PIRSPIC. 'FATHER OF PHYSICAL PHARMACY' - ~ ~ ~~ . ~ Jerrv TITLE BESTOWED ON NISEI PROF • Enomoto lI! Dr, Higuchi Taught for 20 Yea .. at Wilconsln ~ CITIZEN rI) Now Head of Own Dep",tment at Kanlas Uni", PACIFIC ': I'OLlTICAL F'RO 'T M.mb",hlP Publlc"I,,: J.p.. u. Am"I"" Cltt."" Lt ...., uS W,IJ., St., lo, A,v.I", CI 90012 (213) MA ',4471 LA WRENCE, K.n, For the 50,000 III ,'ese.,'ch ~,.. n I. \\'('~k!i pl ' O~ 'ubll,h.d Wookll (mpl L.II If tho Yel{ -~ . CI," , ..I>V' "id .1 lo. A",.I .., CllH. Tht ret'ent hnvt post h.1I yeat". Dr. Takeru HI• from dl'uS! companies. 1'1"" 'duced some exciting and sur .. ~uchl , ~9, DUl'ing his 20 ~'eal ' ~ teach• prisin~ has been tcaching developmenls On t h • and working with his 15 grad• Inlt a t Wi sconsin , Higuchi h .. VOL. 66 NO, III FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1968 Edit/ Bus. Office: MA 45·69345 TEN CENTS poUticol Crolll. Candidates fOl' helped 100 .tudents .am doc• ottice have comE' and gone on \tate s i \I den l s at the nt'w 160,000 Kansas University t01'ate degrees. He hope~ to the Prcstd~nfi81 scene wUh "eseR-l'ch facility here on the cql1 al lh~ number whl1e at ~omcfim(' s shocking impact. efficiency of transfer o( bulk KU. All this brings an early fore• d l'Y chemicals to the site of cast of the many facoted pic• RCJl:cllt~ Professor CO·EXISTENCE OR ANNIHILATION, tUre that \ III face us all come dl'ug action in the human body. He is the .second Regen ~ election time, Rcgardless of Specificnlly, Ih€' 49-~ 'eA l ' -01d proCessor, authorized by the P81't~ · athHation. every re• stille legislature In 1963 as the SA YS SEN. INOUYE IN PEACE TALK i~ inlCl'~ s ted span ible Am("Tiea n \ ill nol Nisei pl'o!es..o;or in " drug transCel' s.ystems'·-Iab· hi~he s l teaching rank in Ih. fmd it easy to evaluate the slate. A Regents pl'oressol"~ stands of candidales on thc leis, capsules, pills, solutions 'We Can't Ignore Red China: Nisei Solon and ointments - as well as regulal' salary is supplement• major and tough issues of the ed (rom special runds avail• Declares Durin, World Understandin, Week day. possible changes which may take place in dJ'll):!'S duc to Able to lhe KansA. Board of ,JACL chaplers h a v e • light, heal, contRc t wilh other Regents. HONOLULU - World peace in Warsaw, Poland, Most of SpOI\~ I{olden opportunity to dru.[(s and variou.5 other {ac• He will I'emaln active in lhe can be attained only wben these meetings have been cold SOl' either independently. 01' in tors; Academy of Pharmaceutical there I. mutual under.tanding and Cormal, but the encour• concert with other communi• This study generally in• Sciences. R national organiza• among tbe United States, Rus• aging tact i. that we have ty groupS, publlc information volving chemistry and phar• tion or which he b past pres• sia and Red China, U.S. Sen. met," Inouye said. programs 101' theil' members. macy has merited 01'. Higu• ident. Daniel K. Inouye declared "Today mail i. allowed to Such programs might fcature chi, who was bOI'1l ill Los Al • Living he l'e since July at during the West Honolulu Ro• move to and from Ohina.1I candidates, 01" panels, forums, los, Calir., the tille of " fnther 281 1 Schwarz Rd ., he is mar• tary C I u b observance ot He said, howe v e r, that etc. wbere local. stale and na• of physical pharmacy" and a ried and has four children: World Understanding Week American offers lor an ex• tional issues may be discussed Regents professorship. Mar. 22. change of physicians. agricul• by intormed people. Ce,·tain• Kenji, 23, dental student At Mat'queUe: .T u n j i , 20, and "We can no longer ignOl'e turists, publJc health experts, ly the meat is there [or en• Honorary Do torate Chic, 18, both KU student.; China," he sa id. "Every fourth and college prolessors and richment ol chapter program, He was also conferred an child born in the world is students have been rejected. if our leadership wants to and Peter 10. honorary Doctor of Science born in China. Every year the work. degree by the Univ. of Michi• Russ RelatioDS Again, JACL being a .. on• population increases by 15 gan a t ils Octobcr, 1967, Con• million, and it is estimated Communication with Russia partisan organization cannot 1 vocation since his efforts and that by the year 2000 there 15 expanding in many ways. and should not, endorse can• influence in pharmaceutciaJ Reagan allers his will be over one billion Chi• Inouye said. didates, or partisan political education, research and indus• "Daily flights between Mos• issues. Lel us be very sure. nese." try has resulted in Us revolu• Althougb Westerners are cow and Wasbington will soon however. that we do not turn tion unprecedented in our be commonplace and all signa our backs on the socialissucs Stand, would velo dependent on second-hand in• century". STOCKTON CABINET- Insta lled dur• back-Tsugio Kubota, del.; George Ma• formation for most ot what point to an inevitable inva• which demand OUf backing, Higuchi, now in his 21st sion of the Soviet Union by regardless of who is, or is ing Stockton JACL's 34th annual din• tsumoto, past pres. ; Mitzie Baba, sec.; they know of China today, he year of teaching, leH his post ner were the 1968 board members and George Baba, del. Judge Bill Dozier said, all sources agree that the many more thousands of af• nol., supporting them. At the as the Edward Kremer's Pro• housing act repeal fluent American tourists." he same time let us make it our (from left): front-James Tanji, V.p.; installed the officers Feb. 18. physical 11 v i n g conditions fessor of Pharmacy at Wi s• there are improved vasUy. said. business to know who our consin University to accept SACRAJI>LENTO - A radical Gary Hagio, pres.; Tets Ka to, treas.; - PC Photo by Ri chard S. Yoshikawa. IIIn recent years we have public figures are, who con• the KU appointment last Aug• departure fTo m earlier posi• Gains In Science concluded a test ban treaty sistently can be (ound on the ust. He graduated (rom UC tions, Gov. Reagan last week China a]so is moving ahead with the Soviet Union and an side of justice and fair play Berkeley in chemistry and declared he \Vould veto any in the scientific field, as is agreement banning nuclear in the treatment of minority from Wisconsin wilh a Ph.D. outright repeal of the Rum• weapons in out space. and disadvantaged Americans. shown by their having bullt in organk chemistry. ford Fair Housing Act should Sakura Festival draws big and tested a thermonuclear II A consular treaty provided bove aU let us. as individ• He is consultant for the Na• It come belore him and would bomb, Inouye said. for more diplomatic represen• ual Americans, make our tional Institutes of Health and oppose a new initiative move "Coex istence used to be an tation in each country. W. opinif'ns count at the polls. va r i 0 u s drug firms and Lo eliminate it. By BOWARD M. lJItAZEKl Francisco Buddhist Church "Radio New Japan," who so• evil word in this country." he have had a 'bot line' between brought to KU two $25,000 ltokubel Malnlc.hl En,lIsh Editor (headed by Susumu S ai ki) lor licited ads, Hokubei Mainichl Washington and Moscow for H' think the unthinkable and seeking contact and correction Francisco. Thank God! (ll worth of publicity. relations has opened the win• tion to a bid for a positive sion members and staff di• grand parade was held. speak the on speakable. With dows on the West, and the of these tbings and believe started to rain Sunday nigh ~ The Cherry Blossom Fes• historical image, by quitting rectors of (he 32 city and Although the linal account• the war in Vietnam we find Russian people like what they me ... they have got some and the sb'eets were stin wet tival was good for everyone while he stiU had something county human relations com• ing is yet to be made, it has it difficult to consider the es• see. Soviet intellectuals are just grievances.'· Monday morning). concerned. It went along left to salvage. miSSions. along with civil probably cost about $10,000 to tablishment of diplomatic re• demanding more freedom 01 I prefer to see his action rights leaders, will meet in During the 1967 Legislature, ~tage Ihis first annual [esti• Hokubei Mainiehi w • s smoothly despite the fact tbat lations with Red Cbina, but expression and more material as an unselfish denial of selt the first Governor's Confer• Reagan favored serious modi· val. Of this amount, $3,500 deeply involved In this first it was our first attempt and we must prepare ourselves for fruits from lbe Soviet .ociety. annual community endeavor. the committee people who in the interest of his country. ence ot Human Relations fication of the Fair Housing was turned over to the fes• that day. HAs Soviet affluence in• My personal view was that Commissions here at EJ Mira• Act and indicated he would tival committee by the S.F . With the assistance of the planned it were not lhorough• " We must also consider the creases, the world Communist he was far from dead politic• dor Holel April 26. accept repeal. Several mea• Convention and Vis i to r s Ai zawa Associates, which did ly experienced in this sort of problems of our friends and movement will lose even more ally, and he certainly had Jerry Enomoto. national sures have been introduced Bureau as subsidy [or stree l the layout and art work, and community endeavor on such allies in Formosa!' o! its ideological thrust." earned the right to seek re• J ACL president, will join six in the 1968 legislature seek• decorations. The rest of the Christopber Hirose o{ the a grand scale. CommunicatioDs Unity Dlffloult election, the controversies others in the 3:45 p.m. panel ing repeal o{ lbe housing act. money came from selling ad• Terry Iwasaki, sponsored around his Vietnam policy to on "How Local Commissions HI still stand with my be• vertising space in the festival by the San Francisco Nikkei He spoke o{ lbe small steps The Sino'Soviet dilierenCl!l! the contrary not withstanding. Can Work with Civil Rigbts liel that there are corrections Souvenir Booklet. Although Nisei hockey star wins Lions, reigned as Cherry taken in communications be• and olber fragmentatlon of I note this very appropriate Groups." C. L. Dellums, FE• and modifications needed,,· he there were some outright do• Blossom .festival queen. Diane tween the United States and party views make it difficult excerpt from tbe editorial of PC commissioner and vice said, "but Fd rather see a nations (perhaps 300 doUars), AII·American honors Nakamitsu of San Mateo and China, and 01 the breakdown to mobilize worldwide Com• the Washingion Post, "The Miyo Ota o( San Francisco in other attempts. president of the Brotherhood start with the modification the entire expenses involved (Special to Pacific Citizen) munist unity, Inouye said. verdict of history remains to ol Sleeping Car Porters, will than to tear down the symbol were covered by income from were first. and second run• " We have a history of over "Revolutionary movements be written upon an admin• be moderator. because of a danger of some• book lei advertising and seil• BOSTON - Herb Wakabaya• ners-up in the field of nine 130 meetings between Amer• are still with us in variou8 shi o( Boston University. who ican and Chinese ambassadors Istration that has attacked lbe Other panelists include: thing to put in its place. ing the booklet ilsel!. candidates. parts ot the world, but they l ocia] and racial problems of led t he nation among sopho• Mrs. Virna Canson. NAA• " ] f ran k 1 Y admit J was Festival \Vorkers now tend to relate more to America with skin and vigor mores in scoring, was named lbe local scene and to exploit CP; Frank G. Sanchez, Mexi• greaUy impressed to find out to the 1968 All-America team Americans need wait no can American Political Assn.; how much of a symbol this is The grand success ot the local opportunities." he said. longer, however. to conclude lestival was due largely to the by the 'u.S. College Hockey These connicts, and others, Mrs. Juanita Dudley. Urban in many areas, and I think coaches lhis past week. Therapeutic use of marijuana upheld that the man who spoke to League, asst. Western Region• anything that is done must intensive pla nning and hard cause many Americans to lose tnem last night is a man who a] Director; Martin Gang, certainly be done with full work put In by members ot Waky, a 5-5, I 50-pounder hope for eventual peace, he greatly loves his country and American Jewish Committee; communication w ith the s e the festival committee, head• from Cha(ham, ant., scored by Nisei psychiatrist at MD meeting said. who deeply cherishes its and David Risling, Calif. people." ed by Hisao Inouye of t h • 43 points on 24 goals and 19 "Nevertheless," Inouye said. unity." Japanese Chambe,' o( Com• assists th is season and is now "I appear before you tonight League lor American Indians. Reagan held closed - door It seems to me thai a lot merce, and the other organi• 11th on the aU-Ume BU scor• SAN FRANCISCO - It is not to maintain its status as a to say that I believe - and 01 people have forgotten, a lot The full-scale program executive session on racial zations involved: JACL for ing list. His older brother Mel medicinal agent. tor such pur• most of my Senate colleagues F riday wiU include an address true that marijuana has no too quickly the tremendous tension April 2 with mayors the Queen contest. Nichibei starred at Michigan State and believe-lbat world peace and by Gov. Reagan, Lt. Gov. therapeutic uses, a San Fran• poses as it now has. strides in the area of human or their representatives from Kai and Minyo (folk song) was also an ALI-American human understanding is witb• Finch as luncheon speaker, 15 Cali fornia cities and de• cisco psychiatrist told a Cal• "There is a possibility that. betterment taken under the group for the paJ'ade, San hockey player. ifornia Medical Assn. meeting a re - study of the drug by in lbe realm of possibility .. and two other panels entitled: scribed it as IfveTy fruitful" President's leadership. The on drug abuse hel'e Mar. 25, mod ern means may show a goal capable ot human at• brief, but memorable, audi• "Public Programs for Com• . "There is no question but tainment" -The Advertiser. munity Servicell and "P ro• that the threat 01 riot in the according to Gorge Dusheck, other advantages to be de· ence we had with hi.m last San F rancisco Examiner sci• rived from it .. :' summer now somehow seems grams and Projecls of Local cities hangs over California Commissions." as well as other parts ot the Grass will be greener at EOC Center r ence writer. No Restudy Jltad. to be remembered with a little On the contrary, reported John Anson Ford, longtime nation." added pride. Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, now in That restudy has n eve r Los Angeles County Super• JACl Deadlines (Secretary of State F rank private pi'acUce but last year been done. Dr. Mikuriya com• IMPRESSlVE visor and state FEPC commis• Jordan last week approved thanks to efforts of San Jose Juniors a researcher at the National plained - federal and state sioner, will address the pl'e• SmaU happenings some• the Utle for circulating peti• Institute o! Mental Healtb, laws are so restrictive that it ti~~~ 11 ~~;-~f~~~t s o~ro~pe~,~i conference dinner Thursday, times leave big impressions. ] tions to have 325, 173 signa• By GERRY JltITSUNAGA Plans are also wlderway to Chevy Chase, Maryland. is virtually impossible to ~ll~~;en;~r a~~Ju~f:~~~,;;~nslder. April 25, reflecting on tures by June 27 to qualify a was touched by a letter in initiate a maintenance pro• During the 19th centw'y il carry out research w ith mari• " Founding the First Huma n referendum to rep e a 1 the SAN JOSE - A lawn was April I:>-For items from OJ ... Nihongo from an Issei in Los gram. consisting of a res• was widely used as a sedative juana. place.