HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided.

NAME: …………….……………………..………………….……………..CLASS VII

Choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided

1. The mixture of many gases is called ……… (a) almost gas (b) oxygen (c) atmosphere (d) carbon dioxide

2. The following symbol is used on a map to show…………………… [ ] (a) Bridge (b) Mountain (c) Peek (d) River

3. The places where minerals are obtained from are called …….. [ ] (a) mining (b) mineralization (c) mines (d) mining

4. A thick growth of trees covering a large piece of land is ...... [ ]

A. forestry B. forest C. bush D. village

5. The vegetation of a place can be affected by ..... [ ]

A. moon B. rainfall C. stars D. planet

6. The farthest of a planet from the sun is ...... [ ]

A. aphelion B. orbit C. perihelion D. equinox

7. The rift valley of E. Africa has ...... branches A. six B. one B. two D. nine [ ]

8. The hottest planet in the solar system is ...... [ ] A. mercury B. Uranus C. Pluto D. Jupiter

9. Factory air pollution has contributed to ..... [ ] A. rise temperature in the world B. decaying of hard waste C. forming rain clouds

10...... is a long wide depression on the earth’s surface with steep walls [ ] A. rift valley B. escarpment C. plateau (d) delta

11. Planting of trees in areas which previously had no trees is called ...... [ ] A. afforestation B. deforestation C. reaforestation

12. A low land which exist between two high points is known as: ………

(a) a pass (b) a saddle (c) a plain (d)a slope [ ]

13. Which of the following minerals is used in the manufacture of cement? ...... [ ]

(a) diamond (b) limestone (c) small stone (d) laom soil

14. A large area of flat – topped land that is higher than the land around it is called a…

(a) spur (b) gentle slope (c) ridge (d) plateau [ ]

15. coral reefs, sandy beaches and low cliffs are features found in…

(a) Eastern plateau (b) high mountains (c) lake regions (d) coastal plains [ ]

16. Which of the following areas is likely to receive very little rainfall in a year?...

(a) areas around mount Elgon (b) areas around lake Kyoga [ ]

(c) Kenya highlands (d) the Maasai steppes in Arusha.

17. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is known as…

(a) temperature (b) rainfall (c) humidity (d) pressure. [ ]

18. In which of the following countries is Tsavo National park found?...

(a) Mozambique (b) (c) Uganda (d) Kenya [ ]

19. Three of the following are cash crops grown in Tanzania. Which one is not?...

(a)coffee (b) cassava (c) cashew nuts (d) tobacco. [ ]

20. Contour ploughing presents one of the following. Which one?... (a) soil fertility (b) soil erosion (c) heat absorption by soil (d) temperatures [ ]

21. Which of the following are ranches found in Tanzania?... (a) Kongwa and Sumbawanga

(b) coast and Nakuru (c) Katambo and Delamere (d) Misenye and Bunyoro [ ]

22. Mtibwa, Lugazi, Arusha Chini, Kakira and Kilombero are famous agriculturall areas for production of (a)cotton (b) sisal (c) rice (d) sugar cane [ ]

23. Equatorial climate found from latitude 00 – 50 N/s of the equator then the areas which experience equatorial climate are…. (a)the Amazon and Congo basin (b) Malaysia and Kalahari (c) coast of China and Congo basin (d) Pretoria and Algiers [ ]

24. Three types of rocks are…. A. ignous, volcanic and block B. lignous, residual, volcanic C. ignous, sedimentary ad metamorphic D. ignous metamorphic, Kilimanjaro [ ]

25. Thorny bush deep rooted and wax plants found in …. A. desert area B. savanna area C. tropical area D. moonson area [ ]

26. If it is 6.30 a.m. at town P which is 400 E what will be the time at town Y which is 750 W?......

27. Which among the following is a gulf…. A. B. park C. good hope D. Aden [ ]

28. The Asia and European continents are separated by….. A. Suez canal B. Ural mountain C. gibratta D. arctic [ ]

29. A place where maize is grown in USA is mostly known as…. A. Kansa’s city B. corn belt C. copper belt D. cotton belt [ ]

30. Which product make seven falks and Kihansi famous ……….. (a) thermal Electric power (b) lots of Fish (c) transport and tourist (d) Production of Hydro Electric power [ ]

31. Nymba ya Mungu is the H.E.P. plant which established in river ……. (a) Zambezi (b) Nile (c) Ruvu (d) pangani [ ]

32. For the strength of trade activities there should be….. (a) shops and market (b) main social services (c) capital market and infrastructure (d) strong buildings. [ ]

33. The economy of Kuwait mostly depends on ………. (a) Irrigation schemes (b) camels keeping (c) oil mining (d) Tourism [ ]

34. The dangerous minerals to human being is ….. A. uranium B. gold C. cooper D. tin [ ]

35. The main producer of cocoa in the world is …. A. Ghana B. Brazil C. Ecuador D. Nigeria [ ]

36. Which side of the above diagram is likely to receive a lot of rainfall…. A. side B B. side A C. side D D. side C. [ ]

37………....…. Is the place where rice is grown.

A. rice belt B. paddy low lands C. rice fields D. paddy fields [ ]

38. The famous mineral transported through railway from Uganda is… A. gold B. iron C. copper D. rub. [ ]

39. The Gezira irrigation scheme in Sudan deals with the growing of ….

A. cotton B. tea C. rice D. wheat E. cassava [ ]

40. Which of the following is the quickest and efficient means of transport?....

A. water transport B. air transport C. railway transport [ ]

D. pipe line transport E. none of the above

41. The oil dug from the ground in its natural state is called…..

A. petroleum B. petrol C. diesel D. kerosene E. crude oil [ ]

42. People who live with their cattles from one place to another is search of pastures are known as …. A. nomads B. maasai C. livestock keepers D. farmers. [ ]

43.It is believed that the earth was formed…

A. 2000 years ago B. 4600 years ago C. 3600 years ago D. 45,000 years ago [ ]

44. How many oceans are there in the world?... A. six B. four C. seven D. five [ ]

45.A major landmass rising from the ocean floor is known as…

A. the great rift valley B. coastal plain C. continent D. highlands [ ]

46.One of the following areas experience Equatorial climate… A. Congo basin of central Africa

B. central part of Tanzania C. western part of Africa D. eastern African plateau [ ]

47.One of the following areas is found within the polar region…

A. far east countries B. central African countries C. Greenland D. Canada [ ]

48. 50cm on the map is used to represent 25km on the ground. Find the scale of the map…. A. 1:25,000 B. 1:50,000 C. 2:500,000 D. 1:100,000 [ ]

Study the map carefully and t answer the following questions




49. Which letter shows the country which experience sub polar?...... 50. The highest mountain in the world has shown by letter………………………..


