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j K > R A & a B e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Published by Authority of the Republic of (Registercd .as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) . .- - m vol. CII- No. 72 , 17th Novem ber, 2000 Price Sh. 40

CO NTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES flazls'l '1 'L Nt7)'l ltr'cs (Conld.) - PAGS

Thc Constitution of Kenyil Review Act- Appointment Local G overnment Noticcs ...... , 2532-2536 of (2tlrn rnissip ncrs, etc...... ' Thc Kenya Powcr and Lighting Colnpany Limitcd . Fuel Cost Adjustmenta etc, ...... ' ...... 2536-2537. 2500-2501 Disposal of Uncollcctcd Goods .. 2537 Liquor Liccnsing ...... t. . . I-flss L)f r>olfcies -. .. ., ...... , ...... 2537 Thc Registration of Titlcs Act Issue of Provisional Change of Name (Tcrtificatcs ...... '...... 2537 Thc Rcgistercd Land Act lssue of Ncw Ccrtificatcs of Leasc ctc...... ' ...... 2502-2504 Customs and Excisc Departmcnt Sale by Public SUPPLEM ENT No. 82 Auction, ctc...... 2505-2506 Legislative Supplemen' t . Probatc and Administration .. 2506-2528 LCGAL- N()'1'1t'e Nc), PAGe Thc Valucrs Act Suspcnsion, ctc...... l36-The Customs and Excise (Exports) Thc Co-opcrativc Societics Act Extcnsion of Inquiry Rcgulations. 20t)0 ...... I'eriçlti, ctc...... :...... (Ptlblfshed as Spccial Isstle, on 10th November, 2tX#)) Thc Physical Planning Act-r omplction & Dcvclopmcnt Plans ...... 2529-2530 Thc Companies Act- W inding-up ...... 2530 SUPIYEMENT V . 83 Thc Bankruptcy Act Recciving Ordcrs .. 2530-2531 Bills, 2000 n c Intcrnal Lpans Act Redemption Noticc for 103/4 $o Kcùya Stock 201) ...... ' ...... Pxoe Thc African Christian M arriagc and Divorcc Act Thc Children Bill . 2000 ...... 1327 Ministcrs Liccnscd to Celcbrate Marriages ...... 2531-2532 (Publishcd as Spccial lssucs on 14th Novèfnber, 2tXX))

(2499 GAZE'IM'E No'ncs No. 7362 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AG THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW ACT (No. 13 of 1997) ' (No. 13 of 1997) APPOIN'I'MEN'I' OF COMMISSIONERS APPOIN'I'MEN'I' Ol2 SECRE'I'ARY IN EXERCISE of tbc powers conferred by section 7 (7) of thc IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcrred by scction 11 (1) of the Constitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Act 1997, 1, Danicl Toroitich 'ltrap 'Constitution of Kenya Review Acts 1997. 1, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, Prtsidcnt and Commandcr-in-c, bief of the Armed Forccs of thc Moi, President and Comménder-in-chief of the Armed Forccs of thc ' Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- . Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- Zablon Fcnncr Ayonga (Pastor), APJI'IItJR OKo'l'1I OwlRo Phocbc Asiyo (Mrs.), Kavctsa Adagala (Ms.), to be sccretary of the Constitution of Kenya Rcvicw Commission, Yash Pa1 Ghai (Prof.), with dfcct from thc 10th Novcmber, 20œ . Githu Muigai. 0k0th Ogcndo (Prof.), Datcd thc loth Novcmber. 2(#f. Bcrnard Njorogc Kariuki (Bishop), D. T. ARAP M O I, John Mutakha Kangu, President. Mohammcd Abdallah Swazuri (Dr.), Ahmcd ldha Salim (Prof.), Kcriako Tobiko, Alicc Yano (Mrs.). Ahmcd Issack Hassan, GAzE'lïI'E Ncrl'lcs No Domisiano M. Ratanya, . 7366 Paul Musili Wambua, THE AUCTIONEERS ACT to bc commlssioncrs of thc Constitution of Kcnya Review Commis- (No. 5 of 1996) sion, witb dfcct from the 10th Novcmber. 20œ . REVOCA'I'ION OF APBoIN'I'MEN'I'

Datcd thc 10t11 Novcmbcr, 2(Y . IN EXERCISE of thc*powcrs confcrrcd by scdions 3 and 7 of thc D. T. ARAP MOI, Auctionccrs Act, thc Chief Justicc, rcvokcs thc appointment of thc following officials of the Auctioncers Liccnsing Board- President. . Kaburu Bauni- Member, Rosc Edwina Ougo--secretary. Gazcttc Noticc Nos. 71()0 and 6604 of 1999, arc similarly rcvoked. ' Datcd the 10th Novcmbcr, 2(:#). GAzeel-re Non'lcs No. 7363 BERNARD CHUNGA, THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AG Chief Justice. (No. 13 of 1997) AppoIN.l'MEN4' ol7 CIIAIRBERSON . IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcrrcd by scction 9 (1) of thc Ctmstitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Act 1997, 1. Danicl Toroitich arap Moi, Prcsidcnt and Commandcr-in-c, hicf of the Armcd B'orccs of thc GAzE'l-I'E No'l'lcc No. 7367 Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- THE AUCPIONEERS ACT ' YAsll PAt. GI#AI (PRorr.) (No. 5 oj 1996) AePoIN'1,MEN.l' op' BOARD MEMBERS to bc chairpcrson of thc Constitution of Kcnya Revicw Commission, witlî cffed from thc 10th Aovcmber, 2(Y . IT IS notifîcd for thc information of the gcncral public that ihc followiog officials have bcen appointcd to thc Agctionccrs Liccnsing Datcd thc 10th Novcmbcr, 2tX#). Board undcr scction 3 of thc. Auctionccrs Act-- D. T. ARAP MOl? Prest d ent . Jcssic W. LucslkL.- lchdirmanl; Members: Pcrmancnt Sccrctary/provincial Administration or his nomincc,

Kaburu Bauni. . GAZE'IX Novlcs No Pettcrson Munenc Kamaara, . 7364 Raychcllc Awuor Omamo, . THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AW Dickson Karumc Kariuki, (No. 13 of 1997) Michact Mutahi Githaiga, Ata'BRNA'I'E' Cou-lssloxBRs Juma Athlqan Lugogo (Prof.). Chades Kiplangat arap Kcssc, . 1T IS notificd for thc information of thc gcncral public that pursuant to thc provisions of scction 7 (3) (b) of thc Constitution of Kcnya Daniel H. Omangi, Review Act, 1997, thc following shall bc thc altcrnatc commissioncrs Joscpl Nfang'a Ktmyukia, of thc Constitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Commission- Nathan Kahara, Bcnaa Lutta (Justicc (Rtd.)), . Dekow Mohammcd Dualc' Gcrry Kibarabara (Bishop (Dr.)), Christophcr G. Ali, Francis Enos Chogo, A. A. Nunow, David Nguli Kalua, Wilson .sitonik (Dr.), Rcm 0. Ogana, Mcrcy M. Mwamburi (Mrs.), John K. W anycla, M mothy 0. Omato, . Johnston Buycta Wcpukhulu.. Rosc Edwina Ougo.-lsecretary). . Dated tlw 10th Novcmbcr, 2(KK). Dated th'c 10th kovcmbcr. 2(K . D. T. ARAB MOI BERNARD CHUNGA, Prestdent. Chief Jatice. Glzal-l's No'l,lce No. 7368 GzxzE'l-l'E No'l'lce No. 7371 THE TRADITIONAL LIOUOR LICENSING AG THE REGISYRATION OF TITLES AW Lcap. 281, section 71) (Cap. 122) Issuc ov A PRovfsloxAl- CsR')7p7cA'I'r THE NAIROBI TRADITIONAL LIQUOR LICENSING BOARD W HEREAS Mbololo Ushirika Company Limitcd : of P.O. Box 545, Voi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya. is rcgistcrcd as propnctor of that p-. .'v! Statutory M eeting of Iand known a' s L.R. No. 1956/1V/38 Voi, situatc within thc NOTICE is givcn Shat the ncxt statutory mecting of thc Nairobi Municipality of Voi, Taita- /eravcta District, hcld by a ccrtificatc of titlc Traditional Liquor Liccnsing Board will bc hcld at thc Provincial registcrcd as C.R. 1* 39/1 , and whcrcas suffiticnt cvidtncc has bccn Commissioncr's ofticc, Nyayo Housc. Kcnyatta Avcnue, on Mondays adduccd to show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc issucd 'thcrco'f has 4th Dcccmbcr. 2(G), at 10.œ a.m. bçen Iost, noticc is givcn that aftcr th: cxliration of nincty (.K) days from the datc hereof , I shall isspc a provisional ccrtifiçeatc of titlc Applicatlons to bc considcrcd at this mecting must bc receivcd at thc Provincial Commissioncr's Offige. P.O. Box 30124. Nairobi, providcd that no objcction has bccn rcccivcd 'Withfn thgt Nrie . bcforc 20th Octobcr, 2(G1. Datcd the 17th Novcmbcr. 2(K . F. B. KIRIAGO, Latc applications will only be considcrcd if rcccfvcd on or bcforc Règistràr .of Tides, Mombca. 10th Novcmbcr. 2tX#), and on paymcnt of a non-rçfundable fcc of KSh. 1œ , bcing Iatc application fçc. Applicants for ncw. transfcr, rcmoval or convcrsion of liccnccs must appcar in ptrson bcforc' tht Iiquor ficcnsing board or bc rcprcscntcd by an advocatc. GAzs'I-l's No'l'lcs No. 7372 Applicants arc adviscd to submit their applications in pcrson or by THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AW rcgistcred post using thc abovc addrcss. (Cap. 281. section 71) Issue or A PRovlsloNAu CsR'lqllqcaere Datcd thc 16th Octobcr. 2GX1. W HEREAS Bawazir Frnits Pro'ccssors Limitcd, of P.O. Box * 810, Mombasa .in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya. is rcgistcrcd as proprictor of tlmt C. K. MAINA. piccc of Ilmd known as L.R. No. 91219 (original No. 9122/2/3). North of . Mombasa Municipality, siluatc in thc district of Kilis, hcld by @ Chairmanb ccrtificatc of titlc rcgistcrcd as C.R. 15857, and wllcrcas sufficicnt Nairobi Traditional Iuiquor Licensing Board. cvidcncc has bccn edduccd lo show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc isspcd thcrcof has bccn fost, noticc is givcn that 'aftcr tbc cxpirRtion of ninety (90) days from thc datc hcrcof, I shall issuc a yrovisional ccrtificalc of tltlc provided thay no objcction has bccn rccmved within that pcriod. GAzsa-l's No'I'lcE No. 7369 Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2(Y . THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AW F. B. KIRIAGO, (Cep. 281 , section 71) Regiarar of Titleh M. ombaa. ISSIJB OF A PROVISIONAL CER'I'IFICA'I'E WHEREAS (1) Arnold Joscph Rodrigucs and (2) Nancy Kamkm Rodrigucs, lloth of P.O. Box 44056. Nairobi in (hc Rcpublic of GAzE'I-I'E No'I'ICE NO. 7373 Kcnya, arc rcgistcrcd as proprictors of that piccc of land known as L.R. No. 2*/1705/4, situatc in the city of Nairobi, by virtuc of a THE RBGISTRATION UF TITLES AW ccrtificatc of titlc rcgistcrcd as I-R. 46470/1 . and whercas sufficient (Cap. 281 , section 7 1 ) cvidcncc àas bccn adduccd to show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CER'I'IFIG 'I'E issucd thcrcof has bccn lost. noticc is given that aftcr thc cxpiration of W HEREAS Osodo Hagai, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in fcc simplc nincty (O) days from the datc hercof, I shall issuc a yrovisional of that picce of Iand known as subdivision No. 2*8 (original Nok ccrtificatc of titlc providçd that no objcction has bccn rccclvcd within l4àW53), scction 1. mainllnd north, situatc in thç Municipality of that pcriod. ' ' N o'mbasa, Mombasa District. hcld by a ccrtificayc of titlc rcgistcrcd a: Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2(e . C.R. 14486, and whercas sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn adduccd to show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc issucd thcrcof has % cn lœt, E. N. GICHEHA, ndoticc is givcn that aftcr thc cxjration of bincty (K) dRys from th? Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. atc hcrcof , l shall issuc a provislotml ccrtificatc of title provided that no objcction has bcen rcccivcd wïthin that pcriod. ' Datcd the 17th Novcmbcr. 2(e . F. B. KIRIAGO, Regùtrar of Titleh #f)1,,* 4. GAze'I-l'E No'I'lcE No. 7370 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AG fcap. 281 . section 71) Gxzs'l-l's No'l'IcE No. 7374. IS:klE olr A PéOVISIONAL CER'I'IFICA'I'E THE REGISTRATION OF TtTLES AW WHEREAS (1) K.C.B. Staff Pcnsion Fund Trust Limitcd and (2) (Cap. 281. section 71) Kcny: Commcrcial Bank Limitcd. limittd Iiability companies in- Issue ofz A PRovlsloxAu CERenFlcAelv corporgtcd ln Klnya. and havlng its rcgistcrcd officc. P.O. Box 3t* , W HEREAS Adam Nazir Mohamcd, of P.O. Box 98788. Mombnu Nairobi in t%c Rcpublk of Kenya, arc rcgistcrcd as proprictors of lbat in tlw Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor of that picœ of piccc of lgnd known as L.R. No. 2œ /XII/895, situate in the city of Iand known as subdivision No. 1* 7, scction V, mainland aorth, Nzirobi, i: thc Nairobi arca, by virtuc of a grant rcgistcrcd as 'I.R. situalc in thc Mombasa Municipality. Mombnu Distrkf, hcld by . 1929/1, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvldcncc has bccn adduccd to show that ccrtificatc of titlc rcgistcred as C.R. 242* 1, and whcreas sufscielt tht xaid grant ixxucd thcrcof has bccn Iost, noticc is givcn that aftcr shc cvidcnce has bccn adduccd to show that thc saip ccrtificatc of tislç explratlon of nlncty (X) days from thc datc hcrcot I shall issuc a issucd thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that aftcr thc cxpiration of provklongl œrtlflcatc of titlc providcd that no otjcctfon has bccn nincty (W)) days from thc datc hercof, l shall issuc a yrovisionM rcccivcd withl: that N riod. ' ' ccrtiflcatc of titlc providcd that no objcction has bccn rçcmved within Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr. 2çV . that pcriod. Datcd thc 17th Novembcr, 2(G). E. N. GICHEHA. F. B. KIRIAGO, Registrar of 7WfeJ, Nairobi. ' Regiatrar of Tflfev, Momuk' GAzs'lu'E No'l'lcE No. 7375 G>zE'I-l's No'I'ItrE No. 7379 THE REG ISTERED LA ND A CT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A 'NEW CER'l'IFlt-A'l'E OF LIfASE Issus c)s zx Ncw LANIO TI'I'I-E DEED

WHEREAS Omar Bin Mohamcd Bin Mohamed El-Barawi, of WHEREAS Mary Margarct Njcru (1D/3514667), of P.O. Box 279, P.O. . Box 89046 7M ombasa in the Rcpublic.of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as Runyenjcs in the Republic t)f Kcnya, is registered as proprietor in . proprietor in Icaschold intcrcst of that picce of land, situate in thc absolute ownership intercst of that piccc of Iand containing 0.44 . district of M ombasa, registçrcd under titlc No. M ombasa/Block XLIII hectarc or thcrcabouts, situatc in thc district of M urang'a registercd /42, 'and whercas sufficicnt cvidencc has bcen adduccd to show that under titlc N(7. Kagaari/Kigaas3og, and whcreas sufficicn, t cvidcncc thc ccrtificate of leasc issued thereof has bccn lost, notice is given that has been adduced to shtjw that thc Iand title decd issucd thcreof has ' aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hcreof, I shall becn lost, notice is given that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days issue a new ccrtifièatc of lease provided tb'at po obiection has been from thc date hereof, l shall issuc a ncw land title deed provided that reccivcd within that pcriod. no objection has bccn rcceived within that period. Dated the 17th Novcmber, 2000. Dated thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2000. K. K. GITH II, M. K. NJOGU, Land Registrar, Mombasa. Lan' d Registrar, Embu District.

GAzal-rs No'l'jcs No. 7376 G pxzEri'l's No'i'lcn No. 7380 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 3(J0, section 35) (Cpp. 300, section 35) Issus orc Nsw LAND TI'l'LF. D EEos Isst?c olr A Nsw Cslt'l'lrrlcA'l'E ()ëz I-EASE W HEREAS Thqmas Mwadcghu, of P.O. Box 150, Ngong Hills in WHEREAS (1) Bimkttli Binti Juma and (2) Dogo Binti Abdulla, the Republiç ef Ken' ya, is registcred as groprictor in absolutc both of P.O . Box 80366, M ombasa fn thc Republic of Kenya, are rcgistcrcd as proprietors in leaschold intcrest of that piece of land owncrship intcrcst of those' piçjcs of Iand containing each 0.399() containing 0.090 hcctaro or thereabouts hectare or thercabouts, situate In thc district of Kajiade, registered s situatc in the district of under titlc Nos. Ngon#Ngon#14160 and 14162, rcspectivcly, and Mombasas rcgistcrcd undcr title No. Mornbasa/Block XLIV/14, and whercas sufficient evidence has becn adduccd to show that tlzc lanti whcreas sufficient evidcnce has becn adduccd to sliow that thc title decds issucd thcreof have.been Iost, notice is givcn that after the . certificatc of lcase issued thcrcof has bccn Iost, noticc is given that aftcr thc cxéiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof . I shall cxpiration of si:ty (60) dqys from thc datc hereof, I shall issuc new issue a ncw certificate of Iease provldcd that no objection has bccn Iand titlc decds provided that' no objcction has been reccivcd within received wïthïn that pcriod. that period. ' Dated thc 17th Novembcr, 2000. Dated thc 17th Novcmber. 2000. P. M . KIHIU , ' K. 'K. G ITHII. Land Registrar, Land Registrar, A.pprrz/plâ'l. Kajiado District.

Gxzs'I-I'E No'l'lcs No. 7381 GAKE-CI'E Noaucs No. .7377 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) ' (Cqp. 306. section 35) Issus os A Nyw LAND TI'I'LE Dsso lssue o? x NBw LAxo TI'ï'uE DSSD WHEREAS Kisang arap Borc (1D/3733805), of P.O. Box 91 , ,WHEREAS Jane Eunice Nandi, is rcgistcrcd as proprietor in Mosoriot in thc Rcjublic of Kcnya, is registercd as progrietor in absolutc ownership intercst of that pïece of land containfng .0.0350 . absolute oFncrship Intercst of that piecc of land containlng 23.96 hectare or thercabduts. situate in .thc distrfct of , rcgistcrcd hectares or thereabouts, situatc ig the district of Trans Nzoia, ' under title No. Njoromgata Block 1/1998, and wbcrcas sufficient rcgistcred undcr parcel No. Kwanza/Kwanka Block 5//l4z, and evidence has beon adduccd' to show tbat thc land titlc deed issued whereas sufficient evidcnce has bccn adduccd to show that the Iand 'thereof has bcen Iost, noticc is givcn that aftcr the cxpiration of sixty title decd issucd thercof has bccn lost, noticc is given that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new (60) days from thc datc hcrcof. I shal! issuc a new land titlc decd land titlc dced provided that ntl objcction has been receivcd within provided that no objcctièn has bcen rcccivcd within that pcriod. that period. bated the 1.7th Novcmbcr. 2000. . Dated the 17th Novembcr, 2000. ,x. x. xouos, Land Sdgfsfrlr, J. M. FUNDIA, Nakuru District. Lattd Registrar, Kitale.

Gxzc-l-l's No'l'lcE No. 7382 GAzskq-s No-rlcs No. 7378 THE REG ISTERED LAND ACT THE, REGISTERED LAND ACT (Vap. 300, section 35) . (Cap. 300, secttbn 35) Issus ofz A NEw Laxo TI'I'Ls DsEo Issue olr h NEw LAND TI'l'LE DE/D WHER/AS ( 1) Dickson M. Mwangi and (2) Jane Njo' ki Mwangi, W H EREAS Jane Eunice Nandi, is rcgistcrcd. as .proprietor in both of P.O. Box 55955, Nairobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, @re absolute ownership intcrcst of that piccc of land containing 0.0434 registered as pioprietors in absolute ownersbip interest of tbat picce of heqtare or thcrcxbouts7 situatc in thc district of Nakuru, registered land containing*l.go hectarcs or thercabout, situatc in thc district of under title No. Njoro/Ngata Block 1/1999, and whcrcas sufficicnt Murang'a, rcgistcrcd undcr title No. Loc. 5/Kabati/372, and whercas evidence has bcen adduccd to show that the iland title deed issued sufficicnt evidence has bcen adduccd to show that the Iand title deed thcreof has been lost, .nctjcc is givcn that after the expiratiop of sixty issued tbcreof has becn lost, notice is given that after the cxpiration of (60) days from thc date' hercof, 1 shall issuc a new la'fld titlc dced sixty (60) days from the date hereof , I shal issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has be'en reccived within that period. provided that no objcction has bcen rqceivcd within that period. Dated the 17th November, 2000. Dated the 17th Novcm ber, 2000. ' A. 'K.. KOROS J. M. MURIUKI, Land Reglàtrar, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. Murang'a Diatrict. G zxzsn-l'e No'lnce No. 7383 G,akz.s'l-l'E No'i'lc.E No. 7387 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) (Cap. 300, section 35) lssus olp .1 NEw LAND TI'I.uE DEED Issue os A Nsw LAND T1'l'Ls DEs,o W HEREAS Naftali Gikonyo Kamau, of P.O. Box 154, Kangcma in WHEREAS Salomc Nyanchoka Nyakundi (1D/6924133), of Nyan- thc Republic df Kenya, is rcgistcrcd as jroprictor in absolute siongo Settlcment Schcme, P.O. Box 123, Nyansiongo in the Republic . owncrship intercst of that qicce of land contarning 1.256 hectares or of Kenya, is rcgistercd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of thcreabout, situatc in thc dlstrict of Murang'a, rcgistcrcd under titlc that picce of land containing 9.6 hectarcs or thercabout, situate in the No. Loc. WKanycnyaini/zl7s, and whercas sufficicnt evidence has district of Nyamiraj rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Nyamiram yansiongo bccn addgccd to show that the Iand titlc dccd issucd thcrcof bas bccn Schemc/l l9, and whcreaj sufficicnt evidencc has bcen adduced to jost. notice is given that after the eapiration of sixty (60) days from the show tbat thc Iand titlc dced issued thcrcof has bccn lost, notice is datc hercpf, I shall issue a ncw Iand titlc dccd providcd that no givcn that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, l objcction has bccn rcccivcd within that pcried. shall issuc a ncw land titlc dccd provided that no objection has been Dated fhc 17th Novcmber, 2000. reccived within that period. 5. M . M U RIUKI, Datcd the 17th Novembcr, 2000. Land Registrar, MOHAMED JEMBE, M urang'a District. Land Reghtrar, Nyamira pùtrict.

Gxzs'la's No'l'lcs No. 7384 G,lzs'l-l's No'l'lc's No. 738: TH E REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REG ISTERED LAND AW (CF. 30(), section 35) (Cap. 3tX), section 35) Issus orc yk NEw L-xo TI'l'uE Dseo Issoe os .x Nsw LAND TI'rLE Dsso W HEREAS Gichaya M wangi, of Location 9, Kanycnyaini in thc W H EREAS Timothy M ukwc M ungou, of P.O. Box 88, Nambacha Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistered as prùprictor in absolutc ownership in thc Republic of Kcnya, is registcrcd as proplietor in absolute intcrcst of that piccc of land containing 0.48 hcctarc or thcrcabouts, ownership intercst of that piccc of land containing 0.46 hectare or situatc in thc district of M urpng'a, rcgistcred under title No. Loc. thereabouts, situate in the district of Kakamcga, registered under title . WKanycnyaini/lzlO . and whercas sufficicnt evidcnce has bcen No. Bunyala/sidikho/l34g, and whereas sufficient evidence has been ,. adduccd to show that the Iand titlc dced issucd thcreof has becn Iost, adduced to show that thc Iand titlc dccd issued thcreof has been lost, notice is givcn that aflpr thc cxpiratipn of sixty (60) days from thc datc. noticc is given that aftar thc cxpiration of sixty (N)) days from the date hcrcof, I shall issuc a ncw land title dccd provided that no objcctîon hcrcof, I shall issue a ncw land titlc deed provided that no objection has been reccivcd within that pcriod. ' . has bccn reccived within that pcriod. ' . Datcd thc 17th November, 2(Kf. Datcd the 3rd Novcmbcr, 2(#X). J. M . M U RIU KI. S. M . M UTHARI, Land Registrar, Land Regiçfr/r. M urang'a District. Kakamega Diçlrfc:

Gxzal-j's No'l'lcs No. 7385 Gytzs'rl's No'l'IcE No. 7389 . THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REG ISTERED LAND ACV tClp. 300. section 35) (Cap. 3tX), section 35) Isst;e orz ,dt New LAND TI'i'Ls. DeEo IssuE opv A Nsw CER'I'IFICZN.I'E oF Lsxse WHEREAS Maina Kinuthia, of Location 3, Githumu in thc W HEREAS Herbcrt Liboyi Arunga, of Kakamega in thc Republic Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcred as proprietor in absolute owncrship of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in lcaschold intcrest of that piece of land containing 0.3687 hcctarc or thereaboutsx situate in the district sinitucartccs t ion f thca t dIljsetrcicc to fo fl aMndu croangta'ain: inregg 0is.0tc5r2c dh eucntadrecr otri ttlhe eNreoa.b oLuotcs., of Kak.amcga, rcgiktcrcd undcr title No. Kakamega Town/Block 11/39, l/G ithum uzrr.4l, and whcrcas sufticicnt cvidencc has bccn adduccd to and whereas sufficicnt cvidcnce has becn adduced to show that thc show that the land title dced ijsucd thcreof has bccn Iost, noticc is certifiçàtc of Icasc issucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that givcn that aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, I aftcr the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, l shall shall issuc a .ncw land titlc' dccd providcd that no objcction has bccn issue a ncw ccrtificatc of Icasc provided that no objection has been reccivcd within that period. ' rcceivcd within that period. ' Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2000. Dated thc 3rd Novem ber, 2(œ . J. M . M URIUKI. JULIUS AMUKO, Land Registrar, Land Reghtraf M urang'a Dg/rïcz. Kakamega Dg/rfc'i.