~ Relations Commission in Cali• Rumford Fair Housing Act. lt planted at the EOC Youth \rict CounciLs to be on Angeles who sent me a check idence and outside groups and plain-killer by American He urged that a central National C 0 u n c: I 1 preUmmary fornia." is sponsored by Bruce Stevens Center, 2070 Alum Rock Ave., for $5 for JACL membership. participating in monthly proj• phYSicians, who sometimes source of the synthetic sub• :~:n~~n~~~~lt~~s wa~~re in~~1:~~ 01 Lynwood.) on April 7 lhanks lo the ef• Along wilh lbe check, he Robert J . Keyes, assistant to ects-such as the lawn-plant• preferred it to opium and its stance, tetrahydrocannabinols. the Governor on Community forts of the San Jose Jr. JA• in e(fort by the Jr. JACLers. May J-For District finalists for apologized for being laie in derivatives because marijuana and a large quantity of dried ~ACvJAL Summer FellOW ship!! aending it. Relations, is conference chair- CLers with guidance and as• More help will be appreci• js sater and non-addictive. marijuana plant be kept at to be submitted to Nallonal Head· man. Detroit suburb passes sistance [rom the San Jose ated. Contact any of the cen• the NIMH's Drug Abuse Re• quarte.rs. OUR THANKS Ga_r deners Assn. and the nurs• Dr. Mikuriya combed the ter workers, Maureen Hutter, medical literature of the past search Center and given to May U-Natlonal JACL Euay open housing ordinance eries in the area. Tim Osmer or Wilmer Stoder, qualified investigators to stu• Contest entries. po.tmarked by To James Michener for The gardeners provided loking for re-terences to mari• :!.'!nl~~byM~ir~~ay~~rllt~1 ~~ Canadian Buddhists at 258-0871. dy Oil human subjects. the second year gift 01 $1,000 DETROIT - The Detroii sub• both professional know· how juana. 3rd . St.. San Jose. CaiJ. 95112. from the Readers Dig est urb ot Birmingham, Mich., and equipment, the nurseries He round Ihat American If doc tor s and laymen i-:!~~: ; .: "~~~~oH~~~~e ::t'w::~ Foundation, in recognition oC name Nisei bishop would get over their irration• which has only one Negro donated seed and plants. doctors used it Lor old people 16 and 21; 800·1.000 words typed JACL being named as a fa• f ami 1 y, approved an open who could not sleep at night, al tears, he said it migbt turn double-.spaced on elUerhead SlZe WINNIPEG - Rev. Newton For the past year, several paper. vorite charity by Mr. Mich• [shiura, resident minister at housing ordiniince in a refer• for women with pain during out thal marijuana was just Jr. JACLers have been volun• the thing to give to old ladies ~Ilne 21_Nomlnatfons from DlI" ener, who serves on the Read- Toronto Buddhist Church, was endum April 2. menstration, for migraine teering their time in helping in nursing homes, to arthri• tnct Councib lor natlonaJ JACL (Continued on Page 6) unanimously elected the fi1'st The vote in the cit Y of the center, operaled by the headache and for the terrible officers submitted to Mrs. Lib' Lace pain called t ie doulo• tics to alcoholics, and olber Okura. 2604 Garden Rd. , Omaha. bishop of the 1l u d d hi s t 27,000 was 4,205 to 3,822, a local Catholic Social Service peo~le Neb. 68124 turnou t of more than hal1 the reaux. tToubled by cbronic Churches of Canada by some for tbe Economic Opportunity pain. insomnia and anxiety, 24 ministers and laymen at 13,000 registered voters in an oIulv I-For iteml to be placed 1968 Officers Commission of Santa Clara Used as Medicine he said. on Nationa.1 Council tinal .,enda. its 11th Assembly bere Feb. April election which election County. He noted that when, in 19- He does not advocate wide~ oIuly 1- Se1ecl.fon or di.trJct NO. CALIF.-W. NEV. DYC 24. olicials said usually aUracts champions tor National .1ACL Located in a minorily-po• 31, the American Medical spread use without [urther Ben Matsuura. chmn.; Cheryl only about 1,300 volers. pulated area in lhe lower Oratorical Contest; COry of speech: Kunlbe. V.C.; Sandi Tsunekawa, Assn. was asked to testify be• study but he feels it is time :1~ebJi~ ~~f:.!~h~~~!~~a ,· ~ Eastside of San Jose. the cen• [ec sec.: Ron Morlka.wa. treas.; fore lbe Congress on the bill to get on witb tbat study. Lyndale, San JOle, CaUl. 851%'1. i~~\~~\V!~ ena t~U~ep .~ e1~ra~ln~~~ IN THIS ISSUE ter was organized to have its (eventually adopted) to out• dlst comln. Michigan real estate neighbors involved with com• law marijuana, the AMA said, • GENERAL NEWS munity alIairs. ]n their quiet M ILWAUKEE JACL Coexistence or annihilation. says in part: "Heritage for the Future" Sen. Inouye at World Under~ firms can't discriminate and unassuming way, the cen- K Henry Date. pres.: Ken 1'e ~ slondlng Week event; "Father "Cannabis" . . . the Latin ramura. V.P.i Roy Mukai, Yuta ka ter has become an interested Kuge. memb.: Mrs. Marty Suya• ~~ p~ rs~falpio?:~~~CY~~ tl~ea~~ ~ LANSING - The Micbigan and concerned member of the name for marijuana . . . "at 20th Biennial ma. Mrs. Ruth Mfkami, ~ ec .; Ju• Unlversltr; Sakura F est I va l Supreme Court ruled that a community. the present time is slightly lius F'uJlhira. treas.: Eddie Jono~ draws bJ : Gov. Reagan won'l used for medicinal purposes kuch!. 1000 Club; Mrs LUy Kata~ veto Rumlord Ad repeal .... 1 real estate firm must treat all oka. hlst.: Jim Miyazaki. Lynn members of the public alike Althougb progress has been but it would seem worthwhile National JACL Weihe. Charles Matsumoto, bd. • JACl~-CHAPTERS mcmbfl. : Allan HIda. scho.; Naml ProgTessive Westside commended regarding the sale of housing. slow, mainly because of build- Shlo. youfh as "doing est" chapter ..•••••.. " ing reconstruction problems, The 5-3 ruling o! April 1 the center has formed a mO• Ci"il Se",ice Act Convention SACnAMHNTO JACL • COLUMNISTS Enomoto: Political Front. in favor of the State Civil thers' group, a pre-school pro• Assassination 01 President '1'010 Fujimoto. pres.; Akin Mu~ ~~~~~~a~T~~IS~r~~nd. Rights Commission, who s e gram for children, a sewing FESTIVAL - Dr. Minoru raok •. 1st v.p.; Percy Mosa.kl. 2nd Masuda, Univ. of Washing• Garfield in 1881 by a dis• AUG, 21-24, 1968-SAN JOSE v.p Imemb.); Mrs. Grace Kanat. HoUa: Rtcoco. finding that a reaII¥ firm dis- circle. There is also a drop-in appointed office seeker mobi• ~!~ .: v ~ 'e ?aO r~h)~l~~~~~ . Al;!~~~: Kumamoto: Yesterda',s Tomorrow. criminated against a Negro by recreation program, a discus• ton research assistant pro• Mat~ul: Grun Power. lized American public opinion Alan Oshima. 1000 Club; WUllam Gima: World Under s tandln~ refusing to sell a house to him sion group for 7th and 8th fessor, is chairman of against the spoils sy.tem and Matsumoto. del.; Dr. George Taka· By the Board: Grant ShlmlZu was challenged in a suit, in graders and a Saturday sculp• Weeks Remain Until huht. aU de-I . MarutanJ: The Flypaper. Seattle's first Japanese Cul• adoption ot the Pendleton Act Oyama: Wrlght'5 Imperial HoleJ. effect upheld the aulbority of ture class. tural Festival to be held in 1883, which established a Convention Time SACJL.\MEN'IO JACL Henry: FalUn" Cherry Blos.soms. the commission to hear com- ______20 AUXILIARY bipartisan civil aervice COM• Beekman: " Emperor and the Gen· plainl.\ 0{ racial discrimina' July 12-14 at Seattle Cen• Mrs, DorJs Kobaya.shJ, chmn.: eral". miEGIl. Mr~ . M .... uml (':nl Ir"", V- "d',,: A rnnfr(\nt.Unn NP'Xt tion in housing-. Join the JACL ter. 2-'ACIFIC CITIIIN Business - CALENDAR OF JACL EVENTS- FrIday, April 12, 1968 Jlmml Takeuchi, onetime O~~~I\i~~~t~.~~~'f' Cincinnati JACL president, hal :::'i NEWS quoliCicd a. Certified PubUc slno:o 8~:~~k~ dr'f:nt.t "anta~ WASHINCTON NEWSLETTER: Roger Nikaido Accountant recently. Former• Dante. April 21-21 ly of PorUand and Tacoma, he mC-24 Quarterly: Snake RJVd CAPSULES I. married to Ruth Kato of JACL ho.tJ. Broderick, Calif.; they have N~~':Nfr!~CJ;;O SY:.InJActet::t.: President's Surprise Stand '-______, two .ons Steven and Ken and 8equota-Bl!'neRt movie, doughter Peggy. Steven i. at• se att1~ ~~:n ; ~ <:~e.~~ • • tending MIT on a tour-year Mt .. tr th. pollll•• 1 .urprl$•• durlDJ: the Onl three month. of Government renewable scholarship . . . JACL O:ac;'18(.vr~ . ) thl. year In any way Indicate U,e type or excitement to San Jose Savings & Loan, Sin Jose-Jr, JACL rlt •. Richard IIl1lch.n, who wa. MJoy ~ come before the November elections, veleran Washlnglon recreation director at the Mer• founded three year. ago by \ observers should be required to wear head-rests to absorb businessmen, mas t I y NiseI, P~~:>~e ;jv:rtyc:~~~ nJt~o: J;'~ ced Assembly Center In 1942, with $1.5 mJlllon capitaU,a- I ho~, Hacienda Botel. ZI 5e- lome of the .hock wav.s. was recently appOinted by Lo. tion opened Its first branch ~~:~:s~{J~3~;:!.~a~~~a~:::'! Michigan Governor George Romney has pulled out of the Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty to April at M.ilplt ••, the commu- II t ~rt. Art Show, Bustnea SH• presidential race, New York Senator Robert Kennedy an• be director of the Community nity'. first S&L orrice. Benry I alonl, Sanquet speaker: Rep. nounced his candldacy, New York Governor Nelson Rocke• Yam"le is president. i Spark Matsuna,a; Sunday• Redevelopment Agency locat• BUJlnf'Q Seulon" feller said he would nol run, and President Johnson an• ed at 617 S. Olive St. IIlasaharu Matsushita, prea- \1 May 4 (Saturday) nounced his wltbdrawai trom the presldentlal Iweepstakes. Ident, Matsushita Electric In• Arbon. - Scholarahlp Banquet" Gov. Reagan'. proposal to dustrial Co., of Japan intro• Safari Scottsdale. Mr. Johnson's March 31 announcement thai he will neither clamp a $275-a-month ceiling LonK Beach.Barbor - Tempur. duced 32 new products at a Takeout, Harbor CommunJtJ' seek nor accept renomination as the DemocraUc Parly's can• on welfare aid to families Pana.onlc ••l es meeling In Center, 4·8 p.m, didate for the Presidency has definitely been the biggest with dependent children was San Juan, Puerto Rico, for Monterey PentnsuJa-Jolnt Jr. So- surprise, so far, and bas cbanged the ball game completely. called "Inhumane, shortsight• American dealers ... Edward Cultural center drawn for D~ ~~~n ~t~pr~~~o~in~~~~~~ In withdrawing from the presidential race, Mr. Johnson ed and a return to medieval• Nagas., San Francisco de• 8:30 p.m. signer who has gained Inter• downtown Denver said his aim Is to re.tore a measure of unity to the country Ism" by Geor,e Jlf, Nl$hlnaka, national recognition for trade• S.n JO'~. SJ5,B~~~tlbul Cul- and to allow him to act, without poUtical implications and president of the Los Angeles tural Show. mark and packaging war k DENVER-Jert S. Aokl, ar• May , (Tuesday) restraints, in bringing the war In Vlelnam to a successtul chapter of the NaUon ol Assn. with his Designers World & chitectural student at Colo• g:~n£~:;~~~-::t"MJfurle conclusion. of Soclal Workers, who cited ASSOCiates, Is now established rado University, ha. proposed Pre.. The President, Indeed, deserves applause for his "self• the President's Commission on with Martel Scroggin Adver• a Japanese culturai center in cl?b~~t g~ ~U~ Cch.; ,. Lod,e, Tow• Civil Disorders recommenda• tising ... Dennis Wakabaya• sacrifice" for the good of the country. And we are hopeful . hI Is proprietor of the House lower downtown Denver In Jer, 7r1a: .. (W.ednesday) that the end of the Vietnam war will soon be In slght. How• Uon that public assistance be hIs thesis for B. Arch. degree. West Los Angeles-Chapter/ Aux'Y raised to place tamiUes above of Coin. & Import, • Denver DInner MIl'. Ponderosa Restau• ever, In examining the wt1llngness by both sides to negotiate, coin shop, who noted "Gold Plans developed by the Ur• rant, 8:30 p,m: "Llte in Atrie.'·. we must not lose sight of what this war Is ail abollt. Ho Chi the poverty level. As at now, coins sUll are readily avail• Jean-Pierre Hallet, S"pkr. Nlshlnaka said, a tamily with ban Renewal Autborlty for M.inh has intended for the Communists to take over South able, but prices are up sharp• SkyUne Project which em• Downt o~·Y L~t ~r:::rJers DIY Vietnam, and Mr. Johnson has determined they shall not. fOUl" chlldren can recelve up ly". dinner, Man .Ten Low. 6:30 p.m. to $297.25 a month. "Jf we brace. the Japanese shopping 1\18Y 11 (Saturday) U there Is to be a negotiated setUement ill 1968 over the deny the youngsters adequate area were also studied by the Cincinnati - CitizenshIp CouneU Vietnam war, one or the other must be willing to give up or Agriculture dinner· dance. Sheraton-GlbJOn• care and provision for their • on of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D.C.-Potluck supper, Cedar Len. else both must be willing to settle for a compromise. We Redwood seedlings (Sequo- AOkl' Unitarian Church, Bethesda. needs, it Is gOing to cost all Ceoc-Oratorlcal contest. Reed• sincerely hope thnt the "peace" negotiations do not follow of us much more to rehabili• I. sempervlrens) supplied by NISEI RANCHER VOTED The graduating Sansei ar• Pele Sugawara of Monte Bel• COO invited to join Jey Study & ClvJc ClubhoUM, the same pattern as those of the Korean conflict, in which tate them." chitecture student envisages 7 p.m. negoUations were beld for months while the lighting and lo Nursery, Los Altos, have Los Angeles EYOA board SANGER MAN OF YEAR the cult u r e center bum if::mm:mmm:mm:mmm:':::::5::::H:ffia killing conUnued. Architect Ray Takata was been shipped as a goodwill named to the seven-member glfl of hIs club, the Los Alto. around Nthonshoku restau• < LOS ANGELES-The Council SANGER-Robert K anagawa, rants, retail stores, a theater• Just about e,'eryone here 1$ speeulatlDJ: on the Impact of Sacramento cit y planning Rotary, to TOKYO. They re• commission, succeeding an• placed the 100 seedlings sent of Orien tal Organl,aUon. and who vowed when he returned audltorlum, a Japanese gar• the President's decision not to run th.is year, particularly on tram relocation center In 1945 pending legislation. While there are d.ilIerences of opinion, other architect William Kob• 2 'h years ago by the Peta• the Indian Centers, Inc., have den, and possibly a housing lik. The group has four archI• luma Rotary Club . . . Don that he "would win the hearts there is general agreement that as a non-candidate, Mr. development for senior citi• tect members ... George Yo• Toyoda, Corlez grower, has been invited to join the Eco• of the people of Sanger", was zen •. Denver Buddhist church 'To Serve You' Jobnson is likely to be less swayed by special pOlitical pres• sukochi was elected by teliow been named to the Cali lornia nomic and Youth Opportunl• acclaimed the Sanger Man of sures, and take a blghly statesmanlike role in his dnal months also would be desirable 10r commissioners 8S 1968 chair• Freestone Peach Assn. as di• the Year at the 44th annual tbat center. of office. man ot the Berkeley Unified rector-at-large. Ues Agency board to Imple• School District merit system men t a new congressional Chamber of Commerce dlnner The general expectaUon here Is that the President, be• recenUy. personnel commission, He has amendment requlrin~ a In• cause of the relatively few months remaining in bJs term, been a member of the com• Science A native of Sanger and ac• Part-time worken ,,~ll find it harder to win over the legislature on controversial mission since 1965 when he Dr. Tetsuya