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Democrat for Congress 3 De Septiembte - 9 De Septiembre | 2020 2 3 De Septiembre - 9 De Septiembre | 2020 3 AÑO 25 | NÚM. 1177 < WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM > 3 DE SEPT - 9 DE SEPT | 2020 FREE! ¡GRATIS! SIMA LADJEVARDIAN DEMOCRAT FOR CONGRESS 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 2 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM 3 The Census is safe, easy, and Ȟ'ăÐĊĮďÐĮĮÐæķīďșå®ÆðăřÆďĊťÌÐĊÆð­ăȝ ÆďĊťÌÐĊĴð­ăȝďĉĨăÐĴÐĴìÐĮÐĴÐĊÐĊĮķĮ ďĉĨăÐĴÐÐĮĴ­ĮÌðКĨīÐæķĊĴ­ĮÌÐăÐĊĮď ĪķÐĮĴðďĊĮÅřĴìÐwÐĨĴÐĉÅÐīǢǟÌЭÌăðĊÐȘ ­ĊĴÐĮÌÐăǢǟÌÐĮÐĨĴðÐĉÅīÐȘ tÐĮĨďĊÌ}Z#­ĴĉřǡǟǡǟÆÐĊĮķĮȘæďŒȘ tÐĮĨďĊÌ­>Z­ăÐĊĮďÐĊĉřǡǟǡǟÆÐĊĮķĮȘæďŒȘ 1. How many people were living or 1. ¿Cuántas personas estaban viviendo o staying in this house, apartment, or quedándose en esta casa, apartamen- mobile home on April 1, 2020? to o casa móvil el 1 de abril del 2020? 2. Were there any additional people 2. ¿Había personas adicionales quedán- staying here on April 1, 2020? dose aquí el 1 de abril del 2020 que usted no incluyó en la Pregunta 1? 3. Is this a house, apartment, or mobile home? 3. ¿Es esta casa, apartamento o casa móvil? 4. What is your telephone number? 4. ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? 5. What is Person 1’s name? 5. ¿Cuál es el nombre de la Persona 1? 6. What is Person 1’s gender? 6. ¿Cuál es el sexo de la Persona 1? 7. What is Person 1’s age and date 7. ¿Cuál es la edad de la Persona 1 y cuál of birth? es su fecha de nacimiento? 8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or 8. ¿Es la Persona 1 de origen hispano, Spanish origin? latino o español? 9. What is Person 1’s race? 9. ¿Cuál es la raza de la Persona 1? 10. Does this person usually live or stay 10. ¿Vive o se queda esta persona habit- somewhere else? ualmente en algún otro lugar? ­ăăǠȭǧǣǣȭǢǢǟȭǡǟǡǟďīåďīwĨ­ĊðĮìșÆ­ăăǠȭǧǣǣȭǣǥǧȭǡǟǡǟȘ Oă­ĉЭăǠȭǧǣǣȭǣǥǧȭǡǟǡǟďĨ­ī­AĊæăÐĮș ăă­ĉЭăǠȭǧǣǣȭǢǢǟȭǡǟǡǟȘ 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 4 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM In loving memory of Mr. José G. Esparza 2 Months of Free High-Speed Internet $9.95 FOUNDED BY: from Comcast Per Month + Tax José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza after promotional pricing /1993/ No Term Contract PO BOX 1805 Internet Essentials from Comcast brings you affordable, high-speed No Credit Check CYPRESS TEXAS 77410 Internet. We want to make it easier for low-income households to get No Installation Fee Phone: (713)880-1133 connected so they can more easily work from home, access educational Up To 25/3 Mbps Fax: (713)880-2322 resources, and stay in contact with friends and family. You may be eligible for 2 months of free Internet Essentials service. Available PUBLISHERS for new Internet Essentials customers only. Apply by June 30, 2020. Apply Now! GABRIEL ESPARZA [email protected] You may qualify if you: 1-855-8-INTERNET 1 Are eligible for public assistance 3 Have not subscribed to Comcast (1-855-846-8376) PUBLIC RELATIONS programs like the National School Internet within the last 90 days. Lunch Program, housing assistance, Have no outstanding debt to AMANDA G. ESPARZA Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others. 4 [email protected] Comcast that is less than one 2 Live in an area where Comcast year old.* Internet Service is available. * Due to the Coronavirus emergency, households with outstanding debt may SPORTS EDITOR still be eligible if approved by 6/30/2020. MICHAEL A. ESPARZA michaele@queondamagazine .com REPORTER / FOTOGRAPH MIGUEL MONDRAGON Offer ends June 30, 2020. Restrictions apply. Limited to Internet Essentials (“IE”) service from Comcast for new residential customers meeting certain eligibility criteria. Offer limited to 2 months of complimentary Internet Essentials service. Taxes extra. After promotion, regular rates apply. Comcast’s current rate is $9.95/mo. (subject to change). Advertised price applies to a single outlet. Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. For factors affecting speed visit If a customer is determined to be no longer eligible for the IE program, regular rates will apply to the selected Internet service. Subject to Internet Essentials program terms and conditions. May not be combined with other offers. Call 1-855-846-8376 for restrictions and complete details FOTOGRAPH or visit © 2020 Comcast. All rights reserved. FLY-ILL-BIL-2MO-0320 VICTOR LOPEZ Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este resumen informativo son propiedad intelectual y responsabilidad exclu- GOVERNOR ABBOTT, HHSC ANNOUNCE siva de los medios emisores y de sus autores y no representan de manera alguna la opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda! EXTENSION OF EMERGENCY SNAP DISTRIBUTION NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION BENEFITS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER COMPANY overnor Greg Abbott today announced More than 972,000 SNAP households the Texas Health and Human Services will see the additional amount