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•'» THE EASTERN PROGRESS Eaitern Kentucky State teachers College

VOLUME XI RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1933 NUMBER 11 REGIONAL MEET OPENS HERE TODAY \ SCHOOL HEADS BEAUTY QUEEN DR. DONOVAN EASTERN WILL Jaggers Be Here PLAY BEGINS WILL CONVENE, RETURNS FROM HOLD SPRING AT 3 O'CLOCK EASTERN HOST WEEKS TOUR GRID PRACTICE EASTERN GYM Meeting of County Superin- Eastern President Been At- Uniforms Issued This After- Speedwell Plays B. B .1. and tendents Be Held March tending American Associa- noon, Practice to be Held Berea Academy Meets Bar- 23 and 24 tion Teachers Colleges on Days When Weather bourville High in-First Conditions Permit Round Battles DR. PITTMAN SPEAKER FAVORABLE REPORT STRESS FUNDAMENTALS FINALS SATURDAY NITE According to Information released Having recently returned from the today by Dr. W. C. Jones, head of meeting of the American Associa- Uniforms were issued to some 45 None of the teams meeting In the department of research here, tion of Teachers Colleges, in which Eastern gridiron candidates and Eastern will be host March 23 and the first round of the Thirteenth Eastern has membership, held Feb- spring football practice got under Regional basketball tournament, to 24 to a conference of county super- ruary 23 and 24, in Minneapolis, way Tuesday afternoon. intendents from over the state of Minn., Dr. H. L Donovan reported be held at Eastern Teachers Col- Kentucky, who are being called to- Whether spring practice would be lege on tdoay and tomorrow of the yesterday that the program was un- held was left up to the candidates week, have met their opponents gether to discuss the present crisis doubtedly one of the greatest which for the team, and at a meeting held during the regular season. in rural education. he had ever heard before any na- Monday afternoon, attended by The draw for position was held Dr. M. a Plttman, Michigan State tional convention of such nature. 40 prospective candidates, It was de- Tuesday morning at 10 a. m. at the Normal College, Ylpsilantl, will be The entire theme of the Ameri- cided unanimously to hold- spring the principal speaker of the occa- Weaver gym at Eastern with Coach Miss Evelyn Woods, of Nicholasc- can Association's convention was drill for a few weeks. Turkey Hughes, tournament mana- sion, delivering not only the open- vllle, a student at Eastern Teachers "New Frontiers for American Life," Tom Samuels, former Michigan ger, in charge of the lottery. Rep- ing address of the convention on College, has been selected as one and in connection with this, D» star and twice All-Big Ten tackle, Dr. R .E. Jaggers, who is now di- resentatives of all schools were Thursday afternoon, but also an ad- of the Kentucky entrants in the in- Donovan continued to say that In will asist with spring practice, as rector of teacher training in the present except London and dress to the conference and the ternational Queen competition, be- his estimation the whole world is will Al Portwood, freshman coach. state department of education at Green, and Coach Al Portwood Eastern student body Friday morn- ing conducted by the Courier- changing, and consequently we have Samuels coached the Maroon line Frankfort, having been recently ap- drew for Hazel Green while James ing at the regular assembly period Journal. been living in a new era since the last year and largely to his Instruc- pointed to that position by the gen- A. Miller, Jr., sports writer, drew In Hiram Brock auditorium. Dr. passing of 1932. "A new day is tion Is attributed Eastern's excel- eral board of education with the for London. Plttman will speak Thursday on the dawning," he remarked, "and in the elnt showing. Only one touchdown aproval of James H. Richmond, The class B division sees Bar- subject of "The Crisis In Rural Ed- new era .education will see a more was scored against Eastern during state superintendent of public in- bourville Baptist pitted against the ucation," and Friday on "The Need SPRING STYLE prominent position than it ever has the entire season. struction, now president of Murray Speedwell five and Hazel Green for Leadership in Education." in the past. Furthermore, young The spring training will consist Teachers College, will be here March meeting St. Helens In the first Besides the business sessions of people will be charged with the re- principally of fundamentals with 23 and 24 to preside at one of the round. These games will be played the convention, there will be a din- SHOW SUCCESS sponsibility of forwarding educa- stress being placed on blocking, sectional meetings of the confer- at 3 and 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. ner meeting at 6:30 o'clock, Thurs- tion fnto that position." charging and tackling. A good deal ence of county superintendents, to In the first round In class A di- day night in the Recreation Room New Creations in Wearing Another significant idea which of forward pass practice will be which Eastern Is host. Dr. Jag- vision London meets Beattyvllle at of Burnam Hall. This meeting will Apparel Viewed by President Donovan stated that he given the backs and ends and a few gers is a former member of the 7 o'clock tonight and Berea be presided over by Dr. R. E. Jag- received at the Minneapolis con- plays may be issued for a practice Eastern faculty, was director of ex- Academy meets Barbourvllle at 8 gers, former head of the department Large Audience game which possibly will wind up tension here last year, and preced- o dock. vention was the implication that the spring grind. of extension at Eastern, now direc- people as a whole are thinking ing his coming to Eastern, was state The class B finals will be played tor of the teacher training division NOVELTY ACT GIVEN more today than formerly, with the Although Eastern loses six letter supervisor of rural education. at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and of the state department of educa- result that more of them are at- men by graduation, with recruits the class A finals at 3 o'clock. The from the freshman team and the tion at Frankfort. Dr. Plttman will A capacity audience greeted the tempting to reach solutions for the regional championship will "be de- also deliver a short address at the present problems confronting the return of two or three former reg- cided at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow dinner meeting on "Redirecting the annual Spring Style Show Tuesday ulars who were not In school last night ! night In Hiram Brock auditorium nation. year, a team equally as strong as SENIORS HEAR Program of Rural Education." under the auspices of the Chamber Others to appear on Thursday Among some of the more promi- last year's Is expected to represent Teams will be quartered at the of Commerce. Mrs. Janet Murbach nent speakers to appear at the Eastern this fall. uiyndon hotel and will be given night's program include Mrs. Lucy and Alex Denny presided Jointly as meeting were Howard Scott, who W. J. MOORE meals at the Eastern cafeteria, L. Smith, superintendent of the masters of ceremony. spoke on Technocracy, Glenn Frank, coach Hughes announced. He also county schools, who will The stage selling was designed to who discussed education for a Head of Eastern Commerce informed school represenatives that speak on "Keeping the Standard represent a fashionable style salon changing world, and the well-known L T. C. PLAY Department Discusses T. E. McDonough, of Richmond School Term—How?" and O. J. Sti- with those filling the roles of buyers Washington correspondent, David Financial Crisis and Gayle Mohney, of Lexington, vers, superintendent of the Jeffer- coming from Richmond to the style Lawrence. will officiate all games son county schools, who will talk center to purchase stocks of the TUESDAY NITE Trophies will be awarded the on "Keeping the Curriculum En- latest garments for the local trade. OTHER CLASSES MEET championship and runner-up teams riched During the Educational Seated" on the stage also was the Martin Flavin's "Children of and Individual gold basketball Crisis." The theme for the dinner Ramblers, Richmond's popular the Moon" Will Be Given In speaking to the members of charms will be given the all-tour- meeting of the conference will be dance band, playing under the lead- K. LA. PLANS the senior class on the subject of nament team to be selected by a "The Curriculum and the Rural ership of Leon Elder. On Hiram Brock Stage "The Financial Crisis of the Pres- committee designated by Coach School Crisis." The presentation of models was ARE FORMING ent Banking Situation," at their Hughes. A general program Including the carried on in the form of a play, DRAMA OF TRAGEDY regular monthly meeting Wednes- On their season's record, Hazel other sessions of the convention Is with Mrs. Murbach and Mr. Denny Prominent Men To Be On day morning In Roark building. Dr. Green looms as potential cham- as follows: first appearing on the stage, follow- Final practices culminating in a William J. Moore, head of the East- pions of the class B division and Thursday Afternoon, March 23 ed a few moments later by the party Program in Annual dress rehearsal Monday night will ern department of commerce, stated Possibly of the entire tournament. Theme: "The Financial Crisis in of buyers. The models were then April Meeting complete the preparations of the that, of the gold, the gold bullion, Barbourvllle has a powerful team, Rural Education." Prof. D. T. Fer- presented, one by one, Mrs. Mur- Eastern Little Theatre Club for Its paper, bi-metal, and commodity but has been defeated by Hazel relL presiding. bach introducing the young lady PRINT SPECIAL PAPER production of Martin Flavin's tragic standards, gold has proved the most Green during the season. 