mr. André TRILLARD, co-presidents, Mr. René BEAUMONT, Mr. Michel BOUTANT, Mr. Joël GUERRIAU and Mr. Philippe PAUL, Senators. (1) This committee is composed of : Mr. Jean-Louis Carrère, president ; Mr. Didier Boulaud, Mr. Christian Cambon, Mr. Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Mr. Robert del Picchia, Ms Josette Durrieu, Mr. Jacques Gautier, Mr. Robert Hue, Mr. Xavier Pintat, Mr. Yves Pozzo di Borgo, Mr. Daniel Reiner, vice-presidents ; Ms Leila Aïchi, Ms.Hélène Conway Mouret, Ms. Joëlle Garriaud- Maylam, Mr. Gilbert Roger, Mr. André Trillard, secretairies ; Mr. Pierre André, Mr. Bertrand Auban, Mr. Jean-Michel Baylet, Mr. René Beaumont, Mr. Pierre Bernard-Reymond, Mr. Jacques Berthou, Mr. Jean Besson, Mr. Michel Billout, Mr. Jean-Marie Bockel, Mr. Michel Boutant, Mr. Jean-Pierre Cantegrit, Mr. Pierre Charon, Mr. Marcel-Pierre Cléach, Mr. Raymond Couderc, Mr. Jean-Pierre Demerliat, Ms Michelle Demessine, Mr. André Dulait, Mr. Hubert Falco, Mr. Jean-Paul Fournier, Mr. Pierre Frogier, Mr. Jacques Gillot, Ms Nathalie Goulet, Mr. Alain Gournac, Mr. Jean-Noël Guérini, Mr. Joël Guerriau, Mr. Gérard Larcher, Mr. Robert Laufoaulu, Mr. Jeanny Lorgeoux, Mr. Rachel Mazuir, Mr. Christian Namy, Mr. Alain Néri, Mr. Jean-Marc Pastor, Mr. Philippe Paul, Mr. Jean-Claude Peyronnet, Mr. Bernard Piras, Mr. Christian Poncelet, Mr. Roland Povinelli, Mr. Jean- Pierre Raffarin, Mr. Jean-Claude Requier, Mr. Richard Tuheiava, Mr. André Vallini. - 2 - Translation done by Pôle langues INTRA-MARINE, the Language resource centre of INTRA-MARINE, the Association of international affairs and language specialist Navy reserve officers. Coordination: Lieutenant (Navy Reserve) Carl BOIS- Translation: Captain (NR) Richard DOBENIK - Commander (NR) Charles HICKEL- Lieutenant- Commander (NR) Yves LE GLOANNEC - Lieutenant-Commander (NR) Philippe NAHMIAS- Lieutenant (NR) Carl BOIS Lieutenant (NR) Ronan CHAUSSEPIED - Lieutenant (NR) Marc KITTEN - Lieutenant (NR) Cédric THIERY- Lieutenant (NR) - Bertrand WACHE - Sub-Lieutenant (NR) Eric ANDRE- Sub-Lieutenant (NR) Christian BERAUD - Sub-Lieutenant (NR) Stéphane PEROZ - 3 - CONTENT Pages FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 7 GLOBALISATION HAS INCREASED THE STRATEGIC RELEVANCE OF MARITIME ISSUES ....................................................................................................................................... 11 I. THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF MODERN ECONOMIES MAKES THEM PARTICULARY RELIANT ON THE FLUIDITY OF MARITIME SUPPLY ROUTES ............................... 11 A. THE GLOBALISATION OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES IS BASED ON THE FREE MOVEMENT OF MARITIME TRADE .................................................................................. 14 B. MODERN ECONOMIES ARE ALSO ESPECIALLY DEPENDENT ON OIL SUPPLIES THROUGH MARITIME ROUTES ......................................................................................... 17 II. THE DEPLETION OF NATURAL LAND RESOURCES ENHANCES THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF UNDERWATER RESOURCES .......................................................... 18 A. THE FUTURE OF OIL RESERVES IS AT SEA ..................................................................... 19 B. THE SEA ALSO STORES BIOLOGICAL AND MINERAL RESOURCES ............................. 20 C. THE SEA MAY BECOME ONE OF THE FIRST RESERVES OF RENEWABLE ENERGY .. 26 THE MARITIMISATION OF ECONOMIC ISSUES IMPLIES A ROLE AND AN INCREASED COMPETITION BETWEEN STATES AT SEA ................................................ 29 I. THIS NEW DEAL CHANGES THE GEOPOLITICAL BALANCE OF OCEANS .............. 29 A. GLOBALISATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE WILL LEAD TO A RE-DISTRIBUTION OF MARITIME TRADE ROUTES ............................................................................................... 29 1. The shifting centre of gravity of the world economy redraws maritime routes ....................... 29 2. With the climate change, new routes north of the globe place the Arctic at the heart of new strategic challenges. ............................................................................................................ 33 B. THE QUEST FOR UNDERWATER OFFSHORE RESOURCES AND DEMANDS FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF WILL LEAD TO A RESTRUCTURING OF MARITIME LIMITS .............................................................................................................. 36 1. Redefining of ownership of maritime spaces led to a redrawing of maritime boundaries and the territorialisation of the seabed. ............................................................................................ 