Produced by State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Habitat

Juneau,• Alaska 1986 Northwest Region: Historical Access to Fish and Wildlife

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Produced by State of Alaska Departrrent of Fish and Game Division of Habitat

Juneau, Alaska 1986 Contents

Acknowledgerrents v

Introduction 3

Tables: Historical Access Sites 17 l. Ambler River quad 17 2. Baird Mou..'1tain quad 19 3. Bendeleben quad 20 4. Candle quad 22 5. DeLong Mountains quad 23 6. Hughes quad 24 7. Kotzebue quad 25 8. Noatak quad 26 9. Nome quad 29 10. quad 30 1I. Point Hope quad 31 12. Point Lay quad 32 13. Selawik quad 33 14. Shishmaref quad 35 15. Shungnak quad 36 16. Solarron quad 37 17. Survey Pass quad 39 18. Teller quad 40 19. Wainwright quad 41

References 45


Introduction 1. The six regions of the Alaska Habitat Management Guides 5 2. Northwest Subregion 1:250,OOO-scale quadrangle locations 7

1:250,OOO-scale maps:

Ambler River Point Hope Baird Mountain Point Lay Bendeleben Selawik Candle Shishmaref

iii 1:250-000-scale maps (continued) DeLong Mountains Shungnak Hughes Solorron Kotzebue Survey Pass Noatak Teller Nome Wainwright Norton Bay

iv Acknowledgements

This project is under the direction of the Comnissioner of the Depart.rrent of Fish and Garee, Don W. Collinsworth, the Director of the Division of Habitat, No:rman A. Cohen, and the Deputy Director, Bruce H. Baker.

Many individuals have been involved in the production of this database on historical access in Northwest Alaska, either as production staff or as sources of infonnation. Those persons who contributed source infonnation, without whom this project would not have been possible, are listed in the reference secti.on at the back of this volume. The following lists the production team and the portion of the access volume for which they are responsible:

Marianne G. See, Coordinator Bob Durr, Eclitor Lana C. Shea, Team Leader, Access Group Leader Carol Barnhill, Cartographer Interviews, initial mapping, and preparation of draft data matrices were conducted by Robin O'Connor (Division of Garee) and Matt Robus (Division of Habitat) .

Coordination of review of maps and matrices by sources and correction of maps and matrices was the responsibility of Matt Robus with help from Robin 0' Connor. Charlotte Bridges developed the automated data matrices.

Final drafting of maps was done by Frances Inoue, Patti Frink, Michael Frost, Lavonne Rhyneer, Lee Rogers, and Don Shields, all with the Division of Habitat.

Juanita Henderson was responsible for typing the entire docuffi:mt.

Gay Pulley provided the graphic art. Coordination of work between the Fairbank.s and Anchorage offices of the Division of Habitat and with the Department of Natural Resources was done by Lana Shea.

v Introduction Overview of Habitat Managerrent Guides Project

Background Alaska is an :irrrrense and bountiful frontier, and until just recently it was all but" inconceivable that we would ever need to worry about its capacity to sustain the wealth of fish and wildlife resources for which it is renowned. But the impetus of progress has not abated, and the pressure to develop our lands and waters intensifies daily. Every year rrore lands in Alaska are being proposed for uses other than as wildlife habitat, especially around cities, towns, and villages. These proposed uses include logging, mining, hydroelectric projects, agriculture, settlerrent, geothennal developrrent, and oil and gas leases, arrong others. As the mnuber of proposals and plans for developrrent continues to increase, so does the need to carefully and effi­ ciently evaluate their possible effects upon species and habitats, and human uses of fish and wildlife, and to recorrmend viable managerial options to guarantee that our valuable fish and wildlife resources and habitats are adequately protected and maintained. By using appropriate planning and managerial techniques rrost of the potential for damage and loss of access for human use can be avoided.

One of the responsibilities of the Alaska Depart:J.rent of Fish and Garre (ADF&G) is to assist land managers by reconmending to them the best ways and means, based upon the best available data, for protecting local fish, wildlife, and habitats against adverse effects and impacts. Because many proposals and plans for developnent and land uses require a rapid response from the departrrent, there may not be enough time for staff to actually study the specific area in which the proposed developnent is to occur. However, the department initiated the Alaska Habitat Managerrent Guides (ARM;). project to prepare reports of the kinds of infonnation upon which its recomrrendations Imlst be founded in order to responsibly and rapidly address land and water use proposals made by land managers. These guides are a major undertaking and will be of inestimable value to the state in its efforts to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts to Alaska I s great wealth of fish and wildlife.


The AHMGpresent the best available infonnation on selected fish and wild­ life species: mapping and discussing their geographical distribution; assessing their relative abundance; describing their life functions and habitat requirerrents; identifying the human uses made of them, including harvest patterns of rural communities and access to fish and wildlife; and describing their role in the state 1 s economy. This last kind of informa­ tion, because of the variety of values humans place upon fish and wildlife, is not easily derived. There are, however, several rrethods to estimate sorre of the economic values associated with these resources, and such estimates have becorre particularly irnp:Jrtant in land use planning because many poten­ tially conflicting uses Imlst be evaluated in economic terms.

3 Essential to assessing what might happen to fish and wildlife if their .habitats are altered is infonnation alx>Ut what effects or impacts are typically associated with particular kinds of developrrental activities. The habitat management guides therefore also provide surrmaries of these kncwn effects. This infonnation, in conjunction with compiled life history infonnation, will allow those concerned to estimate how sensi ti ve a given species might be to a specific proposed acti vi ty - whether or not, and to what degree, the fish and wildlife are liable to be impacted. The guidance offered (a compilation of existing options for habitat management) is not site-specific. Rather, it is general information available to those who seek to avoid adverse impacts with01.lt placing undue restraints upon other land and water uses.

The completed guides coverage of fish and wildlife resources encompasses the Fish and GaIre Resource Management Regions established by the Joint Board of Fisheries and GaIre (map 1). These regions provide the IIDst inclusive and consistent format for presenting information about fish and wildlife re­ sources and relating it to management activities and data collection efforts within the departrrent.

4 1 - Southeast 2 - Southcentral 3 - Southwest 5 4 - Western 5 - Arctic 6 - Interior

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Map 1. The six regions of the Alaska Habitat Management Guides. NORrHWESTSUBREGIa:J: HISTORICAL ACCESS TO FISH ANDWILDLIFE


A. Objectives

These maps and matrices have been compiled as part of the Alaska Habitat Management Guides project to identify routes and sites used by the public and/or the ADF&Gto access fish and wildlife resources in Northwestern Alaska. The data contained in these products are intended for use by the Departrrent of Fish and Gane in conjunction with species distribution and harvest maps and narratives to provide a more ccmplete picture of known current and past access patterns. It is important to note that these products document access as it has historically occurred in the region and have not been edited in tenns of factors such as land ownership, legality of access, etc. It was felt that a comprehensive, realistic view of fish and wildlife use in this region depended upon maps showing, insofar as possible, actual patterns of public access to fish and wildlife. For these reasons, it should be clearly understood that the products presented here lend no authority for the public use of any of the routes or points shown. It remains the responsibility of users to obtain the appropriate authorizations for use of lands traversed by access routes.

These access maps are intended to be used in conjunction with maps and narratives about the distribution, abundance, and human use of fish and wildlife to provide a more complete picture of known current and past access patterns for land use planning and land management. see the Alaska Habitat tJ1ana.gerrent Guides, Reference .Haps, Arctic Region and Western and Interior regions.

B. Organization of Infonnation

Two types of access data are presented here: 1) access sites used for hunting, fishing, trapping, or nonconsumptive use of fish and wildlife and 2) ADF&Gresearch or management sites identified by departrrental personnel during the course of this project.

The access sites are mapped on 1:250,OOO-scale USGS quad maps and described in automated data matrices, which are organized by quad. For each quad, the access sites have been coded using sequential numbers, starting in the lower right hand corner and moving to the left. The site descriptions in the data matrices are cross-referenced to the maps by the numerical codes. The maps and quad-based narratives are in alphabetical order based on U. S. Geological Survey quad nanes, as follows (see map 2) :

Ambler River Norton Bay Baird Mountain Point Hope Bendeleben Point Lay Candle Selawik

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Regional Boundary


Subregion Boundary

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Map 2. Northwe.t Subregion 1:250,000 quadrangle location•. Delong Mountains Shishmaref Hughes Shungnak Kotzebue Solorron Noatak Survey Pass NOIre Survey Pass Teller Wainwright

Data describing the uses of a particular mapped access feature can be found in the matrices using the individual number given to the feature. c. Qualifications/Limitations of Information

several factors should be kept in mind when reviewing the informa­ tion contained on the 18 maps and matrices. The land status of each access site was not incorporated into these descriptions. Public access mayor may not be allowed at the present ti:rre , depending upon the policies of the landowner. Land status within much of the State of Alaska is currently undergoing considerable change. Users should consul t with the Alaska Departffi2nt of Natural Resources (ADNR) and the U. S. Bureau of Land Manage:rrent regarding the current land status of access sites identified in this volume and should also consult with the present landowner or land manager regarding allowed access. It remains the responsibility of users to obtain the appropriate authorizations for use of lands traversed by historical access routes. The mapped locations of the identified access sites and routes indicate only the general location and should not be used for navigational purposes. This access information is intended to be used for land rnanage:rrent and planning, not as a travel guide to reach fish and wildlife. The general locations of the sites, trails, and water routes are based on the knowledge of ADF&Garea biologists and other knowledgernable PeOple as they examined U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. The biologists did their best to accurately portray the locations of such features as trails and the point location of airstrips and unimproved airplane landing areas. The ADF&G disclaims any responsibility for claims resulting from errors contained in the access information in this volume. The departffi2nt advises users of this volume to check with local sources for rrore site-specific information.

