Harrington's Profile Rises with Her Dough

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Harrington's Profile Rises with Her Dough CLIMER COLUMN Jones’ seat hot; Mason’s is not Sure, UT’s coach is feeling the pressure. But there are 5 with even less-rosy scenarios. VIEW FROM THE HILL Legislature P20 is reloading How do legislators plan to DAVIDSONLedger • WILLIAMSON • RUTHERFORD • CHEATHAM WILSON SUMNER• ROBERTSON • MAURY • DICKSONfollow • MONTGOMERY their gun-friendly session? Put in a fresh clip. Harrington’s P3 See our ad profile rises on page 13 with her dough July 21 – 27, 2017 The power of information.NASHVILLE Vol. 43 EDITION | Issue 29 www.TNLedger.com Nashville mega-baker among top female business FORMERLY WESTVIEW SINCE 1978 owners in US Page 13 Dec.: Dec.: Keith Turner, Ratliff, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Resp.: Kimberly Dawn Wallace, Atty: Mary C Lagrone, 08/24/2010, 10P1318 In re: Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates,Dec.: Resp.: Kim Prince Patrick, Angelo Terry Patrick, Gates, Atty: Monica D Edwards, 08/25/2010, 10P1326 In re: Keith Turner, TN Dept Of Correction, www.westviewonline.com TN Dept Of Correction, Resp.: Johnny Moore,Dec.: Melinda Atty: Bryce L Tomlinson, Coatney, Resp.: Pltf(s): Rodney A Hall, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, 08/27/2010, 10P1336 In re: Kim Patrick, Terry Patrick, Stories by Joe Morris Pltf(s): Sandra Heavilon, Resp.: Jewell Tinnon, Atty: Ronald Andre Stewart, 08/24/2010,Dec.: Seton Corp 10P1322 Insurance Company, Dec.: Regions Bank, Resp.: Leigh A Collins, In re: Melinda L Tomlinson, Def(s): Jit Steel Transport Inc, National Fire Insurance Company, Elizabeth D Hale, Atty: William Warner McNeilly, 08/24/2010, Def Atty(s): J Brent Moore, 08/26/2010, 10C3316 10P1321 Dec.: Amy begin on page 2 Sandra Heavilon vs Electrolux Home Products Inc, Fidelity In re: Regions Bank, & Guaranty Insurance Company, Atty: Dallas Blair, 08/23/2010, 10P1309 Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Electrolux Home Products Inc, FidelityPltf(s): & Tafega Ja- Petition In re: Seton Corp DBA Baptist Hospital, Guaranty Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): Laurenn S Disspayne, DBA Baptist Hospital, Resp.: Cyrus Jerome Browne, Atty: Jessica 08/26/2010, 10C3305 J Thomas, 08/25/2010, 10P1331 Dec.: Alice Crafts, Alice Tony R Strode vs Ace American Insurance Company, Nissan North America Inc, Pltf(s): Tony R Strode, Pltf Atty(s): Stephan David Karr, Def(s): Ace American Insurance Company,Pltf(s): Nissan Tamika North Dunn, Pltf ern Express, Inc, Pltf(s): Paul Cooley, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): New America Inc, Def Atty(s): n/a, 08/30/2010, 10C3336 In re: Amy Lee Johnson, Melvin Lee Stanaway, Hampshire Insurance Company,Pltf(s): Western Patricia Express, McClarren, Inc, Pltf Def Atty(s): Atty(s): n/a, Lee Johnson, Melvin Lee Stanaway, Resp.: Helen A Stanaway, Atty: John W Barringer, 08/30/2010, 10C3341 Tafega Jamil Baban vs Corporation Target, Brian S Shelton, 08/23/2010, 10P1302 Pltf(s): Richard Dicaire, mil Baban, Pltf Atty(s): Robert Preston Bramlett, Def(s): Corporation October 8 - 14, 2010 Patricia McClarren vs Star Insurance Company, Westwood Target, Def Atty(s): Brent Shelbin Usery, 08/30/2010, 10C3337 In re: Alice Crafts, Alice Graves Ball, Church Of Christ, Graves Ball, Resp.: HerschelDec.: A Graves, Alice M Atty:Essary, Julie Resp.: A Boswell, Geraldine B Tamika Dunn vs Ace American Insurance Company, 08/24/2010, 10P1312 Law & Government Def(s): Star Insurance Company, Westwood Church Of Christ, Def Electrolux