Gxzen'B No'l'icE No. 7386 'GAzs'l-l's No'lqlcs No. 7390 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND AG (Cap. :RX). section 35) (cc) . 3tx), section 35) IssuE ofc zq. Nsw Lxxo TI'l't-s D sEo Issus os zx NEw Lxxo TITLE DEEO WHEREAS Paul Mburu Njogu, of P.O. Box 1127, Eldoret in the WHEREAS Amina Makokha Murunga (ID/13661610)a of P.O. Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgistered as propricior in absolute owncrlhip Box 24, Mumias in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as Iyoprietor intcrcst of thqt plecc of Iand containing 0.1 15 hcctarc or thcrcabouts, in absolute owncrship intcrcst of that piece of land Sontaming 1.*

situatc in the district of Nyandarua, registcrcd under. title No. ' hectares or thcrcabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, re/stered . Nyandarua/Miharati Township/8z, and whclas sufticiont cvidencq under titlc No. North W aliga/Kholera/lMé, and whcreas sufficient has bcen adduccd to show that thc land titlc dccd issucd thcrcof has cvidcncc has bcen adduccd to show that the land title . deed issued been lpst, noticc is given that aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (fk)) days thereof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expir'ation of sixty frôm thc date hercof, l shall issuc a new Iand title dccd prokid'cd that (60) days from thc datc hcreof, l shall issue a new land title deed no olijcction Ilas bccn reccivcd .within that pcriod. provided that no objcclion has becn received within that Nriod. Datcd the 17th Novcmber. 2(m . Datcd the 17th Novcmber, 2(N . D. V. KINGORI, s. H. MAINA, Land Registrar, Land Hègivfrur, NyandarualLaikèialsamburu Districts. Kakamega piçfricf.? wt F .-

' C-N ' wb k!: !i:' 1-' ! 'yE( 51' 'I t:l 'L 'i t-.'. !E) 'l'wx.l C-I *-î' -!$ (.1. )' ' registurcd as proprictors of that picce of Iand known as parccl No. a u âlr- z vEta ,.o I l.b R t: D .-. 'u 1.1 D A C-T Narok/cis Mqra/Kisiriri/e , situatc in thc district of Narok', and wilcrcas thc resident magistrate's court at Narok, in succession causc ( C' ap 3 0/0 s cc-ffo n '-o' '-) ) No. 8 of 1996, has ordcrcd thal thc said piece of Iand be transferrcd to '1 3> U E Of-. i>. .N EW ' -Iu +. N D ',r ï 'I LE DE E D (1) Dorotea W. anjiru, (2) Wanjiru wa Mungai and (3) Cecilia -h,V 7x- J'. E 'L.é ?. Fy-.V- z J1t x?1-3% Mi vn r,jaï' Xsu. 1-24 a )f. za lo ()f P ,O . B (.) '.( 2 aG () dc 1 rl t 11c RC p u b I 1* C W ambaire, alI of P.O . Box 221, Narok, and whcreas thc resident magistrate has in pursuance of an ordcr of the said court executed a (X' 7x(, . rwn l'tm y. ;i1. , '1 S FC j!.i 'El k/. (.e, 1 -C 'C l$ :1 $ 20 FO P i -1' C .j 0 F. j' ï l 3. -'j7 S (.) j tl t C f .) w n c I-s h i j' )i n t c rc F; .@ O f lK.h at nj. i' tk-c of ia',ltl' :'h. tant,a. i ni 1à o' 5 . zi-. hetitarc.e: or tzs e'rt-., aba. ut :si tuatc 1 n the transfcr of the said picce of land in favour of (1 ) Dorotca Wanjiru, (2) d' 1 stri ct of tv-l' a 'ëi f) c'Ii r c pQ3 i ste re d u n d t) r t 1 t ! e N o G e d ()/ D ab aso/? 63 'a n d h'anjiru wa Mungai and (3) Ccciiia Wambaire, alI of P.O. Box 222, wh ereas su k1i ic .ie s'l t e ./!' d fa n ce il as bfztz. k'I a ti d u c'e d t o sh o w' t h at t h c l a n d Narok, and whereas all efforts madc to cempel the rcgistercd f 'îtle o-cetl 1 ssuec-l f hc ! 'eof has bcc n lost noï icc 1 s gi vcn th at afte r the pyoprietof to surrendcr thc land titlc deed issued in respcd of tlw sqid . .'1 ' . .c ' . . . .' picce of zand tt: the Iand registrar have taiicd, notice is given that aftcr C X sim. i 2* P. t kC? i1 $71 : FJ t)& t ly $ xjs /ith .j JX t3f a y > lA 'j .O ) -f $.ja fi l 4-J d 1 t Lv. .h' C j .(J. C) tC -y S j,! p. j j I' S S tl C 'a n C W lanr?a 1vl'-zà; ct t4' ecu.z provl' tjue' d e.-: iat no ot'u , 'utctk' on f* ias be'cn recel' vcd wl' tn* l'n thc cxpiration of thirty (30) days from thc datû hcrcof provided that t'nist p' zn' cxz.. . no valid obs' crlofy has been receiyed witbin tbat pctiod, l intcnd to dispcnsc with thc production of thc said land titic deed and procced '.tr-'.) F1 wtt .ax t'.t# w# 1'4 lI: x'i '/- 'rt. ?.; ,' Ikd? O %'3) m t7' )#J r j 2 Jf' tf )f< ). with thc rcgistration of thc said instl'umcnt of transfcr and issue a land J . T BAO tiîlc' deed to thc said f .' I ')e' Dorolca Wani.eiru, (2) W anjiru wa Mungai L J?1t;f Registrar, and (3) Cecilia Wambairc, and upon such reglJstâ-ation thc land titlc. zff-l/rï Dlstricl. dccd issued earlicr to thc said (1) Petcr Sircrc Kcriasek and (2) . t-a Mungaj oic Kcriasck (deccased) , sball be' dccmed to be cancellcd and h-vzsszi.cr-ri .ixç:'-yl.rcs *1.10 . 7392 of no cffect. T 'a-l 7-Q, R F--f-l ! -5 'f F, R ro' D L A lsl D A C T Datcd thc 37th Novem bar, 2(X:3. f (7 ap . 3- (',tx) sectioa 33) A. S. BAMUSA, Land Registrar, P EG1 S'I'R Jk' l'! C)N E)F 1 NTViYRIJ M E:N' !' Narok District. V/RF? xtzxEa/-ts' zx-J.1 e rne rit S h i kam i Mz ul-lanj i , of. S h 1 toch 1 1 n lhf2 . Rcpu bi ic of f/xucnypl # is rtzaistered as proprictor of that piece of land known as ... . G zxzkl l-rs No'lnlcB Nfau 7395 parccl '.f' p o . :a suRx'l.'s az'r.2-) '.t pi tochi/c%t's 3 . si tuatc 1 n th.c di sl rict of Kakafnega , ' an d v/h e rc as t Ia e l'l i eh f'ou rt at Ka k a rn u ga a 1 a f2 i. v 1 l su i t N o . 1 54 t k A ' ()f THE REGISTERED LAND AG 1 ..986, has 'zrderfzd th at th-c said p'jecc of Iand bk: transferred to John Lcap. 3(f, section 33) hla-acn' an i c L usi- r n ba o r P .O . B o x. 2 664 Ka 'K a m c ga a n d whe re as thc REGIS'I'RA'I'ION C)F INS'I'RUMEN'I' deputy regis'srrar. of- th t court has in pursuancc of an ordcr of thc said com't executt;d a lransfer of t'l-lc said pi ecc of Iand ifl .z3 avour of J ohn W HEREAS Nathan Sbivulu Mbciesia, of P.O. Box 393, Kamabct F/iarzbzaanj (z Lusi mba , of P .O . Box 26.,1./ 1r , 'rvakamega , and whereas ail in îhc Republic of Kcnya, is registcred as proprjctor of 'that piccc of flF - brts rnade tcr clncq ce; t'nc re. csr istcreci' :nropric tor te su rrende r thc lalnd iand known as parcel No. Nandi/Kamobo/zs8. situaic in thc district of U,. PUC dizf :.: s$ i E;S U;ft f/x . i !,1 !' r;x sp. cct O f 1: h c Sa 1* d P)' () CIJ Of i an d to t he laarl d . Nandi, and whercas the principai m agistratefs cour: at Kapsabet, in rilp; S t i'rtîe 4j. (a, e u.2 j.ra Ll. k) (lua ; Il(.ltl. f:r l.s gl. vk-ên t,y j al a.j tC r t ,j e jz x o !' ra t i o n o f t h i r t) '' LDT case No. 17 of 2lX#-), has ordcred that the said piccc of land bc ' 'N'3 tY; ciaJr 's fu 'h,- am 'tlc'c datc hercof nirovi cied tb at no vai 1 d obj ccti on has subdividcd and three and a' half acres bc transferrcd to David Voeci-lt rccej'ved wi '? hil') ki.,' tat . peri od I i n ten d to d ispensc wi t h Thc M belesia Asigep of P.O. Box 208, Kapsabet, and whereas tbc poùuction of thuc said lakpd' titie dccd and proceed wi th the rcgistratitpn principal magistratc has in pursuancc to an ordcr of thc said court ot' thc u-aû.o @, irutrumer.it of transfer and issuo a tand titlc d'zed to the said cxecutcd a transfer of thc said piccc of iand in favoul of David . wh M belcsia Asigc, of P.O. Box 208, Kapsabct, and whcrcas alI cfforts John .? vtlaclianj c L usim ba , and u'pt) rl such re: i strati.on thc l an d' ti tle decd Issucd e a rt lc r to tle said t-'lemc n t S h ; ka mi Nfu ha n 1* 1 shal l be madc to compci thc registered proprietor to surrcndcr îhe Iand titlc d tx m e d to b fz c a n c u: ,' 2 e d a n (1 o f n o e f fe c t dced issued in rcspect 'of thc kaid piecc (yf Iand to thc Iand rcgistrar ' ''- sJ a. t.z d $ ln e !-' 7 t h i',' o v c m b e r z t'%z t3fJ . JULI US AMUKO have faileds notice is givcn that after the cxpiration of thirty (30) days , from thc datc hcrcof provided that no valid objcction has been Land Regiatrar, receivcd within that periods 1 i'ntend to dispcnsc with thc registratton ' ,.'k -akamega Disttict. of the said instrumcnt of transfcr and issuc a land titlc decd to thc said David Mbclesia Asigc, and upon such rcgistration the land titlc decd ' f:sk tx. -6-1z-:-T'î!. -7*. 17 t:ft-l (zll 'f+T tzl -7 -' ():5 issued carlier to thc said Nathan Shivulu Mbclcsia, shall bc dcemcd to 3. -r4 E P. EtG- i aTE R E D L A Ni D A C'T be cancclcd and of no cffcct. ( Cap. 'anfvz'tl section 33) . Dated thc 17th Novembcr, 2tu). ' 1:2 .,' f.l G à S 'i ' R A. ' I ' ) ( è) N G 1 7 VI N S ' l ' R U 11 P2 N ' i ' .B. S. ALUSIO LA , Land Registrar, -I4 V. 1'l,T$A-7VAF J1. (.J :# kfsl> zf: mwayi '%t4 tl-rnum b o of P O B()x 1 43 Vihiga in Ihe . Nandi' District. Republxic of M. ..' en' 'y a , is !.c s' 'à' stcrc.d as prop ric tor o l tjlat pi ece of I and . . ! . ikh .'n o' h. 'n as parccp ! INt;. Butsoh tso/, l.tl' ha, .lbe..'y'c/. 1 04. sz s S.l ttlatc I. in thc tj l. str.l ct o.z?c t'taKr-?.rl'lvg- a , afycr w hg creas î nfz H ign (-h taurt of- K' eny' 'a al K':' akameo&'a , t' n G>z.i:':-;'E No'l'lcs No. 7396 civj-! sui i ''.lo 1 5 of 1 :9t;'8) has orde red that the Said pi ekr Of land be THE REGISTERED LAND AG traln s 'tk' rvq d f o tsq ï th't:r :.1' fbs'tTfx' o ' fc f P t3. B o%1 l s'Jtltit: N ai robi 'km<2' wh' .errza.s tj'ic d t'.ipl.lty ret&r istl ar of t'nc court has in pursuancc c'f an order (cap. 3t$, section 33) of tiuëe sm'wrt courî cxecuted a transfer raf the said paiece of land i n f avour REGIS'I'RA'I'ION OF INS'I'RUMEN'I' C?fu' /.1=k rtb-.. e r Li. fI . h.'-.* ?9 i. qk. . t- #& o!' F' .r . t'-.) . 1.4 . .o x 1 LT$4' .t>.A, y 'lN- aai rr-ztb ')pa n d whû re as ai 1 W IIEREAS îames Haya Wcrc, of P.O . Box 32, Ndigwa in tbe cffori's lnaf-ïve to (' .',)'nw't?c t. the rceixsterct'i. oronri. ei-or to surrcl-ldc r t'ne land Republic of Kenya, is registerbd as proprietoj' of that picce of lan'd tiïl' fz deea- 'issueu iyl respect ï.)f thfz sai d piece ef 'lan d to khc iand known as parccl No. East Uyoma/Naya/ils4 rflvW': szru- J' iya t/e I.Y 1,! @we .'-1. r natx' cc 1 s gi vfc' n 'hztf afteï the exoi rittio n Of th irly S , situatc in the district ef . . . iaya, and whereas the scnior residc/it magistratc's court at Jiaza: in fq'J '7ou' J' '.$a .!T .'J Fs -ik czm t h.e da'. c 'nfcrcof provi d'cd îha ( tao vali d obj ection has civil sujt No. 140 of 1999 à,. ms .' t''h. . v . . .s . , has ordcrcd that thc said picce ol land bc t-:-7 cn rf'.v::.î'--veç-s w - .I l'! $h at 1). erlotl . I I ntcnd to ckEspensc wi-th th. i2 traasfqxred to Alfrûd Atoyo Makowa , ot f;.k.). Box 7.tJ, Ndigwa, and ni-c-dtl; tvifan k-. .c )f t4.t! sai. d dxant title deed and pfocctcd' wi th the rc&e i strat.ion wherjas thc cxccutivc officer of thc court has in pursuance of an ordcr 'Ltt ths- sa'tz' k' L'ks' l'yet!dtè .=n t oi translk'-r and I:sue a ian d ti t1c dced to th'c said f thc s'aid court cxecuted a transfcr of th rt' t- o c said piccc of land in favour #' ).k 'dp ,hz ur 'bn. . . . l-hs'. ?.n k-k'2 ,'.?urlt4 up 0.-1 suvl'l s'rzg' isu atioo î ùe land titîe dced of Alfred Aloyo Malowa , of P.O. Box 70. Ndigwa, and whcrcas all sisaei:i rxc. i-i'hcer îu- 4 1t.-? so k6j ,'k cjwas, i hy':/ f'Amu rj-i oo sbali be deemed to bc cfforts madc to compcl the rcgistej-cd propfietor to surrcnder thc land calrcer/efru,' .alaf'l.' '-w;- 'ï 24r.3 tr- t> 'i7t t ct. titte dccd irxsued in respect of thc saiu piecc of Iand to thc land ID.a te 6:4 'he ) J? t 2' ? l-hî c; : ' c-.pi'â 'oc r 'ztf-'if-.zq' registrar havc failed, notice is givczl that after thc cxpiration of thirty J . O . O W U O R .fx30) days from the datc hercof providcd thàt yïo valid objection has Zl?:d a. eRL. %lKy y, bcen rtzccivcd withip thtkt period Jkxet ui am ega b' *.e1 t' > ' , i intcnd to dispcnse with ttw -orïtzl. production of the said Iand titlc dced and procccd with thc registr'ation oAfl fthe said ijkstrumejelt of transfer and issuc a rand titlc klccd to thc said T<.), A4 ZZT'I'E nt 'k'(z .r-;7.'2.'- .!!; t'o Nr 6.) . cy ay & r/. 4. rcd Aloyo Malowa, and upon such rcgistration the land titlc dccd ' t !, .-' Px .il ', :f . 'at -f% Lu -' IJ k i-z sz L ./k , '.i ,!: .,/>.- ' - iskued carlicr to thc said Jamcs He).'a Werc, shali bc dccmcd to bc . canccllcd and of no effcct. g&' 1lw .nv .z% I7 . 'wm.u rw'j .%(X. I'/.)'1'J q-, $-j Dklted thc 17th Ncvcmber ''j7,.J)', ...... ' '%' . .. . . , 2(P.4). -h 1c'9 .,.; ' e' .i ikzscx j ) I;iN o k'-' .E 1. C C'$ j R 7../ IW B N 5 P. A . OW EYA, A?.'C?' > r&' x't 4p.7 ' , .tc . '. .?.) v' .j '4 s ) . o , ( . .' 'w..z ' . ey 'N .0 ' : = r ' -zLlfu-y.?-a.uo, q .: y a- ùL' z.s..r u,' . ;., ftyc s.ueryl-ktwik aïïd (a..4 Murigal tkjc:' Nsnasek Land Regarrcr, ./.zy . ) ) p. j. k j .:F p-' ,e' rx o - A - * r ,tww= itz.zv/, a. o-tz uz .e-x.gb. zao' x v3, fvtarok. lll thc tj. ucp. u'p j' j c of jkc yj yx a ,ajr SiayalBondp Diçfrïla. ï . GykzE'1-rE No'I'lcE No. 7397

CUSTOM S AN D EXCISE DEPARTM ENT SAL.E BY Pt?Bl-lc' AlJc'l'IoN NOTICE is givcn that the undcrmentioned goods will be sold by public auction en W ednesday. l 3th Deccmber. 2()*), at the Customs W arehouse. Eldorct. lnterested purchasers may view the goods on Friday. 8th December- 2t)(X) and Monday, 1 lth Decembera 2()(X), during officc hours.

L O t No . F#WX%#cc of uîtYzdzrc' No. Description of Goods ' Locatiqn lblz'. z'zlzï Dz,JJ

12J72(:x) C53 No. 17t133635/2-5-263(:) One unit Nissan Caravan. reg. No. KAK 997W (fakels - chaskis No. UHGE23-61()41 1 Customs Warehouse,' Eldorct. 123/2(::) C53 No. 13(135593/1.5-.5-.2t:)0 . One unit Toyotkt Carinas Saloon. rcg. No. KZY 829 (fakel. chassis No. AA6()-9()4I60l , cngine No. 3A-2()449896 Kitale Policc Station. 125/2t::1 ' 'C*53 No. 13()356(13/31-5-26:.:) One unit lsuzu Elf. truck. rcg. No 568 UCG. without pick . . -up body. no cnginc- no gear box Kitale Policc Station. 12&'2tx#) C53 No. 03561 1/1(/-6-2t10() One unit Toyota Chasers saloon reg. No. UAA 73213. ' chassis No. 5X8t/-5(:)3636- enginc No. 4&)1t)667t) Bungoma Policc Station. ' 13(#2(14x) C53 No. Dt13561&1 1-6--2tX)0 One unit Datsuna pick-'up. rcg. No. 574 UAG. ' chassis No. GD2l-000t)67 Kitale Police Station. 13l/2tx)0 C53 No. D(3562()/13-6-21:)0 One unit Toyota Camry. saloon. rcg. No. 58R.111262. ' . ' ' chassis No. 5V2(1-.3t126781 . engine No. 15-1(467073 Customs W arehousca Eldorct. 133/21::) C53. No. D()35627/18-6-2()()0 One unit Nissan Sunny. Super Saioon. chassis No. ' FB 12-765283. engine No. GA15-419()34 Customs W arehousc. Eldoret. l 34/21)(:) ' C53 No. (7t)35628/26..6.-2(:)t) One unit Toyota Hiace . Omni Bus. rcg. No. KXE 981 E ' (fake). chassis No. YH6l (.1-(103687 Customs Warchousc, Eldorct.

Datcd the I()th August. .2()tX?.

. J. B. MIYUMO. for Commissioner of C'lf-çft,vl.ç and Excise.


. Gooos HSL.D IN '1'1 IE Cuvl'ovls WAREI IoukEs ICD, E'MBAKASI . NOTICE is givcn ti l at un l ess th e undermentioned goods are entered and cleared on or beforc 8th Decemb/rs 2(#)()s from the Customs Warchbusc, Embakasi. thcy will bc decmed to have bccn abandoned to the' Customs and Excisc Departmcnt.

68/2* ) f)62/(X) 3-9-98 9128.E,17602345-9

69/2% 0h3/(* Anna M aria/r ltl-g8 M 5C17288847-4 Constellation Enterprises. P.O. ' Box 1()()1 I . Nairobi 1m * 06&(X) W .E.C. 'Rotterdam/ ' 30.-4.4:) CRXU22165()-6 . Silent Range Enterp' rises. P.O. . . Box 50342. Nairobi l x 203 21 dolla clcctronic . . . game rccl ' magjc lxlxxe- jjastj). . 73/2(R 067/(:) MSC AUGUSTA/ . 1(J-4-21:10 14MK17251435-3 Swift Frcight International' (K) ' Ltd. . P.O. B()x 12886. Nairobi I x 20' onc unit Volvo motor J . ' . . car. 71/2% (Ri8/(X) MSC ADELE 8-5-27:) CM817230134-5 Blue Anchor Linc. clo . ' Exprcss Kcnya L!d., P 0. Box 40433. Nairobi 1 x 209 uscd tyrcs and #--j' -2506

' Ship 's AWzzzt' und Dlze Conzuiner .YO. Cbnsignee's Nflrz?e Description of Gtptpzfî'

ï@2* 070/* Karins/l 4..z>-.21:)f) 0C1-1711)9357-3 Bernard Onukubab (Bisbop) - Christ Abandani Lifc Crusade. P.O. Box 2357. Nairobi l x 41)9 donated relicf goods. Isuzu Troopcr and used clothing. F89 No. 45069 of 29-6-2* MV TEMA ztl-.f%.zi>l Ingeborg A. Lighlenbarg (l$1s.) c/o Transami 1 unit Vespa Scooters engine No. E I2l-D()62 1()3. chassis No. C5()D()t)2 1 52

Dqted thc 9th Novembcr, 21:) ;ki J. B. M IYUM O, Commissioner of Customs and Excise.

GU E'M Noaqce No. 7399 C'xvss No. 2047 os 2(G 3 IN THE HIGH COURY OF KENYA AT NAIROBI By Pushpabcn Mcghji Nagda. of P.O. Box 44080, Nairobi in Kenya, the exccutor namcd 'in thc dcceased's will, through Mcssrs. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Shah & Pcrekh, advocatcs, for a grant of probatc of the wiil of Mcghji TAKE NOTICE that applications having becn made in thjs court Karamshi Nagda, latc of Ngara Road in Kcnya, who dicd at Visa ix: ' Oshwal Mahajawadi, on 1st Junc, 2(K . CAuss No. 1744 olz 1999 Thc court wiil procecd to issuc the same unlcss cause bc shown to By Henry Akhwale Kaiayi, of P.O. Box 98, Butcw in Kcnya, tlw thc contral'y and appcarancc in this respcct cntcred within thirty (30) deceased's fathcr, through Mcssrs days from thc datc of publication of this noticc in thc Kenya Gazette. of Nairobi, for a grant of lcttcrs . oOf cahdimcnign iOstrkactylon & i nCtcos.t, aatcd vtooc atthecs estate of Ezckicl Majimbo Silo, latc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who dicd at Datcd 2nd Octobcr, 2(kX). Kayolc Estatc in Kcnya, on 19th May STELLA MUTUKU. , 1998. Senior Deputy Regùtrar, Nairobi. CAtlss No. 1484 orc 20* Ntpfe.-rrhc will mcntioncd abovc has bcen dcpositcd in and is open to By Charlcs Ouma Ogal, of P.O. Box * 453, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc inspcçtion at thc court. dexvascd's gréndson, through Messrs. Amuga & Co., advocates, for a grant of Ietters of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of Philcmona ' Gyvzs'l-l's No'I'IcE No. 7400 Okumu Nyamburi, latc of Xachuonyo District in Kcnyas who dicd at Kamscr, Seka in Kenyas on 30th Octobcr, 19* . IN THE. HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI CausE No. 1784 orc 2(e PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION By (1) Sarah Ndudgc Musau and (2) Philister Jaoko Manyala. both TAKE NOTICE that applications having bccn madc in this court of P.O. Box * , Athi River in Kenya thc dcccascd's widow and in : . ' , Cxuse No. 468 oF 2* mother. respcctivcly, through Mcssrs. Kivuva & Co., advocatcs of Nairobi, for a grant of Ictters of administration intcstatc to thc estate By David Paul Pagc Morris, of P.O. Box 24428, Nairobi in Kcnya, . of Chrispinnc Owino Manyala, Iatc of Siaya in Kcnya, who died along thc dcccmscd's son, through A. F. Gross, advocatc, for a grant of =N ombnu-Nairobi Roa,d ip Kcnya, on 30th May, 1998. Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of John Anthony Pagc-Morris, datc of Karcn in Kcnya, who dicd at Karcn, Nandi Road, CAtlss No. 1824 orc 2% Nairobi in Kenya, on 24th July, 19% . ' By (1) Jenniffcr Aoko Randiga and (2) Gcorgc Ogutu Randiga, CAuss No. 596 ofr 2000 M th of P.O. Box 55143, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc deccased's widow and brother-in-law, respcctivcly, through Vcssrs. Laibuta and Associatcs, By (1) Joscphinc Moraa Okumu and (2) Charlcs Nyambcga advlxates of Nairobi, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate Ongondi, both of P.O . Box 79770, Nairobi in Kcnya, the deceascd's to the estatc of Fredrick Onyango Oloo, iatc of N' airobi, who dicd at widow and brothcrp respectively, through Messrs. Kecngwc & Co., Kenyatta National Hospital in Kcnya, o' n 16th March , 24f(). advocates, for a grant of Iettcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estate of Danicl Nyabuti Ongondi, late of High Risc Nairobi, who CxusB No. 1893 os 2ie s dicd at Sogan Hotcl in Kenya, on 21st Novcmbcr, 1999. By (1) Florcncc Wakiuru Muchiri and (2) Anthony Mundia . CAusE No. 949 op- 2(1)9 Muchiri, * th of P.O. Box 19, Karimoni in Kcnya, the dcceascd's 'widow and brothcr-in-law, rcspcctivcly fqr a grant of letters of By (1) Kenncth Odhiambo and (2) Jim Asûkt;, bot'h of P.O. Box administration întcstatc to thc cstatc of (l,h arlcs W amafna Chcgc 75182, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's sons. for a grant of lcttcrs of , latc administratien inte' statc to thc cstatc of Rosc Auma Ochalla of F>qtlcigh, Nairobi in Kcnya wbo dicd at M atcr Hospital in Kcnya , latc of on 19ih Februal'y, 2(m . , , Rachuonyo in Kcnya, who dicd .at Southlands Estatc in Kcnya 24th Octobcr, 1* 7. . , op Czxtlss No. 1O 3 os 2(*0 By (1) Alice Chelanjat Sigcl and (2) Gcoffrcy Kipngetich Sigci, Causs No. l4% orc 2(* he of P.O. Box 14423, Nairobi in Kenya, thc dcccascd's widow and By (1) Jamcs Maina Kariuki. and (2) Virginialk Wanjiru Karuku, xm, resjxctivcly,' tbreugh J . Q. Mbcwa, advocatc of Nairobi for a both of P.O. Box 7432, Nairobi in Kcnya, tiw deccascd's widow and grant of letttrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of A,n drcw son, rcspcctivcly, for a grant of lcttcrs of adm inistration intcstatc to ' m plangat Sigei, Iatc of Nairobi in KcKya, who dicd at Kcnyatta thc estatc of Simon Karuku, latc of Muthuthlini. Nycri in Kcjiya. who National Hospital in Kcnya, on 14th Junc, 19* . dicd thcrc on 13th Junc, 1* 8. CxusE No. 1* 9 orz 2% CAuss No. 1517 oF 2(K.0 By Janct Muthoni Warari (Mrs.), of P.O. Box 722%, Nairobi in By Alfred Kihoro Gitbaiga, of P.O. Box 74457, Nairobi in Kcnya, Kcnya, thc dc' cenqed's widow, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration tlle ebv*nmed's son, for a prant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to intcstatc to thc cstatc of Samucl W arari Ndcte tl!e estate of Evans Gitbalga Kihoro, latc of Murang'a in Kcmya, who s latc of Kiambu District in Kcnya, who dicd at Distlict Huspital, Kiambu in Kcnya, on -H-.+<. a at Nairobi $.etkn 9th January, 1*7. ' . 13th M arch, 1999. 17th