1:00 p. m—"The Crisis in Rural models and Mr. Denny the young drama "Children of the Moon," satisfactory. Education. In America," Dr. M. S. men. Each model carried thru his which will be staged at 8:00 o'clock Dr. Moore further stated that for Plttman. or her part in a manner that The February edition of the Ken- Tuesdav night In Hiram Brock return of International trade the Vanderbilt Dean 1:26 p. m.—"What the State Can brought applause from the huge au- tucky School Journal stated that auditorium, under the direction of nations of the world must return Do to Meet the Financial Crisis," dience. plans are already under way for the Miss Pearl Buchanan, head of the to the gold standard. Stores participating In the show sixty-third annual meeting of the Eastern department of dramatics. Guest of Local Y Supt A. C. Jones, Harlan county. Kentucky Education Association, Diagnosing the present banking 2:00 p. m.—"Consideration of the and the young men and young lady The play Is one tingling with mys- crisis, Dr. Moore said that it was Removal of Property Tax for State models of each were: which will be held April 19, thru 22, tery and dramatic qualities. Being The J. C. Penney Co., Misses Mar- in Louisville, with headquarters In brought about chiefly by six Influ- Miss Mabel Klrkland, president of Purposes," Supt. N. ©. Kimbler, the Brown Hotel. a tragedy, it is not exactly some- ences: confiscation of property; fall- ££•%£ YA.W- C- A- organization, Henderson county, president, de- rlet Shackelford, Thelma Wlllough- thing new In the line of L T .C. ing Index of prices; destruction of said today that Dr. W: D. Weather- partment of county Superintendents, by, Florence Dudley, Marion Doug- Contracts for out-of-state talent to appear on this year's program have productions, but It Is something en- confidence by the talk of currency ford, dean of the Y M C A. gradu- K. R A., and Supt. J. W. McMahan, las, Billy Wilson, Ruth Bingham, tirely different from that which the Inflation; publicity of R. F. c. loans, ate school, Vanderbilt University Helena Park, Mary Arnold, Louise been closed with such eminent per- club has been staging for the past Trimble county sons as Dr. S. Parses Cadman, New which labeled borrowing banks as Nashville, Tena, has accepted an 2:40 p. m.-V'Consideration of the Hurst, Mary Frances Arnold, and season. It has been accorded much invitation to be on Eastern's cam- Mary Dorris, Messrs. Jack Allen, York City; Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, weak banks; collapse of the Insull Problem of Economizing thru Bud- popularity In several of the more holdings, that' destroyed the confi- pus March 15 and 16. Talmadge DeWitt and Lewis Corum, United States representative; Dr. C. prominent theatrical centers of the get-Making and Business Adminis- A. Prosser, director William Hood dence of the investing public; the Dr., Weatherford Is a nationally tration in Meeting the Financial Lerman Bros., Misses Sue South, United States, and It should prove known writer and social worker Margaret Lisle, Mabel Slier, Evalyn Dunwoody Industrial Institute, Min- interesting as well as entertaining recent exposal of Charles E. Mitch- Crisis," 8upt. N. J. Parsons, Frank- neapolis, Minn.; Roe Fulkerson, ell's policies in controlling one of having been a leader In the Ameri- lin county. Swope Juanlta Chapman Beulah to the local play goers. It will be can South for the advancement of Rutherford Mary Elston, Clorine noted Klwanian; Dr. John A. Lapp, a play well worth seeing here, and United States' leading financial in- 3:00 p. m.—"Approchaing a Solu- director National Rehabilitation As- stitutions, and the unbalanced bud- education and the betterment of so- tion to the Financial Crisis in Ken- Paynter, Messrs. William Cammack, it carries the guarantee of the get. cial conditions among the negroes Joe Moccio, Ben Ashmore and Rich- sociation; Dr. Elkenberry, Univer- Little Theatre group, an outstanding tucky Rural Education," Dr. J. W. sity of Cincinnati; Dr. Charles H. The speaker, in conclusion, de- there. Many of his writings deal Martin, director, bureau business ard Collins; the Margaret Burnam organization of college amateur with the social conditions of the Shop, Mrs. Andrew J. Ross, Mrs. Judd, Chicago University; Dr. James players. clared that while the Federal Re- research, U. of K. S. Trippett, University of Missouri, serve System has some faults, it is Southern negro. Several of them Friday Morning, March 24 Chas. Orttenburger, Misses Eliza- The cast for the drama Is as fol- are on the shelves of the Eastern beth Stanlfer, Nancy Johnson, Mary and Mattle E. Thomas, rural super- lows: Madame Atherton—Caroline fundamentally sound, but- a sudden Theme: "Improving Organiza- visor of South Carolina. change might prove disastrous. library here. Willis Thompson, Gene Wells, Jes- Moores; Laura Atherton—Elizabeth For the past several years he has tion and Administration." Supt. sie Burnam, Louise Rutledge, Carl- m addition to the above, the pro-, Louise Rutledge, member of the gram committee, consisting of the Marz; Jane Atherton—Mary Parker been one of the principal speakers James B. Helrd, presiding. isle Guynn and Marion Hagan; the Hutcheaon; Dr. Wet her ell—William class, followed Dr. Moore's talk at all of the state Y. M. C. A. con- 8:10 a m.—"Shall We Work To- E. V. Elder Co., Mrs. James Ault, president of the association and Jett; Major Banister—Jack Bayer; with a reading, and Harold Rlgby chairman of the departmental ferences. His most recent visit to ward a County Unit System Organi- Misses Mattle Lewis, Elise Million, Walter Hlggs—Sir Talmadge DeWitt rendered a flute solo, after which Kentucky was at Danville last fall, zation?" Supt. George L. Evans, Naomi Green, Vivian Buckshorn, groups. Is scheduling a number of and Thomas—Josh Cosby. the,meeting was adjourned. outstanding local speakers for tnt when he met with the Y. M C. A. Mason county. Harriet Turner, Helen Stedham, O Freshmen and sophomore classes groups of the state at their fall con- 8:40 a. m.—"How Can Rural Sec- Nazaretta Hayes, Mrs. Robert Walk- convention. In regular meeting gave over their vention. ondary Education Become More Ef- er, Messrs. Warfleld Miller, Homer Arrangements are being made tor Juniors Set period mostly to business discus- the usual commercial exhibit in At one time Dr. Weatherford was % ficient and Economical" Supt. Orte Robblns, Ed Hill and Maynard Bo- sions, in which the matter of sup- asked to take the presidency of P. Greulle, Kenton county. ole. connection with the meeting, and port to this year's Milestone was prices of display space have been Date for Prom Berea College, preceding the Inaug- 9:10 a m.—"How May the Inter- Furniture for the stage setting of principal Importance. uration of Dr. Hutchins. Dr. nal Reorganization of Rural Schools was furnished by the W. F. Big- substantially reduced. O Progress to Have Special Weatherford declined the position Improve the Rural Education Pro- gins Co. and Oldham and Turpln, The date for this year's Junior on the basis that he would be gram?" Supt Irvine Lowe, Pike while floral effects were supplied by Again this year the Eastern Prog- Band To Give ress Is planning a special edition to Prom, annual dance sponsored by forced to resign from his place at county. the Richmond Greenhouses and the junior class, was officially an- Vanderbilt, and also from the posW 0:40 a. m.—Discussion. Shearer's Flower Shop. be dedicated to the K. E. A. Last year's edition was one of the first nounced for the night of May 12 In Joint Concert tlon as head of the Y. M -and Y. W. 10:00 a. m.—President H. L. Don- During the intermislson a novelty the small gymnasium of the Weav- C. A. conferences of Blue Ridge, N. ovan, presiding. Theme: "Meeting program was presented by the of Its kind ever to be publishedsat er Health building, at the regular A joint band concert, consisting C the Crisis in Rural Education thru White Brothers, the well known lo- Eastern, having ten pages and por- meeting of the class Wednesday of the bands of Eastern, Transyl- traying In feature style all of the Last year the local Christian or- Leadership." ' cal group of negro musicians. The morning In Cammack building. vania, and Berea, will be given In ganizations brought to the campus 10:10 a. m.—"The Need for Lead- boys put on a splendid selection oi important functions of the college. Hiram Brock auditorium on Wed- In addition to departmental • fea-1 Conimltteee on arrangements for "Dad" Elliot, who followed much ership in Rural Education," Dr. M vocal and Instrumental music, in- the Prom, appointed by J. D. Tur- nesday, March IS, at 8:00 p. m. the same program which Dr Weath- & Plttman. terspersed with clever novelty danc- tures and the like, this year's spe- The concert will be co-conducted by cial edition will Include an alumni ley, president of the class, follow: Professors E. W. Delcamp. Transyl- erford will follow this year. 10:60 a m.