[email protected] Technique Entertainment Editor: Daniel Spiller 17 Friday, Assistant Entertainment Editor: March 6, 2009 Entertainment Jennifer Aldoretta Street Fighter !lm loses battle WATCHMEN with success FILM THE LEGENDARY GRAPHIC NOVEL COMES TO LIFE Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li GENRE: Fighting, Action STARRING: Kristin Kreuk, Michael Clarke Duncan, Neal McDonough and Chris Klein DIRECTOR: Andrzej Bartkowiak RATING: PG-13 RELEASE DATE: Feb. 27, 2009 OUR TAKE: !"!!!! By Robert Solomon Contributing Writer “Your father is the milk of my organiza- tion… but all milk has an expiration date.” — M. Bison. Having not learned their lesson with the Jean-Claude Van Damme !lm based on their Street Fighter video game series, Capcom ap- parently thought that enough time had passed to give it another go. "is time it is focused on Chun-Li, the undercover Chinese agent (who has legs that are as thick as her pixilated head). Guile and Ryu are nowhere to be seen. It will take longer than 15 years to forget this wretched mess, a debacle of truly underwhelm- ing proportions. It is very di#cult to know where to begin, so let’s start with Chris Klein, who is most famous for his role in the American Pie movies. Having been largely delegated to the Images courtesy of Warner Bros. straight-to-video slums since that series petered out, Klein apparently thought the challenge of his !rst role as an action hero would be a good one to resuscitate his career. FILM are impotent with even the ing massive power, holding ther and uses the superhero "ere are bad performances, and then there Watchmen hottest babe until they acti- great in%uence over society, framework to tell us the are bad performances that make you howl in vate their kinkiness in leath- having women who adore darker aspects of the human disbelief.