CxusE No. 1577 oir 2(+ a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to the estate of Nahashœ Mwangi Njorogc, Iatc of Gatanga in Kcnya, who died at n ika By (1) Monica Abom Opiyo, of P.O. Box 4762, Kisumu in Kcnya, Nprsing Homc in Kcnya, on 4th Dcccmber, 1999. and (2) Aggrcy Oduor Abom, of P.O. Box 35521, Nairobi in Kenya. thc dcccascd's mothcr and son, rcspcctivcly, through M cssrs. M uni- C-uss No. 2024 or 2G0 kah and Co., advocatcs, for a grant of Icttors of administration By Pctcr Kariuki G ichuru, of P.O . Box 16533, Nairobi in Kenya, intcstatc to thc cstatc of Naboth Jurna Abom, Iatc of Siaya in Kcnya, thc dcceascd's fathcr' who dicd at Kcnyatta Nationai Hospital in Kcnya, on 27th Dcccmbcr, , through Mcssrs. Gichachi & Co., advtxatcs, for 1*7. a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstate to the estate of Julius Njorogc Kariuki, late of Maragwa in Kcnya, who dicd at GithemY in C-tlss No. 1653 orc Xu l Kcnya, pn 30th Junc, 2(XX). ' By (1) Pmkayo Kwcndo and (2) Dishon Ondcrc, both of P.O. Box . Catlss No. 2028 oF 2(* 49918, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's brothcr and cousin, rcspcc- By Tcrcsia Nyambura Macharia, of P.O. Box 1M , Kiriaini in tivcly, through Messrs. Munikah & Co., advocatcs of Nairobi, for a Kcnya, thc dcccascd's widow, through Messrs. Gichachi & Co., grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to thc estatc of Philomona advocatcs, for a grant of lctters ef administration intcstatc to the Samji, Iatc of Kongowca in Kcnya, who dicd at Pandya Mcmorial cstatc of Francis Macharia Githiga, latc of Kajama, Murang'a in Hospital in Kcnya, on 22nd Junc, [email protected]. Kcnya, who dicd at Kcnol, Thika Road in Kenya, on 16th Deceme r, Causs No. 1779 orz 70* 1998 ' By (1) Pliscilla Njcri Kcbaiya and (2) Mary Nyambura Kanina, lyoth Causs No. 2032 oF 2(+ of P.O. Box 870, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's sistcrs, for a grant By Amina Olad, of P.O. Box 179* , Nairobi. in Kcnya, the of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of Esthcr Njcri deccascd's widow', through Messrs. Kipkorir Titoo & Kiara, advo- Kcbaiya, Iatc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who dicd at Equator Nursing cates, for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstate to the cstate of Homc in Kcnya, on 28th March, 2(K . Mohamcd Shcikh Ali, latc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who died at Mater Cxuss No. 17% orc 2(0 . Hospital in Kcnya, on 9th March; 19Y. By Stcphcn Muli Ngcwa, of P.O. Box 41175, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc Cxuss No. 20M op 2% dcccased's widowcr, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of Dorothy M umbc Ngcwa alims Dorothy M umbc M utinda, By Lucy Wanjiku Mwangi, of P.O. Box 335, Ruiru in Kenya, the Iatc of Umoja in Kcnya, who dicd at Mbagathi Hospital in Kcnya, on dcceascd's mother, through Mcssrst Mugo Kamau & Co-, advtxates, 29th Novcmbcr. 1998. for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intestatc to the estate of Paul Kariuki M wangi, latc of G itambaya in Kenya, wbo died thcre on 5th Cxuss No. 1828 op 2t* Jupc, 10 9. By (1) Lydiah Muthoni Kiaric and (2) Janc Wanjiku Wokabi, both of P.O. Box 12216, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's widow and Cluss No. 2> 1 oF 2,(+ By Salomc Mwirua Wawcru, of P.O. Box 50224 Nairobi in Kenya, sistcr, rcspcctivcly, for a grant of lctters of adm inistration intcstatc to th . ! thc cstatc of M ichacl M wangi Kiaric, Iatc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who c dcceascd's widow, for a grant of Ictters of admlnistration intestate dicd at Embu Hospital in Kcnya, on 28th May, 2(œ . to the estate of Patrick W aweru Kinuthia, Iate of Dagorctti, Waithaka in Kcnya, who dicd at Equator Nursing Homc in Kenya, on 11* Cxuss No. 1840 op. 2(K By (1) Jamcs Muhoro Ndungu and (2) Ruth Wangechi Ndungu, hlth of P.O. Box * 599, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccmscd's brother and Cxuss No. 2œ 3 op 21R sistcr, rcspcctivcly, through Mcssrs. C. W . Maina, Kiaric and Kariuki, By (1) Wilfrcd C. J. Olukunc and (2) Agncsi Olesi Otieno, Oth of advtxatcs of Nairobi, for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intek tate P.O. Box 52779, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's brother and widow, to thc cstatc of Susan F ambui Ndungu, latc of 01 Kalau. Nyandarua rcspcctivcly, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to tlw in Kcnya, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kcnya, on 10th August, cstate of Robcrt Jason Otieno, late of Vihiga in Kenya, who died at 1998. ' Dandora in Kcnya, on 11th May, 19*. Cxuss No- 1881 os 2(* CAIJSE No. 21œ olv 2/XK) By Samson Yohannes Uebremiskil, of P.O. Box 75357, Nairobi in By (1) Kartar Kaur Dagra and (2) Bhupinder Singh Dogra, lmtll of Kcnya, the dcceased's nephew, through Messrs. Muhuhu & Co., P.O. Box 42784, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc exccutop named in the advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate dcccascd's will, through K. S. Bhahmbatt, advtxate, for a gent of to the estate of Berhane Gmeskel, Iate of Eritrea, who died at probatc of thc will of Piara Singh Dogra, Iate of Lavington in Kenyw Kenyatta National Hospital in kenya, on 9th Septembçr, 1999. who dicd at Nairobi Hospital in Kcnya, on 5th July, 2(œ .

Cxuss No. 1927 olr ?aX) Causs No. 2112 oF 2% By (1) Sarah Gathoni Njoki and (2) Winnie Wambui n uo, Oth of ' By Zipporah Mwcru n uo, of P.O. Box 24892, Nairobi in Kene P.O. Box 279, Ruiru in Kenya, the dcceascd's daughter and thc deccascd's daughtcr, for a .grant of letters of administra#- granddaughtcr, resmctivcly, for a grant of letters of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of Njoki Mutungu, late of Kajiado -in Kenya, intcstate to thc cstatc of Kennctlr Kiaric Kimani, latf of Ndundu who dicd at Ngong, Bul Bul Location in Kenya, on Wkh Fcbruary, Sub-lcm tion in Kenya, who died at Gatundu Hospital in Kenya, où 1W 3. . 12th April, 1*6. ' CltlsE No. 2132 op 7.fœ By (1) Peripetua Njangatc Ongcta and (2) Askah Kemunto, Ne CxusE No. 1939 op 2* of Masigc Eait, Kisll in Kcnya, thc deccne 's widows, thrùugh By Elizabeth Esperanca Agapita Fernandes, of P.O. Box 30135, Mcssrs. Janct Ongcra & Co., advtxates of Nairobi, for a graqt of Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of Icttcrs of administration intestatc to the estate of William Mlgere administration intestate to the estate of Alcantra Santana Apolinario Ongcra Nyamcria, latc of Masigc East in Kenya, who died tllem tm Manuel Fernandes, late of Nairobi West in Kenya, who died at 11th Junc, 2(G). Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 18th October, 1998. ' ' Cxuss No. 2135 op 2.(+

By Jamcs Muigai Githu, of P.O. Box 2W22, Nairobi .in Kenya, êl- Causs No. 1984 oF 2(0 dcccascd's son, through Mcssrs. Wangonl'u & Col, advtxato Y Nairobi, for a grant of lcttcrs of administratlon intestatë-fé- te .pex- By (1) 1.2% Wanja Gichurc, (2) Joseph Wainaina Njorogc and (3) of Erastus Githu Muigai, latc of Nakuru in Kenya, w:o *' ' * at Gcorgc Mwenda, a11 of P.O. Box 2,51, Limunz in Kenya, thc Ncw Road in Kcnya, on 11th January, 1981. ' deccased*s widow aqd sons, rcsmctivcly, through Mwayra Francis Shairi, advœate, for a glant of letters of administration lntcstatc to Cxuss No. 2D7 oe > thc cstate of Godfrey Glchure Njoroge, latc of Kiambu Distrid in Kehya, who died at Nnlureth Hospital in Kenya, on 31st Dcccmbcr, By (1) Mary Waithcra Muiruri, (p) David Kuria Muimri d'u (X) n omak Muiruri, aIl of P.O. Box 2* , Naimbi in Kelya, * 1- . dcccascd's widow and sons, rcs- tivcly, through Mexq-. ' * CxusE No. 19% olr 2(* Co., adv- tcs of Nairobi. for a grant of letters of admi-' ' By Jose' phine Nduta Mwangi. of P.O. Box 1311, n ika in Kcnyà, intcstatc to thc cstatc of Danicl Muiruri Nganga, late of n l*H e / tlle' dccen- 's widow, tllrough Meors. Munenc & Co.. advtlcates, for Kcnya, wbo dicd at Ruiru in Kcnya, on 5th May, > . ' ' 2508 TI1E KUNYA G AZIFTTL

causs No. 2261 os 2(.0 C-usE No. 2374 orc 2(R by (1) Gibson Muchiri Muriuki and (2) Githinji wa Muriuki, both By Josephat Muthui, of P.O. Box 225, Mwingi in Kcnya, thc of P.O. Box 58328, Nairobi in Kenya, thc deccascd's sons, for a grant dcccased's father, through Messrs. Kabaru & Co. , advocatcs, for a of letters of administration intestatc to the cstatc of Asaph Muriuki grant of lettcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of Mtiscc Muthui, latc of Mwingi District in Kcnya, who dicd at Mbakini. along Githinji, Iate of Kaguyu, Kaguyu, Nycri in Kcnya, who died at'lamii Mwingi-Thikg Road in Kcnya, on 20th Junc, 19* . Nursing Homc i,n Kcnya, on 5th May, 1992. Cxtlss No. 2270 olz 2* CAl-rss No. 2375 orz 2(+ By (1) Philip Ngairc Karumba, (2) Stanley Kinyua Karumba and (3) By (1) Dishon Mwcma Musyimi and (2) Magdalina K. Mwcma, Joseph Karumba Macharia, a1l of P.O. Box 76, Kcrugoya in Kcnya. both of P.O. Box 32, Nunguni in Kcnya, thc dcccased's fathcr and the deceased's brothcrs and son, respcctivcly, for a grant of lcttcrs of mothcr, rcspcctively, through Mcssrs. Kabaru & Co., advocates, for a administrqtion intcstatc to thc cstatc of Jcan Wanjiru Karumba, Iate grant of Icttcrs of administratio!i intcstatc to thc estatc of Nthckc of Othaya, Nycri in Kcnya, who dicd at Royal Frce Hospital, Muem' a, late of Mukaa, Makucni in Kenya, who dicd thcre on 26th Camdcn, on 5th January: 2(Y . ' Scptembcr, j9*.). Cxuss No. 2308 orz 2G 0 ' Cxuss No. 2376 orl 2(* By (1) Shalini Da'cunna and (2) Mcera Chaundhcry, both of P.O. By (llMasaa Kilonzi and (2) Joshua Syanda Kilaka, both of Nza' uni Box 10!!P, Nairobi in Kcnya? the cxccutors namcd in thc dcccascd's Location, Mwingi District in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's widow and will, through Mcssrs. Shaplcy Barrct & Co., advocatcss for a grant of brothcr, respcctively, through Mcssrs. Kabaru & Co., advocatcs, for a probate of the will of Châranjiu Ahluwalia Pritam, Iate of Nairobi in grant of Icttcrs of administration intestatc to thc cstate of Kilonzi Kcnya, who dicd at Aga Khan Hospital in Kcnya, on 5th July, 2(X#). Kilaka, latc of Mwingi in Kcnya, who dicd at n ika Hospital in Kenyay' on 22nd jcptcmbcra 1998. CAuse No. 23* orz 24* By (1) Alice Nyokabi Kamau and (2) Evanson Kamunyu, both of n c court will procecd to issuc the samc unlcss causc bc shown to P.O. Box 119, Ruiru in Kcnya, thc deceased's widow and son, thc contrary and appcarancc in this rcspcct cntcrcd. within thirty (30) resN ctivclyy for a grant of Icttels of administration intcstatc to thc days from thc datc of publication of this noticc in thc Kenya Gazette. estate of Georgc Kamau W awcnz, Iate of Nembu in Kenya, who dicd thcre on 8tb Octobcr, 1998. ' Datcd thc 7th Novcmbcr, 2(Y . Cxuss No. 2312 olz 2% SYELLA MUTUKU, By Samuel Njonjo Kagiri, of P.O. Box 21333, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc Senior Deputy Regiatrar, Nairobi. deceased's widowcr, through Mcssrs. Munoru Kagiri & Wamac, /V/Ie.-The wills mcntioncd abovc havc becn dcpositcd in and arc advx ates, for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intestate to thc opc' n 'tb inspcction at. thc court atate of Abigail Busolo Kagiri, Iate of n ika ip Kcnya, who dicd at . M.P. Shah Hospital in Kcnya, on 26th July, 1998. Cxtlss No. 2313 orc 2* By (1) Kathlcen Edeth Gathoni Scmanzi and (2) Joan Gathoni GAz/'l-I'E Nç)'I'I()'E N('). 74(11 Njugi, both of P.O. Box 39908, Nairobi in Kenya, thc dcccascd's wldow and sister-in-law, rcspectivcly, for a grant of Ietters of IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of Bosco Scmanzi . latc ' of Imvington, Nairobi in Kcnya, who died at Nairobi, on 18tli Junc, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION 2e . . TAKE NOTICE that an application having becn madc in this court i n : ' CAtlss No. 2316 oF 2(+ CAuss No. 2438 ofi 2% By (1) Christophcr Nyamasyo Kimuyu and (2) Pctcr Kiko Kim' uyu, % th of P.O. Box 67201, Nairobi in Kcnya, thc dcccascd's widower By Ruth Wanjiku Gatimu, of P.O. Box 72652, Nairobi in Kcnya, and brothcr, rcspcctivcly, through Mcssrs. Mbulo & Co., advocates of thc dcceascd's widow, for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc Nairobi, for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc to thc cstate of Dcnnis M uchiri Gatimu, latc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who of Angclica Ndinda Nyamasyo, latc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who dicd at dicd alopg Racc Coursc Road in Kcnya, on 4th Scptcmber, 2(G). Avenue Hospital in Kcnya, on 29th April, 2tO . Thc court will procccd to issue thc samc unlcss causc bc shown to Cxuss No. 2317 oF 2(* thc contrary and appcaran' cc in this rcspcct cntcrcd within thirty (30) By (1) Edward MFangi Kihoro and (2) Marvin Kibaara Mwangi, days from the datc of publication of this noticc in thc Kenya Gazette. M th of P.O . 'Box 70216, Nairobi in Kcnya, yhc dcceascd's widowcr and > n, rcsmctivcly, for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to the cstate of Faith Wangcci Mwangi, latc of Nairobi in Kcnya, who Datcd' thc 8th Novcmbcr, 2(+ .' died along n ika-M urang'a Road in Kcnya, op 6th July, 19* . KARANJA KINYANJUI ... Deputy Registrar, Nat:robi. CAusE* No. 2320 olr 2(+ ' By (1) Florence Owiti Olwandc and (2) Elizabcth O jongo Odhuno, * th of P.O. Box 72* 1, Nairobi in Kcnya, the dcccasc' d's widow and sistcr-in-law, respcctivcly,.zfor a grapt of letters of administration intcstate to thc cstatc of Douglas Humphrey Omolo, Iatc of Jina in Kenya, who dicd at M.P. Shah Hospital in Kcnya, on 10th April, G AzE'I-I'E. Nc)'I'!cE No. 7402 IN THE HIG H COU RT OF KENYA AT M A CHA KOS Cxuss No. 2M 9 op' 2(+ pkoBA'rs AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Nditiva Mutua Mwangangi and (2) Gcoffrcy Mutua TAKE No-rlcE that 'applications having bccn madc in this court Mwangangi, % th of P.O. Box 43, Mumbuni in Kcnya, thc dcccmscd's i n : widow and son, rcsN ctivcly, for a grant of Ictters of administration intestate to the estatc of John Mwangangi Mutua, latc of Nakuru in Cxuss No. 419 op' 1999 Kcnya, who died Frcçhold in Kcnya, on 5th Dcccmbcr, 19* . By (1) Alicc Kavcngc Mulingc and (2) Mbuli Mulingc Ngovi, both of P.O. Box 155, Makueni in Kenyay thc dcccagcd's widows, for a Cxuse No. 2373 orz 2(* grant of Icttcp 'of administration intcstatc to thc estate of Mulingc By (1) Mary Wangari Ngotho and (2) Simon Ngotho Kinlua, both Kiilu, who dicd at Kako Sub-location in Kenya, on 20th April. 1970. of P.O. Box 30216, Nairobi in Kenya, thc dcccased's slstcr and brother-in-law, rcslxctively, throùgh Messrs. Osoro Mogikoyo & Co., CxusE No. 2* os 2% advœ ates, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to the By Anne Kanini Muya, of P.O. Box 1885, Machakos in Kcnya, thc estate of Marlarct Wachuka Macharia, latc of Kiambu District in dcccmscd's widow, for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to Kenya, who dlcd at P.C.E.A. Kikuyu Hospital in Kenya, on l0th thc cstatc of Stcphcn David Muya Kimcu, late of Eastlcigh in Kcnya, Juc , 1*5. ' who dicd thcrc on 21st Deccmbcr, 1* 8. C/vt/ss No. 321 tarr 2tX)0 By (1) Maiy Njoki and (2) Gichuki Mutukui, l'mth of P.O. Box i1N THF. HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITAL,E l 150. kangundo in Kcnya. thc dcccascd*s widow aad fricnd, respcctivcly. for a grant of letters of administration intcstate to thc PROBATE AND ADVIA. IISTRATIC, 'N cstatc of Dapicl Kiboi, Iatc of Embakasi, Nairoyi in Kcnya, w'ho dicd TAKE NOTICE fhat applicalions having bccn i-nadc in t:is court at Nairobi in Kcnyaa on 31st July, 1976. i n ' ' . Caxk.lss No. 322 C)F 2%:) Cxt.ls!s No. 129 orc 2('f'0 By Petcr M unyori W angoto. of P.O. Box 56176, Nairobi in Kccnya, By (1) Mary NafulaçWafula and (21. Roselync Nckcsa 'Wafula.p betb thc dcccased's son. for a grant of lcttcrs of adm inistration intcstatc to of. P-O' . Box 70, Lllkhuna In Kenya, for a grant of ictters of the estate of Sarah Wanjiku Wangoto, Iatc of Athi River in Kcnya, administration intcstattz to the estatc of Tom W' aniala M/afula, Iatc of who oJi cd al Equator Nur.sing Homc in Qciiya, on 4t1) Dcccmbcr: Kiminini Schemc in Kenya. whc' dicd at Kcnyatta fkalional Hospitai in 1995. Kenya. on 22nd A ugust, 1999. Cxuse No. 323 olr 2(00 CAuspl No. 134 olc 20*0 By (1) Pitilisa Munyiva Ngui. of P.O. Box 151. Machakos in Kenya. . By.lkabeca Wanjiku 'Mugo. of P .O. Box 1912, Kitale in Kcnya, ftv a thc dcceascd's mothers for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intestatc grant of lettcrs of admlnistration intcstatc to the estatc of soana Mugo to the estatc of Stcphcn Nzioki Nyui, late of Nairobi in Kcilya, who Karania, late of Kipsaina in Kenya, who dz'cd a.t Eldorct Mospita! in died at A rmcd Forccs M emonal Hospital in Kenya, on 18th Kenya, on 4th M arch, 1999. Scptcmber, 1997. CAuss No. .324 oF 2(:* . 'T'he court wiil proceed to issue the same untess cause bc slaown to By M onika Siva Kiswiia of P.O . Box' 72. M atuu in Kenya, the the contrary and appcarance in t.is respect entered wit:ain tsirïv f'3(,) dcccescd's wiclow- for a grani ef lettcrs of administration intcstate to days from thc date of pubiication of this noticc irl the Kenya Gazette. . the cstatc of Andrcw Kiswii Muscmbi. latc of M a'tuu in Kvnya. who Dated thc 7th Kovembcr, 2000. dicd at District Hospital. Kitui in Kcnya,- on 27th April, 1997. CAtlss No. 325 orz 2(* By ( I ) Johnstonc Mwania Munguti. (2) Katusya Munguti and (3) Nthcngc Mbithuka Mweua aII bf P.O. Box 44, Wamunyu in Kenya. the dcccased's sons and brothcr, respcctivclys for a grant of lettcrs of IN THE HIGH COURT GF KENYA AT KITALE administration inycstate to thc cstatc of Munguti Mbithukay' late of W amunyu in Kenya- who dicd at Kyawango in Kenya. on 16th PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATEON August. 1984. . TAKE NOTICE that applications havina bccn madc in this court in: n c court will prov-ccd to issuc thc samc unlcss causc bc shown to CAtpss No. 101 .oF 21-)0 tlic contrary and appcarance in this rcspcct cntercd within tbirty (30) days from thc datc of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. . By Gcorge 'Wambulwa Murunga, of P.O.' Box 11. V/ebuyc in Kcnya- for agrant of lettprs of administration intcstatc to thc estatc of Datcd thc 17th Octobcr. 2(G). - lsaac Maqika Nvambulwa, late of Misiku, Bungoma District in Kcnya, who died at Bokoli lwocation in Kcnyas on 6th Juoc, 1980. P. C. TOROREY. Deputy Regiatrar. Machakos. C-uss No. 127 orc 20+ By Miriam Muholo W aswala, of P.O. Box 402, Kitalc in Kcnya, for a grant of Icttcrs of administration intestate to thc cstatc of W aswala Humphrcy Danicl Wawoko, kate of Yiro in Kenya, who dicd at Aga Khan Hospital. Kisumu in Kenya. '

. CxusE No. 132 orc 26q)' G 'kzE'I-l'E No'1'IcE No. 74()3 By Mcdonald Mu'galo Muliango, t-lf P.O. Box 47, Kitalc in Kenya, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALE for a grant of Icttcrs of adminpstration iiatcstatc tta thc estatc of Seth Muliango Mugalo, iatc of Kobos Villagc Farm in Kcnya, who dicd PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION thcrc on 20th A pril, 2fxY . . ' TAKE NOTICE that applications having bccn made in this court in : Thc court will proceed to isslo!ti the samc unlcss cause be shown to Cxvss No. 75 op' 1999 ' thc contrary and appearance in this respcct cntercd within. thirty (30) By (1) Miriam Gakuya, (2) Mwangi Gakuya and (3) Jèrçmiah days from the date of publicatien of this noticc in the Kenya Gazette. Nyagah. aII of P.O. Box 334, Kitalc in Kcnya, thc deccased's Dated lhc 31st Octobcr, 2(G). administratrix and administrators, respcctivcly, . through Messrs. ' M. W AMBANI, Esthcr Chegc & Co.. advocatcs, for a yrant of lcttcrs of administration Deputy Registrar, Kitale. intcstatc to thc cstatc of Gakuya Njihla, latc of Kitalc in Kenya, who died thcrc, on 14th April, 1996. ' GAz.s'l-l's No lqlc's No. 74()6 Cxuàe No. 130 oe 2(+ IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORET By Stcphcn W ckcsa, of P.O. Box 755, Kitale in Kcnya. for a grant PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION of lcttcrs.of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of Phoebc Khakasa Wckcsa, Iatc of Bungoma, Naitiri in Kcnya, who dicd at Dckalb TA KE NO TICE that an application having bccn madc in this court Mcdical Ccntrc. U .S.A .. on 21st Junc, 2(œ . ' in : ' Cxuss No. 133 orz '2(Y C-use .NO. 263 .0F 2(+ By Musa Loboilia Ekusi, of P.O. Box 2130, Kitalc in Kcnyaa for a By Dinah Chcbotip Kipsang, of P.O. Box 218, Burnt Forcst in grant of Iettcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estatc of Esokhoni Kenya, for a grant of Ictters of adlninistration intcstatc to thc estate of Momo Engomo, Iatc of Sitatunga Sub-locàtion in Kenya, who dicd at David Mutwol, who dic'd at Forccs Mcmorial Haspital in Kcnya, on Maili Saba, Siyoi Schcmc in Kcnya on 15th Julys 1988. 18th April, 2tX)().

n e court will procccd'to issuc thc samc unleis causc bc shown to n c court will procced to issue thc same unlcss causc be shown to thc contrary and appcarancc in this rcspcct çntcrcd within thirty (30) 4he contr>ry and appearance in .this respect cntcrcd within thirty (M) . days from thc datc of publication of this noticc in thc Kenya Gazette. days from the date of publication of this noticé in the Kenya Gazette. . Datcd thc 2nd Novcmbcr, 2(K . Datcd the 3rd Novcmber. 2e . SUSAN SHITUBI, V. W . WANDERA, Deputy Registrar, Slo ret Deputy Reiutrar. , KiGtale. GAzs'l-l's No.lqlc's No. 74()7 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENXA A'r MOMBASA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA ' IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF ALI IN TH E M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF A BD ULREHM gAN AHMED JAHADHMY KHATOR SALIM O F M OM BASA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PRO BATE AND A DM INISTRATION Succssslox Causs No. 54 ov 2000 Suc'c'Esslcl?'k CAuss Nc). I 44 or.' 2t)()() LET ALL the partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a pctition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestatc to the cstate of the grant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named dcceascd, who died at M ombasa. on 1st above-namcd deccased. who dicd at Tononokaa fàrl 7th Novcm bcr. September,1995, has bcen filed in this registry by (1) Safia Said 1 999, has becn filed in this rcgistry by Rishad Abdulrehman Khatof'a Abdalla and (2) Fadhil Abass, both of P.O. Box 41663, Mom'basa, in of P.O . Box 84258, M ombasa. in his capacity as son of the deceasctd. their respective capacitics as widow and nephcw of the deccascd . And furthcr tqkc notice that objections in the prcscribed form to .the And ftzrther takc noticc that objections in the prcscribed form to thc making of thc proposed grapt are invitcd and must be Iodgcd in thitk making of the proposed grant arc iavitcd and must bc lodged in this régistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry within thirty (3()) days of pubiication of this noticc. And furthcr takc noticc that if no objection has becn Iodgcd in this And further takc noticc that if no objcctiqn has becn lodgcd in this rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (3()) days of thc date Of registl'y in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this notice. the court may grocccd to make thc grant as publication of this notice, thc court may procccd to makc the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the 6th Novembcr. 2()01). Dated the 19th October, 2tX)() . JULIE OSEKO, JULIE OSEKO, Deputy Registrar, Mombasa. Dcpufy Registraè Vtyrrlhfnfz.

GAzE'I-I's No'l'lcs No. 7408 GAzE'l-l's Nc)'!'Itg's Nc). 741 l IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA IN THE HIGLI CO URT O F KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AHMED IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF 6FREDRICK IDHA MOHAMED OF MOMBASA NJIHIA KAM A U O F NAKURU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEsslox Cxuss No. 72 os 2000 Suck-esslopk CAuse No. 537 oF 1999 LET ALL the parties conccrned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL thc parties concerncd takc notice that a *petition for a grant of letters of administration intcstatc to the estatc of the grant of lctters of adm inistration intes' tatc to thc estatc of thc above-named deceased, who dicd at Pandya Hospital, on 7th M arch. above-namcd deccased, whp died at Miloleni, on 23rd July, 20* , has 7.0* !has been filed in this registry by (1) Fatuma Ahmed Idha and (2) been filcd in this rcgistry by Philomena Njcri Njihia, in hcr capacity as Fauzl Abmed Idba Mohamed, both of P.O. Box 86191, Mombasa, in widow of the deccased. . tàeir rcspective capacities as widow and son of the deceased. And furthcr takc notice that objcctions in the prescribcd form to the And further takc notice that pbjcctions in the prcscribed form to thc making of the proposed grant are invitcd and must bc Iodgcd i'n this' making of the proposed grant are invited and must bc lodgcd in this registry .within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry within thirty (30) days of publication ef this notice. And furthcr ta' ke noticc' that if no objcction has becn lodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objection has beèn lodged in this registry in th= prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc date of re/stry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of tbe date of publication of this noticc, the court may pfocccè to makc the grant as publication of this notice, thc court may procecd to makc thc grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. praykd or to make such order as it thinks fit . Dated thc 31st July. 2œ 0. . Dated the 25th Scptember, 2(e . R. K. KIRUI, JULIE OSEKO, Depbdy Registrar, Nakuru. Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.

