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Vol. 22. No. 24 ; BERNARDSVILLE, SOMERSET COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916 FIVE CENTS BASE BALL WIN IN CRICKET MATCH. RIDGE SEWER PROTEST TO OFFICIALS COUNTYJOTES. Upton Pyne C. C. Defeats Manor Outlying District Shows Way to Claim Culvert Is Too Small.— NEWSLETS FAR HILLS WINS Probation office* John H. Osbourn, House C. C. in a Well Played Bernards ville—Would Letter of Protest Sent i'tn the final game of the series be- has gone on his annual trip to \"Vii Mr ami Mr-. Wat.«-M f,nd family BLn the Bound Brook, Y. M. A. and Game on Thursday Unite With It. To Railroad. Scotia. During Mr. Osbourn'l absence havt DMD speeding • ivw days itOccta •par Hills team Saturday afternoon District Court Clerk David Bodi&ft, will Grows, The Manor House Cricket Club, of The question of a sewer for Basking She home grounds, the Far Hills Many of the commuters from this net as probation offieu of BamsrMt Prank I». Wani is milking extensive lien Cove, L. I., journeyed by auto on Ridge is being very seriously consider- place are said to place the blame for i pulled another victory over their County. Mr. (iodine served in the same improvements to his ijjot on Lents. The home aggregation hit Thursday to cross bats with the Upton ed by the citizens of that section of the washout last Wednesday at Murray capacity last year. Quimby I.ane. Pne Cricket Club on the Upton Pyne tthews of Pound Brook, but twice the township. A preliminary meeting lill of the tracks of the Pnssaie and i Field here. Charles 8, Hamilton, of Somerville, A poekttboek vmt>

RAILWAY MAIL PAY. HIGH WAGES ON Congreea Dir*cti Interstate Commerce COLGATE LEADERS BUSINESS MEN TRY Commiteion to Investigate Subject. WashinsTton.—The annual Post Of Claremont Hotel AMERICAN ROADS flee appropriation bill recently passed ARE J9PTKMISTIG TO AVERT STRIKE by Congress contains a clause directing the Interstate Commerce Commission to lake up for investigation, report and Railroad Payroll Records Made the fixing of rates the system of pay Declare That "Sober Secon Ask Congress to Direct U. S ment to the railroads for carrying mail The Commission Is authorised to test Inquiry into R. R. Wages. Public by the Carriers. the relative merits of payment by The Place to Buy Pure Thought" of Republicans Is weight and by space. Turning to Their Candidate. The railroads have long contended FOR PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT NATIONAL INQUIRY URGED that they were underpaid for this sorv Whiskey Ice and that they were losing millions of dollars a year under the system of Managan Offer to Leave Quettlon of MANAGER BOCK'S STATEMEN Member, of United 8Utee Chamber of payment now In effect It was felt 1100,000,000 Wag* Demandi to an Im- Commerce Vote Overwhelmingly In that the Interstate Commerce Com partial Federal Tribunal to Prevent Favor of Letting Interstate Commerce mission, on account of the Information Newark, N. .!., Aug. 8.—OptlmUti Oiaaeter of a Nation-wide Strike. I handle good clean standard brands of Honest Commieeion Adjuet Controverty. at Its command regarding all phases n'|»ortH euiKtinliiK tin- runtliclury a of railroad operation, Is In the best po New York.—What la probably the Whiskey, and give every customer jU8t w|,at Senator Austen Colgate fof tin* lit Washington.—In order to asrertaln eltlon to determine the merits of the >u) most elaborate study of wages ever jiubllcaa tinniliuiitcii fur go?eruof < the position of the business men of caie. he is paying for. Claremont Pure Rye and tlmii' to come in from nil sciiidiis u made In any Industry has Just been the nation on the controversy between Loughlin's Pure Tiger are my leaders the state, according bo iii« campaig completed by the National Conference tho railroads of the country and the niKnuKfr, I'nmli .1, Bock, former posi Committee of the railways. at $1.00 per bottle, of 30 ounces. No headache unions of train service employes, which nuiNtcr of ,\V\\*rk, While li IN wlmit For six months railway accountants GOVERNMENT SHOULD was precipitated by the demand of the no bad taste the morning after. tod tiuit tin* colonot'i campaifft) UK up were asked to express their opinion as tional strike for a new wage ecale. •f economic analysis, to regulate Colgate men tliero and xv to whether the dispute should be al- them on the Job. wages accordingly. Having tak- lowed to take Its course with the pos- That these employes are one of the en one step, It must take the As a sort of offset to the nttonip highest paid groups of workers in any othe?. The logic of events Is wiiirh is being made i*y Edge workeri sibility of a great strike that would Industry is disclosed by the •ummary forcing this dilemma on the gov- to make Inroads Into the Colgflti tie np all the transportation lines made public today by the railroad ernment. It Is the public which Rtrenjrtli In Ksse.v Colgate workers an throughout the country and paralyse managers. sooner or later must pay for the Bow HtnrtiiiK mi aggressive boots f<>r nil business, or whether they would Increased expenses of transpor- their candidate in Atlantic, They an favor the adoption to a Joint resolu- The average yearly wage payments tation.—Profetsor J, Laurence working with the Idea tlmt the strong to all Eastern train employes (Includ- tion by the two branches of congress Laughlin. University of Chicago. opposition which developed &gsfosl directing tho Interstate Commerce ing those who worked only part of the Senator Ifidgo during the Atlantic Cttj Commission to Investigate and pass year), as shown by tho 1915 payrolls, commission Kiiverrinient election cam upon the matter. were: paign can be ttsed as n big asset for Passenger. Freight. Tard. LONG HOURS A RARITY. Colgate at the primaries. The vote received was a very large Engineers $1,796 (1,546 &.3S4 1,238 one and represented business organ- Conductors 1,724 1.404 Only One* In F!v» Yasrt Doaa Avartga Would Be Hard Man to Beat, zatlons In every part of the coun- Firemen 1,033 90S M4 Trainman Excaad L«gal Limit The dominant lilen which the Co try. The result was overwhelmingly Brakemen 1.018 990 managera are now trying to iin :n favor of placing the matter in the Wages aa High •« $3,224. That long hours In train service hart been reduced to a minimum 1B shown s upon the Republican voters of lands of the Interstate Commerce Three-quarters of these men (Includ- Commission, 0S4% votes being cast In a report Issued by the Interstate ing all those who put in a full year's avor of this course and only 28% Commerce Commission. Only one em- service), earned these wages: against It The result showed clearly ploye In live on the average last year Engineers (road), $1,585 to $3,224: hat the business Interests of the was compelled to renmln on duty more country are unalterably against per- ryard), $1,303 to $2,178. than sixteen hours during any one day mitting the transportation lines to be Conductors (road), $1,552 to $3,004; In the whole year. Stated in another led up by a national railroad strike (yard). $1,145 to $1,991. way, the chance of an enfflnemnn or Dealers also in Coal, Lumber, Masons' Materials, Drain hat would paralyze the commerce of Firemen (road), $933 to $1,762; (yard). he country and Inflict enormous losses trainman remaining on duty beyond Pipe, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stable Supplies, $752 to $1,633. n all classes of citizens. this prescrlhed limit was reduced to Brakemen (road), $S62 to $1,707; Spraying Materials, Fertilizers, Field, Garden and Lawn Chairman Wheeler of the Commit- once In fire years. Seeds ee In charge of the matter for (yard), $834 to $1,635. The total number of cases of excess he Chamber of Commerce appear For the whole country the average service from all causes reported to the ed before the representatives of the wages of three-quarters of the em commission was only 61,247 during the Farm and Garden Tools and Machinery railroads and their employes at their ployes were: year ending June 80, 1915, as com- Household Furnishings, Etc. : : : : : onference in New York In June. He Passenger. Freight. Tard. 91.892 tl,526 pared with 137,439 tn 1914 and 270.827 nnounced the result of the Com- Engineers 12,067 In 1913, and with rare exceptions these mittee's Inquiry among the business Conductors 1.&0 1,719 1,310 M 1.117 824 represented cases recognized as due to CANNEL COAI FOR FIRE PLACES men of the country and urged both Firemen 1,203 1.013' 1.076 unavoidable causes. artles to the dispute to get together Brakemen 1,035 Statistics on this subject are collected nd adopt the course suggested. As a The railroads have considered every by the Interstate Commerce Commls result the committee of managers rep- man whose name appears on the Janu- •Ion under the national hours-of-service resenting the railroads submitted a ary and December payrolls as an em- law. Every time a train Is so de- proposal that the whole subject be ploye for a year, no matter how little layed by a blizzard, washout or oth- ilaced before the Interstate Commerce service he performed in the other ten er cause that any part of the train Commission as requested by the repre- months. It Is pointed out by the man- crew Is on duty longer than sixteen entatlves of the business Interests, agers that these averages are, in con- hoars the railroad company must re- As aa alternative they offered to sub- sequence, an understatement of the SENATOR AUSTEN COLGATE. port the occurrence to the commission, mit the demands to arbitration under earning power of these employes. the stal" Is that Colgate would l>e the giving the immes of the individual em- the Federal law. Both offers were An Appeal to the Public Strongest candidate the party could ployes concerned and a full statement wfTieed by the onion leaders, who an- The National Conference Committee, nominate. They also give It out that nounced that they would go back to of the cause for the excess service. !'.!(• Democratic leaders don't want Col- In making these wage figures public, their unions and get authority to de- says: For several years the railroads and gate because he would be the hardest clare a strike. This they have since tha Interstate Commerce Commission man to heat. "Do you believe In arbitration or been doinc. Industrial warfare? have been co-operating In efforts to THE UNIVERSAL CAR Dully conferences of Colgate leaders "The train employes on all the prevent the keeping of employes on from different counties are lieinn held Meanwhile a resolution has been 1E railroads are votine whether they duty for Ion;: pcflods. The reduction at the boadqnartwa, 45 Academy troduced In Congress directing the In- will give their leaders authority | oi nearly SO per cent, lu such cases street. A general plan of organiza- terstate Commerce Commission to to tie up the eomroerop nf the coon ! TW4 hr.a been brought about In three NEW PRICES tion throughout the state, determined make an Investigation of railroad try to enforce their demands for a yearssiioirs that the working of men wages. This resolotion is now awalt- upon at the conference In the Hubert $:*OO.orjO,000 wage iucreaee. or long stretches of continuous service tnc action. It Is believed here that 1? Trent hotel, Newark, H week ago, Is "The railroads are In the public i*s practically disappeared except in Ford Chassis, now $325 nothing further Is done by Cougress or being perfected. •errjee—your service. Thli army ran caaes of unavoidable delay. "Reports that nre comlnc In from by the parties to the wage dispute to Touring, « 36O bring about a peaceful settlement the of employees is in the public service Still Out. M M reliable sources in the various counties —your service. Runabout 345 of tho state." suld Mr. Boc% ihe other business Interests of the country, "Are you sure your mistress Is out?" through the United State* Chamber "You pay for rail transportation itked the caller. 505 day, "indicate that the sotier second $3,000,000,000 a year, and 44 cents « Couplet, of Commerce, or some other organisa- "Oh, yes, sir," replied the maid. "She u thought of Republican voters is turp- out of every dollar from yon goes 595 I tion, win appeal to the Government old me two hours ago she was out, Town, lnp to Colgate in the realization that to the employes. to take some direct and decisive actinn and she hasn't come In since."