. w >. * . : ' l j ( N / > / xX C; ' x'->,e b ) - - $ N j K > R A & a B e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registercd .as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) . .- - m vol. CII- No. 72 NAIROBI, 17th Novem ber, 2000 Price Sh. 40 CO NTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES flazls'l '1 'L Nt7)'l ltr'cs (Conld.) - PAGS Thc Constitution of Kenyil Review Act- Appointment Local G overnment Noticcs . .. , 2532-2536 of (2tlrn rnissip ncrs, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' Thc Kenya Powcr and Lighting Colnpany Limitcd . Fuel Cost Adjustmenta etc, .. .. ' .. .. .. 2536-2537. 2500-2501 Disposal of Uncollcctcd Goods .. 2537 Liquor Liccnsing . .. t. I-flss L)f r>olfcies -. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. 2537 Thc Registration of Titlcs Act Issue of Provisional Change of Name (Tcrtificatcs .. .. .. .. .. .. .'. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 2537 Thc Rcgistercd Land Act lssue of Ncw Ccrtificatcs of Leasc ctc. ' . 2502-2504 Customs and Excisc Departmcnt Sale by Public SUPPLEM ENT No. 82 Auction, ctc. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2505-2506 Legislative Supplemen' t . Probatc and Administration .. 2506-2528 LCGAL- N()'1'1t'e Nc), PAGe Thc Valucrs Act Suspcnsion, ctc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. l36-The Customs and Excise (Exports) Thc Co-opcrativc Societics Act Extcnsion of Inquiry Rcgulations. 20t)0 . I'eriçlti, ctc. .. .. .. :. .. .. .. (Ptlblfshed as Spccial Isstle, on 10th November, 2tX#)) Thc Physical Planning Act-r omplction & Dcvclopmcnt Plans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2529-2530 Thc Companies Act- W inding-up .. .. .. .. 2530 SUPIYEMENT V . 83 Thc Bankruptcy Act Recciving Ordcrs .. 2530-2531 Bills, 2000 n c Intcrnal Lpans Act Redemption Noticc for 103/4 $o Kcùya Stock 201) . ' . Pxoe Thc African Christian M arriagc and Divorcc Act Thc Children Bill . 2000 . 1327 Ministcrs Liccnscd to Celcbrate Marriages .. .. .. .. 2531-2532 (Publishcd as Spccial lssucs on 14th Novèfnber, 2tXX)) (2499 GAZE'IM'E No'ncs No. 7362 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AG THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW ACT (No. 13 of 1997) ' (No. 13 of 1997) APPOIN'I'MEN'I' OF COMMISSIONERS APPOIN'I'MEN'I' Ol2 SECRE'I'ARY IN EXERCISE of tbc powers conferred by section 7 (7) of thc IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcrred by scction 11 (1) of the Constitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Act 1997, 1, Danicl Toroitich 'ltrap 'Constitution of Kenya Review Acts 1997. 1, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, Prtsidcnt and Commandcr-in-c, bief of the Armed Forccs of thc Moi, President and Comménder-in-chief of the Armed Forccs of thc ' Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- . Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- Zablon Fcnncr Ayonga (Pastor), APJI'IItJR OKo'l'1I OwlRo Phocbc Asiyo (Mrs.), Kavctsa Adagala (Ms.), to be sccretary of the Constitution of Kenya Rcvicw Commission, Yash Pa1 Ghai (Prof.), with dfcct from thc 10th Novcmber, 20œ . Githu Muigai. 0k0th Ogcndo (Prof.), Datcd thc loth Novcmber. 2(#f. Bcrnard Njorogc Kariuki (Bishop), D. T. ARAP M O I, John Mutakha Kangu, President. Mohammcd Abdallah Swazuri (Dr.), Ahmcd ldha Salim (Prof.), Kcriako Tobiko, Alicc Yano (Mrs.). Ahmcd Issack Hassan, GAzE'lïI'E Ncrl'lcs No Domisiano M. Ratanya, . 