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided.


Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the boxes provided 1. One of major sources of energy in East Africa is A. lunar B. nuclear C. coal D. power [ ] 2. The Interanational Date Line is called ..... A. Longitude B. line 00C Greenwich [ ] C. IDL 1800 east and west 3. Electricity used for industrial purposes in Uganda comes from A. owen falls [ ] B. Kidatu dam C. Pangani falls D. Mtera 4. Mangroves are the natural vegetation commonly found along the ...... A. River banks [ ] B. mountainous area C. coastal 5. Lumbering is the process of producing timber for sale in ...... A. forest [ ] B. brazil C. Switzerland D. afforestation 6. What types of vegetation grows along the coast of east Africa? A. artificial vegetation B. mangrove C. savannah D. natural vegetation [ ] 7. .... is the cheapest means of transport but very slow A. air transport [ ] B. Water transport C. rail transport D. road transport 8. An instrument, which is used to measure the amount of rainfull in an area, is called [ ] A. thermometer B. wind vane C. rain gauge D. barometer 9. If it is 5:00 am. In Accra Ghana (0 degree); what time is in East Africa 450 East? [ ] A. 8:00 a.m B. 8:00 p.m C. 2:00 a.m D. 2:00 p.m 10. Coal is obtained from A. metamorphic rock B. sedimentary rocks C. Igneous rocks [ ] 11. Solar eclipse occurs when A .the moon is between the earth and the sun B. the earth is between the sun and the moon C. the earth rotates on its own axis [ ] D. the sun rays do not teach the earth 12. A good map can be incomplete if one of the following is missing [ ] A. colour B. mountains C. compass D. rivers 13. The largely depends on: A. livestock keeping B. mining [ ] C. agriculture D. fishing 14. Which of the following lines forms a tropic of Capricon? A. latitude 23 ½0 South [ ] B. Longitude 23 ½0 South C. Longitude 00 D. longitude 23 ½ 0 North 15. The diagram best describes the occurrence of ...... A. day and night [ ] B. solar eclipse C. sea breeze D. seasons of the year

16. Which of the following are volcanic mountains A. Udzungwa and Usambara [ ] B. Kilimanjaro and Elgon C. Kilimanjaro and Udzungwa D. Meru and Uluguru 17. The two cities in east Africa which have refineries are ...... A. Nairobi and Tanga [ ] B. Mombasa and Mbeya C. Dar es Salaam, Mombassa D. Moshi and Kampala 18. Which of the following rivers drain their water into the Indian Ocean? ...... [ ] A. Congo, Zambezi, Tana B. Rufiji, Zambezi C. Tana, Niger and Nile 19. The Instrument that measures the speed of wind is called A. wind vane [ ] B. Anemometer C. Barometer D. Hydrometer 20. Songosongo in Tanzania is famous for mining A. coal B. natural gas C. iron D. steel [ ] 21. What will be the time in Tanzania (450East) if it is 9 at Tema-Ghana (00) A. 12:00 (noo) [ ] B. 12:00pm C. 6:00am D. 10:00pm 22. Convert this statement scale into a ration scale: 1cm represents 10km ...... [ ] A. 1:100 B. 1:1,000,000 C. 1:1000 D. 1:10,000 23. Physical features are ... A. temperature, rainfall, wind B. food, clothes, shelter C. mountain, valleys, river and lakes D. newspaper, radio, television [ ] 24. The distance between two houses on the map is 5cm. If the scale of that map is 1:50,000. What is the actual distance between the houses? A. 75km B. 0.5km C. 2.5km D. 25km E. 7.5km [ ]

25. Which is the biggest national park in Kenya? ... A. Serengeti B. Tsavo [ ] C. Masaimara D. Amboseli


LIST A ANSWERS LIST B 26. Earth revolution [ ] A. Used to measure the amount of rain 27. 150 million km [ ] B. Weather 28. Assembly industries [ ] C. Distance from the earth to the sun 29. Petroleum products [ ] D. Seasons of the year [ ] E. Barometer F. KTM, MUTEY and MWATEX G. Tar, Vaseline

C: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Name two countries that border East Africa in the North 30...... 31...... 32. What is the capital city of Switzerland? ......

Mention two factors influencing growth of tourism in Switzerland 33...... 34......

Mention two disadvantages brought by depending on firewood and charcoal on environment


Define the following terms: 36. International tourism ......

D: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 37. Photograph interpretation is defined as ......

38. Contour interval ......

39. The type of rainfall accompanied with thunder and lightning is called ...... Write down any two forms of precipitation 40...... 41......

Draw the map of east Africa and show

Neighbor country on the 42. north 43. west

Rivers 44. Tana 45. Malagaras 46. Kagera 47. TAZARA railways 48. Mount Elgon


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: HISTORY NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



6. This paper consists of 25 questions. 7. Answer all questions. 8. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 9. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 10. Remember to write your name on the space provided NAME: ______DATE: ______SECTION A: Choose the correct answer 1. Objective of colonial economy was ______[ ] a) To get area for settlement b) To get employment abroad c) To get food crops d) To get visitors from America

2. Sayyid Said shifted from Oman to Zanzibar in ______[ ] a) 1940 b) 1840 c) 1884 d) 1890

3. Cash crops in Zanzibar during colonial time were ______a) Coconut and cloves b) Coconut and tea c) Coconut and ground nuts [ ] d) Cloves and groundnuts