--St. « It is the duty i>f the party to select "A $loo.nnn,ooo wage Increase for Sedan, 645 to prevent the destruction of national Louis Post Dispatch. Its strongest candidate and tlmt Col- men In freight and yard service gate is the man. It It reulixtil that, prosperity by a strike on all the rail- road lines. Hess than one-fifth of all employes} For sale by ELLIS TIGER CO. other things being equal, the Repub- is equal to a 5 per cent advance in Trouble Saver. Gladstone, N. J. licans will have H )>etter chance <r vote there than nny how »un those of the average American to the depositors entitled thereto under pay provision* In the 10-hour schedules the Hy-Law.M, n semi-annual interest mutters nnd to make him out to be a watre-worker, it occurs to me different man than he is. He has on- •hall be included In tho proposed dividend ag follows: 8-hour achedule. thnt they at least have lens leryi \fa\g t.fli,i|,fliCT", ou |t|M merits, am' enusp for complaint than most O GLADSTONE, N. J. These special rule* frequently give \\\* record Is C'lonn and clear. It Is others. When I consider that double pay for the ttame service, and HlKiilnefuit tlial In the effort to stir up the avernge locomotive engineer ennblc the employes to earn two nnd sentiment HKnlnat him MH apponratl has an Income of over f2,i)00 At the ratl Of FOUR per centum per Automobiles and Supplies, Etc. have bi'i'ti cdiupelled to resort to mln throe dnvs' pny In a Mn«lc day of a yenr, and that most of the annum on all accounts from $5.00 reprcMeiitntlnn. ordinary working hours. engineers who have been lmm to $6,000.00, Aa the liicrenne for all the lines Is en- "Colonel ("nitrate Intends to conduct In service make from #2,0rti ttmntet! t" amount ti> $10O,0tio,0ftO n Payabla on and attar July 18th, 1916 n dean OtJi eninpiiltfii. lie lms no rte to «3, 1inlc|ie:idcii|s ihan nny othtT farmer or doctor, whnw Incniun Correipondance Solicited gnftcd In train service nrt> already very candidate win, cmmi be named'. I be In fnr less, It wi'ins thai In nil much higher than thone of uthr-r em- (.pen ilnily from!) a. m. to 8 p, Heve it Is the dut,,v Of Die l!epum>nim fairnens they nre well pitld.— ployee* nnd they receive 2N per cent of m ixeepi on Saturdays and Holidayi tfl chnoto Hictr fttonge«1 ennilMnte foi .Inhn V. Farwoll, Chicago Mer- the total payroll nlthnnnh conMltutiiiir On XntunlnvN rrom !»it. m. to 18o'clock Subscribe for Htnvernnp <\\ KPW .Icmiy, n* they hnve chant only 18 per cent of the whole number HIM .Ti CbOHB ilielr RlrnnvPNt caudldnte for of railroad worker*. nrei«1<1f>i\1 of the Vt Itert PHILANDER B. HIERSON, Pr«». HORACE G. WOLFE, Sac. and Tr.a., The Bernardsville News The Bernardsville News, Thursday, August 3, 1916

ernion every Sunday at 8 p. m.l Sunday School following morning ser- ;RNARDSVILLE ice at 11:30. Bishop Janes Methodlit Church, St. .Mark's Church, Basking Ridge, Basking Ridge L. R. Anshutz, Lay Header, in charge. —Holy Communion all Sundays except BERNARDSVILLE STATION BUSINESS MEN Rev. E. J. Guest-Pastor he second in the month at 9:45 a. m.. 10.30 a. m.— Morning worship econd Sunday in the month at 7 a. 7.00 p. m.-Epworth League. a., morning prayer every Sunday at GARAGE ler this head will be published each 7.45 p. m.—Evening Worship. 0:30; Sunday School at 11:30, even- Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.45 ng prayer on the first and third Sun [week the cards of Business Men p. m. days in the month at 7:30 p. m. in Bernardsville who deserve BEST EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP IN Bernardiville Methodist Church. he Reformed Church of Bedmlnster your patronage Rev. J. W. Flynn—Pastor. Rev. Charles Gilbert Mallery—Pastor THE COUNTY Morning worship at 10.45. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. AUBRICH Bible School session at 11:50 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. L. R. H Graded lessons. Modern methods. Christian Endeavor worship at 6:45 Classes for adults. Every Men's Bible m. Tires and Accessories Batteries Charged Class, J. W. Flynn, Leader. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. VETERINARIAN L. H. NUSE Epworth League devotional service Mid-week service, Wednesday at and Infirmary Katcham Place HORSESHOEING at 7:10 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Overhauling a Specialty —AND— Be 140-W Bernardsville Evening worship at 7.45. Women's Missionary Society first Wednesday ot each month at 3 p. m DOGS BOARDED JOBBING Every Wednesday, 8 p. m., Hour ot Special attention riven to Prayer and Bible Study. Ladies' Aid Social In the chapel each month as announced. AND TREATED Coach and Driving Horses. A warm welcome to all who wor- We do any machine work Satisfaction Guaranteed Wheelwrighting and Rubber Regular meeting of Consistory, first ship with us. Tire Work a Specialty Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all at the LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED The regular business meeting ano Church on the Hill Top. >AUL ADAMS All Work Guaranteed •oclal of the Christian Endeavor So- Adjustments Promptly Made Agent for Racine and Goodyear Automobile Tires and the ciety the flrat Friday evening of each nrseshoeing & Jobbing Westcott Automobile month at 7:30 p. m. Flrat Congregational Church. TELEPHONE 183-J. Communion service the second Sun- CARRIAGE REPAIRING MAIN ST., BERNARDSVILLE, N. J. Rev. Gwylm Isaac, Minister. ay of January, July, October and Eas JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ILL ST. : Bernardsville Sunday School 10 a. m. ter Sunday. Morning worship 10.45 o'clock. i you want to sell your farm? W. SHAFFER'S Christian Endeavor, 7 o'clock. St. Elizabeths Church. Far Hills, N. J. i a buyer for you if your Evening worship 7.45 o'clock. Telephone 170 Bernardsville BUS LINE Rev. Francis Langan—Pastor is right! Leaving Bernardsville Midweek services at 7.30. Choir Masses on Sundays at 8 and 11 a along description, location Morning -7:00, 8:00 and 10 o'clock. practice 7.30. m., Holy Days at 6:30 and & a. m price to, Robert J. Murphy, A(ternoon-l:00;3:00; 5:00. Strangers in town are cordially in Week-day mass at 7 o clock during vited to attend these services and par Estate, Summit, N.J. Saturday Night.-7:00 o'clock. May, June, July, August, September ticlpate in the worship and work ot 7-3t Sundays—7:00 trip omitted. and October. 8 o'clock during No Arriving Bernardsville the church. You nave need of a ember, December, January, February Morning—8:00, 9:30 and 11:30. church. We need you. Let us get March and April. Confessions before I. B. BOWERS Afternoon—2:30; 4:30; 6:30. together for the advancement of the the Masses and week days, Benedic Kingdom ot God. tion of the Blessed Sacrament at 11:46 A. B. Walmsley Funeral Director and Sunday—8:00 trip omitted Remember your dally pt ayer for theo'clock on Sundays. Baptisms after Embalmer Leaving Morriatown church and the town. the Masses on Sundays and by special Morning—7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 [Art,pie Equipment. Prompt and appointment. Devotions for Slavon • Efficient Service. Afternoon—2:00; 4:00; 6:00. ian, Hungarian and Polish people im Sunday—7:30 trip omitted. 4 [Telephone 191 Rernardsville, N. j. Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church mediately after the 11 o'clock mass on || Flour, Feed, Grain, Baled Hay, Straw. Shavings • Saturday NighU-11:00 Rev. L. G. Bennett, Pastor. Sundays: Christian Doctrine Sunday*, All Errands and Parcels care Fertilizers, Stable and Poultry Supplies J Morning worship 10.30. at. 8:45 and 10 a. m. ARRIVAL AM) DEPARTURE OF MAIL" fully attended to. Societies — Communion Sundays • Eveni ng worshi p 7.45. Rosary Society, first Sunday of the Mid-week prayer service Wednesday HAILS DKPA month; Young Ladies Sodality, secom VAILS RECEIVED R. E. Mosedale,M,R.C.V.S t 7:45 p. m. 6.2S a. 111. ?.39 a. m. Sunday of the month; Holy Name So Junior Christian Endeavor Wednes • 7.89 " 9.12 " VETERINARIAN ciety, third Sunday of January, April, ANTHRACITE COAL 1.26 " day at 3:30 p. m. July and October; St. Aloysius Boys 13.55 p, m 9.13 " Woman's Home and Foreign Mis Society, fourth Sunday of each month, 2.55 p. 111 4.89 " Tel. 12-M BernardsviKc, N. J. ionary Society second Friday in the 5.S0 " 5.80 " . . . Dogi Boarded . . . month at 3:15 p. m. Mails close 10 minutes before time ot Ladies' Aid Society third Thursday .iberty Corner Presbyterian Church All Orders Carefully and despatch. at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Peter K. Hageman—Pastor. Brotherhod meetings for men fourtb Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morn Office closes evening* v 7 o'clock )R C. M. HENRY Promptly Filled Thursday at 8 p. m. ng worship and sermon at 10:45 a. m Junior C. E. at 2 p. m. .Y. 1\ S. C. R DENTIST A cordial invitation is extended to Henry Scheuerman Wm. L. Schenerraan l strangers In the community to at-at 7 p. tn. Evening worship and ser- mon at 7:45 p m. Midweek service on BERNARDSVILLE N.J. tend these services. Stages lun from Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Woman's Scheuerman Agency Bernardsville for the convenience of Telephone 135-J those who have no means ot convey- Missionary Society on the first Wed- Real Estate and Insurance ance. nesday of each month at 2:30 p. m. Milton G.Faust Girls' Missionary Guild on the first Managing and Renting ••••••••»••••••••••••»••>••••••••••••••••••+»•••»••• Sunday ot each month at 3 p. m. Men'i Dry Good* : Groceries Sacred Heart Italian Church. oi Estates a Specialty.*.* Organized Bible Class each Sabbatb Mass on Sunday with announce- Coleman, Hannah 20 acres, Bernards- NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER OF DEED! Commissioner of Deeds morning for Bible study at 9:45 a. m ments and sermon In Italian and Eng- ville 8.45 and for business and social on the Post Offloe,) Basking Ridge, The next call for the Fire Laddies lish at HH30 a. m. Sunday School at NOTICE Dufour, A. house and lot, Blazure'i N.J. ast Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p Corner 67.16 Building \ may be at your home. 2:30 p.m. Benediction of the Blessed n. Regular meeting of the session on Homestead Realty Co., house and lot, Loans Negotiated Sacrament at 4 p. ro. Devotions In Ford avenue, Bernardsville 37.44 Bernardsville, N. J. the Friday evening before Communion honor of the Sacred Heart every first HofTmeister, L. house and lot, Liberty on the first Sunday in February, May, Corner 11.81 conscious, iicr nifsbaua. who was also Friday of the month with Mass and Mrs. Cornelia Kitbe. forty-eight yean SALE OF LANDS Kellar, Jos. 1 lot, Mine Brook road, iugust and November. old, of Paterson, drowned herself In milking in the barn, rescued her. ommunion at 6:30 a. m. Confession! BernaiJaville 6.73 the cistern back of her home. She was the preceding Thursday and Friday FOR Kubisby, Andrew 1 lot, Orchard street, despondent because she could not visit The sunshine committee of the Home morning. Baptisms and marriages to Bernardsville 5.73 her parents In Holland. and School league of Woodbury is of- St. Jam*! Catholic Church Lent, Chas. W. 2 lots, Main street, fering rewards for work done during be arranged. Backing Ridge Bernardsville 9.59 UNPAID TAXES Looker, V. M. 38 acres, Liberty Cor- Three cases of typhoid fever have the summer months along vocational Mass and Sermon at 9.15 a. m. FOR THE YEAR 1914 ner 160.30 developed among workmen at the lines. An exhibit of this work will bo held in the early part of October. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given Mason, Wm. house and lot, Martin Qibbstown powder plant, and the com- Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help by Robert Kay, Collector of the Town- ville ,,., 9.12 pany has Issued nu order compelling The Paulsboro council will meet but ship of Bernards, County of Somerset, Ormiston, Clara 77 acres and house and all employees to be inoculated. Game Warden George Phifer of Mill, Sundays once a month until October. State of New Jersey, that he will sell lot, Bernardsville... 1&3.92 ville found two turtles, one inscribe 1 at public sale all the lands, tenements, Padgett Renard S., 42 acres, Martins- Masses with sermons at 8 o'clock John Tupper, eighty-seven years old. "B. F. Shaw, 1808," and the other The South Jersey Farmers' exchange hereditaments and real estate herein- ville. 73.93 "James li. Vnnaman, 1871," near Cum- and 11 o'clock. at Woodstown has opened for busi- after mentioned for the shortest term Saunio, M. house and lot, Mine Brook a florist of Lakewood, killed himself for which any person or persons will road, Bernardsville.. 