—"How the Kentucky Ed- ing.' Orchestra. Talmadge DeWitt, chair- The schedule for Dr. Weather- The group of buyers were repre- section, composed entirely of alumni vania, Ralph Rigby, Berea, and J. ucational Commislson Is Attempting man, with Derbert Merenblpom and E. Van Peursem, Eastern. ford's two-day visit here is as fol- to Meet the Crisis In Rural Educa- sented by Miss Mary Catherine news and activities. All plans are Maynard Bodle, acting members; lows: tion,'' Hon. James H. Richmond, su- Burns, Mrs. Keen Johnson, H. Ben- not yet completed for the K. E. A. lnvltatons, Betty Baxter, chairman, Mr. Van Peursem remarked: special, but It Is certain that It will "Professor Delcamp. Professor Rlgby ■ Wednesday perintendent, public instruction, nett Farris and Joseph Fawkes. with Mary Francis Arnold, James 10:00 a. m—Address before stu- gad chairman of Kentucky Educa- , o , be off the press at least by Wednes- Burnette, Newton Oakes and Jose- and I hope to establish a tradition day. April 18, In time for circula- among our schools in presenting dent assembly in Hiram Brock au- tion Commission, MUSICAL CALENDAR phine Cosby; decorations, Harold ditorium. 11:30 a. m.—General Discussion The Madrigal Club, assisted by tion at the meeting In Louisville. Prim, chairman. these concerts annually." the Men's Glee Club, will present Also, it has been Implied by Mr. Several suggestions for an orches- 1:00-2:00 p. m.—Meeting with Y. and Adjournment. O. M Brock, business agent at East- B. S. U. °RETREAT » M. and Y. W. C. A. cabinets. O Frederiech Von Flotow's opera tra were submitted to the class at 4:00 p. m—Conference with college TRADITON REESTABLISHED "Martha" on April 18 In the Hiram ern, that a considerable number of the meeting, but it was left with From a recent bulletin sent out extra copies of the K E. A. edition the committee to make a definite by the Baptist Student Union of women. Centre College, Danville, recently Brock auditorium. On Palm Sun- Eastern it has been revealed that 7:00 p. m.—Conference with col- reorganized the traditional Cham- day the Madrigal Club will conduct will be ordered and sent thru the decision. Among those suggested state to prospective high school were the Blue and White, Henry the local organization will entertain lege men. berlain Literary Society, named the sacred services in the school au- the members of other Kentucky col- Thursday after the first president of the in- ditorium, also assisted by the Glee seniors, who may be thinking of at- Reinhart's, and the Masqueraders. 10:00 a. m.—Address before college Club. TWO Joint concerts will be tending Eastern in the future. O- lege B. 8. U. groups at the annual stitution. Wesley Carty was named The basketball team of Washing- retreat, which will be held here assembly. president of the order, with Donald given by these clubs, one at Frank- O———— 4:00 p. m.—Meeting with Eastern fort on April 28, before the Ken- A student at Oklahoma ■ recently ton University, Bit Louis, spoke over March 17-19. The state president M. Taylorf. vice-president, and station WEW of St. Louis Univer- of the B. S. U. as well as other dis- faculty. Larry Worboril. editor of the Cen- tucky Federation of Music Clubs' advertised for a date that would 6:00 p. m.—Principal speaker at Y. Convention, and the other at Berea spend the entire evening with him verslty, preceding a game between tinguished guests are expected to tre Cento, secretary, while Dr. B. A the two schools the other night. attend the Eastern meeting. M. and Y. W. C. A. banquet > Wise is faculty advisor. College on May 88. ■" for a change. —, j -• i \-


we cannot go far wrong in confiding in the servant person passing along be- EASTERN PROGRESS STAFF WRITER TELLS STORY tween, the Library and the Health man who is to lead us thru the next four years building might have seen an unus- Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond, Ky. at least. We, regardless of our various and OF "CAJUNS"- IN LOUISIANA ual sight had he or she but cast his or her eyes to the general direction sundry beliefs and affiliations, owe him and of the Athletic Field. Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association his cor workers our loyalty—a man in his posi- By SUN DOWN SLIM Down on the newly-reconditioned Entered as second-class mall matter at the tion in a time such as this deserves it. (Here in a complete feature story is furnished.by an orchestra made track was a pair that might have by one of our staff members who up of a fiddler, a banjo player and passed for Mutt and Jeff, Before Richmond Postoffice Now, since we do grant him and his cabi- spent an extended period of time an accordion player. Indeed, the and After Taking, or what have you. net such extensive powers, let us in our imme- among them, is given an account accordion is the oeloved companion Closer examination of the palr EDITORIAL STAFF of the quaint life .and customs to of the Cajun gallant, correspond- would have revealed that the diate group as aspiring teachers of men, stu- which the people In remote Evan- ing to the Spaniard's guitar and shorter of the two Freshmen (for Vivian M. "Buckshorn Editor-in-Chief dents of education, sociology, and science, and geline parish cling.—Editor). the college boy's saxophone. they were Freshmen) might have Albert W. Crumbaugh Managing Editor In Evangeline Parish, Louisiana, O had as his ancestors, the men who future leaders demand that, in giving out a there lives today a group of people stood on the bank of the Red Sea Lloyd Murphy.... •. Feature Editor new deal he does not forget public education— who are distinctly Old World In SpoofumM'Gluffus while Pharoah's army got drowned. Lucille Derrick Alumni Editor their habits and customs. These The other Freshman (who bore a the backbone of American democracy. May people are the direct descendants of marked resemblance to Mutt) might Dean W. Rumbold Faculty Sponsoi we hope that Mr. Roosevlt's "forgotten man" the Arcadians who were exiled Adventures Told have had as his ancestors those men from Nova Scotia by the British. It's a sad, sad story. It happened who helped St. Patrick drive the CIRCULATION STAFF includes the unfortunate child. May the in- The name "Cajuns," a contraction back in '86. Pa and ma sold the cnakes out of Ireland. of the word Arcadian, has been ap- J. J. Hamilton Circulation Manager dictments thrust against America's public mountain settlement, and I, being And what? were these two little plied to these people, and they, Ig- a lad with an adventurous spirit, Freshmen doing? Why they were Estelle Heller Exchange Manager schools be carefully pondered and weighed in norant of the true origin and dig- decided to go moose hunting in running. Running from what? nity of the word have hotly resent- Canada. I hooked up wit a couple Why from nothing of course. the balances of educational needs. And, in a ed this appellation. Only in the last REPORTING STAFF of me pals and we took off toward What do Freshmen always run time when much is going to be done toward seven years have they come to re- the "Democrat Paradise" (the land from? Garvice Klncald Blanche Wimble alize that there was no Insult im- of light wines and beers). the formulation of a program of economy in plied. Now the secret is out. These Annabelle Clary Chlorine Paynter As usual, we travelled the "air two precious youngsters were taking government expenditures, may we ask that such To go into the home of one of route." We caught a horse and Leslie Gay Naomi Green these Cajun farmers is to step back their first work-out on the above a program be wisely affected. Above all, not buggy from Cincinnati to Dayton, said newly-reconditioned track. Mary Elston Mildred Boyer into the 1800's. Like the greater and from there we chartered a cov- only may we, but we must insist that public part of Southern homes, there Is And does this mean that the official Lucy Mitchell ered wagon on its way to Oregon. call for track men has gone out? Howard Stamper the veranda, or gallery, as It is On the plains we killed three "In- education be given a SQUARE DEAL. commonly called by the poor class, It does not. But It does mean that Mildred Hancock Ruth Blngham juns" and took their ponies, which the call may be expected in the near extending the whole length of the we rode to Catalina Island. We then Salem Moody Anna Mae Myers house front. Once Inside the front future. So dust off the spiked shoes Why Have Schools? stowed away on a dirigible going to and buy a new can of metal polish Sam Strous Betty Stewart door one walks into'a great hall, at the north pole, and dropped off in one end of which there is sure to for the medals you expect to win. a densely wooded section of Canada, O Donald Michelson Walter Engle That we face such a question as "Why have be a mammoth fire-place at least by means of umbrellas. We raided six feet wide. Two capacious Iron Patronize Progress Advertisers. Mabel McKinney Talmadge DeWitt schools?" at the present, when things are in a a hunter's cabin and appropriated I skillets with lids are likely to be a moose whistle, rifles, plenty of chaotic uproar, is a pertinent challenge to ou: resting on a bed of coals in the bullets, a few cowlets, a French 75, Progress Platform respective abilities as students of the age to fire-place Prom the chimney will and a Big Bertha. Not being able The creation of a professional spirit among student! hang an iron pot capable of holding to carry the Big Bertha farther seek an answer which would not only be valid at least two gallons of boiled rice. than a mile, we tossed it over the of education. It Is In this hall that the social now but also one which would be reasonably Palisades into the Kentucky river. An active Alumni Association. life of the family goes on. I decided it was time to look for sound enough to satisfy the wants of future in- In the bedrooms which open off a moose. I