36 2. The exploitation of resources: at the start of ever greater reliance on the sea ? .................... 41 C. THE MARITIME ECONOMY IS NOW THE SUBJECT OF INDUSTRIAL COMPETITION . 42 1. Structured markets offering an already major contribution suggest growth carriers. ............ 43 2. Emerging markets with high growth potential. ..................................................................... 44 3. An increased presence of nations at sea with an economic purpose ...................................... 45 II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THREATS AND THE INCREASED COMPETITION BETWEEN NATIONS IN THE MARITIME AREA LEAD TO AN INCREASE OF MILITARY PRESENCE AT SEA ........................................................................................ 47 - 4 - A. THE RISE OF ACTIVITIES AT SEA IS ACCOMPANIED BY RISKS AND THREATS ........ 48 1. Although still limited, terrorist acts at sea are a serious threat for the maritime traffic and national security .................................................................................................................. 48 2. The measures taken against piracy have failed to curb the phenomenon. .............................. 51 3. Maritime areas are also the theatre of an unprecedented development of criminal activity. .. 55 4. The gradual appropriation of the sea by humans is a major risk to the marine environment .. 58 B. GROWING MARITIME COMPETITION BETWEEN STATES LEADS TO AN INCREASE IN GLOBAL NAVAL CAPABILITIES. ...................................................................................... 65 1. The development of maritime economic activities leads to a growing presence of States' ‘action at sea‘ ................................................................................................................................. 66 2. Maritime competition between these countries increases the risk of inter-state conflicts ....... 67 3. With the growing risks of conflict, we are witnessing a rapid increase in emerging countries' naval capabilities at a time when traditional naval powers are struggling to renew their fleets. 72 4. The sea has become a manoeuvring space for sea to land operations .................................... 77 C. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AT SEA PUTS PRESSURE ON INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW ................................................................................... 79 FRANCE COULD BENEFIT FROM ADVANTAGE OF MARITIMISATION PROVIDED IT RETAINS THE MEANS TO SECURE ITS MARITIME ACTIVITIES .................................. 83 I. THE SEA IS A STRATEGIC, ECONOMICAL AND MAJOR POLITICAL ASSET FOR FRANCE ............................................................................................................................... 84 A. IF FRANCE HAS NOT ALWAYS TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF ITS HOMELAND SHORELINE, IT COULD BETTER VALUE ITS OVERSEAS OPEN SPACES IN THE FUTURE. .............. 84 1. A maritime territory still little valued ................................................................................... 85 a) A global maritime domain ............................................................................................... 85 b) An ill-delimited maritime territory with largely untapped resources. ................................ 88 2. A presence on the three Oceans: a major strategic asset. ..................................................... 90 3. Multiple natural resources ................................................................................................... 93 a) Important fossil resources ................................................................................................ 93 b) Real opportunities in terms of marine renewable energy................................................... 97 c) Fish stocks to preserve, aquaculture to develop. ............................................................... 100 B. FRANCE’S MARITIME INDUSTRY: AN INDUSTRY WITH HIGH GROWTH POTENTIAL 102 1. Business of excellence .......................................................................................................... 102 2. A booming sector ................................................................................................................. 104 3. A leading defence industry ................................................................................................... 104 C. MARITIME FRANCE HOWEVER SUFFERS SOME HANDICAPS. ..................................... 108 1. Vulnerable supply routes ..................................................................................................... 108 2. The inadequacy of port infrastructure