WANTED AdelTRADEAUTOR A good hustler , man or INDOL , as agent THE GREAT HAIR GROWER THEwoman MESSENGERto act for every city long, straight in in the world . INDOL will make coarse hair and beautiful . JOIN THE MESSENGER Send 6 cents in stamps for Free liberal samples . Whiten your STAFF today . Send for as skin with Bleechol and take off the summer tan . 50 cents a jar. many copies as you wish , SPECIAL OFFER and make your spare time As a convincer we will send you , prepaid , 1 box Hair Grower , valuable . straightening jar 1 box Glossine (for ) and 1 Bleechol for THEY GO LIKE WILD -FIRE whitening the skin

All for $1.23 and Your Address . Learn the Indol System of Hair Culture. Write us for literature and particulars . Mention " THE MESSENGER ” INDO LABORATORIES CORPORATION 2257 SEVENTH AVENUE , New York City

ENGINEERSAND FIREMENS PUBLIC SERVICE ORG . in HOT COFFEE Meets every Wednesday at 8 P. M. MAYHEW'S the Labor Temple , 243 East 84th St. The Greatest Jazz Fox Trot Hit , .; .; Kindly H. Sery , , , communicatewith Stockhausen Piano 10c Band 25c Orch . 25c .


243 East , City A Wonderful One Step 84th Street New York LINIMENT .; , , Piano 10c Orch . 25c . 8th MASSACHUSETTS MARCH There is but one way , . Orch . 25c , , , , fit Music arranged composed engraved ADVERTISE to keep for cricket printed . and published Write us your boxing , baseball and musical wants . It it's music - WE DO

IN THE IT . other games . , James S. White Company Inc. “ ” ,

, only Mantua Building Mass . MESSENGER Use the muscle

tonic known to the best

athletes . , No pain no stiffness of , A can Will You Make joints no aches exist where Mayhew's

is used . LIBERTY LOAN ? Liniment

Use it freely and be , By Lending that Liberty Bond of yours which now lies idle or . of your

, limbs

up master By Lending the cash you can spare from $ 5.00 or IF By Lending your property security , You could save a fellow worker- suffering indescribable tortures for At Your Druggist , , ? expressing his ideas - WOULD YOU Well for his devoted self

sacrificing service to the working class .

BEN FLETCHER is serving a ten - year term in the Leavenworth


agents to MEMBERS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD , We need live wire , , a of of or of and man whom the workers America whether black white represent us in all parts the . . can be justly proud world Virite to our office for , ,

can now be released on pending action on an appeal if He BAIL particulars . , up the $ 10,000 can be raised . His case does not come until April must

duty is he remain in jail when your LOAN can set him free ? Your : clear remember that your little mite counts . Our Negro comrade will ,

if you it . or to F. Biedenkapp be saved will send Send Bonds cash G. , E. H. & D. CO . Inc.

Treasurer . Receipts will be duly forwarded and the loans returned as is . the bail released For information call at the office or telephone 33 West 139th Street Stuyvesant 6844 . WORKERS DEFENSE UNION New York City . Room 405 , 7 East 15th Street New York City

Mention The Messenger 15c. Per Copy $1.50 Per Year U.S. , 20c. outside THE MESSENGER $2. Per Year outside U.S. Published Monthly by the MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO ., Inc. Main Office : 2305 7th Avenue , New York , N. Y. Telephone , Morningside 1996 Application enteredfor 2nd Class Mailing Privilegesat Post Office, New York , N. Y. , July 6th, 1919.

Vol . II SEPTEMBER 1919 No. 9



1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIE We NEGRO WOMAN Special September Issue of THE BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW This unexplored field of work has been approached by the Birth CONTROL Review through men and women who have given years of service to the col ored people. THEY THAT SIT IN DARKNESS ARTICLE by A. Philip Randolph A ONE -ACT Play , by Miss Mary Burrill by THE CLOSING DOOR POEMS James Weldon Johnson A STORY , by Angelina W. Grimke EDITORIALS , Book Reviews , News NOTES

Yearly subscription $ 1.50 ; 6 month's trial 50 cents , if mailed with this advertisement . THE BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW 104 FIFTH AVENUE Room 2005 NEW YORK CITY , , Is

or As for IT was . you self want , a RED HOT friends paper that , com - Is MARRIAGE andAs ITSHOULDwas CO OPERATION bats all gious dogmareli-, $ 1.00 AGNOSTIC send For on organizing BE . By Annie Besant . A new edition of information for each subscriber and get the hottest , ,

intensely interesting . ,

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A copies 1 . 10cents . Not Free few of the Scarlet Review No.

CO - OPERATIVELEAGUE OF AMERICA 25c . each . Raymers's Old Book Store Tho , CRUCIBLE B1330 1st Ave. , Seattle Washington PAPER 1330 , Washington First Avenue Seattle 2 West 13th St. New York


BroadwayCATA , , 1227 S. 17th St. Philadelphia Pa . FREE Hits is governed by Socialists SHORTHAND -For Grammar School ? , Sheet Music , Orchestrations Who Are the Socialists graduates High School students and

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Еритон W.B.Willions

" IF MUST DIE ” WE one can sincerely object to this new and laudable . determination Justification for this course is not America won the war that was alleged to be , lacking for it is the white man's own Bible that fought for the purpose of making the world safe by says " by perish , Those who live the sword shall in for democracy but the light of recent happen , , ” the sword and since men in ings Washington , the Capital city , and Chicago , white believe force Negroes who have mimicked them for nearly three it would seem as though the United States is not

copy in respect .

. centuries them In must

to that of Since a part the world order win the war ,

be fought , , fire must with hell fire and diamond President Wilson employed " force unstinted force ” alone can cut diamond , Negroes realize that force and those who expect to bring any similar desir is an to alone effective medium counteract force . able termination to a just cause can do no less than , Counter irritants are useful in curing diseases and by follow the splendid example set them the re Negroes are being driven by their white fellow . puted spokesman of humanity That the lesson did

citizens to investigate the curative values inherent not take long to penetrate the minds of Negroes is , in mass action and other devices demonstrated by the change that has taken place revolvers lethal

applied to .

in when social diseases their demeanor and tactics . No longer are Ne The New Negro has arrived with stiffened back

groes willing to be shot down or hunted from place , , bone eye , steady ; dauntless manhood defiant hand to place like wild beasts no longer will they flee a of . and will iron His creed is admirably summed

from their homes and leave their property to the , up in the poem of Claude McKay the black Jamai tender mercies of the howling and cowardly mob . ,

poet is carving for a in , can who out himself niche They have changed and now they intend to give of the Hall Fame : men's account of themselves . If death is to be , IF their portion New Negroes are determined to make WE MUST DIE

dying a costly . their investment for all concerned , If we must die let it not be like hogs

If they they they

must die are determined that , in Hunted and penned an inglorious spot

through valley of , shall not travel the the shadow While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs , of death alone but that some of oppressors Making at their their mock our accursed lot . , , companions . shall be their , If oh we must die let us nobly die , is So

spirit a This new but reflex of the great war that our precious blood may not be shed ; In and it is largely due to the insistent and vigorous vain then even the monsters we defy by ,

agitation on to

younger of us . carried men the race Shall be constrained honor though dead !

The demand is uncompromisingly made for either , , ; or is to be a liberty death and since death likely Oh kinsmen ! Wemust meet the common foe , ,

Though us two - edged sword it will be to the advantage of far outnumbered let still be brave

for - And ! those in a position to do so to give the race its their thousand blows deal one death blow though long - liberty . us denied What before lies the open grave ?

spirit , is The new animating Negroes not con Like men we'll face the murderous cowardly pack , , , , to it to is

fined the acutely dying - United States where most Pressed the wall but fighting back ! , manifested but is simmering beneath the surface W. A. D. .

is oppressed in every country where the race The

Washington and Chicago outbreaks should be re DEFENSE OF NEGRO RIOTERS , garded as symptoms of a great pandemic and the

Messenger appeals to Negroes as courageous surgeons who performed the The all citizens who be

re in play

. justice to necessary though painful operation That the lieve fair and address their at

medy is is . to

beyond question It efficacious has tention now the defense of the Negroes who brought , as a

participated in rioting or as results for consequence the eyes of the who were arrested

the entire world are focused upon the racial situa alleged participators therein . Committees should in tion the United States . The world knows now be in formed immediately which practically all that the New Negroes are determined to observe Negro organizations might participate for the col , , of the primal law of self - preservation whenever civil lection funds the giving out of publicity the ; , , to to laws break down assist the authorities pre ascertainment of facts bailing and bonding and

serve order and prevent themselves and families giving aid and comfort and succor to the men who , , , ,

being in in . In

prison In Chicago from murdered cold blood . Surely no are Chicago we are informed by - -


the National Association for the Advancement of indictment against our system of jurisprudence in Colored People, that in connection with the Urban America is shown by the Grand Jury in Chicago League and other organizations, a committee has striking because , as it said : " No evidence against been formed to look after work suggested along white participants had been presented .” The first this line . Weurge that that committee be extend two days of the Chicago August Grand Jury , fifty , its ed in begin to proceed size and that work with four Negroes were indicted in all for alleged riot , acceleration . The fraternal societies like the Py- ing assault and murder . Not a single white was , , , , , thians Odd Fellows Masons Elks Shriners St. indicted until the grand jury demanded it . We , , , These , Luke's etc. should lend their assistance . therefore urge all the more strongly that the juries to organizations only appeal mem up should not their be made of six white men and six colored men of of in of bership to support the cause the defense these the trial both white and colored men con , to . men but they would do credit to themselves vote nected with the riots , ,

large sums of money ranging from $ 500 to $ 10,000

directly out of their treasuries . Every Negro news STRIKES ; paper should also join in pushing the drive through

all Negroes working or peo whether men business To strike is to stop work with a view to winning ,

ple in join , , should . the movement certain demands such as more wages shorter ,

no special opportunity For defense should be hours or better conditions under which to work .

given to aspiring young lawyer to some who wants It is not alone effective for the achievment of econ by

it experimenting reputation , with these , make omic object however but it may be used also for .

cases , The ablest lawyers in the country should securing favorable political action . For instance . of put at be the defense these men Samuel Unter the threat of the Brotherhood of Railway trainmen , , , meyer George Gordon Battle , Clarence Darrow to strike in 1916 forced the adoption of the Adam , , Louis Marshall John B. Stanchfield William D. son 8 - hour Day Law by Congress . , - Guthrie Bourke Cochran men of this type The strike is the chief weapon in the hands of

should be the chief counsel for defense . What does , , labor in the class war since by the use of it labor

it matter if the lawyers alone cost $ 25,000 ? Have is to able enforce a loss upon capital by arresting Negroes not these taken the first line trenches for , production . When production ceases profits stop

of us ? they acting in - ? self defense , all Were not . also And since business is only run for profits , Not only in defense of themselves but of the whole when it is no longer possible to get profits out of

race ? , the enterprise the reason for business is destroyed . to to We wish call attention the necessity of This is why capitalists are terror stricken- at the use

quick . is no delay .

too of work There for . " time The the strike Big Business " knows how helpless , job it is . lawyers need to be on the at this very moment when confronted with the strike , studying the evidence getting in touch with wit Labor is gradually awakening to the necessity of nesses , ferreting out contributory causes , interview striking at the source of production . Throughout

ing people . Money lawyers different and are the , the country in the ranks of all types of labor strikes These are the important just now . most factors are being called to offset the rising cost of living .

. Money immediate demands must be collected and , , In Brooklyn New York The Brooklyn Rapid dispensed by persons whose honesty and efficiency Employees virtually Transit have won their de

given to reproach . Publicity are above must be all mands after having paralyzed transportation for monies collected and all monies spent . Someone several days . Transportation in Chicago is just , will have to be hired to do this work . Clerks of a assuming normal conditions in the wake bitter , ,

stenographers managers organizers postage . and strike The railway shopmen , cigar makers , work , general , publicity money . and literature will cost , , ,. ers in the building trades longshoremen etc are a let anyone for volun Don't make foolish demand , , striking have struck or are about to strike for a . tary service in the detailed and technical work in 12 better living wage . Even theatres New York ,

In order to place responsibility someone must be City have been closed by a strike of actors . And it

paid .

is rumored that the police in New York City and

On with the defense ! Let every Negro become Boston are organizing themselves into a union . So . of a part the Defense Committee

it has finally dawned upon those who are charged

with the enforcement of the law that they too are MIXED JURIES FOR THE RIOT TRIALS workingmen who receive wages with which they , . must purchase life -- food clothing and shelter This Messenger urges juries The that there be mixed is the begining of the end . For when one part of

in of persons alleged to the trials all have been the working class which is used to hold down the ,

Washington Chicago . connected with the and riots large masses of the workers strikes — then truly the

do justice or We not believe that will be done that end of capitalism is at hand . Since without the , , an impartial investigation and verdict can be pos- police the militia and the regular army the ruling sible unless both compose white and colored is powerless men class and impotent . is juries . every to suspect the There reason the The present order of strikes ought to impress the

type of justice may be in which meted out the forth millions of Negro workers in the South . Cotton is . in do coming trials The arrests the two cases not used in every conceivable form of manufacture . It

inspire confidence . It is admitted that white men is the basis of the great clothing industry . The

aggressors in Washington in were the both and progress of science has been materially accelerated , by

Chicago yet in Washington the arrests bore the King Cotton . Millions of bales are produced by relation of six Negroes to one white man and ten Negro labor yearly out of which millions of , to

Negroes in Chicago . sharpest one white man The dollars of profits are realized and yet the large ma -

6 THE MESSENGER jority of Negro cotton plantation workers are in Split up into separate craft unions, convulsed by , by dire poverty on account of the starvation wages jurisdictional jealousies deluded notions of craft , they receive . What is the remedy is the question aristocracy .organized labor in the past refused to , , of of its coming from the mouths of millions black work avail itself entire strength but instead per , . ers mitted itself to be flattered with patriotic slush , by by The answer is contained in one word— “ Strike ! " cajoled ecclesiastical soothsayers pampered

Piteous appeals are of no avail . Positive demands designing philanthropists and deceived byartful and by enforced the strike are the only things that professional worshippers at the shrine of racial and , . If to

Negro . count the cotton workers were strike national prejudices Instead of depending upon , the great cotton mills of England that rely upon the their industrial power to achieve results the work

cotton exported from the South would be forced to ers were induced by their venal and corrupt leaders , . close down Now since these cotton mills are owned to over - emphasize and use political means such as , , , by the capitalists of England who in turn control dignified arbitrations and eminently proper “ work , , Parliament representations would be made imme- ing agreements ” for the enforcement of their de diately to America with a view to influencing the mands . This policy proved barren of real results . to its . It action of the Government with respect to the cotton Instinctively labor began change tactics , . Negro " " strike When the understands his power to saw that orderly methods methods that depended by

of working cripple the main industry the South arresting upon politicians to legislate justice for the , production and thereby stopping the creation of class were clumsy of execution and productive of , profits he shall have reached the point where he delay and internal discord . With their disillusion ,

as to working began to apply will be able to secure a respectful hearing in the ment tactics the class ,

a remedy — bring high court of American public opinion in general as radical one that could maximum by as

from cotton of an audience Southern a well attentive of results the exertion maximum pressure . . plantation in particular owners Strikes ceased to be localized as they extended

exploiting in parts of The class all the world can their scope and embraced entire industries . , appreciate a blow in the pocketbook . Negroes must tendency became infectious and when the workers ,

' present de form cotton workers unions and their of an industry struck to enforce their demands , , mands to the masters of the cotton industry in the other groups superficially unrelated struck sym , . is no . a sign of pathetically . South There need for many a fear Not With reverse but with de ,

Negro . cotton can be raised without labor Southern finite gains in discipline experience and class solid

capitalists ,

Negroes bring it

arity a white know that can the was but question of time that the goal

to by at white bourbon South its knees one strike of a Big Strike became labor's objective . The dream , go of the source of production . So to it ! the Socialist theoretician was gradually trans of ferred from the inanimate pages books to the

THE MARCH OF INDUSTRIAL UNIONISM sentient and pulsating battlefields of the class

struggle . Thus the theory of the General Strike became more and more coordinated with the actu NEGRO O of alities industrial and political life .

AMERICANLABOR This development corresponded in character with FEDERATIONOF

the growth of capitalist combinations . It was the ruthless competition among small businesses that RELIGION

LABOR of . forced the birth trusts Also it was the scabbing

of one craft upon another in cases of strike that CMIIN ! called the industrial union into being . To have unity of

unity of action without purpose and or

ganization was an anachronism that could not long THESOUTH . exist , Hence in order for the General Strike to , it to function effectively had have an organization of suitable structure .

Realizing the futility of attempting general strikes , while maintaining craft unions the workers , ignor

ing , of the advice conservative leaders began to

" THE GIANT STIRS scrap their obsolete and unwieldly organizations , , for the more wieldly and to the capitalists terror . To

inadequacy of polit- inspiring Because of the slowness and industrial union conform with the ,

goal of a ical action class conscious labor is more and more strike that included every worker the all

of Big

as omnipotent workers relying on industrial solidarity the form One Union that included

. accomplishment of weapon for the achievement of its immediate aims was evolved The this revolu by as well as its ultimate liberation . All over the tionary aim was opposed at every step the forces , , , , , , , . of of in world - in Australia Canada England France of reaction and outside the ranks labor , Spain and the Virgin Islands the working class Imperialist business interests recognized in the new

a deadly with minds that interpret the inevitable trend of union formidable and foe and mobilized ,

social and industrial evolution is being inspired every ounce of strength to destroy it . Governments be

Big . into with the grand idea of the One Union This whose chicane had deceived the workers , , , off

in impartiality logical revolutionary is lieving threw their masks new form of unionism and their gigantic and class char the workers reply to capitalism's combina- and revealed their class affiliation .