reeled and staggered Student participation In government. quisitors. the hall are to be found ancient down a primrose path and ran head Encouragement of lntra-mural athletics. four-poster beds covered with deep long into a big bull moose (it wasn't However, the more we ponder the question, feather ticks. On the feather ticks a nickel, either). I jerked up my the more we read others regarding it, the more will be several galy colored quilts rifle and fired immediately with my A Square Deal that the mother has made during own little bullet, and surprising as we are at sea, as it were, to supply what might the long cold evenings spent around it may seem, hit it exactly between With the advent of the inauguration of a the fire. the eyes, killing it deader than a be considered by our superiors an inviolable The average Southern laborer doornail—aye, even moie dead. new administration to take over the reigns of answer. Or, on the other hand, can there be would do well to follow the example Then going up to the moose, I in- the nation's government, there has been ad- set by the Cajun farmer. Prom cot- tended to pick it up and carry it an answer structurally sound enough to fore- ton plowing time until the crop back to Richmond, when, lo and vanced with that administration the slogan of stall the forces that seek to destroy even our has been hauled away to the gin, behold, there was another moose "a new deal." It is a notable slogan, and the Cajun farmer rises at three in behind it. I was puzzled and scared, Spring most eruditional reasonings? Educators, gov- the morning and often has a fair notwithstanding the fact that I so- from Mr. Roosevelt's inaugural address, we ernmental administrators, economists, students day's work done before his neigh- bered up in the meantime. The faithfully believe that he is going to do all in bor has even thought about getting newly found moose was blind and Kleer-Sheer Chiffons of sociology, scjetists, and even common la- up. In the cotton-picking season it was hojdlng to the dead moose's 4s his power to effect many changes in a govern- is the custom for the men to go to tall while the dead moose BD (be- borers have thrust numerous answers to our fore death) had been leading it .The Hose Exquisite in the\ mental system that has become corrupt with the fields and work until the wom- question upon the turbulent seas of criticism, en have prepared breakfast, which around. new shades of Polo, Chukker nespotic politicians and self-seeking capitalists. whose waves lash the foundation stones of our they carry to the men in the fields. I studied the situation carefully, Frequently the mother does a man's and finally decided on a daring Mancn, and Doeskin in sheer- A weary, strife-worn nation looks to the educational structures. But, no matter how work in the fields, besides taking plot. I cut the tall from the dead est, clearest chiffons with lace new President, patiently hoping that his new sea-worthy these answers may have seemed care of a family of seven or eight moose and led the live, blind moose children. into the next town, 60 miles away, top and picot edge. deal will be a hand with at least a few face when they were launched, they have been little bought another box of bullets, and The amusements of these people shot it deader than two doornails. cards in it. The common people have been more than sieves, sinking one by one, to then are few and simple. On Saturday O afternoon there is the weekly trip 79c 98c unable to make a bid; honors, tricks, and be carried farther and farther into the depths to town for coffee, salt, sugar, and Slim Prim points have been in the minority for them'. of the surf by the undertow of nepotism, and kerosene, the only things that are not produced on the farm. The The immediate past has been completely a to be consequently thrashed to bits by the mad children are piled in the great farm Steppers Strut QTANIFERC kJ On Your Way to Town k/ I no-trump affair, in which their every lead has waves of undemocratic legislation. wagon and off they go. There is much chattering and small-talk Southwest Corner Main and 2nd. been blocked by a formidable dummy, con- In spite of all we can offer in support of with the dwellers along the road. By LONG LANE sisting of a hodge-podge of invalid political even one hopeful answer to such a simple yet In winter the popular form of On the afternoon recently an ob- amusement is the community dance policies. And we say this, not from the momentous question, we are eternally aware of —or "ball" as the Cajuns call it. standpoint of malice toward the outgoing ad- an omnipresent supression, affected by both These balls are held In the parish PICTURES YOU WILL ALWAYS seat in halls or ball rooms espe- ministration particulary, for we desire to ■ be concrete and abstract influences, which would cially constructed for them. As a rule, the ball room Is a huge barn- BE PROUD OF non-partisan, fighting for that which is best for tend to defeat the very fundamental principles like structure lighted by candles, the welfare of mankind as a whole, but with upon which our standards of sociological wel- kerosene lamps or what have you. SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL LARGE PORTRAITS a view toward indicting any members of a gov- fare for man are based. Projecting from the wall on the in- (Up To Life Size) side there is a low wooden seat run- 4 STAMP SIZE PHOTOS FOR 10c < ernmental system who would further the inter- Nevertheless, it will behoove us to fight to a ning around the entire, room. Dates for these balls are made ests of the few at the expense of the multitude. bitter or pleasant end, whichever the case may weeks in advance and great is the I Fully realizing the intricate factors which be, to maintain a refined system of education havoc raised if a young lady falls " Ping Pong Studio to keep a date. Men seem to enjoy preyed upon the minds of our leaders during for our youth. By virtue of this, we might greater liberty in this matter than Open Evenings 148 E. Main St. the period, beginning with the stock market thus say that schools are necessary in order that women, but remember, I said seem. A. 0. JOHNSON There is always an irate brother or crash in 1929 and continuing to the present principles of training for lif^and citizenship father to be reckoned with in case the young man fails to keep the date, we respect the courage which they dis- will be firmly imbedded in our code of morals. date. played in defending certain principles of The poung man and woman meet American government, but we cannot help con- GLEANINGS at the ball room, she being chaper- oned by a venerable grand dame, SprinqStyles demning many policies which it was their want wearing a wide and much-pleated lindsey-woolsey skirt. After deliver- to advocate and maintain. We wish very much to commend the person ing her charge to the young gallant To take over the job of governing such a or persons responsible for securing lights in the the grand dame goes to the above mentioned bench, and, spreading harassed nation is no mean task for any man dormitories until 11 o'clock each night from her skirts wide, sits down on the bench and directly over a brazier- or set of men. Nevertheless, one of the cardi- now on, rather than having them turned off at FORTUNE nal features of the new administration is that 10:30, as has been the custom at Eastern for like stove filled, with coals brought from a fire started outside the ball SHOES it stands for immediate remedial action, based the past ten or fifteen years. The extra half room. These stoves are the only sources of available heat in the on fundamental reasoning and maintaining at hour of light makes a considerable difference building except that coming from «>w Shapes heart the pure and simple interests of the to those students rooming on the campus, and the bodies of the tightly packed dancers. And they are truly tightly New Shades United States citizenship. Possibly no in- we feel that they are more than appreciative of packed. coming president said as much in as few words the movement made for their welfare. Fur- There is one dance called the "Paite Do Do," which Is rather in- since the days of Abraham Lincoln than did thermore, we are certain that no undue advan- teresting. Upon asking the mean- $3.00 President Roosevelt in his twenty-five minute tages nor uncalled-for waste of electrical en- ing of the word I was told that it ment "to got to sleep." There seems AND address, following his charge with the presi- ergy will be affected by these people, since to be- serious conflict between this answer and the academic French dency on the steps of the nation's capital last the extension of this privilege. In addition, word "dormir" which means to Saturday. we express for the dormitory roomers a word sleep." But be that as it may, the $3.50 dance is conducive to sleeping. It Furthermore, he not only talked, he went of gratitude to the administration for the ob- U nothing more than a stationary into immediate action. And that is what the literation of an antiquated custom which did "necking party" ki which couples often stand in each other's arms THE new custom lasts in various versions of orna- people wanted. It was not thru personal ag not fit in with the habits of a more modernized for as much as fifteen minutes grandizement that he sought to attack the student body. The result of having a longer without moving over more than two , mentation. This feature value group of men's shoes offers broad variety of