Fujita, tornado crease in the number of com• Uve In community affairs, bills. It Is believed that the main pOints of Mr. Johnson's munity agenCies represented Students wbo worked part• was appointed by the State expert .t Univ. at Chicago, Kanagawa has been a school Ume or during the summer legislative program could now be written off in accordance Superintendent of Public Tn• among Its numbers. heads the latest U.S. Environ• board member for 17 years, may have a refund coming on with the pnlitical axiom that a President's influence falls alI struction upon recommenda• mental Science Service Ad• This move came after it was currently with the San g e r sharply wben he becomes a "lame-duck". It is also bel.ieved tion of the Berkeley School lbeir 1987 Federal Income tax Board. The commission has ministration project to study declded that it would be vir• Unified School District, a past returns. It they earned less that his administration's lobbying inOuence will deterlorat~. tually Impossible to settle on jurisdiction over 500 classified photographs t a ken by the president of the Chamber of than $800 and t a xes were a ilrepresentative Neg r 0 What bas JlIr. Johnson's wilbdrawal done, tor or against, employees. ATS-3 satellite in a so-called Commerce, Grape Bowl chair• withheld from wages by their group" and a "representative the active candidates' campaigns? It has knocked the wind stationary orbit over the equa• man, and a longtime JACLer. employers, they sbould file a Mexican American group" t out of their sails. Up unlll his announcement, Senators Ken• Politics tor off the Pacific Coast to accordIng to Joe P. Maldona• retum in order to obtain a re• nedy and McCarthy bave been attacking the President on observe c lou d movemenls tund of the tax withheld from San Diego City Councilman prior to and during tornado do, executive director. his Vietnam war policy. They have since changed, and are Tom Hom (R) is a candidate AHorney General speaks their wages. now criUclzlng his domestic programs. Richard Nixon, on formation. The pro j e c t is for the California state as• stricUy researcb and pictures the other hand, has re-appraised his campaign strategy, since sembly, challenging a Demo• against subdivision bias he appeared to be the only ''hawk'' In the race. will not be available in time Join the 1000 Club cratic incumbent. for Use in existing tornado WASHINGTON - Atty. Gen. Another Inleresting change is that, for the llrst time in ~lll1i1iill1l11l11l11l11iilll11iilllllll1iiiillliilll11ii1i11 years, President Johnson is enjoying praise, and not on the So. Calli. Japanese Amer• warning systems. Ramsey Clark urged the U.S., receiving Une or sharp criticisms. Witb Johnson's "self-sacrl• Ican Republicans meet April Sacblko Batauaka, Ph.D. Supreme Court last week to S, 6:30 p.m., at the Brand.ing lice", It Is polnUess, un-patrIotic, and SOcially awkward to student in anthropology at bar developers of large sub• MikawaY8 Iron Steak House, Anaheim, Tokyo University, will live d.ivlsions from discrlminaUng go on criticizing blm. A good part of the popUlation has been Sweet Shop hooked on bate for a long time, and with President Johnson's to hear Dennls Carpenter, with the Sislmlns of New against Negroes. removal as the bater's main source ot salfsfaction, someone Republican state central com• Guinea for the next f i v e Making his first appearance 244 E. lst St. AL HATATE mittee vice-chairman, of New ... Los Angeles MA 8-4935 else Is going to have to llll the gap, Senator Kennedy, per• years to study one of the most before the high court at at• port Beach. Henry Kanegae haps? primitive tribes in the world. torney general, Clark argued Vice President will be meeting chairman, as a friend of the court ID In any <-vent. examining lbe Impact ot the President's with IIIrs. Suml Akiyama and Vital Statistics suport of Josepb Lee Jones wlthdrawai can be an endless task. Taken at face value, the IIIrs. Mary Nitta as co-hos• and his wife, Barbara, who tesses. Retired farmer Kluklchl President's re1usal to seek or accept his party's presidential Nukaya, 79, who organized charged they w ere barred nomination appears to close lbe door altogetber. However, the Idaho Falls Nlhonjin Kal from buying a home in a St. NI ..I· Owntd and Operat", should an bonorable settlement be achieved over the Vietnam Fine Arts before the war and belped es• Louis suburban tract because war before the Democratic Convention in Chlcago, It will be tablish a Japanese language Landscape arcbitect Law• J ones is a Negro (Mrs. Jones In tht Htart of Lrl Tokio hard for Mr. Johnson to refuse a unanimous invitaUon by school, died on Mar. 20. is white). rence Halprin, in 8 two-page the party leaders to complete his "Great Society" programs Mrs. TO YOD O Yamamoto, JtWtUIV statement, bllterly criticized ANT'QUItTQ toIC DtJ!tI I in a Hunited" front.. who came to the U.S. at age r u,,: .... , •• culnc. Political history abounds with examples of men wbo have the sculpture by Rutb Asawa 11 in 1897, celebrated ber Karate tournament MERIT. Lanier recently ins tailed at 100th birthday Mar. 23 at a OrIginal creations In Jad!, Pearls, bowed out only to come back on stage once more. Adlai SANTA MONICA--Demon• Stevenson, If memory serves me, renounced any pOlitical San Francisco Ghirardeill San Jose convalescent home Coral, Amber. Diamonds, Sapphlrts, SAVINGS Square as Hout of character with about 80 of ber relatives strations by masters In kara• Emeralds and Rubles. Credit Cards AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ambition after 1958. NLxon Is known to have said in 1962 In attendance. She received a Honor.d. F... Valldattd Parking. ·fthis is my last press conference". Virginia's Senator Ha.rr; with the space it is In ... at te, judo, kendo and Sal (dead• ~:'W'J'W5s,j,LOJlil~arJ~~n:- ~ the wrong scale for the plaza mesage [rom President John• SALES REP - Japan Air Byrd daUy retired, only to yield to the urgtngs of his friend •. son and the Imp e ria I Cup ly knife technique) are In• CENTURY CITY . .. and completely out of from Emperor Hirohlto. lines' first woman sales 95 Ceolury Square Pavilion character with the design In• cluded In the Black Belt Ka• Wblle the poUtical snrprtses of the llrst three months bave Zenjlro Morl, 89, of Los An• representative on the Main• rate Show April 13, 8:30 p.m., Call 277-1144 left Wa.hlnglon observers speechless, there Is very litUe tent of the square". Halpin, nm geles d.ied of heart allack land is Joyce Favorite at at tbe Civic Audltorium here. 10250 Santa Monica Blvd., l .A. doubt that more surprises are now In the making. In fact, who was the landscape archi• Mar. 29. He was the father of Bob Koga, director of the sel!• It wouldo't be surprising if new developments were to take tect for the square, is a mem• JAL's Chicago office. A r:;!!EEEE!!!E;;;!!mm!!EmmE!!E!!!!!mm!!::l Rafu Shlmpo EngUsh section defense at the L.A. Police place In the next few days whlch would dlscred.it the con• ber of the President Johnson's editor Henry Mori. native of Honolulu, she is Academy, will be among the tents of this column. Advisory Council on Historic Prot. J acobus tenBroeck, married to Ernest Favorite P reservation; while Mrs. Lan• co-author of IIPrejudice, War and they have one daugh• participants. ier was recently appOinted to and the Constitution", a bit• ter. She has been with JAL ing criticism of Evacuation, your credit union . Manhattan Echoes: Joe Oyama the San Francisco art com• died Mar. 27 of cancer at the for the past five yea rs. Support Our Advertisers mission. Tbe sculpture depicts San Francisco P resbyterian -JAL Photo. two mermaids seated more or Hospital. He was 58. WILL LOAN ON YOUR SIGNATURE Wright's Imperial Hotel less back - to - back on water lily pads. Two large tortoises Sports Los Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance Assn • $100 - ) 2 monthly payments of $8.89 • • share the pool with them with $300 - ) 2 monthly poyments of $26.6<' New York ''DON'T FORG~T YOUR many froliclUng frogs. Gen• Youngest in the seven-man - Complete Insurance Protection - fencing team competing at the $500 - 24 monthly paymenls of $23.54 When I was In Tokyo In GLASSES" eral mood expressed by the Aih.rI Inc. Agy .. Aihara·Om.tsu-Kakita, 114 5. San Pedro .. 628-9041 1963, "Mike" M.itsutaka Haya• World Youth Championships $750 - 24 monlhly paymenls of $35.30 piece is one of serenity. Said under patronage of Queen An,on Fuiioka Agy.,321 E. 2nd, Suite 500.. 626-4393 263-31109 shi, Assistant to the man2ge• H. F. Studlos referred me Mrs. Lanier: "I may not know $1000 - 24 monlhly payments of $47.07 to Mr. J . of R.R.S. Co., ad• Elizabeth II in London April Fu",koshi Ins. Agy., Funakoshi-Kagawa-Manaka-Morey ment of the famed ImperIal as much about fountains as 10-15 is Arthur Nonomura, 218 S. San Pedro ...... _ ...... 626-5277 462-7406 $1500 - 36 monthly payments of $49,82 Hotel, took me on a personal• vertising agents. Mr. J. was Halprin. But I think I know Hi,oh.t. In,. Agy .. 354 E. 151 ...... 628-1215 287-8605 looking for a Japanese man son of the Yuko Nonomuras ly conducted tour of the bo• more than he about sculp• of San Francisco ... Berke• InouYI Inc. Agy., 15029 Sylv.nwood Avo., Norw.lk...... 864-5774 242 Soulh 41h Eo.1 Slrool. Salt loko Clly, Utoh 84111 tel. "M.ike" bad studled at between 35 and 50 years old. ture," ley Cleaners defeated ABC JOI S. Illno & Co .. 318 y. E. lst 5t...... 624-0758 Columbia University where I'm over 50, but you'll do, he Nursery of Gardena, 87-82, to Tom T, Ito, 669 Del Monte, Pas.dena ...... 794-7189 681-4411 A unique collection of J a• Minoru 'Nix' Nagata, 1497 Rock Haven, Monterey Park .... 268·4554 he received his Master's de• said. Not many Japanese were win the 17th renewal at the applying for the job. panese Ukiyo - E art i. on North - South Nisei Athletic 511 .. Nakaji, 4566 Centinela Av...... _...... 391-5931 837-9150 gree in economics, and also display in the main lobby of Union AA basketbal champ• 5.10 In,. Agy., 366 E. 1st St...... 629-1425 261-6519 returned to the United States Re wanted someone to pose the Sumltomo Bank in LI'I for a photograpb for his ionship at Berkeley. The se• one year to study botel man• Tokio, including a wide va• ries had been discontinued for agement at the Waldorf• cUent so lbat he looked like riety of Hokusai pieces of the past five years. Astoria. he was think.ing about buy• landscaping and the 36 views of Fujiyama by Fugaku. A t the time, I d.idn't realize Ing Insurance. This was to ap• Entertainment that the Imperial, designed by pear In one of the nationally known magazine', Asiatic School Front Jllnko Yashlma, an Acade• Frank Lloyd Wright, was a my Award nominee last year piece of art, which s h a u I d editions. Cathy Momlt, Venice Higb for his first feature !lIm role bave been preserved for pos• I was sent over to the huge winter graduate, was class in liThe Sand Pebbles" for Get your terity and that by April of Fifth A venue studlo of K.G., valed.ictorian. An honor stu• 20th Century Fox, has design• 1968 it would be just a mem• which was painted black, dent, she 1s now a pre-law ed the sets for Vinnelle Car• ory. even the ceiling. Immed.iate• student at UCLA ... Nancy roll's production of "Slow ly, I was ushered on to a Dance on the Killing Ground" The bighlight or that per• Komal is Venice High student now playing througb May 18 Master stool, and the young camera• sonally conducted tour was body secretary, while J erry at Inner City Cultural Center, seeing tbe dramatic entrance man with a Yashiea started Icbien is senior class pres ... 1815 W. Washington Blvd., into tile hotel lobby of Yoshie taking one shot after another ident ... Van Ogami, co-cap• Los Angeles. His cousin, Akl Fujiwara with hi. entourage. without letup. This continued tain of Venice High's gym• Fujlnaml, designed the cos• Fujiwara took aU bis top hat, for about half an hour. nastic team (which won the tumes . . . Robert 110, char• Charge and beld gloves and cane In Mr. J ., the advertising Western League tiUe) , was aoter dancer with the Nation• al Ballet of Canada and per• hand, wore a black cape agent, and the camera wield· voted lbe Boy of the Year at er, ordered me to put on my forming wit h the "Flower around . his ..shou lders, and school. Drum Song" road company In • 5% per annum - ~urrent interest on 3 month. wore 10ngtaUs ... glasses, so I smiled, "Stereo• Sen. J . William Fulbright the U.S., portrays Puck In an Credit Card NOW C.rtifj~ate Had I known that the bo• t y p e1 Mr. J ." And Mr. J. (D-Ark.), after addressing Interracial presentation of Time of Deposit for $1,000.00 or laughed. Later they told me Shakespeare's "A Midsummer tel would be gone, I would the women of the Dermott Enjoy the convenience of on. card shopping,.,Master mo .... bave taken a better look ... to take It off. Chamber of Commerce I a s t Night's Dream" which opened April 11 at Inner City Cultur• Charg~ gives you one ca,d that's honored by ave, 70,OOD New York Times Architec• Look Into the camera, hold• week, went on to dedicate a Ing your glasses. Now don't al Center. establIShments throughout California. You'll receive a Interest compounded automatically at end of ture critic Ada Lows Hux• new and fully Integrated monthly statement covering your card purchases. One • table, lamented, "A total lack hold your chtn with yo u r school near Rohwer, site ot check pays everything charged via Master Charge ca,d. each 3 month perl~ffectiV8 rat. 5,094% of vision and value judgment fingers spread out, because the WRA relocation center @C!.{IIl~ You 'll have 25 days after the date on the statement In where it should have existed that means you're worried. during WW2. Which to pay-o, payments can be extended for a servica per annum when held for one year. led to the swinging of the Hold your fingers closer to• charg. of 1 '/2 % a month on the unpaid balanc •. it costs Sand.ra Kaye K 0 n Is b I , ------wrecking ball that demoUsh• gether, bunched up, like t his daughter of the Henry Konl• Acron: from Sl John', HO$ft, you noth ing to get. Master Cha,ge card. Drop in today (the pbotographer demon• 2032 Sa nUl Monla 81 .,~. ed the Frank Lloyd Wright's shis of Rocky Ford is pres• SlIIta Monlta. Ca li f. or write for an application fo,m. Your d (' pouh. Me insured to $ 15,000 srtated) right under your Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, one Ident of the Associated Wom• MarY &: GfO~t hhlnrh EX 5·4111 by the Federal DepOSit Insurd nco Corporation of lbe major works of Ameri• chin. This means you're en Students "t Colorado State can art history. th.inking. . .. JlIrs. Rlcbard M. Ota ac• tive In Denver PTA fO~ 17 THE BANK OF TOKYO "Frank Lloyd Wright's Im• Then they told me to pose Stocks Ind Bonds on li~e "The Thinker" (Rodin), years, was awarded life mem• perlai Hotel In Tokyo was an bership In the Colorado Con• ALL EXCHANGES OF CALIFORNIA extraordinary record of the so I had to slouch over the gress of Parents and Teach• coordinated architectural and stool, put my head down ers. She has held several posts IAN '''.NCIICO MAIN OHICI I e.e SUTTER STREET I 1 .. ·,2oG resting my head on m~ .I.PAN CENU ... RANCH , 1768 BUCHANAN STREET I 341·7100 decorative arts of a sIn g I e In the Denver County coun• Fred Funakoshi .AN .IDlE lUNCH I no NO. FIRST SlREET I TELEPHONE 211 ·2 4011 THE SUMITOMO BANK period, carried out In I 000 knuckles. One shot per se• cil. FAIEIHO IFIANCH I 14 51 KERN STREET I TELEPHONE 233·0511 cond, repeat. I asked, "Wby Reports and Studies LOS AHaRB "AIN O'FICE I 120 SOUTH SAN PEDRO ST. /121·23 .. OF CALIFORNIA days ot on-site work by 'one CRINSHAW IRAHCH ,3501 WEST JEFFERSON BOULEVARD /7.s1.733. • Available on Request of the great architects of all do you take so many shots of Youth GARDENA IRANCH I 11401 SOUTH WUHRN AVENUE' 321·0t02 the same pose? Is It because '''NU AHA IRANCH I 501 NORTH IoIAIN STREET I 54'·227' SAN FRANCISCO / SACRAMENTO / SAN JOSE time." RUIN~~~~~~~OH WUlERN LOS ANanD llU.NCH I <403'2 CEHTINEU AVE. /311·017. the countenance changes?" nunoio Eagle Scouts "took In its place wUl rise a new over" state elective and ap- M b N 5 k h --__c.,...... __ UO .. 