23.45 find left a note to his wife directing berland. Sheriff Shaw and Vnnaman Special Devotloni with Benediction ness. have been dead a number of years. agree to take the same ana pay the tax Smith, Chas, Sooy 26 acres, 2 cottages, tliiit there be no funeral services antl of the Blesed Sacrament for the Slav lien thereon, including interest and Bernardsville »).".. H4 Miss Dorothy Kanstelncr of Bayonne Hint ho be buried in his hack yard. and Hungarian parishioner! at 3:30. costs of sale, or will purchase the same Swain, S. S. residence and • died from an overdose of headache More than 100 uirls and their moth Evening devotions witb short ie>. in fee if no one will bid for a shorter 5 acres, Basking Ridge. powder. term. The said gale will take place at The Klnss plant of the T. C. Whentr>n III attended H Canning demonstration mon and Benediction of the Blessed Swain, S. S. mill and 90 acres, , held ut Summit PSflt, Pitman, by Miss; the Basking Ridge. [ company, Millville, employing almost Sacrament at 7:30. Gloucester county farmers are pick Cooper, state leader of girls' canning WASHINGTON HOUSE Swain, 8. S. farm, 40 acres, fiUO hands, shut down for the summer Baptisms on Sunday after the 11Ing their first eggplants, and the crop Basking Ridge. vacation. Owing to rush of orders the clubs, under the direction of the I'lt- o clock mass, or in the afternoon by promises to be big. Batking Ridge, N. J. Schorb, Mrs. John 68 acres, Martins- stop win be three weeks shorter than man Young Woman's .association. villeill . 36.611 pedal arrangement. usual. The purchase of a flag and pole for Westlecraft, Judson estate The Bench Haven borough council The Children of Mary receive Com- FRIDAY, AUGUST 25,1916 Westlecraft Block, Rernards- the towu hull has been authorized by ville. While weeding his sweet potato haH advertised for bids for the pro munion in a body at the. S o'clock Ilaminonton council. AT 2 P. M. patch on his farm near Lake Kenil- owed jfU.",(«H) board walk, the bond is mass oa the first Sunday of month. Westlecraft, Judson 1 house worth, William Schafer, Sr, stepped sue for which was approved at a re The said lands, tenements, heredita- and lot, Andernon road, The girls of the Holy Angel Society Women of the Pitman Rapt 1st church Bemardsville. cent social election. The bids will be ments and real estate so to be sold, and v on a rattlesnake, but managed to kill on the second Sunday. took In more than $1,000 nt their an- the names of the persons against whom Weatlecraft, 1 house and lot, the reptile with a hoe before it could received at n council meeting AUK. "• The boys of St. Aloyslus Society on nual chicken potple supper. the said taxes have been laid on account Bernards Terrace, Her- bite him. the fourth Sunday. of the same and the amount of tssefl nardsviUe, Citizens of Riverside and Delaneo 'Lamliprtville Merchants' association laid on account of each parcel are usWeatlecraft, Judson 1 store and house, Bernards Ter- National guardsmen nt Camp Fielder. have already contributed $137.50 to a arc QQ&ftdertsg methods of advanclns follows, viz: Nea Girt, who are cigarette smokers fund for a pnlmotor for use In the two race, Berriardsville. thfi trade interests of the rltv. Allen, Mrs. E. S. Estate, 3 acres,Army Westlecraft, Judson h nhflmien, wore indirectly informed that they can towns. It will be kept in the Zur- St. Bernard's Pariah road, Bernardsville $2rt.4(i I Several tSIfl Kray owls have Bernards Terrace, Hemards- $668.11 ixpect no promotion, or at least not s<> bruw Memorial hospital, Riverside, Rev. T. A. Conover—Pastor. possession of the tower above tin Alpaugh, Mrs. Chas, 2 lots, Bernard.-- ville. rapidly as those who do not indulge In ueur RSBCOOai crook, scene of manv ville 19.72 Weatlecraft, Judson 1 lot, 8:00 a. m. .Holy Communion. belfry of the First Methodist Episcopal Burns, Lucy house and lot, Bernards the weed. drowning- 10:00 a.m., Morning prayer and Holy church In CoDtnKswood, where they re Bernards Terrace, Bernards- ville 63.23 ville. Communion and sermon by the rector main during the daylight and from Buint, David store property, Mrs. Mary Palmer of Newark tried John Marti, who bit off the BON of where they emerge, at twilight and Westlecraft, Judson I lot, Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 Claremont road, Bernards- Bernards Terrace, Bernardn- I" rescue a oat from the tree HSST DS* Ids friend, John Tomoeelk, WUH sent keep the community somewhat dtl ville. liorne nnd fell to the ground, breaking •Bead in Ni'w Unininvlck to a year In o'clock, also on the first Sunday In the ville, turl>p«l nil night Viy their weird sounds Buist. David house ami lot, Westlecraft, Judson I house beta legs. 81m was taken to ihe city i,,il Toimieclk tried to persuade him month at 11 a. m. and the third Sun- C^uimby Lane, Bernardsville. and lot, Prospect street, nwpttsi, where It 1H sold she nlHo bnn that n vrgetnWr- diet was best in hot day In the month at 10:15; morning Mildred Conlyri and Minn Built, Dtvid 3 lots, Quimby Bernardnville. Internal injuries. wenther, and M»rtl hit him during the prayer and sermon every Sunday ex- Amelia StnufTer, both of Hall In learns Hernardsvilk, Westlpcrtift, Judson 1 houne Buist, David house and lot, " '" UfttBSBt that followed. cept the first In the month at 11 were Hcriniisly Injured when n nnd lot, Mine Brook, The Laurel Springs board of educa- Mine Brook road, Hernnrds- o,dock, on the first Sunday at 10:15; story porch at the Young Women's Weitlecraft, Judnon 1 lot. Far tion ImN npprovi'd the title Insurance pr A 1C. Ilalliird, one or the orliflmil Villfl. Hills. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45; CbfUtiSn assorliitliiii building In Id Built, I'nvid 1 lot, <.iiiimby 111 the Rogcn bomsfti'sd property. "» fomiilerM and for many year* pttj tb- W'csllecrnft, Chan, house and lot .Min. e ICvenlng prayer and sermon at 7:45 liohotli betCI Imike, while crmvilnl Lane, Bernardsville. which will be ererleil the WfeOOl tot 1 1 (il V1 ( 1 1 Aith fottitf KITIM, ami about tucui.v Burnt, David 1 lot, Orchard Hrook (;,;,.., nrettdttf "' ""' ' """" '" ' '" " Holy Dayi and Saints Oayi, holy wlil,|, tnn roMtdenlN a NW weckM mio Mooting HNHO.'IHHOII, left H sickbed t< wore thrown Mow, piling cm top of street, IliTimrilMvilli'. Woiel, .lohn house and lot, lifrnards- voted n |8(W>00 bond nrMCta hi* euitomsry ssrooa si m communion at 7:30 a. m Oleatcr feast •Mb other, Holluh, Andrew houtt and lot, Orchar villn '>7 7(| forasl opsalni "f 'hP f"«iy-"»*H' «" day*—Christmas, Atcennion, Thanks- sin-ft, Bwnftrdivttle 18,01 struck tin I<""IN(1 "M<>k fl.i'H l.ilierlv (nriier, \ ,!. o'clock. CarTando, Herthn houne nrni lot, Mine Mll.-d tl, oOTJ In tlie Hdililo. 'I''11' WM Kiln In convention nt ltiiyniuii' elect 0 A. Vi%, » wonlth.v wr.t|.|»>i St. John's Chapel—nfiv. James 1?. Mr«'nk road, Bernardsvillt 88.2S i July 98th, liiHi of Hio |,,,,is.. WHN cut off, b«t "inn wh f id the following ofii't'i's Detrain ,l ot N"«' »«*• " S, Fair, Vicar. ISfTlOSI Sunday*: 'In- live lVHidciiln WHS luirt. Thro- llnnl'iii HI' New Vork president, Mich "'li6

THE BERNARDSVILLE NEWS AND [NEWS-RECOKI>KK | MORRISTOWN TRUST CO. Published Every Thursday When a mother BY THE RECORDER ITHUSHlNf, MORRIS-TOWN. N. J. Incorporated in 1892 has to become AlUh-key Building, Oppo.ite D. L * W R. R- Station Berwu-d.vUle, N. J. Telephone 37 J Capital, $600,000 a bread-winner H. M. Trumbul.« L- R. Trumbu... Vice-Pre.ident the children C. E. Trumbull, Secretary Tre«»urer SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER start life badly Advertising Rates on Application ONE MILLION DOLLARS handicapped. Entered at Bernardsville, N. J., Post Office aB Second-Clas. Mail Matter. All changes ^advertisements must be in this office not later than Tuesday Deposits Received Daily afternoons at five o'clock, to insure insertion. AT THE RATE OF 3 r INTEREST Subscription Rate* Payable in Advance Information Furnished to Customers and Depositors on al One Year ..$1.50 Three MonthB Investment Securities and Orders Executed for the same without Charge Six Months 75c Single Copies Official Newspaper of Bernards Township SAMUEL FREEMAN, President WHLABD W CITLER, Vice Pres. JOBK H. OAPSTICK, Vice Pres Dates to Remember JNO' H B. COUIBLL. Secretary H. A. VAN WILDER, Treasurer RAI i'H 8. STRKETT Assistant Secretary and Treasurer September I- Petition.* tiled fur mem- NEWS ^m bers of assembly and county ollieer.-. September .r> Hoard.'* of Ke^i>try DIRECTORS FORREST P. DRYDEN, Prtwdrat meet for organization. S&nuiel freeman John H. Capstick William V. S. Thome September 6 Petitions for local can- President Member of Congres». 6th Director, Union Pacific Dltt. N. J. System, N.Y. didates filed. 1DISAPPEARED During the night of WillanJ W. Cutler W\ Wjjjjj) I James N. Wallace S. Harold Freeman September \2 First Kcpistration August second a fawn-colored calf. Ex-Law Judge, Morris WANTS JL County, N. J. President Central Trust Morristown, N. J. Prudential Day Day. House to house canvas begins. She was tied with her mother on the Company, N. Y. Nicholas F. Brady lawn of VVm. Childs, Jr. A liberal G. G. FrellnKhuysen September 26-Primary and second President, New York Edison The National Pay-Day reward will be paid for her return. Counselor at Law, N. ¥. A. R. Whitney, Jr. The Whitney Company, Co.. N. Y. Registration Day. 7 a, m. to 9 p. ni. Wm. Childs, Jr. 84-tf O. H. Kahn J. W. Ofden October v!4 --Last Registration Day. Kuhn, Loeb « Co., Bankers. Engineer*., N. Y. Morristown, N. J. 1 to 9 p. m OK SALE—Gentle road horse, Phae- N. Y. Jamei B. Duke ton, aurrey, Two seated sleigh, har- Somerville, N. J. Charles H. Sabln November 7 -Election Day. Walter G. Oakroan President. Guaranty ness. All at bargain and on reason- Granville M. White President, Hudson Tunnel Trust Company of N. Y able terms. Inquire at NEWS Office. Vice-rres. The Mutual Life 8-ctf Companies. N. Y. Frederick Strauss SuecMt. Insurance Company Henry F. Tas'lot J. & W. Selinrman & Co., OR SALE—Extra Plymouth Rock of New York The talent of BacoeM It no more Oonny, Pomroy & Com- Bankers, New York MICHAEL MADDALUNA & CO. i than doing what you can *1<- well with- Homer l'igeons. Mated and working. pany, Banker*. N, Y. Hanie T. Hull Address L. S. Box 440 or telephone Robert H. McCurdy, put 0 thought of fnnie.—Longfellow. Louis A. Thebaud Morristown, N. J. McCurdy, Henderson & Co. ja-.'-J. Bernardsville. 49-tf T I Human N»ture. Morristown, H J. Bankers, New York "Why thnt hospital Is so popular For Pure Milk and Cream. Phone H Masons, Builders beats me. It hasn't the l>est system, hilds Sons Co, Tel. 164. 52-tf. and It certainly hasn't the most suc- WANTED-Man to drive team and take and Contractors cessful doctors" care of horses, permanent position to "But It has the prettiest nurses."- right party. Inquire at the NEWS Excbange. Office. 8-tf Phone 59-W All Work Guaranteed P. 0. Box (50 { A 8*otchm«n'» Pr»ter»nc». 0 LET.—One hou^e. All improve- Office Claremont Road, next door to Buist Building j Lord Strathoona was fond of stories ments, excellent location; 5 minutes from depot. Inquire Box 63, Town. of his Scottish countrymen. One that 5-11-tf Bcrnardsville /. New Jersey pleased him highly I have heard him often repeat, pays Beckles Wlllson In OR SALE.—30 inch Gem Lever Paper "The Life Of Lord Stratheona and Cutter and one 10 x 15 Golding Job- ber. Inquire NEWS Office. 6-1-tf Mount Royal." Go over your assort- A. Scot was once boasting that Scotch FAMILY HORSE.-Lady can drive. ment of Jewelry Pins were far better ttian the Cana- Price reasonable. Inquire NEWS Of- SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL dian variety. fice. 6-1-tf etc. and see if you don't "Really," exclaimed his friend, **rou can't mean that:" FOR SALE—Fresh registered Jersey need something to com- EQUAL TO THE BEST RUSSIAN "I do mean It," was the response. Cow, 6 years old; a family pet; good plete your Summer out. SUPERIOR TO ANY AMERICAN "But I must premeese that for my aln milker; will be sold cheap to right taste I prefer them soor and hard." party; also 3 yearling Duroc Jersey fit. Service Boars. Apply A. J. Smith, One story told of hU native town Supt, Mendham, N. J. Tel. 21. Here you will find a ABSOLUTELY THE BEST MINERAL delighted him, altbotigb he protease*? 6-1-tf Incredulity. TUe BBpwtatodeat of the complete assortment of OIL OBTAINABLE Forres Sabbath school tad prepared a FOR SALE—A twin cylinder Pope Motorcycle in perfect condition. Ad- Bracelets, Necklaces, list of questions for tiie Junior, class- dress Bernardsville Station Garage. name the strongest nm'i, the wisest 6-15-tf La Vallieres, Rings, Scarf Pins, Cuff-buttons man, the tneckest eats. Only one child—a cynical little elf she was—an- FOR SALE-Bargain! One Buick 2- and everything else that is worn in gold and swered correctly, "Samson, BotoOK seated runabout, in perfect condition; silver jewelry. Moses." All tlie others wrote or print- also one 4-seated Buick runabout. "Walk-Over" Shoes! ed opposite ttts queries the name of Address Bernardsville Station Garage. 