, acter struggle The class luridly re tions of trusts cartels and financial syndicates . It was more

vealed . Persecution of various kinds was meted is the antidote for capitalist poisons . -


out to the leaders . Laws to suppress industrial a three cent fare all over the country . This is , up unions were enacted and to live to the best ample amount of carfare to pay anywhere . Better , , , , traditions of patriotism so that Americanism should still let the people in every city take over own , , not perish from the earth members of the Industrial operate and socially control their own street cars , . of Workers the World were tarred and feathered and traction industries This is striking the evil , deported into arid wildernesses while their leaders at the source and it will relieve the burdens of . were treated even as Negroes are now being treat transportation from which the people now suffer , ed - LYNCHED ! However despite misrepresenta , tion persecution and violence visited upon its dis

, NEGRO LEADERS COMPROMISE AS USUAL ciples the principles of the One Big Union are ,

swiftly encircling globe making ,

the and new con In Washington during the riot it was Judge . verts From the Pacific Coast it sweeps eastward Robert Terrell and Emmet J. Scott who led the , ,

to to Europe the Atlantic across the ocean and inglorious compromise as usual . Those two would to . it then Asia stop only proponents ,

Where a will its be leaders issued joint letter in which they said " of . dare assert with any degree positiveness Al the retaliation which followed the attack of the

ready all . magic phrase on races are affected Its part of white mob the colored people was to be

Big - , magnetic , One potency in bringing . ” Union has deplored In Chicago Illinois another comprom , of working its sway . members the class under ise Negro leader outdid Scott Terrell and Robert , , , it is be it in Winnipeg Wherever heard Glasgow Russa Moton in the sycophancy and spinelessness

Sydney or of Virgin of . the little known islands the his advice and observation We refer to Beaure group , of its

the gard F. workers become Moseley . picked victims seductive This hand Negro said : spell . ON WITH THE ONE BIG UNION ! ON “ Some of us forget that the white man has given us , , WITH !

INDUSTRIAL right to UNIONISM ON to freedom on WITH the of THE OF THE vote live terms equality EMANCIPATION WORKERS , with him to be paid well for our work and to receive !

OF THE WORLD , de . if many other benefits . Now the while man should

cide that the black man has proved he is not fit to have , ,

right to CARFARE INCREASE the vote that right might be taken away we

might also find it difficult to receive other favors to which , The disgrace of the American city has been its we have been accustomed and then what would happen ? to control by traction interests . The only cities that us 66 ,

“ is a country . are not subject to the orders of the traction ring Wemust remember that this white man's ,

no ring are those cities where exists because the Without his help we can do nothing . When we fight , ,

people a

system . own their car their light and gas in the white man we fight ourselves We can start riot , dustries . Professor it to stop it . Evans Clark formerly of but takes the white man We are interested , in to . ” Princeton University in a carefully conducted in not what started the riots but how stop them , ob of vestigation this year showed that the cost of car May we ask what our readers think this in rying passenger City Moseley ? each New York for 1918 servation of one Beauregard Just what - was two and three fifths cents . Huge profits making and were did he get for this statement w..at white , ,

of public coined out the who on street cars sub men were fools enough to believe that his state ways and elevated railroads , traveled like sardines ments would have the slightest effect among the , in a . A

packed of

profit 40 % can more than was New Negroes of this country except to pour oil

reaped off on ? us each passenger . Unprecedented prosper the fire The white man has not given any ity , . marked the career of the traction interests . But freedom neither the northern nor the southern man , , despite all of this the traction interests of New What we have gotten we have taken and such con , , , as York Boston Philadelphia - everywhere are ask cessions have been granted were granted merely , , to In

July to . right ing for increased rates . Boston 21st the because they were beneficial him The ;

in during granted to Negro street car fare advanced to 10c Chicago has in vote was the the South ; to 8c creased the fare Philadelphia a has five cent the Reconstruction days because a group of hypo , ; reactionary plutocratic Republicans fare and a three cent transfer New Jersey has in critical and ,

creased its fare to 8c while the New York City wanted to keep in power in order that they might , ,

ring already put on a 2c selling of traction has transfer and control the granting of franchises the , , . an 8c is asking straight stealing of for fare privileges to railroads the coal lands , , be Now , the people everywhere should oppose these plundering the public domain and above all

power to lay increases in carfare . Nearly everybody has to make cause they would have the and collect , . use of the cars with the exception of those people taxes on everybody while exempting themselves ;

in helping to who have automobiles and most of the people who They found Negroes be efficient tools as

just so ( do ) work and most people work don't have auto them maintain this power . But soon by , mobiles . There is no justification or reason for those Republican hypocrites represented this , . this increased fare The street cars have carried same Chicago Tribune were able to see their way , in to and without more passengers this year than ever before in their clear election the North West ,

aid of Negroes hung on to straps the history . The passengers have the the Southern Southern Ne ,

and rails except at times when one was so tightly groes were gracefully turned over to the tender

. hap of jammed that he could get to neither a strap nor a mercies their former white masters What

story of , , The rail . Unless we are alert however the iraction pened since is a matter of history . , , interests , who control the city councils and mayors disfranchisement grandfather clauses the Klu

to every is and the Public Service Commissions will put over Klux - Klan and lynching familiar child

ought to . Moseley that years of age know this demand of capital in every city of the country . of seven .

right to Negroes do enjoy vote The people must get right on the job and demand most not their We 8 THE MESSENGER are now fighting to live on terms of equality with City Council of Chicago is Republican . The State the white man , which shows on its face that we Legislature of Illinois is also Republican . The do not enjoy the right. To be paid well for our Grand Jury in Chicago , which indicted 54 Negroes work is far away from any actuality . Why even before indicting any white man , was a Republican white men are not paid well for their work today , Grand Jury . The District Attorney who presented that is , the great masses of them . Those who em these cases against the 54 Negroes was a Repub ploy both white and colored men are trying to get lican District Attorney . The police who arrested the greatest amount of work for the least amount Negroes (and shut their eyes when they came to of pay . They are trying to get the longest hours white rioters ) were Republican policemen . The out of the workers and to give the lowest pay for Chicago Tribune , the leading mouthpiece of the their work . It is out of this constant fight that the Republican Party of the United States , has been its packing industry will reap the benefit from the riot. as bitter in attacks on the Negroes during the as Moseley says that we must remember that this riot the Atlanta Constitution . Compared with the , , , is a . country fought New a white man's Well wehave like York World Democratic mouthpiece it sinks . it into get part of it desuetude hell for and unless we and enjoy it innocuous , , , , peacefully we will riot all over the United States Of course all of these papers juries mayors , And as we proceed in our fight for it a black rasca ! and governors are farces when compared with the , a and sniveling scoundrel who betrays the trust Socialist groups . There is not a Socialist or In , , of

toiling of the black workers will fare no better dustrial Workers the World paper which has not , a given a just interpretation to . than white scoundrel and probably a little bit fair and the riots is no at to There to Negroes worse . Why even white men no longer talk about inclination all cater the ,

of Party this being a white man's country unless it be Hoke either because the bulk the Socialist and , , , Smith Vardaman John Sharp Williams Cole the Industrial Workers of the World is white . But or . Blease some such Southern bourbon This hand they understand the true cause of the riots . They , : “ a picked Negro also says We can start riot but are not deceived by this cry of race prejudice . They

quite as it takes the white man to stop it . ” Where does he know well that the whites will suffer much as .

happened They un get this interpretation ? The evidence shows that the blacks from what has ,

in Washington and Chicago the whites started the derstand that the packing interests and the capital , it of to

to country keep riots but took the Negroes stop them . Had ists the want the white and black , it not been for Negro self assertion- and manhood dogs fighting over a bone in order that they ( the

the riot sport would have proceeded until white capitalists ) may get away with the bone . The em , men got tired and stopped of their own free will . ployers will beat down mob and starve white work

But not so of recent date . The Negroes took the ing men and women just as readily as they will black , . of

- patriotism defensive offensive in Washington and according men and women No talk will deter , , by to the papers the move was marked “ general them from their purpose . Their flag is not the red ;

. flag is a yellow flag it preparedness on the part of the Negroes . ” Chicago white and blue Their re

have been except flag of Repub would is another East St. Louis for presents gold . Gold also the the ,

Party . Negroes . They the Negroes stopping the rioters . Besides we are lican But are workers are in also interested what started the riots as a means not capitalists and employers . They have nothing of

understanding . what stopped them in common with the Republican Party . They must

, , , Party get More spineless sycophantic servile slavish state get out of the Republican and into the all ments have probably not been spewed from any party which represents them — which represents ,

. is Party . So get Negro than the above quotation from this " me too- the workers That the Socialist , in it ! " " - in - " Negro boss hat hand leader of Chicago - one

Beauregard Moseley . No wonder the Chicago


RACE . " The Hungarian Soviet Government has been

forced out . The moderate socialist government

which succeeded it has also been forced out . Nei THE NEGRO - A REPUBLICAN , , ther government has been forced out however by is a . a

Negro Republican . They The He has been Re the people of Hungary have been forced by

is a They publican fifty Republican be foreign governments . They have been for years . He out by cause his father was a Republican . He is a Re forced out the most titanic gang of hypocrites

publican because Abraham Lincoln was a Repub- and the most motley crew of alien capitalists that any government lican . He is a Republican for what the Republican democratic has ever been beset is . be it Party once was and not for what now But with . The government has been overthrown to , - been denied the awake old black brother Republican ! The Repub cause self determination has by - . licans have been rioting on you for several weeks . people Nor was this self determination denied ,

or Hindenburg military You received no protection in Washington D. C .. the German Kaiser the . It even though the District of Columbia is governed caste has been denied by the connivance and , a of by Congress and both the Senate and the House collusion of our own suave diplomats who talk up of Represetatives are made of Republicans . In great deal ornate and rhetorical balderdash about

Chicago , only protection you got the came from the rights of free people and about “ making the , for world democracy . ” yourselves and yet Chicago is a Republican city . safe Another conspirator ,

in conspiracy cunning It has a Republican mayor William Hale Thomp this arch was the subtle and , . son The State of Illinois in which Chicago is Lloyd George along with the plutocratic British , , . a situated has Republican Governor Lowden The barons who have been so disturbed during the last - - -

THE MESSENGER 9 four years over the desecration of helpless little ticket . Vote for men and measures - not for

parties . " Belgium . And France, too , must come in for her , share of guilt . Indeed she is one of the chief of This puerile and effete advice coming from the , . so naturally is may fenders And since Hungary nearer most distinguished Negro in the United States to to her than either of the aforementioned coun have the touch of wisdom to it so far as most Ne , . tries groes are concerned , but with intelligent radical , suspicion it is Serious and distrust are also thrown groups and students of political science not of an . on the Peace Conference and the Allied Council . worthy alleged Negro sociologist Any stu today

of government The Messenger does not consider this outrage as dent knows that the United

is distinctly of party gov the outrage of Roumania imposed on Hungary . We States under the control , . simply know better Roumania has been the agent ernment . Whoever the man is he must be on some , , to is a of party of the Allied governments who have banded ticket and that ticket ticket some , gether to harrass suppress and stamp out any de but this is a mere elementary criticism upon that . . in mocracy which lifts its head the world advice lesson to labor needs to be drawn also . The Allies The more fundamental criticism comes on the of to were opposed the Soviet Government Hun advice of Du Bois to Negroes to support men and

change to a They to . supposedly a

gary to party It is assisted the not parties . better trust than , a . . is government trust man may night . moderate Socialist But the truth A man die over But this

they were opposed to both . It is the same lesson is not so likely with a party . Again the party is ,

of of as by the American Federation Labor shown stronger than the man . This has been repeatedly of to of the denials recent date the Federation shown in many cases where strong men were con , . in in .

organizers organizing is in Labor's the steel cerned The case of Roosevelt point He

dustry of Pennsylvania . It is a case of not that attempted to bolt the party and the party came , of they " hate Brutus less but that they hate Caesar near killing Roosevelt in the political life the . . ” is of more Here the lesser two evils which they United States . He never recovered from the blow I. in Between the and the of are choosing W. W. The case of Governor Sulzer New York 1913 , of American Federation Labor the capitalists will is again in point . Governor Sulzer belonged to the

always of . choose the American Federation Labor Tammany Hall Democratic party . He was nomin , by But when the A. F. of L. began it was bitterly ated and elected the Democratic machine . He

opposed just I. is today . policy like the W.W. The attempted to oppose the machine and he was , , of the capitalist is between two radical bodies promptly impeached and overthrown while pitifully

choose less . Between several the radical Between several radicalradical appealing for mercy at the hands of his former , . to bodies choose the least radical is strange supporters . The reason for this not

So The of . on with Hungary . Allied governments students political science Any candidate the

would rather have a moderate group of Socialists political field is simply a part of the political ma

in they . control than the Soviet group But are chine . He is a cog in the wheel . As part of the , or opposed to both and Archduke Joseph looks much machine he must move with the machine he will , by better to them far than even Scheidemann . As be crushed . There is no escaping this conclusion . , , , , . radicals however we need not be alarmed This Moreover as we have said before a party is a

was just what we expected . The whole of Europe body of individuals who agree upon a political pro

combined for twenty - five years to overthrow the gram and who strive to gain control of the govern , in to . French revolution . But it's soul was there to stay ment order secure its adoption Its campaigns , by by to permeate Europe to power and drive from the are made possible a fund created those per of . remaining vestige of feudalism The soul Soviet sons who desire the adoption of the party's pro -

to . plain government still clings the Hungarian people gram . It is natural and then that those who , ,

long it Ere will drive the dukes archdukes and supply the funds will control and direct the party . , to to

only way in counts the tall timbers and that oblivion and But the which the program can be obscurity

they ought adopted is by to of

from . securing which never emerge control the government .

The sooner the better . On with the dance .

only way in And the which control of the govern

ment can be secured is by securing sufficient votes .

The only way in which sufficient votes can be se DU BOIS AND THE CRISIS , by cured is making a campaign while the only way

by a campaign is by securing Again we must take to task Du Bois and the which can be made

necessary . Crisis . There is no personal feeling which we hold the funds , toward either but in as much as the Crisis has the Now the fund givers constitute the party ma

second largest circulation of any Negro publication chine . He who pays the fiddler will call the tune . , in the world we cannot allow the flagrant and er The power over a man's subsistence is the power roneous presentation which frequently slips into the over his will . This “ good men and good measures ” to

Magazine pass . Crisis unchallenged policy is done to deceive the voters . They con . A is dressing good put on In the July Education number of the Crisis un stitute window man , der the title " Reconstruction ” Du Bois is discussing the governor's ticket to carry the rest of the rascals , politics on page 131. The following quotations we along with him . And unless the exception happens ,

purposes so - " good wish to note : “ Let us know the law and officials to all intents and the called

” a he gets through . and their duties . Let us keep continual and rigid man becomes rascal before , , at of tabs on every candidate . Away with parties what Look our dear friend Al Smith the friend is .

Away promises — . Everybody him we want men with what we every man on the street knew well , , F. of L. . ” " Al enough to officials want is deeds . Study learn register and vote . call him The A. , a he a

a thought yet Do not vote for party . Never vote straight was the best man for labor and 10 THE MESSENGER

few months made him the easiest man the milk There is another article which we have dis trust has ever known , while the babies of his covered in this Constitution which reads as follows : friends were starving. , , And these Dr. Du Bois are All persons born or naturalized in the United States very largely white men . So that when judged by and subject jurisdiction

to the , are thereof citizens of , the usual standards of American life Negro's the the United States and of they good the state wherein reside .

man be would less good . No state or any shall make enforce law which shall ,

Messenger to No the wants inform its abridge readers privileges or

the of immunities citizens of the

it support parties that must ; rather than . men This United States nor shall any state deprive any person of advice , , Dr. Du Bois do would to or ; credit life liberty or property some without due process of law

child or some amateur who knew nothing of polit- nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal . ical science ,

course of

protection the Of we understand that Dr. laws . is

Du Bois trying to to cater the many - sided polit Representatives shall be apportioned among the sev ical board of the National Association for the

eral , Ad- according to States their respective numbers

of count

vancement People . Colored But we can't ing afford , the whole of

persons in to number each

it state to exclud allow pass . ing .

Indians not laxed right to But at Negro when the vote

The a must assume new attitude in political any for

election of the choice electors for life . support President and He must the party of working- -

the , of Vice President the , United States

representatives in if he

man is a

largely , himself workingman . That Congress the executive judicial , and of is officers the Socialist Party and the Negro the state or support , must the of Legislature members the thereof is denied it with his dollars and his votes . to ,

any of the male inhabitants of such states being ,

twenty one- years of age and citizens of the United , , or States in any way abridged - except CONSTITUTION DAY SEPTEMBER 17th for participation , in , rebellion or other crime the basis or representation

A group of reactionaries in such organizations

therein be shall reduced in the proportion which the , as the Union League Club The American Defense number of such male citizens shall to Society and the National Security League bear the whole , have number of male twenty -

citizens years of , asked that September one age in 17th the day of the adoption such state . of the , American Constitution be celebrated this

quotation by The above will be recognized the

year as a

holiday -

Constitution Day . While we corporation are very lawyers of the not in League much interested the Constitution Union Club as

part of to , the 14th the . as such Amendment Constitution are willing to we join in the celebration

The so long a Amendment has been scrap of paper of

the Constitution if may pick a we out few specific that the corporation

lawyers of

in the clauses the American De Constitution for these reactionaries fense Society

to would

recognize it .

not at all in observe The its

first to amendment the Constitu- original virginity ,

except for the they to fact that tion which we have would like to address their prostituted

atten- it to as use tion reads : the of

follows the corporations for the

fifty years . of last One the most celebrated cor . 1 ARTICLE . , poration lawyers in the United States William D.

