a tale of mystic actuality John Scott G Electric Goddess John Scott G Electric Goddess Copyright © 2021 by John Scott G johnscottg.com All rights reserved. gnud edition 2021_01_01 No portion of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. Oh sure, you’re allowed to use brief excerpts in a review, article, blog post, podcast, and/or social networking commentary, but that’s it, pal. Meanwhile, more legal stuff: The characters and events depicted herein are fictitious and any resemblance to individuals living, dead, undead, android, or spiritual is coincidental. The job of ‘tagging the Internet’ with the work of JSG is being handled by the magnificent men and wonderful women at Golosio Publishing, 5000 Beckley Avenue, Suite #44, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. Contact
[email protected] if you want to thank them. Funding for this endeavor comes from the Gruenberger Family Trust as well as contributions from Immedia, the Brian Forest Family, Edward and Pearl Geschke, Pandemonium Productions, the Guyette Family, Creative Communication, and a group of really groovy chicks ‘n’ cats of which you might one day be a part. Okay, get on with the journey now. GOLOSIO NONTRADITIONAL UNIVERSAL DISSEMINATION “Life, man, is like, totally fucking awesome!” — François VI, Duc de La Rochefoucauld (Quotation unverified at press time.) 2 Electric Goddess John Scott G “BANG!” Universe created (in theory). 3 Electric Goddess John Scott G 1 It begins lowly, majestically, the earth floated up toward the low-hanging branch of an elm tree. The orb moved obediently each time the little girl batted at it with her left hand.