- 5

INSIDE . Village parade

• Homeowners <"d'lgive them~el, e~ me gist of safety tn,s flo 10d) seas un bf will be a 'zap' laking steps to prevent house l,res Page 2A • A habitual horne InvaSion oflellder Friday morning I IS UnllKtl'y LV UtL.Ullle dl un\\ ekorne guest m the Pomtes ary1lme soon atter By Bonnie Caprara On loan from ~ Parade his arralgnmenl In Grosse POinte Staff Writer Company, the nauhcal Farms MUniCipal Court on Sunday The begInnmg of the pachyderm WIll be ebcorted Page 3A Chnhtmas hohday m the by bears, gIraffea~ hIpPOS, • The Gros~e POinte City Council Village IS for the bIrds - monkey:. and zebru Over unanimously gave ItSOK at ,ts Monday, and LlOns, dogs, elephants, 100 entrants, mcludj,ng the Nov 18, meellng to go ahead With$1 7 giraffes, hippos, monkeys, Rollmg River RIders million to $2 million m Improvements to zebras and moose, too Equestnan Group and the Ihe Neff Park marina Page 3A The Grosse Pomte VIllage Berenese Mountain Dogs, AssoclatlOn WIll have an whIch are both nflw thIS • The Harper Woods Board of arkful of fun Wlth Its Zany year, wlll be featured, Education approved an appllcaliOn FIle photo Zoo Ammal theme festivlhes Newsll'alk 760 WJR-AM Monday night for a bond to bUild two The Grosse pointe North High School Pep Band will return and will on Fnday, Nov 29, begIn- talk show host and Grosse new faCilities - a combined elementary mng at 9 a m Pomte Park reSIdent Paul be part of 10 bands included in the 27th Annual Grosse Pointe santa school and a new high school Page Parade on Friday, Nov. 29, Pictured in lalt year's parade include ban- Whlle they may be consld- W Smith WIll take the hon- 16A ered one of the kmgs of phll- ors of bemg thIS year's ner carrierl Anthony Conforte and Anthony Klimu, and drummers anthropy than of the Jungle, parade grand marhal along • Deadly accurate free-throw shool- Matt Stasiewicz, Mike Greiner, Cara Wulf, Grant Rodkey, Katy he Grosse Pomte Lions Club WIth rus WIfe, Myreya, and Ing helped carry Grosse POinte North's Larrabee, Elly Dolinski. and Uz Cramer, will htart the day's festlVl- son, Adam CIty of Grosse girls basketbailleam to a state Class A bes With Its F1fth Annual Pomte Mayor Dale Scrace district championship last week Page Jmgle Bell WalkIRun The w1l1 also have help as the 1 1C run WIll begm at 9 a m at mayors of Harper Woods Branch library plan the Grosse Pomte South and the other Grosse Hlgh School track and then Pomtes Jam him in givmg will proceed down Kercheval Santa the key to the Village WEEK AHEAD to the Village, and back at the end of the parade. a quick read in Park Advanced regIstratIOn "The Grosse Pomte Santa Thursday, Nov. 28 before Monday, Nov 25, IS parade celebrates the com- By Brad Lindberg area $10 for adults and $5 for mumty commg together," Happy Thanksglvlngl "We thmk It'S gOing to bnng people Staff Writer children Gate reglstratlOn saId Cmdy Mehcan, parade An absence of bureaucratic foot- back to the hbrary m unprecedented IS $15 for adults and $8 for dlrector "Its a chance to be Friday, Nov. 29 dragging In Grosse Pomte Park could numbers," Bruce saId cruldren WIth your famIly and The Grosse POinie Village let Ilbrary offiCials finance construc- The PIerce branch, deSIgned to con- The LlOns haven't left out fnends Ii you're not m the Association kicks off the holiday season tIOn of a new branch while credIt IS tam 15,000 books, has become the dogs The} may enter parade, you're watchmg the Jammed wlth more than 40,000 hold- With the follOWingevents cheap the run for $5 parade • The Grosse POinte Lions Club kickS "{Park offiCIals} have been great m mgs Many Items m the collectlOn, For more mformatlOn on "We also have an unprece- off the day's events With lis Fifth Annual expedItIng tms procehs so we can seek such as roughly 8,000 mUSIC cas- the run, call (313) 885-0840. dented three presenbng Jingle Bell Walk/Run at 9 a m The bids and take advantage ofmstoncal- settes, compact dIsks, VIdeos and A pre-parade festival will sponsors trus year - Bon event Will begin at the Grosse POinte Iy low Interest rates," said John books on tape, dIdn't eXIst when the run from 9 45 to 10 30 a m Secours Cottage Health cornerstone was laid In the years Soulh High School track and l"1en Will Bruce, head of the Grosse Pomte III the Vl1lage WIth face ServIces, AAA Miclugan and proceed down Kercheval 10 the Village Library board of dIrectors before World War II pamtmg, balloon sculptmg i"lagstar - and the Grosse and back Members of the Park plannmg com- Despite the PIerce hbrary not hav- and entertamment prOVIded Pomte News 18 also a major mg a dedIcated parkmg area, nearly Gate reglstr3tlon IS $15 for adults, $8 miSSIOn last week approved the by magICIan Chris Clark sponsor It for Cnilurtlll, and $5 for dogs 15,OOO-square-foot hbrary's SIte plan 79,000 people entered the faclhty last and the Redford Thwnshlp The day's festlVlties will For more Information, call (313) 885- The next steph for library admlmstra- year, accordmg to library statlstlcs Unicycle Club New this wmd down as Scrace hghts 0840 tors are to commISSIOn detalled archl- Bruce expects future patrons WIll be year wlll be the Chns Lmn the VIllage Chnstmas tree .A pre-parade festival Willbe held In tectural drawmgs and root up con- attracted by the planned faclhty's 38 MagIC Show and a sponsor at &undown Warm-ups to the Village trom 9 45 10 1030 a m tractors off-street parkmg spots, mcludmg marketplace the tree hghtmg mclude • The Grosse POinte Sanla Claus 'We hope to get bIds out m shared use With an adJommg lot at At 10 30 am, an ele- smgmg by the Authentic Parade beginS at 10 30 a m and Will February or March," Bruce sald "The CIty hall phant commandeenng a Dlckens Carolers and com- run from Soulh High School to the target date for opemng IS August "When I grew up, you walked or speedboat wlll usher the phmentary hot chocolate Village 2004 If the world works nght, there's rode a bike to the hbrary," Bruce saId 27th Annual Grosse Pomte prOVIded by the Grosse • A Sing-along and tree lighting Will no reason why we can t meet that" "Those days aren't here anymore VJe Santa Parade from South Pomte Boat Club begmmng lake place at 4 30 P m at the corner of The new branch WIll be located on thmk (parkmg avallablhty) IS gomg to HIgh School to the Village at 4 30 p m Kercheval and SI Paul In the Village Lakepomte near Jefferhon next to Clty push up clrculatlOn " hall Llbrary representatives gave Park planners wanted the facade to Monday, Dec. 2 Park commlSSlOners authOrIty to blend wlth the munlClpal complex Santa coming to town! The Grosse POinte Woods Clly approve hlte plan~ as a condItion of The 1 1I2-story hbrary, therefore, WIll CounCil Willmeet at the Woods city hall bu)mg mumclpal land on which the be made ofbnck, Include seven dorm- WIth the clOSing of Jacobson's, a handful of Village mer- ers, large wmdows for natural hght- chants WIll take turns hostmg Santa as he comes to town to at 7 30 P m structure wlll be bUllt The new, 1'i,OOO-square-foot, $58 mg and no vehIcular access of hear the requests of good boys and girls in the commumty The Grosse POinte Board of mllhon hbrar.) WIll replace a smaller LakepOinte Santa's pre-Chnstmas VISIts are scheduled as follows' Educalton Will meet al the Wlcklng faclhtv that has been operatmg inSIde "It has a tradlhonal, reSIdential • Village Toy Co.: Fnday, Nov 29, from noon to 4 pm, Library at Grosse POinte South High Pierce School smce the] 930s quahty about It," Bruce said Saturday, Nov 30, from 11 a m to 4 pm, and Sunday, Dee In some cases, banks of wmdows School at 8 p m "The dIfference (between the old I, from noon to 4 P m WIll extend from floor to ceilmg and new branches) IS space - flat-out • Harvey's Luggage: Saturday, Dee 7, from 11 a,m to "pare," Bruce sald "(The new hbraryl 4 pm, and Sunday, Dec 8, from noon to 4 P m VVednesday, Dec. 4 "The project demonstrates how the Holiday Concert and Tea A gift to the has an open floor plan, yet speclfic • Damman Hardware: Saturday, Dec 14, from 11 am area" are deSIgned to meet the needs properties of light m modern hbranes communtly from the chOirs of Grosse can bnng a ",peclal amblance," Bruce to 4 pm, and Sunday, Dec 15, from noon to 4 P m POinte North and Grosse POinte South of different age groups" - Bonme Caprara Thpre \'111 be spctlOn<;for pre<>chool, sald In addition, ,;outh hghtmg m high schools Will be a holiday concert the cluldren ~ area Will add a quahty See parade lineup. page 4A and tea from 1 to 3 p m at the Grosse grade ~lhool .)outh and adult pdtr In' 1 hIll \\ ill be t\ () ,q1111 \\ ( (1 1\ t l''\pene'1ce m our public POinte Performing Arts Center AdmlsSlor IS free For more Informa- roon1~ for tutunr\.' V1U ..... 1. d I'-ll [l t llh! 1r'" tion, call (313) 432-3500 '. The Edmund T Ahee V\iesfern Open TenniS Tournament begl'ls today at 6 p m at the Grosse POinte Hunt Club and 'uns througr SUf1day Dee 8 Tlckels are $20 for the ff.,llevent or S7 Home: Grosse Pomte per day For 'llore Infurmalton call Park (313) 882-4100 Family: Wife, Gall, chil- dren, Amy, 30, Joel, 25,

Rf'ndt r n~ ...pr l\ ldt'd b [Ln ld \1jllm~& A..."o;ocl<1les Katnna, 17, Morgan, Renderings of the new Grosse Pointe Park branch of the Grosse 13, and Cameron, 9 INDEX Pointe Public Library, to be built on Lakepoint~ just off Jefferson Claim to fame: next to the Park city hall, reveal a multitude of windows and dorm- PreSident of Forgotten Opinion 6A ers to take advantage of natural IIghtmg The 15,000 square-foot Harvest facility Is shown from LakepOlnte sbo"e ann nt\- hail below Schools 10A Quote: "It',> so fundamen------tal to human survlVal Autos 14, 17 A You can pretty much Obltuanes 15A survive WIthout shelter, but you can't survlve BUSIness 18A Without food if you get ,>omeone's ear, It'S pret- Se,lors ty easy to get them Entertainment lllv'Jlved" ~~ I Tim Laney ClaSSified ads 6'?J See story, page 8A pat scott jewelers 1 1 l 1.I J edmund t, AHEE jewelers lntroJwnnt \I -=~~ .....uablot. I ~'~,,""''''n 7Anm"" l()J-l'NAT~Nrl() HIO'Yr"O I Good uSOld, It 11'\\.J I1.LU ....Jo'~~ ...... ~ ... ,.1 ...... - Mo .. ,. 800-q~7 AHff l 313.881.5882 ~J W\'\o'W ahceTE-w-:,If'T"o rom 2A November 28,2002 News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this \,yeek

50years ago this week Pomte Farms Fire occurred phYSIcal fitness and helps • The seventh annual m the area of Memweather build school and commulllty and Mount Vernon Pohce Men's Night Will be observed spmt are lnvestlgatmg 30 sus- Dec 8 on "Chnstmas Street" pects • Responding to cntlclbm m the Village shoppmg dls- that the Grosse POinte tnct • Austm Cathohc Prep Board of EducatIOn doesn't • Salvage crews worked School has a "fantastIc" pay enough attentIOn to It.; chance of keepIng Its doors Into the mg.lt to refloat a pubhc hbranes, board mem- open next year despIte the barge loaded WIth 1,500 tons bers have absembled as the Augustlman's deCISIOn to of slag that had been dnven board of library trubtees shut It down, accordmg to aground about a half-mile Although the Grosbe Austm boosters who trav- off the CIty of Grosse Pomte Pomte schools have over- eled to the Cathohc order's lakesIde park seen the hbrary budget and ChIcago headquarters last ::.~~:.:.:..::.;::;.:::..::..:.:!9~9 Tilt! oarge was bemg weekend to meet WIth school Members of the school board towed from Port Huron to owners. rarely convene ab the hbrary the Peerless Cement docks The three-man ChIcago board In DetrOIt when the towmg delegatIOn represented lme broke and squalls car- • The staff at GeorgIan dozens of AuStlO parents East NurSing Care faCIlity ned the barge into water and alumm who have orga- only about 10 feet deep. In Grobse Pomte Woods mzed to save the 25-year-old helped the family of Laura • Work to enlarge a park- msbtutlOn shortly after the Warmoes celebrate her AugustIman Provmclal mg lot near the curner of lOOth bIrthday Kercheval and Notre Dame Councll announced plans to In the City of Grosse Pomte close the school next Warmoes came to the should be completed next September UnIted States from her No cause for worry about spnng natIve BelgIum m 1919 to escape devastatIon left by Extra parkIng Will help 10 years ago this week World War I Thanksgiving dinner accommodate shoppers of "We gathered my brothers It looks as though pheasant might replace the traditional turkey dinner the new Jacobson's store for • The fifth annual Turkey on the tables of this group of Pointers. Taking part in the annual Pelee the home and Hrmelhoch's. and sIsters to set out for Trot at St Clare of Island shoot are. standing from left, Williams Fors and Jon Maxwell. Kneel- Montefalco School drew an France," she saId "There was no other way except to Ing from left are Jacob Houge, Marvin Moesta and William Pace, a guest enthusiastIc response from from Washington, D.C, George Jaglowicz took the picture after the hunters 25 years ago this week students and vIewers of the walk hall bagged their limit. They traveled to the island aboard the yacht Rah • In order to reduce traf- voluntary race for turkeys Warmoes remembers dur- Jam, owned by Maxwell. (From the Nov. 27, 1952 Grosse Pointe News.) and other pnzes fic on Brys Dnve m Grosse Ing the Journey to France, Pointe Woods, cIty OffiCIals, Hundreds of students she and her slbhngs wahhed police and plannmg consul- from grades kmdergarten clothes for Bntish soldIers tants have recommended throughout grade SIXpartic- m exchange for food Common sense is the key the following: routmg truck Ipated III the race The event takes place on streets traffic to Vernier, and block- 5 years ago this week mg crossovers at Mack and around the school that are Brys and Roslyn m hopes of temporanly blocked from • Gros::.e POlllte Park res- to safety during holdays changmg the traffic pat- traffic by Grosse Pomte Idents hvmg below Jefferson By Brad Lindberg cord hIdden behmG a couch He SaId chImney fires terns. Park police wIll soon be off the hook for Staff Writer or under packages beneath sound like a "roanng hum- Prmclpal Hank flood msurance • An arsonist IS suspected Homeowners can gIve the Chnstmas tree, lliller cane They can be very BurakowskI sam the race of settmg mne fires Wlthm At the urgIng of members themselves the gIft of safety saId, "When WIres overheat, destructIve If you haven't mstIlls and encourages the last two weeks in Grosse of the cIty counCil, the thIs hohday seahon by tak- they melt, become a smol- had your chImney cleaned Federal Emergency mg steps to prevent house dermg fire and 19T.lte " for a whIle, have someone Management Agency has fires Don't use mdoor hghts for check It out" approved a berm bUIlt last "Common sense IS the outdoor decoratIons Hohday dIstractIons can year The actIOn reduced the number one rule," saId Dave "For hghtIng outdoors, use make people forget SImple need for homeowner flood HIller, chief of public safety only cords that are UL- rules of household safety msurance m Grosse Pomte Park approved for outdoor usage," For mstance, to make your ~~~~ • CIty of Grosse Pomte Hohday house fires are Hiller SaId "If they tell you house look occupIed when Support-Installations ~ ? often caused by overloaded It'S not an outdoor hghtmg you've left town on vacatIOn, For the home offiCIals are consldermg amendmg the Sunday bUSI- electncl'\ CircUIts system, beheve them set Indoor hghts on hmers, (313) 640-0113 ness hour ordInance so "I remember a Chnstmas There's a reason hghts are cancel newspaper dehvenes www.MacKethanConsultmg com patrons of Blockbuster fire where a homeowner saId rated that way" and have a neIghbor collect he dIdn't have many light.;, ChImney fires are another the mal! Phlhp@MacKethanConsultmg com Video can rent and return mOVIes up to 10 p m on hiS Chnstmas tree," problem "NotIfy your neIghbors HIller s81d, "but he had a "A lot of tImes people don't you re gOIng to be gone," Currently, bUSinesses large number of hghts thmk about It because trey Hiller saId "We don't want other than restaurants, plugged mto a bingle outlet haven't ht the fireplace In a you worrymg while you're Your flooring dollar will go drug stores and gasohne sta- or extensIOn cord That's long time," HIller saId gone that some body's caSIng tIOns must close at 8 p m where the fire started" "Creosote Will build up and your house or breakmg mto Until a few years ago, Untended candles are start a fire" your home" further, when you drive stores covered by the ordi- another nsk nance had to close at 5 p m "It's common for people to just a little farther. II hght candles and go out for Free nonalcoholic • Merchants m Grosse an evelllng," Hiller saId "Or, IntrodUCing Floonng Warehouse, Pomte Farms, City and people go to sleep and forget your manufacturer direct merchant for. Park have umted m a mar- candles are burmng m the drink guide on tap , MajOrname brands In carpet hardwood, vmyl, Ianunate and ceramIC ll1e ketIng effort to make shop- famIly room " '50,000 square feet of flrst-quallty goods • pmg easIer dunng the hoh- Risk mcreases If candles To help hohday-party Internet at • Conyenlenl delivery and custom Inslallatlon I , , day shOPPIng penod are burnlllg on garland hosts control guests' con- pr@aaamlch com The • Easy access fro Hi96--Just North of 8 Mila For the second year 1I1 a mantles or near Chnstmas sumptIOn of alcohohc bever- recipes also Lan be down- , Savings on the flooring you wanllllOlt, when you need rt • • I • row, about 120 busmess tree hmhs ages, The Auto Club Group loaded from AAA MIchIgan's or we will bring the warehouse to you wt1l1a fret appointment owners have arranged for (ACGl of AAA clubs has pub- Web sIte at "People wake up to the lished 'The Great CaI PaI,j Q' lIi:byI Yoottild tIlIle~newr asaIe.1JSl em I:lw JrolS MJy iIay I. Ill ... 1M.,.., the Holly Trolley to shuttle www aaamlch com smell of smoke," Hiller S81d shoppers to stores up and Pretenders Party GUIde" "Drunken dnvmg IS a 20750 HooY&I' Road Electncal fires can sneak WIth 16 nonalcohohc dnnk Open Monday lI1roug11 Fnday, 9 am.. 5 pm and by appomtment at 586-75.3-2400 down Kercheval, menace to hfe and property, up on a homeowner recIpes and three fancy and we must never let up m - Brad Lindberg Whether It'S an extensIOn party- snack reCIpes from our efforts to prevent people AAA Diamond-rated hotels from gettmg behmd the and restaurants m the wheel when they are alco- MIdwest hol-ImpaIred," says Douglas Come experience ... The gUIde I" aVailable E Bower, preSIdent/chIef free, to the general public as operatmg officer of AAA well as AAA members, at MIchIgan "AAA hopes 'The IEI@TID~~ @]]) JOOwllID any of the 44 AAA MIchIgan Great Pretenders Party a unique combination of full-service branchf's around GUIde' WIll be helpful to the state Free COPICS '-:lin be party hosts dUTIug the holi- ordered by calhng toll-free day season and beyond The -Antiques at (800) 222-6424 or on the recipes m the guIde prOVIde -A Baby tasty, festIve alternatIves to Gros~ Pointe News II alcohohc beverages" Boutique (USPS no 400) PubhcatlOn of nonalco- Publl-hed ('very Thu"d~y holic dnnk recIpes IS part of Gifts By Anteebo Publishers The auto club iifouP's FIrSt I 96 Kercheval Avenut' A Fnend, Then A Host pro- Gobble, Gobble Collectibles I Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 gram, whIch wa" ongmated by AAA MIChIgan In 1978 Tiffany & Co. WIll be dosed roday PHONE: (313) 882-6900 I The program mcludes pubhc Because, hke yoo, we have It 00 .)1 f nl.ll.;t pa d at I)l 011 \~I(hl~Jr'l ind .)dd Ion? n HI.,,~ tastlngs of recIpes from "The b",ls to roast and thanks ro roast nlll'" Great Pretenders Party Happy ThanksgIVIng o:.,Uhl r pfl( n Rdl('<; s)'" IH r "PI \ 1 '~t eaMt- R J~1f/ I GUIde" held throughout JRd h" , mal ) thE. \1f'1(() (If";} S') 0 1 01 ,\1r1r() "; (J November and December In Wo,/" e4"t- 4"U ,g~t Ij4t II1f" j41l n f n<)1\1A'STfR ("pnd lddr('<;, l h lnc,r-<; AAA branches and stores 10 (fO'- ( p) nl( '\,t \"'\ H Three of the beverage I ~(rne ....)1 (mv"r I {) nf( LHm\ '\ ~ ,. 1 reclO(,~ III thf' f'111rl<> "yo!:!fr0!TI ~tveU,.e~V ,- lh( j( 1 j Ini r ~ (H, ... ( )P~ 1<' M(\vi .... MichIgan ebtabhshments Proprietor i ~I r m 1o ml',Ufr n<;( r'~r)(l "BerryhclOu~" from Irene A,d\( r " .{ p" I If \,p t n A ~nct Il Llgnos, beverage manager (248) 541-3069 tffi ( muqh III Hh, 1 II1.,dt~ll • IIH m ro ....10 n \ n ()...... l(nd" Ilt at Iflde~cence restaurant m - ~ I! (f I II Of IN lrl lll" i.., (OPy to the Motor CIty Casino III HOURS: I: "'t., r ~ <, ~ II 'i. , Det! OIt MIchigan Grand I (UPW TIO" I'JI) AI)JI,TW,

Wednesday - Saturday . ~ "'{l< of l~ I t\ , If d "p 1\ 1111 ( 1<'''' t ('(j Sparkling Cherry JUIce" 12 NOON to 5:00 P.M. ~j t.rr I... ('1'()( rr t"(J t ( 1)( r ( In from Hane; Burtbcher, execu- )l' Illfi( 1\ l'i t ... 1 n n Ii tl\ (' C!lPf at Grand Hote] on w"h off ",," pa,'''' f'r'" I ", '( n °n)¥ \, >Ill j nn, Ill' :>l r ... "." II \,'\ ~ Ill' ,( ~)' li'l~ 1 'Trorlcal Sun~et" from I f\ 11111 ... 1n'1OI ,rl'l'.t ~ 1\,c'1' G('rhard SchmlPd, food and TI FF ANY & CO. 11, ( r ~~ f It '111 '\" ..... , f -<,t r "" I.. )if t bpverage director at The I I f! r d I tf ~ 1 q 1.1 Room In the Amwa) I I I r-lt '\,j ...... 1h....., "lq)[

I '< I ..., 1 I f 'I I 'If '\. l nl[ It t (,rand Plaza In Grand ...... - r 1'I' d, II I' t II, <1 I n !iaplds R()~'alOak I 1I I r l' I I I' t t , In, Three party hor~ d'ouvres to iA lit I 111l( 1\1\ r1 <;('f ~ If(K . . . II ft'ClpeS are Included In the ir'Jlde November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Habitual home invader arraigned By Bonnie Caprara MUOlclpal Court on Sunday arrests for home mvaslOn, of narcotics with mtent to roundlllg commumtles are pur"ulng additIOnal Staff Writer mornIng, Nov 24 which are considered dehver City and Farmb detectives warrants for Doppelberger A habitual home invasIOn Doppelberger was charged felomes Judge Matthew Rumora sought the warrants for for other home IOVaSlOns, offender Ib unllkel) to with one wunt of home mva- City and Farms detectives remanded Doppelberger on Doppelberger last week une whlth uccurred on Nefr become an unwelcume guest "IOn, which took place on requested Doppelberger'b a $500,000, 10 percent bond after a Ro:"evllJe pawn shop on Sept 25, and another In the POUlteb anytime soon Oct 29 on Mount Vernon m arraignment be held on a Doppelberger was unable to reported Items mlsblOg from whlth ocwned on Kenwood the Farms, and another Sunday III order to return P0l-L bond the Mount Vernon and 10 the Farm" on Ott 11 Gary Peter Doppelberger, which took place on Rivard him to Ste Sault Mane for a Doppelbelger I'> believed Rivard homes The detec- "He'll be dl'ne for the a 39-) ear old DetrOit resI- m the City of Grosse Pomte prellmmary exammatLOn m to be re"ponblble for 14 tIVl'" found Doppelberger m duratIOn of Ill, ldf(>lr,~ said dent, WBb arrmgned on two on Oct 26 the 50th CirCUIt Court on home Illva<,ion, III thl Clt; St, Sault Mane, .,..here he Farm, D, tl' tl" I t Mark count:> of home IllvaSlOn m The two counts are Monday, Nov 25, where he and the Fdrm, O\('r thl P ht \\ h bemg dLtamed 011 the Brpd,t j', \( 1\ Illltkl'!y tne Grosse POInte Farms Doppelberger's fourth faces charges on possessIOn 1 1/2 j edT', and d- Ill",.. h Jl I U Ill" charg, '> that It, II _ I l' I Ih d Pointe cops set the PACE lUU home lI\\

.J 'NISI 5""'5 1lOC.... L- ..tK ...... u « ~ '< ~ (VILLAGE FOOD ~J V ; ,""" 1ot1ltt1l IMOC'. ~d' , ,; .,' "-i!'t L(iArI' ~\VINESOl1.~ale1\:: I' , VI~: D " " ~ VII lAG •• "'ttU ~ <.l fOOD f'O(){J ~~ ',;~ ',,; ,;~ cog'l 18:528 Mack AI enue - Grosse POinte Farms' 882 25.30 - Fax 8848.392 '1AAKfT ~ARMT r III t l.J-i l t es O~n M<.l1da} throuyh ~dtllrdaj 8 a m to 7 P rt1 f' e II nes and Liquor PIke, n dfect thru ,0 TlIA"KSQli I~Q ~ ij I ! - ~~ Champagnes Imports Ii Santa's Route I Gk""I~U.'" WILLIAM "ILL 8999 'IN. SO.OIlA 81299 CHARDONNAY 750 Ml SAVE$5 DO BRUT LOUIS JADOT 2002 Grosse Pointe e If " .. BLANC DE NOIR 750 loll SAVE$5 DO sn99 YUDS'" ._-..- ~j i7u B~AUJOLAI5 VILLA(;i: u 'I•• 3 KOI.IL CHAM'AGN.I CHARDONNAY 7SOlolL Santa Claus Parade SAVE $5 DO BRUT, ROSE, 8879 99 LAC.llIA EXTRA DRY & MACON VILLACE 88 CHARDONNAY 750 IIIL SAVE$4.20 lineup CHARDONNAY 750 lolL 99 DoIlA.II IT••• CHILLI CHARDONNAY 89 Section A S'M' CHARDONNAY BLANC DE BLANC, 8829 CIty of Grosse Pomte polIce car 750. BRUT. EXTRA DRY ... POUILLY FUISSE 99 CIty of Grosse POInte fire truck •• 11.0•• 7SOilL SAVE•• 70 '15 Grosse POinte Bag PIpe Band 'II.XIIT Wayne County Mounted Patrol BRUT, EXTRA DRY 49 PINOT NOIR 99 Knights of Columbus Color Corps & BRUT ROSE 57 812 DetrOlt Fue Department Band 7SOlolL SAVE$3 50 7SOML SAVE$2.00 VIllage Toy Company AntIque Truck Cub Scout Pack 34 - Ferry Elementary School 99 Cub Scout Pack 61 - St Paul School 86 TOIUSI 99 SAVE$2 DO 89 Cub Srout Pack 290 - Mason School v ':"'$p'. PlNOY CRICIO RollIng RIver RIders Equestnan Group 79 7SOilL SAVE$2.00 Detroit Fire Department Clown Corps IT .. '.AIICII ~~~PES $3 CHARDONNAY 750 lIl. SAVE$7 DO 750 ilL SAVE$1.20 --NFOLDS $12 Mallia Ip.atp \U.". haalY A CUfI r'1 Section B . $899 CU:ruu In.MICIIILU IOOIUGA HIU WP Cyclone's Magruficent High Wheel Band Zany ZooAnImal Theme Extravaganza CHARDONNAY :0~ Wine 5pectator SHIRAZlCABERNET 7SOilL Grand Marshal Horse & Carnage - Paul W. Smith and 99 falmly =::~~':'"88 CABERNET/MERLOT SAVE$1.00 Cub Scout Pack 74 - RIchard School CHARDONNAY 750 IIIL SAVE$7 DO CAUIIREAD Mayors' horse and carnage CLOt DU lOll .IOAPH PHeLPS INsIGMA Grosse Pointe LlOns' cage float 29 IIINOLD'S 8799 St Clare Montefalco School CHARDONNAY 750 lolL 88 ~MORIGu~. ;:., CHARDONNAY Cub Scout Pack - St Clare Montefalco School SAUVICNON BLANC SAVE $4 70 ~ ::-- SHIRAI 750 ilL SAVE$3.00 Section C ~,'} ... , It...... CAYMUS CABERNET & MERLOr -""I..,." CHARDONNAY .""';ll~';' DuacHoM Notre Dame HIgh School Marching Band Browme Girl Scout Troop 1623 #,gt, " ~SAUVlGNQN~Cl;~ "', FAR NIUmI AIIIIIIOII 87 t •• ':-~,t.I..... n n 99 KIm's Tae Kwan Do Black Belt USA C N Cub Scout Pack 85 I~~~"~\; MoET~':-~IG~_:": SANTA CHRISTINA 750IL SAVE$2.00 Cub Scout Pack 39-0ur Lady Star of the Sea ~t7~9 (L= l Grosse POinte South 75th Anmversary CHARDONNAY 7S01IIl. SAVE$3DO PlNFOLDSblSONS ImoT Moslem Shrine Temple Tin LIZzy'sAntIque Cars ==~ 99 GALLe 0. SOIOIlA 87 HEm CHARDONNAY, ll.!6 Section D CHARDONNAY 750 Ml SAVE$4 DO MUMMS_ CASERNET SAUVICNON, lj7 49 Anchor Bay HIgh School Marching Band Grosse Pomte South ZooAmbulance Float ~ ~NINo-L-'AJI:~ MERLOT, 7SOlL Golden Retnever Rescue MisSIOn GIrl Scout Troops of St Paul Cathohc School PJ I ~:~onnaY SEMILLION CHARDONNAY SAVE$1 50 Rexford TherapeutIc Horse Dnll Team · ~~~~:ft$679 BOLLA . Section E l:! 1449 Zinfandel .IIIIIGI. SAVE$2.00 ~ Plnot Nolr 750 Ml. I PINOT CRrCIO, MERLOT, 85 I MERLOT 750 lolL PI not Grlglo SAVE $3.20 ) 99 Harper Woods HIgh School Marching Band 49 Grosse POlnte Soccer AssOCIatIOn CABERNEY SAUVICNON 815 Sauvlgnon Blanc _ _ -" I SANCIOVESE, Grosse POinte Park Little Ulague CUTIAU .,.. •• laI •...., ~ 99 CHARDONNAY, SOAVE, SAVE $3.00 Grosse Pomte Farms/ CIty LIttle Ulague DlStnct 11 ~L-ut---lSS~ Champs MERLOT 7SOML 14 Chardonnay l VALPO LICELLA, 7SOlL Grosse POinte Farms/CIty LIttle Ulague MIchIgan State CABERNET SAUVICNON SAVE$2 DO Merlot CABERNET & BARDOLINO ChampIOns ~1249 ~abernet Sauvlgnon I $ 99 Grosse Pomte Fanns/Clty LIttle Ulague All Starts/State CLOI DU 1011 PI not Nolr 750 IlL PLACIDO 5 Champions CABERNET ~v~~.so Plnot crlglo SAVE $2.00 CHIANTI & Moslem Shrine Temple Motor Corps PINOT NOIR S 1399 PINOT ORICIO 7SOlL SAVE $3.00 Section F MERLOT ~ML$6 00 • # , , LINDIIANS $599 UtIca HIgh School Marcrung Band K.IDAL JAcalOI S1299 Moslem Shnne Temple Amencans CABERNET SAUVICNON ,. # BIN SERIES 750 ilL SAVE$2.00 Arts and Scraps and Lakeshore OptImIst Club of Grosse MER LOT 750 MI. SAVE$4 DO POinte 99 COLLACE SERIES SAVE$2 DO 87 foISICA FOr "our Sweet Tooth JACO.'S CIIEI 99 Lafave Danse StudIO 99 $5 To be announced 1995 CiUIMERANS PORT 834 IT. 'IANCII 750 fill. 99 LImited Quantles Available 750 III ALL TYPES 7SOilL SAVE$2 00 Rep Andrew Richner, R-Grosse POinte Park - electnc CABERNET SAUVICNON 812 '. car 99 100.1' Smll 81199 HAlnn 750Ml 89 SmcuLi $579 CABERNET MERLOT BRISTOL CREAM SAVE$S DO 7SOML SAVE $2.20 Section G • , 750 ilL PIta CHIANTI Antique Carnage and Paint the Wmdow Contest PINOl NOiR & ZINFANDEL SAVE $6 DO CRE ERRY 8599 U $11 \Vmners 00 ISTANeiA 99 AM:~~ADO & BrowOle GIrl Scout Troop 1214 - MaIre 89 NDUIIAGA 2for NatlVlty Scpne Float CABERNET, MERLOT, PALE DRY SHERRY 750 lIl. SAVE $3 DO ALL TYPES 750ilL SAVE$1.00 To be announced & PINOY NOIR 750 ilL SAVE$6 DO .. mi' a IOSII ,..... w~de Suyy(ies Lastl To be announced IAICHO IAlAco 99 SWEET, DRY & BIANCO '50 Ml for HERITACE VINES 89 8479 IALIUT CnST 2 S900750ilL Section H CHARDONNAY. $ ZINFANDEL 750 lolL SAVE$4 DO stoel ,...... SAVE$2.20 MERLOT & CASERNET SAVE 3.00 Spam Middle School Marching Band Girl Scout Troop 1106 - Mason 39 ~:~~:~~:"~':RLOT8!:9 EXTRADRY 750IIIL 00 Girl Scout Troop 1160 - Mason 83 JOMAI KLAUSS 2for 85 Girl Scout Troop 3891 - Mason CASERNET SAUVICNON SAVE$2 DO SWEET $3600 CASE PlICE SAVE60C PIESPORTER 7SOIII SAVE $1.00 Grr.sse Pomte Mmlvan Moms Children'!, T'r[!ln- Grosse POinte Co-op Preschool Bernese Mountam Dogs Girl Scout Troop 3970 Girl Scout Troop 388 LIIIDIIIA.'1 ... sum S899 ~, $ laLA Slia 8849 CHARDONNAY, SHIW ~ •• 'U.. 749 PlNOT GRICIO, MULOT, WERNET SAUVICiNON CHARDONNAY Ml:RLOT, CABERNET MERLOT Section I ~ 5 ~e:- ~'!! ~ ro WWIT!!1~U~tl!t :;,;o;;,u,~i... CARll'NH 15 Ltr SAVE $4 00 Osborne High School Marchmg Band SAUVlCNON BLANC & 1.5 ltr SAVE $4 50 .... IT Grosse Pomte Theatre hDwooo CIIu 8 I 099 CAItAY BEAUJOLAIS • _lOCI AnOll Lakeshore YMCA CHARDONNAY MULOT, a Q8 CHARDONNAY,SHIRAZ, WERNET & SAUVIGNON BWlC IAITOI "U.STI.I ll' 49 CWRNEr, MULOT, 1 S Ltr SAVE$4 00 MlllOT SEMILLON.CHARDONNAY & Section J OlARDONNAY 5HIW-cABERNET 1 S Ltr SAVE $S 00 L.. DlIIlN'S cawuu S799 CABERNET SAUVlCNON 1 5 Ltr SAVE $1 50 Gro

HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI 18328 Mack Avenue ~ Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 ~ Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m, Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect November 27, 29, 3D, December 2, 3 &. 4


