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Typed By: Apb Computer Name: LTP020 LIST 27 9 July 2018 Applications Registered between 2nd July to 6th July 2018 ST. EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website www.westsuffolk.gov.uk . Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to [email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/18/1040/HH Householder Planning Application - 3- Denham Barns, VALID DATE: Installation of 1.3 metre high post and rail Lewkenors Granary 25.06.2018 fencing along the eastern boundary Barrow Road Denham EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr Simon Smart IP29 5EF 20.08.2018 WARD: Barrow CASE OFFICER: Karen Littlechild GRID REF: 575630 261793 PARISH: Barrow Cum Denham DC/18/1113/TPO TPO 160 (1971) - 1no. English Maple (T1 on 16 Sharpes Hill VALID DATE: Plan, A1 on Order) - Fell Barrow 26.06.2018 IP29 5BY APPLICANT: Mr Paul Ellis EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr Ellis 21.08.2018 GRID REF: CASE OFFICER: Adam Yancy 577213 263998 WARD: Barrow PARISH: Barrow Cum Denham DC/18/1203/HH Householder Planning Application - 1 ½ Cotswold VALID DATE: storey rear extension (annexe) Denham Lane 03.07.2018 Barrow APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs A Davies IP29 5DZ EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr R Foulkes 28.08.2018 CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold GRID REF: WARD: Barrow 576376 263270 PARISH: Barrow Cum Denham DC/18/0954/RM Reserved Matters Application (Revised) - Development Parcel K VALID DATE: Submission of details for (Landscaping, Mildenhall Road 27.06.2018 Layout, Appearance, Access, Parking and Fornham All Saints Scale) and Discharge of Conditions C19 Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: (Design Statement), C20 (Parking), C21 26.09.2018 (Roads and footways details), C22 (Highway surface water), C30 (Landscaping), C31 WARD: Fornham (Levels), C35 (Foul Water) C36 (SUDS) and GRID REF: C37 (Storage of refuse) Pursuant to 583980 266777 PARISH: Bury St Application DC/13/0932/HYB for Edmunds Town Council Development Zone K For 91 Dwelling (Use Class C3), Associated Access, Landscaping, Parking and Infrastrcture APPLICANT: BDW Eastern Counties, BDW Eastern Counties CASE OFFICER: Penny Mills DC/18/1266/HH Householder Planning Application - Single 33 West Road VALID DATE: storey rear extension (following demolition of Bury St Edmunds 03.07.2018 existing conservatory) Suffolk IP33 3EL EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr Charles Baines - Trustees Of 28.08.2018 West Road Church GRID REF: WARD: Risbygate 584233 264204 CASE OFFICER: Adam Yancy PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council 2. DC/18/1186/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - (i) 8 Angel Hill VALID DATE: 1no Robina (T1 on Plan) - Crown lift lower Bury St Edmunds 04.07.2018 limbs to 3 metres; (ii) 1 no. Robina (T2 on Suffolk plan) - selectively shorten lateral limbs IP33 1UZ EXPIRY DATE: overhanging the parking bays by 2 metres 15.08.2018 (lower crown) and by 1 metre (upper crown) GRID REF: WARD: Abbeygate APPLICANT: Mrs Susan Cooper 585478 264313 AGENT: W Jarvis & Son Tree Services - Mr PARISH: Bury St Wayne Jarvis Edmunds Town Council CASE OFFICER: Falcon Saunders DC/18/1195/HH Householder Planning Application - 42 York Road VALID DATE: replacement windows to front elevation Bury St Edmunds 20.06.2018 IP33 3EG APPLICANT: Powter, Powters Ltd EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr Michael Sale - Michael Sale Arch 15.08.2018 Surv GRID REF: 584349 264312 WARD: Risbygate CASE OFFICER: Adam Yancy PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council DC/18/1208/HH Householder Planning Application - single 28 Abbots Gate VALID DATE: storey side extension (resubmission of Bury St Edmunds 22.06.2018 application DC/17/2396/HH) IP33 2FB EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr John O'Kane 17.08.2018 AGENT: Mr Daniel Nicholls GRID REF: 585710 263168 WARD: Southgate CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council 3. DC/18/1213/TPO TPO 257(1998) Tree Preservation Order- 27 Busy Bees Day Nursery VALID DATE: no. Sitka spruce (2, 3, G10, 13-16, 19-24, Macmillan Way 25.06.2018 29, 33, 35, 39, 41, 46, 49, 53, 58-60, 64, 68 Bury St Edmunds on plan within A1 on order) and 34 no. Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: sycamore (G5, G10, G18, 27,28, G34, 51- IP33 2GJ 20.08.2018 52, on plan within A1 order) fell; 1no. sycamore (4 on plan within A1 on order) WARD: Southgate reduce limb to co-dominant stem at 4 metres on south side and 1no. sycamore (50 on plan GRID REF: PARISH: Bury St within A1 on order) reduce height by 3 584976 262456 Edmunds Town Council metres; 10no. Sitka spruce (17, 25 ,26, 36, 38, 40, 42, 47, 48, 57, on plan within A1 on order) reduce height by 6 metres; and 6no. Sitka spruce (66, 67, 69-72 on plan within A1 on plan) reduce height by 3 metres; 1no. Beech (30 on plan within A1 on order) remove co-dominant stem on south side; 7 no. Birch (G61 on plan within A1 on order) reduce crown by 3 metres APPLICANT: Havebury Housing Partnership, West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust co A1 Trees AGENT: Mr Tim Nice - A1 Trees CASE OFFICER: Debbie Cooper DC/18/1202/FUL Planning Application - 1no. dwelling with Land Adjacent To 18 VALID DATE: integral garage Lancaster Close 21.06.2018 Chedburgh APPLICANT: Mr G Lebbon Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr Tim Linstead - Anglia Design LLP 16.08.2018 CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper WARD: Chedburgh GRID REF: 578847 257937 PARISH: Chedburgh DC/18/1171/HH Householder Planning Application - Single 39 Hertford Road VALID DATE: storey front extensions Clare 02.07.2018 Sudbury APPLICANT: Mr P R Bannister Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: CO10 8QH 27.08.2018 CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold WARD: Clare GRID REF: 576845 246183 PARISH: Clare Town Council 4. DC/18/1255/PMBPA Prior Approval Application under Part 3 of the Goat Barn VALID DATE: Town and Country Planning (General Green Farm 29.06.2018 Permitted Development) (Amendment and Brandon Road Consequential Provisions) (England) Order Culford EXPIRY DATE: 2015 - (i) Change of use of agricultural Suffolk 24.08.2018 building to dwellinghouse (Class C3) to IP28 6UE create 1no. dwelling and (ii) associated WARD: Risby operational development PARISH: Culford, West APPLICANT: Miss Christina Warren GRID REF: Stow & Wordwell 582942 271526 CASE OFFICER: James Claxton DC/18/1165/HH Householder Planning Application - Wash Cottage VALID DATE: Refurbishment and alterations including - (i) Church Lane 27.06.2018 Re-rendering to external elevations (ii) Re- Hargrave cladding to external elevations (ii) IP29 5HH EXPIRY DATE: Replacement of all windows and front door 22.08.2018 APPLICANT: Mr Ross Wenbourne GRID REF: WARD: Wickhambrook AGENT: Mrs Elizabeth Miller - Haysom Ward 577236 260633 Miller Architects PARISH: Hargrave CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire DC/18/1166/LB Application for Listed Building Consent - Wash Cottage VALID DATE: Refurbishment and alterations to Wash Church Lane 27.06.2018 Cottage including (i) Re-rendering to Hargrave external elevations (ii) Re-cladding to IP29 5HH EXPIRY DATE: external elevations (iii) Replacement of all 22.08.2018 windows (iv) New folding sliding doors to elevation (v) New front door GRID REF: WARD: Wickhambrook 577236 260633 APPLICANT: Mr Ross Wenbourne PARISH: Hargrave AGENT: Mrs Elizabeth Miller - Haysom Ward Miller Architects CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire 5. DC/18/1187/FUL Planning Application - 87no. dwellings with Land South Of VALID DATE: associated infrastructure Chapelwent Road 22.06.2018 Haverhill APPLICANT: Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Pegasus Group - Nicky Parsons 21.09.2018 CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper WARD: Haverhill North GRID REF: 566420 246525 PARISH: Haverhill Town Council DC/18/1218/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) single 7 Shetland Road VALID DATE: storey rear extension; (ii) single storey front Haverhill 22.06.2018 extension and (iii) raise roof and insert 1no. Suffolk dormer to convert loft into habitable space CB9 0LN EXPIRY DATE: 17.08.2018 APPLICANT: Mr Paul Hobbs AGENT: Mr Nigel Hurrell - N H Building GRID REF: WARD: Haverhill East Design 568490 245433 PARISH: Haverhill CASE OFFICER: Karen Littlechild Town Council DC/18/1067/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Single Hammonds Barn VALID DATE: storey rear extension including internal Bull Lane 27.06.2018 remodelling; (ii) Replacement fenestration; Pinford End (iii) installation of timber cladding and Hawstead EXPIRY DATE: insulation; (iv) 9no. replacement roof lights IP29 5NU 22.08.2018 and 3no. new roof lights; (v) removal of front porch; (vi) removal of SVP pipes and WARD: Chedburgh chimney flues and (vii) detached 3 bay cart GRID REF: lodge 584547 258994 PARISH: Hawstead APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Sharon & Steve Johnson & Beahan AGENT: Mr Craig Beech - Beech Architects CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire 6. DC/18/1068/LB Application for Listed Building Consent - (i) Hammonds Barn VALID DATE: Single storey rear extension including Bull Lane 27.06.2018 internal remodelling; (ii) Replacement Pinford End fenestration; (iii) installation of timber Hawstead EXPIRY DATE: cladding and insulation; (iv) 9no. IP29 5NU 22.08.2018 replacement roof lights and 3no. new roof lights; (v) removal of front porch; (vi) WARD: Chedburgh removal of SVP pipes and chimney flues and GRID REF: (vii) detached 3 bay cart lodge 584547 258994 PARISH: Hawstead APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Sharon & Steve Johnson & Beahan AGENT: Mr Craig Beech - Beech Architects CASE OFFICER: Alice Maguire DC/18/1039/FUL
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