4. The Kiswahili word introduced by Portuguese is ______a) Uji b) Sembe c) Leso d) Maji [ ]

5. One of the cash crops introduced by colonialists in was ______a) Mango b) Sisal c) Beans d) Groundnuts [ ]

6. Railway station reached at Tabora at around ______a) 1912 b) 1999 c) 1987 d) 1995 [ ]

7. The Uhuru torch symbolizes ______a) Peace and love b) The c) The country’s health d) Anger in the people [ ]

8. Which one of the following groups of political parties existed in Tanganyika during the struggle for independence? _____ a) ASP ZNP and TANU b) ANC UMNUT and TANU [ ] c) TANU, ASP and UTP d) ANC UTO and ASP

9. The blue colour in the flag of Tanzania represent ______a) Minerals resources b) People of Tanganyika c) Water bodies in Tanzania d) Transportation network

10. During the German colonial rule ______a) The whole territory was ruled through direct rule b) Most of the territory was ruled through indirect rule c) The whole territory was ruled through Assimilation rule [ ] d) All rules above were used

11. One of the positive impacts of the colonial economy was ______a) The exploitation of people b) The development of health and education services c) The education was free to all Africans d) That it made the local people very health [ ]

12. The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed in ______a) 1945 b) 1954 c) 1964 d) 1966 [ ]

13. One of the main principals of Arusha Declaration was _____ a) Self – reliance b) Personal interests c) Free health services [ ] d) Single and multipartism

14. One of the chiefs who collaborates with German during colonial rule was _____ a) Mughenyi b) Mkwawa c) Robert Mugabe d) Marealle [ ]

15. Tanganyika and Zanzibar had been under the following colonialists ______a) Germany and British b) Portugues and Italian c) Indians and Germans [ ] d) British and French


LIST A ANSWER LIST B 16 TANU A. Aimed at civilizing Africa 17 National antherm B. Self – reliance 18 Colonial education C. Berlin conference 19 D. 1954 20 1884-1885 E. The first nationalist president of Ghana 21 Arusha declaration F. Symbol of independent of Tanzania 22 KNCU G. The first Nationalist Party in Tanganyika 23 Kwame Nkuruma H. Black, Blue, Yellow and Green 24 TAA I. Fought against low price for coffee

Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) in the following questions

25. The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed in 1966 ______

26. One of the leader resisted German was Mkwawa ______

27. The First Sultan ruled in Tanganyika ______

28. The Arabs provided social services in Zanzibar ______

29. TANU was the national party in Zanzibar ______

30. Tabora was one of the coastal city states ______

31. The first President of Zimbabwe is Robert Mgabe ______

32. Tanganyika and Zanzibar colonized by British ______

33. Otto Von Bismark chaired Berlin Conference ______

34. The reasons for the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was historical ties between them ______

35. The blue bands in the national emblem represent the soil of Tanganyika ______

SECTION C: Answer all questions in short

36. The national flag of Tanzania has four colours mention them a) ______b) ______c) ______d) ______37. The Arusha Declaration of 1967 has six principals. Mention four of them a) ______b) ______c) ______d) ______

38. The symbols of the United Republic of Tanzania are seven. Mention three of them a) ______b) ______c) ______

39. The economy of Tanzania had five sectors during colonial time. Mention three of them a) ______b) ______c) ______

40.Who was the First President of Kenya? ______


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: CIVICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided.

NAME: ______DATE: ______SECTION A: Choose the correct answer 1. Two organization bodies which deal with health and education are _____ a) WHO and IMF b) WMO and UNDP c) IFM and ILO [ ] d) UNIP e) WHO and UNICESCO

2. The union government of Tanzania was formed in ______a) 1954 b) 1960 c) 1974 d) 1964 e) 1961 [ ]

3. Tanzania exercises a type of democracy called ______a) One party b) Modern c) Multiparty d) Communalism [ ] e) Opposing parties

4. All are founding fathers of various African nations except? ______a) N. Mandela b) F. Sumaye c) K. Kaunda d) J. K. Nyerere e) J. Kenyatta [ ]

5. Which of the following towns is the headquarters of East Africa community? ___ a) Arusha b) Nairobi c) Kigali d) Dodoma e) Addis Ababa [ ]

6. Whom among the following was not speaker of the National Assembly _____ a) S. Sita b) A. S. Mkwawa c) P. Msekwa d) J. Ndugai [ ] e) A. Kandoro

7. Who appoints the commissioner of prisons? ______a) Parliament b) Minister c) Prime Minister d) President e) High court [ ]

8. All are elected leaders except? ______a) MP b) Chairperson c) RC d) Councilor e) Mayor [ ]

9. Which mineral is used to produce nuclear energy? ______a) Coal b) Uranium c) Natural gas d) Copper e) Tanzanite [ ]

10. The main problem facing most African farmers is ______a) Unreliable rainfall b) Farming tools c) Drought [ ] d) Chemical fertilizers e) Too much rainfall

11. Which among the following organizations in Tanzania a founder members? ______a) UNO b) EU c) NATO d) NAM e) OAU [ ]

12. Which one of the following communities in Tanzania still depend on forests for food _____ a) Chagga b) Iraq c) Massai d) Wahazabe e) Nyakyusa [ ]

13. The defined age for eligibility to vote in Tanzania is ______years a) 15 b) 10 c) 18 d) 200 e) 0 [ ]

14. Abeid A. Karume and J. K Nyerere are associated with ______[ ] a) War in Zanzibar and Pemba b) Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar c) President and Vice president respectively d) Architects of multiparty e) Founders of UNO

15. The English version of the term TAKUKURU is ______a) PCCB b) CCTB c) CRDB d) TAMWA e) TCRA [ ]

16. Skilled people engaged in small industries eg. Carpentry, potter and masonry are called ____ a) Artillery b) Fishermen c) Miners d) Artifacts e) Artisans [ ]

17. NSGRP is the English word for ______a) UKUTA b) KUTA c) MEMKWA d) MKUKUTA [ ] e) MKEREKETWA

18. SACCOS are ______a) Bank loans b) Economic projects c) Saving societies [ ] d) Business plans e) Revenue collection

19. The attorney general of Tanzania is ______a) Othman Chande b) Fredrick Werema c) Dr.Adelardus Kilangi d) J.M. Kikwete e) John Cheo [ ]

