Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1932-1933 Eastern Progress 3-10-1933 Eastern Progress - 10 Mar 1933 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1932-33 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 10 Mar 1933" (1933). Eastern Progress 1932-1933. 11. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1932-33/11 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1932-1933 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' . - .. ' " - 4 •'» THE EASTERN PROGRESS Eaitern Kentucky State teachers College VOLUME XI RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1933 NUMBER 11 REGIONAL MEET OPENS HERE TODAY \ SCHOOL HEADS BEAUTY QUEEN DR. DONOVAN EASTERN WILL Jaggers Be Here PLAY BEGINS WILL CONVENE, RETURNS FROM HOLD SPRING AT 3 O'CLOCK EASTERN HOST WEEKS TOUR GRID PRACTICE EASTERN GYM Meeting of County Superin- Eastern President Been At- Uniforms Issued This After- Speedwell Plays B. B .1. and tendents Be Held March tending American Associa- noon, Practice to be Held Berea Academy Meets Bar- 23 and 24 tion Teachers Colleges on Days When Weather bourville High in-First Conditions Permit Round Battles DR. PITTMAN SPEAKER FAVORABLE REPORT STRESS FUNDAMENTALS FINALS SATURDAY NITE According to Information released Having recently returned from the today by Dr. W. C. Jones, head of meeting of the American Associa- Uniforms were issued to some 45 None of the teams meeting In the department of research here, tion of Teachers Colleges, in which Eastern gridiron candidates and Eastern will be host March 23 and the first round of the Thirteenth Eastern has membership, held Feb- spring football practice got under Regional basketball tournament, to 24 to a conference of county super- ruary 23 and 24, in Minneapolis, way Tuesday afternoon. intendents from over the state of Minn., Dr. H. L Donovan reported be held at Eastern Teachers Col- Kentucky, who are being called to- Whether spring practice would be lege on tdoay and tomorrow of the yesterday that the program was un- held was left up to the candidates week, have met their opponents gether to discuss the present crisis doubtedly one of the greatest which for the team, and at a meeting held during the regular season. in rural education. he had ever heard before any na- Monday afternoon, attended by The draw for position was held Dr. M. a Plttman, Michigan State tional convention of such nature. 40 prospective candidates, It was de- Tuesday morning at 10 a. m. at the Normal College, Ylpsilantl, will be The entire theme of the Ameri- cided unanimously to hold- spring the principal speaker of the occa- Weaver gym at Eastern with Coach Miss Evelyn Woods, of Nicholasc- can Association's convention was drill for a few weeks. Turkey Hughes, tournament mana- sion, delivering not only the open- vllle, a student at Eastern Teachers "New Frontiers for American Life," Tom Samuels, former Michigan ger, in charge of the lottery. Rep- ing address of the convention on College, has been selected as one and in connection with this, D» star and twice All-Big Ten tackle, Dr. R .E. Jaggers, who is now di- resentatives of all schools were Thursday afternoon, but also an ad- of the Kentucky entrants in the in- Donovan continued to say that In will asist with spring practice, as rector of teacher training in the present except London and Hazel dress to the conference and the ternational Queen competition, be- his estimation the whole world is will Al Portwood, freshman coach. state department of education at Green, and Coach Al Portwood Eastern student body Friday morn- ing conducted by the Courier- changing, and consequently we have Samuels coached the Maroon line Frankfort, having been recently ap- drew for Hazel Green while James ing at the regular assembly period Journal. been living in a new era since the last year and largely to his Instruc- pointed to that position by the gen- A. Miller, Jr., sports writer, drew In Hiram Brock auditorium. Dr. passing of 1932. "A new day is tion Is attributed Eastern's excel- eral board of education with the for London. Plttman will speak Thursday on the dawning," he remarked, "and in the elnt showing. Only one touchdown aproval of James H. Richmond, The class B division sees Bar- subject of "The Crisis In Rural Ed- new era .education will see a more was scored against Eastern during state superintendent of public in- bourville Baptist pitted against the ucation," and Friday on "The Need SPRING STYLE prominent position than it ever has the entire season. struction, now president of Murray Speedwell five and Hazel Green for Leadership in Education." in the past. Furthermore, young The spring training will consist Teachers College, will be here March meeting St. Helens In the first Besides