SALMON FILLETS ~ 49 ~ 4 u1 ENGLISH S 99 STUFFINC $}9" U7 MUFFIN PKG 5.VARIETIES 14-160Z COOKED SHRIMP :S7 1,8 f!!l!J) FRITO-LAY POTATO CHIPS YOUR CHOICE ~OTINCLUDlN$159 YOUR Garr.'~$129 BAKED CHOICE J BOX TABLEWATER CRACKER DELICATESSEN CKiuu=!) E-Z MAc/CHEESE DIAMOND SHELLED WALNUT • o;;CINAL' $249 • EXTRA CHEESE ~i fAD: *2:i9 10 OZ • NACHO LIMITED OUANTITIES "NEW" AT VILLAG~ FOOD MARKET CHOCOLATE BARS ROSEMARY HAM DIAMOND CHOPPED WALNUT ROMEO MARASCHINO CHERRY 99 CREMA CIERO (" 81 n oz CANNOLI & CREAM JAR MESQUITE SMOKED LAND 0 LAKES A DESSERT KIT ~ CHEESECAKE BUTTER "NEW" ~T VILLAGE FOOD MARKET ~ FROM CHEESECAllI $HOPPEE Boar's Head TURKEY • ::j / 1 ~)iJ 'LAMD w£s,' • RECULAR CREME BRULEE ALL FLAVORS S fiUn This Little Pigg} -Jot _ A LUSCIOUSIJANILLA YOUR CHOICE ~:' .- ,I $. • UNSALTED bas been at CUSTARDWITH A COLDEN , ..... '" D-\O' RICE VUlage Food Market. .. BLACK WAX CHEDDAR CARAMELIZEDTOPPINC UIn;a:DaII PUDDING 4 SERVINCS • t=\ 99 $19!) PER BOX !S'"!)9 V CINN/RAISIN S I l H $3 LB 1 LB Y4'S IN FROZEN ~ PER SERVINC BOX FOODSECTION .- H.P. HOOD FRESH NABISCO _ PEPP~:~:::ARM WHIPPINC CREAM ~ :S269 :~~CQR s~>:t~t ~ :=:~~~AT~ BOX e OREO RED DOUBLE STUFF : :::51 YOURCHOlel .CHE~SE 4g Y2PT. =~~ AFTER EIGHT S IHl) ~ BAY'S ~ lil "(_ GOURMET DINNER' • ~ENCLISH MUFFINS I 6~ S~-.:)!) .~ MINTS PKC. RECoUUIl TOO' QlOICi • SOUR DOUGH IN _ ~ BLACK DIAMOND 4 YEAR OLD C. I n • ~ ~ I.~C.(.. ""~ ~ _a ...lt. Stl)!}'t JI!!!!!!!!!l. .. If .. .. 11 OZ ~"':!::' ....""}11 • J' • :' 1 KG WHEEL BRIE ,...... I: \( II ~ HADDENHOUSEWHOLEMANDARIN .. 16 OZ EVAPORATED MILK ORANCEIN LICHTSYRUP HENDERISON'SUNIQUESALADDR($~~ 9 OCEAN SPRAY ~ WOLFGANC;., ~ I•• ~ CRANBERRY SAUCE I~j PUCK'S ' I . 69~20Z • WHOLE 9••..YOUR L-' CANNED SOUPS YOURCHOICE • JELLED • '*J1 CHOlal •• MINI OREO CANDY CANE BAKERY 2).- _ ~_ ,(!/ ~ , .. r .·HOLIDAY Rln ..,.» j l, ..,..; F\lt.f!,4/i!;8 ~ ~'''' ~ '6 OZ • YOUR CHOICE ~~£f~ ~~;t MARINATED ARTICHOKE HEARTS CARLSON ."'>")~ BLUEBERRY PIE 'j j'H II ~ • OVENWARE ARBOGAST FARM RED STAR 6A ~ • BAKI' SERVE , + BEAN.APPETIT -,-* ~ l~ CHill MIX O*' 3PACKI • BX8. !I.PAN & L' • ST~RE' OVEN , •..,:~~ ~, If\.''t S '. !)!. YEAST 9 PUMPKIN PIE IIt I~t ~l et.- ~- 4 OZ • 9X12 • 2.PAN & LIDS • FREEZER I4f1I 24 OZ \ :---1 we would not or could not do Send a note to school, thankIng the Thankful teachers for the great work they do. Their role IS more than a Job. It IS a thoughts dedICatIOn Thank the pnnclpal, too And don't forget to thank the school board, superIntendent and admmls- on authority trators for their stewardship. hanksglvmg IS a good time to Thank your local busmess owners set the record straight, to Without them, where would we go to T mend fences ment, of authonty, IS not only possible are voluntary for the most part, and shop and not have to drIve across or As d commumty newspaper, but IS a nght. That IS remarkable as anyone who has worked With vol- up town? Runmng a local busmess IS we are second to none Hl promotmg We take a great deal of pnde m our unteers knows, It IS difficult to be cnt- tougher than ever these days, so our cItIes, our schools, our residents commumtles - the Grosse Pomtes Ical and thankful at the same time thank them the best way possible - a.nd our chIldren But sometimes m and Harper Woods In our VIeW,there But we are thankful for all the shop locally our role of "watch dog," we rume IS no better place to bve, work, play "thankless" hours our cIty councils, D-on't forget to thank your parents feathers, step on toes, bruise feelIngs and study trustees and mayors contrIbute to and grandparents, aunts, uncles and That can't be helped, but that does- Even though we sometimes cntIclze what they beheve IS m the best mter- brothers and sisters for, well, Just for n't mean we enJoy bemg negative As our local leaders, city admlmstrators est for our commumtIes Be sure to bemg there for you And, most Impor- guardIans havp tol<1tho"" flnnpr th",r and council members. policemen thank thE'm for runmne- for office t,,,,t "f ,,11 nnn't fnnrpt to thAnk V,.,llr guardIanship for eon'), It hurts us Judges, teachers and other commum- Better yet, show your thank!> by dedI- kIds With a hug, a kiss and words more than It hurts you Well, maybe ty leaders, we do not want them to catmg some of your time to pubhc ser- Why? not more, but It hurts us as well thmk we are not grateful tor their VIce yourself Just for bemg the best kids ever But even though It hurts, we all contnbutlOns. Thank your children's teachers Have a happy, safe Thanksg1Vmg have to be thankful that we hve m a Our elected offiCIals serve at no or Thank your doctor. Thank the pohce. We hope to see you all m the Village country where CrIticism of the govern- very lIttle pay Their leadership roles They all perform Jobs most of us know for the Santa Claus parade I

Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED. (313) 88l-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING (313)882-om (313) 882-3500 PublISher ]ohnMinms Bubara Vnbeck Vellurke, MoIrglt Rem. Smlth~ Manager Peler J BJrkner, Adverhsmg Manager Editorand General K,m M Mockey Asslstant to the Robert B. Edgar AssIStant Echtor/J-earure Editor Fn.n Velardo, Ad, erllSlng Marulger Manager Chuck )(Jonke, Sports EdItor Founder and Publisher (313) 3435590 A5s\5tant Manager Kathleen 1>! Ste.. nson. BonnIe Capr.ro. Staff Wnwr Adverru.lI1g Repres the bald eagle and not the turkey was There are people m our community so many dIrections who need drivers to get to doctor named the natIOnal bird of the Umted Of course thiS would propel us back The sun IS shmmg outSide my WIn- appomtments or Just to run an errand, States But agaIn, IS there anytmng to the days before the Flood when peo- dow, and there WIll be another breath- Chnstlan about It? buy grocenes, have their hair cut For ple ate no meat. Sin.::e Noah's safe takIng full moon over Lake St Clair those who WIsh to be more mvolved, ThiS WrIter researched the landmg, we may consume dead am. thiS month The ChrIstmas musIc WIll there are countless orgamzatlOns m Monnons' addendum to the Blble for mals mmus theIr blood (GenesIs 9 3) once agam move me to tears One need of help and/or volunteers. hInts that ChrIst, dUrIng ms post- Not only that. Chnst, hImself clear. doesn't have to look very far to witness ResurrectIOn VISit to Amenca. might ly a gourmet, mforms us God IS all m It IS Wlthm our grasp to offpr solu- the dally miracles m our hves Happy have sat down to a wIld turkey dInner favor of an occaSIOnal carmvorous tions to many of the problems about Thanksgiving to each and eveI') one of WIth Indlan tnbesmen splash. For what does the father say In which we complam It IS not my intent us But no, the Book of Monnon pro- the parable of the lost son when the duces no such eVidence. Hence we boy retnrns? must conclude that the turkey, W1ldor tame, IS of no theolOgical slgn,ficance Does he say. Bnng out a bowl of Letters to any segment of Chnstlamty or mixed nuts'~ No, he commands, "Brmg Judaism, and the same goes for Islam the fatted calf and kIll It, and let us eat whIch was held at the Metro.DetrOlt area, through because the Koran does not mentIOn Too soon lights and make merry" (Luke] 5 23) Grosse Pomte War development and philan- thiS ammal eIther To the Editor: Memonal On behalf of the thropy, ffiake a wonderful In theologlcal parlance, to eat or not Mothers' Club I would lIke role model for us all When the anCient Jews feasted on I'm sort of amazed at the to eat turkey IS an adlaphoron, or an 10&'>of restramt and per- to thank those busmesses meat - whIch, admittedly, was rare - To the staff at South a IndIfferent factor m the quest for sal. spective m the Pomtes and store owners whose gen- they did so before God and With God tremendous THANK YOU' vatlOn Nevertheless, the quest!on erous donatiOns helped Particularly those mdlVldu. b fact, the Hebrew verb "to eat" has I suppose there IS no rea- remams If It IS nght for people of faith make thiS fundralsmg cele- als who donated Items to the probably the same root as the word, son not to put up Chnstmas bratlOll such a success' to gorge themselves With 45 mllhon of decoratIOns m the warm auctIOn, encouraged stu- "covenant" And a feast was a renewal these birds on ThankSgIVIng m the weather, but do we have to Jane and Bob Bashara, co- dents to partiCipate, or sim- of the covenant With Yahweh, for chaIr'>,put forth tremendous Umted States alone After all, hg:lt them? ply attended the evemng whom they threw, symbolIcally, the effort and orgamzatlOn mto although ThanksglvIng IS a secular In a time when we m Agam, my smcerest ch01cest piece of meat on the gnll. the planmng of thiS project feast, does not Its name Imply a reh- Gro&se Pomte are remmded thanks to Bob Bashara TheIr gift ofhme and energy glOus slgmficance? Is thiS not some we have so much to be grate- WIthout hIS energy and Yahweh, Israel's fun-Iovmg God, IS to be commended and IS enthUSiasm contmually form uf mass sacnfice? ful for. v,hy have so many Instructs hIS people to have a good apprecIated beyond words spearheadmg thIS enormous Is ThanksgIVmg gl uttony godly? rush£>d from Halloween to The auctIOn committee they tlme "Go, eat your bread WIth enjoy- undertakmg - the mght Would It not be much kmder If th£> Chnstmas season, for- assembled did a great Job, ment, and dnnk your wme With a gettmg Thankhb'1Vmg? would not have been the Amencans, most of whom profess to be was fun to work With, and merry heart, for God has already success It was On behalf of ChrIstians, reverted Just for thls one Dan Charley dlhgent m their responSibil- approved of what you do " the Mothers' Club of Gros'>e day to the state that eXIsted In the Grosse Pointe Park Ities Pomte South and the stu- (EccleSiastes 9 7) Garden of Eden before the Fall - m dents who WIllbe the reClpl The Gro,>~e Pomte War other words. vegetanan lIlnocence? enb of thE' proceeds earned Not to follow thls command would be MemOrIal was extremely Look how WE'llIts first two reSIdents on thiS speCIal evenmg, Imply a lack of gratitude - wrong attI. Moms say helpful and accommodating WE're prOVided for "And God saId, We are grateful for the sup- thanh you to those who tude on ThanksglVlOg So by all 'Behold I have gwPn you every plant port of Jud,r and Randy helped makE' thiS "uch a means, eat your theologIcally mSlgmf- thanks! profitable and fun-filled yIeI,!lllg 'ieed which IS upon the face of Agle,r, honorary chalrper lcant turkE'y With enJovmf>nt and To the Editor: evemngl all the f>arth, and every tree With seed ')on". who contmue to glVe of drInk your WIne mernly o'i-JthiS great In I(S frUIt, you shall have thf>m for Th£> Mothers' Club of theIr time and talent to Jayne M. Rose-VallE'c, feast The Blblp tells you that thiS IS Gro>o<;p POInte South recent make our community a bet- President food '" (Genesls 129) Isn't that Just fine WIth God Iy -,pon')ored a 75th anmver- ter place to livE' Thelf gen- Mothers' Club of enough' <;ary Awesome AuctIOn. erous commltment to the Grosse Pointe South Why must 470 millIon turkeys dle Happy Thanksgwmg' ------quently She writes thank- ," bullet With hiS wllldows should roll dow n hlb '" llH!O\\ Go finger you notes She knocks rolled up, Ius radiO blanng too before entenng and hiS ego Inflated to XXL, Amazlilgly, ht>did My friend Bonme IS Bonme recently demon- bcated beE-Ide a pabsenger "I'm bO !>orrv II .. he ~,l1d petite, blond and a grand- strated some ways of behav- who needed to be remlllded "I'm not famIl;~r WIth tIll" • mother of three When she's mg that we all want to of Mr Dnver's mtelllgence, eXit The lane WdS blolked I standmg up straight III beheve are Important - bklll, speed and nghtful \', anted to turn nght <.lnd [ stiletto heels (wluch she'd some behavlOrb that our ::J Say domlnam.e over other dumb, pulled over mu<.h tou ~(Jun never ever III a Duillon parents harped on for most clumsy and JlI-mformed Sorry" years, actually wear), she's of our formative years motonsts, thiS young man about 5 feet 4 IIlches tall Size doesn't matter Margie Reins Smith made eye contact With Mr Aggrebblve bllhh"d And attitude IS every- Bonme and flashed her an and i>tammered He lloked She welghb shghtly more thmg She dIdn't gIVe anybody overubed, well known dIgi- lIke he wanted to ..lldl than a hefty golden retnev- burfale dnve wab dOlled and Bonme dIdn't carry any- the Heimlich or CPR or even tal hand blgnal under the dabhboard and er, even when bhe's bOdkmg she wab afraid she'd mlbS body out of a burmng bUIld- first aid her chanll to make a nght Ht'i mistake dlbappear," Bonnie ..,lid wet and claims bhe feell:> mg She didn't blllg!e hand- Now BonnIe Wd" ticked, bloated turn Shl' eabed mto the far edly hOIst a \'" ecked !>chool She bhoy,ed borne burly right lane a bttle bit too too He apologIzed Hl ..,lid I I She's a tYPH,al workmJ{ bu>. of! a chIld's crushed young whlpper!>napper that Rllt \Inlll

ed nght gestur'e" HI:' pd<.,~('ng('r She works hard, dresses cle aloft \',hlle rebcuers and manage hi:' nabty tern- She ticked off the driver She didn't bpeed up and looked embarrd"'" (I dJld conservatively, loves her pulled the VictIm to safety pel I'll bet thiS guy's moth- behmd her return the Visual fd\ or She flustered children and grandchildren She dIdn't fOIl a calJacker er, If she had been there, He and hiS pas~enger, didn't honk or shake her del- The driver bald hc Wd' to pieces, attends church, or cnpple a mugger III a would have slapped Bonme both big men III their 30s or Icatelv 12'10\ ed ti'it Shp didn't ~orrv and that hl.'d III \ l l' et" !Jay::' lief DIll!>on tlm", recy- on the back and thanked her I dark alley, then tie hlIn up 4Us, were angry glo\\ er, b ,vear or bwerve It agalll cles old newspapers, bottles With her pantyhose profusely The hulking dnver did She pulled up beSIde the Bonnie rolled up hu 1Y1l1 and cans, eats five fruIts and She didn't snatch a kid- Bonme W8b gettlllf, off the what many dnvers do young man and rolled down dow and dro\ e on vegetables every day, Vl'ilts napped baby from the arms expressway at an unfamiliar Locked and snug III hiS her wllldow Grandmothers: I shut-illS and flosbes fre- of hiS abductor eXit One of the lanes on the steel-and chrome and glass She mdlcated that he Whippersnapper;,: (J

j I, i , " ~:i Grosse Point~ News Op-Ed l 28, 2002, 7A The Page i~November Page f':rJ ,~ • ~ ..

__.f~_i .. bClY.B.en.B.'U.l_n" Booster Right now, Beverly's Hannah, 13, turned her 6 attentIOns are focused on year-old gelding. World Stdr, the future of the Jacobson's around and got restarted, She carnes a fancy title SIte and what CVS Drug but that dropped the young these days, but for the past Stores and Velmelr champIOn mto second to last three decades, Beverly Compames plan to do With place m the match that Pit- Leinweber's miSSIon has the pnme locatIOn ted 30 of the top young rid- never changed to preserve ers m the natwn agalll"t and protect "In my 'perfect world: each other the Village, there would be another that stretch department store," she said "I don't feel bad about It,' of retail along "But I don't thmk that IS she saId "I '" a!>thrilled to be Kerchoval gOing to happen But we des- mvlted, and maybe I'll do between perately need to have top- better next time" CadJeux and notch retail on the first floor Neff of that locatIOn," she saId Last week, Hannd Visit tbe Grosse Pomte Dogs website: bttp:! /gpdogs.keenspace,com received her trophy for bemg When she She praised the Grosse the Hunter-Jumper started, she Ben Burn8 Pomte City Councll, Mayor AssociatIOn of MichIgan was called Dale Scrace and City ChIldren's ChampIOn for • "executive secretary." That Manager MIke Overton for 2002, dnd on Dee 15, "he morphed mto "director," and movmg rapidly last week to Will be recogmzed b'l the treetwlse now she IS called "director of expand the optIOns for MIchigan Horse Shoy, b strategic partnerships" developers m the area AsSOCiatIOn a!>It.. Children <., Question of the Week: ChampIOn for the year Whatever her title, "With four stones, they How would you suggest 1cook Beverly's late husband, Roy could theoretically have con- And Hannah, we

And woe betIde you If you Hanna Kraus was ha\'- want to open Ben's Second- mg a wonderful nde at the Children's Hunter Show (It\ "Put stuffing III It and cook hand Appliance and Welding Ben Burns o( the ot It for an hour or two at 100 Supplies on Beverly's watch Jumplllg ChampIOnships m Gros»e Pomte I'> dllUI)1 ot Washmgton last month degrees, and then put It on a That's not the nght Image the Journallom pi ( ~ I tray" for the Village when her trusty steed got Wayne Statl ('/I' l/ - Joey Ahotta, age 9 distracted by -he ~ro\', d and carl, f-;( )\ "The Village IS a hub It tl-,n:.>¥on the brake .. before bu rn ,>[nll (] ( (II represents the Image of one of the Jump' phlJ/I( 'II ,I " Grosse Pomte And I want the best for that area," she Said Joey Aliotta "You buy It, you bOll It III a If you want to see the lat- pot of water for 30 mmutes est tlxample of Leinweber's at 100 degrees, then take It VIgilance, look m the display out and cut It " wmdows of the defunct - Maddle Berschback Jacobson's Department age 9 Store Each one IS artfully decorated With a Chnstmas theme by one of the Village merchants That was Beverly's Idea Maddie Berschback "Flrbt yOU buy It and then you bake It for 70 minutes at Of course, she acrom- 60 degrees and put It on the phshed It With lots of help table" from her friends on the - Sarah Knust, age 7 board of the Village Merchants ASSOCIation, where Ellen Durand serves as preSident Durand coordI- nated the executIOn of the scheme to make sure one "First you buy It Second block of Kercheval didn't \ au clean It Third you bake appear dark and lone"ome It at 31 degrees i'or all day dunng the holiday sdlei>sea- Then you put sauce on It son And CVS \', a" cooper a- You put It on a plate tlve In allOWing the mer- - Alexandra Etsto'i, age ~hBnts free ace!''''i to the 7 store and Its y,mdows

"I couldn't ..,tand the thought of that big block lookmg hk!' a bldck blob for Alexandra Etslos "Flr'it yOU buy the turkey Lhe hollda\ ,," she said . I Second you take the turkey decorate thp VJllage e\ ery home Third YOU cook the ChrI'itmih, and I \\ant!'d turkey at 31 degreeb for one these wllldow" to look lIke hour Put sauce on tho hohdays" turkey Next you call people La~t you eat" MIke Kramer, d fpllow - Dylan Br) an t, a~e 7 Dylan Bryant hoard mcmt1l'r, de"cnbes Be\l'r1y as thl' "oul of the Village," and nghth ..o 'Shp Suzy Ber,rhbark I' (J (nelance photographer m Grosse Pomti' Farm ~ and co author of "Gro~w Pom!i' 1"'10 1930 She welrome, sugges!lOn~ (or qur~!LOII~ to her r mail IS alWAY"on the lookollt for addri'~~ at Ber~chba('k@Jaol com lhmg~ that don't look good," he added November 28, 2002 8A News Grosse Pointe News Feeding the hungry during lean times By Bonnie Caprara Laney's wife, Gall, also Staft Writer • • • • • lent ~er time to the comedy Whdt doeb It take to con- night s pre-event efforts, and \ lnu ,omeone to donate hIs employer, the Hylant ,OIlH of hlb or her free tllne~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!=~Grou,p, wab a major sponsor tor I \\ortll\' cause? "Wh 1 t k n y ride 011 tIp 'Its not Just my company r tlr Grob~e Pomte Park 00 1 t tpat helps out, ~ut the en Hometown: I "dent Tun Ldne~ It didn't truck/ that's what did it for me. 1 employees as well, Laney Pomte Woods ((1I,' much -' said "Instead of sendlllg In 1996, bome people III cards and gifts, we take a saw how many people '{Derein need Place of birth: DetrOIt 111\ oflice bUlldmg H<;k£>dme collectIOn from employees (, JOIn the board of and make a holiday offermg offood and how little it took to res- Breed: German shep- I rgotten }Janebt," Laney cue t:ood.1/ to Forgotten" Harvest and hard! golden retnever ,lid . When I took mv nde II other causes HU,A n the truck, that's what did Tim Laney. president of Forgotten Harvest Laney also oversaw It for me I baw how many another Imtlative that Distinguishing char- people were In need of food ======- brought In an additIOnal acteristic: Really short and h0w little It took to res- ot food - enough for 2 1 mll- The amount wllected by 8,000 pounds of homegrown ears and a huge bushy cue food" hon meals the,; outh b'TOUPand ,everal produce through IW Plant a tall, Thlb past Jul), Laney took How little It takeb to feed other youth group" from Row for the Hungry pro- hIS effort one step further the hungry IS relative other Lhurcheb and orgam- gram, wluch 18 spearheaded Namesake: Roofus was when he became president "One dollar generates five zatLOns 111 the metro DetrOIt by the Garden Writers of Roofus Slomski named by Martha of Forgotten Harvest's meals," Laney said . There area v. as matched by a America and HGTV Schroeder of Grosse board of dIrectors IS no cost m developing the grant from Carl's Forgotten Harvest part- Pomt~ Park who rescued him from a DetrOIt rooftop Forgotten Harvebt IS a product, most of our cost IS FoundatlOn 1 he ) outh nered With the English food rebcue orgamzatlOn In transportatIOn Even a group at Grosse Pomte Garden stores to collect Family: The Sloml>k1 Farmly Mike, Enza, Carla, which collects health small amount of money Memorial Church ralbed frUlts and vegetables from Joe, and Stephanie of Grobse Pomte Woods department-approved food makes a huge difference" $3,775 of the $25,000 Ln the home gardeners The pro- from about 75 restaurants, But In a time when mObt effort gram earned the organlza- Best friends: Brandy Lebarge, Holly Zememck, and caterers, stores and food dls- chanties are struggling, Laney's daughter Morgan tlOn the John Deere Seeds the Grosse Pomte Woods Police - on the days he tnbutors and delivers them Forgotten Harvest has dou- also played a palt m the of Hope Award deCides to take walks by himself to about 60 agencies m the bled the amount of food it whoppmg buccebS of Gettmg the help was easy, metro DetrOIt area In the rescues and delivers, and Forgotten Harvebt's biggest saId Laney Future plans: To open up hiS own busmess next to pabt year, tJ.,e orgamzahon Laney has pushed the orga- fundralber, Its comedy mght, "It's kmd of hard not to lus father, MIke Slomslo, so he has hiS own office floor delivered 2 1 ml!hon pounds lllzatlOn, as well as hlb fam- which was held at the Ro,;al become emotionally space to lie on dunng the day Ily and employer, In new Oak MUSIC Theater on Oct mvolved," Laney said "It's directIOns to help make that 19 Morgan Laney worked so fundamental to human Favorite words: "Go get your cookies," "Daddy's happen With other youth m present- survival You can pretty eme flleeSe home," "Want to go for a nde m the car?," "Where's your Tl Laney convInced the mg a SIlent auctIOn, \\Inch much survive Without shel- leash?" youth group at hiS church, brought m $6,035 of the ter, but you can't survive Grosse POinte Memonal $198,000 (a $56,000 WIthout food If you get Favorite activities: Sleepmg under the covers, Church, to assist m ralsmg mcrease over last year) someone's ear, It's pretty domg the conga, takmg late mght rides m the car, turn- money for an 18-foot flatbed raised that evemng easy to get them lllvolved " ing doorknobs With lus mouth to let hImself out, and truck for Forgotten Harvest lying around bemg the center of attentIOn HIS three youngest children - KatrIna, 17, Morgan, 13, AAA offers party If you would hke to submlt your "Pet Pomter of and Cameron, 9 - are Interest,. delwer or mall a typed outlme and photograph mvolved 111 the youth group to the Grosse Pomte News, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte guide, child ID Farms, MI 48236, or e-mall to postmaster@grosse- Spend it wisely. pomtenews com (photos must be hlgh resolutwn) If you Call Merry Maids. Staff personnel from AAA marketplace tent at the cor- would hke to have your pet constdered for Pet Pomter of Michigan's Grosse Pomte ner of Kercheval and St Interest, submIt your pet's ohoto (no photocoples and branch office Will be hand- Clair photos cannot be returned) along wlth a bnef summary mg out free copies of AAKs "The Great Pretenders tellmg us why your pet LS unlque, mclude your address and phone number Send all rephes to Pet Pomter of 313.885_3360 Finally. an affordable "Great Pretenders Party Party GUide" IS a colorful E-eomrnerce solution GUlde" and domg free child booklet that IS the mam fea- Interest, 96 Kercheval Ave, Grosse Pmnte Farms, MI that 'W'II (omp~lment your bUSiness 01 48236 586.498.9165 not complicate It' ID fin~erpnnhng on Fnday, ture of AAA Michigan's For a FREE Uve Demo ... Nov 29, from 930 to 1045 annual "First a Fnend, v .. H m dunng thL G,o'be Then a Host" program to ~ httpJlwww grossepolnt«" comJdemol =:iI + GrDn~ Po ntl' (om LlC POInte Santa Clall~ Par"de discourage drunk drlvmg 113 50840106 Q1'"9-6 Mprty Mads l P The\ \\111 h( In the 'PUlhOL dUring the holiday season Surfing the Web The booklet contams 16 recipes for nonalcoholic Today you can get more mmd, tips for buymg and dnnks, whIch party hosts than you ever dreamed of on selhng and who to contact can offer as optlOns to cut the Internet - order PiZZas, for help SRUNOS down on alcohohc consump- bid on an antique lamp, and • Learn the benefits of APPLIANCE • tIOn Also lllcluded are three arrange travel reservatIOns shoppmg anI me and how to SERVING THE EASTSIDE FOR OVER 40 YEARS fancy party snack recipes 24 hours a day, seven days a protect your personal mfor- ',--. }::~~... 0 II).t"'" _ All the recipes were provld- week from the comfort of matlOn With "Shop Safely Ld by chefs and beverage yuur hurne LUlIljJULer The Onlme" from the FTC and managers at AAA Dlamond- Federal Cltlzen InformatIOn American Express Use the rated restaurants and hotels Center (FCIC) offers guide- glossary In "Site Seemg on In the Midwest lmes to help you get the the Internet" to learn the most out of the Internet and "hngo" of the Net and follow Free cluld ID fingerprInt- stay safe Its useful tiPS for protecting 109 IS one of AAA Mlclugan's • Learn the "ms and outs" your chIldren wlule the) are most popular ongomg ser- of the Internet auctIOns and onlme "Ice programs Parents how to protect yourself when Before you buy anythmg rLcelve a card WIth the shoppmg online With In an Internet auchon, know (hlld's photo, fingerprints, "Internet AuctIOns A GUide who IS selhng the Item home address, phone, nick- for Buyers and Sellers" from Venfy the seller's Identlt) name, and other mforma- the Federal Trade before you place the bId Be tlOn that can be helpful to CommiSSIOn (FTC) Fmd out SUSpiCIOUS of sellers you authOrities trymg to locate a about the differellt types of can't Identify - It may be russmg child auctIOns, concerns to keep III Impossible to contact them If somethlllg goes wrong after the sale Get hIS or her tele- phone number and try It out City or~r05~n~ Jointe, Michigan - to make sure you have COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT another \\lay to contact the seller beSIdes e mall PUBLIC NOTICE ThIS bame rule applies FINAL PROJECT SELECTION (Transfer) With more traditional e-tall- ers Shop only With compa- At a Public Heanng held on MON"DAY,NOVEMBER 18,2002 mes you know If you're not the follOWIng project was selected to meet federal gUldeILnes famlhar With the company, and service objectIves and was approved for transfer m the request Its catalog Look for 2001-2002 Commumty Development Block Grant programo the company's refund and return poliCies and under- PubILcServtce stand them before you buy Plannmg $45,800 A package called Surfing the Web IS offered from Total Reallocation $45,800 FCIC for $2 It mcludes a pubhcabon on gettmg onlme To order, call toll-free Julie E. Arthurs, at (888) 878-3265, or send G P N II nsl2002 City Clerk your name, addre<;s and a check or money order to Surfing the Web, Pueblo, CO City ocQ?)ro55eJoiute ~OOn5, Michigan 81009

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NotIce IS hereby gIven ~ Amencan Heart Aa that the Planmng CommIssIon of the City of Gro~se Pomte A~soclanon. V Wood~ In accordance WIth Chapter 9B, Zomng Amcte VI, C F (ommunlly F.Kllil1C~D1StnCt, Secl10n 9<; 172(2) of the 1997 City Codc, will hold a public heanng at 7 30 pm on Tue~day It keeps December 10, 2002 . In the Council Room of the MUTIlClpal Buddmg, 20025 Mack Plaza, Grosse f'OInte Wood~, to hear the morelqan reque~t of the Grosse POinte Public LIbrary, 10 Kercheval. memones Gro~c;ePOinte Fanns, MI 48236, for pennlsslon to con~truct a alive. new 25,500 <;quarefoot public library and sHe Impro\Cment, for thc Gro~~e POlnll:~Wood~ Public LIbrary branch located at the AMLRICAN I-HART comer of Mack Avenue and Vernier Road, adjacent to Parcell, A%OCTAn()'\l Mlddle School The ,ubJect file folder I~ avallahle foo public 1f MURI \L'-, & I RIRL r.~ ~crutlnYat CHy Hall and all ''lterested persons are inVited to altend Louise S. Warnke, G PN 11/2R/2002 City Clerk I Nove er 28, 2002 Gros Pointe News News 9A fired on the door yelhng that the woman was attacked m the Inkless fingerpnnting sy~- (homeowller) owed him rosse Pomte Woods back yard of her house m the tern revealed the woman s money,. pollce saId safety officers PUBLIC SAFETY R!PORTS 700 block of Lorame on real name and her extenSIve d to reported gun_ The same thmg happened Sunday, Nov. 24 crlmmal hIstory, whIch III the 2100 block of Country st weekend at a pohce statIon at about 9 30 The suspect grabbed the Included arrests for retal1 Club, where a homeowner mOVIe eater m the 19300 pm Bottle booster VIctIm's purse, pushed her to fraud, dangerous drugs, lar. block of EIght MJle In Said the man knocked "so A 39-year-old man was the ground, then got mto a ceny, robbery, fraudulent Harp Woods. loud and hard she thought arres\.ed after he was spot- four-door dark-colored car, actIVIties, weapons offenses the front door was gomg to Youth with ted placmg empty bottles and headed northbound and mahclOu;, destructIOn of On aturday, Nov 23, at break • 9 18 m, Harper Woods fake 10 mto the back of hJs 1989 toward Mack property She was also want- Both res.dents dIsputed Ford Taurus statIOn wagon The suspect IS descnbed ed on an arrest warrant for pollc asked for remforce- Gr u"se Pomte WouJ" the man's claIms for money behmd a store m the 16900 as a black male, about 5 feet, retaIl fraud m Woodhaven men to quash a "large pohce confiscated a fake Accordmg to pollce, aile block of Kercheval III the llmches tall, and about 200 fight volvmg shots fired" MIchIgan drIver's license homeowner had dIscharged City of Grosse Pomte on pounds He was weanng a "U n amval," a Grosse from a 17-jear-old Woods Shine light the man for slow and mcom- Wedne;,day, Nov 20, at 5 black ~kull cap and dark-col- POIn Woods officer saId, reSident dunng a traffic stop plete work In the other am ored clotrung "the volved subJects had on Sunday, Nov ?4, at 12 15 on break-in fled case, the man wanted $400 The man was also wanted The VictIm "aid she for landscape plans the am on three misdemeanor Someone brokl' IOto a Grosse POinte Woods In addItIon to havmg a beheved she was followed to homeowner saId she hadn't arrest warrants, two out of "tore In the 18600 block of offi rs remaIned at the vahd license showmg hiS her house from Grosse commIssIOned DetrOIt and one out of MatK In Gros;,e Pomte see to momtor the crowd POInte Park Woods oohcp advl!,ed the true ~g.e, the dnver had a RoseVIlle Farms between 6 p m on reSidents to contact the city ot;l.UUtl JH...t:::J1,:,t: U.n..U\.ou".au.o He Monday, Nov itl, and \:J a m was a St ClaIr Shores resI- Sots not fired attorney Formula on Tue"day, Nov 19 dent of legal drmkJng age Three lamps vali...pd at ur explosIve sounds Jewelry "(The) license was a good for an arrest $245 were taken, and $495 startled a Grosse Youth caught rephca but stIll obVIOusly te Woods resIdent hVlng missing A 54-year-old DetrOIt worth of other Items were bogus,. the officer saId woman faced arrmgnment damaged A reSIdent In the 600 block he 1900 block of Van with drugs The traffic stop mvolved a of Lmcoln m tl-le CIty of In the CIty of Grosse POInte werp at about noon on Grosse Pomte Woods burned out taillight on the Grosse Pomte reported two MUlllclpal Court on Monday, ay, Nov 22, came from a pohce found a pIpe and two teenager's blue 1987 mg power lme boxes contammg $7,845 Nov 25, for her role In Not on bags of manjuana lllslde a Plymouth four-door He was attemptmg to steal eIght patrolman dIscovered worth of Jewelry were taken green 1993 Mercedes fOUf' CIted for possessmg a fictI- cans of infant formula from the payroll t a pnmary electnc cable from her bedrorlm between door occupIed by two Juve- tIOUS operator's license and a store m the 16900 block of h broken away from a Nov 6 and 18 A 40-year-old DetrOIt mles parked m tbe 1500 gIVen a court date ofFeb 12 Kercheval in the CIty of woman was arrested after c amlC Insulator on top of a Upon investIgatIOn on block of Blalrmoor Court on Grosse Pomte on Sunday, attempting to cash a stolen p wer pole The lme Sunday, Nov 17, at 815 Wednesday, Nov 20, there Nov 24 payroll check In a bank m rained suspended but were no sIgns of forced pm A two-person loss preven- the 400 block of Moross m d drooped to wIthin 17 Safe stolen entry Officers detained the 16. tIon team saw the woman Grosse Pomte Farms on et of the ground Someone stole a safe from year-old male dnver from and an accomphce place the Thursday, Nov 21 DetrOIt EdIson repaIr a home In the 1500 block of Grosse POlllte Shores Pohce Farrholm on Fnday, Nov 22, Stolen car callS m tote bags around 6 The check wa." OTleof two ews were notLfied about not dIsclose the female rod between the hours of 7 45 A City of Grosse Pomte p m Wffile the loss preven- reported stolen from a bpsI- e cable and concurrent passenger's age and resI- a m and 445 p m reSIdent reported lier car tIOn officers attempted to ness m a Dearborn office wer outages In the 2000 dence Pohce are looking for a stolen from a parking lot detam the women outside of bl1lldIng Further mvestIga- locks of Lochmoor and Pollce mvestigated the white four-by-four that a behmd her condommlUm III the store, the umdentlfied tlOn revealed that other tancaster vehIcle upon recelvmg a neighbor saw parked near the 17500 block of Mack accomplice escaped, and bUSInesses m the same report of SUSpICIOUSactIvIty the home at apprOlomately The car was taken some. another person dnvIng a bUlldmg also reported check "I found a (plastIc) bag of {Illegal driver 1030 a m tIme between 8 p m on whIte Ford Thunderbnd thefts manJuana ill the glove box,. I On Thursday, Nov 21, at The vIctim saId there Fnday, Nov 22, and 12 30 attempted to run over one of The suspect was also said an officer, "as well as 8 30 p.m., a 42-year-old were no valuables III the tan P m on Saturday, Nov 23 the loss preventIOn officers wanted for uttering and manJuana packaged in a Grosse POinte Woods man, Century brand safe, wruch Wffile In custody, offic~:'S publishmg, and outstandmg plastIC sealed bag. whose dnver's license had measured one-foot square dIscovered the 54-year-old fUgitIve warrants m The dnver's parents Attacked been suspended on Oct 8, - Brad Lmdberg A CIty of Grosse Pomte suspect hed about her Iden- LIvonia was caught speeding 40 mph retneved therr son at the tity The CIty's LIve Scan - Bonme Caprara on Cook near Wedgewood A Woods pubhc safety offi- cer saId the man's hcense had been suspended four trmes The man posted $100 bond and was released at 9'25 p.m Pohce Impounded fis red 2002 Dodge truck Car entered