7366 Paul Musili Wambua, THE AUCTIONEERS ACT to bc commlssioncrs of thc Constitution of Kcnya Review Commis- (No. 5 of 1996) sion, witb dfcct from the 10th Novcmber. 20œ . REVOCA'I'ION OF APBoIN'I'MEN'I' Datcd thc 10t11 Novcmbcr, 2(Y . IN EXERCISE of thc*powcrs confcrrcd by scdions 3 and 7 of thc D. T. ARAP MOI, Auctionccrs Act, thc Chief Justicc, rcvokcs thc appointment of thc following officials of the Auctioncers Liccnsing Board- President. Kaburu Bauni- Member, Rosc Edwina Ougo--secretary. Gazcttc Noticc Nos. 71()0 and 6604 of 1999, arc similarly rcvoked. ' Datcd the 10th Novcmbcr, 2(:#). GAzeel-re Non'lcs No. 7363 BERNARD CHUNGA, THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AG Chief Justice. (No. 13 of 1997) AppoIN.l'MEN4' ol7 CIIAIRBERSON . IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcrrcd by scction 9 (1) of thc Ctmstitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Act 1997, 1. Danicl Toroitich arap Moi, Prcsidcnt and Commandcr-in-c, hicf of the Armcd B'orccs of thc GAzE'l-I'E No'l'lcc No. 7367 Rcpublic of Kcnya, appoint- THE AUCPIONEERS ACT ' YAsll PAt. GI#AI (PRorr.) (No. 5 oj 1996) AePoIN'1,MEN.l' op' BOARD MEMBERS to bc chairpcrson of thc Constitution of Kcnya Revicw Commission, witlî cffed from thc 10th Aovcmber, 2(Y . IT IS notifîcd for thc information of the gcncral public that ihc followiog officials have bcen appointcd to thc Agctionccrs Liccnsing Datcd thc 10th Novcmbcr, 2tX#). Board undcr scction 3 of thc. Auctionccrs Act-- D. T. ARAP MOl? Prest d ent . Jcssic W. LucslkL.- lchdirmanl; Members: Pcrmancnt Sccrctary/provincial Administration or his nomincc, Kaburu Bauni. GAZE'IX Novlcs No Pettcrson Munenc Kamaara, . 7364 Raychcllc Awuor Omamo, . THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW AW Dickson Karumc Kariuki, (No. 13 of 1997) Michact Mutahi Githaiga, Ata'BRNA'I'E' Cou-lssloxBRs Juma Athlqan Lugogo (Prof.). Chades Kiplangat arap Kcssc, . 1T IS notificd for thc information of thc gcncral public that pursuant to thc provisions of scction 7 (3) (b) of thc Constitution of Kcnya Daniel H. Omangi, Review Act, 1997, thc following shall bc thc altcrnatc commissioncrs Joscpl Nfang'a Ktmyukia, of thc Constitution of Kcnya Rcvicw Commission- Nathan Kahara, Bcnaa Lutta (Justicc (Rtd.)), . Dekow Mohammcd Dualc' Gcrry Kibarabara (Bishop (Dr.)), Christophcr G. Ali, Francis Enos Chogo, A. A. Nunow, David Nguli Kalua, Wilson .sitonik (Dr.), Rcm 0. Ogana, Mcrcy M. Mwamburi (Mrs.), John K. W anycla, M mothy 0. Omato, . Johnston Buycta Wcpukhulu.. Rosc Edwina Ougo.-lsecretary). Dated tlw 10th Novcmbcr, 2(KK). Dated th'c 10th kovcmbcr. 2(K . D. T. ARAB MOI BERNARD CHUNGA, Prestdent. Chief Jatice. Glzal-l's No'l,lce No. 7368 GzxzE'l-l'E No'l'lce No. 7371 THE TRADITIONAL LIOUOR LICENSING AG THE REGISYRATION OF TITLES AW Lcap. 281, section 71) (Cap. 122) Issuc ov A PRovfsloxAl- CsR')7p7cA'I'r THE NAIROBI TRADITIONAL LIQUOR LICENSING BOARD W HEREAS Mbololo Ushirika Company Limitcd : of P.O. Box 545, Voi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya. is rcgistcrcd as propnctor of that p-. .'v! Statutory M eeting of Iand known a' s L.R. No. 1956/1V/38 Voi, situatc within thc NOTICE is givcn Shat the ncxt statutory mecting of thc Nairobi Municipality of Voi, Taita- /eravcta District, hcld by a ccrtificatc of titlc Traditional Liquor Liccnsing Board will bc hcld at thc Provincial registcrcd as C.R. 1* 39/1 , and whcrcas suffiticnt cvidtncc has bccn Commissioncr's ofticc, Nyayo Housc. Kcnyatta Avcnue, on Mondays adduccd to show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc issucd 'thcrco'f has 4th Dcccmbcr. 