selection presenting sev- "money changers," as he called them, but period of light should be advantageous to ef- feet of floor space. These dances I ara always "sell-outs" as far as at- eral distinctively new tones of browns, tans and off- rather thru the vital realization of the imme- fective study, to the end that greater academic tendance Is concerned. At intermis-. sion the girl always pays for the shades as well as blacks. diate need of a bolster for our economic sys- efficiency will be in force at Eastern. inevitable "pop" and striped candy. tem—the need to destroy that which has been One would hardly.expect "pop" to be offered as a treat in winter. damaging, and substitute constructive measures Evidently the skunk that invaded Memorial Nevertheless it is. And the strange whereby our economic structure may be sub- Hall recently has established winter headquar- part of it is that the young lady E. V. ELDER considers herself as being insulted stantially rebuilt. ters. At any rate, some individual or indi- If the man even offers to pay for FRIENDLY FIVE HEADQUARTERS Mr. Roosevelt has asked forlnore or less viduals insist on smoking him out by converting either the "pop" or the candy. The music for this strange dance unlimited powers, yet he is a man whom we the trash cans into incinerators, for which they feel capable of handling them. It is danger- were never intended. The results are that these ous of course to grant too many powers to any persons usually succeed in smoking everyone ■ one governmental authority. We boast of else but the intended victim out of the hall. Eastern Students freedom in our great nation, and we have » Certainly, after numerous recurrences of such <*> right to maintain the idea of liberty, upon activities, these people cannot be meeting with which the nation was originally founded. the popular favor of the men of the hall. False patriotism, such as much of that which Therefore, before more stringent action is Always Welcome accompanied the World War period, caused taken which might impair the liberties of all us to forget that we were human beings, and rooming there, we believe the dormitory coun- consequently we allowed much of our liberty cil should make an investigation with a view Stockton's Drug Store to be taken away and never replaced. But toward clarifying the matter. I

■ -. * •


greatly enjoyed. The guests were Mrs. H. L. Per- WORKING FOE GRADES ry, Mrs. R. L. Telford, Mrs. Julia Interview Reveals An ample illustration of the dif- Park, Mrs. D. B. McKlnney, Mrs. ference In working for grades and MHSiaiW C. H Buchanan, Mrs. Lewis Bur- Varied Duties working for an education may be announced the marriage of her ner, Mrs. H. H. Brock, Mrs. Hugh" found In the success of the 'free ALPHA ZETA DANCE One can observe much these days daughter, Bernard, February 36, to Mason, Mrs. J. J. Greenleaf, Mrs. *y seeing who really Bas '!lt" and tuition" plan .under which unem- The annual dance sponsored by Mr. Russell Burton, of Harrods- G. T. Douglas, Of West Virginia. who doesn't. If a girl Is really that The duties of the information ployed students with more than two Alpha Zeta Kappa, debating club of burg. The bride was a Junior at Mrs. Elma Rutledge, of Huntland. clerk are many and varied", said years' university credit are allowed Eastern, was held last Saturday Tennessee Mrs. T. H. Cook, of way about her boy friend, she won't Eastern, active in the Girl's Glee let this bank business interfere with Mrs. Origgs, "but I like my Job." to attend class without payment of night In the small gymnasium of club, and a last semester member Bedford, Ky., Mrs. Florence Colley how much of her time her date Though very busy about her work, tuition. the Weaver Health building. Ap- af the Eastern Progress staff. The and Mrs. Carpenter. she answered all questions gracious- proximately 150 guests, including still gets. Oh, well, we can't always These students have In many cases groom attended Centre College, do the things we want to do. If a ly. She was Interrupted ten times surpassed the regular students In students on the campus, guests Danville, and for the past three HUGHES BRIDGE show is calling and our boy friend during a fifteen minute Interview. deriving benefit from the courses. frsm Richmond, and numerous out years has been manager of the A. Ms. Charles T. Hughes gave a Is calling, but minus "do-re-ml" Mrs. Griggs said that her duties Under no compulsion as to attend- of town people, were in attendance. & P. store in Richmond. After Feb- bridge party Wednesday evening, included the delivering of messages Music was furnished by "Check" the show must wait. Tough or ance or examinations .receiving no ruary 28, the couple took up their March 1, at her home on Lancaster sumthln', or Is it, boys? to the various Janitors and work- credit for the courses they take Royce's Mutineers, an orchestra residence in the Campbell apart- Ave. Miss Mcllvain won top score It is a shame BEN HORD doesn't men about the place whom she they have consistently shown them- from Irvine. The hall was decorated ments on Main street. , with Miss Ford taking second prize reaches in a number of ways. At in club colors, and the danced was have a car. He Just lets GAYLE selves to be interested, willing and honors. BROWN come along and take DOT her elbow is a card index of every hard-working. ^^ one of the most successful social KENNAMERS GREET SENIORS Delicious refreshments were served events of the present season. McKENSIE away from him member of the student body and the Undoubtedly this Is due to the Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Kennamer en- to the following players: Misses cheer up, BEN, that's the way girls personnel of the faculty, by which fact that most regular students tertained Wednesday evening, last Allie Fowler, Elizabeth Watson. do all athletes when the playing she Is able to locate any one of DR. AND MRS. DONOVAN week, at their home on Oak street measure their success in college In ENTERTAIN May Hansen, Cora Lee, Ruth Dix, season Is over. them at any time during the school terms of grades, while the "free with a bridge and Jig-saw puzzle Janet Murbach, Edith Ford, Maude day. She knows the number of the tuition' students can Judge the Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan en- party in honor of the officers of Gibson, Margaret Lingenfelser, Ask VIRGINIA SPILLMAN why classroom of every teacher by heart tertained last Sunday afternoon she was blushing when the lights progress of their education only by this year's senior class, the editor, Mary Burrier, and Mrs. Burrler. through frequent repetition, and the amount of knowledge assimi- from three until five o'clock with business manager, and assistants of came on in the candy store. That's was able to give the location of each an informal tea at their home on the Milestone staff. okey. VIRGINIA, WILLIE was lated for a p?rlod of time, they Miss Idela Ping spent last week- blushing, too. teacher In Education to a man who realize more fully than we in col- Lancaster avenue for Eastern stu- Delicious refreshments were serv- end at her home in Somerset. applied for that information dur- dents from Bracken, Mason and ed to the following guests: Misses THOMAS BURDETTE has a new lege ever can the true value of edu- Miss Helen Starnes was with her ing the period. tation; they are willing to sacrifice Lewis counties. It was signified Mary Evelyn Allen, Lucy Mitchell, parents in Owenton, Satuday and girl. He took GLEN KOGER to the that thru successive entertainments dance Saturday night. The members of the faculty re- more for it, to give more of their Louise Rutledge, Myria D. Rice, Sunday. port to her any irregularities In of such nature, Dr. Donovan hopes and Martha Culton, Messrs. James No wonder NAZARETTA HAYES time to It. to become closely acquainted with Miss Malinda Adams spent last doesn't pay any attention to boys their individual schedules that she Chadwell, Ross Anderson, Josh Cos- week-end in Science Hill. may be able to answer intelligently Is it too much to hope that some each student in attendance at East- by, Herman Moore and William around* here. Have you seen that of their attitude toward college will ern this year. A discussion with Miss Dora Hall was visiting near big car that rolls up after her ev- any inquiry as to their whereabouts. Stevens. .Georgetown the past week-end. She reports bite of campus news, be absorbed by the college student? the three-county group of prob- ery Sunday? —Washington University, Student lems pertinent to the present day Thomas Little, student from Have you noticed MOON MUL- too, to the various news gatherers Life. SIGMA LAMBDA SNACK Faint Lick, was taken to the Pattie for the local paper. era was led by Eastern's president. LINS—how he has changed? Well, O Mrs. Janet Murbach entertained A. Clay Infirmary Tuesday of last here's the deep secrethe's in love On being asked if she found one the Sigma Lambda society Thurs- week for an emergency appendici- member of the faculty more trying WOMEN WIN DEBATE RUPARD-BURTON day of last week at her home on with MARY ANN LOVELACE. He Mrs. John Rupard, Richmond, tis operation. follows her around Just like a than others, she replied, "They are Taking the negative side of the North street, with a chop suey O shadow. like other people and have their in- question, "Resolved, that the United snack. Mrs. Murbach gave a de- CONFESSIONS OF A FRESHMAN dividual peculiarities. But I en- States Should Agree to the Can- lightful talk along with her show- I don't see why RUTH SHAEF- By Timothy Q. Twichbottom FER keeps little JOE BENDER In Joy talking with all who come. If cellation of Inter-Allied War MADISON ing of many beautiful slides of ca- I smile, I meet with a pleasant re- Debts," the women's debating team thedrals In France. Monday-Dear Diary: My biol- such suspense by not telling him ogy teacher thought I was sleeping who the girl is that is crazy about sponse, and practically every mem- of Morehead Teachers College ber of the student body knows me, unanimously defeated the women's FOWLER-GIBSON BRIDGE S?7, 2> ne asked me real swift- him. RUTH, you don't know how Theatre like. •'Twitchbottom. describe the you're worrying him. and calls me by name. I am happy team of the University of Cincin- Miss Allie Fowler ana Miss Maud D in my work and am not sure that nati at the college assembly recent- !