S628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 habitat for bald eagles, white-tailed the oil and gas industry and partisan ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and deer, and striped bass. The future of politics over those of independent sci- Joint Resolutions.’’) our coastal economy depends on rec- entists, coastal residents, and the Mr. GRASSLEY. I yield the floor. reational access, fishing, and tourism, elected officials who speak for our I suggest the absence of a quorum. which are now potentially at risk be- coastal communities. That was made The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cause of this ill-advised decision to painfully clear when the Republican clerk will call the roll. open the coastline off of Delaware and Governor of Florida, a close ally of the The senior assistant legislative clerk the rest of the mid-Atlantic to poten- President, petitioned to shield just proceeded to call the roll. tial oil and gas exploration and produc- Florida from potential oil and gas ex- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask tion. ploration and production. unanimous consent that the order for My colleagues know that I make an Sure enough, Florida promptly got a the quorum call be rescinded. effort to promote pragmatic and bipar- public promise from Secretary Zinke The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tisan ideas. It is one of my top prior- that its coastlines would be spared. I objection, it is so ordered. ities, day in and day out, to work am sure Florida’s coastline is beau- COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS across the aisle and do what is right for tiful. In fact, I visited Florida’s coast- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, it is our constituents and for the United line, and I can tell you it is beautiful. no secret that our country faces a States. But guess what; so is Delaware’s. We major healthcare crisis and, in fact, a Let me be clear. My view is not based deserve to be able to protect our coast- dysfunctional healthcare system. on an anti-oil or anti-natural gas mes- line just as much as Floridians do. I in- We have some 30 million people who sage. I support an ‘‘all of the above’’ vite Secretary Zinke to once again have no health insurance, and that energy strategy and have advanced leg- come to Delaware but to instead see number is going to go up in the coming islation that will embrace an ‘‘all of the coastline and see these fragile re- year. We have even more people who the above’’ energy strategy, and I ac- sources and see what they have to offer are underinsured, with high deductibles knowledge there are many places in for wildlife, for conservation, for fish- and copayments. Our people pay the the United States where we can, and ing, for hunting, and for tourism. highest prices in the world for prescrip- do, safely produce these resources, both Secretary Zinke promising to exempt tion drugs, which means that millions onshore and offshore. But what if we Florida is the Trump administration of people who go to the doctor to get a happen to face a spill of the scale and deciding which States have to deal prescription are simply unable to af- size of Deepwater Horizon? with oil and gas drilling based purely ford the bill. In fact, the description of This is an overlay of the footprint of on partisan, political considerations. I that is the definition of a dysfunc- the 2010 oil disaster of the Deepwater tional, failing healthcare system. Horizon and how it spread to impact think the state of our coastal commu- nities and local economies shouldn’t be In the midst of all of that, there is the gulf coastline. It is perhaps a little another particular crisis dealing with hard to see here, but the State of Dela- auctioned off to the highest bidder and shouldn’t be subject to partisan poli- primary healthcare, and that is that ware and New Jersey and its fragile even when people do have health insur- coastline are underneath that foot- tics. Instead, they should be protected based on science and based on the ance in many parts of our country, print. It suggests how we might end up they are finding it very hard to go to a facing dramatic impacts, negative im- views of coastal communities. I am here today to voice my profound doctor and to get in to a doctor to pacts on tourism and fishing that de- treat the ailments that they have. We pend on clean coastlines to support disappointment in this blatant neglect of local voices and the well-being of in- fall behind many other countries in tens of thousands of jobs and billions of terms of our lack of emphasis on pri- dollars of economic activity in my dividual States and coastal commu- nities. I came to the floor to fight for mary healthcare, which should be the home State. heart and soul of any strong healthcare If we are going to think seriously my State and to raise the local voices system. The bottom line is that when about doing this, we need to think I have heard from our coastal commu- you get sick, you should be able to get about the impacts. We need to ask nities. Our coastlines are just too frag- to the doctor when you need to and not whether the costs outweigh the bene- ile and too vital and too important to have to wait weeks and months in fits. When it comes to the Trump- let partisan politics get in the way of order to do so. Zinke plan to drill off the coast of their future. In the midst of a failing primary Delaware, I am here to tell you that With that, I yield the floor. healthcare system, there is one very the potential costs dramatically out- I suggest the absence of a quorum. strong bright spot, and that is that for weigh the benefits. As you can see in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The many decades now, in every State in this graphic, a spill the size of the clerk will call the roll. this country, we have had community Deepwater Horizon could devastate all The senior assistant legislative clerk health centers run by the people them- of our beach communities and pro- proceeded to call the roll. tected wildlife areas in Delaware and Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask selves—democratically run—addressing the region. unanimous consent that the order for the healthcare needs of those given Again, protecting our coastlines, an the quorum call be rescinded. communities. Today, in America, we idea supported by scientists and coast- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without have about 27 million people—27 mil- al residents alike, should not be a par- objection, it is so ordered. lion men, women, and children—who are accessing community health cen- tisan issue. In Delaware alone, mul- f tiple city councils, all up and down our ters. In my own State of Vermont, one RECESS coast, have openly opposed offshore out of four Vermonters gets their pri- drilling through letters and resolutions The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under mary healthcare through a community they have sent to me and the rest of the previous order, the Senate stands health center. our congressional delegation. in recess until 2:15 p.m. These centers do more than provide Coastal lawmakers from both parties Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:29 p.m., primary healthcare. They also provide have opposed offshore drilling. I know recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- dental care, an issue that is too often for a fact the same is happening in vir- bled when called to order by the Pre- ignored when we talk about the tually every other coastal State poten- siding Officer (Mr. PORTMAN). healthcare crisis. They provide mental tially impacted by this unwise deci- f health counseling, which is more im- sion. These are the people we should be portant now than perhaps it has ever CHILD PROTECTION IMPROVE- listening to—the people who don’t just been because of the opioid and heroin MENTS ACT OF 2017—Continued visit the coast for a week in the sum- epidemic our country is experiencing. mer but who live on it, who rely on it, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Equally important, they provide low- who have built their lives and their ator from Iowa. cost prescription drugs at a time when local economy around it. (The remarks of Mr. GRASSLEY per- so many Americans cannot afford the Instead, as this decision shows, the taining to the introduction of S. 2386 medicines they need. That is what Trump administration is prioritizing are printed in today’s RECORD under community health centers do, and they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:25 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.023 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S629 do it well, and they do it cost effec- ing the drug companies responsible and stand or applaud his speech are guilty tively. accountable for the products they of treason? I certainly hope not. To my mind, there is no question but brought into the market. As some peo- The one who levels such a charge that there is strong bipartisan support ple may recall, in April of 1994, the knows neither the meaning of ‘‘trea- here in the Senate and in the House for CEOs of the seven largest tobacco com- son’’ nor the power that the words of a community health centers. Yet now we panies testified before the House En- President carry. If we are numb to such have gone over 4 months into the 2018 ergy and Commerce Subcommittee on words, then we will surely regret that fiscal year, and we still have not reau- Health and the Environment in a his- we failed to defend our colleagues in thorized funding for community health toric hearing. What that hearing was Congress against such a vile remark, centers. Frankly, I do not understand about was, under oath, demanding to but our silence will also mark the day how it happens that when we have know what the executives from the to- we failed to recognize that this conduct strong bipartisan support in the House bacco industry knew and when they in an American President simply is not and the Senate for programs that are knew it. Did they know that their normal. working extremely well in every State product was addictive? Did they know I wish I could stand here today and in this country, the Republican leader- that tobacco caused cancer, heart dis- say my words of last October have been ship still has not reauthorized the com- ease, and other medical problems? proven wrong; that I had been unfair to munity health center program. There They were asked to hold their hands up inveigh against the daily sundering of is good bipartisan legislation right and under oath tell the committee our country; that I had been mistaken here in the Senate that has, I think, what they knew. about the personal attacks; that I had the support of virtually everybody in I think it is now appropriate for the exaggerated the threats against prin- the Democratic caucus. Seven or eight Senate to do the same with those drug ciples, freedoms, and institutions, the Republicans are supporting it. It is the companies that are producing opioids. I flagrant disregard for truth and de- Blunt-Stabenow bill. It is a 5-year ex- think we need to know what the drug cency, and the reckless provocations, tension of community health centers companies knew in terms of the addict- most often for the pettiest and most reauthorization with a modest increase ive qualities of those drugs. There is personal reasons, reasons that have in the budget. If that bill came to the some evidence out there that suggests nothing whatsoever to do with the for- floor today, my guess is that it would that drug companies, in fact, did know tunes of the people we have all been get 70, 80 votes—maybe even more. We that the product they were selling was elected to serve—I wish I could say I have gone 4 months into the fiscal in fact addictive, but they forgot to had been wrong, but I cannot. year, and we still have not seen that tell the doctors—and certainly not the I have seen the President’s most ar- bill reauthorized. dent defenders use the now-weary argu- What is happening all over this coun- patients. It is one thing for somebody to do ment that the President’s comments try is that community health centers, something in ignorance, not knowing were meant as a joke, just sarcasm, which often struggle with recruitment only tongue in cheek, but treason is and retention, are finding it harder the impact of what you produce. That not a punch line. than ever to retain the doctors, nurses, happens all the time. It is something The President said the State of the and other medical staff they need be- very different if, in fact, the manufac- Union Address was meant to promote cause applicants are looking around turer of a product understands that the and encourage unity in government. and saying: Why should I work at a product causes addiction, that the Then why, less than a week later, fol- community health center if I don’t product causes death. We need to get to low up with this divisive and harmful even know if it is going to be there the root of that issue. We need to know next year? Why should I stay at a com- what the drug companies knew and rhetoric? Unity is not secured in a munity health center if I can get a bet- when they knew that. speech. It must be pursued constantly ter job offer and I don’t know if this I would hope very much that in the through appropriate behavior, mutual community health center will be fund- Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- respect, and gained by effective leader- ed? sions Committee, which has jurisdic- ship. Respect is earned, not com- As a result of 4 months of inaction, tion over this issue, we could bring the manded. Applause signals approval of community health centers all over this executives of those drug companies an idea, not loyalty to one’s country. country are hurting. I say enough is that produce these opioids before us, Our Democratic colleagues love this enough. Right now, as soon as possible, because not only are we talking about country as much as we do. To suggest we need to reauthorize the community 60,000 people a year dying as a result of otherwise is simply unconscionable. health center program for at least 5 overdoses, but what we are talking None of us in Congress pledge loyalty years, and we need to make sure there about also is the expenditure of tens of or service to the President. This is not is adequate funding so that they can billions of dollars in healthcare and a royal court. Our oath is to the Con- continue to do the excellent work they law enforcement associated with opioid stitution and to the people. As Mem- are doing all over this country. addiction. bers of Congress, we must never accept OPIOID EPIDEMIC I hope that we can move forward and undignified discourse as normal be- Mr. President, there is another issue have those executives come before us cause of the requirements of tribal that I would like to briefly touch upon. and tell us under oath what they knew party politics. There has been a lot of discussion—ap- and when they knew it, because I think None of this behavior should ever be propriately so—about the opioid epi- the time is long overdue for us to hold regarded as normal. We must never demic that is sweeping the United them accountable. allow ourselves to lapse into thinking States. We have lost some 63,000 Ameri- With that, I yield the floor. this is just the way things are now. cans as a result of opioid overdoses in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We will get through this period, and 2016 alone. Families by the millions are ator from Arizona. when we do, we will look back at the being impacted. STEWARDSHIP FOR OUR DEMOCRACY destruction of our discourse and the at- I was in Brattleboro, VT, a few weeks Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, last fall I tacks on our democratic values as ago, and they talked to me about what had the honor to stand in this Chamber nothing but a tragedy. May we also be is happening to the children whose par- and deliver remarks on the subject of a able to say they were an aberration. ents are addicted to opioids. They need great and growing concern to me—the That, my colleagues, is up to us. We to find foster homes for those children. stewardship of our democracy at the must recognize this is aberrant, de- This is clearly an epidemic that has hands of the most powerful figure in structive behavior, whatever rationale to be dealt with. We have to increase our government. I stand again today to its defenders may offer, and we must funding for prevention to make sure sound the same alarm. never shrink from opposing it, for it is young people don’t get swept up into Words matter. Have we arrived at in opposing this behavior that we de- the epidemic and also for treatment for such a place of numb acceptance that fend our norms, our ideals, and our val- those people who are addicted. we have nothing to say when the Presi- ues. It is in opposing this behavior that There is an issue that we have not dent of the United States casually sug- we stand for decency. touched upon enough, and that is hold- gests that those who choose not to Thank you.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.026 S06FEPT1 S630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 I yield the floor. nies have barely experienced the bene- istration’s failure to prioritize defense The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. fits of tax reform, and already they are left our Armed Forces with manpower HOEVEN). The Senator from South Da- moving to invest in their workers and deficits and delayed the acquisition of kota is recognized. in the economy. As the benefits of tax 21st-century weapons and equipment. TAX REFORM reform continue to sink in and accrue, The Defense appropriations bill we Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, the good we can expect to see more growth, will vote on this week provides critical news for American workers continues more jobs, and more opportunities for funding for restoring military readi- to roll in. Just take a look at the head- American workers. ness and would be a downpayment on lines from the last week: ‘‘Pfizer Plans The past month of good news is the equipping our troops with the re- $5 Billion Boost in U.S. Manufacturing reason we made business tax reform a sources they need to meet the threats From Tax Law Changes’’; ‘‘Cigna raises key part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. of the 21st century. Unfortunately, pas- wages, benefits following tax law’’; We are deeply committed to immediate sage of this bill is in jeopardy here in ‘‘CEO: Lehigh Valley small businesses relief for the American people, which is the Senate, thanks to Senate Demo- to benefit from federal tax overhaul’’; why we cut tax rates, doubled the crats. Democrats have blocked a De- ‘‘Altria Group will pay $3,000 bonus to standard deduction, and doubled the fense appropriations bill six times over all non-executive employees’’; ‘‘Ozarks child tax credit, delivering immediate, the past almost 3 years now, and they workers to receive bonuses, benefits meaningful tax relief to middle-class look set to block that bill once again. thanks to tax changes’’; ‘‘Charter Sets families in this country. But we want That is not acceptable. $15 Minimum Wage’’; ‘‘Lowe’s to pay more for American workers than just a Funding the government by con- U.S. staff $1,000 bonus following tax re- tax cut, as valuable as those are; we tinuing resolution rather than by ap- form.’’ also want American workers to have propriations bills is never ideal, but it The number of companies increasing access to the kinds of jobs and opportu- is particularly problematic for the wages, boosting retirement contribu- nities that will set them up for secu- military. Under a continuing resolu- tions, or handing out bonuses thanks rity and prosperity for the long term. tion, new programs are delayed, and to tax reform continues to soar. Last Good jobs, good wages, and good oppor- the military’s ability to transfer week at this time, the number was over tunities were in short supply during money between accounts—for acquisi- 250; now it is up over 300, and it keeps the last Presidency, and we are deter- tion purposes, for example—is re- growing. Businesses are