Access in this region is often of a very general nature. Because of the openness and accessibility of much of this part of the state, snowmobile access is SOIrewhat ubiquitous. Thus, a finite line drawn on a map may in reality be a general travel route rather than a specific trail. Local conditions and distribution of resources can cause variations in use patterns from year to year or within a year. People tend to travel directly towards resource concentrations (e.g., the distribution of trails is often dependent on the distribution of caribou in a Particular winter) .

8 In forested areas, however, specific trails are rrore frequently the rule. It is important to rerrember that the density of rrapped trails does not indicate the densi ty of use in an area. Access sites were mapped if they were known to be habitually used (usually annually) by either a variety of PeOple or for a variety of uses. Onission in the site description of species that users were seeking indicates that none of the sources rrentioned it, not that the species is unused (if it is present). Sources mapped use areas based on species that carre to mind, rather than using a checklist. People in this region (as well as elsewhere) often hunt opportunistically. Even though a winter trail rray be used prirraril y . for intervillage travel, people carry fireanns and rray harvest wildlife given the chance. For this reason, rrany intervillage routes are included in this inventory. During the winter, snow conditions in this region rrake landing locations for ski-equippped aircraft nearly ubiquitous. For this reason, this type of access feature was not included in the mapping.


A. Definitions For all categories of access, an attempt was made to restrict rrapping to features of habitual (usually annual) use, serving either a variety of PeOple or a variety of uses. Excluded, for example, were traplines for a single person. Both consumptive and nonconsumptive uses of fish and wildlife were listed in the data rratrices.

1. Floatplane landing area - lake, stream, river, or coastal rrarine waters that are known to be habitually used for floatplane access to fish and wildlife resources. Additional areas are undoubtedly used for floatplane access to fish and wildlife.

2. General trail use - unimproved area known to be habi tuall y used for access to fish and wildlife resources where trail use is not restricted to a particular route due to the open terrain and vegetation and snow conditions. These access areas are prirrarily used when the substrate is frozen. 3. Research and rranagerrent site - seasonally used serniperrranent or perrranent sites used by the Alaska Departrrent of Fish and Game for various research and/or rranagerrent activities. These rray include cabins, weirs, towers, camps, etc. These

9 sites are indicated on the maps as Part of the "Other Access Sites" category.

4. Road - improved, regularly maintained route known to be habitually used for access to lands and/or waters supporting fish and wildlife resources. A stretch of road is included only if highway vehicles are known to Park along it to start using another m:::xie of access (e.g., foot, ATV, horse, boat) to reach fish and wildlife resources. Pull-offs along roads are indicated on the maps as Part of the "Other Access Sites" if they are used for access to fish and wildlife resources. (Note: Ice roads were not included.)

5. Trail - unimproved or minimally maintained route known to be habitually used for access to lands and/or waters sUpPOrting fish and wildlife resources. These routes are repeatedly used over align:rrents that remain generally unchanged. Trails receive use during open water periods and/or when the substrate is frozen. 6. Water route - rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal marine waters known to be habitually used for ITOtorboat, sailboat, canoe, raft, or kayak travel for the purpose of using fish and wildlife resources. In the site descriptions, the term Il ra ft" is meant to represent nonmotorized rafts, canoes, and kayaks.

7. Wheel plane landing area - improved or minimally maintained airstrips or unimproved areas known to be habitually used for airplane access to fish and wildlife resources. Additional skip lane landing areas that were not mapped include frozen lakes and flat areas where vegetation is adequately covered with snow. Additional wheel plane landing areas that were not mapped include sand bars, beaches, and flat tundra areas.

B. Procedures 1. Sources were contacted and briefed on the purposes of the project. These individuals chose the maps (USGS 1:250,000 quadrangles) to which they could contribute. 2. Sources were interviewed for information on access to fish and wildlife. They were shown Alaska's Existing Trail System (ADOI' 1984) to aid in their location of sites and routes. Locations were recorded on maps, and information on access mode, resource used, and any general comments were recorded on individual data sheets (one per identified site, route, or area) . Comments pertaining to an entire map were noted at the upper right-hand side of the map. 3. Sources were able to comrent on material gathered from previous sources, which fleshed out descriptions and helped to consolidate trail systems.

10 4. Mapped data were color-coded according to type of use (m:::xie of access) after interviews were complete.

5. Access data on individual sheets were consolidated using a matrix fo:r:mat. Mapped data were numbered separately for each quadrangle and identified on the matrices in the same way.

6. After draft maps and matrices were produced, the products were made available for review by sources.

C. Species and Sources: Abbreviations Used on Maps and Matrices 1. Sources

AOOI' Alaska Dept. of Highways - Existing Trail System. 1974.

BB Brian S. Bigler, Research Biologist, Div. Cammer. Fish., Kotzebue. April 15, 1985.

BLM U.S. Bureau of Land Mgt. Easement Files, Central files, BLM Fairbanks District Office. April 3, 1985. (Gathered by Matt Robus)

CG carl A. Grauvogel, Game Biologist, ADF&G, NOIre. April 9, 1985.

CL Charles F. Lean, Asst. Area Mgt. Biologist, Div. Conmer. Fish., ADF&G, NOIre. April 11, 1985.

DJ David D. James, Area V.gt. Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game , Kotzebue. April 16, 1985.

DAJ David A. Johnson, Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game , Anchorage. January 29, 1985. (Interviewed by Francis Nelson)

FD Alfred L. DeCicco, Fish Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Sport Fish., Fairbanks. April 8, 1985.

GH Gil Hall, Chief Ranger, Nat I 1. Park Service, Kotzebue. April 15, 1985.

GIS Geo Info:r:mation Systems, Inc., Anchorage, AK. 1984 water routes: Docurrented water travel useage data (prepared by ADNR 1982). Winter trails: North Slope Borough Comprehensive Plan (prepared by Wickersham and Flavin 1982) .

JB John J. Burns, Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div . Game , Fairbanks. April 30, 1985.

JD Jim Davis, Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Fairbanks. April 30, 1985.

11 JK John Knudsen, State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Norre. April 10, 1985.

JM Jarres S. Magdanz, Resource Specialist, ADF&G, Div. Subsistence., Norre. April 11, 1985.

JS Judith 'N. Stein (born in Noatak), Clerk Typist, ADF&G, Kotzebue. April 15, 1985.

KA Kenneth T. Alt, Fishery Biologist, ADF&G, Div. COItlI:rer. Fish., Fairbanks. April 8, 1985.

KH Kent Hall, Biologist, selawik Nat 11. Wildlife Refuge, Kotzebue. April 15, 1985.

KW Keith ~rth, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM, Fairbanks. March 29, 1985. (Interviewed by Matt Robus)

LS I.eonard J. Schwarz, Area Mgt. Biologist, Div . Com:ner. Fish., ADF&G, Nome. April 11, 1985.

MR Matthew Robus, Habitat Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Habitat, Fairbanks.

NW Nelson v-lalker, Air Taxi Operator, Walker Air Taxi, Kotzebue. April 16, 1985.

PV Pat Valkenburg, Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Garre, Fairbanks. April 30, 1985.

RA Roger W. Aulabaugh, State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Norre. April 10, 1985.

RQ Roland L. Quimby, Area Mgt. Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Garne, Kotzebue. April 4, 1985.

RY Rollin T. Young, State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Kotzebue. April 15, 1985.

SFG Alaska Sport Fish Guide, ADF&G publication.

SH Susan Hills, Habitat Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Habitat, Fairbanks. May 6, 1985.

TB Terry N. Bendock, Fishery Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Corn:rer. Fish., Fairbanks. April 26, 1985.

TS TirrDthy E. Smith, Game Technician, ADF&G, Div. Game, Nome. April 12, 1985.

12 2. Resources Accessed

Big Game: BG Brown bear BB Black bear BL Caribou CA Moose MO Dall sheep DS Muskox MX

Small Game: SG Arctic hare AH Hare HA

Furbearers: FB Muskrat MU Lynx LX Fox FX Wolves WO Beaver BV Coyote CO

Marine Manmals: MM Seals SE Polar bear PB Belukha whale BW Pacific walrus PW Bowhead whale BH Birds: Sandhill crane CR Ptal:migan PI' Waterfowl WF Peregrine falcon PF Grouse GS Fishes Arctic char AC Arctic grayling GR Burrot BU Chum salrron CH King salrron KS Lake trout LT Northern pike NP Red salrron SS Sheefish SF salmon CS Whitefish WH Salrron SA Tom cod TC Herring HE

13 other Viewing IJW Egging EG Berry picking BP Beachcombing (usually for walrus ivory) Be Coal mining eM.