20. The peoples Defence forces of Tanzania commander in chief is the ______a) President b) Minister of defence c) Judges d) Prime Minister e) Chief General [ ]

21. Which court judges murder cases in Tanzania? ______a) The court where the murder took places b) Any court c) Court of appeal d) Village court e) High court [ ]

22. Tanzania started multipartism in ______a) 1990 b) 1985 c) 1980 d) 1992 e) 1995 [ ]

23. The main cause of refugees in Tanzania is ______a) Natural calamities b) Floods c) Civil war in neighboring countries [ ] d) Tanzania’s natural resources

24. Which among the following institutions in Tanzania deals with the alleviation of a) BAKITA b) BAVICHA c) MKUKUTA d) TAKUKURU [ ] e) National Bank

25. The word mutilation means _____ a) Discrimination b) Injury c) Healing d) Genital organ e) Taking drugs [ ]

26. Which one is not a characteristic of an entrepreneur? ___ a) Laziness b) Aiming higher c) Vision d) Working hard [ ] e) Being creative

27. Who was Fredrick Werema? ______a) Permanent secretary b) Prime Minister c) Chief justice [ ] d) Vice president e) Attorney general

28. Human rights are categorized into ______groups a) 7 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2 e) 4 [ ]

29. In regard to the tenants of human rights the blind people prefer to be called ____ a) Modesty people b) Forgotten people c) Visual impaired [ ] d) Visual paired e) Blinking people

30. Municipal council are led by ______a) Judges b) Mayors c) Councilors d) RC’s e) DC’s [ ]

31. Define the following terms a) PCCB ______b) TAMWA ______c) TAWLA ______d) UNDP ______e) UNHCR ______

Write TRUE or FALSE 32. Haki Elimu was founded in 2001? ______

33. ASP and TANU merged to form CCM? ______

34. People with HIV – Aids prefer to called HIV – Aids victims? ______

35. A refugee is a person who hates his or her mother land? ______

36. The first multiparty election in Tanzania was conducted in 1965? ______

Matching the following items in List A with those in List B

LIST A ANSWER LIST B 37 International tribunal court A. Judaism, Buddhism 38 EAC B. Free and safe from danger 39 Arusha declaration C. Trade between two countries 40 Ten cells leaders D. The president 4 Infrastructure E. Maintenance of law and order 42 Police F. Railways, roads, and airport 43 Commander in chief G. Ten houses leader 44 Bilateral H. Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya and tanzania. 45 Security I. 1967 46 Religion J. Rwanda killing massacre K. Ward leader


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided.


Multiple choices

1. The major sign of conception in female is …. [ ] A. frequent urination B. fever C. vomiting D. menstruation stops

2. The structure that connects the foetus to the uterus of the mother is called ….. [ ] A. placenta B. umbilical cord C. chorion D. villi

3. The respiration problem which is abbergic in nature is ….. [ ] A. TB B. emphysema C. Asthma D. pneumonia

4. The only veni that carries oxygenated blood is called …. [ ] A. pulmonary artery B. pulmonary vein C. Aorta D. Venacava

5. One of the following diseases is caused by pathogens …. [ ] A. anaemia B. goiter C. malaria D. dwarfism

6. …….is caused by deficiency of vitamin B1 in ones diet [ ] A. scurvy B. ricket C. anaemia D. beriberi

7. ………is the process whereby green plants make their own food [ ] A. transpiration B. respiration C. photosynthesis D. radiation

8. The swelling of the thyroid gland around neck is known as …. [ ] A. Goitre B. crethirsm C. dwarfism D. syphilis

9. A normal human cell has ….pairs of chromosomes A. 23 B. 46 C. 13 D. 26 [ ]

10. A situation where by a mother gives birth to a dead baby is called ….. [ ] A. miscarriage B. still birth C. breach birth D. infertility

11. Which of the following STDs is caused by bacteria called Triponema pollidum [ ] A. hepatitis B. Chlamydia C. syphilis D. HIV/AIDS

12. One of the following diseases is not communicable ……. [ ] A. tuberculosis B. malaria C. rickets

13. All of the following are digestive problems except …. [ ] A. tooth ache B. ulcers C. anaemia

14. ……is the liquid part of the blood A. red blood cells B. which blood cells C. plasma [ ]

15. The study of the relationship between living and non living organism in the environment is called …. A. geology B. ecology C. botanomy D. ecologist [ ]

16. ……is found in plant cells only. A. nucleus B. cytoplasm C. chloroplast D. gut [ ]

17. The structure in the alimentary canal which prevent food from entering the trachea is … A. cartilage B. epiglottis C. larynx D. tongue [ ]

18. The first step in giving first aid to a burn victim is …. A. covering the victim with blanket B. treating shock and penic C. rescuing the victim D. relieve the pain [ ]

19. The enzyme present in the mouth which digests cooked starch is called …. [ ] A. rennin B. pepsin C. saliva D. ptyalin

20. The period from fertilization to birth in an organism is called …. [ ] A. gestation b. menstruation C. ovulation D. miscarriage

21. Which hormone initiate labour pain during delivery? … [ ] A. oxytocin B. ADH C. FSH D. LH

22. … responsible for the production of white blood cells [ ] A. thymosine B. oestrogen C. insulin D. adrenaline

23. ……is the type of fracture where the bone breaks and maintain its alignment [ ] A. compound fracture B. simple fracture C. non displaced fracture

24. The ability of the body to protect itself against disease attack is known as …. [ ] A. vaccination B. immunization C. immunity D. malnutrition

25. Ovulation takes place after …..days A. 15 B. 20 C. 22 D. 28 [ ]

26. Eating too much carbohydrates and fatty food leads to …. [ ] A. ricket B.obesity C. goiter D. anaemia

27. The poo health condition caused by poor malnutrition in the body is called … [ ] A. kwashiorkor B. malnutrition C. food taboo D. food poisoning

28. …….is the type of immunity passed from mother to child during birth [ ] A. passive B. active C. artificial D. natural

29. One of the following is an example of hereditary diseases … [ ] A. typhoid B. sickle cell C. marasmus D. goiter

30. The membrane that covers the lungs is called ….. [ ] A. medulla B. pleural membrane C. chorion membrane D. amniotic membrane

31. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet causes a deficiency disease called … [ ] A. rickets B. marasmus c. Goitre D. obesity

32. The food materials needed by the body for its proper growth is known as … [ ] A. nutrients B. food C. balanced diet D. vitamin

33. One of the following is not among the sexually transmitted diseases…… [ ] A. candidiasis B. polio C. hepatitis D. syphilis

34. … is a permanent inability of an organism to produce offspring [ ] A. sterility B. impotence C. disability

35. A situation where by a mother give birth to a dead baby is called … [ ] A. miscarriage b. severe bleeding C. still birth D. accident

36. One of the following chemical waste is secreted by the kidney .. [ ] A. sweat B. urea C. bile pigments

37. Which hormone controls calcium usage in the body? … [ ] A. prolactin B. DH C. calcium D. thyroxine

38. The process of gaseous exchange takes place in the …. [ ] A. wind pipe B. air sacs C. bronch D. lung

39. Absorption of digested food takes place in the … [ ] A. ileum B. mouth C. colon D. anus

40. One of the following organisms has both male and female sex organ…. [ ] A. frogs B. grasshopper C. snails D. snakes

SECTION B: Fill in the blanks

Name the part x, y and z of the animal cell bellow x



41. X is______

42. Y is______

43. Z is______

44. The retina in the eye resembles ______on the camera

45. The gas used to extinguish fire is called______


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: KISWAHILI NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided

SEHEMU A:SARUFI 1. Mahali hapa ___ aliposimama Waziri Mkuu wa kwanza wakati wa kudai uhuru wa Tanganyika. a)ndimo b)ndiko c)ndiyo d)ndimo e)ndipo. [ ]

2. Shemeji ameandikiwa barua na kaka ambaye yupo nje ya nchi kwa sasa.Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli gani? a)kutendewa b)kutendwa c)kutendana d)kutenda e)kutendeana [ ]

3. Mwanafunzi goigoi ameadhibiwa na mwalimu wake.Neno “goigoi” ni ____. a)Kielezi b)kitenzi c)kivumishi d)kibadala e)nomino [ ]

4. Mwalimu amesema nikichoka nitarudi nyumbani.sentensi hii ipo katika nafasi gani? a)Pili umoja b)Tatu uwingi c)Kwanza wingi d)pili uwingi e)kwanza umoja [ ]

5. Haruni anafanya vizuri darasani ingawa ni mtukutu.Neno lipi ni kiunganishi? a)mtukutu b)ingawa c)vizuri d)ni e)darasani. [ ]

6. Mabomu ya mbagala yalipolipuka watu wote____. a)Walihamaki b)Walitweta c)Walitaharuki d)walikimbilia e)Walinusurika. [ ]

7. La hasha!Mimi simfahamu aliyechukua daftari lako.Neno “la hasha” katika sentensi hii ni _____ a)kielezi b) nomino c)kiwakilishi d)kihisishi e)kitenzi [ ]

8. Mama yako mdogo akiondoka uondoke naye.Sentensi hiiipo katika wakati gani? a)Uliopita b)timilifu c)mazoea d) uliopo e) ujao [ ]

9. Mechi kali zaidi ni ile iliyochezwa kati ya Tanzania _____ ya Elhilali ya Misri. a)zaidi b)dhidi c)thidi d)zidi e)chidi. [ ]

10. Neno “HURIA” Lina konsonati ngapi ? a)tatu b)tano c)mbili d)moja e)sita [ ]

11. Babu alimwambia hataki kumwona tena nyumbani kwake.Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli gani? a)Halisi b)Kutendwa c)Kutendeana d)Taarifa e)kutenda [ ]

12. Makazi ya nyuki hujulikana kama ______. a)Asali b)Masega c)mzinga d)kiota e)shimo. [ ]

13. Ng’ombe dume anayetumika katika kilimo na ubebaji wa mzigo anaitwa _____ a)Beberu b)ndama c)mtamba d)mbuguma e)maksai [ ]

14. wingi wa neno “MBUZI” ni upi? a)vibuzi b)mambuzi c)mbuzi d)mibuzi e)mamimbuzi [ ]

15. Mwalimu wetu hakuingia darasani leo.Kitenzi katika sentensi hii kipo katika hali gani ? a)ukanushi b)timilifu c)mazoea d)kuendelea e)shurutia [ ]

16. Kisawe cha neon “DHIHAKA” ni kipiI? a)shangwe b)mzaha c)hofu d)nderemo e)vifijo [ ]

17. Kinyume cha neno "chungu” ni______a)ladha b)harufu c)tamu d)mkungu e)bango [ ]

18. Alisema yeye hatofika jioni ya leo,Yeye ni _____ a)Kiunganishi b)kitenzi c)nomino d)kiwakilishi e)kielezi [ ]

19. .______kusoma kwa bidii ili kupata maarifa mengi. a)tunapasiwa b)tunapashwa c)tunapaswa d)tunapasha e)Tunapasua [ ]

20. Neno lipi lina maana sawa na mwanamke mzee? a)shababi b)kikongwe c)shaibu d)kigori e)Ajuza [ ]


21. Huyu jamaa ni"nyoka ndumilakuwili”.Hii ina maana a)mchonganishi b)mropokaji c)nyoka mwenye vichwa viwili d)mjanja e)mkorofi [ ]

22. ”La kuvunda halina ubani”.Methali hii inalandana naipi kati ya hizi? a)mcheza kwao hutunzwa b)mvumilivu hula mbivu c)maji yakimwagika hayazoleki d)ahadi ni deni e)upele humwota asiye na kichwa [ ]

23. “Amevishwa kilemba cha ukoka’’ Nini maana ya nahau hii? a)kuvishwa kilemba cha bei kubwa b)kupendelewa c)kula wali na ukoko d)kuezeka bati e)kusifiwa kinafiki. [ ]

24. “Heri kenda shika____”.kifungu hiki kinakamilisha methali hii? a)kalingoje bara b)si chururu c)kuliko kumi nenda rudi d)hafikirii mbinguni e)nafuu ya mbebaji. [ ]

