Base Ball Newslets
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SHfi i, THE NEWSPAPER THAT IS ernartsmHc 3fcu>5. v ALWAYS READJ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BERNARDS TOWNSHIP Vol. 22. No. 24 ; BERNARDSVILLE, SOMERSET COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916 FIVE CENTS BASE BALL WIN IN CRICKET MATCH. RIDGE SEWER PROTEST TO OFFICIALS COUNTYJOTES. Upton Pyne C. C. Defeats Manor Outlying District Shows Way to Claim Culvert Is Too Small.— NEWSLETS FAR HILLS WINS Probation office* John H. Osbourn, House C. C. in a Well Played Bernards ville—Would Letter of Protest Sent i'tn the final game of the series be- has gone on his annual trip to \"Vii Mr ami Mr-. Wat.«-M f,nd family BLn the Bound Brook, Y. M. A. and Game on Thursday Unite With It. To Railroad. Scotia. During Mr. Osbourn'l absence havt DMD speeding • ivw days itOccta •par Hills team Saturday afternoon District Court Clerk David Bodi&ft, will Grows, The Manor House Cricket Club, of The question of a sewer for Basking She home grounds, the Far Hills Many of the commuters from this net as probation offieu of BamsrMt Prank I». Wani is milking extensive lien Cove, L. I., journeyed by auto on Ridge is being very seriously consider- place are said to place the blame for i pulled another victory over their County. Mr. (iodine served in the same improvements to his ijjot on Lents. The home aggregation hit Thursday to cross bats with the Upton ed by the citizens of that section of the washout last Wednesday at Murray capacity last year. Quimby I.ane. Pne Cricket Club on the Upton Pyne tthews of Pound Brook, but twice the township. A preliminary meeting lill of the tracks of the Pnssaie and i Field here. Charles 8, Hamilton, of Somerville, A poekttboek vmt><ntn| $i.\ lost lly, but managed to score two runs of the Basking Ridge Improvement Delaware Branch of the Lackawanna has entered the race for the Democratic Monday by Mrs. Frank Sutton, was misplays. Bound Brook scored The first inning netted Upton Pyne a Society was held last Friday and on the railroad officials, nomination for Sheriff. Three years found by Miss Hertha Huck, who im- safe hits off Jaeggers, Final score of 44 and Manor House, 35, de-another will be held tomorrow (Friday.) Some of those who use the club car ago Mr. Hamilton was defeated in themediately returned same. re-Bound Brook 1, Far Hills 2. ciding the game. A second inning was The sewer proposed was outlined by Irom here to Newark and New York, played resulting in the following score: general election by only ten votes. The A. 8. I'.urns, Jr., Frank 0 Brien, iterieB-Far Hills, Jaeggers and members of the general committee and who were caught last Wednesday Upton Pyne, 67, Manor House, 85 (not candidate's petition is now in circula- Americo Chiapjwura. William Babcock. Bound Brook, Matthews and considering the question throughout night and compelled to wait at Murray out.) tion. Charles Dieterlen and Kobert FinUy, Itthews. Umpires, Messrs. Dargel the township. At tomorrow's meeting Hill for from four to eight hours, have an attempt will be made to get thewritten letters of protest to the presi- all of Spring Valley, N. Y., motored to | Dougherty. Bowlers for Manor House were T. New York authorities have issued a idea of the property owners on thedent of the road. Bemardavitle Sunday and took dinner O'Connell and A. Taylor; for Upton warning to nil New Jersey residents to question of a joint sewer for that place at the Inn with the Editor of the NEWS. BASKING RIDGE EASY VICTORS Pyne, E. Putrell and G. Hillsden. Chief among those who are taking refrain from transporting horses to and Bernardsville. In the Recorder's Court on Monday 3y the overwhelming score of 19 to Star plays by T. O'Connell for Manor the question up with the railroad is New York, or bringing them to this he Basking Ridge base ball nine Sat House and M. Linton, G. Hillsden and The proposal favored by the society William H. Page of Far Hills. He morning several ca»ea were settled out State, without a permit having been se- of Court, a number were adjourned to y afternoon defeated the Summit E, Putrell for Upton Pyne, were a is one which would unite these places calls the attention of the president of cured from the Commissioner of Agri- next week and several new suits were M. C. A. team on the home grounds. feature of the game. in the disposal of sewage. The cost of the road to the size of the culvert, culture or his qualified representative, added to the calendar. lie heavy hitting of the Ridge ag- The following team defended the operating