14 Tables 'll: Cl WW W e(:Z:Z u Oe(e( :z W '"...... 0..-' -'a.. Q:::.....J-il-O::: W LU_W.q;;W '""­ I-e(WO:>:: W I-' -...J 131Ambler R. & mouth of Redstone R. B CA,MO, GR,AC X River not used much by snowmachine. Upper limit FD,GH,DJ,KIJ i BB BL for powerboat is outlet from Lake Anirak. 141IJheelstrip near Ambler X IMO,CA, IX Private property. RA&JK,NIJ,KIJ i BB 15 Ambler - Redstone R. - over pass CA X I Alternate route for A-19. (Approx. location) IDJ to upper Cutler R. T II i 161IJheelstrip near Ambler I Xl I MO,CA, X Private property. IRA&JK,NIJ,KIJ i BB 17 Onion Porta~e - Ambler T CA MO IGH 181IJheelstrip near Ambler X IMO,CA, X IPrivate property. IRA&JK,NIJ,KIJ i I iBB I i i I 19 Redstone R. to Cutler R. T CA,MO,I I ISomewhere nearby is a portage for kayakers to IGH,RY I BB BL i i the mountain·ran~e. i I 2010nion Portage IplT XI ICA IVery important subsistence caribou hunting area; IBB,KIJ i i i I I I i CA conver~e here durinQ southern miQration. i I 211IJheelstrip near Ambler XI MO,CA, IX IPrivate property. IRA&JK,NIJ,KIJ i i BB i I i i I 221Kavet Cr./Kobuk Sand Dunes IT IX Farthest north range of tree frog. Hiking trailslDJ i i III i throuahout this area. . i I 231Niaktuvik Cr. between Kobuk R. I xl I IX I X II IBP IPrivate property. ('D-D Lake Strip') IGH,DJ,KIJ I 1 and Kobuk Sand Dunes I IIII II II II i I 241Great Kobuk Sand Dunes II IXI I IBL II I I BP INative allottment. (Approx. location) IDJ,PV,KIJ I 251 Hunt Creek IPI I IIICA IX I I I I IGH I 261Akillik River Ipi I I I ICA IX, I, I 'GH I 271Ambler - Anaktuvuk Pass I IT! I I IFB,CA,' ,I I IApprox. route. 'DJ I

Table 1: Historical Access sites for Ambler River quad. '»: Cl WW W ~22 U O~~ z ~~~ w ,~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W-W~W ~ ~~WO~ ~ GENERAL LOCATION ~ ~?i;i5 HUNT FISH TRAP VIE~ OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 281Noatak River graveL bars rBI IXI I IMO,CA, IX X I ISmaLlplane access and float trips on entire IKIJ,FO,RA&JK,GH,RY OS BB PTI Noatak R. on this auad. subsist. htQ. in park. 29 Lake Isiak X LT X NIJ 30 Lake Hatcharak X LT X NIJ 31 CutLer River FT CA FLoatinQ use but more imo. use for winter trail. GH NIJ OJ KIJ 32 Hdw. of trib. to Kaluich Creek X CA GH 33 Lake on trib. of Kauachurak Cr. X recr. OJ 34 Noatak River X HO CA X Base camo for mininQ. GH PV 35 Lk nr confl of Noatak & CutLer R. X AC GR NIJ KA 36 Noatak River X HO CA X Base camo for mininQ. GH PV 37Noatak R. (nr confl wi CutLer R.) T PV: not used. (Approx. location) OJ,PV Ito ChandaLar Lk-Anaktuvuk P. area 381Lk nr confl of Noatak & Cutler R. X AC GR NIJ KA

f-' DO

Table 1: Historical Access sites for Ambler River quad. 'll: oww W ~22 U O~~ 2 ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ w W-W

TabLe 3: HistoricaL Access sites for BendeLeben quad_ 'l't oww W ~22 U O~~ z ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W_W~W ~ ~~WOX ~ GENERAL LOCATION ~ ~5 ~b HUNT FISH TRAP VIE~ OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 411SerpentineJlQt Spring~ Tr(jil ...I ITI II I T I, I I IExtension of A-15. not a road. J I 42 Chicaoo Creek X MO BB X CG 43 Alono Inmachuk R. to Fink Cr. T MO PT CG 44 Utica strio X BB 45 Hannum Creek S Index area for CH soawn. BB 46 Landstrio at Cottonwood X 471Cripple R. &Goodhope drainage T HA I I Primarily breeding gounds for HA. IBB I in oeneral. General use area. 48 Strio at Seroentine Hot Sorinos X 49 NY from Serpentine along Hot T MO,FX X CG Sorinos Creek &Seroentine R.

N I-'

Table 3: Historical Access sites for Bendeleben quad. 'll: Cl WW w ~22 U O~~ z ~~~ w ,~~ ~ ~~~~" w W_W«W ~ ~~wO~ w <~~~~ 0.:: GENERAL LOCAT ION :J: I- :J: u.. 0 HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 11Ungalik River I ITI II ICA II XII IFD I 2\Inglutalik River I ITI I I II ILX,FX I !Trapping heavy: Inglutalik,Ungalik & Shaktoolik IFD,CG I 31KOYUk River IPITIII ~ I /FD,CG l If Kovuk R.-uDstream from Dime lnda. X MO X CG K\.J 5 Mouth of East fork Kovuk R. P SA Maior subsistence fishino site. CL 6 \.J. fork of Buckland River PT CA MO XX General access. Boat access only oart way. CG K\.J FD JK&RA 7 East fork of Kovuk R. to Buckland T CA X General route. ADOT RA&JK K\.J CG RQ 8 Mouth of East fork of Koyuk: FB Marked trail. Heavy traffic between Buckland K\.J,CG Buckland and Granite Mountain TI and Granite Mountain Hot SDrinos. ~IUngal ik . Candle IOld mining trail;hunting below Haycock; entire IADOT,CG,RQ I ITII I IMO I I I general area used, not specific trails. I ~HaYCOCk 1J11J I~~,BB'I~I IJK I 11 Havcock - Candle T CA ADOT CG RQ K\.J 12 Kovuk River - Kiwalik River T CG 13 Granite Mountain airstrip X CA Larqe public-use striD. Guides use. K\.J 14 Granite Mtn. tr. betw. 2 airstros T MO Guide uses. CL 151Quartz Creek airstrip MO,CA Mining May be on unpatented mining claims. IK\.J,CL I/XI C-206 size aircraft. i 16 SDur off A-9 T MO CA ADOT CG RQ 171Camo Haven - Candle trail I N ITI I MO CA Meraes w/A-9 on lower Kiwalik R. N 181G~ld Run Creek I ~I IJK t 19 KlwallK River i Xl liMO i i I IRQ I 20 Tananawik River - to Darbv Creek I XI liMO CA I I IRepeated use. Gravel bars. C-185 Maules Cubs. IK\.J I 21 Bob Creek~Bear Creek I XI liMO CA I I ICub or C-206. Mostlv minino access. iK\.J CL i 22 Buckland River Ip II IMO,\.JF, IX I INormal upper limit near confl. with Harvey Cr. IRQ,KA I Iiiiii jSG- -iii .- i j 231Buckland River' vicinity Ipi Ixi I I\.JF I I IOnly about 2 spots to land wheel planes. ICG,K\.J I 241Buckland - Candle I ITI IIIXI I IJntervillage travel.(Approx. location). IJB,K\.J I 251Buckland River II IXI liMO IX II ICG,K\.J I 261Kiwalik R.: Candle-Kiwalik LagoonlPI IIIIIX II IFD I 271Candle II Ixi I IMO,BB, I X I IC-206. (Capable of larger.) IJK,K\.J I I I IIII ICA I II I I 281Kiwalik Lagoon Ipi IXI I I\.JF I I ISpring and fall. ICG,K\.J I

Table 4: Historical Access sites for Candle quad. 'It OWW W «:z:z u 0«« :z <><...J ...J W ...... c..c.. <>< ~-J-Jt-a:::: W LU-UJ«W u... I-«WO:X: W < :l:1-:l:u...0 GENERAL LOCATION ..HUNT"" ... .FISH.. - .. TRAP...... OTHER...... " COMMENTS SOURCE---_.~-- 1 Yetlands in Kelly R./Avan R. area I IXI ICA,MO, Camp.IPrimary hunting area for caribou. IGH,KY i I IBB i I 2 Kelly R.·Yrench Cr. gravel bars IFI IX IBB,MO, IX I View IFrequently used for fishing. Small airplanes. KY,KA&FD,RQ,GH i i ICA DS I 31Kelly Lake-E.of Deadlock Mt. and II IX BB,MO,lcS X View BB,KY I aoorox. 2 mi. Y. of Kellv R. I CA 4 Outlet drainage from A·3 F IBB,MO, X View Float out from lake. BB,KY ICA 5 Y. of Kelly R., N. of Yrench Cr. Ix IMO,CA, X Approximately 2 miles Y. of Kelly R. RQ,FD IBB 6 Red Dog strip X IMO,CA, X Some fishing. Small airplanes. KY,FD,JK OS 7 Headwaters of Yulik River XX X KA&FD 8 UK strio X Minino. Not much wild. use. KY NY 9 Yulik River T X XX KA&FD 10 Uooer Kivalina R. drainaoe TXXX Freauentlv used. KA&FD 11 Uooer Kivalina R. drainaoe X CA PT X Freauentlv used. RQ FD 12 Kukpuk River B ADNR KY 13 Kukouk River to Caoe Sabine T ADNR 141Kukpowruk River B IGR,YH I I IImportant subsistence fishing area for people IANDR.BB I i I I i I I iii I I of Point Lay. i I 1 N 151I 'Sheep... Ranch" IIIIIII Ixi I IDS I IIIII I IIRQ I! W 16 Ea~le Creek - E. of Kukoowrak R. X X ADF&G caribou m~mt. site private orooertv. RQ PV KY 17 PitmeQea River B CA YF YH BP Travel camoino. ANDR JB FD 18 Ipewik River B ADNR 19 Oil exploration strios X CA MO (approx. location) TS 20 Kotzebue-Barrow Yinter trail PIT X PB,MM, X Rec. E. of Cape Sabine has good wheelplane landings ADOT,JB i FB CA (Y.of caoe has too manv cl iffs). Yinter use. 21lcape Sabine IMajor area for fishing by people of Pt. Lay and IJB,FD ll11Lt~m. ~_J Pt. Hope. Summer camps. ... l. 221Thetis Creek IBI IIIIIII I IADNR I