on their Lone QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keep- Commission (HHSC) will provide ap- Star Card by Sept. 15. The emergency Sep- ing a high standard and devotingly opposes G any type of misleading advertising. proximately $188 million in emergency Sup- tember allotments are in addition to the more plemental Nutrition Assistance Program than $1 billion in benefits previously provided CLOSE EDITION (SNAP) food benefits for the month of Septem- to Texans between April and August. HHSC Friday 5:00pm ber as the Texas continues to respond to the received federal approval from the U.S. De- OFFICE HOURS COVID-19 pandemic. partment of Agriculture to extend the maxi- 9:00 am - 6:00pm mum, allowable amount of SNAP benefits to Monday - Friday DEADLINES "Texas will continue to ensure access recipients based on family size. Friday 12:00 am to nutritious meals as we mitigate the spread Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required of COVID-19," said Governor Abbott. "This Administered by HHSC, SNAP is a a week in advance. Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007 emergency SNAP extension will help Texans federal program that provides food assistance provide healthy food for their families." to approximately 1.4 million eligible low-in- come families and individuals in Texas. "As families return to school, this ex- tension helps Texans purchase healthy, nutri- Texans in need can apply for benefits, tious foods for their households," said Texas including SNAP and Medicaid, at YourTexas- HHS Access and Eligibility Services Deputy or use the Your Texas Benefits Executive Commissioner Wayne Salter. mobile app to manage their benefits. 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM 5 EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING ADVERTENCIA DE CALOR ISSUED FOR HARRIS COUNTY EXCESIVO EMITIDA PARA EL UNTIL 8 P.M. CONDADO HARRIS EN EFECTO he National Weather Ser- • Avoid alcohol or liquids con- HASTA LAS 8 P.M. vice (NWS) has issued an taining high amounts of sug- l Servicio Nacional de Me- sea posible. Excessive Heat Warning for ar. T teorología (NWS, por sus • Evite la luz solar directa. Harris County until to 8 p.m. to- • Remind others to drink siglas en inglés) ha emitido • Use ropa ligera y de colores day. Dangerously hot conditions enough water, especially E una advertencia de calor exce- claros. with heat index values of 113 to when outdoors. sivo para el Condado Harris, hoy • Cerciórese que las personas 117 degrees will be possible. Ex- hasta las 8 p.m. Por ahora, las más vulnerables se encuen- treme heat and humidity will in- condiciones de calor son poten- tren bien y chéquelos dos vec- crease the chance of heat-related STAY INFORMED! cialmente peligrosas ya que los es al día. illness and everyone should take valores de índice de calor oscila- • Meta a las mascotas al interi- precautions to avoid exhaustion. • Stay updated on local weath- ran entre 113 a 117. El calor y la or y proporcione mucha agua er forecasts and tips from humedad extremos aumentarán para que puedan beber. What you should do: trusted partners such as Na- la posibilidad de enfermedades tional Weather Service Hous- relacionadas con el calor y todos ¡MANTÉNGASE STAY COOL! ton-Galveston, Harris County debemos tomar precauciones para HIDRATADO! Public Health, and ReadyHar- evitar el agotamiento o golpe de • Debido a que su cuerpo pierde • Keep your body temperature ris. calor. líquidos a través del sudor, cool to avoid heat-related ill- • Learn the symptoms of heat puede deshidratarse en mo- ness. illness. Qué necesita hacer: mentos de calor extremo. • Always remember to LOOK • Beba más agua de lo normal. BEFORE YOU LOCK for chil- ¡MANTÉNGASE FRESCO! • Evite el alcohol o líquidos que dren and pets in vehicles. Where you can learn more: • Mantenga la temperatura de contengan altas cantidades de • Stay in an air-conditioned su cuerpo fresca para evitar azúcar. building as much as possible. • Beat The Heat Tips: Harris enfermedades relacionadas • Recuerde a los demás que be- • Avoid direct sunlight. County Public Health con el calor. ban suficiente agua, especial- • Wear lightweight, light-col- • Extreme Heat Safety: Centers • Recuerde siempre VERIFI- mente cuando se encuentren ored clothing. for Disease Control & Preven- CAR ANTES DE CERRAR al aire libre. • Check on those most at-risk tion SU VEHÍCULO que NO haya twice a day. • Local Forecast: Nation- niños y mascotas dentro de su El calor extremo durante • Bring pets inside and provide al Weather Service Hous- automóvil. un período prolongado puede ejer- plenty of water for them to ton-Galveston • Permanezca en un edificio con cer presión sobre la red eléctrica. drink. aire acondicionado tanto como Para reducir la tensión en la red durante las horas pico de las 3 Extreme heat for p.m. a las 7 p.m., se recomienda a long period may put que configure su aire acondiciona- a strain on the electric do a 78 ° F si es posible y evite el grid.
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