* ™" So I said klnda slylsh, LOUISE YOUNG certainly is a Coming Stage Attractions Gibson entertained with three ta- different girl when her BILL comes I should like to be transferred to ly. The winning team was com- bles of bridge Tuesday evening, Weil, the backbone looks something like a banana stalk. On one end to the campus. But you should see another office." l>osed of Misses Beatrice Goodwin, February 6, in the recreation room her when he leaves .... Mt. Sterling, and Catherine Pope, of Burnam Hall. Miss Mary Evelyn your head sits on and on the other SATURDAY, MARCH II end, you sit on." Oh boy, was he MARTHA CULTON certainly has Covlngton. Allen won the top score prize and surprised HARRY COBB going. He spends THE IONIC The Original Ky. Mr. Roy Garners won the booby nearly every week end up here with prize. Those present were: Misses Tuesday-Dear Diary: Today my her. history teacher asked me what the Always Serving RAMBLERS BAND Ruth Bingham, Virginia Moody, Vi- The Spirit of the 90s are here (Being A Column of Pure Beauty) vian Buckshorn, Helen Stidam, Al- League of Nations was; so I up and told him that the League of Nations again. MARJORIE SMITH seems By Sundown Slim lene Summers, and Messrs. Salem to like the little "Go to Thunder You Now playing over W.K.R.C Moody, George Carol, Jimmy Ed- was a place where they argue about Hate." If the three giggling girls who Radio Station delman, Harold Prim and Lloyd Dlsargument. He thought maybe I were playing tag with me through Dykes. d.dn't know. Huh, a lot these Do HARRIET 8HACKELFORI) the window just now will come to WITH THE BEST FOR teachers know. and the little red head from Pen- Mrs. Emma Y. Case and Misses ney's make a cute couple? Running this office, they will be given a pair THE LEAST Hear and see them on our stage Betty Baxter and Ruth Talbott Wednesday—Dear Diary: Man a close second are MYRIA DEE and of hand carved fence rails as first Joined the party in time for re- oh man! Some of these freshmen the tall, handsome lawyer. prize in the 'Dumb Dora" contest Mat. 2:30 and 4:30— Nite 7:00 freshments. are dumb. One of them is so dumb The Burnam Hall girls are just a • • ■ Every "me that I get out of and 9:00 P. M. that he thinks that Muscle Shoals bit blue over the fact that town Bed in a good humor, something The MRS. KEITH SPEAKER Is a boxer, as if everybody don't girls get a first chance at the Por- always happens to me that ruffles —Feature Picture— Mrs. Charles A. Keith spoke at know that he is a strong man in the to Rlcan. my temper and spoils my dinner the March meeting of the Lexing- circus. CARL GARRETT had planned Mehitabel, the office cat, has more GEORGE O'BRIEN in ton chapter D. A. R. Friday after- Thursday — Dear Diary: Our ever since Christmas to go home fun with the typewriter than I do noon in the red room of the Lafa- French teacher says that the word and see his girl this week end, but Every time I throw the carriage yette hotel. Her subject was Ideal.. "SMOKED LIGHTNING" for a driver of an auto, in French he ended up with a couple of cold back she takes a lusty whack at It "Scotch-Irish Influences in Ameri- is "chauffeur." She must have been feet and he's still here. MILDRED - . .Right now she is sleeping in can History." kidding, 'cause that's not the name BOYER didn't get cold feet, the— the bar of sunshine across the win- Meal Tickets $5.50 for $4.50 COM. MONDAY, MARCH 13 she called the driver of that car she really went. dow sill. She is only waiting for INFORMAL TEA Was LUCY MITCHELL ever me to throw a book at her so she Plate Lunch 25c Mrs. H. L. Donovan was hostess who nearly ran over her yesterday •LOVELY GIRL REVIEW Friday-Dear Diary: That fei- thrilled when NASH played in will have an excuse for a row. Dinner 40c at an informal tea Tuesday after- chapel, and what about LANNIE To me, one of the cardinal vir- noon of last week in compliment to low who comos around collecting 20 Artist s 20 clothes for cleaning and pressing McKlNLEY and this per- tues that an employee should have mothers of faculty members of the son? They dance together with that is thoroughness. If you are sent College, some of whom are making said to me, "Hey, Timothy, did you Appearing on Our Stage ect your hat en time?" So I an- soulful look In their eyes. Speak- after a horse, don't bring back a their homes here and others who ing of dances, why weren't TOM lemon. There's a difference. were visting here at the time. A wered him real clever-like, "I'll say Mat. 3:30—Nite 7 and 9 P. M. I did. I got it just as her old man SAMUELS and VIVIAN BUCKS- Sports Shorts: Poor old Eastern delicious plate lunch was served by HORN present at the last one? must have met some rather fast Don't... came in the back door." (Catch the hostess and the hospitality was on?). EUNICE WATSON said it wasn't company in the S. I. A. A. tourney .\ fair for PORTWOOD to take the . . . Track won't be a popular sport Let Your Feet Defeat Your *.« Saturday-Dear Diary: That col- boys away the night of the dance. here this Spring because all the I" / ored woman who was carrying her Now that NANCY JOHNSON has country boys that can run will be Appearance! • s two-year-old child up Main street Kodak Finishing the measles, wonder what BILL Playing the National Racket Rightly or wrongly, you are the other day certainly didn't know FIFE will do? GUERNEY ADAMS • Baseball to you). much about raising children, 'cause judged by appearance. Keeping refuses to report anything about The Most Brainless Idea That your shoes well-heeled and well- that kid was screaming and carry- his trip south (?) and nobody seems Ive Seen: Crumbaugh putting the BRING THEM TODAY ing on something awful. I went soled is an inexpensive way of to know what happened to CLIF- pencil sharpener over the wash insuring favorable judgment. right up to her and said, "Say, that TON DOWELL'S mustache. LIT- bowl so the shavings can drift down GET THEM TOMORROW child is spoilt." She shook her TLE HALE didn't get to present in the bowl and on the soap. Special Attention Given to head and said, "No, suh, all cullud the Intended cup. What a shame I know a popular restaurant that chillun smells thata way." Was I GEORGE CARRELL nominates to going to lose several customers Mail Order Work embarrassed! NEWTON OAKES for the "craziest because other people are tired of 8unday—Dear Diary: Golly, that boy of the month," while we nom- hearing some students shout at The McGAUGHEY Studio preacher says the funnest things inate GENE WELLS for the cra- each other across the table. And Bybee Shoe He was telling us about helping ziest girl. in the opinion of the person who each other at all times. He said It is known that PAULINE asked me to say this, the fact that Hospital "Do unto others before they do unto GOATLY and STEPHENA BRUM- lh*se students come from Northern you." What he should have said FIELD are receiving letters from Kentucky doesn't excuse them n Second and Water Street* was, "Do unto others what you two traveling salesmen . . . look the least. wouldn't want them to do to you" out, BILL LAWSON. Why, even preachers make mis- DR. CUFF'S brightest pupil now takes. adays is ICHABOD CORNS and Styles That Turn o :— others. ... At any rate, CORNS always has something to say in EXPRESS IT class. There is enough of what they call Always Out in Front The Smartest Heads! The caveman spirit in us all- "It's a good thing that I have a 1 ■ Throbbing, insistent, in the 'breast sweet disposition," says DAN MUR- Always refusing to allow us rest. PHY when he sees BLANCHE WIMBLE surrounded by BENNET Express it and you take your place ROSE BILL MARTIN and a few Puwng for Eastern Among the rejected of the race. others. • *J. D. TURLEY reports that HATS There is something that we call FRANCIS STRICKLETT absolutely The gril and stamina in us all, did not like him until after the by Anstelle To lure us to life's supremest height first date. If we will only express it right. Why couldn't MARGARET LYLE You may rise where no foot has trod believe HARRY McCORD when he and Betty Co-Ed And be called a man of God. asked for a date the other night? PILLE prayed for the lights to PERRY'S You can visit heaven, or visit hell. go out at the dance, and then With the thoughts in which you went straight out and broke GAR- dwell. LAND JETT. Some think thoughts of war and The most ironical thing ever fame, heard Is MERENBLOOM'S dream- Drug Store Others will kill just for the name. ing that CLARENCE BUTTER was Express it In war and turn with a preacher. shame TOMMY SCOTT and BESSIE Back to the Jungles whence we BAUMGARTNER have complete $3.91 came. gray outfits and are Just waiting for a chance to step out In them. There is enough of what they call Everyone sees now why JACK The Christ-like spirit In us all. ALLEN fell hard for CHRISTINE King-pin of the New First a spark and then a flame COMPTON, since she has become probably the best dressed girl on That urges men to a higher plane. the campus. Spring Hats! Express it and you take your place ELIZABETH McDANTEL says she Among the chosen of the race. was taken for a fall by GARVICE —Frazier B. Adams KINCAID. We wonder why? Saucy Watteau "pieplates" BILL REED took ELLA MARIE "GLAD" STONE to the Mardl Gras Carni- care-free sailors light-heart Gloriette Beauty val, and on Sunday he proceeded to ed flat back brims . sophisti go to Sunday school, according to LEONARD HARNEY, who quoted Vigor in its colors! Alert and cated turbans dashing Shop BILL as saying "once one gets In •nappy in its lines! Finely fin- with these women, he has to do as berets! Whatever your mood or they say." ished throughout! Prices Reduced : O type, there'* a hat for you at Pen Frederic Permanent Waves ney's! In the smartest straws and $7.50, $5.00, $3.50 costume colors, dark and light I VALLEY INN $2-98 Scalp Treatment With Steamer, 6 for. .$5.00 Regular Plate Lunch Shampoo & Finger Wave It's a Marathon, toot $1.00 With Drink 25c c9ENNEV0 Shampoo and Marcel $1.00 Dinner 35c INCORPORATFO PHONE 681 Students Always Welcome j.fENNEYo a Open Evenings by Appointment E. Main St. Phone 193 J