'U•• OAKLAND / LOS ANGELES / CRENSHAW 17-story $S5 -mllllon, 1,000- He explained, "Attitude! Peo• pointive offices on Scout CIt- om er .Y. toe Exc ango room hotel, a memento to the ple's attitude change. You al• Izenshlp Day In February. 711 W. 7th 51., Lol AngelH GARDENA / ANAHEIM present day "conOict and so bUnk a lat." Among the scouts was Ken I MA 0-1080 dilemma ot p reservation." (Continued on Pale 8) Re ,e991,',eee'll.el",I·e.peee"·,,·e,.,, •• ~ Yamamolo ot Chicago, L-__,_. _p_h_an_e_:_AN__ I_-4_4_22 __ II------ell .., thl Oriental ExelullOll' PACIFIC CITIDN-J Acl 01 1924 AI on~ 01 the Friday. April 12, 111118 Clylc women groups appraise ethnic "mool vlclou. lorm. 01 racial Colorado community scholarships By Bill Hosokawa dl.erlminolinn." Kumamnln a~re~ d wilh may be oblaln@c\ frGm MIa minorities; Kumamoto speaks to group oth,.,r IIpPAkr-ra that "we heve ayallable; applicants bid by Aprtl 30 Yuui, 1225-20th St.-let, Dtm.• • bod I~nd.nry 10 .t... otyp~ "or 80802. Deadline I. A)r. 30, Frein the BT HENRT MORI WAf! rrillC'lIl of thol'P who pro• ('thnlr stroup,. " DENVER - Five JAplln ••• particlpale. tn Ihe I a tie r 1968. t~ ..Od cnmp l.t ~ inte~ratlnn "You mRY b .. ,urpri ••d A' AmerlrAn community ~roupl, award olIO. In addition, Mlle• W6m~n An awards banquet-danC41 LOS ANGELES - And dedRrod "there aro Iho .. )'nu wA tk dnwn LI'I Tokio cord Ina led by David H. FUru• HI JACL ,rants a $100 acho• ln~mb('n or thl'ffll rivi(' nr• will be heid at the CoIII\e• ot M ~xlran deocent who Uke Just how many of thf'ls! mer• kAwa BPI chairman, Are span.. larahip aware!. polttan Hotel June IS, and aD Frying Pan lIa"l,allon. wrro Apprl •• d 01 to l ' ~m~in In 'bArl'los' (~ h et­ rhnnlft or offiep workl!'fS have 60rinIC thf" annual communlty• the Japan... In Am.deo In Both Simpson Methodist graduates shaU be 1I\lests. All tos) but only to .tre\l~thon ActURlly not ,c(one to or leen wide "holRrship pro~r.ms lor C h u r chand the Trl- State ell~ible ~radual.s ' hould IUtI• the •• rond 01 • ..rl.. 01 th~ir cultul'RI bAck,ql'ollnd ." •J npnn. June Ilr8duAte~ . Schonl (or Community Arlinn Buddhist Church have their mit Ihelr nam.s and addr_ Denver, ('010. I'Y('t 'ou find that non• The coop.rAlin~ ~roups Rnd o 'n oeholarship programs. to receive invitations t.n David durln~ An aU-doy me.Hn. Garcia said the church !& THE ARTS-Ever since the Nisei world lost Larry l eAdin~ the WRY to eievate the Nisei would a.k how flnt Iheir represenlative. Are : John and tnterested penon ••hould H. Furukawa. 1121 S. Denver h.ld 01 WilshIre Blvd Temple CAthay Tajlri the columns of The Pacific Citizen have been Uving and educaUonat sian• and S.n Pedro St.. oompared J. Oya t commllnder, conlacl their own cburch. St. D~nver 80228. MAr. 19. 18~ Le~ion; lacking In reports and critical analyses of Japanese dud. 01 the Mexican Ameri• wllh thnt at the Ginza In PORI American Ail ..aduale, 01 Japanese The Denver-area commWll• On. 01 Ih. ollornoon speak• Tokyo." Don Tanabe, Bright.nn J apa• Americans in the arts. Larrv's work had to do with ('r~ WR~ AlAn Kuml\moto, n8· CAn. , "While w. believe in ancestry, or graduating sen .. ty-vdde ,cholarship proJl'am InlcRration, w ••1111 Ice I that nese Ampricnn A8r.n.; Rev. iors amonl( whns. famlty are i, now In its 11th year, and the world of the theatre. music and enterlainment, tlMal JACL ~'outh director. Nerro Speaker Jonolhan Fujlta, Simpson Me• ~duc.tion membtn 01 eilher Cat ha y and from II he was able to pick up a variety of fas· Hr Rave 0 brlel hl'lor)' ,,( the quam.v can come awards tolalIlng more than about II inlere.led I.ader. M... Pauline Hopkins. pres• thodist Church; Alb.rt Naka• Post or J ACL are ell~ibl. 10 $1.500 will be made at cinatlng tidbits about lisei performers. He knew each l~sei Immigrants who eRrnr ident nl Ih. Los Angel •••er• ta, Tn - SIAle Bud d hi' t u.. work hard .t it-even lhou~h apply lor scholarships. Forms ~raduales' dinner-danc@. of their professional pedigrees the way a race track to the United Slat•• at the tion, National Council 01 Ne• Church: and Harry H. Harada. tu.." 01 the century and the we lind ourselves residing In habitue knows horses. and frequently he wrote aboul cert.in sections ot the city." gro Women, who presided Mile-HI JACL. them in his Pacific Citizen column. subsequent second .nd third over the morning session, CathAY Post oHeu are the generations ot Japano,e. Li'l Tokio's Roie ,aid the heritage 01 most 01 $250 regi01181 Nisei War Me• Perhaps Joe Oyama had some of this In mind Co-spon,orln~ the "Spot• her Tact' was American. "How mori.l award .nd A $200 Ca• Il~hl Kum.moto desoribed the when he sen I along a couple of reviews from lhe New on Ihe Famn.v" serl.s else, since very few of U8 thay PORt Award. York Times about Yuriko and tIer dance company "'ere the National Council 0/ pre-w.r LI'I Tokio as pi.yin~ helpin~ h ave lived In Alrlca." Mile-Hi JACL oUers two Jewish Women, Los An~e l es a "surviv.i role" in who. on three successive Saturday nigh Is, staged ballel those Issei who were unable She said there is .n awak• $250 memorial aWArds in the performances in Manhattan. The terminology of the section: Nallo""1 Council 01 ening amon~ communlly lead• names at Harry H. SakatR and No.ro Womon and lhe Young to communicate In En~li.h. JEASTJER ballet is as uninlelligible to me as professional foot• He reminded hi. audience ers that the time is here wben LaITY S. Tallri Foundation Womens Christian Associa• m\1~t ball is to mv wife, so I shall not trv to comment on thai alien Japanese were the u we see that all races tion. being~ SUNDAY th~ reviewer's observation . However, I got the idea brunt ot hard discrimination al'e treated as hW'n.n PACIFIC SOUTHWEST thaI. generally, he thought she was pretty darned Culture P. Uerno in the early 1900s and only -no higher or lower tban the See and Hear alter World War II th.l next minority or majority good, which is understandable. The initial session was htld group," ORATORICALS MAY 4 Yuriko started 1V0rk al the Marlha Graham school on Feb. 29 At which tllne the "things became beller for ail HOLLYWOOD BOWL ot us.1I "We must be alert to in• LOS ANGELES-The Paclfio of the dance in February, 1944. on a scholarship. She group brought out the prob• vestigate, probe and se.rcb lems and values and cultural The JACL official .aid the Southwest Dlllrict Council EASTER SUNRISE was invited to join lhe Martha Graham company in lor the truth and lair .nd will seiect its oralorical can• lI1ay of that year. which is something like being No. 1 patterns 01 today'. lamily. lAst war produced what he just treatment," Mrs. Hop• emphasiZing ethnic ~roups caUed a "legal and legislative dldale for the National finals SERVICE draft choice of lhe Green Bay Packers. and she reo kins declared. durIng the district pre-con• and the disadvantaged and era" in which many of the Under the subtitle at "Hu• mained with the group until this year when she sel out middle-cl.ss member. "aclal pitfRUS were er.sed vention rally luncheon on TELEVISION to build her own company. Of Yuriko herself. lhe re• man Interaction And Citizen• Saturday, May 4, at Hacienda Louis Garcia. Joint V.n• through new acts in Washing• ship Responsibility" to whicb KTTV-CBANNEL 11 viewer observes that she "has a beautifully piquant tures, San Fernando VAUey, ton and in Sacramento. He Hotel, 525 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 4:55 A.M. and 12 Noon tho speakers delivered tbeir EI Segundo. and personal style of dancing" which of course one lectures, Dr. Charles Posner, A.M. RADIO-5 A.M. and 9 A.M_ would expect. Chapters, In the meantime, FILM REVIEW: Community Relations Com• have been urged to .elect dial In the best Tajirl manner of reporlinil, it should millee, Jewish Federation thetr contestant. not later KLAC-570 on your be noted that in private liie Yuriko is Mrs. Charlie Council. found' similar draw• than April 27, accord.lng to F.M . RADIO -5 A.M_and 9 A.M. Kikuchi, he being a psychiatric social worker at lhe backs but added determined Gene Sugiyama. DC orat.nrlc• Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn. 'The Emperor and the General' characteristics 01 the Jewish aI chairman. of 1863 Locust KMET-94.7 on your dial race were the factors which A ve., Long Beach. • • (Curren Ill' ptaYinr .t Tobo NHK brOadcestfng staUon. eventually won out. Sponsored by COMEBACK OF THE STEAMERS-Among \'1SI• LaBrea. Lo. Anleios) Another group,. bent on as- "Our school·church ties are strong and discrimination In For the record ROSE BILLS tors thiS week was Raymond Mils Akashi of San Fran· By ALLAN BEEKMAN ....in.ting Premier Kantaro Suzuki and Forei~n Mlnisler education against us produced RICHMOND-The attendance cisco \I·ho. as an American President Lines sales repre· On the e"enln~ "I Au~ . 13. MEMORIAL PARK To~o. march on SuzukI's To• many counterparts to ofTset of 550 at the Contra Costa JA• 4 sentive. would like ever.vone to know sailing across 1945. the Emperor 01 Japan lhat block," Dr. Posner as- CL Christmas par t y at the 3900 WORKMAN MILL ROAD· WHITTIER made a recordin~ . 10 be broad• kyo residence. A ruse diverts the Pacific by ship is a lot faster than it used to be them 10 his villa. serted. John F. Kennedy HJgh Sohool OXford 9·0921 and is a pleasant. comfortable way to travel. Air• c.st the 101J0winl{ noon, In He said the JewIsh boyar cafeteria was far In excess 01 which he announced the Ja• Lone Femme Soene girl. too, has drive for good the fondesl expectations at co• planes ar e fasler, but the comf6rl quotient is nol very ~overnment panese had ac• At Suzuld'. villa appears grades and good education chairmen Fuki Abe and Ed high in a tourist class eat as even Shige Kameda of cepled the Allies' terms ot the only woman seen in the and would rebel Ii not given Nomura. Japan Air Lines will agree surrender. movie, Mlchlyo Al'atama. She proper guid.nce. ------l\!t\s and I gol to talking about the last time I Ii wa. to be the hrst time denies knowledge 01 Suzuld's In the summary, Kuma• in history that a Japanese em• All-time high trave led on a Pres ident liner. There were four of us wbereabouts. The rebels burn moto and others admitted that SACRAMENTO-A successtul crowded into a cabin desli!ned for two, but no one peror had addresesd hi. sub• down the house. "we live tn a racist society" Sacramento Jr. JACL mem• comnlained hecause we were happ.v and graleful to )eds He had arrived at. the The position o[ the rebels but through beller communi• be aboard The time was Oclober. 1941. and although decision to do so. in these cir• has meantime begun to de• cation and concerled organi• bership drive netted 85 mem• none of us was aware of it. fbe operation which was cumstances of supreme humi• teriorate. The recording has zation efforts the barriers can bers for an aU-tlfne high, ac• I i a t i o n. only alter much been carefully hidden by • be weakened. cording to C her y 1 Kuntbe, to result In the bombing of Pearl Harbor had already "'Tangling and anguish by p a I ace cbamberlaln : their The audience reaction was presidenl. been put into gear We boarded the President ('leve· Cablnel and Privy Council. sea r c h, and accompanying that a combined drive is ~~ land in Shanghai when the war clouds were ilathering Untll the moment the ot terrorism, laUs to locate it. needed t.n bring about solu• and she scooted for home. It was a nervous voyage. Emperor ' ~ decision, the CAb• An officer exposes the selzurf" tion to aU community prob• da ~ ' . inet bad been dlVidpd on sur• ~~ Some when the pressures let up a bit. we ma y orders as a tor~ery , .Gen. Ta• lems, regArdless of geogra• ROSE HILLS j render. The diehards, 5uch as head westward again on a leisurely crUlse when time naka. commander 01 the East• phical difference•. t OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES j \Var Minister Korechika Ana• is not of the essence. ern District Army, enters the 1 TO MATURE MEN . mi. advocated further resl.l• Anolber meeting Is scbed• pal.ce and arrests the ring• uled in mid-April. FREETRAINING FOR A ~ ance it the Allies did not offer • • • leaders there. -Rafu Sblmpo CAREER IN COUNSELING I THE AUTO RACE-Shoji Hattori. Toyota Motor's mOTe generous t e r m 5 than I At NHK. witb Hatanaka'. i Excel/ent Earnings j top man in the Uniled States, has me on his mailing those announced in the Pots• • and Company Benefits dam Declaration and a note pistol at his head, the an• list. and hi latest release on imporl cars makes in• nouncer refuses to permIt the Chief counselor speaks t CALL teresting reading. Volkswagen easily topped the list concerning the luture status 01 the Emperor rebel leader to go on the air. FOWLER - Emanuel Diel, CONVENIENCE of imporls in 1967 with 446.060 units. Opel was second Along with sur h realists as Anami, wbo would not lend Fresno County counselor, ad• t OXford 9·0921 i with 50.186, giving the Germans a c I e an one-lwo himse\( to the conspiracy, dls• dressed a recent Fowler JACL I ASK FOR J Minister 01 the Navy Millru• MR. FRENCH J is nearby at sweep. Datsun (33 .1891. Volvo (33.1891 and Toyota masa Yonai and Foreign Min• emboweis hlmsell in the ' ri• dinner meeling allended by t ~ . ~ (32,9961 are closely bunched. with fewer than 900 cars ister Sbigenorl Togo. the Em• tual 01 seppuku. 40 members. separating them in the fight for third place. peror faced the bleak tacts. ReaUzlng their cause Is lost, ROSE HILLS The two Japanese companies faced shortages due Japan's partners, Germany some at the reb e I. still at MORTUARY / CEMETERY to changes being made to comply with U.S. safety and Italy, wilh their satel• large. including Hatanaka, kill Rese Hitls convenience is the priceless heritage of reVtrent ~ lites. had already surrendered. themselves belore the Impe• A secluded retreat so conveniently nearby ••. Q full stoff of regulations. Haltori reports Toyota was the biggest Alone and unaided. Ja pan rial Palace. KATO'S gainer in 1967 with sales up 108 per cent over 1966. laced the combined might 01 The nation has been given experienced counselors , ,. every possible service .•• all in the He predicts continued growth with Toyota planning the viclorlous Allies. an extra ration 01 electricity SEWING MACHINES trodition of Rose Hills core. At time of need, call to import 100.000 units this year, while Datsun has No lItore Power to listen to the Emperor's ad• Rose H,II. first for every need, Mortuary, Cemelery, Chopel!, scheduled 80.000 units. What a far cry from the im• dress, which had been an• Vacuum Cleaner •• Commercial Power MachInes Flower Shops, MousoleutM, Crematory, Columbarium. Japan's power to re,l8I bad mediate l'ostwar days when Tokyo taxis were large• nounced weU In advance. All SALES' RENTALS' 'ART5 ' REPA IR ' ALL MAKES wilbered away. Two million over the country his respect• 3900 Workman Mill ~oad, Whittier, C olifor"~· Telephone-: OXfoNl f.092t ly decrepit American-made jalopies fueled by gas from FRANK M. KATO 604 E. lit St. charcoal bur ners inslalled in lhe trunk compartments! of her servicemen had been ful subjects stand at attention r"".