Congress , no law shall make respecting an of establish- Guthrie Professor Constitutional Law in Colum , of or ment religion prohibiting ,

the free a exercise there bia Law School has written book on the history ; of or

abridging , of ; the . freedom speech or the 14th of

of regards it as the press Amendment He there a , or right of people the the peaceably to Magna and of assemble Charta the corporations . He further

to petition for a of

the grievances . Government redress shows that of the 228 cases which have been raised , is

This supposed to

only 26 article safeguard the freedom under the clause had to do with the Negro

of speech press so

shamelessly in and which has been only 4 any and was substantial relief granted . to

any of denied , those radical and liberal groups Now if you pious hypocrites of the Union ,

attempted to present

who have League or you smug the truth about the Club plutocrats of the Amer

profits by made these , millionaires and billionaires ican Defense Society and if you political prosti of or

the above named . clubs societies The Con tutes of the National Security League will simply , . If any stitution has not mattered in it did you clause look around will find that the Negro is dis

gentlemen , they

not suit these in who now claim want franchised the United States . , it it

immediately a

scrap of enforced paper . became franchised for several years . During that time your is Nor this all . There political are party in dead . some power It other letter was had an unbroken in . of

articles the reign of twenty Constitution One those articles odd years . Your Republican Party

reads :

of profiteers permitted the Negro to be disfranch , , Neither slavery or involuntary

except as servitude a ised nor did your Congress reduce the representa ,

punishment , for crime whereof the parties shall have tion from the South proportionately as the Con been duly convicted , shall exist within the United States stitution required . Instead we now find that one

or any place subject to their jurisdiction . man's vote in Mississippi is equivalent to 13 votes in League the , For benefit the . of Union Club and in Kansas One vote South Carolina is equivalent , to 5 in .

Security in the National League we call their atten New York One vote Alabama is equiv , tion to an institution known as peonage . It exists alent to 11 in Minnesota . All of this we would like , , , , ,

in Georgia in Florida Texas Mississippi Louisia- to inform these Constitution gentlemen is because , , , , , , na South Carolina North Carolina Arkansas they have permitted condoned winked at and col , . Alabama and Oklahama By the way are these luded in the violation of the Constitution for a half , , in ? If so it is states opinion century . Again the United States our the equal protection of the laws

that they come within the purview of this con- is not accorded to Negroes in any part of the

stitutional amendment . Is the National Defense United States .

Society in part of ? interested this the Constitution The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall -- ll ------

THE MESSENGER 11 not be denied or abridged by the United States or by confined their activities to protecting their homes any state on account of race , color or previous condi- and neighborhoods . tion of servitude . 5. Did women take part ? To what extent ? De No doubt some gentlemen of the Union League scribe their activities. Club or the American Defense Society will recog Yes ; they were quite active. A colored woman nize this clause as the 15th Amendment to the is said to have stood on the corner of 35th Street Constitution of the United States . Of course , few and Wabash Avenue and to have incited colored of them have ever seen this amendment enforced . boys to throw stones at the white passersby . Two That, however , is no reason why we should not colored women , Emma Jackson and Katie Elder begin at once . have both been indicted for the murder of a white The only purposes which Constitution Day can man named Harold Dragnatello . They are being serve are first, to continue the enforcement of that held without bonds. One white woman shot a part of the Constitution which has been enforced colored man near 35th Street and Wabash Avenue . along, begin the of that all and to enforcement 6. Give numbers of arrests according to races. part of the Constitution which has not been en It seems that colored predominate greatly , but forced and is not now being enforced . We are cannot give even an approximate number of arrests . looking forward with much interest to see what The grand jury , however , thus far has indicted 52 this Constitution Day will be. How do these colored and 3 white rioters . You may be interested gentlemen propose to celebrate it ? to hear that after the grand jury had returned their first 17 indictments , all of which were colored , they demanded that the State's attorney bring forward A REPORT ON THE CHICAGO RIOT BY AN some white cases or else dismiss them from further EYE -WITNESS duty . The following day the State's attorney and

Judge as to by Crowe instructed them their duties and This interview on the “ Chicago Riots " is given an

they . able and brilliant colored attorney in Chicago . He is resumed their work , 7. or groups a Bachelor of Arts from Oberlin a Bachelor of Laws What national racial among the whites

took part ? and Master of Arts from Columbia University . The , , , — or ? painstaking and cautious presentation of evidence will American whites Irish Italians Poles who ,

be inmediately noted . It is just what we want . We American whites and Irish particularly and all of ,

desire no matter colored in the interest of Negroes or foreign groups employed at stockyards principally

Lithuanians and Poles . of whites . What we want is the truth . From our per by , 8. weapons Negroes ? Where sonal knowledge of the author of these answers he is What were used , is it supposed of Negroes got

of weapons ? a man very unusual mental endowments intellect that the the from , a to a . A of extraordinary Everything gun ual training a thinker and speaker from knife machine .

The Editors in City he power . white alderman stated the Council that ? persons of reliably Negroes 1. - How many were killed each race had been informed that the had to . Unable state exact number One newspaper 1000 army rifles and enough ammunition to last for . It is in

. if guerilla 16 reported 16 white and colored killed The cor years used warfare known that 36 % at of oner puts the total number casualties a few Negroes broke into the Cadet School at

19 whites and 17 colored . There is a widespread Wendell Phillips and secured in the neighborhood , , have deliber belief however that the authorities of 100 rifles . They broke into the 8th Regiment , . One ately suppressed the truth about this matter Armory too but did not find anything . Most of

white insurance adjuster , whose company insures the discharged soldiers have guns obtained while , 10,000 people says that with his company alone in service . Pawnshops were looted and guite a bit , , ,

27 resulting . death claims from riot were filed of ammunition was procured from Gary Ind . , , City 9. John Dill Robertson Health Commissioner Describe the behaviour of the white policemen , denies that there has been any effort to however and the white soldiers stationed in the Negro district ?

conceal the facts . Prior to the riot there was a feeling that the 2. is the

Negro population of What Chicago ? actual white policemen were in sympathy with the law

It variously anywhere has been estimated be less whites who were committing bomb outrages

100,000 225,000 . tween and figure generally and The other injustices against the colored . The action . quoted is 125,000

of the white officer in refusing to arrest Stauber ? of 3. the the occasion riot of What was was deemed characteristic of the conduct white , ,

“ A ” . * Briefly See , enclosed however the . Exhibit officers On Monday evening the second day of by of growing resentment Ne , riot was caused the the riot white officers wantonly injured or perhaps

groes to of by deep - a outward manifestations the seated killed half dozen or more colored persons . of at prejudice the American white man shooting promiscuously into a crowd 35th and

Mayor Thompson is credited with the statement Wabash , merely because one mounted officer was , , by rioting at stockyards that shortly off first the a started knocked his horse brick which it was , in of Europe white after cessation hostilities when , claimed was not aimed at him but at a passing

they , employees of yards got the idea that were by truck . One colored man incensed their coward

in proportions greater , an being turned off than the ly action walked out into the street with auto .

employees . colored Several colored were beaten matic and shot several of the white officers He

up by them . by was not hit any of the bullets from the officer's , it ?

in Young 4. participated men middle is Who guns and has not been captured . His name not , , , ? or

classes best classes worst classes all classes ,

of following evening known course . On the two , . it All classes The best classes however seems policemen by snipers or more mounted were killed

23rd and State Streets . After these incidents the

* at ' A ' See Exhibit page 12 . 12 THE MESSENGER

splendid go behavior of the white ers do ? Especially officers was . into activities of Roscoe Conkling The white soldiers fraternized with the colored Simmons and the Negro aldermen and assemblymen

there . residents of the district which they patrolled from

very beginning a single persons the and not hostile act has Preachers and engaged in welfare work

charged to against . daily during them the in an been the colored On met and since the riot attempt to by other hand a white man was killed soldiers at handle emergency matters . Preachers were espe

63d Street Cottage . and Grove cially in making active statements to the press stat ing any Negro's point of

Negro . 10. Did leader suggest the use of the the view and counselling order

Preachers , aldermen and assembly , men had con ? li 8th Ilinois not why not ? ,

Mayor of re , ferences with the Chief Police and Yes . Dr. Bentley a member of the N. 4. H.C.P.

presentatives at stockyards . ,

a the Aldermen in The of and a very prominent dentist color was conference with Gov. Lowden when the suggestion were quite active in relief work and secured from

various sources rations for of needy was made ( whether the suggestion came directly thousands col . ored families The bread line very in from him I can't say ) and the Governor threw up was much

evidence . vigorously protest both hands and said that it would never do . Some . Alderman Anderson , who evidently didn't hear of this conference ed against the introduction of a “ zoning " resolu I tion in the City Council and succeeded . have thought that the reason no effort was made to use or seen heard nothing of Simmon's activities except the 8th was because it was not organized . It is

lips . away reported that quite a few of the former members from his own He was from the city

most of the time and came back just in time to of the 8th acted independently and did everything

needy . part- help a few families in their power to quell the rioters . Others part , . in 16. icipated in raiding parties the white districts Describe the press reporting both white and 11 .

Negro . How did the political situation affect the riot ? , , press Not at all in my opinion . Quite a few of our The white with the exception of the , - - would be leaders tried to make political capital Tribune and possibly the Post was exceptionally it . out of fair . The Hearst papers and the Daily News dis

tinguished . The colored to Mayor so themselves for fairness 12. Why was the reluctant ask for the they papers were so acrid that were threatened with use of the troops ?

suppression . regards to news reports of the Evidently considered it a reflection upon his ad With , colored papers I think they were in the main sec ministration not to be able to cope with the situa . ond - hand , tion . Did not want martial law but when the situ

grew compelled to a ation serious was effect 17. What do you think of the rumor that Negroes ?

by burned down those houses promise asking the Governor to send troops to

Nothing to it . It " assist ” police force . We have never had martial seems almost incredible that . law and soldiers have been recalled Perhaps you Vegroes should be able to pass soldiers who were

have heard of the difference between Mayor patrolling that district without being detected . The

Thompson and Gov. Lowden . I am not prepared houses burned were far removed from the colored , , to do

anything . in to say however that that had with districts No Negroes have been arrested con , .

Mayor's to it the failure ask for the troops sooner . nection with the crime Of course was quite

Wright , Corporation , Ed Assistant Counsel told clever for the owners to charge the burning to riot

Negroes so they might get damage me that he advised the Mayor against calling for ous that from . , up city the troops because he felt that they would line the , in as they with the lawless whites did East St. 18. Your opinion as to how the riot will affect future

relations between the races . Louis . Thompson excuses himself for not being

able to handle the situation because he has always The riot will make the future relations between

decidedly . It bring " a maintained that our police force was inadequate . the races better will about a , ” to provision been made for meeting of the effect that the colored As a consequence has the minds . thousand more officers man must not be kicked about like a dumb brute .

, seeing danger 13 . Our white friends the that besets Did the delayed use of the troops benefit or , , the nation will become more in , active our cause injure the Negro cause ? Explain why if your answer

and the other whites will at least have a decent re

is yes or no . .

spect us it . for based on fear Benefited While the delayed use of troops , as caused the loss of many innocent lives colored , “ A " an it well as white afforded opportunity for the EXHIBIT

upon , Negroes to impress the whites their readiness CAUSE OF RIOT , willingness and eagerness to fight the thing The riot was precipitated Sunday afternoon while through .

14. What relation has the housing problem to the the beaches were crowded with white and colored

. 29th a riot ? bathers At Street and the Lake Shore col by ,

boy on a or

migrants in Inability to house colored districts ored raft crossed was carried the of merely furnished another point friction between wind . into the territory arbitrarily established

for the white bathers . boy whites and blacks and thus served to accentuate an The was stoned and . to re , was seen fall into the water The whites of

I opinion already acrimonious feeling . am the

, space however that had there been ample for the fused either to rescue him or to permit his rescue by by of , persons . A

a great many man the name migrants in colored districts colored colored white people would still have moved into white districts Stauber was pointed out to a white patrolman as

boy's . and the same feeling would have been present . the person responsible for the death The , . 15. What did the Negro preachers and Negro lead policeman refused to make the arrest and the THE MESSENGER 13

crowd seized and pummelled him . They gave of the riot . But it has become the habit for many chase to Stauber , caught him and caused his arrest . years that small Negroes felt that they could do Washington , by making The crowd became infuriated by the failure of the Booker act an Atlanta patrolman to make the arrest and the compromise speech, and get Carnegie or someone to the white put brutality of Stauber in attacking the boy. Police give them a fortune, or at least them into a good job respectable Negro paper can afford reserves were dispatched to the scene . A colored . No

attempts capitalize its good policeman shot and killed a colored rioter after to allow such to name go to

. congratulations to unchallenged

. We extend seeing him fire upon a fellow white officer News ,

courageously re

of Searchlight

- - all fight spread a the for of the incident and soon free for the editor , pudiating the managing editor , who , we hope has was on . By Sunday night the situation spread to

of a publication white and colored sections and both white men and more ability to manage the business do to

to give people he interviews which have Negroes were beaten . On Monday colored than has

political . , , with science were mobbed dragged off the cars particularly( at

transfer points in white districts ) wantonly fired ,

at Aying from automobiles and stoned and beaten THE HIGH COST OF LIVING

into unconsciousness going to and from work . In ,

the colored sections policemen were seized and In the President's message to Congress on the , , its as a he of beaten and an ineffective police force tried in vain high cost living offered basis for ,

to disperse the crowds of colored men numbering solution the extension of the Food Control Act to . as in in , as high 5000 peace licensing corporations engaged

gathered on Mobs corners in times , , waylaying , white and colored sections and beating terstate commerce a law regulating cold storage in of members the opposite race . Glass the win additional funds for government agencies which can , dows of business places was wantonly smashed supply information regarding prices and early rati people ejected and white and colored were from fication of the peace treaty . Executive measures , . street cars Late Monday the riot spread to the include limiting and controlling wheat shipments

not , Stockyards District where colored men were credits to facilitate the purchase of wheat abroad

permitted to leave their work except under heavy sale of surplus food stuffs and clothing in the hands

, , forcing guard . During early morning Tuesday from the two of the government and withdrawal

colored men were killed in the loop and scores storage and the sale of surplus stocks in private

hands . chased and wounded . It is reported that a colored

a baby in by woman with her arms was attacked and president up , The sums remarking gravely in

. A Negro on that both were killed small section his characteristic circumlocutory style , upon the in

the many of North side has been invaded and , state of world affairs and counsels quietude and

the outlying districts where Negroes are in the

meeting“ of ” of capital to or more the the minds labor and minority violence has resulted in of discuss the problem wages . That this will not . deaths No information has come to us of the

stop the shrinking of the waistline of the working

bombing of or property or It homes other owned , people is too obvious to need comment . was by .

occupied Negroes began Though , , since the riot Woodrow Wilson who said in his book entitled the of immediate police to cause was the refusal , " ” “ The New Freedom that the masters of our gov

make the arrest following the stoning of the boy on ernment are the combined capitalists and manu , Sunday and of the white bathers to permit the col

upon of facturers who have erected the forms de , ored people to rescue the boy the general feeling It is

. " plain mocracy an invisible empire from the

of unrest which hovering has been over Chicago foregoing quotation that Mr. Wilson recognizes

for two or more months is undoubtedly at the bot the helplessness of Presidents and Congresses be

tom of the present outbreak . The bombing of fore the mighty Oligarch of Capital . Yet as the

homes of colored persons who have recently moved ,

pilot of

ship of nominal the state he must pro , an into white districts attempt to segrega

enforce , , ceed through indirection to weave a net - work of tion by agents certain real estate organizations by

and deception , granting an apparent concession here they , with which are connected the unwarranted , , and there to labor by economic makeshifts and ,

killing of Negroes in outlying districts the recur , ,

his capitalist of masters and the patchwork at the behest in Washington Park of

violence in rence order that the bark of capitalism may weather

widespread belief on the part of Negroes that the

the rising storm of social revolution . This is an , police have winked at these conditions are admit , erroneous belief however . Economic relief will not

tedly the responsible factors . , , on hold back but the contrary it will accelerate

the coming of the revolution . Here is the dilemma

AN EXPLANATION in which the high priests of capitalism find them , . selves If labor's demands are not met labor will ; , We wish to commend the editor of the " Chicago revolt if labor's demands are satisfied it will still , , Searchlight ” upon repudiating an interview given revolt . For the more labor gets the more it wants it by is to . is : and the . out the managing editor of the Searchlight on more able secure The law dis

, ap Hence Chicago . to content the riots The interview referred increases with social improvement . , by peared in the Tribune of New York and Chicago capitalism's doom is being written the pen of

July 30th . It was clearly a case of a small Negro its own apparent justice . The Federal go Trade Commission makes its be trying to big in the white capitalist press .

findings " high

prices be . " Nothing was so clear in the interview which we lated that cannot justified , It is ourselves read as that the managing editor of the reported that warehouses are bursting open ,

Searchlight attending of of who was the Columbia Sum with all sorts supplies to the value $