a disposal plant of the type which he maintains is not large enough because of the prevalence of glanders egation was responsible for the biglocal wickets: R. Hangar, R. Eardley, proposed is estimated at $1,500 annual- to carry away the water; to thelowness or farcy. Harry B. Merrill and M. L. Balco, ly, and it was suggested that to have of the track and ore. Gombush of the home team W. Duthie, G. Few, R. Harrison, A. to the unsubstantial Violation of this order upon detection Monday journeyed to th« scene of the two of them in the township where one material used in fcored a home run in the sixth. Bat- Robson, M. Linton, G. Hillsden, E. the building of thewill mean a heavy fine, and the author- explosion at Black Tom Island, Bayonne. would suffice would be extravagent. It embankment. feries-Basking Ridge, Ehrler, Van Putrell, J. Frank, C. Pontijex. ities mean to enforce it to the letter. Miss Laura M. Smith, of Spring Val- was suggested that the disposal works [fess and Mackenzie; Summit Y. M. C. A game will be played on the Upton The Board of Trade is also expected Animals not properly passed will be ley, N. Y., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. could be located between the two Schrumpf, McMurray and Allen. Pyne Field with the Sons of St. George, to act on the question of writing the subjected to a 10 days' test. C. H. B. Trumbull, of Prospect Slope. Somerville, on Saturday at 3 p. m. places, and the hint was made that railroad in similiar vein, calling atten- Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Bunn, of Bell property might be donated for the use The railroads, ferries or other car- MENDHAM LOSES AGAIN tion to the fact that washouts have oc- Terrace, entertained over Sunday Mr. of the two communities. riers that bring any animal into New By the score of 4 to 0, the Pastime curred, periodically and that the dif-York afterwards found on inspection to and Mrs. J. H. Blazure and Mr. and Big Building Work Progressing It was said that the probable cost of ficulty ought to be remedied. 31ub of Mendham on the home ground be afflicted with glanders are subject Mrs. H. C. Blazure, of East Orange. Construction and improvement work building the sewer would be $75,000. Mr. Page's letter to Mr. Truesdale aturday afternoon lost its seventh aggregating an outlay of about $1,000,- to a fine of $100. Mrs. William Rutnson and son, of Straight game to the Antler A. C. of The line would extend from Cedar Hill, follows: OOfl is well under way in this and ad- New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. The defeat was due to the taking in Bernardsville. It was also "The condition of the stretch of road After agitating the improvement of •Newark, journing towns. In Bernardsville the William White, of Mt. Airy road. suggested that a number of people who bed between the vicinity of Murray the McCurdy road in Franklin Town- •superior all-around playing of themost important work which is progress- are deeply interested in the project Hill and Berkeley Heights is called to ship for the past ten years, residents of Mrs. Samuel Adair and Mrs. Lewis •visitors. Cole a new pitcher, got i ing rapidly is the building of a new Childs, of Brooklyn, are visiting Mr. might make substantial contributions your attention with an urgent appeal that section were rewarded Tuesday, •trial, and if he had received any field golf course and club house for the Som- and Mrs. H. C. Adair. to the building of the sewer, lessening that consideration be given to its when the contract for the work was King or batting support the locals might erset Hills Country Club at a cost of fhe burden on the taxpayers. betterment. I have won. Neither pitcher gave awarded to William R. Moore, of Far The Misses Elma and Nettie Black $250,000, and the construction of a new Yesterday all the trains carrying peo- I base on ball3 and each had nine strikes- Hills. Mr. Moore's bid of $22,158.55 have returned to Hightstown, after a parochial school, sisters' home and par- ple from New York after 4 p. m, were louts. Batteries—Pastimes, Cole anc Two Injured In Auto Accident was the lowest submitted. visit to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meseroll. ish house in connection with the parish delayed four hours between 9 p. m. and I Day; Antlers, Adams and Collins. A rather serious accident occurrec Thomas Osborn, of Brooklyn, is visit- of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, for 2 a. m. as distinguished from 5 p, m. Friday morning when an automobile At a recent meeting of the Democrat- ing William White, of Mt.