Home Products, Inc, Atty(s): David John Deming, 08/30/2010, 10C3343 Atty(s): Jill T Draughon, Def(s): Ace American Insurance Company, In re: Allan S Curtis, Dec.: Allan S Curtis, Resp.: Dorothy S Curtis, Pltf(s): Roger D Atty: Astrida Rodriguez, 08/30/2010,Dec.: Anita 10P1342 Cranford, Resp.: Elsie M Lampley, Pltf(s): James A Richard Dicaire vs Cbs Personnel Holdings Inc, Cbs Electrolux Home Products, Inc, Def Atty(s): Laurenn S Disspayne, Dec.: Amanda Chere Kemp, Personnel Services LLC, Kilgore Group Inc Collectively 08/30/2010, 10C3347Pltf(s): Victoria L Copeland, Pltf Atty(s):Pltf(s): John Vada Mitchell A Troutt, Pltf In re: Alice M Essary, Staffmark, Staffmark Investment LLC, Coggin, Atty: Robert Martin Garfinkle, 08/24/2010, 10P1317 Victoria L Copeland vs Dillard’s Inc, Gallagher Bassett Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Cbs Personnel Holdings Inc, Cbs Personnel Services Inc, In re: Anita Cranford, 08/26/2010, 10C3303 Atty: Susan B Evans, 08/25/2010, 10P1327 Services LLC, Kilgore Group Inc Collectively Staffmark, Staffmark Grissim, Def(s): Dillard’s Inc, Gallagher Bassett Services Inc, Def Dec.: Anne Cieutat Williford, Resp.: James T Collins vs Rogers Group Inc, Pltf(s): James T Collins, Pltf(s): Willie Roberts, Pltf Investment LLC, Def Atty(s): Stephen B Morton, 08/26/2010, Atty(s): Jonathan Martin West, Lisa Ramsay Cole, 08/24/2010, In re: Amanda Chere Kemp, Angela Marie Walker, Carleen Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Rogers Group Inc, Def Atty(s): Heather E 10C3299 Deanna Young, James T Watts, Hardt, 08/26/2010, 10C3308 10C3269 Roger D Coates vs Aqua-Lyles Utility Bon, Angela Marie Walker, Carleen DeannaDec.: Young, Betty JamesCunningham,Dec.: T Watts, Carol Resp.: Resp.: D Horn, Robert Steve James A Wells vs Jenco Construction Inc, Vada A Troutt vs Printing Mcquiddy, Peggy Ann Kemp, Atty: Cindy Sue Smith, 08/23/2010, 10P1306 Coates, Pltf Atty(s): n/a,Pltf(s): Def(s): Richard Aqua-Lyles Hallauer, Utility Pltf Bon, Atty(s): Def Atty(s):n/a, Def(s): Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Printing Mcquiddy, Def Atty(s): Cole B Stinson, Wells, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Jenco Construction Inc, Def Atty(s): J Michael Morgan, 08/31/2010, 10C3364 Jennifer S White, 08/25/2010, 10C3282 Pltf(s): Roger 08/25/2010, 10C3281 In re: Anne Cieutat Williford, Richard Hallauer vs Mueller Water Products Inc DBA Hunt Pltf(s): Yohance Linda Gorenflo Cieutat, Atty: Matt Potempa, 08/25/2010, 10P1330 Jessica Grimwood vs Intrepid USA Healthcare Services, Willie Roberts vs Southerland Inc, Industries Inc, Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Southerland Inc, Def Atty(s): Gregory Douglas In re: Betty Cunningham, Dec.: Curtis Dane McAlister, Resp.: Pltf(s): Jessica Grimwood, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Intrepid USA Mueller Water Products Inc DBA Hunt Industries Inc, Def Atty(s): Dean Cunningham, Atty: Andy Maloney, 08/24/2010, 10P1324 Healthcare Services, Def Atty(s): Clifford Wilson, 08/27/2010, Groninger, 08/30/2010, 10C3349 Amelia Catherine Roberts, 08/23/2010, 10C3255 In re: Carol D Horn, Steve R Dunkin, 10C3329 William J McCluskey vs Downtown Memphis Marriott, R Dunkin, Resp.: Nancy G Dunkin, Atty: Christina Norton Norris, Randall D Mason vs Smith County Commission Co, Pltf(s): Pltf(s): William J McCluskey, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Downtown Judy R Lawson vs Nursing & Oneida, Pltf(s): Judy R Lawson, 08/26/2010, 10P1333 Dec.: Chadwick Miguel Teasley, Randall D Mason, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Smith County