Table 5: Historical Access sites for Delong Mountains quad. 'It oww W <22 U O~~ z ~~~ w ,~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W-W

Table 6: Historical Access sites for Hughes quad. 'Jot oww w «:z:z u 0«« :z <>::...J...J w ...... ll.ll. <>:: O:::--I-It-O::: w w-w«w u...... «wO:x: w «O:::C.....Jt- <>:: GENERAL LOCAT ION :3 ..... :3 u. 0 HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE...... n ...... 11Coastal area from Hunter Cr. to IP Ix I/F,AH IBC ISome places too rocky to land. IRQ i Spafarief Bay i i I i i i I 21Ninemile Pt. to Choris Peninsula' T' J SE I IFor intervillaae travel. (approx. location> 'ADOT KI/ RQ , 31Cape Deceit to Ninemile Point IP I I I CH I I ISubsistence CH fishing area. IBB I I incl. some of Inmachuck R. and I~ I Kugruk Lagoon I l ~ State road from Deering up the R MO,BB, CH X Unimproved, maintained road to mine. Access by KI/,BB,JB Inmachuk River RD vehicles ATV snoao. 5 I/heelstrip at DeerinQ XXX JK&RA 6 Coastal area from Goodhope River P X I/F AH BC Most olaces too rockv or narrow to land. RQ KI/ 7 Goodhope River PT MO,HA, X Only a short distance up with powerboat. JB,RQ PT FX 8 Approx.3 mi. of coastline near XX I/F Best spot for I/F hunting in spring. RQ mouth of KouQachuk Cr.·Sew'd Pen 9 Killeak Lakes strip X I/F View KI/ 10 Northern P I/F '(General area.) JK&RA 11 Northern Seward Peninsula X I/F Six airstrips. JK&RA 12 Alona coast I/.of Caoe Esoenbera T MM I/F X BP Maior I/F huntinQ area. Three·wheelers. JB RQ 13 Coastal route along E.side of T (Approx.location) Access to Selawik Hills, KI/ Baldwin Peninsula I Buckland Valley. 141coastline from approx. 5 miles ITI commer.& subsist. fishing. Trucks in winter IRQ,JK&RA,JB north of Cape Blossom to approx. I III IX for codfishing. N ,,I , U1 , 6 miles east of cape. I I I 151Sadie Creek Road R ISA,SF, BP ICommer.,sport,& subs. fishing.Access by vehicleslKl/,BB I i iAC i & ATV. Verv heavilv used for soort fish ino. 16lApprox.12 mi. of the NI/ coast of I S IAc,SF,1 Ilmportant area for subsis.,sport,& commerc. BB Baldwin Peninsula CH fishinQ. Cast out lines from beach. 17 Laaoon behind Kotzebue PT I/H HE Subsistence fish' oill nets snaa. BB 18 Kotzebue X I/F X JK&RA 19 Kotzebue to Sheshalik Soit. P SE BI/ X Access to summer camos. Commer.& subs. fishina. BB KI/ 20 Kotzebue-Shungnak 200 mi. trail IT X SF on lower Kobuk (not on this map). ADOT,KI/ (Noorvik Trail) II Intervillaae travel. I 21 Coastal winter trail T IMM,CA To Sheshalik for MM hunting in spring. Krusen- KI/,ADOT stern has subsistence huntinQ for CA. 22 Northeast of Kotzebue, approx. 4 Is IAC,SF, Subsistence & commercial fish camps. IBB,KI/ miles. I ICH Private prooertv. i I 23 Kotzebue - Kobuk Lake T' SF Icefish for SF. JK&RA KI/ 241Pipe Spit. I II SI I II ICabin used by subsistence & commercial IBB I i fishermen. Private property. 25 P I SA Subsistence and conrnercial fishinQ. Gen'l area. BB 26 Noatak - Kotzebue T "ICA,MO, SF X SF in NE corner of Kobuk Lake in spring. Access ADOT,KI/,BB I iBB HA to Noatak Valley for huntina soo. indicated. 271Sheshalik Spit IpiT II IISE , BI/, ILT, SA, I I IUsed by people from Noatak,Kotzebue settleme~IJs,JB - I III II/F AC I I I from which activities take place. I 281Serpentine River I IT! I I IMO,FX I I X I I ICG I

Table 7: Historical Access sites for Kotzebue quad. 'l'l: oww w «22 U 0«« 2 W '"-....a..a..-' -' 0::;-1-11-0:::: W W-W«W '"u.. t-«WO:r W

21Noatak River IWO,WN,LX,LO,F~,MU (spring on lower Noatak.) IKW,DAJ I I I I I CR III I I I 31sloUQh near Naoaktuktuk P TI III IGeneral access. IKW FD BB DAJ I 41Shiliak Creek P MO AC I IRY DAJ I 51Noatak R. between approx. Mamelak TI IBU IComm. fish for BU through ice (only by family IBB i Mtn. &Sakisalnak Point i I I i that lives at A·41). i I 611sland on Noatak River near PT * Family of 10 lives here,uses river for fishing.IBB i Sakisalnik Point I lSI X I I *. all soecies exceot stickleback. i I 71Lower Noatak Canyon to East TI II IDS,BB, IXIX IGeneral route. IBLM,RQ,GH,KW i ICA i i I I I 81Hugo Creek IDS,BB, IX IX IGeneral route. IBLM,RQ,GH,KW i I IT I iCA i i I i I 91Noatak . Kotzebue winter trail IT I ISG,CA, I I II Iintervillage travel. Marked trail. IADOT,KW,BB i iMO i I 10lW.side of Noatak R. T ICA MO trail exists. IBLM BB GH KW I 111Sheshalik Spit Ip T I ISE,BW, LT,SA, Used by people from Noatak, Kotzebue settlement IJS,JB N i i iWF BW AC from which activities take olace. i I 0'\ 121Sheshalik Soit airstrio X I IWF MM X Native allotment land. IJK KW I 131From bay NE of Sheshalik Spit to IT IPrimary access to fish hatchery. Very commonly IBB i Noatak R. & ADFG fish hatcherv II ISG I I I i used. Woodcuttinq access also. . i I 141"Noatak Trail" . from bay N. of I TI IBB,CA, I I X IGeneral route. IBB Sheshalik Soit to Noatak River i i iMO i i I I i i I 151N of Sheshalik Spit I II lsi IWH,SA I I I IPermanent home-site of a subsistence family; IBB I 161 Ipllllsl II I I lso~:~\:~p~agoon, sumner IBB I 171 IIII lsi IIII IHatchery. IJK.BB 181Kotzebue Sound near Auklak LaQoonlpl IIII i II-I IEsoecially important cornn. fish area. IBB 191E of Aukluk Lagoon "IPITIIISI IWH III Ivery important WH fishing in spring/fall-purely IBB I I I I subsistence. May be future research site for I I IIIIIIIIIII Cornn.Fish. 3-wheelers from Sheshal ik. I I 20lKotzebue - Barrow trail IplTlxl I ISC,WF,ICH,PS,IWO,LX,IMX IBC IFrequent motorboat travel between Kivalina and IADOT,RQ,GH,DAJ I I II I IIICA,BB, lAC IFX,WN I Pt. Hope. Pt. Hope to Shesshalik has 3 wheelersl I I II MO,PT, I Iall sumner. Comn. fish S. of Auklak Lake. I I I III I I IHA IIII I I 21 ICape Krusenstern to E, along I ITI II IWF,SE I III IAccess to the cape, sealing camps. IJB I coast approx. 10 mi. IIIIIIIIIII I 221Along coast approx. 10 mi E of II IXI IIIXII IBP INative allotment? IGH I Cape Krusenstern III I II I III I I 231Cape Krusenstern I III ISISE,WF I II I ISpring use. Access from airstrip A-24 to light- IJS,KW I IIIIIII II II house tower. Icef ish. I 241Landing strip at Krusenstern Lgn. II IXI I IWF,MM IX II I IOn native allotment private property. IJK,KW 251 Kakag rak Hill s I I IXI I II II XII IGH