XlyvzE'la's NovlcE No. 7409 G Azs'l-l's No'l'lc'E No. 7412 IN 'I'HE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOM BASA IN THE H IG H COU RT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KENNETH IN TH E M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RA HAB A. MWAMBURI OF BUXTON, MOMBASA NJERI MW ANGI OF NJORO PRO BATE AND A DM INISTRATION PROBATE AN D A DM INISTRATION ' SucdsssloN Cxtlss No. 116 oF 2000 Succssslox Czhtlse No. 255 oF 20* LET ALL the parties concerned take nptice that a pe'tition for a LET ALL thc partics concerned takc noticc that a petition for a Fant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of lctters of administration intestatc to thc cstatc of the above-named deceascd, who died at Palîdya Hospital, on 3rd March; abovc-namcd deceascd, who died at Nakuru War Mcmorial Hospital, 2(a), has been filed in this registry by Rhoda Chao Mwambuù, of on 2Jrd August, 1999, has bccn filed in this registry by Lawrcnce P.O. Box * 392, Mombasa, in her capacity as widow'of the'deceased. Mwangi Muuya, in hcr capacity as widowcr of thc dcccased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the : And furtlier takc noti*ce that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this making of tlw prtmoscd grant Arc invited and must be Iodgcd in this pgkstry within thlrty (30) days of publication of thi! notice. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged ir this Xnd further takc noticc that if no objcction has becn lodgcd in this . Rl try in tbe prescribed form' within thirty (30) days of the date of- - registry in thc p' rcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of cation of this notice, the çourt ma'y proceed to make 'the glynt as publicayion of this notice, thc court may procccd'to makc thc grgnt as -' p.%rawd or to make such order ms it thinks fit. Prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. . D'Yted the' lllh October, 2(G). Dated thc' 14th Junc, 2(XX). ' .' JuuE OSEKO M . N. KIRIBA , Deputy Registrar, Mombaaa. Deputy Registraè, Nakuru. THE KEN YA G A ZETTE

GAzE'I-I'E Nc)'I'lcs Nc). 74l 3 G A.zs'l-l'e Nc)'l'IcE Nc). 74 1 6 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KINYANJUI MUTE MACHARIA OF OL JORO OROK YUHU NJUGUNA ALIAS KINYANJUI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION HIUHU OF NAKURU Successlox Cykuss No. 351 olr 2000 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerncd take noticc that .a petition for a Succ'essfox CAUSE Nc). 379 op' 20(* grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL thc partics concqrned take noticc that a petition for a abovc-named dcceascd, who dicd at Aga Khan Hospital, on 4th grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the cstate of the 'Decdmbcr, 2000, has bccn filed in. this rcgistry by G racc Nyakonyo above-named dcceased, who dicd at Bahati Schcme, tan 1st Julya.20()0a Macharia, in hcr capacity as widow of the deccascd. ' has been filed in this rcgistry by (1) Petcr Ndunyu Kinyanjuj and (2) And furthcr takc notice that objections in the prcscribed form to the Richard Mbugua Wanyanjui, in their capacitles as sons of thc making of thc p/oposcd grant arc invited and must bc Iodgcd in this dcceased. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take n' otice that objcctions in the prescribcd form to the And further take rkotïce that ïf no objcction has bccn lodgcd fn this making of thc proposcd grant are ifïvited and must be Iodged in this rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) dayy of the datc of registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. publication of this noticc, thc court may procced to makc the grant as And furthcr take notice that if no objcction has been lodged in this praycd or to makc such order as it thinks fit. rcgistry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (3()) days of the date of publication of this noticcs the court may proceed to makc the grant as Dated thc 1 1th Septcmbcr. 2000. praycd or to mgke such order as it thinks fit. R. K. KIRU I, Deputy Re' gistrac Nakuru. Dated thc 11th Septembcr, 20t)(). R. K. KIRUI. Depuêy Rc.jlj.s'frlr, Nakuru. .

G.AzE'I-l'E Ntxl'l(7s' No. 741 4 Ga,xzE'l-l'E Nc)'l'Ic'E Nc). 74 l 7 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET NJERI KAHARA OF RIRUTA SATELLITE. NAIROBI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF G RIUKI ' M A NYA RA OF NYA NDARUA PROBATE AND ADMtNISTRATION PRO BATE AND ADM INISTRATION Successlox CAtlse No. 352 orz 2000 Successlclx Cmuss No. 381 op' 20t)t) LET ALL the parties concerned takc notice that a petition for :;! LE'T ALL the partici concerned take noticc that 11 petition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estate of thc grant of Icttcrs of administratiop iùtcstatc to the estatc of thc abovc-namcd ddccascd,' who dicd at Riruta Satcliitc. on 1st July. 4bove-namcd dcceased, who died at Provincial General Ho' spital. 1998. has becn filcd in this rcgistry by ( 1) Linus Kibui Kahara and (2) Charlcs Ngpre Kahara, in their capacities as brothcis of the dcccased. Nakurut on 13th May. 1999, bas been filed in this registry by ( 1) Njcri ' Kariuki Kahuthu aqd (2) Tabitha W. Kariuki, in thei'r capacit'ics as And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in the prcscribed form to thc widows of the deceascd. ' . making of the proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc lodged in this And further take noticc that obiections in the prcscribcd form to thc rcjistry within thirty (30) days of publicatitm of this notiçc. . making of the prop. oscd grant are' invitcd and must bc Iodged in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bcen Iodgçd in this registry within thlrty (3(,) days of publication of this notice. rcgistrï in the prescribcd form Fithin thirty (30) days of thc datc of And furthcr take notice that if no objection has been Iodgcd in this publication of thi! noticc, thc court may procecd to make the grant as registry in the prescribed form 'within thirty (30) days of the datc of praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. publication of this notice. the court may jrocccd to makc the grant as Dated the 4th Scptember, 20œ . praycd or to makc sttch ordcr as it thlnks fit. . R. K. KIRUI, Dated tbe 21st Septembur, 24)(1(). - Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. R. K. KIRUI, Deputy Atrpfxrrflr. Nakuru.

G.z&zE'l-l's No'l'lt-s Nf'p. 7418 GAzf!'1-1'E! N(yl'I(-s No. 741 ô IN THE HIGH COURT OF K/NYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTXTE OF CHEPSIROR JAMES CHEGE KARANJA OF NAKURU ARAP BOLU OF ELDO RET PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccessloN Cause No. 373 ofr 201 Succssslox CAusE No. 387 olz 20* LET ALL tht parties conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a grllnt of (ctttrs' of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of thè abovc-nllmcd dcccascd, whè dicd at Matcr Hospitala on 17th abovc-namcd dcccasedy who died at Amallo Location, Amalo' Dccembcr, 1999. has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by. Bancy Gathoni Sub-location, on 19th Mays 1988, has becn filcd in this rcgistry by Cbcjc. in hcr capacity as widow of 'thc dcceased.' Isamael Kipsang Koskci , in his capacity as ncphew of the dcccased. An4 furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in th-c prcscribed form to thc And furthcr take notice that objections in thc prcscribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodged in this making of the proposed grant are invitcd and must be lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of' this notiqe. . registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. - And furthdr takc noticc that if no qbjcction has bcen lodgcd in this And furthcr takc notice that if no objcction has bccn lodged in this wgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of 1he date of rcgistry in the prcscribcd forlp within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this notkc. thg court may'grocced to makc the grant as publiçation of this noticc, thc court may proceed to makc the grant as praycd or to makc such order as it thjnks fit. ' praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated thc 20th Septcmber, 2(ï)0. DlllQd lhe 1 1 th Septembcr, Z100. . jj. u. ujuuj R. K. KIRU I, Deputy Reiistrar, Nakuru. Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. : 2512 THE KENYA GAZETTE bAzs.l-l'e No'l'fce Nc). 7419 GA.zs'l-lqlt Nto'l'lc.i.ï Nc). 7422 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRESIAH IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH ' NIERI OF NAKURU KAMAU NJUGUNA OF MOLO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION StgccEsskox Cxuss No. 390 orc 20* Suc'csssloN CykusE No. 401 orz 24:.0 LET ALL the parties conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition' for a LET ALL the parties conccrncd takc notice that a pctition for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to thc cstate of thc grant of Ietters of administration intcstatc to the cstatc of thc above-named dcceased, who died at Naivmsha Hospital, on 3rd abovc-namcd dcceascd, who dicd at Langwcnda Farm Sub-location, Febnzary, 1998, has becn filcd in this rcgistry by Michacl Njuguna, in on 13th April, 2000, has been filcd in this registry by Samucl Kamau his capacity as son of the deceascd. . Kattzto, in his capacity as son of thc deceascd. . And further take noticc yhat objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take notice that objections in the prescribed form to thc making of the proposed grant are invited and must bç lodgcd in this making of the proposed grant arc invited and must be Iodgcd in this registry within thirty (39) days of publication of this noticc. registry withiù thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And further take noticc that if no objection has bcen lodgcd in this And further takc notice that if no objcction has bceli lodgcd in this rcgistt'y in the prescribed form within thkty (30) days of the datc of rcgistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may grocecd to makc thc grant as pùblication of this notice, thc court may procced to makc the grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thjnks fit. praycd or to makc such order as it ihinks fit. . u . u . ujauj y Dated thc 6!h Octobcr, 2000. Depldy Se#içlr/ry Nqkuru. R. K. KIRUI, Deputy Reghtrar, Nakuru.


SuccsssloN CAtists No. 392 orz 2% StlccEsslox Cxuss No. 135 olz 1998 . LET ALL the parties conccrned takc notice that a pctition fo'r a . LE'T ALL thc partics concorned takc noticc that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to thc cstatc of thc graat ef lcttel's ef administration intestatû to tiè c'state of tbe abovc-named deceased, who dicd at Maranda, on 26th August. 2(K , abovc-namcd dcccasedy who .died at Upp r Kiungone, on 11th #as been filed in this registry by (1) Penina Aticno Oscwe and (j) Novcmbcr, 1985, has becn filed in this rcpstry by Chcsary Kiambi Xaureen Pcres Akinyi, in their capacitics as daughters of thc n ura, of P.O. Box 430,* Meru, in his capacity as an administrator of deceased. thc dcccascd's cstatc. And further take notice that objections in the prcscribed form to tlw And further take noticc that objections in thc prcscribcd form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and musy bc lodged in this making of the proposed grant arc invitcd and must be Iodgc; in tliis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry within tbirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has bcen Iodgcd in this And fufther take notice that if no objection has bcen Iodgcd in this registry in the prèscribed fonn within thirty (30) days of thc datc of registry in thc prcscribed form witàin thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this notice, thc court may proceed to makc the grant as publication of this tloticc, thc court may proc'ced to makc tlw grant as pmyed or to make such order as it thi.nks tit. praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the 3rd October. 2tK4). Datcd thc 14tà Octobcr, 1998. R. K. KIRU l, D. K. GICHUKI, Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. Deputy Registrar, Meru.

txzal-rs No.lncs No. 7421 G>zs'I-I'E No'l'lcs No. 7424 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENW AT MERU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF M'ARIMI 'MBUGUA KIMORI OF KABAZI M'MURITHI PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox futlsE Ro. 4œ op 2% SuccEssloa CAIJSE No. 181 op 2(* . LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intcstate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the ahwc-named deceased who dicd at M ahinga Farm, on 21st Dccep- above-namcd deceascd, who dicd at Gachanka Sub-location, on 18th % r . :'! , 1998, has been flled in this registry by (1) Miriam Gachoni August, 1985, has been filed in this registry by David Muchai Mwangi, (2) Ngendo Mbugua and (3) Peter Gituro, in their respcctivc M'Twami, of P.O. Baox 328, Meru, in his capaclty as an administrator capacities as widow, daughter and son of thc deceaséd. . ofethe deceased's estate. And fuyther take notice that objcctions in the prcscribed form to thc And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged ifl this lnaking of the proposed grant are invi.ted and must be lodged gn this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of thij noticé. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice thqt if no objection has bten Iodged in this - And further takc notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prerribed form within thirty (30) days ùf the zate of registry in tlie prescribed form witfin thirty (30) days of tllo date of publication of tltis notice, tlw voul't may moceed to make the pant as publication of this notice, the court may hroceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it tbinks fit. praye' d or to make such order as it thlnks fit.

Dàted tlle . .2 6th Septembcr, 2(G). Datcd the 25th August, 2(K . R. K. K/RUI, D. K. GICHUKI, Deputy Regl/rtzr, Nakuru. Deputy Rekistrar, Meru. THE KENYA G AZETTE


LE7' ALL the parties concerhcd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition. for a grant .of Ictters of adminisgration intcstate to thc cstaïe of thc grant 'of Ictters of administration intestate to the estate . of the abovc-namcd deccascd, who died qt Chogoria Hospital, on 17th June, abovc-namcd deccascd, who died at Consolata Hospital, on 1st May, 2(KK). has becn tilçd in this registry by Jacob M ugwuku M ukira of 1997, has bccn filcd in thij registry by Mwangi Wangai Gikonyo of P.O. Box 2852, Mcru, fn his capacity as an administrator of ,t he P.O. Box 73, Othaya, in his capacity as an administrator of ,t he deccased's cstatc. d CCCaKd ' S & tate . ' And furthcr takc notice that objcctions in thc prescribcd form to thc And furthcr take notice that objcctions in the prescribed form to the . making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must be Iodged in this making of thc proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. ' registry wfthin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And furthcr takc notice that if no objcction has' bccn lodgcd' in this And furthcr take notice that if no objection has been lodgeè in this rcgistry in the prescribcd form within tllirty (30) days of thc dalc of rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of 'publication of this noticc, the court may procccd to makc thc grant as publicàtion of this noticc, the coul't may groceed ta make the grant as praycd or to make 'such ordcr as it thinks fit. praycd or' to make such order as it thlnks fit.

' Datcd the 27th Octobcr, 2(G). Dated the 12th October, 2(G ). N. H. OUNDU, KABURU BAUNI, Deputy Registrar, M eru. Deputy Reglà/rlr, Nyerij

GAzs'I-I's No'l'lce No. 7426 . G>zE'I-1'E No'l'IcE Nc). 7429 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M'MW IRICHIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DOUGLAS THIURU ALIAS MWIRICHIA S/O THIURU MURUTHI MUTHOGA OF WATUKA XYERI ALIAS THOM AS MW IRICHIA PROBATE AND ADMINISTM TION PROBATE AND A'DMINISTRATION . SuccEsslox Cmtlss No. 2* oF 2* SuccessloN CzhtlsE No. 228 oF 2% ' LET ALL the parties concemed take notice that a petition for > LET ALL thc partics concerncd takc notice that a petition for a grant of 'Ictters of administration intestate to tiw estate .tbf the grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to the cstatc of thc above-named deccésed, who died at W atuka, Nyeri? on 12th May, above-named deceased2 who died at Nkiririx on 7th Junc, 2(e , has 1998 has been filed in this registry by (1) Esther Wanjiru Murutili and bcen filed in this (2) Samuel Mathenge Muruthi, both of P.O. Box 663, Nyeri, in tlmir . reglstry by .(1) Jeniffer Nkuenc and (2) Mary respective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of the Karambu, both of P.O. aBox 119, Mcru, in their capacities 'as administratrices of the deceased's estate. ' deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribçd form to the ' And further take notice that objcctions in the prescribed form to tle making of the'proposed grant are invited and must bc lpdgcd in this making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. ' registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this nptice. And further take notice that if no objection has becn lodged in this And further take notice that if no objeétion has been lodgcd in th1: registry in the prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of . registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of tllc date of publication of this notice, the court may proceèd to make the grapt as. publication of this notice, tbe court may proceed to make the grant al prayed or to make stzch order ms it thinks 5t. praycd or to make such order as it thinks . fit.. h ' Dated the 11th October, 2(Y . ' Dated the 24th ' Odober, 2(e . . D. K. GICHUKI, . KABURU BAUNI, ' Deputy Registrar, Meru. Deputy Regglrlr, Nynrk

GAzE'l-l'c No'l'lcs No. 7427 G/x.zEvl-re: No'l'lce No. 7430 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF EUNICE IN THE MAW ER UF THE ESTATE OF KIGUOYA W ANJIRU GIOKO OF KIYU-W ITIM A, NYERI 5/0 MUKURU OF GITITU SUB-LOCATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTM TION SuccEsslox tutlsE No.. 190 oF 2(+ SuccsssloN Cxuss No. 338 olz 2* LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a pctition for a LET ALL the partics concerned take lïotice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intqjtate to the estytc of the grant of letters of admipistration intcstate to the estate of thl above-named deceased, who died at Kiyu W itimu Nyerio on 24th abovc-named deccascd, who died at Gititu Sub-location, on 22nd October, 1*2, has becn filed in this registry by (1) Gi,t onga Gioko and August, 1981, has bccn filed in this registry by Kipzoya Knmunge (2) John Mwangi Gioko, both of P.O. Box 489, Othaya, in their' Kagithi. of P.'O. Box 519, Nycri, in his capaclty as an administrator of capacities as administrators of the deccased's estate. the dcccased's cstatc. ' And further take noticc that objections in tlAe prescribed form to the And furthcr take noticc that objections in the prescribed fonn to tlle making of lhe proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in ihis making Gf thc proposed grant are. invited and must bg lodged inwtle registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. rcgistry witllin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. . And further take noticè that if no objection has been Iodgcd in this And further takc noticc that if no objection has bcen lodgei in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc o'f rcgistry in thc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication of tbis notice. the court may yroceed to make thc grant as publication of this notice, thc court inay yrocced to lriakç the grant a.s prayed or to make such order as it thlnks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thlnks fit. Date'd the 17th October, 2(m . Datcd thc 8th Novcmbcr, 2(Y . KABURU BAUNI, KABURU BAUNI, Deputy Regfafrcr, Nyerf. Deputy #egfifr/r, 'Nyerii THE KEN YA GAZETTE



Svccssslork CxusE No. 343 oF 2* Successlox CAuse No. 159 or 2% LET ALL the parties concerncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL the partics concerned take noticc that a pctition fo( a grant of letters of administration intcstatc to the cstatc of the grant of letters of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of thc above-named deceased, who died at Provipcial General Hospital above-named deceascd, who died at Chemoibcn, on 4th May, 1994. Nyeri, on 10th August, 1992. has becn filed in this rcgistry by Peter, has bcen filed in this registry by Gracc Maina, of P.O. Box 32, Litcin, Gakurt Multuri, of P.O . Box 290, Nyeri , ia his eapacity as an in her capacity as an adm inistratrix of thc deccascd's cstatc. administrator of the. deccascd's cstate . And further take notice that objcctions in thc prcscribed form to thc Apd further take notice that objcctions in the prescribcd form to thc making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodged in this makinj of the proposed grant arc invited and must be Iodged in this rcgistry within thirtj (30) days of publication of this noticc. . registl'y within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further takc notice that if no objcction has bccn Iodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objcction has bcen Iodgcd in .this registry in thc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of resstry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of tbc date of publîcation of this notice, the court may procced to make the grant as publication of this noticey thc court may proceed to makc the grant as prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated thc 12th October, 20* . Dated the 23rd Octobcr, 2@X). R. NGETICH, KABURU BAUNI, Deputy Regùtrar, Kericho. Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.

GAzs'l-I'E No'l'lc's No. 7432 G Azh'l-l E N(')'l'jt-'H N(). 7435 IN THB HIOH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPRUGUT IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPSANG ARAP BIOMDO ARAP ROCHI PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION' PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslox CAuse No. 37 oF 21:00 . Succssslox CAUSE No. 162 ofr 2@* LET ALL the parties conccrnèd take noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL thc parties conccrncd take noticc that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thc cstatc of the grant of letters of administration intcstatc to the cstatc of thc abovc-named dcceascd, who dicd at Chcmosot, on 19th July, 1997, above-named deccascd, who dicd at Cheribo, on 1()th Novcmbcr, has been filed in this registry by Sophia Chclangat Biomdo, of P.O. .1981, has been filed in this rcgistry by (1) Ezekicl Towei Sang and (2) Esther Chymutai Mmitim, both of P.O. Box 34, Litcin, in thcir Box 18, Litein, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deccascd's respective capacities as an administrator and administratrix of thc estate. dcceeased's estate. And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in the prescribed form to thc And further takc notice that objections in thc prcscribcd form to tlic making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this making of the proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this no' ticc. resstry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. . And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn Iodgcd in this And furtlwr take noticc that if no objection has bcen lodgcd in this rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of registry in thc prbscribed form withinsthirty (30) days of the datc of publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as publication of this notice, tlw court may proceed to makc thc grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. . Datcd thc 6th Novcmbcr, 2(x)0. Dated the 6th Novembcr 2(n ). R. NGETICH, ? Deputy Registrar, Kericho. R. NGETICH , Deputy Registrar, Kericho.

G,Az.s'l-l's N(:)'I'Iç'E N(). 7436 Gxzs'j-l'e' . No'I'IcE No. 7433 . IN THE HIGH COURT OF K/NYA AT KERICHO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES IN 'l'HE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIBUIGUT ' OMWOYO NYANGAU ARAP TEMBUR PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccsssloN CAusE No. 163 oF 2* SuccsssloN Cxuss No. 110 oF 2% LET ALL thc parties conccrncd takc noticc that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerncd take noticc that a petition for a grant of lettdrs of administration intestate to thc cstatc of thc grant of letters of administration intestate to the estatc of thc above-namcd dcccased, who dicd at Tcnwck Hospital, on 28th ahwe-named deceased, who died at Sosiot, on 5th August, 1982, has Septembcr, 2000, has been tiled in this registry by Ircne Chcpkurui lxen filed in this registry by David Kimalel Matikwony, of P.O. Box Omwoyo, of P.O. Böx 448, Sotik, in her c-apacity as an administratrix 21, Sosiot, in llis capacity as an administrator of thc dcccased's cstate. of thè dcceascd's cstatc. And further takc notice that objections in the prcscribed form to thc And furthcr take notiœ that objcctions in the prcscribed form to tilc making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodgcd in this making of the proposcd grant are invitcd and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objectiôn has been Iodged in this ' And further take noticc that if no objection has been lodged in this m#stry in .thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of regi st r y,in thc prcscribcd form within tàirty (30) days of thc date of N blication of this notice, tlw court may procecd to makc the grant as publication of this notice, the court may jrocecd to makc thcxgrant as pmye; or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. ' Dated the D th Junc, 2(Y . Datcd thc 6th Novçmlx r, 7f-KO. S. G. ONG'ANYI,.- K'. OGOLLA, Deputy Registrari Kericho. Deputy Registrar, Kericho. 17th November. 7t)t)() THE KENS'A GAZETTE 2515

G AzE'l-l'E Ncr1'1t-E Nc), 7437 G AzE'l-1'E No l'If'E Nc). 744() IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPSOI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DONDOFIKO ARAP MWEI PAPA MANYOLE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslox CAuss No. 166 olr 2(* Successlox CzxusE No. 98 oF 1999 LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition för a LET ALL thc partics conccrned take no' tice that a petition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate to the estate of tlle abovc-namcd deccascd, who dicd at Samiytuk, on 17th Dcccmber. above-namcd dcccased, who dicd at Buyofu Sub-location, o' lj 28th 1996. has bcen'filed in this registry by Borncs Chcykocch Mwci. of lunc, 1983. has bccn filcd in this reglstry by Vincent Westmpa P.O. Box 1233. Kericho. in hcr capacity as an admlnistratrix of thc Okusimba. of P.O. Box 44. Buyofu, in his capacity as son of the deceascd*s cstatc. dcccascd. And furthcr take notice that objections in thc prescribcd form to tbc And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in the prescribed form to the making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must be Iodgcd in this mqking of the proposcd grant are invitcd and must be lodged in tllis registry within thirty (30) days Qf publication of this nolicc. rcgistry wiyhin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And furthcr takc notice that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this And further takc noticc that if no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within ihirty (30) days of thc datc of rbgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this noticc, thc court may yrocccd to makc the grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may proceed to make the grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thlnks fit. praycd or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit-' Datcd thc 6th Novcmbcr. 2tX)0. Datzd thc 2nd Dcccmbcr, 1999. R. NGETICH, ' S. 0. OMWEGA, Depufy Rqistrar, Kericho. Deputy Regiatrar, SxNf/ (K).

GAzE'1-l'E Ntylqlce No. 7438 . G'Nze'l-l'e No'l'lcE No. 74 41 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMA 1% THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF ABENDENIKO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUKA KHW ATENGE IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNYENDO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IJAKA EMOITI SuccEsslox CAIJSE No. l52 orr 2(+ PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL thc partics concemcd takc noticc that a pctition for a Successlox CAIJSE No. &1 oF 2% grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of ' thc LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take notice that a Ntition for a abovc-namcd dcccascd. who dicd at Kcssup gridgc. Tambach. on 21st jrant of lcttcrs of administration inttstatc to the estate of tlle January. 1H4. has bccn filcd in this registry by' (1) Mark Wakhungu above-namcd dcccased. who dicd at Khwiralc Sub-lpcation,kon 2nd and (2) Truphcna L. Simiyu. both of P.O. Box 776, Wcbuyc. in thcir April. 1978. has bccn filcd in this registry by Gabriel Emoiti, of P.O: rcspcctivc capacltics as an administratpr and administratrix of thc Box 62. Myanga, in his capacity as son of the decexKed. dcccascd's cstatc. And furthcr takc noticc that oiscctions in tbe prescribed fol'm to tlle And further takc noticc thal objections in yhc prcscribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and mm't be lodgzd itl.tlu: making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has been leged in thi: And furtht'r takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgèd in this rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date ot rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within. thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this noticc. tlw court may proceed to make the grant a: publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Datcd thc 1 1th October, 2(XX). Datcd tàc 1st Octobcr. 2(XX). s. 0. OMWEGA, C. 0. MOITUI. Deputy Regùfrlr, B

GAzE'l-l'E. No'l'lcs No. 7439 G'xzsl-l'e Nt7'k'lce No. 7442 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENVA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MAW ER OF THE BSTATE OF WANYAMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGAkXT MANDENDEKERE SHITIKAH LIYAYI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADVINISTRATION SuccssmoN CAuse No. 67 or 1999 Svccesmox Cxg:e No. 33 oF 2% LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc notkc that a pctition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take' notice that a N tition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration infcstatc to thc cstatc of thc gtant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of the abovc-namcd dcccascd: who dicd at Sidoigc Sub-locâtion. on 4th abovc-namcd dcccascd. who died at Kakamega . Highway Nurslng March. 1999. has bccn fllcd in this rcgist Homc; orï 20th Deccmbcr. 1999. has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by ,q by Ruth Osiri Omwangaly. of P.O. Box 315. Funyula, in hcr capaclty as widow of thc dcccased. D. avid Shitikuh Liyai. in his capacity as son of thc deceascd. And furthcr takj noticc lhat objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions ih thc prcscribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this making of t%c proposcd g'ant art invhcd and must bc lodgcd în tiis rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this nolicc. And furthcr taks noticc that if no objcction has bccn 'Iodgcd in this And furthcr takc notkc that if no objtction has bccn lodged in this rcgistry in tiw prtscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this noticcA thc court may grocccd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc. $ht court may yrocccd to makc thc grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thlnks. .fit. ' praycd or to makc such order l:s it thmks fit. Datcd thc 4th August. 1999. Diucd thc 18th octobcr. itœ . S. N. RIECHI, W. M. MOIRURI, Deputy Rqistrar. alo'fl (K). Dnputy & #lf/?>, Knkbat-na. .GAzE'I-rs Noa'lcs No. 7443 . Gzxzirl-l's Nc)'I'Ic'E No. 7446 IN THE HIGH 'COURT OF KENYA AT KAKXMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMZGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0F KISIANGANI IN THE MAD YR OF THE ESTATE OF ENOS SHAVIYA MALUNGU M UHUMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAuss No. 73 oF 2(00 Successlox C-uss Nt). 422 oF 20œ LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that ahpetition for a LET ALL the partics conccrncd take notice that a petition for qt gl'ant of Ictters of administration fntestate to thc èstatc of thc grant of lcttels of administration intestate to thc estate of thc ahwe-namcd deceascd, who died at Shivanga, on 14th May, 1999, has above-named dcccased, who died at Madivini, on 25th June, 1998, has %en tiled in this registry by (1) Abraham Wekcsa Kisiangani and (2) been filcd in this registry by (1) John Malungu Muhuma and (2) Samson Kisiangani Jami, in their capacitics as sons of the deccased. Edward Govoga Ambasha, in their 'capacitics as sons of the deceased. And hzrther take notice that objections in thc prescripcd form to thc And further takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd fùrm to the making of tho proposed grant. are invitcd and must be lodged in this tnaking of the proposcd grant arc invited and must be lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication tàf this noticc. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And further ta#e notice tbat if no objection has bccn lodgcd in this And furthcr fakc notice îhat if no objcction bas bcen lodged in this' registry in thc. prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of rcgistry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of psblication of tbis notice, the court may procccd to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may jrocced tcl make the grant as pl-ayed or to make such order as is thinks fit. prayed or to makc such order as it thinks fit. R. OGANYO, Dated the 11th Octobfx, 20* . Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. JENNIFFR THUITA, Depuly Registrar, Kakamega.