'"'uit?yf>u£rw*i£ ithfci *^W"


Folks here Is the big game of the year, the U. S. A. Team playing ball, ah he sees Franklin Delano off to one side, he tries a long pass, the SCHOOL OP HARDNOCKS. They're off, Hoover has the ball, he's it's too high but Delano jumps high in the air and folks he has the ball had it for four years, he's going around the end, he's down, no he's up, and is going down the field. he sidestepped the next tackier, now he's stopped, there's a tackier wait- We will now pause for station announcement. This broadcast Is ing for him in every direction, he looks around, what to do with the being sponsored by station. WDOC. W. D. OLDHAM COMPANY And folks while we are waiting for Delano to make that winning We will now resume the account of the game. All right folks, Send Your Fan Mail to touchdown we wish to announce that we are doing business in the same Franklin has the ball, if his interference "Block House" and "Mack old way. If your credit was good before the fumble, that closed the Senate" keep out oj his way he may get through the rest of the Hard- banks, your credit is good now. If we took your check before we will OLDHAM BUILDING take it now. Join the rooters section, keep up the spirit. nock team for a touchdown and win the game for the good old U. 8. A. Phone 272 FOLKS GIVE HIM A BIG HAND

Rural Life Club S.I.A.A. Track Meet CO-EDS' IDEAL MAN T CLUB WILL PARK TO HEAD LEGINGTON, Ky., March 8 CENTENARY IS University of Kentucky co-eds, in- Hears Stevens WilLBeHeldinMay terviewed by the school newspaper, LOOP VICTOR AWARD HONOR RICHMOND G. C. expressed views on "The Ideal Man," ranging from "there ain't "The health problem of a rural Gold Football to Be Given to The spring football practice will Central Kentucky Golf Tour- no such thing" to "he must be an Eastern Put Out of S. I. A. A. community Is probably like the not interfere with plans for a track nament to be Held Here ideal companion and dependable." Tourney by Louis- question so often argued about as Best Man in Spring team it was made known today. Some of the co-eds said he must iana Normal to which was first the egg or the Practice Although concentrated practice will This Year not drink; work Jig-saw pussies, or chicken," said William C. Stevens, not be possible for several weeks play bridge. One turned thumbs Eastern senior and editor of the BAN FOREIGN LETTERS yet, It is hoped that the spring foot- GAYLE BROWN SECT'Y. down on the type that says, "Til TENN POLLY SECOND college year book, last Monday night ball practice will serve as an excel- be seein' you." Another said, "he in speaking to the members of the lent conditioning factor . mustn't be too good looking—the The Centenary basketeers, a de- Rural Life Club. on the Subject As an Incentive to grid men re- Track] candidates who are not At a meeting of the members of competition would be too great." cided favorite and a quintette which of "The Health of a Rural Com- porting for spring football practice out for football are asked to begin Richmond Golf Club held Tuesday "Have a lot of money . . . dumb stepped Into the limelight of the munity," In the University building. this year, the "E" Club, organiza- preliminary training Just the same, night, Smith Park, head 'of the . . . and believe everything I tell" Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Continuing Mr. Stevens remarked; tion of Eastern lettcrmen, decided on their own Initiative, until the mathematics department at Eastern was the way one co-ed summarised Conference In the final week of "The country school house Is usually in its regular meeting Monday time arrives for the track team to Kentucky State Teachers College the "Ideal Man's" qualifications. seasonal play to nose Eastern out the most unsanitary and inadequate night, February 27, in the Weaver be rounded into shape for Inter- was elected president to succeed H of third position on the rating scale, type of building in the whole Health building, to present a gold collegiate competition. S. Bybee. came thru with a score of 38-23 country, including not only buildings football to the player who proves ' It has been announced that the Gayle Browne was elected secre- FRESH FISH over Tennessee Polytech to the for human beings, but for domestic to be the most outstanding con- S .1. A. A. track and field champion- tary-treasurer, suceedlng Ernest tournament finals of the S. I. A. A. animals. tender for a position on next sea- ship meet will be held May 20, but Snowden, and Harold Oldham was Black Bass meet last Friday night in Jackson, "Health education in schools son's varsity elven, in accordance as yet the site of the meet has not named chairman of the greens Red Bass Miss. may be defined as a systematic with a five-point plan of selection been definitely afixed. committee, succeeding R. E. Tur- Red Snapper After being put out of the Ken- program for developing habits, at- to be submitted by the club with Berea College came out victorious ley. Frying Salmon tucky division of the Winchester titudes, and knowledge as will en- the aid of the coaches. in last year's meet at Centre, In able the individual to make ad- Those named to the new board Baking Fish tourney by the Louisville Cardinals The five points to which the Danville, by a slim margin, garner- of directors were Mr. Park, Mr. a week before, the Big Maroons justments for right living. player must answer favorably are: ing Just one-third point above the Browne, Mr. Oldham, Jesse Mober- Catfish Journeyed to Jackson to draw "It is the responsibility of the the improvement which he shows Centre score. Eastern was not rep- ly, Dr. R, I. Todd, B. E. Willis and Spanish Mackerel Louisiana Normal for their Initial teacher to bring about these tradi- during the course of the spring resented at the Centre meet, but Charles Davidson. Shrimp contest of the S. I. A. A. fracas tions thru social activities, develop- practice session, his attendance, his it Is considered a dangerous conten- there on last Tuesday night. A fast ment of the child's attitude toward attitude, his spirit, and his eligibil- der for this year's crown, since much The president is expected to call Sliced Fish scoring contest resulted, but after health activity in the school, and ity for the team next fall. Only good material has already shown a a meeting soon to consider plans Oyster erasing Louisiana's seven point the development of health habits of freshmen and men not holding let- ready desire to participate as rep- for a membership drive, and for Dressed Milk-Ee d margin In the first period to end the child." ters at the present will be consid- resentatives of the Eastern squad. the holding of the Central Ken- the half at 30-29 for the southern ered for the award of the trophy. tucky Golf Association tournament Poultry. team, the Maroons were unable to which will be held at the Rich Use Your Charge Account continue the rapid pace thruout For thew men now holding let- mond course this year. the second frame. Louisiana pulled SCHOOLFUNDS ters and recognized as official ADE HEARD IN A tournament committee com- Nef f s Fish and away to a final county of 60-46, members of the "E" Club, It was posed of Mr. Oldham, BUI Martli eliminating Eastern from further decided that consideration for their and Shelton Saufley was named t. competition. TO DECREASE services be given in the form of an CHAPEL TALK have full <*f>rgp «« all arrange Oyster House Murray Teachers and Western award of an "E" pin, which will be menu Ic* AS Central Kentucky Phone 431 First Street Teachers were the other two Ken- State Educational Money Ex- recognized after graduation as an President of Connecticut^ tournament. tucky representatives in the Jack- pected to be Reduced official pass to all athletic contests Normal School Speaks son tourney, but Murray went down by $700,000 held here. At Eastern to the runners-up by 54-48, while Plans for revising the constitu- Western, after drawing a bye at the tion of the club were also made at opening of the tourney, relinquish- DUE DECREASED VALUES the Monday meeting, and immedi- Dr. Lester K. Ade, president of ed its hold on the affair by suc- ately following this decision, the the New Haven Normal School at cumbing to the winner in the semi- FRANKFORT, Ky., Mar. 8.