, 1,500,000,000

awaiting shipment to mer School knew nothing of the fundamental causes foreign mar 14 THE MESSENGER kets. Although prices of important goods have SUGGESTIONS FOR GOOD READING shown a substantial increase during the last year the stocks stored on June 1 were 20 % greater than The food upon which the mind feeds is more im by in June, 1918. This is the method which an portant than that upon which the body feeds , since scarcity prices artificial is created in order to inflate . the food upon which the body feeds is determined The leather production for 1919 is $876,346,272 , an by the mind . Intelligence will only cause the body over 1914 $584,549,836 . Yet the Federal increase of to consume foods which possess life-giving proper Trade Commission discovers a plot of the leather ties — foods that are healthful and nutritious , and the trust to exact from the public $25 for a pair of higher the intelligence the greater the protection it shoes in the near future . And the worst is yet to ,

its charge body . come . For the 65,000,000 German feet must be is able to exercise over the But

is intelligent only in proportion as , the mind the food shod which will supply a new market for the sur ,

or reading upon it possesses . plus goods of the leather Gods The more shoes matter which feeds , , they have to sell abroad the less they have to sell information giving- properties . Hence the MESSENGER ,

at home and consequently the higher the price the suggests the following books as good reading on the , , pure unadulterated patriotic Americans will have grounds that they have both the content and form of , go it be . or

to pay can for shoes barefooted How information - giving properties and consequently are , , of

country of , otherwise when the basic high by industries the social value : The Iron Heel Jack London , , , , the factories are in the

land mines railroads hands ; The Profits Of Religion by Upton Sinclair Prob ,

of a tiny fraction of the people who according ; by lems of Philosophy Bertram Russell Wages in ,

to the profit system may appropriate the products the United States by ; The Social

of labor . Hence the high cost of living will not ; Basis of Religion by Simon N. Patten Theory of be reduced . It cannot be reduced to any material ; by B.

by the Leisure Class Thorstein Veblen The New extent those who now control society . So the ; by wages increasing prices Democracy Walter E. Weyl New Worlds For cycle of decreasing and will

by . continue until the collapse of the old order comes . Old H.G. Wells



A Williams w , - it the We Produce All Wealth Yes But We Control

Cause For Race Riots The Of and Remedy By the Editors , " problem of George Washington the father Race riots are miniature wars . The race America

is a slavery . It is relic of chattel , " , Like wars they are injurious to of the country and first Presi in States , . the United the masses who fight them Like more acute dent of the United States and one , . in any country , them than other be profit from of largest - in wars a few the slave holders the ,

slavery , Like wars , they also have causes cause was abolished here world asked that the term in ; -ultimate and immediate chief after it had been abolished in ”

“ persons , bound be used the is It Besides every country .

contributory . other and causes records of the Constitutional document has as to every purpose of the writers American the Convention instead of the term

recognized the in in and sanctioned those causes order that , certain slaves because he recognized of slavery . . stitution may be prescribed the remedy that history would repudiate and

of hypocritical History the Problem The Declaration of Independ condemn their pro in , of of signed by 50 % fessions the Declaration

to any In order understand ence was men

. The Even Thomas - , slave holders Independence . social phenomenon of the present whom were , - Constitutional Convention en Jefferson was a big slave holder to inquire

is the it essential into , of slavery while recognizing and attempted to salve his con history of the conditions out dorsed science with this celebrated its viciousness . so it which grew . THE MESSENGER 15 liloquy : " I tremble for my coun and Ohio ( great abolition states ) banking institutions of the South , try when I reflect that God is withdrawing their ratification of which extend loans to poor just !" The statement in the the 14th Amendment. black and white farmers , are the Declaration of Independence that Wage Slavery channels through which the com " all are created free and modities of the industries find men The industrial revolution had equal” meant “ all white men ." their way to their local, national prepared the way for the aboli The Constitution also recog and world markets. Out of these slavery by the nized and upheld the institution tion of introduc industrial arrangements have tion of labor saving machinery. slavery , for sla very continued grown certain socio - economic of The of

abolition ,

chattel slavery , .

adoption , 73 years after its The conditions namely peonage paved way the next step the

for , of the United the Supreme Court crop - lien system tenant - farming It wage slavery . marked the - re States entrenched the institu and peasantry , which are the in

of and the " passing Feudalism

“ Decision in tion the Dred Scott more immediate causes of lynch

troduction of capitalism in the of 1847. It gave political power ing

United States . Coming fast upon , to and sanction slavery . It per is peonage ? Peonage , , First what the heels of slavery however to mitted five slaves be counted ,

is a system of prin

, serfdom the there were relics of the old order , as

three white citizens and upon ,

ciple of is if an which em which manifested themselves in that

representation in Con this basis ployee owes his master he must

period . gress was increased for the the transition These were continue to serve him until the ,

, the peonage tenant - farming . South , debt is paid the only escape system , code be crop lien- the Black This brings us to to thethe Civil

ing if that another employer is

vagrancy . War , the inevitable consequence and the laws These willing to come forward and of as to length bring us the consideration , . and bit

of slavery The sume the debt the employee is the economic causes of mob vio in terness of the Civil War which allowed to transfer his obligation lence and race wars . up the problem of slavery was to . the In First , what are economic new master practice , of permost the fires race , fanned the system amounts to vassalage , causes ? By economic hatred . The South hated the causes we as inasmuch is usually mean material gains which are the debt slave because it feared his allowed to reach a figure which

the - of , motor forces individual revolt . The rebellions of Gabriel is no hope of there paying off . and social actions . For instance : Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner Now how is this system main lad an , Irish were justified their fears while John A Jewish and

? During ap- fighting they were calling tained the Reconstruc Brown's raid intensified their and Negro each other all kinds of humiliat tion Period the tasted and

prehensions . Hatred against the , the new ing . Presently along intoxicated with , names became be Negro grew in the North came two passersby who specu wine of freedom and was loath cause it was felt that white sol , to to , return the farm under lated as to the cause of the fight con giving their lives for

diers were , , giving various religious and sen ditions in many instances worse

Negro slaves . This feeling was than slavery . Unsophisticated . by timental reasons But upon in manifested the New York Negroes wistfully by the looked for the , quiry they informed riots and the dragging of were D -- Irish lad that the Jew had his promised " mule and forty acres . ” William Lloyd Garrison through , , on foot his nickle . Thus you see But lumber must be cut cotton . the streets of Boston , not race nor religion but the must be picked and turpentine , , Reconstruction , crass materialistic economic fac must be dipped . In short profits . - Reconstruction still further tor - the nickle was the sound must be made Negroes must , work or be made to work besides of fanned the flames race preju reason for the scrap . , . . The 13th 14th and 15th , they work cheaply dice As to our first proposition the must , , to Amendments the Constitution economic cause we maintain that Thus the " black code ” and . of . were resented by the South The the capitalist system is the funda vagrancy laws the South , Freedman's Bureau the Force mental cause of riots . By the These laws provided for the im , , , Bill the Sumner Civil Rights term capitalist system we mean prisonment of all Negroes who , no of Military -

in exploitation of Bill and the Bill meas short the hu had visible means support . , of is ures adopted in the interest man labor power- and the natural The result that hordes of un ,

the Negroes — were indignantly resources of the country for pri- employed Negroes are hustled off

by to repelled the Southern whites profits . jail vate and the convict camps .

along with their Northern white This is a system under which Their fines are paid by the lum , sympathizers . The South retali the tools with which the laborer ber cotton and turpentine opera ated with the Black Code and works and the raw material upon tors ; they are assigned into their , ;

by to Vagrancy laws the Klu Klux which he works are owned custody put work at starva . Klan the Tissue Now , Tissue Ballot and private individuals . our tion wages besides being com

Bloody Shirt . It rejected the capitalist system expresses itself pelled to trade at the company's , , 13th 14th and 15th Amendments . in different forms in different sec store which prevents their ever , ,

Finally however when these tions of the country . For in- getting out of debt . They are , , , in amendments were ratified by the stance the East factories rail also compelled to sign certain , ,

of roads steamships necessary votes other states and are labor contracts the non perfor- ; ,

reluctantly in the white South and paramount economic factors mance of which the state laws , a , a . sullenly , submitted along with the West mining railroads and make crime And as white ; , in its Northern supporters which steamships and the South cot planter himself tells the story : , , , by plantations very large as the ton lumber mills were shown A planter can arrest a man upon , , The the charge of receiving States of New York New Jersey turpentine and railroads . criminal 16 THE MESSENGER

money under false pretenses , state . This is peonage . It is an chants supply them for a part of which is equivalent to the charge economic system . It is main thier crops - the share usually of stealing ; you can get him con tained for profits . being so large as to keep a per victed ; he is fined , and being We pass next to the crop -lien petual lien on the farmers ' crops . penniless , in lieu of the money system . The crop -lien system is Under this system the Negroes to pay the fine, he goes to jail ; the method of mortgaging the are fastened to the farms. then you pay the fine and costs planted and unplanted crops of The Negro farmer being in and the judge assigns him to you the poor farmers . It operates in debt, cannot leave . To escape is to work out the fine and you have this way : The poor farmers are to violate a contract ; to violate on him back your plantation , in need of provisions until har a contract is to commit a crime backed by the authority of the vesting time; the white mer which might result in being re


HT =

FOLLOWING THE ADVICE OF THE "OLD CROWD " NEGRO manded to the convict camps or or black in the South . Thus an ing institutions and loan agencies lynched . Next we shall consider economic system which makes supply the money for their main

tenant-farming, which is ex peasants out of the Negroes and tenance at rates of interest as . by its . In plained title poor whites the South the high as 60 and 100 per cent on , . , , Usually however the tenant peasants are objects of reproach the dollar , —

a - the scum the jetsam farmer has been farm owner flotsam and Negroes don't protest or resist , , , of .

to society They who due the crop - lien system are illiterate because they are intimidated and . has control the said farm by lost of morally depraved and physically cowed lynching bees . Negroes .

of poor The next stage of the tenant broken The fruits this sys and whites don't unite , , , is farm jim – be farmer the laborer which prejudice - tem are crowism against a common exploiter is is the final goal of the poor white segregation and lynching . Bank cause race prejudice exists and ------


artfully cultivated to keep them have our Waco and Memphis the supply of labor , and thereby apart. The weapons of capital horrors. Ofmore recent date we force down wages . This was the in other parts of the country are have the East St. Louis massacre , real cause of the conflict. the state militias , secret -detec the cause of which is fundament This is similar to the principle tive - strike-breaking agencies , re ally economic . Negro laborers of picketing by labor unions. ligion or nationality . So that in were imported into the above White laborers will not only Negro , the East and West we have our named place to work. They were shoot down laborers but Bayonne, West Virginia and either imported to take the jobs also white laborers who are im Ludlow , and in the South We of white workers or to increase ported by capitalists to take their







jobs in wages . men lower their Such The reason does not lie which back to our capitalist , .

is system in the history of the labor move race picjuurce but the class The association with in

country . ment this Negro struggle . Blame your capitalist white women was but the occa , do of . laborers would the same thing system . Of course this does not sion the London race riot ;

if they in ' justify or expiate it were the white laborers the crime Proximate Economic Causes

places . simply explains it . Certainly the as

might . of

big culprits be We well meet the should brought to During the last half the nine , - is

justice . bald a century fact that Self Interest the We also have had race teenth and until a very , of , in of supreme ruler of the actions riot London the roots late date the Negro has been 18 THE MESSENGER

largely a , , join scab . This of course to the union would enable United States who are carrying chiefly was due to the short the workers , by calling a general on a tireless and systematic sighted position of organized strike , to paralyze the entire in campaign , to poison public white labor . , Nevertheless his dustry and to secure their de- opinion against the Negroes . scabbing created great hostility mands . the If workers secured They have Southern clubs in between the races . Within the their , demands it would greatly every big college of the North , last decade , however , there has lessen the $ 120,000,000 of profits East and West and Southern been a movement from the com by Big pack- made the “ Five ” societies in the big cities . No one petition of black and white work ers in 1918 . The more wages would know the significance of a ers to the unionism of black and for the workers the less profits Northern, Eastern or Western white workers . for the packers . This would club , but everyone immediately never do . , The I. W. W. prohibit discrim Hence something understands the purpose of the ination on account of race or must be done to prevent this Southern Club . The average combination of color in the first clause of their black and white Southerner still sullenly broods workers. The race riot constitution , and they carry it was the over the lost cause . The progress most convenient and effective in Negro out in practice . The recent con of the rankles in his breast , vention of the American Federa strument at hand . Besides the and he would secede tomorrow tion of Labor held in Atlantic riots in Washington and Chicago to maintain his reactionary and places City , went on record as favoring were the best for calling bourbon traditions . They carried . ,

Washington is organization them the capital propaganda to the of all Negro their France and

, happens . In and be workers addition to this the what there would disseminated the falsehood that , heralded throughout country Negroes monkeys , Negroes have shown a marked the like had tails .

and world . tendency toward unionizing This would inflame Newspapers carry inflammatory the feeling between colored and

. They alleged among themselves have headlines about crimes of

persons in all other sections formed the National Brotherhood white Negroes . The rape of white , of the country . Chicago , on the of is Association America which is invariably played women upon . ,

other hand is largest of the an organization on the order second Approbrious terms are used such .

as ,

And , in city States , . ( " ”

the United nigger " " the United Hebrew Trades Just darky coon " , of particularly it is as the home the , the " burly Hebrew Trades was organ black brute " etc. Papers packing industry , and what hap , ized to protect Jewish workers like the Washington Post even

pens is only to so the National Brotherhood As there second what announced mobilization almost

happens in capital . of the While at the doors the “ sociation was organized to pro White in what happens the packing in . ”

Chicago be tect Negro workers . ) At the con House The Tribune dustry ramifies the industries vention of the Virginia State comes more inflammatory than the throughout the United States , Federation of Labor in Alexan Atlanta Constitution . The New York , “ Big ” since the packers ac , , Five ,

. viciously of dria Va June this year 30 Times writes about the

cording to the latest report of the of inferiority Negro . Negroes were seated and took an the Federal Trade Commission , con

active part in the proceedings . The schools in the United

trol the manufacture of 775 com

Everywhere the white and black States are largely segregated , , modities in the United States and

signs of workers show co opera- Negroes which reduces the contact be are employed in very tion in combining against the tween colored and white chil

nearly every of these indus enemy Capitalism . one com mon dren to the minimum . Biased and . tries The Chicago riot , there , , This naturally breeds its coun mischievous histories are writ , fore struck the blow at the , — ter - irritant -- the attempt on the ten histories which distort the

unionism of black and white ,

represented in

of capital part the facts about Negroes in every , , , banks railroads manufacturers workers in nearly every industry

phase of life . American In in the United States . So much Vir ,

to , ..- packers and mine owners ginia the history used in the divide the workers get for the economic causes of race by to the schools is written General riots .

black and white working dogs to E.

grand - Robert Lee's daughter .

question : fighting over the bone of race Now the arises what Alleged scholars like Professor

, other method brought prejudice in they shall order that the be John Burgess of Columbia Col

play ? , into weapons yellow capitalist dogs may get What other lege in his Reconstruction and to us

? brings may be away with the meat . And this used This the Constitution and Albert

psychological or contributory the in illustration carries with it more Bushnell Hart the Southern

causes . , . than the figure It is very apt South show lamentable ignorance it is for literally true . Race Prejudice of the problems they are discuss , , is as In Chicago the riots grew out ing while the former violent

of preju- The red embers race and as of the fight between the packers rabid Vardaman and Hoke always . are dice smouldering in and the workers There are Smith might be . Franklin H. , a

. Giddings mo of Sociology about 60,000 workers in the pack- America To fan them for Professor , , is to . , ment sufficient start the fire in Friday ing industry . Of these workers Columbia on August

, vestige 15,000 Consequently from , this of it is estimated that about 1st makes frequent use the

sla very was a good starting point “ ” in a or 18,000 are colored . They were term darky class com for the capitalists posed colored and white verge of organizing combined of just on the and ig in to wages , hours manufacturers America teachers . Dr. Miller of Bellevue to get more shorter

nite . , race wars ,

Hospital in and decent working conditions . 1914 used the term ,

are of About 6,000 Negroes had already Again there Southern “ darky ” in the class room the in of of

all the joined the union . For them agents provocateurs New York School Philan THE MESSENGER 19 thropy . The Spectator, the offi capacity of an inferior . He is North and South , in 1860. The organ , cial of Columbia in a lead making fun — the lowest form of Church of the South prayed and ing editorial endorses and de- pleasure .. Those who see come preached for the victory of the , fends the use of the term “ darky. " dians like Bert Williams Al Jol cotton kings . The Church of the Numbers of colleges like Prince son , Lew Dockstadter , Al G. North blessed and annointed the , ton , John Hopkins , West Point Fields and other black faced co industrial capitalists . Annapolis , the latter two of which , acting part medians the of buf Third , the most important so government , are schools refuse foons and clowns do not generally cial institution of the South is admission to colored students . In Negroes see in their best light controlled by legislators who are of nearly all large They regard the white uni the presentation on controlled by political parties

, Negroes

stage as

typical . And , versities ore excluded the one , which are in turn controlled by . is

constantly as from the dormitories Again who shown a financial lords who regard it safer , ,

equipment is school inadequate , clown thief gambler or crap and more profitable to keep the , for both whites and blacks in the shooter gets eventually the common people , white and black , .

south so in John R. Commons of stigma of an inferior . This virtual ignorance and super , University points Negro , Wisconsin out called American music stition , because ignorant people , , in $ $ as plantation songs that 1910 2.22 and 4.92 were such and old don't strike for higher wages and

Negro , spent on the and white spirituals sung by working So the Fisk Jubi- better conditions . , . In respectively in Singers Hampton child the South lee the and , that the school terms in some , , , , de in C. , Washington D. 1913 Tuskegee has been only Quartettes parts of the South last for spite Negroes comprised funny than musical . Be the fact more three months . The educational 30

per of

popula- it to cent the school sides has served instill the appropriation of the Southern ,

they only per spirit of servility Negro is tion received 10 into states the lowest paid in any Capitalists cent of the school appropriation youths . contribute The of section the country . of in a to equipment . And member large surns of money these for slave states appropriate $ 2.22 for ,

