Ft. Wood Woman Is Army's Best Wife
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FORT .LEONARD WOOD I D( Volume 5 Number 35 March 12, 1971 12 Pages Ft. Wood woman is Army's best wife Mrs. Billie Willett, Ft. Leo- nard Wood Wife of the Year, Energies committed has been named U. S. Army Wife of the Year 1971, it was announced today at the Penta- gon in Washington, D. C. to needs of others In this capacity she will re- Mrs. Willett, the daughter of present the entire U. S. Army the late Rev. O. B. Hobbs and Mrs. in competition with wives se- Hobbs, was born in Fulton, Mo., lected from the other four and was reared there and in Kan- branches of the armed services sas City, Mo. She studied edu- for the title of Military Wife of cation and recreation therapy at the Year 1971. the University of Kansas, Law- In May she and her husband, rence, being graduated in 1949, Chief Warrant Officer Paul E. and returned to that school in Willett, will be flown to Wash- 1958 on a Missouri Recreation ington, D. C., to take part in a Association scholarship to study series of luncheons, receptions, recreation as applied to the men- dinners and press interviews cul- tally ill, minating in a formal Awards At Ft. Wood Mrs. Willett cur- Ceremony Dinner. rently is president of the Of- ficers' Wives Club. She has been Final judging for the title of an American Red Cross Volun- Military Wife of the Year will teer for 14 years and now works be made that evening by an in- with that organization's blood ternational panel of prominent donor program. She is a voting women selected by the General member of the Army Community Federation of Women's Clubs. Service (ACS) Council with more If Mrs. Willett becomes Mili- than 700 hours of voluntary ACS tary Wife of the Year she then work to her credit. will receive an all-expense trip As chairman of the 60 volun- to Hollywood as Art Linkletter's teers operating the First Step guest to be featured in one of Educational Program at Ft. his "Life With Linkletter" tele- Wood, she served as supervisor vision shows. She will visit of teachers for the First Step Congressmen, Senators, and School at no salary, making pos- other Washington dignitaries and sible the school's first summer she will make a three-week per- program. sonal appearance tour across As a hobby the U. S. Army the United States on which she Wife of the Year writes poems, will have the opportunity to tell plays, and short stories for her story and that of the Ameri- children. Proceeds from her can military community on tele- published book, "The Adventures vision panels, to the press, and of Jenny," are donated to the in guest appearances before wo- Save the Children Federation. men's groups. The Willetts sponsor three Last year the top honors went American Indian children, pro- to Mrs. Gussie Sanford, wife of viding partial support, writing letters of encouragement and an Army lieutenant colonel on his sending extra gifts and school second tour of duty in Germany. clothes. Mrs. Willett has a pri- Mrs. Willett was named Ft. vate fund to assist children whose Leonard Wood Wife of the Year needs cannot be met immediately last November, 5th U. S. Army by the Welfare Department. She Wife of the Year in January, and also buys uniforms andpays dues CONARC Wife of the Year in for Girl Scouts from underpri- F ebruary. Mrs. Billie Willett, U. S. Army Wife of the Year vileged families. Worl d Day o Prayer services observed at FLW By SP 5 Dennis Wheelis oices from the congregation throughout the nation and will be In a symbolic observation of expressed their own dreams for used to witness in projects of World Day of Prayer, sponsored life in the local community, in evangelism and service in the by the Protestant Women of the the nation and in the world. Intercontinental Mission. Chapel, Ft. Leonard Wood women "Let There Be Peace on Earth" The closing hymn, "In Christ of several nationalities joined in was sung in accompaniment to There is no East or West," ex- a common prayer for world peace the guitar. Prayer intentions pressed the meaning of the ser- on Friday, March 5, at the Main were given against the back- vice to the group. A trip com- Post Chapel. ground music of "The Lord's posed of Chaplain (Lieutenant They were joined inthel0a. m. Prayer." Colonel) William B. Froeschner, Mrs. Henry Englehardt, andSpe- ceremonies by the minds of mil- The featured speaker at the cialist 4 Barry Roberts, sang lions all over the globe. The Day of Prayer was Mrs. World hymns and provided guitar music day was celebrated in 169 coun- James M. Dolbey, who is the for part of the service. tries. president of Church Women Preceding the prayer service Mrs. Alfred Van Selow, pro- United, a national movement open a Fellowship Coffee was given at gram chairman, and Mrs. Carl