2(G), at 10.œ a.m. bçen Iost, noticc is givcn that aftcr th: cxliration of nincty (.K) days from the datc hereof , I shall isspc a provisional ccrtifiçeatc of titlc Applicatlons to bc considcrcd at this mecting must bc receivcd at thc Provincial Commissioncr's Offige. P.O. Box 30124. Nairobi, providcd that no objcction has bccn rcccivcd 'Withfn thgt Nrie . bcforc 20th Octobcr, 2(G1. Datcd the 17th Novcmbcr. 2(K . F. B. KIRIAGO, Latc applications will only be considcrcd if rcccfvcd on or bcforc Règistràr .of Tides, Mombca. 10th Novcmbcr. 2tX#), and on paymcnt of a non-rçfundable fcc of KSh. 1œ , bcing Iatc application fçc. Applicants for ncw. transfcr, rcmoval or convcrsion of liccnccs must appcar in ptrson bcforc' tht Iiquor ficcnsing board or bc rcprcscntcd by an advocatc. GAzs'I-l's No'l'lcs No. 7372 Applicants arc adviscd to submit their applications in pcrson or by THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AW rcgistcred post using thc abovc addrcss. (Cap. 281. section 71) Issue or A PRovlsloNAu CsR'lqllqcaere Datcd thc 16th Octobcr. 2GX1. W HEREAS Bawazir Frnits Pro'ccssors Limitcd, of P.O. Box * 810, Mombasa .in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya. is rcgistcrcd as proprictor of tlmt C. K. MAINA. piccc of Ilmd known as L.R. No. 91219 (original No. 9122/2/3). North of . Mombasa Municipality, siluatc in thc district of Kilis, hcld by @ Chairmanb ccrtificatc of titlc rcgistcrcd as C.R. 15857, and wllcrcas sufficicnt Nairobi Traditional Iuiquor Licensing Board. cvidcncc has bccn edduccd lo show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc isspcd thcrcof has bccn fost, noticc is givcn that 'aftcr tbc cxpirRtion of ninety (90) days from thc datc hcrcof, I shall issuc a yrovisional ccrtificalc of tltlc provided thay no objcction has bccn rccmved within that pcriod. GAzsa-l's No'I'lcE No. 7369 Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2(Y . THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AW F. B. KIRIAGO, (Cep. 281 , section 71) Regiarar of Titleh M. ombaa. ISSIJB OF A PROVISIONAL CER'I'IFICA'I'E WHEREAS (1) Arnold Joscph Rodrigucs and (2) Nancy Kamkm Rodrigucs, lloth of P.O. Box 44056. Nairobi in (hc Rcpublic of GAzE'I-I'E No'I'ICE NO. 7373 Kcnya, arc rcgistcrcd as proprictors of that piccc of land known as L.R. No. 2*/1705/4, situatc in the city of Nairobi, by virtuc of a THE RBGISTRATION UF TITLES AW ccrtificatc of titlc rcgistcrcd as I-R. 46470/1 . and whercas sufficient (Cap. 281 , section 7 1 ) cvidcncc àas bccn adduccd to show that thc said ccrtificatc of titlc ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CER'I'IFIG 'I'E issucd thcrcof has bccn lost. noticc is given that aftcr thc cxpiration of W HEREAS Osodo Hagai, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in fcc simplc nincty (O) days from the datc hercof, I shall issuc a yrovisional of that picce of Iand known as subdivision No. 2*8 (original Nok ccrtificatc of titlc providçd that no objcction has bccn rccclvcd within l4àW53), scction 1. mainllnd north, situatc in thç Municipality of that pcriod. ' ' N o'mbasa, Mombasa District. hcld by a ccrtificayc of titlc rcgistcrcd a: Datcd thc 17th Novcmbcr, 2(e .
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