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Black Volume 114 , Number 16 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2000 60 Cents Schuman-Brown, Kadin, Jones win election; Budget passes by better than 2-to-1 margin Incumbent Ronni Schuman- at Community Congregational get going.” Brown and challengers Marcy Kadin Church. Ms. Kadin finished second Ms. Zamloot, in comments made and David A. Jones were the win- in the vote tally with 975 ballots yesterday morning, said she was ners in Tuesday’s election for three while Mr. Jones gathered 896 votes. “thrilled that Ronni (Schuman- seats on the 9-member Board of Ms. Zamloot, finishing fourth, Brown) and David (Jones) are now Education. drew the support of 748 voters and members of the board—they will Voters Tuesday also approved the Ms. Casserly had 624 ballots cast in work well together and I know they Board of Education’s proposed bud- favor of her candidacy. have the best interests of the stu- get by a margin of better than 2-to-1. The election victories left two of dents at heart.” Ms. Zamloot made Rejected at the polls were the can- the winning candidates feeling hum- no mention of the other winning didacies of incumbent Janice ble and the third thrilled and excited. candidate, Ms. Kadin. Casserly, who, like Ms. Schuman- “I want to thank all my supporters. Ms. Casserly was not available for Brown, was seeking her second 3- All of the candidates were outstand- comment. year term on the school board, and ing. I am happy and humbled,” Ms. With the exception of those cast- challenger Renay Zamloot. Schuman-Brown said moments after ing ballots at St. Stephen’s Church, Although Tuesday’s vote was the the vote was tallied. all voters endorsed the Board of first contested Board of Education “I’m humbled by the process,” Education’s $40.8 million budget for election to take place here in three said Mr. Jones. “The farther into the the 2000-01 school year. At St. years, voter turnout was light. Of the campaign, the more humble I felt as Stephen’s, the budget referendum township’s 12,739 eligible voters, I realized what it really meant. I failed by a margin of 18 to 34. only 1,750—13.7 percent—went to think people did say they want a lit- Wyoming School voters approved the polls. tle change.” the budget 154 to 68 and at the Glen- Ms. Schuman-Brown gathered the “I’m thrilled. I’m excited,” was wood School the budget passed by a most votes, 1,131, in the field of Ms. Kadin’s reaction to her victory 150 to 69 count. Those voting at candidates and led the field in the at the polls. “I’m ready to work. I’m Hartshorn School approved the voting at the Hartshorn, South going to take a couple of days off spending plan by 244 to 106, at WINNING CANDIDATES—Ronni Schuman-Brown, Marcy Kadin and David A. Jones finished 1-2-3 in Mountain and Deerfield schools and and read, study, learn the rules—and Continued on Page 5 Tuesday’s election of three members of the Board of Education. Town budget scheduled for introduction; tax rate hike of 2 to 3 points seen This municipality’s budget for the cost estimates for the latter items. over the next five years. I need a pri- current year will be introduced at a “One can make the argument that ority of work. Don’t go into debt special meeting of the Township these are all worthwhile projects,” again.” Committee Tuesday night. Mr. Gordon continued, “but (if all Mr. Gordon, who said “all the pro- Introduction of the budget is the are approved at the same time) they jects are doable—they just have to only item on the agenda for that ses- will have a track of indebtedness.” be put in the right schedule,” sug- sion which will be held in the Town “I don’t know your (the Commit- gested the Committee earmark June Hall meeting room at 8 p.m. tee’s) priorities,” Mr. Gordon said. “I and July as the time it would be set- It is understood the budget, as need a consensus from you of the ting the priorities for the capital introduced, will contain a municipal amount you are willing to spend projects. tax increase of 2 to 3 points. Public hearing and final adoption of the budget will likely take place in mid A DAMP HUNT—Umbrellas and rain slickers were the fashion of the day when the siren sounded or late May. Jeffrey receives Saturday at 10 a.m. signaling the start of the Easter egg hunt in Taylor Park. The light rain that was Committee members at their falling failed to dampen the spirits of the young egg hunters. meeting this week did not discuss the budget, but did hear a lengthy town service award report from the municipality’s busi- ness administrator, Timothy P. Gor- Walter “Chubb” Jeffrey Jr. of 30 His 11- and 12-year-old all-star don, in