Winter Camp 2015 Report JIS Group Organized 2 Weeks Winter Education Camp at AIT, Bangkok, Thailand from 5Th January to 17Th January 2015
Winter camp 2015 report JIS group organized 2 weeks winter education camp at AIT, Bangkok, Thailand from 5th January to 17th January 2015. This is the 3rd education camp organized by JIS group. Students were chosen from all engineering branches(Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food Technology) of JIS group’s 5 colleges (Narula Institute of Technology, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, JIS College of Engineering, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Abacuas Institute of Technology, Greater Kolkata College of Engineering and Management) based on their merit. 40 students were selected through rigorous selection process which consists equal weight age on their semester average, written test and interviews. Entire expenditure (visa fees, travelling, insurance, accommodation, and fooding) is sponsored by JIS group. Prof. Sajal Saha (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Application, Narula Institute of Technology) and Prof. Ranjana Ray(Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, JIS College of Engineering) accompanied the students as faculty mentor. Students with Dr. Poomphat at Bangkok University students amenity centre. In this training students have been given exposure on various fields like 1. Construction Engineering and Management 2. Satellite communication and Space Debris 3. Augmented reality 4. Remote Sensing 5. Health IT and GIS 6. Energy Engineering and Management 7. 3D Computer Graphics 8. Nano Technology 9. Transportation Engineering 10. Climate Change and Water Engineering 11. Intelligent Clinical Training Systems 12. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) Students found special interest in UAV class by Khun Panithan Srinuandee(Engineer, The TCC technology group, Thailand) where Khun Panitan demonstrate how UAV works and collect data for different field based application.
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