6-15-tf Reasonable Prices, Complete Assortments. and the hero of their hearts Lord Strath- ooua, There might be stronger and FOR SALE.-At a bargain, one 1916 Inspection invited. Wiser and MMker men, Imt the Junior Maxwell auto, nearly new, run about "Regal'' Shoes class wns not "acquainted \\T 'em." 2,000 miles. Apply R.K. Mackenzie, Bernardsville. 6-22-tf for both Ladies' ami Children Why tha Coeoanut H«» Ey«s. FOR SALE—Few family cows and one Who can tell why the coeoanut has saddle and driving norse. Tower Dr. Posncr's Scientific Shoes three eyes? Luther Hurbank explains Farm, J. B. Drake, Superintendent, Irartrn it tola way; phone 229-F-2. 7-7-t4p for Children and Growing Girla Oocosauta generally grow at the edge of the sea or rivers. The nuts are FOR SALE-Celery Plants, White Shoes repaired while you wait. •ammnded with a thick husk with a Plume, Winter Queen, Fordhook Em- ER Leather or rubber soles waterproof covering, BO that when they peror, Golden Heart, 25c per 100; dxop Into the water they will float 1,000, $1.50. Re-rooted, 40c per 100; "ON THE SQUARE" g floating tbe three eyes are always on 1,000, $2.50. Snowball Cauliflower, 40c per 100; 1,000, $2.50. Cabbage top. Plants, Danish Ballhead, Surehead, Regal Shoe Shop Bernardmlle, N. J. k Once In tbe water nature gets busy Copenhagen Market, Flat Dutch, 25c SHERIFF'S SALE. From one of the eyes there comes a per 100; 1,000, $1.50. F. W. Rochelle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. shoot, which develops broad leaves & Sons, Chester, N. J. 7-13-t3p IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. like Balls. The wind catches the nails Between Harriet T. Whitnall, Com- plainant, and William M. Dall and Grace Sealed proposals will be received at and wafta th« coeoanut on a Journey SITUATION WANTED Chauffeur, de- the Court House, in Somerville, N. J , sometimes many miles long. As it sails sires position; careful driver; A-l me- Dal), his wife, and Richardson & Boyn- on MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1916, at chanic; total abstainer. Apply at ton, a corporation, are defendants.— 10 a. m.j to be opened at 10.30 a. m. the other two eyes develop roots Fi- Fa, for sale of mortgaged premises. which at first grow amonp tbe fibers NEWS office. Also New Jersey and for public bridges and culverts, as fol- New York licenses. 8-3-ltp By virtue of the above stated writ of lows: Quality Ice Cream of the woody husk. fieri facias, to me directed and deliver- ed, I will expose for sale, at public ven- No. 1—Woodfern Bridge, over the In good season tlie coeoanut is gwep FOUND—Young collie, yellow and South Branch. Reinforced concrete upon another shore, perhaps on anoth white. Owner or anyone who will due, on MONDAY, THE TWENTY-FIRST (21) arch, 70-foot span. Concrete parapets, Plus Ideal Service er Island. The roots embed thrmselve give him a good home may inquire at wing walls and finished roadway; all In the soft earth, the sail becomes th Somerset Pharmacy.; sutA DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, complete, ready for travel. 8-3-ltp between the hours of twelve and five The use of superior materials, care in making and skill trunk, and a coeoanut pnltn is growing o'clock in the afternoon of said day, No 2 Additions to the White Bridge, where none grew before. that is to say, at two o'clock p. m., aton the Marconi road. Present wooden in serving are some of the things which make FOR RENT-Desirable tenant wanted the Court House, in Somerville, to wit: structure to be removed. Extensions our Ice Cream different and better. September 1st for house now oc- All that certain tract of land andin concrete at each end of stone abut- Th« "Tirwf Busings Man." cupied by J. M. Tatum. C. Barker. ments. Present abutments to be point- Are not all business men tired? If premises, hereinafter particularly de- 8-3-tf scribed, situate, lying and being in theed up and repaired. Seven 12-inch I u not why do we hear so much al>out beams to be provided by contractor. if your are particular CtA\r\ A y° drink, then Township of Bernards, in the County Concrete slab, parapets and wing walls. musical comedies and vaudeville per- WANTED-Position as chauffeur by a of Somerset, and State of New Jersey. about the kind of OV/l//i come to our formances that are constructed espe- young married man, White, sober Beginning at a corner of a lot of land No. 3—Additions in concrete to pres- fountain. We ask this because we know that our Soda cially for the purpose of resting and and industrious, good references. belonging to Edmund S. Janes and inent brick arch culvert near graveyard, refresbliiff the tired business mnnV Merritt, Millington. N. J. the middle of the road leading from the opposite Ed, Smalley'g, on the Marconi will appeal to you. road. Seven 8-inch I beams to be sup- If thorp Is any one elalin thnt lmi Presbyterian Church at Basking Ridge plied by contractor. Concrete slab, boon conceded for npos paRt It Is this: GIRL WANTED - For position as to Liberty Corner; thence (1) along wings and parapets. All complete, Fatigue la much mere fntal to a man waitress and chamber-maid in hotel. said road, according to the bearing ready for travel. Apply NEWS office. 1441 given in said deed, south six degrees L. S. GRAHAM than to a woman. MY seldom hear of east thirty-four links more or less to a No. 4—Watchung Road Culvert, Bound a tired washerwoman or a tired house- stake; thence (2) according »othe pres- Brook. Concrete abutments and anchors keeper, Nobody ever wrote musical FOR SALE -One or two pool tables therein. Concrete Blab, 1-inch rods, n with all equipment, lot of hall chairs, ent magnetic bearing south eighty-four comedy for tired schoolinarms. It has degrees and five minutes west about one spaced 1 foot. Expanded metal, 3-inch show case and counter. Will be sold mesh, No. 10 W. G. #••••• always been held thnt if a man has to at very low price. Address, A- Carl- chain and ninety-two linkB to a stake three inches north of the northwest No. 5-Additions to William Street work at night he must sleep in the son, box 490, Bernardsvilk'. s-M-ltp Bridge, Bound Brook, Stone abutment daytime. But everybody known Hint a corner of Ira B. Pruden's store house, and passing three inches north of theto be extended in concrete. 1 beams, woman can walk the floor nil nl^ht •OST Either in Gladstone or on the spaced 3 feet, to be supplied by the northeast corner of said store house; county. with a sick baby In her arms nnd still Mendham road between Gladstone thence (3) north eighty-nine and three- LANDSCAPE GARDENER b» nWe to perform strenuous household and Fox Chase road, a wallet, with quarter degrees west two chains and Contractors to provide in each case •titles next day. "Man's work Is from pocket-book containing about l> Information and designs at County o> II unique Instrument known as n In proportion to the extent of nil by hhs line north fighty-six and a half Engineer's office, 32 Elm street, Somer- blr<1 Olffi&i It coTirtsts of two round acquaintance, the schoolboy whoas degrees cast four chains jtmi thirteen ville, N .1. Klioft iron cylinders, one inside of the father runs a moving plcturo show Imkx to the place of heginning. The Hoard hereby distinctly reserves otlier. The lower one contains witter. commands a larger share of than Containing twenty -three hundred! IIH the right to reject any or all bidi, or U accepi any bid. Tlie upper cot Is manipulated by a any other human being in the world. (if an ncre of Inml rmire ur ItM, —Judge. By iliroi'tion of the Hoard of Free Mrten of »rnnll weights and pulley*, Encurabr«nc«« upon Hie ibovi & norasri, which oniffii It to fettle slowly down- Rcribrd property arc 11 follows: JOMRM DOUGHTY. JR., wnrrt, the air ticlng cxi>«>lletl through Tuxes for tin- ,VH»r» of till, 11112, Doc'* Little Mittak*. 1918, 1914 and ll'ur., ii^n-gnting the County Engineer. n wiilntle, which 1ms ncvornl niodlnprs Somerville, July 86, 1918, 7-27-U Subscribe for to trlvr variety to Itn tones. WbttJ the "Nothtn» tha mftttpr with you nt »1L Him of $124.77, mvrued InttrMl Rfttl n;i|ier rviindfr bn* como rtnwn the re Yon urn Jn porf^pi liralth. Why, your CHARLES SEBR1NG, sheriff. Me Knew It. Tilrcd dlntnnc© n ft|tr1n« opcrntr.M the puttift In n« Mnadj* as rlor-kworfc'" "But Qtorn '' < 3J i Soltcltoi "There'll lovs of money In utocto." wpights that rnls<» it niinin to diictor, you h».v« got your flneen on DitM .Inly U 1918 (flj! 10) The Bernardsville News the umirMl. my wriit watch I" "Quite rlsht! Thafu wtel* mint 7-27-at w«nt"-rrln««ton Tlgw. The Bernardflville Newt, Thursday, August 3. 1916

••••••< >•••••••»•»»•«< >•••»•••<•• •••»•>< »»•»•••* ««•»•»! NEWS prints RANDOLPH AGENCY YOU ARE NOT INSURED NATIONAL BANK BUILDING against tire but if you have a properly written policy, in a responsible company written te news about by a reliable agent, you are insured against LOSS by fire. Real Estate Insurance Bonds The ONLY insurance you can obtain against fire is a well organizeg d and equippeqppedd firee companyompa . folks you know. The Bernardsville Fire Company is your protection asrainst firp. w* n.P u*n» nm^iinn Titles Perfected—Estates Settled—Legal Papers Drawn against loss by fire,Company is your protection against fire, we are vour protection Commissioner of Deeds for New York and New Jersey RANDOLPH AGENCY >1.50 per year NOTARY PUBLIC FOR NEW JERSEY Telephones! Olflce J3 Realdeuce 55 National Bank Building Bernardsville, N. J. '••••••»•»••••*>••>•»•)««•»•»+••••>»»»»»» «••


"The Bank that

SURPLUS & PROFITS Coal! Coal! Coal! CAPITAL $306,000.00 1800,000.00

I am fully prepared to supply the trade in Bernardsville and Vicinity with anthracite coal, in quantities from 1,000 pounds to any number of carload DEPOSITS $6,500,000.00

lots required by individual consumers or a combination of consumers. The Plainfield Trust Company has just increased its capital from $100,000.00 to $300,000.00 so I am also desirous of stating that my attention recently has been called to that it is now operating under the largest capital of any bank in Plainfield. On the strength reports now being circulated throughout the territory that I do not supply, of the Company's safe and conservative policy, of which this increase is but another indication, am not equipped to supply or have not the facilities for supplying dean coal. your business is invited. Accounts may be opened and all business transacted by mail. I can only say that reports of this character are not only untrue and can Dr. Herman S. Hirshman, returned not be substantiated, but their circulation is an unscrupulous business practice. today to his home in Staten Island after I am fully prepared to supply anthracite coal, the condition of which spending a few days with hia brother, Herman Hermann, of Bernards Inn. is just as clean if not cleaner than coal supplied by any of the dealers in the Miss Mary Campbell will give a ben- efit euchre and dance in Bernards Inn First National Bank immediate vicinity or adjacent thereto, none excepted. Auditorium, Wednesday evening, Au- MORRISTOWN. N. J. gust 9. Furthermore, I am fully prepared to supply the very best grades Mrs. Charles Dodd and Miss Adelaide EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR of anthracite coal mined on the Lackawanna, Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central Fleming, of East Orange, are guests Letter* of Credit and Travelers' Check) of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bailey, of Ber- PAYS LIBERAL RATE OF INTEREST railroads. nards Inn. Mr. Dodd, who is a brother to Mrs. Bailey and who is business man- On Household, Individual and Business Accounts Again I desire to call the trade's specific attention that I will supply coal ager of the Newark Evening News, will arrive tomorrow to spend the week- SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES in carload lots or in any quantities required, and at the end with his brother-in-law and sister. STORAGE VAULTS lowest prevailing prices. Regular monthly business meeting and social of the local Epworth League OFFICERS Respectfully, on Thursday evening, August 3, at the H. WARD FORD, President homo of Albert La Roache. Rudolph H. Kissell, Vice-President Joseph H. Van Doren, Cashier A. B. WALMSLEY Miss Louise Laver expects to spend a Guy Minton, Vice-President Henry Cory, Assistant Cashier week beginning August 5, at Cedar Lake, as the guest of Bella Dick.