making plans mined to improve things for American stricted. That is a big problem when to invest in their workers, raise wages, workers. So we took action to improve the security of our Nation depends on create new jobs, and invest in the U.S. the situation for American businesses the very programs and purchases the economy. Fiat Chrysler, AT&T, Boe- since the only way individual Ameri- military makes. ing, Home Depot, Great Western Bank cans thrive is if American businesses Defense Secretary James Mattis has in my home State of South Dakota, and the American economy thrive. warned that ‘‘long-term CRs impact AaLadin Industries, Southwest, Best Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the readiness of our forces and their Buy, AccuWeather, Visa, Nationwide American businesses large and small equipment at a time when security Insurance, Jet Blue—the list of compa- were weighed down by high tax rates threats are extraordinarily high’’—not nies announcing good news for Amer- and growth-killing tax provisions. to mention at a time when our mili- ican workers thanks to tax reform goes Plus, our outdated international tax tary is already under extra pressure as on and on. rules left America’s global businesses it works to repair the deficits of the The Nation’s largest private em- at a competitive disadvantage in the Obama years. ployer, Walmart, announced an in- global economy. Passing a defense appropriations bill, crease in its starting wage for hourly The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed instead of subjecting the military to a employees and bonuses for eligible em- all that. We lowered tax rates across constant procession of continuing reso- ployees. It also announced expanded the board for owners with small- and lutions, would go a long way toward maternity and parental leave benefits medium-sized businesses, farms, and ensuring our military men and women and the creation of a new adoption ben- ranches. We expanded business owners’ are prepared to confront the threats efit for employees. More than 1 million ability to recover investments they that are facing our Nation. It is too Walmart employees will benefit from make in their businesses, which will bad that Democrats seem to be unable these changes. free up cash that they can invest in to look beyond politics to the needs of JPMorgan Chase announced that it their operations and their workers. We our military. Democrats may not pay a will raise wages for 22,000 workers, add lowered our Nation’s massive corporate price for opposing this bill this week, thousands of jobs, and open 400 new tax rate, which, up until January 1 of but our military will. branches in the United States. It also this year, was the highest corporate It is high time that we pass the De- plans to increase its lending to small tax rate in the industrialized world. We fense appropriations bill. We need to businesses. brought the U.S. international tax sys- stop this obstruction, stop this block- Tech giant Apple announced that tem into the 21st century by replacing ing. Six times in the last 3 years al- thanks to tax reform, it will bring our outdated worldwide system with a ready they have blocked passage of De- home to the United States almost $250 modernized territorial tax system so fense appropriations, and here we are billion in cash it has been keeping that American businesses are not oper- again faced this week with yet another overseas and finally now invest it here ating at a disadvantage next to their opportunity to provide the critical and in the United States. It also announced foreign competitors. necessary funding for the American that it will create 20,000 new jobs and Now, just a month and a half into the military—our men and women in uni- provide $2,500 stock bonuses to its em- new tax law, we are already seeing the form who every single day are out ployees. results: increased investment in the there defending our freedoms—and it FedEx announced plans to expedite American economy, job creation, high- looks as though yet again the Demo- raises and invest $1.5 billion to expand er wages, and benefit increases. As the crats intend to block that critical, im- its FedEx Express hub in Indianapolis. tax law helps U.S. businesses large and portant funding. This needs to come to It is also making a $1.5 billion con- small grow and thrive, we can expect an end. This isn’t about politics; this is tribution to its pension plan. to see a lot more benefits and opportu- about America’s national security in- Last week, ExxonMobil announced nities for American workers in the fu- terests. I hope we can come together that thanks in part to tax reform, it ture. and recognize that and put the best in- will invest an additional $35 billion in Before I close, Mr. President, I would terests of America’s national security the U.S. economy over the next 5 like to say a couple words about the and our men and women in uniform years. That means a lot of new jobs and Defense appropriations bill we are tak- ahead of politics. opportunities for American workers. ing up this week. Mr. President, I yield the floor. As I said before, I could go on and on. By the end of the Obama administra- I suggest the absence of a quorum. It is important to remember that this tion, our military was facing a serious The PRESIDING OFFICER. The is just the beginning. To date, compa- readiness shortfall. The Obama admin- clerk will call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.024 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S631 The legislative clerk proceeded to The shore-adjacent counties in the from being able to contain more of the call the roll. targeted areas host over 39 million jobs spill. That is why I have fought to im- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ask and contribute over $2 trillion in prove oilspill prevention and response unanimous consent that the order for wages. The economies of the shore-ad- in the State of Washington by deploy- the quorum call be rescinded. jacent counties represent 65 percent of ing our Neah Bay tug, which is a full- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the affected coastal States’ GDPs. That time tug, to make sure we get boats objection, it is so ordered. is just one way of saying that coastal safely through our waters; by increas- OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DRILLING States and their economies are big ing oilspill response equipment Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I drivers in our U.S. economy and that throughout the Strait of Juan de Fuca; come to the floor to speak against the they are extremely dependent on clean and by pushing for the Coast Guard to Trump administration’s egregious at- water, coasts, our oceans, and our fish- invest in research on tar sands oil. tack on our pristine coastlines in the eries. Those are some of the things we can Pacific, the Atlantic, Alaska, and the The Washington coast economy relies do to protect ourselves, but we need to eastern Gulf of Mexico. on healthy, sustainable oceans, which do much more. Dramatic increases in oil and gas de- support our fisheries in places such as velopment offshore pose a direct threat We must weigh future decisions Grays Harbor and Pacific County and about where we should allow oil and to our coastal economies in the United in many other parts of our State, to States, particularly in the Pacific gas exploration with the costs to our make sure they have seafood proc- coastal economies. Northwest. I know many of my col- essing, recreation, and tourism. Our leagues are going to join me on the We must incorporate the lessons we Washington maritime economy is have learned from disasters such as floor this afternoon to talk about this worth $50 billion in economic activity and about the specific impacts in their Deepwater Horizon, which is part of and 191,000 jobs, and tourism on the this picture, or the Exxon Valdez in areas. coast adds jobs for anglers, charter The draft leasing plan, which is what order to improve oilspill prevention, boats, cruise guides, restaurants, ho- has been put forth by the Secretary of response, and safety. Herring fish from tels, and more, which are so iconic in the Interior, is an unprecedented at- Prince William Sound are still very the Pacific Northwest. They are the tempt to allow offshore oil and gas much impacted and have not fully re- drilling in over 90 percent of the U.S. culture and heritage of our coastal covered after the Exxon Valdez. So Outer Continental Shelf, including in communities. telling our fishermen that this is a The fact that so many recreational Washington and Oregon. great idea, that Washington fisheries, fishermen can be out on our healthy The truth is that instead of creating whether they be crab or other fisheries, oceans and attracting more people to new jobs in the oil and gas sector, the should be susceptible to these kinds of come and explore is so much a part of administration is poised to choose big spills—that is just not something our the Northwest that putting it at risk oil jobs over the ocean-dependent in- fishermen want to hear. to oilspill activities or activities re- dustries like fishing, shipbuilding, and In addition to these efforts to drill lated to exploration is just not some- tourism on our coasts. I know this be- off of our coasts—efforts that have thing these communities want to do. cause I just traveled to many of our been repeatedly blocked in the past— Just this past week, I received resolu- coastal communities in the State of President Trump wants to roll back tions from various communities on our Washington, which make their liveli- important safety regulations that were Pacific coast that urged that this idea hoods off of fishing or tourism, that are put in place after Deepwater Horizon, be turned down. very concerned by this proposal. And such as blowout preventer systems, just yesterday, a public hearing was The Washington and Oregon coasts are not really suited for oil and gas de- well control, and production safety sys- supposed to take place in Tacoma, WA, tems. which was canceled. The Trump admin- velopment. First of all, there are ex- treme sea states, treacherous storms, Now Secretary Zinke wants to open istration failed to account for the these coastal areas. Our State has been value of the existing robust coastal and and the remote nature of our coast- lines. As one of our maritime commu- responding to his proposal for months ocean economies that could be jeopard- and months. We gave very important ized by expanding offshore drilling in nities told me, it doesn’t really have the resources for cleanup in the area. If data to say that this was not a good those areas. idea off the coast of Washington. It is Our ocean-related economy is so im- a spill happened, who would be there to interesting because Secretary Zinke portant to our State that expanding clean it up? In the meantime, our fish- made a last-minute decision with re- drilling directly threatens the ocean ermen, if they have oil sheens behind gard to Florida, which didn’t turn in environment and marine resources that their fishing boats, can be fined. If we support millions of jobs in construc- are ready to fine fishermen for oil its information about its State on this tion, fishing, shipbuilding, tourism, sheens behind their boats, why are we issue. Then later, after a visit with the recreation, and maritime transport. proposing a plan in the treacherous Governor, Secretary Zinke said that The ocean-related industries in the waters of the Pacific Northwest with- this was something he didn’t want to areas targeted by the administration’s out having any idea who is going to see happen. The people of Washington plan contribute over 2.2 million direct clean up the mess? don’t want political games played. jobs, nearly $75 billion in wages, and Adding to the risk in the Pacific They want to have their say on this over $150 billion in GDP. The reason I Northwest is the Cascadia Subduction issue, and they want to make sure bring this up is that the economic ben- Zone—one of the most dangerous faults their voices are heard loud and clear. efits of these industries cannot be over- in the United States. The Cascadia Our coastal economies are too impor- stated: nearly $8 billion from fishing Subduction Zone is long overdue to tant to us, from a jobs and cultural and seafood, nearly $70 billion from create a significant earthquake. You perspective, to go about even proposing marine transport, and over $125 billion hear from lots of people about this. In the research on drilling in our coastal from tourism and recreation. fact, after wrote a big areas. We know that oilspills or other nat- story called ‘‘The Really Big One,’’ I am disappointed that yesterday ural disasters related to oil and gas ac- many people from across the country there was a last-minute postponement tivities, such as the Exxon Valdez or emailed me to ask: Are we ready for of a public meeting that was supposed the Deepwater Horizon disaster, can this to happen? I can tell you, with to take place in Tacoma, WA, to hear disrupt entire coastal economies. For what happened in Japan, people are from our citizens about their opposi- example, if you took just the Deep- very concerned about how we prepare tion to expanding oil drilling off our water Horizon spill in size and com- for that in the Pacific Northwest. So it coasts. I am not sure whether there pared it to the coastal areas of Wash- makes no sense to put an oil rig on one will be a hearing rescheduled or ex- ington and Oregon, the impacted area of the most high-risk, earthquake- actly what was behind the cancelation, would cover all of Washington and a prone zones in the United States. but it was one of the first opportunities big chunk of Oregon. We know that In a 1991 spill, the dangerous and Washingtonians could have had to ex- these can be devastating. choppy seas prevented first responders press their views on this issue.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.030 S06FEPT1 S632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 Based on the vocal opposition of our land line to just north of Lewes, DE. State—including Delaware and up on communities, I sent a letter to Sec- Each year, Delaware’s coasts generate north to Maine—that was not lucky retary Zinke, with 15 of my House and almost $7 billion. Our beach commu- enough to get an exemption from Sec- Senate colleagues from the Pacific nities in places like Rehoboth Beach, retary Zinke is that President Trump Northwest, calling on Washington and Dewey Beach, and surrounding areas happens to have beach-front property Oregon to not be part of a future lease support nearly 60,000 jobs in a little in Florida. Believe me, I understand program. I know that many people, in- State with not quite 1 million people. that a potential oilspill off of the Flor- cluding our Governor, have done the It supports $711 million in tax reve- ida coast would be bad for business at same. Members from the Pacific, At- nues. Again, the State budget is right Mar-a-Lago and that the President’s lantic, gulf coast, and even Alaska are around $4 billion. Delaware may be a guests probably don’t want the view writing to Secretary Zinke, asking him small State—I like to say we are the from the resort obstructed by offshore to exclude their areas from future 49th largest State—but we have a lot of oil rigs. I understand that because an drilling activities. coast-related activities, and they are a overwhelming majority of Delawareans I am very concerned that we are big business for a little State, pro- feel the same way, and their voices de- wasting taxpayer money in reanalyzing viding more than 10 percent of the serve to be heard too. what we have analyzed before—that oil First State’s total employment, taxes, It is not just the Delawareans or even and gas development in the Pacific and business production. Jeopardizing Democrats who acknowledge that in- Northwest does not make sense for our the environmental and economic creased oil drilling off of our coasts is coastal communities. We will fight to health of the entire Atlantic coast is the wrong move. Republican Governors protect our fishing jobs, our tourism, the wrong move, and we simply think and lawmakers from States such as our recreation, and all of the things it is not worth the risk. Georgia and South Carolina—and all that are part of the center of our cul- You don’t just have to take my word the way up to Massachusetts and New ture on our coasts. We hope Secretary for it. Experts, scientists, and residents Hampshire—have publicly stated their Zinke will follow science, protect our living in communities along the coast opposition to the Trump administra- coastal economy, stop this foolish idea that will be most impacted by this de- tion’s plan because the risks are simply that drilling off of our coast is either cision agree, especially since the not worth the potential reward. necessary or prudent, and move about threat of climate change continues to If the administration insists on pro- to protect our Federal lands. grow. ceeding with this proposal, then, it I thank the Presiding Officer. Delawareans are similarly concerned should carve out the cherished Dela- I yield the floor. about the dangers posed by oil and gas ware coast and similar areas along the I suggest the absence of a quorum. exploration activities, including the Atlantic from any efforts to increase The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. use of seismic-testing air guns to drilling. As we have heard said many FLAKE). The clerk will call the roll. search for offshore oil and gas deposits. times, what is good for the goose is The bill clerk proceeded to call the In August 2016, roughly 18 months ago, good for the gander. In Florida, Sec- roll. over 40 State and local elected officials retary Zinke has clearly established Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I ask in Delaware sent a letter to the De- the standard that should apply to any unanimous consent that the order for partment of Interior—this was in the coastal area that would be part of an the quorum call be rescinded. last administration—expressing their offshore leasing plan. If it is an area in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without opposition to proposed seismic surveys. which coastal activities and industries objection, it is so ordered. Their concerns, in my view, are well- yield greater economic value and Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, today I founded. The negative impact of the oil where local communities are solidly rise to address an issue that probably and gas industry’s seismic testing on opposed, then those areas should get is not of great concern to the citizens ocean ecosystems and the life they sup- the same exemption that has been of Arizona, but, certainly, it is of a lot port—from plankton at the base of the awarded to the Sunshine State of Flor- of concern for people who happen to ocean food chain and all the way to ida. live on the east coast and the west whales at the top—is well documented. This President is a businessman, and coast of our Nation. Despite the widespread opposition and the numbers are clear. Increased drill- I join my colleagues on both coasts proof of harmful consequences, pro- ing does not make economic sense. I in opposition to the Trump administra- ponents of increased drilling for oil urge President Trump to rethink this tion’s recent proposal to open up parts would argue that oil and gas develop- shortsighted proposal and to side with of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and ment could represent economic benefit coastal residents from Maine to Miami. the Gulf of Mexico to more oil and gas in selected areas along our coast. But Mr. President, I yield back. drilling. For a long time, I have advo- these areas are already the beneficiary We have been joined by my col- cated for an ‘‘all of the above’’ strategy of remarkable economic benefits de- leagues from Florida and Oregon, and I to meet our country’s energy needs, as rived from and contingent on a yield to one of them. we move our country toward greater healthy, vital, and sustainable ocean To whom shall I yield? energy efficiency and the use of renew- environment off of our shores. As a re- I am happy to yield to the ranking able energy and to energy independ- sult, these communities do not take member of the Finance Committee. ence. In my view, the administration’s the prospect of compromising these The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- recent proposal to expand drilling off natural resources lightly, nor should ator from Oregon. of our coasts into new areas is not nec- we. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I thank essary at this time. It is unnecessary Do you know who also recognizes both of my colleagues, and I thank my at this time. that coastal communities could be neg- colleague from Florida for his cour- Just 8 years ago, we saw very clearly atively impacted if their natural re- tesy. I am going to be brief. with the Deepwater Horizon disaster sources were compromised? The answer My views on this issue can be that oilspills do not respect State is our Interior Secretary, Mr. Ryan summed up in a tweet that I sent on boundaries and that severe environ- Zinke. In fact, that was the exact jus- Saturday. I was home having town mental and financial costs of oilspills tification that Secretary Zinke used to meetings. I go to every county every last, in some cases, not just for years carve Florida’s gulf coast out of the year, and I had just wrapped up in or decades but for generations. A spill Trump administration’s proposal. Sec- Astoria, and I was on my way to anywhere along the east coast could retary Zinke pointed out that other Tillamook. easily affect the pristine beaches of States—like Louisiana, for example— We stopped at Rockaway Beach, on Delaware and the vibrant coastal com- are ‘‘working coasts’’ that are ‘‘very the spectacular Oregon coast, and I de- munities that rely on fishing, tourism, much different than a recreation-cen- cided that I would send a tweet and and recreational activities to drive tric coast that’s in Florida.’’ start it off with a question: Drilling on their local economy. It seems to me that maybe, just the Oregon coast? The answer was this: Delaware’s coast isn’t all that long. maybe, the only real difference be- You have got to be kidding me. On my It is about 25, 30 miles, from the Mary- tween Florida and every other coastal watch, that is going to be the policy we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.032 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S633 are going to have for protecting the Or- really relevant is that of a Republican it is great news for jobs and the econ- egon coast. That is what Oregonians Governor, and that is about as nakedly omy. are saying today, specifically. In fact, political as it gets around Wash- I yield the floor. Oregonians are lining up to make their ington—a big gift for the oil and gas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- opposition known by protesting this companies but one that poses an enor- ator from Maine. proposal outside a meeting today, mous danger to the economies and en- Mr. KING. Mr. President, first, I hosted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy vironment of local communities along thank the Senator from Florida for Management in Salem. our coast. yielding and congratulate him on the We have a picturesque coastline that Finally, the decision doesn’t make success of this launch in Florida. As he looks as if it is right out of a story- sense in terms of energy policy. Our said, it is a huge boost, if you will, for book. It is 362 miles that supports country is more energy-secure now the space industry in his State and a 22,000 jobs and a $2 billion economy. than ever. The International Energy huge advantage for our country. It is a Tourism, fishing, and recreation are all Agency reports that within 10 years the really amazing technological feat that dependent on a healthy Pacific Ocean. United States will move from being a I think will be positive. Our coast is entirely publicly owned, net importer of oil to a net exporter. OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DRILLING and it has been protected from oil and So Secretary Zinke’s scheme to expand Mr. President, I rise just for a few gas drilling for decades. That is, in offshore drilling is going to benefit— minutes to talk about the decision to large part, because we have learned let’s acknowledge that—a handful of allow drilling for oil and gas off of our harsh lessons from the past. In 1999, the Big Oil interests and then leave hard- coasts. This is a very consequential freighter New Carissa ran aground off working fishing families and coastal and serious decision involving impor- the coast of Coos Bay. The ship split business owners to pick up the bill. tant policy questions, and it has impor- apart, spilling tens of thousands of gal- That is not how we do things on our tant implications for all of the coastal lons of oil and diesel that covered our west coast. States and indeed for our country. beaches in oil and tar balls. Some of The lasting economic uncertainty My concern, to echo some of the com- that toxic mess remained on our beach- and ultimate environmental degrada- ments that have already been made, is es for almost a decade, costing tens of tion are not worth it, and today, on be- that there was very little, if any, con- millions of dollars to clean up. half of the people of Oregon, I urge Sec- sultation with the interested parties The thousands of fishermen, recre- retary Zinke to rescind his proposal. along our coastal States. In Maine— ation business owners, and guides I yield the floor and thank my col- which, by the way, according to shouldn’t have to go to bed at night league from Florida for his courtesy. geographers I have talked to, has the hoping there is not a spill or an explo- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. longest coast of any State in the coun- sion—or risk their livelihoods on the DAINES). The Senator from Florida. try; I am sure I will get some debate good will of oil and gas executives. To Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask about that from some of my col- make matters even more ominous, just unanimous consent that I make an an- leagues—we depend upon our coast. days before announcing his intention nouncement and then defer to Senator Tourism and visitation to our beaches to open up our entire coastline to oil KING and then that it come back to me and coastal communities are a billion- and gas drilling, Secretary Zinke re- for my statement about offshore drill- dollar industry—the largest single em- versed basic safety standards for work- ing. ployer in our State. So that is an enor- ers that were adopted after the Deep- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mous economic engine that is cur- water Horizon disaster. So what you objection, it is so ordered. rently working and running and have here is a double whammy. First, Mr. NELSON. Thank you, Mr. Presi- powering at least a portion of the econ- gut safety standards for oil and gas dent. omy of our State. Of course, on my tie, workers on offshore rigs. That is right; FALCON HEAVY ROCKET I have lobsters, which is a $1.7 billion- gut the safety standards for oil and gas Just a few minutes ago, the largest a-year industry in Maine, and it prom- workers. Second, increase the prob- rocket since the Moon program, the ises to be even stronger as processing is ability that these workers are going to Saturn V, launched from the Kennedy developed. We also have an offshore be put in danger in the first place. Space Center. People across the world fishing industry—shrimp, shellfish. It As I said on Saturday on my way to saw it on TV, as well as over the inter- is enormously important. It is a part of those town meetings, the people of my net. Thousands of people lined the who we are in the State of Maine. State, Oregonians, overwhelmingly do beaches at the Kennedy Space Center. In my view, this is a pretty straight- not want to be a part of any of this. Perhaps even more impressive is that forward decision. What are the bene- Secretary Zinke went ahead and made this rocket, with three Falcon 9s fits, and what are the costs? The bene- a wrong decision with respect to coast- strapped together—27 engines—took a fits are speculative at best, limited at al drilling without any input from Or- payload for its first test flight. It was best, and the costs are immediate and egon. Our commercial and recreational so successful that the two side Falcon an enormous challenge for us. The cost fisheries industry—hard-working fami- 9s, with the center core of the Falcon of a single incident along our coast, lies who depend on healthy fishing 9—we watched in amazement as they which would affect our lobster industry stocks—had no seat at the table. In returned to Earth, 100 yards apart on or our visitor industry in the summer- fact, an entire west coast industry was two landing zones at the Cape Canav- time and in the spring and the fall, left out of whatever discussions hap- eral Air Force Station. would be catastrophic for our State. pened between the oil executives and At liftoff, the Falcon Heavy gen- I hope that the Department of the In- the Trump officials in the back room of erates 500 million pounds of thrust and terior will back off and enter into a the Department of the Interior. is twice as powerful as any other rock- process by which they make this deci- One day after his decision, Mr. Zinke et currently flying. Especially with the sion by talking to the people who are met with the Republican Governor of ability to land and reuse the boosters, most directly involved. I think this is a Florida, and my colleague who will it promises to be a very affordable way very important issue for all of the speak next has been eloquent on that to get to space. coastal States, and some may say that point, describing the plan as a threat The test launch of the Falcon Heavy this could be advantageous to us. But to the environment and economy of his is a spectacular demonstration of the let’s get the facts, let’s get the data, home State. That was enough for Sec- comeback of Florida’s Space Coast and and let’s understand the upside and the retary Zinke to let Florida off the of the U.S. commercial launch sector, downside. hook, but there has been an outcry of which is succeeding in a big way. Last The entire Maine congressional dele- opposition from the Governors of 15 year, we tied the all-time record for gation, nonpartisan—that is, a Demo- coastal States, including mine. We the number of U.S. commercial crat, an Independent, and two Repub- have raised the very same environ- launches. That is good news for the licans—came out against this designa- mental and economic concerns, yet civil space program; it is good news for tion within hours of its having been Secretary Zinke seems deaf to our national security; it is good news for made. This is one where I think the voices. I guess the only voice that is employment in the United States; and people of our State, through their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.033 S06FEPT1 S634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 elected representatives, need to be stunt, but it created enormous uncer- people deserve better than this. Florid- heard. tainty about what was truly under con- ians certainly deserve better than this. I hope that the Department of the In- sideration for drilling. I want to thank my fellow Senators terior will back away from this unilat- What did ‘‘off the table’’—in order to for getting out here and raising such a eral decision, make it in a much more try to satisfy Florida’s incumbent Gov- ruckus so that we can get the Amer- considered way, listen to the residents, ernor—mean? Does it apply to the At- ican people to focus on what is hap- the industries, and the businesses that lantic coast of Florida, as well, or just pening and the political stunts that are are affected by a decision like this, and to the gulf coast? Is it the whole mora- being done by the Secretary of the In- let our States have the important role torium area of the eastern gulf? Does it terior. that they should play in a decision of include the Straits of Florida off the I yield the floor. this magnitude, affecting their citi- delicate Florida Keys, or will it be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- zens. carved in half to appease the oil indus- ator from New Jersey. As I said, I think this is an important try in the eastern Gulf of Mexico? Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, first decision. It deserves much deeper con- The administration—specifically Sec- of all, let me congratulate my col- sideration, and I believe the people of retary Zinke—is playing fast and loose league from Florida on the most recent Maine will very promptly say that this with a process that affects millions of historic launch. There is no one who isn’t something we are willing to sup- people in the State of Florida, and Flo- has been a greater advocate for Amer- port. ridians deserve to know what is going ica’s space program than Senator NEL- Thank you. on. That is why I sounded the alarm SON. I appreciate his leadership as well I yield the floor. immediately, within 10 minutes after on this issue, which goes all the way The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Secretary Zinke’s announcement. from Florida, across the entire Atlan- ator from Florida. I have been through this process be- tic and, of course, the Pacific as well. Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I see my fore—ever since I was a young Con- I rise in strong opposition to the good friend the Senator from New Jer- gressman representing the east coast of Trump administration’s offshore drill- sey here, and I just want to make a few Florida—with a Secretary of the Inte- ing plan. I am here to speak on behalf comments, since I have been at the rior, James Watt, who wanted to drill of New Jersey’s shore businesses—the center of this firestorm. off the east coast of Florida. In fact, restaurants, the bait-and-tackle shops, I am here again to talk about the back then, in the mid-1980s, we were and the bed-and-breakfasts that depend mess that has been created by the 5- launching our military rockets, just as on clean beaches to succeed. Their year drilling plan. Some of the reasons we do today, and the space shuttle was businesses are the lifeblood of the Jer- I have talked about it so much go be- dropping its solid rocket boosters. sey Shore. Their voices deserve to be yond the fact that it is disastrous and These 5-year plans are supposed to be heard. Their livelihoods are on the line. dangerous, not only for all the coastal developed over the course of 1 or 2 Yet this administration remains solely States but for our State of Florida, years with extensive input from the focused on what is good for Big Oil’s which has more beaches than any other public, agency staff, the industries in- bottom line, never mind the con- State and is surrounded by test range. volved, and the environmental commu- sequences for our economy, the health Indeed, just today, the largest rocket nity. Five-year plans aren’t supposed of the planet, or our vibrant coastal since the Apollo program to the Moon to be a goody bag of political favors, communities. has brought back two of its boosters and they can’t be undone by the Sec- The Interior Department’s offshore that didn’t have to fall into the ocean. retary’s press conference or a tweet. drilling plan reads like a wish list for But some may, and you simply cannot That was confirmed by a career em- oil industry executives. Clearly, the have oil rigs out there in the Atlantic ployee, Walter Cruickshank, the Act- Trump administration didn’t consult where we are testing our military rock- ing Director of the Interior’s Bureau of my constituents when drafting this ets, such as today—a commercial rock- Ocean Energy Management. He said plan. By the way, we had already gone et, the Falcon Heavy, has dropped its that at a House committee hearing. It through a 5-year plan, so there were initial stages. The same is true with is no wonder the attorneys general supposed to be 5 years before we revis- the military on the west coast. from 12 coastal States wrote to the ited this, and now we are back at it The largest testing and training area Secretary to warn him that he should again. They didn’t consult the shop for the U.S. military in the world is the terminate the draft proposal—termi- owners in Asbury Park or the fisher- eastern Gulf of Mexico off of Florida. nate it entirely—or else they were men in Belford or the innkeepers in That is why it is off limits in law for going to pursue their appropriate legal Cape May, because if they had, they another 5 years, until the year 2022, avenues. would have learned that our shoreline and we need to expand that. The whole process has been fraught is an economic powerhouse for our Well, my colleagues have endured me with confusion because it was a polit- State. so many times as I have talked about ical stunt, and as a result, we have a Each year, New Jersey’s tourism in- how disastrous it would be, but now we bunch of Senators out here fighting to dustry generates $44 billion in eco- have a different wrinkle with the De- make known what is happening. At the nomic activity, directly and indirectly partment of the Interior. They first same time, the Interior Department is supporting nearly 10 percent of the published a proposal that would open trying to open up America’s entire State’s workforce. Likewise, our sea- up nearly every inch of coastline of the coastline to drilling. They are also food industry supports over 31,000 jobs, entire United States. You are hearing working to undo all the commonsense and we are home to one of America’s all of these coastal Senators speak safety standards that were put in place largest saltwater recreational fish- against it. after the Deepwater Horizon oilspill eries, supporting over 16,000 jobs. To- They pick up on the eastern gulf off that spilled 5 million barrels of oil into gether, the homes and businesses along of Florida; since it is off limits in law the gulf and killed 11 workers on the the Jersey Shore encompass almost until year 2022, they pick up there and rig. Those safety standards include re- $800 billion in property values. start wanting to drill out there. Can quirements like making sure an inde- All of this adds up to a simple re- you imagine what that would do to the pendent third party, such as a profes- ality: Clean coasts are vital to the eco- U.S. Air Force, which runs the eastern sional engineer, certifies the offshore nomic security of millions of New gulf test range? drilling safety equipment, such as the Jerseyans. The same holds true for Well, look what happened. They pub- blowout preventer. That malfunctioned towns up and down the Atlantic shore- lished this, and then the very next 5 miles below the surface of the gulf line. Yet the Trump administration day—24 hours later—the Secretary of when it did not cut off the oil at the plans to ignore the concern of the com- the Interior jetted off to Tallahassee wellhead on the floor of the ocean, and munities that have the most to lose. for a 20-minute press conference at the it allowed those 5 million barrels to be They ignore the more than 120 munici- Tallahassee airport and announced spilled. Now Secretary Zinke wants to palities, the 1,200 elected officials, the that Florida was off the table. It was go backward in time and reverse all of 41,000 businesses, and the 500,000 fishing an obvious, transparent, political those safety standards. The American families from up and down the east