25. Askari wangu ni mpole lakini maadui wanamhara.Jibu la kitendawili hili ni _____. a)mbwa b)paka c)moto d)maji e)nyuki [ ]

26. “Chelewa chelewa utamkuta mwana si wako”.inakinzana na methali ipi? a)si vyote ving’aavyo ni dhahabu b)maji ya kifuu ni bahari ya chungu c)umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu d)mvumilivu hula mbivu e)mwenda pole hajikwai. [ ]

27. Hesabu yake haina faida kwetu.Jibu la kitendawili hiki ni _____. a)mwangwi b)nyota c)upepo d)mwanga e)watu [ ]

28. Mzee Matata amemwaga unga.Nini maana ya nahau hiyo? a)amepoteza kazi b)amepata kazi c)hana staha d)ni mdokozi e)anatafuta mboga. [ ]

29. Kuna njia njia nyingi za kufanya jambo moja.Hii ni maana ya methali a)mchelea mwana kulia hulia mwenyewe b)Kila chombo na wimbile [ ] c)Aliye juu mngoje chini d)Bandubandu huisha gogo e)mchele mmoja mapishi mbalimbali

30. Huchagui wala hushauriwi.Kitendawili hiki kina maana gani? a)kuoa b)kuolewa c)kuzaliwa d)kusoma e)kuabudu. [ ]

SEHEMU C: USHAIRI Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali

Nililelewa vizuri ,Wazazi walinipenda, Nyumba ilikuwa shwari,hakuna aliyekonda, Nikafikia umuri,hakika miaka kenda, Mama wa kambo ni mama,Mimi naye twapendana. Basi miaka kupita,baba kaoa mke, Mama kambo nikapata,mwema asiye makeke, Watu walitetateta,kuwa nitapigwa teke, Mama wa kambo ni mama,mimi naye twapendana.

MASWALI: 31. “Miaka kenda”kama ilivyojitokeza katika shairi hili ina maana gani? a)miongo tisa b)miaka tisa c)kumi na tisa d)miaka ilienda e)mama wa kambo. [ ]

32. Vina vya mwisho katika ubeti wa kwanza wa shairi hili ni _____ a)nda b)ri c)ta d)ke e)ma [ ]

33. Watu walitetateta wakati gani? a)mama yangu alipoolewa b)nilipompata mama wa kambo c)nilipofikia umri mkubwa d)wazazi waliponipenda e)mimi na yeye twapendana. [ ]

34. Nusu mshororo katika ubeti wa pili una mizani mingapi? a)16 b)2 c)14 d)8 e)32. [ ] 35. Mshororo wa mwisho katika kila ubeti unaitwaje? a)vina b)mizani c)kituo d)ubeti e)tarbia [ ]

36. Shairi ulilosoma linahusu nini? a)kuwadharau mama wa kambo b)kuwapenda mama wa kambo c)chuki za mama wa kambo d)baba asiyeoa e)mzazi mkorofi [ ]

SEHEMU D:UTUNGAJI Panga sentensi kwa kuzipatia herufi A,B,C na D ili zilete mtiririko wenye mantiki.

37. Ukataji wa miti kwa wingi kwa ajili ya ujenzi na shughuli zingine huweza kusababisha nchi yetu kuwa jangwa.

38. Miti ina faida nyingi sana kwa binadamu.

39. Hivyo ni muhimu kwa kila mtu kupanda miti kila anapokata mti kwani nchi isiyo na miti ni sawa na mtu aliyevuliwa nguo.

40. Kutokana na miti watu hujenga nyumba nzuri za kila namna,zinazopendeza na za kudumu.

SEHEMU E: UFAHAMU Soma habari ifuatayo kasha jibu maswali yanayofuata kwa kujaza nafasi

Watanzania hatuna budi kujivunia Amani na Utulivu tulivyonavyo. Angalia majirani zetu wanavyozikimbia nchi zao kwa sababu ya vita za mara kwa mara.Kutokana na amani tunapiga hatua katika sekta za kilimo na uwekezaji. Wakulima wamepiga hatua katika kutumia jembe la kukokotowa na wanyama, matumizi ya mbolea na mbegu bora.Nasikitishwa na migomo ya mara kwa mara ya wafanyakazi.Hebu tujiulize chanzo ni nini? Mimi nashauri haki na wajibu viende sambamba ili kuleta ufanisi katika kazi, hatimaye kuepuka migogoro katika jamii yetu ili tuendelee kuwa na Amani daima.

MASWALI 41. Mwandishi wa habari hii anawapongeza watu wake kujivulnia nini?______

42. Majirani zake mwandishi wanakimbia nchi zao kutokana na kitu gani?______

43. Mambo gani yakiwa sawia katika jamii yataleta ufanisi katika kazi?______

44. Sekta zipi zimesonga mbele kutokana na utulivu uliopo nchini?______

45. Watu wanaokimbia machafuko katika nchi zao na kwenda nchi jirani wanaitwa______CASTLE HILLS SCHOOL NURSERY & PRIMARY

HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: ENGLISH NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



1. This paper consists of 25 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 4. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 5. Remember to write your name on the space provided

SECTION A: TENSES 1. Tom or I ______to visit our friends tomorrow. (a) Is going (b) are gone (c) are going (d) is gone (e) are went [ ]

2. She has just_____ away her books. (a) Throw (b) threw (c) thrown (d) throwing (e) throws [ ]

3. Mariam as well as her friends______not present now. (a) Is (b) are (c) was (d) were (e) will [ ]

4. The pupils told their teacher that they______go away if he______them that previous night. (a) Will/scared (b) can/scare (c) would/scares (d) would/scaring (e) would/scared [ ]

5. The choir of singers______a nice song at the moment. (a) Was sung (b) are singing (c) is sang (d) is singing (e) were singing [ ]

6. That water at the pool was______by the herd of buffaloes. (a) Drunk (b) drank (c) drink (d) drinks (e) drinking [ ]

7. Does he always______in this room? (a) Slept (b) sleep (c) sleeps (d) sleeping (e) slips [ ]

8. Our fierce dog_____ me last week. (a) Bite (b) beat (c) bites (d) bitten (e) bit [ ]

9. The cows______the water for some time. (a) Has being drinking (b) Has been drinking (c) have being drinking (d) have been drinking (e) have drank [ ]

