PIRSPIC. 'FATHER OF PHYSICAL PHARMACY' - ~ ~ ~~ . ~ Jerrv TITLE BESTOWED ON NISEI PROF • Enomoto lI! Dr, Higuchi Taught for 20 Yea .. at Wilconsln ~ CITIZEN rI) Now Head of Own Dep",tment at Kanlas Uni", PACIFIC ': I'OLlTICAL F'RO 'T M.mb",hlP Publlc"I,,: J.p.. u. Am"I"" Cltt."" Lt ...., uS W,IJ., St., lo, A,v.I", CI 90012 (213) MA ',4471 LA WRENCE, K.n, For the 50,000 III ,'ese.,'ch ~,.. n I. \\'('~k!i pl ' O~ 'ubll,h.d Wookll (mpl L.II If tho Yel{ -~ . CI," , ..I>V' "id .1 lo. A",.I .., CllH. Tht ret'ent hnvt post h.1I yeat". Dr. Takeru HI­ from dl'uS! companies. 1'1"" 'duced some exciting and sur .. ~uchl , ~9, DUl'ing his 20 ~'eal ' ~ teach­ prisin~ has been tcaching developmenls On t h • and working with his 15 grad­ Inlt a t Wi sconsin , Higuchi h .. VOL. 66 NO, III FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1968 Edit/ Bus. Office: MA 45·69345 TEN CENTS poUticol Crolll. Candidates fOl' helped 100 .tudents .am doc­ ottice have comE' and gone on \tate s i \I den l s at the nt'w 160,000 Kansas University t01'ate degrees. He hope~ to the Prcstd~nfi81 scene wUh "eseR-l'ch facility here on the cql1 al lh~ number whl1e at ~omcfim(' s shocking impact. efficiency of transfer o( bulk KU. All this brings an early fore­ d l'Y chemicals to the site of cast of the many facoted pic­ RCJl:cllt~ Professor CO·EXISTENCE OR ANNIHILATION, tUre that \ III face us all come dl'ug action in the human body. He is the .second Regen ~ election time, Rcgardless of Specificnlly, Ih€' 49-~ 'eA l ' -01d proCessor, authorized by the P81't~ · athHation. every re­ stille legislature In 1963 as the SA YS SEN. INOUYE IN PEACE TALK i~ inlCl'~ s ted span ible Am("Tiea n \ ill nol Nisei pl'o!es..o;or in " drug transCel' s.ystems'·-Iab· hi~he s l teaching rank in Ih. fmd it easy to evaluate the slate. A Regents pl'oressol"~ stands of candidales on thc leis, capsules, pills, solutions 'We Can't Ignore Red China: Nisei Solon and ointments - as well as regulal' salary is supplement­ major and tough issues of the ed (rom special runds avail­ Declares Durin, World Understandin, Week day. possible changes which may take place in dJ'll):!'S duc to Able to lhe KansA. Board of ,JACL chaplers h a v e • light, heal, contRc t wilh other Regents. HONOLULU - World peace in Warsaw, Poland, Most of SpOI\~ I{olden opportunity to dru.[(s and variou.5 other {ac­ He will I'emaln active in lhe can be attained only wben these meetings have been cold SOl' either independently. 01' in tors; Academy of Pharmaceutical there I. mutual under.tanding and Cormal, but the encour­ concert with other communi­ This study generally in­ Sciences. R national organiza­ among tbe United States, Rus­ aging tact i. that we have ty groupS, publlc information volving chemistry and phar­ tion or which he b past pres­ sia and Red China, U.S. Sen. met," Inouye said. programs 101' theil' members. macy has merited 01'. Higu­ ident. Daniel K. Inouye declared "Today mail i. allowed to Such programs might fcature chi, who was bOI'1l ill Los Al ­ Living he l'e since July at during the West Honolulu Ro­ move to and from Ohina.1I candidates, 01" panels, forums, los, Calir., the tille of " fnther 281 1 Schwarz Rd ., he is mar­ tary C I u b observance ot He said, howe v e r, that etc. wbere local. stale and na­ of physical pharmacy" and a ried and has four children: World Understanding Week American offers lor an ex­ tional issues may be discussed Regents professorship. Mar. 22. change of physicians. agricul­ by intormed people. Ce,·tain­ Kenji, 23, dental student At Mat'queUe: .T u n j i , 20, and "We can no longer ignOl'e turists, publJc health experts, ly the meat is there [or en­ Honorary Do torate Chic, 18, both KU student.; China," he sa id. "Every fourth and college prolessors and richment ol chapter program, He was also conferred an child born in the world is students have been rejected. if our leadership wants to and Peter 10. honorary Doctor of Science born in China. Every year the work. degree by the Univ. of Michi­ Russ RelatioDS Again, JACL being a .. on­ population increases by 15 gan a t ils Octobcr, 1967, Con­ million, and it is estimated Communication with Russia partisan organization cannot 1 vocation since his efforts and that by the year 2000 there 15 expanding in many ways. and should not, endorse can­ influence in pharmaceutciaJ Reagan allers his will be over one billion Chi­ Inouye said. didates, or partisan political