Chicago City in 1918 , the Council stitutions because they know that each Negro pupil per year and

a get segregated if they black and . introduced bill for can the $ 4.92 for each white . schools white workers to singing slave This but indicates the low so

, successfully church is usually reaction songs they can more The cial state of both races in the , Presbyterian in ary . Church they The rob them for cannot think South . . . in vested $ 93,000 the slave trade about their own interests The , the propinquity of the , Fourth , , In 1830 all the white churches stage and screen then have done , races in the South has undoubt , in in

to crystalize met conference Charleston a big part create and , edly operated to accentuate the of . , prejudice the race a S. C. and issued manifesto race Part

prejudice . feeling of race

. grows stating a Negro that had no soul prejudice is vicious and This doubtless is due to the ex of The Church was a bulwark out of the contempt in which an

oppositeness of physical . inferior is held treme " slavery . It taught them servants , characteristics . Of course the , up

It preaches : obey your masters . ” To sum First how has the , racial differences are not a cause . It is of a doctrine humility sel press caused riots ? The South , . but an occasion for race strife a dom that white minister press has been controlled by ern The social mind of the South is

lynch regnant in preaches a sermon against the economic forces the product of a peculiar environ , . Their editorial and

In Negro , ing . the church the the South ment . For instance the social , ad ministers are largely ignorant policies have been so news heritage of slavery and the Re

justed as to suit the Southern venal or controlled . ( There are construction Period still rankles , , , certain marked exceptions of plutocracy . again it is ap Here in of the bosom Southern society . "

disgraceful he course . ) The Mitch parent that who controls the of a And the attack Negro on a

ell Slush Fund " in the campaign bread and butter will also control white person , the doctrine that the , of the 1917 stained of shape the character and . Newspapers ideas Negro is a of hewer wood and a every Negro in New Georgian

minister like the Atlanta have ; drawer of water the Bible cita A : “ , carried such headlines Sub with the exception of York one ; tion of Canaan in proof the doc , . or two ject for the Stake " " Lynch the

trine of the white man's superior , . " Brute " " Lynch the Wretch ity The screen and stage also preached by political , religious During the Atlanta Race Riot , to arouse race prejudice . “ The Birth and journalistic demagogues , ,

September 22 1916 the Atlanta , ; ” of a Nation based on Thomas the poor , ignorant whites the Evening carried inflamma , News of of Dixon's Clansman did much to doctrine the sacredness the tory headlines which fanned the prepare the American mind for Southern white woman shown by of fires race prejudice . , race riots and lynchings “ Pride the Southern white man's chival ,

is recip Second the church the ry

in public of Race ” ( which ignorant Negroes toward her convey , of large from ignor to produce contributions the knew no better than ient ances combined with of , the South ) propaganda the financial rulers themselves was ance and superstition of the com naturally preaches and the Christ , a against race equality . “ The Nig mon whites and blacks has .

of profits type . ianity

of psychological

a play ger ” was similar tremendous and , to Previous this the Clansman In very truth the beneficiaries emotional power in occasioning be of a be to .

presented throughout system expected to say occasioning

be lynching had been of a system cannot expected We , it .

. destroy the United States The black face Hence the Methodist cause the cause lies deeper . They is

. magazine of comedian is another menace to Church split over the issue are the fuse The the . harmonious race relations The slavery ( which was an economic capitalist system . Most anything be

in may Negro is always shown in the question pure and simple ) into the South the occasion 20 'THE MESSENGER

of lynching. It may be a " well- diseases . Segregation is a long Hence the Negro returned with dressed " Negro in country dis- standing American social disease . vengeance and hatred for the tricts, the use of the word “ yes ” It lessens the contact between white American in his breast. He by a Negro to a white man , ask the races. It prohibits harmony noted the difference in the treat ing a white woman for the name between the races through such ment abroad from that he got at , jim . of a street , the fighting of a col methods as the - crow car dis home The white American also

boy , ored and white and the use crimination in public accommoda- noted this difference . The Negro A , . English to

of good white folks tion residential segregation and favored it : the white American

very conspicuous characteristic of laws against inter marriage- . The disapproved of the French frat ,

is its hyper - prohibition of an the South sensitive- act creates the ernal spirit . Hence the clash .

Upon returning , Negro ness . There still persists the duel . desire to perform that act . A strik home the

Homicides are more numerous ing example of the proof of this found conditions worse than when , than in any other part of the principle is the relation between he left despite his fight to " make a of . in the country . When the sister the races the South There the world safe for democracy . " is of young white man or daughter races are segregated in every way He dissatisfied with his reward is

a by father fooled another white as they are in no other part of the for his participation in the war . , , , to

is knowing man seldom recourse made world and yet the feeling is Not President Wilson , , . In is he at . courts but the accused is general worse the North there took him his word He , ly to shot down like a dog in the more contact despite consider wants make the world safe for , , . open streets able discriminations and the feel- democracy and is therefore deter to in Political Causes ing is much better than the mined make America safe for , South . In countries like France himself . He secured the knowl Political causes are back of the

of organ

edge of no value largely is absolutely dis- the art and riots also . Negroes are where there , as is crimination the feeling har ization . And he is determined to disfranchised . They“ cannot take , kindly

knowledge in political revenge upon those who monious cordial and be use this and art the . of

tween white and black persons as interest himself make and administer the law .

among persons themselves . Consequently , police are careless white Effects housing problem has also and indifferent about giving them The of of

. spirit independence been productive of friction Ne The

protection . police system The Negroes , gro migration created a fertile has increased because , ,

a by as is controlled rule the with they field for real estate speculators . their inferior numbers , mayor is elected mayor and the advantages feel that they gotten With its many there have the , by the party and the party is of . were certain concomitant evils . better the contest The pre controlled by those who make up

specu- judice of the whites has increased It enabled the real estate campaign funds . And the the because they are not accustomed lators to exploit both whites and Negro comes nowhere in this

striking .

to Negroes

to back The Negroes . The whites had pay chain . The fact that he votes in is a go result social magazine which they had to

, . higher and Chicago does not alter the case rents , upon may explode at any quarters . Negroes moment

. into worse The because of his relative numbers . , lighting the fuse Almost any too had to pay higher rent and

( 30 per There are about white , thing might as were forced to their serve the fuse

Negro . ) to every Another sons , in such as of “ nig to lodging the use the quarters in houses word political reason for the riots was , a

ger " " a fight and . between black order to pay the rents The de- on the desire the part of the pass

boy . ” Negroes owning is white fine privation of one's home irritat ing administration to Democratic , purchasing fine hou legislation ing and engenders strife and ill- automobiles get some anti Negro- against those who replace ses in the so - called white neigh enacted . Immediately the race will , accidentally stepping to bombing them . This gave rise borhoods , .

D ) . C. began

in Washington in - ad

riot a on purchased in of Negro homes white woman's foot , Senator Harrison of Mississippi . . former white sections of Chicago finitum jim introduced a bill for - crow Military Causes The Remedy cars in Washington . A represen , It is from Arkansas introduced Lastly military it is . tative causes have not What not not se , marriage-

a against bill the inter been without their effect in the gregation . As pointed out above ,

of the

. Moreover the races production of race riots . For four the South is segregated to the

Northern and Western states are , , and one - half years the religion of nth( ) power yet there feeling is , , , threatening to penalize the South lynching violence had been taught to both worse mob violence

forcing prohibition on the and for white and black people of Amer race riots most frequent . , country by reducing her repre ica . War has engendered the Upon the advent of white Amer , in spirit of . in Europe

coming appor- of sentation the spirit violence . The transition icans with their se tionment , by enforcing the 14th from shooting a white German is gregation measures between the

15th . So and Amendments the , a not very far from shooting white races riots in London and Liver if

South feels that sufficient race , American . Besides Negroes hate pool followed . up in , prejudice can be stirred the American whites but they almost The solution will not follow the , North it will act toward chang- uniformly report uniformly report that thethe Ger-Ger meeting of white and Negro lead opinion ing for the enfranchise , mans were among the fairest and ers in love feasts who pretend . of Negro ment the the best people they have ever like the African ostrich , that no , as

is wrong their Social Causes met . They like the Germans thing because

Social causes are always present well as the French . Everybody heads are buried in the sand . ,

to Negro where there are social diseases . overseas was better the On the economic field indust , ry . and land Race riots are symptoms of social soldier than the white American must be socialized ------


must be nationalized , which will NOTICE pose the police forces of the thereby remove the motive for cities. Negroes even receive no LABOR ORGANIZATIONS , SO . creating strife between the races. protection BRANCHES , from the militia or Black and white workers must CIALIST CHURCHES army AND CLUBS : which is called out in order in , unite the same unions ask for to suppress the riots. In East The Editors of the same wages , same hours and THE MESSENGER St. Louis the soldiers are report the same working will be available for speaking dates same conditions . ed to have given their rifles to Identity between in the Eastern part country of conditions of the the white rioters . And it is ob

the workers will do more to pro- from the 15th of September to the vious that you cannot expect pre of last . They

may be duce equality of citizenship than October se judiced white soldiers and police ,

on through any other force . Jevons the logic- cured their tour Norfolk impartially to men adjust the re , , , Newport Rich , says : " Nothing happens News ian aptly Portsmouth lations between the races when , , ,

a Washington

why it is reason so mond Baltimore

without they a Wil are part of the race doing , , , rather than otherwise . ” This is mington Philadelphia Newark

the mobbing . , . .

in Pittsburgh of large scale industry the Buffalo and Rochester

true , Finally the courts of law must . United States It does nothing The Western tour will carry ihem indict both white and colored

a way to or a . It the and without motive reason all California Wa , without fear or favor according

be in pro- shington . It would interested the start sometime , not will to their culpability . Besides the or of

if no profits during duction of race riots the last December the

jury be should made up of both ,

. of January a were realized therefrom The be 1st and cover period of

white and colored persons . How ) . approximately ninety ( 90 days neficiary of a system cannot be

can Negroes expect to get justice

organizations urged to book relied upon to overthrow that sys All are an - ? from all white jury In Chi to . tem . The workers only can be their dates now . Write the MES , cago the jury has returned in , upon consciously to de SENGER , relied PUBLISHING CO . Inc. dictments against 57 Negroes and stroy , the industrial autocracy in 2305 Seventh Ave. New City : York only 4 . of whites Think it !

. Ne the United States The Business Manager will supply groes are justified in regarding , Politically all peoples must be you with all particulars . The Editors so - the called Department of Just

regard to have prepared a enfranchised without series of interesting ice as a department , of injustice , , . race creed sex or color and fundamental lectures upon sev they In where are concerned . Educationally , schools must be burning

topics of

eral , the

day : The Washington 200 Negroes

. Equal have

pay Secretary of revolutionized must State the Socialist Party been arrested , and and only 20 already of

to equal be granted California has invited teachers with , despite Don't whites the fact that the to . equipment for school children . them fill several dates , in whites Washington as in Chi by .

delay - today can be abol- Write This made secure , cago are known to have begun , : ishing segregation in the schools Note The Editors of The Mes the riots . in for when all children sit in the senger are instructors economics

Lastly ,

revolution . ,

of come sociology at must it is possible and the Rand School same classroom not By mean

a complete , that we

City .

in equip- to discriminate teachers Social Science New York

change in the organization of , ment . Besides it produces the

society . Just as absence of in spirit of fraternity . The

curricu , , a hundred prayers editorials ser dustrial democracy is productive

to changed . lum needs be More ,

protests , . petitions ( mons and The of riots and race clashes so the economics , history sociology of

and of resistance Negroes in the race introduction industrial demo and the physical sciences need to riots just passed been helpful cracy has be

, longest be taught and less Latin Greek will the step to to the white and colored people removing ward cause . and Bible . that When

throughout country . ) It

the has to be no profits are made from people organize , The must own saved us in other cities from riots . , and race friction no one will longer control their press . Negroes

have shown that be

riots up in stirring The church must be converted interested race

hereafter will be costly and un prejudice .

The quickest way to . an into educational forum profitable , and when you a an in

make or to stop a thing destroy The stage and screen must be thing unprofitable you make it stitution is to destroy profit

by the controlled the people . impossible . ableness of that institution . The Immediate Program go 2. Larger Negro police . system force capitalist must and its by We recognize that the preced- A larger Negro police force in going must be hastened the ing remedy is a comprehensive Negro districts will help to keep workers themselves . The capital . of and fundamental remedy which down riots The behavior the ists are the beneficiaries of race in may take years for attainment police in all the race riots the riots . The workers are the losers ,

an by . is In the meantime immediate United States has justified Ne race riots The same true , to

be adopted program must meet groes in believing that the police of war . The workers entail huge , so being pe from impartial of far the demands the transition were burdens of expense and lose their , . in im riod Hence we offer this collusion with the white riot- life and limb . Make wars unpro . impartial ar you ers A prompt them mediate program . and fitable and make im

1. Physical force in self defense- . rest of the aggressors in Washing- possible . This is the task of the , , While force is to be deplored and ton and Chicago could have nip- workers white and black and , . in is in . of

it ped especially imperative duty used only as a last resort in- thethe riots thethe bud More- the , of

. by dispensable at times The lesson over Negroes understand the the white workers virtue

, opportunity of force can be taught when no psychology of Negroes better their numbers their is other will be heeded . A bullet than the Irishmen and Southern and their intelligent class con sometimes more convincing than white men who very largely com sciousness . 22 THE MESSENGER Announcement

We wish to announce that the Convention of the red tape, so begin to select your delegates and have NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD ASSOCIATION representation in Washington , September 8th . which was announced in our last issue to convene It makes no difference from what state you come. August 25th , has been deferred to September 8th . Just present credentials from your own union, or if It will be held in Washington , D. C., and all dele you belong to a mixed union of whites and blacks gates attending may report at the Y. M. C. A., and cannot get the credentials from the union as 1816—12th St., N.W., Washington , D. C. Whether such , present your union card and some credentials you belong to a union which is composed entirely of authority from the colored group included in of Negroes or which is composed of white and col your union . ored , we desire to have you represented there. We For further details address The Messenger Pub would ask all delegates to ascertain , if possible, the lishing Company , 2305 Seventh Avenue, New York numbers of Negroes in their branches or locals . City , or you may write directly to the National This is a serious convention of organized black Headquarters, National Brotherhood Association, labor , whose object is to exact justice not only 609 F St., N. W. Washington , D. C. Make your from white employers , but also from white organ- slogan— “ ON TO WASHINGTON , SEPTEM ized labor and colored employers . There will be no BER 8th .” EDUCATION ĀNE LITERATURE

The Failure of the Ninety-Second Division Lieutenants W. N. Colson and A. B. Nutt

The Ninety - Second Division Moines as candidates for commis ed they were not awarded merit a , military began was a tragic failure. It was sions the caste to oriously . They went to those causing regulars given failure in organization . It was a operate for the purpose of who had satisfac failure in morale . It was a the failure of those who might tion as privates and “ non - coms" . Very few of these failure in accomplishment. And ultimately becomeofficers. Cours men had even this Division , the most distinct es were deliberately limited to a fair education . In all fairness ively American unit sent over infantry and medical subjects . it may be said that this was no of . They

a Negro ,

as single seas the embodiment of the Not received fault theirs did their , ,

as they it . training in artillery best saw the pirations of all Negro America either ma But un , is engineering or alloyed

fu gunnery marches silently home to the chine truth that commissions to

. Obviously . often awarded those neral dirge of its fondest hopes staff administration were who no be division func likely to suc be could than to expected there fail It was not that were more

Negro . any class except the war traders tioning as such without ceed Gross favoritism was also - . would get anything more than officers trained in those particular a general rule Over nine tenths

. the lines When commissions of captaincies to . suffering out of the war But the the went the , of Negro Division was the object were finally awarded the highest " regulars ” and most the other pos to superim- of captain those who of special victimization commission was that commissions , . posed upon its sacrifice and in one instance the Training sessed the most " influence ” like , E. Regiment Adam Patterson of Chicago This failure in organization staff recommended that , an Paige I. excel was occasioned by the vicious and a student who was already a or Lancaster

of example of reactionary

to grade major be lent the expressed policy of the United reduced the

by Hamp type of produced States Government in reference captain . man .

The white instructors of the a . ton Institute to Negroes Militarism the world Lancaster won by at singing

of training over has created a society staff Des Moines were commission plantation Later he admitted that songs . . Army usually 9th and caste In the American from either the , , he fit to Cavalry or 24th and 25th fighting this caste of course forbade the 10th the was not lead

men .

many of .

. They commissioning of Negro officers Infantries knew

The 92nd began to regulars personally . Division After a few colored men had beg- the colored , ged their way into Fort Des When commissions were award train in November 1917. In or - - ! -

THE MESSENGER 23 der to placate the Southern mained guiltily silent. The camp was then extended for one , il- whites those who feared that the 92nd Division was over 40 % month longer than was scheduled .