10. James has______given a toy car by Paul. (a) Been (b) bean (c) being (d) bin (e) being [ ]

11. If I ______you, I would take that offer. (a) Were (b) is (c) are (d) was (e) will be [ ]

12. Neither these boys nor your friend______him these days. (a) Want (b) wanting (c) wants (d) wanted (e) wont [ ]

13. That is the boy who______me in 1964. (a) Bet (b) beated (c) beat (d) bit (e) beaten [ ]

14. He had already______away when we arrived. (a) Gone (b) went (c) go (d) goes (e) going [ ]

15. Our class prefect and class monitor______James. (a) Is (b) are (c) were (d) will (e) would [ ]

16. They have just walked______the room. (a) In (b) into (c) along (d) on (e) onto [ ]

17. Joshua prefers beef______pork. (a) Than (b) to (c) less (d) more (e) more than [ ]

18. There is no water in the pool, ______? (a) Is it (b) isn’t it (c) is there (d) are there (e) is there? [ ]

19. We cannot take______tool from the store. (a) Any (b) some (c) many (d) much (e) little [ ]

20. She didn’t say whether she liked it______not. (a) And (b) or (c) unless (d) if (e) but [ ]

21. ______he comes late, his father will punish him. (a) Unless (b) because (c) if (d) and (e) so [ ]

22. My father is so old______he cannot even walk. (a) As (b) that (c) so (d) but (e) like [ ] 23. You can only drink that porridge ______you have a mug. (a) Provided that (b) unless (c) because (d) due (e) however [ ] 24. We go to the hospital ______we get treated. (a) To (b) in order to (c) so as to (d) in order that (e) because [ ]

25. She was cooking______her brother was washing plates. (a) When (b) while (c) since (d) for (e) even [ ]

26. I won’t give it to you______you want it. (a) Unless (b) if (c) but (d) even (e) so [ ]

27. We saw______old man. ______old man was very tired. (a) The, the (b) a, the (c) the, a (d) an, the (e) the, an [ ]

28. “ I saw you here last night” Nora told me. Can be written in reported speech as; (a) Nora told me I saw you there last night (b) Nora told me that I saw you here the night (c) Nora told me that she had seen me there the previous night [ ] (d) Nora told you I had seen you there last night (e) Nora told me that you saw I there last night

29. ______does she like cars but also sells them. (a) Besides (b) not only (c) however (d) since (e) if [ ]

SECTION C: VOCABULARY 30. Plates, cups and dishes in one word are______(a) Cutlery (b) tools (c) utensils (d) crockery (e) cooks [ ]

31. A______buys and sells fish (a) Fisherman (b) fishman (c) fish seller (d) fish buyer (e) fishmonger [ ]

32. A woman gives birth to a child as a ______gives birth to a lamb. (a) Ewe (b) ram (c) sow (d) boar (e)filly [ ]

33. The mother to your brother or sister is your______(a) Niece (b) sister (c) aunt (d) father (e) mother [ ]

34. Happy is an adjective, happily is an adverb and happiness is a______(a) Pronoun (b) noun (c) adjective (d) preposition (e) conjunction [ ]

35. The police decided to arrest the suspect. The correct antonym for the underlined word is ______(a) Excuse (b) Allow (c) Release (d) Interesting (e) Condemn [ ]

SECTION D: COMPOSITION Re- arrange the jumbled up sentences to form a sensible paragraph using A – E 36. but he could not remember where he had seen it. [ ]

37. He knew there was some wild fruits which people could eat, [ ]

38. While the cattle were eating grass, [ ]

39. Ewoi was looking after his father’s cattle. [ ]

40. he went to look for the fruits in the forest. [ ]

SECTION E: COMPREHENSION Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions number 41 to 45 that follow. Up to the 19 Century, Tanzanian societies had specialized in different economic activities such as pastoralism, agriculture; iron smelting, handicrafts, mining, hunting and fishing. These activities interacted and exchanged their goods with another for example, pastoralists exchanged their animals with iron tools such as arrows, spears and axes from the communities of iron smelting. Due to demand for certain goods, for example agricultural societies would exchange their crops with animals like goats, hens or cattle from pastoralists. Likewise, iron smelters would exchange iron tools like hand hoes and axes with agriculturalists. This process of exchanging goods with goods is known as barter trade.

QUESTIONS. Answer the following questions correctly. 41. What had Tanzanian societies specialized in? ______

42. What did the pastoralists get from the iron smelters? ______

43. Provide the synonym of the word agriculturalist as used in the passage ______

44. What is meant by the word barter trade? ______

45. ______made this exchange of goods so effective among the societies.


HOLIDAY PACKAGES –MARCH 2020 GRADE: VII SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………... DATE:……………………………………………………………………



11. This paper consists of 25 questions. 12. Answer all questions. 13. Work should be neat and well punctuated. 14. Poor HANDWRITING will lead to loss of marks. 15. Remember to write your name on the space provided.

1. 19357 + 403 + 23 = (A) 1990 (B) 82657 (C) 19783 (D) 9943 (E) 929 [ ]

2. -20 - (+70) = (A) +12 (B)+90 (C) -90 (D) +50 (E) -50 [ ]

3. 7904 - 895 = (A) 8799 (B) 7009 (C) 7111 (D) 7109 (E) 22435 [ ]

4. 432 x 96 = (A) 41,300 (B) 41472 (C) 42462 (D) 41742 (E) 42472 [ ]

5. 23/8 + 125/6 = (A) 155/24 (B) 101/8 (C) 1429/24(D) 15/24(E)155/2 [ ]

6. 32/5 x 81/8 = (A) 113/4 (B) 275/8 (C) 2725/40 (D) 24 (E)2421/40 [ ]

7. 6.243 x 0.107 = (A) 0.25 (B) 0.025 (C) 2.5 (D)0.002 (E) 0.668001 [ ]

8. 44232 ÷ 97 = (A) 451 (B) 456 (C) 457 (D) 455 (E) 4510 [ ]

