The Daily Star-Mirror (Moscow, Idaho), 1923-07-28, [P ]
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The Daily Star-Mirror VOLUME XII THE DAILY STAB-MIRROR, MOSCOW, IDAHO, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1923. NUMBER 255 the United States government, $4500 Factories employing more than 500,- to the extension division and $22,700 000 workers, and representing all lines ! CONFIDENCE IN to the farmers, counties and other or PRESIDENT SACK ON AMERICAN of endeavor, report increases of 27 ! SENATOR LEWIS ganizations. More than 10,500 land j per cent in the number of employes owners co-operated in the work. and 53 per cent in payrolls. The ground squirrel campaign cov- Any prosperity which does not in- ! ITS GOVERNMENT ered 35 of Idaho’s 44 counties and j -, SOIE—IS SOMEWHAT INDISPOSED elude the farmer and food producer Is j GOES TO SPORANE resulted in treating 1,754,041 acres : not to be depended upon. The farm- j er’s dollar cannot continue to slump j with 223,000 quarts of poisoned bait. Ruth Huff, Lillian. Roise, Dorothy WASHINGTON’S GOVERNOR TELLS In the Jack rabbit campaign a total i Aboard the Harding Train—(A. P.) like the German mark; his dollar is | CONNECTION WITH FEDERAL PRESIDENT AMERICAN IDEALS of 51,000 acres in four counties was i —After a rail and water trip of over Wethered, Avis Drew, Irene J. Cox, entitled to the same consideration as j LOAN BANK MAKES MOVE UNSHAKEN AND PEOPLE LOYAL treated .with 6,105 pounds of poisoned five thousand miles to Alaska, Can- Julia O’Neill, Kathryn Almquist, and any other person’s.—Dearborn Inde- j NECESSARY I bait. J ada, and return to Seattle, President Rose Hawks. pendent. Seattle,(A. P.)—Governor Louis F. _____________________ j Harding is again aboard the train ~ ----------------------------- - ! The many Moscow friends of Sena- Hart today welcomed President Hard-' [which left Washington, June 20, tra- Keen 1er Government Homes tor and Mrs- M. E. Lewis will regret ing_and Mrs. Harding and their party j MflTIT'IIIAf POT1 If PIT | veling with his official party along Lpndpn Pd More than 15,000 Ilf P'PII I P vd’/Cll to learn that Senator Lewis’ connec ta the state of Washington and con-||lj||ll 1 fl Vf | I 11(1 J [\ I the Pacific coast range south to Yose- applications have been made for use il I II I iifl# ï|| ! tion with the Federal f’arm Loan gratulated the president upon his safe A*"»*» ■■ I» 1 | mite national park, California. He tlle 10,000 houses which the gov- * mmjmjw uuiuuu bank at Spokane, necessitates their return to the states. The governor rftKT iiiiir ■ m nn ■ nn and Mrs. Harding spent the day in re- eminent will build within the next ^ lirj III */p t FI movinK to that city. This decision then introduced the president to the 11IV] \kj 14 L \ I Ml I \ I# 11 ! laxation. , w months. The houses, which are I |w| |||l|H|| | 111 w In Ä I# , was reached during a visit of Mr. people in the stadium of the Uni- l|i» fl HLiill LlU/lllLI Suffering from ptomaine poisoning, hemg constructed under the scheme 111 lU/lflU 111 i Lilli Lewis to Spokane this week. He was versity of Washington. President Harding remained in bed to stop the house shortage of Eng- elected vice president of the institua The governor said: ---------- today by orders of his physician as ^and and Scotland, may be rented or -------- tion some weeks ago, and the rapid “Mr. president. We were glad ,_T . , the train traversed Oregon, enroute purchased by the public, and so great puniiinirni/iv ninri’TnH’« ,,development of the business handled à when you went. We rejoice at your ^^. to Yosemite park. The attack is be- bad been the demand that it has been vn<«\v« RympiN «*>« «nr " t*le SP°hane bank, coupled with safe return. HNAME 10 Atl 1^ ADAISORT lieved to be caused by crabs eaten accessary to refuse two-thirds of the rYprivniTi Rptl ’* '* the establishment of the Intermediate “Back, undoubtedly, with renewed CAPACITY the fl^y before and by the strenuous applications made since the war. ; Credit^ bank, under a recently enact- vigor and a determination to take up “ , . Seattle program. It is not considered 1®d federal law, makes it desirable ( those problems which an anxious Portland, Ore. The advisory board serious by Brigadier General Sawyer, riniirn niftirii If I no 1 n Mnr t, f , , . *?r Mr. Lewis to become actively 1 world,years troubledof conflict, and disturbedstill looks by withlong American^or *be PacificWheat Growersnorthwest association of the quiringthe president absolute’s physician, rest. but as re- IFARMER /IIIIT1L1I Ufl 1TL/1L,NFAÎ ilftlltl/itl,KANSAS of the state.ofIdahostate of Idaho for^for the fiscalfisca hisld.ent broad*fied wbusinessJth ,the institution,experience wherewill 1 honeful eves and vearnine heart to- was announced by W. J. Brown, the /r, nnornremie.i ~year just ended, has been issued be of great value, ward the western continent for’ the association president, who is here U at mien Killed filVFS PRARlIETIfiN EASTS trom the director’s office. Thls re~ The work of Mr. Lewis will have Baht that Thall save humanitv from Promoting interest in the association Quebec—(A. P.)