Hatty Gresn on Pennies, During one of the periods of h»r economical living streaks Mrs. Hetty Green was staying at a moderate A BANK FOR THE PEOPLE! Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Blazure and Mr. priced boarding house, where a Jobless Uckawimw Pissenget Triin S«tv!c«3«twtea Mrs. Fannie Allsheskey, of Irvington Visitors to this bank often remark upon the number and Mrs. J. H. Blazure of East Orange has been spending a week with her young stenographer came to know her. NEW YORK and BERNARDSVILLE of people of all classes who are our patrons. were week-end guests of Mrs. Albert sons W. Frank and Charles E. AUahes- The girl finally landed a position for tattledM»y 21.1914 $12 a week and told Mrs. Green of it. We point to this fact as evidence that this is an insti- Junn of Bell Terrace. key and families. "You've got to leave here," said the tution that is popular with the people. Uavt Ren York old woman emphatically. "You are Is T Peter V. Stryker and family are at Miss Kimball, haa returned Visit our bank and investigate our facilities for :edar Lake. from Saugerties, New York. not earning enough to pay so much handling your business. 2. for your keep. I'll tell you where to r A special meeting of the Ladies Guild A special meeting of the Ladies' go. There's a hotel for working girls We are in a position to render you every service con- a. m. a. m. a.m. t.m. i. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. 4 20 6 24 on Wednesday afternoon August 9 th in Guild of the Congregational Church I know. I lent the man the money to sistent with safe banking. 6 15 6 46 7 00 4 00 4 00, 4 00 6 4« 8 04! 8 2C 7 10 7 10 7 30 9 14 he choir room of the Congregational has been called for Wednesday, August build It. There are washrooms there 7 IS 900 9 15 10 87 4% interest allowed in interest department. s7 12 8 22 8 40 9 00 fl GO and sewing rooms. Make your own l |iJ . Ill IHil ^r - ---- w - 9, in the choir room of the church to 7 31 8 53 9 10 a.m. p.m p.m. p.m. p. m. church. 3% allowed on checking accounts. s- 1- 9 lH 9 25f discuss plans for the annual church clothes and care for them. Get a room- 9 1410 2710 40 2 00 rl2 00 rl2 i- rl2 15 1 33 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Gillie, of fl2 SO fl2 30fl2 30 f 12 45 1 46 fair. mate. It will cost you only f 4. Save p. m. p.m fl 15 fl 22 f 1 » fl 39 2 55 Childs ave. are entertaining their son $6 out of your $12. Do not go out 11 26 1 00 1 IE 2 10 2 10 110 2 SO 3 49 BANKING BY MAIL p.m '.. ,3 45 83 50 »3 4S 84 05 5 00 Robert Gillie of New York. A birthday party was tendered Ed- nights. Watch your company. Do I :{» 3 12 3 «<1 4 00, 4 00; 4 00 4 15 5 32 ward Swenson at the home of his broth- what I tell you and you'll get on. Any- ii 55 4 26 4 4( r4 45 rt »: r4 BO r5 07 6 10 A. B. Walmsley and son Richard have 4 39 6 27 6 C 5 30 5 37 I 40 5 64 7 08 er, Walter Swenson, in First street, body can. The trouble Is most people AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 7 27 8 66 » If g5 30 »5 37 85 40 «5 55 7 48 returned from Baltimore. don't know the value of 5 cents. You f 22 9 41 9 M 6 00 s8 00 «6 00 16 16 7 43 Tuesday night. Relatives from Far f9 30 10 68 11 2J 8 be advised. Don't figure In dollars; MORRISTOWN, N. J. 8 00 8 OU 8 00 8 15 9 46 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Orden recent- Hills and Stirling attended. fll 80 fH HIlfTljn fH SO 1 22 y entertained Mrs. Helen Huff, of figure In pennies and save them."— SUNDAY TRAINS Miss Grace Rudolph, of Childs ave- New York World. a.m.! a. m. a,m.l a.m. a.m. Plainfield. a. m. a.m. a. m. I 15 f 30,1002 nue, is suffering from ivy poisoning. 7 57 9 2y 9_ 8 15 *• 15 Mrs. Lewis S. Graham and nephew, TFT55" ^1 851 11 0011 on 11 is 12 34 Coat of the Porcupine. r Miss Maude Osborn, of the school . 59 7 8? 7 BSt "TsfS * 45il0 17 arl Graham have returned from Shel- Mother Nature surely must have set S. A. Rogers Nursery Co. Arriving time in New York is at Barclay St. ton, Connecticut. teaching staff has obtained a position out to make "something different" the fl Saturday only. r; Except Saturday in the New York schools. day she Invented the porcupine. Here Nuneries—Liberty Corner, N. J. s; Will not run on holidays The Girls' Club of the First Congreg- ch n was an animal with a pathetically These time tabled are subject »• » «° ational Church, will meet at 8 o'clock Rev. and Mrs. Henry H. Shires and Store-14 Bran ford Place, Newark, N. J. without notice and paanenttera should apply son of Prescott, Arizona, are occupying mild disposition, without cunning or to nation ag-enti for definite information. at the home of Mrs. Fred Sutphen. St. Bernards rectory during August courage and almost as slow and clum- David Buist has rented his residence while the rector Rev. Dr. Thomas A. sy 08 a turtle. It would have been EVERGREENS on Prospect Slope to Mme. Alice Ver- Conover, is u'vay on his vacation. Mr. absurd to give him weapons of of- fenso. lie would never have the en- [et the noted opera singer. Shires, who was formerly curate in St. FLOWERING SHRUBS (I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mayberry, of ergy to attack anything, so he was I1 Bernards Parish will preach this Sun- given a coat of mall In which ho FRUIT TREES Pittston, Pennsylvania, have been visit day. might walk abroad among Ills enemies LOCALS ing Mr. Mayberry's brother, Thomas G- Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludlow, are and yet bo as safe as though he were TEL MARKET 1743 Estimates Cheerfully Given May berry. entertaining Mrs. Ludlow's sister, Miss behind a wall of steel. His upper parts, from his nose to the tip of his Dudley Cameron of Broad Acres left Mr. and Mrs Charles Clomer. have Nellie Compton, of Pluckemin. Saturday for Lake George, N. Y. returnrd to their home in Mountain thick, muscular tail, are covered with Miss Louise Wiggins has returned a mass of «lmrp pointed quills Inter- What H« Laid By. Lakes after visiting Dr. and Mrs, R. E. William Childsand Clayton McNeil from Rockaway. mixed with coarse hair. Each quill Is "Have you laid by nnythlni? stmt have returned to New York after a Mosedale. provided with a number of mlnuto you trwk up tho profession of author Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Conklin, are ship?" visit to Mr. Childa's parents, Mr. and Miss Fannie Fleming, of Jersey City liarbs pointing backward, so that when entertaining their niece, Miss Irene "Yea; about 300 manuscripts." and Miss Gertrude Uunster, of Somer- It Is once Inserted In the flesh of any Notice! Mr*. Heman Child*, at Broad Acres. Conklin, of New Britian, Conn. villo are spending a few days with Mrs. animal the mere movement of tho The MUses Anna Allen, Dorothy John Jolliffe, of Gladstone is a guest muscles will cause It to work deeper We fnney thai everybody Is thinking Chnrles 1'. Punster. Davis and Ethel Gibb loft Tuesday for of his uncle, Albert Jolliffe, of Ander- nnd deeper.—Exchange. of us. But he 1H not; ho In like u»- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker and Mr. ho Is thinking of himself—Chnrien The Business of the Hranchville, to camp atths Allen home- son road. ami Mrs. Button have returned from an Heade. Rotdlets Russis. stead. HUto tour fee lYnnwylvnnia. Mrs. Watnon Allon and daughter and Truthful Photographer. It seems almost Inconceivable tn tho late Miss Marion Douglass of Morriatown Miss Mary Howers, have returned from Tho phutofrrapher wa» drying his Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, have had Ocean Grove. foreign visitor who has ever loft the was the week-end truest of Mr. in"a* a recent gttttt T . 1>IX. Ocborne b , off beaten truck of th« rullwnyn in nns- plates In tho warm sunlight. Mra. Fred Rickey in Pobbs street. Mrs. W. Earl Hunn and daughter, "What are you doing there?" aik«d Hrooklyn. Rla bow u grout can hnvo »ub- KENNETH Wilma, and Mr». John E. Puff a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairln*, ivh. Mr. ami Mr*. Hobtrl .1. Drummond, of nlntfd no long nnd BO saccpMfull.r with- and children will leave Saturday to out even a pretense nt roailt*. Tlio no- "Oh," was tho reply, "Just airing my MACKENZIE have spent the last two months it I'riispcit iivenin' hiivi' bi'cnentertaining spend three weeks at Cedar Lake. rret Ue» In (ho fnrt that for five or nix vlewi."-Pall Mall Giuctte. hom« Of Mr. and Mr*. Charles Allies their duiiKhti-r, Misn Charlotte Drum- Mrs. Lillian Hawkins, yesterday en- months In the year nnturo hnrsolf pro- k.j in OlCOtt avenue, have returned tc mond of DttTOiti Michigan. vide* roiulji orcr tho jrro/utpr imrt of Sating Deubi*. tertained Miss Grace Fenner, of I'ea- Me—Why dlil yon fall fn w Newark. The following pnrty motored Sunday Ituwln — Bilmlmhln, nmixith, fflnm*y Will be continued pack ronrtwnyn over Imnl worn snow. Tho nn> In the strwt tndny? flhe--! rtliln't. Th,. MINHM Katharine and .l.-an.-tt*- thrmi«li SUUen Island nnd visited Seid wv yen. Ho-That's strmiRe. • snw Mrs. Archer Apgar, of Trenton spent truffle In further o»pmd ofW fiMWO 1 Vim Krjver Of Heverle.V have NOD vimt- l,,r'H Mi'iuh uti HM tmq I'o'iM: Mr. yon twln> RM oil, Uttt [imimhlv ni by his son 'nlnpHilny with Mrs, Mary Plckoll mnilH 1>y tho miliNtifntlun of a «l«l«n inK Mrs, Samuel Dayton of Mt. Airy. and Mrn. W, C l.wllow, Mr. nnd Mrs. ernnttJ) for It, I nevor MtlOl " ninn Arthur Lnvnr und family have rBBMt for t1u> WtWti nnil lid*. This Mr,. Arc-hie A, ir of Triton in J nines Mr. nnd Mm. llnrry the amt of Inml rnrrlajri' ns vrbon ho is in tnnt owdHtoa.—Lftntfoc W from their residence on Primpcct Slope vinitlnu her parents Mr and Mrn.Wri«ht, Mr. and Mrn, Karl Hunn and the rtirnpncss of Wittf twrn» ALEXANDER J. In the Olcntt piitute whore Mr. haver nenr •lohn DurmtSt of Mt, Airy. daughter Wilma, Mr. and Mr*. L H. an pos&lblc mid It IN the prln- NuHc, IT., Mr. and MrH. I,. H. NuHpjr, has obtained a position. Mr. and Mrs n'fiwm why Kimsln In tlio twon- MACKENZIE Mr lad Mr.Churl.* MU« ('. H. H. Trumhull nnd son im> omipy- pnys." Mrn. HPil hmiHi' fBSat, Mins Minnie ('. Schtirk, orntnry U ntltl n i d k -pent the w.4 tad ir»K the hnuHP vacuteil by Mr. l.nver. "Sn (licy nn.v I ililnlt tin- |irn!lts run LfWts ,,f Queens, L I ; Mr. and MrH. W. f parentH, Mr. and BMttlf tO (Ictirml ilt\ IdcmN " Rttt' Allnheskey and Mr nnd Mm. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry C. Jones, of Post Unllentine of rYWVtd ^rr "Keho CottaRc," recently cnteritiiinil Optlmlsl/p Thought .1 M. Tatum ni..l fa-nil.v Meneroll ban been visiting Mr. and Mrs. DcWitt C Jones, of C0BltUC7 Of In crrin\u\f BVMI Imiocttice lt«<*lf Ii tUbl* to MM.-ki.nmck wlM-n M In Trsntoa, Subscribe For Tho New* on* «»f the MCPHtl eomwit I | , btfti ill :i I '" lM"" i Bernard.ville New«, Thurtday, Augurt 3, 1916

Chas. E. Allsheskey A CHOICE OF That Saratoga 1 ALLSHESKEY T WEAPONS lrun . , . Manufacturers of . . . By BARBARA PH!PPS FINK HARNESS, ^LERS >* By F. A. MITCHEL n Horse Furnishing Goods and Auto Suppliies Mme. Herman, in sable robes and , , , Of Every Description . , . Wheu i>em'ral Jackson prepared to widow's Cflp, drove up to a pier in j EXPERT BUILDERS OF RIDING SADDLES TO ORDER riTt»iTi> the British at the battle of New New York from which a ship was Orleans be depvuded upon the uiarks- Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done maaBliip of his army rather than its about to snil for London, She* arrived discipline. Nearly every man of the in a taxicab on which there wan room BERNARDSVILLE. NEW JERSEY SI2Hf( Americans was a good Bbot. At that for baggage us well as passengers, time Kentucky was a newly settled re- and as soon as it stopped she alighted Branch Store at Peapack gion, aud all Kcntucklaus were huut- and, calling for n couple of porters, ers, for their principal meat was game. she pointed to a large Saratoga trunk The consequence was when the British on the auto and said to them: marched up in soldierly alignment T wish you to carry my trunk to FINE GROCERIES ' stateroom. Here's a dollar for ugalust these riflemen they were pick- each of you. I don't like my trunks ed off in such numbers that they suf- banged about und broken. Take It off fered a terrible defeat. tbe car carefully, carry it aboard in Zeke Brown wus one of these Ken- same way and when you set it BEST MEATS tucky hunters who helped to win the the . battle of New Orleans. Not long after dowThne don'ment dpocketeo it witdh tha ethump. tip, too" k tbe HARDWARE I«ace was declared between the United ELECTRICAL States and England Zeke was left a trunk and obeyed the lady's order to fortune by a relative la New York and the letter, the lady herself accompany- concluded to go abroad to see some- ing tbem. thing of the world. Amertcauu were. Mme. Herman kept her room during EQUIPMENT In those days more popular In France most of the voyage. She -was usually The Best Things to than In England, and he went to Paris. in her wrapper, and when a steward Zeke liked Parts BO well that he re- answered her bell she would, give her solved to stay there Indefinitely. But, orders through a narrow opening of having too much of the American eplr- the door, receiving what was handed lt to remain Idle, be concluded to set in in the same way. She said that her Eat~ALWAYS up a small banking house to satisfy th. trunk which she preferred to have requirements of his countrymen visit- with her took up so much room that ing Uie city. there was none left for any one