Sometime between noon t-.( ~ ~ ,!~ on 'lUesday, Nov 11 and 1 p m the followmg day, I)uMoucheUc someone stole a $300 pair of Oakley sunglasses from a station wag;on parked In the 19200 block of Raymond Annual Holiday Jewelry AUCTION PREVIEW Court In Grosse Pointe Woods The velucle's owner Sunday December 1, 2002 12:00 noon Wednesday, November 27, 10.00-6 OOpm also reported stolen mIScel- Location: Fnday, November 29,2002, 11'00am to 6'00pm ) laneous power tools worth a total of $100 5 Kercheval Avenue Saturday, November 30,2002, 11:00am to 5.00pm Grosse Pointe Farms, MI Location. QUIL chase (COiilci of Fisher & Kercheval) 5 Kercheval. GiOSS6 Pointe Fanns. "11,48236 On Wednesday, Nov 20, at II II II II 4:28 a.m., a 29-year-old Warren man suspected of ~ luta! $dtidac? !}J;;etioJb drunken dnYing led a pur- swng Grosse POinte Woods Over 600 Items. Featuring property of various owners including items formerly belonging to the estate of items belonging to patrolman up and down a an important Grosse Pointe Michigan Family; a 10.00ct Emerald Cut Diamond Lady's Ring; few SIde streets before obey- an 8.46ct Antique Cushion Cut Diamond Ring; a 3.05ct Emerald Cut Diamond F color, clarity 511 w/GIA; & more. mg orders to pullover "The (man) uotlced my Over 625 lots Including Tiffany & Co , Van Cleef & Arpels DaVid Yurman, Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubles, Emeralds, Cultured Pearls, Sterling scout car behmd rum and Silver, Platinum, Gold, Rings, Eamngs Necklaces, Pendants, PinS, etc Also featunng select Sterling Silver Hollowware Items Including an proceeded to accelerate," English Punch Bowl, a South American Tea Service, and more said the arresting officer Call Now for an illustrated catalogue (313) 884-4800 or (800) 475-8898 The officer had become SUSpiCIOUSupon seeing the man dnvlng a red 1989 Chevrolet four-door WIth a flat tire on southbound Goethe With the officer followmg, the man turned onto east- 8) bound Alme, reached 42 mph before runmng a stop "'. ". Sign and turning nght at Lot 27 RolPx Pose Gold & Marter The man then Lot 123 10 00d Emerald Lot 116 3 25ct Asscher Lol15 Call1er Tank Lot 6 Rolex 1Bid Yellow Gold StalJ1less Vintage WnSl Olamood & P1a11num Ring DIamond & P1abn um Ring stopped In a dnveway In the Frar,C8lse watcl1 Pr8Sldenbai Wnst Walcl1 CIIC8 1945 Wa\cI1 1000 block of South Brys The reSIdents weren't mvolved Dunng questIOning and a senes of field sobnety tests, the man dJsplayed "slurred speech" and "dull motor , ,~ functIOn," the officer saId The man admItted dnnk. Lol 55 Oav d Yurman LOI56 David YlJiM8n Lot ~ & 49 K"",,,,,lsteln-eord ing at a bar on Harper A Lot 61 DaVid Yurman Lot SO DaVid YUm"an Silver Siver 18,\ Yel ow Gold Silver 1BkI Yellow Gold and Ned

two reports from reSIdents L04 136 Van CIee! & ArpeIe who were fnghtened by a L04 139 PIatJnum I)amond 1BkI Yellow GOld Ruby Lot 266 South Sea man banging on theIr doors and Ruby Retro Bow Brooc::h DIamond & Saw/lore Brooc::h Lot B Plalmum O,amond lot 90 Danish SterlIng C,rea 194o-SO Ruby & Emerald Walcl1 c 1920-30 Silver Groopu'll Cultured Pearl NedI ork (Ountleb... hours _ zmdnrght at home, they can lmks R.frt-sh't~"Honw AJl"r I t:IPrKd ""Kill 1101ll (J.I~;,roolll In,tructlOn acceb;, <,omethrng that IS "We are trymg to get to fir H.llIlg paper~, to pertment to the curricu- teachers to reahze all the fl 'I,ll du ng for actlvltJe" lum" thrng;, }ou can use the Web tll.tt k( ep h'drnlllg II1tpre"t- The ;'Ite wa;, created by 'Ite for," Allan said I knOll a Ill!' dLddenuc technology LOord;- lot of the tl'achers are u"lng \\ Itll help !lOIlJ the dls- nator Grace Snuth It regularl) The challen~e I" Curriculum tl,ll t" CUIIILulum \Veb ;,Ite, She hd;, been workmg helpmg them kno\'< e\ I'll- \\jlllll I" llldlh t"o }ears tlrele;,;,ly to organrze the thmg that's on It and <' old tpaLhel., are able to available resource" and "I personall} find It \ ef\ '- CUll e"10'::...) h IIOlk a le\\ houl ... off theIr update .,pecllir' sectIOn;, helpful for a number of ~ ~ \\()Ikload Instruction whene\er Po;,;,lble thmg;, 1 look for tethnol()g) " t\llll( l-ullra.lI ) Wltn III01 ethan 24 oon 4"rhfl \-Vol, elton 1<.' .... f ...... n) t ,,.,Ic .no ..... thn U"",,,!;'~t ....., !I...,:'. t \.-.- Illlk~, the Web ~Ite I~ a gro ....- based for teachers," she for clip art ....hen I'm dOing a ....- --' IIlg rebourLe for teaLherb In saId ''The best part about It presentatIOn" ~1l" c,., .. ,.,0\,0." ""'.01 '~1"""'I"I~"'Po)l..,h: l.i ell \JoIn the POlJlte~ and acros" the I;' that the tools and There are publishing ~I:1 llatlOn ll~ resources are all 1Il one tools, clrp al t, technology Dr Su;,an Allan. the dls- place resourceb and pnntable II tnct's a~SI.,tant .,upennten "Searchlllg the Internet IS tutonals dent lor Lurnculum and so tJme-consumlllg, and The entire staff develop- ..Q ClJIIllOIlUM DE.VB.OfMEHr nd IMPLEMENTATION InstructIOn, I;, proud of most teachers don't have ment model and curriculum ~ everythIng the bIte ha~ to tIme to ;,earrh - you don't book IS avarlable on the Web ScOpt and S.quenc. of all CurriCUla, Departm.nts.llnn R.sour(l~S offer fOI teachers, parent;, want to look through every- SIte as well as lIlformatJOn J Lanouage Arts. Mathematic.. MusIC SOCiitl StudieS SCI.nce. il~d and even student., thll1g that you come across regardlllg applicatIOn for "The accessIbilIty IS Just It's all right here And It'S grants and a schedule of ~ .. lht:tn\of'I nN c ~ mcredlble," she ;,ald stIli growmg " technology workshops "I hke how much rnforma- Thp bIte con tams every- chp art • offered to teachers In the "There are classroom con- "There are pIctures of kl s tIon IS put nght Into teach- thmg from general dlstnct district "A lot 01 teachers u:,ed the nectIOns that people can use domg work and we have The site also con tams Web site after 9/11," Allan to help kids understand the httle dIalogue runmng lIlformatlOn about plagla- said "It gave them a lot of meamng of certam national what's happemng" , nsm, multiple lIltelhgences, Ideas and answered ques- EFFECDVE NOVEMBER I, 2002 holrdays hke Columbus SmIth IS constantlJ bralll-based learnmg and a tIOns regardlllg appropnate- Day," Smith said addlllg new resources to tht sectlOn on multi-cultural ness" Although the site was cre- site She IS currently work learnmg Another big feature of the ated With teachers m mmd, mg on a speCial ;,ectlOn fot "Any hnks that have been site focuses on the reqUlred Evans & Luptak, P.L.C. there are addltlOnal speCIal educatIOn and stu- found regardlllg any aspect readll1g novels for each resources avaIlable as well dent ,ervlces of the curriculum m the diS- grade level There IS mformatlOn for In the future, she plan;, to trict have been lIlcluded on "Any connectIOn to the PLEASED ANNOUNCE RELOCATION parents to help thClr chil- add a search engine to make\ Is To THE the Web Site," Smith said reqUIred novels that I~ on dren With their study skills surfing the site ea~ler OF ITS DETROIT OFFICE locATED IN ThE BUHLBUILDING To "I'm sure teachers are dls- the Web IS available on our as well as a sectIOn on safety covermg thlllgs on their "We've already had more \ Site," SmIth said on the Internet than 25,000 hits, and It'S not own, but a lot of them WIll 1'- "Sometimes teachers want There are search engines even two years old yet," mall me and tell me to add to do different activIties that Iuds can use and a con- Smith saId KERBY PLACE somethlllg to the site There based on the reqUlred read- nectIOn to the Grosse POinte "People are usmg the site 18720 MACK A VENUE, SUITE 220 IS also a lmk for any teacher Ing" Publlc Library System all over the country," Allan GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MI 48236 who has hiS or her own Web There are sections With "A couple of years ago, I saId page" Michigan resources, Dr started a showcase of what';, The curriculum Web ~Ite The Site also contams spe- Seuss activIties and season- gomg on III elementary can be dcce;,sed at TELEPHONE (313)963-9625 Cial sectwns such as the one al or hobday resources classrooms," Smith saId www gpschools org/cl FACSIMILE created rn response to the (313) 963-8252 9/11 terronst attacks "When 9/11 happened, we ...... "'- ...... \." U ...... l ..__ A _ Poinsettia sale at Pierce pur,; up IoI.1U cCUU.16 mUlt:::llll,..d. site and now, after the MAINOFHCE annrversary, we changed It Pierce Middle School's annual Hobday Pomsettla FLORIDA OrnCE Sale IS gomg on now 7457 FRANKLIN ROAD 4700 N.W. BOCA RATON BLVD. to focus on remembrance," SUITE 250 4TH FLOOR Smith saId "There are all Order forms are avarlable at the school or III the Park BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Ml 48301 BOCA RATON, FL 33431 branch of the Grosse Pomte Pubhc Library System 1t.LEPHONE (248) 406.5100 sorts of places people can go TEI.EPHONE (561) 443-4343 for stuff, hke curnculum Call Rose Brosnan at (313) 881-3329 for more mfor- FACSIMILE (248) 406-5U1 FACSIMILE (561) 443-2868 resources, coplllg With terror matlOn The deadline for orders 1& Dec 4, and pick up IS scheduled for Dec 13 and disaster, worksheets for Access our web site @ elementary teachers and www.grossepoilltenews.com {WALL-TO-WALL SAVINGS ON KA.R'-LA.ST~Al.N. !

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South Class of 1997 Madrigal Dinner at holIday and musIc theater There has been a change North selectlOns at Detrol fs of plans for the Grosse Thanksg1Vmg Day Parade In Travel back In time WIth POlnte South High School front of the Detrolt Class of 1997's five-year the Grosse Pomte North Hlstoncal Museum HIgh School chOIrs as they reUnion A $25 tIcket Indudes The reunIOn, to be held on present their 2nd annual parkmg, breakfast and pre- Saturday, Nov 29, ha!> Madngal Dmner Theater on ferred seatIng InSIde the moved from Its preVlQUS Fnday and Saturday, Dee museum overlooking the locatIOn at Center Street 13 and 14, at 630 p m and parade Pub to Jacoby's, located at on Sunday, Dee 15, at 5 30 pm Contact ClaudIa WIllIs at 624 Brush In DetrOIt tbe DetrOIt Hl!,toncal between Congress and Fort ' The Lords and Ladles of Museum at (313) 833-7935 The class WIll gather from NorsevIlle WIll fill the 1:> to 11 pm 1here IS no ...... ""..u..l.Uo ...... uu n~Hd.!~banCe charge for attendance madngals, beautIful holIday Liggett celebrates New InVltatlOn cards have carols, a repast and a foreign language been maIled to indIVIduals comedIC skIt where the and culture who have dIsclosed theIr Kmg, Queen and CourtIers addresses determIne who IS the heIr to Over 270 students attend- For more InformatIOn, call the throne ed Umverslty LIggett Jacoby's at (313) 962-7067 or ThIS year's productIon IS School's InternatIonal VISit the class Web SIte at dIrected by Eugene Rogers Potluck Dmner on gps97 com and Marty Bufahm Wednesday, Nov 13 TIckets are $40 per per- As part of the Upper son Checks may be sent by School's ForeIgn Language South choirs Dec 6 to 417 Colomal, Week CelebratlOn, thls The Grosse POinte South Grosse Pomte Woods, MI event prOVIded students HIgh School chOIrs, under 48236 Be sure to speCIfy the WIth a hands-on approach to North serves with style at Big Boy the dIrectIon of Ellen date of chOIce understandmg language Bowen, WIll present WInter For more mformatlOn, call and culture On Monday, Dec. 2, students from Grosse Pointe North High School's Foilles on Fnday, Dec 6 and the hotlme number at (313) The week also Included band and orchestra program will be serving with style at the Big Boy Saturday, Dec. 7, at the 432.3246 or VISit the Web mternatIonal cUlsme In the Restaurant at Nine Mile and Jefferson in St. Clair Shores. Grosse Pomte Performing SIte at www gpnchOIrs org school's dmIng room, a Ten percent of all sales for the day, and all tips earned from 6 p.m. to Arts Center In Grosse France vs Spam Football 8 p.m:. will be donated to the music program. POInte Woods (Soccer) Game, an assembly Students will not only assist the wait staff but provide entertainment SelectIons from the Pointe Singers complete WIth Salsa danl;-- while customers enjoy their meals. Nutcracker WIll be accompa- Grosse Pomte South HIgh mg, a Spamsh publIc s~ce A rame for band and orchestra merchandise will also be held thrpugh- nIed by holiday favontes School's advanced chOIr, the announcement ~1'orelgn out the evening. Pictured, from left. Michael Mackool, Andrea Sheridan !>uch as I'll be Home For Pomte Smgers, w1l1 present sketches ' end Brian Johnides. Chnstmas, Joy to the World, SIlent NIght, Let It Snow and a medley of Santa songs George Frlderic Handel's claSSIC HallelUlah Chorus WIll also be per- formed ~ The performers WIll also present the choreography of ver.zonwireless Andy Hames We never stop working for you!" TIckets are avaIlable at THE HOTTEST Postenty A Gallery m the Village. Mam floor tIckets are $12, and balcony tIckets TGOITAHAVE IT PHONES OF are $10 or $8 for students and semors Gold cards are welcome THE HOLIDAYS Show tIIres are at 8 p.m GIFTS! AT THE BEST PRICES EVER! both mghts. Group rates and tickets are avaIlatie through JulIe ArtIS at (313) 885-2834 MOTOROLA V60i MOTOROLA T720 • Voice activated dialing Liggett scholarship • Large, full-(olor display • Web browser finalists • Built-in browser for surfing the web • 2-way text messaging

Umverslty LIggett School • Oownload games, ringtones, $99." Orlglnll Price (Tnn Apply) students Brandon Celestm, pictures & more - $50 00 Mill In Rebate Dawn Espy and LaVon Morgan wtre recognized by $199." Original PriCI (TIXIs Apply} the Nltlonal Ment - $10000 MIJI.ln Tlld .. ln Rlbltl &cholarsht> CorporatlOn as natIonal achIevement semI- W"rlll. IW 1"II "~om,,'91ffll\'" 1 " ~ ph" Wilh finalISts IMIltNy "(!ll of \JS rnd hgh" \\1>olesUp;lhes 1.11 N'llVlIl.bl. • ri m,rl!ll. Sit 110ft for deli I, lom( r!l1neh,R' .pplr They Will compete for over WII~ , oew I ,W mlo",er .gmilltot 00 (.Ihog plm wl1h 775 achievement scholar- ",oothl, "em of SJ5 "d high, While s.pphtsillt NO!mil'ble ships to be offered next In 'II mlr~els Sn Iiolt tOI 4tl .. 11 Somf mlnCllons ,ppl, spnng Paul Abdullah, Bnan Egglestcn and Byron Hauck were recogmzed as semIfi- nalIsts m the 2003 Merit ScholarshIp CompetItIOn GET UNLIMITED They are among 15,000 semIfinalIsts across the NIGHT & WEEKEND AIRTIME MINUTES natIOn to compete for 8,000 awards next spnng & MORE ANYTIME MINUTES THAN EVER BEFORE! Star of the Sea takes part in nation-wide endeavor fOfJJst $39 99 As part of a natIOnwIde \10'iTHL'( ACCESS endea"or, Our Lady Star of the Sea School was recently A11ldild!d l'I.IIIJM1Ibllknj OS"".",.., '" IitPilt fa , kr.1ted Mother, pre- pared by the fourth-graders VERIZON W1RELfSS COMMUNICATIONS STORES AUTHORIZED RETAILERS Students receIved a Eq~l otler and \NOtrf Free Guarantee may .... ry rosary nnd a pamphlet A/Ill A88lII FAJlIIlGTlll IIlU 11M SOlIT1tfW ICOflT1lI wmwu explainIng the mystenes or t~7u JaCII .. ,,1 m.... r11 GroQnpllK"" _ rtstn,llonuw!y for mlli ,n b~tn rebm OOQInaI or'OIlr oI,/{!tpI otlQlNl UK !>MoltnrlWOrt for ~ dm.~ IllllltNl hIM oft)' s.. W'XT'fFIH GuM.", .. brochtlte Ind .... RttumI'El


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November 28, 2002 Groise Pointe News Schools 13A Maire- students help UNICEF fight polio By Jennie Miller Tr~at for UNICEF for the UNICEF reached the stu- StaH Writer third year In a row, btudentb dentb at MaIre through the Halloween IS u!>ually a at Maire ralbed $655 for the school's prmclpal, Kathy tune for chlldl en to dresb In Cdu,e Satut costumes and run aloulld The program ha'> been In , A>, a cluld, growing up In tlw commumty WIth fnendb, Lffect for more than 50 Connecticut, we partillpat abklOg neIghbors for candy ,eaf'" and Lhildren trom all ed In the program," bhr saId ThIS j ear, studulb at U~lr hal e ral'>ed more than Satut brought the caUbe to MaIre Elementarj School c:, 188 IlJllllo/l to pro\ Ide edu Eaton Academy dUring her paid more attentIOn to help callan hl dth Lan' nutn employment there, and thIS mg others than th,,) d,,1 in tlun < IlH Igt /lei rehel ,md year mark" the tlurd year gettmg theIr fd\ ante h n,j, lit 'I II It J tll tf-JL I\wld.., ,tudents at MaIre ha, e been of candy fl "r I I {dd ,hIld)'!l particIpating PArhrln-=ttln

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Help support The Children's Center by bidding on items from the small and unique, to the ultiIn.ateaitl$~ SicSon-line a.nytime or bi4 'by 'Pn.one Monday - Frid.A.!lS:OO om.. - S:oo 1'm The Chlldrell't CenCe& n,.,A)exandrlne, DJtrolt MI 48201 November 28, 2002 14A Autos Grosse Pointe News A-holiday wish THROUGH list for car lovers

1) /I "('rlle. 'I.lf',t IS too btg to fit f ,tuLklfl{?6 or down \ (11I1Il1lf'jS, but U'jJ 6ure i ) ,If WIl,tJer It allY- l ), re" room tI! the d;t

.\ h 1\ t' "een photos of \ j OJ New Beetle ,Autos I \ l 11lble, and we art> i--=-- B-yJenny KingJ 1 II', -urt' It I" ju:,t what we ,\ lilt Illi Chn:,tmds III cast' vertlble Automatic rollover antlthesli> of our dear round- \ u don t have one on hand :,upports proVide extra pro- ed httle Beetle InsIde, the if"l have to out-i>ource It, tectlon Sensors m the car rear seats recline, fold up 11\It are detalls mdlcate If It IS m a rollover agaInst the outside walls or ThI" I:' a German engl- i>ltuatlOn, causmg the sup- are completely removable - ,lPIUj model of the New port!> to deploy behmd the there would b:l room for Bl dip that was Introduced rear seats whether the top IS bikes, snowboards or what- III the UIllted States back In up or down Side-Impact 3lr ever Recllmng front seats 199b They told us at the '98 bags are mounted on front slIde forward and back 11 /I, orth AmellCdn seat-backs, and there IS a mches All seats fold flat for International Auto Show safety-belt tenslOnmg sys- an on-board "lounge," and that there very likely \\ ould tern that holds pas:,engers are covered m waterproof be a convertIble, and that It snugly m pOSItIOn In a crash and rugged matenal mIght tw avallable m a (,QU- SItuatIOn SIde mIrrors have Choose between 2.wheel pIc ofjears mtegrated turn sIgnals and 4-wheel dnve WIth 4- We thmk this was worth About the engInes, Santa speed automatIc or 5-speed \',3lhng for The 20-liter four develops manual transmiSSIOn for V\V offers the soft top m 115 HP VW says Its engI- Honda':, 160-HP 2 4-lIter 4- fOl1r tnm levels GL 20, neers redeSigned thIs engme cylmder engme The vehIcle GLS 20, GLS 18 T and speclfically to benefit the IS clasSified as a truck GLX 18 T (the 18 Turbo Beetle convertIble The 1 8- Smaller rear door& are engIne comes on-stream lIter Turbo features five lunged III the back There IS later IrJ '03) valves per cyhnder and wIll no B-pIllar between front The four-cyhnder engIlles deliver 150 HP - lots more and back doors to obstruct come WIth standard 5-speed than }our eight remdepr, the loadmg of cargo or pas- manual transmiSSIOn or 6- we'd guess sengers The SIde cargo i>peed automatIc With And m case you have to go doors have an mterlock safe- Tlptromc Tlptromc enablei> outSIde your facIlity for tlus ty lever to ensure that the some manual shIftmg one, pnces begIn at $20,450 tront doors always open through gears usmg a spe- for the base GL first c131shift gate, VW says 'rhe Well, dear old pal, If that Base DX and more con- company mdlcates ItS trans- won't work thiS year (many tented EX models WIth 4- mISSIons can deliver some of us kno,", It hasn't been as wheel dnve feature a rear good fuel economy prosperous as others), how skylIght that tilts up and The New Beetle convert- about sendmg us the boxy can be removed and stored, Ible comes With a manual or and mtngumg Honda allowmg the owner to carry !-oeml-automatlc c1oth-hned Element? tall objects and/or sleep top The power verSiOn Right, we know It was under the stars The rear opens and closes m some '13 deSIgned for young guys taIlgate drops down and IS seconds Stanriard power ages 16-24, but do cut us flush WIth the rear storage wmdows automatIcally some slack WhIle we don't area of the vehicle for addl- lower ;hgl]tly to clear the go surfing or mount31n bIk- tIonal cargo carrymg soft top whenever the doors mg, we have falrl} actIve optIOns There IS a scratch are opened When the top IS lifestyles for workmg subur resistant urethane-coated lowered, the wll1dows Ia\', er ballltcs, and the all-new utIhty floor that looks as if It shghth to prevent bllldmg Element starts at just over An' loch brar

New 2003 Volkswagen Beetle convertible would ~ake a nice stocking stuffer.

V,lth the top up the new Beetle conveltiblr assumes that familiar BeeUe <;hapi'

Coming or going, the 2003 Honda Element ia jaunty and distinctive. November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 15A

Ruth E. Becker I j f Ur ....,kl MBA from Northwe"tern GIllian Sloan, hIS sons, Port Au"tm re'-Idl'nt I{ HI \ I Iii t J :\I I""'" \VJ., cde Umverslty Wesley Jr and PhlllP, eIght II\UI"c! 1\ E BeLker, b2 pd''-l d 1\\ I, n \m 21, He wa" a U S Air Force grandchildren, and three I II 01;\!l on Saturday, N 0\ Ib .!I 11'_ I nU fdlw captam In World War II and greatgrandcluldren I Illu l It Idter worked WIth IllInOIS A memonal servIce Will be III \\ 1\ , I d Ilu!llL n) and spent Ii>e years II I may be made to the Statt' UmVPI"lt\ dnd l'l , I I l' I' Ill.. England, ~btablIhhmg the l I I' 1I),]t)('I1, Alzheimer's Support ated jjom t)1< 111~ltll d r~uropean operatIOns , I \I ill Network, 660 9th St N, Park SLhool of \ lI! '-Ill, h JJlO" In 1962, ;',ir Johnson tt 1.lb01 SUite 21, Naples, FL 34102 She v.o!I,ul ,'- ILJI mu\ ed to the DetrOIt area, and ,H!mIllL tr Il "1 rI II y \\ hl're he v. a" preSIdent of or to the chanty of one's [13tur at ~!l,.,hL"I I \: I l,,07b or Wuodallindubtnes and later chOIce 1{, jJlt d of preSident of LIbbey Owens Ho"pltdl, J'- a "" mstructOl , JIl " I II preferences. 1>, \. h ,dtn Funprnl Home Naples Funeral HomL In Pig, on I ., 11 PleaseUmlt written obtluarles to 300 words. (, , "L 1'

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~-; ~ 20762 Kelty Road Eastpointe, MIChigan 48021 ~--~ CrUIses. 586-777-SHIP 888-68-SHIPS Cruises & ravel OPEN SEVEN DAYS November 28,2002 16A Har erWoods Grosse Pointe News School board approves application for bond By Carrie Cunningham Harper Woods school dls- ers an average amount of that the classrooms m the been updated m year" and nolog)', athletiC faclhtles and Staff Wnler tnct bupenntendent Damel $260 per year, accordmg to approximately 50 year-old years and years," he said playground equipment. An applIcatiOn for prehm- Danosky said the new bUlld- Danosky school bUlldmgs "don't have Other proposed parts (f mary qualIficahon of a bond mgs Will offer a "much bet- "It was much more cost the room SIze that IS appro- the new bUlld10gs developed The board approved the to bUild two new school facII- ter learmng environment. effective to bwld new bUIld- pnate III today's v.orld • from the committee's sug- hrms of E Gl1bert & Sons, Itles was approved Thesday, The apphcatlOn, which mgs: Danosky sald Danosky pmpomted SCI- geshons Include a modern- Inc and the Wolgast Nov 19, by the Harper calls for $41,980,000 In bond The facets of the bond ence labs as a "glanng" !Zed gymnaslUm separate CorporatIOn to prOVide con- Woods Board of EducatiOn funds, was sent to the apphcatlOn were wIled from problem that needs to be from a cafetena, a medIa structIOn management ser- The proposal outhnes a MH:hlgan Department of a report filed on October 15, addressed "They haven't center WIth up to date tech- vices for the bUlldmgs plan to combme Beacon Treasury on Nov 20 by the CItIzens AdvIsory Elementary School and The state Trea.wry Committee, a group com- Tyrone Elementary School Department IS expected to pnsed of cltlzens, admmls- mto one new bwldmg and to respond wlthm 30 davs of trators and teachers m the ---Police Briefs---- COl18truct a new faclhty for the submIssiOn If the ~pph- dlstnct

"" 11'11'''' 1 1 1 ...... "" ....." • , "J-.J!!.,.~o", Wt"\f\rI<: q;Pf'nnrl~ry ,.,.~h"n 1~ an .....'U."...orl ...... ~1:'-' ....v.u ...l .. u .....~c ;uu.u.u I.J.U:U.. A pick pocket U.lV\"r.. VJ 'fl'VVU.lUUU ... UC&..U_U .lUa.,",cu .p~vvv--.u(1U \I.t:UUl:iU~U School WIll deCide t~ ~ccept or re~~~t larger classrooms needed to ------somethmg that sounded hke He ------told pohce, who amved In the plan, the bUildings the bond m March of 2003 be bUilt Joan Deaton, of a pickup a wmdow shattering on at 3 30 pm, that he sus currently housmg the three ApprOVing the bond would Director of AdmInistrative A Harper Woods reSident SundRy, :r-.J'Ov 24 \Vhen he pected hlS .1UUJllllldLe was schools Wl1lbe demohshed cost Harper Woods taxpay- SerVices for the dlstnct, sald went to a home Improve-' went to mvestigate, he the culpnt He thmks rus ment store on Kelly at found a BB hole In the upper roommate removed the Vermer on Fnday, Nov 22, center of one of hIS wmdow panel separatmg the storage Water main damage repaired where three tool boxes and panes A second shot room from rus room and miscellaneous tools were occurred shortly thereafter then stole the goods By Carrie Cunningham and half a dozen electncal SetJSeg, a cooperatIve stolen The perpetrator had He told the pohce, who Staff Writer panels owned by school dlstncts gone underneath the tarp on amved at 5 pm, that It A team of workers spent The four power transform- around the state, prOVIdes the pIckup and stole the appeared the shots came Egged four days mendmg damage ers had to be replaced msurance for the school matenal The reSident from a neighboring house on A reSident on the 21100 from the broken water matn "These transformers look reported the cnme at 1 p.m the block block of Huntmgton has that flooded the 150 by 30 like R2D2," school supenn- "There's no guarantee been bombarded WIth eggs feet mechanical room In the tendent Damel Danosky that It wIll be covered, but A gun at the movies basement of Harper Woods sald. "They were completely we're gomg under the A gun shot was heard at Is his roommate on four separ3.tc OCCaslOilS The first time occurred on Secondary School. submerged III water" assumptIOn that It Wl1l be," 9.19 pm on Saturday, Nov a villain? From Nov 16 to the fol- DetrOIt EdIson Installed Danosky said_ 23, at the Beacon East Halloween, and the last lowmg Thesday, electnclans new transformers The bulk of the work from Theater A person was seen A Harper Woods reSident time occurred when his and plumbers coordmated The school reopened on the break has been complet- runnIng across Vernier discovered hiS entertam- daughter called from hlgh by Imrechom, a disaster Wednesday, Nov 20, after ed Road, but no one was appre- ment center had been ralded school saymg the family's 10 the storage room of rus recovery firm, pumped out bemg closed Monday and "We have a few more hended. No one was car had been splattered He house on Sunday, N ov 24 the 10-foot pool of dirty Thesday thmgs to clean up, but gen- mJured reported the vandalism to Some 200 CDs, a DVD play- water as well as repalred The total approximate erally It's done," Danosky Window shooting the police on Sunday, Nov the boller, the water heater damage was $250,000 saId er,2 boom boxes and 12 cal- 24 Paint was damaged A reSident on the 20600 cUlators--totalhng an esh- from the sabotage

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ANN ARBOR Cli NTON TOWNSHIP DEARBORN DETROIT DETROIT GARDEN CITY NOVI Sesl Stu Evans Lakeside jack Demmer Bob Maxey Park Motor Stu Eva GanIen Oty Varsity 1:lIJO W St<:dlum Blvd 175°0 Hall Rd 21531Michigan Ave 16901 Mack flNe 18200Woodward Ave 32000 Ford Rd 49251 Grand River at IIM'ly al Romeo Plank Botwe.n Southfi.ld l at (adleul Oppos,te Palmer Park lu

.Based on MSRPcomparison for all 2003 models In Its class *.Not all buyers will qualify for Red Carpet Lease Some payments higher, some lower ReSidency restnctlons apply Take delivery from dealer stock by 1/2/2003 Cu~tomers eligible for the $500 (Sable, Grand MarqUIS) or $1,000 Mountaineer lease renewallf1centlve must terminate thler new or used Lincoln Mercury vehicle

lease by 11 ~I 2003 H*Not all buyers qualify for Ford Credit finanCing ReSidency restflCtlOns apply APR vanes by term For APR 01 cash back, take delivery from dealer stock by 1/6/2003 - .. I November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Autos 17A Tips on getting the right tire at the best value (NAPSl) - You don't have the width of the tread, It's mghway tire, and perf or. Once you know ----!l- to wheel and deal to get the time to replace the tire You mance tires, focusmg on bet- the lond of tire ' . nght tIres at the best pnce can also get help from ter handhng, gnp and cor- you need, you ~\' Merely turn to these tire Abraham Lmcoln nenng can call or VISit ~ , tIpS 'Take a penny, and with Next, make sure you buy an expenenced "When tire shoppmg, keep Lmcoln's head down, put It the nght sIze Check the tire retaIler Be m mmd that there IS a dlf- mto the tread grooves If you owner's manual or the vem- sure to ask for ference between the lowest can clearly see all of de placard loc-ated on the the total pack- pnce and the best value,~ Lmcoln's head, the tread dnver's door post, the fuel age pnce, whIch advIses Enk Olsen, vlc-e depth 18 low and you proba- filler door or the glove com. mcludes rota- prebldent, Mlchelm bly need new bres Also, partment lId Then, check tlOn and balanc- Ameneab Small TIres look for Irregular tire wear the Umform TIre Grade rat- Illg over the life Olsen offers the followmg and check for ruts, tears or mgs, whIch provide key of the tire tips bulges III the tIre's Sidewall mformatlOn about 1. Know when to replace 2. Buy the nght tire for Treadwear grades, your tires Even the best your vehIrle TIres come III whIch range from 60 to 620 Lilt'" """''''1 vu~ wHii Ullle, :;everal types .t1lgnway lne higher the graae, me distance and a vanety of tIres, deSIgned for wet and longer the tread life weather and road condl- dry weather dnvmg but not - TractIOn grades AA to Everything bons One of the SImplest for use on snow or Ice, snow C, mdlcatmg a tire's braktng your vehicle ways to know when to tires, whIch prOVIde maxI- performance AA slgmfies does happens replace tIres IS to check the mum tractlOn in WInter can. the best tractIOn through foW' tread depth All tIres have ditlons, all-season tires, pro- - Temperature grades A 6-by-e inch tread-wear mdlcat0r bars vldmg good balance for dri- to C, whIch represent a tire's contact points molded mto the treads vers lookmg for mcreased ablhty to WIthstand heat where YoW' tires meet the When the tread IS worn traction III ram and snow as "A" SignIfies the most resls- down to where you can see a well as the handling, nde tant road. solId bar of rubber across and tread-wear benefits of a 3, Shop for the best value CITY OF HARPER WOODS WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wish list- NOVEMBER 18, 2002 From page 14 The regular City COIlne,1 ~ng was called to onla by Mayoc K...... th A. Poynltr II 730pm

RO'J.CAll. could be hosed down, f.Rf.S£Ifi. All Coonctl persons _re praen' although Honda prefers MQllONS PASSED I To =cove approve and me the rrunutes of the Rqular C,ty Coaoctl Meetu>g held 00 "wIpes down" November 4, 2002. and funbcnnore R«1'\It and file the mInutes of me ElecbOD The DX may be a httle CuuU-n1..»IVI"i 1..1uL;;g h:ld October 29 2002 Spartan for some, but those Tha' lIle agenda of the Regular C,ty Council Mee'lng bavlng been IOlIIIl on 147,m 67 to F1aRDce CemoDt Company. 19/0 Snnstoo. Troy Mtclugan. foc work performed through November 10. MPG/lughway. 2002 00 the City" 2002 Conaele Pavement Repo1r Program. Pro)OCtNo 18G-061 Thanks for whatever you 4) To adJOWllto cxecutJve ..... 00 foc the purpoose of cI1scusam,g collect1ve bupuu" .. can do, Santa There are NE some car-shaped cookIes for Kenneth A. Poynter, Mickey D. Todd, you around here some- Mayor City CIett. where, and a warm bever- RIVALS age In the cupholder GPN 1112812002 OF 2002 Gwsse Pomte News and The Coonew)n newspape!S are planl\lng therr 8rh annual special eJ,llOO featunng the babIes 0( the past jt

publ"awJn In thu se<:hon Th,s tablold .,11 be publJshed Juuary n, 200) Yoo, chdd's p"ture, .Iong WIth otber 1001 bab,es, ",II be the maIO am.cnon' New, and adYertlsllIg about c1Olhlllg, (<

Please send a cUle dear phoro (co]or Of black &. white, OOme or studiO produr~. not compule, gtnentea, pleferably Slll3l1er thJn a 5x7) 10 GI05le Thinking about consolidating your retirement assets? Pomte News 51 The Conn«lIon. 96 Kercheval, Grosse POlllle Faron, MIChIgan 48D6 Attent,on Klm Macke .., Duplay Advertl!1ng CooJpl

