Reciprocity Agreements Africa Private Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa; email:
[email protected]. Egyptian Mathematical Society Apply to: Prof. N. T. Bishop, Mathematics, Applied Apply to: Prof. Dr. B. I. Bayoumi (Honorary Secretary of Mathematics and Astronomy, P. O. Box 392, Unisa 0003, ETMS), c/o Prof. Dr. A.-S. F. Obada, Al-Azhar Univ., Fac. South Africa. of Sci., Dept. of Math., Nasr City 11884, Cairo, Egypt. Dues: R180.00 (One hundred eighty rands), payable to Dues: U.S. $15, payable to Egyptian Mathematical Society, the South African Mathematical Society (SAMS), c/o Prof. Al-Azhar Univ., Fac. of Sci., Dept. of Math., Nasr City N. T. Bishop (Treasurer) at the above address. 11884, Cairo, Egypt. Privileges: The right to present papers at meetings of Privileges: Receive a 60% discount on the prices of ETMS the Society; the right to receive at no additional cost: the publications, a 50% discount on the publication charge Notices of the SAMS; reduced fees at all SAMS meetings. per printed page in ETMS Journal, and reduced charge Officers: E. A. K. Bruning¨ (President), J. Baniasek (Vice- for participating at ETMS conferences. President),N.T.Bishop(Treasurer),M.S.Maharaj Officers: A.-S. F. Obada (President), M. Asaad (Vice- (Secretary). President),F.F.Ghaleb(Treasurer),B.I.Bayoumi(Secre- tary). Nigerian Mathematical Society* The Americas Apply to: Jerome A. Adepoju (Secretary), Nigerian Math- ematical Society, Department of Mathematics, University Canadian Mathematical Society of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria; email: matdeplg@ Apply to: Membership and Publications Agent, Canadian Mathematical Society, 577 King Edward Ave., Dues: U.S.