~ killed, American bombers had MA 8·2365 1.0. "" •• 1.. 90012 ' ... r-' ._1., ,.,,,,,., - no more At the projected rales, Toyota and Dalsun will rank reduced her cities to hollow (Continued on Page 8) second and lhird this year behind Volkswagen among .hells. The once great Japa• all imported automobiles. nese Navy was at the bottom of the sea. Atomic bombs had erased Hiroshlma and Naga• sald. Empire Printing CO. Russia bad enlered the war COMMERCIAL .nd SOCIAL PRINTING Manchuria and Korea. Japan English and Japanese bad reason to believe the Rus• 114 Weller St" Los Angekls 12 MA 8.7060 sians would invade Hokkaido wben the Americans Invaded ...... , Honshu . Some 01 the Japane.e were unable to digest these unpa• latable facts. As the Emperor /I A Life Time Opportunity" prepared to surrender in pre! ... erence to experiencing the complete destruction ot his country and people, bothead. among the military plotted to circumvent him and continue the war. JAPAN From this tense and true situalion, Toho Studio 01 Ja• 40-DAY SUMMER pan has fashioned an absorb• Ing film, "Nippon no Ichiban Nagai Hi - Japan's Longest STUDENTS TOUR Day," entitled in Englisb, "The Emperor and the Gen• eral." All-Star Cast $998.00 Kabuld actor Koshlro Ma• tsumoto portrays the .Emper• " INCLUDE AIR FROM WEST COAST or; Tashiro Mirune, Gen. Asa· mi. There Is an aU-star casl. June 26, 1968 Departure When the Emperor decide. to surrender, Ananti subdues From Los Angeles his leelings and submits to the decision. But when he .m• Completely esc.orted, 70 % of meals, all transfers, good Flythe world of JA·L••• the world around Iccommodations, tickets, sightseeing and the finest J~pa n'ase nounces the dec i 8 ion to a professional professor instructor. limited membership so reser• group ot subordinales at the vations must be made early, Write fo r detailed Itinerary. war ministryt q cry ot anguish escapes Maj. Hatanaka. Wherever in the world you fly, you can include the can include it on anyone of JAl's 13 weekly flights PAY-LATER PLAN ;, .Iso ava;l.ble al S% . For Hatanaka and many 01 his pleasures of " Japan" on JAL. You relax in a class-ic leaving from San Francisco to Tokyo. From Honolulu Instance, a down payment of $198 is made (minimum down . colleagues believe Ihe Em• is 10Ob) on Ih. above tour, leaVing an unpaid balance of peror has been m i S 1 e d by atmosphere, and are served in the Japanese manner. continue on JAL, which otfers you more flights than S800. Payment on loan at 12 months is $70 per month cowardly advisors. They plot Your kimono-clad hostess offers you the graces of any other airline from Hawaii to Tokyo. Eastbound hotal amount of note being $840): at 18 months is $47.77 to circumvent the decision. per month hotal amount of note befng $859.86); at 24 months When they learn the Emperor Japan. O-shibori. Warmed sake. Tsumami-mono. And from San Francisco, fly Japan Air Lines to London via IS $36.66 per month (tolal amount of not. be ing $870.841. htu, recorded a sur r end e r then your choice of either delicious Japanese or Con- New York on a "Happi Flight," and relax in a JAL There are no other charges. speech, they scheme to prt• PI.. , •••nd m. det.lled '"fOlm.tlon. vent it trom bein~ broadcast. tinental cuisi ne. She treats you as an honored guest 111 Happi Coat all the way across theAtlantic_ Either way, Mr.lMn.lMI'..' ______They go 10 the headquarlers a Japanese home. continue on Japan Air lines around the world. 01 the Imp~ ria l Guard In To• A~r.~u ______kyo and try to enlist the aid All airline fares between the U.S. and Japan are the Fly JAL _.. now one of the elite few airlines that flies C lly______-'St,t ..._____ "----'Z IO'P ____ at their commander. Gj,n. Mo• same. But JAL gi ves you extra value with an added across the United States and completely around the rI. When be denies them, Ha• vacation stopover in Honolulu at no extra fare_ You world. See your travel agent. o Am Interested In Pay·Later Plln. tanaka shoots hlm. An aide. who trits to 'come to Mori's assistance, is put to the sword. The insurgents then use Mo• ri's stal to forge orders to A.!~E~~~~ or take over the Imperial Palace. JAPAN They seize and ranuck the ~\aJ'*W'*''''''''lV'tl l ''_.lut , ..' MUl MOtT C4WlUtt rwJI'OIr4nD1111'r1'n11 palace, trying to tlnd the re• ___ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cordlng. Tbey also occupy the 4 - PACIFIC CITIZEN FridAY. April 12, 1llSS TEEN BEAUTIES VISIT Dllcoth.qu. cI,nc. PROGRESSIVE WESTSIDE CHAPTER 'n Chln,town lin" PORTlAND JR. JACLER S ,1, f SAN FRANC[SCO - "Some• COMMENDED AS THE 'DOINGEST POR'rLAND - The P<>rtiRnd Ihine oporlAl, new, dmeren!" Att,nt on Youth Alan Kumnmolo J unlor JACL enterlainpd twt) arE' \1/o:tYI to of'8C'nbp thl! San C'ontcatan lJ. nt thf' Mi~5 Trf'n FranCISco JACL W n m I! n '. nllll"""IllUIII"''''""""II"IIII" III""III""IIIUIilIUll nIlIH'''"lIn "YoU'tf' YO IJ Ila: pnough. pnpr• LOS ..\NG El. ES - Addl""· l n tf'rnntiona l paRellnl. MiA. AuxiliAry rl ..rnlheque 11,.1" Ins: th .. "dn j nJ:;,.~t" ch Rp tf'r In IlPotir PllolI"h to try. ~nf' k out tlRn.e at the Rl. Ul'd And of parent' out ot I"n., TodAY I. lh. CRPP.n chllrlren, A p,'o~rA'" 10 tho~e you work with. t fl m were 1A 67 Miss Tppn USA, madp Chinatown'!, npw night. Nl"~rCleS t ••rh.,. m"mbltn~ In a dead whlrh "l'd t ('ct~ you l' ('nmpA$• !ll1I1"t· tht' in WRit, Sandce Jonp~. Rno thp tIIi!t;ter spot popular. Bes.ide~ dan(,ln~1 ~ion thmk mnre of ,JRm('~ Nak8'" h~hl lan~tRR" and d,cldina on th il" h'am,..wot'\< Wf" nnn tht" fOI' ppoplp", tht Lnnll 10 Ml.. Teen Phll,ppines, Lily thore will b •• show and ~re ~·our 1'tmt to bt in on thf' flhy~icRI dropnut~ i'~ well M BttRC"h dE'nti~l derlared Hp no'" involvE"mrnt wit h the VlI larrll1:. a danrp ('('In test Proceeds Gl".. at SC"C'IE't" GIU'l'\t" TodAY is the f' motlonRI ('nc~ . Tnt L(l~ WM $:uest ~ peR k e r al tht" Gl'pen POWPI' FOllndRhnn thRn With ihe grR('iou~ altering lor thp LallUna Honda nurs• fi n ~ blnwm~ In th. wind." Anlte1 f' ~ Tin'le~ his! completed chaplo.. InstAllAtion dlnn.r the\' wnuld o f Rll our AUXILIARY CABINET-H eadin g t h e Stockto n JACL of Portland Chaptpr Pr ..idenl, Inl( home. MA,'. 2:\ . dpr · lAl'fltlon~ , " That "tnttay" RppHec: tn th~ " three- d"~ T $eriAlbahnn on Women's A uxil,ary this year a re (from le ft). fro nt• Mrs. Nobi T!ubnL Ihe girl. Dr. FrAnklin MinRmi WA~ NI~el mam"'nuth nf todAY ,,~ the)1 the- physical rlropollt problE'm NAkano i5 tht' Rttn\"• Lily Tan l', v.p; May Saiki, p res,; A my Matsumoto, h os· "pre ~ble tn relox In • tYPlc.l Community picnic ~WOl'n in AS chaptrl' pt · e~ident. str~~l" Rnd c:cRrch, pre!$.ln,: wlthin Lo~ AnJl;trlps. Their SIR• ne-y who helped fnund the pltallty; back- Fusae T a n aka, cor sec.; M ltz ie Ba ba, Am"rt{'an home ItPthn$t. Fo)· Gl't(,ll P (\ W p r Foundation, out R.~amst thf' tR) ' (I'l'~ of con• til\tiC$ rrveAI the ft~I '(,5 of As A yount adult group, lhe pub,; Ruby Dobana, t reas; A lko Yosh,kawa, hist, lowine potlurk rllnner, 30 SACRAMENTO - Underwrl!_ vf'ntinnllllt~ · that ~nciety ntre)'~ 15,000 youn,ll peopl. AnnuAlly rl'oJlres~ive W ('~t~ide hR~ be(l!n which i" cUl'rE'nU~' on R fund • Jtlnlor JACLers onjoyert Ihe len by the local JACL, Ibe ~ - PC Photo b y R'c h a rd Yosh ikawa, Geor~ia 8 C: Its dictum, Th~ "todR;\tl' reported within the dly And lIl'j(od to "help brldgp tho I' fI I i nil cnmpAIJ(n to I1'Rt n aero I'd ion playinJt of Sacramenlo community piCOIC wa~ taken tl'Om the paper• county AS tt'E'na~r l'lIn~WAYS. GNlel'R tiOI1 Gap!' j:md ('spe• workE"I's within Its own cor• • • Yam<\da. In(ormal conver~a- wiIJ he h('ld May 26 'It spad• bark ,, [t'. Happenillg", \10- "The djsintegl'alion of Cam• cially lead thf' WH,\' In thE" I\I'(,R POI'Rtf' ~ l1 ' uct\ll'e Cont"'bu• tlon <\ nd spont(lnpou~ games OUB Elk Grove Park. Tom Sa• srl'ibod os "s porlralt o( tho ib' life lind the ('o",municA• 01 ('i,,\1 RIl!h l', lions: of $ 10 01' 11lnre to the climaxed the Cc~t i ve- ev'min~ to is general chAirman. fnlltldAtion will be Acknowl· ,lfluth c:(,flnt" tada,' 11 tion gap bf'tween the Af'nera• Notinll thnt Nfl t lnm~1 Prcs• Thp. activity Waf' pJanned by tjon~ IIIr~ rd~ed with A WAit. Wallop• Tn fltht'r ,\'olllh. toctR.'! i~ most fl'eQuenU . ciled id£>nt Jel' Q' Enomoto hAS con• chall'man Ann NakAdate, ag• ('au~e$ po,' plAque (,ep PC, ApI". 51. qUite R chftel'ttnt plctul'f", T here as (or the p\'oblem" At• vinced the membpl'~hip lh f"Y .i,led by: cordin~ to the- Thnrs. NilRiI~. atf" Utolll:.f Wf" It''l'm the dr-aft should become involvfd, Dr. In"pire Other Clu\.ptf" r" SAndy Kagawol, PeIER.\' And below thp nnR I Rl'lldp Miura thollllhl thRt rhapten LAurA NJ,IIhfno, And Marilyn MI· do<4ltrS, .nd tho oth.,., still While mmH chaptel'~ tend to lflle Wal!; it stor.,' titled "PSychi• At e fru~trated becQu~(' they that are ttl thr armed service:; 1'~pe8t of Sllndee Jones, l'eigninF Miss Atri~t's Advicp on VanishlOlt WAnt to do !iomethinjl but 9l'e the same l'rhedule \\aitlO__ for tomorrow flnd p rO tt l'Am~ Teen USA, commenled that 10 ~1II: o:I;~ yeal' a.ftCl' Y('RI", Or, MAN Tee.n-aller. " Thf' pl'O(pmlonal at a to whAt to do, \\Ondel'ln$Z I ( tods\' will hera.ld ,the evening Waf' simply mar• advlce follows the tact or p;..r• l\Uurfi hoped the" P l'ogresc:lvr GENERAL LEts In the n."t {1 r ~t' rl velous, and it really the ~nts taking ~ .land And let• '0 Tr,.- W('stsid(' C1hRpter woul ri in~ 'VA,. And asid" from lb f'" casual• ~ ph e ('haplel'~ only time the two ,elirl" were ting their teen R,SZPI' know how " Becam:e ('If the unjQUPlle~~ otht'r to look tie~ o( the war, ~ 'o uth (ace tOWRl'rI~ ~e,'vlcp pl'oject~ ;:able to meet American teen• (I( your C'hRpler. you ma~ 1 be ot the battlE' to ~urvive. \Vlthin (CMUnuod on Page 6) aJ!.'en In an informal setting. able to pt'ovide the npC('~~8ry t1H'i l' own "to reflect compas• rt was a pleasllnt brea.k from lead('1's:hlp--bpfore It's too lp.te sion tOl' ppoplc", their usual busy schedule. to matter," Ihe ProgreslII:ivp. Pro ~r(l~!;iv p Westside was DEN We~tC:lde- J ACLel'!Ii W(I'l'e told. A.1~o ul'J!t:'d to stlmuhlte 20-:10 West Wind Yosh Holla ch lblii w ithin Oth£'l: chAplel's. Be a Registe red V oter --- * --- II rAn be bos l • I • rio rt by 11111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111 ."nul"!" ~d\.1lts , 0", Miu1'A. point• 1000 Cillb Notes ed out lQW --- * --- STOCKTON JUNIORS--The 1968 cab,net officers of 47S GIN LING WAY - MA 4 1821 Mar. 29 R.porl: W,th 67 Stockton Jr JACL recently ins talled are (from left): New Ch,natown Rococo new and rene\Vin~ membpr• fronl- Wendy Dobana, v p ,; Gary Fuiino, pres.; D,ane sh,ps 111 the 1000 Club oc• Komure, pub back- Ger! N,tta, sec.; Sandy Tsune· knowled$!ed ffl t' the ~econ d kawa, treas. Aeko Yo,hikewa, memb In flur mode ('I ( daQT Uv- fl Jssei Appreciatinn t1,e:hts" half of March, thp current to- -PC Photo b y R,chard Yosh,kawa. ine, thE' I'OCOCO (never make and m\lariablv It Ie:; announc. lal $tands ;:1; 1 1.8 H ThE' goal is Sukivilc.i • T empuri e stra~ht line, whpn a cun'e ed that Ctll per~on" (W(.'1' 75 to b.,'eflk the 2,000 . mar k . by MINUTES FROM DISN EYLAND T erlyakl • Susnl "'ill do) pbtlosoph.'· o;::ee m~ to can come frE'e . It ' ~ amazing I ~on\ enhon lime thl~ comang haw· taken over. ..\monS!" the that anyone c~n Jlel in for . iA~~S \ l'ar ' TWin Cflt,.~ - Tnmn ,'ariou~ o:\PPl'enhceship pro- natis. Althoutth admitt£>dI~· I Ku s nha' n~ hl . ' @ 151 Well er SI., L.A, • grams be-mil projecled to ease no tady \~ould attend for (ree T~~~T~~~k\ . Phll"dc>lphla- Dr H ~~~ Tel. MA 8.3017 the problems of C'reahn.f more It . .a.d~ lsslon ?f aJre wa~ the 15th "par: SeHIUe- Or SU!'lIf1lU ...,' I ------lvork, mtlny of the ~kill~ r ~- crJten a, It ml~~t be (Fur to ~l~~~ac~~JenJh~~fer: _ ~nn~r:A I ~ ...... quir@ .years of trainin~ After lower the h'ee I'lde a~e to 50. s~l o: h a k ~ . S Lo H H Cha pte r oratorical MIYAKO I: : completion of the course. the Even tha ~. in our d ~y. $eems HII~ . ;. s hl;tL~:n;tBt:lC~~H-;rbA::\ D I~_ • HIDEAWAY • job doesn', exist because by to be qUite an aChle-vement. l lrlct_Harn T Montlll' , 0 C - SAN JO E - The San ,lofiP •• then a machine c~n do it bei- The Korean. h."o the ril1 ht Goo, •• I Ob . '~ . "',.k. Soko'. ,TA(,L or.lonrRI conle,t will RESTAURANT: RESTAURANT : tel" 0 whs even begin'! idei!. Any m an reachin.2 a A~;l h ~ ~ ~ ,.:;: R~,;::ltl~lIey . ~~"A~S~~ ~ bf' he I d durinll the annual :: Th .. thought of OUT times .2.00d a~e i~ automaticRlIy . en~ SAI'1rh Yu r : Sf"Atlle-- Yo!.hlto f'u. r h apter potluck l'UPPCI' April CHEONS · DI NERS ·COCKTATLS • • • nught WaJ"It S~n Pritnclsco-Ka"o I::I R'Iaka 4 be: "] rion't to titled to wear 8 stoveplpe- JSI; I 20. 7 p.m., at the local Bud- 33 To" n &. Country, Orange • 1(11· 3303 •• BUCKY'S •• "'nrk in that tunky old car like top hat an~ be a h onp~t - ~~~\o~aon~~;~~~~ 0L..A~~"t~ r.u~~~: dhi~t Church Annex. C~ ndi · •• wash" Wbo, Indeed"" We to-goodness-ChlCL That top d ,,; Sonoma CC'lunt~· _ Geonref't Y d:He~ for tht' chapter scholar- "ola Ani Fre('\\IA)' 10 M"IH tr~ef oft ·ra.mp +. •• . ("anr::. Ana). $!O north on Main Sf. 3 blln would all r ather be chlels hat ha~ slF:~ifi~ance. it means V~~~~ ' ~~: r . (, h ira~o Ca l,,"1n 13ht- ship will be introduced. • Cantonell: Cu isi n, • SANTA ANA, CALIF. than lndian~ . But our 501u- that " I \Ie hved lon,( enough, d~ nttkp Rner Vitllev -Hare)' M I'~ . Barbara Tanaka (251------~- - --- t: American Dis h. J : lSouth ot DISneyland) bon, the consensuc; of our best and the htU,e work 1 peJ'- ~~!;!~~~~ ' OSC~ _ ~~ ~ ~?hjkrnb:~~ 6:l71l and Mrs. Pf?arl Okamo- , i • • minds ~eem~ to be, not t() (orm wouJdn t knock the hat r.l mento-l'om 5alo; Bf"rkf"I",,- to (243·3276) are supper co- U'I roklo s Flnt.St Chop Sue)' Ho ust : 1.82 Sutter St. (nu r Go ugh ) : create more work, but t9 ott m\" he~d " 0, Hon,v M T.kahashl cha,rmen. SAN K W 0 LOW , .Son F,on,i.,o Tel, 776·.900. Good Plat!! hUe.~ . E x~use m~, SA:~~1 : ' ·~~~d~~~ · ;'~8:dNa1t,: nk I i A to Eal create more While adjust HI· ,. • • Noon to Midnight (Closed Tua.1 We!ve bee-n to many JACL my silly top hat. I 9rh " ur: New York-Koma Kn · Famous ChlnUt Food , : • : ------'------m:: ~ u y ;~~~.~:.:::~~~ , ~~~,,,oha l ~~I. Sa n Jose ragt im e doubles 228 E. lst St , Los Angeles MA 4·2075 I· . . • . d d K K . Ii ; . Luncheon·Olnner Famllv Style. ~a;~:~a~a ~: ~~:f~Ke I;:~~th T ~~: SAN JOSE-Members o( San 1._ .. _ ____.. ____ ._ -. B t 80 P • Lem's Cafe "ashl. ArfronJl-Thdashl ,..d.ntt ; and Ni- : anque up to ersons : .Iose JACL San Jose • (Kpi Rin Low) R~~hV\;?'?ad r ~~e~ tI~.:.nT ~~ ~ei Bo~ v lin~ A~~n Sounding Board Jeffrey Mnts.ui S 1\\1,11- w ill partici- I Where SpeCial Attention Is Paid the Japanese Guest • Open 11 a.m.· 10 p.m. : REAL CHINESE DISHES til . Stocklnn-Or John t 7\1nro· pate In the. annual ragtimr 1_ : Closed Mon. • 320 E, ISL, Los Angeles 1Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllitlil ~~~i · Ch~~:~~~~~e-;.~:~l! Shlku· doubles ApJ'11 13, at the ~t. h ~ 300 Air."Condltloned Rooms, Color TV : ...... "'! Phone Orders Taken 6Lh Year: Wh ile Ri"flr V"IIf1Y- Street Bow l stal'lmJl at 7.3' = MA 4·2953 tl!~,h:c~rBOI::a~~ 1 1~.r:~'~i\k~. p.m. New squad wi ll st.u 't ~ Japttneo;e & Continental CUI Sine Served "t ~ ~hf Ser\lice ~_:======:===~=:::= ~~~!t~~~ T KC'lra·~1"~u,.