We loo~ lonmd to prodllCmg our annual 'Baby Edition' and are Sllre you rates on rellovers and transfers of IRA,ROTHand Qualified wanl yoot Illde ooe mduded A \tmlled number of m13 COPICS 11',11be Pion money from another financial insfitufion. Callour amiable for pun,hlsc to [lYe to f.Ill'~and mends R0 T HS retirement sOVlngsdeportment at The Grosse Pomle New! & The Connecnoo requ", a $17 00 fee to com ptoooctlon cost' Please IDdude a check, IllOOtyOlder Olmd,t card number with yOUtpholo. Qua Iified Pians 586 445.0084furoom~ % Kercheval, Grosse POlllle Farms, Michigan 48236 A:tentlOl1: I

Grosse Pomte News & The ConnectJon Send photo and S 17 00 to 96 Kercheval [TWinS S2 5 00 please send one Grosse Pomte Farms ,,",'crugan 48236 Please Pnnt photo of each chJldl Attenbon Kim Mackey DIsplay AdvertlSlng

Child~ NarT'e IFlrst & L3stl, _

Parents Name (First & L3sl)I _ 'Tholospoaj l/1h.I/~\CD (c.bollioposil I'loNd",CDsol$IOOOC« _1IIl. In01\1 ... Date of BJrth'- Hosplla, ...1 I'I1OI1_e _ «. "' ilIle .. beotiod .",~.-swhlil .. :ollod ."' .. IIlIi "" .. pIOIIIlIilId_IaIosIlll/ ..... n .. brAs lIILUIQIrI.,'*'~iloa~ "lOnoolCll""l"cn bor!llI~ialf1\""'lIlIId"""l lOO2; IoposllilllClMoaI Vila 3C MC.II, ~Exp Dal,~e _ ~ral!l, I Tl\IIIrdllhialfl\ !mlSnJJilI! !l\IJ'[Siob,.lds .. b1d1wdoo .. I/I'l"'diaIi ...... ,..1lIi • "",be 1I1rIdoc!«1ImnIoI ~"" fmtIllFrllSlllllIri'1isaoIoo. ~""*''''IIlIIr''''''''' Signaturc:.e ------EASTPOINTE 586 775 5000 16100E 9 M&! Rood eos'dGl1lIlof 15000 10 M&! Rood ct Ila,oes call586.445.0084 today 227llKeIy Of 9 IIl.ie iood he Babies ot ST, CWI SHOlES 586 775 5000 13600 Go'earel Moc1 at 9 Mile Rood phOlClS Thank you and please return no later than December 18th, 2002 • December birth accepted until January 3, 2003 14335 H

November 28, 2002 18A Business Grosse Pointe News

If) ou look at the gla'>b as and mental attitude of many LTS flew off to Fort half full, mstbld 01 half Investors Lauderdale for a few days 10 Stock Market empty, It'S good Ju~t to be For the week ended last the sun With temperatures all\ 1.'1 • ~ '_ (i Fnday, Nov 22, the Dow m the low 80s at Glance • _ :~. I '".)-: I • '. - - a JUbt thmk surged 226 pOints, 01 2 6 Our first expenence With ot the new penent, c10blng at 8,805 - the new Metro airport was Friday ClosE', 11/221Q2 were se\ en btocks tradmg 10\ ('ntlOns of postmg the seventh con"ecu- Ing pnce reflects activity by surpnslllgly effortless Dow Jones 1m 8,805 lh, past 10 hve weekly gain, the bebt near their 52 week highs? profeSSIOnal arbitrageurs The US Park shuttle ,ears, which buch run !>lnce the first Alphabetically they were pendmg the eventual resolu- dehvpred us to the termlllal, NASDAQ Comp 1 469 Ill' now take quarter of 1998 1) DetrOit Edlbon WTE, tIOn of the unsoliCIted cash and we had no habsle With S&P 500 Index 931 for granted And the techs In the NAS- closed at 45 43 last Friday, tender for the company the electrOniC boardmg pass- $ In EUROs 09972 cell phones, DAQ Composite did even at 95 2 percent of Its 52- Analysts pomt out that es or baggage check-Ill the Internet, better percentage-wise, up week high), the Original tender pnce The Northwest flIght Crude Oil (Bbl ) 26 76 , ~ 0 4 ~n ?) Fpnnr".:ll1 c;;;: ...... T fl;'Cf""D _"l'" ~ ,...... •• l I ...... 0 " t-' ... l..HOJ ~(1..l. \...a.JU ...... t" ", VL \..IV U.l ~, U~lJd.J ....t-u vu. LUin .., ~"1L,.U p.l'--L- I,,;JVl\.J \ VL J ' ~VIV eras, DVDs By Joseph dOblng at 1,469 What a 40 00, 95 5 percent)~ - i:i; over the pnor tradmg level zel btlck'> for lunch 3-Mo T-8111s and wmd- Mengden powerful rally we've Wit- Franklm Bancorp (FBCP, Traders bay that the stock We did the Amencan 120% s hie I d nessed bmce Oct 91 18 10, 92 1 percent), IS presently "m play," and it Castles tour of south 3O-Yr T-Bonds 502% wipers that automatically 4) Kellogg (K, 3485, 942 would not be surpnsmg to Flonda, vIsIting ~1Jzcaya m The Dow IS up 22 pf>rcf>nt, percent), turn on when It rams (how willIe the NASDAQ spurted see an even illgher tender MIami and Flagler's necessanly indIcate a spe- 5) Saga CommumcatlOns do they do that?), to name a 33 percent pnce offered by a second bId- Whitehall m Palm Beach CIal generosIty by the ISSU- few (SGA, 20 20, 84 2 percent), der, or a pnce mcrease by Defimtely not for toddlers, mgcompany Last weekend, LTS 6) Stryker (SYK, 64 58, the first bidder but these two gems of the Often the reason for high- The stock market rally tracked the 90 t.llchlgan 95 7 percent), and early 19th century should be er yields IS the perception of slllce the lows of Oct 9, only stocks listed m The DetrOit 7) Taubman REIT (TCO, on top of your VISit hst a POSSible future dIVIdend seven weeks ago, has News (Sunday, Nov 24) 16 40, 95 6 percent) 1-75 in Florida And, of course, we saw reductIOn Improved the disposItion Would you belIeve that there The Taubman REIT clos- Last week, LTS and Mrs good old 1-75, which ends at Pillhp Morns' 6 7 percent mile marker No 1 'n yield mdlcates the uncer- Hialeah tamty about future tobacco What's new on the Internet, pussycat? The locals have a speCial IltigatlOn name for 1-75 The "I" stands J P Morgan Chase's 6 2 Let's get a couple ofthmgs name for your cat, VISit "We for "mcomplete" and the "75~ percent yield reflects straight fight off the bat can't thmk of a name" IS the number of years to mvestor uncertamty about Thousands of years ago, (matt wheeler1 btmternet c completIOn Sounds about Its outstandmg loans to cats were worshiped as gods " Pointers on o uk) The "uk" at the end nght for our branch of 1-75 Enron and other tech enti- Cats have never forgotten means the site IS located m 10 southern Mlcruganl tles thiS the Umted KJngdom The In summary, diVidends Last week thiS column TeChnology SIte has thousands of names Top yields of the are Just one check pomt of went to the dogs, so It'S only for cats, dogs, boats and Dow due diligence when trymg to fair that tills week we talk babies select a good, long-term about cats By ~ke Maurer I was happy to find that The YIelds of the 30 Dow equIty mvestment Let's define what IS a cat none of the name sugges- stocks range, as of Nov, 15, lover If you bore the neigh- Similar links to purebred cat Anthropomorphism tions mcluded Michael I from 6 7 percent (Phillp Don't go away bors With dlscusslOns on the rescue orgamzatlons Morns) down to zero (ass,gmng human trmts to wouldn't like a cat named Dunng our absence of five exact nutntlOnal differences Want to take your cat to (Microsoft), other hvmg things) is taken after me, or worse, findmg mall days, the overburdened between 9-Llves and Amore, the show? I recommend you Last week, AT&T complet- to another level (Yes, I did out I was named after a cat. postal carriers delivered to you are a cat person aVOIdthe thnller spy mOVie, ed the spm-off of Its sub- have to look it up In the diC- Some of my favontes, our house 62 Chnstmas cat- On the Internet, search- "Cats and Dogs" tionary for the correct Sidiary, AT&T Broadband) ,>tartmg WIth the letter M, alogs, two unsoliCited maga- mg for cat-fanCier mforma- The cats are the bad guys spelling) mto the new Com cast stock, were MagIC, Merlin and zmes and copIes of Forbes, tlon was Just as easy as my and lose In the end But If If you have a Mame Coon and the later 1-for-5 reverse Mischief They also offered Money and The Nomad prevIOus hunt for dog data you are mterested In cat split of Its own stock Cat, thiS IS the place to be the name Mouse Good magazme Here are a few of the best shows, Dream Cats has When I stop laughmg, I'll go Its new dIVIdend on the name if you don't mmd peo- It's obvIOUSthat pUbllSh- Web sites I found links to cat show fliers and remammg company has not on ple saytng, "Huh?" to you a mg companies and trash diS- Dream Cats show schedules yet been announced If you don't want to take lot posal compames are both (dream cats com) was exactly The only thmg that "leeps The five top Dow YIelds care of a cat, but you stili I found a Web SIte called growth busmesses, even if what the name Implies more than a cat IS an old cat were love them, how about some KJtty Cat Furbalis (luttycat- you don't read the catalogs everything cat that you On thiS Web bIte, you'll find 1) PhIlip Morns (MO), 67 pictures? I mean art furballs com) that the kids or order anythmg' could dream up lists and locations for older The Web site to VlSlt IS mIght hke It offers arumal percent, Itb cat breeder link hsts cats and speCial needs cats called "Purebred Cats and games of all sorts, none of 2) JP Morgan Chase over 40 breeds m more than lookmg for the purrfect Ktttens Ammals which are violent (JPM), 6 2 percent, Joseph Mengden zs a resz- 35 countnes home (Yes, I know "purr- Posters/prmts" (art com) I did find one cat Joke to 3) General Motors (GM), dent of the Czty of Grosse It offers breed-specific feet" IS bad) You can hang some cat art share Actually, It'S one of 57 percent, POinte and former chazrman SiteS and cat clubs It also Does your cat have Its own on the wall or on the cur- the cats' ten corn'1landments 4) Eastman Kodak (EK), of Fzrst of Mzchlgan "Let's has tips on selectmg and e-mml account? You can get tams, where most cats love I find pertl~"nt for computer 52 percent, and Talk Stocks" zs sponsored by carmg for cats and kIttens, a free web-based e-mail to hang users 5) SBC CommumcatlOns the follOWing Grosse POinte as well as Imks to other account through Dream Cat What about ordinary cats? Thou shalt not Jump onto (SBC), 4 3 percent Investment.related firms SIteS Its "In the Fancy" link And, If you want, you can If you follow the links from the ke)' board when thy The anthmetlcal average John M Rickel, CPA, PC, will take you to cat reg- chat With other cat owners Angel Fire (angelfire com), human IS on the modem YIeld IS 2 55 percent Yields Rickel & Baun PC, and Istnes and clubs on theIr bulletin board you will find a Web site higher than aVt.rage do not In~estme'1t Counsellnc Last week I talked about MOVing on, I had to VISit called "There are no ordI- Have a tech questwn or the purebred dog. rescue thiS next Web site nary cats" subject you wOl..ld lzke orgamzatlOns that try to It's called "Angel Baby's My mistake I can't Itst all addressed m thIS column? place dogs, such as over-the Mame Coon KJttens and the Web SiteS It leads to, but Want to comment or add hIlI racmg greyhounds, mto Cats of Ocala, Flonda" I can name a (.Duple of my your two cents worth? My e- good homes (mamecooncat com) No, I'm favontes mall address 1S On Dream Cats, there are not kiddmg If you can't thmk of a mmaurer


Chn.s W W illccr - John R. Wdch1J 63 KERCHEVAL, SUITE 100 M=halJ C. Downs - R!chan:I K. SlII10nds GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236-3627 19511 M:ldr.Avcnu< TELEPHONE313/881-8200 Gross< POinte. M,ch.gan 48236 EMAIL rlckel baun@home com

Photo by Brad Lmdherg Lining up for Metro Airport parking deals Motorists picking up holiday travelers at Detroit Metropolitan Airport can park in any of the airport's short-term parking areas for up to 45 minutes for only $1, The s~cial Thanksgiving rate runs through Sunday, Dec. 1, Airport officials remind motorists that curb fronts are reserved for active loading and unloading only, Due to holiday congestion and new federal security regulations, curb-front parking restric- tions will be enforced strictly by airport police. You'll Love "We recommend that friends and family pick- the Way. ing up travelers park in one of the airport's near- It Looks! by short-term lots and meet their party at a pre- destgnated location, such as the airline luggage clatm areas," said airport authority CEO Lester Robinson, Theserevolutlonory replacement OO&plece seom~ Metro Airport has expanded a discount for long -.a1u/1llnum clog tree gun" lilY .y>t"rns cotrh and route water but dlv",rt le<1ve,and pine needl<>s to tne ground term parldng in the Big Blue Deck, across from /fi'No1 an odr1 co_ >creer> ReplaCe vou "'XJ y":1St1nQ 0/Uff9f d No SIJ/xontr'X t0i3 IflStCllled By visiting www.metroairport.com. travelers r Uletvne no ('Jog (;

November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News

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Every power option, 7yr/100k $29 995 16,000 miles, auto Acura Certified Warranty , 17,000 miles, leather, certified $11,333 cnrome, moon roof '00 BUICK REGAL LS '00 HONDA ACCORD LX '02 KIA SEDONA EX Auto, alloys 25 000 mile" certified, 100k style and aftordabl1lty $11,795 $1 3 995 Leather, moon alloys, too warr'lntv auto 11C'e ~ 51 8 888 much 10 list ,

NO ONE REFUSED! Jeffrey Automotive specializes in assisting CREDIT FAST APPROVALS! "GOOD PEOPLE" with "BAD CREDIT"! DDnar ~~l~L'l 0 BANKRUPTCY. REPOS? r••UMUfMlfltai» t • COLLECTION? • SLOW PAY? Adopt a Family for Christmas NEGC program proves - again - that giving can be better than getting

Carne Cunningham and 01 ganlz,ltlOn~ 1I1 thL area to Northeast GUIdance Center Staff Writer adopt famllIe~ Last) ear, the form hstmg their names, ages, adopted famIlieS for two years statT members ldentIf) fanllhes sex, race, clothmg sl~es and holI- Manssa SmIth, 61, \\ant:, to !\orthea"t GUI(LlllCe Cent"r they believe have the hIghest They heard about the program day wlshe" They glVe the form to buy her granddaughter, Belinda, hnked 72 fanlllJes m need WIth need Some of the clIents have through one of theIr patients who wntllbuto]':, a contnbutor who Will then shop 11, :,ome CD:, and a bike thIs In('h1rip~ ~qn,l.:-'''H'ont-'' I ~.::b ...... l.... was a volunteer Rt th" North"""t ;Ul t.JU;: UU:dlCU Jtemb Chrlbtma:" but because she IS 1\(' ne\ er ,U)fi people so exut- ly on SOCIalSecunty, fanllhes GUidance Center strugglmg to make end:, mept, the ed and grateful for thIng" we take The center follows Up by pre- Debbw Snell a, 49, an office burned out of theIr houses and ,entmg the gifts to the famliles LUbE- w!ii ue hdl d ,0 ulcdr f(J]' gral1t"d: :,ald Paula l-'aulma, smgle parent famIlies WIth five or manager for the dentIstry, saId "Some of the thmg:, (she) wants Adopt a Famll) founder and pro- SIXkIds they reCel\ cd "lovely thank you I cannot afford to buy" SmIth gram director of ChIld and FamIly MIke McDeVItt, 45, a stay-at note!> (about) how nice It was to saId She tnes to support fh e Sen Ice" at the Northeast home Dad and a former Peace know that there were people who ChIldren from th" households Corps worker who IS an aVid grandchIldren with $545 a month GUIdance Center "Many famIlies often "dIdn't thmk Santa was cared enough to help out" enthUSIast of volunteer work, has from SSI and a couple hundred are crymg It's a \ ery emotIOnal commg," Paulina SaId dollars from The FamIly Agency thmg" been mvolved WIth the program The famIlies they pIck fill out a Last year the office managed to for four years He hkes "the meet all of their adopted famtlles' Belmda IS severely emotIOnally sen!>e of shanng and gIvmg back Wishes The doctors m the den- dIsturbed Her mother Ib m amg to the community" that the pro- tIstry bought the Items that were gram calls for rehablhtatlOn for crack cocame, left over after the staff bought and shf' doesn't know where her He feels a strong empathy for gifts father IS the famIlIes he has adopted Another partIcIpant m the pro- HappIly, Behnda's Chnstmas "They're trYIng to meet baSIC gram, Tappan and AsSOCIates, a wIshes thIS year mIght be grant- needs, and when It comes tIme for reSIdential real estate firm, began ed the holIdays, they Just have an Its mvolvement WIth the program A servIce called the HOllday overwhelmmg sense that noth- last year Adopt a Family connects famJlws mg's there," he saId People at the firm had a yearn- m financIal need V\ ho also buffer He browses for glfts for hIS mg deSire to give after feelIng the from mental Illness With famIlIes, adopted famIly WIth hIS own fami- devastatIon of the homfic events schools and busmesse:, that are ly, rus WIfe LIZ, 45, and hIS three of Sept 11, accordmg to Jebslca wIl!mg to help make hohday daughters, Clare, 16, Shannon, MItchell, 47, a realtor WIth the hopes a reality Belinda WIll gIve 13, and Bndget, 10 firm her deSIres for CDs and a bike to "We make It a tradItIOn as a Employees used to gIve gIfts to a busmes~ that WIll consIder buy. family as one of our holIday shop- each other but deCided to reach mg the Items for her pmg days," he SaId "It makes the beyond theIr office and contnbute shOPPing expenence more mean- to the larger community "(She) would be ovelJoyed," mgful" SmIth said, predlctmg how her "We Just said to heck WIth It Some of the Items he and hiS granddaughter mIght react We'll take the money and pool It famtly have bought mclude a (for Adopt a FamIly)," Mitchell The Adopt a FamIly program IS boom box, a tram set, sneakers, saId "Everybody Just loved It " mn by the Northeast GUIdance c10tbng for teenage glrls, a skate- MItchell summed up the Center, a community mental board and baskets of household essence of the program health agency that provIdes ser. goods and candy for parents ,It truly IS more of a blessmg to VIces to famlhes from a low gIve than to receive" SOCIOeconomic background on the McDeVItt descnbed how the east SIde of DetrOit Staff mem- program IS a beacon reflecting the If you would lIke to partIcIpate Ideal, compassIOnate heart of the bers from the organizatIOn started In the program, you can contact Photo by CarrJe Cunnmgham season bUYing glfts for 10 of theIr con- Paula Paulma at the Northeast Mike McDevitt and his daughter Bridget go shop- "It's In the splnt of celebratmg sumers dunng the Chnstmas sea- ping together to buy holiday gifts for the family GUIdance Center at (313) 245- son In 1992 Chnstmas WIth the bIrth of Jesus 7000 they've adopted, He likes "the sense of sharing and (and) the whole manger scenario The heartwarmmg success of giving back to the community" embodied in the of helpIng people and takmg peo- Manssa Smtth and her grand- theIr efforts spread by 'dord of Adopt a Family program. ple In," he saId daughter's names have been mouth, promptmg other people Pomte Family Dentistry has changed to protect thetr prwacy

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November 28, 2002 26 Community Grosse Pointe News Parcells Bazaar Top tips for a tip-top Thanksgiving BV Julia Watson all of whIch you have tabbed reduced tv about 3 cups Parcells Middle School will hold its 27th annual Jurled Holiday Buau United Press International for 2 ::s minutes In a pan In 4 Stram through a SIeve, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at the school, 20600 Mack in I'm gOIng to sound lIke a tablespoons butter Add salt prebsmg the sohds With the Grosse Pointe Woods. Proceeds support Parcells PTO projects. classroom teacher, or your and plenty of freshly ground back of a spoon Refrigerate Some 150 exhibitors will display and sell handmade craft items. mother, or my mother But black pepper and refriger- when cool Refreshments will be available. the secret to survlvmg ate On Thankbglvmg day, Tickets are $3 for early birds who want to enter the bazaar at 9 a.m., ThanksglVlllg or any other On Thankbglvmg day, bnng It batk to a bOIl When one hour before opening. A limited number of early bird tickets are avail- celebratIOn that comes bnng It to room temperature the turkey has cooked and able in advance Tickets are $2 after 10 a.m.; $1 from noon unW closing. packed v,lth expectatIOn IS and add 3 eggs, lightly beat Itb JUices have been stramed of butter, add them to thiS Advance tickets orgamzatlOn en and mIX all together gra\y _ ... ..l are available from 1 Do ab much as you can • Make the cranberry • PrpOilre vour vel!ptll- to 3 p.m. Monday ahead of time Go cdrefuiiy ::'dUl.C I lih.l, It cOukcJ ',1.1th bleb P;el a;d chop ~and through Thursday, through every recIpe you are the zest of a scrubbed btore m water m the refng- Dec. 2-5, at Parcells. gOing to follow and make a orange, removed WIth a erator any root vegetables Evening ticket sales shopplllg hbt of Ingredients potato peeler and cut III fine - I' ... ~ _ ~h ...... "'A" ...,",~.....<"'\.n ... Tf ...... O'"llJ, (''hrn~Q ~nr1 thp nr~nP'P'~ WfI"h and bag am others I ... "" .....",.u.a .., .. '" , .., ...... On ThanksgIVIng Day, fin- Monday and Tues- Ib senslbl; putting all th~ JUice Ibh off the pumpkm pIe day, Dec. 2 and 3, at quantities for the same Item FIrst ~hop 1 pound of before you start the turkey. the school. together ThIS way, )OU frebh cranberries as finely Preheat the oven to 425 Tickets for admis- won't find when you get as you can I Ube a meat degrees Lme a pIe dish WIth sion to the bazaar at home from the grocery store deaver and a chopping bought shortcrust pastry 10 a.m. and noon that whIle you bought bread board Dump them In a bIg and pnck It all over will be available at for the turkey stuffing, you saucepan WIth the orange, the door. don't have a loaf for late- an mch of cmnamon stick, 3 MIX ~/4 cup of sugar, a pmch of salt, a good gratmg Chairmen of the mght turkey sandWIches ounces of sugar and bnng to of nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon cm- Holiday Bazaar, from A baguette IS worth hav- a bOll Cook over low heat for namon and 1/2 teaspoon of left. are Daria Coop- Ing around If you hghtly 5 mmutes, then wol grated, peeled fresh gInger er, Cheryl Foley and toast CIrcles of It In advance Remove the cmnamon mto the pumpkm p

New Eastside Locatloll 22121 Greater Mack Afenue 9'-4lle We Carry Holistic Products: (btt ..... 8 & 9 Milt Road) SMile Skin Care, Body Oils, St. ClaIr Shores, Ml Essential Oils, Herbs VIlIt ., D8.ilu at "'.... Itrmtda)spa com and Holiday Gift Baskets

/"Il? • ----~'""\ r Friday & Saturday Sunday i November 291ll & 3{)!h December 1st ,.....1:00pm - 9:00~m. ~ Noon - 4:00pm Browse 6' Relax in Festive Surroundings, Snacks & Beverages Fill out an entry fonn, list any one (1) item inthe store that you would love to have ...a grandfather clock, leather sofa, entertainment center, etc ...if "Keep Your Family Together Forever" )our card is drawn, that item will be }'OUtS •••• FREE! Call Now For Holiday Appointments Portraits Available for Christmas mnpp 1J1uruifurr GIft CertIficates Available 183 South Main. Mount Clemena (586) 469-4000 Terrence Carmicllael's Studio Inc. "l2m .... north of .... tr~ Patkwey('.Ml "4) Mon Tl1un Frl 9 3()'8 lW Tue. Wed sat 9 S().II 30 20725 MdCk l\venue • G r 0 sse Poi n t e Woo d s Sunday )24 313.884.4280 November 28,2002 Grosse Pointe News Wedding_s 38

Thomas The bnde earned a bache- Angeles lowed t) a receptIOn at The Rev WIlham Arnet lor of sCience degree from Mondro- The groom's attendant Wmdml1l POInte offiCIated at the ceremony, Central MIchigan was hiS Sister, Elizabeth The bride wore a willte which was followed by a University She IS a human Meyer of Los Angeles matte "atm gown that fea- beachfront receptlOn at the resources consultant WIth Meyer The rmg bearer was tured a sweetheart necklIne Renaissance Grand Beach Plante & Moran Enca Mane MOildro, Damel Seehase of Bnghton aCtented With pearls and a Resort The groom earned a bach- daughter of Joseph and Readers were Michael and cathedral-length tram She The matron of honor was elor of sCIence degree from Cynthia Mondro of the CIty Juhe Guzman of LOb carned a bouquet of red, yel- Julie RICCIof Grosse Pomte MIchigan State Umverslty of Grosse Pomte, married Angeles and Laura Pm,be of low and whIte roses Farms He IS a corporate bales man- Matthew Jacob Meyer, son the CIty of Grosse Pomte wrapped m a 'iatm bow Bndesmalds were the ager With SBC Amentech of Barbara Meyer and Barry The bnde earned a doctor- The maId of honor was the bride's SIster, Chnstme The c0uvle honeymooned Meyer of Los Angeles, on ate In psychology and IS bnde's sl"ter, DlOnne Youngblood of Palm Beach m the Bntlbh VlrgIll July 28, 2002, at Auberge du prnplnYPQ by a romrpunlty Carlan~ of Cro~~c POInte Gdrdens, Fla , Dawn lrntlm Island.. They 11\ P 10 Royal Soiell In Napa Valley, Cahf cllmc In Oakland, Calif Farms She wore a knee- of Royal Oak, Shyla Strange Oak They werp marned under a The groom IS completmg a length penwmkle blLle of San FranCISco, KatIe chuppah deSIgned by the Ph D m psychology and IS sleeveles'i dreb~ dnd carned Kutscher of New York City, groom's SIster, made of working at a commumty a bouquet of red, yellow and .; uu," vldggen OJ lrrObse !J1<1.)' "1 li<1/;" 11 UJU W,"UUlUg cllmc m tlerkeJey, Lalit white roseb POInte Woodb, and Gretchen guests who submitted The couple honeymooned The flower gIrl was Moran of Blrm10gham prayers and Wishes for the on Vancom er !bland, Bntlsh Gyonyl Nemer-Kaiser of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen couple Columbld They live III Sterling HeIghts She wore a Patrick Griffin The best men were the The Rev DIana Morgan Oakland 1!J1l, tea-length whIte satm dress groom's brothers, offiCiated at the ceremony, and a crown of white flow- ChrIstopher Gnffin of Royal whIch was followed by a ers Brooks- Oak and MIchael Gnffin of receptlOn at Auberge du Best men v. ere the Los Angeles SoleI 1 groom's brother, Steven Groomsmen were Jeffery The bnde wore a SImple Slmner of Dudley, England, Griffin Gates of Grosse Pomte straight Ivory satm dress and Mark SmIth of Woods, Tom Chmoms of that featured a scoop neck, Stourbndge, England Holhs Elizabeth Brooks, Royal Oak, Brad Holubar of decorated WIth pearls and daughter of Arthur and ChIcago, Davld Farkas of buttons The mother of the bnde Marlene Brooks of Grosse Cmcago, Bowen Wyngarden The maId of honor was the wore a floor-length navy Pomte Woods, marned of Houston, Texas, Ralph bnde's SIster, Juhe Mondro dress that featured a beaded Stephen Patnck Gnffin, son Llpford of Cmcago and Ryan of the City of Grosse POInte bodIce and a matdung Jack- of Paul and Susan Ozdaglar LIpford of Monroe The flower gul was et She wore a Wrist corsage of NorthVIlle and Tom and J ulianna Seehase of of red roses Sandra Gnffin of Aberdeen, Readers were Michelle Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bnghton Scotland, on May 25, 2002, Bourke of Royal Oak and Jacob Meyer The best man was The groom's mother wore at a sunset ceremony In St Nancy Sheehan of ChIcago Jonathan RUIZ of Los a full-length three-tier dress m shades of pmk and hlac and a wnst corsage of whIte ro"es Ene-ae-emen ts Accomnam<,t'i were .Tpff Markwlck and Mary ______«..7_«..7_--_------~I!!!II!I--.-~-----.Western Michigan and Duane and Rebecca planned Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holmes Umverslty She is complet- Cornelius of Birmingham, Boyer earned a bachelor of Christopher Simner The bnde earned a bache- Lng a master's degree in edu- Ala, have announced the arts degree In art from lor of sCience degree m cabon at EE'stern !\'bcmgan engagement of theIr daugh- AlbIOn College chemIstry from L) man Umverslty. She IS a second- ter, Jenmfer Cornehus, to Carloni- Bnggs College at MIchIgan grade teacher in the DetrOIt JaM Enk GaIT, son of John Hubbard attended State Umverslty and a mas- Pubhc Schools and Sue GaIT of Grosse Montar.a State Umverslty, Simner ter's degree 10 health care Beardsley earned a bache- Pomte Park. A January wed- where he studied musIc admllllstratlOn from the lor of sCIence degree in con- dmg IS planned Rhonda Ann Carlom, Umverslty of Mlcillgan She structlon management from Cornehus earned a bache- daughter of Roland and is a HIPAA operatIOns ana- Mlcmgan State Umverslt)'. lor of arts degree from Omo Donna Carlom of Grosse lyst With Tnmty Health cor- He works for Toll Brothers. Umverslty She IS a benefac- Pomte Farms, married porat~ headquarters ,. tor recogmtlon manager Mark Chnstopher Slmner, \ With Northwestern son of Geoff and June The groom IS a chartered Cornelius- Memonal Foundation In Simner of Dudley, England, management accountant Cmcago 01' Sept 21, 2002, at an out- and an mternatlonal asSOCI- carla Diane LegwaDd Garr earned a bachelor of door ceremony overlookmg ate CPA He IS a semor and David WWiam Garr arts degree from the Lake St ClalT finanCIal analyst WIth Beardsley CraIg and Patricia Tlckel Umverslty of MIchigan He The Rev Larry GMAC of West Carrollton, OhIO IS a partner In DIamond Hutchmson officiated at the The newlyweds w111travel Cluster International In ceremony, whIch was fol- to St LUCia tills winter Legwand- ChIcago. Alison McKenna Boyer . * Beardsley Boyer- and Alfred WUUam * .$. . Hubbard n Dave and Carol Legwand • Leon's on tfie JaIL • of Grosse Pomte Woods have announced the engagement IIubbard of theIr daughter, Carla Kathy and Doug Boyer of DIane Legwand, to DaVId Eastport, formerly of Grosse WIlham Beardsley, son of Pomte Farms, have Dave and Deborah announced the engagement Beardsley of Canwn of theIr daughter, Alison .- A June weddmg 18 McKenna Boyer, to Alfred • planned WIlham "Fntz" Hubbard II, Rmte Schrortkr Legwand earned a bache. Jennifer Comelius son of Bonme and Bill I'm 'Back. at ....Geon's • lor of sCience degree In ele and John Erik GBIT Hubbard of Mmturn, Colo $ mentary educatIOn from An August \\ eddlng Ib '* 'Wrsfwrg you J{appy J-(olrdays! • n 13) 884-9393 • • 11~ KClcr~\11 • Grossepo:teF * .3 Day~Only . . ':' ..

