Despite Objections, Zoning Changes Sent to Supervisors by Ron West the Ordinance Prior to Voting on It

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Despite Objections, Zoning Changes Sent to Supervisors by Ron West the Ordinance Prior to Voting on It Circulation 13,000 Free December 4, 2015 Despite Objections, Zoning Changes Sent to Supervisors By Ron West the ordinance prior to voting on it. During the public comment period Wendy Martin expressed concerns of Tuesday’s meeting of the Northamp- over possible pollution to the area’s ton County Planning Commission, sev- waters on the seaside. eral speakers asked that the vote on Realtor Dave Kabler stated that the the final version of the proposed zon- current ordinance helped him when ing ordinance be delayed. making property sales. “The proposed But their efforts were to no avail. ordinance is not a right fit for the coun- Following considerable discussion ty,” he said. and comments, the commissioners ul- Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore timately voted to move the proposed Director Donna Bozza stated that the ordinance forward to the Board of Su- county’s vision, as stated in the cur- pervisors with some modifications. rent Comprehensive Plan, should be Before the vote, Eastville resident the driving force that guides the Zon- Mary Miller expressed concerns over ing Ordinance. She added that the PETA how the proposed ordinance would county leaders have lost sight of what add greatly to the population density the people really want. Sued of the county. She complained that the Nassawadox resident Larry Jones In the aftermath plan does not take into consideration commented that his property is pro- of protests the additional services that the county posed to be rezoned, which would pre- earlier this would need to provide once the popula- vent him from farming it. Stating that year which tion increases. he is the only certified organic farm- featured the Silver Beach resident Bob Meyers er in the county, he charged that the signs at right, a reminded the commissioners of their county and courts are trying to take $9 million law- suit has been obligation to fully review the proposed away his property rights. filed against zoning ordinance and urged them to Price Clark said the ordinance is PETA (People delay any vote until that has been difficult for many residents to under- for the Ethical completed. stand and needs to be simplified. Treatment of Arthur Upshur of Machipongo Franktown resident Janet Sturgis Animals), which voiced concerns over how a portion of also objected to the county moving for- has admitted his property would be rezoned from ward with the ordinance. She suggest- mistakenly Agricultural to Residential, prevent- ed that there needs to be more public euthanizing a ing him from conducting agricultural input in its development. dog, Maya. operations on it. The final speaker to address the Wardtown resident Ken Dufty sug- commissioners was Supervisor Gran- See story on Page 5. gested that while the existing ordi- ville Hogg, who said he was speaking nance needs some “fixes,” there is no as a private citizen. He stated that par- Photos by need to replace it all. He too urged the Linda Cicoira commissioners to take a second look at (Continued on Page 2) 2 • EastErn shorE Post • DEcEmbEr 4, 2015 ~ Zoning ~ ing on it be delayed for six months to farm northeast of Eastville, between plication for a special-use permit has (Continued From Front Page) provide additional time to modify it. Seaside Road and Cherrydale Drive. been submitted, Schultz suggested His recommendation failed to receive The $38 million, 20-megawatt facili- that it might be requested in the com- cels that he owns in the Cherrystone a second. ty would occupy a portion of a 185-acre ing months. area have had their zoning changed a In other business, the Planning parcel and would connect to a portion The commissioners also reviewed number of times and need to be zoned Commission heard a presentation of the nearby electrical grid. Schul- a request to expand a storage facility according to their current use rather from Hecate Energy on a solar ener- tz said the facility would increase the near Cape Charles. than as non-conforming usage. gy facility that could be coming to the county’s tax base; offer some short- The request came from Michael After the commissioners complet- county. Preston Schultz, director of term construction employment; add no Burnette, owner of Bay Storage, locat- ed a review of the final portions of development for Hecate Energy, said additional costs to the county, and like- ed on Parsons Circle, just east of Cape the zoning ordinance, Commissioner the company is investigating the pos- ly provide efficient, alternative energy Charles. Burnette stated that the orig- Dave Fauber recommended that vot- sibility of installing a solar energy for at least 25 years. inal permit for his facility, approved in If the plan moves forward, Schultz 2001, called for the possibility of the indicated that it would be constructed construction in two phases. Phase I, sears POWER and operational in 2016. consisting of four storage structures, HOMETOWN STORE LAWN & Hecate Energy, Schultz described with space provided to the rear for LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED % other projects that have been built or storing RVs and boats, has been in extra MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 2015 ONLY off GARDEN are in the construction stage in Geor- place for over a decade. 