Table 8: Historical Access sites for Noatak quad_ ~ oww w «22 U 0«« 2 ~....J....J W ...... Q. Q. ~ er::::: ....J .....J I- 0:: W W-W«W ~ .... «wO:J: ~ GENERAL LOCATION :i~5U:b HUNT FISH TRAP VIE~ OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 26lS.side of Agashashok R. I ITI II IBB,cA,1 x I I IAccess to Agashashok R. General route. Used IBLM,RQ,BB,K~ III OS II I I freauentlv. I I 271Agashashok River bars I Ixi BB,MO, I I X I ICubs,C-185,Beaver. IKIJ,GH I i CA 28 Sevisok Slouqh P I MO BB X Freauentlv used. RY KIJ 29 Trib. of Noatak R. just upstream P NP Frequently used. RY from lower Noatak Canvon I 30 lJetlands E. of Noatak I X CA X General location. Not manv MO there. FO GH KIJ 311Eli River P Ix MO,CA, I OS in upper Eli IRy,KIJ,FD,DAJ I OS 32 Slough of Noatak R. approx 12 mi Ip MO,BB X Frequently used. IRY,KIJ downstr. from Noatak 33 SIJ from Noatak Village T CA Travel to coast. General access. BLM,GH,KIJ Prooosed access to oublic lands. 341East from Noatak Village T BB,CA, I lJinter use. General route. BLM,GH I OS FB 35 Eli River X Strip for float pickup. FO 36 Unoer Eli River X OS CA Pooular landinq strip. RQ BB 37 Landino strip at Noatak Villaae X MO CA X JK 38 NE of Noatak E of Eli River X MO CA X JK 391Rabbit Cr. - Noatak Village TI I ICA IFX I IAccess to Kivalina. IBLM,RQ,GH,KIJ I i Proposed access to oublic lands. i tv 40 Noatak· Kivalina trail CA,FB X (Location of trail E.of junction with Kiyak Cr. IKIJ ...-J I ITI was approximated.) (Intervillage travel.) I Marked trail. 41 lJ.side of Tahirichok Mtn. Ix X IGH 421Mouth of Omikviorok River ITI Proposed access to public lands through Native I i i I I lands· status unknown. iBLM KIJ I 431Lower lJulik River BIT IMO,BB, IAC,IJH, I BP Excellent AC spring/fall fishing. Very heavily IBLM,RQ,FD,BB,SFG,JB, I CA IJF GR used bv Kivalina residents for AC. OAJ 44 Kivalina Laqoon P ~F BP Access to Kivalina R. from Kivalina. JB 45 N.side of Maivumerak Mtns. X OS CA GH 46 Uooer Uvqoon Creek X OS CA Pooular landinq strip. RQ BB 47 S.side of Noatak R. near mouth of IX MO,CA I GH Kellv R. 481Kelly River FX MO,CA, AC,GR IJhole river usable by small planes. (PA-18,some KIJ,PV C-185. ) 49 ~etlands IJ. of Kellv River X MO X 50 Lake Tagakvik X MO CA X JK 51 Ikalukrok Creek F CH I Not heavily used. No access. (BB doesn't think FD,BB people float.) 52 Driver's Lodge X IS XX Privately maintained, on gravel bar. Fishing KIJ,BB i and some big game guiding. Beaver C-206 Cub. I C·206 Cub. 53 Kivalina Laqoon - ~ulik R. trail T I X AC Old doqsled trail. Yes it's used. BLM K~ 54 lJul ik River XI IPT,CA, AC Small planes. RQ,K~ i iMO BB I

Table 8: Historical Access sites for Noatak quad. 'l1: OWW W «22 U 0«« 2 ~--'--' W ...... a.. a.. ~ 0:::: -J --' I- 0:::: W W-W<:W ~ f-«WO::>:: W «0:::::1:--'1- ~ GENERAL LOCATION :3 f- :3 ~ 0 HUNT FISH TRAP VIEY OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 551KivaLina River II IXI I IPT,CA,IAC IRQ I II MO BB I i I 56lN.side of KivaLina River CA,MO IPowerboat use depends on water level: sand bar BLM,KY liT FB II i at mouth. 571KivaLina River IplT X AC II IMajor use, winter/summer fishing. Important AC BLM,FD,BB,JB,DAJ I s~rt.fish area. Heavily used by peopLe frorn~ - I 111111 IIII KIvalIna. ____ l 581Asikpak River - - r ITI I I I I I II IBLH,FD I I

N co

Table 8: HistoricaL Access sites for Noatak quad. ~ oww w ,q::z:z u o,q:,q: :z 0::""'''''' w '-'1_ n. 0:: 0::: ...J ....J I- 0:: w W_W«UJ u.. ~;;:i~g;:: W GATH­ 0:: GENERAL LOCATION ::J:I-::J:u..o HUNT FISH TRAP VIEW ERING COMMENTS SOURCE-- .. - 11Nome - Shismaref winter trail Ip T AC,SA I BC 14-wheel drive (Cape Nome to Cripple),3-wheeler ADOT,CG i XII (CriDDle to Sinuk) 21GOldengate Cr. to Cape Nome. IT II IMO,PT,I Isp 4-wheel drive, snogo. RA&JK alon~ side of mountain i iiiHA i i 31From Fort Davis east along coast. IMM,PT I No fishing in creeks E.of Nome R.(no water). CL i ITI I I 2-wheel drive. Used mainlv for access. 41Nome River BIT I IPT ISA,GR,I X Powerboat - Laurada Cr. to mouth. IKA,CL I i i lAC Float - 13 mile bridae to mouth. I 51Kougarok Rd. IRI I MO,BB, IX Access. IADOT,CL i SG 61Snake River B I ISA,BU, Commonly used for fishing. CL i I GR AC I 710sborn Road RI Mainlv access. Incidental hunt ina. CL 81Nome to Nome R. via summit IT I I PT,SG IMainly used by cars (in summer), IRA&JK,CL i i I I i 3-wheelers sno~os and hikers. i I 91Teller Road (Nome to Teller) R IMO IMost important access for moose hunting. ICG I I I i Access bv 4-wheel drive and autos. i I 10lAlong Snake R. especially IRI IMO ICG,RA&JK,CL i Glacier Creek Road i I I III i I 111NE from confluence of Nome R. T I IMainly access for 4-wheel drive in summer, ICL i and Buster Cr. I I I I i snOaO in winter. I 121Nome and Snake R. trails T IMO II I IHikers and 3-wheelers. ADOT RA&JK N TS '-D 131New El Dorado Cr. mouth to 1~~,BB, IPrimary use is for reindeer herding but also I Nome R. near Dorsey Cr. IT II I I II i incidental huntin~. I 141Basin Cr. confluence with Nome R'I IXI liMO X IWheelstrip close to road. Road preferred route, ICG I I but in winter, when road closed, CG checks I I I I i i i i traps bv plane. I I 151Connect fr.A-11 to Sew'd RR arade T IMO IIII ISeldom used. IADOT CG RA&JK I 161Penny R. trail to Cripple Cr. T IPT,FX,I X I ISome fishing within a few miles of the road IADOT,RA&JK,CL i and branch to Oreaon iHA i I I I I c::rossing Qr beach, Hikers Mlit3-wheelers. I. 17iMouth of Penny River II lXr I I -, XI I II IKA 1 181Cripple Creek I ITI II IpT,HA INone I I 1 14-wheel drive in summer. ICL I 1915inuk River IBITI II ISG ISA,GR,I II IMajor recreational use. Boat travel from mouth IKA,RA&JK,CL ' AC IIII to the bridae. SnOaO in winter above bridae. 212°lsinukSalmon LakeXMOIIIXIII-1 XCGXI III IRA&JK I 221Grand Central River I IT! IIIIXI ISS I IWalk along trai l to view northern-most ILS I I IIIIII L_ IIII populatiQIl Qf 5S I I 231Grand Central R. trail I IT IIIIX 1 1 1 IWalk to lake. IRA&JK 1 241Glacial Lake I I I Ix I Ico III lOne of the few CO runs in the area. ICL RA&JK I 251Feather R. from A-9 to A-24 I IT II IIII I ISchool children hike to lake to research salmon.ICL I 261Confluence of Livingston Cr. I IRlxl IMO IX I IPF 1 13 mile road from Teller Rd. to airstrip ICG,RA&JK , I and Feather R. IIII I II i j j j I' 271Feather River I ITI II IMM,WF III liKing Islanders now hunt along coast at Feather 'CL I I I I 1 II III,,, River. I I 281Feather R, from coast to A-9 'IRI II IPT,CR,I II, 'Access by trucks and autos on gravel road to 'CG,RA&JK,CL I , II I I , 1WF , MM , I 1 , , beach. I I 291Tisuk R.-Cape Woolley-Skookum Cr.' ITI ,I 'PT,HA ,,I,, IADOT,CL,CG , I and Ruby Cr. Coyote Cr. I 1 I , , I, IIII I , Table 9: Historical Access sites for Nome quad_ '»: £:> W W w ..::z:z u 0..:..: :z "'...J ...J w ..... £l.£l. 0:::: -I ....J t- 0::: w w-wc:(w '"u­ f-":wo:x: W «o:::x....Jt­ '" ::J:f-::J:u-o