This Friday,. .,.Saturday & Sunday

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, /1 ,Y;~ck~/ 2' 48 November 28, 2002 • Churches Grosse Pointe News I The Pastor's Corner Christ Church plans- Baste often By the Rev. William C. DeVries Holiday Boutique First Chnstlan Reformed Church BIshop NIcholas of Myra, ers to Santa Claus I remember when they used to let me baste the a k a St NIcholas, Will 00 The black-he.optlOnal brrd the est of honor at a gala receptIOn Will offer a pre Ordmanly, on Thanksg1Vmg Day, the kItchen recepgutIOn on hIS feast day, view1 of thet boutIque1 h and \\

AgaIn, we ar.e told to "Say thank-you" C Sunday, Dee 8, WIthbIds on And agam, the greatest benefit IS far. auctIOn Items c10smg at 1 we try to learn contentment, ~" pm Sunday m so doing, set aside fear, anger an Chn'lt Church IS at 61 The ohly question that remams IS nrns~e Pc~::.tc BJ.,J J.lt:Xt to whom our thanks IS needed most Grosse Pomte SOJth HIgh School For more Informa- tlOn call 13131 81'>') 4b41

First English Ev, Lutheran Church St. James Verruer Rd at Wedgewood Dr Grosse Pomle Woods Lutheran Church m GRACE UNITED 884-5040 170 McMlUan Rd , near Kercheval ~CHURCH OF CHRIST 8 J 5 am TradluonaJ Semce Grosse POfnieFarms. 884-0511 1175 Lakepomle a.! KerclJeval 9 30 a m Contemporary Service Sunday Schedule Grosse Pomre Park 822-3823 II 00 am TradJuonaJ Semce 9-00 a Ill. Educabon nm. 9 4S a Ill. Refreahmentl and P.Uowalup Sunday - WOrshiP 1<>-30a.m 10 15 a Ill. Worslup and Holy Commumon Tucsd.y - Tnnit ShOP 1030 - 330 ... ".,..... Dr Waller A SchmIdt Pastor ~istOriC ,.~~'. NurBOr)' l'7ovuIed iDQ o~~ Rev Banon L Beebe, AssocIate Pastor Wednesday Amazmg Grace Senrors Raben FOSler, MUSIC CoordInalor .~"i;.. Wednesdays e\ ery second Wednesday at -1 4IDtarin.ers' ;.~~?i Grosse Pointe :tia tw.~ Noon 80m", of The Tompluns Center at ...... ,e. ;.~ ~O!Word and Secn.ment Windnull Pomte Park II 00 - 3 00 <1IIyurdr St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church UNITED METHODIST .•....". COME JOIN US Slllce 1842 375 Lothrop .t Chalfont. Grosse POinte Umtanan Rev G1lllln Ko ka Jr , Ph.D lAIr COMlllOMd 88t.a&70 CHURCH Pastor Rev Henry L Remewald Church A HOUSE OF PAAYER FOR All PEOPLE 900& 11:15a.m. Worship (I A Fnendly Church for l\Saint The 1928 Book of Common Prayer 10:10 a.m. Education for All "Holiday Stress" 1 All Ages GROSSE.POINTE SUNDAY m NulSery AV8l1alJle ..,..,.,...... - 211 Moross Rd. nmbrose 1030 a m WOI'SIlIP 8 30 am. Holy Communion l!!i1 Rev. FttdwIc:a HIrmt, PllIlor Grosse Pointe Fanus UNITED 1015 a.m. Adult Bible Study FlKIIoIIII Cok, ~ "- 17150 MAUMEE 88100420 886-2363 JejPariSh Rev John Corrado Minister CHURCH 11 00 a m - Holy CommunIon Christ the King 9 30 a.m Worsblp Church Sunday School ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL AmUAlUl WITHTHE UCC AND ABC andN~ry ettURCH Lutheran Church I045am Sunday School 2AO CHALFONTE ATLOTHROP ~ Saturday Vigil Mass THURSDAY 20475 Sunningdale Park Mack at Lochmoor at 4'00 p.m. 884-3075 12 10 p m - Holy Communron near LochmOOr Club Grosse Pointe Woods 884.5090 Sunday Masses Rev. Scott Davis Manrun' o. Han P/.avJ at 110, TWI1.el A STEPHEN MINISTRY at 8:.30 & 11:15 a.m. and LOGOS Congregation I preaching Fre' Stewed Parmg. Ford GGrqr. SaDclay 8 15 & 10 45 am. Worship Ser.1ce fo-OO A M FAMILY WORSHIP Ellltr at Woodward oloc ChurcI1 (CRIB ROOM AVAILABLE) 10 IS a.nt Cburcll School & BIble Classes Rector 10-30am CboraJ Euchansl Rev Robert D Wnght. Pastor 15020 Hampton Grosse POO'1la Pari< 10 00 A M CHURCH SCHooL One blocI< north 01JeI!ef5on 8l Maryland Kenneth J. Sweetman, (Nursery Avadable) Rev E A. Bray PasllIlma." ~ 5:30 p.m. Euchanst, 6:00 p.m. DInner and Program FeahY"'9lt>e MtJ_ ... Mayle.... A llTEPHF.N MrN1'ITRY and lOGOS Congt'epll. • The Rev. Bradford G Whllaker. Rector 16 Lakesho~ I>rive, G~ Pol~te Fa...... 881-5330 The Rlv. Martha E. Wallace, Amstant to the Rector 313-822-3456 _ _ ..,..w.gpmchurch.rom • 61 Grosse POinte Blvd. Gl'OS5e POinte Farms , (313) 885-4841 • www.chnstchurch 0 November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 58

final 4 days of fall sale!

we make decorating fun and easy 68 Health November 28,2002 Grosse Pointe News Minimally invasive surgery has benefits How to plan for a By Dr. Abdalkader Hawasli Special Wnter benefit of these procedures IS that patIents are headache-free holiday II you've ever faced the prospect of having usually able to return to work m about three to The holIday season IStra- ones ~U1gery, you may have been surpnsed at how five days Illsteacl of 28 to 42, as IS the case WIth ditIonally a busy tIme filled • Be aware of smoke- and mdny dtCISlOns you had to mdke much tradltlOnal surgery WIth happmess and good perfume-filled rooms Both Fm:,t, you hdd to decIde where to have the pro- There IS also a IdparoscopIC procedure called cheer With celebratIOns, are typIcal of celebratIon Ledure Then you may hdve had the optIOn of targeted ablatlOn (vaponzatlOn) therapy for famdy gatherIngs and office enVIronments whIch can parties, It represents the ~plectlng the surgt'OII .> 0\1 trusted most from metastatIc lIver Cdncer to remove hard-to-reach trIgger headaches If POSSI- most SOCIaltIme of the year among a pool of hlghl; "kJlled and experIenced and prevlOusly untreatable lIver tumors ble, get some fresh all' or As another optIOn to tradItlOnal open surgery, The holIday party season find an area that IS relative- PJact,tlOnen, And l I lour~e, you had to decIde and the gathenng of famIly mobIle lIthotnpsy IS a procedure that treats ly smoke and perfume-free when to have dunng the holIdays can pro- patIents WIth kldnev "trlnp" "","::; nvt",. ..."l1y • Don't disrupt your nor- Ul,.,I.u,.;VU~ cUlJUUJlL YVU1 :>UIgery so -:!'"...:::::: :. :.: ...... dIrected sound waves It was first offered III mal SleepIng and wakIng It would fit optI- of stress and tensIOn - two patterns Those late-mght southeast MIrhIgan at the hospItal In 1989 key trIggers In the onset of mally mto your In addItlOn to the procedures already men- parties can also lead to headaches p busy schedule of tioned, others that can be done usmg MIS migraln " by temptmg you famIly and bUSI- Over 45 mIllion to stay up past your bedt'ffie mclude prostate removal, spme dISCsurgery, AmerIcans expenence ness commIt- and wake up later than partIal knee replacement, aortIc aneurysm stent chrornc, recumng headache, ments usual Try to go to sleep and placement, stents of penpheral blood vessels, more than the 33 mlllIon These days, aWaken the same tIme every cardIac surgery for mitral valve replacement, sufferers of arthrItIs, dIa- day there's one more atrIal-septal repaIr and tncuspld valve repaIr, betes and coronary heart deCISIOnyou may dIsease combIned • If you choose to dnnk urology surgery for children WIth undescended alcohol, do so m moderatIOn be called upon to testIcles and vancocelectomy (for enlarged vems To battle holIday Try to SIp your drink slowly headaches, the NatIOnal make. You may of the spermatIc cord) and knee and rotator cuff MIxed drmks containmg be able to choose repaIr Headache FoundatIOn fruit or vegetable JUIces will a mImmally (NHF) offers these tIps WIth the number of elements needIng to be probably have less effect mvaSIve proce- • Plan m advance A well- than straIght alcohol conSIdered before any surgery, havmg them coor- planned trip can ease the dure that WIll Alternate nonalcoholIc bev- dInated through a central pomt IS another way stress of holIday travelIng result m a short- erages such as soda Or that can help alleVIate some of the stress of Be prepared for extra-long er hospItal stay, water AVOIdred wine, willch prepanng for a surgIcal expenence Fmdmg a lmes and walt tImes at the less pam and a contains tyramme, a natu- center haVIng all MIS serVIces - from chagnostIc arrport and amve at least Dr. Abdelkader Hawasll more pleasmg rally occumng ammo aCId procedures to surgery - offered under one roof two hours before your sched- cosmetlc appear- known to tngger headaches makes coordmatlOn of appomtments much more uled departure If you plan ance. Try a glass of wmte wme conVpnlPYltfor the p~tlcnt, Whll-h l-c:Ili:>dvea lot to travel by car, plot your Instead MmImally mvaslve surgery (MIS) has been Course and make all hotel avaIlable for more than a decade. In MIchIgan, of tIme, not to mention time off from work, as • Schedule personal tune well. reservatIOns III advance the first laparoscopIC gallbladder procedure was Hohdays brmg famIhes • Make bsts. Forgettmg together for quahty tIme, pE'rformed m 1989 at St John HospItal and Whrle tradItlOnal surgery definitely has a place to leave the key WIth a but bemg WIth your fanuly In medICal treatment, a lot of people are good neIghbor who WIllwater the MedIcal Center. Using specIal mstruments and a over several days, perhaps mInIature VIdeo camera known as a laparoscope candIdates for MIS For Instance, probably 98 plants and pIck up the mad percent of abdommal surgery patIents would be In close quarters, may be that projects pIctures from mSIde the patIent to a can spoil even the best-tast- stressful Have realIstic VIdeo mom tor, we were able to operate through conSIdered candIdates. For the most part, the mg turkey dInner Make a lIst of everythmg that must expectatIons about the VISIt just a few tIny puncture-lIke InCISlOns Instead of teChnIque can be used successfully on a WIde Plan to VISit frIends, take the tradItIOnal 12-Inch InCISIOnthat's usually range of people, mcluding the obese. If you or a be done and of all Important it.ems .you v:llI need befur~ long walks and give yourself necessary m the patIent's SIde. loved one IS ever facmg surgery, be sure to dIs- a break from all that fanuly cuss MIS as an optIOn WIth your doctor. Ch9.nces you leave Knowing you togetherness The benefits were that the patIent expenenced have everything carefully a lot less pam and was In the hOspItal for less are that you can take advantage of a mInImally • See your healthcare mvasive procedure. orgaruzed wdl ease the ten- than one day. And of course, the resultmg scars SIOnof a long tnp prOVIder Ifyou find that you If you're mterested in more mformatIOn on are expenencIng more fre- were much less unsIghtly than WIth tradItIOnal • Don't skIp meals An surgery and the patIent was able to return to MIS optIOns for procedures m areas lIke general empty stomach could spur a quent or severe headaches dunng the hohdays, you work much faster surgery, cardIac surgery, spine surgery (mcludIng headache Therefore, If should make a speCIfic That surgery set the stage for the development for fractured vertebrae and ruptured discs), you're unable to follow your orthopedIcs, sports surgery (lIke knee and rotator appointment with your of many mimmally InVaSIVe procedures in hospI- normal eatmg schedule, healthcare prOVIder for an tals around the country Smce then, our local cuff repaIrs), hIp replacement, kidney removal pack snacks for the tnp. accurate diagnOSIS and to surgeons have pIOneered other mlmmally mva- for transplant and others, you can call the St. AVOId foods such as rIpe develop a treatment plan. cheeses, processed meats SIVesurglcal p'-Cicedures now avallab1e, mcludmg John MInImally InvaSIve Surgery Center. The The NatIOnal Headache gram and hIatal herma repaIrs and removal of toll-free number IS (888) 4 SJ-MISC or (888) 475- and chocolate, wmch may Foundation (NHF), founded 6472 cause headaches In suscepti- the appendIx, spleen, edrenal gland and colon ble people. In 1970, is a nO'1profit orga- We've performed surgery for the heartburn nIzatIOn dedIcated to serv- • AVOIdlast mInute shop- caused by gastroesophflgeal reflux (GERD), and Dr Abdelkader Hawash of Grosse Pomte lS mg headache sufferers, melr dlrector of laparoscoplc surgery at Bt John pmg. Hot stores and long falUllIes and the healthcare removed kIdneys from lIve donors for transplant. lInes are enough to glVe the We've also done mInImally mvaslve cardIac Hospltal and Medlcal Center and the Bt John prOVIders who treat them, most ardent "shopahobc. a promotmg research mto surgery and partlal knee replacement A major Mmlmally InvaslUe Surgery Center tensIOn-type headache TIns headache causes and treat- year, why nr>tuse catalog or ments, and educatmg the onlme shoppmg opporturu- pubhc to the fact that tIes as a stress-free optIon headaches are a legItimate BSC diabetes education program wins award Also start holrday shoppIng bIOlOgIcal dIsease and suf- early, slowly accumulatIng The Bon Secours Cottage certlficatlOn by the ferers should receIve under- Adult OutpatIent Diabetes gIfts for fnends and loved MIchIgan Department of and detaIled peer re" lew standmg and contmUlty of EducatIOn program was process An mdlvIdual assessment awarded pnllf' gwen to educatIOn tIon by the Amencan educatIon program ISoffered appointment only, IS programs that demonstrate DIabetes ASSOCIatIOn and to non-pregnant adults who reqUired before the start of Volllnteer opportunities quality through a rIgorous clabs The fee IS covered by are referred by theIr phYSI- Bon Secours Cottage CIans The program help!; many inSurance plans actiVIties They also trans- Evemng sessIOns are from Health ServIces welcomes port reSIdents to and from people WIth dIabetes learn new volunteers at both hos- 6 to 9 p m Tuesdays and vanous locations WIthin the how to eat well willie stay- pItal campuses and the Bon lllg on mdIVldual meal Thursdays, Dec 12, 17, 19 faCIlIty EuchanstIc mmis- In the Bon Brae Center Secours Nursmg Care plans, how to exercise for Center (NCC) IndiVIduals tel'S are also needed at the Classroom, 22300 Bon Brae, NCC to dlstnbute Holy Cosmetic flJentistry fun, how to prevent long- St ClaIr Shores seekmg rewardmg experI- term problems, how to con- Commumon to reSIdents • Invisalign. Invisible Braces For more mfonnatIon or ences, from lendIng a hand trol and momtor blood sugar or offenng a carIng touch to For more mfonnatlOn Or • Rembrandt One Hour Whitening and recogruze SIgnS of illgh to preregister, call (586) 779- to request an applIcatIOn to • Full Spectrum of Cosmetic Services 7900 between 9 a m and 4 patients and guests, should and low blood sugar conSider JOInmg the Bon volunteer, call (313) 343- • Veneers pm weekdays Secours Cottage VOlunteer 1795 Or (313) 640-2455 or 'Call No~ to Discol'er Our Advanced Dentlstly WItha Soft Touch' team (586\ 779-7011 20870 MACK AVENUf: at Hollywood Volunteers are needed to Bon Secours Cottage GROSSE POINTE WOODS asSISt and contnbute m the HospIce offers volunteer trammg to canng mpn "nd Cuol J Qumn, DDS followmg areas women who are mterested 313-881-1231 :E~ • To act as patIent and VISItorescorts In helpmg to prOVide sup- port to termmally III • To asSISt at mfonnatlOn pattent..~ and theIr famIlIes desks, surgical receptIOn desks and on nursmg umts m theIr home or m extend- GIVE THATSPECIAL SOMEONE ed-care facllltIes The Have YouHeard? • To prepare and delrver THE GIFT THAT LASTS I Meals for the Homebound Canng Person Program IS a Ginette Lezotte, Au.D., CCc.A 20-hour trammg Course that Doctor of Audiology Purchase a • To perform clencal HospIce volunteers must Gift Certlffcat. dutIes m the volunteer workroom and hospItal complete For mformatlOn «Adjusting To Your before departments about the next program, call GROSSE POINTE December 25th Mana CIccone at (.1l'l \ 'H3- AUDIOLOGY Hearing Aids?" • To sew hand puppets, 6051 and receive ~rochet lap blankets and pop Your C;uCC"t"5..e,wHh hearing Instru a 15% diSCount ten Hearing dJd. are ampliOe'" that popcorn rnents In the (nHlal siages Is the wHt lnereao:;e the volume of an on a package Both hospItals need early foundation of your healinllllf"tyJe sound. REo PAl1EI\IT aq you Blood drive If you follow Ihe advice below you become more adJu"itcd to 11c;.llnlng resers to work In se"eral w111be rrad, 10 get the best out of with your hear1ng aide; no1"<" dnd Permanent Hair Removal Tel Fret (III) 7040MN areas, and Cottage enlIsts Grosse Pomte Pdrk wIll your h("'aI1ng lno;;truments meaning W111slowly sort them'dve. additIOnal volunteers to hold a blood dnve from 1 to • You W111be more su("C'es..c;fuJ \V1th out you r heartnll aids If you v. ear them work m Its gift shop At the 7 P m Thursday, Dec 5 at • Heartng aids arc the h("<,.l.... t I ('on~.stcntly Make a commitment the Park city hall we have r1ght now for he trlrt,l I "" NCC, volunteers VISIt one- to yOUN.elf 10 Wt'"M them the enUre The) do not restore he'Hi11e, 1 on-one WIth reSIdents and For an appomtment, call da) mal but they will aSkA;~;i~~nL;~~ (313) 822-4327 • I~ you have a \-olume control turn lmprove your aSSIst With group SOCIal the hearing aId volume down - .• iM. communlcdUonl H.I,. R.mOITIJI ~ &.In R.lu".n.~,o" In'le.ad of taking the heartng alds If you ha\C trled Stop by Ourne~ IocOOOl1 on ft>e Hill out of your Ca.J"<;o hearing lnc;.tru • Don I try 10 under""tand soft ment~ once unque 131 J(8IClleval • Sufi. 150 ~oundl;j; over a .l:reat distance ee,.fu lIy now II Is GfoSS9 Point. Fermi, MI RememOcr 1hat people who hear time 10 try allaln (r1SIde the PIefson Cinlcl ,. ""'ell (".ann0t do that either Groq'loc Polnle ww", amer1canl(r.e'ce~tEll! com Amencan Heart H • At ((r"it YOli may not rc<:o~lz.e Alldlolol'(Y w111lake your 0\,l,I11 vof('(' Thr more }OU wear the lime to ad<1rec;.o:;; AssocwIOn.y the heartn" ald. Ihe more -normal- } our unIque hear1n~ core ern, and YOllr \ olce \lr.111o;('Jund ... ","ork W1lh YOU to rf"C"HrmlCnd thf" ----- • The world I~ a nofo;;v praec " mo.,t appropriate h("3nnR lnqtnl ONE OF THESE d Healinll aldq wjll Introdu

Grosse; Pointe News

Seniors 78 Globalization and other short strings O~tions I v,rote In a recent col. soc umn about btnugs too short to save and how Senior Scene that also debcnbed Infor- ThanksgiVing mation that should be By Sharon Maler quality of the bervlCel> AsSIstance for CaregIvers noted because It wab SOC Executive D'rector that we ('an prOVIde for department, answenng humorous, educatIOnal or ServIce" for Older our senIOrs Tills fiscal the needs of baby boomers mterestIng, but not worth Cltlzenb mlb;,lOn of help- year, volunteerl> donated who are canng for par- filmg away In YOur bram mg "enlOrs mamtaln theIr over 11,000 hours and ents Our Food and Especially not my bram mdependence and dignIty mdlvlduals donated over whIch IS tellIng me 'Help By makes ul, a very umque Fnendshlp program added lr\,T "',.. _ $141,000 wPP'k-l~, f""Tr< ";:1 ~L.l"I.tU.l~';:' ...... uvl\,..Ol,.UH J.JUIUH ...... :"b ...U. ...L.u .....UH :~....u UL.llt:'r We are grateful for the SO here are l,ome short i\u~n orgamzatlOn In Gro"se whIle mcreasmg the num- I growth our programs con- strings, the first about Cam POInte or Harper Wood" ber of partICipants by 80 I , tmue to expenence as new percent globalIzatIOn rhe subject C}.;~ts to louh. uu L for the needs are Identified and best mter. Our loan closet became IS reCeIVing a lot of discus- more semors find theIr est of a valuable resource for the sIOn m media today about way to our home • ~enlOrs commulllty, offenng Its ramIficatIOns, some Our bIggest addItIOn homes for a WIde vanety good and some bad I A recent article In the tills year was our own Once a of medIcal supplIes that thought you 1Ilight enJOY newspapers about a new Meals on Wheels program, year we were no longer needed by tills far less WeIghty active crUIse control whld' alleVIated a waltmg remember some but a nece:;Slty to descnptlOn of globahza- (ACC) for cars got me list of 50 semors (some the things others tlOn camed to the nth really excIted Here's how had been waIting for over we have to Through the loan closet, degree It was e.mal1ed to It v,orh ACC can be actI- a year) and allowed us to me recently by a fnend vated once the car reaches be grateful we were able to dlstnbute serve all semors who need thousands of medical sup- An Enghsh pnncess 25 m p h The radar gun for Last meals Wednesday Maler plIes to selllors m need WIth an Egyptian tracks the car ahead and We are proud of the 84 semors We are blessed to have boyfnend crashes m a accelerates to the speed hard work our staff puts enjoyed a complete a board that IS able to French tunnel willIe nd- and follOWing dIstance mto thIS program as we support the commumty Ing 10 a German car WIth selected by the dnver ThanksgIVing dinner have acilleved our goal of that so deeply cares about a Dutch engIne driven by If another car cuts m Includmg turkey, stUffing, a 24-hour turn-around a BelgIan who was high front, .he ACC Will apply fnendshlp and smiles As Its own ThanksgIVing time, from clIent request holds a speCIal meaning on Scotch whIskey, fol- the brakes to slow the car a group they reflect on to delIvenng food lowed closely by ItalIan untl! the dIstance mterval what they are thankful for for all of us at sac as was Although our new pro- evident by the semors paparazzI, on Japanese IS met The ACC Will and as an agency we are gram IS less than two motorcycles, and was then brake as needed thankful for them enJoymg lunch and swmg TJ.1onthsold, the quality of dancmg and by the school treated by an Amencan If the vehicle cannot We are thankful that care IS equal to programs doctor, usmg BraZilIan slow qUIckly enough, a our commumty realIzes cillldren creatmg hand- run by some of the top crafted cards for our medlcmes chime w111sound, alertmg the Importance of our cIties m Amenca elders and supports our homebound selllors Tills descnptlOn, the e- the dnver that the brake We are grateful that our mall contmues, was wnt- needs to be apphed manu- effort to help the genera- establIshed programs ally We are grateful that our ten by an Armeman, usmg tIOn that made Grosse have found ways to l commumty works like a Blll Gates' technology, "Wow " I thought What Pomte and Harper Woods expand and grow We circle of canng, always whIch he stole from the a blessmg for the senIOr what they are today - a added an InformatIOn and gIvmg back. Japanese And you are dnver whose reactIOns place where we can be mHy not be as svnft as proud to 11VP probably readLlJ~ dus on I've always thought that The support of our com- one of the IBM clones that crossmg at mtersectlOns they could be, and for car mUDIty makes our ser- use TaIwanese-made WIth pamted crosswalks msurance rates as fewer colhslOns occur And thIS Vices pOSSIble year round cillps, and Korean-made but no stop SignS or traffic IS certamly true Just bemg here for our Someone You Love Can Use Our Jlelp momtors, assembled by SIgnals was far safer than senIOrs IS the most Impor- Bangladesill workers In a at unmarked crossmgs The bummer was the part that went "The sys- tant thmg we can do One Smgapore plant, trans- But a study conducted by • Foll or part. ported by lomes dnven by researchers at the tem does not recogmze a of our semors put It best time coverage full) stopped vehicle" when he saId, "I hungered IndIans, hIjacked by Umverblty of Washmgton • Bonded and insured The few aCCIdents I've for frIendship and cama- IndoneSIans and finally found that pedebtnans 65 radene and found plenty • ~ supervised sold to you and older were three had, none of them senous except to the pocketbook, of both at SaC" I recently read a quote hmes more likely to be hit Registered Nurses mvolved my hitting cars attnbuted to JIm by cars when they crossed Licensed Practic.u Nurses ahead of me, or cars Thlb year, we are happy Hamson, the wonderful at such intersectIOns than Nurse" Aides behmd hlttmg me to welcome ncv...Support- MIc1ugan wnter and poet If they had crossed at Hopefully, thiS mar- ers to the sac family Who hved so many years unpamted crossmgs The velous InventIOn WIll be Supporters take many In northern MIchigan My researchers exammed the expanded to mclude cars forms, from donor;; to \ 01- favonte Hamson book IS 282 aCCIdents Involvmg that suddenly btop m untpcrb, and all add to the "The Woman Who Danced pedestnan-cars that front of us when we have WIth FireflIes" occurred In CltWb m momentanly taken our Hamson moved several Washmgton state and eyes off the road years ago, because of poor Cahforma from 1995 to health, to another state to 1999 Twenty of those MeanwhIle I Wish a be With hIS daughter pedestnans dlCd happy and blessed , ThanksgIVIng for you and Hamson said, and I'm An Important fact to your famlhes Chemotherapy patients get beauty boost Lookmg good makes any- Better" seSSIOns, speCially the Kercheval entrance one feel better ThIs IS espe- trained and certIfied volun- Co-spon"ored by the CIally true for women who teer cosmetol:Jglsts help have undergone radiatIOn Amerrcan Cancer SOCIety, women choose and apply the CosmetIc, Toiletry and treatment or chemotherapy makeup that hits their looks Fragrance ASSOCIatIOn Bon Secours Cottage as well as their SPIrIts CancerCare IS offenng the FoundatIOn and the PartICipants are encouraged "Look Good Feel Better" NatIOnal Cosmetology to bnng In a wIg If they have AssocIatIOn, "Look Good program to help women deal one, for aSbIbtance WIth Feel Better" IS a non-med- WIth the phYSIcal effects of st) ling and care WIg belec- cancer treatment Ical servIce that does not twn and the fashIOnable use promote any cosmetIC prod "RadIatIOn and of scarves, turbans and hats chemotherapy may not only uet line The program IS also are discussed and free cause a woman's haIr to fall demonstrated Attendance IS limIted to out, but also affect skm and The next Look Good be sure each IndIVIdual nail colCJr and condItIOn," Feel Better" seSblOn \~III be reCPlves speCial attentIOn saId Jackw FIsher, dIrector from 1 to 3 pm Mnndaj, of tn" CdlH.erCare program \Uomcn :r~L.t:JV Ing cancer Dec 2, m th!' fourth-floor treatment at any hp:llth for Bon Secours Cottage conference room at ('otzage It's about th.e people care faCIlIty are .welcome Health ServIces "Helpmg Hospital, 159 Kercheval, For regIstratIOn, call Bon these women look good Grobse POinte Farms (one Secours Cottage Commumty ImprOVI'S theIr self-ebteem mde south of Moro",,) Free The people who hve here. The people who work here. These are the reasons Conl,equently, they may be Health PromotIOn at (586) valet parking l~ a\ 3lla!.Jle at Father TalllIeu and DeSeranno ResIden('(";are places of graceful hvmg more mclmed to get out and 7797900 enJOY their favonte actIvI- tIes" FELe hosts Carol-A-Long A commullity wlthm a commuruty ISwhat you'll find at Father Tatiheu and At the "Look Good Feel DeSeranno ReSIdences People are con(emed about one another They also care The Open Door Sene" at A receptIOn With refresh- about the beauty of the btuldmg and grounds. They are proud to call these resI- First EnglIsh E\ Lutheran dence, their home ments will follow In sac needs Church Will pre"ent It;; 22nd Fellowslllp Hall FIrst annual Carol-A-Long- at 7 Enghsh 1<; located at 800 A healthcare organl2atlOn focused on the total well-bemg of people, St John pm, Sunday Dec 8 III the holiday help VernIer at Werlgewood m Health ISproud to own two seDIorresIdences where our values of compasSIOn, church ;;anctuary Sdcred Gro%e POlDtp WOOdb Senror mtegnty and derucanon llounsh Servlcl's for Older and ~ecuJar favonlp,- of the CItizens IS collectmg sup- pa"tor IS the Rev Dr Walter Chn'itmu;; ;;eason wJ11be thp Schmidt plIes for gIft baskl'ts to be order of the du) and the \ Veare proud of the comnutment trom St John Health employees to prOVIde dlstnbuted to semor Citizens younger ~Ingpr, III thp audl- our re'Idents WIththe best pOSSIblesernce From our graaous meal sernee to The Rrv Bart Eeebe I" dunng the holIday;; sac Ib Pllce can look fom ani to a a""OClate pabtor MUSICcoor our Immaculately mamtamed bwlrungs, our employees stnve for excellence _ askmg for small, nonpl'n"h- "peclal \ l"ltor The Good and achle\ e It able food Item;;, tOllrtrlC;; dl!1ator 1<; Robert F oster and Npw;; Slngu" and bell director of the bell chOIr" I' and othrr hOLl"ehold Item;; chOIr" will as"I'-! In ;;lng-Ing :andy, ba'iketl, and nbbons Chn"tllla Jud"on For more And It dOt'<;n'tgo unnoticed by our reSIdents,some of whom have Lved here and flnglng In the tnformatlon, call the church for more than 20 years and hand.made card" Chn;;tmas ;;pason Item;; can be dropped off office at (313) 884 .5040 It th!' sac office at the 'vVe1Il"te you to ,ee for yourself Please schedule a tour 01 call for more 'icJghborhood Club, 171fO ll1fOm13tJon at 586-753-1182 Vaterloo, by FrIday, Dpc 11 sac IS al;;o lookmg for ADVRPIISINS Father Tadhell oluntl'('fs to a""l'mblc or DeSeranno ReSidence 1R760 Thirteen MIle Road 'ellver bihkr t~ and ~ 17255 Common Road 'hrl;;tmas Meal;; on \\llwl'l" R(),evdle Ml 480h6 A RoseVille,Ml 48066 'or more mformdtlOll or to CALL 313~882~3500 586-776-8500 If~ 586-778-5070 ommatp SOffiPO!1Pto f('lf'IV(' ToreseNe Display AdvertiSing Chn"tma" ba"kd or 1l1l'.l1, space by 2 p Fnday III sac at (,113) 8829600 m

• (

November 28, 2002 88 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News Getting sentimental? By Helen Gregory who've used It call It the Special Writer • chocolate bIble and swear OK, this IS It The hoh- ~ by Its results The recipes days are ofliclally here Q~ vary In dIfficulty but any- Sowe :,tore dl:,plays pro- thmg you want, you'll c1mmed they were here find before Halloween It does- • • Abel.' Mednch, two-tIme n t matter The real hoh- ~~ ~ wlIlner of the James d 1"'~~ That only happens dur- essential to well-bemg, It also raIses endorpluns and ~{ ~ "~~l mg the holidays It can be KIds better watch out ~qgp:. now they say It's healthy ~ ~ .. "'"' "" It f_ .. ~ ....::t really ndlculous At San though Cooking is a open house from 1 to 4 p m for you Camera Club Valparaiso Diego's Sea World one sneaky way they'll have to Fnday, Dec 13, at 31 You'll find the chocolate The Grosse Pomte year the seals' clown show use math "The Math Wmdemere In Grosse Pomte books m 641 5 and 641 6 Camera Club Will meet from University made me choke up Chef" by D'AmICO and Farms Tickets are $5 For My favontes have the 7 to 9 p m Tuesday, Dec. 3, So they're here Some Drummond has about 60 Guild more mformatIOn, call (313) people can tell a storm is most Inviting, laVIsh, full at Brownell Middle School, recipes Wlth their math The ValparaISO Umverslty 881-9703 or (313) 886-7466 commg because they get color photo~aphs. 260 Chalfonte m Grosse work And Hershey's (we Gwld Will present Its annual aches m their knees or big Patncla Lousada's Pomte Farms VISitors are all know what they do) Christmas tea and musicale toes or whatever I choke "UltImate Chocolate~ is welcome, GPAA has put out "The at noon Monday, Dec 2, at up and the holIdays are filled WIth easy-to-follow For more mformatIOn, call The Grosse Pomte Artists Hershey's MIlk Chocolate Hlstonc Trmity Lutheran screammg down on us lIke dIrectIons, 100 reCIpes (313) 822-7080 or (586) 774- AsSOCIatIOn wIll hold Its MultiplIcatIOn Book." A 6- Church, 1345 GratIOt In Valkynes from around the world 9471 annual Festlval of the Arts year-old might tackle tlus DetrOIt Featured Wlil be the I love ThanksgIvmg the and much more Ann on May 31 and June 1. easy pIcture book Lutheran High School East way someopeople love WIll an's "Look & Cook ApplIcatIons for those who Windmill Chorale, tea and sandWIches Chnstmas or blrthdavs or Chocolate Desserts" has I've had enough choco- would lIke to enter may be and cookIps Hcmemade Halloween Tlus IS proba- the clearest step-by-step late for now You know pIcked up at the GPAA Art Pointe Garden cookles WIll be available for bly because at first we're dIrectIons where It IS If you need It. 1 Center, 1005 Maryland in purchase For more mforma- so busy m the kitchen Wilhams-Sonoma hope your ThanksgIvmg IS Club Grosse Pomte Park For tIon, call (313) 881-9703 Later everyone's eatmg Kitchen Library filled "'iLl:: good food, good The WmdmIlI Pomte more informatIon, call (313) The group wIll hold an and saYIng how good It IS, "Chocolate~ by Lora Brody fnends and laughter Garden Club WIll meet at 821-1848 no matter how much cran- IS Just plaIn good Betty And for the rest of the 9 30 a m Wednesday, Dec 4, berry sauce got on the Crocker, Mrs Fields and holIdays, let them eat at the Grosse POInte War Christmas concert at GPWM Ghlrardelh all have books Lmzer Torte ceIlmg (another story, Memonal to carpool to the The Grosse Pomte War on chocolate Isle Conservatory for a Stevens The group WIll play another year) By the end Belle Memonal wIll present a Even WIthout mouthwa- You can reach Helen tour mUSICof the 1940s and '50s of the day everyone's too comphmentary Chnstmas tired to get sentimental tenng photographs, Gregory online at hgrego- Also on the program A partIal subscnptIOn concert from 3 to 430 pm musIc by the Grosse Pomte Farewells are warm and «Maida Heatter's Book of ry@gp llb mws or find her Great Chocolate Desserts~ at Grosse Pomte Central lunch wIll be served at noon Sunday, Dec 8, m the Fnes Semor Men's Club chorus the well-fed bunch may AudItonum The entertam- IS stIll defimtlvp Those Llbrary at tilt! DetrOIt AthletIc Club and a Chnstmas carol smg- Members are asked to make ment, a hohday gift to the along Master of ceremomes reservatIOns With hostesses commurnty, Wlll mclude Mel wIll be Grosse Pomter Dan Jane Krebs or Joanna Stander's "Gentlemen of Beck No reservatIOns are r£"':sU;;;;;ri~7'"sT;ti;;;&"c;U;;bi;;- Garrett SWIng," and vocalISt Demse necessary I Please join us for our Christmas Open House on m'f ~ November 30th and December 1st (586) 585.2398 f ~ Consignments. Buy & Sell Antiques ~ DeSigner Consultant Available by AppOintment .'.: f ~ Art Glass. Furniture. Lamps. Dishes. Toys. Dolls • •• f wNiTV5 Linens. Jewelry. Collectibles R I H f egu sr ours: El4h,. TeleVISionfor the Weare located al 23109GrallotAvenueIn Eastpo1nte Tuell-58t10:30am• 6pm ~ Whole Community Jusla fewblocks"ortt-of9 Mileonthe WestSide Your HOlltll: Theresa & Larry Switzer L• ~~~~~~~~~'iJW'l*,,"~~~~ ~ ~ Fa:l '1Hi \NEB< CF DeceMBER e . DeCEMBER a B:30 AM THE SO.c. SHOW 1 ;00 PM SENIOR MEN'S CLUB BESTOVERAU. Guests, Pastor Ban Beebbe Youth Out Reach Cillist, Plnitp P Mason. Rllm Runmng HostFran Schonenbergand her guests dISCUSSt.:>plCSRepeated4 AM,530 PM CRUISE VAlUE and e\ enls of partIcularInlerest to senIor cltlzens ~OCeon& Repeated II 30PM 1: 3D PM CONVERSATIONS WITH CrUse lilfK Sod9fy S:DD AM VITALm' PLUS COLLECTORS Cuest Suzan Fame ChrIS/mas Omoments BESTOVERAU A half-hour aerobICSexerCIse elas> Repeated MIdnIght HostSusan Hanz locuscson local InlereslIngcollec- RAILCAR lIOnsRf>pealcd4 30AM(8 30 PM,TLe T Sat) EXPERlENCE 9:30 AM POSITIVELY POSITIVE 2jDC PM THE LEGAL Ill/SIDER Onboard SeMces Guests BT S",aml Knshnapoda &. Hassan Fehln! CURst Dodd B Fisher - The Mold Can/rolerS) MoQazine MD Ho>ts local attorneys Da"d Draper and Douglas HoslSJeanIeMcNelland LlI <\lken an upliftmghalf- DempseYtake an Jn~lde1001.. at currentlegal Issues AMONG THE hour of posltl'e aHIludes and Ideas Repeated Repealed 5 AM 6 PM HIGHEST -AATED 1230AM(930PM MWF &Sun) PREMIUM 2j3C PM THE JOH' PROST SHOW CRUISE UNES 10:00AM ~HO'S IN THEKITCHEN? Guest Fwe & ChriSS, Kummer Guest Pere Waidmelr Good FellOlH Reodersof Hosl Chuc~ Kaess cooks With local celebnlIes Host10hnPro,t Inlervlew~localcelebnllesaboultIme C

• Schedule SUbJBct10 change w tho II notice For lurther InformatIOn C~ T 313881 7511 t November 28,2002 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 98 Personal chef provides Who has leftover turkey?