~r;; P roJrellSlr tt "v~~~cer;au~: e Wf"sts:ide hourl10 ;30 y p.m.unUi F orth epre last fer one red <=It E~ Banquets . . Airport LimOUSIne Green Power cjc;co - H ~r l)ld N.. koltmUril , Pilicer squad. contact the deAA-mi\n E II KAWAFUKU c~~~t~:;aRr~hS~akRe~rtRI~I~~ Val1e,'- or Mrs. Pat ·fsuchiya at tbe ~ -HOT{L 5 \,ya~i - T,,,,,,. ~I~'" M~'i!:'';.~~."rn.'' .JPh l. - bowlin~ alley 11= S,·ihi - Cdc .. lalls Tber! hal- appeared to datt three artic1e.~ on thE' Green m:~ : ' ~c. : J:~~~PG~o;::~I~~ t:b; - .. ------j 204V1 E, 1st St" Power Foundation in the PC. Each has 10 it.s own w~ . v ex• ~:n:~ ·- ~hJ~i'Tkt"Nt;r~l:t~ R "get I Man Fook Low I ~ 1 7 14 N. IVAR ST. TEL. ' 65. 3171 L,A. M4 8.90S4 plamed the tl'UCtUTE and pur pose ot the or~anl?atlon and LoUIs-Dr Ted Ok1Hnnto Clf'\'f"· I ' Genu,"! Chlnp~! Fooo E LarQ (lst Indoor Swimming Pool to Sf' ReAdv May 15 _ , ,~. Chiye Ha lruhln1l the r ea SOD why ,1ACLers were '·~:dP;.~!/1 s~':,ku';~.nclSc. r ! 9b2 SAn Ped,o SL ii lllllll llll lllllll llll llll llllllllllllllllll llllll llll llll llll lllllllll llll llllll llll llllll llll lllll ll lllllllllll ll llIIIIIII~ 50 I ~ HostHS belDJ! encoura.2ed to lend sup• At Green Power, however, Geor,:!p C Nakamur~ . j Los An eles 15 Calif I: " - - " - ~ -- - -- ' ------I port thrnu~h a ~10 associate seAttlt- 1 f nobody is ;:(sked to compJete Okk H Y;.mtlne Mt Ol "mpu~ - i 9 &88 Q70.5 ' 3 H 000 PARTMENTS I membership conlnbution. But 811 .pplication. All a per. APP9lntmmt of three G t Lot .. -, I_ Atlen4nl4 , ub~ MI\n, . 1:l 5~ I M wk. 1l~';4otb:'~~:USr :f.. en~,:: ~:.: e Cook. dOn\csUc •••. • ... AOO+r &b Dn~I::~~t 11tt~ ' ~ ' t ~O t~ : 30 . n~:m. his candidacy as a delegate to ___r_e_I_._' ___ .....__ e__ l\tC'C'bantol h'nr r, auto blq~ r d 1,000 Finest Workln, condf'lon. CHERRY BLOSSOIlIS al'e Yamaguchi PI'etecture the the ConsUtuUonal Convention, 28. 'l1tIY were &d. ••rd. B. H.u.. Drart man. alt con do Hawn" _.700 again flowering all over the ehe1'l'Y blossoms ",ere bloom• wIth the approval 01 Chief mura, chairman, and member. Flower View Gard.ns Start l'l'tant.. del t ('."C P .• to 750 Made West Sarold. C. BlchcJblrur anel ao.~ fLORISTS nation and, in 80m e places, ing, but the cl'ew members Jusllce Wm. S. Richardson. =:rer-o\lt~t~~~ lrttiri~ l ~~~ : ~r _.: :37~ World Undeutandin, er~:;i C'N~/illa1, 1101 N. Western Ave. 4,.737. of California have already passed away. taught for a glimpse o.t the 2620 KUaUI. Art Ito w.lcomes vour phone orderl OF INTEREST TO W01\tEN Call H4.~7866 30,000 Issei ~r~ ·'A~~: rlt:::~ d:~r.,~I~~d th~om: and wi,. orders for lot Anot- IBM K(\\'pl",rb, 6 mos + exp &215 a l ~ N. Tyler ~ TempI. ell" The beauty 01 these {.lllng blooms through the binocu• Honolulu l\' CR 3300 Opr. Il l" dntn .•.• • tD "75 lars. The U.S., ¥'ed China and 10 ana, e11ecUve Apr. 1 , •• JU.. OPEn Ton EXPSR18NCSD on pink blossoms has been exalt• Tblrt-y thOUland llsel atm )lv. chard JJhlkawa has been named ~t~';ob~f:: ~ ~~ CI ~ f el~$ "Snku\'a, SOkU1'8 of J apen, tbe Soviet Union must learn :::::::m ~~~~ ~~'tl~~W~lmO\~~~C~I~~~ ~en~~ ed in poems and stories since \~e!a,:~1 ot:::yeo -ye~~ ~i~ a~! 8 ~~pt:r:f.8~'~1°~.O~: O~n otr Girl. cnptlt btl .... 411 ancient llmes. Thlo occaoion sayonara. to co-exist for world peace, =reJ!f. lit and top pay. CaU 2611·2500. cording to KenJS Ooto. chairman I. the new pre•. of the Oahu Alo• ~~~Uur::fC'sA~irtll c f~~~~~ ~ ' ~~ l:~ recalls warUme memories to FlI1lng the ciouded glass of Son. Dantel J{. Inouyo said of the committee plannIng next June', celebratton of tho con ten- ~Jlnl~8£! ~~~~ the Bawall CredJt MaJd, South ...... SO+ r&b DRESS OPERATORS many Japanese whose raliglon his binoculars. hel'e Mar. 22. And one way KOKUSAI INTIRNATIONAL Smgle NC'edle and outlook is closely related The sakura seems to be to achieve coexistence Is to n~~ ~~ l~:\:!U.t ~~a~~~mJtfs~: Rep. Pats,. T. Mink has ac• Comp l ~te TRAVIL, INC. Mokt- Oarment" beckoning me." prepare to allow Red China Coto • .,ya. represent about ont cepted the post of honorary 240 I. 101 51 . t9OO12) MA 6-5214 TOP WAOES & COMPANY with nature tlnd death. ~~:e o~~gv~1«~!t!~e U:~:~a~ag:: chairman tor Hawall ot the Jim Higashil Sus. Mgr. Electrician BENEFITS For example, it was on The Yama!o then sailed into the United Nations, Ino• away to meet its fate. uye said. He spoke to memo tween 1886 nnd the time the 1m• group which supports Sen. AWAD OF PASADENA Apl'lI 7. 1945, that the hug. mllJraUon d oofl were cloud bJ' NISEI FLORIST Industrial Electrician bers at the West Honolulu the Exclu. lon Act ot 1924. Robert F. Kennedy 81 the rn the Hurt of U 'I TokIo 91 E. }!~ ~ d ~!: 0B ! j&o~~ranOnd) battleship Yamato was sunk 318 E. III SI., MA 8·5606 Heavy duty equipmenl ANOTHER FAMOUS war• Rotary Club at their annual But they represent more than Democratic nominee tor Pres• expe.rIence necessary Call : 6 S ~ · l Ml 4 at! the western coast 01 Toku• one out of four ot the 100.000 ident . .. Students tor IIIc• Fr.d Mo,lguehl .. M.mb. Tel,tler. noshima with 3,000 oWcers Unte recollectlon of cherI,), World Understanding dinner. who eJected to slay here. The earth,. hal been organized by DR. ROY M, NISHIKAWA ond men aboard. It carried blossoms is noted in Tosblo Inouye has disclosed that his re.l either went on to the Main .. Lipsett Steel Products MODEL MAKERS ond (60,000) or back to Japan Unlv. ot Hawaii atudents with 2W~.·I~~~rdln (Si'!'~~ PLASTICS only cnough [uel (or a one• Takagps IIChlran." During the passport is validated lor ad• (40.000). 'Mloy afe lho parents ot: LU 9-656J, Ext. 19 h O U ~~: £I~~ ~ u r An ce war, Chl1'on on the Satsuma mission to Red China and tbat ~ome 240.00 people of J apaneae Karen Lum, a senior, 8.1 Paid & way trip to Okinawa-a tl'ip a ncestrY Uvlog In ft'wall tod::ay. leader. YAMATO TRAVEL BUREAU from which there was no hope Peninsula ot Kagoshima Pre• he hopes to be allowed to visit A relaUveJy .m81l J apanese ml" CBU Mr. F er~s~~3S5o r Mr. .&olley Robert !l'. S..sakl,. Bank of He· 3t2 E. I~Stlio~i (90012) fecture, was an air base for there. His colleaglle, Sen BI• Rl'ClLlon to HawaII resumed ofter waU sr. v.p .• wJl be tn char,e of of J'eturn. On the day beCore ww n with the passtlge of the It staJ'ted out fl'om the Seto army kamikaze plIots. Many ram L. Fong, also has appUed the bank's commerc1al and m.tel- GENERAL OFFICE SWISS TOOLS & DIE CORP. War BrJd e Act of 1047 nnd the 12-107 Gladstone, Sy lmar Inland Sea. the man on watch young pilots flew from this lor admission to etUna, but Walter ... McC.rllln Act in 1952 ~!~~ dra~a!~irJn~ !~ra~ g~uited • Monterey, Calif. LIOHT T\'PING, accurate more v. ~ base never to reLU.rn. says his reques!s have not whIch aet asIde the Exclusion Act. ThOrou Y. Sakamoto assJatant ______~~u . sf3:~' p~nrdn :!:~'e;so~~ on the bridge Sighted cherry Carolyn Fong, 23, Castle • RSAL ESrATE biossoms blooming along the The pilots were sent on been acknowledged. Bot h ~d. ~~.!e:l 0J.:~ ~~o a~~~ Monterey Beauty College pI. under 30, with small office, HIgh School tea her, was sbore through his binoculars, their lonely way by girl stu• have spoken out in favor 01 a c ihe post of admtnWration man... Complete rralnlno In Cosm:t..!!'!3 CaU l\l.rs. B u rier - 398-5768 Warehouse or Mallulacluring ~ and shouted to his shipmates. dents who had been mobilized U.S. effort to seek belter re• stabbed by a 17'year-old boy, after in Japan AJr Line,' Honolulu Information Brochur. on 40$4 Gle.neat. 1 block South ol 3MOO Sq. Ft. Building to work on the runways. The lations with China. one of her students, Mar. 27 ~h~e·Wlr(Pt~~~~. S::"i~ ~:r~a~ 61~~~h;vU.~A~~:~ .. ) W ashington Bh'd ., Ve.nJce Either for Sale or Lease This account, written in the facUJty dlvJslon In Tokyo. g:~ k S8h ~g lt le~~~~:y . sg~~k~el ~~ t Mitsuru Yoshida'S book, ft Sen• girls waved cherry blossom The state senate on Mar. 27 at the school. Police have de• kall Yamato no SBigo" (Last branches as a farewell ges• contlrmed more than 1,000 ap• clined to discuss any motive Mayor Neal Blaisdell bas • CABLE GIRLS L.A. Int'l Alrporl. for the attack. received a letter and a peti- Watsonville, Calif. ALUED INDUST RIAL BROKERS Days of Battleship Yamato). ture to the pilots. their (an• pointmen!s mad e by Gov. TElU~ ~~~~Pfl~~ ~ ~ G 121 W. Manehester Blvd .. St. 206 Is parUcularly pathetic. It is ned laces wet with tea Bene.fits. Inll et2f30) d · 6 .g~~709030 1 War correspondent Takagi November voter asking the City to support and Acreage _ Ranch .. _ Homos not known In what part at of them drew dissenting votes. assist in the development of Income Electronic Assemblers Inc. was standing in a daze a!ter Burns' appOintments 01 New• t FOR SALE-Small going nursery HawaH will be one of the ~rr.g~' r.t'(~8f"·it6m 11675 Sheldon the planes had leit when ton K . ~lI.Yagl to the state HawaU Loa Colle,. on the 96 (near San Fernando Rd.) :o~ 1a ~~~:r ~ ~ ~ ~ . l~~ o tl r t~ CORONET DEliCATESSEN tew states allowing new res• 150 - acre Pali .ite ... The I-~-==::""="':":':"::''':'':'':'':",:,,;,_ Sun Valley. Ca lli. 1:llf g: something wbite Doated down land board and ~lr •. Ah Quon Idents to vote tor President frontage on malo thoroughfare. FIN E FOOD before his eyes. He caught It ~loElratb to the board at so• Univ. of Hawall estimate. a e San Jon, Calif. Four bdrm house & garage and Vice P resident this No• =~:-::-:-:==-:--:-~_ OPERATORS 18 x 36. Call bet wee n 10 - 4. PROMPT, FRIEN DLY SERI/IC! in bis hand. It was a cherry cial services brought a frag• 50 por cent drop in enroll- __ S INGL£ NEEDLE CH 5-'1129 POPULAR PRICES vember under a bill going to ment on both tirst and second EDWARD T. MORIOKA, R.. ltor blossom petal. Cherry blos• ment of dissent in the roll• Gov. Jobn A. Burns for his pret~ ce. L ~~ H06U:l'{.U~ A ~~ soms placed in a pilot's cock• year male graduate students Estate Growth - Tax Oeductlon.: ~r 9-I. ~ • RENTAL 9049 Woodman Ave . call voted. Miyagl, ILWU 8ec• signature. At present there is nexl year because of the new 565 N. 5th SI. - 294·1204 Santa Monica-Bus No. pit by one of the girls had treas. and an outspoken ad• 9 3 ~ 9 1 W. & Beve.rly Bus No. oW. UNFURNISHED, l\1;\GNlFICENT Pacoima 894·4985 a year's residency require• draft poliey ... Lloyd T. Ba- We have many Japanese girls apparenlly been scaUered in miror of FideI Castro, won ment before voting In Hawaii ra, Big Island resident, has S_a_c_r_a_m_e_n_t_o_, working with us & the:.' are "ery ~n~?~nln8~P~~jlt ~ 1ri:~espa t ~~ the sky and floated down to confirmation on a vote ot 22 _e__ _C_._I_If_._ 9~ GENE'S FURNITURE . . . Also ready tor signing been selected the Outstanding happ Y ~ lease call CR 3·3883 music. S. Westmoreland o r Chiran aHer the planes were call 3 8 7 ~5 N8. to 2. Mrs. McElrath, wite ot into law is the bill tbat would Young Farmer of 1968 by the w. PlY Top Prlcta tor out 01 sight. ILWU public inlormation of• Wakano-Ura allow taxpayers making up to Hawaii State Jaycees. Sukl:vakl - Chop Su!l')l ORI ENTAL ART OBJECTS ficer Robert McElrath, won Ooon ,,- 11 , Cloled Mon.onnan,. pHI, of the tit R E RI"T'r'U! half-hour interview was Ban• National Bank, was LnstaUed pres. Toyo Printing ORANGE JULIUS o f the HawaU Bankel'l Aun. at HOMES· •• INSURANCE Jun, who with H!saya lIIorl• its annual meeting Mar. Zl • •• Oflstt • ltlttrpr.u • lInotypln\l DELI CIOUS FDOD •• lames Arlyoshl and Wm. E. lI'a• FAST. FRI ENDLY SERVIC! shlge is rated the top come• kaba.as.b..t are among thol" who 309 S. SAN PEDRO ST. BUDGET PRI CES dian in Japan. Miss Uehara, On. of th. Largest Selection. • Japanese Food rdae~~ · :egr lt~~~ftt~a\Yo~~e App/lallCll o l o, Ano.l .. 12 - MAdison 6·8153 Miss Sano and Miss Hlroto l:rit 2421 W. Jefferson, L.A. 12630 Washington PI. They have been with the bank were high in their pralse ot RE 1·2121 (At Washington Blvd.) SOLD AT AlL GROCERY STORES •• 0 .lncfl it opened In 1960 • . , Ground Culver City 391-9008 the J ACL and its younger was broken MaT. 28 for an 18~ JOHN TY SAITO & ASSOCIATES .tory. 3OO~room Queen KaplolanJ counterpart. tbe Jr. J ACL ... Americen Natlon.I Mercantile Co. eiAMUiA Est~~~~hed Jan I 0 e Teramae, the 1988 And eo.. Inc. NISEI Save Time & Money 949 E. 2nd SL, Los Angelos 12 - MA 4-0716 Cberry Blossom queen, will Print 100 Copies graduate from the Univ. of 9'A.9WsJ of any Letter or Form (8 Y2 xll ) Hawaii in June after wblch 'DON'K.fiIAKAJ liVIA ,lNC, ""~SW.~ TRADING CO. $3.50 + tax i == II:O:"III" " "I11~:~~ I:I ~":I~:~:A~N:~~""""""" she plans to take graduate • Appliances TV ~ Fu rniture courses at the university for 3420 W. Jefferson BlYd. 5 ~ddr,:~~altal 0 ge ~0 : 1 ~~h a year. Then she hopes to en• REALTORS - BUILDERS 348 E. FIRST ST., L.A. 12 6) los Angeles 18 Free delivery. Zone A. Orlolnal .".- Distributors: Yamasa Enterprises roll in a Mainland university MAdison 4·660 I (2, 3 4) copy on wlute paper with black 14715 So. Western Ave. RE 1-7261 01 led Ink. Check or money ~ 515 Stanford Ave., L.A. Ph. 626·2211 for work toward a Ph.D. de• V.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,A order must ac:compa ny order . gree in clinical psychology. Gardena, Calif. ~"I11I1 """ """ I1I" """"III "" ""IIII1 I1 I1"III""1II ~~ The assignmen I of heading 323·7545 321·3886 ~skin & Gerso-;- j GLASS BROS. a special subcommittee to in• 412 E. 3,d St., L.A .• Cal. 9001) vestigate military desertions GLASS CO. MA 6·8157 [Iil~- Plate and Window Gl aS-5 ALLEN SALES CO. was handed to Sen. Daniel K. I Call 0 ' lee UI Glazing of All Desc riptions for additIOnal In formation " SINCE 1954" Inouye in Washington Mar. 27. Chairman Richard B. Rus• MA 2·8243 Furniture - Appliances - Carpeting 15130 5 Wtstrm 'Yo 724 S. San Pedro, L.A. sell (D-Ga.), of the Senate BRAND NEW PRODUCT Garden. DA 4·6444 FA 1·2123 I ED SATO WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC! Armed Services Committee, !=oAo<===, PLUM81NG AND HEATING Complete Home Furnishings asked Inouye to be chairman Remodel and Repairs ~ Water Famous Brands - Top Quality ------<,otf '4>. 11M ItIYPUNC", Heatersl Garbage Disposais Aloha Plumbing l MR. MIKE SAMPLE SHOP COMPUTI. Furnaces Beautiful Selections I~I~~ TRAINI ... PARTS & SU PPLIES 'l~. - Repairs Our Specialty - I-S ervicing Los Angeles - LATEST FASHIONS FOR MILADV AX 3·7000 RE 3·0557 HUGE DISCOUNT SAVINGS Genuine Sample Oriolnals ftom ~cTe 'Of Mew. Wo ..... 194B S. Grand, Lo. Angele. F.mous Manufacture" ciJ\DE~~ RI 9-4371 13910 So. Western Ave . . BEAUTIFUL SelECTION Automation Institute C.ommercial Refrigeration Gardena 321-8286 GREAT SAVINGSI IEd.ard ToIrn" 1 Director Designing • Installation '" So. HIli, LA. Ph. 624-2111 Maintenance 1357 Westwood Blvd. INSTANT SAtMtN (Approved tot vi.. student.) Sam Umemoto West Los Angeles J. GR 3·4014 !""::~:~;:~ ';~~::""'I=====" Certificate Member of RSES Allen Transfer & Storage - HAWAIIAN RECIPE - MUTUAL SUPPLY CO. Member of Japan Assn. of "SINCE 1921" Refrigeration. e I I t090 SANSOME ST., S.F. 11 Molt Sanitary Wholesom. Ue. Refrigeration Contractor LOCAL AND STATE-WIDE MOVING SLIPT STITCH YARN " SAM REI. BOW CO. trlange . 1506 W. Vernon Ave . Complete Facilities for Every Need SHOP Saimin on the Mark.t Los Angeles AX 5·5204 Expert, Experienced Personne l I CAMERA_ . Playing April 10 - 16 I RUG YARNS AND PATTERNS FOR - p - - Cargo Fully Ins ured Lowest Legal Rates RACHET HOOK RUGS A SP ECIALlY 3445 N. Broodw." Chl_ Aru Koroshiya no Kagi Charges from Your Door EXPERT INSTRUCT ION IN KNITTING CROCHETING AND RUG MAKING Available at Your Favorite Shopping Center Complete Photo Equipt., Suppll. Ra lzo Ishikawa, Ko Nishimura Shimatsu, Ogata GR 2-1015 Jam .. S. Ogoflo Tomoml Sato. "ao Yamaget. 