September/October 2020 Vol. 27 No. 5 engineering and technology for a sustainable world September/October 2020 Magazine staff: Joseph C. Walker, Publisher,
[email protected]; Melissa Miller, Managing Editor,
[email protected]; Glenn Laing, Welcome to our eighth issue of EXPLORE! You might be getting ready to start a new chapter of Technical Editor,
[email protected]; your life. Maybe you will soon be leaving home for college, choosing a major, making new Sandy Rutter, Consultants Listings,
[email protected]; Darrin Drollinger, friends, searching for a career. Whatever path you take, it might all come together with agricul- Executive Director,
[email protected]. tural technology and systems management (ASM). EXPLORE is a good place to start your search, Editorial Board: Chair Stephen Zahos, you might just find the road to your future success on these pages. University of Illinois; Secretary/Vice Chair Erin Webb, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Past Chair Tony Grift, University of Illinois. If you aren’t familiar with an ag systems degree, read on! We think you will be impressed with the diverse and interesting possibilities—from hands-on internships and study abroad to jobs Board Members: Morgan Hayes, University of Kentucky; Deepak Kumar, University of Illinois; awaiting ag systems graduates. If you have decisions ahead, you may discover that you like Sushant Mehan, The Ohio State University; what ag systems has to offer. Gretchen Mosher, Iowa State University; Debabrata Sahoo, Clemson University; Leon Schumacher, University of Missouri; Brian 4 Your Ag Systems Questions Answered Steward, Iowa State University; Shane Williams, Kuhn North America.