Happy ThanksglVlng pasta Bake the pasta at pleasurable palate Welcom!' to my annual 330 degree& fur 20-25 mm- leftover turkey recIpe ute;" until the cheese IS By Mimi Drennan ThIS year I'm pamng the A LA ANNIE meals nght l!l their home"," taste to a meal By Annie Rouleau ~chenff melted dnd golden brown Special Writer . rest of the bIrd WIth "he Sald The food IS Although Zagialllczny IS 1'0 execule thlb recIpe as Too bus) to fix meals, or pasta, broccolI and "'. Wrapped and refngerated mamed to Tom and mother effic1entIy a&pO""lble, pre- rnaybf' you Just don't like to Boursm cheese ThIS fla- and left wIth ea"y-to-follow to four chIldren, OlIVia, pare the mu"hroom- ulOk? vorful dIsh IS topped WIth reheatlOg m"tructlOm, Andrew, TOllY and turkey "duce v. hIle the Too harned dunng this an almond, cheese and Zaglamczny useb hel" own Stephame, ranglllg m age pa;,ta IS woklllg Make the !Ju,» prehohday time to pre- scalhon blend It IS an utensil" and equipment to from seven to 15, she enJoys tupplllg before you get pare ta..,te treats for the adaptatIOn of a recIpe I prepare the meals, but occa- bemg active wIth her per- started and set It asIde f.mll]y or your"elf? found m a BntIsh cookIng ,,!Onallv d dlCnt may supoly sonal chpf bUSIness at lpast ~ . ~ The pasta Will be warm ~;u")l, \,,"u I,.. .Liuu LUlle to no~t ...uU6~~.1Ut::, uvuu J. vvu "peclal ..,ervmg dl!,hes for three days a week The bUSI- wnen It goes mto the oven ,I wonderful party for prebentatl'Hl When the Job ness IS young - only 1 1/2 I..I If you combme your steps years - but healthy and Baked Turkey You may abo prepare thp dIsh and refngerate It growlllg She also teaches Pasta Halfway through the until baklllg time A cold lIl-home cullllary classes cookIng tIme, add the 12 o~. pasta (mostac. pasta Will reqUIre an addi- and arranges mteractIve broccoh and fimsh cook- cioJi or shells) tIOnal 25 mmute" (or so) dmner partIes She prepares Ing Dram the pasta and 2 cups broccoli flo- to be sure It'S heated gourmpt food It.ems for holi- broccolI and set aSIde rets, cut to bite-si~e throughout Remove the day parties and wIth the In a large, deep saute pieces dIsh from the refngerator help of a server, caters char- pan heat the all over 2 tablespoons olive 30 mmutes before bakIng Ity events and other types of oil medIUm heat and add the socIal gathenngs 1 8-o~. package mush. mushrooms Cook for a Her enthusiasm for treat- Bourslll cheese IS a soft, rooms, quartered few mmutes, then add the buttery chee'le that IS fla- mg people to the best In food 2 to 3 cups cooked turkey, tomato paste and vored WIth garhc and started 1Il her mother's turkey, diced or Boursm cheese kItchen as a young gIrl and herbs It's generally sold chopped m a 5 2 oz package contmued dunng her school- 1 6-o~. can tomato Toss and cook untIl the mg and graduation from the Bourslll cheese lovers will paste with garlic chllese has melted and the want to add the entire Culmary Art School at 3 o~. Boursin cheese sauce IS smooth Remove Macomb Community package For those who (or more) from heat, season WIth can't handle the garhc, College At one trme, she salt and pepper and add SubstItute 4 oz cream managed a bakery, ran a day the pasta-broccolI mIX- cheese for the Boursm care and even cleaned house Topping ture as she contmued to search Baked turkey pasta was for her niche - that certam 1/2 cup chopped scal- a big lut WIth my hus- lions If your saute pan Isn't somethIng that would allow band, who's a tough cntIc 2 cups shredded large enough, you can her to use her knowledge of when It comes to leftovers sharp Cheddar cheese combme everythIng in a food - and perhaps fulfill ThIS umque combmatlOn 1/2 cup sliced large mlxmg bowl Turn her dreams She then of mgredlents leads to a almonds the pasta mto a 9- by 13- learned about the Umted Inch glass bakmg dIsh SImply dehcIOus baked States Personal Chef that has been coated With pasta AsSOCIatIon in New MeXICO, Preheat oven to 350 degrees Bnng a large pot cookmg spray where she enrolled In Its Turkey ahhhhhh of salted water to a bOll school and spent a week of In a small bowl combme It's somethmg else to be 11 to 12 hours daIly learnmg Add the pasta and cook thankful for accordmg to package the scalllOns, Cheddar the ups and downs, the ms LIke, the people we directIons cheese and almonds and outs of speCIalIzed cook- Spnnkle the mIx over the share It WIth ing wd how to manage a personal chef business "I finally found the answer," she saId "The trammg at the Personal Babies Photo by Robert MeKean Chef InstItute taught me so ~usic at 1t1emoria{ Pleasurable Palate chef, Susan Zaglaniczny much In that short period of tIme about what I do today Tyler Wayne yresents It was the nght chOIce," she Harden ~ fnends? IS completed, the chent's saId. LIsa and Mark Harden of Why not let the personal kItchen IS left as clean and Tfie 9fory of Cnristmas Today, she IS a member of St ClaIr Shores are the par- chef do It for you tIdy as when she amved to the Southeast MichIgan ents of a son, Tyler Wayne In her Pleasurable Palate perform her tasks but WIth Chapter of Personal Chefs Harden, born Oct 4, 2002 bUSIness, personal chef the added aroma of freshly and networks With other Christmas Concert Susan Zaglamczny handles cooked fare Maternal grandparents are members throughout the Mr and Mrs WIlham F feotuIH1Q our all the dptalls to prepare Often she leaves behInd a state - learnmg the newest Schroeder of Grosse Pomte gourmet favontes for a specIal extra treat - maybe developments of the bUSI- Memorial Church Choir memorable party, to orga- a beer bread or a partIcular Park Paternal grandpar- ness and keepmg abreast of ents are Mrs Louella 00 22-piece orchestra mze weekly food menus, to sauce to add a distinctive what other chefs are domg Harden of St. ClaIr Shores performing, among orher works, to serve chents and also to and the late Clayton the charming carol arrangemenrs of John Rutter. sustam and expand their Harden trade A speCial feature of thiS delighfful holiday program "I love tlus busmess," she Will Include rhe dramatic reCilalion of saId "I usually ask my Trevor Randall a "stockmgflJl" of Chrlsrmas poetry by an chents for feedback about Arndt ensemble of our congre9atlon's flnesf readers the meals I prepare for Randall Arndt and Mary them It's Just great when Ann WIvell of Atlanta are they're satISfied and mvite the parents of a son, Trevor Sunday N December 8th N 7:00 p.m. me back to do more of the Randall Arndt, born Oct 3, ALL TICKETS $5 • RECEPTION FOLLOWING work I love domg " 2002. Grandparents are Jan Zaglanlczny also saId "1 and Tom Arndt of GrosGe GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH am a perfect gIft for that POInte Woods and Patty and ..,peclal person on everyone's Ed Wlvell of Ambndge, Pa 16 Lakeshore Drive • Grosse Pointe Farms Chnstmas hst, especially for Great-grandparents are 313.882.5330 those who havp everytlung Gladys MeIer of Wmter but trme and want to Haven, FIa, and George enJoy good, nutntIOus Arndt of SagInaw food - or need help planmng and prepar- Ing a hohday party." plan and shop for all the Gift certIficates and Itpms and to help make one's ~WItIISWS more InfOrmatIOn bu'lY schedule easier to manage about Pleasurable WCR:ICSt Palate are available Zaglamczny ha" been CALL 313-882-3500 by callmg (586) 219- cookmg '>mce the age of 12 Toreserve DIsplay AdvertISIng 3220 "1 was always busy m the space by 2 pm Fnday kItchen," she said "Even If I It's Just Simple meab, 1 love planmng menus and makmg special dIshes for other peo- pie" FolJowmg an mtervlew O"Y With a chent m which D'T1O>~~f? ... O'o.m" Zaglamczny dIscusses the @~-J"""_ client's food !Jkes and dIS- likes, or whether or not he would need "peclal menus If he I.., dlflbehc or has other dJlmpnts, she suggests menu NatioruIICI¥P,oseors_. BEST OF THE Item.., "taymg wlthm the I ANNE MURRAY ....- KING'S BAROQUE client s budget Her sugges- CHRISTMAS WITH THE DSO \ Thu" Dee 12 at 8 p m Thurs Dec 5 at 8 p m tions mclud!' a chicken or fro, Dee 13 at I 30 P m • ,,1 I'\<: Sat Dee t4 ~t8 30 P m Presenting The Cincinnati Bal1e~._ ",..."rs ~~~C: turkey dl"h, a pasta 14Il-....w..,.,. Sun Dee t5at3pm favonte lres meat, OF CHRISTMAS ''''-POPS Fn , De< 6 at 8 p m JOYI A HOLIDAY CELEBRATION io" fdt cheeses and other Sat Dec 7 at 8 p m Thut Dee t9att30&8pm nutntlOnal foods to balance Sun Dee 8 at 7 p m F" , Dee 20 at 8 30 p m the diets After menus are Pe~bo 8ryson. Jody Watley. ItvsOllf Sat Dee 21 at830pm ~ Oler~ AdamI, Jon Steada appro\f'd, Zaglamczny Sun Dee 22 all & 7 pm CHORBOGRAPH\ VAL CANTPAROLI "pend.., between SIX and (1- p,.,.nt> - llrlt.SIC PEfFR ILY[( "1 TCHAIKOVSKY TheDotlOlt_ ------eight hour., plannmg, 'lhop- , CHRISTMAS WITH YOUNG PEOPLE'S CONCERTS ping- for food It0m., and aetll- THE CANADIAN BRASS • A HOLIDAY STORY ,III> preppo1' on this concert) Shp u,,>ually fix('s 10 major "1I CALL (313) 237-SING for Tickets r i ,~0 LEAR pt~ntJ ...... Qw p..->rs meal" at on(' tmw, enough NEW YEAR'S EVE GALA or order on line at: www.MichizanOpera.org for tW0 people for five days , ~ HANDEL'S MESSIAH • fro Dee 13 at 8 p m - lues Dee 31 at9pm FORGROUPSALES CALL: (313) 237-3409 I 'lave people about 1.''> Sat. Dee 14 al3 p m • hour" rt week piannmg ~ FREE DANCE TALK ONE HOUIl ~ 6l1Oppm~ and prepanng For tickets call (313) 576-5111 or click on DETROITSYMPHONY.com .1.'3,'2~~~~:~PRIOR TO PERFOIlMANCE,~ II • 108 November 28, 2002 Thin s to Do Grosse Polrtte Ne\AUI

Dec 10 $78 Handel'. Me88iah: Holiday Stress Grab semor dIscount 1005 Maryland Ambleside Galleries: U S Manne Corps Perfonned by the Chn.st Bag Program: o Free KJ.dme KalolBaby Mlng Slu Huang, Oils on (313) 821-1848 Trammg Center, 7600 E. Church Grosse Pointe IntroductIon w stress Slttmg, 930-10 am, -canvas ImpreSSIOnist land- Pewabic Pottery: Jefferson, DetrOlt $17, Chorale and Orchestra, 8 rehevmg techmques spon- Monday-Thursday, for regis- scapes and genre pamtmgs, PrecIOus Metals Clay, 10 before Sunday, Dee 1, $20, pm. Saturday, Dee 14, Old sored by St John HospItal tered parents through Thursday, Dec 5 a m -4 pm, Saturday, Dee before Tuesday, Dec 31; St Mary's Greektown, 646 & MedIcal Center, 6 30-8 30 Nonregtstered parents pay 10 a m -6 pm, Monday- 14 10125 E Jefferson, $25, race day for adults Monroe, Detroit $10 or $15 pm, Thursday, Dee 12, $1 Wednesday and FrIday and DetrOIt $75, tUItIOn plus $10 before Sunday, Dec 1, (313) 885-7923 Van Elslander Cancer o Nautllus WeIght Saturday, 10 a m -8 pm, $125, matenals fee (d13) $12, before Tuesday, Dee Detroit Concert Center, 19229 Mack Free Trammg Room, 8-1030 Thursday, Sunday, by 822-0954 31, $15, racE' day, for chtl- Choir's Sweet Sounds of RegIStratIOn reqUIred (866) am, Monday-Thursday and appOIntment 17116 Beneflls dren Early reglstratJon Christmas: 4 pm, Sunday, 246-4673 5-8 30 pm, Fnday $50 two Kercheval Free (313) 885- may be sent to Belle Isle Dec 15, St Clare of Film days-per-week, ~70 three 8999 Grosse Pointe Public Runners/Jeanne BOCCI,1353 Montefalco Church, 1401 days-per-week, $4 drop-Ins Grosse Pointe Artists Libr~ry Used Book Sale: Grayton Rd , Grosse Pomte Wluttler. $15 or $12 for stu- Detroit Film Theatre: • Free Blood Pressure Association Art Center: 9 a m -9 pm, Monday, Dec Park, MI 48230-1127 dents and semors. (313) The DetrOit InstItute of Screemngs, 930-1030 am, • GPAA Hohday 2-Thursday, Dec 5 and 9 Proceeds benefit My SISter's 882-0118 Arts showcases contempo- Thursday, Dec 19 and ExhIbition & BoutIque a m -4 pm, Fnday, Dec 6 Place (313) 886-5560 Celebrate in Holiday rary and clasSIC world cme- Fnday, Dec 20, (lrwnml" Rp('p.nt,n" m the Central Branch 10 ~mcr: The Grosse Pomte ma ?HU)() 1II1'n"'n_ Q. "'~_ Monday, Dec 2, 7 30 p m Kercheval (313l343-2074 a.]''i 1,1' Communlty Chorus's 50th • "Metropohs," 7 and 9 30 Shores P;er~~~t;~tl~~~~ Runs through Fnday, Jan Western Open Auction Detroit Symphony AnnIversary Concert, 3 pm, Fnday, Nov 29 and required (586) 779-6111 3 & Cocktail Party: Orchestra: pm, Sunday, Dec. 15, F1rst Saturday, Nov 30 and 4 and Grosse Pointe War • ArtIsts' apphcatIOns for Benefitmg the Grosse o ClassIcal Senes. Enghsh Ev Lutheran 7 pm., Sunday, Dee 1 Memorial: the GPAA Fesbval of tl'>e Pomte Hunt Club Beethoven's Paswrale WIth Church, 800 Vermer. $10, o "War Phowgrapher," • Ballet Cecchettl Arts, Saturday, May 31 and tenms/ndmg programs and trumpeter Ramon Parcells adults and $3, chtldren. 7 30 p.m , Monday, Dec 2 Method, Sunday, June 1, on the HIll the new ndmg faclhty, 7 8 pm, Fnday, Nov 29 (313) 882-2482. • "Mad Love," 7 and 9 30 Level I, 8 15-9 30 pm, In Grosse Pomte Farms, are pm, Thursday, Dec 5, at 830 pm, Saturday, Nov The Gift of Song: The pm, Fnday, Dee 6 and Tuesdays, Dec 3-Feb 25 bemg taken through the Grosse Pomte Hunt 30 Judelmres choral concert, 7 Saturday, Dee 7 and 4 and Level 2, 8 15-9 30 pm, Wednesday, Jan 1 $15, Club, 655 Cook $2fi 3 pm, Sunday, Dee 1 p.m , Fnday, Dec. 20, Chnst 7 pm., Sunday, Dee 8 Mondays, Dec 2-Feb 24 jury fee, $115 space fee. ReservatIOns requested $15-$80 The Kmg Lutheran Church, • "The Cherry Orchard," $81. (313) 882-4100 Cash Awards Send to • Holiday Festival. Anne 20338 Mack Freewill dona- 730 pm, Monday, Dec. 9. o Mammograms/Mobile Isabelle Goosen, 1632 Detroit Historical Murray Christmas, 8 pm., bons accepted (586) 563- • "Beauty and the Beast," Umt of the Barbara Ann Society BaU: Benefitmg Roslyn, Grosse Pomte Thursday, Dee 5 $26-$95. 4210 7 and 9:30 pm, Friday, Karmanos Cancer InstItute, Woods, MI 48236 the DetrOIt Hlswncal o H:>!Jday Festival' The Christmas Les80ns and Dec 13 and Saturday, Dee. 9 30 a m .3 pm, Monday, 1-5 pm, Wednesday- Museum's exrubltlon arId Colors of ChTJ.stmas' Carols: 4.30 p.m., Sunday, 14 nnd 4 and 7 p.m , Dec 16 $136 billed to Saturday 1005 Maryland. educatlOnal programs, 6 ' Featunng Peabo Bryson, Dee 22, Chnst Church Sunday, Dee 15 Insurance. pm, Fnday, Dec 6, at the Free (313) 821-1848 Oleta Adams, Jon Seeada Grosse Pointe, 61 Grosse o 'Wendigo," 7 30 pm, 32 Lakeshore Madame CadIllac BuJldmg, Detroit Institute of and Jody Watley, Pointe Boulevard. Free. Monday, Dec 16 PreregtstratIOn reqUired. Arts: Marygrove College, 8425 W 8 pm, Fnday, Dee 6 and (313) 885-4841, ext. 201. 5200 Woodward, Detrolt. (313) 881-7511 McNIchols $250-$500. • Degas and the Dance, Saturday, Dec. 7 $6 or $5 for DIA members. Preventing Ski and Reservations requested Events through Sunday, Jan 12 7 pm, Sunday, Dec 8 (313) 833-3237 Snowboard. Injuries: (313) 833-1980 Smart Women Finish $16, adults, weekdays or $29-$95. !MAX Dome Theatre: Presented by the Cottage Circle of FeUows $18, weekends, $8, chtldren, o Hohday Festival Rich: Presented by o "China The Panda Hospital Athletic Med1cme Holiday Party: Benefitmg ages 6-17, $10, semors, Chnstmas With the Matthew A. Swegles of UBS Adventure," 1 p.m , week- Program, 7 p.m., the research, treatment and Thesday-Thursday, Free for Canadian Brass, 8 p.m., PaineWebber, 7-8:30 pm, days; 1 and 4 pm, Wednesday, Dec 4, Boyne outreach programs of the DIA members and children, Monday, Dec 9 $19-$80 Wednesday, Dec. 4, Saturdays and Sundays. Country Sports, 19435 Barbara Ann Karmanos ages 5 and under • Hobday Festival. Best Neighborhood Club, 17150 • "Jane Goodall's Wild Cancer Institute, 6 30-9 Mack Free Reservations 10 a m -6 pm, Thesday of the KIng's Baroque Waterloo. Free. Chunpanzees," 10 a m and reqUIred (586) 779-7900 through Thursday, 10 a.m- pm, Thursday, Dec 12, at 8 pm, Thursday, Dee 12 ReservatlOns requested. noon, Fndays; noon, 3 and 9 p.m , Fnday and a pnvate home m Grosse 1 30 pm., Fnday, Dec. 13 (800) 541-5597 5 pm., Saturdays, 3 and 5 . History Saturday, 10 a m -8 pm, Pomte Shores $250 (248) 8 30 p.m , Saturday, Dee. Edmund 1'.Ahee p.m., Sundays 443-5800, ext 4709 Edsel & Eleanor Ford Sunday 5200 Woodward, 14 Western Open Tennis • "Santa vs The House: Tours of house, DetrOIt $4 adults, $1 chtl- Champagne Luncheon 3 pm, Sunday, Dee. 15 Tournament: Sancl.1oned Snowman," 10 am, Musical & Christmas grounds, chtldren's play- dren (313) 833-7900 $15-$80 by the United Ste-tes Tennis Mondays and Tuesdays; 2 house and powerhouse Gift Silent Auction: o Associatlon and held in the Maniscalco Gallery: Hobday Festival. p.m., Fridays, 11 am, 2 o Hohday 'Iburs of the Prontlngs by Boy!ro Sponsored by the Grosse Handel's Messlah. tennis house of the Grosse and 4 p.m , Saturdays, 2 POInte ClasSical Music Ford House, 10 a m -4 p.m., Asparouhov, through 8 pm, Fnday, Dee. 13 Pointe Hunt Club, 655 and 4 pm., Sundays, Tuesday-Saturday and Saturday, J an 11 League w benefit musICal 3 pm, Saturday, Dee. 14 Cook through Tuesday, Dee 17. scholarslups, 11 a m -3 noon-4 pm, on the half- 10 a m-5 pm, $17-$80. • 6-9 p.m., Wednesday, • "," 11 a.m. hour, Sundays, through Wednesday, Friday and p.m., Saturday, Dee 14, • Hobday Festlval: Joy! A Dec. 4-Fnday, Dee. 6. and 2 p.m., Mondays- Grosse Pointe War Sunday, Jan 5 $6 adults,! Saturday, 10 a.m -9 pm, Hohday CelebratlOn o 9 a.m., Saturday, Dee Saturdays and 2 pm., $5 seniors, $4 cluldren, $5 Tuesday and Memonal, 32 Lakeshore. 1:30 and 8 p.m., 7. Sundays $40 Reservations reqUIred grounds only, $18 annual Thursday 17728 Mack Thursday, Dec 19 o 10 a.m., Sunday, Dee 8. DetrOIt SClence Center, pass Free (313) 886-2993 hy Tuesday, Dec 10 (313) 8:30 p.m., FrIday, Dee. 20 $20, all event tIckets or 5020 John R, DetroIt $7 886-5160 o Hobday Tea & 'Ibur, 3 Pewabic Pottery: and Saturday, Dee 21 $7 per day. (313) 882-4100. adults, $6 seniors and chtl- pm, Saturday, Dec 7 and Earthy Treasures Hohday Holiday Benefit 3 and 7 pm., Sunday, City of Graue Pointe dren, ages 2-12. $4 IMAX Concert & Silent Dec 14 $21 Show, through Tuesd&.Y, Dec 22 Park Blood Drive: 1.7 Dome. (313) 577-8400 Auction: Sponsored by o Traditlonal Holiday Dee 31 10 am -6 pm, $15-$80 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 5, IMAX Theatre: Honzon ReSidentIal Evemng 5 pm, Sundays, Monday-Saturday 10125 E • New Year's Eve Gala, 9 Grosse Pomte Park CIty o "Space StatIOn 3D" Semces to benefit their Dec. 8 and Dec 15 $42 Jefferson, DetrOIt Free pm, Tuesday, Dee 31 $40- Hall, 15115 E Jefferson o "LeWIS and Clark. (313) 822-0954 new Anchor Bay South • Tea Room, 11:30 a.m .. $195 (313) 822-4327 Great Journey West" 2.30 pm, Tuesday-Sunday adults care home, 3 pm, Detrolt Symphony Viennese Ball: 8:30 Art Courses Sunday, Dec 15, at the • "Shackleton's Arctic 1100 Lakeshore Orchestra Hall, 3711 p m.-Midnight, Saturday, Adventure" Reservatlons requIred for Grosse Pointe Artists Grosse Pomte Academy, 171 Woodward. Detrolt (313) Dee. 7, Grosse Pomte War o "The LIOn Kmg," opens most events (313) 884- Association Art Center: Lakeshore $15 (313) 882- 567-5111 Memonal, 32 Lakeshore Wednesday, Dec. 25 and 4222 o Acryhc Pamtlng for 6295 Brunch With Bach: $36 Reservations reqwred runs through Spnng 2003 Detroit Historical Adults, noon-2 30 pm, 33rd Annual Belle Isle Featunng seasonal music by Thursday, Dee. 5. (313) Screemngs hourly m the Society Sunday Stroll: Saturdays, through Dee 7 New Year's Eve Family from the Alvm Zook Duo, 881-7511 mornmg, on the half-hour RunlWalk: One and four- Featunng John KIng Books, $100 11 30 am, Sunday, Dec. 1, Gallery Crawl: The CIty 'TIlle rulV\valk sponsored by in the afternoon and noon,SundaY,Dec 8,901 o Expenmental Pamtmg m the Kresge Court of the of DetroIt Cultural Aff8U'8 the Belle Isle Runners, 3 30 evemng, 9 am -7 20 pm., W Lafayette, Detrolt $10, for Adults, 9 30 a m.-12 30 DetrOlt Institute of Arts, Department sponsors tlus pm, 1'..2e5d3Y,Dee 31, weekdays; 9 a m -8.45 p.m , members or $15, non-mem- pm, Tuesdays, through 5200 Woodward $22, tour of 40 downtown gal- startmg and endmg at the weekends Henry Ford bers. ReservatIOns requIred. adults, $11, children and $5 lenes. noon-7.30 p.m , Museum & Greenfield (313) 833-1405. stmrway seatmg (313) 833- Saturday, Dec 7 Buses Village, 20900 Oakwood, Provencal.Weir House, 8 A S ADS '" U F F 4005 leave from Palms Building, Dearborn $10 adults, $8 ca. 1823: Grosse Pomte eLL S Fl U T A R I A Holiday Concert and 2111 Woodward, DetroIt semors and cluldren 12 and Histoncal Society offers N eAT ... A R K I H 0 Tea: A gift w the commum- and tours galIenes on a 15- under. (313) 982-6001 Last week's Z e 8 Fl A L U 8 e tours of the house and ca. ILL T R AMP S ty from the cholTS of Grosse nunute rotatlOn. $10, chil- 1840 Log Cabin, 1-4 pm, T A C K l E S AFOOT Pomte North and Grosse dren under 6 free (313) ~ 080 E Saturday, Dee 14 376 00 S o l LA Pomte South HIgh Schools, 224-9500 puzzle Tv L I P SPA R E L Y Assumption Cultural Kercheval Free (313) 884- S T A T E S ART 1 3 pm., Wednesday, Dec. Great Lakes Maritime Center: 7010 FlA P T K U 00 S 4, Grosse Pomte Performing Institute Marine Mart: • Kalosomatlcs ExerCISe Selinsky.Green solved ~ o~ E R E N I N A A V E E e L EAT S Arts Center, Grosse Pomte Sale of marine memorabII- Fall SeSSIOn, through Farmhouse Museum: St. B A T ~Io E F L 0 6 North HIgh School, 707 la, 10 a.m .•3 pm., Saturday, Fnday, Dee 20, tlmes vary Clair Shores HIstoncal VernIer Coolae and Dec. 7, Harbor Hill Manna, $52 for two-day sessIOns. CommISsIOn offers tours, 1- ACROSS 1 2 3 5 PomsettJ&. Sale after the at the foot of St Jean, $74 three-days, $94 four- 4 pm, Wednesdays 1 Aclress 6 10 11 show Free (3131 432-3500 Detroit $3 (313) 833-1805 days. Twenty-five percent See TO DOt page llB Turner 12 13 7~ I~ Holiday Brass Concert: 5 Bartenders 3 pm, Sunday, Dec. 8, 15 16 17 check them Chnst Church Grosse 8 Composer ,18 18 20 Pomte, 61 Grosse Pomte Khacllatunan TO BE LISTED I Boulevard $25, adults, $19 12 Winglike 21 22 23 1380m students mId semors, $10, 24 2:> :IS 12 and under (248) 559- 14 Caesar co-star 2lI in Things to Do or Family Fun cw 2095 15 Partner 31 32 34 16 SMleWhat The Glory of Fill out this form an:! send it to: Christmas: Featunng a grating 35 36 37 38 Madeleine Socia • 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Fanos, MI 48236 18 Swmmng ~2-plece orchestra, the 40 41 d1amp Matt Grosse Pomte Memonal or fu: it to (313)882-1585 by 3 p.m. Friday 0 For more infonnation, UlII (313)884-8691 Church chOIr perfonnmg 20 Happy lICCI- 44 .45 Ii" 147 dents choral arrangements hy Event _ 21 Rap star 49 so 51 John Rutter and poetry Snoop • readmgs, 7 pm, Sunday, •52 54 Sponsoring organization _ 23 - de deux Dec 8, Grosse Pomte 24 Scrooge's !oS 57 Memonal Church, 16 clerk I: Lakeshore $5 (313) 865- Date Time 28 C IIW'Il 4246 ------31 Naye 53 1 Down's abbr 29 Witness Mel Stander and His Place, including street address ._ 32 Dovesl molner 7 Slaye 30 The boys Gentlemen of Swing 34 W3Jklklwreath 54 ~s 8 True 33 Prudish Christmas Concert: 3- 35 B&Bs 55 Right angles 9 Halrte 36 Animal trads 4 30 pm, Sunday, Dee 8, 37 Plato's 56 Marry 10 Rue the work 38 JeilClQus m the Fnes Audltonum of teacher 57 Fax out treats? the Grosse Pomte War Cost _ 39 Make up your 11 Basehalls 4D Tic.loe con- Memonal, 32 Lakeshore mind DOI"IN 'Say Hey Kid" nectlOn Free (313) 881-7511 41 Whal dam- 1 ~ary s pel 17 Matter-horn 42 Between job s Grosse Pointe Contact person's name and phone aged LPs do 2 Jal follower eg 43 Astronaut Barbershop Chorus 42 Encroacllmeot 3 Peace(eeplng 19 Holliday and Armstrong Christmas Dinner 45 Use erg Seyennser 44 Made pdures Concert: 6 30 pm, dmner 4 Political 49 Bill Clinton 22 Propeller era" 46 EXI~t and 8 pm, concert, for IIlstance author 24 Gree« letter 47 Portent Thursday, Dee 12 at the Phone number to be published _ 51 South Hannah 25 Stod\lf19 48 Three teet Gro!l'le Pomte War Amencan..ap- 5 Thoughts ltIal rmhap 50 Reverent tear Memonal, 32 Lakeshore ltal makf' yoo say 26 UntypfCal Ifthis is a charitable event, what organization $28, dmner and concert or 52 Second-story 'aha" n riAl!a cJoobIe. $14 concert only man? 6 Calendar parXer ReservatIOns reqUIred will be the beneficiary? _ .. (313) 881-7511 • " November 28, 2002 Gr~ se Pointe News Thin s to Do 11B .1'l!> From page lOB by Madeleine Socia mUSIC,entertainment, holi- 2 30-3 30 pm, Tuef:>day.; Society (313) 884-1551 Wale~ DIrectly behmd the St day bhopplng, famIly crafts • Begmner Computer, • 10 a m -3 pm, Thursday, Dec 19 16 Lakeshore $5 (313) ClaIr Shores Puhhc Library, and a blng-a-Iong, 5-9 30 12 30 1 30 pm, ThurbdaYb Saturday, Dec 7, POInte • New Year's Eve Games 8825330 22500 11 Mile Free (586) pm, Saturday, Dec 7, In • Emall BabIC!>,2 30-3 30 Petf:>Supply, Ltd , 15133 NIght and Breakfabt, 8 30 771-9020 the Umverslty Cultural pm, ThursdaYb Kercheval $5 Benefiting pm, Tuebday, Dei' 31, se Pointe War • 11 am -3 pm, and $4 teen!>, before Fnday, Theatre: The Good (313) 577 5088 Memorial: Saturday, Dec 14, Gro"se Dec 27 or $9, adult" $6, DOLtor," & pm, Thurf:>day Grosse Pointe Park • Deck the Hallb Holiday POinte War Memonal, 32 tpenb aller FrIday, Dec 27 Saturday, matHlee" 18th Annual Festival of Christn>ss Tree Lighting Wreath Makmg and Bow Lake~horf' $5 Benelitmg (586) 776 5535 Saturday" and \\\'dnesdays, Tree",: ThiS benetit for and Caroling: 630 pm, Tymg, 7 9 pm, Wedne~day, the 1hLhigan AntI-Cruelty through Saturdaj, Dee 7 Children's HObpltal of Sunday, Dec 8, corner of Dec 4 $1'), plu~ $20 fOl Spiritual Souety (313) 881-7511 474'3 Ca"" 111 Dl trOlt $15- Michigan featureb a display Kercheval and Lakepolnte bupphes Regl~tratlOn Resoure •• $20 (313) 5772972 of over 100 holiday trees, Free (3' 3) 822-2822 required b) fnday, Nov 29 . Seniors The Motor City Lyric vIgnettes and glngerhread Bon Secours Cottage • Ta"hngs the fine Wine Services for Older Theology on Tap/ God, upera: ' Amahl dnd the houses, Santa Shop and Emplovee Craft Shows: GrolJo/(,hamoa~p 7-9 Citli'f"n" Pro"... .."''''. Good for What Ales l\.hg}d- 'VH.,frH'.~ n other chl1dren s actlvltWf:>, • 9 a m 4 pm, Tuef:>day, pm, 1'uef:>day,Dec 3 $66 • AerobiC E~erclse fur Youfl'he Season of • 7 30 pin, Thur"day, through Sunday, Dec 1, at Dec 3, In the Connelly • Cooking wIth Michelle Semors, 10-10 45 a ill , Advent and More: A pro- Dec 19 the Coho AudItorIum at Bon Secours Bommanto Holidav MondaYf:>,Wednebdays and gram of the Lay TheolOgIcal • 1 and 6 pm, Saturday, ConferenceJExlu hitlon HOhpltal, 468 CadIeux Appetlzer~, 6-8 pm, FndaYb $2 Academy, 7 30-8 45 pm, Dec 21 Center, 1 Washmgton Blvd, • 9 a m -4 pm, Tuesday, Mor.day, Dee 9 $40 • Chnstmas Tea at Sunda), Dec 8, at the DetrOIt • 1 and 4 pm, Sunday, Dec 10, m the lobby of 32 Lakeshore Sunnse Asslbted LlvlOg 1-4 Dragonmead Mlcrobrewery, Dec 22 • Lunch WIth Santa, Cottage Hospital, 159 PreregIstration reqUIred pm, Thursday, Dec 26 $6 14600 11 Mile, Warren $5 MU~lc Hall Center !or the 11 30 a ill -1 30 pm, Kercheval (313) 881-7511 Tnps Include round-trIp (313) 882-5330, ext 31 Performmg Artb, 350 Saturday, Nov 30 $15 (313) 640-2455 Divorce Recovery motorcoach transportatlOn, Men's Friday Madison, DetrOit $20 adults, $10 cluldren, ages 2- Ecumenical Breakfast: Personal Workshop: 7 8 30 pm, which departs from the adults, $10 ChIldren 1313) 12 Reservatlonb requested Wednesda)b, through Dec ServIces for Older CItizens' Share food, fellowsmp and a 963-2366 • Holiday Dance, 8-10 Enrichment 11, Lake Shore Neighborhood Club office.;, lecture, Fndays at 7 30 pm, Saturday, Nov 30 Presby ten an Church, 27801 17150 Waterloo am, Grosse POInte Trav.1 $20. advance, $25, gate AssumptionlMacomb Jl'fferson, St Clair Shores PreregIStratIOn IS reqUIred Memonal Church Grosse Pointe War ReservatIOns requested Community College $30 (5861773-7243 (313l882-9600 • Dec 6, To be deter- Memorial Day Trips: Fees • Show Hours Continuinli{ Education mmed ---~gl.s - Include round-tnp bus 10 a ill -8 pm, Fnday, Classes: Excel, 9-1115 am • Dec 13, Rev Robert A transportatIOn and meals Nov 29 and Saturday, Nov or 1-3 15 pm, Mondays, Grosse Pointe Animal Single Way Programs: Rlmbo, BIshop, Evangelical • Frankenmuth 30 Tuesdays and Wednesday", Adoption Society Pet InterdenominatIOnal orga- Lutheran Church Southeast Chnstmas With the Ink 10 a m -6 Pill, Sunday, Dec 2 Dec 18, AssumptIOn Adoptions: nIzation for smgle adults MichIgan Synod Spots, 8 a m 5 pm, Dee 1 Cultural Center, 21800 12-3 pm, Saturdays,' Chtldren and teens wel- • Dec 20, Rev Dr V Tuebda~ Dec 3 $63 Advance tickets, $7 Marter $99 PreregistratIOn Dec 7 and Dec 14, come Bruce RIgdon, Grosse • Chflstmas Past & adults, $5 semors, $3 chil- reqUlred (586) 498-4000 ChIldren's Home of DetrOit, • Chocolate Fondue Pomte Memonal Church , Presents~/Fremont, OhIO, dren ages 2-12 Gate tick- Grosse Pointe Public 900 Cook (313) 884 1551 Party, Includes food, carol- • Dec 27, No Breakfast 7 30 a m -6 30 pm, ets, $8 adults, $6 semors, Library Internet Classes: Santa Paws: Pet por- Ing and chocolate fondue, • Jan 3, Rev Dr Alan Thursday, Dec 5 $83 $4, children ages 2-12 (313) All courses are held at the traIts With Santa 7 30 pm, Saturday, Dec Mugler, Interim AsSOCIate • Toledo KaleIdobcope, 745-0178 Central LIbrary, 10 • lOa m -4 pm, Sunday, 21, at the home of a mem- Pastor, Grosse Pomte 830 a m -6 15 pm, 30th Annual Noel Kercheval Dl'c 1, ChIldren's Home of ber In St Clair Shores $6, Memonal Church Tuesday, Dec 10 $82 Night: The Um"erslty • BegInner Internet, Detlolt, 900 Cook adults and $3, teens, before • .Tan 10, Rev Dr Gareth Cultural Center ASboclatlOn 1230 130 P m Tuc~days Spon~ured b\ the Gro"p Thursday, Dec 19 $8, Lloyd Jones, Ecumemcal PreregIstratIOn reqUired s~orb thIS e, enmg 01 • IncermedJate Intlrnet POllltl' AnIlI1dl Adoptwn adults and $5, teens after M\l1Ister from Northern (313) 881-7511