! Many Negro would justly use his milit- literate able candidates went to , ary training To their in The for his own benefit make disorganization more homes disgust . separated whole school became the division was and complete the War Department ap dishearten by being a ed . demoralized forined and lied policy to the colored units and discouraged The 92nd , in trained in units manifestly Division was thus born the hundreds and different from that for of . . ( thousands miles apart It bitter travail of Fort DesMoines

was . the white That policy is unhesi

Negro be not considered safe enough to tatingly expressed by Lieutenant leaders must also in

the , mobilize entire division blained for their of principle

in lack General Bullard Volume 29 of

foresight . They to one place it assembled and too helped until was the Journal of Military Service . on , high . , the seas in convoy promote general debacle one He says “ Mistakes injustices and the Dr. . bound for France ) By the end failure would result from his mak- George W. Cabaniss of Wash ,

of 1917 this organization . such ing the same rules and methods ington was an honest and con , , as of in it complete . apply to scientious man was was All the the two races . ” virtuous staff officers with the exception tention , but ignorant indirec As a further hindrance to ,

of a few adjutants and doctors tion who devoted his services smooth organization , the War

gratituously to " boys " at . These white his Des were white staff Department refused to promote officers were almost invariably Moines . But he was sadly duped . colored officers The fact that a from . the South by . Colonel Ballou It may be

few officers were promoted in the A foolish tradition of the Amer said that Dr. Cabaniss more than Divisional Ammunition Trair . any single person ican Army is that Negro soldiers other led the

may be due to the coolness and are best handled by Southern fight among prominent Negroes

of Major manliness Milton T.

politicians in Washington white officers . These and for Southern , a Dean colored man . The Med

the advancement of Ballou . ers usually make their inauguralical Corps Bal did

promote a addresses among the by few doc lou was finally made Command

soldiers , tors also but these were said to telling them how they ing General of the 92nd Division .

well un , , be with a few exceptions the

high priest of Negro derstand Negroes . They under That serv least meritorious . Such are the ility , , stood them so that they Robert Russa Moton also well had facts which paved the way for the

an trip to once suckled black mammies ' made unfortunate Des failure of the Black Division in ,

to speak to . breasts they said . Major General- Moines the school both , morale and accomplishment . , of , Hay of Florida Colonel Moss of Half his disgraceful clownish a Such signal failure in organ , and asinine in praise Louisiana Brigadier General- Er address was to ization was bound react on the of , Ballou while the other win of Georgia and General half was morale of the men who made an

Negroes to of Blanding of Florida were this exhortation for up , . the Division To begin

keep in

ilk . with of places .

positing It is

, their This Southerners Colonel C. C. Ballou who was stated

on good authority that Moton has always been considered a ne then Commanding Officer of the was also one of those who advo cessary item in the organization 17th Training

in Provisional Regi- of black units the American cated at Washington the

at fitness ment Des Moines was quick to of Ballou to lead the Negro

Army . Di

announce the policy of the War vision . After counsel with Mo by

It Department . be was stated the War De Ballou must not , ton Ballou felt justified in is , partment that draftees would be unduly blamed as he was a tool . J. suing Bulletin 35 Emmett of selected for branches of the ser the militaristic system which , Scott Special Assistant to the

according to . he vice their fitness made him and which could not , Secretary of War made an add ,

Contrary to this representation . oppose if he wished to retain the of ress at the closing exercises the some of the most ignorant and favor of the army chiefs . He

training school which was a mas physically disqualified Negroes in straightway represented as a mo re . terpiece of nothingness Other the United States were assigned del for the Des Moines candidate actionary Negroes who came to

to the 92nd Division . On one the servile John Hanks Alexan

Des a Moines with message of , occasion three hundred illiterates of gra der one the three colored praise for the army and confid of . from South Carolina were sent to duates West Point The moral ence in Ballou were Dr. R. R. " Camp Upton to form the nucleus was that Alexander knew how Wright of the State Normal for the 351st Machine Gun Bat a . " If

in place to stay his colored School of Georgia and the Rev. a ! tallion The machine gun is " the cadet must win commission he H. H. Proctor of Atlanta . great life taker and the great life must follow the unmanly course , ” . saver Unless men are well fit of giving up his rights and privi Again Negro infantry officers up

indiscriminately assigned to ted for this highly technical legesleges as as a a man . . The shooting were

they , branch of warfare are more at Houston occurred about this artillery machine gun and other to likely kill their own forces than time . Inspector General Cham units in which they had no train of of A

. graduate

to ing Sheffield those the enemy . The best berlain appeared warn the can the physical and mental material was didates that that affair might cost Scientific School was sent to the , , to . sent the stevedores command- them their commissions Inci- infantry and a senator's butler , , by

ed it by entirely white commission- dentally was reported that Ser commissioned graft was as , ed and non - commissioned officers . geant Major Bruce Williams the signed to the heavy artillery . , , no Yet effort whatsoever was noted trusty was sent from Des There was method in the War . to to to made by the general staff bet Moines Houston spy on Department's madness Officers

eternally antagonized by ter the grade of men for the fight those who might have taken part were

in the disorder . as Colonel re J. ing ranks . Emmett Scott The training commanders such 24 THE MESSENGER

James A. Moss , who virtually or sities was denied to members of nel as well as the officers had lost dered them not to exact salutes the 92nd Division , by official or all faith , military and moral , in from white soldiers . ( The writ der from General Headquarters . such officers as Generals Hay ers do not favor the salute .) There The Division was also purposely and Ballou , Colonel Greer and , , was a general Jim - Crowing in kept out of the Army of Occupa- Majors Norris Elser and Bull . , , Y. M. C. A.'s Red Cross huts tion . A cleverly worded general There were only a few white offi . rest - rooms and messes order finally forbade any colored cers like Generals Barnum and , of officers the organization from Sherburne Colonel Jenks or Ma Morale among the soldiers ,

remaining in the soldiers France after the unit jors Appleton and Bug reached a still lower ebb in Mitchell . it is had sailed back to the United bee For the staff officers . France There continued an ex States . who are ultimately responsible for tension of the American brand of , the organization morale and ac It must not be forgotten that

prejudice . kept . race Men were Negroes complishment of a division out of school . Leaves to various slavish themselves were , a military point of

in general prohibited quick to aid this break From view parts of France were up

of . up and an unusual amount of time morale No one backed the one reason for the existence military regime duty the old more than of a military unit is success in was spent in police instead ,

Captain . The 92nd Division never of military training Instruction Walter Bruce Williams battle , . who before the Division sailed had its mettle tried It cannot was of an uncertain and vague it , among be said that either failed or a variety . There was continual overseas was the members suc of in . change of staff officers . White the 92nd Division the most sus ceeded battle The 368th In

pected , officers came from far and near feared and hated colored fantry was sent “ over the top ”

in Army . purpose of to officer the States the avowed the 92nd Division to get pro United for dem , of . a motions . Staff officers like Bart Captain John Russell one the onstrating failure For their brutally willful characters failure General Ballou should be lett and Hay began to terrorize most , - . Negroes by placing them under that ever wore a uniform out court martialled The St. Die

Prussianed the Prussians . Nor an

easy . arrest and transferring them Sector was defensive one

strange of

such . wholesale . Untrained colored of- must the reaction The Marbache Sector was quiet men as Lieutenant Lucian V. The American military authori ficers were transferred as incom

of savage purposely petent from the artillery and en Alexis Harvard and the ties had limited the as brutality of Lieu of infantry . such officers training scope gineers to the The Di- and the 92nd

Guppy , tenants Herbert and crippling its vision was kept in training be H. Division thus effect

overlooked . any Tournee W.White be iveness for . yond the allotted length of time . creditable work Such men forgot principle and Corps commanders played to Vosges all foot It was sent the Sector in judgment their efforts to curry ball with the unit because no one without proper equipment . It was

Argonne favor with their superior white of them wanted it . Yet this Di sent to the Forest with , . people of to promotions vision cost the the out training in the offensive officers and win Unit of

creditable conduct such ed The nearly $ without artillery , without rifle States 4,000,000 per ,

as C. . It a case grenades , without wire cutters officers Oscar Brown month was of misman , by and without horses . No equip- Charles H. Barbour James W. agement and exploitation the , , .

. Eugene ment was furnished in full quota Jones Gordon Abraham race haters and Southerners , Simpson , Weare In William H. be the midst of active prepara L. Nothing progressive could , ,

, Thomas as Dent Louis Russell tions General Hay of Florida M. accomplished by the soldiers ,

T. Wright

to William brigade H. they in sembled his tell the Louis while were the army . The Fearance and the Dawson Broth to soldiers treat French women best of them hoped that their . ers was almost negatived In spite leaders back like they had been made to treat home would be work of

. by

in they white women America Or concerted efforts such men ing in their interests while as . ders were issued prohibiting Ne Lorin O. Sanford and Joshua were on the front Emmet J. , gro soldiers from entering the W. Clifford to create a military Scott after many public allusions , of

establishing , of and from by retinues the French of homes caste to his integrity kept few his to arrogating them promises . In the eyes of black talking with the women on any servants and Yet the haughty superiority subject whatsoever . selves over soldiers he was a disappointing , .

person of all French civilians had at times enlisted men the enlisted failure We know nothing of of

nevertheless to affirmed that les noirs were the nel the Division value that Negro leaders did the foreign their black officers of most gentile of all the considered advance the cause the race dur . in army Soon after the . soldiers they had seen The Ne- best the ing the war or to expose the pol , soldiers be gro haters circulated their anti- armistice when the icy of the United States Govern , . Negro propaganda effectually gan to move westward Robert ment towards black soldiers among the white American sol R. Moton again appeared on the Negro leaders like Dean Lewis B. .

to injury to of diers all over France . Even after scene add insult His Moore Howard University and to , message the sol the armistice soldiers were sub well known Dr. George E. Haynes of the

was them to return to for of un diers mitted to the most harsh and United States Bureau Labor

in " an unassuming necessary discipline . Leaves were America man were too busy turning the minds

. ” disorganization com of still further prohibited . The sole ner With the colored people from the plete morale shattered , little and to charge of the divisional staff was real facts for them see the cry , of

be expected ing . B. of Negro the Division issues to make the life the sol- could Dr. W.E. DuBois a . ,

of accomplishment

in way of dier unendurable . The cream the leading Negro spokesman , in in A. E. the F. service the oppor Long before the Division went muffled war becomes feeble to foreign any person peace . tunity to attend univer front the enlisted His reconstruction pro THE MESSENGER 23

, , gram is a narrow , weak , and pue American Legion . As a net re cd to their trench feet and fever plan army , Vegro rile . And in the itself sult the status of the sol to their lice and gas gangrene . leading colored officers have been dier and officer is now lower than They fought for the alleged free unable to save the colored soldier it was immediately following the dom of the seas. Freedom on land and the colored officer from Spanish - American War . being discredited . Many of them The 92nd Division therefore re is denied them . They fought for thought it best to adopt a laissez turns home to find the United alleged democracy . They reap faire policy . Ludicrously , the States more undemocratic than murder and rapine. The call is most notable achievement of the ever. Lynchings , riots , segrega clear . The economic system holds 17th Provisional Training Regi tions , disfranchisements , discrim the Negro down. It fosters race ment Association has been the inations are more rampant than prejudice and repression . The purchase of a meaningless signet even before the war. The color cause must be removed . Remove ,

it by of

ring its . gave their for members The League ed men their lives the force arms exerted , - , in best - their ! an their homes for Democracy organization health self defense Remove it by the , to of with creditable aims has this selves to the privileged classes of force economic strength and , day , , of ! failed accomplishment . It America England France Bel- organization Until then the Ne as in

. It gro is by strife lacks race the United States

torn internal , . gium Japan and Italy in this war is of a part the support of all groups . Mem the labor class doom They are enjoying none of the ed to . It surely bers of the 92nd Division have failure will fol ,

profits . They get stigma super even failed to get full fledged low the funebrial path of the 92nd

added to their killed and wound Division membership in the Rooseveltian

Keep Your Mind on Other Peoples ' Troubles

S. E. Kiser , , Poor old Russia ripped asunder Poor Bohemia is crawling

Victim of unholy strife ! Through disaster on her knees ! ; Red with blood and weak from plunder . We must not forget their troubles of Gasping out her wretched life ! Our own scattered bits crime as Do not come to plague or fret me Are evanescent bubbles ; . of your on With tales of nearer woes Bobbing the stream Time 1 ;

I must not be bothered let me of Think Russia's dying throes ! Men are shooting one another , In

Washington may to of turn riot the streets Petrograd ! , , ,

may fill Blood the sewers there Same in Washington ! Yes brother as . to But let's try keep it quiet But that isn't half bad

That's an every day- affair . Starving children cry for pity ; Where the paths of war were burned

Belgium require , France and still So they cry in this fair city ; All the help that we can lend But we must not be concerned . , is in Germany the mire If the shackles we are wearing ! , Sinking swiftly to her end Sometimes seem to hurt our wrists ,

you calling ? Can't hear the Slovaks We must try to keep from caring . ? Are you deaf to Poland's pleas Or they'll call us Bolshevists V. 1. - Courtesy .American 26 THE MESSENGER

Did Bolshevism Stop Race Riots in Russia ? W. A. DOMINGO

But for the fact that Poushkin , , England , France Portugal , erner , is waging war on Russia Russia's greatest poet , was of Ne Belgium and the United States without a formal declaration of gro descent and the further fact are countries with large Negro war by Congress . that his descendants are a part of and other subject races under Perhaps the greatest analogy the now deposed royalty of that their control who are varyingly between Russia and the United great country , the majority of exploited economically , ostracized States can be found in the for Negroes knowledge have little of socially , and powerless political- mer's treatment of Jews and in und still less interest in Russia . ly . Czarist Russia resembled the latter's treatment of Negroes. in Because of its rigorous climate those countries that the Em Under the autocratic Czar Jews from and its close of removal and pire a congeries was various were treated in very much the , of easy the , same contact with the rest subject races such as Jews Tar inanner as Negroes are , , , , , world particularly the tropics tars Kalmuks Poles Armenians treated in the democratic United , Negroes . to few have emigrated or and Lithuanians who were dis States They had no political in . travelled Russia Those who franchised , oppressed and murder- rights , they were segregated with , , , ed . in

gone as have there went sailors When Czardom was over the Pale and the avenues of or

body per es servants theatrical thrown and Bolshevism was opportunity were closed to them . . fcrmers thing by to tablished the first done Life them was merely a cycle ,

great did to fa of oppression despair . The war more the new government was to pro sorrow and miliarize the minds of the outside claim the absolute equality of all Just as American Negroes have , world with Russian affairs than the races that occupied that vast had their Atlanta East St. Louis , , , ge all the lectures and Washington Chicago so histories territory . This equality was not and had , ographies accomplished . had ever theoretical but was made practic- the Jews of Russia their Kishi is of

Negroes . This also true al very . a re from neff and pogroms . the start As other Just as , , , , They like the rest of mankind sult Trotsky a Jew became Min- Negro loyalty in wars has proven , of a viewed with astonishment the be ister as a War and Karl Peters futile deterrent or prevent , , a . wildering military successes and Lett was made Commissar itive of lynch law and oppression of in to reverses Russia the war So completely devoted their so did Jewish fealty to Russia of finally in ideals equality

just in which terminated the human and prove non effective- abating

destruction of the mightiest auto they ice were the Bolsheviki that their persecution and suffering .

, great cracy in the world and the rise immediately renounced sovereign However the revolution , ty a of of the proletariat — the common over the portion Persia came and the Czar and the news , , To . working people - into power dark skinned- country that had papers that lied about Jews average Negro these the various been occupied by Russia in agree priests who condoned the persec . historical events have no greater ment with Great Britain in 1906 ution of a weaker race and mili , significance than as passing phas Be it noted that Great Britain al tary officers who inflamed the of . es - of human conduct Few though ostensibly fighting for de blood lust of the common sol , them to any are able discover rights of

swept of mocracy and the small diers were out power . , to connection between themselves nations continued occupy its In their place was established a -- by their future and new society portion of vigorously the portion of Persia and vigorously government led men who had of

is slowly against that but surely emerg protested the noble act suffered the scorn of the high and , by So so ing from the alleged chaotic national restitution done the abuse of the lowly men who of cial and industrial conditions viet Russia . could understand and appreciate , . To if to naturally to Negro the Russia them and As show the race real causes of Jewish oppres ,

far cry a

it is very so from Ala that justice and equality are only sion . One of the first things that , , bama to Turkestan from the possible under Bolshevism an the new government did was

Negro , West Indies to Archangel and American named Gordon sternly to suppress and punish of to . from Sierra Leone Moscow gone to Russia the those the old regime who had with who re

distances are too great and American Ambassador to occupy tained The the old psychology of race

seemingly if

position of the connections nebu the dignified door hatred caught inciting the peo , is a . despite keeper

there to this ple to lous But became converted Bol- start pogroms - race riots fu great connection between the shevism and was elected to a high against Jews . After a few ex

position in of of ture of the Negro race the world official one the Rus ecutions lynchers and race over and the success of the the sian Communes . This was re rioters the Bolshevik government in in

in making ories — now under trial Russia ported the World's Work Ma succeeded Soviet Rus , , sia —which are collectively known gazine for October , 1918 and later unsafe for mobocrats but safe as Bolshevism . confirmed by the testimony given for Jews and other oppressed

the . Comparing Old Russia with by the Rev. George Simons of racial minorities , to

on Petrograd According countries bent the destruction before the Overman latest reliable re , it of

ports as Soviet Russia will be no Congressional committee invest such those of Isaac Don of . ticed that they stood for many igating Bolshevism in America Levine the New York Evening things things in common that , A cynic has said that perhaps the Globe Moscow and Petrograd benefitted those countries whilst deposition of Gordon from his are safer for all their population , - doing to " peop Jew Gentile and harm backward exalted position is the real reason Infidel than , "

subject . les and races why President Wilson a South- Chicago and Washington have THE MESSENGER 27 recently been for their black in “ Persons who have arrived in ities to run riot upon Negro min habitants. On the other hand , in Copenhagen tell about the cruel orities. In contrast to this racial Poland , where Bolshevism does ties of Petlura's soldiers of which failure on the part of the self not hold sway , an American Com- they have been eye-witnesses. At righteous Allies and non -Bolshe

mission is at present investigating the station Tchudnovolinsk , 36 vik governments to protect small it is in . In groups the recent massacre of Jews in Jews were killed one car racial noticeable that

