MINUTES of and Ainderby Miers with Holtby Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 6 October 2016 in Hackforth Village Hall at 7.00p.m.

Present: Mrs C Anderson (Chairman) Mr M Webster Mr J Pringle Mr G Copping 4 Members of the public Together with the Clerk (Mrs E Greensit)

1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 18 August 2016 were submitted, agreed and signed Proposed: Mr M Webster Seconded: Mr G Copping Agreed unanimously

2. Matters Arising Members were advised that the new street name for the land adjacent to Brookside had been agreed with Council and the developer as was to be Pinkney Fields.

Mr Copping gave an update on Bowbridge Lane. At present the works are simply to make Bowbridge Lane as safe as possible until such time as the Local Access Road is open when North County Council will carry out permanent repairs. The road is now marked where repairs are to be carried out without shutting Bowbridge Lane but no date is available as to when these will be done although some strategic hedge cutting has been done.

3. Finance Members were advised that the accounts had now been audited and that there was no charge for the audit.

4. Hambleton District Council Co-op new Parish Councillor Members were advised that the only person who had shown any interest in becoming a Parish Councillor was Colin Jordan. Mr Webster proposed and Mr G Copping seconded that Mr Jordan be asked to be the co- opted Parish Councillor. Agreed unanimously

Acceptance of Office Mr Jordan agreed to be co-opted as a Parish Councillor and signed the Acceptance of Office

Registration of Financial and Personal Interests Declaration Mr Jordan completed and signed the Registration of Financial and Personal Interests.

New Bank Mandate Members were advised that as there was now a new Parish Councillor a new Bank Mandate had to be completed to allow Mr Jordan to be one of the two signatories to cheques. The Bank advised the Clerk that it was Mr Jordan who had to return the Mandate so that the Bank could check his identification.

Planning Proposal: Construction of five dwellings with garages and associated access Location: Land to the south of Ash Grove, Hackforth Applicant: Cliff Sayer

Parish Councillors discussed the planning application and though there was no objection in principle there were a number of concerns: There is a serious flooding risk – in September 2012 water from the beck at the bottom of the development site covered half the site, on the Road side, up to the rear of 2 Ashgrove. Parish Councillors suggested that to prevent flooding from occurring that the beck at the bottom of the development site needs to be maintained, such as ensuring that there is no build up of debris so preventing the free flow of water under the bridge Parish Councillors would want this to be one of the conditions of approval Have the Environment Agency, for their Report, actually done a survey of the site to assess the flood risk or just used OS maps? Parish Councillors and residents of Hackforth have concerns regarding the access to both public roads and the potential for accidents without the speed limit through the village being reduced: Have County Council, when submitting their Report, considered these dangers and will they be taking action to reduce the speed limit if the Application is approved? The Parish Council would prefer all the properties to be built of stone The Parish Council would advise that there is a drain running along the boundary with Ashgrove and this does not appear on the block plan The Parish Council are concerned that the development may have electronic access. If this is the case what is the boundary treatment and has traffic entering the properties been take into account Parish Council would not want to see this development becoming a gated community. This is a community village The public footpath that will have to be diverted as part of the approval of the development needs to be some form of hardcore footpath that will be maintained by the developer The Parish Council would want assurances that the whole development of the site, including the footpath, would be completed and not just foundations laid with final completion at some date in the future The Parish Council want to be consulted on the landscaping plans The Parish Council wish the planning application to go before the Planning Committee and not be a delegated decision

5. Parish Council representative on the Village Hall Committee Members discussed who should represent the Parish Council on the Village Hall Committee. The Clerk advised that it did not need to be someone on the Parish Council but could be someone nominated by the Parish Council. The Parish Council was one of four organisations in the village who nominate two Trustees.

Mr Webster advised Members that he had spoken to the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee (Mr B Walker) who had advised that a Mr Dan Spencer was someone who had shown an interest in being on the Committee. Mr Copping agreed to speak to Mr Spencer to see if he would be interested.

6. Open Forum a. Mr Copping raised the question of the 30mph speed limit that the Parish Council had been trying to get. He suggested that the Parish Council request another traffic speed monitoring survey. The clerk agreed to contact the Police with the request for another traffic speed survey.

b. Traffic using the Local Access Road, when the A1 is closed, and coming down Bowbridge Lane and through the village towards Catterick is assuming that they are on the main road and not stopping at the junction of Langthorne Road and North Road and causing near accidents. Mr Webster suggested that the white lines be repainted and the Clerk advised that this had already been done. The clerk agreed to write to North Yorkshire County Council to see if anything could be done at least until the A1 upgrade was complete.

7. Next Meeting – The next meeting is to discuss the Precept and to be held week commencing 12 December 2016.