WANTED AdelTRADEAUTOR A good hustler , man or INDOL , as agent THE GREAT HAIR GROWER THEwoman MESSENGERto act for every city long, straight in in the world . INDOL will make coarse hair and beautiful . JOIN THE MESSENGER Send 6 cents in stamps for Free liberal samples . Whiten your STAFF today . Send for as skin with Bleechol and take off the summer tan . 50 cents a jar. many copies as you wish , SPECIAL OFFER and make your spare time As a convincer we will send you , prepaid , 1 box Hair Grower , valuable . straightening jar 1 box Glossine (for ) and 1 Bleechol for THEY GO LIKE WILD -FIRE whitening the skin All for $1.23 and Your Address . Learn the Indol System of Hair Culture. Write us for literature and particulars . Mention " THE MESSENGER ” INDO LABORATORIES CORPORATION 2257 SEVENTH AVENUE , New York City ENGINEERSAND FIREMENS PUBLIC SERVICE ORG . in HOT COFFEE Meets every Wednesday at 8 P. M. MAYHEW'S the Labor Temple , 243 East 84th St. The Greatest Jazz Fox Trot Hit , .; .; Kindly H. Sery , , , communicatewith Stockhausen Piano 10c Band 25c Orch . 25c . , ENGINEERSANDFIREMENSPUBLICSERVICEORGANIZATION Oh Danny Love Your Annie 243 East , City A Wonderful One Step 84th Street New York LINIMENT .; , , Piano 10c Orch . 25c . 8th MASSACHUSETTS MARCH There is but one way , . Orch . 25c , , , , fit Music arranged composed engraved ADVERTISE to keep for cricket printed . and published Write us your boxing , baseball and musical wants . It it's music - WE DO IN THE IT . other games . , James S. White Company Inc. “ ” , , only Mantua Building Boston Mass . MESSENGER Use the muscle tonic known to the best athletes . , No pain no stiffness of , A can Will You Make joints no aches exist where Mayhew's is used . LIBERTY LOAN ? Liniment Use it freely and be , By Lending that Liberty Bond of yours which now lies idle or . of your , limbs up master By Lending the cash you can spare from $ 5.00 or IF By Lending your property security , You could save a fellow worker- suffering indescribable tortures for At Your Druggist , , ? expressing his ideas - WOULD YOU Well for his devoted self sacrificing service to the working class . BEN FLETCHER is serving a ten - year term in the Leavenworth hell - hole . HE IS THE ONLY NEGRO AMONG THE IMPRISONED agents to MEMBERS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD , We need live wire , , a of of or of and man whom the workers America whether black white represent us in all parts the . can be justly proud world Virite to our office for , , can now be released on pending action on an appeal if He BAIL particulars . , up the $ 10,000 can be raised . His case does not come until April must duty is he remain in jail when your LOAN can set him free ? Your : clear remember that your little mite counts . Our Negro comrade will , if you it . or to F. Biedenkapp be saved will send Send Bonds cash G. , E. H. & D. CO . Inc. Treasurer . Receipts will be duly forwarded and the loans returned as is . the bail released For information call at the office or telephone 33 West 139th Street Stuyvesant 6844 . WORKERS DEFENSE UNION New York City . Room 405 , 7 East 15th Street New York City Mention The Messenger 15c. Per Copy $1.50 Per Year U.S. , 20c. outside THE MESSENGER $2. Per Year outside U.S. Published Monthly by the MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO ., Inc. Main Office : 2305 7th Avenue , New York , N. Y. Telephone , Morningside 1996 Application enteredfor 2nd Class Mailing Privilegesat Post Office, New York , N. Y. , July 6th, 1919. Vol . II SEPTEMBER 1919 No. 9 EDITORS A. PHILIP RANDOLPH CHANDLER OWEN VICTOR R. DALY, Business Manager CONTRIBUTING EDITORS W. A. DOMINGO GEORGE FRAZIER MILLER WILLIAM N. COLSON CONTENTS : 1. EDITORIALS Page 4 2. ECONOMICS AND POLITICS 14 3. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE 22 4. WHO'S WHO 33 5. THE OPEN FORUM 34 1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIE We NEGRO WOMAN Special September Issue of THE BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW This unexplored field of work has been approached by the Birth CONTROL Review through men and women who have given years of service to the col ored people. THEY THAT SIT IN DARKNESS ARTICLE by A. Philip Randolph A ONE -ACT Play , by Miss Mary Burrill by THE CLOSING DOOR POEMS James Weldon Johnson A STORY , by Angelina W. Grimke EDITORIALS , Book Reviews , News NOTES Yearly subscription $ 1.50 ; 6 month's trial 50 cents , if mailed with this advertisement . THE BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW 104 FIFTH AVENUE Room 2005 NEW YORK CITY , , Is or As for IT was . you self want , a RED HOT friends paper that , com - Is MARRIAGE andAs ITSHOULDwas CO OPERATION bats all gious dogmareli-, $ 1.00 AGNOSTIC send For on organizing BE . By Annie Besant . A new edition of information for each subscriber and get the hottest , , intensely interesting . , . that Brochure 25c - paper published Samples four different apply to co - operative societies , A copies 1 . 