, all successfully pro that recently reconstructed and Dubno they saw 18 Jews execut minorities are in . , tected country . In Soviet Russia freed Siberia under ed in the market place . In Rovno

Kolchak , the Jewish population and Lutnik they find daily two The question naturally arises : in daughters raped or three Jews murdered their see their and men Will Bolshevism accomplish the by houses . Under the Ukrainian So slain brutal soldiers who are , full freedom of Africa colonies in viet on by corrupt egged and fanatic government no pogroms have which Negroes are in the major

al priests - . Bolshevists anywhere . "

and anti , ever occurred ity and promote human tolerance

In Southern Russia the soldiers

to gained The lesson be from and happiness in the United , , of General Gregorieff who with by these numerous examples is that States the eradication of the , the support of the Allies is re

oppression in its racial various causes of such disgraceful occur ( ? ) deeming Holy from , Russia forms of disfranchisement lynch rences as the Washington and , " barbarism " have treated Odes- ing and mob murder prevails in Chicago race riots ? The answer

sa to a saturnalia of Jewish blood - is non Bolshevik Russia but has deducible from the analogy of while clipping the following , in territory a been abolished the Soviet Russia country in which by for

speaks as itself to conditions dominated Lenine and his fol dozens of racial and lingual types in : .

the Ukraine to lowers The Allies who are have settled their many differ in day fighting the a - Russia ences and found common " The anti Bolshevik Yiddish Soviet meet , , of

ing ground a , name freedom

country no , have colonies

of which ' Day ' New York has the fol , which they exploit longer oppresses , and sections colonies a coun lowing cablegram from its Eu of their own countries in which try from which the lynch rope is , ropean , in correspondent N. Shifrin they at times permit the unre banished and which racial tol of :

July of under date 11th strained passions white major erance and peace now exist . , , in V. I. S. Economic Conditions St. Thomas U. A. By Rothschild Francis , , of

legislator “ The writer this article students received tuition free of of the famous Open Letter to Rear , , , . musician lecturer and race fighter charge In 1916 he took the most Admiral James H. Oliver the Gov , in " was born St. Virgin prominent part in the Reform Thomas Move ernor of the Virgin Islands . " April , , " - of Islands United States America ment of his island home delivered , 23d this year he was elected a mem , , 5 of a very poor of Oct. 1891 parents series lectures on history and of

City is ber the Council and at an in received elementary education economics in 1917. During the winter ,

present a delegate to Washington , public schools and from the age of of 1918 some marines of the United , C. a

, D. with mandate from the

strong to Navy ten manifested tendencies States committed an unjustifi

Working People of wards radicalism . At sixteen he St. Thomas for able outrage on the defenseless peo ,

presentation to Congress of managed a brass band and conducted ple of St. Thomas whereupon he be the the , S. an evening school wherefrom the came one of the framers and signers U. , on In sending this article to the working people can then demand ments without pictures the . in , of

of consisted it is a walls The furniture

) change press the desire the writer ( not beg conditions , , . of

in ordinary to place before his readers con for good their island home many cases tables decorated with as they Anne ditions are in the Virgin Queen

Industrial Conditions of ,

S. Old Islands of the U. He requests Or lamps . For these horse stables

der Still Present in New further that serious consideration landlords charge from $ 1.50 to $ 3 , , be given their needs that impar Hitherto the scale wages per per month and although our , ,

investigation be day as : tial made there- was follows hands helped to build them we 33 to

to 1/3 by enabling the readers better 60 cents for cargo are compelled to pay the costs , why ordinary clerks . judge the reason the intelli men laborers and and interest at 200 % for life time . gent few are dissatisfied with said 83 1/3 to $ 1.50 for mechanics . Our home libraries contain only , ; conditions and why they have 16 2/3 cents for cooks . Bibles and Sankeys and although 10 cents for house servants . newspapers agitated and will continue to agi our then and now

From these , so in small allowances tate that they may kindle cost only 2c . a copy we could not to a monthly the minds of their brothers and the working people were com have afforded take , , sisters not endowed with the pelled to pay rent purchase food subscription for 40c . without the , same keen perception the true and clothing for themselves and effect being disastrously felt . The , . They , light , families at which shall make manifest lived and pres same condition or even worse ; , of the dire necessity for immediate ent are living in the majority now exists under the new order , , , by ,

pay is in

on points 10

co - operation 12 all racial cases in rooms feet feet for while the laborer's , % of which must as recep creased 100 cost living industrial and political . With the serve their the , , % is , , has risen 250 and what more proper point of view secured the tion bath and sleeping apart 28 THE MESSENGER

suggestions be immediately put into force , namely , the establish ment of centers in the city where in milk shall be sent for inspec tion and sale . It would not be anything strange to me if nine tenths of the milk tamperers were rounded up by the police and sent to jail for a term of two years , for these villains not only adulterate the milk ( contrary to law ) , but they sell it at such high prices . that the babies of poor people can't get enough to drink . Milk is a necessity , not a luxury, and something should be done stop profiteering . Left to right standing : F. 6urty , H Hatchet , (... Lmanuel , S. De Graf , I'. Forde , N. Da. to such tergee , llar Wallace , E. Pouclls . I. t. Reaser , 2. Teating . Sitting : L. Rogers, Rothschild , improvements Francis , R. A. Innis . Wonderful have been in management WORKMEN's Council , "ONE Bic UNION," ST. THOMAS , V. I. made the of the Municipal Hospital, which is due much to the untiring efforts the majority of the members on Jinfluence on the hearts of their of Surgeon Butler and Ha Knud the Food Commission are mer- Hoppressors and thereby make Hausen , U. S. N. The former got chants who do their best to make some change for good. But it is the American Red Cross Society living easy for a certain few , the right of the working people to donate about $20,000 for the while the producers are made to freely to enjoy the things their purchase of new appliances , while pay high prices for necessary ihands have made and which the the latter , through high class commodities . This food com - law , backed by physical force , medical skill , has eradicated cer makes a special duty 7 has compelled them to go mission it with tain diseases that would have to go to the limit with bakers in out. The cure for this curse is

eventually proved fatal to the off the reduction of the price of the coming together of all the . spring of people Midwives

, the as bread the working people working people in the Virgin Isl and nurses are natives on the of S. eat bread only . What about the lands the U. and the estab whole and are given lessons reg , ,

of Big high speculation on sugar milk lishment One Industrial , ,

ularly in physiology nursing , , , , by

pork ? Why it is managed rice four etc. all Union fearless lead etc. Dr. Knud Hausen also de , right because these blood suck ers who know exactly how to get serves much credit for his un ers sell the commodities hinted at down to business to demand what

tiring efforts in caring for the , but they don't make bread . Now they want and thereby strike ter hoped is

It better poor . that ' in of a square deal and will ror the hearts oppres we want their provision will be made for the

demand that the food commis sors . fu in care of consumptives the up sion's make - be such in the fu Sanitation and Hygiene ture . ture , that thorough representa it to of ) be - Be said the credit Sur To( Continued Next Month a tion will be reality . , ,

S. Navy E. The best place for men who ! geon Peterson U. that since his advent in the Isl ,

wilfully profiteer on poor people

ands a night soil removal system WHEN NEGROES SHOT A , is in jail and I am certain that has been established , yards are LYNCHING BEE INTO every working man and woman

regularly inspected and kept in PERDITION in the Virgin Islands would be ,

order there is less death among , glad to see these profiteers there W. E. HAWKINS

, mosquito problem behind the bars . cattle the has been carefully studied and The Washington newspapers ; scientific ways and means revised incited it United States soldiers “ Today a pirate does prey

not ; it

ex and sailors started and Ne

, for its eagle for beginning a war a thieving

as preys , it . , large legs . groes supply . finished He corners all the food termination Malaria , , papers which makes his profit legal . " large scrotums etc. are caused The local had been

through mosquitos biting the per- running glaring headlines for a by If a from these com of

wages be son suffers inflaming scale not es who week racial strife on . for of tablished to better the economic plaints . The scientific name long citations assaults of in . ” “ is in condition the laborers the the case question Filaria white women alleged to have ,

Virgin departure of by Islands the The people have had explained been committed Negroes . ,

of Negroes

to mostly of Danish sovereignty and the ad them the value pure milk as Scores mere

a its on boys vent of American protection will food and evil effect the and caddies had been ar , ,

be a only . farce and that There human system when impure . The rested but no one was found who

degenerates by are somemental and direct cause also for the high per- any pretext could be made the so -

base in moral wrecks who are centage of mortality among our sacrificial goat this called ex to enough is to impure . be satisfied with con babies due milk great Wave of Crime which

ditions and who will pray ( rather The working people in a body isted mostly in the newspapers . , , de its continuously a petition purpose than fight ) that should form and This served however its some unseen spirit may use mand that Surgeon Peterson's of affording an excuse to the THE MESSENGER 29

large , Southern element here to Reconstruction up “ clean Washington . " White groups of Ne

newspaper writers versed in the groes roamed

operation of mob psychology re the streets alized the effect this propaganda CHICAGO shouting jubilant would have upon the Southern WASHINGTON AND war songs as if

reactionaries who had carried on it were a carni a long and

program of intense gala val and day . to hate get rid of the Negroes

And to them it they found here holding down Was a carnival good jobs , wearing better clothes , indeed in which than the average Southerner can sleeping , the De afford to wear and who did not mon of Race

have to jump around generally THE NEW Consciousness , and make abject kow - tows when

CROWD aroused to fury a . ever white face appeared So by the constant

these twentieth century crusad REACTION pricking of his

ers of Democracy set to put out pride , sensed the the Washington Negroes into " THE BITTER flavor of the

" PILL their places . '

glory of hate Sunday night , July , 20th Unit men upon path , let loose the war and dropped the sting of death , ed States soldiers and peaceful sailors till once Washington be into

cup of the white man's ar bent upon lynching colored peo a of came seething hell fury and rogance . ple

by a and part of assisted the madness . It a demonstration of the hoodlum element launched their was

forty eight- long For lurid hours new appraisement the Vegro has up , - , cleaning "

campaign ” and reign of the the of red . to terror lasted and human values Life him is

Negroes a

who presentiment all had not the police forces of Wash in

only so valued far as he can of

what , was coming silently ington augmented by , marines use that life to secure and main ,

agreed to assist in cleaning the soldiers United States cavalrytain' that which makes life dear . civic population could Many sporadic fights occurred and the and the lives of those who jeopar

subdue the aroused fury of the when groups of whites met Ne dize his sacred heritages lose their

groes and whenever white mobs Negro . He went into the fight value in proportion as they anta by up came upon single Negroes the buoyed deep religious fana- gonize those heritages . There , as ticism if he fighting badly . They began were for policemen latter fared fore when failed to

great crowning glory , the Southern pastime of pulling some which protect the Negroes the latter .

saw them Negroes from cars and pounding made even death sweet . He shot down in them . The blacks became inflam his brothers dying the trench

An an indication of their state es in ed with determined resistance Europe for a democracy ,

of they openly which mocks him and the mind declare the and began massing for counter all war here in Washington the

, ghastly wrongs sear attack arming themselves with which have greatest event since the Civil ed his soul came before him like

every imaginable weapon of de War . The Negro has demonstrat . fense ghosts in a dream and he Intermittent fights Oc swore ed right in the sight of the White by , gods . day Monday July 21st the eternal and the best Congress , curred all House and which re of till Monday night the long pent blood his heart “ They shall fuse to protect him or reward his up . ” of a per not pass they race consciousness And pass . loyalty he didn't that is afraid neither -

patriotic an ! secuted and over His hot blood rushing through to kill nor to die for so sacred , patient people in a broke out mad his the grim shadow of veins . as a thing liberty and home

rage and frenzy , transforming death looming lurid before him ,

Here in the capital them into desperate demons rav and the thrill of the glory of nation's he

has thrown gauntlet to ing with the passionate impulse battle when fighting for his life , down the

his country . The gaping wounds of revenge . Streams of wounded liberty and home stiffening his of - would lynchers in city , be the began flowing to the hospitals sinews as steel he lost his sense

morgue and hospitals speak an it and was evident everywhere of fear and consequence and eloquent warning that the time

that the battle was on and the plunged into the fray with a real ; of

timidity is gone the day of soul of the Negro was in it . The ization that the God of his salva ;

of com cringing is the hour police authorities realized the tion was his brick bat and his over

; high promise is passed and the , direfulness of the situation and bullet his razor and his gun . noon of ACTION has come . He threw a cordon of police around In all the bloody trail of riots

says to the lynchers that hence in the “ Land of the Free " and the principal thoroughfares of the , forth it eye eye , will be for tooth a . city forming veritable battle the Home of the Knave there for tooth , death for death and line which wavered , swelled , never was another wherein the . pride for damnation Negro so and damnation swayed and quivered as the rest- took much

less surging mass of enraged hu- jubilation . When the long pent For every Negro who lost his , . in it manity rushed here and there up floods of race hate broke their life the race war two white ,

gone to Some rushed to their homes and bounds transforming men into men have that eternal , , waited upon their weapons others demons and bands of armed sleep where the wicked cease

delirious with madness dashed in mobs hunted each other like the from troubling and where they , , , to in

shouting shooting during of

lynching no the streets wild clasmen the South will think more . 30 THE MESSENGER

The Awakened Oppressed and The Disturbed Oppressors GEORGE FRAZIER MILLER

The Union League Club , the Stevenson , in one of his hawk in eloquent strains and telling Lusk Committee , and other in like descents upon the People's speech our foremost orators pro quisitors are , these days , throw House, in encountering a young claim against the injustices per ing terrible fits over the advance colored woman of personal cul- petrated upon our defenceless of radicalism amongst colored ture and fine attainments , well men . As a matter of fact our citizens in " the land of the free .” versed in economics , sociology complaints are given wide circu by The question naturally arises, and kindred subjects , venture the lation the news disseminating agency petition and every reflecting man and insult that he is " ashamed to see of the land . We woman should be sufficiently alive one of her race in such a place ?" congresses and legislatures, and petitions kindly to the situation to enquire , why Why the further gratuitous of our are received every do these people , socially inde fence that she " ought to be in and assurance is extended slavery to pendent and supercilious , exclu ?" ( a state which well be the effect that due and proper all

him ) . sive to the degree and in the con fits and like him consideration will be given to our

Why do - " ” : rights guar of an ceit all self sufficiency- and these villainous abus- demands our are ,

anteed and safeguarded in of

; , be ers the rights of will arrogance why do these people fundamental as

: So long possessors of the wealth of the men lose their mental balance every detail we confine , to land controllers of the mammoth over the growth of Socialism our activities manoeuvres of

political , only , among and social racial societies we are industries of the country the mas the not , ? ; outcasts the land “ ters of the resources of the soil of tolerated but are oftentimes as " in

segregated im sisted the effort the recla why do these dominant and dom We are with at

punity , are with of we disfranchised mation rights . ineering forces in all the commer our stolen Not , , , of

in City cial financial and industrial act out redress we are “ jimcrowed " long ago the New York , ,

to deep at a meeting ivities of the realm care what is our humiliation and for such we saw Mr. ,

E. Hughes by was affording for indulg- Charles who thought or done the most ob- occasion the , , of scure uninfluential the most de ence of other people's conceit and cheated out the presidency ;

i lirough treachery of pendent and submissive , the most supercilious complacence our the his own to party in handing

ac over the of De rights in places public hopelessly and irretrievably “ loy- civil ,

Party as a pre - al " scornfully de of commodation are mocratic element the community ? election , , ,

gift of nied and the mental effect of all the vote the solid South Bereft of political power and

upon us and the - reaching proclaiming eloquently against economic strength , the least dan this far of

. So long consequences such denials dis the wrongs of the race gerous element of the body pol as

membership in turb not in the degree we maintain itic , the most easily abused with least the

1 epublican or

- lusting the Democratic impunity , the most readily ex blood Luskers nor the

pirates of Party necessarily ploited with least difficulty and heartless the Union we are limited , to of League Club . the sphere petition and be greatest security , amid the most , We are shot down like wild ing so limite 1 we are safe for " vicious persecution loyal " to the big , the capitalistic , and the little degree of debasing servility the beasts our necks broken from . If

bandits airing of , the our colored American stands forth in tree limbs the crackling fagots consume agonized grievances in these various a bodies our national life monument of our , of a ways be , matter indifference to weakness , the very personification lashed the immovable post our

or of approval . to the master rip in holy pregnancy of powerlessness ! In the light of women are , go

why do they , class a rage iu " , ped asunder and the mute into no all this thoughtful man or wo

, and throw such terrible fits when glorious Milton " on near äp man can fail of excitement to a the truth in its nakedness ema

proach to a keenness of interest in the en world career has his

from pen of an or crushed by the heel of nates the Owen quiry : why are these master forc brains out

a Randolph ?