Fun------From page 12B Wednesday, Dec 4 Famtly Center sponsors thiS Shores FIgure Skatmg $12 drop-m center for parents Club, 4-630 pm, • Brunch WIth Santa, and preschoolers Wednesday, Dec 4, St ClaIr 1030 a m -noon, Saturday, • 9-11 am, Wednesdays, Shores CIVICArena, 20000 Dec 7 or Sunday, Dec 8 Barnes Early Childhood Stephens, St CI31r Shores $15 ReservatIOns reqUIred Center, 20090 Mormngslde, (586) 445-5351 by Thursday, Dec 5 Grosse POInte Woods Nutcracker Teas: • Graham Cracker • 1-3 pm, Tuesdays and ChIldren enJoy tea m the House, Ages 6 and up WIth Thursdays, Beacon Tea Room then VISit Santa a parent or caregiver, 10 Elementary School, 19475 at the Play House of the a m -noon, Saturday, Dec Beaconsfield, Harper Edsel & Eleanor Ford 14 RegIstratIOn reqUIred by Woods House, 1100 Lakeshore, Monday, Dec 9 $35, for one $2 per famdy, per VlSlt Grosse :lomte Shores parent and chIld and $10, (313) 432-3832 • 4 pm, Monday-Fnday, for each addItional chIld Dec 2-Dec 17 • Middle School Theater • 6 p m Wednesday, Dee Chnstmah Dance, 730-10 PuppetART: Celebrate 11 and Monday, Dec 16 pm, Fnda,), Dec 20 the holIdays at the DetrOIt ., $10 ReservatIOns PreregIstratIOn WIth valId Puppet Theater, all perfor- reqUIred (313) 884-4222 GPWM ID reqUIred $10 mances at 2 p m ~t ~ Breakfast with Santa: )..~ 32 Lakeshore (313) 881- • Crane Malden, a 8 30 d m or 11 30 am, 7511 Japanese folktale, Saturday, Dec 14, Snowflake 'Jrnament Saturdays, through Nov 30 G.P. barbershoppers entertain students AssumptIon Cultural Workshop: 10 a m -noon, • Hanukkah 2 pm, Center, 21800 Marter, St Saturday, Dec 7, Pewablc Saturday, Dec 7 and Students and taculty ofSt quartet, whIch performed a PreservatIOn Of Barbershop Clair Shores $8 Pottery, 10125 E Jefferson, Sunday, Dec 8 Thecla grade school III barbershop concert Quartet Smging of Amenca ReservatIOns reqUIred (586) DetrOIt $25 (313) 822- • Chnstmas, Saturdays, Chnton Township welcomed at the school (SPEBSQSA) 779-6111 0954 Dec 14 and Dec 21, the Good News Smgers The quartet gave a They VISited thf: ~choul on Book Signing: Author A Holiday Story: A Sunday, Dec 22 and demonstratIon of &. song behalf of their orgamzatlOn's Colleen Monroe Will SIgn DetrOIt Symphony Monday, Dec 23 sung m four part barbershop Young Men In Harmony Golden her new book, "The Orchestra Y""'1l6 People's • Kwanzaa, Thursday, style, explammg how each (YMIH) program, which was Chnstmas Humbugs," 3 Concert, 10 and 11 30 am, Dec 26 through Sunday, vOIce part sounds In relatlOn retrievers developed to promote bar- pm, Sunday, Dec 15, at Saturday, Dec 21, Dec 29 to the melody bershop quartet-style Borders Books and MUSIC Orchestra Hall, 3711 DetrOIt Puppet Theatre, singIng to young people need homes Cafe, 14171 Kercheval Woodward, DetrOIt $10- 26 E Grand River, DetrOIt The Good News SIngers ThlIH also prOVIdes encour- Free (313) 885-1188 $36 (313) 576-5111 $5, chJ1dren, $7, adults Golden Retnever Rescue quartet IS compnsed of agement and scholarshIps of MIchigan IS seekmg gold- Grosse Pointe War (313) 961-7777 retirees Gordon Dubrul, for high school and college Memorial: Parenting en retnevers and theIr own- tenor and spokesperson, students wlshmg to further • Santa's Snack Plate, for Middle School Parent Computer ers to partiCipate III the saId, "We were pleasantly theIr vocal musIc educatIOn ages 6-12,4-530 pm, Coffee: The Grobbe POinte Grosse POinte Santa Claus burpnsed how many stu- There .s also a Young Tuesday, Dec 3 $20, plus Pubhc Schools sponsors thIS Repair Serlicing parade on Fnday, Nov 29 dents accepted an inVItatIOn Woman In Harmony pro- $8 for matenals forum for diSCUSSIOn PartICIpants mu'lt be prereg- to smg WIth Ub We \\ ere gram, sponsored by the • HolIday Smg Along, between parents and educa- Istered To regrster or to Jam bowled over b) the E&M InternatIOnal Soclet,) of Ages 1-3 years WIth par- tion profeSSIOnals, 8 30-9 30 the group, call Ro ArabIa at response" S\\ eet Adelmes COMPUTER SERYtCES (313) 885-3647 ent/caregIver, 9-9 45 a ill , am, Tuesdays, Barnes Wednesday, Dec 4 School, 20090 Mormngslde ~~ The Golden Retnever Thl' "Ill" r, b I r, r ,nformatlOn about the Ages 3-5 )-ears '" Ith par- Free (313) 432-4622 Rescue of MIchIgan rescues Gr0"M Pomt,- lh q tl I I "I Plllote Barberc;hop ent/caregIver, 10-10 45 am, Play Central: The and finds homes for home- SocJet) r Jr p ''1ll('313)886SI~G 5861598.9797 less golden retnevers It has successfully placed nearly Serving Metro DetrOit 2,000 dogs III permanent - -.,------homes Currently about 40 goldens - from pUppICc; to mIddle-aged an~ selllor dogs - are waItIng for lovmg homes To get more mforma- tIon about adoptIng cr pro- ANDREA• VIdIng a temporary fo~ter home for a golden, call (248) 988-0154 'BOCELLI

It keeps ~~~~~nltnlenlii morelQan "''~_/ TOUR 2002 memones alive. AMfRlCAN I-HART ,fLSSOCIATIO'\l FMOR 11\1.'-, & TRmUTI~~ 128 Family fun by Madeleine Socia November 28, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Academic through Sunday, Jan 5 through August 2003 exhibit, 4 2 acres of arctic Enrichment • Elder Grace The 930 a m -5 pm, to the Greenfield Village Monday, Dec 16, Tuesday, NobIlIty of Agmg, through animals and a clear, under- Tuebday-Fnday, 10 a m -5 RebtoratlOn ProJect, the Dec 17 and Thursday, Dec Kumon MathlReadmg: Sunday, Apnl 6 \\! ater Polar Pahsage pm, Saturday and Sunday Village WIll be closed 19 $35 AssumptIOn Cultural • NatIOnal AmphibIan • Of the People The 5401 Woodward, DetrOIt $5 through Saturday, May 31, • ClaSSical Ballet, for Center offers these courses African Amencan Cons en atlOn Center to bul1d skills and conti- adults, $2 50 benlOrs and 2003 (3131982-6001 ages 5 and up Experience, contmumg • Wild Adventure ~ dence, 3 45-645 pm, elementary/hlgh school stu- 4-6 45 pm, Monday- 930 a m -5 pm. Simulator Ban.fits ~ Wednesdays or 10 am -1 dentb, $3 college stUdents, 10 a m -4 pm, dally Ten Friday, Dec 9-March 14 Wednf'sday Saturday, 1-5 children under 12 free Mail Boxes Etc. Extra pm, SaturdaYb 21800 MIle at Woodward, Royal 930 <1 m -2 30 pm, pm, Sunday 315 E (313) 833-1805 Credit: Mall Boxes Etc Marter, St ClaIr Shores Oak $8 adults, $6 senIOrs Saturdays, Dec 14-March Warren, DetrOit $5 adults, WIll donate a portIOn of Its $80 per month plus a $50 Detroit Institute of and children, 2 12 $4 Slmu. 15 ~3 lhildren, 5 and up (313) Arts: Marshall FJeld's pack and ship proceeds to registratIOn fee (586) 779- 4945800 lator nde;, $4 parkmg • SkI lhgh Club 6111 Fndays, startlllg at 6 pm, the Grosse Pomte Public RegIstratIOn & InformatlOn Children's Museum (2481 398 0903 at the DlA promise fdImly School of your chOIce Night, for grades 6-12, 6 Attractions Detroit Public Schools: fun, mcludlng rlrawmg III Dossin Great Lakes through Saturday, Nov 30 pm, Wednesday, Dec 4 • Ceiebrate Native Anna Scripps the gdllene;" gUIded tours, Museum: T~acher AppreCiatIOn diS- 32 Lakeshore Amencan Hentage, through hve mU;,IC,drop-ill work- • Workmg the Inland Count program~ also avail Whitcomb Conservatory; Saturday, Nov 30 PreregIstratIOn reqUIred for Flowers and plants from shops and artists demon- Seas Stones of African able 830 a m -7 pm, 1lI0;,t programs (313) 881- • DIscover the Autumn around the world 10 a m -fi stratIOns 5200 Woodward, American;, on the Great Monday-Fnday and 10 7511 C:;kv 1n tho 'P!....~:~.: ...... 11 pm, dally 1:lE-HeIsle, Ul-L1VH ~ daults, :1>1chll. i.dl\t:::., tnrough Apnl 2003 :. U.I ~ P AU , Oa. ...UIUdY Workshops, 11 a m and 1 DetrOit $2 adults and gUId- dren or frPe for DIA mem- 10 a m -5 pm, 18530 Mack (313) 884- Holiday pm, Thursdays and 8440 ed tours, $1 senIors and bers (313) 833-7900 Wednesday-Sunday Belle Fndays, for children, 6-12 Happenings chlldren,2-12 (313) 852- Detroit Science Isle, DetrOIt $3 adults, $2 9 a m -4 pm, Monday- Classas 4064 Center: chIldren, 5-18 Wednesdays 27th Annual Grosse Fnday 6134 Second, Belle Isle Aquarium: • Sunday FundaylFreeze are free (313) 852-4051 Dance: Sponsored by the Pointe Santa Claus DetrOIt $3 per program SCience of the Season, Grosse POInte Woods Domestic and tropical fish (313) 873-8100 Parade: Sponsored by Bon lllvestigate the essence of Henry Ford Museum CommunIty Center, Secours Cottage Health and aquatIC anImals 10 Detroit Historical a m -5 pm, dally Belle lce and snow, Sunday, Dec and Greenfield Village: 'IUebday, Dec 3-Tuesday, ServIces and Flagstar Bank, Museum: 7 Isle, DetrOit $3 adults, $2 8 • Traditions of the Jan along Kercheval between • The Photography of • DTE Energy Sparks Season, Friday, Nov 29- • CreatIve Movement, Fisher and Cadieux, Fnday, children (313) 852-4083 Greg Hodgson, through Theater Wednesday, J an 1 Tap & Rhythm for ch1ldren Nov 29 Automotive Hall of Saturday, Nov 30 Fame: • IMAX Dome Theatre • Holiday Express III the ages 3-4, 4-4 30 pm, • Pre-Parade Festival, • Ghost Ads, through • DIgital Dome Henry Ford Museum, Tuesdays • SpecIal exhIbItion dedi- Saturday, Nov 30 945 am, III the Village, cated to Warren AVIS. Planetanum Friday, Nov 29-Wednesday, • Ballet, for ages 5 and 6, Kercheval between Neff and • Land, Lives and "Tis the Season," 2 pm, Jan 1 4 35-5 05 pm, 'IUesdays Cadieux lounder of AVISRent-a-Car Legends NatIve AmerIcans • Interactive exhIbIts Monday-Fnday, 11 am, • Anderson Theatre, "The • Tap I, for ages 5 and 6, • Parade, 1030 am m DetrOit, through Sunday, noon, 2, 4 and 5 pm, Reluctant Dragon," 2 30 5 10-5 40 PIn, Tuesdays focusing on automotive PIO- Dec 1 • The Village Aglow Tree neers Saturdays and 2, 4 and 5 PIn, Fnday-Monday, • CreatIve Movement, Llghtmg Ceremony, 4 30 • Thy Tram Family pm, Sundays, through through Monday, Dec 30 Tap and Rhythm, for ages 3 pm 10 a m -5 pm, dally Workshop, 1-3 pm, 21400 Oakwood in Friday, Jan 3 $8 adults or $7 children and 4, 4-4 30 pm, Free (313) 886-7474 Saturday, Dec 7 $5 Wednesdays Dearborn $6 adults, $5 50 9 a In -3 PIn, Monday- • Sounds of Chnstmas, The Great Big Holiday • French Arnencans, Fnday, 1030 a m -6 PIn, weekends, Thursday, Dec • Ballet II, for ages 7-12, Adventure: Ch11dren viSit semors, $3 for chIldren, 5- opemng Saturday, Dec 7 12 (313) 240-4000 Saturday, noon-6 pm, 26- Wednesday, Jan 1 435.5 15 pm, Wednesdays Santa, and enJoy actiVIties • Kwanzaa Gifts Wiggle Sunday 5020 John R, • Bensan Ford Research • Tap II, for ages 7-12, and treats, amIdst a won- Charles H. Wright GIggle Workshop, 1-3 pm, DetrOIt $7 adults, $6 Center A Busy Life The 5 20-5 50 PIn, Wednesdays derland of floats from Museum of Mrican. Saturday, Dec 14 $3 American History: semors and children, 2-12 FashIons of Ehzabeth Parke $24 20025 Mack Plaza. Amenca's ThanksgIvmg • Glancy Tram Show, 10 $4 lMAX Dome. $4 plane- Firestone, through Sunday, (313l881-5647 Parade, noon-5 pm., Fnday, • The Spmtual FIgures a m -4 pm, Sunday, Dec tarium (313) 577-8400 Jan 1 Grosse Pointe War Nov 29-Sunday, Dec 1, The and Collages ExhIbItion, 29 $2, per tram for Detroit Zoo: • IMAX Theatre Memorial: Parade Company StudIO, features work by Renee M appraisals Dooley, through Wednesday, • BG Wlldhfe Magazllle 9 a m -5 pm, Monday- • Grosse Pomte Dnvmg 9600 Mount Elhott, DetrOIt Dee 4 • DetrOIt Style - The Photographer of the Year Saturday and noon-5 pm, School, must be age 14 $5, plus $1 food tickets 1930s, through Sunday, years, 8 months or above • PIctures Tell the Story exhIbItion m the WIldhfe Sunday 20900 Oakwood, (313) 923-7400 May 11 Segment I, 6-8 pm, Ernest C WIthers Interpretive Gallery Dearborn $8 50-$13 50 Michigan High School • Connections' Metro through Saturday, Jan 18 Museum lMAX Theatre, Monday-Thursday, Dec 2- Skating Competition: Reflections In HIStory, DetrOIt Neighborhoods, • Arctic Rmg of Llfe $10 adults, $8 semors and Dec 19 $269 Hosted by the St ClaIr chIldren, 12 and under Due Segment II. 4-6 pm, See FUN, page lIB

CAFANA'S KISKA JEWELERS ~ ~ ... Carpet Sale For The Holidays. Somethmg NEW for the The HOLIDAY PARTY is Black Masland, CustomWeave, Mohawk, Holidays. Beautlful glass Gobble, Gobble, Gobble ...Happy Christmas decoratwns and glass TIe. Rent or buy a great looking Shaw, Milliken, Sutton, and many ThanksgIving. The~ NOTRE tree ornaments whzch would make tux at Cafana's Our expert staff more of the best names In I DAME PHARMACY has a nice great stockmg stuffers. All at very wIll make sure you look your very carpetmg on sale now' ..at 17670 Mack Avenue at UniverSIty, Grosse selection of Hobday items. Choose reasonable pnces. ... at 63 best CAFANA'S IS at 17233 Mack Pointe, (313)884-2991 a nice wine from our large Kercheval on-the-Hill (313)885- Avenue at Notre Dame, (313)881. selection III a prIce range to make 5755 1224 everyone happy. Kendal Jackson Clos Du Bois, Woodbridge, Jacob Creek, just to name a few. Our staff will be glad to assist you in selecting one to suit your taste all 0r6hee at excellent prices - best in town! . at 16926 Kercheval lll-the- :J JJJl!JJlJ .L';lj J.:t~ Village. (313)885-2154. J :I ~J _ !. ;: a J

Jam us for a fun filled evenmg wlth MAGIC. On Tuesday, December 10th, from 6-8 p.m. The 51 ~ ofosewn Inte17Ulticnaf ,.,.." ~SMA 1M very popular radw personalztles Sawn & Spa FREE SHU1TLE TO THE "JOE" Jlm Harper, Cynthw Canty, EVERY HOME RED WING GAME You can hav€ thlcker, and or Lmda Laney and Mlk~ Bradley longer halr today. ~~ lS u,lll Jom maglClQn Ron Aldnch at * FALL EVENING SPECIALS* the answer. For more mformatwn Ahee's to ass~st you wlth your • MONDAY & TUESDAY. check www greatlenghshalr.com hollday shoppmg ..at 20139 Smile En'hancement Studio Certified Angus Roast PrIme Rib For your consultatwn call • WEDNESDAY Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte Woods, Gwe the glft of a smde for the Fresh Lake Supenor WhIte FIsh (313)881-7252 .. at 75 Kercheval, 313-886-4600. Grosse Pmnte Farms. Holldays' Stop and shop for • THURSDAY stock~ng stuffers' Glft certlflcate CertIfied Angus Short Ribs of Beef (or Laser Bleachmg, Crest Whae Plus, be sure tv enJoy our SUNDAY Stnps (proffeswnal strength) und, BRUNCH from 11 00 a m - 2.30 p m. Oral B 3D Braun Toothbrush. I What an excellt:nt gzft BOOK SINDBAD'S "SOHAR" ROOM I Merry Chrzstmas to our TODAY!Perl'ectfor your pnvate p..'Uties BAYNE OP1'IC1\L PLEASURABLE PALATE I pattents' After the hustle and and Special occaSIOn Call (3131822- I bu"Je of the season, stop and 7817 for more mformatlOn at 100 St Clmr on-thp..RJ.vpr Bayne OptIcal announces P,non.' Che' Servin reha at Fazreourt Patzents seen I "Vaur P,IIf, It "'y PI,uur," fashIOn eyewear presented by In the month of December reeewe I LaFont November 29th, 2002, a comphmentary Spot Massage! Thls Holulay Season gLUe the 1000 a ill - 400 pm Bnng this Stop at the front desk to make glft oj'turze and great taste, lure a artIcle 10 and receIve 157r off your your appOlntment today' Personal Chef (or the perSO'1 on complete prescnptlOn eyeglabs ~ 20040 Mack Avenue your Chnstmas list who has purchase at 16841 Kercheval s- - "' Gro~se POlnte Woods everythIng but time Custom Gift To advertise Place, Grosse Pointe CIty, ,/ " I (313)882-2000 Certificates Al rulable Call Susan in this column (313 )885-5400 www smzleenhaTl,cemenl znfo Zaglanzczny at (586)219-3220 call (313) 882-3500 by 2:00 p.m. Fridays ..S(lot ~ ~~~I \.- I:LHSSIFIED or S t; North finds its touch at the foul line in district tourney wins By Chuck Klonke dl~tnlt at Gro~se POinte Simmon sank the other one Bennett ~clld E\ ery bod) Sports Editor 'I bredthed a little ea"ler III It., game \11th .south, hut South Denby came out WIth d who pia) vI wntnbuted " There's something to be IIhen Jane" \\ eot out ~ the Blue Del 1I., dldn t (Xlt The \ ICtOr) sent the hot hand and the Tars came Dpnby "tdrted the fourth said about the lay, of a' er- Blghdm finIbhed With 13 qUietly Norsemen mto Monday's out of the firbt quarter With quarter WIth vu ...... l.,. .J.'1\JlI,..U.~ dgdllll>L 11uy i\tIlenb mIdway througn tile ~ec- :n 4.:1on a pellr of free throws pomts and Warren and glrb ba~ketball team IS too In North';, other dlstnct and quarter before North coach Peggy Van Eckuutl by Jane." who moments lear- Andary scored eIght apiece talented to be shootmg 45 game, a 45 35 wm over went on a 10-0 run and "The kld~ played With a lut her hit a three-pomt ba;,ket, Warren had SIX steals and percent from the free-throw South, the Norsemen were ended the first half leadlllg With 3 ,FJ Iplt at energy and heart We Ju~t 8,... rebUUUlb. whlie Jenmfer dldn t do some thmgs that lme But that's what the 9-of-11 from the hne 31-28 North went mtJ ItS delay Norsemen's percentage was "We haven't been a very DeFauw (.QUected four we had talked about domg The first eIght POll1ts of game and Bigham e\ entudl- a~sl~ts dunng the regular season good free-throw shootmg the spurt came as a rebult of And missed layups clnd free ly fed LIZ Andar) for a layup "That might have been N ow that the state tour- tedm," said North coach throws hurt Ub agalll " the N orbemen's patented With 2 18 left Bigham made Megan Warren's best game,~ nament has started, the Gary Bennett "But we're defense Bigham started the The Norbemen ne\eJ another key play on defense, Gary Bennett Said "And Norsemen's free throws hitting them now" run With a steal and a layup traIled after endmg the fir~t when she took a charge from Calthn had a great first half have begun droppmg With North IS makmg them Then Caitlin Bennett quarter on a 7 0 run that Jones With 1 49 remammg She played some tough deadly accuracy when It counts the most, too forced a couple of defenSive was capped by Caitlin It '"as the fifth foul on defense and ~It a couple of North made 14 ot Its 16 The Norsemen scored five-second calls agamst Jones, whu filll;,hed \'/lth a Bennett'~ three-pOlllt ba~ big babketb \Vhen we were ket free throws last Fnday as their last seven pomts Denby and each time North game-high 15 pomts the Non,emen beat DetrOIt III our btalllate m the game, North led 24 18 at half- agamst the Tars from the took advantage of the "Beth Just dug III and took Denby 56-47 m !.he champl- she dId a llIle job of ~eelng time, but the Blue DeVil" wI foullme Beth Bigham made turnovers, once on a pair of the charge I wuld see It the floor" onshtp game of the Class A SIX m a row and Shelby free throws by Simmon and commg," Gan Bennett "ald North luJ mo"t at thl 1\c1\ the other on a putback by See DISTRIC'!, page 2C Megan Warren that put the Norsemen ahead to stay Poor shooting sinks Bigham made another steal and fed Simmon for a layup to make It 29-26 Regina in 39-37 loss Bennett rut a jumper to cap the run Denb)' got a basket By Bob St. John and mne pomts, respective- Staff writer ly from K1myonna Jones at the r. buzzer after a North Regina's basketball team "KIm left everythmg on turnover to cut the lead to never got mto a rhythm thiS the floor," Laffey said "She three pOInts at the half season played well m her final high "We could have had an 11- InconSistent shootmg and school game" pomt lead at halfhme, but reboundml;' frustrated head The Regina basketball we made some bad deCISIOns coach Diane Laffey, and It team fimshed the 2002 sea- With the ball," Gary Bennett was eVident last week when son 7-14 overall Four of the said "We tned to shoot too her Saddlehtes lost 39-37 to Saddlehtes' 14 losses were qUickly, but other than that, DetrOIt Denby m a Class A by two pomts dlstnct first-round game at we played good basketball ~ North came out strong in Grosse Pomte South Laffey loses PetrUCCI, the second half, outsconng "The girls couldn't get a Dopp and Jackie Fowler to Denby 14-6 in the thIrd shot to fall," Laffey said graduatIOn, but returmg quarter take a 45-34 lead "The girls ,played exceptIOn- next season are Ashley to mto the final penod ally well defenSively, but the Mellor, Sarah Jlmmes, The Norsemen had four offenSive I output wasn't Rachel Sabel, Meghan underclassmen on the court there It was a tough loss Sweeney, Roseann Wagner, because we had plenty of Bndget Puwhs, Jacklyn With Bigham dunng much of the third quarter and they chanl'es to wm thiS game" RIchardson, 1,1€ban Pelgus, I played very well I Photo b) Dr J Rtchard nunl"p The Saddlelltes were led Rachel Kotwlckl, Damelle "I wasn't at all afraid to It's a bird, it's a plane. it.s a ". rebound. Grosse Polnte South's Liz Halpin (33) by semors KIm PetruccI and Swrowlk, Andrea LlgottJ put them out there," Gary and Kate See (52) and Grosse Pointe North's Beth Bigham (24) and Megan War- Enn Dopp, who scored 14 and NIkkI Nemlt? ren (22) are ready if the shot doesn't fall.

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November 28, 2002 2C s Grosse Pointe News District- South skaters win big after From page lC

the lead to 30-28 wIth 1 39 opening loss to Flint Powers left 10 the thIrd quarter when Allison Ambrozy went By Chuck Klonke penod With Nick Andrew phned" "cormg, along With Gatliff's In for a layup after a ::>, orts Editor Bopp said that the bnght turno\ er by the Norsemen lilt Il' ~ nothing like an two goal> spots were the penalty l r 1\ 'l ,I~()n ~c()nng out- Trey Shll'lds and Tom North an&wered with kIlling, the forecheckll1g r 11'1 POIter wrapped up the scor- eight ~tralght pomts, four of tu boo"t a hockey when the teams were play- III , conhdente mg With thud penod goals thl'1I1 on offen&lve rebounds mg at even strength, and (, IU"C POInte South's Mal k Gngnon made hiS b) Lllld;,ey Koerber and the goaltendmg of Greg Sunman \ "t,ng bo"~ bquJd got J Ubt \ ar"lty debut m goal and Smith Smith was especially tldt ld~t ::'aturday when the turned bdck the 10 shots he bbarp III the first two pen- >\11we talked about at 1\ IUP De\ db overpo\\ ered faced, Includmg a handful of ods h,llftlfiJe was how we have to \llul ParI-. Cabnlll 9-0 In a dLfllcult ones South got off to a good 00 a better lOb of rf'OOllnn- '" 01._ U 1 'J J ~ 1J1b<..1.ll "...... ) .....V ...H ....~U.U.l.rL) u ...a t:)(.1UH:::; Hn.t;:: boL.,U L UJ1 g\,}a~b uy uuu rUE wr Illg - Gar) Bennett said "" Ll agUl' g::l!ne thiS, there';, a tendency to and Andrew m thp first 2 36, South's LIZ Halpm lut a Cabnl1l \1 d" clearly over get undIsciplined," Bopp but that was the extent of three-poInter wIth 4 1/2 Il1Jtched but I was very Said "It's easy to start run- the Blue DeVils' sconng mmutes left to cut the North happ" Illth the way our nLng all over the Ice, but we Powers got Its first goal lead to 39-33 The Blue pla"er, pla)ed thiS game," played a dISCIplined game" late In the openmg pI' nod, DeVil;, got a defensive stop, ~dld South coach Bob Bopp Bopp was dso pleased then scored a pwr of goals III but mIssed a layup and 'We ",ere \ er) diSCiplined With the way hiS veteran the second penod The first North came back to score on ,md mo\ ed the puck well defen;,e corps played three Chargers goals came a dnve by Bigham Ever)one played well and I "They were solid," he bdId on the power play The Norsemen secured trunk thiS game wll! do a lot urhey reSisted the tempta- "FlInt had a couple of 5- the WIn on two free throws to help our confidence We tIon to do too much With the on-3 opportumtIes," Bopp apIece by Stephame Rose had bome Dlce goals that puck" said and DeFauw In the final were created by some great South's semor hne of South makes Its annual 152 passmg pIa) S " Graves, Rob Porter and tnp to the Ferns State BIgham led North with 11 Bnan GatllfT led the scor- Avery Schmidt looked sharp Umverslty InVitatIOnal thIS POInts and she also collected mg exploslOn With three WIth Its puck movement weekend nme steals and SIX aBSists goals and an assist Two of Schmidt, Stefan Harns SImmon had eight poInts Gatliff's goals came eIght and Jordan Wmfield each and five rebounds for the second~ apart III the second collected two assIsts for South hockey Norsemen, whIle Rose and penod He abo scored the South, while Anthony DeFauw fimshed WIth SIX Photo b) !{o,h S,lIar, fir;,t goal of the game at 2 39 Swancoat, Tom Porter, alumni game pomts apiece GrONe Pointe North's Lindsey Koerber ties up a of the first period Andrew, Rob Porter, Joe Detroit Denby player for a jump baD during last Halpin led North with 10 "Bnan had- the best game Parke, 'Ibm Klick, Graves on Dec. 22 week's district championship game at Grosse Pointe ofhlb career and I thInk he'll and GatlIff picked up one POInts, whIle Colleen South. Buckley had nme pomts and have man) more lIke thiS," apIece eIght rebounds to hillp Bopp "aId Earher, South suffered a Grosse Pomte South's South gain a 30-17 advan- Gatliff's third goal came dlsappomtmg 6-2 loss to annual alumm hockey game tage on the boards. Lauren Trinity, East ousted after he won a faceoff and Flmt Powers CatholIc m a wJ!1 be held on Sunday, Dec Harrm~on had a strong skated III alone on the non-league game 22 from 6 to 8 p m at the game wIth SIX POints and 10 Cabnlll goalIe "We wanted to get started City Ice Arena rebounds Kate See had SIX by Holy Redeemer South led 4-0 after the With a wm and we got off to All former boys hockey rebounds and Beth Mumaw fir;,t period Rob Porter, d good start, but then we players at South are InVIted had five assIsts Brandon Krajmak and took seven straight penal- to partiCIpate South finished with a 13-9 By Bob St. John Another first-year head Justm Graves also scored tIes and that changed the Those Interested should overall record Staff writer coach Derek LeFevre and for the Blup Devils game," Bopp sald "Most of call Nancy Khck at (313) South contInued the 884-2731 or Sharon Fromm uThe kIds dId a great Job Lutheran East's and hIS 'Tnmty team didn't play the penaltIes were deserved onslaught m the second at (313) 884-7068 defenSIvely all season," Van Tnmty Catholic's gIrls bas- a game SInce beatlllg Harper We have to be more diSCI- Eckoute sald "We allowed ketball teams were ehmmat- Woods on Oct 31, but he an average of 34 8 POints a ed from the Class D state kept hIS players focused game. We Just needed a htUe playoffs last week by DetrOIt enough to stay III the game Norsemen struggle in opener more sconng " Holy Redeemer and nearly wm It The game marked the end By Chuck Klonke because we pia)' such a UWe dIdn't play our best Trlmty lost 41-38 In a "We want to play our best of the hIgh school basketball Sports Editor tough schedule, but we'll be and we stIll had a chance," semifinal game, whIle game of the season," careers for South semors It \.\a;,n't the best of all nght It's just gomg to Lock Said UNorthern has a Lutheran East fell 47-35 m LeFevre saId after beatmg Mumaw, Stacey Peppler, start;" but Scott Lock Isn't take some time for these good team They have three the first round Harper Woods 'We have MeredIth WhIms, HalpIn, too concerned WIth hIS young kids to grow up And outstandmg players, mclud- Hamngton and See struggled With Inexperience, Grosse Pomte North boys the people we're countmg on Ult was a dlsappomtmg Ing two defensemen who can but we have a chance to hoekI') team to be leaders are gomg to "r really hate to see them loss," East first-year head beat )'ou by themselves make a difference" After all, the Norsemen have to lead" go," Van Eckoute said coach Jason \VI]son said "They're such mce kIds It's be,lr only a ;,!lght reseml>- PHN scored the only goal "And a couple of our young "The gIrls played great Freshman JasmIne been fun to coach them" lenc" to the team that won of the first penod but North kIds mIght have been a httle defense, but our offense was Hamilton almo;,t pushed the two straight DIVISIOn II had several good scorIng star struck In theIr first non-exIstent" Lancers to the title game, state champIOnshIps chances game" sconng 26 pomts III a losmg We lost eight semors "We mIssed the net on The host Eagles, which effort from labt year's team and three breakaways," Lock Lock said that North's tralled Holy Redeemer 32-2 The Tnmty CatholIc bas- there were a few other kJds said "If we at least put the best all-around player In the midway through the second ketball team ended the sea. who went on to play on shots on the net, It mIght PHN game was Chns Ahee quarter III last year's dIstnct son 5-12 overall, Lutheran major travel teams," Lock have been a different game first-round game, played "He didn't score but he East fimshed 12-9 salri after the Norsemen Then In the first mne mm- better but stili fell behmd had a lot of chances," Lock opened the Michigan ute .. of the second penod we said 10-4 after the first penod The Lancers will be an c_ InterscholastIc Hockey were all ovpr them, but we North had scnmmages and 17-10 at the half Improved squad next s,"a&on League season last week stili couldn't score" agamst Redford Catholic Durmg this as underclassmen Damelle \.\lth a 6 1 loss to Port Huron The Huslues added three Central and Llvoma UWe were stlll m the Cooper, Stephame So;,a. holiday season. ..be a Northern second-perIOd goals before ChurchIll and the Norsempn game, despite scoring only Angel Cooper, Annlcko \\1' have only five semors Enc Knoll scored for the looked good In both of them responsible party host 10 pomts," WIlson saId Biggs, Nicole Gaillard, on thl" year's team and a lot Norsemen "We showed that we can "Thmgs didn't go our way Maurpen POlrer, Enr. See that your guests oftho"e dIdn't playa lot the PHN added a pair of compete WIth the better tomght" Stanley and Hamilton can have a good time la"t 1\\0 yearb We mIght power-play goals In the final teams If everyone IS workIng use thiS year's varSIty expe 1- ...... A " T ...... 1, ~ ...~~ take our lumps early penod ...... , ..... ~ .... Io;1U ...U • and arrive East cut Its defiCit to SIX nence to theLr benefit POInts headmg mto the final home safely. penod, but Holy Redeemer As for Wilson and h.;, Pioneers squashed by Dominican used a scoring spurt 1ft d,e Eagle;" the team \\ ill bp bet By Bob St John Domm can last week, lOSIng Loren RIStovskl saId. "First A Friend, first five mmutes ofthe final ter III 2003, thanl,." to d ~olid Staff writer 71-22 m a Class C dlstnct "DomInican has Size, qUIck- quarter to secure the wm Then A Host" corp of returnmg veti ran" Harper Woods's gIrb bas- semi find I game ness, and can score m the WIth Schult, Dona K\~ra hlth III team \1 ent up \\' e drCl~ 'I tough oppo- low post or from the outsIde" JunIOrs Ashley Schult and Jame" and Shana PntL'H tt 1~ lin,t l,ndefeated DetrOlt nrnt ~ Int'r,m head coacb The PIOneers had no Brandl Dona led the Eagles (I~ answers for the No 4- With 12 and 11 pomts, \ respectively I anked Ravens, failing hehmd by double dIgIts In the first half DespIte the loss, the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Harper Woods basketball team finIshed ItS sea bon GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL \'ilth seven wms (agamst 11 losses), whIch IS the most SYSTEM "rnce the early 1990s The PIOneers should be a Grosse Pointe South high School vastly Improved team next Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan beason, thanks to the devel- opment of underclassmen The Board of EducatIOn of The Grosse POIntePublic School Ashley Marshall, Meaghan System, Wayne County, MIchigan, WillreceIve sealed bids for Huot, Kahra Fox, Angela ~chool office renovatIOnsat Grosse Pomte South High School WlCrzewskl, Mana Mahon, BrIdget Wagner, Natalie Spcclflcatlons and Bid Forms WIll bc available at a Barranca, Sail) Smolinski, Stacey White, and Shana MANDATORY pre-bid m~ting on Tuesday, December 10, Kmg 2002 at 10 00 a m easlem daylight lime, 10 the receIvIng room of Grosse Pomte South High School, 11 Gro~se POInte Blvd, Local player Grosse POInteFanns, MI 48236 on State Cup Scaled bIds Will be due Wednesday. January 15. 2!!l!l..lU 10:00 a.m, ea~tern daylight lime at the Admlnl~trallon champions Buddmg of the Grosse Pomte Board of bJucalJon, 189 SI Mandl Marsh of Grosse Clair Ave, Grosse Pomte, MI 48230 at which time and place Turkey fro tters Pomte was a member of the the hlds will be opened and publicly read aloud Thl~ project Vardar under-18 gIrls soccer Pierte Middle School recently held Its 31st ennual Turkey Trot. A series will not be funded by federal or ~tatemODies team that won Its dlvlblOn at of half-mUe snd one-mUl' runs were contested in all three grades and 150 the recent MIchigan State students were involved Ml'da1s were awarded to the top sill: finishers in aD Cup Soccer Champwnshlpq Plea~e dlfC:ct queq\On~ to Wayne Hal"lde~, Manager of of the races Thl' top two finishers In each of the races won turkeys. The m Llvoma BUlldmgs and Grounds. (313) 432-3082 first. and second-place finishers are pictured, In front, from left, are Ardit Vardar beat the ~hchl~an Mitaj, Alew: Keller. Gabrielle Keller, Lauren Dansey. Erica Menchl, Sarah Hawk" 3 0 In thp champl- Board of Education Stanczyk, 'Meryl Etheridge and Ellen Munlga. In back, from left, are Cale on"hlp game Marbh also Grosse POinte Public School ,,) ~lern Maunesto, Lance Lucas, Bobby Barr~tt, Andrew Osborn, Alex MarshaD, plays on the Grosse Pomte GPN Emily M~Laughhn, Amber Gellert and Ben Miller. South gIrls soccer team 11/28/2002 &: JW5f2002, Linda Farmer, Secretary November 28, 2002 S t .G.ro.s.s.e.p.o.in.te.N.e.w.s J?or s 3C Dragons take first at Waterford'

The Grosse POInte Soccer offenSive Side The defense was led by A..,soclahon Dragons '90 In the hUe game, the Allison Everett, Kelly gIrls travel team won the Dragons dommated from DeFauw, KaIUm Graves and under-13 champIOnship at start to fimsh III a 7-1 VICto- Katharine Zurek Shauna the WaterfOl d Cup soccer ry over Hamburg Umted DaVIsson, Laura Falver, tournament Earher, GrabBe Pomte Stephanie Garbanno, The champIOnshIp com- beat the Huron Valley Emma Mawby and Beth pleted a successful season Llghtnmg and Vardar by 1- Ponkowski led the midfield. for the Dragons, who won o scores and the Dragons OffenSive punch was prOVid- their second sh alght tour- edged the Llvoma Meteors ed by Emily Cumpata, nament Earher, they won 2-1 JackIe Farber, Caltlm Jonell the Petoskey lnvltahonal All 14 players who partlLI- and 01Jvla Stander The Dragons reached the pated In the tournament fig- The Dragonb are coached champIOnship gaJne by play ur~d m the sconng WIth by J P Laurenceau and Jim their patented brand of soc- either a goal or an asSiSt Warren Jonathan Pickett IS cer - outstandmg defense Alyssa Carr played goal the trampr Sue Graves IS dUU goaltendmg and skllltuJ and recorded ttle team s tlVO trll' m magl'1 counterattatkmg on the bhutouts

University Liggett SChool's girls tennis team won a ninth straight state cham- piODShipthis fall and the Knights bad four players named to the Division IVAll- State team selected by the Michigan Interscholastic Tennis Coaches Associa- tion. From left, are Lizzie campbeU, Gabby Milosic, HoUy Huth and Beth Sanders. State c}lamps get four players on Division IV All-State tennis