13910 So. Western Ave. 333!h Richmond NANKA SEIMEN CO. AND Gardena and Kubota 321-8286 EI Segundo 322·67793 Los Angel.. Akai Mlzu Mortuary Da lel All Star Cast 911 Venice Blvd. Vermont Fashion Outlet Stores LADIES DRESSES, Bk~0~~FJ~I~TCEcii6"~IS, JACKETS, ETC. ~ /~im"t4 Los Angeles "hi-me" f. an inslanl and R19-1449 DISCOUNT PRICES economical thing to have in PHOTOMART HANDY p~ ~ SEIJI DUKE OGATA 684 So. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles 386·8423 your kitchen or on 'he ,able &.r... .M.-.l 3306 W. Pico Blvd. Santa Monica 399-02B9 LITTLE R. YUTAKA KUBOTA lor belter food enjoyment. 114 H. SM '''" SL /IIA 2... 3020 Crenshaw BlVd .. RE 4·114B KINNINGHAM APPLIANCE I I : '. COLOR AND BLACK AND WH ITE TV "hi-me"i. a very unique and REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS NEW AND USED modern type 01 da,hinomofo How easy to start the War! Three Generations of hi FAMOUS BRANDS - TOP QUALllY - FI NE SELECTION How difficult to end the War! Experience GREAT VAlUES! which il a slrong flavoring agent JAPAN 1546 Purdue Ave. Ino conlaining essence of flavors F UK U I West Los Angeles 478·1254 'IS HERE! UNCONDITIONAllY SURRENDERSI of meal, dried bonito, the Mortuary, Inc. shrimp and langle. EMPEROR Worden's Home Furnishings an in.tanl 707 E. Temple St. "Known for Savings Since 1941" cooking base STUDIO and Los Angeles, 90012 FINE FURNITURES, CARPm, DRAPERIES, ETC. Available at food stores BEAUTIFUl SruCTIONS FOR EVERY TASTE a GENERAL MA 6-5824 from Ihe maker In an attractive red·top shaker_ 318 Eat First StNet a.arrlng DISCOUNT PRICES - BIG SALE NOW GOING ONI BANK FINANCING - MASTER CHARGE 01 "AJI·NO-MOTO'" Los Ang.1a, Colif. TOSHIRO MIFUNE Soichi Fukui, President Open Dally: 10·6; Mon .• Thur., Fr1., till 9; Sun. by appointment J ames Nakagawa, Manager AJINOMOTO CO. OF NEW YORK, INC. 1M 6-5681 STARTS M.rch 27 2927 Manchester, Inglewood Nobuo Osuml, Counsellor (1 bl k. E. of Crenshaw) 752·7124 EAST WIND: Bi ll Marutanl BY THE BOARD: Grant Shimizu PACIFIC CITIZEN The Flypaper Functions of District Council PubUlhtd w "k l ~ by tha J apant se A m ~ r l u n ctUt !M\, LulU' • • • • .xcept the talt wee.k ot lhe year Philadelphia Johnson, the U.S. procuded, San J_ wards some common eau.. or Edltotla.t-Bttl lut' !II,!I: omr~ By the time 01 Olen Bien reluctantly, to take on addi• Although It w.s not .....y lIoal which I. not the obJ~ I\m. 301. 12.S Wellu St., Lo3 An,t'le • en. 9OO 12-Ph.; (213) MA tI·6~ Phu, th@ U.S. wal paying al• tional step, In the hope that 1Vf'7 Enorn o t ~ Nat'l Pro. -:- Roy Uno. PC Board Chmn. a ••UpPOled to find a lubJ.ct Uve or II Incapable or re.u• :':.Uonal ~A. C L R u dQUArlt n most 80 % 01 the COlt of lhe It would be the I.. t and nec• to wrJte about lor "By the zation by one or more ol thl IBM Pcct St., San Jl"'rt, ncllco, Ca. 1)6115 - Phone: (415) WE I-MU French war e/fort and when essary step, only to find an• Board" thll week, 10m. dls• chapters becau ... ot the limit• Dlatrlcl Counell RfipnsentaUve. the beleaguered French com• other step waltlng to be taken. cunlon nt the Dlltrlct Coun• ed resources in manpower and IINWDC- Ed Tautaleawa; NC .. WNDC-Homer Ta lc. hllhl; CCDC-Sctco mander pIe oded lor AmerJcan It may be all too easy to cil, Itl function and Ilgnlll• finance. or just plain apath)-. R.nash~' i : :. ~ t!! ;'-; ~ ~ D6' .s:I~t:M;';,~-; ? ~~_ ~~ i· 8 ~ ~ : lkrtpDC- relict, our chairman 01 the criUcize our leadera on "Mon· cance, might b. In order. While it may .um quite Entered a. 2nd e lau MaUc.r at Lo.s An, ell's. Ca. -:- SubieripUon Joint chlet. proposed launch• day morning". Decisions were The Dlltrlet Council I. tra• elementary to many in tenn. n~it' tJ.~~ b !e $~~.~d:~ ~ rn~n~ lU~ ~·r $~~e::. r lo~ in''l · 50 tO$6tw:z, ~ :;: Ing air strikes from our bases made lollowlng a Iituallon In ditionally an a.. oelatlon 01 ot what tbe District Council _ " .'0 at J CL Mtmb fo rshlJt Dun for 1 yeu SUb.nr'&;uon- In the Phlllppinel; Vic. Prel• wblch the Reds took over Chi• c hap t. r del.gatea through can do, I think the .liIilll• Ex~~ ~ !\ ~ ~ ~,:~ ~ r-~t::~: l ~ :h~ c ~P} ~~ Ident N I x 0 n suggested the na In 1949 on the heels ot which Information II .Ilted cance lies In the lact that :tr;."ed posslbillty of "putting our which Norlh Korea Invaded from on. chapter to another since the internal pulling and HARRY K. HONDA. Editor boys In" . Thll wa. In 1954. the South In 1950. And the or National to .11 the chap• straining in the body polltle Olen Ble~ Phu, as we know, Free World had not torgott.n ten. It also serves as an ori• 01 each chapter, no matter Friday, April 12, 1968 6- tell and In the Geneva nego• the symbol ot the fo lded um• glnaling point lor Id.... or how w.n Intentioned its mem• Uatlons which followed, Laos brella at Munlcb and the ap• recommendations which are bers may be. tend to reatrlct and Cambodia obtained Inde• peasement which whetted Hit• made avaUable to chapten lor and limit any activity In par• pendence and Vietnam WllJ lerts appetite. actio'n or inaction. ticlpatlon in the area 01 hu• partitioned at the 17th paral• With this brief background, More important, however, man rights, the District Coun• lel with promises ot aU-Viet• in the next contrlbutlon to II the role lhat it plays In cil can provide the compellin, nam elections In 1956. this column, we shall submit tunneling or directing the lorce and leadership to movi But because ot the threat 01 some of "East Wind's observa• collectiv. energies o! all the forward with some speelfle communisl expansion (Pres• lion s, such as they may be. chapter. in the district to- programs designed to Improv. A CONFRONTATION NEXT Ident Eisenhower, later in his some of the socIal - economlt Injustices that now prevail The eulogies and homage to Rev. Dr. Martin memoirs, w as to concede 80% of the vote to Ho Chi Minh 1. CONFAB CORRAL: Phil Matsumura among the minority grOUps. Luther King Jr. at e still ringing as Americans search the U.S. decided Instead to the void created by his passing for the answers to bolster the Saigon regime in CONCE RTED ACTION "what's next?" To help assess this loss, one of Dr. the Sou t h headed by Ngo I wish to emphasize that King's co·workers said in Memphis last week after Dlnh Diem and from 1954 to this arlicle is not intended III the senseless assassin ation, "The white man has lost 1959 the U.S. poured $2.3 bil• It's Sock-lt-to·Me Time! Souvenir Book propose programs in the civil his best friend among the Blacks." It has come down lion Into South V ie t n a m , rights area, nor is it an at• to the sober realization now that a crucial test is at three-filths 01 It econom ic and tempt to castigate the chap• hand: the confrontation of white power and black the balance in milllary assist• ters or members for t b e i J' power. ance. shortcomings insofar as In .. Being more familiar with white power, the Nisei A RAT-HOLE SAN JOSE-All attending Ih. Ihankful to those who have vol vement is concerned. is likely to see himself depending upon white power Letters from Our Rea ders national J ACL convention responded to appeals from the Above all, it is not an ex• hortation to become active. though as a m ember of a persecuted m inority just 25 An d while all this aid was here in August will receive a booklet chairman requesting • conditioned upon certai n so• Abundant articles, statement. years ago, he m ay still remember that since the pains low Japanese - American to carelully planned and attrac• name of the chapter booklet Nisei Dilemma cial refo rms being Instltuted tive booklet, which will pro• and appeals h a v e alr.adY of Evacuation have all but ceased. whom he has shown his wares. chairman, chapter ads and ad• Dear Editor: in South Vietnam, this was aU vide vital program intorma• vertisement lolicitators. been made in this regard, and He knows too well the Impor• T believe that most of us are • • I was dismayed to read Mr. tance 01 lhe Japanese Intro• bu t fo rgotten by Diem who, tion. including many pictures as a membel' of the older aris• Let'. Switch Position. already committed. While the Suprem e Court decision of 1954 de· Iseri's answer (PC, Mar. 22) duction and our weakness In nnd references, dl reelions, di• segregating schools did little to d esegregate schools, to lhe provocative question tocracy. was not interested in rectory, and messages, and it For the chapters which Being aware of the fact that refusing if we know our friend each chapter is peculiar In it was a much·needed boost to the civil rights move· posed by the Sounding Board ups e tt l n g lhe status quo. will i"t" a blJoJ.Y thnt Vf",'1 would have not swung into action or acquaintance has recom• itself wi th its own problem. ment. But it also told the black man later that laws dated March 1. To say the Diemfs increasing autocratic fin d pleasing and to be re• yet and do not quite leel the mended us. The sa l e s ma n and diverse in the context of are not enough. lea~t, Mr .. Iseri's answer was rule intensified discontent in tained as a souveni r. anxiety that San Jose is in visils your place several Urnes, the countryside and by 1958 the i r environment.) it can The disease of racial discrim ination went un. a htUe bit much. In essence. and even if you are not at One will never know the let's reverse the picture fo; lhere was open insurrection. the moment. readily be seen why there treated. F ourteen years have passed and a National he SayS, don't rock the boat home he will leave you a Ilfr ee amount of planning, leg·work. It was no t until 1960, how• fl Assume that you have may be apathy. Ad . C .. C' '1 D' d h d t b and don t make waves, Just gift" .. to make you leel correspondence, fi nance and Consequently, it would seem VlS? ry ommlSSIOn?n IVI Isor ers . a 0 e educate ourselves and show ever, that the Communists in pressure that goes into put• mailed out the letters asking establisbed by the. PreSIdent to probe the disease and society how good we are. Mr guilty for not even taking the N o r t h , who had been that a concerted effort at the time just to "see" his wares. ting out a good convention tor cooperation and partici• look for preventative measures. Iseri further implies that we warily observing develop• pation: would you, really, like District Council level should The !ree gifts are in fact ra• book unless you have served rill the void and also impl.• For tbe white man, the Brown v. Board of Edu· are not in the same boat as ments in the South, began ac• on the committee that Is In Lo have us to meet deadlines ther nice .. a stainless steel tive support 01 the Viet Cong, ment the participation o! local cation opinion seemed adequate for it held equal t?e "other "persecuted. minori• knife imported from England, charge of it. or, at least, establish com• . doclle~y a ruthless pillaging organiza• munication. I'm sure you chapters, which have already sch ooling meant more and better schools. better ties because we ac' a cloth-cutting scissors run by For one thing. a good quali• formulated and progressed Oft schooling meant more and better jobs better jobs c e p t ': d evacuation Without tion. A I tirst nearly all the would. So, please muscle up batteries imported from J a• gueriU as who came Irom the ty book Is expensive to print some programs guided by the r f~r pan, salad lork and knite. you need the right kind and hustle up the greetings meant more and better housing-all the black dissenting. North were f o r m er South and advertisements and send conscience of their enlighten• m an. Once the black man was no longer poor a nd ig. I . so,;,ehow detect • note of 01 lithography, printing, pa• ed board and members. · I bid' . preludice on the part of Mr. Vietnamese who had gone it to us during April. Many no ~ n , Alter all the phone caUs one per. art wo rk and photo• However, one observatioft t h e wou Id cert am y e we come m to the white Iseri or is it simply ethnocen- North In 1954, and most of graphy. This is why any con• thanks." hgures. well why not just let their arms were those captur• Henry Uyeda is in charge ot should be made. Much cri• society. . trism? The laudable trait of vention booklet committee ticism has been leveled at J A• . Unfortunately, .thlS allproach by t he white man the Japanese people in su((er• him come and show his pans. ed from Diem's forces. the convention book. His Well. he begins his pitch by works so hard to make ends CL [or its apathy in the field dISregards the emotional dam age done the black m an ing privation to provide etc. meet and why lhe local com• daughter Caroline is in charge thi~ !lrst admiring your home de• THREE PRESIDENTS of the youth part ot the book o( civil rights, and it seem. and his society in the centuries of s lavery and dis- there10re J apanese are in mittee is hopelul that sut• to me that the term "civil corations or some other t1at• When President Kennedy and serve as the Jr. JACL crimination. America is slowly realizing t his psy· unique position of acceptance tery, thcn he teUs you how ficient cooperation is forth• rights" has been ban die d inherited the mess in January coming from all chapters to editor, while Phil Matsumura chological hurt. The law was changed, but it did not by society. H this position of much he enjoys working with wllJ belp as the senior editor. about with great abandon and change the beart of the white man. accept~ce IS on such tenuous 196 1, reluctant as he was to help defray expenses. in vague generalities by the those of Japanese ancestry, have American (orces involv• On the business staff are: foundation that to dissent on and in fact he only works with The committee is certainly critics. • major issues of civil rights or ed, the number of "advisers" Gregory Y. Yamamoto. adv. this group. Since he can make mgr.; Perry Dobashl. Ed. M ori ~ Every man has a dream. Dr. King eloquently Vietnam would tumble down increased to 1,300 by lhe end oka; Mrs. Ray (Lucy) Ma t s u~ NEED FOR SPECIFICS uttered in the ~1arch on Wasbington, an our accepted place, then we a mint oU of 'em, especially 01 1961, up to 9.800 by the moto, treas.: Ernut Um emoto, his 1963 young. unsuspecting girls who event that will be long remembered by tbose band of haven't found our rightful end of 1962 and by the time Beekman -- fr ~ ~!r a ~ a ~~ ~ ; ~~b e ::enrrh J ~! ~~ The question is not whether being in the marriageable age cover dt'5ign. we are going to do somethinl. JACLers who participated, and now accented by the place In this society. 1 think or the P resident's assassina• (Continued from Page 3) our collective voices should be group are easy set-ups for . but rather what specific proj• tragedy in Memphis. The black man had his own tion there were 15,500. During peddlers of wares - necessary to hear his speak. At noon his To all chapters: Chairman ects should we emphasize and dream and called it Black Power. To the m an in the heard in assent and when these years the P resident was warranted in dissent as well, to per r 0 r m their roles as receiving glowing, but inaccu• voice goes on the air accord• Hemy Uyeda would like to undertake with hopes of rea .. ghetto, it had a nice sound. To the white m an, espe· housewives. only in this arena of demo• rate, reports ot the success of ing to schedule. have the name of your Con• sonabJe success in terms 01 cially the liberal, it loomed as a nigh tm are. cratic exchange at ideas can The particular salesman political etforts 01 pacifica• "To our good and loyal sub• vention Booklet chairman, our resources and the end re• Black Power has been described as: we have a vigorous and dy• who visited me said that he tion and con tainment in the jects ... we have ordered our please write him at: 11711 sult. For example, there are had sold his goods to 25 out r "All right. white man, you won't accept m e; you n ami c society. 