- , ... ;z...... "...... ,. ,., ' ,, .._, ...... , I" I ! ,-...... , ..... 1 61Blueberry Cr. to Junction Cr. T I I Mainly access. ADOT,CL&LS (Egavik Bypass) 7 Alternate route from Junction Cr. IT I IMainly access. CL&LS,CG,ADOT to Shaktoolik area 8 Beeson SloUQh to ~inter Trail T ADOT 91Along coast from approx. Cape IX ICG i DenbiQh to SE for aoorox. 20 mi. I I I I 101~etlands on peninsula with PI XI ~F I III ICG I i Shaktoolik i 111Shaktoolik River X I GB Also land on ridQes. GB guiding. CG 12lShaktoolik· Shaktoolik River, T II ICA Hunt caribou near Christmas Mountain. LS&CL i Beeson SloUQh i LS&CL 131Shaktoolik River IP T I MO,CA, SA,AC,ILX Primary LX country. KA&FD,CG,CL,TS i GB GR I 141Malikfik Bay area T MM X FX CG I w 151Coast near Cape Denbigh/ P I IHE lEG ICommercial fishing· important place for ILS&CL I a Reindeer Hills i fish camos. EQQS from cliffs. 16 Shaktoolik River - Kateel River T CA I General route. CG 17 Ungalik River PT MO, CA, ISA,GR, LX LS&CL,CG,TS GB AC 18 Near mouth of UnQalik River XXX Not used for H&F owner will shoot. RA&JK CL 19 Eastern edQe of Norton Bav P XX ~F JK&RA 20lCoast near Ungalik village pi Ix SA Commercial & subsistence fishing. ~heelplane ILS&CL i landinQs on beach. i 21 UnQalik to Candle T Marked trail· incidental huntinQ heavilv used. ADOT RA&JK 221Along coast from approx. Point XI ICG I i Dexter to UnQalik villaQe i I II 231Reindeer Cove X I lEG I LS&CL 241lsaac's Roadhouse/Bald Head/ IP IX I ISummer fish camp. CL&LS i Castle Rock area I II i I i 251Mouths of Kwik R.,Tubutulik R. IP I~F ISA I ICG,KA i and coast iIX i I 26 Mouth of Tubutulik River Ip I X ISA Ix PrimarY SA oroducers. IKA&FD 27 Mouth of InQlutaluk River Ip IX I IKA&FD 281~etlands at mouth of Inglutalik I~F i and Koyuk Rivers IPIIIXI I I I I I 291Mouth of IPI III IX ISA IX I . ·-~If>r1marysA pr-odUCers. IKA&FD I 30jNortQn-.!1§¥ to Esch~£hQ1tz Bay 1 ITI I I I L I IBC I IADOT I 31 Ko uk to Bald Head Trail Tou h for wheeled travel not much used. ADOT 321Moses Point· Koyuk Inlet via Iiditirod Trail - mainly used for dogtrail. ICL&LS I Kuiuktul ik River. 33!.KloIj k Riyer ICG,KA&FD,BB I 341Nulato River II IXI I IGB,MO II I . jonly used in fall huge strip. IRA&JK I Table 10: Historical Access sites for Norton Bay quad. 'It OWW W «22 U 0«« 2 ~..J..J W ,a.. a.. ~ ~-l--lt-o:: W W_W«W ~ I-«WOX W «O::::X-JI­ ~ GENERAL LOCATION 31-3~0 COMMENTS SOURCE 1IKukpuk River Major inland place Pt. Hope people go. IRQ,JB,PV,ADNR,DAJ Species hunted: CA.MO.DS.BB.WF.PT.HA. 21Kotzebue . Barrow winter trail Kivalina to Cape Thompson very heavily used; IADOT,RQ,JB,DAJ wheelplane along entire area except Pt. Hope I I III IMM I I I I to Caoe Lisbourne. I I 310gatoruk Cr: approx. 6 miles Ip IX IImportant study area: comparison of baseline IADNR,JB i SE of Cape Thompson i I II I I i I i data of Proiect Chariot. i I 41Chariot . mouth of Ogotoruk Cr. Xl ICA,BB, IX I X IBuildings near strips used for shelter while .IPV,JB i I i iMM i i I i hunt i nfl & fi shi nfl. Two wheelstrios (185 206' s) i I 5IKukpuk River' gravel bars I xl ICA,WF IAC,GR, I X II INW,JB I i MIii I iWH I Iii I , ,.... , , , 6110ewik R.· tributarv of Kukoukt' R. IIFIIIIIIIII II I I I IADNR'I 71KUgirarOk Creek· tributary of FI I ADNR Kukouk River 81Uyakturok Creek to east side of F ADNR i Lisburne Hills 91Akalolik Creek· approx. 15 mi. F ADNR NE of Point Hope -- ...... I

W I-' Recr. IOnlY place E. of Cape Lisburne to land IJB I wheelplane on beach (too rocky elsewhere). I III I I I n ...... _u ...... __ ...... 0.1' ...... , ...... 141Ayugatak Creek· approx. 12 mi. IADNR i E of Cane Lisburne FI II I I I I i I 151Cape Lisburne: from radar site XX IX IBW IMaintained road. MX wintering area on hillside. IJB,RQ i to landinfl strip on beach IRI I i i i CA intercepted in earlv fall & summer. i I 161Caoe Lisburne I Ixi XXI IBW ILandi nQ strip wi II be publi c soon. IJB I

Table 11: Historical Access sites for Point Hope quad. ~ oww w «:z:z u 0«« :z w ""...... -'0..0..-' a::: --I --I t- 0::: ""w w-wet;w "'­ I-«WO:J:: w «O:::X...Jt­ 31-3"'-0 .. "" GENERAL LOCATION HUNTto...... FISH. - .. VIEW. ._ .. OTHER_..._ COMMENTS SOURCE...... " ... - 1 Kokolik River PT CA SA,GR, JB,PV,ADNR I WH I 2 Kukpowruk River B I I ADNR 3 Cape Beaufort XI IUsed infreauentlv. RQ JD 41Kotzebue - Barrow winter trail IPITIXIII~~:~~' WheelPlane access on 25-40% of beaches, not muchIADOT,RQ,MR I I I 3-wheeler use. Location of line along I IIII II I ,,"c.,t:; Cl.U"," LdqlJVII ,., 00[1 VA'"10l..'l;; .. 51Naokok Pass - approx. 20 mi. Ip I IBW,SE lEG IAccess to Kasegaluk Lagoon from Chukchi Sea. IJB south of Point Lav CA I i i 6 Kukpowruk Pass - approx. 6 mi. pi BW,SE I I EG IAccess to Kasegaluk Lagoon from Chukchi Sea. IJB I south of Point Lav CA 7 Point Lav VillaQe X JB 8 Akunik Pass - approx. 15 mi. P BW,SE, EG Access to Kasegaluk Lagoon from Chukchi Sea. JB north of Point Lav CA 91 ~a_s~~alu~_~:goon trLlII~~,BW, Iused as trail because of flatness. priRlary_~JB _____ I X I I beluga hunting area. l l0IUtukok River IPITI II ICA,liFfGR,WH III ----. IJB,ADNR I


Table 12: Historical Access sites for Point Lay quad. '

I ,- ,- ,- ,- 1- '-BL,BB, 'SF IBV,~, IYF,CR ,- Important spring.MU ~ BV hunting area. Power- , ,- I ~,PT, YN,LX, boats from SelawIk vIllage. J L1LLJ1~':LJ~LJ I I. 13 Passage from Inland Lake to IP YF SF KA Selawik Lake 14 Throat R. (trib. of Selawik R.) P ~F NP SF KA DAJ KY 15 X X General access to base of Selawik Hills. KY 161Eastern Selawik Lake and between SF Spring Sheefishing area DAJ Selawik Lake and inland 17 East side of Selawik Lake X ~F X Shallow. KA KH 18 Eleohant Point X BY XX Maior huntino area for BY. JK JB K~ 19 Eleohant Point winter trail TX Intervillaae travel route for huntina access ADOT KY 20lEschscholtz Bay IB~ I IPrimary BY hunting spot. Camps for BY hunting IBB i IPII II i at Elephant Pt. & Choris Peninsula. i I 211Callahan 1 s cabin (Baldwin Penin·)1 ITI I liSE I I(Approx. location). Access to Choris Peninsula ISH I I ove~ Eschscholtz Bay to Choris I area to hunt basking SE. Peninsula IIII I 221~est of Ca llahan shel ter cabin II IX I I~F XX JK,KW i on S. side of Baldwin Peninsulai i i i i I 231Arctic strip II IXI II ~F II I ISpring and fall use. IKW I

Table 13: Historical Access sites for Selawik quad. '1't o ill ill «:z:z ill 0«« U ~~~ 2 ,~~ W ~~~~~ ~ W-W~W ~«illO~ ill~ <~X~~ l;! GEN~RAl lOCAT IQN :J: ~ :J: u. 0 HUNT FISH TRAP VIE\-IS COMMENTS SOURCE 241Elephant Pt. trail at I ITI I II IAlternate route when A·25 too bumpy. IADOT,KY,RQ,KH Callahan shelter cabin N\-I to I Kotzebue Sound coast I III 25 S\-I shore of Kobuk Lake I TIII X Intervillage travel. Trail may be bumpy, so KH,KY A·10 is used too. 26 East to \-lest across Selawik lake T SF (Aoorox. location). Icefishinq. KA 271Shungnak to Selawik thru Kobuk & T CA X IMarked trail. Mainly just travel route. KY,KA,KH Selawik Vallevs alono Selawik R General location. 28 Selawik village X CA,MO, XX I JK BB 29 10 mi. radius of Selawik P IJH Commercial IJH fishino area. BB 30 Mouth of Fish River P IJH 65% of all IJH taken bv oeoole of Selawik. BB 31 S. side of Kobuk R. delta P X Very shallow. KA KH 32 Emanviorok Channel of Kobuk River P MU BlM RQ KIJ 331Between Emanviorok &Attinnuk P YF MU BLH,RQ,KY I Channels of the Nazuruk Channel of the Kobuk River 3410likatuk Channel of Kobuk River P MU BLM RQ KIJ 351Coastline between the Olikatuk & P I X Very shallow· doubts if powerboat could get KA,KH iRilev Channels of the Kobuk River i within 1 mile of shore. 361lewis Ricle Channel of Kobuk R. P 1... ~MlJ RQ BB BlM KIJ 371KObuk RIver PI IXIXI ISG,MO'ICS,GR'ICO,MI'IMo,Ds'IMarked Intervill~ge trail. IKA,JK,DAJ,KIJ w CA,BL, BU,SF, BV,YO, IJF ~ I II I IBB ,IJF IJN,LX'I I I I I ILO,FX, I MU MA 38 Selawik to Kiana T Marked trail. Intervillaoe travel. KIJ 39 Selawik· Noorvik T CA Marked trail (approx. location) from Noorvik to KIJ,RQ,KH CA hunt. Intervillaoe travel. 40 Evick . Melvin Channel· Noorvik T CA SF X Marked trail (approx. location). SF at Evick KY,KH from Noorvik. 41 North of Rilev Channel of Kobuk RP MU BlM RQ KY 42 Nulvor Channel of Kobuk River P MU BlM RQ KY 43 Coast N. of the mouth of Riley T SF Subsistence icefishing. BB Channel of the Kobuk River 44 Upstream fro mouth of Squirrel R. P MO,CA, X X KY Bl BB 45 Kiana· Klery Creed via Squirrel T Yinter trail on ice. ADOT,KY River vallev • ... I •• ~ .. . I ••••••• .