ex- Now, at that time there were news cept herself. The trunk being a very papers in Paris that did not scruple to large one, tbit, was quite true. obtain, an Income in an Illegitimate A lady occupying a room opposite The Particular Store way—In other words, by blackmail. Mme. Herman's said that the widow's They would attack some one or his meals, all of which were eaten in her business and wait either for bush mon- room, were sumptuous. Three times ey or an advertisement The Journal each day a tray was carried to her of the Nineteenth Century was a newly door. Each dish was removed from Getzoff & Mayberry established paper and was straining ev- the tray through the narrow opening, ery nerve to get a start This journal and a piece of silver was slipped into published a warning against a certain the hand of the steward who brought American banking house, intimating the meal- that It was intended to get in deposits, Another thins was noticeable In the after which its founder would return little passageway when Mme. Her to his native country. man's room was unlocked. This was WHITCOMB & GARDNER Zeke was astonished. He consulted a strong odor of cigarettes that quite TEL. 186 a lawyer with regard to suing the pa- frequently emanated from her room. per for lihel and learned that it would This caused some , because the be useless to try to get JTidjnucut lady appeared to ho not the kind of Plumbing, Tinning and Heating nfrainst it, for there were HO assets on woman who wouM smoko. Fashiona- which to levy. lie went to the news- ble women of rather a sporty typo are paper office, called for the editor and the oues who smoke, at least in Ameri- | y •was proceeding to give him an opin- ca, but Mme. neriuan was not in the | I ion of his rascally proceeding when he least "loud." Indeed, she was quite DAVID BUIST was stopped find told that there was the reverse, being very refined and sub- M one man connected with the paper who dued. heard all such complaints. The editor Persons traveling have nothing to do tapped a bell, and an attendant appear- but observe their fellow travelers, and L. D. 'Phone 1886 Mulberry J bombing and Heating Co. ed, who was told to sbow the caller to these things tended to direct attention the office of M, de Ponibenu. On to Mme. Herman. Several ladies who S. N. PUFF National Auto Top Co. Zeke's entry a gentleman, dressed in roomed near her met one day in the HARDWARE, SUPPLIES_ the height of fashion, arose to receive cabin, and the widow became the topic Manufacturers of Auto Tops, Slip him, bowing politely. Zeke told him of conversation. One wondered why AUCTIONEER Covers and Trimming. Re-trimming Everything of Beautify the Home that he represented a blackmail sheet she should take up so much space In of Limousines and Touring Cars. Side and if the paper ever attacked his her room with a trunk that another Curtains, Division Curtains made to business again he would "break his order. (Special line Radiators, Gaso- jaw." woman would have had put into the TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE hold. Another was surprised that so lene Tanks. Mud Guards repaired and COMPLETE LINE M. de Pombeau, unruffled, resumed spiritual a woman could eat so much, Auctioneering in all guaranteed.) Low prices. the seat he had occupied and whatever avowing that she bad seen the dishes MIXED PAINTS, he had been doing. When Zeke had carried away and not a remnant of ito branches promptly 1420 Halsey St. 45 Beecher St. finished he left the office. j food was ever left on any of tbem. A attended to. Newark, N. J. OILS, VARNISHES, The same afternoon Zeke received a third could not understand how so re- caller who bore a demand for an apolo- fined a v< >man could smoke. Indeed, Etc. gy for his attack on the Journal of the Mme Herman was surrounded with In- The new Montclair board of town HUDSON DOUBLE TIRE CO. Nineteenth Century or that be would consistencies, and these inconsistencies ommlssloners directed that there be give M. de Pombeau satisfaction. very much troubled her fellow passen- hree collections of garbage each week "Who's M. de Pombeau r he asked. gers. nstead of two, as heretofore. We have succeeded in procuring a "The gentleman you saw this morn- Nevertheless Mme. Herman kept her fresh new lot of factory seconds, and ing. When there is any dissatisfaction room, except on very rare occasions, It Is reported that New York capital- some are firsts, all of standard make?. with the paper he attends to the mat- when she went on deck for fresh air, ists are planning to establish a plant in of tirea and tubes before the tire CHARLES HEUSSY ter." and then she always locked her door. Ocean City for the manufacture of in market went up, therefore we are able "You mean he's the fighting man?" It was observed, too, that she never ustrial alcohol from meadow grass. to sell them at exceedingly low prices. "Yes, monsieur." went into the cabin or on deck except 30xJ.$6.60; 32-31J, $7,75; 34-4, $9.(Kl; Perfectly Sanitary Market "And in order to get satisfaction I after the stewardess had made up the John Gore, fifty-three years of age. 36-4, $10.00. Double Tread Tires is our Two Doors Below Post Office. 'Phone 113 J. Berntrdsville, N. J.must fight for it?' t berth and put the room to rights. f Jersey City operated on himself specialty we make them perfectly "Yes, monsieur." One night in a fog the ship came into with a razor for intestinal trouble, smooth inside and give re-liners free. "We sometimes fight duels in Ameri- collision with another vessel. All tbe 'hyiidan* said his Injuries were fatal. passengers turned out of their berths, Buy direct from us and save salesman's ca. I am not entirely Ignorant of tbe commission. code. As the challenged party I am most of them with very few clothes on. Fire has been drawn under one of entitled to the choice of weapons." But the officers assured them that not he glass tanks at the Mintola works, SPECIALfor FRIDAY and SATURDAY a break had been made in the vessel's "Toe, monsieur." rat the other furnace 'will continue all HUDSON DOUBLE TIRE CO., Inc. "Very well. I will send you the side, and the engine, which had been lUmmer, owing to the many heavy Prime Rib Roast, Ib. . * 24c terms on which I will meet your prin- stopped, proceeded with monotonous nders. 269 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J. cipal." regularity. This satisfied the passen- "It Is immaterial to M. de Pombeau gers, and they returned to their rooms. Private William Wbelen of company Larger cut, 1b 23c whether he fights you with the sword The lady occupying the room opposite K, Fifth regiment, N. J. N. O., whoHudson Double Tire or the pistol." Mme. Herman's reported the next day, died In camp in Douglas, Ariz., was "You mean he knows the tricks of when the incident was being talked burled hi Bloomfield with full military Company DROP IN VEAL both." over, that when she left her room and honors. when she returned to It Mme. Her- This elicited no reply, and the gentle- L. D. Phone 2W2-M Market Chops, lb. . 24c Loin, lb. . 26c man departed. man's door was shut tight. On com- The Swedesboro National bank It be- The next day he received by pogt the paring notes none of the women could t&g kept open on Saturday evenings to A. PFINSTAG following list of ways that Zeke would remember having seen the widow on accommodate farmers who are too "The Lamp Man meet M. do Pombeau, who was wel-deck. busy to get to town In tbe regular Manufacturer of auto, coach and TELEPHONE come to make his choice between them: When the ship was coming into port banking hours. carriage Lamps, Radiator* and 1196 First—The parties to fight "over a Mme, Herman was forgotten in the Grievances. wind shields repaired handkerchief," a form sometimes, but excitement of preparation fur landing. First Stoker (weary;—I'd like to find All kinds of Metal Spinning, Plating, rarely, used in America wherein the After the docking and the passengers the merchant 'oo Invented boilers. Sec- Japanning & Polishing disputants im> separated by their sec- had nearly all gune ashore Mme. Her-ond Btoker (also weary) — Hollers be Oil Lamps changed to gas or electric onds holding a handkerchief between man sent a steward for a couple of blowed! I'm lookln' for tbe blighter Lamp Supplies of all kinds them. It was certain death for both. porters and when they arrived they re- 'oo found out that coal would burn.— 3SlHal»eySt .-. Newark, N.J Second.—Bowie knives in a room per- ceived the same Instructions with re- London Punch. fectly darkened. gard to carrying out her trunk that Third.—Rifles at 800 yards. those bad received who had brought It A Virtue Mltplaoed. HAVERFORD Fourth.—The parties to swim from aboard. It waw placed on an auto *i ordered this steak not well done," TIRE AND opposite sides of the Seine toward each with baggage room and taken with its laid the impatient guest CYCLE CO. other, holding a pistol in the right hand owner to her hotel, where it was de .Distributors ofjthe above water and begin firing at will. "I know It," Boawered the Intellec- SAVE SHOELEATHER posited rnrefully by tipped porters In tual waiter. "But the cook is one of Flfth.~Or<>wt)ars within a rhalked her room. The next day the Indy, stll Excelsior Auto-Cycle ring ton feet In diameter. those people who believe that no mat- ! Tires Are Cheap For one week only feeing porters to curry her trunk care ter how small a thing la It should be (The machine thnt'itlwayi* make* Sixth.—Knch disputant t<> eat a sau- fully, took ft train for I>overnnd cross- well done." ] 34x4 DIAMOND 91O.S0. Guaranteed not to be defective. Various sage, • uie of the snusBRps to lu» poi-ed the iliiinin'1 to CiilMin. From there good) and) other standard make* nt similar price*. Just received a lot of KELLEY- soned, Two S&ttMgn were to be put she went to a munll town In Holland Smith's Motor-Wheel SPMNCiFlELI) Tires fresh factory seconds, which we will sell at ftl) per In a covered dlnh, a rllition to W at- 1 New Verelen. cent off list. Take ndvantage of thin opportunity an we have only n limit- when Nhe tnnk 11 room lu a hostelry n The new bicycle puiher 1 tached tu cin'li iiiul tin- disputants to tbe HCOlld BOOT, I wliiilnw ni'i'iilng a Mother was hacking at tits fatted «1 quantity. SUCH Ol'l'ORTUNlTlES TURN UP VERY RARELY. draw them liy the riblions, calf when the prodigal clumped Into iSt-mi for price lint. Mai) and 'phone order* promptly attended to. few feet from H the kitchen. When monsieur received thin lint of In (he morning before daylight a Everything in the line offMotor- HALSEY ST., NEW AUK, N. J. TEL. UD6 MULBEUUY methods of obtaining mitisfaction from "Aw, say, maw," he grumbled, "lay man stood nt the window. off th« vwii and trivfl us a little spring MKJMKWW the American he wns'imirh disturbed. "(JiMiillty, dear," he wild, "This bus cyclea Indeed, he wns shocked. He Instruct- lamb. Thme nrrimlons don't hnppnn btn a lODf Iftd I hard I'U'i mill with ed hid HOCOIHJ tu ppiteHt iidiilisM nny otpry dfty."~Uiiffalo Kjtprtwia. Jobber* of the well-known out your en lino** und resource wmiu i-ui'li hmbnrnUN method* of lighting Not SB Guarantied. hnvc been uiihut'CMtfuJ, I have m Dayton, Haverfordfand Packard iiiul lipsued IIIM imtnKl|iitnt t<> FMMUbtf "You know thrsp glnvps I bought friu1 lull (tint I -. 11 ;i 11 make my wuy ti Bicycle** thnl I'l'liiirc WH not Ami'i'iiii He lierp tht* olhor tiny you snld they'd our (IMI>P» in Tlrlgltiin. You will Mtfti] wniiiii meet him In n civlll/eil wiiy.und Ids! nit< two yvnrm." Bold for Pftsh or en«y*paymt'nU. reiicli Merlin, fiml UIKMI tin wiir only in i w\ IIIWMI WHY, "Well?" A Iftrgi' nsHortrnent of uproml-hnnd ini>r, lr I dm allTt, I win join ; Subscribe for the To thin /-<«UP nimlo no reply, btiMf "I'm lost them"' I'ini* Hire. Motorcycles nlways on [hand. Ilicrr " Ing thnt It Wiist nut mil)' (he etui uf the Prnh'M Apply fur agency HI once. uffiilr Of the ilurl. bill quite HM.v the <'M|i((ilii ('HII P.i'i tttf IdsNod hu Two Typliti. end of ihi> liliirkinall pfOCTIBi In till" eefefBllj lirtoil the window «n*h, win) Jenkins My NtrnntfrupluT onn write 945 Broad St. Newark, N. J Uv flan rijihi Ik' heard uuLhlug BWM ppil nut mi In ilr tiliril btlOtf inul ill- 150 word* n tnliiiilc Touipktnfl —flo dsville News $1.50 Year M, lie Vombonu, And Do WIN not nppwtiTu, Tht nnxt iny

lists hare announced that they d their annual harvest home at Harrison vtlle on Aug. 16. GREAT R. R. STRIKE NEWS BREVITIES FEDERAL INQUIRY oeland undertaker was called out O better way to satisfy an I to bury a baby and had just be- N enthusiastic appetite than j fete work when the child began to with Uneeda Biscuit. A delight- IS THREATENED OF NEW JERSEY ful food, as appetizing as it is IN WAGE DISPUTE nourishing and wholesome. Per- ._ Mary A. Ryan of Engiewood Interesting Happenings In the Isent to Jail for a year for ernel fect baking, perfect protection, Transportation Tie-up Would *-nent and abuse of her two chil- they come to you with oven- State Carefully Condensed. Railroad Managers Submit freshness. Paralyze Business. nans to Avoid Great Strike. reral sewer extensions of about NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Evente of All Kind. Gathered Froir feet, to reach the new borough Varloui Pointt In the State and io in Hightstown, are nearly com- FARMERS TO FACE DANGER, Reduced In Site That They Will Ap- peal to All Classes of Readers. ARBITRATION IS OFFERED.