GykzB,'l-rE No'rîce No. 7444 GAzE'1-I'E Nc)'l'1ç'E No. 7447 IN THE .HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMPGA IN THE HIGH YOURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATIYR OF THE ESTATE OF GIDEON IN THE MATI'ER OF THE ESTATE Of CLEMENT LUBISIA JEREMIAH MAKASU MU RW A PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccessloN CAuss No. 420 o!r 20* StlccEssloN Cmuse No. 425 oF 20œ . LET ALL the partics conccrncd take notice that a pctition for a LET ALL thc pârtics conccrncd take noticc tbat a pctition for a grant of lctters of administçatiori, intestate to tlw estatt of thv . grant of Iettcrs of administration intestatc to the estate of tile above-named deceased , wbo died at Kivaywas on 28t11 April, 1998, abovc-namcd dcceased, wbo dicd on 25th Novem'ber, 1997 has bccn has been filed in this registry by Jane Nasimiyu Ltlbisia, in her capacity filed in this rcgistry by (1) Anjclinc Khati Makasu and (2) Florcncc as widow of the deceased. A iaga ' M boi, in thcir capacities as daughters of the dccbased. And further take noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribed form to thc making of the. proposcd grant arc inkited and must lx Iodgçd in this making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this potice. rcgistrj within thirty (30) days of publication of this npticc. And further take notice that if no objection has becn lodged in this And furthcr Sake notice Siat if no objcction has been lodgcd in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of rcgistry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication .of this notice, the court may procccd' to makc thc grant ;ks publication of this notice, thc ceurt may procced tta make thc grant as prayed or to myke stich order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thioks fit- Dated tlke 11th October, 2(yA). Dated thc 9th October, 2000. W . M. MUIRURI, W . M . MUIRURI Deputy Regfsfrcr, Kakamega. Deputy Peggtrfïr, Kakamega.

' ' 'Gwzsvrs No.l.fcls No. 7445 G.,kze'l-l'e No.l'lc'R No. 7448 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN TIIE MATTER O:' THé ESTATE OF EDWARD IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF TONJE MUSULWA ENDENGELF ALUKOHE PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEssloN CAuss No. 421 o!r 21* SuccsssloN Causs No. 427 os 2% LET ALL the parties concerned takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL lhc' parties concerncd takc notice' that a petition for a grant of . Ietters of administration intcstate to the estatc of the grant of lctters of administration ifltcstatc to thc estatc of thc ae ve-named deceased, who dicd on ltth November, 1996, has been abovc-named dcceascd, who died at Murumba, on 9th May, 1986, has filed in this rcgistry by (1) Dickson Kedode Msulwa and (2) Kcnnedy becn filed in this rcgistry by (1) Jcpbnales Hassan Tonjc and (2) Petcr Asava M sulwa, in their capacitics as sons of thc dcceascd. Ondako Tonjc, in thcir capacitics as sons of the dcccased. And further take notice that objcctions in the prcscribcd form to the And further take notice that objections in the prçscribcd form to thc making of tlw proposcd grant are invitcd and must bc Iodgcd il this making of thc proposed grant arc invfted and must bc lodgcd in this x'egWtry witlén tbirty (30) days of pûblication of this notkc. ' ' registry witbin thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furtller take notice that if no objcctipn has becn lodgcd in tlzis And further takc notice tlpt if no objcction has bccn lodged in this registp in tbe prescribed form within thirt'y (30) days of the date of rcgistry in the prcscribcd form witbin thirty (30) days of thc datc of puhlication of this notice, thc court may procccd to make the grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may proceed to makc thc grant as prayed or to make s'uch order as it think.s fit. . praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit- Dated the 11th Octobcr, 2(q). Datcd thc 16th Octobcr, 2(G). W . M. MUIRURI, JENNIFER TH UITA, Deputy Regutrar, Kakamega. Deputy Regg/rcr, Kakamega. ' GAzE'l-I'E No'I'It'E Nc). 7449 . G>&zs'l-l'E Nt:)'I'Iç.E Nc). 7452 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAM EGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELFAS IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF GIDEON SHIKAND'A OMWANDA MIYAW A OKEYO OF KARATENG SUB.LOCATION, PéOBATE AND ADMINISTRATION W EST KISUMU LOCATION, KISUMU DISTRIW Sukcesslox Czhvse No. 428 oF 2% PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the partics concerncd takc notice that a pctition for a Svccssslox CxusE No. 358 os 2* grant of Ictters of administration intcstate to thc estatc of thc LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a petition for a abovc-named dçceased, who dicd at Eshibcyc, on 24th March. 1992, grant of lettcrs of adminjstration intestate to the estate of the has Yen filcd in this rcgistry by (1) Haron Newton O-'shikanda and abovc-namcd deccascd, who dicd on 30th Augusi, 1983, has been (2) Gamagel Shilabirc Shikanda, fn thcir capacities as sons of thc filcd in this rcgistry by Gcorgc Micn Miyawa, of P.O. Box '23,. deceased. ' Mascnù, in his cahacity as an administrator of thc deccasedgs estate. And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prescribed form to the And furthcr takc notice that objcctions in thc prcscribed form to the making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must be Iodged in this

rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry within thirty (30) dL ays of p' ublication of this notice. . And furthcr takc noticc that if no objection has bccn lodged in this And furthcr takc noticc tjat if no objcction has been lodgcd in this rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication of this noticc $thc court may procecd to makc thc grant as publication of this notice, the court may yrocecd to make the gAnt ms praycd or to makc such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thlnks fit. Dated thc 16th October, 2(K . Datcd thc 17th July, 2(G ). . JENNIFER THUITA, . S. h. WAMWAYI, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Regtbtrar, Kâumu.

Gmzlrt-t'e Ncylqlcc Nta . 7450 G ,A, zE 'I-I'E N() 'I'lc'E Nc). 7453 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE HIGH COU RT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS OMUSEBE W AKHUNGU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JAPHETH PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ABOK SULE SuccEsslox C-uss No. 429 op' 240 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL thc parties concernc,d takc noticc that a petition for a SuccEsslox Cxuse No. 441 os 2% grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estatc of thc LET ALL the partics conccrncd takc notice that a petition for a abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at Musoma. Isongo Sub-lpcation. grant of Icttcrs of administration ilitcstatc .to thc cstate of the on 28th August, 1969, has bcen filcd in thgs rcgistry by (1) Gabriel above-namcd deccascd, who dicd at. Kamuga, Nyalunya in Kisumu,

'Omongo Omuscbc and (2) Gcrald Wilomba, in thcir capacitics as sons on 4th February, 1992, has becn tiled in this registjy by Jennifer of thc deccascd. . ' Adega Abok, of P.O. Box 1921, Kisumu, in hcr capaclty as Widow of And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc thc deceased. ' making of the proposcd grant are invitcd and musl bc lodgcd in this And furthcr take notice that objcctiohs in thc prcscribed form to the rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc'. making of thc proposcd grant are invitcd and must bc Iodged in this And further take noticc' that if no objcction has 6ccn Iodgcd in this rcgistry Within thîrty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (3'0) days of thc datc t-'' And furthcr takc notice that if no objcction has becn Iodged in this publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as rcgistry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. publication of this noticc, the court may procecd to nïake the grant ms Dated thc 16th Octobcr, 2(G). prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. JENNIFER THUITA, Datcd the 10th November, 2(KO. Deputy Regiçtrar, Kakamega. W . B. MOKAYA, Deputy Registrar, Khumu.

G %ze'l-I'E Noel'lcs No. 7451' ' GAzsel-l's Nô'l'les No. 7454 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATIY R OF THE ESTATE OF ISAAC IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE UF JANE OKUNGU MIKENYE AKINMO ATHO OF MARINDI, MIGORI PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SgccsssloN CAuss No. 59 pp ?aX) SuccEsslox CAIJSE No. 565 oF 2* LET ALL the partics conccrned takc noticc that a petition for a LE'f ALL the parties conccrned take noticc that a petition for a grant of lcttcrs . of administration intestate to the cstatc of thc grant of lctters of adminhtration intestate to the estate of the ' above-namcd deccased, who dicd at ' Provincial Hospital, Ncw abovc-namcd deceascd, who died on 23rd Febnzary, 1994, has Ven Nyanza ! Kisumu District: on 21st September, 1998, .has been filed in filed in this registry by Jared Alberts Otieno Atho, of P.O. Box 5& , this repstry by Agnes Atieno Adcra, in her cagacity as widow of thc Suna Migori, in his capacity as an administrator of ihe decenKed's dcccascd. ' And further take notiçe that objections in the prescribcd form to the And further take nptice that objections in the prescribed form to the making 'of the proposed grant are invitcd a'nd pust be lodged in this making of the proposcd grapt are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of tilis notice. registry within thirty (30) days of publicatioli of this potice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodgedin this ' And further take noticc that if no objection has been lddged in this regiqtry in thc prejcribcd form within thirty (30) days of' the date of registry in the prescribtd form within thirty (30) days of the date of ' publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make tlie grant as publication of this notice, the cou'rt may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thlnks fit. praycd or to make such order as it thinks fit. . ' Datcd thc 25th October, 2(Y . ' Dated the j 4th' September, 2(G). . . s. w. w Auw xyj, S. A. 'WAMW AY 1, Deputy Registrar, Kiaumu. Deputy Registrar, KiNIZPII:. 2518

GAzsl-l's No'I.IcE No. 7455 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU' IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JAM ES IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SUSAN GAUNYE OCHA E NGESO AMOLO PROBATE AND A DM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CatlsE No. 567 op' 20* StlccxEsslox CAuss No. 655 ov 2% LET ALL the parties concerncd take noticc that a N tition for a LET ALL the partles conccrned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administrgtion intestate to the cstate of the grant of letters of administration intestatc to the cstate of the abovc-named deceascd, who died at Siaya Medical Ccntrc, op 13th abovc-namcd dcccased, who dicd at Masogo, on' 12th Junc, 2(X#), has July, 1995, has been filed in this rcgistry by (1) Mary Atieno Owuor bcen filcd in this rcgistry by Gordon Jobiese Amolo, of P.O. Box 2, and (2) George Ochicng Gaunyc, both of P.O. Box 110, Bondo, in Rabuor, in his capacity as father of the dcceased. their respective capacitics as widow and son of 'the deceased. And fprther takc notice that objections in thc prescribed form to thc And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc prescribcd form to the making of thc proposed grant are invitcd and must bc lodged in this making of the proposcd grant are invitcd and must bc lodged in this registry. within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. re/stry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further takc noticc that if no objection has bcen lodged in this And further take noticc that if no objlxtion has been Iodged in this rcgistry in thc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of registry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of publication of this notice thc court may grocccd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc, thc court Ipay grocced to makc thc grant as praycd or to make such order as it' thlnks fit. prayed or to makc such order as it thlnks fit. Dated the 19th Octobcr, 2(X#). Dated the 13th Septembcr, 2(XX). S. A. W AMW AYI, S. A. W AM W A YI, Deputy Reg/trar, Kisumu. Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.

GAzB'l-l'B No'I'IcE No. 7456 G ykzrur'l-l's Nf')'I'Ic'p: N('). 7459 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRtCK IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OP ONOKA NYAMBOK OKEYO OGOT * PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslox CxusE No. 636 olr 20* Succssslox CxusE No. 656 olz 2(G). LET ALL the partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL the partics conccrncd take noticc that a pctition for a grant of letters of administration intcstate to the cstatc of ' thc grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estatc of thc above-named deccased, who dicd at Ojola, Kisumu 7on 15th July, above-namcd deccascd, who died at Got Nyabondo, on 13th Octobcr, 1985, has been filed in this rcgistry by (1) Andrcw Ollcch Opiyo, (2) 1991 , has bcen filcd in ,this rcgistry by Charles Onyango Onoka, of Molly Akinyi Owuor and (3) Jacinta Adhiambo Ng'inja, in thcir P.O. Box 1220, Kisumu, in his capacity as son' of thc deccascd. respective capa' cities qs brothcr of the dcceased and purchasers of thc And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in the prescqibed torm to thc deceased's estate. ' . making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in thjs Apd further takc notice that objcctions in thc prçscribed form to the rcgistry within thirty (30) days of ppblication of this noticc. ' makpng bf the proposcd grant are invitcd and must be lodgcd in this And further take noticc that if no objcction hqs becn lodgcd in this re#stry within thirty (30) dafs of publication of this noticc. rcgistry in the prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of ' And furthcr takc notice that if no objection has bccn Iodgcd in this publication of this noticc, thc court may procced to make the grant as reglstry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc of prayed or to makc such order as it thinks fit. publication ofthis notice, the court may procccd to make the grant as Aayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Datcd thc 16th Octobcr, 2(XX). Dated the 2,3l'd October, 2(G). S. A. WAMWAYI, Deputy Aegïprcz., Kisumu. S. A . W AM W AYI, Deputy Regiatrar, Kisumu.

Gxzm-l.s ko'l.lce No. 7457 G xz.E'$-!'F. Nt'yç'!<'F. No. 746() IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN T!iE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT AKINYI OTIENO ONDU OTIENDE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SoccEsslou CAvsn No. 642 os 2% Successlox Czxtlse No. 667 ofr 2(+ LET ALL the parties concerncd take noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL the parties concerncd take noticc that a' petitian for a Fant of letters of administration intestatc to thc estate of ths grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to the cstatc of thc aO ve-named deceased, who diéd at Kidiwa, Uasin Gishu District above-named dcceased, who dicd at Usoma Villagc, on 25th RiR Valley Province, on 13th Novembcr, 1999, has becn filcd in 'this. Dccember, 2(4X), has bcen filcd in this rcgistry by Getrudc Awiti .registry by John Owich Otiendc, of P.O. Box 27723, Nairobi, in his Lcbu, of P.O. Box 2661, Kisumu, in hcr capacity as daughtcr of thc capacity as brother of the deceased. X ceased. And further take notice that objections in the prcscribed form to thc And furthcr take hotijx that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to the ' making of tlle proposed grant 'arc invited and must bc lodged in this making of thc proposcd grgnt arc invitcd and must bc lodged in this reglstr'y withln thirty (30) days of publication of :this notice. 'rcgistry within thirty (3% days of publication of this noticc. And furthei take notice that if no objcction has becn lodgçd in-yhis - And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcdxin this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days'of thc datc of rcgistry in tlw prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of publication of this notice, lltc court may procccd to makc th: grant aj publication of this noticc, the court may procecd to makc the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated tlw 24th October, 2(m . batcd the 23rd Octobcr, 2(X#). S. 8. WAMW AYI, S. A . W A M W AYI, Deputy Registrar, Kiaumu. Deputy Registrar, X'içtlra?z. 17th NoN em ber. 2()(1(1 TH E KENYA G AZETTE 2519

G.AzE. I-i E Nc) i ic'E No. 7461 G AzE'l-l E No'l'l6'E No. 7464 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF HERINE IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MANYINSA OBOGE OGALO OKINDO OF K1SIl DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION StlccsssloN CxusE No. 673 orz 26.* Succssslo?q C-uss No. 130 ov 20* LET ALL the. partics conccrncd takc noticc that a petition for a LET ALL the partîcs convernv.d takc notice that a # tition for a grant of Iettçrs of adminîstration intestatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at Nyagoko Sub-location, Bondo abovc-namcd dcceascd, who died at Mwamosioma, on 2nd Fcbruary, District, on 25th May. 2(#x), has bccn filtd in this registry by Gcorgc 1996. has bcen filed in this rcgistry by Maria Nyanchama Manyinsa. of Oticno Owuor, in his capacity as widower of thc dcccascd. Mwamosioma Sub-location, Nyatlcko Location, P.O. Box 3739, Kisii. And furthcr takc notice that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc in hcr capacity as widow of thc dcccased. ' making of thc prôposed grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in thi< And further takc noticc that objcctians in thc prcscribcd form to thc rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this And further takc notice that if no objcction has bccn Iodgcd in this rcgistiy within thirty (A)) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry in thc prescribéd form wiihin thirty (30) days of thc datc of And fukthcr takc noticc that if no objection has bccn lodgùd in this publication of this noticc, thc court may qrocecd to makc thc grant as rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (3(8 days of 'thc date of prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thlnks fit. ' publication of this rioticc, thc court may grocecd to.makc the grant'as Datcd thc 24th Octobcr, 2(#.0. prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thrnks fit. W . B. M OKAYA , Datcd thc 1 l th Septembcr, 2(#K). Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. L. C. KOMINGOIN Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

G AZ.. 1 '1 I. N( )'I ïç '1. Nt ) .7462 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISll Gaz.st'l-l'i.( N( )'1'J( 'It Nt). 7465 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP OKIOMA MOSOTI OF KISII DISTRIG IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN Tilft MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OMBORI OGETO OF' KISll DISTKIG Stytq't'EssltlN CAtlse Nç). l 3 ç)I.' 2()(X) PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a petition hlr a grant ' of lcltcrs of adm inistration intcstatc to thc cslatc of the Suc'cxssslox CAusE N('). 219 (')p' 2(::) abovc-namcd ddceascd, who died at Township, on 3rd Junc, 1983, has ' LET ALL thc parties conccrned takc noticc that a petition for a bccn filed in this rcgistry by (1) karia Nxabokc Okioma and (2) grant of Icttcrs of administration inlcstatc to thc cstatq of thc Ebisiba Okioma, both of Township Sub-locatlon, Township Location, abovc-pamcd deccascd. who died at Ikonge. on 14th April. 1999. has P.O. Box 590, Kisii, in thcir capacities as widows of .thc dcccascd. bccn filcd in this rcgistry by Bilia Kwamboka Ombori. of lkongc Sub-location, P.O. Box 17. Kikii. in hcl capacity as widow of thc And further takx noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc dcccascd. ' making of the proposed grant are invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of th.is notice. ' And.further takc notice that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form te thc And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn Iodged in this making of the proposed grant are invited and must bc Iodgcd in this rcgistry in the prescribcd form withîn thirty (30) days of thc datc of registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And. further takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn Iodged in this purabylcicda toior n to f tmhaisk cn ostuicch, tohred cor uarst mit atyh tln rokcs ccfidt .to makc thc grant as rcgistry ip tllc prescribcd form within thirty (34)) days of thc datc of publication of this noticc. the court may procecd to makc thc grant as Datcd thc 2nd Octobcr, 20(:3. praycd or to make such ordcr as it th-lnky fit. ' L. C. KOM INGO I. D atcd thc 8th Septcmbcr. 2(::3 Deputy Registrar, Kisii. . L. C. KOMINGOI. Deputy Registrar. X7JW.

GzxzEnl-l's Nc)'l'lc'E Nt). 7463 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII GA.zE'I-l's Nf')'lqlt'u 'Nf) IN THE MAW ER 0/ THE ESTATE OF (1) CHARLES . -/466 MANONO MAGACHI AND (2) RACHEL MORAA MOGERE IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISll ' BOTH OF KISII DISTRICT ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0F OMUGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION MOSOM BA OF KISII DISTRIG Succssslox CAIJSE No.' 123 orz 2t)(:) PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a StlccsssloN CAosE No. 221 orz 2(XX) . grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc LET ALL thc parlics conccrncd takc noticc that a pptition for a abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at' Gctcmbc .l-lospital, on 16th grant of lcttcrs of administration intcàtatc to the cstarc of thc March, 1996 and 1st Novcmbcr, 1998, rcspectively, has bccn filcd in ' abovc-namcd dçccascd. who dicd xa! Bobaracho, on loth Odober. this rcgistry by (1) Ellcn Siro Magachi and (2) Julius Ombasa 1994. has bccn filcd ip this rcjistry hy Biria Omuga. of Bobarachq Manono. both of Bomonyara Sub-location, Soulh Mugirango Ltpca- Sub-location'. P.O. Box 995, Kisii. in het capacity as widow' of thc tion, in thcir rcspective capacitics as mothcr and son of thc dcccascd. dcceascd. And furthcr lake notice that objections in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furtlicr takc notice that objections iq thc prcscribed form to thc making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this making of thc proposed grant arc invited and must bc lodgcd in this rçgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furthcr takc nolice that if no objection has bcen lodged in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objection has bccn Iodged in this rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of registry in thc prcscribcd fdrm within tllirty (30) days of thc datc of publicalion of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as publication of this notice, the court may grocced to makc the grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. . . praycd or to makc such ordcr as it t'hlnks fit. Datcd the 20th Scptembcr, 2(X)0. Datcd the ihb September, 2G:). N. A. OW INO. L. C. KOMINGOI. . Deputy Rtxiçlrzlr, Kisii. -Depiay Regisirqr, Kisii. GAziLl-l's N&,'tc'E No. 7467 G zkzi:-t's NoelxlcF. No. 7470 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF NYACVEO AREBA MAOBE OF K1S11 DISTRICT OSINDI OF EISII DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEssjox Causs Np. 222 olv 2000 Succssslox Causs No. 234 'orz 2000 LET ALL the parties concerncd takc noticc thai a petition for a LET ALL the parties conccrned takc noticc that a petitien for a rant of lctters of a'dministration intcstatc to thc estatc of thè grant of lctters of a'dm inistration intcstatc to the cstatc of thc abovc-namcd deccascd, who died at Kcfera, on 15th August, 1999, abovc-named deceascd, who dicd at Centraf K. itutu, on 2nd Dccem- has becn filcd in this registry by (1) Hellcn Nyaboke Arcba and .(2) ber, 1977, has been filed in this rcgistry by 'Maria Kerubo Mboga, of Florcncc Nyangara Omcrti 2 both of Kerera Sub-location, P.O. Box Nyaticko Location, P.O. Box 380, Kisli, in her capacity as an 3264,. Kisii, in their capacltics as widoWs of thc deceascd. . administratrix of the dcccased's cstate.. ' l And furlher take notice that objections in thc prescribed form to the And .further take notfce that objcctions in the prcscribcd form to thc . making of the proposed grant arc invited' and must bc Iodgcd in this making bf thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this nôtice. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further takc notice that if no objcction has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objcction has bcen lodged in this registry in thc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc ef registry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of thjs qoticc, thc court may procecd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may groceed to make the grant as praycd or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. praycd or to makc such order as it thlnks fit. r' Datcd the 8th Scptember, 20* . Dated thc 2nd Octobcr, 2000. L. C. KOMINGOI. M . W . M . RUNG 'ARE, Deputy Registrat', Kisii. Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

Gzvzs'l-l's Nc)'I'IcE No. 7471 GAzs'l-l'B No'I'IcE No. 7468 .IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF VIDELIS IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MOKAYA NYAGESIBA OKIBEN OF KISII DISTRICT NYAKANGO O F NYA M IRA D ISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATZ AND ADMINISTRATION Sklccesslox Cxusil No. 240 op 2000 SuccsssloN Cxuss No. 225 os 20*) LET ALL thc parties conccrned takc noticc that a petition for 'a LET ALL th= parties conccrned take noticc that a petition for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to tbe cstate o'f thc grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate to' thc estatc of the above-named deceased, wbo died at Boitangare, Bassi Chachc, on 3rd above-namcd deccascd. who dicd at Nyangina' Ikobcs Nyamira, on December, 1981 s has txen filed in this rcgistry by Charles Nyangaresi 19th August, 1991, has bccn filed in this rcgistry bj Florence Mokaya, Nyagesiba, of Nyamagwa Sub-location, Bassi Chachc Location, P.O. of Ikobc Sub-location :Bosamaro Chache Locatlon. P.O. Box 997, Igarc, in his capacity as soq of. the dcceascd. ' Kcroka, in hcr capaclty as widow of thc dcceascd. A nd furthcr take notice that' objections in the prescribed form to thc And further takc noticc that objcctions in thc préscribed form to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must bc iodgcd in this making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication ()f this noticc. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objcction has been lodged in tbis And further takc noticc that if no objcction has bcen Iodgcd in this registi y in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of rcgistry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of i hc datc of publication of this noticc, the cùurt may procced to make thc grant as publication of this noticc, the court may grocecd to makc thc grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. ' prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thlnks fit. Dated the 2nd October, 20œ . Datcd thc 11th Septembcr, 2000. ' M . W . M . RUNG 'ARE, L. C. KOMINGOI, Deputy Registrar, Kisii. Deputy Regiçlrtzr, Kisii.

l GAzE'rrB NcylncE No. 7472 GAzE'l-I'E No'l'lcE No. 7469 IN THE HIGH CSURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII Ik THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF (1) BWARI OKENYURI AND (2) NYAMBOKO OKENYURI, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MILCAH BOTH OF GUCHA DISTRICT K. NYANDORU OF NYAM IRA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssloN Cytuss No. 241 ofr 20* Stlccssslox Causs No. 228 ofc 2000 LET XLL the parties concerned. take npticc that a petition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take notice that a 'pctition for a . grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to tltc estate of thc grant of Iettcrs of administration intçstatc to the estate of thc ' abovc-namcd deceascd, who died at'Bogetao'rio 11 Sub-location on 15th June ; ? abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at Manga, Raitigo, on 28th August, , 1999 and in 1981, rcspcctivcly, has becn filed in this rcglstrf 1998, has bccn filcd in this registry by Nyandaro Onsando Obuya; of by Jeremiah Ondari Nyamboko, of Bogctaorgo 11 Sub-iocation, Bassi Esisc Location, P.O. Box 25, Sulmac, Naivasha, in his capacity as Chachc Location, P.O. Box 547, kisii, in his capacity as son of thc fathcr of the dcccased. deceascd'. . ' And furthcr take notice that objcctions in thc presc'ribed form' to the And further takc notice that objections in the prcscribed form to thc makgng of the proposed grant are invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this making of the proposcd grant àrc invited and must bc Iodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of pulilication. of this noticc. ' registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And furihcr takc notice that ifno objection has bcen lodgcd in thjs And.further take notice that if no objcction has bcen lodgcd in this registry in thc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to makc the grant as publication of this noticc, the court may yroceed to make thc grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. praycd er to makc such order as it thlnks fit. Datcd the 20th Septembçr. 2(G). Dated thc 2nd Octobcr, 2000. ' L. C. KOM INGO I, M . W . M . RUNG 'ARE, Deputy Regiatrar, A-ïâW. Deputy Registrar, A-9J. j '

17th November, 2000

GzxzE'l-I'E No'l'lcs No. 7473 G.,%u1E't-l't No'l'lc-s No. 7476 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIG H COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAW ER OF THE' ESTATE OF BARNABA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NYANDORO ' MABEYA OMBASA OF KISII DISTRIG KENGE UF KISII CENTRAL DISTRIG PROBATE AND A DM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssEox CausE No. 243 oF 20* Succssslox CAgse No. 257 oF 2000 LE'F ALL thc parties conccrncd takc noticc that a'petition for a LET ALL thc parties conccrned takc notice that a petition for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to the estate of thè grant of lcttcrk of administration intcstate to thc cstatc of the above-namcd deccascd, who died at Mwamosio'ma, on 4th Junc, 20œ , abovc-named dcceascd, who dicd at Nyagisai, Bomatara, Nyakoe has bccn filcd in this rcgistry bj Philip Mokaya, of Mwamosioma Location, on 24th December, 1982, has bccn filed in this registry by Sub-location, Bogiakumu Location, P.O . Box 79, Kis' ii, in his capacity Mellcn Moraé Nyando Nyandoro, of Bomatara Sub-location, Nyakoe as son ' of thc dcceascd. Location, P.O. Box 1508, Kisii , in hcr capacity' as widow of thc And furthcr takc noticc that objections in thc prescribed form to the dcccascd. making of thc proposcd grant are invifed and must bc lodgcd in this And furthcr takc notice that objections in the prcscribcd form to thc registry within tblrty (30) days of publication of this noticc. m aking of the proposcd grant arc invitcd and must be Iodgcd in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no ebjcction has bcen lodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry in the prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of And'further yake noticc that if no objcction has been lodgcd in this publication of tlûs noticc, thc court may procccd to makc the grant as registr.y in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) dliys of thc datc of praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. publication of this noticc. thc court m ay proceed to make the grant as Datcd thc 2nd Octobcr, 2(G ). praycd or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. M. W . M. RUNG'ARE, Datcd thc 25* Octpbcr, 2tXX. Dèputy Registrar, Kisii. L. C. KOMINGOI. Deputy Registrar, Klbii.

