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[email protected] WINE Talk: January 2018 The newsletter of Living Wines: Edition 73 Welcome to the new year which promises to be one of great excitement, tension and interest in the wine industry world-wide. It will be exciting as new producers and styles of wine become available with more concentration on wines from some of the most ancient wine producing countries as well as a renewed interest in the best producers from France, Italy and Spain. There will be tension as there are more extreme weather events arising directly from the increase in carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere which is increasing severity of storms, frosts, floods and hail that are devastating vineyards across Europe with increasing frequency. We feel for our producers in France who now see significant losses from these events as “normal”. We have a bumper edition for you this month with lots of stories about wine, lots of information about new arrivals and a shipment that will arrive late in February and six special packs with some major bargains due to the need to make space in our warehouse for the wines that are about to arrive. The packs include a $120 sale pack, a last bottle pack, a pack of delicious thirst quenchers, a pack that combines the wines from stellar Burgundy producers Dominique Derain and Julien Altaber, a pack of mixed red wines and two last two bottle packs that help us empty some boxes to clear the way for the new shipment.