— members voted unanimously to New Haven, Conn., spoke last Mon- finals Thursday night. Western did Schools of the state will receive place a ban on all foreign letters or day morning at Eastern Teachers not remain to play a consolation $700,000 less in income this year as numerals which students might de- College during assembly hour on game, thus giving third place to result of reduced assessed values, sire to wear on the campus. Irvin "The New Education". Dr. Ade has Millsaps, the Dbne Conference it Is estimated by Seldom R. Glenn, Eastln. president of the organiza- been making a study of the most champs, without a struggle. significant institutions in teacher of the State Tax Commission tion, said that stringent action In training. He stated that he had Polytech was the tournament The loss In revenue collected regard to the wearing of foreign let- chosen to visit Eastern, among other dark horse, having not only elimin- from the state tax on real estate ters had become necessary, since teacher colleges, because of its ated Murray, but also 8tetson and and tangible personal property will they nearly always appear at the "dynamic and professional program Millsaps, both strong tournament approximate 8351,978.64 when taxes beginning of each school year, and of education". fives.Western, the Kentucky champ- are collected for this year. The loss it takes a considerable amount of Ion, played without the services of on franchise paying corporations time to have the wearers remove "The science of education has the letters. been developed in the last twenty- its crack forward McOowan, who has not yet been estimated. The five years. The curriculum has was injured in automobile wreck on total tax bill presented to Ken- At the close of the meeting the passed through distinct phases. the way to Jackson. However, tcky taxpayers this autumn will be football letters for the season of The first was the tool stage during Walker nicely replaced McOowan, $700,000 less than that of last year. 1932 were awarded to the following while Hobbs, Hardln, and Hlckman, which the curriculum was centered The common school fund, which men: Ben Hord, captain; DeWitt, about the three R's. Then came the three All-Kentucky men, kept Is distributed on a per capita basis, Parsons, Eastln, Dowell, Tierney, the subject matter stage during the Hllltoppers on a fairly even ba- will sustain the greatest loss from Hlnkle, Charles Brown, Oalnes, Hill, which history, geography, and phy- sis with their Jackson opponents. the reduced tax bill, since 69 percent Young, Lloyd Dykes, captain-elect, sics were added. The theory that Dowell and McDanlel performed of state taxes on this class of pro- Robblns, Rice, and Canfield, man- education should be a preparation best for the Eastern quintette at perty goes for this purpose. Income ager. for adulthood was developed and for the common schools will be low- . Jackson, in an offensive way. Both O the adult activity stage of the cur- tallied 15 points against Louisiana, ered about $242,865.26 as result of riculum resulted. John Dewey ob- while Feeback found the loops for the cut in assessed valuations. Portwoods Host jected that this kind of education nine. Hord scored five, and Adams, A combined loss in revenue for prepared children for conditions Eastern's other stellar guard, garn- the University of Kentucky and the To Fresrhmen which might no longer exist by the ered his traditional two. four Teachers Colleges is anticipated time they reached adulthood and O to be $95,03423. Commissioner that the curriculum should not be MOREHEAD BUILDS VARSITY Glenn said in part as follows: limited to those subjects which pre- "Real estate fell off 13.08 percent Mr. and Mrs. Al Portwood were For the first time In the history hosts to the Baby Maroons of pared for future living but should this year over last year; town lots, include child activities which teach of the institution Morehead Teach- 5.57 percent and personal property Eastern State, freshman basketball ers College played basketball this the children to meet life here and 1846. Lands and Improvements champions of the commonwealth, at now. past season without the aid of were assessed last year for $603,618,- a dinner at the Lafayette Hotel, freshmen in the varsity line-up. 705, this year they were assessed at Lexington, Saturday night. The din- "The latest phase of the curri- The Eagles have recently been try- $524,619,944. This Is a loss In taxes ner was In attestation of Mr. Port- culum is that of character building. ing for admittance Into the S. I. A on lands of $238,99628. Town lots wood's appreciation of the Maroons' With the eomlng of a new phase A. conference, and consequently were assessed last year for $687,- record of winning fourteen of fif- the preceding phases have not been during a period of probation have 637,002, this «ear they were assessed teen games this season. He is their thrown overboard, but have been eliminated freshmen from varsity for $649,309,549, making a loss in coach The lone loss of the Ma- built upon and enriched. competition. taxes of $114282.36. This makes roons was to the University of Ken "The school representing the new The Eagles ended their net sea- a total loss on real estate of $351,- tucky Kittens, whom the Maroons trends in education is child-center- son with a total of eight victories 978.64. This makes a loss to the conquered in one tussle. The Ma- ed rather than teacher-centered. and five defeats, scoring 494 points common schools, who get 69% of roons have won forty of forty-seven The pupils participate in the activ- as compared with their opponents' this tax $242,86526. A loss to the basketball games since Mr. Port- ities of the school, such as assembly 417. The freshmen there won nine State University and Normal wood has been their coach. programs. The teachers must also games for the season and droppead Schools of 27%, amounting to $95,- participate and set the stage for 034.23. The chief speakers at the dinner the pupils' activities. In the new one. Saturday night were Tom Samuels, "Tangible personal property loss school there is recognition of Indi- Is $230,13123. Tangible personal assistant coach at Eastern, and vidual personality. It is also NOTICE! property tax all goes to the general Gerald "Mail Pouch" Griffin, man- recognized, however, that individual expense fund." ager of The Courier •Journal's Lex- and social growth must be parallel. This paper stated in an edito- ington News Bureau. "Fomerly effort was of primary rial and also in a news story, at This season's record of the Ma- Importance in the school. Now in- its last publication, that Querney Hunt for Picture roons follows: terest comes first. 'Interests, needs, Adams, guard on the varsity bas- Maroons Opponents activities, experience' are the by- ketball team, is to be graduated words Instead of 'recite, pay atten- from the Institution this June. of Old Courthouse SI Kavanaugh high ..26 27...... Kavanaugh High .20 tion, obey'. The method of discus- We wish to correct the state- sion and conference is widely used. ment, as we were entirely at er- 27 Georgetown 24 Interest-in the early history of Si... Georgetown 27 Intelligence tests and achievement ror In making it. Upon recent Madison county has caused a search scales are used but are not fully investigation we have found that SO Transylvania 28 counted upon to be made for a cut or photograph 67 Transylvania .15 Mr. Adams is classified at the of the old stone courthouse which "A definition of the new educa- present as a Junior, having 87 IS.... Louisville n stood at Mllford, or Oldtown, Mad- 46 Louisville 39 tion Is 'the result of meaningful hours work, and will not be ison county, where the county seat activity and rich experience, based « graduated until later. There- SS Western 32 was located from 1786 to 1798. 26 Western SS upon the child's interests and needs, fore, he will probably be found Anyone knowing of .the existence all resulting in reflective thinking." SS Kentucky .36 O among the members of next of such a picture of this old build- 32 Kentucky .37 year's basketball team. ing or of the stone Jail which stood MASS EDUCATION BAD Tha Progress regrets that such at the same place will communicate SS Berea .36 Mass education in America, with a fallacy should have crept Into with Dr. J. T. Dorris, Eastern Ken- 46 Berea SS Its consequent handicaps for the Its editorial columns, and it Is tucky State Teachers College, or 46 Ferguson High ....16 exceptionally brilliant student, Is more than glad to correct the with The Richmond Register. 0= tending to lower the standard of ed- error. At the same time we ! ———O 1 KENNAMER SPEAKS ucation In this country, in the opin- apologise to the person affected, They never taste who always Dr. L. G. Kennamer, head of the ion of four European educators who and we are gratified to discover drink; they always talk who never department of geography at East- have written articles in the current that Mr. Adams will remain here think.—John Webster. ern Kentucky State Teachers Col- issue of the Howard Teachers' Rec- to do further credit to the insti- All your better deeds shall be In lege, spoke on "The lfe of Wash- ord, quarterly publication of the Elk's Building Second & Main Sts. tution. _^^______water writ, but this In marble.— ington" at a special program re- Harvard Graduate School of Edu- Beaumont & Fletcher. cently at Waco High school. cation. ° •