1 certainly South. Government to communicate Francis Drive, San Jose, Calif. many areas in which we can of 40 girls in one of .UCL A's 95133. 11 you have one, send attempt something con5truc• won't pat me on the back and call me 'good nigger.' don't recognize this as a for• In fael the situation was to the Governments 01 lhe J apanese-American sororities. it in and if you don't have ti ve, such as working in the I'm not going to ask you to do that any m ore because midable destructive force in deteriorating, manifesting it• Uni ted States, Britain, China our society. For girls who want to buy and the Soviet Un ion that our one, let him know anyway ... ghettos with unemployable. it seems to bother you and it has always bothered me. these pans, and can afford selt in revolts and the assas• so that he won't k e e p on and dropouts, providing tu• So let's stop fooling each other. Our relations have I cannot be so naive as to sination of Diem. Three weeks Empire accepts the provisions accept the statement, "At no them as sorts of status sym• o( their joint declaration . . ." waiting. torial services or technical ~een bad for both of us, because they have tied my bols, that's fine, but tbe nasty later President Kennedy was knowledge. peaceful demon• time yet has it become abso• dead and President Johnson The greatest war in history life to yours more tban either of us wants. Bu t they lutely necessary for the per' part is their underhanded me• has ended. strati on if a good purpose is h ~ve been especially bad for me. because your thods in trymg to sell their inherited the problem which, to be s e r v ed , training the son in America to engage in as ot then, was still not con• l\Iore Accurate Version m ~stakes have been made my failures, and my activities that would invite pots to those ot us who can't Kumamoto- small businessman and host really aUord them. The per• sidered very serious. (There of 0 t he r activities, and I mIstakes have been mine to keell. Sure, J sound m ad, . . . beatings, jail etc.," just was still Cuba, Laos and Ber• Based on the book by So• because I'm a century late in waking up to t hese facts. simply look at the path which sistence of the phone calls, ichi Oya, the fil m differs in (Continued from Page 4) migbt say that it doesn't tab even to actual threatening is lin, etc. to worry about). In too much imagination to con• I'm mad at you for letting me lick your boots, and has led to our present labor 1964 Ca n did ate Johnson's some detaiJ s from other ac• they feel on issues; of parents really disgusting. Their sales• jure up many more. I'm m ad at myself for doing it. So I'm not going to do laws and note the part the campaign replies to Candidate counts of the incident - for not imposing their wills too manship is based completely example, the account i.n Leo• aggressively by fo rce-feeding But the basic problem is it anymore. I'm going to be my own man without innumerable cracked skulls Goldwater sounded the notes and jailings played in. tbeir upon taking advantage of Ja• nard Mosley's "Hirohito: Em• their sons and daughters; oC speCific rather than genera Ii... wo.rrying about whether you approve or not. I'm not panese "enryo", our introduc• ol non-involvement, non·es• learning to listen and give re• ties and constructiveness ra• enactment. calation, non-bombing. peror of J apan." Since Oya g omg to be a. 'good nigger' if it's not in my interest, We are, here in Amel'ica, at tion system, and good natur• did his research and writing spect thus making a two-way ther than criticism. In fact, and . I'm not mterested in any rewards when it is in one of the most critical junc• edness and quiet politeness. But it was not to be so. By in the language 01 the parti' s t r e e t for communication we would welcome any and my m terest. Maybe I'll be poorer without the rewards tures in our history. But we The whole pitch is aimed so August 1965 the bombing was cipants, the movie account channels between parent and all s p e cit i c proposals that and .the !Jandouts, but then the churches say there's are not unique, look about cleverly and subtly at one's intensliied and we had 125,000 may be presumed to be the Child, etc. would fi t into our plans at the troops. nothing unmoral about being poor, don't they? You you, changes and turmoil are very human greed. After tbe more accurate version. However, the most unpor• District Council. o c cur r i n g throughout the above talk he, of course, has And so, beginning wit h Oya's book was adapted to tant fact perhaps expressed It can be fa irly assumed may not want to make me free in wbite America b ut P resident Eisenhower in 1954, that most chapters have no I'll be free in black America." ' world. We Nisei can ill afford to give yet another free gift the screen by Shinobu Hashi• in the article is· the concept to be apathetic and least of . this time in person to fur• continuing wit h President moto. The fi lm is directed by that youth are not just reo hesitation in becoming involv• In short, until Black Power, the black m an was ther entwine you into feeling Kennedy, and onto President belling to be rebelling in the ed in civil rights or human d e p en~ent aU just simply be sympathelic IGhashi Okamoto. upon the white man economically psy· to our fellow man. obligated to listen to him. Film is lhe best medium majority ot cases but that the relations, or whatever t~rm chologlcally and spiritually. Througb Black P ow~r. he youth of today are trying to that may be applicable to cor• JAMES OSHlKA After a bit more well- timed lhrough which to bring the seeks respect and acceptance on his terms. Black and weU-caiculated chi t-chat war, fr om the Japanese point establish a better place and recting some of the inequality 4437 Parkside Blvd. Enomoto -- society for aU ol us to live. that exist in today's society. Power is throwing the white man out of the black Allen Park, Mich. 48101 he brings out samples o! his (Continued from Front Page) of view, to Western viewers. m ovement (note they don't call it "civil rigbts" any pots and proceeds to thorough• Conceded to be a great actor And in passing if you come The extent and means em• l ~ ~ ger). Black P ower is a barsb reaction to harsh con· ly con (use you with-it you ers Digest Association Board. both in J apan and abroad, across a copy ot Sports illus• ployed to achieve this end, ditIons. 'Enry o' Disadvantage buy this and this, this, you A word of appreciation to Milune gains increased sta• trated, glance at the Wilson perhaps. will find disagree• advertisment which stresses ment, but honest ditferencel While tbe Commission on Civil Disorders t hinks Dear Sirs, will get the additional free the Hiura lamily, who will ture from his portrayal ot There's a certain firm ped• gift of this and this, but if you begin a biennial contribution Aami. As he did in uTaiheiyo that their company provides should not be an excuse tor dif~e re n tly of t he ideals of Black P ower , it has praised the equipment but that you totally rejecting the participa• theIr advocates: dling stainless steel pans at take out this and that pan, you ot the first place U.S. Govern• no Aras hi-The Storm Over the exhorbitantly outrageous can substitute this pan and ment Bond of $3 00 to the the P acific," in which he had must provide the encourage• tion o! the District Council. " The American Negro population can assume its price of about 8 pans for $300 that gift or these two pans winner of lhe National Ora• the r 0 I e of one of Japan's ment. Therefore, I advocate thOit proper role in society and overcome its feelings of or $37 per pan. These are and that gifl. This mumble• torical Contest at San Jose. most able oUicers, Rear Adm. full support and considerallon po we r less n ~ss in SOciety a nd lack of self·respect on· "guaranteed for 100 years." jumble will continue as long This con tribution is in mem• Tamon Yamaguchi, who went Wbat this all bolls down to be given to your District Iy by exertmg power over decisions that directly af· The salesman will stand on as you allow it to, as he is ory of their Issei pioneer do wn with his ship at Midway is that youth as generations Council in their endeavors tor feet its own m embers." the pan to show how sh'ong obviously having a good time father who recently passed when the battle, and Japan's past have done are question• a meaningIul program to• wards lhat end. . But Black P ower won't wor k, says the Commis· it is ... it should be 'cause performing. Of c 0 u r s e, he away_ cause was lost, Mifune con• ing, wondering and trying to it's heavy enough to use as a hasn'l bothered to mention tinues to br ing the war to lite synthesize a better climate SI?n, because the ghetto and the black people are and world in which to exist. still t oo dependen t upon white services white indus. weapon. This company aims such an unimportant thing as 6310 Lake Park Dr. (or this generation of movie• at young, single girls, living the price. Sacramento, Calif. 95831 goers. In this picture the Sansei are try and white politics. Instead, says t h~ Commission, also present in their many Bla ~ k by themselves; they have spe• • Oyama- Power preaches black racism. It retreats from cial salesmen who deal only Somewhere along the way forms. (Continued from Page I) a dIrect confrontation. with those at J apanese or J a• he U'ies to get the names and Yet if we could draw a gen• . Hence, the conclusion of the Commission was in· phone number of your other eral picture of the Sansei When the shooting w... panese-American ancestry. over, the cameraman turned eVltable.: " Our nation is m oving toward two societies, The salesmen use the well• SINGLE GIRL FRIENDS so 25 Year s Ago we would imagine that bis ~ v hI~ e, shoes would fit the category to Mr. J., "Don't you think on.e one black separate a nd u nequal . . . Dis. known method (which will that they can be bestowed In t he Pacific Cit izen, April 1 S, 1943 with "such lovely free gi!ts" of the emotional dropout stllJ we got some pretty good cnmmalIon and se lrregation have long permeated trap a J apanese or J apanese shots?" Mr. J . nodded hi. ... oh, and what's more if l urviving within the placid much of American life; they now threaten the future American anyday) 01 stressing head. that their pans are of tremen• your girl friends buy, you are fa mily sU'ucture but strug• of every American ... The move m ent apart can be Gen. DeWitt opposes return responsible (or espionage be .. gling to be freed from the On an average, I go to these dous superior quality which ot to ld you will get further glits. be~ reversed. Choice is still possible." The Commission ot Evacuees in testimony fore Dec. 7 . . . Calit. Slate inequities he sees existing. As advertising jobs about once a course must justify the exhor• Try to get this guy to go urges a ". comm j tm~nt to national action-compassion. fore House Naval Affairs Ci vil Service Dept. plans to see year, having started by de• bitant price. This selling me• home ... and one will quick• we it some Sansei are act• ate, !Dasslve, sustamed" to build a better society free Committee, fl a J ap's a J ap ... revoke rights 01 Nisei em• ing out their feelings but we !ault when a Nisei friend thod, by the way, is used in ly fin d it Is necessary to have and it makes no difference ployees. charges against 94 couldn't show up. Once of VIolence and injustice. ' one's boy friend or the man• still question whether or not r selling vitamins, medicine and whether he is an American Nisei made because "continu• there is any significant num• overheard an overconfident . Not thoughts that it is the r ight thint( to do but ager come over f OI" the finale. women's cosmetics . . . to a citizen or nol" ... Hawaiian ed employment was incom• ber of Sansei actively in• advertising agent say to h~ a~tlOn ... ~ on . fro n ta t ion , in other words. The so·called point, the higher the price, the ANTI-SALESMEN Nisei volunteers arrive at patible and inimical to pub• volved. The n u m b e r I are prospective client over th. Riot ComInlsslon report has several chapters on how better these items will seU: West Los Angeles. Camp Shelby Ap ril 14 to start Hc service".. Colorado to act. growing, and with to d a :. phone (This was even betore but those ot Japanese ancestry training ... Three Hawaii Ni sei de1ended as clerk by his blowing in the wind, we bet• he saw me!). "I have just the • • are particularly vulnerable to Nisei soldiers w in Army state civil service commission right man !o you! He loob The Stamp Act ter make baste or dig a big The. ir ony of America is that its present course this come-on, being as they decorations (or success oC . Toledo. Ohio. drops op· bole. just like 'Fu Manchu'!" for malti!lg the world "safe for democracy" may be a greatly value high quali ty .. secret mission between Dec. position to Nisei evacuees .. . which in most c as e s costs The Britist Parli ament in hollow ~Ictory when democracy at home is weakened 1765 passed the Stamp Act, 20, 1942. and Feb. 28, 1943 ... Seattle Post-]nteUigencer in more. The pans this firm is Topaz resident James Wasaka April 10 editorial advocates TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WHO ARE MOVING by keepmg the black man in check This is the crucial peddling are certainly not first direct tax ever levied test. upon America. There was vir• killed by shot fired by mili• release of loyal evacuees. worth the price . . . fo r $37 tary police. . . . tually unanimous opposition One cou!dn't help b~t realize the noble attempts one can buy a complete set New Address to the act in the American Cali!. Gov. Wa rren says Nisei U.S.A. : American La• of Rev. M~rtin Luther King Jr., when the medias reo 01 pans. state not actively opposing re• bOr Looks Ahead. c~lUnted colonies, mainly because of hIS struggle and vict0.ries the day after he Th. Syst.m turn ot evacuees during con• Editorials: "'Gen. DeWitt rear that this tax would lead and Evacuation" (raps state• c,ty State ZI P dIed, that the Negroes m Amenca shall be more unit. to many others. A year laler, ference of \Vestern governors ed t!Jan ever i.n i!ying to w o~k out their own destiny. The salesmen also know at Salt Lake City. . Colum• ment of personal prejudice how dillicult it is for us to Parliament fe aring a loss or which can determine military bettIng on therr lives tbat white America will let them trade, repealed the Stamp bia Steel plant at Provo tables Effective Dlte do so. refuse in a tace-ta-face meet• plan to use Nisei evacuees ... policy) . . "China and the • If you're moving. please let U~ know at l ea ~ ' three 'Weeks ing .. . so all sorts of devices Act Santa Barbara County board Peace" (Chinese diplomats . It's not said in America but it was most appro· prior ANKh current .ddreS!: libel below on the margin of are used to get an in-person of supervisors opposes l"eturn argue tor peace with Japan this ~e pr~a~e, when .a cI.ergyman at C ~ neeie Hall that night meeling. First of all. he has Be a Registered Voter of evacuees . FBI director rather than mere defeat of its THANK YOU PKlfic C. tizen C.rculatron Dept. laId. 'The King IS dead. Long live the King. , ." sotten our names from a !e1- .a.,ys Japanese in Hawa.iJ DOl arrruesj. . 125 Weller 51., Los Angeles, U . 90012