—The Edmonson- UlTLü I II II U DÜ I Illll lllju I Ü port shows in detail the work car- to do for the present with the Inter- another dark ae-e among farmers, as follows: Quebec express today crashed into a _______ ried on during the past twelve mediate Credits hank, which is Just “Safe on the ‘soil of the states Dr. E- O- Holland, president of freight on the Transcontinental rail- TT . _ months. The workings of the office, now beginning to make loans, and f again and readv to undertake the Washington State college, Pullman; [ way. one hundred miles east of Que- ^mer ONeal, of Hutchinson, as shown by the report, were com- which already has requests for $2,- MBS fast l’an of the longest Journey ever B- F- Irwin of the Oregon Journal, bec- Four trainmen were killed and Kansas, and Warren Harding held a piled by C. B. Steuenberg, federal 000,000 from Montana and an equal made lfv a chief executive you ein- Portland; Charles H. Stewart, vice- ! several persons injured. little conflab the other day m a Kan- prohibition agent under Colonel Mar- sum from Washington, The purpose not but have a wider sympathy for president Northwestern National Tear Down Red Flag1 f 1(~ * f consisted largely sters. of the bank, which is a discount bank, ■ the many difficuWes wMcTconfronl bank. Portland; J. K. McCornack, New York-(A. P.)-A crowd today read^ by^Parmer^O^eal”' The F*™1, !r Sî 1 , 04 iS i° f,”’nish ÇroHit for the farmers, the people of Alaska and the west. president Union Securities company, stormed the Hoboken headquarters of president was an interejted^listener £unlber °4 äls\l113e^ed> 94’ and a heavy demand is expected as “Well do we know and understand Spokane; Governor L. F Hart, Wash- the Industrial Workers of the World, fur the figures introduced by Farmer dumber of stills seized, 6o. soon as wheat begins to move, from the impossibility of your giving per- mgton; L. J. Kelly, Walla Walla; I. whose longshoremen are on a strike, | O’Neal were those bavintr to do with Number of coils seized, 65. Uie several states m the Federal sonarattentiontothelocal problems M- Hunt, vice-president Ladd and and tore down a red flag of the or - j Sie^slof rais!ngwhlatandthe Sallons ot whiskey Farm Loan bank territory which exist in the many states and Tilton bank, Portland; George Phil- | ganization, which was floating over nrofit resulting therefrom And when seJ?ed’ . , 19A Senator Lewis and his family have territories yet we cannot help but Bps. ex-president Retail Merchants’ a building. I Farmer CVNea? got through the nre *umber ga11,lons b?er seîzed’ made the,r. ho“e ln, Moscow for 20 feelterritories, that you yet nre toe»better fitted ,to association SpokaneSnokane' H ^mT^resi-F Samuels Aen- " ChampJonslup,, Bout sidentrarmei ofu theweal Unitedgot tnrougn, States th^realized pie-. j : Number ofof gallonsgallons wineof mash seized, seized, 783. years,ing all comingof the timehere hefrom has Iowalived Dur-here be our president for having made the Fa;mers> ^nion g kane’. |0®|n New York—(A. P.)— Jack Dempsey perhaps more than ever before why ; 13j856. he has been active in business and V1fiit’dan-d th 4 ^haiTnd Esting bene Sorenson president ’ofPfarm bureau I wiu meet Luis FirP° in a fifteen- the great middle west is little inter- Number of fermenters seized^ 401. political affairs. In 1907 he became wi!l derive a great and lasting bene- °o ’ . p j wayerauch b presi- round fiSht to a decision for the ested m world courts and such Number of violators apprehended, identified with the First Trust and fit from your observations. ^1, wfib. world’s heavyweight championship at things that have little or nothing to 329 Savings bank of this city as vice “ If .?.ot today> fbon Boon. we hope, de^ t^Blal^^k ^ ^angdon vice-presi the Pol° grounds. September 14, Pro- do with keeping the local bank Shy- Number of cases dismissed, 44. president, which position he held un- ctae ItvleS of which you are a m’aste“' dent Baker Boyer bank, Walla Walla; laoter Tex Ricbfrd announced today, lock trom closing down on the south- Number of acquittals. 10. til his resignation a few weeks ago ci86 style, ot w y , Ben r Holt Holt Manufacturing 1 he Prices will be from three to east lorty.