GAzs'l-l's No'l'lcs No. 7474 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII GAzE'I-l'E No'l'IcE No. 7477 IN THE MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF ABNER IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII ODERX OF M IGORI DISTRIG IN THE MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION MOCHAMA NYACHIRO OF KISII CENTRAL DISTRICT SuccsssloN Czxuss No. 245 oF 20* PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a petition for a Succssslox C-use No. 260 op 20* grant of Ietters of administratïon intestatc to the estatc of thc LET ALL thc partics concerncd takc noticc that a. pctition for a abovc-namcd deccascd, who diçd at Kawcrc IIB, on 5th 'July, 2(G), grant. of lcttcrs of' administqation intestate to thc estatc of thc' has bccn tiled in this rcgistry by Lorna Awuor Odera, of Kawcre IIB abovc-namcd dcccascd, who died at Bosongo Hospital, on 28th Sub-location, P.O. Box 35, Uriri, in hér capacity as widow of the Dccember, 1999, has bccn filed in this registry by Charlcs Ogcrp dcccascd. Nyachiro, of Bonyagatahyi Sub-location, Nyakoc Location, P.O. Box And further takc notice that objections in thc prescribcd form to the 1073, Kisii, in his .capaclty 4s brothcr of thc dcccascd. making of thc propbsed grant arc invitcd and mflst bc loègcd in this And further take noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribed form to thc rcgistry within thirty (30) days of pub. lication of this noticc. making of thc proposed grant arc invitcd and must bc lod'gcd in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this nètice. rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of And further take noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within lhirty (30) days of thc datc of prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. publication of this noticc, thc court may procecd to makc thc grant as Datcd the 2nd Octobcr, 20* . prayed or 4o make such ordcr as it thinks fit. M. W . M. RUNG'ARE, Dated thc 26th O1 tob er , 20*. Deputy Registrar, X9J. JACOB OMBONYA, Depuly Registrar, A'J.Wj.

GzxzErl-l's No'lxlcs No. 7475 GAzel-I,E No'l'lce No. 7478 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT K1Sll IN THE HIGZ COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE.MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF OGATO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MONICA NYANDWARO OF KISII DISTRIG AbHIAMBO AMINGA OF KtSII DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRXTION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SllccEsslohl C AUs è No .250 oF 2* SuccEjslox Causs No. 271. op' 20* LET ALL the partfes conccrncd takc notfcc that a pctftion for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take noticc lhat a 'petition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate to thc estate of the grant of Icttcrù of administratiop intcstatc to thc cstatc of the . abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at Gesoni, ôn 27th Octobcr, 1999, above-namcd dcccased, who died at St. Monica Hospital, on 28th has bccn filed in this rcgistry by Concepter Bosibori Momanyi of May, 24+ ,. has bècn filcd in this rcgistry by Evans Nyakundy Omosa. Bogeka Location, P.O. Box 64, Kisii, in her capacity as daughter,- in- Amlnga, of Nyamakoroto Sub-location, Mochcnwa Location, P.O. law of thc dcccascd. ' ' ' Box 37, Gcsima, in his capacity as widower of thc dcceased. And furthcr takc noticè that objcctions in thc prescribed form to the And further takc noticé that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to the making of thc prsposcd grant arc invitcd and must be lodged in .this making of thc proposcd grant art' invityd and must be lodgcd in tbis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this nptice. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this poticc. And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has been lodged in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objection has bccn lodgcd in this rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this notiçé, the court may krocecd to make the grant as publication of this notice, lhe court may ptocccd to makc the grant as praycd or to makc sucb ordcr as it thinks fit. ' prayed or to makc such ordpr as it thinks fit. Datcd thé 9th Octobcr, 2000. Dated the 1st November, 2(Y . M. W . M. RUNG'ARE, L. C. KOMINGOI, Deputy Registrar, A'afï. Deputy Registrar, Kisii. 2522 THE KENYA GA ZETTE 17th Nos'ember. 2t)f)()

c AzE- I t . E x o j. Ik>E x o. yöyo GAzE'1-1'E No't 1cE No, 7482 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAM BU AT KIAMBU IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF MACHANI IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN KAIGU OF NYANDUMA VILLAGE. NYANDUMA KIARIE KINYARA OF KIAW AROGA VILLAGE, LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRIG LIMURU LOCATION,KIAMBU DISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBAT/ AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CzxusE No. 250 op 2% Succssslox CAuse No. 257 olz 20* LET ALL the parties conçcrned takc noticc that a petition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrndd takc noticc that qa pctition for a grant of lettcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc grant pf Iettérs of administration intcstatc to the estatc of the above-named dcccased, who died at Nyanduma. on 2nd March, 1959. above-named deceascd. who dicd at Nairobi. on 28th May. 1990. has has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by Kaigu M achani. of P.O. Box 16s bccn filcd in this rcgistry by Mary Wangui Kiaries of P.O. Box 1097, Githunguri, in his capacity as son of thc dcceased. Limuru, in her capacity as widow of the dcccascd. And furthcr takc notice that öbjections in thc prcscribcd form to the And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc prqscribcd form to the making of the proposcd graàt are invited and must be lodgcd in t:is making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. ' registry within thirty (30) days' of publication of this noticc. ' And further takc. notice that if no objection has been Iodgcd in this And further take noticc that if no objcction has bcen Iodgcd in tbis rcgistry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prcscribcd form w' ithin thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this notice, thc court may procecd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated thc 7th Novembcr. 2G)t). ' Datcd thc 8th Novcmbcr. 2(f0. j. G. KINGORI, ' J. G. KINGORI, bistrict Registrar, Kiambu. District Registran Kiambu.

IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAg5s'l-1'lE N(').I.It.s No, 7483 AT KIAMBU IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF ONESIPHORUS AT MIGORI CHAO KINYANJUI OF KAGWE VILLAGE. KAGW E IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSIAH LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRIG MAGIGE OJWANG OF MIGORI DISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAuse No. 255 oc 2GX) Succssslqx CAuss No. 345 orr 2t:* LET ALL tlw partics concerncd take noticc that a pctition fpr a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a yrant of Iettcrs of administration' intcstate to the cstatc of the grant 'of lettcrs of administration intcstate to thc estate of the abovc-namcd deccascd. who dicd at Kinyorokio, on 31st Octobcr. abovc-namcd dcceased. who died at Ojclc Mcmorial Hospital, Migori 1999. has becn filcd in this rcgistry by ( 1) Eunice Wanjiku Chau. (2) Distriçt, on 3rd Dcccmbcr. 1996. has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by John Muritu Chau. (3) Petcr Kinyanjui Oncsmus and (4) David Nerca Aludo Magigc, of P.O. Box 55, Suna. in hcr capacity as widow Ndungu Chau, alI of P.O. Box 342. Kiambu. in tbcir respcctive of thc dcccased. ' capacitics as widow and sons of the dcccased. ' And furthcr take noticc that objections in thc prcscribed form to thc And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must bc lodgcd in this making of thc proposcd grant are invited and must bc lodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. rcgistry within thirty (30) days .of publication of this notiçe. And further takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd. in this And furthcr take noticc that if no objection has bcen Iodgcd in this rcgistry in thc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc date of rcgistry in tbc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc the grant as publication of this notice, the court may procccd to make thc grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it tbinks fit. praycd or to makc such order as it thinks fit. ' Dated thc 30th October. 2(XX). Datcd the 7th Novcmbcr, 2(G). N. 0. ATEYXN- J. G. KINGORI, District Registrar, Migori. District Regiçfr/r, Kiambu.

(5Az1.:'1-I 'l( N( 14.1.14: 'ls N( ). 748 I GAzE'l-l's N(')'I.Ic'E No. 7484 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAM BU IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH AT MIGORI KAIRU KARIUKI OF THIGIO VILLAGE, NDEIYA IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF STANSILAUS LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRIG OBOSI OF MIGORI DISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslox CAuss No. 256 olr 2(* Succssslox CAuss No. 354 olr 2% LET ALL the 'partics concerned take noticc that a petition for a LET ALL thc parties conccrncd takc notipc that a pctition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of Icttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of the abovcrnamcd deceascd, who dicd at n igio, on 25th 'Novembcr, 1993, abovc-named dcccascd, who dicd at Marindi Sub-location, on 16th has bc filed ip this rcgistry by (1) Peter Njuguna Kairu and (2) July, 1984. has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by M ornica Aticno Obonyo, . Samuel ariuki Kairu, both of n igio via Limuru. in thcir capacitics of P.O. Box 10, Suna, in her capacity as daughtcr-in-law of the as sons of Xthc dcceascd. dcccascd. . . And furthèr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take noticc that objections in thc prcscribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant are invited and must bc lodjcd in this making'of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this rçgistry within thirty (30) days of ptt blication of this noticc. registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furthcr take noticb that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objection has bccn Iodgcd in this rcgistry in thc prescribsd form within thirty (30) days of thc date of rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of tbis notice, tbc court may procecd to makc the grant as publication of this noticc, the court may procccd to makc the grant as prayed or to makc such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the 74h Novcmber, 2(KK). Datcd the 3rd Novembcr, 2(G ). J. G. KINGORI, N. 0. ATEYA. District Registrar, Kiam bu. Diatrict Regatrcr, Migori. 17th November. 2(::) THE KENYA GAZETTE 2523

GAzE'l-l'E Nc)'l'lc'E No. 7485 GAzE'!-l E No'I'Ic'E No. 7488 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA AT THIKA IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF BERNARD IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KUGURU NJENGA KANYITA M UCHINA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Successlox CAuse No. 126 orz 1999 SoccEsslohk CAuse No. 359 oc 2* LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take notice that a petition for a grant of lctters of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of lcttcrs of administration intestétc tè thc cstatc of the abovc-namcd dcceascd, who dicd at Maragua District in 1966 abovc-named deccascd, who dicd at District Hospital, Thika, on 22nd ' , has Juncs 1988, has bccn filcd in this rcgistry by Bcatricc Nyambura bccn filcd in this rcgistry by F-rancis L. Mwangi, of P.O. Box 102, Njcnga. in hcr capacity as an administratrix of thc dcccascd's cstatc. Kandara, in his capacity as an administrator of thc dcceascd's cstatc. And furthcr takc noticc that objcction's in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr takc noticc tbat objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to the making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must be lodgcd in this making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this rcgistry withln thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry within thirty (30) days oî publication of this notice. Anà furthcr takc ncticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd ip this And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this rcgistry in thc prcscrîbcd form wfthin thîrty (30) days of thc datc of rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this noticc, thc court May proccçd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may grocccd to makc thc grant as prayèd or to makc stmh order as .it thinks fit. praytd or to makc such order as it thlnks fit. Dated thc 12th April, 1999. v Datcd thc 6th Novcmbcr, 2f##). ' E. 0. AWINO, T. W . C. WAMAE, Diîtrict Regïatrcr, Thika. District Registrur, Thika.

G,lzE'l-f t: &t'),1 fc'i.: Nt'?. 7486 f ;A z.l .' 1 '1 I . N ( )'l I ( ' I . N f ) .7489 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT . AT THIKA AT THIKA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUBL IN THE MATTER OF THé ESTATE OF MWATI KIARII MBURU WANYOIKE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION StltEx'essltlN Chuse Nç>. 338 OI72*x) SuccEssloN CAuss No. 342 op' 2(/x) LET ALL the partics conctrncd takc notict that 1$ pctition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc noticc tha:t a pctition for a grant of ktttrs of administtation intcstatc to thc estatc of thc grant of Itttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc estatt of thc abovc-namcd dèccascd, who dicd at Maragua, in 1951. has becn filcd abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd at Thiku Districts on 12th Junc, in this rcgistry by (1) William Mungai and (2) Njorogc Mwati. in thcir 2(G), has bcen filcd in this rcgistry by Lucy. W anqui W angai, in hcr capacitics as administrators of thc dcccascd's cstatc. capacity as an administratrix of the dcccascd's cstatc. And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invited and must bc Iodkcd in this making of thc proposcd grant arc invicd atld must be lodgtd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publicatioR of this noticc. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this And furthcr takc notice that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this rogistry in thc prcscribed form within tbirty (30) days of thc datc of rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of pnfllication of this noticc, thc eourt may procccd to makc thc grant as publication of this noticc, thc court may procced to' makc tht grant as praycd or to makc such ordtr as it thinks fit. praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Datcd tbc 16tb October, 2(K . Datcd thc' 18th Octobcr, 2(G ). BE'ITY RASHID, T. W. C. WAMAE, District Registrar, Thika. Dùtrict. Re#iylrlr, Thiku.

- GA.zs.1-1'E No'I.I:'s No. 7487 GpNzE'l-l'e Ntyj'l(:'e No. 749() IN THE SBNIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT ) AT THIKA AT THIKA IN THE' MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET BIBIU KIMATHI W AMBUI KIARIE PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSE No. 357 olr 2% SuccEsylox Causs No. 339 nv 2e LET ALL thc .partics conccrncd tàkc noticc that'a petition for a LET ALL thc parties conccrncd takc noticc that a petition for a grant of lcttcrs of administmtion intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of lctters of administration intcstatc yo thc cstate of thc abovc-namcd deceascd, who dicd in Thika District, on 6th June, 2(KK), abovc-namcd dcccascd, who dicd in Maragua District, on 18th has bccn iiled in this registry by Mary W . Gathimba, of P.O. éox October, 1999, hàibcen filed in this rcgistry by Charics Mburu Kiaric, 7689, Nairobi, in her capacity aç an administrathx of the deccased's of P.O. Box 15, Kandara, in his capacity as an administrator of thc . cstatc. decea's ed's estate. . And further takc notice tlmt objectiobs in the prrescribed form to thc And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to thc making of thc proposcd grant are invitcd and must be lodged in this making. of the proposed grant are invited and must bo lodged' in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this police. regktry within tllirty (30) days of publication of this noticm And further takc notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in thc prexribed fonn within thirty (30) d#ys'of the datc of registry in the pi-escribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to makc the grant as. publication ot this notice, tàe court m4y proceed to make the grant as prayed or tp make such order ms it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 3rd November, 2(G). Dated the 24th Octobcr, 2(e . ' BETrY RASHID, T. W . C. W AMAE ' Dùtrict Registrar, Thika. Dhtrict Regùtrar, Thika. THE KENYA GA ZEU E

IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANO'A . AT MURANG'A !hI THB MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF MACHARIA IN THE MATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OB SAMUEL NJUA MWXNGI KAROKI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PRO3ATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succsssm C-tfsc No. 9 oF 2% SvccessloN CAIJ:E No. '310 op 20* LET ALL the parties conccrncd take notice thaf a petitioa for a LE. T ALL the pgrties conccrncd take notice that a petition for a ' grant of lettcrs of administratiop' intcstatc to tbe estate of thc grant of lctters of adlninistration intestatc fo tho estate of fhc abovc-namcd dcceased, who dicdat Gathukeini, has bcea filcd irt this abovc-named deceased, 'tvho dicd at Nlaragua Ridge, on 19th August, . 1.997, has bcerj filcd in this r'zgistry hy Peris Njeri Mwangi, of P.O. registry by (1) Muthoni Macbqria and (2) Beatrice Nvanjiku Machavia, Box 482 ) Maragua, in her capacity as an administrâtrix of fhc both of P.O . Box 648, Murang'a, in'thcir capacities as adrfinisfratrices . of thc dcccascd's estate. deceased s estate. . And further takc notice that objections in the prescribed form to tltt ' And further take notice that objections in the prcscribed form to $hc m' aking of thc proposed grant arc invited and must bc Iodgcd in this makiflg of the proposed grant arc invitcd and must be lodgcd in this - regisfry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry within thirty (30) days of pubjieation of this notice. And further takc notice that if no objcction has bcen Iodged in this And further take notice that if no objectjon has bcen lodged in this registry in the presczibcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of tegistry .in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of tlc datc of publication of this notice, thc court may procced to makc the grant as publication of Shis noticc, sbe court may procced to make tbc grant as praycd or to make such order as it tbinks .fit. praycd. or to makc w ch order as it thinks tit. Datcd thc 6th Novcmber, 2(G ). Dated thc 25th January, 2(G). - F. F. WANJIKU, y? j? w ax-jjuu District Reglàfrtlr, M urang'a. District Registrar, Murango.

Gzkzs'l-l's No'l'lcs No. 7492 GAzi5'I-I'E No'l'lcE No. 7495 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANGW ' AT MURANG'A IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF WATHITHI IN THE M ATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF MUIRURI ' W ACHIRA . WAMIRU ALIAS M UIRURI MIRU PROBATE AND AOMINISTRATION ' PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Soccssslox Cxvss No. 220 os 2(Y Succssslox CAUSE No. 312 ov 2090 LFT ALL thc, parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties ctmccrncd takc noticc thal a pctition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Iettcr. of administration intcstato So thc estatc of tlAe above-namcd dcceased, who died at Rwathia, has bcen filed Sn thjs abovc-namcd dcceased. who died at Gikindu, Mbugwa Sub-location: rcgistry by Jamcs W achira Kirungui, of P.O. Box 49, Kihoya, in h;s on 2nd April, 1999, has bcen filed in this registq by Margaret Watirl capacity as an administrator ef the dcceased's estate. . Njuguna, of P.O. Box 72, Maragua, in hcr capaclty as an administrat- rix of the Jeceased's estate. And further takc notice that objcctions in the prcscribcd form to the making of thc propèsed grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in 'this And further take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to thc registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this. noticc. making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this And further taks notice that if no objection has been lodged in tbis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of . this notice. registry in shc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of ylw date of And further take notice that ifc no objection has bcen lodged in fhis publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as registry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the dato of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' publication of this ftotice, the court may proceed to make'the grant as praycd or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Datcd the 6th October, 2(Y . Dated the 2nd November, 2(G). F. F. WANJIKU, 'Dislrid, Registrar, Murang'a. J. B. A. OLUKOYE, District Registrar, Murang'a.

' GAzs'I-I.E No'l'lce No. 7493 Gzxzsel-l'e Noel'lcs No. 7496 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANG'A IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRXTE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE EtTATE OF WAHOGO . A.r Eusu KIBIRA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M UTUA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION NTHAKANIO OF KITHUNGURIRI, EMBU SuccsssloN C-uss No. 299 oF 2e PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties toncerned tak? notice that a petition for a SuccsssloN CxusE No. 132 olz 2(00 . granf of lettcrs of administrqtion intestate to the estate ef the LET ALL the p>rties concerned take noticc that a petition for a above-namcd deceascd, who died at Kamune Village, on 22nd May, grant of Ietters of administration' intestate to the estate of thc 1985, has been filcd in this rcgistry by Susgn Wanjiku Wahogo, of above-named deceased, whtz died at Kyeni Hospital, on 26th April, P.O. Box 268, Kiriaini, .in her capacity as an administratrix of the 1999, has been filed in this registry by Naomi Mukami F. Mutua, of deceased's cstate. Kifhunguriri Village, in her capacity as widow of the dtzceased. And further take n/tice that objections in the prescribed form to thè And further take notice that objcctions irt the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invitc,d and must be Iodged in this making of the propqsed grant am invitcd and must bc lodged in shis registry within thlrty (30) days of publication 'of this notice. registry within tluarty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further takc notke that if nt3 objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objcction has been Iodged in Shis registv in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication (?f this notice, tlw cotlrt may proceed to make tlw grant as publication of this notice, tlle court may proceed to make the grant as Prayed or to make such orèer as it thinks fit. prgycd or to npkc such order as it thinks lit. ' Dated the 26th October, 2(G ). Dated thc 31st August, 2(G . . y.. y. w axjjxg# . x. A. NG,ENO Dhtrict Regiarar, Murqngo. District Ren /rflr, Embu. 17th Novem ber, 2()()0 THE KENYA GAZEW E


IN THé MXW ER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN ' IN THE MATTER OF THE MSTATE OF CHARLES NJERU KIBARA OF EMBU NYAGA MUTHATHAI OF EMBU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Stpccesslopk Cav.se No. 166 olv 2% Slx csssloN CAtlss No. 253 orr 1999 LET ALL tlm partics conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrnéd take noticc that a pctition for a grant of letters of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc grant of Ictters of administration intestate. to the cstatc of thc above-namcd deccased, who dicd at Embu District, qn.9th Novcm- above-named dcceascd, who dicd at Provincial Gcncral Hospital, bcr, 2(XX), has bcen filcd in this registry by Lucy Njeru Kariuki, of Nycri. on 21st Fcbruary, .1995, has bccn tilcd in this rcgistry by Kavutiri, in hcr capacity as widow of thc dcccascd. Cathcrinc Wanjuki Nyaga, of P.O. Box 274, Embu, in hcr capacity as Alid furthcr take nötice lhat objections in thc prescribed form lo thc widow of thc dcccascd. making of thc proposcd grant arc invited and must be Iodged in this And furthcr takc noticc that objcctionj in yhc prcscribed form.to thc registry witbin thirty (3(8. days of publication of this notice. making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this And furthcr take noticc that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry in thc prcscrîbed form within thirty (3t)) days of thc date of And fprthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bcen lodgcd in this publication of this noticc, the court may procccd to makc the grant as registry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) dajs of thc date of prayed or to makç such ordcr as it thinks fit. ' publication of this noticc, thç court may procccd to makc the grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. Datcd thc 18th October, 2(!G ). . Dated thc D rd May, 2(X#). K. A. NG'ENO, Dàntrict Regbtrar, Embu. S. K. OMBAYE, District Registrar, Embu.

' G Azs'l-l'c No'l'Ics No G>zs'I-l'B Nb'1'IcE No. 7498 . 7501 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COLIRT AT KAPSABET AT EMBU ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHEINW NUI KAREGA MW AURA OI? EMBU TAPRANDiCH OF RAPSXBET LOCATION. NANDI DISTRICT PROBATE AND G MINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Stgccssslox Catlss No. 181 ov 2(* Sl-lccsssloN CAtlss No. 64 #ofz 21X10 LET ALL thc parties conccrncd takc. noticc that a pctition for a LET ALL the partic's conccrncd takc noticc that a pctition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of tbc grant of letters of administration intcstate to the estatc of thc abovc-namcd deccascd, who dicd at Districellospital, Embu, on 5th abovc-namcd deècased. who dicd at Kapngetuny Sub-location. Octobcr, 2(G ), has becn filcd in this rcgistry by Rçbccca W arigia Kaysabct Location, on 23rd Octobcr, 2(KO, 'has bccn filcd in this Githaiga, of P.O. Box 6, Embu, in hcr capacity as widow of thc rcpstry by Jamcs Ntabuto Cliochi, of P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet, in his dcccascd. - capacity as an admlnistrator of thc dcccascd's estate. ' And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr takc notice that objcction! in thc prescribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc lodgcd in this making of thc proposçd grant arc invitcd and must be lodged in this registry within thlrty (30) days of publication of this noticc. rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And furthcr takc noticc that if no objcction hms bccn lodgcd in this And furthcr takc notkc tha! if no objcction has becn lodgcd in thjs mgistry in thc prcxribcd form within thirty (30) days ôf te datc of rcgistry in the prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc thc grant as publication of this notice, thc court may procecd to makc the grant as praycd or to makc such ordcr ms it tbinks tit. prayc,d or to makc such 'ordcr as it thinks fit. Datcd thc 31st Octobcr, 2(m . Dated thc 23rd Octo' bcr. 2(xx). ' K. A. NG'ENO F. A. M ABELE, Dùtrict Regùtrar, Embu. District Registrar, Kapsabet.

tqAzs.l-l.s No.l.lcs Np. 7502 G>zE'l-!'e Nol.lce No. 7499 IN THE PRINCIXPAL MAGIjTRATE'j COURT IN THE PRINCIPXL MAGISTRATE'S COURT T KAPSABET AT BMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHUMO IN THE MAW ER OP THE ESTATE OF JACKSON ARAP KIBLEYO OF KILIBWONI LOCATION, KARURI MURIITHI KIOBI OF KIRINYAGA DISTRIG NANDI DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ' SuccsssloN C-usE No. 185 op 2% Slpccssslox Czwuss No. 66 op 2% LET ALL the parties conccrned take notice thpt a m tition for a LET ALL thc partics conccrned takc noiicc that a pogition for a grant of lcttcrs of administration intestate 4o the eétate of the grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc abovc-namcd deceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, abovc-nampd dcccascd, who dicd at. lKapnycbcrai Sub-location, Embu, on 14th Octèber, 2(K , has becn filed in this registry by Agne's Kilibwoni Location, on 7th Juhc. 1987, has bccn filcd in this rcgistry Gathoni Muriithi, of Embu Bluc Valley, P.O. Box 918, Embu, in her by Joycc Jepkcmoi Tarus, of P.O. Box 2245, Eldôrct, in hcr capacity capacity as widow of the decemsed. as an' administratrix of thc dcccascd's cstatc. And further take noticc that objections irp the prescribed form to the. And furthcr takE notice that objcctions in thc prcscribed form tù thc making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this making of thc proposcd grant are invitcd and must bc' Iodgcd in this rcgistry. within thlrty (30) days of publication of this notice. rcgistry within thirly (30) days of publicatio'n of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection hms been Iodged in this And further takc noticc that if 'no objcction hms becn lodgcd in this registry in the prcscribed form within thirty (j0) dap of the date of rcgïstz'y in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of publicatidn of this notice, the court may proceed to make tbe grant as publication o' f this notice, thc court may procecd to makc the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thlnks fit. ' praycd .or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated ' thc 2n4, November, 2(G . Datcd the 1st Novcmber, 2(X#). ' K. A. NG'ENO. F. A. MABELE, ' District Regiztrar, Se u. Dhtrict Registrar, Kapsabet. G AzE.'h-l'/ No'1'!cE No.' 7503 GAzs.'l-l's. No'l'lce ;o. 7506 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MACISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAHURURU / AT IW RUGOYA IN THE MATTER 0/ THE ESTATE OF DAVID IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARIMI KANAI MURIMI OF NYAHURURU MUNICIPAEITY, ' KAMURU . LAIKIPIA DISTRICT , ' PRQBATC AND ADMINISSRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAt-iss No, - 1'97 or 2000 ' . Succcsslox CAusa No. 143 ofz 2000 LET ALL thc parties concerned takc noticç that a petition for a tET ALL thc parilcs concernçd take noticc that a pctition for a grant of Ictters of administration intcstate to the estate of the grant of Icttcrs of . administration intestate to the cstatc of fhe above-napcd dcceased, who died on 31st July, 19-/8, has been filcd in abovç-namcd dcceased, who di'ed at Pine Brccze Hospital, Nakuru.. . this rcgistry by Charijy Njoki Muchira, of P.O. Box 5, Kerugoya, in on 30th May. 2000, has bcen fifcd inqthis registry by Hellcn Wanjiku her capacity as an adminigtratrix of the deccased's estate. Gichukis öf /0. Box 342, Nyahururua in her 'capacity as an Anit further takc nbticc tbat objections in thcmrescribed fofm to thtn administratrix of thc deceased's cstate. ' ' making of the preposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this And further takc notice that objections in thc prescribcd form to the ' registry wiihin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. making qf thc proposcd .grant are inyitcd and must be lcfdged in this Apd further take noticc that if 'no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days (q?f publication of this notice, rcgistry in the prescribed form within thirty (3(1) days of the date of And ftirther take noticc that if na objcction hlis becn lodged in this publication of this notice, the cöurt may proceed to make the grant as rcgistry in thc prejcribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such p'rder as it thinks fit. publication of this noticc, the court may procecd t.o make the grint as Datcd the' 12th October 2000. prayed or ' to m ake such . order as it thinks fit. , P. K. SULTANI, Datcd tbe 23rd Octobci', 2000. Districê Adïrrf/r, Kerugoya. W . N. NYARIM A , District RcàAmr, Nyahururu.

