Upper Limit on Current Support

State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No X Rule 32, Alabama Rules of Judicial Alabama Administration X Alaska Civil Rule 90.3 All awards are computed as % of gross Alaska w/ no ceiling % X Administrative Order No. 2004-29 Awards computed based on “combined Arizona adjusted gross” X 32% Arkansas Supreme Court Percentages are used when the income Arkansas Administrative Order number 10 level exceed the chart. 32% is the percentage for 6 children X California Family Code sections 4050- California 4076 X Colorado Statutes 14-10-115 “shared physical custody” results in Colorado multiplying the basic support obligation by 1.5 because of a resulting duplication in certain costs. X Connecticut General Statutes 46b- Connecticut 215a X 50% Delaware X D.C. Code Ann. 16-916.1 Guidelines effective 4/1/2007 District of Columbia X 55% 61.30 Florida limitation is 55% of gross Florida income. X Georgia Code 19-6-15 Guidelines effective 1/1/2007 Georgia

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State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No

X Primary support plus Hawaii Revised Statutes 576D-7 30% is for 3 or more children Hawaii 30% of SOLA SOLA income = gross income less self- income support reserve X 35% at $10,000 per Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure 6(c)6 35% is for 5 children at $10,000 annual Idaho year of guidelines income. Each succeeding $10,000 income increment is assessed at a lower percentage resulting in a reduction of awards at higher incomes to below 35% X 750 ILCS 5/505 Illinois X 50% Indiana Rules of Court See guideline 2 Indiana X Iowa Code 598.21(4) and Title I, Residential credit is available Iowa chapter 9 of Iowa Court Rules Present guidelines effective 11/1/2004 X Kansas court rules, Admin order 180 Residential credit (parenting time Kansas adjustment) is available X Kentucky Revised Statutes 403.211 Kentucky and 212 X Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:315 Louisiana X Maine Statutes title 19-A, chapter 63 Maine sections 2001 through 2011 X Maryland Family Law Code Ann. Maryland Section 12-201 through 12-204 X By order of the Administrative Office Effective 2/15/2006 Massachusetts of the Trial court

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State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No

X Michigan Supreme Court Order 2003- Effective 10/1/2004 Michigan 22, Michigan Child Support Formula Manual You need a calculator (MCSF) X Annotated Minnesota 518A.26 et seq. X Mississippi code 43-19-101 Mississippi X Missouri Supreme Court Order of July Missouri 1, 2005 regarding Civil Procedure Form Number 14 X Administrative Rules of Montana, Montana Title 37, chapter 62, subchapter 1. X For net combined Nebraska Court Rules Economic table amended effective Nebraska incomes above 7/1/2007 $15K/mo, limit is support at $15K amount plus 10% of net income above $15K for 1,2,or 3, 12% for 4, 13% for 5 an 14% for 6 X Presumptive 125B.070 Presumptive maximum amounts Nevada maximum amounts of and 080. amended in 2003 support fixed by statute NRS 125B.070(2)

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State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No

X NHS 458-C 3 New Hampshire Statutes chapter 458- New Amounts are set at a C, sections 1 through 7 Hampshire percentage of combined net, effectively establishing an upper percentage limit when the CP income is zero X New Jersey Rules of court, Rule 5:6A New Jersey appendix 9 X New Mexico Statutes 40-4-11.1 New Mexico through 11.6 X New York Domestic Relations Law New York 240(1-b) X North Carolina court rules Effective 10/1/2006 North Carolina X North Dakota Statutes Chapter 75-02- North Dakota 04.1 X Title 31, chapter Ohio 3119 X Oklahoma Statutes, title 43 Sections Oklahoma 118 through 120 X Oregon Administrative Rules 137- Oregon 050-0320 through 137-050-0490 X Pennsylvania Code 1910.16 Pennsylvania

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State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No

X Administrative Order 2002-03 and Rhode Island associated conversion table and worksheets X South Carolina Soc. Serv. Reg 114- South 4710 to 4750 Carolina X South Dakota Laws chapter 27-7 South Dakota sections 6.2 through 6.12 X Tennessee Admin. Rules Chapter Tennessee 1240-2-4 .01 through.09 X Texas Family Code Sections chapter Texas 154 subchapter C (Section 154.121 through 154.113 X Utah Code 78-45-7 through 78-45- By statute no upper limit on base Utah 7.18 support but if base plus medical or base plus child care exceed 50% of obligor’s adjusted gross, presumption of correctness of base amount is rebutted. 78-45-7.18 X Vermont Statutes title 15, chapter 11, Vermont section 654 and rules X Virginia Statutes 20-108.2 Virginia X 45% of net income. Chapter 26.19 RCW Washington RCW 26.19.065 X West Virginia code 48-13 West Virginia

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State Percentage If yes, how much Legal authority (statute or rule) for Comments limit on guidelines current support Yes No

X Administrative rule DWD 40 Wisconsin

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