Commission Pltf(s): Memphis Marriott, Def Atty(s): Nicholas S Akins, 08/26/2010, Pltf Atty(s): David Harold Dunaway, Def(s): Nursing & Oneida, Def Co, Def Atty(s): Nicholas S Akins, 08/31/2010, 10C3365 Atty(s): Richard R Clark, 08/23/2010, 10C3249 10C3295 In re: Curtis Dane McAlister, Roger Dodson vs Harrington & King South Inc, Ruth G McAlister, Atty: John Aaron Beam, 08/30/2010, 10P1340 Jordan Sanders vs Dillons Welding Inc and Employers, Yohance Dickson vs Zaxby’s Restaurant, Dec.: Dianne Barr Towe,Dec.: Doris Resp.: Gross, Ethel Ran-H Dodson, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Harrington & King South Inc, Def Dickson, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Zaxby’s Restaurant, Def Atty(s): In re: Clifford Scott Nelson, Dec.: Clifford Scott Nelson, Resp.: Pltf(s): Jordan Sanders, Pltf Atty(s):Pltf(s): Donald Josh DGarrigus, Zuccarello, Pltf Def(s):Atty(s): n/a, Atty(s): Stephen B Morton, 08/23/2010, 10C3252 Carol Ann Nelson, Atty: n/a, 08/23/2010, 10P1299 Dec.: David Dillons Welding Inc and Employers, Def Atty(s): Frederick William Richard R Clark, 08/26/2010, 10C3296 Pltf(s): Richard Velasco, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Scott Strickland, In re: Chadwick Miguel Teasley, Hodge, 08/30/2010, 10C3339 Richard Velasco vs Abry Brothers, LP, Star InsurancePltf(s): Com Roberta- Beyelia, Davidson County Pltf(s): Kathryn J pany, Resp.: Ex-Parte, Atty: n/a, 08/25/2010, 10P1332 Josh Garrigus vs Ed’s Supply Company, Inc, Harleysville Def(s): Abry Brothers, LP, Star Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): David Probate Court Pltf(s): Richard In re: Dianne Barr Towe, Mutual Ins Company, John Deming, 08/26/2010, 10C3304 Roberts, Atty: Randle Stuart Davis, 08/23/2010, 10P1310 Def(s): Ed’s Supply Company, Inc, Harleysville Mutual Ins Company, Judges Robert Wagonschutz vs Maury County Government, In re: Doris Gross, Randall B Gross, Def Atty(s): Reisner Sarah C, 08/26/2010, 10C3309 Robert Wagonschutz, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Maury County Govern- dall B Gross, Resp.: Charles Gross, Atty: Michel George Kaplan, Kathleen Cantrell vs Bowes Pitney, Pltf(s): Kathleen Cantrell, ment, Def Atty(s): J Michael Morgan, 08/31/2010, 10C3361 08/31/2010, 10P1347 Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Bowes Pitney, Def Atty(s): Heather E Hardt, Pltf(s): Richard Bennett, Randy Kennedy, Judge 08/30/2010, 10C3345 Roberta Beyelia vs Corporation Target, In re: David Austin Racht, Stephen Daniel Racht, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Corporation Target, Def Atty(s): Brent Shelbin Bob Bradshaw, Probate Master Austin Racht, Stephen Daniel Racht, Resp.: Helen Seagraves Racht, Kathryn J Ward vs Publix Supermarkets Inc, Usery, 08/31/2010, 10C3362 Tel. 862-5980 Atty: Samuel F Anderson, 08/30/2010, 10P1344 Ward, Pltf Atty(s): Donald D Zuccarello, Def(s): Publix Supermarkets In re: DebirahDec.: Debirah Dicker Dicker Weiss, Weiss, John John Dicker, Dicker, Susan Susan Dicker Dicker Kahn, Inc, Def Atty(s): Christian Garstin, 08/24/2010, 10C3271 Richard Mallard vs Washington Group Int’l, Continued on page 14 Mallard, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Washington Group Int’l, Def Atty(s): 1 Public Square, Suite 303 Kahn, Larry Goldman vs Tow Of Smyrna,Pltf(s): Leslie Pltf(s): Johnson, Larry Goldman, Pltf Atty(s): Pltf Gary Raymond Swen Leathers, 08/26/2010, 10C3313 Resp.: Marilyn K Dicker, Atty: Bernard M Rosenblum, 08/30/2010, Atty(s): Kimberly A Coffey, Def(s): Tow Of Smyrna, Def Atty(s): Mary Hours: M-F, 8 a.m.
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