Subsistence icefishin~.

Table 13: Historical Access sites for Selawik quad. 'tt <:> UJ UJ UJ c<:::z::z U Oc<:c<: ::z "'...J ...J UJ ...... 0.. a.. O:::-J-J~a::: UJ W-W«W '"LL ..... c<:UJOX UJ

w V1

Table 14: Historical Access sites for Shishmaref quad. ~ oww w «zz u 0«« z C><...J...J w ...... £l.£l. C>< a:: -l -l ..... 0:: w w-w«w u... f-«WO:C «O:::::X:....JI­ W 3f-3u...0 C>< GENERAL LOCATION ..HUNT-... .FISH. _.. TRAP...... VIEIJ. -_ .. OTHER_..._.. COMMENTS SOURCE...... 1 Kovukuk River P MO Intervillage travel. IFD KIJ I 2 Solsmunket Lake (n of Kovukuk R.) X X IFD I 3 Huslia to Hot Springs T CA Mainly access. IRQ RY I 4 Huslia to Selawik R. 'timQ~red T Need to stav on trait L area. INIJ ! 51TagagaWik RIver * X X Important spring MU &BV hunting area. primarilYIRQ,KIJ /PITIXIII I used in spring &summer; some winter use. * = CA.MO.MU.PT.CR.BB.BV.IJF.SG.MI 61Shungnak - Selawik Hot * = ~.FB.CA IKIJ.DJ 7IKObuk'ShUngnak'selawik Alternate rte from Pick R. to hdwaters of IKIJ,NIJ I Kiligvilik Cr. to Hot Springs. Hunt/trap south I I of village. I 8 Selawik - Selawik Hot Springs T KIJ I 9 Purcell Mountain X CA MO I BP Emergencv strip onlv-mav not always be landable IRQ KH KIJ 10 Selawik River S ISF Spawning grounds for SF. 1J0rld record size SF IBB cauaht soort fishing here. i 11 Selawik Flats X CA,MO CA usually not there when floats can be used. IFD,K\.I Skiplanes used allover. i I 121Selawik River PXX CA,\.If I Hunt CA on migration rte. Floatplanes can land IRQ,FD,KH allover the flats. i I 13 Toward Purcell from Ambler T CA FB X Heavilv used. IFD K\.I I 14 Shungnak to Rabbit River T BV FX General route to Rabbit R. flats. IJM I LA,) 15 Selawik-Shungnak trail and spur IT I CA X I I(Approx. location) IK\.I, KH I (J) I trai l to A-32 II 1 H-t--x---t-x--- I Iii 161Kugarok, River Ipi,I IXXII I IRQ.FD.KH, , . " I I I I I I I I I 17 Pah River B MO,MU GR,SF BV Float access from Kobuk River for fishing. IFD,K\.I Powerboat onlv during hi<:Jh water. 181Kobuk R. &Mauneluk R. P XX CA,MO, SF,GR, X Floatplane/wheelplane can land on entire Kobuk. FD,BB,RY,JK,K\.I 1 \.Iheelplane access limited on Mauneluk R. 19 Alatna - Shun<:Jnak T Not much use. ADOT FD 20 lJetlands SE of Shunanak P IJF JM 21 Kogoluktuk River PX X Powerboat to Radio Creek FD 22 Dahl Creek landin<:J strip X Built for minina but public strip. KIJ 23 Kobuk village landina strip X JK 24 Asbestos Mtn. area trails R CA SF Fish on Kobuk •. ADOT KIJ RQ 25 Shunanak . Kobuk trail T Intervillaae travel. KIJ 26 Shun<:Jnak to near Dahl Cr. strip T CA LX Access to Kobuk &Dahl Cr. JM KIJ 27 Pick River P IJF NP FD JM 28 Shunanak X Main airport for Shun<:Jnak. Air Charter for SF. JK JM 29 Ambler to Shunanak Trail T CA X ADOT JM 30lTrail from road to Shungnak R. I IT! ICA,FB IGR II Private property. Access to upper Shungnak R. IKIJ I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 GR in Shungnak R. i I 311 Black River IP1 I 1 I I IIJH I I I, 1FD I 321Ambler - Selawik I ITI II ICA,MO I I XII 'Marked trai l. (Approx. location) IKIJ,KH,DJ I 331Paniksigvik I ITI 1 I I I I II IThis is the only spot to cross the river. 'KH 1

Table 15: Historical Access sites for Shungnak quad. 'II: oww w «:z:z u 0«« :z t>:: ...... w ...... Q. Q. t>:: O::-J-lt-o::: W w-wc(w u.. t-:: GENERAL LOCATION HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 11Norton Bay - McKinley Creek I ITI IIIXIIXI IMarked trail. IADOT,JK&RA,CG I 2!Portage-Norton Snd.-GolQYiIL.!!~~LJlLJ I !X I IXI IMarked snowmachine trail. IADOLCG,RA&JK I 3" 10 mi. N\-I of Rockv Point - -T- -, T Ix Crab Icefishing (used bv about 10 fami lies). ILS I 4 Safety Sound region T lSi ITc,SA Approx.40 cabins for subistence fishing. People ILS&CL I fish inside & outside of Spitinot much used in the sound itself. 5 Kaltas - Nome trail PT X X BC Not used much. 3&4-wheeler to mouth of Solomon R ADOT KA RA&JK CG JM 6 Safetv Sound . Tavlor LaQoon PR X BC 3-wheelers on beach. Road traffic. CG CL 7 \-I.side Cape Nome/Reindeer Hill T MO,PT, JK&RA HA 8 Safetv Sound wetlands P \-IF X FX Icefishing. CG 9 Kwiniuk River P X KA. 10 Moses Point landinQ strio XX SS Commercial & soort fish' jet alternative to Nome. RA&JK CL&LS 11 El im X X CO Commercial and soort fish. RA&JK CL&LS 12 El im to A-13 T MO HA \-linter traffic to hot sorinQs. CG CL 13 Moses Pt.airstrio-Golovin LaQoon PT X X ADOT JK&RA CG 14 A13-Hdwaters of Burnt Cr-Fish R. T MO X CG TS 15 Golovin landing strip XX SS Commercial & soort fish. RA&JK CL&LS 16 Golovin - \-Ihite Mtn. - Council T X X Marked trail. ADOT JK&RA 17 Golovin - \-Ihite Mountain TX X Not used much. ADOT JK&RA CG TS 18 Golovin LaQoon wetlands P \-IF CG W 19 East coast of Golovin Lagoon \-IF CG -.-J 20 YuonQlik River - mouth PT \-IF GR JM 211Fish River PIT BB,FB, IX ILX IHeavily used. JK&RA,TS,KA,CG I MO 22 Bluff· \-Ihite Mountain T X X Marked snowmachine trail. ADOT CG JK&RA 23 \-Ihite Mountain landing strip X X SS Commercial & soort fish. RA&JK CL&LS 24 Thompson Creek - \-Ihite Mountain T MO FB Sweepstakes Race trail. General location. TS 25 2 Bluff airstrips + connecting rd RXXX Primarilv mininQ access. RA&JK CL&LS 26 Bluff - Fox River T MO Regular but not heaw use. LS&CL 27 Topkok - Candle trail PT MO X CG JK&RA ADOT 28 Cache Creek/Fox River T IPT,HA,I Good waterfowl hunting at mouth. ADOT,CL I \-IF MO 29 Solomon - Council R MO X MO hunt to Crooked Creek. KA CG 30 Big Hurrah Cr. from Solomon R. T PT LS&CL 31 Solomon River - CasadepeQa River T ADOT CG 32 1 PT BU,SA, Very important spot for fishing. LS&CL AC GR 33 Goose Creek - \-I_ frk Solomon R. T MO BB CG CL 34 Solomon Airstrip X MO \-IF X Access to Council. TS 35 Bonanza River PT \-IF PT X X Subsistence & recreational fishinQ. CG KA 36 Eldorado River PT \-IF PT X X Subsistence & recreational fishing. KA CG 37 Flambeau River PT \-IF PT X X Subsist. & recreational fishing'access to north. KA TS CG 38 Tubutulik River T MO X CG 3910milak Creek IIIXIJJ~~,Mo'L~~ e,RA&JK I I. 40lTributary of Fish River II IXI liMO IIII ICG I

Table 16: Historical Access sites for Solomon quad. 'llo c>ww W ~2Z U O~~ 2 ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W_W~W ~ ~~wO~ ~ GENERAL LOCATION :i:= 5 ~ b HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 411Fish R.·Melsing-Cr.-near Mt. Wickl ITI l_fLx __ 1 Ix I ITo FislLRiver Hgts hOm Council. -----IT-S--- 42 Casadeoeoa and Niukluk Rivers PTX MO SS BU LX Fish 5S in fall and BU in late fall. LS KA 43 Council· Flat Creek T MO Can also use 4-wheel 3-wheel. ADOT CG 44 Melsino Creek Landino strio X X SS Commercial & soort fish. RA&JK CL&LS 45 Council Mine landinq strio X X SS RA&JK CL&LS 46 Council to north T X X Not very good in winter,although travel near it. CG,TS Well used in sll1lller_ 47 Solomon River-Casadepega River- T MO,BB X 4-wheeler mainly used in fall. Regularly used. ADOT,RA&JK,CG,CL Niukluk River 48 Casadeoeqa River - Iron Creek T Mav not be used. CG TS 49 American Creek T MO Access from airstrio. Not heavilv used. ADOT CG 50 American Creek airstrip and X X X JK&RA Bonanza Creek airstrip 51 American Creek to Iron Creek T MO TS 52 Nome . Brakes Bottom T X X Hike Old rail road. ADOT JK&RA 53 Spurs from Kougarok Road to T AC,SA Four-wheel drive. JK&RA Iron Creek & Dome Creek _,1_· . - . ._. .. . 1.- _a . . . I ......