the business sessions of people will be charged with the re- principally of fundamentals with 23 and 24 to preside at one of the round. These games will be played the convention, there will be a din- SHOW SUCCESS sponsibility of forwarding educa- stress being placed on blocking, sectional meetings of the confer- at 3 and 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. ner meeting at 6:30 o'clock, Thurs- tion fnto that position." charging and tackling. A good deal ence of county superintendents, to In the first round In class A di- day night in the Recreation Room New Creations in Wearing Another significant idea which of forward pass practice will be which Eastern Is host. Dr. Jag- vision London meets Beattyvllle at of Burnam Hall. This meeting will Apparel Viewed by President Donovan stated that he given the backs and ends and a few gers is a former member of the 7 o'clock tonight and Berea be presided over by Dr. R. E. Jag- received at the Minneapolis con- plays may be issued for a practice Eastern faculty, was director of ex- Academy meets Barbourvllle at 8 gers, former head of the department Large Audience game which possibly will wind up tension here last year, and preced- o dock. vention was the implication that the spring grind. of extension at Eastern, now direc- people as a whole are thinking ing his coming to Eastern, was state The class B finals will be played tor of the teacher training division NOVELTY ACT GIVEN more today than formerly, with the Although Eastern loses six letter supervisor of rural education. at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and of the state department of educa- result that more of them are at- men by graduation, with recruits the class A finals at 3 o'clock. The from the freshman team and the tion at Frankfort. Dr. Plttman will A capacity audience greeted the tempting to reach solutions for the regional championship will "be de- also deliver a short address at the present problems confronting the return of two or three former reg- cided at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow dinner meeting on "Redirecting the annual Spring Style Show Tuesday ulars who were not In school last night ! night In Hiram Brock auditorium nation. year, a team equally as strong as SENIORS HEAR Program of Rural Education." under the auspices of the Chamber Others to appear on Thursday Among some of the more promi- last year's Is expected to represent Teams will be quartered at the of Commerce. Mrs. Janet Murbach nent speakers to appear at the Eastern this fall. uiyndon hotel and will be given night's program include Mrs. Lucy and Alex Denny presided Jointly as meeting were Howard Scott, who W. J. MOORE meals at the Eastern cafeteria, L. Smith, superintendent of the masters of ceremony. spoke on Technocracy, Glenn Frank, coach Hughes announced. He also Henry county schools, who will The stage selling was designed to who discussed education for a Head of Eastern Commerce informed school represenatives that speak on "Keeping the Standard represent a fashionable style salon changing world, and the well-known L T. C. PLAY Department Discusses T. E. McDonough, of Richmond School Term—How?" and O. J. Sti- with those filling the roles of buyers Washington correspondent, David Financial Crisis and Gayle Mohney, of Lexington, vers, superintendent of the Jeffer- coming from Richmond to the style Lawrence. will officiate all games son county schools, who will talk center to purchase stocks of the TUESDAY NITE Trophies will be awarded the on "Keeping the Curriculum En- latest garments for the local trade. OTHER CLASSES MEET championship and runner-up teams riched During the Educational Seated" on the stage also was the Martin Flavin's "Children of and Individual gold basketball Crisis." The theme for the dinner Ramblers, Richmond's popular the Moon" Will Be Given In speaking to the members of charms will be given the all-tour- meeting of the conference will be dance band, playing under the lead- K. LA. PLANS the senior class on the subject of nament team to be selected by a "The Curriculum and the Rural ership of Leon Elder. On Hiram Brock Stage "The Financial Crisis of the Pres- committee designated by Coach School Crisis." The presentation of models was ARE FORMING ent Banking Situation," at their Hughes. A general program Including the carried on in the form of a play, DRAMA OF TRAGEDY regular monthly meeting Wednes- On their season's record, Hazel other sessions of the convention Is with Mrs. Murbach and Mr. Denny Prominent Men To Be On day morning In Roark building. Dr. Green looms as potential cham- as follows: first appearing on the stage, follow- Final practices culminating in a William J.
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