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.035 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S635 coast who voiced their opposition the enjoy its pristine beaches. That is why profound. From Norfolk, VA, all the last time oil and gas drilling was being it is all the more baffling that Sec- way down the red south Atlantic coast considered. They ignore concerns from retary Zinke recently said that after to St. Augustine, FL, city after city, the Pentagon and NASA about disrup- hearing from concerned Florida busi- county after county, coastal commu- tions to their operations from drilling nesses and public officials, he would nity after coastal community passed in the Atlantic. They ignore the oppo- consider exempting the State from the resolutions saying: Get that offshore sition of my west coast colleagues to disastrous Trump drilling plan. When drilling out of here. We don’t want it. drilling in the Pacific. They ignore the asked about the decision, the Secretary It was a sweep of that Republican Department of the Interior’s own find- said that ‘‘local voices count.’’ shoreline. It was called the resolution ing that the Arctic drilling comes with Well, I am happy if that is what is revolution because so many resolutions a 75-percent chance of an oilspill in a going to happen for Florida, but guess were passed saying: Get your oil drill- treacherous and challenging environ- what—if it is good enough for Mar-a- ing the heck away from our coasts. ment. Simply put, the Trump drilling Lago, it certainly should be good Ultimately, the Obama administra- plan ignores everyone except Big Oil. enough for the Jersey Shore. That is tion got smart, and in the final ap- What is happening here is a dream why every Member of the New Jersey proval, there was no drilling in the At- scenario for the oil industry, but it is a congressional delegation, Republicans lantic and no drilling in the Pacific. nightmare for our shore communities. and Democrats alike, recently joined They gave some reasons for their It is a gift to corporate polluters at the me on a letter inviting Secretary Zinke choice: strong local opposition was one, expense of our coastal economies. to visit the Jersey Shore. We would be conflicts with other ocean uses was an- By the way, I love these commercials happy to have him meet with commu- other, market dynamics was a third, that I see that talk about American en- nity leaders, business owners, and fam- and comments received from Governors ergy independence. As you have heard ilies who depend on clean coasts. If he was a fourth. my colleague Senator WYDEN say be- wants to focus on the economics of oil So, in the wake of that, here comes fore, we are now an exporter of oil. drilling, I suggest he start with the the Trump administration, and they Well, how is it that you are exporting thousands of people who would be out have seriously gone from dumb to oil? You are drilling it here in the con- of a job if oil starts washing up on our dumber, to go right back into this tinental waters of the United States, beaches. fight, where it blew up in the Obama but you are exporting it abroad for oth- The Secretary needs to hear from administration’s face among the red ers to use. It seems to me that if you constituents of mine like Charles from State communities of the Atlantic are drilling on Federal lands and Tom’s River, who recently wrote to coast. Good luck finding support for waters, you should keep it here for do- say: this up in New England. mestic energy consumption to keep the We already have some shoreline concerns, In New England, our ocean economy price down and to keep energy secu- thanks to Super Storm Sandy. We definitely was valued just a few years ago at over rity. That is real energy security, not don’t need another threat to our economy. $17 billion. It employs about a quarter having Big Oil drill here and then ex- Jeanne from New Brunswick wrote: of a million people. Who thinks we are port it all over the world so that they Tourism is a major New Jersey business. going to walk away from that? Who can make a profit. I don’t know how Our beaches are pristine and must be pro- thinks we are not going to defend that that makes us more energy secure here tected. ocean economy against an idea as at home. He needs to hear from any of the dumb as offshore drilling in the Atlan- Make no mistake—this administra- thousands of New Jerseyans who have tic? We are not going to permit it. tion’s massive expansion of offshore signed my COAST Anti-Drilling Act I have authored, with my House col- drilling is just the beginning. They are citizen petition to permanently ban league DAVID CICILLINE, legislation also working to dismantle minimal drilling in the whole Atlantic Ocean. that the whole New England Senate safety standards for offshore drilling. The Jersey Shore is a national treas- representation supports, to ban this as That is right. The Trump administra- ure, home to generations of family va- a matter of Federal law; to stop this. tion not only wants more offshore cations, successful small businesses, The attorneys general of States from drilling, it also wants to permit more and vibrant coastal communities that Maine down to North Carolina, includ- dangerous offshore drilling. are visited by people from across the ing Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Is- The Interior Department reportedly Atlantic coast, Canadians who come land, of course, New Jersey, New York, seeks to weaken the well control rule— down and spend their money at our Maryland, and Virginia, all have spo- the critical safety standards put in shore, and so many others. That may ken out against this and I expect will place after the Deepwater Horizon not mean anything to ExxonMobil or litigate against it. Our Governor, Gina tragedy, which taught us something: If BP. It may not mean anything to Raimondo, has come out strongly you drill, you will spill. If you drill, President Trump or Secretary Zinke. against this incredibly dumb idea, and you will spill. At some point, that will But it means something to me. That is she has been joined by Republican Gov- happen. During Superstorm Sandy, why we are here today to give voice to ernors in Massachusetts, New Hamp- which took place along the east coast New Jerseyans who have gone unheard. shire, Maryland, and South Carolina of the Atlantic, imagine if we had oil We will not stand silent while this ad- because this is such a dumb idea. rigs off the shore of New Jersey. We ministration tries to auction the Jer- Why would this administration pur- would have had spills. We would have sey Shore off to the highest bidder— sue such a dumb idea, that Republican had spills. So instead of saving lives not without a fight. Governors oppose, that blew up in the and saving our environment and the I yield the floor. face of the Obama administration economic consequences that flow from The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. along the south Atlantic coast when that, the Trump administration’s ac- JOHNSON). The Senator from Rhode Is- they tried it, that would infringe upon tions aim to save the industry $90 mil- land. and damage critical coastal economies lion. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, in States that are Republican and During his Senate confirmation, Sec- one of Rhode Island’s contributions to Democratic? Why would they do such a retary Zinke promised to ‘‘work with the cultural life of our Nation came stupid thing? rather than against local communities from two brothers who grew up in Well, Attorney General Kilmartin of in the states.’’ Well, it sure feels as Cumberland, RI, Bobby and Peter Rhode Island has one suggestion: ‘‘This though he is working against New Jer- Farrelly. The Farrelly brothers did a decision by the administration is clear- sey. The Secretary has shown no con- number of movies. One of them was fa- ly driven by the oil and gas industry.’’ cern for the Jersey Shore communities mously called ‘‘Dumb and Dumber.’’ Huh. No kidding. This administration that would be devastated by an oil- This is a good example of dumb and is bought and paid for by the oil and spill—the shuttered businesses, the de- dumber. It was dumb when President gas industry. Throw in coal, and we stroyed industries, the massive job Obama opened the south Atlantic coast have the complete lock, stock, and bar- losses, and the birthright of every New to the prospect of oil drilling. When he rel sale. We have complete industry Jerseyan to go to the Jersey Shore and did, the reaction was immediate and toadies in the responsible agencies of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.037 S06FEPT1 S636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 government and climate denial of the the President’s directive to ‘‘take into Coastal Fisheries, our position on any fixed most flagrant and obtuse variety com- consideration the local and State structures in the ocean and particularly oil ing out of the White House. I mean, it voices.’’ platforms is simple—NO NO AND NO again. is nonsense land, except for the fact Well, certainly the draft plan—if you Our members rely 100% on clean sustain- able marine waters for 100% of our families that it keeps the oil and gas and coal can call it a draft—didn’t take into ac- income. money coming to prop up the Trump count local or State voices. Had the In- administration and the Republican terior Secretary bothered to actually Terry Thompson, Lincoln County Party. We are not going to stand for it. consult, this is what he would have commissioner, stated: It is crooked. It will not go. heard from people in Oregon. Our Gov- The state of Oregon has been a leader in Chris Brown is the head of the Com- ernor, Kate Brown, denounced the plan, the nation in terms of protecting our envi- ronment while responsibly utilizing our nat- mercial Fishermen’s Association of saying: ‘‘In what universe would this ural resources. Rhode Island. He is adamant that ‘‘oil be okay?’’ We banned oil and gas development years drilling is something that is incredibly Noah Oppenheim, the executive di- ago because of the potential risk to our threatening and directly adverse to our rector of the Pacific Coast Federation ocean, which is one of the most productive well-being.’’ of Fishermen’s Associations, stated: places in the world. We are going to stand and fight for The Trump administration wants to put The President’s proposal to allow oil and our fishing communities. fish and fisheries at significant risk while gas development is an attempt to override Our environmental community is lining the pockets of their oil industry co- the will of the people and shows a complete conspirators. Meanwhile, more frequent oil disconnect between the Administration and wildly against this: ‘‘The last thing our the people of the West. coast needs is oil drilling and all of the spills and more intense ocean acidification risks that go with it,’’ says our lead en- and ocean warming are guaranteed to ensue. I think these voices—the voices of vironmental organization, Save the Charlie Plybon, the Oregon policy the crabbing industry and the salmon Bay. manager at Surfrider Foundation, an industry, the fishing industry and the I will close with the Providence Busi- organization made up of everyday peo- tourism industry—these voices of the ness Journal, the voice of the Rhode Is- ple passionate about protecting our coastal economy, reverberate in abso- land business community, which just oceans and our beaches, shared this lute parallel and passionate opposition editorialized: opinion: to drilling off our coast for oil. Before the drilling takes place, there Fossil fuels, no matter where they are har- We are united in an understanding of the vested, are putting coastal areas across the threats which offshore oil drilling poses to are massive amounts of explosions that globe in danger as sea levels rise. In the our coastal economy, jobs and culture we are conducted in order to create the name of national energy independence, pub- have today. We will not gamble our ocean re- maps of what is under the surface for lic policy would hasten the devastating im- sources with dangerous oil exploration and potential drilling. That alone—just the pacts of burning fossil fuels and make much polluting drilling activities that put our fu- preparation for drilling—is deeply dis- of Rhode Island and other low-lying areas ture and that of generations to come at risk. turbing, but imagine what an oilspill uninhabitable. Charlie went on to convey the enor- looks like. At a time when renewable energy in the mous disparity between the economy This is a map of the Washington and United States and across the world is becom- that is driven by fishing and ocean Oregon coast, with the outline overlaid ing less expensive, and the effects of climate recreation and by tourism as compared change are becoming more pronounced, pull- with the gulf oilspill. It covers a sec- ing more fossil fuels out of the ground is not to the economy driven by oil drilling tion that is the entire length of the a wise decision, and one that hopefully will and how the former completely out- State of Oregon and the State of Wash- be rescinded before any drilling rigs park weighs the latter. ington. Imagine those hundreds of themselves off Block Island. The Association of Northwest miles of soiled beaches, the oil’s im- That is the voice of Rhode Island’s Steelheaders is one of the oldest and pact on the ecosystem of the fisheries. business community. most cherished conservation and sport There is no way this risk is justified If you want to take a look at why fishing advocacy organizations in the for pumping a few more barrels of oil— this bothers us, take a look at the foot- Pacific Northwest. Their statement is which, I might point out, should be left print of the BP oilspill laid on the map the following: in the ground anyway because burning of the New England coast. There is This proposal stands to go against every- oil that we are extracting from the Boston, there is Long Island, there is thing we believe in. Drilling for oil and gas ground is steadily raising the tempera- Narragansett Bay, and that is Rhode off the coast of Oregon compromises our fish- ture of the planet and the temperature eries, our coastal economies, and our values. Island. That is the footprint of the of our oceans, which absorb the vast mess the oil industry left when it blew These folks know what they are talk- majority of the heat from burning fos- up its facility in the middle of the gulf. ing about. sil fuels, and that is creating changes, That is what they did, and we don’t The Tribes weighed in through the from ocean acidification to the bleach- need that up in New England. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com- ing of the coral reefs, and all kinds of We have offshore industries that are mission. Their resolution conveys op- impacts on the surface of the con- vibrant, that support our economy, position to ‘‘any proposal to open Pa- tinents. that are welcome, that have long tradi- cific offshore waters from California to So I say to the Interior Secretary, tions and histories. We do not need oil and including Alaska to offshore drill- you have been given a mission by the industry invaders coming where they ing.’’ President of the United States, which, are not wanted because they have Scott McMullen, the chairman of the as you have stated, is to take into con- bought their way into the Trump ad- Oregon Fishermen’s Cable Com- sideration local and State voices, so ministration with their political con- mittee—a group of troll fishermen who simply hear those voices, and then tributions and their dark money. That have been very involved in negotia- take Oregon out of the equation, take will not stand. tions involving the fiber optic cable Washington out of the equation, take I yield the floor. lines that are laid in the ocean—said: California out of the equation, take The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The Oregon fishing industry has had a long every State that objects out of this ator from Oregon. history of good stewardship of the fishing equation, and, by the way, it would be Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ap- grounds which are open for multiple uses. Oil wise to take the rest out as well. platforms in our fishing grounds would deny preciate that Senator CANTWELL orga- access to the resources that fishermen, fish Thank you. nized this time for a group of us to processors and thriving coastal communities The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- come to the floor to speak about this depend on. To take away the right to use our ator from Massachusetts. disastrous, insane plan to drill historical shared fishing grounds by award- Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I wish throughout 90 percent of our coastal ing drilling rights for this single industrial to thank Senator CANTWELL for orga- shelf. This, the Interior Secretary tells use would be wrong. nizing the opportunity this afternoon us, is part of President Trump’s direc- Dale Beasley had this opinion: to speak about this egregious decision tive to rebuild the offshore oil and gas As president of the Columbia River Crab that was made by the Trump adminis- program, but he also conveyed it was Fisherman’s Association and Coalition of tration that will allow for drilling for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.039 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S637 oil off of the beaches of the United gator giveaway where, all of a sudden, less plan. We will not stop until this States of America. It is an absolute Florida is not in. plan is blocked and dead and our coast- disgrace that this administration is I don’t think it is incidental that lines are protected once and for all. doing something like this. What we Mar-a-Lago is actually in Florida, as I yield the floor. have on our hands is a President who well, and maybe hadn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- has a hard time listening to his own been fully consulted by Secretary ator from Washington. message. Zinke and the Department of the Inte- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I rise Last week, he was bragging about rior on this inclusion of Florida. But today to voice my strong opposition to how much new oil we are discovering in before you knew it, all of a sudden, the Trump administration’s latest America. He is so proud of this. In fact, Florida was no longer on the map, but move to override the will of Wash- we export a million and a half barrels every other State that doesn’t have a ington State’s citizens—our fishing of oil a day. Listen to that again: We Republican Governor running for the families, our small business owners, export a million and a half barrels of Senate, that doesn’t have a President our environmentalists, and our outdoor oil a day. Where do we send this oil? of the United States with a summer re- enthusiasts—by opening our coastal We send it to China. We send it to sort, a winter resort, a spring and sum- waters to harmful oil and gas drilling. other countries. mer resort—Mar-a-Lago—is stuck with The continental waters on the west Is the President happy with that? No, this decision. coast are one of our State’s richest and he says we need more oil; we need to The problem with what they did is most cherished national resources, sus- drill off of our beaches—notwith- this: It is obviously arbitrary and ca- taining communities along the Pacific standing what that will do to our tour- pricious. It is obviously a violation of Northwest for centuries and helping to ism industry, to our fishing industry, the Administrative Procedures Act. It define our regional culture for genera- or to any industry that does business is obviously something that will never tions. It would be hard to overstate along the coastlines of our country. Ul- stand up in court—that after a decision just how important Washington’s timately, what would be the purpose to is made to include every State, all of a coastal waters are to our local way of life. which this oil would be put? Export the sudden Florida comes up. It will never Many of us count on our coasts for oil. hold up. That will be the basis of the our food or work. Washington State So how does that formula really case made by the attorneys general and coasts are home to numerous seafood- work? The oil companies come to the all of the business and environmental and tourism-dependent communities, beaches of Massachusetts or any other interests that will be suing on this and they support a $50 billion maritime State. They set up rigs and start to issue. economy and nearly 200,000 maritime- drill for oil. They find the oil. Then, So what part of this really works? It related jobs—not to mention countless they sell that oil somewhere else is oil that will be drilled for at the risk families and travelers who are seeking around the world. Meanwhile, people of despoiling the beaches and the fish- outdoor recreation and flock to our who live off of those beaches in Massa- ing industry—the tens of billions of shores throughout the year to experi- chusetts or any other State run all the dollars in the fishing and tourism in- ence the natural beauty and sport of risk if there is an accident, as there dustry—with the benefits running to our iconic shorelines. was in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 in the one single industry. To put it simply, Washingtonians BP oilspill. The American Petroleum Institute is don’t take our healthy coasts for So the risks are run by the States trying to have it both ways. On the one granted. We know that keeping our that don’t want the drilling, and the hand, they are saying: We are at the shores pristine isn’t just about leisure benefits all run to the oil companies boom time of all times in oil drilling in and scenic views. Preserving our coast- that get to sell this oil around the the United States. We are energy inde- al waters is a critical factor in pro- world. It makes perfect sense because pendent. This is the boom time. moting a healthy regional ecosystem ‘‘GOP’’ really stands for ‘‘gas and oil Donald Trump is sounding the same and an economy that support vital jobs party.’’ That is what they have turned exact way, boasting across the country and industries, fish and wildlife, and themselves into. It is whatever Big Oil about his energy policies, his fossil- public health opportunities that many wants, even if State after State after fuel-first policies. He keeps saying that of us—our families, friends, and neigh- State says it does not want this to hap- he has ended the war on energy. It is bors—rely on. pen. not true because just last week he im- So I, too, was deeply disappointed Every single State, from Maine down posed a 30-percent tariff on importa- but, ultimately, unsurprised when Inte- to Florida, was going to be giving per- tion of solar panels. So he is talking rior Secretary Zinke announced the mission to the oil companies to com- about no war on his favorite energy Department’s plan to ignore the exist- mence drilling, but the Governor of technology. But if he doesn’t like ing oil and gas leasing program that Florida—a Republican Governor—pro- them, they get a 30-percent increase in was just approved a few years ago and tested. He said he didn’t want there to tariffs on the very technologies that, in instead moved to draft and implement be drilling off the coast of Florida, polling, 80 percent of all Americans a new program that would allow off- after Florida had already been included want to see increased inside of our shore oil and gas drilling in nearly all in the plan. country. of our Nation’s continental waters, in- So what happens? All of a sudden, the We are going to be fighting this every cluding our coastal waters off of Wash- Trump administration decides that single step of the way. It is immoral, it ington State. they are going to have a gator give- is unnecessary, and it violates the Despite decades of factfinding and away. All of a sudden, Florida gets to goals that individual States have in public input that already established be exempt. Why would Florida be ex- order to advance their own economies. the need to protect ecologically sen- empt? Maybe because it has a Repub- I, personally, am going to exhaust all sitive areas like our coasts, it appears, lican Governor. Maybe because that available legislative tools to fight this once again, that President Trump and Republican Governor is thinking about attempt by President Trump to allow his Cabinet have decided to prioritize running for the U.S. Senate. So maybe, drilling off of the coast of Massachu- Big Oil and the relentless pursuit of just maybe, this Governor, who once setts, the east coast, and nearly every profit over the interests of Washington supported drilling off of the coast of other single mile of coastline in the State families and with virtually no re- Florida, all of a sudden says: The peo- United States, with the exception of gard to what their one-sided policy pro- ple don’t want it. They don’t want the Florida. posals may mean for our environment, beaches of Florida to be endangered. That includes using the Congres- for our public health, or for our econ- So what happens? Governor Scott sional Review Act, which allows for omy. from Florida all of a sudden starts agency action to be undone by a simple To add insult to injury, I was even shedding crocodile tears about how majority in both Chambers. I plan to more appalled when it was reported much he cares about the beaches, even pursue such a Congressional Review just a few days later that Secretary though he had always been supportive Act resolution if the Trump adminis- Zinke was planning to remove Flor- of offshore drilling. That leads to the tration moves forward with this reck- ida’s waters from consideration after

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:03 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.040 S06FEPT1 S638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 meeting with their Governor and hear- reckless proposal and puts the interest the Chamber as a whole that we need a ing their concerns. I will leave it to of Washington State families first. strong national defense. others to wonder what exactly per- As a voice for Washington State here Even today, the minority leader told suaded Secretary Zinke to remove in the Senate, I am going to continue this body that Democrats ‘‘support in- Florida from that list, but I can’t say I fighting against the Trump administra- creasing funding for our military.’’ was stunned when that courtesy was tion’s efforts to leverage our environ- So why not act? There is a consensus not extended to Washington State, ment to boost Big Oil’s bottom line, that we desperately need to fix the even after our Governor made the and I know I will never stop standing readiness issues in our Armed Forces. exact same request. with our families, workers, and small Why not take that step today and vote Later, while I was on my way back businesses to protect our coasts today to provide the stable, predictable fund- home from the other Washington and and for future generations. ing the Department of Defense so seri- concerned about the potentially dam- I yield the floor. ously needs? aging impacts of Secretary Zinke’s de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- When I swore an oath to defend the cision on our Washington State eco- ator from Nebraska. Constitution, I did it knowing that system, I decided to ask my followers Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, we every day I hold this office, countless on Twitter to join me in sending a mes- have an opportunity before us today to numbers of my constituents would be sage to the Interior Department and fund key priorities that we all agree wearing the uniform and be in harm’s tweet photos of some of Washington are important. The American people way. Around the globe, you find Ne- State’s many important and pristine elected all of us to do a job, and that braskans, you find Americans pro- coastal areas. I just have to say that job is to provide for the most impor- tecting and defending the United the response was overwhelming. tant functions of our government. States. Each of us here represents peo- Within hours, my timeline was filled For far too long, politics has pre- ple who sacrifice and serve American with photos of beaches and coasts all vented us from committing the re- heroes. Today is a chance to show them along Washington State’s shoreline, sources necessary to sustain the most we have their backs because they have from Ruby Beach to Bellingham Bay to critical part of our government—the proven, time and time again, that they Olympic National Park to Orcas Is- military that keeps us safe. This is a have ours. I urge my colleagues to put aside par- land—photos of painted sunsets on the chance to cast aside partisan dif- tisan differences and take the vote to Puget Sound, the majestic calm of ferences and give the Department of support our military and the programs Cape Flattery, and of rainbows arching Defense the stable and consistent fund- that are critical to the safety and the across the Bell Island shore, photos of ing it needs so it can rebuild readiness well-being of this Nation. children running across the beaches of and execute its mission. Kalaloch, and photos of fishermen un- Just this morning, Secretary Mattis COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS Mr. President, we also have a unique loading their haul in Salmon Bay. I testified before Congress, saying: ‘‘I opportunity today to address another even received photos from other coast- ask that you not let disagreements on program that has a deep, bipartisan al areas in the Pacific Northwest. They domestic policy continue to hold our well of support in the Senate. Today I were all from residents who want their nation’s defense hostage.’’ He is right. visited with Nebraskans who made the pristine shorelines preserved, and they We cannot let these basic issues dis- trip to Washington to advocate for were eager to raise their voices to safe- tract us from the job that we have all, funding for community health centers. guard our coasts. under the Constitution, taken to pro- Across our Nation, community health I was inspired as I scrolled through vide for the common defense. centers are vital to keeping our chil- this growing and beautiful collection of I just came from a classified briefing with the Secretary, and he outlined the dren and our families healthy. photos that illustrated the significance Last year, nearly 85,000 Nebraskans of our coasts, not just to our State’s most important needs we must fund for our country’s security. So why not received care at centers across our economy and environment but to our State during approximately 296,000 vis- shared culture and identity. Our shores come together on issues we can agree on? Six months ago, this Chamber its. These centers provide high-quality are where we fish, swim, exercise, and care, compassionate care, and patient- passed the National Defense Authoriza- work, but also where our wildlife focused care. Community health cen- tion Act for Fiscal Year 2018 with an roams, our children play, and where we ters in my State rank second in quality overwhelming bipartisan vote of 89 to make lasting memories with our loved measures nationally and first in four 9. In the time since, however, our mili- ones. other measures involving individual tary remains hamstrung under short- It is not too late for the Interior De- care. Their focus and their impact on term measures that are standing in the partment to reverse its misguided deci- the communities they serve is very im- way of modernization and readiness. sion to expand offshore oil and gas pressive. drilling and instead focus on maintain- That is why I say to my Democratic We all recognize the importance of ing and strengthening existing regula- colleagues, here is a chance for you to these health centers, and I was proud tions protecting this country’s conti- prove that you are serious about fund- to recently join my colleagues in the nental waters. ing the military. Many of my col- Senate in urging that funding be reau- I really hope Secretary Zinke and of- leagues on the other side of the aisle thorized so these centers can continue ficials at the Interior Department fi- have already spoken clearly about to provide the quality care all Nebras- nally hear loud and clear what Wash- their desire to support the troops. kans and all Americans deserve. ingtonians have been saying for dec- Last month, the senior Senator from Our military and community health ades—that the extreme environmental Vermont remarked: centers are too important to be caught and ecological dangers posed by off- Our military leaders agree, we cannot gov- up in politics. As we find ourselves shore oil and gas drilling are too great ern by a continuing resolution. The military once again facing the prospect of yet cannot function under sequestration. a risk for Washington State families. I another impasse, I urge my colleagues hope they move quickly to reschedule The senior Senator from West Vir- to join me in showing your support for the public meeting they were supposed ginia said: these critical areas. Article I, section 8 to hold yesterday in Tacoma, so people We want our military to be funded prop- of the Constitution makes clear what from Washington can share their con- erly so they can defend us. our job is: provide for the common de- cerns with the Department directly. The senior Senator from Montana fense and the general welfare of the I want to remind my colleagues and said: United States. Let’s fulfill that duty everyone in our country who cares The uncertainty we have without a longer today. about our environment that this fight budget that goes to the end of the fiscal year I yield the floor. is far from over. As we have learned is unacceptable. I suggest the absence of a quorum. over the last year, it is important that The senior Senator from Connecticut The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. KEN- we continue to make our voices heard said: NEDY). The clerk will call the roll. again and again to ensure that this ad- I hope there is bipartisan consensus among The legislative clerk proceeded to ministration backs down from this us on the Armed Services Committee and in call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.042 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S639 Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I I am going to be here for the dura- sia is trying to do. The right mixture ask unanimous consent that the order tion of this and have more to say, but of political will, of defense and deter- for the quorum call be rescinded. I want to yield to the ranking member rence can work, and, yes, as Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- WHITEHOUSE pointed out, we in Con- objection, it is so ordered. mittee, who was so important in get- gress acted. We recognized the threat RUSSIA INVESTIGATION ting these sanctions through and un- of Russia. We passed the Countering Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, a derstands very well, from his work on America’s Adversaries Through Sanc- number of my colleagues will be com- the Magnitsky issue, what these Rus- tions Act, the CAATS Act. It was a bi- ing to the floor this afternoon to dis- sian oligarchs are up to. partisan effort that tightened some of cuss the predicament we face as the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the sanctions under the Obama-era Ex- Mueller investigation—the special ator from Maryland. ecutive order on Ukraine and passed counsel investigation, the Department Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, first, I new mandatory sanctions against Rus- of Justice—closes in on the Trump thank Senator WHITEHOUSE for bring- sia because of its activities. White House and the Trump campaign, ing this issue to the attention of our There were sanctions imposed in re- creating two problems. One is an un- colleagues and the American people. As gard to the Russian Federation’s un- precedented attack on the law enforce- Senator WHITEHOUSE points out, we dermining cybersecurity. There were ment institutions that are involved in have seen from the White House, from sanctions related to Russia’s crude oil that investigation, an effort to dis- the President, an effort to try to un- products. There were sanctions author- credit our Federal Bureau of Investiga- dermine the credibility of the inde- ized with respect to Russian and other tion and our Department of Justice, in- pendent investigation being done by foreign financial institutions. There cluding the suggestion that this whole the Department of Justice under Mr. were sanctions imposed against Russia thing is a witch hunt, even though Mueller. These are very serious issues, for significant corruption in the Rus- every single witness, including Trump and I hope every Member of this Cham- sian Federation. There were sanctions appointees who have come before our ber will support the independence of with respect to certain transactions committees, has been asked ‘‘Hey, this that investigation and speak loudly with foreign sanctions evaders and se- investigation, is it a witch hunt?’’ and, against any interference, wherever it rious human rights abusers in the Rus- to a person, has said no. may come from. sian Federation. There were mandatory Russian interference was real, they Then, Senator WHITEHOUSE has sanctions with respect to persons who are coming back in 2018, and it is no brought up the second issue; that is, engaged in transactions with the intel- witch hunt to look into what took Mr. Putin has been extremely active in ligence and defense sectors of the Gov- place. regard to activities against U.S. inter- ernment of the Russian Federation. You have this whole smear effort ests. I appreciate Senator WHITEHOUSE Why? Because they were interfering going on of individuals and institutions referencing a report that was released in our elections. involved in the institution. You could on January 10 of this year. It was as a There were sanctions with respect to call that the crime of commission, if result of a full year’s operation by the investment in or in the facilitation of you would. The crime of omission that staff of the Senate Foreign Relations the privatization of state-owned assets accompanies that is, while the major- Committee to document Mr. Putin’s by the Russian Federation. reckless assault against democratic in- ity in both Houses is busy trying to Why? Because that helped finance stitutions, universal values, and the smear the FBI, the Department of Jus- Mr. Putin’s activities. tice, and various individuals in this in- rule of law—the asymmetric arsenal he There were sanctions with respect to vestigation, they are not taking the uses to accomplish that attack against the transfer of arms and related mate- steps necessary to protect the 2018 elec- democratic institutions, which in- riel to Syria. tions. We have done virtually nothing. cludes cyber attacks, disinformation, The one thing we have done—led by support for fringe political groups, Each one of those sanctions gave new Ranking Member BEN CARDIN, the Sen- weaponization of energy resources, or- authority to the President of the ator from Maryland—was to get really ganized crime, corruption, and, yes, United States to impose sanctions strong sanctions put through. We all military aggression. He has used every against Russia for its activities. agreed on that. I think the vote was 98 one of those tools to compromise I said earlier that, where countries to 2 in the Senate—98 to 2, powerful democratic institutions in Europe and, have shown leadership, it has been ef- sanctions. yes, in the United States. fective in countering Mr. Putin’s ac- You messed in our elections. Pop. Mr. Putin was extremely active in tivities. With President Trump, there Here is one in the nose for you. Don’t the 2016 election. That has now been have been no sanctions. Not one has do it again. verified without any question. A report been brought forward under the law That was the lesson. We are going I authored goes through 19 European passed by the Congress of the United after you, Mr. Putin, where it hurts, countries in which Mr. Putin has been States. By 98, 99 percent, the House and which is with all your dirty, corrupt active against democratic institutions. Senate approved the sanctions. The oligarchs who support you and whom I share with my colleagues that the Trump administration has imposed you pay to stay in power. That is the President of the OSCE Parliamentary zero. shot we took back. You messed in our Assembly was in town today. He is Mr. Trump has failed to acknowledge elections; we are going after your meeting with government officials. He that Mr. Putin has even been engaged crooked oligarchs. knows firsthand Mr. Putin’s aggression in our 2016 elections. He said: I talked Except guess where that effort because there are Russian troops in to Mr. Putin. He seemed like he was stopped dead—in the Oval Office, at the Georgia today affecting its sov- telling me the truth when he said he President’s desk, where President ereignty, as there are Russian troops in wasn’t involved—even though it was Trump will not let the Russia sanc- Moldova, as there are Russian troops in the unanimous view of our intelligence tions go forward. We have this whole Ukraine. The people of Montenegro saw community and the facts had very smear campaign, discrediting honor- the hand of Mr. Putin when he held a clearly been laid out to the American able American institutions just to pro- coup against their authority. The peo- people that Mr. Putin had been ac- tect the President from the investiga- ple of the United Kingdom saw Mr. tively engaged in the 2016 elections. tion. We have nothing being done legis- Putin’s efforts as he got involved in the Yes, we have seen, very recently, latively to protect the 2018 elections, Brexit referendum. The people of Russia’s engagement in the Czech elec- and you have the one thing we did do France and Germany saw Mr. Putin’s tion. We have seen this movie before to send the message to the Russians aggression as he tried to interfere with where the candidate, in his advocating that we are tired of this nonsense and their free elections. for stronger ties to European institu- to give them a little bit of a pop in the Countries have stepped up. They said: tions, is targeted by a barrage of fake nose to get them to knock it off, a lit- Enough is enough. We have seen, with news stories that spreads across online tle deterrent, and the President will strong leadership, that you can counter platforms, which he alleges have been not act on it. the activities successfully of what Rus- directed by Russian security services