I bequest of $250 has been made to Could Not Market Cropa and The work of BMeqottO extermination (Bridgeport M. E. church by John Would Run Into Hundreds of Mil- at Cu|K" May 1ms COBlflMaced In ear Agr»« to Refer Demande of Men For 'se, who lived in the town several MOSt. lion!— With Factorial Unabla to Mora Pmy to IK« Inttratate Commerca "i ago. Oparata Wage-earnera Would Suffar. Commleelon or to Accept Settlement Residents >f thaTtrird ward, [.am Under Newlande Act ornamental iron fence will be htTtvllle, HT up u public pluy- cted in front of the cemetery at ground. New York.—The announcement that Bliamstown by the Presbyterian From the viewpoint of the pub- the strike vote which has been In pro* lic it Is an Intolerable sitimtlon ptherbood. The Wiklwdod ClvK- club has stinted reu anionjc the train service employe* when any group of men, wheth- a public library for ttte resorti of Five of American railroaila for toe post sev- ptudolpn Roman, twenty-six years 5c er employes or employers, wheth- Mile beach. eral weeks haj been completed, and of Hackensack, was drowned er large or small, have the pow- hen he jumped into a pool In a clay er to decide that a great section Thp "momlnir bridge" for the1 nlrt of that tbe final demand* by the union 1 to cool off. of country • • ', shall under- the soldiers' relief fund in Woodbur? leaden are soon to be presented to the go great loss of life, unsponk- netted $31.83. railroad managers here, indicate*, that Instead of installing water meters, as able suffering and loss of prop- the public will aoon know whether the foposed, the water committee of erty beyond the power of descrip- A line of automobile buses Is to be controversy between the railroad work- tion, through the stoppage of a foodbury council has notified users to put in service between PbilUpsbarg ers and their employers U to be settled )op the leaks. necessary public service. This, and Belvidare. however, is the situation whloh peaceably, or whether a nation-wide confronts us as a notion.—Proro strike is to be Inflicted upon tha coon, I-Robert Wyzjexehozwwskl, thirty Work on the Installation of the now try. ars old, of Jersey City was allowed the Report of the Eastern Engi- electric lighting system at l'uulsboni change his name to Jerwann, hli neers' Arbitration Board,(1012) hus been started. Thai far the leaden of the four signed by Charles R. Van Hlse, Bother's name. Obituary Gems. unions- the Brotherhood of Locomo- Cewt That Never Drink. Oscar Straus, Frederick N. Jud- When John Sherman of New Haven, Parcel post packages will hereafter tive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Lo- The "wild cow" of Arabia, in reality Bon, Albert Shaw, Otto N. Eld- | The Pitman board of trade held a preacher, mathematician, almanac mak- be delivered from the Mqoreetown comotive Firemen and Engtnemen, the an antelope, the Beatrix oryx, is told lltc and Daniel Wlllard. ooker to celebrate the victory fur er and father of twenty-six children, postofflce by automobile. Order of Kairway Conductors and tbe never to drink, which is probCbly cor- ewers which members of the board heard of the death of his good friend Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen— Mitchell, a Harvard pastor, rect, for unless these animals can de- »strongly boosted. Tlu> Broadway M. K. church, Salem, hare refused to consider any proposal he explained (after due thought and scend the wells they can find no drink- As a result of the demands for more has been turned over to eontmotors to many poetic pangs): ing water for ten months in the year. wages which the train service employes for an arbitration of the questions In The Pitman Highlands Chemical En- be thoroughly renovated. Here lies the darling of his time. There is no surface water, and rain f the railroads lime been pressing upon dispute, or for settlement of the con- line company held a Jollification in Its Mitchell expired In his prime, falls but precariously during the win- troversy by the Interstate Commerce i house to celebrate the burning of a ie transportation lines, the country Is The Wlldwood city commissioner! Who, four years short of forty-seven, ter. Only once during my Journey did have purchased two 'iiniK motors for Commlfudon. note on the property. Was found full ripe and plucked for ace to face with the possibility of the I find a pool of rainwater, caught in a the use of the life puirds. heaven. greatest strike and the most serious Would Coat 1100,000,000. hollow rock, and even this I should ndustrinl catastrophe to Its history, The demands of the train service moo The thirty-seventh annual picnic of When Thomas Dudley, father of the have passed by without knowing of its The first of a series of free band 'he engineers, conductors, firemen and for on Increase In wages, which, it Is [the Essex, Morris and Union county first American poetess, Anne Brad- existence had not my camels sniffed It concerts was given by the Moorestown f grange societies will be held Aup. IT rakemen on practically all the rail- street, came to his deathbed he showed from a distance and obstinately refus- band. Many were present. estimated, would cost the railroads of | at Verona Lnke park. road lines hnve voted to plnee their where his daughter had received her ed to be turned from going in that di- the country 1100,000,000 a year, were surprising gift by composing such fare- rection. These antelope, however, are ntire interests in charpe of a few William Huff, fourteen years old, of originally presented last March. At Thomas Mott Osborne, warden of well lines as: provided by nature with a curious food eaders within their organizations, and Somenillp was drowned In the Manns- that time the representatives of the Sins Sing, gave an interesting address Dim eyes, deaf ears, cold stomach shew supply, especially designed as a thirst o give these leaders authority to call quan river at Point I'lensnnt. onions asked for a conference with a to the 1.200 convicts in the New Jersey My dissolution Is In view. quencher. This is a parasite which a strike if they wish to do go. committee of railroad mamiKera repre- state prison at Trenton. Eleven times seven near lived have I, And now God calls I willing die. grows on the roots of the desert bushes What such a strike would mean to To help rnlso funds for church im- senting the various railroad lines of and forms a long spadlx full of water he American people cannot be set provements men of the Woodstown the country. While the Baptist and Presbyterian "Hail, Columbia."'1 and Juice. The antelope dig deep Jioles orth In mere facts and figures. It can M. E. church served a supper. This conference began here In New ministers nt Lambertville are on their "Hail, Columbia," was written in in the sand in order to get at these.— be dimly imagined by those who real- York on June 1st, and con tinned for vacations the two congregations will 1789 and "The Star Spangled Banner" Wide World Magazine. re what on Intimate and vital part At a meeting of representative citi- two weeks. The ratlrtmda were repre- unite in Sunday services. in 1814. "nail, Columbia," was Hot transportation plays in every Industrial zens in Vlnolnnil. twenty directors were sented by a committee of nineteen elected to form a hospital association. called "General Washington's March," Wouldn't Bring an Action. activity of the country. managers, and the brotherhoods by the Willard Strunk, sixteen years old, of the music having been composed by an There is a story told of a very emi- heads of their varlons national snd lo- Tahaquarry township, died from heart orchestra leader in New York and the nent advocate, now no longer with us, Cities Would Face Starvation. The annual picnic of the Salem coun- cal organisations—some eight hundred disease while swimming in the Dela- words written to be sung when Wash- who once while endeavoring to dto- There Is scarcely a person In any ty farmers will Ivo held at Hlvervlew men In alL >art of the land who would not be Im- ware river at Blalrstown. ington went to New York to be inau- suade a friend from going to law was Bench, l'entisville, Thursday, Aug. 17. Choice of Methods Offered. gurated president April 30, 1789. Lat- asked what he would himself consider mediately affected if the millions of The conference failed to reach a deci- Recorder Cain of Bayonne fined thir- er it was called "The President's a sufficient ground for resorting to lltl busily turning wheels on our nearly The Wallace Silk company, recently sion owing to the refusal of the union ty-seven storekeepers from $1 to $j March" and finally "Hall, Columbia." gation. three hundred thousand miles of rail- chartered with a capital stock of $128,- leaders to consider any modification of OCXi, will establish a mill in Phillip* each for violating the sanitary code in "My dear fellow," he replied, "I do way were to stop for a single day. If their demands, or any proposal for ar- burg. dlsDlavlne foodstuffs for saU»- Why Ha Waa Proud. not say that in no conceivable clrcum the tie-up continued for a week, the bitration. At the conclusion of the In a particularly desolate region of stances would I take proceedings blow to the industry of the country meetings the railroad managers sub- would be greater than that caused by Artificial ice plants in south Jersey mitted a proposal to refer the whole the country two travelers came on a against any one, but I do say that If are rushed to capacity, and several tumbledown shack in the midst of filth at this moment you deliberately upset any panic of recent history. To the question to tbe Interstate Commerce 3ig cities of the country, and particu- towns have been on the verge of ice Commission, or to arbitration under the RIGHT NOW and barrenness. They were discussing my ink on the tablecloth, chucked my famine. the improbability of human beings liv- wife out of the window, threw that larly to the cities of the eastern sea- provision of the federal utatute cover Ing this matter. ing there and did not see a forlorn lit- volume of reports at the bust of Black- board, It would mean a cutting off of We can save you money food supplies that would place the in- Fire caused by crossed electric wires tle boy sitting in the edge of the weeds. stone, 'made hay' with my furniture did $1,000 damage to the sacristy of The alternative mgKi'iitlon*. which habitants virtually in a state of siege. He arose with a proud flush on his and finally tweaked my nose 1 should St. Joseph's Roman Cnthollc church In they advanced for adjust Ing the con- on bicycles and supplies! We In the case of many food products face. "Ye needn't make fun of it. no doubt use my best endeavors to Hoboken. troversy were as follows: have a large assortment of •Tain't our*n. It's Jest rented!"—Ex- kick you downstairs. But once rid of these cities do not carry on hand a "1. Preferably by submission to i"ie change. stock sufficient to feed their people for Interstate Conunepee Commieelory the bicycles and supplies which you, either by force or persuasion, DO Patriotic women of Burlington have power on earth should Induce me to more than a week, and in the case of organized a local chapter of the Amerl- only tribunal which, by reason of Ha are to be told at lowest Har Uplift Schema. bring an action against you."—London some, such as milk and fresh vege- enn Red Cross to embrace all Burling- accumulated Information bearing ••» railway condition! and Its control of "What is Gertrude Gadder's latest Globe. tables, supplies are replenished daily. ton county. prices ever offered. fad?" The stoppage of transportation there- the) revenues of the railways* is In a "Prison reform." fore, would mean suffering and want position to consider and protect Hie SOME POINTS TO ATi . When I ho handle bars of his motor- "Along what lines?" D to these city dwellers, and If continued rights and equities of all the Interests "I notice you keep your office door cycle broke- James Cease, Jr., of Phll- REMEMBER "She thinks every convict ought to for long would threaten many of them affected, and to provide additional rev- closed all the time." llpsburg was pitched over the machine have a canary in his cell."—Birming- with actual starvation. enue necessary to meet the added cott "Yes. I'd never get anything done and lindly hurt. of operation In caw your proposals an We are the agents for the ham Age-Herald. if I didn't." Vast Loaa to Farmers. found by the Commission to be Just and A Mother Goose pageant under the Iver Johnson, Pierce and "Why?" To the farmers of the country a gen- reasonable; or, In tbe event the Inter Unreasonable. "Well, so many people that I don't auspices of the Htmnn Mothers' club ttate Commerce Commission cannot other standard makes. Mrs. Sharpe (severely)—Norah, I can eral railroad strike would bo a cntaa has been postponed until some time in want to see would wander in here." tropbe, only less serious. Cut off from under existing laws, act In the prem- find only seven of these plates. Where the middle of August. Our tires are priced from "How do you know whether or nol his market, the farmer could not move ises, that we Jointly request Congress are the other five? Cook (In surprise) you want to see them unless you ad bis produce, and the price of grain and to take such action OH may be ncres 98 cents up and bicycles —Sure, mum, don't ye make no allow- The official dogentcher of Mlllville Is mit them and bear what they hare to other staples would be quickly cut in aery to enable the Commission to con- $14.50 up. Come and be ance for ordinary wear an' tear? Hay?" two, while the market value of more now the highest paid city official. In rider and promptly dispose of tbe "I don't. I suppose I do miss one. or perishable articles would disappear en- five hours hp corralrd thirteen dogn, questions Involved; or convinced. Get the most which will net him $22.7T>. tirely. The strike would make It ex- "2. By arbitration in accordance with for your money at the tremely difficult to harvest crops In the provisions of the Federal law, enti- many sections. It would make the dis- Cooking classes for children of the tled, "An Act Providing for Mediation, posal of the cropa Impossible, and town are twlng held every Friday tin Conciliation and Arbitration In Contro- GENUINE PARK *0W GUARANTEE would inflict losses amounting to him iler thp direction of the Alinonesson versies between Certain Employer* am! CYCU CO. drsdl of millions of dollars upon the association. their Employees," approved July 16, fanners of the country. 1013, and commonly known a& the 1 Park Row, mp Gloucester county fruit grow- Nswlands Act" The great industrial plants of UM ers arc already shipping early peaches, ju v Phono Cort. 4311 yOU can rescue a little child or an overworked mother country would soon bo forced to clone Open Evenings Till 8 o'clock but will riot begin to pick the uuiln Unions Refute Offer. down following the declaration »t a N. Y. Catalog* sent on request, from the city's hot, glaring walls and pavements and stuffy crop for another week or two. The union leaden docllnqd to con- rooms, and give them an outing at strike becnuxe they could not obtain sider tho inmestlnn of the railroad supplies needed for their operation, nor managers, and Antiouncpd that they the beach with bountiful food, rest, On n rhargp of Insulting women mi could they ship their finished pToducU would seek a vote of tho mpmbprs of AVOID FINES ibc Ntreets nt I'nnislioro James Aniler coolness, fresh air and a daily dip to market. Tholr plnnts would soon tbo unions nuking that they tie given See ut about Dimmer*. Mirroacopei in the surf. he idle, and million* of men 1TOBM I* Ron wan net to Jut] for nlxty days by authority to declare u strike on all th»- and Spotlighti Ten thousand of these mothers thrown out of work. lattice of tin' Ponce railroad lines of tho country. Thl.i N. J. LAMP WORKS and children are waiting for invita- With the Income Of praetlcallj strike vote hiN b«en In progress for the every clnss of citizens either seri- Joseph Holoc. who was burned in an past n\x weeks, and, according to re- 18 WILLIAM STREET tions to our Sea Breeze Summer xplosion in the Kcnvii plant of the Home. YOU can send as many as ously cut down or suspended entire portu which have Ix'pn received here NEWARK, N. J. ly, merchants would trim-met little lM Powder company, died in tin from tliue to time, will result In giving Phone-7844 Marke you will for a day .week or fortnight. luminous, because there would be few Memorial tofptta] in Morrtatown. the four union leadprs the nuthortty Allow50centaadayor$3 a week purchasers. In nlmrt. thp lniluxtHnl which they axked for to halt ever? for each person, and direct your uctlvtties of the whole country would Hulldeni nro not yot «ntl.xf!e \n tbe dlnpute IN« settled peaceably. 