Takeo Hoshi Anil Kashyap
NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE JAPANESE BANKING CRISIS: WHERE DID IT COME FROM AND HOW WILL IT END? Takeo Hoshi Anil Kashyap Working Paper 7250 http://www.nber.org/papers/w7250 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 July 1999 We thank Ben Bernanke, Ricardo Caballero, Menzie Chin, Peter Cowhey, Mitsuhiro Fukao, Mark Gertler, Peter Gourevitch, Yasushi Hamao, Masahiro Higo, Michael Hutchison, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Hugh Patrick, Joe Peek, Julio Rotemberg, Ross Starr, Robert Uriu, and Yaacov Vertzberger along with the participants of the presentations at University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business Brown Bag lunch, the NBER Japan Group, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Italy, UCLA conference on the "Political Economy of the Japanese Financial Crisis", Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and IR/PS at University of California, San Diego for helpful comments. We thank Raghu Rajan for providing data from National Survey of Small Business Finance, Itsuko Takemura from the Institute of Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Japanese Ministry of Finance for providing data from Hojin Kigyo Tokei, and Simon Gilchrist, Kenji Hayashi, and Sumio Saruyama for helping us with other data issues. We thank Fernando Avalos, Yumiko Ito, Jolm McNulty, and Motoki Yanase for excellent research assistance. Kashyap's work was supported through a grant from the National Science Foundation to the National Bureau of Economic Research. Hoshi's work was supported by a grant from Tokyo Center for Economic Research. Forthcoming in the NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1999. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Federal Reserve System, or the National Bureau of Economic Research.
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