By Chuck Klonke 1 seed In the first doubles Huth's adjustment to hIgh Sports Editor flight school tennIS was made eas- In tennis, lIke any other MlloSIC, who transferred Ier when her coach through- sport, there's no substitute from Grosse Pomte South, out the year, Ken for good semor leadershIp was Campbell's trurd dou- RychwalskJ, came aboard as The Grosse Pointe Soccer Association Dragons '90 travel team won the girls And when those semors bles partner in four years Wnght's assistant at ULS under-IS division at the Waterford Cup soccer tournam~l1t, In front, from left, are leaders on and off the "They played so well "Ken has worked with her are head coach J.P, Laurenceau, Katharine Zurek, Caitnn Jonel, Kelly DeFauw" court, a coach has to feel together, even though they a lot," Wnght sald "She ruts Alllson Everett, Laura Faiver, Emily Cumpata and Beth Ponkowski. In back, espeCially fortunate hadn't met until shortly the ball hard and she's from left, are trainer Jonathan Pickett, Alyssa Carr, Ka1tlln Graves, Olivia When Umverslty Liggett before the season started," learnmg to work the ball Stander, Shauna Davisson, Jackie Farber, Stephanie Garbarino, Emma Mawby' School's guls tenms team Wnght said "I thought around more and coach Jim Warren. won Its mnth stralght state they'd work well together "She played everybody championship, two key con- Gabby IS real intense, alld I tough alld she was playmg tributors were the squad's felt that LIZZie would keep every team's best player" Arnencan Heart A only semors Beth her from gettmg too One of Huth's best match- Assoaanon. V uptight" es was m the regional cham- Sanders and LIZZie F ",hI no 1'4.... \ 0\.M&MI1nd Stroke American Laser Campbell Campbell and MJloBlc are pIOnshIp when she played ".,,. R.".or.' • ,;.,,. IhI111"." ..... ,. Sanders, who played No 2 SimIlar III their playmg Monroe St Mary Cathohc ItkeeRS .--- ~-- smgles, and Campbell, who styles, although Campbell Central's Mara Redma Rtmovt unwanttd paired with Jumor Gabby had more expenence p\aymg Redma was leadmg 5-1 m more1Qan Mllosic on the Kmghts' No I doubles the third set and darkness memones back hair...FOIIEVII. doubles team, were two of "Both of them have good was descendmg on the the four ULS players named ground strokes, and they courts at ULS Huth won alive. • Free Consultotlon • Guaranteed ResultsIn WritIng to the Dlvlsl'ln IV All-State both had to work at bemg the next game, and the AMERlCAN HEART • FDAApproved Aurora Loser • All SkInTypes team selected by the more aggressive m closmg to match was moved mdoors at ASSOCIATION o Gilmore, M D & L LoClvrto. M D Michigan High School the net," Wnght saId Wimbledon Huth had no EMORIAlS & TRlBU 4IIUUtD OPINIIM I Thnms Coaches AssoclatJOn Huth stepped mto the dif- problem WIth the dlSruptlO1l New Grosse Pointe Locotfon Also makmg the team ficult No I smgles pOSitIOn and won five straight games 131 Kerchevol-on-the HUl• Suite 150 • Grosse PoInte forms were Mllosic alld freshmall as a freshmall and went all and the tiebreaker to (888) 704.9494 Hnl1v Hnth whn nbvprl Nn tbe way tn the st.;Jte champl- advallce to the state finals i-;I;;'gl;;f~~th~-Ifu~ihts- - onsrup match before losmg as the No 2 seed m the "We had to rebUlld tlus to her cousm, Muskegon thght behmd Musselmall year after losmg SiX players CatholIc Centra!'!' Jaylen "Holly plays m tourna- from last year's team, so we Musselmall ments the year 'round, so needed strong semor leader- That was no surpnse, the pressure doesn't bother ship," said coach Chuck however, because Huth IS her," Wnght said "That's Wnght one of the top Jumor players why she was able to collect Get in shape for winter snow fun "Beth and LIZZie aren't m the country and a veteran herself when the match was real vocal leaders, but they of USTA tournaments moved Winrung helped her both set all excellent exam- "Holly IS a real talent," get a better seed m the ple for our younger players Wnght sald "She's a great state With their hard work alld competltor alld very mtense "She's a freshman WIth a ClMMP and ablhty to get along With peo- on the court " great future" C..oltQs. Hospnal AJltletic: Medicine Program ple We didn't have any chQues That's a tnhllt.P to our co-captams" Nine is magic number Sanders closed out her invite you to a special community program high school career With a for North girls hockey state champIOnship at sec- ond smgles Nme has been the magic asSISts "She dommated No 2 sm- number for Grosse Pomte Harlall capped the scoring gles m DIVISIOn IV," Wnght North's girls hockey team m m the third penod, asSisted Preventing Ski said "Beth lost only seven Its first two games bj Carron and Mana games In four matches m The Norsemen posted 9-0 Feldpausch the state tournament" vlctones over Bloomfield Alexa Watkms and Angela & Snowboard Injuries Sanders also beat some of Combmed and Fannmgton Lee "hared the goaltendmg , the top No 2 smgles players Hills Melcy duties for the Norsemen m the upper dlvlsJOns She Dana Chlcklas and NIkki featuring .f defeated Grosse Pomte Byron each scored two goals Tournev South's Brette Carroll, a and picked up an assist m '" Paul Schreck, M.D., ;.:1 finahst m DIVISIOn I, and the Bloomfield wm " I she beat the East Grand Chnstma Schroder, Katie has local certified sports medicine and orthopedic spec.ialist i1 Rapids player who won c;ec McPharhn, Chelsea 'l. • ond smgles m DIVISion III Skoropskl, JIlhan ZylInskl standouts Sanders refined her game and Mehssa Carron also thiS year Wnght said that scored for North Two top local high school she learned to hit a slice In the WIn over Mercy, the tenms players Will be III the Wednesday, Dec. 4 backhand, she Improved her Norsemen scored five first- field at next week's Edmund velOCity, ami she did a better pen ad goals T Ahee Midwest Open 7 p.m. Job of mlxmg her ground Byron opened the sconng Mixed Doubles strokes 2 1/2 mmutes IDtOthe game, ChampIOnships at the "ThiS year, Beth really aSSisted by Klran KJlaru Grosse POlllte Hunt Club at started to love the battle," and Carron On the ensumg Vlctona SeIter and Joe Wnght said "She gets the faceoff, freshman Krl"ty Vallee, both students at Boyne Country Sports biggest JOY from competmg, Sandmalr took the puck, Grosse POlllte South, Will 19435 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods and she's a tremendous com- went around a fornard and pIa) III the tournament that pptJtor" through both defensemen to wJ!1 be held from Dec 4 One of thr hlghllght..~ of make It 2-0 only 10 seconds through 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sanders' sea bon wab beating later Other top hIgh school •" Attendus receive a 20-percent dtscount on a/~./.regularly Priced c10thlflg • Cranbrook Kmgswood's No Skorupski, Kilaru and players from the DetrOit 2 slOgle" player Jes<;lca RIchardson rounded area who will be playmg are : anda la-percellt discoll1t on any sports equipment purchased that night only : "She had never beaten out th(' firc;t-penod sconng Calthn O'Keefe of Troy and • • anybody from Cmnbrook," MrPharhn ac;slsted on two Matthew Chn<;han of •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wnght said "Beth lo"t a of the goals, whIle Skorups!u Blrmlllgham Brother Rice threp-set match to thl<; iflll and Mep,-an Irvmg had the A sllrntJhvp auctIOn WIll This safe-sports program tS free of earhrr m thp year and then other a"c;I'>ts be held on Thursdn), Dec 5 charge. but reservations are requested. beat hpr 4 6, {) :2, 6 0 " Skorupski, Irving and at 7 pm Ple(lse call Bon Secours Cottage ~BON S::::VUK~ COTTAGF Campbell and MiloSIC Dayna Hohlfeldt scored ,>('c- For more mformatlOn on Community Health Promotion at advanced to the ..,tate semlfi ond pcnod goal" for North the tournament, call the HEALTH SERVICES ~ nalc; beforp losmg to the Kllam, Irvmg, Byron and Hunt Cluh trnmc; center at (586) n9-7900 pventual champIOns and No Stephame Harlan had the (313) 8814100 Classlfleds Thursday, November 26, 2002 4C (313)882-6900 ext 3 Grosse Pointe News


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Insured Please call Stacy SELF- employed book- Monday- Fnday, 1pm- 110... start after nnals niCS and promotIOns Bonnie (313)881- (586)755-3371 5pm Send resume to -can remain part time 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS (810)556-7053 keeper seeking clients during spring or secure 5569 KELL V HOME CARE part time Administra- Healthmark Industnes summer sltlon RNI LPN- Start lhe new SERVICES METICULOUS English CALLIGRAPHY A+ MAKE the most of your tiVe/ clencal office Co. 22522 E Nine year With a new ca- "24 YEARS speaking PQlish wom- Add a touch of class holiday celebrations support als0 available Mile Road, St Clair reer Our expanding EXPERIENCE IN an seeking house- tQ wedding invltalions, With hve musIc Your (586)445-3122 Shores, MI48080 dermatology pracllce HOME HEALTH CARE" keeping work Excel- place cards, Chnst- plano or mine Call needs your nurSing Nurses, lent cooking Referen- mas cards, certifi- Penny, (313)824-7182 200 HELP WANTED GENERAl MAMA Rosa's Plzzena skills Call for Informa- Home Health Aides ces (313)365-5938 cates corporate par- l"eeds phone help, PIANO entertainment cooks, waltstaff pizza lIon on POSitiOnSavail- Live-In 24 hour cover- hes etc Fast reliable A NANNY 20 I HElP WANTED POLISH lady available Christmas, weddings, makers & delivery able 313-884-3380 or age 7 days per week service (313)526- UIYSITTEII to clean GrQsse all occasions Popu- NETWORK people Apply after fax resume 313-884- 866-835-3385 toll free 1484 Bonded I Insured POinte references lar, ClaSSical, Sing- Looking for quality 4pm, 15134 Mack NANNY needed by pro- 9756 CUSTOM creations gift Leave message 586- alongs Book early child care givers feSSional couple full bdskets Made 10 or- MEDICAL Billing- Tired 205 HElP WANTED LEGAl 381-3836 (5!lb)774-9966 Top salary, benefits time, 1 Infant Apply at der any occasIon of the same old rou- www naonycorp com POUSH lady 10 clean Free delivery PRO OJ SeN,ces tine? We are EastSide LEGAL secretary for NURSE available for (586)739-2100 or call (248)344-9596 your home Beferen- (586)773-7265 Grosse Pomte s pre- Dermatology a grow- downtown attorney your at home nursing ces from Grosse miere entertamment APPLICATIONS ac- Ing medical pracllce 202 HELPWANTED ClERICAL specialiZing In com- needs Canng & rea- POinte area lMPYREAL Security specialist All occa- cepted for full/ part With offices In Grosse merCial and bUSiness sonable*(313)884- (586)360-8542 Alarms, central vac- sions Best referen- time cashiers! stock POinte Woods and ADMINISTRATIVE as- law Please fax your 9193 uum, CCTV home ces (313)884-0130 sistant- part lime resume to (313)961- Energellc, reliable, New Baltimore, cur- POLISH maid seMce ttleatre networking www od,slnc com Grosse POlnle Garden 0090- Attention Mr PRIVATE duty caregiv- cheerful Must be 18 rently looking for ex- Honest reliable, thor- Ask about our free Center, 132 Lake- Miller er. available now, pre- Yorkshire Food Mar- penenced Medical ough Will clean alarm program Call 112 HEAlTH, NUTRITION ket. 16711 Mack Billers FulV part time shore, Grosse POinte fer night shift Please ~07 HELP WANTED SALES house, condo or bUSI- today, (586)948-1978 Some Saturdays flex- Farms Good tele- call, (313)881-4565 UNIQUE Chnstmas gift ness Please call EliZ- ASSISTANT volleyball Ible hours Benefits phone, computer, and INTRODUCING... GIQry Hatha Yoga In your Are You seriOUS About abeth, (248)789-9752 coach, Grosse POinte available Send your clerical skills reqUired Qf DeSigning Interna- home 28 years teach- Academy, Middle References upon re- A Career In resume to 20030 POLISH woman can tional Convement Ing experience Call School Team meels quest (313)882-0462 Real Estate? ~ Mack, Grosse POinte clean your house shopping Fashions Ellie (586)772-7179 Monday through Fn- We are senous about ..PmooaI GIn; Coolundr, Hourly & D.,ly R.", I POintes M...s: have nence Send resume 313-886-4200 1m .I'td .t Bo_dtd MERCHANDISE~ UNIQUE & one of a kind service by AI Please (313)882-4555 Ol!'t AUt-l:l G~5$t Pomle RuUltzU InVitations for all occa- call (313)861-0554 own transportation 10 Box 06068, c/o Coluwell Banker Sluns Rush orders For Children & adult Customer ServIce (313)885-5571 Grosse POinte News SChweitzer Real Estate ~~J:8073 400 ~ (Harper Woods & Connection, 96 Ker- available Kim, gifts ,-; 9' ~ ANTIQUES /COlLEur SOCial/ del venes call K L background helpful sistant Established ber 29th- 30th De- PROFESSIONAL secre- ., s5O.OOO We b ... 'C the pe'sonal dllemas to Courier Se"vlce Will train Work at company engaged In ., systctrU and the ce'nber 1st Refresh- tary needed full time my2serse4l day (313)882-3800 ro your ~w O<:...a<;.l". helper must have ex and customer service skills are a must QUI- DAY CARE EAC!.l.JIlES SuP "an 4800 Cadieux DetrOIt 586-201-B85Z-., )860 pE'nence With ha"d experience helpful et & pleasant oUlce (In-home & centers) A non profit organlza tools and good driVing Part t me evenings Seeking office space must show their tlon T14 MUSK fD1KAnoN record 1-800 568- and weekends 89V In Grosse POinte Of- current license to your 0'307 (586)774 7739 fice currently located advertiSing 303 SITUATIONS WANTED In Downtown DetrOIt representative DAY (UE bUSiness d,stnct Indi- when plaCing your ads ATTENTION' MASTER 2ilo HEL' WANTED !iEHEltAl 200 HEll' WANTED GfHEltAl THANK YOU r Vidual should De ca- by MICHIGAN LAW I VOCAL COACH DAY CARE FACILITIES pable of playlf1q malor BABYSITTER (Austral I Broadway SlaT or (In home & centers) Joaeph D~QucheUe, Q Q THE BODY SHOP AT HOME role In overseeing reo Ian) available ,n MPllftda Adducel, 0 Q ILes Miwrables, eats. JesB 01ri5t ~. must srow their "'1''''' dl~ ~Ior of Ihls 21"" }C';U 0](1 .....U((c<;.....c;tot) 1<; locatlor, process Grosse POinte 10 5 KerdMIYIII Qrol .. lias taq.r. and Iedl6eC1 on Vocal PerfOrr1arla' at offennq a qroun 1 On H ()rp( rtl ~ ty to IhoSf current license to P~n1. F.",. MI48231 mlc-rt .. It ., In ~ 1\ f II h<1"C'(; <., nr ...<; \f1'IN)f1'(T CO't"iU TMT Woodward Ste 1111 when plac ng your ads 9.m.8pm , (31~917-4718 1184 it.. t586177()'2728 ~ 1:.-MAL~i\I1OO.COlI Delrolt MI48226 THANK YOU Thursday, November 28, 2002 Classified. Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 7C 400 413 MUSICAl SOO ANIMAL ANT IOUE S/ COLLE CTlllES 406 ESTATESALE~ 408 FURNITURE 408 FURNITURE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 606 AUTOMOTIVE INSTRUMENTS ADOPT A PET GENERAL MOTORS SPORT UTILITY , 15 dntlque carousel ST. Clair Shores 22339 A bedroom Solid cher- MAHOGANY dining ABBEY PIANO CO. SANTA Paws Photos- 1999 Oldsmobile Au- 2001 Toyota 8equola horses from the Erben (Near Jeffer- ry, 4 poster nce bed room set With china ROYAL OAK 2485416116 ProfeSSional sliling rora, white 56K miles SA5 2WD Lealher, 1890 s to the 1920's son) Novemher 291h, Chest dresser, mirror cabinet, Sideboard & 6 We Buy & Sell photo package for lOOK full warranty loaded, MSRP Can hold for Christ- 30th 9arn 3pm 40 nlghtstand New In chairS Appraised at $2500 on Sunday, Excellent condition In- $37,430 22K miles, mas (586)751-8078 years accurm at on box Cost, $5,000, $1 500 $2 000 Best USED PIANOS December 1 lOam Side and out $16000 Silver $28,500 saCrifice, $2,450 248 offer accepted Consoles SpinelS 4pm at Children's James, 586-770 1174 (586J751-5352, 789-5815 (313)331-7677 Grands-Upnghts DELGIUDICE BOOKS Home of DetrOit, 900 (586)5305245 PIANOS WANTED 1998 Pontiac Grand PriX Bought II< S"lo(,J.r h 1 how And xII Guaranteed 10 be the Michigan P,ano, REFINANCEI Car pay- and needs little or no _ )0 1I Ice 1 ~ FI)l You 1hrough hogany four poster niture and clothes absolute best seas- (248)548 2200 The InltrlC" ment too high? Lower restonng Will consld- LATE model low mlle- and slel9h king size Some nousehold Www,mlDlanocom (-.I .JrC torlllJI I oned fl'ewood that Plr;uc l for \t . Jr u bedroom sets French Items your monthly pay- er seller's prrce or age Geo Metro LSI l VISIl OUR GALLERY you have ever burned carved armoires STEINWAY StudiO pia- ment... Rellnance best offer Call for Hatchback Cdll or your money back & LOCATED IN THE OLD Fancy walnut library 4 to HOUSEHOLD SAlES no, completely re- Low rates, call today shOWing! appolnt- (313)884-1945 CHURCH AT keep the lurn'Jer desk a'1d carved 46" stored polished black 313881-8100 ment (313)925-6961 515 S Lafayette (586)777-9082 round table Drop MOVING sale Every- ebony Includes war- Royal Oak front secretary desks thing must go by Sun- ranty, tun ng and de- DONATE your boaV 'OS AUTOMOTIVE HARDWOOD- Seas- l Monda)-Salwda) 11-6 Chippendale office dayl Antiques, mid- livery $9,500 clean Lake SI Clalr • fO~£IGN oned, dry premium, (586)777 6870 We are here founda- 248-399-2608 desk 4 plece hand century modern, retro, 1998 Honda CIVIC,black firewood $75 face tion (586)778-2143 painted bar Jewelry country conterrpo- 63,000 miles Very cord delivered PIO- WANTED- GUitars Ban- 100% lax deduclibleJ chests Sideboard, cu rary Something for good condition Ask- neer Tree Servlce JOS Mandolms and non-profit no cablnels, console everyone I Grosse Ing $7200 (313)886- 651 10m AND MOTORS lC,n,', Town (586)463-3363 Ukes Local collector lables, end tables, Tif- POinte Park, 1115 H,II Antiquu paymg top cashl 313. 60 I AUTOMOTIVE 50 Quilty D.. l.,. fany style lights and (313)822-1117 886-4522 CASH plus tax deducli lols of artsy accesso- (HRYSlE~ ble donation For your 0.2 Flu" 412 MJS{HlAHiOUS 1989 Honda Accord- nes 607 SWashing- 4 I 4 OIFICE/IUSINESS boats, cars Wertz 0~1ft 1 D., •• Wuk. NORTHERN ARTIClES 1995 Cirrus, black, LXI 2 door, auto, ton, Downtown Royal EQUIPMENT Warriors, SpeCial 10.-6~ clean Good condition 69,000 miles One FIREWOOD Oak 248-582-9646 BEAUTIFUL Wicker, 7 OlympiCS Michigan De.nl •• n R.m •• fn WOOD desks book espeCially breaks, owner Fully loaded piece set for Indoors cases and lobby table, tires, transmiSSion, 877 366-2831 014 VII 'lh .t n 11111. R4 COMPANY Power moonroof Ex- Bl.UE sofa, double or out Gorgeous Chi- 1 dozen 5 drawer lat- mussier rustless ~S86/7S2-S422 Exu,w,,..U, Fuu, dresser With mirror, cellent condlllOn DONATE your boaV nese Onenlal 9x 12' eral file cabinets ex- $3500 (313)881- M""tH.rtI~ $4,550 (313)343- clean Lake 5t Clalrl queen bed! mattressl (586)792-6668 ecutive and secretary 0122 9569 We Are Here Founda- headboard, SWivel chairS (313)882-9268 tion (586}778-2143, j 401 APPLIANCES lounge chair Cash -D-IO-R-M-In-k---f-u-II-I-en-g-t-h, 1987 Dodge Daytona, 41S WANTED TO IUY 2000 Nlssan Maxima SE 100% tax deductlblel only (586)294-0965 medium brown, size good condition, low ~G.E. white refngeralor, sedan, V6, neN front non profll CONTEMPORARY 96" medium New $9,065, mileage, sunroof, ~ Side by Side, ICe! wa- 1950s- 60s dolls (espe- tires silver, powerful bS3 IOATS PARTS AND sofa matching 46" asking $3,000 $1,950 (313)886- ter dispenser Excel- Cially Barbie) Sought engine great COndi- chair & olloman, mint (586)997-0331 8887 MAINTENANCE lent condition, $500 by collector who pays tion, 55,000 miles, green With reversible SNOWBLOWER Anens, cash (313)886-4392 $14,900 (810)326- MARINE WOODWORK print back cushions 1996 22 Inch 5hp 602 AUTOMOTIVE 0395 Custom deSigned & bUilt BUNK beo frame only, ~ $400 (586)778-2926 Electnc slart $2501 FORD Cabinetry Repairs, for hunting camp In- 1980 Porsche 924 5 dry-rot 23 Years DINING set- solid oak, best offer (313)884- expensive (313)882 1999 Conlour SVT, speed, whlte- black expenence Have ~ table seats 8 2 0687 8145 leave message 19,000 miles, 6 cylin- leather mtenor Must PortfoliO & References ' der 5 speed, ABS, " BOOKS leaves High back (248)435-6048 chairs Matching YEl.LOW & blue Burley FINE china dinnerware, moon, leather, CD, see Clean Pnced 10 WANTED hutch and 3 door Solo $2001 best offer sterling Silver flatware new battery, regular sell $3,5001 best 6S410AT and antiques Call 011 changes, great (313)882-8783 John King glass china cabinet 1 summer used Janl Herb (586)731- handling $13500 _ $2,499 (313)884- (313)885-5008 313-961-0622 SECURED spaces 2746 8139 (313)882-4824 1996 VW Passat GLX, .Clip & Save ThiS Ad. ,------sedan, maroon, tan available for boats on 401 fUIlNITUIlE 413 MUSICAl OLD wooden duck hunt- lealher, moonroof, MAHOGANY Chippen- lrallers, up 10 26 INSTRUMENTS Ing decoys and fishing 1979 Lincoln Mark V 92K Good condition ,ESTATE sale, Saturday dale dining table, ex- (313)882-9268 A cherry sleigh bed, stili tackle, cash paid 82000 miles A real $6975 (313}640- , 111 30 9am- 3pm qUlsltel Must sacnflce, 1970 Stelnway Grand ( 14974 Coram, 7 Mile boxed, never used, plano, 5'7"M series (586)774 8799 cream puff al $5,000 5938 $249 (586)463-9017 asking $950 Grosse & Hayes POinte Farms, Satm ebony Excellent OLDER drums and per- (313)363-2170 (313)343-0781 leave condition, (248)391- cusslon Instruments '06 AUTOMOTIVE 400 400 ' 0204 including smare '03 AUTOMOTIVE spon UTIlITY ~ message GENERAl MOTORS ANTIQUES / COLLECTlILE S ANTIQUES / COllECTlIlE-S drums bells, cymbals, 1999 GMC Envoy- 4 llu~~ elc Steve, (313)881- 1989 Cadillac Broug- WD Leather, loaded 406 ESTATE SALES 406 ESTATESALES 9137 ham- Great condition Grosse fbintc News EWII BIG DADDY'S AUCTION aile ownel 46,000 Mothers car (never al 055 GratIot! at Eastern Mark t PAYING CASHI miles $14700 1\i;?iXNfmo/f home) $3,500 313)446-6898 • (734)782-5370 For antiques, COins, (248J872-7678 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 ntlquea & CollertJblea Preview- SIlL Nov 3O,8a.ai= (734)421-0500 AUCTION Sun l>ecember It Ipm Spm diamonds, Jewelry, 600 AUTOMOTIVE 600 AUTOMOTIVE Furnlt1?leer&Y~J'~;~;~Eg~12J\Acoat;8~'jO~mUrf!eldToom .,toh .. gold, "'~" ~ t dres"ierl mirror mahogany dmJn~ room sel Wicker lab[es paper money. , • . CARS ' . CARS leaded sta.m glass wmdows oak buffet coffee table With blue top Iron baby bed oak fern stand walnut dry sink settee TheGoldShoppe ~~. 22121 Grabot ~ ;~l~~il~~s~f~:l~fl~~~ b~~~iasf9~c~~~g~~~~~S~~~tgs~~ EastpOinte __ ... __ ...... ~e~~~~~. wiS;~b~~~1c~~~I~~~t~e~~l~IL~~o~l~l~~~~rg~~ t , " (586)774-<1966 C-L-A-S-S-I-F~IE-D-S SHOTGUNS, nfles old Or~ Jbint~ News ~~2»Allstate 40' ESTATE SALES 40b ESTATE SALIS MARCIA WILK handguns, Parker, \

SUSAN HAiTI CO(T'1p.eta $ervx::e ~ SOO ANIMAl Glen ()')d $toOl1 9ul1cet1 lJIJ GROSSE POINTE CITY ADOPT A PET E.st IPSJ t1artZ CASH! 886-8982 GROSSE POinte Animal HOUSEHOLD SALES """" hartlhou."'hQl<1saJu com Adopllon Society, For l;pe-,g 5010 ~al1ho 24 Hoo...... 313 88-S-1 ~ I 0 (I Renee A. Nixon (313)884-1551 ~~ Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc. ADOPT a retired racing ')L Estatt'S'Jes Wanted VIntage Clothes And Accessories greyhound Make a ~ Appraisals paying Top Dollar For The Following: fast frlendl 1 800-398 Clothes From The 1900'SThrough 1970'5. 4dog Michigan Grey ---- Member American Sodery ifAppraisers '" .Costume .Flne JewelrylWatches hound Connect on (313)822-1445 .CUffllnkS .Furs .Hats oHandbags -Shoes Don't Forget- Lingerie .Llnens .Textlles Call your ads In Earlyl .vanlty .Boudolr Items ClaSSIfied AdvertiSing Ileferences. Complete Confidentiality 313-882-6900 ext 3 MOVING? "Paris" 248-866-4389 Priced Sale of HousehOldFumlshlngs I ProfeSSionallyConducted In Your Home

Estate LiqUidators I

I (313) 869.5555 I Servmg the community since 1976 ,,~ certified Appraiser ~ jl riiUlf,'Mf!IlI AI'It/labh> lor Ea!",!" ~"'a/n South Florida _ ..... "-"~'__ ST MICHAEL'S Shop the LITTLE THRIFT SHOP VICTORIAN PARLOR ESTATE SALES 20475 SUllnlngdale Park Near Mack! Vernle' 72 HAWnIORNE, G. P.IiHORES Wed & Fri 10dm-3pm Sat 10am-lpm Classifieds NOV. 29 & 30; 10 am- 4 pm (313)884-7840 'loln:-ct numh<'Mo arc hnnof'('t! 1f 9a.m A fl N F_'\T\TF ~AI.f fOR All T" II pfece ~ecrelary de~k, wlnll hack chal1"i LAFAX RESALE lradilional 'ofa, cherry end lahle<;, hra" BOUTIQUE and Save! lamp' \klorlan rocker maple dlnnlnll room CONSIGNMENT SHOP Grosse fbmte News m,lpfe ,,1<-& chaiN, Mon Fn llam 530pm Grosse Pointe News "ld {""elf) l f)"lal knICk knack~, hll Iday ft' Ill' '".'n II' qui ['ment Sat 930am 4pm To Advert.se here d,"'I!!"lf ,Inlhlnll chlldn n IIIY~, Ilolf, (586)777-2951 call Roslyn BaltaTar at hOlkq & ~port.~t'l)Ulpmllll 313-882-6900 ext. 563 IlI1JA ~ 11 n I \ll\lll 2(,(,{, '~,:~<:odCnoN N w SPA S Thursday, November 28,2002 Claaaltieda .;c (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News

... 901 IASEMENT 943 lANDSCAPERS/ 943 lAHOSUitUS/ 911 IRICK/llOCK WORK 914 CARitENTRY 921 CEILINGS 930 mCTRICAl SERVICES 94b HIUUNG I. MOVING :. WATEIlPROOflNG GARDENERS GARDENJRS. A NAME SMAll lepalrs TUCK- EXPERIENCED carpen- PLASTER & dry wall re- FIRST ACE Tree Expert Re- MOVING-HAULING pointing porches, ter since 67 Altera- pair All types water ELECTRICAL moval. tnm stump Appliance remova: Ga- YOU KNOW! rage yard, basement chimney repairs J W tions Windows damage 16 years ex- John, Master Electrical grinding, firewood JAMES KLEINER cleanouts Construction Kleiner Sr (313)882- doors decKS porch- penence Licensed, (586)776.1 007 Will beat all estimates Basement water- 0717 586-778.1372 es garage stra ghten- Insured Joe, by 10% (800)838- debriS Free estimates Com merclal/Resldenlial prooflnq, masonrv. O'"Ig :;CD.rnIC:;~ g ... Hc~~, 1")1':l\l:;.1n nQJ:.:.n 8387 MR 8'S 313.882-3096 \''". ""1"" ...... Gode Violations, concrete. 25 years STONE Custom Mason- Vinyl Siding Referen- 586.759-0457 ry WorK In winter? Service Upg,ade In the POlntes. ces (586)779-7619 92, DECKS/PATIOS AlL.EMON'S Gardening 313-885-2097 We can do that Tom Discounts, & landscaping Fall Hope, Jr (586)596- FINISHED carpentry MICHIGAN DeCKBUilder Renovations clean- ups. snow CHAS. F. JEFFREY 2146 work & repairs mold- mlchloandecK com ------plOWing, Christmas Basement Ing work door Instal- (586)415-9350 TOMA U~()rdtlng uualilY SIIlUlI~S. Waterproofing lation Reasonable services (586)775- Cd ... SINCe I UH3 .40 Yrs Expenence rates Licensed & In- .29 DRYWAll/PlASTElnNG ELECTRIC 2525 ~ BRICK sured 30 years expe- BOB TOMA (5Bfil7 5(l-77.3 7 'Outslde 'Inslde Method ANDERSON Plastenng- DAVE'S Tree & Shrub Local & .Walls Straightened nence (586)776-9396 licensed Master reasonable, drywall! Trimming, removals, & Braced Electrical Contractor. Long Distance 916 CUitEl INSTALLATION water damage Owner gulters, leaves Free 'Foundatlons worKS on all Jobs 313-885.9595 estimates Expen- Agent for Underpinned GARY'S Carpet Servo (586)604-6143 enced (248)547-4329 Global Van Lines .Llcensed & Insured -~~~:I Reasonable Rates Ice Installation. re- 313-882-1800 ANDY SqUires Plaster • Free Estimates DERK Brown Lawn •C lumney &. PorL h stretching Repairs Commercial RC:Slonuon Ing & Drywall Stucco SpnnKlers Service Carpet & pad availa- ReSidential repair Spray textured and installations Win- R.L. ble 586-228.8934 ceilings {586)755- New, Repairs, tenzatlon $39, most Renovatlona, STREMERSCH 2054 systems Quality and .11 (EMENT WOIlK Code Violations 822-1100 BASEMENT • Ho",., a.rag. & Porch expenence Call LOU BlaCKwell Plaster- Service Upgrade (586)774-1777 • -Large cnd Smoll Jobs WATERPROOFING Ral51 ng & Level tng A NAME John PrIce Ing All types wet • PIOnoS (cur specloltyl WALLS REPAIRED YOU KNOWl plaster, cornice, cove, 934 fEt«ES DOMINIC'S • App Ilances STRAIGHTENED 313-882-0746 ornamental 25 years REASONABLE STUMP JAMES KLEINER FENCE and gate repair • Soh.rday, Sundoy REPLACED (313)658-8687 REMOVAL Basement water- Dr Fence, P H D. Service (586)776.8687 SHRUB REMOVAL 944 GUnERS ALLWORK proofing, masonry, (313)862-4406, a pre- • Senior Discounts concrete. 25 years 34 Years Expenence GUARANTEED PLASTER & drywall re- scnptlOn for good Call Dominic/Insured AL.lEMON'S Gardening In the Pomtes, Owned & Operoted pair and painting neighbors LICENSED 313-885-2097 (586 }445-0225 & Landscaping Gutter By John Steininger .. CIDOCIOR Grosse POlnle refer- cleaning & flusl.ung 313-884-7139 Griffin Fence Company 11850 E.Jefferson "Groue fointe" ences Call Charles FALL leaves, garden SERVING CQMMUN ITY 32 YEARS Quality services, IUdoral_ ~iDlsM'" 919 (HIMNEY CLEANING .Chlp. Gibson 'All Types Of Fencing clean- up, shrub tnm (586)775-2520 MPSC-L 19675 ~ ucensed . Insured Some ClaSSIfications • The Aft of M..klItt 313-884-5764 'Sales (313)832-6294 are required by law to Repair Work D!ulppNr 'Installatlon, Repairs FAMOUS Maintenance PLASTER repairs, FIVE Seasons Tree and FREE ESTIMATES be licensed. SpecllJllzlng In; SAFE FLUE 'Senlor Discount Window & gulter palnbng Cheapl No Snow SeNice QUick Check with proper • Joint Rutoratlon CHIMNEY SERVICE 313-822-3000 cleaning Licensed, 954 PAINTING/DECORATING Job too smalll Call free estimates Senior State Agency • Chlmney8 • PorctfN 800-305-9859 bonded, InSUled since ~ q~'. Lime Stone • Chimney Clean~ng discount In&ured Ar- to verJfy Ucense. • Caps al1d anytime Insured 1943 313-884-4300 2 GirlS and a Paint (.... toration &. repairs) (586)774.2627 MODERN FENCE bonsts George Sper- Screen~ Brushl Interior! eX1en- • Water Sand Blasting InOOd Dri"e wall, restoration, new CommerCial moval Free estl- plumolng Home In. ble pnce Exterlorl m. 911IRICK/ILOCK WORK H...."....WooQ We supply, Install. sand, t R bl (313)88 ....9132 Insurance Sand- free No Job Too Small ma es easona e spectlon service terlor Commerclall 'l stain and finish wood Se d t A NAME (313)727-3227 313-885-2930 nlor Iscoun (586)791-6684 resldantlal LIcensed floors new & old (586)7780419 YOU KNOWI 914 CARPENTRY SpecialiZing In. (586)776-3796, JAMES KLEINER 912 IUlLDING/RtMODElING 9121U1lDING/REMODHING Glitsa finish Tee's lawn Sprinklers HANDYMAN. small reo (810)506-2233 CARPENTRY. Porches, Basement water- (586)n8-2050 Winterizations pairs, debns removal, DINO'S Painting doors, deCKS, base- minor electrical, proofing, masonry, ments Repairs, small Visa Discover & Ownl:'r does the worK dedl.s Call Rltam or bot nance Improvements. damaged plaste & 21937 N,ne \lde St Cia" Shores 48080 water) Furnace, Christmas lights Dec- r tile, pamtlng debriS drywall crac"s I I $Cn'1ce &: uutalJ.uon orate for holidays , " , pee mg I UCENSW b< INSURED (313)882-3748, removal Odds and palnt cau I""lng WIndoW 013)822-9685 (313)881-4759 small lobs specialist glazing power wash ~~E~~ (586)212.5263 repaint dlumlnum slolng WATERPROOFING ------Insured Guaranteed 91. CfM~NT WORK .IHEMENT WORK --- G PReferences A Bll~lIll~' BUilt On Honcsry ~ lntegrlt\ & Dlpendahilll) ((t------(313)884-9443 '), [\ lng The [>olnlc~ Free Estimates For 25 )ea" ~~ DOMINIC PALAZWW SUPER handylT'an FIREFIGHTER! Pamt. ~pecLficauons HOME REMODELING CEMENT CONTRACTOR ProfeSSional pa,ntlng ers Interlorl exterior -Ptywood around enUr(l area 10 p4"otect 18ndac.ape ReSidenua!. CorJ'men:la.l Conctrtc S~lalul '"W1yS floorilPatlOs .A/11reee shruM bustle. elc will be prOIWed 'Pukmg 10JOn -Gau.ge electncal, plumbing ReSidential Power .Porches 'Founa.atloru 'St.lffi~d Concrete .Ex~.sedAggrcgarC' t£xc.ev,te (Mnd dig) arN or b8-...rnen1 Will to be w".rproo1'ed -KITCHENS -ADDITIONS Fcte es.u111.l11e- ... 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