Punjab Part Iv
Census of India, 1931 VOLUME ,XVII PUNJAB PART IV. ADMINISTRATIVE VOLlJME BY KHA~ AHMAD HASAN KHAN, M.A., K.S., SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, PUNJAB & DELHI. Lahore FmN'l'ED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING PRESS, PUNJAB. 1933 Revised L.ist of Agents for the Sale of Punja b Government Pu hlications. ON THE CONTINENT AND UNITED KINGDOM. Publications obtainable either direct from the High Oommissioner for India. at India House, Aldwych. London. W. O. 2. or through any book seller :- IN INDIA. The GENERAL MANAGER, "The Qaumi Daler" and the Union Press, Amritsar. Messrs. D. B.. TARAPOREWALA. SONS & Co., Bombay. Messrs. W. NEWMAN & 00., Limite:>d, Calolltta. Messrs. THAOKER SPINK & Co., Calcutta. Messrs. RAMA KaIsHN A. & SONS, Lahore The SEORETARY, Punjab Religiolls Book Sooiety, Lahore. The University Book Agency, Kaoheri Road, Labore. L. RAM LAL SURI, Proprietor, " The Students' Own Agency," Lahore. L. DEWAN CHAND, Proprietor, The Mercantile Press, Lahore. The MANAGER, Mufid-i-'Am Press. Lahore. The PROPRIETOR, Punjab Law BOQk Mart, Lahore. Thp MANAGING PROPRIETOR. The Commercial Book Company, Lahore. Messrs. GOPAL SINGH SUB! & Co., Law Booksellers and Binders, Lahore. R. S. JAln\.A. Esq., B.A., B.T., The Students' Popular Dep6t, Anarkali, Lahore. Messrs. R. CAl\IBRAY & Co •• 1l.A., Halder La.ne, BowbazlU' P.O., Calcutta. Messrs. B. PARIKH & Co. Booksellers and Publishers, Narsinhgi Pole. Baroda. • Messrs. DES BROTHERS, Bo(.ksellers and Pnblishers, Anarkali, Lahore. The MAN AGER. The Firoz Book Dep6t, opposite Tonga Stand of Lohari Gate, La.hore. The MANAGER, The English Book Dep6t. Taj Road, Agra. ·The MANAGING PARTNER, The Bombay Book Depbt, Booksellers and Publishers, Girgaon, Bombay.
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