w 00

Table 16: Historical Access sites for Solomon quad. 'l1: oww W ~22 U O~~ z ~~~ w ,~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W-W~W ~ ~~wO~ w ~~~~~ ~ GENERAL LOCATION 3 ~3 ~o HUNT FISH VIEW COMMENTS SOURCE 11Malemute Fork of Alatna River IF'" II 'X, , IKA I 21Alatna River IFIT! I 'los I XI I IKArTB I ~llniakuk Lake 1lltLL-J~~,NP, II ITB,SFG I 41Upper Kobuk R. &outlet from IFI I I X I KA Walker Lake I 5 walker Lake B I X AC,LT, No salmon. RQ,BB,SFG,KA NP WH 6 Nutuvukti Lake XX X KA RQ 7 Avaraart Lake X LT AC X No salmon. RQ BB SFG 8 Mauneluk R. B MO X Lots of oeoole homesteadinq. KA NIJ 91Upper Noatak to Mt. Igikpak T X LittLe creek, easy waLking. TraiL to highest INW i I I oeak in Brooks ranQe. i I 10 Lake OmeLaktavik Ix INP X Ig9L BB ,KA I ~~YUgrak River ILWJ I~;,GR, LI IKA,NIJ I 121lgning River T TAC,GR, TFoot traiL. IKA,NIJ SA 1 131Embryo Lake: N of Noatak R. X INP t~~~~~~~~~d~e:~ _IKA,NIJ i betw. Anarat Cr. &Otkurak Cr. IFloat ing/raft l 141upper Noatak River IFIIXIII~~:~~: IXIXI IRQ,KA I W I.D I HrH-HPT I II I I 151I (General\ area), IIIIIITWO I 1I I IKA'I , 16 KilLik River F X KA 17 Lake at headwaters of ALatna R. XX X KA 18 AmbLer to Anaktuvuk Pass traiL T FB,CA, OJ OS

Table 17: Historical Access sites for Survey Pass quad. 'l1: oww w «:z:z u 0«« :z cr: -' -' w ...... c..c.. cr: O:::-J-Jt-o:: w w-w«w "­ I-«WO::X:: w «0::::I:...Jt­ cr: ;31-;3"-0 GENERAL LOCATION HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE_...... , ...... 1 Imuruk Basin and wetlands PTX MO,IJF X KA,JK surroundinq mouth of Kuzitrin R. 2 Teller-Pilarim Sor.(40 m.) trail P TI MO I IX A-8 is used but preferred route is A-9. ADOT KA CG 31NE end of Imuruk Basin to P IX IJF INP,SA I I ICG Kaviruk River to Hunter Creek I 4 Teller Road R MO,PT Very extensively used-espec. mile 50 to Teller. JK,CG I All vehicles 6 mo. of vear'snoao in winter. 5 Airstrips X MO JK 6 lJalker Creek - Teller Road R MO 4-wheel drive road. JK 7 Nome - Shismaref Coastal winter PTX PB,MM X X BC,BP ITeller-lJales-Espenburg. Fish South of Brevig IADOT,CG trail Mission. IJheelplanes-lJales allover to north; some to south. 8 Port Clarence to Cape Douqlas X X BC Fish at mouths of maior creeks. JK 91VABM Mound T IJF IBC Used in spring/summer by military personnel CG i on three wheelers. 10lDavidson Landina - Tavlor T Subsistence recreation access to road. ADOT KA&FD 111Aaiaouk R. & some of American R. XX MO X CG JK 121Shishmaref to Teller winter TI IMO Best MO hunting in American R. A-3 is preferred IADOT,CG I trail - east route route but A-1 2 4 also used. 13 Shishmaref-Teller winter trail T MO Not preferred route. ADOT CG 14 Port Clarence to Brevig Mission T MM,SE, CG .J:>. PIJ o 15 Brevig Lagoon via California R. T MO,HA X Access to coast. CG and Pinauk River 16 Coast from Teller to Kinq River X X BC Fish at mouths of maior creeks. JK 17 Port Clarence X MO JK 18 Headwaters of California Cr. to T MO,HA X Access to coast. CG headwaters of Nuluik R. to coast 19 lJetlands around Lopp and PT XX IJF NP,SA Boats taken to large lagoons, then people walk CG,BB? Ikpek Laaoons inland. Floatolane access. 20 Coast at Kugrupaga Inlet up T MO,HA X Access to coast. CG Kuqrupaqa R. then to Arctic R. 21 Nuluk River X JK 22 Pinauk River X MO IJF CG

Table 18: Historical Access sites for '!'I: QWW W ~Z2 U O~~ z ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ W W-W~W ~ ~~WO~ W ~~~~~ ~ GENERAL LOCATION 3 ~ 3 ~ 0 HUNT FISH TRAP OTHER COMMENTS SOURCE 11Avalik River Ipi III ICA IGR,WH I II IJB~ADNR I 21Ketik River trail Ie ITI II I I II I IADNR I 31 Kaolak R.-Kuk R.-Kungok R. trail I ITI II IX I III IADNR I 41Kuk, Ketik, and Kaolak Rivers Ipl I I I ICA 1\.iI:Lc;R I HW,c;M IIJI3 I 5 Ivisaruk River P CA WH GR BP CM JB ADNR 6 Utukok River Ip TI I IPowerboat to Carbon Creek. JB PV ADNR 7 Utukok Pass: Chukchi Sea to Ip I SE,BW, EG IVery important access for Pt. Lay people. IJB Kaseaaluk Laaoon I CA 81Kasegaluk Lagoon, SW of Icy Cape PIT I CA,BW, EG Used by people of Point Lay. JB i SE 91Mouth of Alatakrok R. to approx. P CA WH,GR JB i 7 mi. uDstream. 10lKotzebue-Barrow trail alona coast PTX WF MM BC 3-wheeler snoao. MM include PB SE. ADOT RQ JB PV 11jPingorarok Pass: Chukchi Sea to IPI II liSE lEG IJB i Kaseaaluk Laaoon iii iii II i i I 12!Akoliakatat Pass: Chukchi Sea to Ipi III ISE,BW I lEG I IJB I n Kase~a.lu~ Lagoon . _ _ I., L!! III_I I ! - L...... ~ ... I.. I

,j:>. f-'

Table 19: Historical Access sites for Wainwright quad_ References REFERENCES ADF&G. 1978. Alaska sport fish guide. Juneau.

ADOl' (Alaska Dept. of Transportation). 1974. Existing trail system.

Alt, K.T. 1985. Personal communications. Fishery Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Commer. Fish., Fairbanks

Aulabaugh, R. W. 1985. Personal conmunication. State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Dept. of Public Safety, Norre.

BLM (D. S. Bureau of Land Mgt.) 1985. Easerrent files, central files, BLM Fairbanks District Office.

Bendock, T.N. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Fishery Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Conmer. Fish., Fairbanks.

Bigler, B. S. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Research Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Commer. Fish., Kotzebue.

Burns, J. J. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Garre Biologist,ADF&G, Div. Garre, Fairbanks.

Davis, J. 1985. Personal communication. Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Fairbanks.

DeCicco, A.L. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Fishery Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Canmer. Fish., Fairbanks.

GIS (Geo. Infonnation Systems, Inc.). 1984. 1984 water routes: Docurrented water travel useage data (prepared by ADNR, 1982). Winter trails: North Slope Borough Comprehensive Plan (prepared by Wickersham and Flavin 1982). Anchorage, AK.

Grauvogel, C.A. 1985. Personal communication. Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Garre, NClIIE.

Hall, G. 1985. Personal commmication. Chief Ranger, Nat'l Park Service, Kotzebue, AK.

Hall, K. 1985. Personal communication. Biologist, Selawik Nat'1. Wildlife Refuge, Kotzebue, AK.

Hills, S. 1985. Personal communication. Habitat Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Habitat, Fairbanks.

James, D. D. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Area Mgt. Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Kotzebue.

Johnson, D.A. 1985. Personal conmunication. Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Anchorage.

Knudsen, J. 1985. Personal corrmunication. State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Dept. of Public Safety, Norre.

45 Lean, C.F. 1985. 1985. Personal comnunication. Asst. Mgt. Biologist, Div. Comner. Fish., Nare.

Magdanz, J.S. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Resource Specialist, ADF&G, Div. Subsistence, Nare.

Quimby, R.L. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Area Mgt. Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Kotzebue.

Robus, M. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Habitat Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Habitat, Fairbanks.

Schwarz, L.J. 1985. Personal comnunication. Area Mgt. Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Conmer. Fish., Name.

Smith, T.E. 1985. Personal conmmication. Game Technician, ADF&G, Div. Game, Nare.

Stein, J.N. 1985. Personal corrrmmication. Clerk Typist (born in Noatak) , ADF&G, Divs. Conmer. Fish., Game, Subsistence, Kotzebue.

Valkenburg, P. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Game Biologist, ADF&G, Div. Game, Fairbanks.

Walker, N. 1985. Personal corrmunication. Air Taxi Operator, Walker Air Taxi, Kotzebue, AK.

Wocx:1'worth, K. 1085. Personal corrmunication. Resource Specialist, BLM, Fairbanks, AK.

Young, R.T. 1985. Personal corrmunication. State Trooper, Fish and Wildlife Protection, Dept. of Public Safety, Kotzebue.