.G %zE'I-I's No.l.lc's Nc). 75()7 IN THS SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAzE'l-l's. No'I'IcE Nc). 7504 AT KERUGOYA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTEF OF THE ESTATE OF NJOGU AT KERUGOYA M W ANIKI NG ARE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION THEURI MURAGE SuccEsslox Czxtlss No, 216 orz 2()()() PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties conccrned take notice that a pctition for a Successlox Czxus: No. 232 c)p 2()(XJ grant of lettcrs of administration intestate to the estate of thc LET ALL the parties concerned takc noticc that a petition for a above-named deccased. who dicd at Embu Hospital, .on 2nd August, grant of Ietters of adm inistration ' intestate to thc estate of the 1985. has been filed in this registry by (1) Wanja Njogu Kithaka and above-namcd dcccased, who dicd at Mwca Hospitala on 22nd Marcll. (2) Muthike Gideon Mwaniki. both of P.O. Box 1 16, Kutus, in thcir 2t)0(). bas becn filcd in this rcgistry by Nancy Njeri Theuris of P.O. respcctivc capacities ils an administratrix and administrator of ' thc Box 14a Kagio, in hcr capacity as an administratrix of the dcccased's deceased's estate. ' estatc. And further take noticc that objections in the prcscribed form to thc And further takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this making of thc proposcd grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. ' rcgistry within thirty (30) days df publication of this noticc. And further takc notice that if no obieçtion has becn Iodged in this And furthcr take no' tice that if no objcction has beçn lodged in this regi stryin the prcscribed form within 'thirty (30) days of the date of rcgistry in the prcscribed form within thirty (3(3) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as 17raycd or to makc such order as it thin*ks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' Dated the 4th October, 20(XJ. Dated the 2nd November, 2()00. W . N, NJAG E. W , N . NJ AG E ,' Distrilt Rtrgfslrf.lr, Kerugoya. District Rdg/sqfrdzr, Kerugoyil.

GAzE'l-l'F. Ntl'kqlc'l N(). 75(35 GzNze:,!-I'E Nc)'I.lc.s No. 75()8 . Ix Tus pltlxclpAi- MAGIjTRATE'S coua'r IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S 'COURT AT KERUGOYA AT KERUGO YA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KARURI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O jKARANI CHAAAWE M AGOND U W AM BIRI PROBATE AND XDMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Suc'tr'Essltlx Cykuss Nc). 168 2()()() Stytxt'usslt-lx CA oslf N(). 243 ()Iz 2(J()() EET ALL the parties eonccrncd take notice that a pctition for lt LET ALL thc pllrties concerned takc nqltice thltt 11 petitilln lk/r :1 grant of Ietters of administration intcstate 'to the cstatc of the gran t of letters of êtdln i n istration intcstatc tt) the klstatc (')f thc above-namdd dcceaseds who dicd in Kirinyaga District. on 8th above-na'med dec tased - who died at Vlukui Vi l lagc , on $ 7th Septcn'l- Augusts 1 978. has becn filed in this registry by ( l ) Susttn Wathoùi bers 1 975- has bcc 1 filed in this registry by Nlaria Wttn i iktl N ganga . of Kanini and (2) Virisi Njeri Karuri , both of P.O. Box 1 9 , Kutus . 'i n P.O . Box 97- Sat :lna- in hcr capacity :ts an administrltrix of thc their capacities as administratriccs of the dcceltsed's estale. deceased-s estitte. And furthcr take ntztice tlat obîcctions fn the prcscribed form to the And further take notice thitt obiections in thkt prktscri hcd form t() t hc mating of the p'roposcd grant arc' invited and must be Iodged in this making of the proposed gran t are i n vited and must bc Iodged i n this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice . registry withi n thi rt .? (3() days of publ ication of this not ice , And furyhcr takc notice that if no objcction has bccn Iodgcd in this And further take , .otice t hjtt i 1* no oliiectilln hlts been lodged i n this rcgistry in thc prescribed form within thirty (3t1) days of thc date of registry i n thc prescribed form wi th i n th i rly ( 3t)) days ()6 the dftte tlf publication of this noliccp the court may proceed to make the granî as publication of this notice , lhe coubrt may proccetl to lnake !he grant lts praycd or to makc such order as il thinks fit. prayed or to m ake sutrh ortler as it thinks fit . ' Dilted the 4th Octobcr. 2t)t)(). Dated the 2nd November - 2(3(y.3. W . N . NJ AG F, . Dislrict SeJ#.j'/?wz'. Kerllgoya. G,AzEsI-I'E Nc)'l'IcE Nto. 75()9 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT lG,tkzINE' l-Tl'EH EN trySlE'lcN'eI: ONRo . R7E5S12IDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT HOMA BAY AT GITHUNGURI IN Ti1E MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF DALMAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARUMBI OCHUMBA OLOGI GATHUNGU ALIAS KINYANJUI OF GATHUNGU. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION NYAGA VILLAGE. RUIRU LOCATION, KIA M BU DISTRIG Sucresslox Cmose No. 118 os 2(> 3 PROBATE A ND ADM INISTRATION LET ALL thc #parties conccrned takc notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Succssslox Causs No. 82 os 2000 above-namcd deccascd. who dicd on 21st August, 1999, has bccn filed LET ALL thc partics conccrncd takc notîcc that a pctitien for a in this registry by Mauricf Ologi Ochumba, of Kabonyoduti Sub- grant of Ictters of administration intestate to thc cstatc of thc location. P.O. Box 152. Ndhiwa in his c'apacity as so-n of the above-namcd dcccaseds who dicd at Githurai, on 19th Junc, 1985, has deccascd. s bcen filed in this registry by (1) Tercsiah Njeri Kinyanjui and (2) And further takc noticc that objections ïn the prcscribcd form to the Monicah Wairimu Kinyanjui, both of P.O. Box 200. Ruiru. in thcir making of the proyoscd grarit are invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this capacitics as widows of thc dcccascd. . registry within thlrty (30) days oj publication of this noticc. And furthcr take noticc that objections in thç prescribed form to the making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must be lodgcd in this - And further takc noticc that if no. objection ha's been lodged in this rcgistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days o' f thc datc of registry within thirty (30) days of publication of thts noticc. publication t)f this noticc. thc c/urt may procecd ta mpkc thc graat.as And furthcr. take noticc that if no objection has becn lodgcd in this prayed o' r to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. rcgistry in thc grcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of Datcd thc 17th October. 2(x* publication of tljs notice. the court may procecd to make the grant as . prayed or to make such ordcr .as it thinks fit. A LEX ANA M BO . Datcd thc 3rd Novem ber, 2* 0. District Registrar. Homa Bay . S. B. A. MUKABW A, District Registrar, Githunguri.

IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAzs'I-1'E No'l'lcs No. 7513 ' AT HOMA BAY IN THE SXNIOR R/SIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL AT LIM URIJ . W ALTER O HITO PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANASTASIA NYAKARO OF LIMURU. KIAMBU DISTRIG SuccsssloN Cxuss No. 1 19 orz 20* LET ALL the partics conccrncd take noticc that a pctition for a PROBATE ANb ADMINISTRATION grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstate of the Succssslox Cxuss No. 9 oc 2(00 above-named dcccascd, who dicd on 13th Junc. 1999, has been filcd in ' ' LET ALI- the partics conccrncd take noticc that a petîtion for a this rcgistry by Francisca Achola Ohito. of Ccntral Kam agambo ' grant of Ictters of administration intcstatc to the estate of thc Sub-location. P.O . Box 279. Rodgo, in hcr capacity as widow of thc abovc-pamcd dcccascd, who died at Bibirioni, Limuru, has bccn filcd deccascd. ' . in this rcgistry by Jercmiah Mugwc Njorogcs of P.O. Box 5, Limuru, ' And furthcr take notice that objections in thc prcscribed form to thc in his capacity as son of thc dcccascd. making of thc proposcd grant arc invited and must bc lodgcd in this And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc'prcscribed form to thc registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and inust' be lodgcd in this And furthcr take notice that if no objcction has bccn Iodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry in thc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of And furthèr takc notice that if no objcction has bccn Iodgcd in this publication of this noticè, the court may procced to makc thc grant as rcgistry in thc prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of thc date of Praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. ' publication of thîs noticc. the court may procccd to makc thc grant as Dated thc 23rd October, 2iX%. praycd or to makc such order lts it thinks fit. Datcd thc 19th Octobcr, 2(:9. A LEX ANA M BO. . Dùtrict Scgiç/rlr, Homa Bay. s. o. Aw jxo, Diarkt Xegiçlrflr, Limuru.

GAZE'IH'E XGI'ICE No. 75 1 f GJvzs'l-l's No'I'!cE No. 2514 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GITHUNGURI IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S POURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF NDUA AT LIM URU MUNJOGU OF KIMATHI VILLAGE. GITHUNGURI IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KINYUNGU LOCATION. KIAMBU DISTRIW KIMANI OF LIM URU. KIAM BU DISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAIJSE No. 80 os 2% SuceEsslox Cxuss No. 33 olz 24+ LET ALL thc partics conccrncd take n' oticc that a petitton for a . LET ALL the partics conccrncd takc noticc that' a pctitlon for a grant of Iettcrs . of administration .intcstatc to thc cstatc qf thc grant of lcttcrs of administration . intcst=tn . to thc cstatc of thc abovc-nambd dcceased. who died at Kimathi Sub-location, on 31st abovc-namcd dcccascd 2who dicd at Ngarariga, has béen filçd in this August. 1998, has bccn tiled in this rcgistry by Grace Njcri Ndua. of registry by Mary Njcn Kinyungu, of P.O. Box 5. Limuru, in hcr P.O . Box 68, Ruiru, in hcr capacity as widow of thc dcceased. capacity ms daughter of thc dcccascd. . And furthcr take noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take lioticc that objcctions in thc prclcribcd form to thc making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodged jn lhis making of thc proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publicgtion of this noticc. rcgistry within thirty. (30) days of publication of this noticc. And fùrthcr takc noticc that if no objcction has bcen lodged in this And furthcr takc noticc .that if no objcction has bccn lodgcd in this registry. in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc date tlf rcgistry in thc prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of thc datc of ' publication of this noticc, thc court may procccd to makc the grant as publication of this notice, th'c court may yrocccd to makc the gtant as praycd or to makc such ordcr as it thinks fit. prayed or to makc such order as it thlnks tit. Datcd thc 8th Novcmber. 2(G). D.atcd thc 6th Novembcr, 2(m . S. B. A. MUKABW A. E. 0 . AW INO , Distriqt Regltrar, Githunguri. District Rlglàlrlr, Limuru. 2528 THE KENYA GAZETTE f7tIR November. 2(16J(1

G'.$zal-lh!.: Nf)'I'It.s No. 751 5 G A.zs:.l-l.s N()'I'Ic's N(). 75 I 8 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S 'COURT IN T14E RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NANYUKI ' AT KIM ILILI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF. MARIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF W ELEMUSIA MUKIRI MUTEKE OF KALAI.U S.F.T., NANYUKI MUKHw ANA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PRO BATE AND A DM IN ISTRATION Successlpx Cxtlse No. 6 OF 2(1(:1 Su(;'c'Essll'>N Czquss Nç), 12 ('lfr 2()i)t) LET ALL the parties conccrncd take notice that a pctition for a LET A LL thc partics conccrncd take noticc that a petition tbr a .'grant of Ietters of adm inistration intestate to thc cstatç' of the grant of Iettcrs öf administration intestate to tht estate of the above-named dcc'easeds who died at District Hospital.. Nanyukia On above-namcd dcceascd. who dicd at Frifxnt-ls Luglllu l-lospital v on l 1 th l 1 th February) 1981 . has becn filed in this registry by Beatrice Junea 1.980. has bcen filcd in this registry by Christopher N4ulunda, in Muthoni Gathu. of Nanyuki. in her capacity as daughtcr of thc' his capacity as son o'f the dceeased. deceascd. . And further take notice that obiccf ior!s in the prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take noticc that objections in the prescribed form to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this making of the proposed grant itrc invited and must be Iodged in this rcgistry within thirty (3t)) days of publication of this notice. registry within thirty (3t)) pays of publication. of this notice. . And further takc notice tbat if no obiqction has been Iodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry in tbc prescribed form within thirty (3t)) days of thc datc of registry. in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication of this notice, 1he court may jrocced to make the grant as publication of this notice. th. e court may groceed to make thc grant as prayed or to makc such . order as it thlnks fit. praycd 'or to make such ordcr as it thlnks fit. J. N . KIREMBUI, Dated thc 8th Novem bcr. 2(1()t). District Sc.je/y/rlr, Kimilili. S. M . KIBUNJA, Dislricl Regisîrur. Nanyuki.

Gxztf,'l-l'e Nt')'s'lce Nt-). 75 19 Gzxzs'l-l's No'lvlcta Nq). 7516 IN THE RESID ENT M AG ISTRATE'S CO URT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATEY COURT AT W EBUYE AT BUNGOMA IN THE QATTER OF THE ESTATE .OF KIMUNGIJI IN THE MATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF MASINDE W ACHISI WALUKAMA MABUSI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Sucqç'Esslflx CzlusE Nt). I 6 (')IZ 2t)()() Succssslox CAuss No. 49 oc 2(.+ LET ALL tl4e partics concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL thc partics concerncd takc noticc that a pctition for a grant of Iettcrs of administration intcstate to thc cstatc of thc grant of lcttcrs of administration intcstatc to thc cstatc of thc above-namcd deceaseda who dicd at Tongaren Scheme, Bungoma District, on 12th Deccmbers- 1 975, has bcen filed in this rcgistry by abovc-namcd dcccased, who dicd at Sikhcndu Villagcx in 19r , has bccn filed in this .rcgistry by Wycliffc W anyonyi Simiyu, of Sikhcndu, Julius M aokha Kimungui . of P.O . B()x 6. Tongaren, in his' capacity as' Kimilili, in his capacity as an administrator of thc dcccmscd's cstatc. an admioistrator of the deceased's cstatc. . And furthcr takc noticc that objcctions in thc prcscribcd form to thc And furthcr take notice that objections in thc prcscribed form to the making of the proposcd grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this making Of the proposed grant arc invited and m ust be' Iodged in this rcgistry' within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. registry within thirty (36) .da'ys of publication of this notice. And furthcr take noticc that if no objcction has bccn Ipdgcd in this And further take noiice tha' t if t' lo objectiön has been Iodged in this rcgistry in thc prçscribcd form within thirty (30) 'days of the date of rcgistry in the prescribed form wlthin thirty (3()) days of thc datc of puhlication of 'this noticc, thc court may procccd to make thc grant as publication of this notice, thc court may groceed t() make the graàt as praycd or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' prayed or to make such order as it thlnks fit. Datcd thc 24th May, 2tXm. Dated thc 3rd Novcmber, 2()t)(). L. N. MUTENDE. JACOB OM*ONYA, Disîrict Registrur. W'c/luye. District Registrar, Bungoma.

G AzE2'!-I'E N.:)'l':t'E Nc). 752f) IN 'PHE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT . AT BUNGOM A IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE AT V IHIG A NECHESA KUTIM A IN THE MAW ER UF THH ESTATE OF MATE PROBATE AND' ADMINISTRATION ACHOKO Succssslox Cxtlss No. 157 op' 2000 PRO BATE AND AD M INISTRATION SuccEsslox Czxuss Nc). 6 clr.' 1995 LET AL,L thc parties concerned takc. notice that a petition for a grant of Ictters of administration' intestate to the estatc of the LET ALL thc parties conccrncd take notice that a petition for a above-namcd deccased. who dicd at G cncral Hospital, W ebuyc, on grant of lettcrs of adm inistration intcstate to the estate of the 1st July, 2* 0, has been filed in this rcgistry byz Kutima Ohuru above-named deccascd. who died at Vihiga, on 18th January, 1995. Namutali, of P.O. Box 81 , Bungoma, in his capacity as an administra- has been filcd in this re'gistry by Bcatricc M ulum ba M ate. in her tor of thc deceascd's estate. capacity as widow of the deceased. And furthçr takc noticc that objections in the.prescribed fprm .to the And further take noticc that objections in the prcscribed form to the making of the proposefl grant arc invitcd and must bc Iodgcd in this ' making of thc proposcd grant are invited and must be Iodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry within thlrty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And further take noticc that if no objection has bccn lodgcd in this And further takc noticc that if no objection has been lodgcd in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in' thc .prescribed form within thirty (31) days of thc datc of ' publicatiön of this notice, thc court may procecd' to makc thc grant as publication pf this noticc, the court may proceed to make the grant as praycd or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Da'ted the 9th Novembcr, 200(). Datcd the 28th March, 1995. C. 0. MOfTUI. T. 0 . M ISEDA , District Regiâ'/rJ#, Bungom a. District Registrar, Vihiga. GAze'1-1'E No'l'lc's No. 7521 Ian Colin Mcrac, Lawrcncc A. M um ali. THE VALUERS AG D. M . Gichangi, W ilson G. Mbuthia, (Cap. 532) Roscqc J. V. Bonna, THE VALUFRS REGISTRATION BOARD Rosc Aluoch Zionc. Susesxslox Datcd thc 1st Novcmbcr. 2(K . IN ACCORDANCE with scction 15 (1) çhj of thc Valucrs Act, it is J. M.' MUTHURANIA. notificd for gcneral informatiop that thc registration of- Registrar. DsNls Ovouo Oooyx GA.zE'I-l's N(')'1'1(;'i! No. 7524 as a valucr has bccn suspcnded, for a pcriod of ollc (1) yçar, with cffcct from 1st Novcmbcr, 2(G). THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES AG Datcd thc 1st Novcmbcr, 2(m . (No. 12 of 1*7) J. M. MUTHURANIA, CX'I'ENSION OF INOUIRY PERIGD Regiatrar. TAKE NOTICE that undcr scction 58 of tbc Co-opcrativc Socictics Act, thc' inquiry rriod .conccrning thc busincss of n ika Muslim Höusing Co-opcratlve Socièty Limitcd (CS/49%). has bccn extendcd

GAzE'I-I'E Nt.')'l'lç'e N('). 7522 to 2nd Dcccmbcr, 2(G ). THE VALUERS AG Datcd thc 3rd Novcmbcr, 2tY . . H. A. EDAGWA. . (Cap. 532) Registrar of Co-operative Societies. TH: VALUERS REGISTRATION BOARD G Azl.:'l-l'I.: N:)'j'If 'Is Nf ). 7525 DERBcls'I'RAJI'IoN ' IN ACCORDANCE with scction 15 (1) (J) of thc Valucrs Act, it is THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES AG notificd for gcncral information that thc following mcmbcrs havc becn fNo. 12 of 1*7) rcmovcd from thc rcgistcr due to mon-paymcnt of prcscribcd fccs to thc Institution of Survcyors of Kcnya (I.S.K./- INoulRy WHEREAS I havc on my own accord dccidcd that an inquiry bc Bagcinc Shcm B, hcld into, thc by-laws, workinq and financial conditions of Nacico Ezckgcl E. Ngari, Co-opcrativc Savfngs and Crcdlt Socicty Limitcd (C&24(M). and in Jamcs Njcru Murithi, accordancc with scction 58 of thc Co-opcrativc Socictics. Act. Kariuki P. Njorogc, Kabilah G. E. Awuor, :Now thcrcforc, I authorizc ('' 1 ')' W illiam Kilcl'. Co-opcrativc Au- Stcphcn E. Kituuka (Dr.), dl. tor, Kapsabct and (2) Frcdrick Kaduka. Co-opc. .ràtivc Ofticcr, Maina J. Kimcrc, n ika, to hold an inquiry within onc (1) month from thc datc .thcrcof Mugambi 1. Marctc, at such placc and timc as may bc cxpcdicnt and duly notificd by thcm. Mugo M. Wanjohi, Mbuthia W. Gichuki, Thc attention of alI officcrs and mcmbcrs of thc socicty is dircctcd Njagi S. B. Chcrub, to thc followipg scctions of thc Co-oN rativc Socictics Act. Simiyu J. Wabanda, Scction. &) (1 st of inquiry. n andi W inston M. Scction &) (z/-rccovcry of costs cxpcnscs. Scction gG-offcnccs'. Datcd tllc 1st Novcmbcr, 2tY . Datcd thc 2nd Novcmber, 2(KX. H . A. EDAGW A. J. M. MUTHURANIA, Registrar. Registrar of Co-operative Societies. ' G/tzs'l-l's No.I'IcE No. 7526 GAzE'l-l'E Noh'lcs No. 7523 THE PHYSICAL PLANNING AW THE VALUERS AW (No. 6 of 1996) (Cap. 532) Covpue'l'lox ora P-R'l' DsvsuoeMexel' PLAN ' THE VALUBRS REGISTRATION BOARD (PDP. No. 17584/2(+ /1 for th e Exùting Site for NgJ#JO W'lfer Consumers Association) DeRsoIs'l'RA;1'IoN IN ACCORDANCE with secsion 15 (1) (b) of thc Valucrs Act, it is NOTICE is givcn that thc prcparation of thc above-nymcd part notificd for gcneral information that the following mcmbcrs havc bccn development plan was on 9th Junc, 2(Gj, complctcd. rcmoocd from thc rcgistcr duc to non-paymcnt of prcscribcd fccs to 'I'he part dcvelopmcnt plan rclatcs to land situatcd within Kian- thc Board- jokoma. ' Mary W .Kak ria , . Copics of the part develppment plan havc been dcpositcd for public Joscpllat K. Maina, inspection at thc office of the Distnct Physical Planning Ofticcr, Town Jamcs M. Njcru, Hall, Embu, P.O. Box 331, Embu and the Embu County. Council Joben Joshua Ngari, notice board, *ee of charge . by all persons intçrcsted at thc Gracc K. K. Wakaba, above-mcntioned offices, between the'hours of 8.(f a-m. to 5.œ p.m., àtcphcn E. Kituuka, Mopday to Flidyy. Patrick N. Flatt, Picrcc N. Kariuki, Any interested person who wishes to make any representatipn in Mbugua Mungai. connection with or objcction to tlie above-named part developmcnt Francis B. Oticno, plan may send such representations or objections in writing to bc Shcm B. Bagcinc, received by the District Physical Planning Officcr, P.O. Box 331 , Sarah W . Ngugi, Embu, within sixty (*) days from the date of publicatipn of this notice E. B. Mburunga, and such representation or objcction shall state the ground on which it Samson 0. O n'nda, is made. ' Jamcs M . n ca, Samucl A. Mwaiy Datcd the 7th Novcmber, zte . Jcnifcr C. Murigu, J. K. KARIUKI. David K. B. Rutto, Dutrkt Physical Planning Oflicer, S. H. Otieno, . Embu. 2530

Gxzzrl-l's No'lqlcE! No. 7530 GAZE'I-I'E No'!'If'c No. 7527 . THE PHYSICAL PLANNING AG THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (No. 6 of I 9*) (Cap. 53) COMPLE'I'ION olf P>wR'r DEYELOPMEN'P PLAN Rscslvlxcr ORDER (PDP. No. 1#/7/5/339/21*:G3 for llle Existing s'àc for Ncfitlrlaf Name of debtor.-lnmcs Otita. Housing C>orporation Eefe at Mbate Town) Address.-p.o. Box 4470,* Kisumu. NOTICE is givcn that thc prcparation of thc abovc-namcd part Date of afsf?/: petition.-3çd March, 2(XX). dcvclopmcnt plan is complctc. Courl.-l-ligb Court of Kenya at Kisumu. Number of 'nct/en...-d of 2f.K . insApe ctoipoyn aotf îhthcc odffeicvcsl oopfm thccn tD Iljsatrnic th aPsh ybscican! Pdlcapnonsigtcgd ö ffotkr gpru abnlidc Date of crden-l8tll March, 2(X%. thc Town Clcrk, Mbale. frcc of chargc by alI pcrsons intcrcstcd at thc Petitioner.-ïkbtoï. abovc-mcntioncd officcs, bctwccn thc hours of i1.* aam. to 5.* p.m.. Act or ccf.ç o/scnkruplcy.-prescntation of a bankruptcy pctition by a Moaday to Friday . dcbtor against himself. Any interestcd person who wishes to make any tcprcsentation in Dqrtte c,f hrst zrleelfng ,of creditors.-lhb Novcmber, 2(G). conncction with or objcction to slle ahwc-named part dcvclopmcnt plan may scnd such rcprcscntations or objcctions in writing to bc Imst dllc of receiving proof.-31st Octobcr, 2(X#). rcccivcd by tlw District Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 1072. Dated thc 5th fktober, 2(XK). Maragoli, within sixty (f*) days from thc datc of publicatiofl of this noticc and such rcprcsentation or objcction shall statc thc ground on JOSEPHINE OGOLA, which it is madc. . for Official Receiven Dated thc 9th May, 2(/.*. ANYERA OMUKOKO. District Physical Planning Om cer, Vihiga.

GAzE'l-l's No'l'lc'E No. 7531 :HB BANKRUFCCY ACT Gzxzs'l-lhe No'I'IcE No 7528 (Cap. 53) Rscslvlxc OROER THE COMPANIES AW Name of Jehl/n-Erncst Kinyangi Mutembci. (Cap. 486) Address.-p.o. Mahanga. ANo Date of #/ïag petition.-llst January, 2(œ . IN THE MAW ER OF SW ANAIR TRAVEL AND Ctwrf.-lligh Court of Kcnya at Kisumu. SAFARIS LIMITED Number 0./ matter-k of 2(q). Dàte () IN THF HiGH COURT OF KENYA AT MILIMANI ./ orderv-l7th January, 2(kX). CQMMERCIAL COURTS, NAIROBI Petitionec-DcbLoç. W lxolNo-ue CAuss No, 9 orz 1999 Act or ccla o.f Slnàzl/pfcy.-presentatiop of a bankruptcy petition by a dcbtor against himsclf. ' Name of c/-rflzly.--swanair Travcl and Safaris Limitcd. DatL of first meeting of credi/tm .-17th Novcmbcr,' 2(K . Address of rrgglere': t#ice.-L.R. No. 2*/1293, Vcdic Housc. Regiatered postal address.-P.o. Box 43503, Nairobi. Last daie of receiving /1?.t)t7/-17th Octobcr, 2(Y . Date of preleatalioa.-lztb Fcbruary, 1A9. Datcd thc 3rd Octobcr, 2(m . JOSEPHINE OGOLA, Dated thc 31st October, 2(Y . ' for Omcial Receiver. ' . B.. W .' GACHEGU, Senior De/wly Oflicial Receiver.