9. 0.987 + 11.03 = (A)12.710 (B) 12.170 (C) 12.017 (D) 455 (E) 4510 [ ]

10. 0.0527 ÷ 0.31 = (A) 1.70 (B) 0.17 (C) 170 (D) 0.405 (E) 70.1 [ ]

11. 43.87 - 24.9782 = (A)18.8918 (B) 18.5856 (C)18.9090 (D)24.8565 (E) 24.8865 [ ]

12. 41/4 - 15/6 = (A) 35/12 (B) 25/12 (C) 34/12 (D) 24/21 (E)12/21 [ ]

13. 31/2 ÷ 121/4 = (A) 4/7 (B) 3/7 (C) 2/7 (D) 1/7 (E) 4/7 [ ]

14. ( 45) + (+72) = (A) -117 (B) +117 (C) +27 (D) -2 (E) +29 [ ]

15. Change this 262/5 into percentage (A) 2630% (B) 2640% (C) 2640.5% (D) 2650 (E) 2650% [ ]

16. Change this 12.52 into fraction (A) 1313/25 (B) 1213/25(C)1312/25 (D)2512/13 (E) 1313/13 [ ]

17. Find the value of P in 45:54=20:P (A) 24 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 23 (E) 27 [ ]

18. If y = 2, and m= -1 find the value of (2m - y) (A) -5 (B) +5 (C) -1 (D) 3 (E) -4 ( m + y ) [ ]

19. Find L.C.M of 5,7 and 70 (A) 35 (B) 1 (C) 700 (D) 140 (E) 70 [ ]

20. Find the square root of 213 (A)45369 (B) 43569 (C) 496(D)46956 (E)43956 [ ]

21. What is the number followed after 27? 1, 8, 27 ___ (A) 49 (B) 36 (C) 46 (D) 64 (E) 39

22. Write CMI in Arabic numbers. (A)801 (B) 901(C) 701 (D) 1001 (E) 601 [ ]

23. find the value of m (A) 56o (B) 62o (C) 118o (D) 46o (E)70o [ ]

24. (II=3.14 ) (A) 333.125dm (B)339.25dm (C) 2294.375dm (D) 3 157dm (E) 288.3125dm[ ]

25.find the area of the figure below ( II=22/7) (A) 785.4dm (B) 805.2dm (C) 2875.4 dm (D) 803.5dm (E) 80.52 dm [ ]

26.find the perimeter of the figure HLJK

(A) 40cm (B) 42cm (C) 4cm (D) 44cm (E) 54 cm [ ]

27. if M is the diameter of ABC and AM is 14cm. find the area of unshaded part

(A) sm2196 (B) sm2112 (C) sm256 (D) sm2308 (E) sm2531 [ ]

28 .find the value of X

(A) x= 51.3o (B) x= 51.41o (C) x= 51.67o (D) x= 51.33o(E) x= 51.06 [ ]

29. find the area of the following figure and all angles are right angle

(A) 244m (B) 244m (C) 266m (D) 236m (E) 204 [ ]

30. find the location of point “A”

(A) A(+3,-2) (B) A(-3,+2) (C) A(-3,-2) (D) A(+3,+2) (E) A(-2,-2) [ ]

31. find the value of “a”

(A) a=53o (B)a=34o (C) a=36o(D) a=35o (E) a=70o [ ]

32. find the total degree of the figure with 8 angles (A) 180o(B)1080o (C) 10800o (D) 2080o (E) 108 [ ]

33. Write 2125hours in 12 hours system [A] 19:25pm [B] 09:25am [C] 1925hrs [D] 09:45pm [E] 09:25pm [ ]

34. The angle of triangle are just as follows (2x+200), (3x+300) and (x+100). Find the value of X [A] 220 [B] 200 [C] 300 [D] 2000 [E] 350 [ ]

35. 10 workers cultivate the farm for 4 days. How many days will 8 workers take to cultivate it? [A] 3 days [B] 4 days [C] 2 days [D] 5 days [E] 10 days [ ]

36. The age of grandfather is three times the age of the grandson Ali. If the sum of their ages is 84 years. Find the age of Ali at present. [A] 21 years [B] 28 years [C] 20 years [D] 25 years [E] 29 years [ ]

37. Maria was given 7500/= and went to buy the following items. 8 kg of rice @ sh. 350/= 6 coconuts @ sh. 170/= 7 heaps of tomatoes @ sh. 150/= and 4 fishes @ sh. 380/= How much money was she left with after buying all these items? [A] 1210/= [B] 1510/= [C] 1310/= [D] 1110/= [E] 1220/= [ ]

38. The distance from Dar es Salaam to Iringa is 560km. what is the speed if the bus uses 7 hours to travel from Dar es salaam to Iringa. [A] 80 km/hr [B] 70km/hr [C] 60km/hr [D] 40km/hr [E] 50km/hr [ ]

39. I got a 10% loss after selling my suit to Kapetu for shs. 90,000. How much did I buy it? [A] 10,000 [B] 1,000 [C] 110,000 [D] 11,000 [E] 100,000 [ ]

40. The average of 5 marks is 30. Find the fifth mark if the four marks are 40, 30, 25 and 20. [A] 65 [B] 30 [C] 45 [D] 35 [E] 75 [ ]

40. What is the radius of a circle if its circumference is 88m (use π = 22/7) [A] 28m [B] 56m [C] 14m [D] 21m [E] 7m [ ]

41. Kamuzu sent a telegram for Tsh. 675/= if he paid Tsh. 36/= per word for the first 10 words and Tsh 35/= for each additional word. How many words did he sent in the telegram?

42. Find the smallest number if the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 39.

43.The average of five numbers is 74 and the average of other two numbers is 60. Find the sum of all seven numbers. (a) 70 (b) 135 (c) 370 (d) 120 (e) 490 [ ]

44. The father’s age is twice of his son. Five years to come their total age will be 70 years. Find the age of father after ten years. (a) 50 years (b) 20 years (c) 35 years (d) 75 years (e) 85 years [ ]

45. 6 people cultivate a farm of 24 acres for four days. How many days will be used by three people to complete the same job? (a) 4 days (b) 16 days (c) 10 days (d) 2 days (e) 8 days [ ]