which he urged the elected Saratoga Way is the latest recipient teams of 1994 and 1996 won Little Approximately 300 deer officials to prioritize those projects of the municipality’s community League state championships. which will be included in their 5- service award. The award was pre- Mr. Jeffrey has also served as a year capital improvement program. sented to Mr. Jeffrey at Tuesday recreation department boys and girls In that report, Mr. Gordon noted night’s Township Committee meet- basketball coach for five years and have township addresses for the past several years the Com- ing. as a recreation department football mittee has provided slightly in A township resident since 1970, coach for 20 years. Millburn Township on the evening helicopters and infrared photogra- Two-hundred and ninety-four deer excess of $2 million annually to Mr. Jeffrey became involved in the The Saratoga Way resident was of March 27 was home to approxi- phy. were identified within those bound- fund capital projects and debt ser- Millburn-Short Hills Little League president of the Millburn High mately 300 deer, according to a The census was confined to a aries and another 130 were seen out- vice requirements and urged that the following year and still remains School Parent-Teacher Association report filed with Town Hall last 4,300-acre section of the municipal- side of the boundaries, but within policy be continued in order to active in that organization. He has in 1978 and ’79, is a former volun- week by Hot Shot Infrared Inspec- ity bounded by the NJ Transit tracks, one-half a mile of the area surveyed. maintain a relatively stable tax rate. been both a member of the Little teer at the Essex County Family Ser- tions, a Lakewood, Colo., based firm Route 24, Passaic Avenue, South The recommended population for For the current year, Mr. Gordon League board and a team coach vices and Child Guidance Center retained by the municipality to con- Orange Avenue and the South a woodlands, according to the N.J. continued capital projects costing every year since 1972 and is a past and, in the 1980s, was a coach of the duct a deer census through the use of Mountain Reservation. Division of Fish, Game and slightly more than $1 million are president and past treasurer. Essex County Correctional System Wildlife, is 20 deer per square mile. planned plus an additional $1 mil- In addition to serving as a coach basketball team. The 294 deer found in the surveyed lion in flood work which may or during the regular season, Mr. Jef- Mr. Jeffrey drew accolades from area—a predominately residential may not be reimbursed by federal frey has also served as an all-star several speakers, particularly Kevin Becker unopposed area—exceeds the recommended coach during the 1980s and ‘90s. funding. Continued on Page 14 woodlands population by more than The business administrator then two-fold. noted other major projects—$1.4 in re-election bid The nose-count of deer, which million for additional work at the cost the municipality $4,800, was municipal swimming pool, $1.6 mil- The inside story Election Day 2000 is still nearly Marie McCarthy. authorized by the Township Com- lion for library renovations and an seven months in the future, but one Running unopposed in an election mittee last month as a means of test- estimated $1.2 million to implement Classified ................................28-31 thing appears certain—Elaine Beck- will not be a new experience for Ms. ing the effectiveness of deer trap- the Downtown Development Royal Ahold zoning hearing Coming events...............................4 er will be re-elected to a new 3-year Becker—she has not been chal- ping operations that municipal offi- Alliance’s master plan—have remains on hold. See Page Editorial ..........................................4 term as a member of the Township lenged in any of her three previous cials expect to start in the near already been recommended by vari- 14. Entertainment.............................8, 9 Committee. general election campaigns. future. ous segments of the community. Movies............................................8 Those trapping operations will see Millburn High School Last Thursday at 4 p.m. was the In addition to now completing her Also facing the municipality in the Obituaries.......................................7 two 30- by 30-foot portable pad- names delegates to Boys deadline for potential Township ninth year as a member of the Town- near future are street and sanitary Religious news...........................6, 7 Committee candidates to file their ship Committee, Ms. Becker is also docks placed in Gero and Old Short sewer improvements, acquisition of State.