' GytzE'I-l'E No'l.lcs No. 7532 Gaze'l-d'e No'I'IcE No. 7529 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap. 53) ' THE BANKRPN CY AW Rscslvlxo O RDER (Cap. 53) Name of tftW/cm-fharles Apiare Angosc. ltscelvlxo OROER Address.-p.o. Box 40, Mahanga. Name of debtorï-htub Sumant Patel. Date of Jflïag petition.-zzud Junck 2(m . Address.-P-o. Box 63127, Naiçobi. Court.-Higb Court of Kenya at Kisumu. Deaçcrfpfitza.- Businesslnan. Number of matten-j3 of 2(m . Date of Jfling petition.--hq October, 2(KK). Date of or#er.-22nd June, 2(Y . C'twrl.-l-ligh Court of Kenya, Milimani Commercial Courts. Petitionec-' Debtor. Number of matten-Az of 2(e . Act or Jca ofBankruptèy.-pïesentation of a bankruptcy pctition by a Date of tvder.=12th October, 2(m : ' debtor against himself. W hether debtor's or creditpr's peziliorl.- Dcbtor's. Date of first meeting of creditors.-zoth November, 2tXX. Zcf or tzcl.q of Imnkruptcy.-Debtor is unable tp pay his debts. Last date of rqceiving praa/'.-17th Octobfcr, 2(Gj. Dated tht 25th October, 2(uj. Dated tbe 5th Ocyober, 2(G )- W . K. T. RICHU, JOSEPHINE OGOLA, Senior Deputy Omcial Receiver. ' for O//2cfc/ Receiver. 17th November, 2(100 THE KENYA GAZEU E 2531

Gzxzs'l-l's No'i'lcs No. 7533 G zxxE'l'l'B Ncxl'lcs No.' 7536 THE BANKRUFTCY ACT THE INTERNAL LOANS AW (Cap. 53) (tap. 420) ' RECEIVING O ROSR RsosMe'rloN No'rlcs rzoR [email protected] % KsNv- S'I'ocK 21+ Name of tfchfor.-lagdish Narottam Raniga. THE Ccntral Bank of Kcnya on Y half of thc Pcrmancnt Sccrctary Addren.-P.o. Box 223, Kisumu. to thc Trcasury gfvc: noticc that unœr v tion 7 (rcviscd 1979) of thc Intcrnal Loans Act, the Govcrnmcnt of thc Rcpublic of Kenya will Dexcrl/tfon.-Busincssman. rcdccm at par thc abovc stock outstanping on Yth Dcccmbcr, 2(* Date of Jilfag petition.--stb Dcccmer. 19*. from which datc thc stock shall accruc no furtlwr intcrcst. Colfrl.- l-liglk Court of Kcnyà at Kisumu. n c. stock rcgistcr will bc closcd on n h Novcmbcr, 2(G ), for Number of matten-zk of 1999. paymcnt of intercst and rcdcmption prtKccds to thc holdcrs in whosc Date of tlrtfen--8th Deccmbcr, 1999. namcs thc stocks arc rcgistcrcd at thc closc of busincss on that datc. Petitioner.- Bcbtoç. Stockholdcrs should forward thc original stx k ccrtificatcs to thc * Act or tlc/a of Slnkrupfcy.-prcsentation of a banknzptcy Ntition by a Ccntral Bank of Kcnya for rcdclplion. dcbtor against himsclf. Datcd thc Rh Novcmbcr, 2(KO. Date of first meeting of credftor.ç.mzgth Decembcr, 2f.M . M. N. ONYANGO, Last date of receiving prtY/-30th Novcmbcr, 2tR . Deputy Director, National Debt Of/ice, Datcd thc 5th Octobcr, 2(m . Central Bank of Kenya, JOSEPHINE OGOLA, P. 0. Box * , Nairobi. for W/icfl/ Receiver.

G>zE'l-!'E No'l'Ik7E No. 7537 THE AFRICAN CHRISTIAN MARéIAGE G>zE'1-I's No'l'lcs No. 7534 AND DIVORCE AG ' THE BANKRUFTCY ACT fcap. 151) (Cap. 53) MINIS-I'ERS LlcsNssp 'ro CsussRA.'l's MARRIAOES ' - . . . RECEIVING ORDER NOTICE is qivcn that in cxcrcisc of tbc powcrs confcrrcd by x. cdo,;, .è.'jq: Name of destgn-lxonard Ochanjo Dhine. 6 (1) of thc Afnctm Cbristian Marriagc and Divorcc Act, thc ministers Addresr-p.o. Box 18, Nyande. namcd in thc schcdulc hcrcto havc bccn lkcnxd to cclcbratc marriagcs undcr thc provisions of sucb Act. Date of Ji/ing petition.-lgbb March, I9*. fbllr/.-l-ligb Court of Kcnya at Kisumu. Scllsoul.s Number of matter.-A of 19*. Denomination.- hîAœ lndcm ndcnt Pcntccostal Church of Africa. Date of order.-hb April, 19*. ' Names of znfngterw.' ' Pefifkmer-- Dcbtor. Rcv. Bishdp Samson Muthuri M'Tuaruchiu. Act or Jca of 'Jakrupfcy.-presentation of a bankruptc'y petition.by a Pastor Andrcw Mbaya. dcbtor against himself. Pastpr Japhcth Riungu. Pmstor Francis Gatambia Nyptu. Date of #r,:l meeting of cr'editors.-l3çd Novémber, 2(Y . Pastor Japlleth Muthamia. Last zl/le of receiving proo/t-Drd October, 2(K . Deaopzf- tioa.-fhurch of Christ in Africa. Dated tlw 5th OctoY r, 2(G). Names of rzlfalwerr JDSEPHINE OGOLA, ' Rcv. Fr. Habakkuk Onyango Abongo. for Oflicial Receiver. Rcv. Fr. Hczbon Xdakala W%wa. Rcv. Fr. W illiam Okcllo. Rcv. Fr. Bcnjamin Kcta. Rcv. Fr. Jcrcmiah Otieno W oga. Rcv. Fr. Nclson Ochieng'. Deao-f- llkm.-kcdecmcd Gospcl Church. Namea of zniniçlerr . GAzE'l-1's No'l'lcs No. 7535 Rcv. Julius Wambua. Rcv. Cosmos Mwanzia. THE BANKRUFTCY AG Rcv. John Mbithi. (Cap. 53) Rov. Julius Munyao. Rcv. Patrkk Makewa. RRcE' IVING ORDER Rcv. Frcdrick Ndunda. Name of Jeblon-lohn Wanjala Btsulu. Rcv. Stcphen Kanyia. Rev. Dominic Muoki. Addresr-p.o. Box 201, Chwele. Bungoma. Rev. Gidcon Nzioki. Collrt- lligh Court of Kenya at Milimapi Commercial Courts. Rev. Pctros Kalii. Rcv. Titus Munuve. Number of - fter.-38 of 1M . Rev. Philip Mutia. Date of tvtfen-dth February, 2(m . Whether debtor's or creditor's petition-- W btofs. Deaople lfoa.--siloam Outreach Centrc. Acl or acts of S#nkrlelcy.-presentatioil of a bgnknzptcy mtition by a Name.s of llfafyrerw.' , debtor against himself. ' Bishop Nicholas Mulea. Dated the 29th September, 2(m . Rcv. Patrick Maithya. W . K. T. RICHU, Denomination.-Boy Baptist Church. Senior Deple qscial Receiver. Name of Yaglen-Rcv. n omas 1. Ambani. ' 2532 THE KENY A GAZETTE l 7th Novem ber. (2()4)()

SCIIEDULE..-.(Ct?/JJ.I Sc'IILDuuEr-.y)Ct7?7l#.) Denonqination.-guwc Holy Ghost Church of E. A. benomination.-Eïvangc3isLqc sponsors Association. Names of ministers: Names of ministers: Bishop Elijah Omuga Magak. Rcv. Fredrick Wamàura. John Odundo Odck. Rcv. Pattcrson Mwanguo. Samucl Owuor Opanga. Rcv. Samucl Karanja. Dentzzninulfon.-pentccostal Rcviva! Ccntrc. Denomintttion.--cntbobLc Archdioccsc of Mombasa. Names of ministers: Rcv. Shadrack Omuhambe. Names of ministers: Pastor Osham Omindc. Rcv. Fr. Valcrian Kilep. Pastor Rodgcrs Karogoni. Rcv. Fr. Julius Kabatercinc. Pastor Fràncis Kimemia. Derlornï- ffoni-fatllolic. Dioccsc df Lodwar. Pastor Tom Ukiru. Denomination.-Bkoccsc of Kirinyaga (ACK). Namt's of ministers: Rcv. Fr. Pedro Quilla Torres IMCC-JI. Names of ministers: Rcv. Fr. Patrick J. Harrington. Rcv. Joycc Kagurc Gakhenz. Rcv. F4. Alphonsc Odongkara. Rcv. Isaiah Githu W aircgi. Rcv. Fr. Joscph Sscbyala. Rcv. Daniel Ndilitu Kariuki. Rcv. John Bosco' Mwai Inzngu. ' Denomination.-xàtbpbkc Dioccse of Ngong. Rev. Pctcr Kiritu Mwai. . Na'nes of vfaiçferl; ' Denomination.-Yabtb Rcvival Fellowship. Rev. Fr. John Ntiseiyia. Rcv. Fr. Paulo Damin (F.D.P.). Namea of zalg/erm' Pastor Annie Ng'anfa. Denfm fnlàba.-ratholic Dioccsc of Nairobi. Pastor Donald Mutiso. Namq's of minhters: Pastor Davis Kissaru. Rcv. Fr. Emmanucl Mchopa 's.J-. Pastor Danicl Kariuki. Rcv. Fr. lcrry Whclan s.J'. Pastor Julius Kiguta. Rcv. Fr. Gcorgc smitha M. Afr. Pastor Boaz M anoa. Rcv. Fr. Edward M . Gormaro, O.P. Denomination.- Hzçc Am I Scnd Me Ministrics. Rcv. Fr. Kicran Hialy, O.P. Rcv. Fr. M ichacl K. Gitau. Names of ministers: Rcv. Fr. Jamcs W csonga Maloba. W ilson Oloo Chamba. Rcv. Fr. Nicholas Owino Onyach, FMH. Iulius N. Okhalo. Rcv. Fr. Francis 'Ngumi Kamau, FM H. Datcd the 26th Octobcr, 2(G). B. W . GACHEGU, Derloe rllffon.-Kigongona Kuhandwo ni Kristo. Senior Deplzly Registrar-General. Names of ministers: Harun' Kfnyanjui Muchcru. Solomon Mburu Muimri. G.AzE'l-l's Ncxl'pc-E No. 7538 Denomination.-Ncw Christian Evangclist Association Pcntccost. THY LOCAL GOVERNMùxv woy Names of mirlivferz; (Cap. 265) Bishop Joscph Okulo Ojal. THs couxa'v couNc'ù op MASAKU Pctcr Juma Odindo. Fsss ANo c llA 'pon 'nte Yexu 2(x*/21)1 Hcsbon Odhiambo Bonyo. .ltoss Denomination.-W omcn with a Cal! International. IN EXERCISE of thc m wcrs confcrrcd by scction 148 of thc Local Govcrnmcnt Act, thc County Council of Mmsaku, has with tllc Name of vfaiçfen-Miriam Gichung'wa. approval of . tlw Ministcr for Local Govcrnmcnt, imposcd thc benomination.-Rcvkk'at for World Crusadc. following fees and clmrgcs with cffcct from 21st August, 2(K . Name of vlïzliçten-Rcv. Sammy Lio. scllsogt.s Denomination.-Akoïàno Holy Christian Church. Approved fees and Names of ministers: Itetn charges Ibrahim Chahira. Joscph Wainaina. Ksh Dex rnf- fion.-Mount Zion Pentccostal Apostolic Fellowship. Musl-cj-a n , dl-%o !)layc r r nI-gh t ) ...... 630 I1cc htlncy r ttlc 251) rnl ...... ,...... 2 Names of viaiçterz; 5 Pastor Johpson Wawcru Karuga. Other to follow pro-rata: ' Ev. Paul Mwaura Njorogc. Mikokotent' (pusll cart) opcrators 'pc. r day ...... ' 20 Denomination.-D c AN stlcs Church. Penalty for dumpin parking pn-vatc pro rty on ' '1 1 nd a ' 5,e Names of ministers: Occupational rmit for hawkcrs without rmit Pastor David 0. Jcssc. r day c-g. clothcs, utcnsils, ctc, r day .. .- ...... lœ Pastor Josc N. Kamau. Application for c'hangc of tradc ...... 520 Application for changc of rmit from onc vchiclc Denomfnlffon.--christian W orship Church of Kcnya. ttl antltllc r ...... '...... 1,A Name of mfalfen-pastor Pctcr Wandcto Kimaru. Occasional rmit with' motor vchiclc in markct pcr Den' o/ni- lfox.- lntcrnaîional Jordan Mission. Bctting at o n market whcn granted rmission by' Name of mfe fen-Apostle Aggrcy Mutaganzwa. 730 Deao-i-litm.-ltevclation Centrc. Per'mit for' Names of vlia9lev.' 320 Bishop Chadcs Mwaura Njorogc. 260 Pastor David Wamagata Kàranja. 110 'ScI IEIEIL'LE--YCCI?IIJ. ) ScI IeDuLE- (C@afd.) Approved Approved fees and fees and j leFn' c/mrgek ltem charges KSh. KSh. 530 r ry o f 8 t () n s a n tl tlclow I)c r r:l ç) n t h ...... 12,000 70 rry ç)f 1 0 tçlns rxlr rntlnth ...... 15,000 1G) 2œ . Other Rivers: S#) S#) 630 1 O ,,N#) 2 , 1t.#) ' 6 3(:) 6,3(#) 2(:) 5(#) 1(:) 751) 5() 8,41:) 630 2 1 () Penalty of 50% for renewdlapplication for Occupational Permit after 31st Jtmlzary.' ' 53() 2 , 1 t#? 2, 1(x) 4,2(:) 5.(::) 4,*:) 3,150 1,fG ) 3,150 > ) 260 1œ 50 1,fG 17,850 7,350 50 950 7,A

50 20


w, bull. s. tccr, hcifcr and donkcy from onc council to anothcr council within thc district' ...... 40 w, bull, stccr, hcifer and donkcy outsidc counkil 1''un'sdiction or district ...... , ...... fkl Goat and shccp outsidc council arca of jun'sdiction ..... 20 Hirc of council shovcl/dozcr G r hour plus 1% l .. 'Iirc t)f shtlvcl/gratlcr Iycr krn...... 1 1 () (ltlrnrncrcial tlcll*vcry I1.a...... 2, é;an tI rc rnov al and tra ns& > tl-on-...... L...... 1 , A lication for ' sand G rmit p.a. N r month sand from A'wc Mutt's ya and SJlAlW a#' Minyalala Rlwrr rry (,f 8 ttlns an(I I3cIt)1v l>cr trill ...... -...... I-tlrry ()f 163 ttlfl: I>er trill ..-...... -'...... e 1!1)0 2534

ScI!Eout-E-4Ctm/#.) Sclleouuf . /NCc;d':/.h ' Approked Approved fees and fees and charges Item c/lzlr#e.K KSh. KSh. 3,e 530 6,e 1,050 21,% 320 34,% 1,050 78.% 530 ' 3 >5* 420 7,e 200 33,% 3,150 42,% 530 94,5œ 4,e 7,5* 36.% 105,% .5,% 9,e 43,* 58,% 131,250

200 300

200 300

200 300 40 15 1,NX) 700 20 100 /50 5 10 7œ 20 1,(XX) N 4* 200 300 10 10,000 10 100 10 300 20 5 10 1,e 10 5,e 10

1,(KX) 2,e 3,e

30 200 100 2* lp 20 75 10 50

1,2œ 50 1,(KX 75 250 200 4œ

110 4* ScIIsDut-E- (Corlltf.) ScI IEDtJL.E-((%rl/#.) Approved Approved fees and fees qnd Item charges ltem charges KSh. KSh. 7*

10 50 35 20

130 110 80 30 1,e 1,e 1.e 1,NX) 2,1* 1,ff#) 1 ,050 420 1 .3(X) 530 2,(% ) 1,050 1 ,054) 1,e 530 1(X) 45 1,fœ 6 530 3 5* 1/50 /$0 . 1,(e 1,5*

1,5* 1 ,2œ 4* 1,A 3 1 530 1,050 2,e 2,e 1,050. 1,050 IZ.S 1,050 30 110 50 210 100 320*

15 25 1,3* 1,fa)

1,NX) 5,250 1 5 530 20 530 3,150 2œ 1,e 1œ 530 530 1,5œ 1,050 1,2* ScI IsDuus-4C/nl#.) b0th such fflic and imprisonment as providcd by scctfon 257 of Cap. 265 of thc Local Govcrnmcnt Act. . :4 Pproved fees gnd By ordcr of thc County Council of Masaku. ltem (Wlrge.: KSh. Datcd thc 27th Scptember. 2(œ . l4irc c)f c()u nc1-l ltlrry pcr day ...... 6, B. M . w A KABO 1. llirc ()f c()u ncil Içlrry rq)r k rn...... -...... 1 (%) Acting county èlerk. Non-paymgnt of pirking fccs pcç day r vçhiclc ...... 5œ GAzs'l-l'p: Nc)'I'lcs No. 7539 (IIaSS tlialçr Ih.a...... 2,450 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT CqNol'r'loNs (Cap. 265) (a) AIl tradcrs arc rcquircd to pay thcir pcrmits bcforc 30th Junc, of ' thv calendcr ycar, aftcr which, pcnalty of thc pcrmit will bc THE TOW N COUNCIL OF MALAVA impescd. AepRovAu oc Bv-uAws IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs conferrcd by scction 205 of thc Local (b) Thcr? shal! bç a pcnahy of 50 per ccnt of cach pcrmit aftc,ç 30th Govcrnmcnt Act, thc Town Council of Malava. with thc approval of Junc. 75 pcr ccnt fcc aftcr 30th Scptcmbcr, of thc calcndcr ycar. thc Ministcr for Local Governmcnt adoptcd thc four Iistcd hcrcin by-laws cffcctivc 1st Novembcr, 2(G). (c) Evcry gcrmit or markçt fccs rcccipts (B.M.TS.) issucd undcr this rcsolutlon shall be produced for inspcction to any policc officcr. (J) Thc Town Council of Malava Gcncral Nuisance By-laws. hcalth officcr, rcvcnuc officgr, markct mastcr or any cmploycc of (b) n c Town Council of Malava Parking Plaçcs and Omnibus thc council. It shall bc displaycd. at a conspicuous placc, Stations By-laws. convcnicnt for inspcction as aforcsaid failurc to do so will constitutc an offcncc. (c) Thc Town Council of Malava Public Markcts By-laws. (d) Thc Town Council of Malava Liccnsing of Prcmiscs and Tradc By-laws. (d) Any pcrson who contravcncs paymcnt of a pcrmit or markct fccs (B.M.T.'s) shall bc guilty of an offcncç. By ordcr of thc Town Council of Malava. Datcd thc 1st Novcmbcr, 2(e . (e) Any pcron guilty of an offcncc undcr this rcsolution shall ebon EVANS LAVUSA, convictionn bc liablc to a finc not cxcccding six (6) months or to Acting Town Clerk. .

GAzH'I-I'E! No'I'Ic: No. 754() THE KENYA POW ER AND LIGHTING COMPANY LIMITED SCHEDULE OF TARIFFS AND RATES. 2000, FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY Fl-lsu Cos'l. Ao.Ius'I'uEN'I' PURSUANT to clause I of part III of the schedulc of tariffs and ratcs. 20()(3. noticc is givcn that all priccs for clectrical cnergy specified in part 11 of the said schedule will bc Iiable to a fucl cost adjustment of plus 326 ccnts per kWh. for all mcter rcadings takcn in Novcmber. 2t)00.

& 1 its in kw/1 . ' (Gi)

1 5 .51 0.26 l l a()25.l(X) 15.47 0.46 42.893,500 34 . 1 5 3. 1 1 25,836,065 30 . 1 1 (0 . l l ) 2 l .326,553 44.32 2. 1 9 6.37 l ,(X)t) 22.92 (1 .06) 23,30().904) 36.26 908.l(X) 28. 15 4.77 32,504. 1 5() 28.57 3,895.946 28.57 5, l 54.540 32.81 0.76 544.495 31 .95 2.24 366,620 51 .21 (0.08) 160.369 56. 1 3 (0.08) l 7 l ,360 33.9 1 1 .03 232,043 39.57 (0.09) 240s580 53.27 (0.08) 1 1 2,700

Tgtal units gencratcd and purchascd including Hydro. (G) -326,237.233 kWh. '

J. N. KIMANI, Company Secretary. 1 7th November. 2t)t)() THE KENYA GAZETTE 2537

GAZE'I-I 'E No'1'IcE Nc) . 754 l THE KENYA POW BR AND LIGHTING COMPANY LIMITED SCHEDULE OF TARIFFS AND RATES. 2()(X), FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY Fonslo?.1 Exc'l lAxciE Futlc'l't/A'lqloN ADJUS.I'MEN'I' PURSUANT to clausc 2 of part Ill of the schedulc of tariffs and tatcs, 2()()(1. ,notice is givcn that alI priccs for electrictll erlcrgy specified in part 11 2o(f: *t/hè).e said schedulc. will bc liablt to 1 foreign exchangc fluctuation adjustmcnt of *n lus 56 cc'nts pcr kWh. for a1l mcter rtadings takcn in Noyembçr, INFORMA'I'ION UNBD .1.t) CALCtJLA.I'E .1.1 IF. ADJt7s.l'MEN't' KenGen (Y) K. P. L. C. (ZF) Total (ZF + F/

Exchangc ' .35.* 1 .248.85 ,I' 1 19.318.623.64 .155,(389,872.49 Galn/boss

Total units gêncratcd and ptlrchascd in October. 2(u) (G) . 326.237.233 kWh. . J . x. KIMANI., Company Jecre/fzry.

4 GAzE'1-l'e N()'l'lç.E No. 7542 rcportcd a: lost or misplaccd. Noticc is givcn that enlcss objcction is STANHOPE ENGINEERS LIMITED dload gs cfdr otom ththcc codantcra oryf atht itsh cn otficficc of th: company within thiety (30) , a duplicatc pollcy will bc issucd. DlseosAu oc UNcot-t-ecl.so Gooos Whzh Will bc thc solc cvidcncc of thc contract. NOTICE is issucd pursnant to thc provisions of tllc' Dlsposal of Datcd thc 27th Octobcr, 2(K . Uncoffcctcd Goods Act (Cap. 38.), to Austin Kamunyi, of P:O. Box P. S. IRUNGU, 11fW, Embu, thc owncr of motor vchiclc. rcgistration No. KVJ 221 , Peugcot Saloon, to take dclivûry of thc said motor vchicle from General Manager. Stanhopc Enginccrs Limitcd along Dar-cs-salaam Road. lndustrial . t Arca, Nairobi, within thirty (30) days ftom thc datc of publication of this nolicc upon paymcnt of rcpair chargcs, storafc fccs and a'ny incidcntal costs including thc cost of publishing thls noticc, failing which thc said motor vchiclc will bcvsold cithcr by public auction or private trcaty and thc procccds of tlw sale shall bc uscd to dcfray thc outstandinp amount of rcpairs, storagc chargcs plus othcr incidcntals GAzE'I-1'u N(è)'l'lt'E! N(). 7545 to Stanhopc Enginccrs Limiied, and should thcrc bc a shortfall, thc owncr shall bc Iiablc. H DELITY SHIELD INSURANCE COMPANY LIM ITED Datcd thc 5th July, 2tXX). (Incorporated in 'Kcnya) D. N. WAM AE, Hcad Offitc: P.O. Box 47435. Nairobi Director. Loss ov Pot-jc'v GAzs'l-l's No.l'Ic'B No. 7543 Po/fcy No. 1 132*, in thq name and on the ll/e of Munya Mtzffu. MADISON INSURANCE APPIJCATION has bccn made to this companjrfor thc isstm of a duplicatc of thc Rbovc-numbcrcd policy, thc onginal having becn Loss orz Poulclss reported as lost or misphced. Notice is given that unlcq objcction is Potky N::. LD3247142, L*3232661, LC3234786, LR32b3111, lodgcd to thc contrary at thc officc of thc complmy withln thirty (30) L232270*. and LB 3245795, for Luke Chisindayi 3,14,14:/, of #.0. day: from thc datc of this noticc, a duplicatc pohcy will bc issucd, Hox 1514, Kitale; Roscah Fgleay< lndombo, of P.O.. Box 984, which wil bc the solc cvidcncc of thc cont/act. Xtlkfmegl; Zablon Nyanumba, of P. 0. Box &, Keblrigo; Rartha Fekew, of P.O. Box 311, Wutlgo/al; Maurke Ogcd, Ochanda, of Datcd thc 26th Octobcr, 2(m . . P. 0. Box m, Ugunja and Kibet Kiplagat; of P.O. Box 1*, Tengeh R S. IRUNOU, respecdvely. General A/l/ltlger. NOTICE is givcp that cviduncc of loss or dcstruction of thc abovc-namcd policy docomcnts bas bcen submittcd to thc company and any pcrson in posscsxion of thc policy documcnts or claimîng to have intcrcst thcrc'ln sàonld communicqte within thirty (30) days by crczgtjttwcrdc dc opoics:t owfi th ct hpco lcicoicmsp walhvlc, hf sahilainllg baen !yh cs uscohle croymidmcpucncic oafti othnc, contratts will bc issucd. ' . GAzE'l-l.B No'I'lcE No. 7546 Datcd thc 26th 0. ctobcr, 2(Y . F CHANGE OF NAME . MUCHIRI, ' NOTICE is given that by a decd J)oll datcd 15th Aprils 2(G), duly'. General #/aglger. cxccutcd a:d reglqtcred in the Rcglstry of Documents at Nairobi as Prcscntation No. 281, in Volumc Dl, Folio 895/355, Filc No. DXXIX, GAzE'I-rE No'lncE No. 75M by mc, Kigcri Nyumu Karanja, of P.O. Box 895, n ika in thc Republlc of Kcnyay'. fornwrly known as Kagiri Kuria, formally and. abjolutcly renounccd and abandoned thc usc of my formcr namc FIDELIW SHIELD INSURANCE COMPANY LIMXED Kagiri Kuria. and in Iieu thcrcof assumed and adoptcd thc namc (lnco> ratcd in Kcpya) Kigeri Nyumu Karanja. for a11 purposcs aad.authorizc and requcst a11 Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 47435, Nalrobi persolts at alI timcs to designatc, dcscribc and address mc by my assumed name Kigeri Nyumu Karanja only. :,0% op Poucy Datcd thc 12th Scptctlibcr, 2tY . Polky No. 1 15854, In the atl-e qnd on the 1ITe ofNancy lmali Xelrc. APPLICATION has bûcn madc to this company for thelssuc of a KIGERI NYUMU KARANIA, duplicatc of the above-numbcrcd N licy, thc original heving bcon formerly knobvn t?y Kagiri Kurla. 2538

N0W ON SALE RTANT NO TICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE 4: NYA GAZETTE'' REPORT OF THE PUBLIC THE following notcs al'c for thc guidancc of N rsons submitting tscopy' AC CO U NTS CO M M ITTEE O N fqr inclusion in thc Kenya Gazette. s'lzrpfelpeal, ctc. : ( l ) n e Kenya Gazette contains noticcs of a gçncral naturc which do not affect lcjislation: Thcy arc. thcrcforc submittcd to ybc Governmcnt THE GOW RNM ENT OF Printer directly. ' K ENYA A CCO UN TS FO R (2) Legislative vqupplement contains Rulcs and Rcgulations which arc issucd by the ccntral Government. Because of this they must txl submittcd to tilc Government Pr* tluough tlw office of tiw THE YEAR 1996/97 Attorncy-Gcncral- ' (3) Bill Supplement contains Bills whe' ' aa Rx' +tnxlgction in tlw V olum e I National AsKmbly. (4) Acl Supplement contains Acts pasxd by the N -' - ' '*1 Avvhmbly. Al1 *scopyn submittéd for publication should lx prcparcd (m (* *' 4 Price: KSh. 1,(Y an A4 shect no mattcr how small the notice is, each pagc being numlxrdd, and should tx tyy writtcn with double spacing. Cppy should lx clcar, Icgiblc and contain no alterations. ' Particular attention should ht paid to thc following points:

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