10cents . Not Free few of the Scarlet Review No. CO - OPERATIVELEAGUE OF AMERICA 25c . each . Raymers's Old Book Store Tho , CRUCIBLE B1330 1st Ave. , Seattle Washington PAPER 1330 , Washington First Avenue Seattle 2 West 13th St. New York OUR LATEST - CATALOG OF TWO THIRDS OF EUROPE The STENOGRAPHERS ' INSTITUTE BroadwayCATA , , 1227 S. 17th St. Philadelphia Pa . FREE Hits is governed by Socialists SHORTHAND -For Grammar School ? , Sheet Music , Orchestrations Who Are the Socialists graduates High School students and others . They ? What Do , and Band Arrangements of Stand For TYPEWRITING - For children blind people , grammar graduates , High . school all numbers а Take RAND SCHOOL School students and thers . , Get your phono BOOKKEEPING - For children gram them for CORRESPONDENCE mar school graduates , High School students and others . graph or player pianos . in Socialism and 9 apt COURSE In lessons students can operate a typewriter accurately with eyes closed . PACE AND HANDY MUSIC Find Out ! , , . Fall term opens Wednesday Oct. 1 1919 , . CO INC 3 month and 8 month Courses . to Write David P. Berenberg “ System " Typewriting “ of " Enroll for Touch C. Y. The Home the Blues 7 East 15th Street N. at any time . 1547 NEW YORK 205 , BROADWAY Ask for Folder EDWARD T. DUNCAN Pres . Mention The Messenger 4 THE MESSENGER DITORIALS NAMIN Еритон W.B.Willions " IF MUST DIE ” WE one can sincerely object to this new and laudable . determination Justification for this course is not America won the war that was alleged to be , lacking for it is the white man's own Bible that fought for the purpose of making the world safe by says " by perish , Those who live the sword shall in for democracy but the light of recent happen , , ” the sword and since men in ings Washington , the Capital city , and Chicago , white believe force Negroes who have mimicked them for nearly three it would seem as though the United States is not copy in respect . centuries them In must to that of Since a part the world order win the war , be fought , , fire must with hell fire and diamond President Wilson employed " force unstinted force ” alone can cut diamond , Negroes realize that force and those who expect to bring any similar desir is an to alone effective medium counteract force . able termination to a just cause can do no less than , Counter irritants are useful in curing diseases and by follow the splendid example set them the re Negroes are being driven by their white fellow . puted spokesman of humanity That the lesson did citizens to investigate the curative values inherent not take long to penetrate the minds of Negroes is , in mass action and other devices demonstrated by the change that has taken place revolvers lethal applied to . in when social diseases their demeanor and tactics . No longer are Ne The New Negro has arrived with stiffened back groes willing to be shot down or hunted from place , , bone eye , steady ; dauntless manhood defiant hand to place like wild beasts no longer will they flee a of . and will iron His creed is admirably summed from their homes and leave their property to the , up in the poem of Claude McKay the black Jamai tender mercies of the howling and cowardly mob . , poet is carving for a in , can who out himself niche They have changed and now they intend to give of the Hall Fame : men's account of themselves . If death is to be , IF their portion New Negroes are determined to make WE MUST DIE dying a costly . their investment for all concerned , If we must die let it not be like hogs If they they they must die are determined that , in Hunted and penned an inglorious spot through valley of , shall not travel the the shadow While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs , of death alone but that some of oppressors Making at their their mock our accursed lot . , , companions . shall be their , If oh we must die let us nobly die , is So spirit a This new but reflex of the great war that our precious blood may not be shed ; In and it is largely due to the insistent and vigorous vain then even the monsters we defy by , agitation on to younger of us . carried men the race Shall be constrained honor though dead ! The demand is uncompromisingly made for either , , ; or is to be a liberty death and since death likely Oh kinsmen ! Wemust meet the common foe , , Though us two - edged sword it will be to the advantage of far outnumbered let still be brave for - And ! those in a position to do so to give the race its their thousand blows deal one death blow though long - liberty .
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