education, research and indus­ "Daily flights between Mos­ issues. Lel us be very sure. nese." try has resulted in Us revolu­ Althougb Westerners are cow and Wasbington will soon however. that we do not turn tion unprecedented in our be commonplace and all signa our backs on the socialissucs Stand, would velo dependent on second-hand in­ century". STOCKTON CABINET- Insta lled dur­ back-Tsugio Kubota, del.; George Ma­ formation for most ot what point to an inevitable inva­ which demand OUf backing, Higuchi, now in his 21st sion of the Soviet Union by regardless of who is, or is ing Stockton JACL's 34th annual din­ tsumoto, past pres. ; Mitzie Baba, sec.; they know of China today, he year of teaching, leH his post ner were the 1968 board members and George Baba, del. Judge Bill Dozier said, all sources agree that the many more thousands of af­ nol., supporting them. At the as the Edward Kremer's Pro­ housing act repeal fluent American tourists." he same time let us make it our (from left): front-James Tanji, V.p.; installed the officers Feb. 18. physical 11 v i n g conditions fessor of Pharmacy at Wi s­ there are improved vasUy. said. business to know who our consin University to accept SACRAJI>LENTO - A radical Gary Hagio, pres.; Tets Ka to, treas.; - PC Photo by Ri chard S. Yoshikawa. IIIn recent years we have public figures are, who con­ the KU appointment last Aug­ departure fTo m earlier posi­ Gains In Science concluded a test ban treaty sistently can be (ound on the ust. He graduated (rom UC tions, Gov. Reagan last week China a]so is moving ahead with the Soviet Union and an side of justice and fair play Berkeley in chemistry and declared he \Vould veto any in the scientific field, as is agreement banning nuclear in the treatment of minority from Wisconsin wilh a Ph.D. outright repeal of the Rum­ weapons in out space. and disadvantaged Americans. shown by their having bullt in organk chemistry. ford Fair Housing Act should Sakura Festival draws big and tested a thermonuclear II A consular treaty provided bove aU let us. as individ­ He is consultant for the Na­ It come belore him and would bomb, Inouye said. for more diplomatic represen­ ual Americans, make our tional Institutes of Health and oppose a new initiative move "Coex istence used to be an tation in each country. W. opinif'ns count at the polls. va r i 0 u s drug firms and Lo eliminate it. By BOWARD M. lJItAZEKl Francisco Buddhist Church "Radio New Japan," who so­ evil word in this country." he have had a 'bot line' between brought to KU two $25,000 ltokubel Malnlc.hl En,lIsh Editor (headed by Susumu S ai ki) lor licited ads, Hokubei Mainichl Washington and Moscow for H' <TO;:') C DECI 10 ' "I'd have to,U he told a said, "but J think that most Army D e pt . contrads, a news conference. SAN FRANCISCO-An esti­ the Japanese "martial al't" had the pleasure of printing o( us have come to accept the a number of years and it wa. Much has been .aid and S30,000 gran I from NIH and mated total 01 65,000 people events, and Nichiren Buddhist the Souvenh' Booklet, the fact that there is no other put to good use in last year's The Rumford Act h as be­ Temple (headed by Archbis­ major sources or income tor Middle East crisis. Wi itten Of P"esident Johnson's come a "symbol" with minori­ visited the local Nihonmachi s01ution in a thermonuclear now hIstOriC announcement and the new Japanese Cui· hop NiUen Ishida) for cultur­ the committee. age. "Were it not for Vietnam, ties in California and " J think al programs. Ikebana Inter­ that he will not see k t h e tural and Trade Center dur­ Tbrlvlnr Turnout "Simply stated, the choiee I have little doubt that we we should be v e r y careful nationaPs San Francisco P residency again. Comments Enomolo panelisl about thisu. The governor had ing the three-day Cherry may be coexistence or annihi­ couid soon negotiate a joint ranf!e from the J!'leelul and Blossom Festival which end­ chapter helped. also, by coin- Njhonmachi business people lation. agreement to coordinate our just completed a s e r i e s of ciding its annual Spring profited immensely {Tom the tll~di sguised reaction of his ed Mar. 31 with a big splash UThererore we must pre­ work on various space pro­ meetings throughout the state Flower Show wilh the Cher- unexpected number of visitors opponent~ . to the shocked on Governor's with representatives of minor­ ot color and sound.
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