103 Market St. I - f[>t bttlf rc'T'lvlm: nnntj fron, j *., Newark, N. J. Ampricnn rnllrondu tfrflny pny delinquent*; What the Public Para. FINE SHOE REPAIRING BY HAND ONLY Ihi« highest wnifn* In the world, Ont of every dolttf tho public pay* out of thn lowcat rnti* In the The | 1,11 the rnllrtinrtK for trn import a Inn the rail- Custom Shoe. Made to Order world, after IHOIIIK net I|OV.II to tlilTIIIJ rtwd MiiU'liiyw* receive 44 cent*, T*•• rn|iltill iMfoiml the lOWl - | : I , l>» I . I1! Wclii Miil traveler xvlio ipt&df $l"da yivir for hl« Hedden's Lunch Room Allen Building Next to Columbui Theatre SUUMttOfl ptf Inllc nf fill KTi'ftt H pvma ot gold Io |i(i> Hie i'\|'i'iiw>H II tlckpfj U imjiiiR Ml tot railroad ln?»»«r. rotintiii'H of thp wurld. No • • fI» i | iRPBtloti TTIP inefThnnt whnwi frelgbl lill!.«i And Delicatessen er occupation nml ti<> other pm- amount, tn $1,0(10 eOBtribntsl fMo in 1 |i|'ijer of hiiioi iii itic (iiuiitry MMI II- , ri -I' .1 ii Mr pctltimwKl f. i the itUrotd p:».vrdii. The fimpcimnt ran miteh thi« r *4 IMMI«?< » I I lioj i ir t< Ic ft i in, iii r i it ii gpU the BMM* ffOBS III" gBatOBWfl ti. Open to the public with a Hill I, HI ii N fiisert -i| t'rnt tIn- 0)1 tl I] tbe ^fteee be obnrg^i 'or his ware* NEWS $1.50 the YEAR i• -r 1 imilcsln h|p The paMtC rnyn r"• t> §tOH at it.. 1 class line of imported and domei- b» HUM of tbe t < SUBSCRIBE NOW rt'Utti nilnwi'il rsllmnd hill. tic cheeiei and cooked meati. The Bernardsville New*, Thursday, August 3, 1916 8 ANNOUNCEMENT I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE A COMPLETE LINK OP MACHINES IN STOCK ALL AROUND THE COUNTY MACHINES SOLD ON EASY TERMS V. 30TTIGL1A NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE

BASKING RIDGE Miss Jessie Willetts of Little Silver has concluded a two weeks' visit with Miss Helen Mast has been spending Expert Electrical her mother, Mrs. Calvin Willetts and several days in Newark, sister, Miss Hattie Willetts, of Ralston. and The Girls' Choir of All Saints P. E. GLORIO The Mendham Township Board of Church, Millington, sang Sunday in St. Reg, No. 46272 Education will meet in the Brookcide Mechanical Repairing Mark's Church. It had been arranged school building on Saturday evening to to have the choir of St. Barnabas' consider proposals for the transporta- Cars for Sale and to Hire Quick Service Church, Roseville, to sing in St. Mark's tion of students from the outlying dis- but because of the quarantine it had to tricts to the school here, and for the be put off. transportation of the high school pu- QUIMBY LANE Bernardsville, N. j Mrs. Monroe F. Ellis and Miss Flor- pils to Morristown. A proposition is ence Conkliag, of Finley avenue, are underway to transfer the mountain spending several weeks in Asbury Park. children to Mendham and bring the A party was given Saturday night at Washington Corner pupils here. the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pope, Miss Marth Garrabrant is spending a in honor of the twenty-first birthday of week with the family of E. I. Coursen their son, Russell Pope. of Greystone Park, preparatory to a Mrs. Michael L. Connolly has recov- two weeks' outing at Green Pond. Important ered from her recent illness. Rev. Ralph Urmy and family of New- Mrs. Margaret F. Edgar, of Front ark are spending the month of August TO street, recently entertained her son, at Glen Cottage on Woodland road. Walter Edgar, of Buffalo. Mr. Alfred Hampson of Bloomfield Mrs. Kate Wallace, of Newark, who motored to Brookside Sunday, where has boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Auto Owners! he was a guest of the family of Ben- Conklin, has gone to Elberon before jamin Woodhull. returning home. ECIDE on the building to house your car only after Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sheerin had Miss Mary Barklow has returned from as week-end guests, Robert Coar of a thorough investigation. The garage should he a visit to her aunt, Mrs. W, E. Banker, Rahway, John Cavanaugh, John Duff, D fire-proof, constructed of all metal. The steel of Atlantic Highlands. Frank MaeLaughlin of Jersey City and should be heavily galvanized to protect it from rust. IN THE STUD SEASON OF 1916 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Owen are spend- William Stewart of Philadelphia. It should be designed to withstand snow and wind loads Breed For Hunters and Army [Mounts ing the remainder of the summer at Belmar. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown have from 30 to 40 pounds to the square foot. The side walls Ask for Booklets Mr and Mrs. Raymond A. Henry and been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. W. H. and ceiling should be so designed that you can apply Pewers of New York. DENNIS CRIBBIN : Bernaidsville, N. J. son will leave next week to spend a wall lining without extra framing or drilling of holes in few days with Mr. Henry's brother and The mid-week prayer services were the metal work and the lining must leave an air pocket sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. held in the chapel on Wednesday even- as insulation from heat and cold. The windows should ing. On Sunday afternoon Rev. Henry, of Reading, Pa. be an integral part of the side sheet so there will be no Mrs. E. A. Hunt has returned to her Charles Collard will occupy the pulpit. home in Newark after spending a few A special consecration service will be labor required to fit sash in position. The doors should days with Mrs. Susan Pennington. observed in the evening. be at least If in. thick metal covered with metal turned PARENTS AND HOUSEHOLDERS Miss Florence Kuntz, of Bouni Brook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rheinthaler are in and locked at the joints; the joints soldered to has been visiting Miss Myra Howlett. entertaining the former's sister, Mrs. keep out the weather. The building should be archi- Carl M. Greulock, formerly in the Lillian Lang, and children of . tecturally attractive and guaranteed. dairy business here has filed a petition Carl Bockoven has returned from During the existing epidemic of Infantile Paralysis the in bankruptcy in New York State. His Virginia, where he was employed for a All these requirements are fulfilled in our Board of Health wants the co-operation of all the people in liabilities are given as 51,551.00 and his time by his uncle, Frank Tiger. only assets is an interest in a horse and the Township to do their part to protect our children. wagon in Morristown. represented as Mrs. George Bockoven entertained a ALL-METAL GARAGES AND PORTABLE worth $226.00. party of friends from Bayonne on Sun- day. FOLLOW THESE RULES: MENDHAM Mr, Antoine Guenther of Dover was STEEL BUILDINGS (BUILT TO LAST) Miss Margaret Brown, of Newark, an over Sunday guest of Mr. and Mr?. has been the guest of Miss Ruth Hamp- W. C. Schenck. For designs and specifications write to main office : FIRST. Notify the Board of Health of any visitors, chil- son, of Brook side. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hill of Plain- dren or adults, coming to your homes, giving their addresses. Miss Clara Woodhull, of Brookside, is field spent Sunday with their parents, H. F. & G., INC., 1006 EQUITABLE BDG., N. Y. C. entertaining Miss Beatrice Hampson, SECOND. DO not take your children to the cities or Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hulbert. (Telephone Rector 4539) Factory: Long Island of Bloomfield. towns during this epidemic. Do not go in the districts where Rev. John Wright of Jersey City -OR- Mis* Mary M. Teese is entertaining pent the week-end with his family the disease is prevalent. Know who your children are play- Miss Eiuabeth Kemp, of New York. Brewer & Webbe, Agents, 796 Broad St., Newark, N. J. here. ing with. Don't allow them to play with strange children. Mrs. George Howell and daughter, (Telephone Market 6168) Miss Martha Howell, of Newark, have Mr. Milton Searles of New York THIRD. Clean up your cellars, your stables, your privies, pent Sunday with friends in town. and your manure pits, using lime freely. If your neighbor concluded a visit to Mrs, Howell's fath- er, Samuel Streit, of Prospect street. does not clean up, notify the Board of Health, promptly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, of Lit- FOURTH. Don't let your children eat candy unless it has tleton, are occupying the Lowe cottage, i PEAPACK-GLADSTONE. Tel. 222 Bernardiville LEE TIRES which they purchased. Rev. Frederick N. Balder, pastor of been properly protected. Do not allow them to eat raw fruit the Reformed Church is on a month's or vegetables unless thoroughly washed. Mrs. Warren F. Green, of Brookside, has returned from a visit to the family ishing trip to New York, Massachus- FIFTH. Don't allow your children to attend public gath- of her brother-in-law, Edward Keating, itts and Connecticut. ..De Bow's Garage.. erings, picnics, parties and outings. of Elmira. Miss Elizabeth Apgar has returned to SIXTH. On the first sympton of any disorder in your Theodore Hampson and family and Bedminster after visiting her brother- ADJOINING CONKLING LUMBER CO. Miss Myrtle Hoagland, of Brookside, in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred children call your physician, as it is only by seeing cases Bell of Peapack. early that good results can be gotten. left Monday for a three-week visit to Lake George, N. Y. Rev. J M. Harper of St. Luke's Tires and Fully Equipped SEVENTH. Buyers of all articles of food are cautioned Mrs. John MacFarlane, of Brookside, Episcopal Church preached Sunday mor- to make their purchases in such places as are properly has returned from New York. jng in St. Bernard's Church, Bernards* Accessories Machine Shop guarded against flies, etc. Miss Margaret Price, of Morristown, ille. Rev. Percy Bissell of St. Ber- has been visiting Miss Margaret Hosey nard's School, Gladstone, preached at BOARD OF HEALTH, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. it. Luke's. Jeremiah Emmons. of Talmadge road. Miss Susan Thompson of Gladstone OVERHAULING CARS A SPECIALTY BERNARDS TOWNSHIP. MitB Etta Apgar has returned from a is at Asbury Park for several weeks. week's visit to her father, Frank Ap- Elmer Tiger of Gladstone is at Hart gar, of Mt. Lebanon. Adjustments Made Jobbing Promptly Attended To pord, Conn., where he has obtained em Fred Tiffenbach, of N'ew York, spent ployment. the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank TifYenbaeh, of West Main William Cook has been ill at his home Starting Trouble. street. n Peapack. Mrs. Cook is visiting in "It's going to be war to the knife," Brooklyn. Quick Work. declared the suburban man, who was "Married a telephone girl, you say?' Alonzo Powell, of Prospect street, is feeding his chickens. occupying a part of the Honey cottage Mrs. Oscar Hill and Mr?. Ida Draney "Just so. The honeymoon wasn't "What now?" asked hla friend. half over before she had his number." WARNING! b Wc-t Main street. are gpending two weeks at Kudd's "Why, Banks Bent me n box of nxle ake. —Birmingham Ape Herald. Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Lau, recent- grease and advised me to nae U on my ly tnt«-rtained Rev. Leicester Lewis, of Work on the new $250, (KM) barn on lawn mower." "Well?" Nothing Is so high and above all dan Chicago, the James Cox Brady estate is rapidly ger that is not below and lo the powpr progressing. Iron workers are now "Well, I went it back and told hiiu of God.- Ovid. Mr. and Mr". Harry Bowman and to use It on his daughter's voice," son, Offdcn Howman, are spending some setting the steel girders. London Mall. Stumbl* Upon Th«m. No person in Bernards timi- in Maine. The annual fly-killing contest among Not by appointment do wo meet de- Mitt Kuhilif Stout and sister, Mrs, the children of Peapack is on. Mrs Advto. light and joy. They Heed not our ex- Township shall receive any Gfjorgi Jones, of (Jcrmantown, are oc- Z. Ledyard Blair has offered a mlve "There1* one arm way to get along pectancy, but round some corner of. cupying the Vundervcer cottage during loving cup to the child who kills the t this world." the street of life they of a sudden August, largest number of flies this season, an< "What's thatr greet ua with a smile.—Gerald Mu- prize* of money to thoHe who are next "Quit fretting about tb« thing* mnru- se;. Boarders, Visitors or Rent lift. Annie K. Philhower, of Irving- «•>»«• elm baa and keep hustling for the ton, ha.H been visiting Mr, nnd Mrs.Miss Dorothy Johnnon, who won the up last year, has to win it again in thing* thnt so far no one has and you tnaortomont UutrintNa, Frank Woodruff, of Enat Main street, can get for yourself If you're first on "Of course you have an echo some any houses, or Rooms, or order to keep it permanently, and shethe Job."—Detroit Free Pram. wborc arouqd the place," said Mis* Uev. and Mr*. Cheater J. Hoyt, of is making every effort toward tha Nut ley, ;irc spending their varntinn in Cayraje. purpose. Already nlie hn« killed ove Humiliation. "A number of them," replied the In their camp, MM Mendlmm. Mr. Hoyt Land, for Camping Pur- 10,0(1(1 (1ie«. Only on« other contetttan "I tell you, sir, kissing the hand that tol man. "Shall l direct you to tliem?" WUH formerly pnwtor of the MuthodiMt for the cup him appeared In the pergo smite* you Is nothing to what 1 snw In "1 don't wnnt one for myself. Tin m Church here. of Minn Mfldrtd Courtright. fbo hotel this morning." In a man in the party who lnsiM* on Mr. ami Mr*. Arthur Whitney of "What was that?" being absolutely agnwd with every poses to any person from ilttoa have relumed from a tw< "The jmrter wan blocking the Ixxit time, he «nyR n word."—Wiwhtnglou weeks' sttuy with Mr*. Whitney'H pur MILLINGTON thnt had kloked him la«t night." l.on Star. don Tlt-Rltn. i-ntn, Dr. HIHI Mrs. I'eter B, WyeJtoff, M-i. iind Mrn. William Trip)), who nr Out of the Township with- of Southampton. in Mnino, will return August 8. Concarnlnj Idsals. Polltloal Platforms. "So you arp engaged?" Mrn. Willi,.rti N. I'Mnenu iim Mr. ami Mm, Henry F. Nienmnn ani "What's t&t platform?" "\PS, miiitln." out first notifying the Board Uf, Mi'. Kli.'iilu-Di 1'li'pi'nu, ale .,|nri dfuightor <>f Newark are visiting- Mr "I'll let ymi In on n Hoewt. T've "And lire you ftntlsfted with bfa ing a Week nl PoCOOO, Pa, ami Mrn. William H. Lttttf. VdMng for flirty years nml IICVIT IdnalM, my 4sHI •rtfti'ii "Why BJ» you HO iuro tiiore \* m ret>!lea, "I had, Wiff^n, the folly to BERNARDS TOWNSHIP. Mr*. L KmilVmmi of Philadelphia i HIM Tlttls Dr ii I line with ihe I'ainily of writo It, but tha wit to keep It to tny "ltocMUwe," re|illod tho dlHrnnraJfr'' mini ville mid llil |.|:nr, in n glleSt lf" QtOffl Snvrulgn of r,>|(. Hill Marion Alien. fat in..ii, "if tiituH was r«d h»v« u»