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.044 S06FEPT1 S640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 and entities tied to them—a direct as- very good at—all of the fake accounts How about Venezuela? sault against the Czech Republic’s on Twitter and Facebook, the internet The reality is that Russia is propping democratic institutions. trolls, the botnets—it is critically im- up the Maduro dictatorship in Ven- As Senator WHITEHOUSE pointed out, portant that the American people un- ezuela. For years, the Maduro crowd when asked in an interview if Russia derstand this is a fundamental attempt has stolen and used the state-owned oil would try to influence the midterm by Russia to influence our very demo- company Pe De Vesa to launder money, elections of the United States, our CIA cratic institutions and our critical in- and Russia has bailed them out. Rus- Director, Michael Pompeo, replied: ‘‘Of frastructure; and our elections, indeed, sian money has helped Maduro to avoid course. I have every expectation that are a part of that critical infrastruc- defaulting on debts and payments to they will continue to try and do that.’’ ture. bondholders. Meanwhile, look what is So where is the Trump administra- Last year, the intelligence commu- happening to the poor people of Ven- tion in its taking action to protect our nity assessed that when Putin sees his ezuela. They are hungry, and they democratic institutions? attempt to influence the last election don’t have basic supplies. Their chil- This is not a partisan issue. There is as a success, he is going to do it again. dren are malnourished, and inflation is a long tradition of Republicans and That is what the intelligence commu- rampant. Maduro has undermined any Democrats working together in Con- nity’s conclusion was. Then, just last remnants of Venezuela’s democracy. He gress to counter Russian Government week, the Director of the CIA said that jails opponents and has a corrupt Con- aggression abroad and abuse against its he had every expectation that Russia gress and cracks down on protesters. It own citizens, our allies, and democratic will meddle in the 2018 midterm elec- is all part of the Russian influence institutions. The sanctions bill that tions. campaign. As the Senator from Maryland just passed in 2017 had near-unanimous sup- As you can see, countering Russian said and as the Senator from Rhode Is- port. It was crafted and developed by influence is critical for the United land has already said, this is not a par- Democrats and Republicans who States and for the world. It is also im- tisan issue. It could happen to both worked together. portant to remember that Putin can’t sides. Attempts to influence our elec- The strength and durability of our beat us on the ground, that he can’t tions are attacks on the very founda- political system relies on such bipar- beat us on the sea, and that he can’t tion of the democracy that we so cher- tisan solutions to our national security beat us under the sea. He can’t beat us ish. That is really what the Russians challenges. There is a series of rec- in the air, and he can’t beat us in ommendations that were in the report are trying to do. They are trying to di- vide us, and they are trying to under- space, but he can beat us in cyber in I referred to earlier, those of working mine faith in our democratic institu- his propaganda campaign. with our allies to develop cybersecu- Yet Putin—that Russian bear—is not tions. Ultimately, they are trying to rity issues, to working with NATO to 10-feet tall. As a former Secretary of undermine American leadership in the understand what the article V response State just testified last week to our world community of nations. The bot- should be to cyber attacks, to finding tom line is we have to do more to pro- Armed Services Committee, Putin is alternative ways to stop Russia from tect ourselves, and we have to make playing a weak hand, but he is playing using energy as a weapon. It starts Mr. Putin feel enough pain to deter fu- it very aggressively. It is time for us, with Presidential leadership. ture attacks or else he is going to keep the USA, to push back. We must take care to point out that I yield the floor. doing it. there is a distinction between Mr. Now, this Senator has the privilege The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Putin’s corrupt regime and the people of being the ranking member of the Cy- ator from New Hampshire. of Russia, who have been some of his bersecurity Subcommittee of the Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I am most frequent and long-suffering vic- Armed Services Committee. I must say here with Senator NELSON, Senator tims. Many Russian citizens, like that this Senator has sat through hear- WHITEHOUSE, and Senator CARDIN be- Sergei Magnitsky, strive for a trans- ings with people who ought to know, cause I share their concerns about the parent, accountable government that and I have been appalled at how little rising chorus of partisan attacks, not operates under the democratic rule of we have or will have the capability of only on Special Counsel Robert law, and we hope for better relations in responding. It is going to take some re- Mueller but also on the Federal Bureau the future with a Russian Government solve not only in this Senate, in this of Investigation and the Department of that reflects these imperatives. Congress, but in this administration, Justice. In the meantime, the United States as well, to let Mr. Putin know that he These attacks are part of a broader must work with our allies to build de- is going to have pain if he continues campaign that has been orchestrated fenses against Mr. Putin’s asymmetric the attacks that he has already made. by the White House to undermine the arsenal and strengthen our inter- Of course, there is another aspect to investigations into Russia’s inter- national norms and values to deter this threat, which is that Russia didn’t ference in the 2016 campaign, including such behavior by Russia or any other just attack our democracy in America, possible collusion by the Trump cam- country. It starts with leadership from as has been stated so effectively by pre- paign. Unfortunately, if continued, it the White House, and it starts with im- vious speakers, but he is in Europe and will have a lasting impact on our secu- posing the sanctions that were ap- in Latin America too. Look at what rity structures, on our democratic in- proved by Congress. the Russians have done with the Span- stitutions, and on our people. Ulti- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ish language propaganda television, mately, it will help the Kremlin ator from Florida. RT. There is an RT en Espanol that has achieve its goal of breaking down our Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I have already targeted upcoming elections in country and our democratic way of life. been involved in a number of elections Mexico and Colombia—two of our im- In a report issued in January 2017, over the years. I love campaigns, and I portant partners in the hemisphere. the U.S. intelligence community found love campaigning. I have always cam- The President’s National Security Ad- that Russia interfered in our elections. paigned in a situation in which you viser, General McMaster, said recently This was the unanimous conclusion of have your opponent, and the people that there was already evidence of Rus- all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. In- have a chance to make a judgment be- sian meddling in Mexico. deed, that Russian interference con- tween you and your opponent as to who Of course, this points to the Russian tinues to this day, not only in the do- can best serve the people. Little did I effort to destabilize the region. It has mestic affairs of the United States but ever think that I was going to have to sought to gain influence through prop- in the affairs of our Western allies. We fight against the Russians in a cam- aganda, arms sales, trade, and other have seen the Kremlin’s hand in Great paign. Yet that is what I fully expect, means to challenge the United States Britain, in Spain, in France, and in and that is what I expect a number of in the Western Hemisphere and to un- Mexico—all in an effort to determine us who are up in November of this year dermine our partnerships, which are the outcome and to disrupt elections in will be having to do because, in the critical to our national security. Look those countries. midst of all of the disinformation that at Russia’s friends Cuba and Nica- Just last week, in an interview with we have seen that the Russians are ragua. the BBC, CIA Director Mike Pompeo

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.045 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S641 confirmed Russia’s ongoing inter- and Russian Governments. We see that independence of the Justice Depart- ference. As Senator CARDIN said, when Reuters has repeated a line from RIA, ment and the FBI. We must insist that Director Pompeo was asked if Russia which is Russia’s state television, say- Special Counsel Mueller be allowed to would try to influence our midterm ing: ‘‘U.S. scandal over Russian con- conduct and complete his investigation elections this year, he replied: ‘‘Of tacts is ‘a witch hunt.’’’ That senti- without further political interference. course. I have every expectation that ment was repeated by ANDY BIGGS, a We must stand together in opposing they will continue to try and do that.’’ Republican who is calling on Mr. Russia’s outrageous continuing inter- In fact, in recent weeks, Russian Mueller to ‘‘end the witch hunt,’’ and, ference in America’s elections and do- internet trolls and bots have used of course, it was tweeted by Donald mestic affairs. Facebook and Twitter to aggressively Trump, who called all of the illegal I yield the floor. promote the release of the House Re- leaks of classified and other informa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- publicans’ memo, by DEVIN NUNES, that tion a ‘‘total witch hunt.’’ ator from Washington. attacks the integrity of the FBI. Let’s In panel 3, we see that both Putin Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I wish think about that. Russia gave a power- and President Trump claim that there to commend my colleagues who are ful assist to the successful campaign to is no way to know for sure who med- sounding the alarm about Russia’s in- release a misleading document, under- dled in the U.S. election. You can see terference in U.S. elections and who mining an ongoing FBI investigation. the two of them. They blame Demo- have worked tirelessly for months on Despite these disturbing facts, Presi- crats for allegations of Russian med- their respective committees to get the dent Trump continues to be dismissive dling. Putin said that ‘‘maybe someone answers that Americans deserve and of claims of any Russian interference. lying in bed’’ was responsible. Looking give the confidence Americans need to For 6 months, Congress has expected at similar language, President Trump know that their government is com- the administration to impose the pen- famously said: ‘‘It could be someone mitted to preventing such interference alties in the bipartisan Russia sanc- sitting on their bed that weighs 400 from ever happening again. This work is incredibly important to tions bill that passed 98 to 2, but the pounds.’’ administration has not even issued one It is unfortunate that some Repub- people around the country and in my sanction through that law. Despite on- licans, as well as voices in the conserv- home State of Washington. I have going brazen Russian interference, the ative media, appear to believe that, in heard from countless people who deeply White House claims that sanctions are order to support the President, they love this country but fear for its insti- not needed because the threat of sanc- must attack and discredit not only tutions, and they are concerned about tions is already ‘‘serving as a deter- Special Counsel Mueller but also the the integrity of elections. Here are the facts. More than a year rent.’’ The mere threat of sanctions Department of Justice and the FBI. ago, U.S. intelligence agencies con- clearly is not serving as a deterrent. These partisan attacks are baseless and cluded that Russia interfered in the Our national security agencies, NATO reckless. last Presidential election, calling Rus- They will not succeed in deflecting systems, and even the Senate have ex- sia’s meddling a ‘‘significant escalation law enforcement from its duties and perienced countless cyber attacks since in directness, level of activity, and mission. What they may do is that they the 2016 elections. Yet Vladimir Putin scope of effort’’ compared to previous may well succeed in undermining the continues to deny that Russia inter- attempts. feres in anything at all, and for sup- American people’s faith and confidence That is not my opinion. It is not a port, Putin can point to President in these institutions so vital to a partisan statement. It is a fact. Even Trump’s own denials of Russian inter- healthy democracy. That is not only more troubling, they are already back ference. unfortunate, but it is shameful. at it. We know this because our Presi- President Trump has a penchant for Last summer Members of Congress dent’s own handpicked CIA Director labeling factual reports as ‘‘fake came together on an overwhelmingly said last week that, ‘‘of course,’’ Rus- news.’’ Again and again, he says things bipartisan basis to impose sanctions on sia is trying to meddle in this year’s that are obviously false or misleading. Russia because people here believed midterm elections. He calls responsible mainstream jour- they were interfering in our elections. That is exactly why this Congress ap- nalists ‘‘the enemy of the people.’’ He Republicans and Democrats spoke with proved sanctions months ago in order attacks the rule of law, the judiciary, one voice. We said: Our country has to punish Russia and show them the and our law enforcement agencies. been attacked by a hostile power. We steep price of doing this again. If there These are all classic hallmarks of the will not tolerate it, and we will stand is one issue that we should all be able slippery slope toward together to stop it. Today, it is critical to agree on, it is that no one should get authoritarianism. Indeed, it is striking that we continue to speak with one away with such a devious attack on our how attacks by some Republicans on voice in condemning Russia’s inter- democracy. But, somehow, while the law enforcement and democratic insti- ference. public is demanding action, the White tutions echo similar attacks by the This is a really remarkable moment House has gone silent, refusing to im- Kremlin and its mouthpieces. in our country’s history. A hostile for- plement sanctions for reasons Presi- Consider these side-by-side compari- eign power has interfered in our Presi- dent Trump can’t or will not explain. sons of statements by Russian officials dential election, and it continues to This same President, who has no and statements by Republicans. interfere. CIA Director Pompeo said, in problems speaking or tweeting on any As we see in this tweet, which is no uncertain terms, that Russia will other topic under the sun, clams up dated January 2, 2018, President Trump interfere in this year’s midterm elec- when it comes to Russia or he tries to has described U.S. Government em- tions. Our law enforcement agencies change the subject or he launches a po- ployees and the Justice Department as and a special counsel are working dili- litical attack. This same President, the ‘‘Deep State.’’ At the same time gently to undercover the scope and who promised to put ‘‘America first,’’ Russia’s propaganda network, RT, has methods of Russia’s interference so we has failed to live up to the most basic repeated this terminology. So we see can put a stop to it. Supporting these duty of defending our elections and en- this: ‘‘Deep State takedown.’’ Just yes- efforts is not about party and not forcing congressional actions to punish terday, RT aired a discussion on how to about partisanship. It is about patriot- Russian meddling. root out the ‘‘Deep State’’ now that its ism. It is about defending America’s The same President who promised biases supposedly have been exposed by democracy, which has been attacked law and order has been lashing out the ‘‘Nunes memo.’’ and continues to be vulnerable to at- against a special counsel investigation, Again, we see these mirrored mes- tack. with a campaign to discredit our agen- sages between Republicans, the White Make no mistake. Our democracy is cies of law and order by criticizing the House, and Putin. As we see in this being tested, our law enforcement men and women of our Nation’s top law panel, allegations that Special Counsel agencies are being tested, and we, as enforcement agencies, firing or threat- Mueller and the FBI are conducting a Senators, are being tested. We have a ening to fire those who stand up to ‘‘witch hunt’’ are coming from the responsibility to come together—Sen- him, and sowing doubt about the media highest levels of both the American ators of both parties—to defend the that dares to report the facts.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.046 S06FEPT1 S642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 Let’s remember that the Putin re- Congress will choose to act in the best plete or inaccurate information for the gime that President Trump is so fond interests of our country and our de- President’s benefit. of is one that has invaded and annexed mocracy or whether they will continue We have seen the chairman of the part of Ukraine and continues to incite to act out of self-preservation and House Intelligence Committee, DEVIN war in Ukraine, is propping up the shortsighted political gain. The world NUNES, use this tactic last week, in murderous Assad regime and is every is watching. spite of concerns raised by the FBI and bit as responsible for those heinous I yield the floor. the Department of Justice. Congress- acts as Assad himself, and constantly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- man NUNES, determined to support the tries to instigate conflict by threat- ator from Hawaii. President’s paranoid conclusion that ening our troops around the world. Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I rise the entire national security apparatus Perhaps the most disappointing piece today to denounce—this is a strong is out to get him, created a memo that of this is that President Trump is now word but an appropriate word—the Re- misconstrued critical intelligence to not acting alone. He gets help from publican effort to undermine America’s engineer an outcome that pleased the Members of Congress who join in par- faith in important institutions—all to White House. Armed with a misleading tisan attacks on the FBI and Depart- protect Donald Trump from the Russia and inaccurate memo, Congressman ment of Justice. Just think about that. investigation. NUNES and Republicans across the We have a President and Members of This effort is self-evident to any neu- country, with the assistance of Russia the Republican Party who are more in- tral observer watching ‘‘Fox and bots on social media, launched a con- terested in helping a foreign power get Friends,’’ reading the ‘‘Drudge Re- certed attack on the FBI, the intel- away with interfering in our elections port,’’ or following the President on ligence community, and the Justice than allowing an investigation to run Twitter, and it has profound con- Department. Why? To prove a con- its course. sequences for our country. spiracy against the President that does It is simply stunning how far some of Defending our critical institutions, not exist. my Republican colleagues would go to such as the FBI and an independent De- NUNES and other Republicans knew undermine the special counsel and con- partment of Justice, should not be a the facts did not support their con- gressional investigations in order to partisan issue, and those who care spiracy theory, but the incitement con- score political points. This doesn’t just about these institutions have to speak tinued anyway, even singling out for put them at odds with the public in the up. This, of course, includes Members attack the President’s own handpicked short term. This has long-term con- of Congress. Director of the FBI after his agency op- sequences for the men and women who Many congressional Republicans, posed releasing the memo. By the time protect our country from harm. A few however, appear determined to trans- the committee released it and the pub- days ago, a former supervisory special form legitimate congressional over- lic learned just how false and mis- agent with the FBI who served as a sight into an arm of the President’s de- leading it was, Congressman NUNES and counterterrorism investigator and spe- fense. For example, the Teapot Dome his memo had already sowed the seeds cial assistant to the Bureau’s Director hearings uncovered government cor- of doubt about the FBI and its inves- explained why he was now resigning ruption for personal gain. The Kefauver tigation. from the FBI in order to speak pub- committee uncovered organized crime The President rewarded Congressman licly. and corruption nationwide. The Water- NUNES yesterday by tweeting: He said his resignation was painful gate committee uncovered Nixon’s con- DEVIN NUNES, a man of tremendous cour- but ‘‘the alternative of remaining quiet spiracy. The Church committee led to age and grit, may someday be recognized as while the bureau is tarnished for polit- landmark reforms of the intelligence a Great American Hero for what he has ex- ical gain is impossible.’’ He said he community, some of the very reforms posed and what he has had to endure! worries that the damage from attacks that are currently being warped for I think history will conclude other- on the integrity of the FBI could last Trump’s benefit. These were bipar- wise. generations. tisan, fact-based, public inquiries into Just as the President has praised the There are a number of things this issues of national consequence. NUNES attacks on the FBI and the Jus- Congress must commit to. First of all, The investigation into Russia’s ac- tice Department, he has certainly been we must ensure that Special Counsel knowledged interference in our elec- doing his part to undermine these in- Robert Mueller stays on the job and tion should be no different. Unfortu- stitutions. He has done his part by de- continues to follow the facts wherever nately, many of the Republicans in meaning and humiliating the very peo- they may lead, without threat or in- Congress investigating the Trump-Rus- ple he appointed to run these institu- timidation and with the resources he sia matter appear more concerned tions. We can all recall the very per- needs. We already know the President about protecting the President than sonal attacks on Attorney General Jeff talked about firing Mr. Mueller last getting at the truth. This is particu- Sessions in the Oval Office, demands year. Well, the President should be on larly so in the House of Representa- for personal loyalty from Deputy At- notice: Firing Mueller is not an option, tives, where almost nothing happens on torney General Rod Rosenstein, and as- and the same goes for trying to fire the Intelligence Committee without sertions that the FBI was ‘‘in tatters’’ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosen- the assent of the White House. But it is under the leadership of his handpicked stein. also true in the Senate, where even the Director, Christopher Wray. We can all I also want to be clear. Doling out a Judiciary Committee has been stymied appreciate the irony of Donald Trump’s Presidential pardon to try to cover up in its efforts to get to the truth. personal attacks against Special Coun- any collusion or obstruction of justice Certainly, it is not from a lack of sel Robert Mueller, whom the Presi- is unacceptable and will be met with trying. Democrats serving on relevant dent interviewed and seriously consid- furious resistance across the country. committees have demonstrated deter- ered for a return to his old job as Di- This is about our elections, our na- mination in fulfilling our constitu- rector of the FBI. tional security, and it is about our tional oversight obligations, but this is The self-serving and personal attacks standing in the world. No one—no nearly impossible without cooperation against people who refuse to do his bid- one—should stand in the way of a thor- from the Republican majority. Without ding reflect the narcissism of a man ough investigation. In the coming cooperation from Republicans, letters who has little regard for his respon- days, weeks, and months, Congress requesting information are not bipar- sibilities as President. Sadly, for Presi- must work to fulfill its duty to the tisan, and interviews of key witnesses dent Trump, it is all about him every American people by ensuring the integ- are delayed or are canceled, just to time, all the time. rity of our elections and safeguarding give two examples. By attacking the Justice Department investigations by allowing them to run Conducting oversight behind closed and the FBI, the President is attempt- their course free from political pres- doors and out of the public view lacks ing to discredit the Russia investiga- sure. transparency, of course, and creates a tion and protect himself and his fam- The question is whether the Trump situation ripe for exploitation. It al- ily. His words and actions are intended administration and all Members of lows Republicans to weaponize incom- to undermine public confidence in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.048 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S643 FBI and the Justice Department for his have repeatedly asked the Secretary of people demand that we answer in our benefit in the here and now. He does the Treasury to provide the Senate Fi- investigation into obstruction of jus- not seem to care about the long-term nance Committee with Treasury De- tice through the Judiciary Committee consequences of eroding public con- partment documents that would allow and that the special counsel will be an- fidence in two critical institutions investigators to follow the money be- swering in his investigation into collu- charged with keeping us safe and pro- tween Russia, Donald Trump, and his sion between the Russians and the tecting our rights. associates. The committee has been Trump campaign, as well as subsequent Through all the obfuscation and neg- given nothing. Secretary Mnuchin has obstruction of justice. ative personal attacks, a clear pattern simply refused to cooperate with con- Some of this investigation involves has emerged. The President and his Re- gressional oversight conducted by past events and actions by the Presi- publican allies will do whatever they members of the committee that has di- dent and others. But, in fact, what is can to discredit the Mueller Russia in- rect jurisdiction over his agency. happening daily in real time is evi- vestigation without regard or respect So the question is, Mr. President, dence of obstruction of justice. It is as for the collateral damage caused. Then what are you hiding? What is in those though we were watching a case in they will turn to FOX News and other tax returns and those financial docu- court unfolding before our eyes. All we outlets to get their message or propa- ments that you don’t want revealed? lack is the marshalling of the evidence ganda out to their base and dismiss the What would be so damaging? and the closing argument. In a subse- mainstream media as fake news. Sadly, It seems to me that if you are to un- quent speech, I intend to go into great for our country, it is a strategy that derstand Russia’s ability to undermine detail on that obstruction case. can win and that can work. our democracy, it is essential to follow From what we know now through the According to a new poll from Reu- the money. Donald Trump’s family has public record, there is a lot more that ters, 73 percent of Republicans believe acknowledged its financial ties to Rus- the special counsel knows from his in- that the Justice Department and the sia. In fact, in 2008 and 2009, when it vestigation, and he will be making use FBI are trying to undermine the Presi- was pretty hard to get money for in- of it from classified and unclassified dent. This state of affairs may serve vestment, the Trump family said— sources. the President’s short-term interests, their words, not mine: Much of our We now know, irrefutably and unde- but it will have real and lasting nega- portfolio comes from the Russians. niably, that there is a credible case of tive consequences for our country in The special counsel included exten- obstruction of justice against the the years and decades to come. sive information on money laundering President of the United States. It is I yield the floor. and tax evasion in his recent indict- credible and, in many ways, powerful The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ment of Paul Manafort. There have and compelling. In fact, President Trump has endeav- ator from Oregon. been dozens and dozens of press sto- ored mightily to stop all of these inves- Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I want to ries—it seems there are several every tigations into the Russian meddling in thank my colleague from Hawaii for a week—about the finances of the Presi- the 2016 election and his connections to very eloquent statement. I so appre- dent and his associates that warrant ciate her leadership and miss her on it. real congressional oversight. Obstruction of justice is a serious the Intelligence Committee. I also Americans are alarmed by the admin- crime, essentially consisting of two want to express my appreciation to the istration’s stonewalling, and millions elements: No. 1, to interfere with a organizers of this effort—Senator have been appalled by the idea that lawful investigation and, No. 2, that in- HITEHOUSE and Senator W this would somehow be treated like terference has to be done with corrupt BLUMENTHAL—who have been tenacious just another political game. Those who intent. Corrupt intent means any im- in pursuing these issues. Both of them abuse the classification system to put proper purpose. serve on the Judiciary Committee, and out a laughable partisan memo that It doesn’t matter that the President, I serve on the Intelligence Committee. doesn’t stand up to scrutiny apparently for example, had the right to fire Jim It is quite obvious what has been are willing to do it just to protect the Comey or to say one thing or another. going on in the last few weeks. The President at any cost. The question is why he did it. There President, the chairman of the House The cost is our national security. can be circumstantial evidence of that Intelligence Committee, and others are The cost is our democracy. No matter corrupt intent in what he says and working hard to get the American peo- how much the President and his pro- does, as well as direct quotations. ple just to forget that our country is in tectors in Congress try to change the If it was to stop or influence an in- the middle of an ongoing national secu- subject, we are not, on the floor of this vestigation, that is corrupt intent, and rity crisis. Russia has attacked our de- Senate, going to lose sight of what is that is enough for obstruction of jus- mocracy; Russia has intervened in our really at stake. tice. election; and there is every reason to I yield the floor. My colleagues and I are here today to believe that they are just going to keep The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- raise the alarm because where we are doing it. ator from Connecticut. now is that part of the President’s cor- In the year since the assessment I Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I rupt intent, as well as his interference mentioned was conducted by the intel- am honored to follow my colleagues with the investigation, consists of an ligence community, virtually everyone here today and to be followed by my all-out assault on law enforcement and has come to see it this way. Donald great friend and colleague, Senator the intelligence community. Trump obviously disagrees. The only WHITEHOUSE, who has been a wonderful In some ways, it is a standard means change has been the extent to which partner in this effort and has helped or- of defense at trial: When all else fails, Donald Trump’s protectors are willing ganize today’s colloquy. I will yield to attack the prosecution. I have seen it to go out and throw dust in the air to him shortly. and experienced it as a U.S. attorney prevent America from focusing on this I think the American people are ask- myself in court. So I know it is a last direct threat to the people of this coun- ing a commonsense question: What is resort, but it has lasting implications try and our very system of govern- the President trying to hide? What do for the defendant, or whoever is raising ment. the Russians have on Donald Trump? this defense—in this case, the Presi- Congress has to get to the bottom of The intelligence community unani- dent of the United States. It has huge, what has been done to our democracy, mously says that the Russians at- sweeping, enduring, horrific, and rep- but the fact is, the Senate has been tacked our democracy by interfering in rehensible ramifications. It is irrespon- stonewalled, particularly when it the 2016 election. The only one who has sible in a profound constitutional sense comes to the crucial issues of following any doubt about it—in fact, the only for the Commander in Chief to be un- the money. It began when Donald public official who has the temerity to dermining our national security by at- Trump refused to do what every other deny it—is the President of the United tacking the FBI and our intelligence Presidential candidate has done now States. So the question is, Why? community as institutions. for four decades; that is, release his tax That is the elephant in this Chamber. I wish to remind my colleagues of returns. It continues on other fronts. I That is the question that the American what our colleague JOHN MCCAIN said.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.049 S06FEPT1 S644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 My colleague Senator WHITEHOUSE pre- to misstate what the purpose of that frontation that would match the Sat- pared this poster board and will be meeting was—supposedly Russian urday Night Massacre during the era of using it shortly. He said: ‘‘The latest adoptions, when, in fact, it was to ob- Watergate. That would throw this attacks against the FBI and Depart- tain dirt on Hillary Clinton. He did it country into another constitutional ment of Justice serve no American in- when he knew he was under investiga- conflagration that would be profoundly terests—no party’s, no President’s, tion. That is the key point. damaging and enduringly harmful. only Putin’s.’’ These attacks serve the He ordered the firing of Robert This investigation is no hoax or Russians. They do not serve America’s Mueller and backed down only when witch hunt. It is real. It is not about national security because they are his White House Counsel said he would any of us or any of the President’s done with the purpose to obstruct jus- resign. Again, the reasons that he pro- tweets. It is about evidence and law. It tice. vided, much like the Comey letter that is about facts and statutes. It is about They are the latest in a series of irre- was a lie, the reasons for his firing the the elements of a crime that is under sponsible and reprehensible actions FBI Director were pretextual. He lied investigation. The American people de- that began in the first days of this ad- about why he wanted Mueller gone, serve to know the truth, which is why ministration. In January 2017, Acting just as he had lied about why he fired we must have public hearings in the Attorney General Sally Yates went to Jim Comey. Judiciary Committee, and we must the White House to inform White In some ways, others are tasked now, have subpoenas for documents and wit- House Counsel Don McGahn that Mi- in a switch of tactics. He has no longer nesses. It is why we need to move in chael Flynn had lied to the Vice Presi- threatened to fire the special counsel— the Judiciary Committee with special dent about his relationship with the at least publicly—but he has tasked his counsel legislation that will offer pro- Russians and he could, therefore, be surrogates and sycophants in Congress tections that guarantee the American subject to blackmail. Don McGahn im- to attack institutions like the FBI, the people that they will know the truth mediately briefed President Trump, Department of Justice, and the intel- and that the rule of law will be pro- but the White House failed to react in ligence community, along with him. tected. No one is above the rule of law. the way that a responsible President That was the purpose of the Nunes Thank you, Mr. President. would. Soon after it was revealed that memo—to discredit the FBI and dis- I thank my friend and colleague Sen- the FBI was doing an investigation tract from the investigation. ator WHITEHOUSE. into Russian meddling, Trump asked But if he orchestrated the writing of I yield the floor. FBI Director James Comey for his loy- that memo, if he participated in draft- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, on alty. In effect, he asked for a loyalty ing it, if anyone in the White House, January 6, 2017, the U.S. intelligence pledge from the Director of the Federal with his imprimatur or direction, was community released a shocking report. Bureau of Investigations. He cornered involved in crafting that memo, that is It stated: ‘‘We assess with high con- Comey privately and said that he evidence also of obstruction of justice, fidence that Russian President Vladi- hoped Comey would let Flynn go, refer- and it will come home to haunt DEVIN mir Putin ordered an influence cam- ring to the FBI’s investigation into Mi- NUNES and the White House staff who paign in 2016, aimed at the U.S. presi- chael Flynn. participated and others in the Congress dential election, the consistent goals of Trump called Comey and told him he who may have been involved, including which were to undermine public faith wanted him to lift the cloud of the the staff—all of it because he wants to in the U.S. democratic process, deni- Russian investigation over his Presi- stop the investigation, all of it because grate Secretary Clinton, and harm her dency. He then called for the firing of he is afraid of something that the spe- electability and potential presidency.’’ Andrew McCabe, a potential corrobo- cial counsel has and that the Russians This wasn’t just one intelligence rating witness for Comey’s conversa- may have on him. agency, it was a unanimous conclusion tions with Trump. The fact of the matter is that no one of the entire intelligence community. He asked Director of National Intel- is above the law. If the President re- It sent shockwaves throughout our ligence Dan Coats and CIA Director fuses to talk to the special counsel, he entire government. This isn’t about Mike Pompeo and Mike Rogers to pub- should be subpoenaed to appear before Republicans versus Democrats, it is licly state that he was not under inves- the grand jury. If he fails to volun- about a foreign President ordering an tigation. When Comey refused to bend tarily appear for that interview with attack on our democracy. to this pressure, he fired Comey and Robert Mueller or his staff, he should President Putin’s goal was clear: to misstated the reason for that firing. He be subpoenaed before the grand jury, sow division and discord and to under- lied about it, claiming it was because and he should be forced to testify under mine public faith in our democratic of Comey’s supposed handling of the threat of contempt. And if he invokes processes and the rule of law. Clinton email investigation, although Executive privilege, the outcome will Almost immediately we saw concerns he later admitted in an interview with be the same when it is tested in court, and calls for action from both sides of NBC News anchor Lester Holt that the as it was in United States v. Nixon. the aisle. firing was ‘‘because of this Russia We have seen this movie before. We Bipartisan congressional investiga- thing,’’ and he bragged to Russian offi- know how it ends because a broad tions were initiated to figure out ex- cials at the White House that Comey’s claim of Executive privilege fails in the actly what happened and how to pre- firing had ‘‘taken off’’ the ‘‘great pres- face of a lawful need for evidence in an vent it from happening again. sure’’ of the Russia investigation. ongoing criminal investigation. However, despite this promising be- But that did not make the Russia in- If he claims a Fifth Amendment ginning, the commitment to uncover vestigation go away, because of the ap- privilege—the right against self-in- the facts and protect our country from pointment of Special Counsel Robert crimination—it will be a powerful tes- outside attacks has devolved into an Mueller. He berated his Attorney Gen- timony to what he fears the special inside attack on our own democratic eral, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself counsel and the Russians have on him. institutions. from the special counsel’s investiga- We are careening toward a constitu- Sadly, rather than serving as a uni- tion because he knew Sessions could tional crisis, and that is why my col- fying force, President Trump has done have stopped it. He berated Jeff Ses- leagues in this Chamber can no longer all he can to undermine the intel- sions and privately ranted about it. remain silent. It is why Paul Ryan can ligence community’s assessment. Those private rants, along with other no longer tolerate DEVIN NUNES to con- What is worse, he has utterly failed private conversations—many of them tinue with these frantic antics to pro- to take strong actions against Russia— now known to the special counsel, no tect the President and his ongoing acts and in some cases has rewarded Russia doubt—are evidence that will be pro- of obstruction. It is why I hope we will by changing U.S. policy. duced by the special counsel. adopt legislation to protect the special Instead of supporting a robust and We know that President Trump counsel, sending a message to the independent investigation into what wrote a deliberately deceptive state- President of the United States that he Russia did and who was involved, the ment for his son Donald Trump, Jr., to cannot obstruct justice by firing the President instead is working to halt cover up the Trump Tower meeting and special counsel and precipitate a con- the investigations altogether.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.051 S06FEPT1 February 6, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S645 Unfortunately, the President hasn’t respond and request changes. The com- McGahn to keep the Attorney General been alone in these efforts. mittee revised its report where appro- from recusing himself from the Russia Last week, Congressman DEVIN priate and even cited disagreements in investigation. NUNES, chairman of the House Intel- footnotes. Two heads of intelligence agencies, ligence Committee, pushed for the de- Once public, the committee included DNI Director Dan Coats and NSC Di- classification of a transparently polit- additional views from Republicans on rector Michael Rogers, said they felt ical memo written by his staff. the committee. The CIA’s response was pressure from the President to say Here are some things we know about made public. There was a very thor- there was no collusion with Russia. the memo and the process to release it: ough declassification process to ensure And it has become apparent that We know that the memo confirms the the summary was safe to release. many of the actions taken by the FBI’s Russia investigation was not In fact, even though the final report White House, Congressman NUNES, and triggered by the dossier or by Carter was completed in 2012, the executive others have been coordinated with con- Page. summary wasn’t made public until De- servative media like FOX News. In fact, the investigation started be- cember 2014 in order to ensure the proc- Objectivity and nonpartisanship are cause another Trump campaign foreign ess was properly followed. core components of the FBI and the policy adviser, George Papadapolous, There were disagreements, but the Justice Department. To either attempt was told in April that Russia had minority party was not cut out of the to co-opt them or punish them for not ‘‘dirt’’ on Clinton in the form of thou- process. kowtowing to the President’s political sands of emails. That is not how the Senate works, whims is egregious. We also know that, while Carter Page that is not how democracy works, and Our Founding Fathers placed enor- was not the reason the Russia inves- it is not how any congressional com- mous trust in the legislative branch to tigation started, the government had a mittee or investigation should operate. serve as an effective check on the reasonable belief that Page was acting What I have described so far was the President, and it is time to do our job. as an agent of a foreign power. process and political implications of Congress needs to work alongside We know that Congressman NUNES the Nunes memo, but it is just one part Special Counsel Mueller to get answers did not review the underlying classified of an extensive pattern of abuse of for the American people. documents himself. power. The Nation deserves to understand These documents include the FISA What we are seeing is a sustained, co- exactly what happened and who was in- warrant renewal applications, which ordinated effort to diminish, weaken, volved, and all of us need to believe the must show what the government was and destabilize our top law enforce- President isn’t above the law and will learning about Carter Page. ment officials, and we all should take not be allowed to abuse his position for Instead of reviewing these documents exception to that. personal gain. himself, the chairman relied solely on Both the rushed manner and the dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- his staff, who may or may not have puted contents of the Nunes memo are ator from Rhode Island. been coordinating this campaign with a case in point. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, the White House. We don’t know be- After the memo was released on Fri- indisputably, Vladimir Putin con- cause Congressman NUNES refuses to day, House Intelligence Committee ducted a broadly based attack on answer that question. Ranking Member ADAM SCHIFF hit the American democracy and its most im- We know that Chairman NUNES re- nail on the head. portant institutions. Tragically, fused to allow the Department of Jus- He called the public release of mis- Putin’s broadly based attack on Amer- tice and FBI to brief all Members on leading allegations against the FBI and ican democracy and our institutions is the underlying documents before and the Justice Department ‘‘a shameful echoed by President Trump’s attack on after the memo’s release. effort to discredit these institutions, American democracy and our most im- We know that Congressman NUNES undermine the Special Counsel’s ongo- portant institutions. And tragically or refused to allow Democrats to issue ing investigation, and undercut con- pathetically—I don’t know which to their own analysis of the classified doc- gressional probes.’’ say—that attack is echoed by a broad uments along with his memo. He is absolutely right. Republican attack on American democ- And we know that Russian social And this is just the latest in a long racy and institutions. media bots assisted in the efforts to in- pattern of attempts to undercut the We can and should take steps to de- fluence American public opinion con- FBI and Justice Department. fend our American democracy. They cerning the memo. Some of the efforts were blatant. are not terribly complicated. The drafting and release of this par- After FBI Director Comey refused to No. 1, stop attacking our own institu- tisan, misleading memo was particu- pledge his loyalty to the President, the tions. We can start there. We are doing larly disturbing to me. President fired him, an action the Putin’s work when we attack our own As Senator MCCAIN stated last week, President himself admitted was tied to institutions. ‘‘If we continue to undermine our own the Russia investigation. No. 2, step up to protect our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for The President has engaged in a series elections. All of our national security him.’’ of tweets attacking the Attorney Gen- witnesses have warned that they are Intelligence and law enforcement eral, Deputy Attorney General and coming after us in 2018 with more elec- oversight should never be used as a po- Deputy Director of the FBI, among tion interference. Yet what have we litical weapon. others. done? I have served on the Senate Intel- There have also been media reports No. 3, stop sheltering Putin and his ligence Committee for 17 years, and I that the President has considered fir- oligarchs from consequences. We can’t recall a single instance when an ing both Robert Mueller and Deputy passed sanctions against Russian intelligence report was handled in this Attorney General Rosenstein, but oligarchs and Putin and Russia for this manner or a situation where additional many of the efforts by the President very thing—messing around in our views were actively blocked from being and his team weren’t quite as obvious. elections—through the Senate 98 to 2. released. We have seen multiple reports that The effective date of them has run. Yet This has been true even with the the President demanded personal loy- the President won’t enforce them. Stop most controversial issues like the In- alty from top law enforcement officials sheltering Putin and his oligarchs. telligence Committee’s investigation of including Comey and Rosenstein. No. 4, clean up the dark channels of the Benghazi attacks or the report on In fact, President Trump frequently foreign influence and corruption. We the CIA’s use of torture. calls the Attorney General ‘‘his’’ At- know what they are because we have In both of these instances, the com- torney General and refers to ‘‘my FBI’’ seen this play out in European coun- mittee held bipartisan meetings and and ‘‘my Department of Justice.’’ In tries and former Soviet Union coun- shared drafts of report language be- fact, they aren’t his, they are Amer- tries. We know how it works. We have tween the majority and minority. ican people’s. similar vulnerabilities. Fix them. For the torture report, the CIA was Media reports also say that President Those are four things that are not offered and accepted opportunities to instructed White House Counsel Don hard to do.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:14 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE6.045 S06FEPT1 S646 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2018 A fifth would be serious investiga- this behavior and that we will deter it Senate floor for a vote. I am extremely tions by Congress—not tiptoe inves- with serious sanctions. disappointed that my colleagues are tigations but ones where we take hard Let’s insist on transparency. Let’s in- abandoning long-standing practices in looks, ask hard questions, and demand sist on transparency about foreign fi- order to fill the judiciary with conserv- hard evidence. nancial interference in our country, ative ideologues. No one in the Senate has tangled through shell corporations in par- Moreover, Mr. Stras is yet another more with Vladimir Putin than our ticular, and let’s insist on trans- judicial nominee selected for this ad- friend JOHN MCCAIN. Senator MCCAIN parency about the President’s foreign ministration by the Heritage Founda- has tangled with him so often that he financial dealings and conflicts of in- tion and the Federalist Society. His has actually been blacklisted from terest. name was on President Trump’s Su- travel to Russia. What Senator MCCAIN Finally, let’s pass legislation to pro- preme Court shortlist, and although he said last week is something we should tect the special counsel from inter- was not selected to fill the Supreme take to heart: ‘‘The latest attacks ference and obstruction. I have been a Court vacancy, outside dark money against the FBI and Department of U.S. attorney. I understand the role of PACS spent millions of dollars running Justice serve no American interests— an independent and honorable Depart- ads in support of his nomination to no party’s, no President’s, only Vladi- ment of Justice. I understand, as we all this seat. These facts should alarm mir Putin’s.’’ should, that no man—not even the every American. Our judiciary system, He also said this: ‘‘Our Nation’s President—is above the law. And like under the Trump administration, is elected officials, including the Presi- many colleagues who have served in being outsourced to outside organiza- dent, must stop looking at this inves- the Department of Justice, I expect, as tions with unlimited financial re- tigation through the lens of politics they all expect, that even under the sources that are not accountable to and manufacturing political pressure, the threats, and the intimida- voters. sideshows.’’ Instead, we need to be tion brought by the President against I urge my colleagues to return to reg- looking at the situation through the this Department of Justice, it will do ular order. lens of our national security. its job. As FBI Director Christopher f Here is what America’s national se- Wray recently said, ‘‘We expect them OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DRILLING curity professionals tell us. First, they to keep calm and tackle hard.’’ concluded: ‘‘Russian President Vladi- I see the majority leader is on the Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I mir Putin ordered an influence cam- floor. wish to speak in opposition to Presi- paign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presi- Mr. President, I yield the floor. dent Trump’s proposal to open all off- dential election.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. shore waters in the country to oil drill- I will continue. ‘‘Russia’s goals were DAINES). The majority leader. ing. to undermine public faith in the U.S. This proposal has been met with out- f Democratic process, denigrate Sec- rage from every corner, as my col- retary Clinton, and harm her MORNING BUSINESS leagues are making clear here on the Senate floor today. electability and potential presidency.’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I They concluded: ‘‘We further assess ask unanimous consent that the Sen- I would like to take a minute to re- Putin and the Russian government de- ate be in a period of morning business, mind everyone of what is at stake. Before the Deepwater Horizon and veloped a clear preference for Presi- with Senators permitted to speak Exxon Valdez spills, Santa Barbara, dent-elect Trump.’’ therein for up to 10 minutes each. CA, experienced the worst oil spill in We went on with this important con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without U.S history. clusion in the January 2017 intelligence objection, it is so ordered. community assessment: ‘‘We assess In 1969, an offshore oil rig in Federal Moscow will apply lessons learned from f waters spilled more than 3 million gal- its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at VOTE EXPLANATION lons of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean. the U.S. presidential election to future The environmental disaster killed influence efforts worldwide, including Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, I was thousands of marine mammals and against U.S. allies and their election unavoidably absent due to a family birds. Our local beaches were coated by processes.’’ medical emergency for rollcall vote No. a thick layer of oil. Tourists were We know they are coming. We have 28. Had I been present, I would have turned away, and commercial fishing been warned by Trump’s own ap- voted yea on the confirmation of operations were shut down, hurting the pointees that they are coming. Yet we Andrei Iancu, of California, to be Under local economy. do nothing. Nada. As Putin would say, Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual After that spill, California decided ‘‘nichego.’’ Property and Director of the U.S. Pat- that enough was enough. State agen- Well, right now that leaves Congress ent and Trademark Office. cies blocked all new offshore oil drill- complicit, but it doesn’t have to be this f ing in State waters up to 3 miles from way, and it ought not be this way. It is the shore. The State reinforced this not too late to defend our democracy CONFIRMATION OF DAVID RYAN ban with the California Coastal Sanc- and to teach Russia and the world STRAS tuary Act in 1994. some different lessons about who we Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, Through a combination of local ordi- are. What are the things we could do? today I wish to express my disappoint- nances, congressional opposition, and Well, we could defend our democracy ment that David Stras was confirmed moratoria imposed by Presidents from from Russian political influence. to serve on the Eight Circuit Court of both parties, our State has also fought Let’s take legislative action to se- Appeals. off any new drilling in Federal waters cure election infrastructure, improve Mr. Stras’s nomination should not beyond 3 miles from the shore since our cyber security, counter and blunt have made it to the Senate floor. For 1984. Russian propaganda, and keep foreign over a century, the Senate Judiciary The Trump administration has now money out of our politics. That ought Committee has used the blue slip proc- proposed undoing our progress by open- not to be too hard to ask. ess to ensure that the White House ful- ing all Federal waters, including the Let’s defend our democracy from fu- fills its constitutional duty to seek the waters off California’s coast, to new ture Russian and foreign meddling. Senate’s advice and consent for judi- gas and oil drilling. Let’s insist on the implementation and cial nominations. Traditionally, a If his proposal is allowed to go enforcement of the sanctions against nominee received a committee hearing through, it would lead to the first new Russia. We passed them 98 to 2 for a only if both of their home State Sen- offshore oil drilling leases sold in the reason. Why is President Trump shel- ators returned their blue slips to the Pacific Ocean in more than 30 years. tering Putin and the oligarchs from committee. Despite receiving only one So far, an exception has been made that punch? Let’s insist on the message blue slip, Mr. Stras was granted a hear- for Florida, hastily announced by Inte- being delivered that we don’t tolerate ing, and his nomination was sent to the rior Secretary Ryan Zinke in response

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:33 Feb 07, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06FE6.053 S06FEPT1