5 gia, Virginia, Rhode Island, and Cal- Phase II would add four more stor- ifornia. Asked about what would be- age units. SENIOR ALMOST come of the facility at the end of its The commissioners voted unani- % EVERYTHING life cycle or in the event that it was mously to forward the application to extra off started but not completed, Vice Pres- the Board of Supervisors with their WITH VALID10 IDENTIFICATION ident for Project Development Pat- endorsement. ELSE! ti Shorr explained that the company The Planning Commission also DAYSears Hometown Store Come check out our select ~ Locally Owned and Operated ~ mattresses on display!! would be bonded and the land would elected Jacqueline Chatmon as chair- 25044 Lankford Hwy, Onley, VA 23418 757-787-8801 be returned to its original condition woman and Dixon Leatherbury as vice Monday-Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pm Sunday 12:00pm to 5:00pm by the company. While no formal ap- chairman for 2016. Cherrystone Campground Open Thurs. - Sun. 11am - 9pm Dinner Specials Friday, Dec. 4 • Oven-Roasted Prime Rib, 2 vegs. King Cut - $18.99 Queen Cut - $15.99 • Hot Turkey Sandwich & 2 vegs. $8.99 • Pot Roast & 2 vegs. $10.99 Saturday, Dec. 5 • 3pc. Fd. Chicken & 2 vegs. $8.99 • Hamburger Steak w/F.O. & Brown Gravy & 2 vegs. $8.99 • Surf-N-Turf (Prime Rib & Flounder) & 2 vegs. $14.99 Sunday, Dec. 6 • Jumbo Fd. Shrimp OP& 2 vegs. $13.99 • 2 Fresh-made Crabcakes & 2 vegs. $14.99 • Slow-cooked Roast Beef & 2 vegs. $10.99 Book Your Birthday Party Here!!! Get Your Fresh-Made Pizzas Here 757-331-4822 or 757-710-0510 December 4, 2015 • eastern shore Post • 3 sAlEs hOurs: mOn-fri 8:30Am - 8:00pm sAt 8:30Am - 5:00pm sun ClOsED sErviCE hOurs: mOn-fri 8:00Am - 5:00pm sAt 8:00Am - 3:00pm sun ClOsED 2008 hOnDA crV ex 2011 DODGE caLiBer 2011 mAZDA 6 2009 fOrD fLex 36 mOnths 72 mOnths 72 mOnths 60 mOnths stk# J16044A x 5.99% Only stk# D15068A x 5.99% Only stk# C16012A x 5.99% Only stk# D15059A x 5.99% Only $7,995 $89/mo $9,995 $129/mo $11,999 $149/mo $11,995 $179/mo 2014 DODGE aVenger 2007 ChryslEr 300 2010 jEEp patriot 2010 buiCk Lacrosse 72 mOnths 72 mOnths 60 mOnths 72 mOnths stk# D15029A x 5.99% Only stk# s1484 x 5.99% Only stk#D15021C x 5.99% Only stk# C15009A1 x 5.99% Only $13,995 $189/mo $13,995 $189/mo $14,495 $199/mo $15,995 $219/mo 2010 GmC terrain 2012 fOrD escape 2012 jEEp compass 2013 ChryslEr town & coUntry 72 mOnths 72 mOnths 72 mOnths 72 mOnths stk#s1574 x 5.99% Only stk# s1424 x 5.99% Only J16092A x 5.99% Only stk# C15025A x 5.99% Only $15,995 $219/mo $16,995 $239/mo $16,995 $239/mo $18,995 $279/mo All pAymEnts bAsED On ApprOvED CrEDit. $2500 DOWn CAsh Or trADE. tAx,titlE,tAG,DOC fEEs nOt inCluDED. priCEs ArE subjECt tO ChAnGE. POCOMOKE 1618 ocean HigHway, pocomoke HertricH of pocomoke (888) 652-4309 • 4 • EastErn shorE Post • DEcEmbEr 4, 2015 commission has revoked 39 licenses for Defense lawyer Adam M. Carroll of natural resources violations, which is Virginia Beach said it was consensual, Police & Court Postings the most in decades.” but her age and the difference in their By Linda Cicoira and Cheryl Nowak ………………………… ages (more than three years) make it a Accomack Circuit Court Class 4 felony. Virginia Marine Police III (MRC #008779) of Saxis each have A Parksley man pleaded guilty Lewis was ordered to register as a The Virginia Marine Police have been charged with oyster dredging or Wednesday in Accomack Circuit Court non-violent sex offender. filed criminal charges against 12 com- having oyster dredging equipment on to having sex with a teenage girl. In another case, a former Eastern mercial watermen, three of whom live a boat and unlawfully using a scrape Chief Judge William R. O’Brien sen- Shore woman got an early Christmas on the Eastern Shore, alleging oyster in an unauthorized area, both Class 6 tenced Richard Alexander Lewis, 26, of present this week in Accomack Circuit violations in the Rappahannock River. felonies; theft of oysters, clams, shells, Mary Street to seven years in prison Court when she was resentenced for em- Brooks Pruitt (MRC #0010) of etc., a Class 1 misdemeanor; and vio- for carnal knowledge of a 14-year-old bezzling money from local scout troops Onancock, Thomas Pruitt (MRC lating the closure of a sanctuary area, girl.
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