to all Christian women, and the the Religious Education Center. Burton, publicity chairman, wel- former mayor of Cincinnati, Groups from surrounding comed approximately 150 guests Ohio. She opened her presen- churches in St. Robert, Waynes- for the event. Mrs. Van Selow tation by giving a brief history ville, Dixon and Crocker, joined led the group in the Call to World Day of Prayer and de- of the group. Refreshments were Prayer. livered a message on peace from served against abackgroundcen- German, Vietnamese, Ja- the Holy Scriptures. panese, Korean, and Italian terpiece of a cross and the world. wives, in their countries' tra- The congregation joined in On display were tables of infor- ditional costumes, read scrip- singing "The Lord's Prayer" to mation about the Women of the LTC LEO DANNEMILLER, DPCA, enters the Main Post tures from the Bible in their the tune of a West Indian chant. Chapel organization, the language Chapel for World Day of Prayer services on March 5. Ushers, native languages. They sat be- The offering, taken by other school at Lieber Heights Chapel, from left, are Mrs. Sung Yon Nielsen, Korea; Mrs. Moniquie fore a background of the world women in native costume, will the magazine, "The Church Wo- Shearer, Germany; Mrs. Kyong Cha Cadie, Korea; and Mrs. with the theme, "New Life A- join the offerings of others from man," and the Dialogue Groupon Kiyoka Valentie, Japan. (U. S. ARMY PHOTO by SSG Patrick waits," displayed. thousands of communities post. Kegans) P age 2 Ft. Leonard Wood GUIDON March 12, 1971 *G°UIDON* * FORT LEONARD WOOD ^ Army heroes honored Eight Army officers and en- Cavalry Division on Ma rch 21, serving as a medical aidman with listed men have been post- 1969, when he threw him self on the Americal Division, on May is an authorized unofficial (offset) publication The GUIDON humously awarded the Medal of three enemy explosive charges 14, 1969, made four trips across States Army Training Center, Engineer, and Ft. of the United Honor by President Richard hurled into his bunker, saving an open rice paddy swept by Leonard Wood, Mo. 65473. It is published weekly under the supervision of the information officer and is for the information Nixon. the lives of six of his fellow enemy fire to tend wounded In ceremonies at the White soldiers. soldiers and to carry them to personnel, dependents and Department and enjoyment of military the President made the Class Daniel J. safety. He was killed trying to of the Army civilians at Ft. Leonard Wood. News, features, House, Private First presentations to the families of while save a fifth man. (ANF) photographic and art material are solicited. Publication depends Shea, Norwalk, Conn., the men, who were decorated for on available space and general interest value as judged by the heroism in action in the Republic editorial staff. The GUIDON's phone number is (314) 368-3415. of ietnam (RV N). First Lieutenant Stephen H. Views and opinions expressed in the GUIDON are not necessarily DA moves to retain best officers Doane, Beverly, Mass., was those of the Department of the Army. serving with the 25th Infantry Department of the Army has and seven months of active-duty Division when he rescued three Commanding General ..................... MG W. T. Bradley initiated a new competitive volun- commissioned service will be trapped members of his platoon Information Officer ................. MAJ Willis J. Haas Jr. tary indefinite program to retain reviewed to determine the per- March 25, 1969, by pulling the Command Information Officer .......... Thomas H. Miller only quality junior officers in a sonnel best qualified to remain NCOIC ............................ SP 5 Richard M. Emerson pin on a grenade, then lunging career status. on active duty beyond the com- with it into an enemy bunker Affected Editor ..................... ..... ... SP 4 David L. Teer by the change in policy petitive voluntary indefinite ob- which had pinned them down. will Copy Editor ..................... ........ Mrs. Dee Dixon be officers who enter active ligation. This period is known First Lieutenant Robert L. duty in Fiscal Year 1971 and have as "competitive voluntary Poxon, Detroit, Mich., was cited not signed a voluntary indefinite indefinite.' for heroism June 2, 1969, while extension prior to Feb. 1, 1971, Eight months after the start serving with the 1st Cavalry Di- starting date of the program. of the voluntary indefinite ex- vision. LT Poxon led his pla- Under the new policy, those tension (two years and eight Our social concern toon in attacking dug-in enemy officers must compete with other months of active duty), volun- positions surrounding them, and officers of their branch who re- tary indefinite officers will be Social concern is not a new thing in the United States.