, personified brutality

or represent and incar of es the world the , deviltry .

nate , so atives of them terribly Why when these men speak , , of

up of wrought over the advance Like Gallio old the pluto are they impleaded and the pow , , Socialism among the por oligarchs despoil , colored crats the the ers of government implored to , , of of tion population ? Why profiteers pat our are ers men the the suppress their utterance ? Why

superior , , these forces bent upon rioteers the ballot thieves the must now the voice of colored , silencing The Messenger this money , the Lusks the

sharks be men hushed when uplifted in ,

organ of candor and progress ? Stevensons and pointing

way of the Union the relief and se of in

Leaguers to Why are they so determined care for none those curity their fellows suffer , ,

things . Why they so of is upon crushing the work two then are ing ? Why the shameless Ste ( ? ) in at young men who for ability and disturbed interested the venson " ashamed ” when he sees , of , of

people to So acquisition for purpose courage tention colored a young colored woman the ? , cialism of in

a caliber Helen Holman the and fearlessness are mighty as up to poor oppressed People's ? Why set the and When we are wrought to House are these

they taking on at whose cause advocate and the high pitch of desperation in Luskers like mad of of whose grievances they are for consequence of the tyranny we the imbibing the doctrine , to ? , by ward defend are forced to endure we resort Socialism colored men and , , , Why does the despicable raider for relief to mass meetings and colored women ? Why their bit THE MESSENGER 31

terness of soul at the discovery in and the whole class they repre and the mastership of the Union Harlem of a large , and ever grow sent . So long as the colored League pirates will have come to ing , group of colored men and people employ ineffectual means an end. women - mostly young - dicuss for a full and free liberation from The fits , therefore , over the ing the principles of Socialism the thraldom under which they black man's embracing Socialism and listening to learned lecturers are burdened , all is well. So long are in consequence of his discov in the expounding of the same ? as we are Democrats or Repub ery of the key to the situation . to

The fits : Nobody is disturbed about what licans, and are consequently lim are due two reasons , the black man does in or thinks ited to petition all is well . First - it is recognized that the , , of departments so why other in is

life no a No harm mass meetings black man power of great

harassing , such and harrowing of harm in protests no harm even in potentiality upon whom con ; in ? of soul this “ demands ” for a demand that sciousness his own strength

is to dawn - a veritable Call the instrumentalities adjust has not the potency to carry its about by is no

truly of . ed as means to end whatever terms into effect de giant awaking out sleep . mand at all Second -- Socialism lifts him you : name please weapons or , , of

or supplica tools instruments machinery It is now recognized that the above the footstool

object in puts upon

is lofty the view cannot be real black man fast coming into a tion and him the ized unless adaptable means are knowledge of the true means of pedestal of independent activity ; . It

do puts employed designs --- things he is and when are his emancipation - grasping where he can

directed by an antagonist against the force and value of Socialism . him where vital and intimate

adversary to his accomplish a Let me state it a little more ela touch with those who are engaged , particular in correcting wrongs : hurt the said adversary borately he begins to discover fundamental of ownership of cares for no tool or weapons not the value the the not through empty sentimental

adapted to the of of inflict intended sources wealth and the tools ity that might be cast to the ; by its injury . A competitor at billiards production the worker himself winds when force has been ,

object to would not his rival's he begins to see that when the expended but as an element of a of using an handle instead public axe natural resources and the human need indispensable to the , , to nor a duelist his adver utilities are democratically owned cue realization of the industrial de ,

sary's of a employment spear if ( by owned all the people ) and are of yards mocracy — the incoming the

a democratically contending hundred managed manag( - , CO COM

So OPERATIVE apart . ed by with the Lusks mem all the people ) it is then , . of League , bers the Union Club only he will be his own master MONWEALTH


Once poets in their safe and calm retreat

BURG LINE , Essayed the singing of the fertile soil , , Chicago Sunday July 23rd. , , The workman bare armed- in the noonday heat

( Special to Messenger . ) The ; Happy and grateful at his peaceful toil , The stone thrown by Strauber , But now their voices hollow sound and cold , , which struck Eugene Williams Like imitated music false and strange , , , ,

of a day

old July 17 years Sunday 27th Or half truths that could not hold a at and knocked him from raft Its own against the eternal tide of change . , , , the beach was the “ last straw For Labor Lord himself will limn his life , . " that broke the camel's back And sing the modern songs of hope and vision months race hatred had been For of And write the inspired tale long drawn- strife , increasing Migration in has While mocked the poor blind world in grim derision opened Negro eyes in creased the population to Until she wide her awe ! a at least one hundred twenty - five To see new world under labor's law . thousand They have invaded -Claude McKay . white communities for homes , even the popular Michigan Ave. and Grand Boulevard , buying as " " of seeming

as . The black looked well renting Their residences groes . belt bolder because the .

been on have of Negro bombed Not one ar cautious and impatient . docility the and the lax

. ity of rest has been made White busi Press reports had told of the authorities made open

to Negroes on ness enterprises have grown jeal- refusal of passports to loyal and threats mob the

of July in Washington . ous of the numerous Negro busi- patriotic leaders who desired to 4th Park

go taking precaution to Europe to plead men ness enterprises . the cause Colored

pistols . Twenty - five thousand new jobs of black men . Returning soldiers quietly secured Winches , , of and positions have been filled told discrimination " over ters Springfield rifles and even , "

guns- with black men within the last there " and on the high seas . machine from God knows , . " to major three years and with general sat Leaders began to ask is this de where Unknown the .

! ity of people against isfaction White workmen have mocracy ? These patriots De the and the , of . apple grown restless and angry Minor mocracy had become the laws of the state the police had to Sodom to upon longer respected the freedom mobs in white districts have re turn ashes no peatedly Ne their of the lake segregated attacked individual lips . Whites growing and made 32 THE MESSENGER

zones at certain beaches . Eugene Streets , the whites tried to come ducted themselves in a more or Williams blown by the winds in through in mass formation , but less decent manner. Telephone to the white zone was stoned by they were driven back in great service which was to some extent a mob of whites . He drowned . losses . Finding it impossible to cut off in the southside exchanges Colored men demanded a police- break through this line the whites has become normal. Strife is now to man arrest Strauber who in the stock yard districts and in centered in the labor market . threw the fatal stone . He re the loop began to chase individ- Foreigners hold the section fused . It is allegated that they ual Negroes wherever found. In where industries are located . slashed Strauber with knives and these districts they outnumbered Fifty homes belonging to Poles beat up the policeman . Excite- Negroes one thousand to one . have been burned and the crime ment spread throughout the Some homes were burned . Then has been laid to.colored The feel air

charged began to southside . The was colored men keep base ing is so intense that that fifteen surcharged

and , with race mad . Every ball score time the whites thousand of our race are tempo ness . All other nationalities pre- killed one they would kill a white rarily barred from work . Sears , ,

pared to " . ” invade the black belt whether innocent or or offensive . . and Roebuck Mr. Rosenwald ,

111 police reserves throughout Michigan Avenue and Grand President has informed all col , city , popular the mounted flying squads Boulevard thorough- ored that their wages would go , - to

and . Ali others were called the fares were not molested on just the same . in . other streets the black belt southside Free black men made The bar association as repre .

ready to fight , free white men . were no man's land sented by colored attorneys all

They had heard outrageous churches and civic organizations , of the White auto squads from the , of

conduct including A. C. P. white soldiers sailors loop in the N. have one instance carrying a

in body and policemen at united one with one the nation's machine gun- capital made flank move ments through this belt but the headquarters to obtain justice in

courts . in Their confidence authority machine - gun man was killed and

Negro press in , The fared hard was lost . It was therefore their gun taken and the woman driver , .

the strife “ Chicago Whip ”

to The

fight . police determination police as was severely beaten One . well as the mobs man dressed in woman's clothes was suppressed and the whites “ . press to print the Chi A State Street Hindenburg line was killed refused

cago . " The State Street was formed three miles and half Total number killed was about Defender Hindenburg has made his , Line long extended from 18th Street forty majority were whites . Over It

tory Negro . will , , for the race to 55th Street about twenty - five three hundred were wounded

good statemanship on . average majority of whom were take some thousand strong . The whites

part of to

" is the our leaders set " So area of the black belt three called " White folk's nig

many things right . square miles . The task of these gers ” stood little chance . One of

Some enemies request a it . men to from that was defend all them was killed Attorney B.

mixed commission be appointed by angles . As if prearrangement Moseley published that the race

to solve the disputes with one they melted into squads using should not retaliate and that this

a already

in known telephone . was communication Before man's country . object view

white is to lay which ask us to voluntarily them the great foreign com Police were called to protect him stop moving any more into white munity composing the white from mob violence at the hands no settlement as they have other . six of mobs Two million hundred his own people .

available places to enter due to thousand in the city population He carries his own life in his

shortage of war building pro

against a were colored population hands . Attorneys Latham and generally op grams . The race

one twenty - of hundred five thou Mollison who were on the com

poses this compromise . Some sand . There were ten thousand mittee that by was interviewed think , however , that unless con Negro soldiers through

scattered reported in The Tribune when cessions are made the whites will " the black belt . " The objective vestigated that they disclaimed make some kind of abridgements of the whites was to break

that they voiced the sentiments of in thethe coming Constitutional through into this belt of law Moseley . Business places owned Convention . abiding . citizens people by These in many whites cases de were . Att'y J. Arthur Davis on resting on door their arms inolished where it was known on steps and in windows formed to that a man catering colored NOTICE of de all the streets a second line A. Domingo was their enemy . On the 4th day Mr. W. takes this fense behind the State Street the militia . the militia was calledcalled . All credit opportunity of informing the pub

Hindenberg line which was com should be to

is longer given Mayor lic that he no connected

posed principally of of ex dis-- Thompson for not calling them with The Negro World . He also charged soldier boys from twelve sooner . They would have been wishes to disabuse the minds of ,

to eighteen rougher

and the of a green set criminals turned many of his acquaintances and rougher classes , not one unconsciously but loose upon colored people . After friends who have to . drunken man was be seen much bloodshed , the colored identified him with the various

The white mobs surged . Black would have killed and wounded business projects of the Univer , , men charged defying killing and all of them . But the police had sal Negro Improvement Associa . wounding policemen and civil time to learn that the colored tion , . It is ,

shortly to a ians Sunday Monday and were not afraid of uniform and his intention

Tuesday nights they killed two they so informed the soldiers publish a weekly newspaper of to

of they . re whites their one Negroes . when were called The scientific radicalism and fearless , ,

opinion . At 35th . 39th 37th 47th and 51st sult was that they have con THE MESSENGER 33

Who Who's ($ Portician GK Petrist WB.W Saint

Woodrow Wilson

The subject of our sketch is the the ignorant worker sought to rica , the subjugation of India , the object of the hatred and suspicion destroy the labor -saving machines strangling of Ireland , the ruthless of liberals and radicals , at home at the advent of the Industrial destruction of the Russian revo and abroad . Before the supreme Revolution . The principle of the lution and the deposition of Bela test came, he often spoke wisely , socialization of the trust by con Kun . , why but acted the contrawise. From trolling that which makes the And still wonder at this the cloistered fastnesses of a col trusts possible — the machinery tragic failure ? Was it not natu lege president to the governor and sources of wealth production , ral ? Let us see . Wilson was the ship of New Jersey and the pres has escaped our national and in- emissary of the greatest capitalis .

, in idency of the United States he ternational Don Quixote. tic government the world He

subtly artfully a upon a sup has and held And just as the machines sur was elected ticket by

public in an credulous expectant vived the misdirected attacks of ported plutocrats of America . . of a mood - wistfully bidding the time well meaning- but misguided He was representative gov , , when his deeds would mirror workers so will the food rail ernment under which men are dis , , . forth his words road coal and steel trusts live franchised on account of color , on of

a women sex As scholar his reputation was despite the Niagara of platitudes account two in

politico - of are facto of petulant children the achieved in the field history the economic million , “ Here under the high powered Rip Van Winkle of of the " New ries women overworked while

, and Negro citizens microscopic lens of modern sci Mankind via the League of Na pregnant and . " at entific criticism , his chief crea tions mobbed and murdered the na of

, capital , under the shadow 14 points tion's tions such as the History of the Armed with the he

. It is important American People , Congressional was shunted here and elbowed the White House in to Government , a treatise on the there ; flattered , cajoled , and fin note this connection also do on is , unso the president silent American government The New ally manipulated like an that , ,

problems though he is

of mestic Freedom the foundation his phisticated child upon the in of of , solicitous the welfare the . pseudo - liberalism will reveal his ternational chess board He was of at

, fate the Armenians the

superficiality sop of a historical and his thrown the League of , hands of the Turks and the Rus inability either to forge the fetters Nations patterned after the Brit sians at the hands of the Bolshe ,

ish design . vanity of his prejudices or to thi But his was viki . , , by clearly in terms of the bottom easily exploited the seasoned , , , a : a foundational social forces that cunning and artful British To sum up As scholar shape human actions and deter French and Japanese diplomats , national and international states , in . role the arbiter he ( the of mine human institutions In pretending that Woodrow man and ,

short he is mainly a descriptive Wilson ) was the main architect . of relations between races of his , writer . country has In both theory and ap- The 14 points have found expres own Mr. Wilson , ,

miserably . plied political science Mr. Wil sion in typical Wilsonian fashion . failed and failed The

made his international debut beneficiaries of his public in He chief son is still hibernating the , as ideological economic and political the champion of " open coven career are the combined manufac , , capitalists . junk of Adam Smith the Physio- ants openly arrived at ” and clos turers and and himself , crats and John Stuart Mill . His ed with secret covenants secret Liberals radicals and Negroes ly , — at . solvent for the Iron Heel the arrived " Freedom of the alike will witness the setting of ,

in public

of today is a to life Trusts reversion seas ” has changed to “ The Seas to his sun without , go

Imperialists . " " grief . he the competitive struggle — laissez the No annexa- Unhonored will , . "

to bigoted faire He would destroy the tions has been interpreted to down the narrow , ,

to of from vilience more efficient and too inevitable mean and justify the rape grave of private life , of economic device of the trust as China the emasculation Af he sprang 34 THE MESSENGER


E 2R MB Will the Dear Comrade Owen : To Editors of The Messenger , Dear Sir and Brother : Dear Comrades : Enclosed please find check for I enclose a check for $ 25.00 as The you doing organization work which are the amount of $ 100 in reply to the a contribution to the is .

vital people by Your constitute appeal presented you at the fund being raised by The Messen of more than a tenth of the total last meeting of our Board Di

field of population of the United States. rectors for support to enable you tant and vital work in the are We all native born Americans. to continue you American Socialism and Labor the noble work

If there is to be progress made , have undertaken to enlighten the today than the effort of your particularly great up in the South colored worker in this country group to incorporate large , by the land , by the Socialist Movement on his being exploited the masses of Negro workers in the it must be made by through master class . ranks of the advanced and class and

people . is my you in conscious colored Enclosed We wish success the in- ' white workers in the check , for Five Dollars for the work you are conducting on this dustrial and political fields . of first share stock in the field and you can rely upon the

My it heartiest wishes for the suc- Messenger . With goes my assurance of our organization for fu good possible in the . heart wishes all assistance cess of your movement for the success . . of your work ture

Sincerely and fraternally yours , , Yours truly Fraternally yours , P. .

Morris Hillquit . Scott Nearing Monat Book Review , au EMANCIPATION AND THE whose basic idea was clearly that of leading art students but also the

emancipation . of FREED IN AMERICAN The remainder the thor's own interpretative point of . an SCULPTURE study includes the treatment of ob view Mr. Murray has unusual

jects in which emancipation played faculty for searching out and defining By Freeman Henry Murray ac Morris merely the part of subsidiary or the meaning and purpose of the ' Washington cessory in interest the artists de artist . He never loses sight of the

lineation of other thenies . symbolism which the sculptors . Murray Brothers Press . $ 1.75 is or

of lofty The book plainly one inter sought to effect the idealiza

As the initial volume to his Black pretation . Murray Mr. has searched tion which inspired their themes . The , Folk in Art Series Mr. F. H. M. Mur with rare and sympathetic under sympathy of the author may be seen of in , ray has made a valuable and promis standing into the intention meaning his treatment Bissell's Democ of . in ing beginning unique subject and effect each creation ,

the Technical or Rogers racy of Childhood of the

of . Though is

groups . passion this review the book criticism occupies little space . Forty His for the consci of the result studies which the author eight illustrations greatly enhance the entious may be seen in his indictment , had of many made over the of of by sculp course value of the study as most of Mr. the abuse realism the by , of . years it was occasioned the happy Murray's inclusions are unfamiliar to tor the Harriet Tubman Tablet

expansion of of several his recent lec the general public . The entire work is of absorbing in to . tures delivered teachers The first . Mr. Murray is a conscientious and terest We eagerly await the suc , . of half of the volume contains an inter sympathetic art critic This volume ceeding volumes the Black Folk , of pretation and in . statues groups not only contains the gist of criticism Art Series , . in chronological by classified , William N. Colson order and c . the subjects treated as seen NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC

unexpected ROSCOE CONKLING SIMMONS - A The and sudden occurrence of the race FAILURE , A ? riots caused this issue which was to have been the Labor OR FIGURE . , WHY NEGROES SHOULD BE SOCIALISTS Issue to be changed to the Riot Issue . Certain articles , , of 4 announced last month have therefore been temporarily Being the first of a series articles by . , subject — laid aside until the October number when articles on presenting this the Editors




appear . will Other articles will Next month's MESSENGER will be written in " words - A A ? in . " It

OR be BOLSHEVISM PROMISE MENACE that burn letters that blister will out Sept. 21 . DR . TIBURCIO AGUIRRE SOLICITOR -AT - LAW GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT TACON STREET 6- A, HAVANA , CUBA Upon your request I shall be glad to furnish you with any kind of information regarding COMMERCE , INDUSTRY and AGRICULTURE in the Republic of Cuba. We I shall accept goods of any kind on CONSIGNMENT or COMMISSION . I wish to secure the representation or Brokerage of any Bank , Manuíacturer , Publishing Company , Magazines and Newspapers ; Chemicals , Drugs and Pharma ceuticals . Companies , CORRESPONDENCE INVITED . I SHALL ACCEPT ANY KIND OF CATALOGUES . Bear in mind that I am one of the leading colored men dedicated to business of this character in Cuba . ENGLISH - FRENCH - SPANISH — SPOKEN . Want

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